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Soccer Team Programming One Season (8 weeks)

Background Info
Age Group: U-6
Team Type: Recreational Part of 4 team league
Team Size: 10-12 players (assumed 12 for planning)
Location: Denver, CO
Purpose: 1. Have fun!
2. Help participants develop important life skills and promote a
healthy lifestyle.
3. Introduce participants to the game of soccer and build the
foundation for successful lifelong players

Fees: ~$75 per child covering the cost of two kits (two different colored
jerseys, one pair of shorts, and two different colored pairs of socks),
and any potential field reservations
Training Schedule: Weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm Games
Saturday between 9:00am and 2:00pm

Informational Meeting
Prior to the season starting, an informational meeting will be held to inform parents
about what we as coaches have planned and hope for their kids to walk away from
the season with.
This meeting will also be used as an opportunity to engage participants in some
initial meet and greet/ ice-breaker activities. The purpose of these activities will be
to decrease anxieties about not knowing anyone when they arrive for the first
practice, and begin to lay the groundwork for a positive team environment.
Activities: Group Juggle (NamesFavorites color, ice cream, hero)
Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors
Mingle, Mingle, Mingle
At the beginning of every session, it is important to greet each player and have
players greet one another
Season Practice Schedule
Practice sessions will occur once a week and run for one hour
Important Coaching Notes
Positive Feedback: When coaching it is important to let the players
contribute to their learning. Players all have natural skills and when
they display those talents it is important to recognize them. This can
be done in several ways but an easy one is to ask them to show their
teammates. Put them in the coaching role and let them show their
friends and peers what cool technique or trick they are using to find
success in the game. When you notice a player doing something well,
say so. Positive feedback should be used liberally, as they love that
you are paying attention to them and that they are doing well. This will
also push them to try harder, because they want to keep receiving that
Running a Practice: Another important element to coaching is being
consistent, players are more comfortable when they know what to
expect from a session/coach, in other words establish a routine. This
doesnt necessarily mean that youre doing the same thing every time,
but youre doing it the same way trying to get their attention; have a
single way so they understand what youre expecting, have a pattern
for how practice proceeds; greet everyonewarm upsmall sided
activityexpand small sided activitygame. This is highly important in
the early stages of a group to have norms of how they are going to
interact with one another. Hold players to that standard, and do so by
pointing out the positive behavior that you see.
Planning Activities: When executing an activity remember that the
desire is to have lots of touches and repetitions. Activities should occur
in rounds lasting fewer than five minutes and more often than not
should be kept to 1-2 minutes. This is to help refocus players, provide
feedback on technique and skills, ask them questions about what is
working for them, increase challenge level if players have
accomplished the current goal, and to let players catch their breath
(theyre young and you will see performance begin to drop off even
just after a few minutes of an activity).
Also in regards to how activities should be structured, an activity
should not have an elimination element to it. This does not mean that
there shouldnt be competition, but it should never result in a player
sitting out as this negatively impacts their skill development and
undermines our purpose listed above.
In addition to the above, when doing an activity for the first time, have
players go through the activity without the ball. By doing this, when a
ball is introduced they can focus on their skills and not be confused by
what you are asking them to do.
Fun: Most importantly remember that this age group is not about
winning, it is about having fun and building strong foundations from
which they can further develop their skills. A fun and positive
environment is what will keep players coming back session after
session and season after season.
Week One: Dribbling
Warm Up: Octo Coach
Space: Create Rectangle ~20yrds x ~15yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with rounds lasting ~1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Dribbling with pinky toe

Keeping your head Up
Using your body to protect the ball
Using both feet
Keeping the ball close to you

Description: The coach moves around the grid with either pool
noodles/pennies tied together (tentacles) attempting to hit the
players ball with the tentacles. Players dribble around the area
trying to keep their ball away from the tentacles. If their ball
does get hit (there are many variations to what they must do if
their ball gets hit by a tentacle) they must freeze until a
teammate comes and hits the frozen players ball with their own
ball, or must do 10 toe touches, whatever it is the player should
not feel punished, they shouldnt be waiting long, and it should
aim at improving a skill.
Small Sided Activity: The Network
Space: Same as Warm Up
Duration: 12 minutes with rounds of 1 minute and breaks after each
of 1 minute
Skills to Highlight:

Turning with Inside/Outside of foot

Dribbling with head up
Running and turning with the ball
Awareness of other players
Developing a moves skill set

Description: Within the grid layout cones (pennies also work) with
different colors, one for each player. The cone that a player
starts at is their home cone. When a coach says go, players
will move from their cone to a different colored cone and
perform whatever the task of the round is. They will continue
doing this until the coach says home, at which point the player
returns to their starting home cone. A variety of tasks can be
done using this setup, but again when first introduced the
activity should be done without the ball. Examples are: running
to a cone and then jumping over it, dribbling around cones with
the inside/outside of the foot, dribbling to a cone and then doing
a move to go around it, running to a cone and touching it with a
body part (elbow, knee, hand, etc.)
Expanded Small Sided Activity: 2v2 to End zone
Space: Two ~20yrds x 15yrds Grids
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds.
Skills to Highlight:

Passing and Dribbling basics

Communication with your teammate
Moving into open space after you pass

Description: Players will play two v two inside the grid with the
objective of scoring a point by dribbling into the end zone
defended by the other team. A player must dribble into the end
zone with the ball under control for the point to count. Once a
point is scored, the team that was scored on restarts play with a
kickoff at center field just like if it were a goal in a game.
This activity begins to introduce the concept of playing together,
and thinking about your teammates actions as well as your
own. It provides an in between point from individual to full team
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible. It
is important to remember that this may be the first time that
any of your players have participated in a real game of soccer
use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Two: Passing
Warm Up: Ouch
Space: ~20yrds x ~15yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with rounds lasting ~1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Using the inside of foot (where the logo/design typically is)

Pointing the plant foot in the direction you want the ball to go
Pushing your foot through the ball (not stopping on contact)
Striking the ball in the middle
Practice with both feet

Description: Players will work on passing by trying to pass the ball

and hit the coach below the knees. During this time the coach
will be walking around the space and whenever they are hit by a
pass, they say/yell OUCH! To start the activity have the players
give you a head start, 5-10 seconds will be enough time to
create some distance between yourself and them.
As players become more proficient passers, a coach can
increase difficulty by moving more erratically and with greater
pace. Just remember that in the beginning there will be enough
challenge just by moving slowly, and that the coach isnt trying
to win, theyre trying to improve the players skill.
Small Sided Activity: The Passing Network
Space: Same as Warm Up
Duration: 12 minutes with rounds lasting 1 minute with 1 minute
Skills to Highlight:

Using the inside of your foot where the logo/design is

Plant foot points in direction you want the ball to go
Push through the ball when you strike it, dont stop on contact
Strike the ball in the middle
Dont stop the ball when you receive it
Use both feet

Description: Inside the grid set out pairs of cones about 1 yard apart
creating a cone goal, put out enough pairs of cones so that there
are two more goals than pairs of players. Each pair will start at a
cone goal, this will be their home goal. Pairs will perform the
task and then must move to a different unoccupied set of goals
and perform the task again, repeating until the coach says
home and they return to their home goal. Just like The
Network this activity has a variety of different ways it can look.
As always start simple and then increase challenge as
appropriate. Examples: pairs move from goal to goal tapping the
inside of their feet or other body part together, pairs pass the
ball through the cones to their partner as many times as they
can in a minute (can only use right/left foot), pairs pass the ball
between the cones and then the player with the ball dribbles to
a new cone goal and their partner must move to get in position
to receive the pass, etc.

Expanded Small Sided Activity: 3v3 Keep Away

Space: Two 20yrd x 15yrd grids, as skill develops shrink grid size to
add challenge
Duration: 10-12 minutes with 2 minute rounds and 1 minute breaks
between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic passing and dribbling skills

Being aware of space and time
Introduce the idea of possession rather than rushing towards
Basic defensive skills, cutting off passing lanes, forcing a
player in one direction
Description: This is a classic game of keep away, where one team
tries to maintain possession, while the other tries to get the ball
and upon doing so maintain possession. A coach can have teams
count passes, first to X (keep the starting number low, and as
skill is built increase the challenge level or maybe dont give a
number and instead say that whichever team has the most
consecutive passes when the clock runs out wins) number of
consecutive passes wins (count starts over if the other team
takes possession, or the ball goes out of bounds), and then the
match restarts.
A coach on the side line should be paying attention to help keep
players counting. By making a team count out loud you are also
building a foundation for in game communication skills.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Three: Skills Development
Warm Up: Back to Coach
Space: ~30yrdsW x 10yrdsL
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Dribbling with pinky toe

Different methods to reverse direction
Keeping your head up
Locating a target and moving towards it at pace

Description: The coach stands in the middle of the space with

players gathered around them, each with their own ball. The
coach then kicks each players ball in a different direction and
the player must go after their ball and dribble it back to coach.
The coach should remain stationary for the first couple of rounds
at which point, after playing all the balls out, the coach should
move to a new part of the grid so that players cannot simply
return to where they came from but instead must look up and
identify where the coach has moved to.
This can also be done as a way to practice different moves that
they have worked on previously: coach says a move before
passing the ball out and when the player dribbles back they
have to do the move before they get back to the coach.
Small Sided Activity: Partner Practice
Space: Same as Warm Up
Duration: 12 minutes with rounds lasting 1 minute with 1 minute
Skills to Highlight:

Whichever move set you are working on

Basic dribbling skills
Proper move execution
Description: Players partner up, and practice doing the move that
you are going over. Players stand 5 yards apart, one player
passes the ball to the other who then dribbles towards them and
executes the move you are practicing. Players alternate who is
defending each time (not each round). This is an opportunity for
players to practice a move with something that has more of a
physical presence than a cone. As well as allows them to show
each other their skills. Here is where the coach should slowly
string the whole process together, a progression could look like
this: dribble towards teammate and perform the movedribble
towards teammate, perform the move, and then accelerate
awaydribble towards teammate and perform the move then
accelerate away, and move back over to cut off the defenders
pursuit. After going through this you can have defenders apply
light pressure increase game resemblance

Expanded Small Sided Activity: 1v1 to End line

Space: 10yrdsL x 5yrdsW (break the warm up space into 6 grids)
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Whichever move set that you are working on

Basic dribbling skills
How to execute a move, acceleration after move, cutting
defender off after acceleration
Basic defending skills: forcing a player to one side,
anticipating next move, side line is your friend
Description: Players start off at opposite ends of the grid and face off
one v one. To start play a player passes the ball to the other end
at which point play begins. The player receiving the ball is on
offense while the other defends. If a player defending takes the
ball, they then go on the offense trying to get to the other side.
When someone scores, the player that passed the ball in now
receives and starts out on offense. If the ball goes out of bounds,
play resets and players switch starting roles.
After the one minute round is over, players should rotate grids to
face off against other players.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Four: Shooting
Warm Up: Roaming Goal
Space: 30yrds x 10yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Striking ball with laces

Following through the strike
Landing on striking foot (more advanced skill)
Plant foot slightly in front of ball
Body over the ball
Swinging arms for balance
Use both feet

Description: Coach and Assistant Coach/Parent hold a pool noodle

between them and slowly move around the grid as players
attempt to shoot the ball through the goal formed by the two
bodies and pool noodle. Players retrieve their ball and repeat,
trying to score as many times as they can each round.
Small Sided Activity: Goal to Goal
Space: 10yrds x 5yrds (split warm up area into 6 grids)
Duration: 12 minutes with 1 minute rounds and 1 minute breaks
Skills to Highlight:

Striking the ball with the laces

Landing on striking foot
Body over the ball
Plant foot slightly in front of ball
Swinging arms for balance
Use both feet
Description: Partners stand on opposite sides of the grid taking turns
trying to score on one another.
The shooting player has two only touches, one to set up their
shot and the other to strike the ball, and the defending player
tries to stop the shot using anything except their hands (unless
required for safety). Coaches can increase challenge by
requiring shooters to strike a moving ball, strike a bouncing ball,
allowing only the use of their non-dominant foot, etc.
Expanded Small Sided Activity: Everybody Out 2v2
Space: 20yrds x 15yrds
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic shooting skills

Quick attacking
Scoring mindset/seeing scoring opportunities
Quick transitions from offense to defense and vice versa

Description: Players play 2v2 to goal. When a goal is scored, or the

ball goes out of bounds, the coach with yell everybody out, the
two teams playing exit the field and two new teams run on and
the coach will play the new ball in.
This is an extremely versatile drill to increase the challenge for:
the coach can insert lines on the field the players must either
shoot beyond or within it can be played that whichever team
shoots stays on (if the ball goes out on the side line both teams
still switch) players can run the side line and act as wingers
and extra players for whichever team has possession, etc.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Having covered the basic skills at this point, weeks five through eight would focus
on areas that need improvement as determined by what a coach sees in games.
These final weeks are also a good time to go back and retouch upon previous skills
to help solidify them.
Week Five: Skills Advancement
Warm Up: Back to Coach
Space: 30yrds x 10yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Making sure the fundamentals of executing a move are in

Basic dribbling skills are being demonstrated at a proficient
Keeping head up to see the field and where space is

Description: Players gather around coach with a ball, the coach then
redistributes the balls around the grid and players must go after
them and dribble back to the coach. Since this is a drill that you
have already done, you can escalate the level of challenge more
quickly, however you should still start at the lower level just so
they remember what the drill is.
One key difference in how this should be orchestrated is that you
should combine it with Partner Practice (as described above)
except that the coach will be the partner for each player and
when they dribble back to coach they should execute whichever
move the coach assigned when redistributing the balls complete
with acceleration away and moving over to cut off pursuit. This
will help give you an idea of what moves they are proficient at,
what areas might need to be retouched, and if they are ready for
some new moves.
Small Sided Activity: Partner Practice
Space: Same as Warm Up
Duration: 12 minutes with rounds lasting 1 minute with 1 minute
Skills to Highlight:

Whichever move set you are working on

Basic dribbling skills
Proper move execution
Selling the move with your body, leaning one way only to
explode in opposite direction (more advanced skill)
Description: Players partner up, and practice doing the move that
you are going over. Players stand 5 yards apart, one player
passes the ball to the other who then dribbles towards them and
executes the move you are practicing. Players alternate who is
defending each time (not each round). This is an opportunity for
players to practice a move with something that has more of a
physical presence than a cone. As well as allows them to show
each other their skills. Here is where the coach should slowly
string the whole process together, a progression could look like
this: dribble towards teammate and perform the movedribble
towards teammate, perform the move, and then accelerate
awaydribble towards teammate and perform the move then
accelerate away, and move back over to cut off the defenders
pursuit. After going through this you can have defenders apply
light pressure increasing game resemblance.
Be sure to enforce that players practice these moves with both
feet so that they are developing as a whole player.

Expanded Small Sided Activity: 1v1 to End line

Space: 10yrdsL x 5yrdsW (break the warm up space into 6 grids)
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Whichever move set that you are working on

Basic dribbling skills
How to execute a move, acceleration after move, cutting
defender off after acceleration
Basic defending skills: forcing a player to one side,
anticipating next move, side line is your friend
Selling the move with your body

Description: Players start off at opposite ends of the grid and face off
one v one. To start play a player passes the ball to the other end
at which point play begins. The player receiving the ball is on
offense while the other defends. If a player defending takes the
ball, they then go on the offense trying to get to the other side.
When someone scores, the player that passed the ball in now
receives and starts out on offense. If the ball goes out of bounds,
play resets and players switch starting roles.
After the round is over, players should rotate grids to face off
against other players.
Iterate to players that this is practice, and that they should
make sure they are using both feet so that come game time
they are ready.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Six: Passing Advancement
Warm Up: Passing Pinball
Space: 20yrds by 15yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Passing with different parts of the foot

Passing with both feet
Keeping the ball moving when receiving
Basic passing skills

Description: Players partner up and stand about 5 yards apart, at

which point the coach will say what part of the foot they will be
passing with and how many touches they have to pass the ball.
Starting simple, with the inside of the foot and two touches, and
increasing difficulty as they show proficiency. Players can keep
track of their success by counting consecutive quality passes.
Have players pass with both the inside and outside of the foot.
Try challenging them to do one touch passes, and by increasing
the distance of their passes.
Small Sided Activity: 2v2 2 Goal
Space: Two 20yrd x 15yrd grids
Duration: 12 minutes with 1 minute rounds and 1 minute breaks
Skills to Highlight:

Basic passing skills

Changing the direction of attack
Partner defending
Awareness of multiply pathways to success

Description: Teams of two compete against each other trying to

score on one of the two goals (goals should be set up in the corners
of the grid and set up on either the 15 or 20yrd ends depending on
what aspect you are trying to highlight wider for switching field,
narrower for faster passing). When a team scores, play it like a
kickoff with play restarting in the middle.
Expanded Small Sided Activity: 3v3 3 Goal
Space: Two 30yrd x 15yrd grids
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic passing skills

Changing the direction of attack
Partner defending
Awareness of multiply pathways to success

Description: Teams of three compete against each other trying to

score on one of the three goals (in this drill goals should be
placed on the 30yrd edge of the field with one in each corner
and one in the middle). When a team scores, play restarts at the
middle of the field just like a kickoff.
Emphasize switching their point of attack, as well as defending
as a unit. As well as how triangles play an important role in how
we should position ourselves.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Seven: Shooting Advancement
Warm Up: Roaming Goal
Space: 30yrds x 10yrds
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Striking ball with laces

Following through the strike
Landing on striking foot (more advanced skill)
Plant foot slightly in front of ball
Body over the ball
Swinging arms for balance
Use both feet

Description: Coach and Assistant Coach/Parent hold a pool noodle

between them and slowly move around the grid as players
attempt to shoot the ball through the goal formed by the two
bodies and pool noodle. Players retrieve their ball and repeat,
trying to score as many times as they can each round.
This being the second time that players have gone through this
drill, you can advance the level of challenge more quickly and
challenge them by having them try to curve the ball when they
shoot, have it go between the posts in the air, etc.
Small Sided Activity: Everybody Out 2v2
Space: 20yrds x 15yrds
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic shooting skills

Quick attacking
Scoring mindset/seeing scoring opportunities
Quick transitions from offense to defense and vice versa

Description: Players play 2v2 to goal. When a goal is scored, or the

ball goes out of bounds, the coach with yell everybody out, the
two teams playing exit the field and two new teams run on and
the coach will play the new ball in.
This is an extremely versatile drill to increase the challenge for:
the coach can insert lines on the field that players must either
shoot beyond or within it can be played that whichever team
shoots stays on (if the ball goes out on the side line both teams
still switch) players can run the side line and act as wingers
and extra players for whichever team has possession, etc.
Be sure to encourage the development of both feet when
striking and the body mechanics as this will give them an
advantage later on in their soccer career.

Expanded Small Sided Activity: 3v3 to Goal

Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic dribbling, passing, and shooting skills

Keeping a triangle when attacking
Team defending

Description: Players play three v three, trying to be the first to 3

points. Hang pennies in the goal in target areas (one penny both
the upper and lower corners), when scoring if players hit the
pennies the goal is worth two points. This will help promote
shooting into areas of the goal that are normally hard for a
goalie to get to (the upper and lower corners of the goal).
This can be played, so that the team that gets to three points
first stays on, or that both teams swap out when the three points
are reached.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Week Eight: Finish with Fun
Warm Up: Marbles
Space: Undefined
Duration: ~8 minutes with each round lasting 1-2 minutes with a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic passing skills

Description: Players partner up each having a ball. One player plays

the ball into space, and then the other tries to pass their ball to
hit the first one. If they hit it, they get a point, if they miss then
no point. Players alternate who plays the first pass. First to two
points wins.
At the end of each round, have players change partners
Small Sided Activity: Cone Game
Space: 30yrds x 30yrds
Duration: 12 minutes with 1 minute rounds and 1 minute breaks
Skills to Highlight:

One v One Skills

Description: Players partner up and play around a cone or corner

flag, each trying to pass the ball to hit the object. One player is
defending while the other is attacking. If the defender gets the
ball, the roles immediately switch, with defender becoming the
attacker and vice-versa. When a player hits the cone, they get a
point. You can play that when a point is earned the ball changes
possession and they start from a designated spot, or that play
continues uninterrupted when a point is earned. Be sure to have
pairs change partners at the end of each round.
You can increase the challenge of this activity by requiring that
for the hit to count it must hit the target object in the air
Expanded Small Sided Activity: Everybody Out 2v2
Space: 20yrds x 15yrds
Duration: 10-12 minutes with rounds lasting ~2 minutes and a 1
minute break between rounds
Skills to Highlight:

Basic shooting skills

Description: Players play 2v2 to goal. When a goal is scored, or the

ball goes out of bounds, the coach with yell everybody out, the
two teams playing exit the field and two new teams run on and
the coach will play the new ball in.
This is an extremely versatile drill to increase the challenge for:
the coach can insert lines on the field the players must either
shoot beyond or within it can be played that whichever team
shoots stays on (if the ball goes out on the side line both teams
still switch) players can run the side line and act as wingers
and extra players for whichever team has possession, etc.
Game: 3 v 3 to Goal
Space: 30yrds x 15yrds
Duration: ~10-12 minutes with 2 rounds lasting ~3 minutes and a 2
minute break between rounds
Description: This should be as much like a real game as possible.
Use this opportunity to explain different aspects of the game as
they occur (kick-off, throw-ins, out of bounds, goal kicks, etc.).
Just remember to stop them only on an as needed basis during
this time. It is important for them to play and try to incorporate
what they have learned in the session into actual game
scenarios without coach interference.
Games should be a fun experience for all players, winning and losing
shouldnt be on anyones mind. In games it is important that the coach ensures
equal playing time for each player in addition to equal playing time, each player
should be played in a variety of positions with an emphasis on not glorifying
stereotypically offensive roles.
Questions should be asked at the end of a game, encouraging reflection of what
elements of their play went well, what could be improved upon, and what they liked
about different parts of working as a team. A coach should keep what was shared in
mind when planning out practices.

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