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TOV in PV Plant

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M.E. Ropp, PhD, PE

Dustin Schutz, EIT
Steve Cozine, EIT
Northern Plains Power Technologies
910 4th St Suite C
Brookings, SD 57006-2170
Telephone: (605) 692-8687
Email address: michael.ropp@northernplainspower.com

Photovoltaic (PV) systems continue to be deployed on U.S. utility systems at a brisk pace. As
the industry matures, it is having to contend with issues that are well-known to other types of
distributed generator (DG) manufacturers, such as temporary overvoltage (TOV) phenomena.
There are TOV concerns with PV, just as there are with other types of DG, but traditional
thinking regarding TOV prevention is largely based on experience with rotating machines,
which does not necessarily directly apply to inverter-based DG like PV. One particular aspect in
which this is true is in the requirement that PV systems present a well-grounded source to the
system, with effectively grounded being defined in IEEE 142. This paper discusses the
rationale behind requiring the PV to be well-grounded, but also presents an argument
suggesting that this requirement does not solve the problem, with support from a simulation

It has long been known that distributed generators (DGs) connected to distribution feeders
have the potential to cause temporary overvoltage (TOV) events, particularly during single line
to ground (SLG) faults. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are no exception, and in fact may raise
concerns more often than other types because they tend to be installed on the lowest-voltage
parts of the system, and potentially at any point on a feeder. There are five key physical
mechanisms through which DGs can drive a TOV event.

TOV mechanism #1: Ground potential rise

Ground potential rise (GPR) is caused by the finite (actually rather low) conductivity of earth,
and occurs when large currents flow into grounding conductors. This current flows through the
impedance between the grounding conductor and remote earth (usually assumed to be the
zero-potential reference), causing a voltage to appear between the grounded conductor and
that zero reference. GPR is a somewhat complicated phenomenon, because it depends on the
geometry of the grounding conductor, soil types, soil moisture content, and other factors, and
varies strongly as a function of season [1]. GPR is discussed in IEEE standard 142-2007,
Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (the Green Book) [2].

TOV mechanism #2: Neutral point shifting, or derived neutral shift

Neutral point shifting occurs in three-wire (delta) systems during an SLG fault, because one
corner of the delta becomes ground-referenced by the fault. Figure 1 demonstrates this

phenomenon using vector diagrams. Assuming that the phase voltages were initially balanced,
in the pre-fault condition the center of the delta is at the origin, so the neutral point of the
delta is at zero. When the SLG fault strikes (applied to phase b in this case), the faulted phase is
now ground-referenced. The system maintains the line-to-line voltage relationships, so
voltages Vab and Vbc remain the same post-fault, but because the delta is now referenced to
phase b, Van = Vab and Vcn = Vbc. The problem with this is that any single-phase load connected
between one of the non-faulted phases and the neutral (assumed to be multigrounded) will
now see the line-line voltage, instead of the line-neutral voltage it is supposed to see. This
overvoltage will be 1.73 p.u. if feeder impedances are neglected, which will fall outside of the
CBEMA curve if it persists for more than approximately 2 msec. Damage to those single-phase
loads then becomes highly likely. This situation can occur if a PV system is connected to a
distribution feeder through a delta-Yg transformer, with the delta on the HV side and the LV Y-
side grounded. The substation transformer usually has a grounded-Y on the feeder side, but if
the SLG fault causes the substation breaker to open, then the feeder is being fed only by the
delta-connected PV which no longer has a ground reference on the feeder side.

Figure 1. Explanation of TOV mechanism #2, neutral point shifting.

TOV mechanism #3: Inductive coupling between fault currents and non-faulted phases
Under normal operation, each phase induces a small voltage drop in neighboring phases and in
the neutral conductor because of inductive coupling of the phase current to the other phases.
The mutual inductance between phases is relatively small, particularly for overhead lines, so
when carrying load currents these induced voltages usually have only a minor effect. However,
fault currents can be more than an order of magnitude larger than load currents, which causes a
similar increase in the inductively induced voltage in the unfaulted phases and in the neutral.

Inductive coupling is the dominant TOV-producing mechanism while the substation breaker is
still connected [3], but if the distributed generation is PV, the importance of inductive coupling
usually diminishes after the breaker opens because the PV system does not supply significant
levels of fault current.

TOV mechanism #4: Interruption of significant power export

This condition occurs when a switch opens while the PV is exporting significant power back to
the system, which of course requires that the aggregate PV penetration level on the feeder be
sufficiently high that the PV is larger than the load during some daylight hours. This situation is
depicted in Figure 2. During export, the PV system output current iPV is larger than that
required by the local load, iload, and thus the current back to the grid igrid is positive. If the switch
at the right opens while igrid is particularly large, then iPV = iload, meaning that iload becomes much
larger than before the switch opened. By Ohms law, the load voltage Vload will rise in
proportion to the level of increase in iload.

Figure 2. Explanation of TOV mechanism #4, interruption of significant power export.

TOV mechanism #5: Interruption of inductive currents

This problem is well known to (and hated by) power electronics engineers and designers of
large AC interrupters. If one attempts to open a switch that is in series with an inductance while
that inductance is carrying a current, the inductors magnetic field collapses and produces a
voltage spike that induces an arc. This phenomenon is one key reason for the existence of
snubbers on such switches. Any loads connected between the switch and the inductance will
also see this voltage spike.

Relative importance of the five mechanisms

Although any of the five mechanisms can be important in different circumstances, only two,
mechanisms #2 (derived neutral shift) and #4 (interruption of large export current), are of
primary importance for PV. Mechanism #1, GPR, is less important for PV than for some other
types of DG because of PVs limited ground current contribution, and is also more of an issue
concerning the grounding system than the specific type of DG. As noted earlier, mechanism
#3, inductive coupling to fault current, is very important while the grid is connected and in

rotating-machine cases because of the large fault currents, but because PV contributions to
fault current are relatively small, mechanism #3 is not dominant for PV. Similarly, mechanism
#5, interruption of inductive currents, has more to do with the switches involved and the nature
of system impedances than with PV in particular.

Problem statement
Because of its increasing frequency of appearance as a utility concern, the focus of this paper is
on mechanism #2, the derived neutral shift. As noted above, mechanism #2 occurs when a PV
system is tied to a distribution feeder through a delta-Yg transformer and an SLG fault occurs.
The utility usually presents a grounded source to the feeder via a delta-Yg substation
transformer with the Yg on the feeder side. When the substation breaker opens, the only
remaining source (for a very brief time) is the PV, which has a delta on the feeder side. Thus,
one apparent mitigating strategy would be to require the PV to connect to the feeder via a Yg-
Yg distribution transformer. However, one additional requirement is usually imposed: that the
PV plant present a well-grounded source to the utility, with well-grounded defined as in IEEE
142 [4]. The reason for this requirement can be understood more easily by considering the Yg-
Yg transformer schematic in Figure 3. Assume for the moment that the SLG fault is applied to
phase c. The voltage VCH will then collapse to near zero, and that low voltage is transformed
across to VCX on the LV side. This means that phase c is effectively ground-referenced on the
LV side of the transformer as well. If a generator is now connected to the X terminals of the
transformer, that generators c phase is ground referenced, and if the generator maintains the
phase-phase voltage relationship (i.e., the generator fixes Vbc and Vca), then the generators
neutral point can shift, that shifted neutral point is transformed across the Yg-Yg transformer,
and the Yg-Yg transformer has not solved the problem.




Figure 3. Schematic of a Yg-Yg transformer.

In this case, the solution seems clear: the neutral point of the generator must be effectively
grounded, and this is where the IEEE 142 definition comes into play. The IEEE 142 definition of
effectively grounded requires both of the following two conditions to be met:

0 3

0 1

where X0 and X1 are the generators zero- and positive-sequence reactances, respectively, and
R0 is the generators zero-sequence resistance.

For synchronous generators, this makes sense, and it should be noted that IEEE 142 is relatively
clear that its writers had synchronous generators in mind when the requirements were
developed [5]. However, for PV plants, it is very difficult to comply with the IEEE 142 definition
of effectively grounded. Because most PV inverters have relatively low positive sequence
reactance (the main contributor being the isolation transformer, along with AC filter
inductances), the definition of effectively grounded usually cannot be met by an impedance
ground, and instead requires solid grounding [6]. Solidly grounding the PV plant in this way
leads to significant problems with neutral current flows and harmonics, along with other
controls and reliability issues, and is thus generally undesirable. Thus, if such a costly
requirement is to be imposed on PV systems, it is imperative to ensure that it actually does
solve the problem.

Results and discussion

There is a fundamental difference between PV and a synchronous generator in that the PV
appears to the grid as a controlled current source. It is key to note that the PV does not act as a
voltage-behind-impedance source, as a synchronous generator does, and neither does it act as
a power-controlled source. The PV inverter controls its AC output current in such a way as to
try to maximize the power being extracted from the PV array at any given time. Thus, in the
small space of time between the opening of the substation breaker and the shutdown of the PV
system, the islanded section of the feeder can be represented as shown in Figure 4 below.

This representation of the PV plant is valid as long as the inverters terminal voltage does not
rise too high. If the voltage does rise too high, the inverters controls will saturate, and the
inverter will enter a square-wave mode of operation, also known as six-step mode [7] in which
the PV plant does appear as a voltage-behind-impedance source. However, this condition is
easily detectable, and most inverters incorporate self-protection means that shut the inverter
down anyway if the AC terminal voltage gets that high. Thus, it is reasonable to represent the
PV as shown in Figure 4.

Assume for a moment that the feeder neutral is well-grounded, and that the delta-connected
loads are either negligible, or very well balanced so that they can be lumped in with the

grounded Y-connected load without much loss in accuracy. Consider the voltage VPV,c in Figure
4. When the island forms, VPV,c becomes equal to the product of iPV,c and the equivalent phase-
to-neutral impedance, by Ohms Law. Note that VPV,c is ground-referenced because the load is
ground-referenced, and VPV,c does not depend on whether the inverter is grounded. In other
words, this argument suggests that requiring the PV plant to be an effectively-grounded source
according to IEEE 142 is unnecessary, because such grounding will not affect the level of TOV
produced by a PV inverter, and thus would add cost without solving the problem.

Feeder series
PV plant



Delta-connected Y-connected
load load
Figure 4. Highly simplified schematic of a grid-tied PV system feeding an islanded load, after opening of the
substation breaker.

Simulation study to test theory

To investigate this phenomenon more fully, a lengthy computer simulation study was
conducted using the MATLAB-Simulink environment. First, the generic feeder model
presented in [3] was built as shown in Figure 5. This model was selected because it is
specifically designed for TOV studies, and [3] contains all of the required feeder segment
parameters as well as model validation data. Then, a well-verified PV plant model was added.
A detailed switching model was used, because it was found early in this work that a switch-
averaged model, which uses a current-source representation of the power electronics,
significantly overpredicted the levels of TOV seen on the feeder. (This is a subject of interest in
itself, but is beyond the present scope.) The inverters voltage measurements for control and
tripping purposes are made from phase to ground. The inverters include all of the IEEE 1547
trips, plus an extra high-voltage fast-trip setting that is included by most manufacturers for self-
protection purposes. The PV plant was added at a point near the substation, as shown in Figure
5, because earlier work suggested that the worst case mechanism #2 TOV was produced when
the fault was as far downstream from the PV plant as possible. Also, adding the PV plant near
the substation provided the most flexibility in locating the fault. Consequently, the fault used
for this work is the one labeled Fault5 on the right side of Figure 5.

Figure 5. MATLAB/Simulink model of the feeder presented in [3].

Once this was completed, the following matrix of conditions was simulated:
PV to load ratios: 2:1, 1:1, 0.67:1
Distribution transformer configurations: -Yg, Yg-Yg
Isolation transformer configurations: Y-Y, Y-Yg, -Y, -Yg

Every combination of these parameter values (total of 24) was simulated. The impact of the
grounding of the 480-V side of the inverter internal isolation transformer on TOV, as seen on
the 25 kV distribution feeder, was recorded. One terminological convention that has been
adopted here should be explained: this paper refers to a first TOV and a second TOV. The
first TOV is the TOV that occurs after the fault occurs, but before the substation breaker opens.
This TOV is caused primarily by TOV mechanisms 1 and 3, and is generally fairly small. The
second TOV then occurs after the substation breaker opens. If the PV to load ratio is in the
range of approximately 1 to 1.5, the second TOV is caused primarily by TOV mechanism #2,
derived neutral shift; for PV to load ratios larger than 1.5, the TOV becomes dominated by TOV
mechanism #4, interruption of heavy export. The second TOV is the primary concern in this

The results of the simulations are shown in Figures 6 and 7. Figure 6 collects the results of all
simulations in which the inverters isolation transformer was a Y-Y or Y-Yg (i.e., the PV system
presents an ungrounded Y to the feeder, or a grounded Y, respectively). The figure is read as
follows. There are four groups of columns in the figure. The first (leftmost) group of columns
shows voltages during the first TOV period if the distribution transformer is Yg-Yg, and the
second group of columns shows the second TOV period for the Yg-Yg distribution
transformer. In these two groups of columns, each colored column corresponds to a specific
isolation transformer configuration and generation:load ratio. The isolation transformer
configuration (either Y-Y or Y-Yg) and generation:load ratio (2:1, 1:1, or 0.67:1) corresponding
to each color of column are given in the legend at the right of the figure.

The third and fourth groups of columns in Figure 6 (the rightmost two) are the same as the
leftmost two just described, except that the distribution transformer is now delta-Yg (labeled

Figure 6. Peak (not RMS) line-to-ground voltages measured on the HV side of the PV distribution transformer
during the SLG fault event. Values are shown for the first TOV period (substation breaker closed) and second
TOV period (substation breaker open), for two distribution transformer configurations, Yg-Yg and delta-Yg.
Colored columns correspond to specific PV inverter isolation transformer configurations and generation:load
ratios, as described in the legend at the right.

Figure 7. Peak (not RMS) line-to-ground voltages measured on the HV side of the PV distribution transformer
during the SLG fault event. Values are shown for the first TOV period (TOV mechanism #3 is dominant) and
second TOV period (TOV mechanism #2 is dominant), for two distribution transformer configurations, Yg-Yg
and delta-Yg. Colored columns correspond to specific PV inverter isolation transformer configurations and
generation:load ratios, as described in the legend at the right.

DY and DYg in the figure). Figure 7 is similar to Figure 6; the only difference is the isolation
transformer configurations, which are delta-Y and delta-Yg (compare the two right-side figure
legends). The voltages shown in Figures 6 and 7 are peak (not RMS) voltages, and are the
highest voltage recorded during the respective TOV period (first or second), on any phase.

As expected, Figures 6 and 7 show that the distribution transformer makes a considerable
difference in the level of TOV seen, with much higher levels of TOV occurring for the delta-Yg
transformer because of TOV mechanism #2. It is also clear that the generation:load ratio
makes a considerable difference. A full discussion of this issue is outside the present scope, but
it should be noted that when the generation:load ratio is less than unity, there really is no
second TOV, even with a delta-Yg distribution transformer, because the power-limited PV
source has insufficient power available to drive the low-impedance load to high voltage. When
the generation:load ratio is greater than unity, TOV mechanism #4 comes into play, and TOV
levels rise.

However, the main result for the present discussion is seen by comparing the second TOV levels
with grounded and ungrounded inverter isolation transformers. For example, consider Figure
6, and focus on the rightmost group of columns, which give the second TOV for a delta-Yg
distribution transformer. Consider the case of a generation:load ratio of 1:1, which is the
reddish-colored and the light blue columns (the second and fifth columns of that group). The
numerical value of second TOV is given above each column, and they are equal at 25660 V, or
about 126% of nominal. The fact that they are equal is the important point: the grounding of
the inverter isolation transformer made no difference. This conclusion holds for all of the
second TOV cases with either delta-Y or Y-Y isolation transformers.

Both theory and simulation results support the conclusion that requiring PV inverters to be
effectively grounded according to the IEEE 142 definition is not justified by concerns arising
from asymmetrical fault situations and temporary overvoltage. This does NOT mean that PV
systems do not cause TOV, but it does suggest that requiring PV inverter isolation transformers
to be grounded does not effectively mitigate TOV.

The author is grateful to the following for helpful discussions in developing the concepts
presented in this paper: Marc Johnson, Advanced Energy; Tucker Ruberti, Advanced Energy;
Eric Seymour, Advanced Energy; Russ Neithammer, Ballinger; Michael Behnke, BEW
Engineering; and Barry Hornberger, PECO. This work was financially supported by Advanced
Energy, and NPPT gratefully acknowledges that support.

[1] R. J. Heppe, Step Potentials and Body Currents Near Grounds in Two-Layer Earth, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-98 (1), Jan/Feb 1979, p. 45-59.
[2] IEEE standard 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems. The GPR discussion is in Sections 1.13, page 63, and in Subsection
2.2.3, page 93.

[3] J. Acharya, Y. Wang, W. Xu, Temporary Overvoltage and GPR Characteristics of Distribution
Feeders with Multigrounded Neutral, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25(2), April 2010, p.
[4] IEEE standard 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems. The definition of effectively grounded is on page 2, definition
[5] IEEE standard 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems. The discussion in Section 1.7 makes it clear that the authors
meant rotating generator when they said generator. PV does receive a brief mention in
Section 1.15.7, but that section is discussing DC-side grounding only.
[6] IEEE standard 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems. Solid grounding is defined and discussed in Section 1.4.6, page
[7] N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design,
3 ed., pub. John Wiley and Sons 2003, ISBN 0471226939. Square-wave inverter operation is
described in Section 8-4-2, page 229, and the term six-step mode is defined on page 418.


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