Design and Verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal Modules

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Design and Verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote

Terminal Modules
L. Karthik, K.V. Ramana Reddy, Dr. Siva Yellampalli

Abstract MIL-STD-1553B is the military specification

defining a Digital Time Division Command/Response
multiplexed data bus. The 1553 data bus is a dual-redundant, 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM
bidirectional, Manchester II bi-phase encoded data bus with
high bit error reliability. All bus communications are controlled a) ENCODER
and initiated by a main Bus Controller. Remote Terminal
devices attached to the bus respond to the controllers
commands. This protocol is used for effective communication in
military and aerospace electronic systems. A remote terminal
typically consists of a Manchester encoder, Manchester decoder,
Command decoder, Command legalization and Control logic
blocks. A Remote Terminal must be capable of receiving,
decoding valid legal commands from the bus controller and
respond within a well defined time of 2 to 12 s. In this paper
design and verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal
modules namely Encoder, Decoder, Command decoder and
Command legalization is described. The design has been
implemented using Verilog HDL and has been taken through
front end of ASIC flow (viz., functional verification, lint check,

Index TermsMIL-STD-1553B, Digital Time Division

Multiplexing, Manchester II bi-phase, Remote Terminal Fig 1: Block diagram of Encoder
modules, Encoder, Decoder, Command Decoder, Command
Legalisation, Verilog HDL, ASIC design, Functional Fig 1 shows the block diagram of a Manchester encoder. The
Verification, Lint Check
protocol requires the 16-bit data to be transmitted in following
format: command or data sync occupying 3 bit times and
Manchester II bi-phase encoded occupying 17 bit times (16
Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplexed bit data and one bit of odd parity) in a 20 bit word frame as
Data Bus is defined in MIL-STD-1553B [7]. It is a shown in Fig 2.
bidirectional, dual redundant, Manchester II encoded data bus
with low bit error rate and a high reliability. MIL-STD-1553B
can be effectively used for aerospace applications and in
avionic systems because of its serial, 1 Mbps data rate, very
low error rate of 1 word fault per 10 million words, dual
redundant and high reliability. As a result of its highly robust
architecture [9], MIL-STD-1553B is used as a means of
efficient communication network in surface based launch
vehicles, submarines, surface based targets and target drones,
satellites and space systems including the present
International Space Station,. This paper discusses a method
for designing remote terminal modules of MIL-STD-1553B
namely Manchester encoder, Manchester decoder, command Fig 2: Word format of MIL-STD-1553B Encoder
decoder and command legalisation based on NRZ,
manchester II bi-phase encoding and decoding schemes. The Manchester encoding transitions at the center of the bit
design blocks are simulated and verified for their time and provide a self clocking waveform with equal positive
functionality. Linting analyzes the HDL code and reports and negative values. Logic 1 is a signal that transits from a
warnings and errors in the design as per DRC. positive level to a negative level. Logic0 is a signal that
transits from a negative level to a positive level.

L.Karthik, Student M.Tech Digital Electronics, VTU Extension Centre Manchester encoding is shown in Fig 3. Encoder uses a 2
UTL Technologies Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 9483428998,
MHz clock. At power on, reset signal is asserted for two clock
K.V.Ramana Reddy, Assistant Professor, VTU Extension Centre UTL
Technologies Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka, India cycles. When logic 1 is received on the start input of
Dr. Siva Yellampalli, Professor and Head of the dept, VLSI & encoder, it begins the manchester encoding of the 16 bit data.
Embedded Systems, VTU Extension Centre UTL Technologies Ltd,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Design and Verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal Modules

Fig 5 shows the proposed finite state machine diagram for

decoder based on the state transition tabulated in table III.

Fig 3: Manchester II Bi-Phase Level Encoding

Table I gives the description of inputs and outputs of Encoder.

Table I Input/output description of Encoder

Fig 5: Proposed FSM for decoder

b) DECODER where, S1 is rst condition

S2 is shifting state

S3 is bit capture state

S4 is cmd sync detection state

S5 is data sync detection state

S6 is error detection state

S7 is normal decoding state with no errors introduced

Table III State transition for decoder

Fig 4: Block diagram of decoder

Fig 4 shows the block diagram of decoder. It reads the

serial data from the 1553B data bus decodes it and verifies for
valid sync and data bits. Manchester encoded data is de-
serialized and the 16 bit word is decoded. Error detection viz.,
Manchester error, parity error and bit length error are also
implemented in this module. Table II gives the description of
inputs and outputs of Decoder.

Table II Input/output description of Decoder

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Fig 8:Block diagram of command legalization

Fig 8 shows the block diagram of command legalization
module. Command Legalization block contains the logic for
validating all the 1553B command words. Command word is
provided as an input and the logic generates the valid or
invalid output indicating the legality of the received
Fig 6:Block diagram of command decoder command.

Table V shows a sample register map of command

The 16 bit command consists of RT Address, Transmit or illegalisation block where all Broadcast Transmit commands
Receive, RT Sub address and Word count or Mode command are illegalised.
as shown in Fig 6.
Table V Command Illegalisation register map
Command decoder decodes the command words and also
determines whether the received command is a broadcast
command. Fig 7 shows the format of a MIL-STD-1553B
command word.

Fig 7: Format of MIL-STD-1553B Command Word

Table IV illustrates the various command word combinations

along with their respective data transfer schemes.

Table IV Command Decoding

Command Word (CW) Description
1 CW[10] = 0 Normal Data Transfer-Receive
Normal Data where I-illegal command
2 CW[10] = 1
CW[15:11] = 11111
and CW[10] = 0
Broadcast Command-Receive III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
CW[15:11] = 11111 1. SIMULATION
4 Broadcast Command-Transmit
and CW[10] = 1
CW[10] = 0 and Simulation of remote terminal modules of
5 CW[9:5] = Mode Code-Receive MIL-STD-1553B was carried out using a RTL simulator. The
11111/00000 simulation results of the various remote terminal modules of
CW[10] = 1 and MIL-STD-1553B are described in detail in the following
6 CW[9:5] = Mode Code-Transmit sections. Verification was carried out through testbenches.
CW[15:11] = 11111 and
CW[10] = 0 and Broadcast Mode
CW[9:5] = Code-Receive
11111/00000 Fig 9 illustrates the working of an encoder through a
CW[15:11] = 11111 and simple flowchart. Fig 10 shows the simulation result of
CW[10] = 1 and Broadcast Mode encoder which consists of cmd sync cycle occupying 20 bit
8 times from 0.75 s to 20.75 s and data sync cycle occupying
CW[9:5] = Code-Transmit
11111/00000 another 20 bit times from 20.75 s to 40.75 s.

Design and Verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal Modules

Tables VI and VII illustrate an example of manchester

encoding with corresponding bit times in s wherein 16 bit
input A5A5h is encoded.

Table VI Example for cmd sync cycle of encoding

Table VII Example for data sync cycle of encoding


Decoder reads the serial manchester encoded data from

the 1553B data bus and checks for valid sync and data bits as
shown in Fig 11. When the valid signal goes high decoded
data is available at the output. manchester error, parity error
or bit length error, if any are also detected.

Fig 9 Proposed flowchart for Encoder

For example A5A5h was taken as the input data. Output

of the encoder consists of either cmd/data sync occupying 3
bit times, serial manchester encoded II biphase data
occupying 16 bit times and odd parity bits occupying the last
bit time out of a 20 bit word frame as shown in Fig 10.

Fig 11: Decoder with decoded data and valid sync

i. Manchester error

Manchester error occurs when there is no transition

present in the encoding of 1 or 0. Error is introduced
through testbench by modifying the manchester encoded data
01(for data bit 0) to 00/11 or 10(for data bit 1) to 00/11 in
the serial Manchester encoded data stream. The decoder
detects this as manchester error as shown in Fig 12.

For example, if the 18th bit of serial encoded data 3A84 is

flipped from 0 to 1, invalid manchester encoding 00 is
obtained which is detected as manchester error as shown in
Fig 12.
Fig 10: Encoder with sync, manchester encoded data and

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Fig 13:Decoder with parity error

iii. Bit length error

Fig 12: Decoder with manchester error
Bit length error is detected when there are missing bits or
additional bits in the serial data on the bus. For example, if
Table VIII illustrates the introduction and detection of
the last two odd parity bits of the input 95A4H after encoding
manchester error in the serial manchester encoded data
are missing then bit length error and manchester error are
detected as illustrated in table X and is shown in Fig 14.
Table VIII Detection of manchester error
Table X Detection of bit length error

ii. Parity error

Parity error is recognized by the decoder when the

expected parity for the 16-bit data is not same as the parity bit
received in the serial data stream. Parity error detection is
tested using testbench by flipping the expected parity bit in
the serial manchester encoded data stream.

For example, the expected parity of input 7C12H is 0

and the received parity is 1, then parity error output is set
high as illustrated in table IX. It is shown in Fig 13.

Table IX Detection of parity error

Fig 14:Decoder with bit length error


Fig 15 illustrates a flowchart for the working of command

decoder. A 16 bit data input is decoded into various fields as
per the word format of command decoder as shown in fig 16
and 17.

Design and Verification of MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal Modules

For example broadcast command FA0Eh is decoded into

the following fields as shown in Fig 17:
RTAddress 11111, Broadcast 1, TX/RX 0,
mode code 0, Subaddress 10000, word count 01110


Fig 15: Proposed flowchart for Command Decoder

Fig 18: Proposed flowchart for Command Legalisation

Fig 18 illustrates a flowchart for the working of command

Fig 16:Decoding the normal data transfer commands legalisation. A 16 bit command is given as an input and
checked for its legality, based on the command illegalization
For example, normal data transfer command 38A4h is register map according to table V as shown in Fig 19 and 20.
decoded into the following fields as shown in Fig 16:
RT address 00111, Broadcast 0, Tx/Rx 0,
mode code 0, Subaddress 00101, word count 00100

Fig 19:Command legalisation simulation window

For example commands 3A84h and 3B06h are legal as

shown in Fig 19 by the cmd legal signal which is set to 1.
Fig 17: Decoding Broadcast commands

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
and verified for their functionality. Linting analyses the HDL
code and reports all the potential design rule check violation,
warnings and errors which may interfere during synthesis,
post synthesis simulation, static timing analysis and other
stages of ASIC design flow.

L.Karthik would like to express his gratitude to the director of
ISRO/ISAC for providing an opportunity to carry out this
project work.

Fig 20:Detecting an Illegal command REFERENCES

[1] A S Ancy Das, A Aravindhan and K R Lekshmi, MIL-STD-1553 bus
For example commands FB82h and FC00h are illegal as controller terminal, International Journal of Computer Engineering &
shown in Fig 20 by the cmd legal signal which is set to 0. Science, vol.4, issue 2, pp. 1-12, March 2014.
[2] Jemti Jose, An FPGA implementation of 1553 protocol controller,
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial
Management Applications, vol.6, pp 66-76, 2014.
IV. LINTING RESULTS [3] Jemti Jose, Design of manchester || bi-phase encoder for MIL-STD-1553
protocol, IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems
Linting check was carried out to detect any semantic errors in Design and Applications, pp 240-245, 2013.
the design. Table X1 mentions the error report summary [4] Suchitra Suresh, VHDL implementation of manchester encoder and
obtained using the original design. decoder, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data
Communication, vol.1, issue 2, April 2013.
[5] Tobias Schneider, Civil certification of MIL-STD-1553B, IEEE/AIAA
Table XI Summary for lint check with original design 31st Conference on Digital Avionics Systems, pp 6A4-1 6A4-9,
October 2012.
[6] Junling Tian, Kai Hu, Huiying Zhang, Jianwei Niu and Hong Jiang,
Design of MIL-STD-1553B protocol simulation system, IEEE 3rd
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and
Engineering, vol.6, pp 389-392, August 2010.
[7] MIL-STD-1553 Tutorial, AIM GmbH, Avionics data bus solutions, v
2.3, November 2010.
[8] Core 1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal, Actel
Data Sheet, advanced v 1.1, pp 1-26, February 2006.
[9] MIL-STD-1553 Tutorial, Condor Engineering, v 3.41, June 2000.

Necessary changes were made in the design to minimise ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS
the errors and they have been described in detail as follows: The following section provides the abbreviations of the
various acronyms used in this paper.
a) Non-blocking statements in a combinatorial block: This
error is eliminated by making use of blocking assignments. ASIC-Application Specific Integrated Circuit
BC-Bus Controller
b) Internally generated resets: This error is resolved by DRC-Design Rule Check
properly defining reset conditions in the design. FSM-Finite State Machine
HDL-Hardware Description Language
c) Unregistered outputs: This error is removed by Mbps-Megabit per second
registering the outputs with respect to clock. NRZ-Non Return to Zero
NS-Next State
Table XII Summary for lint check with changed design PS-Present State
RT-Remote Terminal

L.Karthik, M.Tech Digital Electronics student, UTL Technologies Ltd,

VTU Extension Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
K.V.Ramana Reddy, Assistant Professor and Internal guide, UTL
Technologies Ltd, VTU Extension Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. Siva Yellampalli, Professor and Head of the dept, VLSI &
Embedded Systems, UTL Technologies Ltd, VTU Extension Centre,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

In this paper we have discussed a method for designing the
remote terminal modules of MIL-STD-1553B namely
Encoder, Decoder, Command decoder and Command
legalization based on Manchester II bi-phase encoding and
decoding schemes. The design blocks have been simulated


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