Resume Teaching 2017
Resume Teaching 2017
Resume Teaching 2017
KCALS (Kindergarten Communication and Learning Support) Teacher Intern August 2016-December 2016
Padonia International Elementary School, Padonia, MD
Adapted curriculum to meet communication and learning support needs of students in a self-
contained special education classroom at a Title I school
Assisted in writing and developing differentiated IEPs
Set goals for Student Support Teams
Attended and participated in team and annual IEP meetings; attended parent-teacher conferences
Assisted in implementing positive behavior support plans and customized behavior charts
Completed literacy case study on student
Accessed and implemented the use of communication devices (iPad with LAMP-Language
Acquisition through Motor Planning) and Core Vocabulary Boards
Facilitated and completed a literacy case study using informal and formal testing measures
Phonological Awareness Profile, IRI-5, interest inventories, writing samples
MD Infants and Toddlers (infants to 3 y/o)-Early Childhood Intervention Intern March 2016-May 2016
Various settings in Baltimore County, MD
Implemented and oversaw the development of IFSPs in home and daycare settings
Shadowed related service professionals (Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist,
Early Interventionist, Physical Therapist)
Observed and assisted with testing for children using a formal testing measure WJIII
Completed a Functional Behavior Assessment
Early Childhood Daycare Intern January 2016-March 2016
Step by Step Day Care (6-9 month room), Hunt Valley, MD
Executed specific child development strategies to work with 6-9 month old children learning to
walk, feed, and nap
Employed consistent routines and daily procedures in a formal child-care setting
Child Care 2012 present
Cared for children ranging from infancy to age 10
Provided care and informal services to child with speech needs due to cleft lip and cleft pallet
Long-term and short-term care
Referrals from all families to other families
Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Towson University (SAAC) appointed officer 2014-2016
West Elementary School Girl Power coaching assistant (track team) 2012-2014
Baltimore Saints Adaptive Hockey skating instructor for children with developmental and physical handicaps