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Questions: Gold Anomalies in Soils from North Carolina, U.S.


Enrollment No: 01-262162-020
MS Geology II

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Bahria University, Islamabad


In an environment characterized by abundant humus, gold has a tendency to

form complexes. What is the nature (chemical) of these complexes and what immediate
effect do they have on the mobility of gold?


The presence of gold in living plants and the enrichment of gold in the humus layer of
the soil, as demonstrated by Goldschmidt (1937) and by Curtin et al., (1968), suggest that gold
is dissolved and transported in soil solutions and is taken up by plants. Gold chloride ion
(AuCl4-1) traditionally has been considered to be the principal gold complex in solutions in
such environment. Apart from gold chloride, gold cyanide and thiocyanate may be the most
common gold complexes. Cyanide and thiocyanate ions are products of hydrolysis of plant
glycosides by enzymatic action (Armstrong and Armstrong, 1931; Timonin, 1941; Kingsbury,
1964). These ions have the ability to complex gold in moderately oxidizing environments
(Jacobson, 1949; Manskaya and Drozdova, 1968). Brokaw (1910), after making a comparative
study of different possible solvents of gold, concluded that mixtures of Fe(SO4)3, H2SO4, and
NaCl in concentrations common in mine waters will readily dissolve gold to form gold chloride
in the presence of manganese dioxide. The formation and stability of the gold chloride complex
in nature are restricted to very special conditions in which the acidity and chloride
concentration must be high and in which manganese dioxide must be present. These conditions
are found only in some oxidizing sulfide ore deposits. The gold chloride complex is not formed,
nor does it remain stable, in near-neutral solutions with a relatively low chloride content that
characterizes ground water and water in streams and lakes. As an example, gold precipitated
readily from a neutral solution of gold chloride when it was placed in contact with onion roots
(Shacklette et al., 1970). The experiment demonstrated that gold complexes other than gold
chloride are required for the migration of gold into plants and in streams and ground water.
Results of this study showed that gold cyanide and thiocyanate may be the most common stable
gold complexes in soils, plants, and natural waters. The gold cyanide and thiocyanate ions
remain in solution when in contact with common rocks and minerals, and they are readily taken
up by plants. The other ions studied; chloride, bromide, iodide, and thiosulfate, may form
complexes with gold which remain stable only long enough to permit some restricted
movement of gold under special conditions. Gold is mobile in the supergene environment under
certain weathering conditions. The presence of gold in plant tissues has been reported by many

investigators. Because colloidal gold is not taken up by plants, and because the simple ions
Au+1 and Au+3 cannot exist in appreciable quantities in aqueous solutions, gold must enter the
plant as a soluble complex ion. The enrichment of gold in forest humus mull and near-surface
soil also suggests that the mobility of gold as a complex ion is transitory (Lakin et al., 1974).
The following complex ions possibly play a role in the migration of gold: AuCl4-2, AuBr4-1,
AuI2-1, Au(CN)2-1, Au(CNS)4-1, and Au(S2O3)2-3 (Lakin et al., 1974).


The implication in the answer to the above question is that the various gold organic
complexes stay in the humic layer, that is, they cycle between the living and dead
vegetation. Is it possible that some may be moved out of the system, perhaps into the
groundwater and surface water environments?


Yes, the experiment carried out by Shacklette et al., (1970) showed that gold complexes
other than gold chloride are required for the migration of gold into plants and in streams and
ground water.


Accepting as fact that gold complexes with humic derived materials (thiosulfates,
cyanide, etc.) tend to be continually cycled between living and dead vegetation in North
Carolina, explain how Au values of 2 ppm can develop on a bedrock with 7 ppb Au.


The gold thiosulfate complex may be of importance in the transient solubility of gold
in the weathering cycle. Listova, Vainshtein, and Ryabinina (1966) reported that thiosulfate
and polythionates, formed during the reaction of carbonates with the products of sulfide
oxidation, are the solvents for gold. In spite of the transitory nature of the thiosulfate ion in an
oxygenated solution, they reported that gold is retained in solution for a long time, and,
therefore, such complexes have a large migration capacity.
Gold cyanide offers the most feasible form of soluble gold in soils. Gold reacts with
oxygen in the presence of the cyanide ion to form a stable complex. The presence of the cyanide
ion in soils is widespread and often of considerable concentration. Over 1,000 species of plants
are known to contain cyanogenetic substances, as do many arthropods and moths; certain fungi
release gaseous hydrogen cyanide in remarkably large volumes.
The presence of gold in humus was observed by Goldschmidt (1937) in beech humus
from a very old beech and oak forest in Germany. He suggested that a number of elements,
including gold, which enters the plant organism through the roots in soil solution which are
eventually deposited on the ground, they are immobilized and enriched in this humus layer. A
particular advantage of the mull sample is related to the usual occurrence of gold as dispersed
particles in the soil and to the tendency of particulate gold under the influence of gravity to
migrate downward in the soil and to accumulate in crevices of the underlying bedrock. In
analyzing soil, then, one must have very fine gold particles or a great amount of luck to collect
a 10-gm soil sample that contains gold. In contrast, the humus layer has acted as a reductant
and concentration medium which retains exceedingly fine gold at the surface that has been
accumulated from a large volume of soil by the tree. The relative insolubility of gold drastically
limits the portion of the total gold under the plant that is available to the plant roots. One would
expect to find easily detectable gold in the humus layer only in those areas where gold is
relatively abundant. Its detection in humus suggests the possible presence of gold ores. The
biogeochemical cycle is the prime factor in the concentration of gold in the upper layers of the
soil profiles. Gold may become enriched in the surface soil because of sheet erosion removing
lighter material. It may also become enriched by the biogeochemical cycling of gold, a process
in which gold is leached from the soil and bedrock is absorbed by the vegetation and is
eventually concentrated in the mull and upper layers of the soil as the vegetation decays. This
process is presumed to be the dominant one in those profiles in which the gold content is high
in the ash of mull.

The presence of iron ore on the surface is unfavorable because gold has a tendency to
flow with iron so the lower layer will be depleted in gold, so there will be no source for
supergene enrichment although such process is running through in that area. Also, there is the
possibility of gold might be dissolved in soil layer and taken up by the roots and leaves of
plants in the form of AuCl.


In what other geological environments, other than in the humus layers of soil, will
this process occur, that is, the formation of a gold false (for non-significant) anomaly
associated with humus or humic layer?


The high density of gold particles that permits the residual enrichment of the particles
in sheet erosion also permits their accumulation at bedrock surfaces by gravity separation in
the soil profile by much the same process as in stream sediments. When gravity separation is
combined with biochemical or erosional surface enrichment one finds soil profiles with high
gold content at both the surface and the rock bottom. When no biogeochemical or erosional
enrichment of the surface soil is occurring, the gravity effect is dominant and the soil shows
high gold content only near bedrock or at the interface with a clay pan. The distribution of gold
with particle size is a function of the completeness of the weathering of the ore. In as much as
many gold ores are emplaced with silicification, the ore may be more resistant to weathering
than are the wall rocks. In such places, fine gold may be enclosed in coarse particles in the soil.
This fact must be considered in soil or stream sampling in gold exploration (Lakin et al., 1974).


In what other geographical-climatic regions of the world would you expect this
process to occur?


Other land climates and geographical localities of the world that are containing this
process are given in the table.

Locality Climate
Rocky Mountains of Colorado High altitudes
Clear Creek, Empire district, Colorado Moist
Copper basin area of west-central Arizona Semi-arid
Cripple Creek, Colorado Moist


Brokaw, A. D., 1910. The solution of gold in the surface alterations of ore bodies: Jour.
Geology, v. 18, p. 321-326.

Curtin, G. C., Lakin, H. W., Neuerburg, G. J. and Hubert, A. E., 1968. Utilization of
humus-rich forest soil (mull) in geochemical exploration for gold: U.S. Geol. Survey
Circ. 562, 11 p.

Goldschmidt, V. M., 1937. The principles of distribution of chemical elements in

minerals and rocks: Chern. Soc. (London) Jour., p. 655-673.

Jacobson, C. A., ed., 1949. Encyclopedia of chemical reactions, v. 3: New York,

Reinhold Publishing Corp., 842 p.

Manskaya, S. M., and Drozdova, T. V., 1968. Geochemistry of organic substances

(translated and edited by Leonard Shapiro and I. A. Breger): New York, Pergamon
Press, Internat. Ser. Mon. Earth Sci., v. 28, 345 p.

Shacklette, H. T., Lakin, H. W., Hubert, A. E. and Curtin, G. C., 1970. Absorption of
gold by plants: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1314-B, 23 p.

Lakin, H. W., Curtin, G.C., and Hubert, A.E., 1974. Geochemistry of Gold in the
Weathering Cycle. U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1330, p. 1-80.

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