Nursing Foundation

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Course Description: This course will help students develop an understanding of the philosophy, objectives and responsibilities of
Nursing as a Profession. The purpose of the course is to orient to the current concepts involved in the practices of Nursing and
developments in the Nursing Profession. Introduction to the role of the professional nurse as provider of care, coordinator of care, and
member of the profession. Topics include the fundamental concepts of nursing practice, history of professional nursing, a systematic
framework for decision-making, mechanisms of disease, the needs and problems that nurses help clients manage, and basic psychomotor
skills. Emphasis on knowledge, judgment, skills and professional values within a legal/ethical framework.

Learning Outcomes: Describe the roles of the nurse in the delivery of health care; demonstrate competence in the performance of basic
nursing skills; and begin critical thinking in a systematic problem solving process.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course , the student will be able to:
1. describe health as it is affected by biological, psychological, and sociological components.
2. use with assistance, the nursing process and the holistic model to assess, analyze, plan,
implement, and evaluate nursing care for clients.
3. identify deviations from health using the holistic model for clients.
4. relate a rationale for nursing actions.
5. present oral and/or written reports that are concise, pertinent, organized, accurate, legible, and grammatically correct.
6. recognize basic concepts of interpersonal relationships.
7. interact deliberately with others using therapeutic communication skills.
8. examine with assistance, therapeutic use of self in the development of interpersonal relationships.
9. demonstrate basic skills in performing physical and psychosocial assessments.
10. demonstrate those technical skills commensurate with knowledge base:
A. handwashing
B. hygiene measures
C. comfort measures
D. wound care
E. vital signs
F. application of restraints
G. selected methods of alternative feeding
H. urinary catheterization and catheter care
I. techniques for Infection Control
J. administration of oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal, rectal,
and topical medications.
11. discuss factors that contribute to a safe environment for the provision of nursing
care for the individual.
12. differentiate role expectations of the various members of the health care team.
13. describe nursings past and potential contributions to the community as a participant
in the health care system.
14. identify with assistance, community resources available for health care referral.
15. examine and identify with direction, values and beliefs of self and others.
16. discuss nursing measures to promote and maintain health.
17. incorporate health teaching in the care of clients.
18. demonstrate ability to access current professional literature.
19. differentiate normal/abnormal laboratory and radiological results.
20. discuss the importance of providing cost-effective organized, efficient nursing care.
21. identifies components of the Patient Bill of Rights.
22. exhibit behaviors which demonstrate personal and professional growth.
24. describe the role of the nurse and the client in the performance of activities of daily living.
25. display behaviors which exemplify belief in an individuals worth and dignity.
26. develop a beginning understanding of the legal and ethical implications of nursing.
27.Identify Professional aspects of Nursing.
28. Explain theories of Nursing.
29.Identify ethical aspects of Nursing Profession.
30.Utilize steps of Nursing Process.
31. Identify the role of the Nurse in various levels of health services.
32.Appreciate the significance of quality assurance in Nursing.
33.Explain current trends in health and Nursing practice.

Methods of Instruction:
1. Lecture/Discussion
2. Audiovisual Aids
3. Demonstrations
4. Role-Playing
5. Reports
6. Simulated Skills: Practice Return Demonstration of Selected Essential


1 Development of 1. discuss the Development of nursing 6 hrs Black board. Test Paper
nursing as a development of as a profession Lecture cum
profession nursing as a - philosophy discussion. LCD
profession. -objectives and 1hr projector.
2. explain the responsibilities of a
philosophy of graduate nurse Review articles on
nursing Trends influencing 1hr development of
3. enlist the objectives nursing practice nursing.
and responsibilities - Expanded role of the
of a graduate nurse. nurse 1hr Planning visit to
4. Explain the
Development of nursing 1hr INC.
developments and
education in India and
trends in nursing
trends in
education in India.
nursing education
5. describe the
-Professional 1hr
organizations, career
organizations in
Code of ethics & 1hr
6. explain the various professional conduct for
prospects of career nurses.
7. discuss the code of
ethics for nurses.
8. describe the
conduct for nurses
Test Paper.
Unit II describe the concept of CONCEPTS OF TOTAL
CONCEPTS OF heath HEALTH & ILLNESS 12 hrs Lecture cum Black board Simulated
HEALTH & describe the concept of discussion. Skills:
ILLNESS illness. Concepts of health and 1hr Practice
explain the effect of health illness, effects on the LCD Return
and illness on the person. person Review of projector Demonstratio
define stress 2hr Research studies n of Selected
define adaptation on deficit Essential
enlist the sources of knowledge
stressors regarding needs,
explain the physiologic roles, problems of
homeostasis. 3hr various stages.
explain the Hans Selye Stress and adaptation
biochemical model of
describe the factors
effecting stress and 2hr
explain the type of
stressors 2hr
Explain about the various
stress management
Describe nursing care
concept Health care concepts and
Explain health care nursing care concept
Describe the concept, Developmental
needs, roles and problems concepts, needs, roles
of newborn. and problems of the
Describe the concept, developmental
needs, roles and problems stages of individual
of the Infant. newborn, infant.
Describe the concept,
needs, roles and problems
of the toddler.
Identify the concept,
needs, roles and problems Toddler, pre-adolescent,
of the pre adoloscent. adolescent
Recognize the concept,
needs, roles and problems
of the adulthood.
Explain the concept,
needs, roles and problems
of the middle age. Adulthood, middle-age,
Describe the concept, old age.
needs, roles and problems
of the old age.
Unit III
explain the metaparadigm THEORY OF Total15
of nursing NURSING PRACTICE hrs. Lecture Cum Black board Assignment
discussion. and charts. on
describe the nursing - Meta paradigm of Application
theories nursing characterized 5hr Application of LCD of theory.
explain the concept of by four central theory by
nursing theories. concepts i.e. Nurse, concerned teacher
Person (client/patient). in Clinical area.
Enlist the assumptions of Health and
nursing theories. Environment. 3hr
Nursing Theory;-
apply meta paradigm of Florence Nightingale 5hr
nursing in each theory Virginia Henderson -
Betty Neumen 2hr
Dorothea Orem - Martha
Rogers etc.
Define nursing process Lecture cum Black Board CLASS TEST
- Nursing Process 3hr discussion

define nursing diagnosis - Nursing diagnosis LCD Formulates

Identify the concept of Definitions, concepts, 3hr Demonstrate the patient-
nursing diagnosis. statements, types, structure of LIST OF specific
Enlist the types of nursing interpretation nursing diagnosis. NANDA nursing
diagnosis. NURSING diagnoses
Describe the interpretation DIAGNOSIS using North
of nursing diagnosis. American
3hr Nursing
explain the techniques of - Planning: techniques Diagnosis
planning care. for planning care, types Association
describe the types of care of care plans. (NANDA)
display the different
approaches to care. Implementation: different
Discuss the organization approaches to care,
and implementation and organizations and
recording of care. implementation of care, 3hr

Identify the tools of Evaluation: tools for 3hr

evaluation and process of evaluation, process of
evaluation. evaluation.

UNIT V QUALITY 6 hrs Assignment

Define quality assurance ASSURANCE 2hr Lecture cum White board on review of
Explain the nursing Quality assurance: discussion policies on
standards nursing standards total quality
Review of reports LCD management
Discuss nursing audit Nursing audit 1hr on nursing audit of
1hr Review articles on and private
Describe total quality Total quality total quality Incorporation hospitals.
management. management management. of Quality
1hr management
Explain the role of council policy of
and professional bodies in Role of council and Sharda
maintenance of standards. professional bodies in Hospital.
maintenance of
UNIT VI APPROACHES TO 6 hrs Discussion on Black board Assignment
HEALTH CARE various on role of
describe the concept of Primary health care 1hr approaches nurse in
Primary health care concepts followed in LCD primary
different hospitals. nursing.
describe community community oriented 2hr
oriented nursing nursing Opinion of
discuss holistic nursing holistic nursing - students on
primary nursing various
explain family oriented family oriented nursing 1hr approaches of
nursing concepts: health care.
discuss problem oriented
nursing - Problem oriented 1hr
explain progressive patient nursing
care Progressive patient care
discuss team nursing Team nursing 1hr

1. Kozier B, Erb, G & Oliver, R: Fundamentals of Nursing; 4th ed. California, Addison Wesley, 1991.
2. Perry, A.G. & Potter, P.A.: Basic nursing essentials of practice; 5th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 2003.
3. White, Lois: Foundations of nursing caring for the whole person; U.S.A. Delmer Thompson Learning.
4. Luckmann, J & Sorensen, K.C.: Basic nursing: a psychophysiologic approach; 3rd ed., W. B. Saunders, 2002.
5. Park, J.E.: Textbook of preventive and social medicine; 17th ed., Banarasidas Bhanot, 2003

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