3 Child Policy

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Nowadays, we have observed that the

population especially in the Philippines keeps
on increasing since 2000. The total population
in Philippines was estimated at 103.9 million
people in 2016, according to the latest census
figures. Looking back, in the year of 1960,
Philippines had a population of 26.3 million
people. In connection with these, there are a
lot of problems root about by the increasing
population. Such problems include shortage of
foods, poverty, unemployment, etc. that may
lead them to commit crimes for them to
Because of these, theres a suggested policy
of President Rodrigo Duterte that aims to
minimize or reduce the number of child in the
family, this is the Three Child Policy.
I can say that I am in favour of this policy.
There should have a Three Child Policy in the
Philippines because for me having only three
children within the family is already enough to
have a whole and happy family. I believe that
it should start in the family since it is where it
all started. As we all know, Philippines is
considered as one of the countries having an
overpopulation. Sad to say, thats the reason
why Philippines is also considered as one of
the poorest country in the whole world
because it also affects our economy.
Others may disagree to this policy because it
opposes the right of the people and to the
beliefs of the church or it contradicts to the
democracy of the Philippines, but somehow, it
is better if we try to weigh things out that we
have to look for the advantages and
disadvantages of this policy for it is our
country that is exposed to risk. Each families
must know how to take control, because if
they have a big family then theres a
possibilities that they cant let their children
consume three meals a day, cant afford to
give the needs of their children in school or
even cant buy toys for them. The parents
should have prior knowledge about birth
control. In connection with these, to
implement this policy, the government must
coordinate to the Department of Health in
order to teach the parents or soon to be
parents to control the number of child they
must have.
I also believe that education takes the
greatest part of it because in reality most of
the people especially those living in the
hinterland are still ignorant of the effects of
over population. In fact, I have met a father
that has 18 children. When I got to interview
him, he said that he cant even remembered
the names of his children. The sad part is that
all his children did not finish their studies. This
is also one of the effects of overpopulation.
The advantages of the Three Child Policy is
theres a (1) control of the population, this will
help mitigate the problem of over population.
(2) Job opportunities: with the strict rule of
this policy then children who grew up during
this period were able to find jobs easily.3)
Better life: it gives an opportunity to the child
of having a comfortable life. By considering
these advantages will gives us an idea that it
is US we people, can be able to solve this if
only we have the knowledge wherein we
understand the aim of this Three Child Policy,
and cooperation among ourselves.

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