Version 3.5
April 2017
Executive Summary
This document describes relevant characteristics of the Spectral Indices products
derived from Landsat Surface Reflectance to facilitate use in the land remote sensing
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Example of LEDAPS atmospheric correction. Left, Top of Atmosphere (TOA)
Reflectance composite (bands 3,2,1) for Landsat-7 ETM+ image of San Francisco
Bay (July 7, 1999); Right, Surface Reflectance composite. Both images are
linearly scaled from p = 0.0 to 0.15. ....................................................................... 10
This product guide describes the characteristics of each product, as well as data access
and available user services.
Landsat 4-7 Surface Reflectance data are generated from specialized software called
Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS). LEDAPS was
originally developed through a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs)
grant by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the University of Maryland
(Masek et al., 2006). The software applies Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) atmospheric correction routines to Level-1 Landsat TM or
ETM+ data. Water vapor, ozone, geopotential height, aerosol optical thickness, and
digital elevation are input with Landsat data to Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal in
the Solar Spectrum (6S) radiative transfer models to generate Top of Atmosphere
(TOA) Reflectance, Surface Reflectance, Brightness Temperature, and masks for
clouds, cloud shadows, adjacent clouds, land, and water. The result is delivered as the
Landsat 4-7 Surface Reflectance product, the characteristics of which are described in a
separate product guide:
The LEDAPS code is maintained by the USGS Earth Resources Observation and
Science (EROS) Center as open source software and is available at LEDAPS
is implemented in the USGS EROS Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) as
fundamental input to the development of higher level data products such as burned
area, surface water extent, and snow covered area. Generation of many of these
higher level data products requires further processing of Surface Reflectance to spectral
Figure 3-1 Example of LEDAPS atmospheric correction. Left, Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance composite
(bands 3,2,1) for Landsat-7 ETM+ image of San Francisco Bay (July 7, 1999); Right, Surface Reflectance
composite. Both images are linearly scaled from p = 0.0 to 0.15.
Figure 3-2: Example of LaSRC atmospheric correction. Left, Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance composite
(bands 4,3,2) for Landsat 8 image of Northwest Washington State (October 14,2013); Right, Surface Reflectance
Details about the ESPA On Demand Interface can be found in the ESPA On-Demand
Interface User Guide:
Files acquired from ESPA will are supplied in a gzip file (.tar.gz). Unzipping this file
produces a tarball (.tar), and then will untar to GeoTIFF (.tif) (default), HDF-EOS2
(.hdf), NetCDF (.nc) or ENVI binary (.img) files. The naming convention used in
these products builds on the filenames of the Landsat original input scenes. An
example breaking down the components of a typical Landsat product is:
(e.g., LE07_L1TP_039037_20080728_20170314_01_T1_sr_ndvi.tif)
L Landsat
X Sensor (E = ETM+; T = TM)
SS Satellite (07 = Landsat 7; 05 = Landsat 5; 04 = Landsat 4)
LLLL Processing correction level (L1TP = Precision Terrain; L1GT =
Systematic Terrain; L1GS = Systematic)
PPP Path
YYYY Year of acquisition
MM Month of acquisition
DD Day of acquisition
yyyy Year of processing
mm Month of processing
dd Day of processing
CX Collection number (01, 02, etc.)
TX Collection category (RT = Real-Time; T1 = Tier 1; T2 = Tier 2)
prod Product, such as toa or sr
band Band, such as band<1-7>, qa, or spectral index.
ext File format extension, such as tif, tfw, xml, hdf, hdr, nc, or img
(NIR - R) / (NIR + R)
In Landsat 4-7,
NDVI = (Band 4 Band 3) / (Band 4 + Band 3).
In Landsat 8,
NDVI = (Band 5 Band 4) / (Band 5 + Band 4).
NDVI is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
In Landsat 8,
EVI = 2.5 * ((Band 5 Band 4) / (Band 5 + 6 * Band 4 7.5 * Band 2 + 1)).
EVI is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Enhanced Vegetation Index
Short Name LC8EVI, LE7EVI, LT5EVI, or LT4EVI
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
In Landsat 4-7,
SAVI = ((Band 4 Band 3) / (Band 4 + Band 3 + 0.5)) * (1.5).
In Landsat 8,
SAVI = ((Band 5 Band 4) / (Band 5 + Band 4 + 0.5)) * (1.5).
SAVI is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
In Landsat 4-7,
MSAVI = (2 * Band 4 + 1 sqrt ((2 * Band 4 + 1)2 8 * (Band 4 Band 3))) / 2.
In Landsat 8,
MSAVI = (2 * Band 5 + 1 sqrt ((2 * Band 5 + 1)2 8 * (Band 5 Band 4))) / 2.
MSAVI is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of
all associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
In Landsat 4-7,
NDMI = (Band 4 Band 5) / (Band 4 + Band 5).
In Landsat 8,
NDMI = (Band 5 Band 6) / (Band 5 + Band 6).
NDMI is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
In Landsat 4-7,
NBR = (Band 4 Band 7) / (Band 4 + Band 7).
In Landsat 8,
NBR = (Band 5 Band 7) / (Band 5 + Band 7).
NBR is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Normalized Burn Ratio
Short Name LC8NBR, LE7NBR, LT5NBR, or LT4NBR
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
In Landsat 4-7,
NBR2 = (Band 5 Band 7) / (Band 5 + Band 7).
NBR2 is a single band product specified as shown in the table below. A full listing of all
associated metadata fields is found in Appendix D.
Attribute Value
Long Name Normalized Burn Ratio 2
Short Name LC8NBR2, LE7NBR2, LT5NBR2, or LT4NBR2
Data Type Signed 16-bit Integer
Units Spectral Index (Band Ratio)
Valid Range -10,000 10,000
Fill Value -9999
Saturate Value 20,000
Scale Factor *0.0001
Table 6-8 Pixel Quality Assurance (pixel_qa) for Landsat 4-5 and Landsat 7
Bit Value Cumulative Sum Interpretation
0 1 1 Fill
1 2 3 Clear
2 4 7 Water
3 8 15 Cloud shadow
4 16 31 Snow
5 32 63 Cloud
Cloud Confidence
6 64 127 00 = None
01 = Low
7 128 255 10 = Medium
11 = High
8 256 511 Unused
9 512 1023 Unused
10 1024 2047 Unused
11 2048 4095 Unused
12 4096 8191 Unused
13 8192 16383 Unused
14 16384 32767 Unused
15 32786 65553 Unused
Landsat Spectral Indices products courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey Earth
Resources Observation and Science Center.
Masek, J.G., Vermote, E.F., Saleous, N., Wolfe, R., Hall, F.G., Huemmrich, F., Gao, F.,
Kutler, J., and Lim, T.K. (2006). A Landsat surface reflectance data set for North
America, 1990-100, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 3:68-72.
Vermote, E., Justice, C., Claverie, M., & Franch, B. (2016). Preliminary analysis of the
performance of the Landsat 8/OLI land surface reflectance product. Remote Sensing of
Environment, 185, 46-56.
Reprints or citations of papers or oral presentations based on USGS data are welcome
at the User Services addresses included in this guide. Such cooperation will help USGS
stay informed of how the data are being used.
The original Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) algorithm was developed by
Dr. Eric Vermote, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
User support is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Central
Time. Inquiries received outside of these hours will be addressed during the next
business day.
Claverie, M., Vermote, E. F., Franch, B., and Masek, J. G. (2015). Evaluation of the
Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ surface reflectance products. Remote Sensing of
Environment 169:390-403.
Jones, J. W., Starbuck, M. J., and Jenkerson, C. B. (2013). Landsat surface reflectance
quality assurance extraction (version 1.7) (No. 11-C7). US Geological Survey.
Ju, J., Roy, D. P., Vermote, E., Masek, J., and Kovalskyy, V. (2012). Continental-scale
validation of MODIS-based and LEDAPS Landsat ETM+ atmospheric correction
methods. Remote Sensing of Environment 122:175-184.
Maiersperger, T., Scaramuzza, P., Leigh, L., Shrestha, S., Gallo, K., Jenkerson, C., and
Dwyer, J. (2013). Characterizing LEDAPS surface reflectance products by
comparisons with AERONET, field spectrometer, and MODIS data. Remote Sensing
of Environment 136:1-13.
Masek, J.G., Huang, C., Wolfe, R., Cohen, W., Hall, F., Kutler, J., and Nelson, P.
(2008). North American forest disturbance mapped from a decadal Landsat record.
Remote Sensing of Environment 112:2914-2926.
Masek, J.G., Vermote, E.F., Saleous N.E., Wolfe, R., Hall, F.G., Huemmrich, K.F., Gao,
F., Kutler, J., and Lim, T-K. (2006). A Landsat surface reflectance dataset for North
America, 19902000. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 3(1):68-72.
Schmidt, G.L., Jenkerson, C.B., Masek, J., Vermote, E., and Gao, F. (2013). Landsat
ecosystem disturbance adaptive processing system (LEDAPS) algorithm description:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 20131057, 17 p.
Vermote, E. F., and Kotchenova, S. (2008). Atmospheric correction for the monitoring of
land surfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (19842012)
Vermote, E.F., El Saleous, N., Justice, C.O., Kaufman, Y.J., Privette, J.L., Remer, L.,
Roger, J.C., and Tanre, D. (1997). Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared
EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces: Background, operational algorithm, and
validation. Journal of Geophysical Research 102:17131-17141.
Vermote, E., Justice, C., Claverie, M., & Franch, B. (2016). Preliminary analysis of the
performance of the Landsat 8/OLI land surface reflectance product. Remote Sensing
of Environment, 185, 46-56.
Zhu, Z. and Woodcock, C. E. (2012). Object-based cloud and cloud shadow detection in
Landsat imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment 118:83-94.
NOTE: A Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 1 product ID is used only as an example. Landsat 4-5 TM and
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS files have similar characteristics.
NOTE: An .img file is included for each Science Data Set within an HDF file because each
band is stored as an external SDS.
NOTE: A Landsat 4 TM product ID is used only as an example. Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, and
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS files have similar characteristics.
<solar_angles zenith="24.733788" azimuth="131.660614" units="degrees"/>
<wrs system="2" path="43" row="31"/>
<corner location="UL" latitude="42.801350" longitude="-120.700400"/>
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