5G Channel Coding PDF
5G Channel Coding PDF
5G Channel Coding PDF
(Invited paper)
rate at a high SNR. However, the transmit power is limited in Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) in Europe and
practical wireless communication systems as follows: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in US play quite
important role in the decision making process in the ITU.
SNR > 2 1. (3) They build a regional consensus even if there are national
representatives in ITU meetings. Secondly, after spectrum
A low code rate provides us with a low bit error rate (BER) allocation for a certain service, the ITU may label certain
but redundancy is increased. Thus, a high order modulation allocations for a certain technology and determine the
scheme and a low code rate can be used only when channel requirements for the technology. For the requirements some
condition is good. standardization bodies such as the 3rd Generation Partnership
In many cellular systems, the spectral efficiency is adopted in Project (3GPP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
order to evaluate how efficiently the bandwidth is utilized. Engineers (IEEE) make their contributions to the ITU, where
The spectral efficiency of cellular systems (1G to 4G) has they guarantee that their technology will meet the
been increased as shown in table 1. requirements. The actual technology is specified in the internal
standardization such as 3GPP and IEEE. Some standards are
Table 1. Spectral efficiency of cellular systems. established in the regional level. The regulators are
3G responsible for spectrum licensing and protection.
2G (CDMA200 4G The ITUs Radio communication Sector (ITU-R) Working
Party 5D has the leading role and plans to deploy the 5G
system in 2020 [5]. The 3GPP also plans to enhance LTE
system and meet the 5G requirements of ITU [6]. The 5G
Max link 4.08
spectral (SISO)/ target of the 3GPP is to (1) improve LTE capacity and
0.001 0.52 2.5
efficiency 16.32 (44 performance and (2) address a new business segment. The 5G
[bits/s/Hz] MIMO) timeline of ITU and 3GPP is summarized in figure 1.
As we can see in table 1, spectral efficiencies from 1G to 4G 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
have been significantly improved. Especially, there was a big Report Proposal
5G Specifications
Tech Perf
jump from 1G to 2G. The role of coding and modulation Tech
techniques was significant. In addition, Multiple Input and Evaluation
Recommendation Eval criteria and
Multiple Output (MIMO) techniques are key techniques in 4G Vision method Consensus building
systems. The importance of MIMO techniques will be
emphasized in 5G systems. In order to achieve high spectral
efficiency (Beyond 5 bits/s/Hz), the integrated version of 5G Rel 13
system and Satcom needs a new type of channel coding (Public safty, Push-to-
The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows: In
section II, we look into 5G standardization plan and
Fig. 1. 5G timeline of ITU-R and 3GPP.
requirements of industry and academia and take a look at
Satcoms role in 5G systems. In section III, candidate channel
coding schemes for 5G and Satcom systems are introduced. In B. 5G Requirements
section IV, their performances are evaluated. Finally, section In [7], 5G system requirements are presented. The data rate
V contains the conclusion. needs to increase by roughly 1000 times from 4G to 5G. The
data traffic needs to increase by 10000 times. The 5G edge
rate (or 5% rate) ranges from 100 Mbps to as much as 1Gbps.
II. 5G SYSTEM AND SATCOMS ROLE The 5G needs to support a roundtrip latency of about 1 ms.
In this section, we discuss 5G system standardization and More than 10 to 100 times higher number of connected
requirements and then look into the role of Satcom in 5G devices are anticipated in 5G system. The energy efficiency
systems. (Joules per bit) needs to fall by at least 100 times. In addition,
accurate positioning of the devices, strong level of security,
A. 5G Standardization.
smooth mobility between different types of radio access
The 5G standardization and regulation will be developed as networks, and flexible and very dense deployments are
follows: Firstly, the international regulator such as the required. There are other views of 5G requirements from
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) defines the industry and academia as shown in table 2.
spectrum allocation for 5G services. The regional regulatory
bodies such as European Conference of Postal and
23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Recursive Systematic Constituent (CRSC) codes with two 16QAM). However, the decoding complexity remains a major
inputs. Its information bits are encoded pair wise. CRSC obstacle for their commercial applications.
encoders do not need any tail bits.
C. Other Candidate Channel Codes
In [18], many advantages of duo-binary turbo codes are
described as follows: (1) better convergence, (2) larger In this section, we briefly take a look at two other candidate
minimum distances, (3) less sensitivity to puncturing patterns, channel codes: Sparse Regression Codes and Polar Codes.
(4) reduced latency and (5) robustness of the decoder. Sparse Regression Codes [24] as a new class of codes for
Especially, the decoder of duo-binary turbo codes can be Gaussian multi-terminal source and channel coding are
implemented much simply because the gap between MAP designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional
algorithm and its simplified version as component decoders is linear regression. They are rate-optimal codes with low
very small. Above all things, it is very well matched with a complexity for compression and transmission. They are
high order modulation [19]. They are already adopted into suitable for cooperative communications.
several standards as shown in table 3. Polar codes [25] are first constructive coding to provably
achieve channel capacity using Kronecker product. Its
Table 3. Turbo codes and duo-binary turbo codes in standards. characteristic can be summarized as follows: (1) the block
Type of length of a polar code is normally a power of two but the code
Standard Code Rates Polynomials Termination length can be adjusted by usual code shortening methods, (2)
Turbo Codes
the rate of a polar code can be adjusted to any number
(UMTS and Turbo codes
1/2, 1/3 and
13,15,17 Tail bits between 0 and 1 in increments of 1/N, (3) polar codes are
1/4 available in systematic form. (4) polar codes have a recursive
structure which makes them suitable for low-complexity
4G Duo-binary
(WiMAX) Turbo codes
1/2 ~ 7/8 13, 15 Circular implementations and (5) polar codes have no error floor.
1/3 ~ 6/7 13, 15 Circular IV. SIMULATION
Turbo code
In this section, the performances of duo-binary turbo codes
CCSDS Turbo codes
1/2, 1/3, 1/4
23, 33, 25, 37 Tail bits and non-binary LDPC codes are investigated. In the first
and 1/6
simulation, the frame error rate (FER) performance of duo-
binary turbo code is investigated. Simulation configuration is
as follows: 8-state duo-binary convolutional turbo codes,
B. LDPC and Non-binary LDPC
Max-log-MAP decoding, frame size 8000, 10 iterations and
In 1962, R. Gallager [20] originally invented LDPC codes in
his PhD thesis. However, the LDPC codes didnt get attention
until D.J.C Mackay and R.M. Neal [21] rediscovered because 0
the turbo codes achieve near Shannon limit and try to find
23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)