Design and Development of Stepless Variable Speed Kinematic Linkage Drive

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-10, October 2015

Design and Development of Stepless Variable Speed

Kinematic Linkage Drive
Avinash A. Kawale, Dr. F.B.Sayyad

The only way to get regenerative braking is to put two such

Abstract This paper presents the synthesis, analysis, and CVTs in parallel, but reversed with respect to each other. One
experimental validation of a variable displacement four-bar would then be used for positive torque and the other for
crank-rocker-slider mechanism that uses low friction pin joints regenerative braking [1]. Have carried out work on, An
instead of planar joints. The synthesis technique develops the
automatically and smoothly continuously variable
range of motion for the base four-bar crank-rocker and creates a
method of synthesizing the output slider. Kinematic Linkage
transmission, for transmitting input mechanical energy from a
Transmission is a mechanical adjustable speed drive .The speed crank to the drive wheel. A ratchet have oscillatory alternating
range is infinitely adjustable from 0 to of input speed under motion member and a continuous rotary motion member,
full rated load. Speed Adjustments are easily made by moving a connected to the driven wheel. More particularly the
lever control through an arc. Precise speed control settings are invention is an entirely mechanical transmission mechanism,
possible. which automatically and continuously varies the transmission
ratio in a Stepless manner as a function input and output
Index Terms Cam, Continuously Variable Transmission, torque and speed although the transmission is particularly
Link Mechanism, Quadric Crank Chain, Ratchet
suitable for bicycles, it also has properties which are
advantages for other vehicles and other machines [2]. The
purpose of this research has been to investigate the family of
positive engagement, continuously variable transmissions,
There are many machines and mechanical units that under which have the possibility for higher efficiency and torque
varying circumstances make it desirable to be able to drive at capabilities than the friction dependent CVTs that are
an barely perceptible speed , an inter mediate speed or a high currently in use. The analysis of the positive engagement CVT
speed. Thus a infinitely variable (or step-less speed variation family reveals that all published embodiments belonging to
in which it is possible to get any desirable speed. Some this family must overcome a problem called the non-integer
mechanical hydraulic and electrical devices serve as such tooth problem. This research has described this problem as it
step-less drives .However the torque Vs speed characteristics exists in three published embodiments. This has been done to
of these drives do not match that of step-less drives at show several ways in which this problem can be manifest [3].
increased driving torque at low speeds. Have carried out work on, this paper describes the
Hence the need of an step-less drive with the following continuously variable transmission (CVT) generally CVTs,
characteristics are classified as belt-type or toroidal CVTs, and each CVT is
Step-less or infinitely variable speed. basically composed of two parts such as the V-belt and pulley.
Wide range of speed variation i.e. (N-max to N-min). or friction wheel. In the belt-type CVT, the pulley is driven by
Shifting form one speed to another should be a belt placed between two circle boards in the pulley, while in
Shockless. the toroidal CVT, We have proposed an L-CVT in which the
Minimum number of controls for speed changing. link of the quadric crank chain, the cam mechanism and the
Ease of operation. ratchet mechanism were mounted. Since the proposed method
Compact construction. is not based on friction conduction, it provides a mechanism
that creates no noise and no slip [14], is durable, and offers
Worked on examines and compares the five basic principles high transmission efficiency [4]. In the current automotive
that can be used in continuously variable transmission design industry, there is a strong emphasis being placed on the fuel
(CVT). It describe commercially available CVTs suitable for efficiency of a vehicle. This demand for efficiency is driven
motor vehicles. Basic terms used in this report are defined in primarily by fluctuating fuel costs and a desire to reduce
this section. A CVT is a transmission having a speed ratio that emissions. In response to this demand, hybrid vehicle sales
can be varied continuously over its allowable range. Its speed have increased. These vehicles have proven to be efficient
ratio may take on any value between its operational limits, i.e., because they draw their power from an internal combustion
an infinite number of ratios are possible. engine coupled with an auxiliary power source capable of
A gearbox transmission, on the other hand, has a discrete energy recovery [5]. It has been found in the past that contact
number of fixed speed ratios. One important disadvantage of stress is limiting factor for torque capacity of a cam based
the ratchet type CVT is that it does not allow reverse torque. continuously variable transmission. While other high stressed
component can we resized in order to somewhat
accommodate high load such as sprig clutches, the input shaft
and the planetary gear system. It has found herein that the cam
Avinash A. Kawale, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pune
University/ G.S.Moze College of Engineering/ Pune, India, and roller system have greater system on transmission size.
+91-9890398819. Although the variable transmission system has a uniform
Dr. F.B.Sayyad, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pune output velocity given a constant input. The result of the heavy
University/ G.S.Moze College of Engineering/ Pune, India, follower return spring storing and releasing energy as they

Design and Development of Stepless Variable Speed Kinematic Linkage Drive

held the followers to the cam [6]. A variable displacement kinds of movements: i) a double-crank mechanism and ii)
hydraulic pump/motor with high efficiency at all operating a parallelogram mechanism, which are continuously in
conditions, including low displacement, is beneficial to motion, and iii) a double-rocker mechanism whose motion is
multiple applications. This paper presented the synthesis, not continuous. The condition that the movement of the
analysis, and experimental validation of a variable crank-rocker mechanism is appropriate if and only if the sum
displacement six bar crank-rocker-slider mechanism that uses of the lengths of the shortest link, a, and another one of links is
low friction pin joints instead of planar joints. The novel smaller than the sum of the lengths of the other two links [4].
linkage reaches true zero displacement with a constant top To achieve the movement as the crank-rocker (lever-crank)
dead center position, further minimizing compressibility mechanism, it is necessary to derive the limitation condition
energy losses. The synthesis technique develops the range of in the length of four links. We consider about the length of
motion for the base four bar crank-rocker and creates a each link in the state when the link c comes to the right side of
method of synthesizing the output slider [7]. edge, as shown in Fig. 2(b). In AC1D, the inequality
a + b < c + d (1)
II. OBJECTIVE is satisfied, and in AC2D, about the length of each link
Design & drawing of kinematic linkage to deliver 1:4 reduced in the state when the link c comes to the left side of edge,
output in step-less way.
Development & manufacturing of drive
Testing of drive to derive the performance.
Plot Performance Characteristic Curves ;
Kinematic Synthesis of kinematic linkage mechanism for
optimized output.

Type Synthesis and Task Specifications.
The concept of the linkage is to vary one of the links such that Figure 2(a)
there is a change in the displacement or stroke of a slider (the
piston). Several requirements must be defined to guide the
synthesis process. For simplicity, variability will be achieved
by moving a ground pivot rather than changing the length of a
moving link. The axis of slide of the piston and the ground
pivot of the crank will remain fixed to simplify the
pump/motor block. Therefore, a third movable ground pivot
is required for a functioning variable linkage. A minimal
number of links is favorable as it limits the linkages
complexity, moving mass, and overall size.[7]
Figure 2(b)

Figure 2(c)
Figure 1 Basic Design Concept
as shown in Fig. 2(b), the inequality
Quadric Crank Chain b a + c > d , (2)
The structure of a quadric crank chain is shown in Fig. 2(a). that is,
the lengths of links a, b, c and d are different, and each link is a + d < b + c (2)'
connected by a rotation joint. The link mechanism becomes a is satisfied. As shown in Fig. 2(c), in BCD, the
crank-rocker mechanism if the condition of the four link inequality
lengths is satisfactory. It is assumed that it is possible to rotate d a + b > c (3)
the shortest link, a, which is the crank, completely around the that is,
rotation axis A. Link b, the connecting rod, transmits the a + c < b + d (3)'
movement of link a to the link c. Link c is a rocker whose is satisfied, at the same time, the inequality (1) is also
shuttling corner moves by centering on rotation axis D. When satisfied in this case. The inequality (2)' can also be
the link d, which is adjoined to rotation joint A, is fixed, the satisfied when the point B comes to the other side for the
links of the quadric crank chain forms a crank-rocker center point A in Fig. 4(c). Consequently, the shortest
mechanism. In a precise sense, there is a relationship between link a can rotate if and only if the sum of the lengths of
the lengths of the different links. the shortest link a itself and the other one link is smaller
In the quadric crank chain, there are also another three

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-10, October 2015
than the sum of the lengths of the other two links [4],
The system design comprises of development of the
mechanism so that the given concept can perform the desired
operation. The mechanism is basically an inversion of four
bar kinematic linkage , hence the mechanism is suitably
designed using Grashoffs law and the final outcome is shown
in the figure 3.
The synthesis of the output to be derived from the linkage
mechanism is derived by application of Graphical method of
kinematic design named the, kinematic overlay method. The
input link is rotated through 180 degree to plot the locations
of the output link at start and end of cycle to determine the Figure 5 Controller Link Position A at 0
output from the linkage.
In this case the desired output is derived by moving the
control pivot in two positions namely
Control link position A
Control link position- B
The permutations of the same are as shown below
To achieve the desired rated output the linkage control link is
moved from Control link position A to control link position
B. The Control link pivot thereby changes the degree of
oscillation of the output link which is further rectified using
one way clutches to get a uni-directional output. Another
unique feature of the drive being that the speed changes are
step-less and hence the speed changes can be closely and Figure 6 Input Crank at 180, output crank at 38
precisely monitored.
By application of kinematic overlay method the plots of the Input Degree of Output Total
input and output link position are determined to derive the element rotation oscillation output
desired speed change at a given location of the control link.
The figure 4 below illustrates the phenomenon of speed Crank-A 0 to 120 38 114
change. degree
Crank-B 0 to 120 38

Crank-C 0 to 120 38

Table 1

Thus it is safe to assume that at control link position the ratio

achieved by the kinematic linkage is Minimum of 1:4 as 90
degree output for 360 degree rotation of input is possible.
Thus the target of 1:4 ratio is achieved
Figure 3 Proposed Mechanism Model for Kinematic Variable Speed

Figure 4 Kinematic Position Control of Mechanism for variable speed

Figure 7 Controller Link Position B at 0

Kinematic Position Analysis

Design and Development of Stepless Variable Speed Kinematic Linkage Drive

and encouragement throughout the completing of our project



[1] Norman H. Beachle , Andrew A. Frank ,College of Engineering

University of Wisconsin, Madison ,Continuously Variable
Transmissions: Theory And Practice August 1979
[2] William T. Beale, Automatic Transmission With Stepless,
Continuously Variable Speed And Torque Ratio Pat.2006
[3] Brian S. Andersen ,An Investigation Of A Positive Engagement
Continuously Variable Transmission August 2007
[4] Yukawa . Department of Mechanical Engineering Iwate University
Figure 8 Input Crank at 180, output crank at 70
4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate, 020-8551 (Japan)
[5] Jeffrey M. Araujo, Michael A. DeMalia, Christopher M. Lambusta,
Input Degree of Output Total Switch-Mode Continuously Variable Transmission
element rotation oscillation output ME-JDV-0902 , April 2009
[6] Derek Frei Lahr, Continuously Variable Transmission With External
CamU.S. Pat.( 2011) 7,878,935
Crank-A 0 to 120 70 210 degree [7] Shawn R. Wilhelm, James D. Van de Ven, Design and Testing of an
Adjustable Linkage for and Robotics , November 2013,Vol.5
Crank-B 0 to 120 70 [8] Dennis W. Hong, Derek F. Lahr. The Operation And Kinematic
Analysis Of A Novel Cam-Based Infinitely Variable
Transmission.September 2006
Crank-C 0 to 120 70 [9] Jiten Patel, G.K. Ananthasuresh. A kinematic theory for radially
foldable planar linkages January 2007.
[10] [10] Wayne Paul Bishop, Wilmington DE(US).Positive Drive
Infinitely Variable Transmission U.S. Pat.2011
Table 2

Thus it is safe to assume that at control link position the ratio

achieved by the kinematic linkage is Maximum of 1:2 as 180
degree output for 360 degree rotation of input is possible.
Thus the target of 1:2 ratio is achieved. Avinash A. Kawale,
D.M.E.,B.E.(Mechanical) ASQ Certified six sigma black belt, Having
IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSION over 9 years of qualitative experience in Automotive sector, Heavy Engg.
(Wind Energy),Oil & Gas (Industrial Valves) . DNV certified Lead Auditor
1. Minimum ratio of 1:4 speed reduction can be attained. Internal Auditor (ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004,
OHSAS18001:2007)Quality, Environmental, Health & safety
2. Maximum Ratio of 1:2 speed reduction can be attained. Management.
3. Speed changes can be attained in a step less manner. Associate Member of Institution Of Engineers (India).IEI Kolkata Meb.
4. With Above Synthesis data Project can proceed for Next No: A-550623-5.
Phase 3 Onwards for Design, Model Fabrication & Associate Member of ASQ (American Society for Quality) USA. Meb.
testing for Actual Test Results. No:- 64169622.
Completed 5 Six sigma Black Belt Projects worth saving 2Cr.(INR) per
ASME Member ID Number 000100739342.
This paper describes a synthesis technique and experimental
validation of an adjustable linkage for use as a Stepless
variable speed kinematic linkage drive. The speed range is
Dr. F.B.Sayyad,
infinitely adjustable from 1/2 to 1/4 of input speed under full
D.M.E.,B.E.(Mech),M.E.(Design),P.hd.(Vibration),Having 11 Yrs. Of
rated load . Such a linkage is made by creating a base four bar teaching experience & Taught over 8 subjects like Theory of Machines&
Attaching to fix frame & giving a provision of fine link length Mechanisms, Dynamics of Machinery, Mechanical Vibration and Noise
adjustment to achieve Stepless variable speed under full rated Engineering etc. Published reference books 1.Kinematics of Machinery
load. (2011) Macmillan Publishers India, 2. Dynamics of Machinery (2011)
Macmillan Publishers India. Published over 26 Text Books, Over 17 Papers
in International Journals, 3 Technical Papers in international Conference,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 7 Technical Papers in National Conference, Working as a Editorial Board
Member for international Journal (Journal of Vibration and Measurement
Completing a task is not one man effort. It is often and Control, Columbia international Publication. USA), Working as a
Contribution of many people direct or indirect ways. The help Reviewer for ASME, IEEE and many more
of people, which has enabled this activity towards
completion, is Unforgettable. I feel happiness in forwarding
this project report as an image of sincere efforts. The
successful project report heartfelt gratitude to our guide Dr.
F.B.Sayyad. Also I would like to express our heartfelt
gratitude to our Head of Department for his constant interest


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