Chem Implementation

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Implementation (Analysis and Interpretation)

Introduction: When various metals are left out in the

environment, many of them over long periods of time begin to
corrode and break up. This corrosion is associated with certain
environmental conditions and catalytic substances present in the
environment. In this experiment the relationship between rusting
and the factors which cause metals to rust, specifically steel will
be explored so as to conjure up an explanation to the
observations made.


1. Four test tubes were placed in a test tube rack and were
labeled A,B,C and D.
2. 4cm3 of deionized water and a nail was placed into test tube
3. 4cm3 of boiled deionized water was placed into test tube B
along with 1cm3 of oil onto the surface and a nail.
4. 3g of salt, deionized water and a nail were placed into test
tube C.
5. 2cm3 of anhydrous calcium chloride granules was placed into
test tube D, along with a nail on top and a rubber bung
placed into the test tube.
6. The test tube was left for 5 days and was re-examined.
7. Observations were made and were recorded.

Observations and Results:

Table showing the days and the observations in each test

tube made each day

Day Observations
Test tube A Test tube B Test tube C Test tube D
1 No rusting No rusting No rusting No rusting
occurred occurred occurred occurred
2 No rusting No rusting No rusting No rusting
occurred occurred occurred occurred
3 No rusting No rusting No rusting The calcium
occurred occurred occurred chloride granules
started to liquefy.
No Rusting took
4 Small amounts No rusting The nail rusted No rusting took
of rust was took place and in the place
observed along distilled water
the nail a precipitate of
excess rust
formed at the
bottom of the
test tube
5 Rust began to No rusting The entire No rusting took
drop off the nail took place bottom of the place
and fall to the test tube had
bottom of the rust and the
test tube nail was almost
covered in rust

Rusting is the process by which a metal oxidizes into a metal
oxide. This occurs when iron, steel or other metals come into
contact with water and oxygen. The process is a type of corrosion
that occurs easily under natural conditions. They are corroded by
catalysts and other substances. Rust is any type of various
powdery or scaly reddish brown or reddish yellow
hydrated ferric oxides and hydroxides formed on iron and iron
containing materials such as steel by low-
temperature oxidation in the presence of water. These metals rust
faster in salty water or acid solutions. Aluminum, on the other
hand, does not corrode easily, because its surface is protected by
a layer of aluminum oxide. In this experiment four test tubes with
various substances were used to test the conditions under which
rusting will occur. In test tube A, which contained water, air and a
nail, rusting took place. In test tube B, which contained boiled
deionized water, an oil layer and a nail, rusting did not take place
because no oxygen could pass through the oil and both water and
oxygen are needed for rusting to occur. In test tube C, which
contained water, salt, air and a nail rusting occurred the most.
This is because there is the presence of both oxygen and water
and there is salt in the water which does not cause rusting but
instead acts like a catalyst and speeds up the reaction. In test
tube D, which contains calcium chloride, air and a nail, no rusting
took place because no water was present. The purpose of the
calcium chloride granules was to remove the water from the air
and the bung to prevent any extra from entering. Rusting is an
oxidation reaction. The iron reacts with water and oxygen to form
hydrated iron (III) oxide, which we see as rust. The equation for
rusting is represented as: 4Fe + 3O = 2Fe O .
2 2 3


The bung was not properly placed into the test tube which
may have affected the results.
Not enough salt was dissolved into the water to speed up
the rusting process.
The experiment was not left for a long enough time to
observe the complete rusting process.

Ensure that the bung is tightly placed to ensure that no
oxygen ensures
Ensure that enough salt is added to the water to allow for
rusting to take place faster
Ensure that the anhydrous calcium chloride granules are
handled carefully as they may irritate skin

Reflection: From carrying out this experiment I have learnt that

rusting occurs at different rates depending on the conditions. I
have also understood that certain methods can be followed to
protect metals from rusting faster than they usually would. These
methods were found to be; electroplating, plastic coating,
painting, coating it with oils or just replacing it with another, more
suitable metal. I have grasped the concept of rusting in metals
and have understood that both the presence of oxygen in the air
and water is necessary for rusting to take place.

Conclusion: The least oxygen present the less rusting will occur
assuming that no water is present. Both oxygen and water affect
the rate of rusting of metals.

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