Design of A Duplex House by Using STRUD Software

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American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)

e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-6, Issue-4, pp-223-229
Research Paper Open Access

Design of a Duplex House by using STRUD Software

Satish Dangeti1, Ramesh Surisetty2
(Head of the Department & Assistant Professor)
(Assistant Professor)
Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Institute of Technology & Management, VZM Dist, A.P, India

ABSTRACT: The aim of our work is to design the given DUPLEX HOUSE according to Indian Standard
codes. The design of a building can be done manually or with the help of Software. We have selected to do our
project with Software because designing manually consumes a lot of time, effort and can contain mistakes
whereas by using software we can save time and obtain results without errors. Now a days there are several
software's are available in market for analysis and design of Civil Engineering structures like ETABS, STAAD
Pro and STRUDS etc., At present work we used software named STRUDS abbreviated as Structural
Analysis Design and Detailing Software. By using the software is that it is user friendly and has exceptional
features like it designs the structural components individually along with their Analysis and Results. Additional
useful feature of this software is that we can view the Shear force, Bending moment, Torsion diagrams at each
level of the building. We prepared the drawing plans along with its specifications for the construction area.
After preparing the Plan and its criteria we have commenced our project by designing the structural
components of building namely slabs, beams, columns and footings. The design of slab was designed by us as
mentioned in the plan after which we have placed the columns in their desired locations. Then we have given the
material properties along with their grades to beams and columns.
Keywords: Shear Force, Bending Moment, Deflection, Slabs, Beams, Columns, Footings, BBS, Struds, Auto-

In a simple building can be define as an enclose space by walls with roof, food, cloth and the basic needs
of human beings. In the early ancient times humans lived in caves, over trees or under trees, to protect themselves
from wild animals, rain, sun, etc. as the times passed as humans being started living in huts made of timber
branches. The shelters of those old have been developed nowadays into beautiful houses. Rich people live in
sophisticated condition houses. Buildings are the important indicator of social progress of the county. Every
human has desire to own comfortable homes on an average generally one spends his two-third life times in the
houses. The security civic sense of the responsibility. These are the few reasons which are responsible that the
person do utmost effort and spend hard earned saving in owning houses. Nowadays the house building is major
work of the social progress of the county. Daily new techniques are being developed for the construction of
houses economically, quickly and fulfilling the requirements of the community engineers and architects do the
design work, planning and layout, etc.,of the buildings. Draughtsman is responsible for doing the drawing works
of building as for the direction of engineers and architects. The draughtsman must know his job and should be
able to follow the instruction of the engineer and should be able to draw the required drawing of the building, site
plans and layout plans etc., as for the requirements.
A building frame was Rectangular in shape and Duplex building. Duplex building, multi-paneled frame
is a complicated statically intermediate structure. A design of R.C building of G+4frame work is taken up. The
building in plan consists of columns built monolithically forming a network. The area of building is.236.6sq m.
The numbers of columns are 18, it is Duplex house. The design is made using software on structural analysis
design (STRUDS). The building subjected to both the vertical loads as well as horizontal loads. The vertical load
consists of dead load of structural components such as beams, columns, slabs etc. and live loads. The horizontal
load consists of the wind forces thus building is designed for dead load, live load and wind load as per IS 875.
The building is designed as two dimensional vertical frame and analyzed for the maximum and minimum bending
moments and shear forces by trial and error methods as per IS456-2000. The help is taken by software available
in institute and the computations of loads, moments and shear forces and obtained from this software. Page 223

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017
The main Aim of our present study is to analyze and design the duplex house by using the software STRUDS
and to produce various Detailings like.., BMD, SFD, BBS, Quantities of Steel & Concrete etc..,


Our proposed site is located at Muralinagar, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The main road which is near to
site leads to kamineni hospital. A branch road of 10m which is near is existing WBM road connected very near
to the plot. The total area of the site is about 236.6sq m. the residential building consists of two bed rooms.

Most of the work completely based on software and it is essential to know the details about these softwares.
List of softwares used
as per IS code norms. This software performs structural analysis for vertical as well as horizontal [seismic/wind]
loads for RC framed structures and performs design as per IS norms. The purpose of using the software is that it
is user friendly and has unique features like it designs the structural components individually along with their
Analysis and results. Another useful feature of this software is that we can view the Shear force, Bending
moment, Torsion diagrams at each level of the building.
Now a days most of the high rise buildings and duplex buildings are designed by Struds which makes a
compulsion for a civil engineer to know about this software. This software can be used to carry RCC, steel
structures, bridges, trusses etc., according to various country codes.
AUTOCAD is powerful software licensed by auto desk. The word auto came from auto desk Company
and cad stands for computer aided design. AutoCAD is used for drawing different layouts, details, plans,
elevations, sections and different sections can be shown in auto cad. It is very useful software for Civil Engineer.
We used AutoCAD for drawing the plan, elevation of a residential building. We also use AutoCAD to show the
reinforcement details and design details of a stair case. AutoCAD is very easy software to learn and much user
friendly for anyone to handle and can be learn quickly learning of certain commands is required to draw in
Set Backs: The all-round side setbacks depending on the height of the structure and area of a plot as given
For Residential, Commercial, Educational, Institutional building except group housing schemes.

Plot size in Sq.m Maximum permissible coverage

Below 500 As per minimum setback to be left in and around the building.
500 to below 2000 50% of plot area.
2000 and above 1000 Sq. meters or 40% of plot area whichever is higher.

V. Figures and Tables


American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017


Design of Slab:
Loading on Slab
Total DL = (1) + (2) + (3)
Self Floor Sunk Total DL Live Load Total LL Total Design
Weight Finish Load Load
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1.5 x [(4)+(6)]
kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m

3.250 2.000 0.000 5.250 2.000 2.000 10.875 Page 225

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017
Deflection Check
As per clause 23.2.1 of IS 456:2000:
(Span/Depth) Ratio Modification Factor Basic Factor Permissible Ratio (a x b) Status
42.273 1.735 26.000 45.101 OK
Ast_rqd Ast_prv
Moment Moment Steel Detail
Position per metre per metre Remark
Coeff x kN-m dia @ spc mm c/c
mm mm
MidShort 0.038 8.887 231.893 #8 @ 200 251.327 Main
MidLong 0.035 8.230 214.146 #8 @ 200 251.327 Other
SuppDown 0.000 0.000 0.000 #8 @ 200 251.327 Extra at Top
SuppTop 0.050 11.841 312.914 #8 @ 160 314.159 Extra at Top
SuppLeft 0.000 0.000 0.000 #8 @ 200 251.327 Extra at Top
SuppRight 0.047 11.052 291.059 #8 @ 170 295.679 Extra at Top



American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017
Due to very huge and detailed explanation of STRUDS output for each and every column we have
shown a column design results below showing the amount of load, moments, amount of steel required, section
adopted etc. The main problem with STRUDS is it takes all columns also as beams initially before design and
continue the same. So here output of column 1 which as actually 131beam as most of beams are used in drawing
the plan.
Slab Schedule Report : (Default Level at 4.55 m)

Slab Slab Concrete Thk Bottom Reinforcement(c/c) Top Reinforcement Extra Steel(c/c) Remark
Group ID Grade Main Other Left Right Up Down

SG1 S1 M25 130 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 170 #8 @ 160 #8 @ 200 TwoWay
SG2 S2 M25 130 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 170 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 TwoWay
SG3 S3 M25 130 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 200 TwoWay
SG4 S4, S8, S15, M25 130 #8 @ 200 #8 @ 300 #8 @ 200 --- OneWay

Beam Schedule Report

Beam Size Bottom Steel Top Steel Stirrups Remark
Name mm Straight Bent/ Left Right Straight Extra Left Mid Right
Curt At At Dia- Dia-Spc Dia-Spc
Left L1,L2 Right L1,L2
Spc Nos Nos
m m
2 - #16 1- 4- #8-@
--- 4 - #16 0.000,0.500 1.700,0.800 #8-@ 300
B1 230x510 +1- --- --- #10 #12 -- 275 ---
--- --- --- --- 20Nos
#12 --- --- 3 Nos
2- 2- #8-@ 300
--- 3 - #16 1.700,1.300 1.300,0.300
B2 230x510 2 - #16 --- --- #12 #12 -- 18Nos -- ---
--- --- --- ---
--- --- (Total)
--- 3 - #12 --- --- --- --- #8-@ 300
B3 230x510 2 - #12 --- --- -- -- ---
--- --- --- --- --- --- 5Nos (Total)

Detail Report of Column

Column Columns Floor- Colum Axial Mx My Concret Main Stirru Main Stirru AstRe AstPro AstP Load
Group Level n size Load (kN- (kN- e Steel p Steel Steel p Steel q v erct Combinatio
(mm) (kN) m) m) Grade Grad Grade (mm (mm) (mm) (mm) n
e )
CG1 C1, Cellar
C5, - 230 x 916.6 47.2 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
5.24 M25 Fe415 Fe415 1295 2513 1.821
C14, Default 600 5 0 8 230 1.50 WL Y-
C16, Level
C17, ground
C18 - 230 x 861.6 48.3 57.1 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
M25 Fe415 Fe415 2026 2513 1.821
Default 600 8 8 7 8 230 1.50 WL Y-
1f -
230 x 665.8 52.6 62.4 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
Default M25 Fe415 Fe415 2087 2513 1.821
600 0 7 2 8 230 1.50 WL Y-
2f -
230 x 472.0 49.5 53.1 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
Default M25 Fe415 Fe415 1488 1885 1.366
600 5 8 0 6 230 1.50 WL Y-
3f -
230 x 286.3 48.6 42.8 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
Default M25 Fe415 Fe415 1430 1885 1.366
600 0 8 7 6 230 1.50 WL Y-
- 230 x 108.5 58.5 31.7 #20 - #8 @ 1.50 DL +
M25 Fe415 Fe415 1533 1885 1.366
Default 600 8 2 5 6 230 1.50 WL Y-
Level Page 227

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017

1. We have designed the structure using STRUDS.
2. We are observed using this Softwares like STRUDS reduces lot of time in design work.
3. Details of each and every member can be obtained using STRUDS.
4. While designing the structure if any failure occurs the software will be noticed immediately so we can
correct the design immediately.
5. By using STRUDS we can analyze the structure very accurately and quickly when compared to the manual
6. The analysis and design by using STRUDS software is given results with negligible difference with manual
calculations. Thus the software is good for using analysis and the design of structure, simple and also
providing other advantages to the users as specified.

[1]. International journal of scientific engineering and technology research Design of Residential Apartment Building by using Struds
ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04, Issue.33, August-2015, Pages:6724-6725
[2]. Global J. of Engg. & Appl. Sciences, 2012: 2 (3) Research Paper: Suresh, 2012: Pp.275-277
[3]. IS:875-I for Dead load
[4]. IS:875-II for Live Load
[5]. IS:875-III for Wind Load
[6]. IS:1893-2002-IV for Seismic load
[7]. IS:875-V for Combination of loads
[8]. IS:456-2000for PCC & RCC
[9]. SP-16 for design of columns. Page 228

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017

Mr. Satish Dangeti is Currently working as Head of the Department,

Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering at Coastal
Institute of Technology and Management, A.P, India. He has a total
4 Years of Experience in Industrial Projects and Academics

Mr. Ramesh Surisetty is Currently working as Assistant Professor in

Department of Civil Engineering at Coastal Institute of Technology
and Management, A.P, India. He has a total 4 Years of Experience in
Industrial Projects and Academics Page 229

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