Fareham Easy Access Trail: Cams Hall Fareham Quay

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Fareham Easy Access Trail

A mile long surfaced path overlooking

Fareham Creek

This path enables everyone, not just the

able-bodied, to enjoy scenic views over
Cams Hall Fareham Quay the estuary where wildlife and boats share
the waters of Portsmouth Harbour.
Cams Hall Fareham Quay
The original estate dates back to the Domesday Book. The Fareham was always a busy, commercial sailing port. Old mills and
Georgian mansion has been recently restored and, together with waterside buildings still remain to add character along the quay.
its outbuildings and modern additions, they have been adapted to Today these buildings are adapted for modern purposes and small
form the business park you can nd today. boatyards still thrive along the waters edge, now serving leisure
Our Trail uses the public footpath that borders the golf club which time sailors.
occupies much of the landscape of the old estate. Fine views of
the estuary can be obtained from the Trail once you leave the Fareham Creek
trees and bushes that fringe the early part of the walk. A modern The banks of the estuary at Fareham are the only parts of the
restaurant designed to replicate the original water mill is planned entire Portsmouth harbour that are not built over. They thus retain
for the end of the estuary, close to the busy Delme roundabout. their natural setting of wooded banks and grassland. This end
of the estuary is designated a Site of Special Scientic Interest
because of its importance to wildlife. From this Trail you will see a
variety of birdlife, especially waders. Listen out for the haunting
cries of Oyster Catchers and Redshanks. The tidal creek is a haven
The original water mill at Cams Hall
where seabirds share the waters with a host of modern boats and
navy warships.

Lorraine Herrington
The Fareham Easy Access Trail is
dedicated to the memory of
Lorraine Herrington, 1942
2008, whose vision it
was to create this path.
Sadly Lorraine did not
live to see her vision
through to completion
but she had set the
project in motion with
a wide network of
support before her
untimely death.
Starting the Trail A 4 mile circular walk
The Fareham Easy Access Trail is a mile long surfaced path that The surfaced trail lasts for over a mile. Beyond its end, at seats and
takes you to a viewpoint overlooking the waters of Portsmouth an interpretation panel, the path becomes more uneven. However
i Information panels
Harbour. If you start from Fareham town centre, follow the way able-bodied walkers can complete a circular walk by following the
marks on lampposts along West Street, down East Street then route shown on the map Fareham Easy Access Trail
under the viaduct to the Delme roundabout. Circular Walk
The waymarks then direct you a short way along the A27 road to
the ofcial start of the Fareham Easy Access Trail which is a gravel
topped public footpath that skirts around Cams Hall.
The surfaced trail starts beside the road to the golf course and
follows the edge of the estuary overlooking Fareham Quay. Early
on the path becomes enclosed by trees before emerging alongside Fareham
ne views of the creek. The Trail then passes beneath grand oaks
until it ends where two seats overlook the estuary. From here a
coastal path still continues but it becomes uneven and less suitable
for wheelchair users.

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Crown Copyright 2009 HCC 100019180

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey
map with the permission of the controller
of Her Majestys Stationery Ofce

Hampshire &
Isle of Wight

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