Inclusive Curricula For Learners Embedded Signature Assignment: Lesson Unit Fine Arts: Artist Study 3 /4 Grade
Inclusive Curricula For Learners Embedded Signature Assignment: Lesson Unit Fine Arts: Artist Study 3 /4 Grade
Inclusive Curricula For Learners Embedded Signature Assignment: Lesson Unit Fine Arts: Artist Study 3 /4 Grade
5 -Lesson PowerPoints
Resources -Construction paper
& Materials -Scissors
-Crayons, colored pencils, water color paints, acrylic paints, markers
6 Frequent comprehension checks embedded within lesson with cooperative learning activities (i.e.
Student Think-Pair-Share).
Assessmen Formal/Summative:
t Content of unit glossary and unit projects.
Completes unit assessment with 80% accuracy.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5:
-Fine Art Intro -Pop Art Intro -Impressionism -Surrealism Intro -Unit Assessment
(see page 3) (see page 7) Intro (see page 13) (see page 16)
-Start Unit Glossary -Andy Warhol (see page 10) -Frida Kahlo
(see page 4) Biography -Van Gogh Biography
-Picasso Biography & (see page 8) Biography (see page 14)
Cubism Samples -Pop Art (see page 11) -Surrealism Art
(see page 5) Project -Impressionism Project
-Picasso Art Project (see page 9) Art Project (see page 15)
(see page 6) (see page 12)
Differentiat 1. Groups based on instructional levels.
ed 2. Think-Pair-Share activities for group engagement and cooperative learning.
Teacher Review student assessments and work accuracy. Adjust activities/lesson plans based on student
Reflection performance. For students below objectives, plan for additional support to meet objectives.
& Next
1. While slide three is up, facilitate group discussion by asking questions like: Why is art important?
How does art teach us about the past? How does art connect us as human beings? What can you
learn from art?
2. Have students break into small groups to brainstorm and come back as a big group to discuss
similar themes in their answers.
Pop Art
Point of View
*the rest is to be filled in by students as they come across terms they are unfamiliar with*
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss the differences between the samples
(How do the colors and composition change the feeling or mood of the portraits? What would
they name one of the portraits?).
Examples from the lesson I taught that was observed by Nancy.
I prepared the face cut-outs (at least two per student) and provided construction paper for the canvas as
well as extra paper to cut out features and shapes. Glue and scissors were available in the classroom.
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss the differences between the two artists styles. Ask
what types of messages pop art convey.
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss if Andy Warhol was alive today, what would his
inspiration be? What parts of modern popular culture would he use as his subjects?
Sample Andy Warhol Art Project
1. Have students choose a modern object/person from current pop culture to draw four times, each with
a different, complementary color scheme.
2. Provide markers, crayons, colored pencils and paper.
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss their favorite places and landscapes that they
would paint. What specifically about the landscape do they love? How could they capture that?
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss why they think some artists dont receive
recognition until after they die? What moods and emotions do his painting convey?
Sample Impressionism Art Project
1. Have students pick their favorite place or landscape and use a dot technique to mimic impressionist
brush strokes.
2. Provide paint, paper, and small sponges to create the dots.
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss how dreams can be inspiration for art. How is
surrealism different from other styles weve learned about in the unit?
Think-Pair-Share: Have small groups or partners discuss the surreal aspects of the three examples. How
does Kahlo incorporate both real and surreal subjects in her art?
Sample Frida Kahlo Art Project
1. Have students pick any 1) wild animal they would want as a pet, and 2) any place they would want
to live (the jungle, in space, underground, etc.).
2. Provide crayons, markers, colored pencils, and paper to create a self-portrait incorporating their
dream pet and dream location.
Unit Assessment
Describe each of the following styles of art & provide one artist known for each one:
2. Cubism:
3. Pop Art:
4. Impressionism:
5. Surrealism: