Kolovesi Park Finland

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Canoe Lakeland
Unique Geology and characterizes the whole Seal Trail Canoe System
today. It also includes a spectacular example of
meteorite craters, the 10 km wide Lake Paasivesi.
Splendid Lakes
Outstanding Scenery The topography of the Seal Trail region is therefore
and Wonderful
The world famous Finnish Lake Plateau, where
both rugged and varied. Surrounding the lakes
that are scattered throughout the area are forested Waterways
hills and ridges rising up to a maximum of 200 m
the Seal Trail is located, is an outstanding example (656 feet) in elevation.
of the Fennoscandian Shield, representing some The lakes are indeed the most noticeable feature
of the oldest and largest exposed rock formations of the Seal Trail landscape. They all belong to the
in Europe. Here youll find bedrock some 1.8 billion Vuoksi water system, which drains into the Gulf
years old. The characteristic landforms of the of Finland. The height difference between the
Finnish Lakeland are the products of continental headwaters in Lake Juojrvi and the main basin
uplift and erosion, glaciation and continuing Lake Saimaa is 25 m and they are linked together
actions of wind, waves, water and gravity. by four rapids (Class 1 and 2) in Heinvesi all of
which can be bypassed through canals. The
In the last 2.4 million years, Finland has been majority of lakes are directly connected by water
shaped and carved maybe ten times by advancing passages and the main watercourses can even be
and retreating glaciers. Older landforms were paddled without portaging. The water flow in
accentuated and newer landforms were created as streams and small rivers varies greatly depending
ice from glaciers gouged out and accentuated on the season as well as precipitation and
depressions, leveled rocky outcrops, and stripped temperature conditions. In late summer some of
soil from land. The last of the glaciers receded from them might be almost unnavigable.
Finland about 10 000 years ago leaving a land-
scape dominated by exposed bedrock, sudden One can say that the Lakeland scenery of the Seal
changes in elevation, piles of boulders, ground and Trail area is a naturally sculpted masterpiece
end moraines and sandy linear landforms called among all the chains of inland lakes in Northern
eskers. These glacial landforms can be explored Europe. Vast stretches of open water scattered
all through the Seal Trail Canoe System. with hundreds of islands, islets and skerries are
followed by narrow, river-like channels and sounds.
Compared with most countries, Finland has an Lake Joutenvesi has the highest ratio of islands to
abundance of elongated lake systems. They were water in the world where as crater lake Paasivesi
formed in the wake of the last retreating glaciers, has hardly any islands at all. Magnificent shore
when rift valleys and depressions became water- cliffs, spits and fjords are found at Kolovesi National
filled lake basins. Moraines and glacial gravel Park and pristine sandy beaches can be explored
deposit created dams, which complicated drainage along the Lake Puruvesi shoreline.
patterns and along with the rift valley landscape
created the unique mosaic of land and water which The name Waterworld could be used to describe
what the Seal Trail is all about; a region where
lakes cover over 30 % of the surface area and the
land is laced with a complex network of waterways,
the best of which are chosen to form the Seal Trail
Canoe System.
The Great Northern A Landscape Rich in on the Heinvesi route, though the oldest canal by
the Seal Trail is the Raikuu boat canal completed
in 1859.
Outdoors Human History This was once a wild frontier land where eastern
and western cultures met and where many ancient
battles were fought. The same waterways used as
The other prominent feature of the Seal Trail To Finns, who have inhabited this beautiful part vital transportation routes served at more violent
landscape is the south boreal forest, which covers of Scandinavia since the end of last ice age 10 000 times as warpaths for looting expeditions. Relics,
over 80 % of the land area. The northern forest is years ago, the land with its forest and lakes has like the ruins of a wilderness fortress in Orivirta,
mainly Scots pine and spruce interspersed with never been wild it has always been our home. old landmarks and the strong military defences
birch and aspen. A typical feature of the entire The ancient traditions of the prehistoric hunters dating from the Second World War in Raikuu
boreal landscape is a combination of several and gatherers are still alive in the form of favourite indicate the strategic importance of the region in
different biotopes such as forests bogs and mires, Finnish outdoor pursuits especially fishing and Finnish history. Tales of villains secret hideaways
water-courses and lakes. Natures infinite variety berry or mushroom picking and in the legal and the even stranger saga of the demon which
is also displayed in a bountiful wildlife. concept of everymans right to enjoy these pursuits lives amidst some wild hills belong to the more
without restrictions. Especially for people living mystical side of the Seal Trails history.
Typical boreal species include elk, mountain hare, in the Finnish Lakeland taking to the waters has
beaver, fox, badger, flying squirrel, pine marten always been a part of everyday life. Since many of the patches of good arable land are
and raccoon-dog. Birds of the coniferous forest too small to carry more than a handful of com-
such as capercaillie, black grouse and hazel hen The Seal Trail Canoe System was established on mercial farms, forestry has provided at least a part
and many birds of prey like the buzzard, honey the basis of the traditional trails some of which of livelihood for a great amount of Lakeland people
buzzard, goshawk, northern hobby, eagle owl and have remained much the same as they were 5000 ever since the late 18th century. Even the smallest
ural owl also inhabit the area. Swans and cranes years ago when they were first blazed by our rivers, which nowadays offer you perfect canoe
nest on wet bogs and mires; woodpeckers and ancestors. A high level of occupation by prehistoric routes, were once used as important log drives.
other cavity nesters prefer old forests. In summer hunters and gatherers is reflected by the sheer Old logging camps and relics of tar pits and saw-
countless migrants from Africa fill the air with density of archeological sites close to major water- mills are a testament to the economic forces which
their songs. Large predators like the brown bear, ways. Of particular significance are the numerous shaped Finnish history.
lynx and wolves also inhabit the area, but are seen rock-paintings found on the steep cliff-walls nearby
less frequently than smaller animals. the Kolovesi National Park, which are considered
to be ancient trail markers.
The very best places for getting acquainted with Fish species such as lake salmon, lake trout, char,
the natural resources of the Finnish Lake Plateau pike, perch,and grayling can be found in these The Seal Trail also adjoins a part of the legendary
are the numerous protected areas, which are pristine waters. Several species of fish-eating birds Salmon Highway, a series of connected lake and
located along the Seal Trail. These include five big like the black-throated diver, gulls, goosander, red- river routes, used by hunters and fishermen from
lake areas occupying nearly 640 sq.km, which breasted merganser and osprey use the area Carelia for over 1000 years until the late 16th
belong to the Inter-European Natura 2000 and seasonally. Fish-eating mammals include mink, century as their preferred route into the Lakeland
the national shoreline conservation programs. otter and the most famous of them all, the Saimaa Wilderness. From history we know that wooden
Kolovesi National Park represents one of the most ringed seal. Saimaa seals, like some species of boats and barges remained as the chief means of
important protected virgin forest areas of southern shrimps at the the bottom of Lake Saimaa, are transportation in this vast and sparsely populated
Finland. It is home to many threatened and relics of the connection between the lakes of country well into the 19th century, when the first
endangered species like the Saimaa ringed seal. Eastern Finland and the present Baltic Sea, which steamers appeared. In time the wooden boat also
The Heinvesi Route with its narrow waterways, ended some 8000 years ago. became a freighter carrying first furs and tar and
open lakes and historical canals has been later butter and lumber out, and supplies, like salt,
designated as one of Finlands national heritage in for the back-country settlers. In order to enhance
landscape areas. steamship traffic on inland waterways altogether
eight canals were constructed between 1895-1915
The Saimaa Ringed
Seal The most
endangered seal
in the world
The ice-inhabiting ringed seals are the most northerly
seal species. The Saimaa ringed seal (Phoca hispida
saimensis) is subspecies of the ringed seal. The
retreat of ice during the last glacial period caused the
Baltic ringed seal to become separated from the arctic
ringed seal about 11 000 years ago, and also caused
the Saimaa seals to be trapped in this large freshwater
lake about 8000 years ago. The journey of the Saimaa
seals started in this sub-divided lake district.

Adult Saimaa seals reach lengths up to 1.4 m and

weights of 50-90 kg. The adult coat varies widely but
individuals are usually fairly dark with numerous
rings and spots on the back. Saimaa ringed seals are
solitary animals and usually haul out alone or in pairs
along shorelines. Adult seals appear to remain in the
same vicinity all year-round, often using the same
shoreline or even the same rock especially for
moulting. Saimaa seals feed on small schooling
fish such as perch, roach and vendace.

The Saimaa seal can reach the age of 35 years. The The most serious threats to the Saimaa seal at present
females are known to give birth to their grey-coated are from small-scale fishing using strong nets and
pups from late February to early March. The pups expanding lake-shore development, which destroys
are born in lairs constructed in snowdrifts on the ice. suitable breeding grounds. Especially careless snow-
These lairs, serving as nests, are built close to the mobile use is very harmful during the seals breeding
shore of small islands and islets in late December.
The Saimaa seal is capable of giving birth to only
period. In summer seals can be frightened off their
favourite rock by loud noises.Thus if you come across
How to Get Here
one pup a year. such a spot be careful not to startle the creature PLANE Daily scheduled flights from Helsinki to Plan ahead using our canoe
because with a little luck you may be able to observe the Savonlinna, Varkaus, and Joensuu airports. route map and visitors guide,
The subspecies has no natural enemies in Lake it for years to come. which may be purchased at local
Saimaa. Human activities have always been the only CAR Approximately 6 hour drive northeast from
Helsinki. Several route options available. council offices or by mail from
threat to its existence. Saimaa seals were freely hunted The Saimaa ringed seal and its nest are protected by tourist information bureaus and
until 1955, when they were first protected by law. By the law on nature conservation. In harmony with the Rental cars are available at nearby towns.
that time the subspecies was totally eradicated from Habitats Directive of the EU, Finland is committed
many parts of the lake. It has been estimated that to the protection of the only endemic mammal in PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION There are
there were approximately 5000 seals living in Lake Finland. Lake-shore building is now highly restricted daily bus services from nearby towns and from
Saimaa 5000 years ago. The present size of the in the vulnerable habitats and some seal sanctuaries Helsinki to several access points. Nearest railway
population is some 220 to 250 individuals and Saimaa like the National Parks of Kolovesi and Linnansaari stations are located in Heinvesi, Kerimki,
seals are found only in certain parts of the Lake have been set aside. Fishing with nets has also been Savonlinna, Varkaus and Joensuu. Cab service
District. The Saimaa ringed seal is listed as restricted by voluntary agreements. The main is available in the Enonkoski, Heinvesi, Kerimki,
endangered in the IUCN Red List. breeding grounds of the Saimaa ringed seal by the and Savonranta areas.
waterways of the Seal Trail are marked on the canoe
route map.
Information from The waters of the Seal Trail Canoe System are in
near-pristine condition. Known as some of the
best sports fishing areas in Finnish Lakeland,
The Saimaa Ringed Seal protection the lakes like Puruvesi or Paasivesi and
The Natural Heritage Services, the famous streams of Heinvesi attract
Eastern Finland of Metshallitus anglers from all over the country. Your
quest for lake salmon or trout can be
Akselinkatu 8 best met in these legendary waters.
FIN-57130 SAVONLINNA Before fishing, become familiar with
Tel. +358 (0)205 64 5900 the regulations. More information
Internet: http://www.metsa.fi can be found on the Internet
fisheries/licence/) or by con-
tacting local tourist infor-
mation offices.
Facilities, Resorts and Activities for All
Against this magnificent natural and cultural backdrop are water sports
activities for every taste. The Seal Trail Canoe System offers 541 km of
canoe routes, along with water accessible designated campsites, day hike
trails, quality fishing, wildlife viewing and opportunities for heritage
appreciation. Ranges of canoe and kayak trips are available, from day-
trips to journeys lasting over a week. Seal Trail offers you and your
family endless opportunities for fun and adventure!

While in the area stop and find out about the wide range of visitor
attractions the Seal Trail has to offer. For peace and tranquility, as well
as orthodox cultural atmosphere, Valamo Monastery in northern
Heinvesi is one of the most beloved places to visit in Finland. Tourism
goes further back in Heinvesi than almost anywhere else in this region.
Steamers have cruised on the winding waterways of the Heinvesi Route
for over a century. Even todays travellers can take a leisurely sail from
Kuopio or Savonlinna to Heinvesi, enjoying the breath-taking scenery
of this heritage landscape. Boat tours are also available on the sparkling
waters of Lake Puruvesi.

The Kolovesi National Park Visitor Centre in Enonkoski provides an

excellent overview of the parks natural and cultural resources. Numerous
museums, like the Lake Fishing museum and Hyterm open-air museum
in Kerimki or the milling museums of Savonranta will acquaint you
with the local history. Popular attractions also include the church of
Kerimki, known as the largest wooden-built church in the world, and
Raikuu scenic trail .

Seal Trail area resorts, lodges, hotels, marinas and outfitters cater to
a vast array of individual tastes ranging from all-inclusive resorts to
rustic cabins. For details of all activities and holiday accommodation
facilities available in the Seal Trail area contact any tourist information
centre or bureau in the region.

We invite you to explore the vacation opportunities that the Seal Trail
has to offer. Welcome to the Canoe Country of the North !

Enonkoski Tourist Information

Enonkoskentie 3T FIN 58175 ENONKOSKI
Tel. +358 (0)15 345 300 Fax: +358 (0)15 345 3011
E-mail: enonkosken.kunta@enonkoski.fi www.enonkoski.fi

Kerimki Tourist Information

Puruvedentie 59 FIN 58200 KERIMKI
Tel. +358 (0)15 575 4211 Fax +358 (0)15 543 000
E-mail: info@kerimaki.fi www.kerimaki.fi

Savonrannan Sampo Oy
Vuokalantie 214 FIN 58300 SAVONRANTA
Tel. +358 (0)15 679 170 Fax. +358 (0)15 679 171
GSM +358 (0)400-372 945
E-mail: helasi@co.inet.fi www.savonranta.fi

GSL Graafinen suunnittelutoimisto Latvala

Outfitter services
Lappeenrannan Kirjapaino 2001

Kolovesi Retkeily Co. Heinvesi Tourist Information

Text: by Jouko Siivonen/

Pirttimentie 1451 Kermanrannantie 7

Kolovesi Retkeily Co.


Tel. +358 (0)40-558 9163 Tel. +358 (0)17 578 1273
Fax +358 (0)15 673 628 Fax. +358 (0)17 578 1280
E-mail: E-mail:
canoe.lakeland@kolovesi-company.inet.fi matkailutoimisto@heinavesi.fi

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