Fair Orian

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Fair Orian, in the morn

John Milton
(c.1563 - 1647)

Treble I

Fair O - ri - an, in the morn, be - fore the day was

Treble II


Fair O - ri - an, in the morn, be -

Tenor I

Fair O - ri - an, in the Morn, be - fore the

Tenor II

Fair O - ri - an,


born, in the morn, be - fore the day was born, in the morn, be - fore the day was

fore the day was born, in the morn,in the morn, be - fore the day was

day was born, in the morn be - fore the day was born, be - fore the day was

in the morn, in the morn, be - fore the day was



born, with vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

With vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

born, with vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

born, with vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

born, with vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

With vel - vet steps on ground, which made nor print nor

sound, would see her nymphs a - bed, what lives those la - dies

sound, would see her nymphs a - bed, her

sound, would see her nymphs a - bed, what

sound, would see her nymphs a - bed,

sound, which made, which made nor print nor sound, would see her

sound, would see her nymphs a - bed,

led, whay lives those la - dies led, what lives those la - dies

nymphs a - bed, what lives those la - dies led, those la - dies

lives those la - dies led, those la - dies led, those la - dies

what lines those la - dies led, what

nymphs a - bed, what lives those la - dies

what lives those la - dies led, those la - dies


led, what lives those la - dies led, what lives those la - dies led,

led, what lives those la dies led, what lives those la - dies


those la - dies led,
what lives those la - dies led,

lives those la - dies led, whatlives those la - dies led, those la - dies

led, what lives those la - dies led, what lives those la dies

led, those la - dies led, what lives those la - dies led, what


what lives those la - dies led, those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said:

led, those la - dies led, what lives those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said:

la - dies led, what lives those la - dies led, those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said: O

led, those la - dies led, those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said: O

led, those la - dies led, what lives those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said:

lives those la dies led, what lives those la - dies led. The ro - ses blu - shing said: O


O stay, thou shep - herd'smaid, O stay thou shep - herd's maid. And on a

O stay, O stay thou shep - herd's maid, O stay thou shep herd's maid. And on a

stay, thou shep - herd's maid, O stay thou shep - herd's maid. And on a

stay, thou shep - herd's maid, O stay thou shep - herd's maid. And on a

O stay, O stay thou shep - herd's maid, O stay thou shep - herd'smaid. And on a

stay, thou shep - herd's maid, o stay thou shep - herd's maid. And on a


sud den all,theyrose and heard her call. Then sang those shep - herds and nymphs of

sud den all,theyrose and heard her call, they rose and heard her call.

sud den all,theyrose and heard her call. Then

sud den all,theyrose and heard her call. Then sang those shep - herds and nymphs of Di - a -

sud den all,theyrose and heard her call, they rose and heard her call, they

sud den all,theyrose and heard her call. Then sang those shep - herds


Di - a - na, then sang those

Then sang those shep - herds and

sang those shep - herds and nymphs of Di - a - -

na, ten sang those shep - herds and

rose and heard her call. Then

and nymphs of Di - a - - - - - -


shep - herds and nymphs, thensang those shep herds andnymphs of Di - a -

nymphs of Di - a - na, then sang thoseshep - herds and nymphs

- na, then sang those shep herds and nymphs, and nymphs of Di - a -

nymphs of Di - a - na, of Di - a - na, Di - a -

sang those shep - herds and nymphs of Di - a - na, and nymphs

na, thensang those shep - herds and nymphs of Di - a -


- na: Long live fair O - ri - a - na,

of Di - a - na: Long live fair O - ri - a - na,

na, of Di - a - na: Long live fair O - ri - a -

na, Di - a - na: Long live fair O - ri - a - na, long

of Di - a - na: Long live fair O - ri - a - na,

na: Long live fair


long live fair O - ri - a - na, long live fair O - ri -

long live fair O - ri - a - na, fair O - ri - a - na, long live fair

na, long live fair Or - ri - a - na, long live fair O - ri - a - na,

live fair O - ri - a - na, lomg live, long live fair O - ri - a - na, long

long live fair O - ri - a - na, lomg live fair O - ri - a - na, long

O - - - ri - a - - na, long live fair O - ri - a - na, long


a - na, fair O - ri - a - - na.

O - ri - a - na, fair O - ri - a - na.

fair O - ri - a - - na.

live, long live fair O - ri - a - na.

live fair O - - ri - a - na.

live fair O - ri - a - - na.

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