My Home Assesment

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Location Recce

Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area:


Location Address:

41 Gilliat road

Sat Nav details (Post


Sl1 3QX
Nearest Train

Slough train station

Nearest Bus stop:

Lighting Information: Solutions:

The lights that are in the house a fairly When filming when natural lighting
bright. For example the ones in my cannot be used I would need to use a
front room are normally off due to them light dimmer as well as external
being too bright so we have lamps on. lighting this would improve my visuals.
Other than that every room has good
There are many windows up to 2-3 in
each room. This gives me natural
lighting during the day.

Sound Information: Solutions:

The sounds that appear in my house To solve these problems I would make
are; sure that everyone is out the house or
- People talking out the specific room I need, all
- The television as well as our appliances are switched off or are not
radio in use at the time of filming.
- Any loud appliances (washing All windows are shut to stop any
machine, people cooking, kettle outside noise disrupting my filming.
- Music
- People outside the house (only if
windows are open)

Power Information Solutions:

There are lots of plug sockets and N/A
extension leads in and around my
house for quick use if needed.

Hazards Solutions:
when using my equipment there are Make sure when all my equipment is
many hazards that can occur, for out that it is in a tidy manner so there
example; are no trip hazards, as well as keeping
- Trip hazards all liquids away from plugs and
- Electrical damage if any liquids equipment to keep everything dry and
are around safe.
- If too many sources are plugged Make sure there are a few plugs in the
in at once this can cause a blow sockets at a time or in different ones, I
in the fuse and cause all electrics wont put them all on the same
to fail. extension cable.

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