Insulation Co Ordination

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Overview of Insulation Coordination

What is Insulation Coordination?

Insulation Coordination is the process of determining the proper insulation

levels of various components in a power system as well as their arrangements. It is
the selection of an insulation structure that will withstand voltage stresses to which
the system or equipment will be subjected to, together with the proper surge
arrester. The process is determined from the known characteristics of voltage
surges and the characteristics of surge arresters.

Some common terms that must be known when performing an Insulation

Coordination Study.

1. Basic Impulse Insulation Level (BIL): This is the reference insulation

level expressed as an impulse crest (or peak) voltage with a standard wave
not longer than a 1.2 x 50 microsecond wave. A 1.2 x 50 microsecond
wave means that the impulse takes 1.2 microseconds to reach the peak and
then decays to 50% of the peak in 50 microseconds.

2. Withstand Voltage: This is the BIL level that can repeatedly be applied to
equipment without flashover, disruptive charge or other electrical failure
under test conditions.

3. Chopped Wave Insulation Level: This is determined by using impulse

waves that are of the same shape as that of the BIL waveform, with the
exception that the wave is chopped after 3 microseconds. Generally, it is
assumed that the Chopped Wave Level is 1.15 times the BIL level for oil
filled equipment such as transformers. However, for dry type equipment, it
is assumed that the the Chopped Wave Level is equal to the BIL level.

4. Critical Flashover Voltage: This is the peak voltage for a 50% probability
of flashover or disruptive charge.

5. Impulses Ratio: This is normally used for Flashover or puncture of

insulation. It is the ratio of the impulse peak voltage to the value of the 60
Hz voltage that causes flashover or puncture. Or, it is the ratio of breakdown

voltage at surge frequency to breakdown voltage at normal system frequency
(60 Hz).

Over voltages that need to be considered when doing an Insulation

Coordination Study.

There are three types of over voltages that may occur on a plant:

Internal Overvoltages.
Switching Surges
External Overvoltages

1. Internal Overvoltages

These may usually be short power frequency overvoltages or weakly damped

oscillatory voltages. The main causes of these overvoltages are:

Phase to Earth Faults: Single line to Ground, Double line to Ground, 3 Phase
to Ground.
Load Rejection.
Ferro Resonance.
Ferranti Effect.

2. Switching Surges

These surges are of short duration, irregular (or impulse form) and highly
damped. The effects of such overvoltages are of great concern when the
transmission voltage is greater than 300kV. However, below 300kV, some causes
of these overvoltages are:

Resonance effects when switching transformer feeders, or cables and

overhead lines.
Ferro resonance encountered on transformer feeder double circuits, when
one circuit is switched out but the other parallel feeder remains energised.
Line energisation may cause switching surges especially at the remote end of
the line that is being energised.

3. External Overvoltages

Power systems that operate below 145kV overvoltages due to lightning are
of greater concern than the previous two types of overvoltages. Lightning

discharges are usually very short, unidirectional and have a shape similar to the
BIL waveform.

The point of insulation flashover depends on

1. Geographical position of the lightning stroke.

2. Magnitude of the stroke.
3. Rise time of voltage wave
4. System insulation levels.
5. System Electrical characteristics.
6. Local atmospheric or ambient conditions.

Overvoltage Surge Protection

There are two methods of overvoltage protection:

1. Rod or Spark Gaps

These devices are easy and cheap to install and are usually installed in parallel
with insulators between the live equipment terminal and earth. Some disadvantages
of these devices include:

When they operate, they cause a short circuit fault, which may cause
protection to operate and isolate the equipment.
The sudden reduction in the voltage during operation causes high stresses on
the Transformer inter turn insulation.
The breakdown of plant insulation varies with the duration of the
At lower voltages, where short distance gaps are used, maloperation may
occur due to debris being deposited on the terminals of the gaps.

2. Surge Arresters

Modern Surge arresters are of the gapless Zinc Oxide type. Previously,
Silicon Carbide arresters were used, but their use has been superceeded by the ZnO
arresters, which have a non-linear resistance characteristic. Thus, it is possible to
eliminate the series gaps between the individual ZnO block making up the arrester.

Selection Procedure for Surge arresters

1. Determine the continuous arrester voltage. This is usually the system rated
2. Select a rated voltage for the arrester.
3. Determine the normal lightning discharge current. Below 36kV, 5kA rated
arresters are chosen. Otherwise, a 10kA rated arrester is used.
4. Determine the required long duration discharge capability. For rated voltage
< 36kV, light duty surge arrester may be specified. For rated voltage
between 36kV and 245kV, heavy duty arresters may be specified. For rated
voltage >245kV, long duration discharge capabilities may be specified.
5. Determine the maximum prospective fault current and protection tripping
times at the location of the surge arrester and match with the surge arrester
6. Select the surge arrester having porcelain creepage distance in accordance
with the environmental conditions.
7. Determine the surge arrester protection level and match with standard IEC
99 recommendations.

Some Common ratings associated with surge arresters

1. Rated Voltage: The power frequency voltage across the arrester must never
exceed its rated voltage; otherwise the arrester may not reseal and may
catastrophically fail after absorbing the energy of the surge. For effectively
earthed system: Maximum phase to earth voltage = 80% maximum line
2. Rated Current: Arresters are tested with 8/20 microsecond discharge
current waves of varying magnitudes.
3. Normal Voltage: Nominal continuous voltage that the arrester can with
stand before failing or flashover.
4. BIL: Basic Impulse Insulation Level which is the maximum impulse for a
1.2 x 50 microsecond waveform.
5. Discharge voltage: When the overvoltage impulse reaches this value, the
arrester begins To channel energy to earth.


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