11 - Photosynthesis - COMPLETE PDF
11 - Photosynthesis - COMPLETE PDF
11 - Photosynthesis - COMPLETE PDF
Overview of Photosynthesis:
- Photosynthesis uses light energy to combine carbon dioxide and water to form glucose
and oxygen.
- Carbon dioxide + water > glucose + oxygen. The conditions above the arrow are
sunlight and chlorophyll.
- 6CO2 + 6H2O > C6H12O6 + 6O2.
Biology Year 2
- Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll which is found in chloroplasts in some plant cells
and algae.
- The rate of photosynthesis may be limited by the light intensity, temperature or carbon
dioxide concentration.
- The equation is highly simplified as photosynthesis is a complex metabolic pathway
involving many intermediate reactions. It is a process of energy transferral in which some
of the energy in the light is conserved in the form of chemical bonds.
Biology Year 2
- Non-photosynthetic organisms (heterotrophs), feed on the molecules produced by plants
and then also use them to make ATP during respiration. Animals obtain glucose by eating
plants or by eating other animals that have eaten plants, then respire the glucose to
release energy.
- Plants and animal cells need energy for biological processes to occur.
- Plants need energy for things like photosynthesis, active transport, DNA replication, cell
division and protein synthesis.
- Animals need energy for things like muscle contraction, maintenance of body
temperature, active transport, DNA replication, cell division and protein synthesis.
The Leaf:
- The leaf is the main photosynthetic structure in eukaryotic plants.
- Chloroplasts are the cellular organelles within the leaf where photosynthesis takes place.
- Leaves are adapted to bring together the three raw materials of photosynthesis (water,
carbon dioxide and light), and remove its products (oxygen and glucose).
- Leaves have a large surface area that
absorbs as much sunlight as
- The arrangement of the leaves on
the plant minimises overlapping and
so avoids the shadowing of one leaf
by another.
- They have a transparent cuticle and epidermis that let light through to the photosynthetic
mesophyll cells beneath.
- They have long, narrow upper palisade mesophyll cells that are packed with chloroplasts
that collect sunlight.
- Leaves have numerous stomata for gaseous exchange so that all mesophyll cells are only a
short diusion pathway from one.
- These stomata open and close in response to changes in light intensity.
Biology Year 2
- There are many air spaces in the lower mesophyll layer to allow rapid diusion in the gas
phase of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
- There is a network of xylem that brings water to the leaf cells, and phloem that carries
away the sugars produced during photosynthesis.
- In eukaryotic plants, photosynthesis takes place within cell organelles called chloroplasts.
- They vary in shape and size but are typically disc-
shaped, 2-10um long and 1um in diameter.
- They are surrounded by a double membrane. The
inner membrane is folded into lamellae which
provides a large surface area.
- The stroma is a fluid filled matrix where the light-independent stage of photosynthesis
takes place. This contains enzymes needed for the production of carbohydrates, and a
number of other structures such as starch grains, DNA, and prokaryote ribosomes.
Carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis and not used straight away are stored as starch
grains in the stroma.
Biology Year 2
The Light Dependant Reaction:
- When a chlorophyll molecule absorbs light energy, it boosts the energy of a pair of
electrons within this chlorophyll molecule, raising them to a higher energy level.
- The electrons become so energetic that they leave the chlorophyll molecule altogether,
leaving the chlorophyll molecule ionised in a process called photoionisation.
- The energy resulting from the photoionisation of chlorophyll is used for
photophosphorylation - making ATP from ADP and Pi, making reduced NADP
(NADPH) from NADP, and splitting water into protons, electrons and oxygen in
- The light dependent reaction includes two types of photophosphorylation - non-cyclic
and cyclic. Each of these processes has dierent products.
Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation:
- Non-cyclic photophosphorylation produces ATP, reduced NADP and oxygen O2.
- Photosystems in the thylakoid membranes are linked by electron carriers which are
proteins that transfer electrons. The photosystems and electron carriers form an electron
transport chain which is a chain of proteins through which excited electrons flow.
- There are several processes going on all at once in non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
1. Light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll:
Light energy is absorbed by PSII and this excites electrons in chlorophyll. The
electrons move to a higher energy level as have more energy, and these high energy
Biology Year 2
electrons are released from the chlorophyll and move down the electron transport
chain to PSI.
The electrons that leave the chlorophyll are taken up by a molecule called an electron
Having lost a pair of electrons, the chlorophyll molecule has been oxidised, and the
electron carrier, which has gained electrons, has been reduced.
The electrons are now passed along a number of electron carriers in a series of
oxidation-reduction reactions. These electron carriers form a transfer chain that is
located in the membranes of the thylakoids.
As the excited electrons from chlorophyll leave PSII to move down the electron
transport chain, they must be replaced if the chlorophyll molecule is to continue
absorbing light energy.
Light energy splits water into protons (H+ ions), electrons and oxygen - this is
The oxygen by-product from the photolysis of water is either used in respiration or
diuses out of the chloroplast and out of the leaf as a waste product of photosynthesis.
The excited electrons lose energy as they move down the electron transport chain, and
this energy is used to transport protons (H+ ions) into the thylakoid so that the
thylakoid has a higher concentration of protons than the stroma.
This forms a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. Protons move down
their concentration gradient, into the stroma, via the enzyme ATP synthase, which is
embedded in the thylakoid membrane as channel proteins. The rest of the membrane
is impermeable to protons, and these channels form small granules on the membrane
surface and so are known as stalked granules..
As the protons pass through these ATP synthase channels, they cause changes to the
structure of the enzyme which then catalyses the combination of ADP with inorganic
phosphate to form ATP.
The energy from this movement combines ADP and inorganic phosphate Pi to form
Biology Year 2
The process of electrons flowing down the electron transport chain and creating a
proton gradient across the membrane to drive ATP synthesis is called chemiosmosis. It
is described by the chemiosmotic theory.
Light energy is absorbed by PSI, which excites the electrons again to an even higher
energy level. Finally, the electrons are transferred to NADP, along with a proton
from the stroma, to form reduced NADP.
The protons come out of the thylakoid space through the ATP synthase channels and
are taken up by an electron carrier called NADP, which becomes reduced on taking
up the protons.
Cyclic Photophosphoryation:
Biology Year 2
Comparing Non-Cyclic and Cyclic Photophosphorylation:
Biology Year 2
The thylakoid membranes provide a LSA for the attachment of chlorophyll, electron
carriers and enzymes that carry out the light dependant reaction.
A network of proteins in the grand hold the chlorophyll in a very precise manner that
allows maximum absorption of light.
The granal membranes have ATP synthase channels within them, which catalyse the
production of ATP. They are also selectively permeable which allows establishment of
a proton gradient.
Chloroplasts contain both DNA and ribosomes so they can quickly and easily
manufacture some of the proteins involved in the light-dependant reaction.
Biology Year 2
- The reactions are linked in a cycle, which means the starting compound, ribulose
bisphosphate is regenerated.
- It can be summarised as INPUTS: CO2, ATP, Reduced NADP > OUTPUTS: Organic
Substances, RuBP.
CO2 from the atmosphere diuses into the leaf through stomata and dissolves in water
around the walls of the mesophyll cells. It then diuses through the cell-surface
membrane, cytoplasm and chloroplast membranes into the stroma of the chloroplast.
In the stroma, the CO2 reacts with the 5-carbon compound ribulose bisphosphate
(RuBP). This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme rubisco (one of the slowest working
enzymes in the natural world), producing an unstable 6-carbon compound which
Biology Year 2
quickly breaks down into two molecules of a 3-carbon compound called glycerate 3-
phosphate (GP).
The hydrolysis of ATP from the light-dependent reaction provides energy to reduce the
3-carbon compound GP to a dierent 3 carbon compound called triose phosphate (TP).
This reaction also requires H+ ions, which come from reduced NADP (also from the
light-dependent reaction). The NADP is reformed and goes back to the light-
dependent reaction to be reduced again by accepting more protons.
Some triose phosphate molecules are converted to useful organic compounds that the
plant requires like starch, cellulose, lipids, glucose, amino acids and nucleotides, but
most triose phosphate molecules continue in the Calvin cycle to regenerate RuBP using
the rest of the ATP from the light dependant reaction.
The fluid of the stroma contains all the enzymes needed to carry out the light-
independent reaction. Stromal fluid is membrane-bound in the chloroplast which
means a chemical environment which has a high concentration of enzymes and
substrates can be maintained within it - as distinct from the environment of the
The stroma fluid surrounds the grana and so the products of the light-dependant
reaction in the grana can readily diuse into the stroma.
It contains both DNA and ribosomes so it can quick and easily manufacture some of
the proteins involved in the light-independent.
Biology Year 2
Hexose Sugars:
- Hexose sugars are simple 6-carbon sugars, like glucose. One hexose sugar is made by
joining two molecules of triose phosphate (TP) together. Hexose sugars can be used to
make larger carbohydrates.
- The Calvin cycle needs to turn six times to make one hexose sugar, as three turns of the
cycle produces six molecules of triode phosphate (as two molecules of TP are made for
every one CO2 molecule used. Five out of six of these TP molecules are used to regenerate
RuBP, so for three turns of the cycle, only one TP is produced thats used to make a hexose
- A hexose sugar has six carbons though, so two TP molecules are needed to form one
hexose sugar, so the cycle must turn six times to produce two molecules of TP that can be
used to make one hexose sugar.
- Six turns of the cycle need 18 ATP and 12 reduced NADP from the light-dependent
- This might seem a bit inecient, but it keeps the cycle going and makes sure theres
always enough RuBP ready to combine with CO2 taken in from the atmosphere.
Biology Year 2
1. High light intensity of a certain wavelength:
Light is needed to provide the energy for the light-dependant reaction, and the higher
the intensity of the light, the more energy it provides.
Only certain wavelengths of light are used for photosynthesis as the photosynthetic
pigments chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotene only absorb the red and blue light in
If the temperature falls below 10C then the enzymes become inactive, but if the
temperature is more than 45C then they may start to denature.
When an enzyme becomes denatured, the bonds holding its tertiary structure together
break, and it loses its 3D shape so the active site wont fit the substrate and the enzyme
can no longer function as a catalyst.
Also, at high temperatures the stomata (pores in the epidermis of a plant that allow gas
exchange) close to avoid losing too much water, which causes photosynthesis to slow
down as less CO2 enters the leaf when the stomata are closed.
Increasing this to 0.4% gives a higher rate of photosynthesis, but any higher and the
stomata will start to close.
4. Water:
Plants also need a constant supply of water - too little and photosynthesis will stop, but
too much and the soil becomes waterlogged which reduces the uptake of minerals such
as magnesium, which is needed to make chlorophyll a. This is because there is less
oxygen in waterlogged soil, so roots are unable to respire aerobically, so there is less ATP
available for the active transport of minerals into roots.
- A limiting factor is a variable that can slow down the rate of a reaction.
Biology Year 2
- If any one of these factors is too low or too high, it will limit photosynthesis and slow out
- Even if the other two factors are at the perfect level, it wont make any dierence to the
speed of photosynthesis as long as that factor is at the wrong level.
- However, any of these factors could become the limiting factor, depending on the
environmental conditions.