Health Information Systems in The Private Health Sector
Health Information Systems in The Private Health Sector
Health Information Systems in The Private Health Sector
Patrick Matshidzei
Lyn Hanmer ii
Health Information Systems
in the Private Health Sector
This chapter provides an overview of health information systems in the private health sector
from a legislative and operational perspective, highlighting the duality of the South African
health care system, which is also reflected in the health information system.
The chapter explores data sources, data quality and collection processes as well as the
minimum data set, which focuses primarily on access, utilisation, cost and quality of health
care services. The role of health care providers, intermediaries such as data transmission
companies, medical schemes and administrators in the flow of information in the private
sector is also outlined.
The Risk Equalisation Fund process highlights the implications of legislative reform on health
information systems specifically, data requirements, data collection processes, and system
requirements. Inherent in any health information system is the need to protect personal
health information and this is dealt with in the context of confidentiality focusing on the
adequacy of legislation, and processes and practices of different stakeholders with regards
to personal health information.
A health information system is an integral component of The focus of this chapter is restricted to the health information
any health care system. It provides the context within which system in the private health sector. The emphasis is on the
data collection, processing, analysis and reporting of health medical schemes environment, which is the major compo-
information takes place and facilitates the development nent of the private health sector and how it interconnects
of appropriate health care indicators for monitoring and with the public sector.
evaluating the performance of the health care system. In
The chapter provides an overview of the information flow
South Africa the emphasis of the health information system across various stakeholders including: health care providers;
development and implementation strategy has largely been data transmission companies; managed care organisa-
on the public sector rather than on the private sector as tions; medical schemes; and administrators. It also highlights
per government strategy on health information systems. As developments in the standardisation of coding structures,
a consequence, health information systems in both sectors including the ICD-10. At the same time it delves into the
have developed in different directions, with private sector implications of the intended Risk Equalisation Fund (REF) on
health information systems focusing more on commercial health information needs and the extent of integration of the
aspects such as reimbursement and development of clinical public and private health information systems. In addition,
and managed care interventions. the chapter explores the adequacy of legislation, processes
and practices relating to confidentiality of patient health
Box 1: Policy, strategy and legislation relevant to health information systems development
1998: Medical Schemes Act (Act 131 of 1998) 4
In terms of section 7, the Council for Medical Schemes shall: (b) control and coordinate the functioning of medical schemes in
a manner that is complementary with the national health policy, (c) make recommendations to the Minister on the criteria for
measurement of quality and outcomes of the relevant health services provided for by medical schemes, and such other serv-
ices as the Council may determine from time to time, and (e) collect and disseminate information about private health care.
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
evaluation of policies, programmes and performance of the Secondary data
health care system. Further, it facilitates and ensures improve-
Clinical information: collected through claims submitted
ments in the quality and comparability of data.
by health care providers to medical schemes for
access to benefits and reimbursement; claims usually
Processes for collection of health contain clinical, financial and administrative informa-
information tion. Clinical data are also collected through managed
care entities.
The process for the collection of data on health care also
differs according to the various role players. The typical Quarterly and annual statutory returns to the CMS:
processes for the collection of primary and secondary data aggregate information on expenditure on health
include: care providers, cost of health care, utilisation of serv-
ices, demographic profiles, and related financial and
Primary data administrative information.
Patient information: collected during consultation with Demographic and risk factor data for the REF: clinical,
health care providers for medical records. demographic and financial information is collected
from medical schemes.
Medical scheme beneficiary information: collected
through application forms and includes demographic
information, socio-economic information, medical and Transmission of health information
administrative information.
Large volumes of data are transmitted by the private sector
Provider information:
on a daily basis. Data generated at the health care provider
- collected through the Health Professions Council of
level is transmitted to a medical scheme for reimbursement,
South Africa (HPCSA) and includes data on regis-
either electronically through practice management software
tered health care practitioners.
systems or by paper claims. Figure 1 shows the data trans-
- collected through the practice code numbering mission flow from the health care provider to the medical
system (PCNS) and contains demographic, profes- scheme. The figure also highlights a proposal on the future
sional and business information on health care end-point of all health information collected by the different
providers, which allows for an assessment of the role players in the public and private sector, which is an
distribution of private health care providers in the accessible centralised data base of all health information to
country. be run and managed by the DoH. The perceived benefit of
Regular surveys and censuses conducted by various this data base would be to provide information on all health
public and private sector stakeholders. care matters in the country.
Managed care
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
When a claim is transmitted electronically from a health care Quality of health information
provider to a data transmission company, it is adequately
assessed for conformance to the requirements (accuracy The quality of health information is critical for analytical and
and completeness) of individual medical schemes. This proper decision making by all role players. Therefore it is
process also allows for an assessment of the adequacy imperative to ensure that appropriate standards of data
of benefits entitlement of the medical scheme beneficiary. quality are maintained. This requires a balance between
There is however a standard legislative format that regulates the production of good quality data and the costs (admin-
the type and content of information in a claim. This standard istrative, financial and personnel) associated with producing
is outlined in Regulation 5 of the Medical Schemes Act (Act such data.
131 of 1998) and defines the minimum set of administrative,
Currently, there are no government or independent agen-
clinical and cost information that is required for a claim to be
cies with clearly defined and well coordinated strategies
reimbursable by a medical scheme.
for assessing the quality of health information in the private
In turn, medical schemes transmit data electronically for health sector. Possible solutions that have been suggested
statutory return purposes to the CMS. The statutory return by stakeholders in this environment are the need to develop
process automatically validates information from the scheme health information standards that can be applied across the
before it is analysed and prepared for reporting through sector, development of guidelines for the collection of various
quarterly or annual reports. The CMS is required to report to types of health information and training of personnel.9
the DoH, via the CMS annual report and the annual report
on the REF. However, at present there is no defined feedback
or reporting process from the DoH to the medical schemes.
Figure 2: Flow of data to support patient care in the private health sector
Department of Health
Providers Funders
and provider and funder
organisations Provincial facilities organisations
Group practices
Specialist Risk
service Equalisation
providers Medical Fund
Health Professions
Council of South
Professional pharmacy
organisations pathology
The role of intermediaries data quality checks on all incoming data and facilitating
the application of benefit entitlements and limitations on
Intermediaries play an important role in the collection, medical scheme beneficiaries.
transmission and quality of health information in the private
sector. Figure 2 illustrates the flow of personal health infor-
Managed care organisations
mation in the private health care environment. The specific
role played by each intermediary in the flow of health infor- The conduct of managed care entities in the medical scheme
mation is outlined. environment is authorised by the CMS through an accredita-
tion process.10 All managed care entities in the country are
legally obliged to operate through contracts with medical
Health care providers
Health care providers gather health information from Generally, managed care entities contribute to the efficiency
patients, which include clinical, demographic, administrative and effectiveness of medical schemes by focusing on the
and financial information. This information is submitted to clinical and financial risk management of the scheme. This
medical schemes primarily for purposes of reimbursement. is achieved through intervention tools such as protocols,
Clinical information is also shared with other health care formularies, provider networks and disease management
providers who form part of the health care team (through programmes. There are different managed care models
referral processes), for purposes of continuity of care. ranging from disease managed programmes to integrated
According to the National Health Act all patients receiving delivery models.
treatment at a health establishment must receive a discharge
All managed care organisations require clinical and finan-
report (written or verbal). The Regulations to the Act are to be
cial information in order to conduct their business effectively.
finalised soon.
In turn, they are required to provide accurate, reliable and
Health care providers such as hospital groups, pathologists appropriate information to the medical schemes so that their
and radiologists have their own health information systems performance can be assessed. Information management,
which operate independently from other sub-systems within data integrity, confidentiality and security are critical aspects
the private health information system. The fragmented nature of this process.
of the various sub-systems has the potential of limiting the
ability to develop a fully integrated private health informa-
tion system to provide comprehensive information on rele- Medical schemes
vant health care measures.
In the execution of their responsibilities, medical schemes
collect personal health information from a beneficiary,
Practice Management Software companies which is processed, stored and transmitted as an individual
beneficiary record. This single record, together with records
Practice Management Software (PMS) enables health care of other members or beneficiaries of the medical scheme,
providers to collect, store, retrieve and transmit information constitutes a data base of clinical, financial and adminis-
electronically to medical schemes and administrators. Most trative information. When combined with data from other
health care providers use different practice management medical schemes, the aggregated data provide a broad
systems with different capabilities as there is currently no perspective of the health status of the medical scheme
standardised format. population and expenditure on services provided to benefi-
ciaries. Medical schemes are legally required to submit
Data transmission companies statutory returns consisting of aggregate data to the CMS
for purposes of monitoring and evaluating the performance
Data transmission companies provide a platform for trans- of medical schemes.
mission of claims from health care providers to medical
schemes and administrators. Some of the data transmission
companies provide online real-time management of health
care transactions. They play a crucial role in conducting
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
Medical scheme administrators monitor national health information standards in the private
health industry and to achieve this with maximum coopera-
Medical scheme administrators perform administrative func- tion with government and other interested parties.12
tions on behalf of medical schemes in terms of a contract
As there are currently no clearly defined and well coordi-
or agreement between the two parties. The conduct of all
nated strategies for the development and implementation of
administrators is authorised by the CMS through an accredi-
a private health information system in South Africa, the PHISC
tation process which ensures that a common standard of
has occasionally functioned as a forum for overseeing the
administrative competency is maintained.11
broad health information needs of the private health sector.
Administrators play an important role in the health infor- Members of the PHISC are actively involved in the ICD-10
mation system. Not only do they collect, store and process implementation Task Team.
health information, but they also ensure that confidentiality
The current activities of the PHISC reflect the following key
of personal health information is maintained directly within
issues that need to be addressed in the private health care
the administrator or through downstream contracting with
data transmission companies or any other party.
Diagnosis and procedure coding
Pharmaceutical codes
Standardisation of health
Message standards
Privacy and confidentiality
Over time, there has been significant improvement in data Standardised claim forms
collection processes in the private health sector. However,
standardisation of data remains a challenge resulting in
poor comparability and lack of integration of data into the
Diagnosis coding
broader health information system. The information needed
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is
to monitor access, quality and equity is still inadequate.
published and maintained by the World Health Organization
The process of standardisation of data principles and (WHO) is designed to promote international comparability in
practices in the medical schemes industry received major the collection, processing, classification, and presentation of
impetus in 2001 with the formation of a Committee on morbidity and mortality statistics.13 The ICD-10 (the tenth revi-
Standardisation of Data and Billing Practices under the sion of ICD) was accepted as the national standard for diag-
auspices of the CMS. This Committee sought to address nosis coding for both the public and private health sectors
some of the concerns raised by health care providers, in 1995. However, the process of national implementation
medical schemes and administrators with regards to stand- of this standard in South Africa commenced at the begin-
ardisation of data and billing practices, as required in terms ning of 2004 with the formation of a National Task Team on
of the Medical Schemes Act. The Committee recommended ICD-10 implementation. A broad consultative process was
that standards be developed for the following key aspects: established that included the CMS, the DoH and a variety of
diagnosis coding; procedure coding; coding of pharma- industry stakeholders. The primary purpose was to develop
ceuticals; electronic messaging; and confidentiality. This was an implementation plan for the ICD-10 that was applicable
followed by other processes such as the National Task Team to both the public and private health sectors. The benefit
on ICD-10 implementation. of this initiative has been the standardisation of diagnosis
in the industry, improved clinical and risk management
by schemes, speedy and appropriate reimbursement of
Private Health Information Standards
providers, improved access to benefits by medical scheme
beneficiaries and improved quality of morbidity data.
The Private Health Information Standards Committee (PHISC) In South Africa, the ICD-10 coding system was formally
is an established organisation of private health sector stake- introduced in the private health sector in July 2005 and is
holders concerned with health information standards in South currently used by all medical schemes and administrators,
Africa. The principal objective of the PHISC is to communi- health care providers, managed care organisations and
cate and reach consensus on implementation guidelines, to other parties in the public and private sectors for the clas-
sification of diseases (i.e. morbidity coding). Statistics South Common Procedural Terminology / Complete CPT for
Africa (StatsSA) also uses ICD-10 for the classification of South Africa codes
causes of death (i.e. mortality coding).
Common Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a set of codes
The implementation of the ICD-10 coding system is being developed by the American Medical Association (AMA),
conducted in phases on an ongoing basis. Currently, the which describes and facilitates reporting of medical serv-
average level of compliance with inclusion of a valid ICD-10 ices and procedures. The primary purpose of the CPT is
code in claims to medical schemes ranges from 70% to 95% to provide a uniform language that accurately describes
as determined through compliance statistics submitted to medical, surgical, and diagnostic services.16
the National Task Team on ICD-10 by medical schemes.
The South African version of the CPT is known as the Complete
CPT for South Africa (CCSA) and is based on the original CPT
Procedure codes codes together with South African specific codes. The CCSA
incorporates the Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS)
Procedure codes are numeric or alphanumeric codes that which provides a guideline for reimbursement of doctors
are used to identify medical services, treatment and proce- services. The South African Medical Association (SAMA) is
dures performed by health care providers. These codes the custodian of CPT codes in South Africa. Although not
provide a standardised method for describing medical, a national standard, CCSA is widely used as the basis of
surgical and diagnostic services and facilitate communica- contracts between providers and medical schemes. The
tion between health care providers, medical schemes and challenge in rolling out the CPT on a wider basis including,
medical scheme beneficiaries. Several procedure codes are the public sector, is its proprietary nature.
currently in use in the private sector and the most common
are discussed below. Uniform Patient Fee Schedule
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
13) for tracking pharmaceutical products between suppliers The PHISC and the National Health Information System of
and hospitals. South Africa (NHIS / SA) Committee were tasked by role
players with the responsibility to investigate, propose and
Work has commenced through the PHISC to develop a
ratify a subset of Health Level Seven (HL7) messages that
national uniform pharmaceutical coding system for imple-
would be implemented in South Africa. HL7 is an appli-
mentation in the public and private sectors. A crosswalk
cation standard, which refers to the top level (7th) of the
between the NAPPI and the NSN codes for pharmaceuticals
communication model of the International Organisation for
has been developed by Medikredit under the auspices of
Standardisation (ISO) and allows for the interconnection of
PHISC and in consultation with the DoH, as the first phase
towards standardisation of pharmaceutical codes for use
in the public and private sectors. The NAPPI-NSN crosswalk In practice, HL7 (version 2) is used to a limited extent in the
has been made available in the public domain. There are private health sector for the exchange of data between
many other pharmaceutical codes that are used in the health information systems, other than for reimbursement
private sector such as the Anatomical Therapeutic Codes claims. All health information systems procured for use in the
(ATC), maintained by the WHO, Generic Product Identifier public health care sector are required to be HL7-compliant.
(GPI) maintained by Medispan and the Monthly Index of Many factors need to be taken into consideration when
Medical Specialities (MIMS) which is a data base of prescrip- adopting HL7 for use in South Africa including the version of
tion drugs and prescription medicine guidelines published HL7 to be implemented.19
by Johncom Media Investments Limited.
There are numerous message formats in use in the South REF is in the shadow period where testing and analysis of
African private health care environment. The public sector shadow returns from medical schemes are conducted on an
faces similar challenges, as the information systems of ongoing basis, to assist the finalisation of the development
districts, provinces and the national DoH are different. The of guidelines for the identification of beneficiaries with REF
challenge of dealing with the myriad electronic message risk factors, in accordance with the REF entry and verification
formats as well as paper claims introduces additional costs criteria.21 At the same time, the process awaits passage of
and complexity into the health care system. enabling legislation which forms part of the amendments to
the Medical Schemes Act, of 1998 and the finalisation of the
In response to this challenge, the well-established and widely-
verification criteria and standardisation of data quality. It is
used standard Electronic Data Interchange For Administra-
anticipated that REF will improve fairness through reducing
tion Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) messages for
incentives to schemes to risk rate and encourage cost-effec-
claims have been developed and maintained by the PHISC.
tive purchasing of health care benefits.
The PHISC has recently (April 2007) commenced work on
the development of standard message claims in Extensible In order to effectively implement and manage the REF
Mark-up Language (XML) format, based on the standard- process, crucial pieces of health information are required.
ised requirements defined for the content of claims.
Data requirements standardised and integrated. The REF process accommo-
dates these data formats by allowing for the submission of
The data requirements for the REF shadow process include data either through text or Microsoft Excel files and the REF
demographic information, prevalence and count of specific
system converts the submitted data into REF-compliant data
risk factors, for each option and for each month in every files.
medical scheme. These data requirements include:
Demographic information
Integration of public and private
Number of beneficiaries by age and gender
sector health information systems
Risk factors
In 1994, the DoH established the NHIS / SA Committee
25 chronic conditions listed as PMBs
to facilitate the development of a national strategy for
HIV the implementation of a comprehensive National Health
Maternity Information System for South Africa. One of the objectives of
the NHIS / SA Committee was to develop a single National
It is envisaged that data will in future be collected at a bene-
Health Information System with sub-systems at different
ficiary level and held in a central REF registry. All medical
levels, which would ensure the collection of data at appro-
schemes will then be required to notify REF of beneficiaries
priate platforms.
who have joined or left the scheme, or those whose details
have changed. In addition to this, medical schemes will also In the private sector, the CMS through the Medical Schemes
be required to notify REF of the chronic disease status of Act was allocated the responsibility of collecting and
beneficiaries during a predetermined period. disseminating information on private health care. Ideally,
there should have been greater collaboration between the
DoH and other role players in facilitating the integration of
Data collection processes different information sub-systems in the public and private
During the REF shadow process, data for the REF is collected
monthly in a standardised electronic format in the form of a There is limited integration of data and data flow between
summarised prevalence and count table. Once the registry is health information systems in the private and public sectors.
established, data for the REF will be submitted in a standard- A 2002 survey of key informants from the public and private
ised format at beneficiary level. The registry will then produce health care sectors raised the concern relating to the devel-
prevalence and count reports in a consistent manner for opment of silos of information in different sectors of the South
every scheme. All the data for every record submitted by African health care system, including the public and private
a medical scheme to the REF will be validated by a rules sectors, other sectors such as non-governmental organi-
engine for integrity before it is stored in the registry. sations (NGOs), traditional medicine and health research
sectors.22 Anecdotal evidence in 2007 from the authors
experience of both public and private sectors is that there is
Information technology systems little exchange of health data between the sectors.
The submission of data to the REF is an automated, web- Further results from the 2002 study indicated strong consen-
based process, which allows for the collection of data for sus on the need for common standards for data across the
the REF in a centralised registry. The registry collects both public and private sectors to enable effective exchange
beneficiary information (drawn from the medical schemes of data. While important gains have been made, such as
membership data) and data on risk factors (derived from the the national implementation of ICD-10, a comprehensive
medical schemes claims data). There are multiple schemes national health data dictionary has not yet been developed
with different information technology systems that are poorly and implemented. Components of a national health data
dictionary and the essential processes for maintaining it, do
The shadow process is being used to prepare medical schemes and
the Council for Medical Scheme for the eventual REF process. Data have exist for the District Health Information System (DHIS), which is
been gathered in a limited form since January 2005 for the shadow
process. used nationally to report facility-level data at district, provin-
Beneficiaries with multiple chronic disease are allocated to the column cial and national levels.23
with the highest cost disease so that each beneficiary appears only
once in the data.
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
In terms of legislation and regulation, health care providers in to obtain informed consent for disclosure of confidential
both the public and private sectors are required to report on information.
notifiable diseases. However, the extent to which this occurs
Other legislative provisions that have a bearing on personal
is not clear. For public and private sector hospitals, there is
health information are the Electronic Communications Act
an agreed data set which should be reported monthly.24
(Act 36 of 2005) and the Promotion of Access to Information
The development and implementation of a national elec- Act (Act 54 of 2002), which emphasises the protection of
tronic health record for South Africa (eHR.ZA) could provide personal information and the need for informed consent for
an important and effective mechanism for integration of the disclosure of information.26,27
data for patient care across the public and private health
care sectors. With the necessary attention to confidentiality
Informed consent
requirements, such combined data have the potential to be
used for reporting and planning for health services at provin-
When beneficiaries consult with health care providers, prior
cial and national levels across the entire health care sector.
to treatment, the provider is required to secure informed
The tender for the eHR.ZA indicated that this would be a
consent from the patient. In addition, regulatory authorities
national record, rather than being restricted to the public
such as the HPCSA, require health care providers to secure
sector.25 However, as this tender has not yet been awarded,
informed consent to transmit information to medical schemes
it is doubtful that it will actually be implemented.
and for referral purposes to health care providers in the
continuum of care.
Overview of legislation Privacy in the health care environment refers to the refusal by
a consumer to allow a health care provider to either disclose
There are various pieces of legislation which have direct or transmit information to any other party not directly involved
bearing on the protection of personal health information. in the health care delivery process.
They place a responsibility on all role players in the public
When beneficiaries join a medical scheme, they enter into a
and private health care environment to ensure that confi-
contract with the scheme and when health care services are
dentiality of personal health information is maintained at all
accessed the scheme reimburses the health care provider
times. In terms of section 14 of the Constitution, every person
in terms of a predetermined basket of services. However,
has the right to privacy, which includes the right to have his
beneficiaries and their dependants may refuse to have part
or her information kept confidential.
or all of their personal health information submitted to their
In line with the Constitution, the National Health Act places medical scheme. This impacts on the medical schemes ability
an obligation on health care providers or establishments to accurately assign benefits for services rendered and to
to protect health records and emphasises confidentiality of reimburse the provider. This action is inconsistent with legisla-
information and informed consent for disclosure of informa- tive provisions of the Medical Schemes Act, which stipulates
tion for public health purposes. The process of development the minimum set of information required for honouring a
of Regulations to support this provision of the National Health claim from a health care provider.
Act will commence soon. Section 57 of the Medical Schemes
Act places obligation on the board of trustees of medical
schemes to take reasonable steps to protect beneficiary
information. This extends to all contracting arrangements
Confidentiality is protected where an individual / patient
including managed care organisations, administrators and
agrees to have personal health information disclosed only
data transmission companies.
to authorised personnel for the execution of specific func-
In addition to these legislative provisions, health care tions or responsibilities. In the private health sector environ-
providers are also obliged under the respective legislative ment, this entails the submission of a claim by a health care
provisions and ethical rules of their regulatory authorities provider to a medical scheme for purposes of accessing
to ensure anonymity of personal health information and member benefits and requesting reimbursement for services
rendered by the health care provider. The issue of confiden- Key drivers / role players
tiality is covered in detail in the confidentiality document
prepared by the National Task Team on ICD-10 implementa- The National Health Act makes specific reference to the
tion, which is currently available from the CMS web site. ,28 need for a national health information system, which includes
both the public and private sectors and therefore provides
the framework for health information systems in the private
Security sector. Other clauses in the Act that refer to the rights of
patients to be informed of their treatment and the need for
Security of information relates to the preservation of
the confidentiality of health information to be preserved
confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Medical
could have a significant impact on information management
schemes, administrators and managed care organisa-
in the private sector. The Regulations of the National Health
tions are required by law to ensure appropriate security of
Act however, are still to be finalised.
personal health information. This forms an essential part of
the accreditation process and legal obligation is placed In addition to the National Health Act, the Medical Schemes
on the board of trustees of medical schemes to ensure that Act has provided key impetus for the standardisation of
beneficiary information is protected at all times. health information in the private sector. The requirements for
medical scheme claims have prompted significant consul-
tation and decisions in relation to the implementation of
Protection on the use of personal health ICD-10 as the national diagnosis coding standard. In this
information respect, the work of the ICD-10 Implementation Task Team,
jointly convened by the DoH and the CMS and involving
The current legislative framework for the protection of patient
relevant stakeholder groups has provided a model for
health information is adequate according to an investiga-
meaningful and useful cooperation between the public and
tion on confidentiality conducted by the National Task Team
private sectors on health information issues. More broadly,
on ICD-10 implementation. The challenge however, remains
the PHISC has provided an important forum for debate
in ensuring that all parties comply with the requirements of
and consensus on health information standards issues for
legislative provisions, particularly, as it relates to privacy,
the private sector with the overall aim of identifying appro-
confidentiality, security and integrity of personal health infor-
priate common standards applicable to both the public and
mation across the entire health information flow process.
private sectors.
This review of health information systems policy, legislation A key challenge facing health information management in
and practice has confirmed that no formal, integrated health the private sector is that there is greater emphasis on reim-
information system to support patient care across the private bursement and risk management than on support for patient
health care sector exists in South Africa. Effective informa- care. As a result, there are currently few efforts geared
tion systems to support reimbursement for services by health specifically towards the development of information systems
care practitioners, hospital services and support services (manual and / or electronic) to support effective patient care
such as pharmacy and radiology cover a large proportion across multiple settings.
of private health care services and could provide the core of
Despite clear references to the need for integration between
integrated patient records in the future.
public and private sectors, the legislation and policy do not
There have been significant driving forces since 1994 which provide clear guidelines for the flow and content of health
have affected the development of health information systems information systems in the private health care sector in South
and the quality of health information in the private sector. Africa. While major efforts are underway in the public sector
to improve the integration between health services and
vital registration (births and deaths registration) there are no
equivalent initiatives in the private sector.
Health Information Systems in the Private Health Sector 6
1 Department of Health. White Paper on Healthcare Reform. 17 National Department of Health. Uniform Patient Fee
Pretoria: Department of Health; 1997. Schedule for Paying Patients Attending Public Hospitals. User
URL: Guide 2006. Pretoria: Department of Health; 2006.
za/docs/policy/white_paper/healthsys97_01.html URL:
2 Department of Health. Health Sector Strategic Framework:
1999-2004. Pretoria: Department of Health; 1999. 18 Medikredit. NAPPI Code Allocation Policy. Ver 1.13; 2007.
3 Department of Health. Strategic Priorities for the National
Health System: 2004-2009. Pretoria: Department of health; 19 Bourne DE, Hanmer LA, Heavens KJ. Towards Developing a
2004. National Health Information Standards Framework for South
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4 Republic of South Africa. Medical Schemes Act (Act 131 of
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URL: Process for 2005. Circular 11 of 2005; 2005.
5 Republic of South Africa. National Health Act (Act 61 of
URL: 21. Guidelines for the Identification of Beneficiaries with REF Risk
Factors in Accordance with the REF Entry and Verification
6 World Health Organization. Health System Performance
Criteria. Version 3. Council for Medical Schemes; July 2007.
Assessment. Report to Secretariat; 2000.
URL: 22 Louw JA, Hanmer L. Final Sectoral Report Health
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In: Department of Trade and Industry Policy Support
Implementation of Health Information Systems. Geneva:
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8 Council for Medical Schemes. Recommendations of the A.1.009); 2002.
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23 Kumalo F. Health Management Information Systems. In:
Ijumba P, Padarath A, editors. South African Health Review
2006. Durban: Health Systems Trust; 2006.
9 Parker M, Stofberg C, de la Harpe R, Venter I, Wills G. Data URL:
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24 Burn A, Shongwe G. Monitoring Hospital Care. In: Ijumba P,
in a small to medium medical practice. In Proceedings
Day C, Ntuli A, editors. South African Health Review 2003/4.
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