My Iraq War Vote Was Wrong': Hillary Clinton: Egypt Sentences 10 Brotherhood Supporters To Death

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My Iraq War Vote Was Egypt Sentences 10

Brotherhood Supporters
Wrong: Hillary Clinton

To Death
The US Defense Department will
send American military advisers to
Ukraine in order to build defense
institutions in the country.
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court sentenced 10 supporters of
Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen
the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to death in absentia on Saturday Lainez said the two countries could
but postponed sentencing of its leader and other senior members tried strengthen long-term defense co-
in the case, judicial sources said. operation to help Ukraine build
Those sentenced were convicted on charges including inciting vio- highly effective armed forces and
lence and blocking a major road north of Cairo during protests after defense institutions.
She added that the Pentagon con-
the army toppled President Mohamed Mursi last July.
siders sending its military advisers
All 10 were assumed to be in hiding amid a state crackdown on a first step toward helping to
the group since Mursis ouster. One of those sentenced was Abdul shape and establish an endur-
Rahman al-Barr, a member of the Brotherhoods Guidance Council, ing program for future US efforts
the movements executive board. to support the Ukrainian military
Mohamed Abdel-Maqsoud, a well-known Salafi preacher who fled through training, education, and
to Qatar after Mursi was toppled, was also sentenced in absentia. We are committed fully to get-
Death sentence recommendations in Egypt are passed on to the ting the assistance to Ukraine as
countrys grand mufti, the highest religious authority, for his review. quickly as possible, Lainez was
The court can ignore his opinion and its rulings can be appealed. quoted as saying by Military Times.
Judge Hassan Fareed said the verdict for the rest of the defendants Earlier this week, US President
Barack Obama promised to provide
would be announced at a hearing on July 5.
Kiev with an additional 5 million
dollars in military aid including

Putin, Ukraine Leader

the training of its law enforcement
and army personnel.
Since March, the United States

An Iraqi man looks at a destroyed minibus at the site of car bomb attack in
the northern city of Kirkuk on June 4, 2014.
Break Crisis Ice has approved more than 23 mil-
lion dollars in security assistance
to Ukraine.
WASHINGTON (Press TV) For- with the information I had. And I tion allegedly stockpiled by former President Obama has pledged to
mer US senator and secretary of state wasnt alone in getting it wrong. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. invest one billion dollars on step-
Hillary Clinton has described her But I still got it wrong. Plain and A War Crimes Tribunal in Malay- ping up the US military presence in
vote authorizing the war in Iraq as simple, she added. sia in 2011 found former US Presi- Eastern Europe.
wrong amid speculation she might The vote to authorize military ac- dent George W. Bush and former ****
run for president in 2016. tion in Iraq dogged Clinton with the British Prime Minister Tony Blair JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)
Her comment about the 2002 Sen- Democratic Partys antiwar activist guilty of war crimes for their roles - South African President Jacob
ate vote as a senator is published in base in the 2008 presidential prima- in the Iraq war. Zuma was admitted to hospital for
her new book, Hard Choices, due ries. The tribunal judges also stated tests on Saturday, after previously
to be released June 10, CBS News Clintons rival, Barack Obama, that the US, under the leadership being advised to take some rest, the
reported. opposed the Iraq war from the start. of Bush, fabricated documents to presidency said in a statement.
[M]any Senators came to wish He gave a speech in 2002 when he make it appear that Iraq possessed Doctors are satisfied with his
they had voted against the resolu- was still an Illinois state senator, op- weapons of mass destruction. condition, a statement on the pres-
tion. I was one of them. As the war posing the war. However, the world later learned idency website said.
dragged on, with every letter I sent Clinton failed to distance herself that the former Iraqi regime did not The presidency said on Friday that
to a family in New York who had from the vote, but she stopped short possess WMDs and that the US and 72-year-old Zuma would take a few
lost a son or daughter, a father or of saying she regretted casting it. British leaders knew this all along. days off from public appearances
mother, my mistake become (sic) In 2003, the United States invaded Over one million Iraqis were killed after a tiring election in May, which
more painful, Clinton wrote. Iraq in blatant violation of interna- during the invasion, according to Ukraine president-elect Petro Poroshenko (C) looks on as German put him in office for a second term.
I thought I had acted in good faith tional law and under the pretext of the California-based investigative Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) talks to Russian President Vladimir The president is in need of a rest
and made the best decision I could finding weapons of mass destruc- organization Project Censored. Putin after a group photo for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day following a demanding election and
landings at Benouville Castle, France, June 6, 2014. transition programme to the new

Internet Giants to Face Tougher EU Data Law PARIS (Reuters) - The leaders of the end of the Cold War. administration, the presidency
Russia and Ukraine held their first Hollandes office said Putin and said on Friday, adding Zuma would
talks on Friday since Moscow annexed Poroshenko shook hands and agreed continue to perform official duties
BRUSSELS (AFP) - Foreign Crimea, airing ways to end their four- that detailed talks on a ceasefire be- from home.
firms operating in the EU, includ- month conflict in a brief encounter tween Kiev government forces and ****
ing those that dominate the Inter- during commemorations in France of pro-Russian separatists in easter- TRIPOLI (Press TV) Support-
net, will be subject to a new data the World War Two D-Day landings. nUkraine would begin within a few ers and opponents of retired Liby-
protection law which is still being French President Francois Hol- days. an army general, Khalifa Haftar,
finalised, the EU Commission said lande and German Chancellor An- Poroshenko, brought to power by have clashed in the capital, Tripoli.
Friday. gela Merkel brought together Rus- pro-Western protests which Putin has The clashes took place late Fri-
Personal data protection has be- sias Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian termed a coup, was photographed day during demonstrations in Trip-
come a hugely sensitive issue after president-elect Petro Poroshenko looking unsmiling and earnest as he oli held by both sides.
revelations of massive snooping for a 15-minute meeting before they stood with the Russian leader and Supporters of Haftar reportedly
by US and other intelligence ser- joined other dignitaries for lunch. Merkel. threw rocks and other projectiles at
vices, including through networks Putin went on to have an equally It was a normal, serious exchange the opponents.
belonging to major telecoms and short meeting with Barack Obama in between two leaders, an official in Reports say a number of people
Internet giants. which, according to a White House Hollandes office said. were injured in the clashes.
Data protection will apply to all official, the U.S. President urged This marks tentative progress The former army figure escaped
companies operating in the Euro- him to recognize Poroshenko as which he (Hollande) welcomes, par- an assassination attempt outside
pean Union, said Viviane Reding, Ukraines leader and to cut off arms ticularly given this occasion so sym- the eastern city of Benghazi on
European Justice Commissioner supplies to pro-Russian separatists. bolic for peace, the official said, June 4.
after talks with EU ministers, French officials have been plotting adding they also discussed steps such During the past weeks, Haftar
European Commissioner responsible for Justice Viviane Reding
You might think this is self evi- for weeks to use the 70th anniversary as Russian recognition of Poroshen- has targeted militant camps, who
dent, but let me tell you -- far from Yahoo -- have warned their image Government spying by pri- of the D-Day landings - a key event kos election and economic relations. have also launched attacks against
it. It was one of the most conten- could suffer if the US did not scale vate companies, if ever neces- helping to end World War Two - to Putin told traveling reporters he his forces in return.
tious points when I presented the back spying. sary, should take place not with a try to break the ice in the most se- welcomed proposals set out by Poro- He launched a military offen-
data protection reform in January In a report Friday, British tele- hoover but with tweezers, she said. rious European security crisis since shenko for ending the conflict. How- sive in the countrys east against
2012, Reding said. communications giant Vodafone ever he declined to say what they militants on May 16, saying that he
Europeans have been alarmed
by information on US snooping
admitted government agency
tapping into its network is wide- Watchdog: Nigeria Govt were and said Ukraine must halt what
he called punitive military opera-
wanted to crush them in order to
establish stability in Libya.

Interrupting Newspapers
leaked by ex-security contractor spread in some of the 29 countries tions against pro-Russian separatists. The retired Libyan official is cur-
Edward Snowden and the 28 EU in which it operates. But he added: I felt the attitude rently leading an offensive against
member states are locked in mara- Vodafone admitted that as a was right as a whole ... If this (plan) militants in the country. He holds
thon negotiations to agree a data global business it faced constant ABUJA (AP) A media watchdog group says the Nigerian government happens, then it creates conditions them responsible for the unrest
protection policy that would apply tension while enforcing the laws confiscated or destroyed copies of at least four major newspapers. for the development of relations in that broke out in Libya follow-
bloc-wide. of different countries and the ex- The Committee to Protect Journalists Africa coordinator Sue Valentine other areas, including the economy. ing the ouster of former dictator
Reding said a deal on all aspects pectations of governments. said Friday that denying Nigerians access to news and information sows A senior French official present at Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
of the bill was possible by the end Reding slammed the new revela- the seeds of rumors and distrust. the meeting said they had discussed The current government in Libya
of the year. tion. The Punch newspaper accuses the military of disrupting distribution of Russian gas supplies to Ukraine, has slammed Haftars offensives as
With the Snowden revelations One year after the Snowden copies Saturday. The newspaper says soldiers stormed its distribution cen- which Moscow has threatened to a coup attempt.
especially damaging to telecom- revelations, this shows again the ter in Abuja, the capital, and expelled marketers, distributors and vendors. cut in a dispute about payment of The former rebels refuse to lay
munications and tech companies, scale of collection by govern- CPJ says Nigerias Leadership, Vanguard and The Nation newspapers arrears, as well as key elements of down arms despite efforts by the
some of the biggest names -- such ments of data being held by pri- were also affected Friday, among others. The Daily Trust says delivery Poroshenkos inaugural address on central government to impose law
as Microsoft, Facebook and vate companies, she said. truck drivers were arrested Friday. Saturday. and order.

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