Abstract. The rise in the number of deaths and accidents on the roads has drawn the
attention of stakeholders to the need for more effective "road safety management"
procedures. The term "road safety management" refers to the coordinated efforts put
into planning, analyzing, and putting into action various road safety operations and
tactics (RSM). The majority of research efforts have been focused on analyzing the
structure of RSM plans and outlining the RSM best practices that are currently in use.
Because of the subjective nature of the project circumstances and the structural
intricacy of the RSM design, selecting an emerging technique might be challenging.
This endeavor is made more difficult by the absence of straightforward,
understandable literature that is relevant to RSM techniques. As a result, the purpose
of this study is to expand upon the RSM techniques, as well as their respective
applications, in more depth. This study analyses the efficiency of the most often used
techniques and advance tools during a certain phase of a project, taking into account
any potential duplication that may occur. The findings of this study will be
summarized into within conclusion that will be useful for highway agencies in their
efforts to analyze current road safety conditions, identify potential safety issues, and
locate positive strategies to enhance road safety.
1 Introduction
The integrated task of planning, evaluating, and implanting road safety activities and
strategies is defined as Road Safety Management (RSM). The RSM system includes
policies related to road safety improvements with details and activities and
implementation of safety programmes with continuous examinations and development
[1]. Some literature suggests that the proper implementation of the RSM plan concludes
with good advancements within existing road safety practices [1][2][3]. Nicole
Muhlrad et al. [4] developed a model of investigation as part of DaCoTa (Road Safety
Data Collection, Transfer, and Analysis) project. The model supports the performance
investigation of any RSM planned system by introducing qualitative variables.
However, the assumed ideal RSM system within DaCoTa model did not provide clear
results for achieving the highest level of road safety [4]. Some literature elaborated on
the relationship between RSM components and safety performance with the help of
road accident data [5][6]. But the comparison of different RSM plans for different
countries is difficult as complex structures. Countries having similar RSM plans may
get different results due to different administrative structures and local governance.
Wegman et al. [7] investigated the road accident scenario of Nine European countries and
recommended an RSM system with intervention for every single county. The detailed
analysis concluded that some important components of an ideal RSM are: 1) Defining rod
safety responsibilities to a particular ministry; 2) establishment of a centralized road safety
governing agency to channel safety funds with countrywide safety activities; 3) setting the
safety-centric target; 4) intensification of road safety improvement related resources; 5)
improvement in stakeholders engagements within the RSM structure; 6) improvement in
accident data collection systems. Supporting the same findings, Bliss and Breen [3]
concluded some recommendations within their report to improve countrywide road safety
performance with an integrated RSM system. The report suggested the foundation of the
RSM system with the safe system approach and with the principles of institutional
management. Johnston summarized the key to the best RSM system as the concept of
“4 Cs”, by integrating Constituency, Commitment, Cooperation, and Coordination [8].
But complex structures and systems are often lacking with the procedural integration
of RSM tools. RSM procedures and tools are aimed at improving road safety at different
road infrastructure project stages [9]. Many of them can be functional with the available
road sections, allowing a supplementary responsive attitude, while the rest are applied in
the planning and designing stages (i.e., planning and design) with a more active attitude.
Therefore, the need for a clear and easy elaboration of RSM tools is evident to ensure
the effective implementation of RSM plans. The present paper aims to provide a
detailed overview of RSM tools and highlights the application of each tool.
Fig. 2. Reference coordinate system for conflict study using Data Analysis Module [21]
There are also some priority-based tools and methods which also help to strengthen the
application of RSM [23] [24].
Here, it is interesting to note that some RSM procedures and tools have a similar application.
For example, RSA, RSI, and HRS have a similar purpose to the application of SA, SI, and
RPS. The data required, time of application, and methodology to apply these procedures
and tools are quite different.
The road infrastructure projects are divided into the following six stages [9]:
1. Planning and Construction
2. Opening to traffic and initial adjustment stage
3. Normal operation stage
4. Periodic inspection, maintenance, and renewal of equipment
5. Correlation of error and treatment of hazardous locations
6. Major upgrading and renewal
Each of these stages has its unique operation and importance in the RSM procedure.
Therefore, every stage has its applicability to RSM tools. Table 1 neatly represents the
phase-wise applicability of RSM tools. Accept, network screening, and accident modeling,
every tool is applicable within more than one infrastructure project stage. A properly
audited road section in the planning and construction stage may directly eliminate the
application of identification tools for hazardous locations [9]. But, the continuously
changing traffic patterns with other road parameters arise with the application of most RSM
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