Nejm Varicella
Nejm Varicella
Nejm Varicella
original article
The introduction of universal varicella vaccination in 1995 has substantially reduced From the Centers for Disease Control and
varicella-related morbidity and mortality in the United States. However, it remains Prevention, Atlanta (S.S.C., P.G., J.X.Z.,
D.G., J.F.S.); and the Los Angeles County
unclear whether vaccine-induced immunity wanes over time, a condition that may Department of Health Services, Los An-
result in increased susceptibility later in life, when the risk of serious complications geles (R.C., L.M.). Address reprint requests
may be greater than in childhood. to Dr. Chaves at the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd.,
NE, Mailstop A-47, Atlanta, GA 30333, or at
We examined 10 years (1995 to 2004) of active surveillance data from a sentinel
N Engl J Med 2007;356:1121-9.
population of 350,000 subjects to determine whether the severity and incidence of Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
breakthrough varicella (with an onset of rash >42 days after vaccination) increased
with the time since vaccination. We used multivariate logistic regression to adjust
for the year of disease onset (calendar year) and the subjects age at both disease
onset and vaccination.
A total of 11,356 subjects were reported to have varicella during the surveillance
period, of whom 1080 (9.5%) had breakthrough disease. Children between the ages
of 8 and 12 years who had been vaccinated at least 5 years previously were signifi-
cantly more likely to have moderate or severe disease than were those who had been
vaccinated less than 5 years previously (risk ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval [CI],
1.2 to 5.8). The annual rate of breakthrough varicella significantly increased with
the time since vaccination, from 1.6 cases per 1000 person-years (95% CI, 1.2 to 2.0)
within 1 year after vaccination to 9.0 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, 6.9 to 11.7) at
5 years and 58.2 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, 36.0 to 94.0) at 9 years.
A second dose of varicella vaccine, now recommended for all children, could improve
protection from both primary vaccine failure and waning vaccine-induced immunity.
he implementation of a universal Me thods
varicella vaccination program in the United
States in 1995 has resulted in a substantial Study Design
reduction in morbidity, mortality, and health care The Varicella Active Surveillance Project has been
costs associated with the disease.1-5 Despite this described previously.1 Briefly, since January 1995,
success, however, outbreaks of varicella continue to enhanced community-based surveillance for var-
occur, mostly in highly vaccinated school commu- icella has been conducted among a population of
nities.6-8 Several studies of these school outbreaks 350,000 persons in Antelope Valley, California,
have suggested that the time since vaccination a well-defined area 40 miles northeast of Los An-
may be associated with the risk of breakthrough geles. The population is predominantly white
varicella.6-10 It has been hypothesized that exog- (80%); of these persons, about 30% describe them-
enous reexposure to the virus may be needed to selves as Hispanic. The surveillance system com-
boost humoral and cellular immunity to varicella prises 300 reporting sites, which include child
zoster virus (VZV).11 As the incidence of varicella care centers, public and private schools, physicians
has decreased, so have the opportunities for com- in private practice, health maintenance organiza-
munity exposure to varicella needed to boost vac- tions, and public health clinics. Sites report on
cine-induced immunity. However, these investi- varicella every 2 weeks, regardless of whether a
gations of small outbreaks were not sufficiently subject with disease has been identified. Local
powerful to conclude that immunity to varicella personnel conduct a structured telephone inter-
wanes after vaccination. view with all subjects (or their parents or guard-
Serologic studies have indicated that the result ians) to collect demographic, clinical, and epidemi
of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for a ologic data. Vaccination status is determined by
specific level of immunity to varicella (VZV glyco- a parental report of the childs vaccination record.
protein antigen of 5 units per milliliter) is an Since 1997, at least 80% of parental reports have
approximate correlate of protection against vari- been verified with health care providers or school
cella. On the basis of the results of this assay, records. The number of doses of varicella vaccine
studies have shown that about 15% of children that are administered each month has also been
receiving one dose of varicella vaccine do not have collected since 1995. We estimated that from 1995
levels of antibody that protect them from acquir- to 2004, on the basis of capturerecapture tech-
ing disease.12 This finding is compatible with niques, the annual reporting of varicella among
postlicensure studies indicating that one dose of children between the ages of 2 and 18 years was
varicella vaccine is about 80 to 85% effective approximately 70% complete (range, 66 to 84).
against any disease presentation.6-8,13-15 Thus, 15 Our study was evaluated by officials at the Cen-
to 20% of vaccinated children are at risk for vari- ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and
cella if they are exposed to VZV, either because the collaborating institutions. It was deemed that
they had no immune response or because vacci- we did not need to obtain individual informed
nation provided only partial protection. consent from the subjects.
Waning of immunity after varicella vaccina-
tion in terms of measurable antibodies has been Definitions of Disease
demonstrated to occur in health care workers.16 We defined a case of varicella as an acute onset of
To assess whether vaccine-induced immunity to a diffuse maculopapularvesicular rash without
varicella wanes, we used 10 years of data from a another apparent cause. We defined breakthrough
community-based active surveillance site to look varicella as a rash that developed more than 42
at the independent effect of the time since vac- days after the subject had been vaccinated with
cination on the severity and incidence of break- the live attenuated VZV vaccine Oka/Merck (Vari
through varicella. Waning of immunity is of par- vax, Merck). Since the vaccine itself may cause
ticular public health interest because it may rash, we excluded subjects with varicella who had
result in increased susceptibility later in life, when been vaccinated within the previous 42 days. We
the risk of severe complications may be greater categorized the severity of disease as either mild
than that in childhood. (<50 lesions) or moderate to severe (50 lesions).
then adjusted for the age at disease onset and
2004 1995
No. of Subjects with Varicella
<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Age (yr)
No. of Subjects with Varicella
40 Vaccinated
<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Age (yr)
Figure 2. Age Distribution of Subjects with Varicella in 1995 and 2004 and According to Vaccination Status in 2004.
Panel A shows a shift in age distribution over the decade from 1995 to 2004. Panel B shows the shift in age distribution according to
vaccination status in 2004.
FIGURE: 2 of 3 2nd
of age or younger accounted
CASE for only 30% of all to vaccination Revised status. The frequency of moderate-
Line 4-C
cases of varicella in the surveillance
ARTIST: tv area. Among to-severeSIZEdisease increased with increasing age
H/T H/T 39p6
vaccinated children, disease
Enon frequency peaked Combobe- regardless of vaccination status. Moderate-to-
tween the ages of 6 and 9 years, AUTHOR,
among NOTE:severe disease among vaccinated subjects increased
unvaccinated children, theFigure
peakhas been redrawn and type has been reset.
occurred between in frequency from 22% among children between
Please check carefully.
the ages of 9 and 12 years (Fig. 2B). the ages of 1 and 7 years to 44% among those 13
JOB: 35611 years
ISSUE: of age or older (P<0.001 by the chi-square
Severity of Disease test for trend) (Table 1). Among vaccinees, the
In univariate analysis, we assessed various factors frequency of moderate-to-severe disease increased
associated with the severity of varicella according from 18% in the period from 1995 to 1998 to
Table 1. Factors Associated with the Severity of Varicella According to Vaccination Status.*
31% in the period from 2001 to 2004 (P<0.001). disease among both vaccinated and unvaccinated
Among unvaccinated subjects, the increased per- children was associated with the reporting source.
centage of subjects with moderate-to-severe dis- Health care providers were somewhat more like
ease was noticeable only during the period from ly to report cases of moderate-to-severe disease
2001 to 2004. Vaccinated children with 50 or more than were parents (Table 1).
lesions were twice as likely to have complications The final logistic-regression model for the un
such as pneumonia, ataxia, and skin superinfec- vaccinated group included the subjects age at the
tion as were those with fewer than 50 lesions onset of disease, the year of disease onset (calen-
(P=0.03 by Fishers exact test) (data not shown). dar year), and the reporting source. Among un-
When assessed according to the time since vaccinated subjects, the age at disease onset was
vaccination, the frequency of moderate-to-severe the only independent predictor of disease se
disease among vaccinated children increased 1.4 verity (Table 2). As compared with infants, sub-
times among those who had been vaccinated 5 or jects who were 13 years of age or older were 2.2
more years previously, as compared with those times as likely to have moderate-to-severe disease
who had been vaccinated less than 5 years previ- (P<0.001).
ously (33% vs. 23%, P<0.001) (Table 1). Vaccina- In the vaccinated group, the time since vacci-
tion at the age of 6 years or older was also associ- nation, the age at vaccination, and the age at dis
ated with moderate-to-severe disease, as compared ease onset were identified as collinear predictors
with vaccination during the first or second year for severity and could not be simultaneously in-
(P=0.004). The frequency of moderate-to-severe cluded in the logistic-regression model. There-
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