Hardware Implementation of Adaptive System Identification: Kusha Tyagi

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015

Hardware Implementation of Adaptive System

Kusha Tyagi

Abstract In this paper, we present a semicustom design for a

FPGA implementation of a Adaptive filter. We refer delayed For each input sample, the algorithm computes the FIR filter
least means square (DLMS) adaptive algorithm to accomplish output considering noise in it, calculate the error by difference
lower adaptation-delay. We have use single precision floating between the computed output and the desired response , and
point (IEEE 754 standard) data format for all inner-product makes use of that difference to update the filter weights in
each cycle. During the n-th iteration, LMS algorithm updates
Besides, we have proposed an efficient pipelined architecture
for the implementation of this adaptive filter. We have shown the weights as follows:
that the proposed DLMS adaptive filter can be implemented by
a pipelined inner-product computation unit for calculation of W(n+1) = w(n) + e(n) x(n) (1)
feedback error, and a pipelined weight-update unit for filter where
order N. e(n) = y(n) yeff(n) (2)
y(n) = hT(n)*x(n)
Index Terms FIR, LMS, Floating point. yeff(n) = wT (n) *x(n) (3)

x(n) is the input vector for basic FIR, h(n) is coefficient and
I. INTRODUCTION w(n) is the weight vector of an Nth order LMS adaptive filter
Adaptive digital filters are extensively used in many DSP at the nth iteration, respectively, y(n) is the desired response
applications, such as, noise and echo abolition, system and yeff(n) is the adaptive filter output of the nth iteration.
identification, and channel equalization etc. [1]. Most of these e(n) is the error in the nth iteration which is used to update the
applications involve real-time adaptive filtering, and weights, and is the convergence-factor(0.15).
therefore, they require to be realized through dedicated VLSI The DLMS algorithm, instead of using the recent-most
systems. The LMS-based FIR adaptive filter is the most feedback-error e(n) equivalent to the n-th iteration for
trendy one due to its inherent simplicity and satisfactory updating the filter weights, it uses the delayed error e(n), i.e.
convergence performance [2]. The straight-forward the error equivalent to (n)-th iteration for updating the current
implementation of LMS adaptive filter involves a large weight. The weight-update equation of DLMS algorithm is
critical-path. Therefore, for adaptive filtering of input signal given by
with high sampling-frequency, it is necessary to decrease the W(n+1) = w(n) + .e(n).x(n) (4)
critical-path by pipelined implementation. Since the where m is the adaptation-delay. The structure of
conventional LMS algorithm does not support pipelined conventional delayed LMS adaptive filter is shown in Fig. 1.
execution due its recursive behavior, it is modified to a form It can be seen that the adaptation-delay m is the number of
called delayed LMS algorithm [3], which supports pipelined cycles required for the error corresponding to any given
execution. A lot of work has been done to execute the delayed sampling instant to become available to the weight adaptation
LMS algorithm to increase the maximum usable frequency. circuit.
In this paper, we propose a VHDL implementation of
modified DLMS algorithm and a new architecture for
high-speed adaptive filtering with very low adaptation-delay.
The proposed architecture involves three pipelined blocks: (i)
Basic FIR circuit which may cause noise, (ii) one for the
calculating error, (iii) and the other for weight-redefine. The
subtraction of FIR and adaptive circuit generate error which is
minimized by weight updating, and realized by a pipelined
inner-product unit.

The multiplications and additions involved in weight updating

are single precision floating point multiplier and adder. It is
set up to be more efficient in terms of power-delay product
and area-delay product compared with the existing design,
besides, it is easily scalable for higher order filters.

Kusha Tyagi, M.Tech. Student, MNIT, Jaipur, India.

Fig. 1 Structure of conventional delayed LMS adaptive filter.

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Hardware Implementation of Adaptive System Identification


Figure 3: Error square as of function of iteration

The error is calculated for random generation of 500 inputs

with the help of the equation error=y-yeff where y is the
output of the fir filter and yeff is the output of adaptive filter.
Fig. 2 Proposed design of adaptive filter

System Identification is a task of identifying an existing

unknown system by an appropriate model. The unknown
system is FIR filter, the appropriated model is adaptive filter.
The basic operation involves three processes
1. Filtering process produces an output signal in
response to a given input signal.
2. Adaptation process aims to adjust the filter
parameters (filter transfer function) to the (possibly
time-varying) environment.
3. Weight update process to calculate require
coefficient for minimizing the error.
Figure 4 : Mean Square Error



LMS is the most widely used algorithm. The key feature of the
LMS algorithm is its simplicity. It requires neither
measurement of the correlation function, nor matrix inversion
.It uses Mean Square Error (MSE) as a criterion. LMS uses a
step size parameter, input signal and the difference of desired
signal and filter output signal to frequently calculate the
update of the filter coefficients set.
The choice of the step-size parameter and the order of the
filter effectively determine the performance of LMS. When
the filter taps are increased, this improves the convergent
performance of LMS algorithm, but every tap (in structure of
LMS adaptive filter) costs two more multipliers and two more
adders. However, this will increase the area needed and
decrease the maximum frequency of the design. So, balance is Figure 5 : Response matching
required between the convergent performance and the amount
of hardware used effectively. Unfortunately, there is no clear
mathematical analysis to derive the exact quantities. Only V. CHALLENGES OF HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
through experiments may a reasonable solution be obtained. In matlab implementation we found all coefficient, input
In order to select appropriate step size and filter order, and output are real number and in vhdl real number is not
MATLAB simulation of LMS algorithm is carried out. Based synthesisable.
on the simulation results the adaptive parameters obtained Data of 500 input should be same as MatLab for
will be applied to the hardware implementation process of comparision.
LMS algorithm.

78 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
Approach This LMS algorithm will update the weights of adaptive filter
To overcome above mention issue we have used single in such a way so that the output of both adaptive filter as well
precision 32 bit floating point representation for all data, input as fir filter will almost be same and error will be minimized.
and output. And for synchronizing inputs with matlab we have
used file handling text io commands of vhdl.


The single-precision number is 32 bit wide. The single

precision number has three main fields that are sign, exponent
and mantissa. The 24-bit mantissa (the leading one is implicit)
can approximately represent a 7-digit decimal number, while
an 8-bit exponent to an implied base of 2 provides a scale
factor with a reasonable range. Thus, a total of 32 Bit is
needed for single-precision number representation. To
achieve a bias equal to 2 n1 1 is added to the actual
Figure 7: Designed system of Implementation
exponent in order to obtain the stored exponent. This equals
127 for an eight-bit exponent of the single-precision format.
The addition of bias allows the use of an exponent in the range
from 127 to +128, corresponding to a range of 0-255 for
singleprecision number. The single-precision format offers a
range from 2 127 to 2 +127, which is equivalent to 10 38 to 10

Sign: 1-bit wide and used to denote the sign of the number i.e.
0 indicate positive number and 1 represent negative number.
Exponent: 8-bit wide and signed exponent in excess-127
Mantissa: 23-bit wide and fractional component

Sign Exponent Mantissa

Figure 8: Simulation Result of Xilinx
8 Bits 23 Bits


1 bit 8 bits 23 bits

Input Error in Error in
1 0.3587 -0.0881 -0.0721
2 0.4205 -0.4304 -0.1983
We have generated 500 random inputs from Matlab (discrete 3 0.2508 -0.3247 -0.2985
value) , the real numbers both positive & negative for input &
500 for noise. We have changed the 500 inputs from real to 4 -0.2144 -0.0528 -0.0510
floating point numbers with the help of Matlab code. These
500 floating point inputs and noise value are saved in text file. 5 0.2968 0.1730 0.0987
With the help of File handling inputs from text file are
inserted into separate rom for input and noise. 6 -0.3572 0.3665 0.2246
The inputs from rom are getting inserted into FIR filter as well
7 0.0046 0.0547 0.0313
as to the adaptive filter.we will get the output from fir filter
named y. 8 0.1107 0.0118 0.0014
To assume system noise we add the contents of noise stored in
rom to y and store the results in another rom. 9 0.2038 0.1586 0.0812
The same inputs in rom are also going to adaptive filter .The
output of adaptive filter is yeff. So error is generated as 10 -0.1167 0.0635 0.0417
This error is used to update the weights of adaptive filter with
the help of the LMS equation. Table 1- Comparison of MatLab and VHDL error(for first 10
W(n+1) = w(n) + e(n) x(n) inputs)

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Hardware Implementation of Adaptive System Identification






Error in MatLab Error in VHDL

Fig 9 Graphical representation of comparison of error


The MatLab implementation of System identification

Adaptive Filter is carried out along with VHDL
implementation. This system is capable to identify coefficient
and minimize the effect of noise and error, and provides
desire output. The coefficient recalculated by LMS algorithm
which is quite faster than other algorithms.

ALGORITHMS, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication
Engineering (IOSR-JECE) ISSN: 2278-2834-, ISBN: 2278-8735, PP:
TG. MURE ROMNIA, 15 -16 November 2007
[3] A High-Speed FIR Adaptive Filter Architecture using a Modified
Delayed LMS Algorithm-4244-9474-3/11/ 2011 IEEE
USING vhdlinternational Journal of Advances in Engineering &
Technology, Jan. 2013. IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963
[5] Design and implementation of efficient 32-bit floating point
multiplier using Verilog International Journal Of Engineering And
Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2013 Page
No. 2098-210

Kusha Tyagi is doing M.Tech. from MNIT, Jaipur.

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