Engineering News May 12 2017 Avxhm - Se
Engineering News May 12 2017 Avxhm - Se
Engineering News May 12 2017 Avxhm - Se
cl.VAT) Combined Price for Engineering News and Mining Weekly Volume 37 no 17 May 1218, 2017
INSIGHT South African intellectual property offices seeking to stimulate innovation Page 27
FEATURES Nampo Preview Page 34 Cement & Concrete Page 52 Nuclear Energy Page 68
NEWS FOCUS High-level support for innovative agrosolar greenhouse concept Page 22
Least-cost electricity transition being played
out at CSIRs Pretoria campus
Page 18
Picture by Dylan Slater
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Cover Story & Highlights 18 Least-cost electricity transition being
played out at CSIRs Pretoria campus
14 Canada contributes R25m to help revitalise inner-city 78 TNPA appoints new port managers
communities 79 Eastern Cape sets sights on becoming Africas leading
16 Mombasa-to-Nairobi rail line set for commissioning fuel bunkering centre
16 Renewed interest in delayed Uganda oil refinery plan 79 AI systems seen as key to managing contact centre as
volumes rise
20 Steel demand seen growing again as recession risks
recede 83 Banks warned of ATMs being infected remotely by
20 Global steel production reaches 410Mt in Q1
83 South African telcos broadening ICT services
20 Four bidders shortlisted for Blantyre water project portfolios
21 CIG uncertain about local outlook, but sees growth in 84 Political decisions, downgrades push policy
rest of Africa uncertainty into negative territory
23 Ethiopia says it will continue to support cement 85 Huaweis SA OpenLab to focus on safe city, smart grid
investments solutions
Publishing Editor: Martin Creamer Tel : +27 11 622 3744 Whats On: Asha Narain Projects in Progress: Sheila Barradas
Editor: Terence Creamer (Engineering News & Polity) Fax : +27 11 622 9350 Enquiry Service: Sharon Botha Online: Chanel de Bruyn
Editorial: Martin Zhuwakinyu (News), Tracy Hancock Postal Address: PO Box 75316, Garden View 2047, South Africa (Senior Deputy Editor), Samantha Herbst (Deputy Editor)
(Senior Deputy Editor Features), Zandile Mavuso (Deputy Editor Web: Advertising: Reinette Classen Subscriptions: Sharon Botha
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IF ITS NOT MINED . . . The well-worn phrase, if its not mined, its farmed, comes to mind when analysing the
business model of commodities producer and trader Glencore. While the Swiss group, with strong South African ties,
is best known for its minerals and fuels operations, Glencore Agriculture is making its presence felt increasingly in the
trading of food. Pictured is an employee walking past a grain silo containing products for Glencore at the European
Bulk Services terminal at the Port of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Bloomberg reports that the standalone enterprise
currently generates more revenue from owning fixed assets in strategic locations than from trading.
Rapid Recovery?
End to Eskom stalemate could unlock enormous backlog
of wind projects in 2017
he Global Wind Energy Council in 2016 and despite some uncertainty in the
(GWEC) expects a recovery in the market owing to the US election results in
deployment of wind projects in South November. Cumulative wind capacity grew
Africa, following a hiatus in 2016 brought by 12.6% to 486.8 GW in 2016 and the GWEC
about by Eskoms refusal to enter into power still expects the installed base to expand to
purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable- 800 GW by 2021.
energy projects procured in 2015. In South Africa, it seems that the stale-
In its Global Wind Report: Annual Market mate is about to break with Eskom over the
Update 2016, which was released in India PPAs the State-owned utility has refused to
recently, the GWEC forecasts that South sign despite the government-run tender results
Africa, Kenya and Morocco will also lead a and instructions to do so. In February, President Zuma confirmed in his
recovery in the African market, after a rela- If it does, this will unleash an enormous State of the Nation address that all outstanding
tively quiet 2016 across the continent. backlog of projects, with more to come in PPAs would be signed
The report shows that 54 GW of new the next bidding rounds. South Africas new
wind capacity was added in 2016 a perfor- Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), if it becomes and new Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba.
mance that was below expectation, owing to policy, will facilitate this key African mar- In a recent briefing, Gigaba reiterated that
a slowdown in deployments in China to 23 kets living up to its potential, the report the policy of integrating independent power
GW and smaller-than-expected markets in states. producers into the countrys electricity
Brazil, Mexico, Canada and Africa, notably In February, President Jacob Zuma con- network remained unchanged and said there
South Africa. firmed in his State of the Nation address that should be no uncertainty as to our commit-
South Africa added only 418 MW of wind all outstanding PPAs would be signed and, ment to the energy mix and the renewable-
capacity in 2016, raising its overall installed following the announcement, former Energy energy programme.
base to 1 471 MW. Nevertheless, South Africa Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson set April Twelve of the 37 outstanding projects
remained the only country in Africa, and 11 as the deadline for the signing of the procured under the Renewable Energy
among a group of only 29 countries globally, contracts. Independent Power Producer Procurement
to have a wind installed base of more than However, following the March 31 Cabinet Programme (REIPPPP) are wind projects,
1 000 MW. reshuff le, which saw Joemat-Pettersson while the draft IRP Base Case published
Secretary-general Steve Sawyer and chair- replaced by Mmamoloko Kubayi, the new last year calls for the addition of more than
person Morten Dyrholm wrote that they Minister requested a postponement to enable 37 000 MW of wind capacity by 2050.
anticipated solid prospects for wind in 2017, her to consult with stakeholders, including The IRP is still in the process of being
following slumps in key emerging markets Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown To page 14
CONTRACT DISPUTE entire unit being shut down. that it was applying to have Dongfang inter-
M&R a co-applicant
Business Day reported recently that GE had dicted from taking any steps towards the exe-
approached the High Court in Johannesburg to cution of any contract.
African Ambition
LNG-focused energy firm pursuing diversified African
investment pipeline
lack-empowered energy company
African Energy Partners (AEP),
which plans to list as a special-pur-
pose acquisition company on the JSEs AltX
board on June 1 to raise up to R500-million to
pursue liquefied natural gas (LNG) prospects
in Africa, reports that its investment pipe-
line includes a diverse range of prospects
in South Africa and the rest of the continent.
CEO Edwin Kikonyogo tells Engineering
News that AEP will participate across this
entire infrastructure value chain, with the
opportunities falling into three categories:
operating natural gas plants in South Africa
and elsewhere in Africa; brownfield plants EDWIN KIKONYOGO
available for conversion from heavy-fuel oil Africa has a long history in liquefied natural gas
or diesel to LNG or natural gas; and green-
field LNG-to-power developments. Identified investments range in size from
There are several LNG-to-power oppor- 8 MW cogeneration plants for specific indus-
tunities in Africa that AEP is targeting to trial offtakers and LNG conversion opportuni-
participate in, including South Africas gas- ties of 250 MW, inclusive of LNG importation
to-power programme when it gets under way, and regasification infrastructure and LNG sup-
Kikonyogo reports. ply, to 400 MW-plus of greenfield LNG-to-
I n 2016, t he D epa r t ment of Energ y power, covering combined-cycle gas turbine
released a project memorandum for a pro- plants, LNG importation and regasification
posed Liquefied Natural Gas Independent and fuel supply.
Power Producer Procurement Programme, AEPs first viable acquisition must take
in which it indicated that Richards Bay, in place within two years of listing and the
KwaZulu-Natal, and Coega, in the Eastern companys intention is to acquire mostly
Cape, had been selected as the initial sites for controlling stakes in a portfolio of opera-
the programme. tions. Our target operations offer a mix of
At the time, it was anticipated that the medium- and long-term off-take agreements
commercial process could get under way in and a contracted cost base, which makes for
either late 2016 or early 2017. However, fol- good long-term earnings visibility.
lowing protracted delays to the conclusion of The founding directors will contribute at
contracts between renewable-energy genera- least 5% of the capital raised and, besides
tors and Eskom, as well as the stabilisation of Kikonyogo, the company will be led by COO
South Africas electricity supply position, the Nkosi Gugushe and CFO Kevin Simons.
procurement programme has been delayed. Its board includes some well-known energy
There is strong impetus for LNG in Africa personalities, such as David Wright (chair-
that is independent of any South African initia- person) and Erica Johnson, and also com-
tive, Kikonyogo says, noting that LNG was prises Silvanus David, Carla Cloete, Meriam
commercialised in Africa, with the worlds Kekana and Sifiso Sibiya.
first commercial natural gas liquefaction plant AEP is undertaking an investor roadshow
opening in Algeria in the 1960s. and the offer will take the form of a private
Africa has a long history in LNG, but vir- placement, with only a small retail com-
tually all of Africas LNG production has thus ponent, which will be allocated at the boards
far been exported. This export-only landscape discretion.
is changing fast . . . and the time for African The cash raised will be held in an escrow
LNG import investment has arrived and is in account and will only be available for deploy-
fact long overdue. ment following shareholder approval. AEP is
He says AEPs investment pipeline is diver- anticipating making its first acquisition within
sified with regard to regional footprint, invest- the first year.
ment size and energy offtaker profiles. ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450924
used lead-acid batteries, will be able to power
nergy storage solutions company batteries as transformative, as the technology far more than simply a television or a light.
BlueNova has launched a new produc- has grown exponentially over the past 23 years. We see a strong correlation between quality of
tion facility in Somerset West, near An LiFeYPO4 battery is a member of a fam- life and energy consumption and we believe
Cape Town, to keep up with rising demand for ily of rechargeable battery types in which lit- this will make a difference.
lithium-iron-yttrium-phosphate (LiFeYPO4) hium ions move from the negative electrode to Verster says BlueNova is active mainly in
batteries. the positive electrode. They are extremely effi- the residential and light industry sectors but
Lithium-ion batteries, of which LiFeYPO4 cient and versatile and can be used in very high plans to talk to serious players in the heavy
batteries are a type, are seen as an excellent temperatures, Verster tells Engineering News. off-grid market this year. It sees great poten-
alternative to ageing lead-acid batteries, as they As such, they are well suited to the African tial for its battery range in big game lodges,
are more environment friendly and have up to climate. The battery life of lead-acid batteries including those in the Kruger National Park.
six times the storage capacity. They are also tends to diminish dramatically at high tem- We have a couple of projects going this
considered to be safer than lead-acid batteries. peratures. LiFeYPO4 batteries are designed year in the 100 kWh to 200 kWh category.
Lead-acid batteries will always be there as to withstand the heat. BlueNova buys its lithium cells from China,
a standby. But lithium-iron batteries are fan- We can offer a battery that will operate in but its control electronics, displays and soft-
tastic [in] the way they absorb energy, says a 35 C to 40 C environment and still give ware have been developed by its engineers in
BlueNova CEO James Verster. you 10 to 15 years of battery life. South Africa. It currently produces its bat-
BlueNova has formed a partnership with the Conversely, LiFeYPO 4 batteries do not tery for South African use, but also exports to
JSE-listed Reutech Group and is developing operate quite as well in very cold tempera- Zambia, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique.
market opportunities in the residential, com- tures and need to be warmed up before use. The company intends to register one or two
mercial and industrial sectors. The Achilles heel of lithium-iron bat- projects with universities that will do further
Verster sees the introduction of LiFeYPO4 teries is that they lose capacity at very cold research on efficiency.
Supply to Distribution
not been reviewed, despite a DoE commitment,
made in 2012, to conduct such a review.
Other key recommendations made in the
report include:
LPG inquiry proposes far-reaching, yet nonbinding, market overhaul capping long-term supply agreements to a
maximum of ten years;
ensuring that smaller wholesalers receive
TERENCE CREAMER | CREAMER MEDIA DEPUTY EDITOR preferential access to 10% of LPG volumes
for contracts with a minimum duration of
outh A fr icas Competition two years;
Commission has made fa r- structuring bulk-supply contracts in a
reach i ng, yet nonbi nd i ng, way that separates LPG supply from
recom mendations for dealing with equipment supply to ensure that end-
prevailing market distortions in the users own the installed equipment
Picture by Senior Chief Photographer Duane Daws
domestic liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and are, thus, able to switch LPG
sector following its first-ever market suppliers;
inquiry, which took nearly three years removing restrictions on cylinder
to complete. exchanges by making it possible
The report identifies serious policy for any wholesaler to enter bilateral
and regulatory misalignments, which exchange agreements; and
are crimping both the production having deposit fees for cylinders set
of LPG by existing refineries and by Nersa and linked to the size and
investment into new importation TEMBINKOSI BONAKELE AND EBRAHIM PATEL cost of each cylinder.
infrastructure. It also points to market LPG industry urged by Minister to act on nonbinding market The commission would also con-
inquiry findings
structures and entrenched behaviours tinue its ongoing cartel investigation
that are raising the costs to industrial relating to the current setting of deposit
and resident consumers and limiting entry into Easigas, Oryx Energies and TotalGaz), which fees by the industry.
the market by new participants. account for more than 90% of the market. It was not immediately clear how the refin-
Receiving the 206-page report in Pretoria, In addition, some of these sales agreements eries and the established wholesalers would
Economic Development Minister Ebrahim are associated with 20-year-plus evergreen respond to the report, which calls on the
Patel indicated that the recommendations contracts, which are often accompanied by industry to implement some of the recom-
would be tabled in the National Assembly and discounts of up to 10% against the regulated mendations as early as October.
would be used to drive an inclusive-growth maximum refinery gate price (MRGP). However, one small wholesaler expressed
agenda in the LPG industry, as well as the The price paid by end consumers, known disappointment with the lack of ambition
liquid-fuel sector more broadly. as the maximum retail price (MRP), is also shown by the commission. In fact, Wasaa
Competition Commission commissioner regulated. However, there is evidence of Gasses CEO Nokwanele Qonde said the
Tembinkosi Bonakele added that lessons collusion in the setting of deposit fees for gas 10% target for smaller wholesalers, together
learned from the inquiry would also be applied cylinders, while prevailing cylinder-exchange with two-year supply agreements, would be
to the two other market inquiries currently practices act as a barrier to entry for smaller inadequate to facilitate the opening up of the
under way in the private healthcare and wholesalers. In addition, the fact that whole- industry to new entrants, particularly if the
grocery retail industries. salers bundle equipment ownership with gas long-term supply agreements with the majors,
Patel argued that the report should not be supply when concluding bulk supply contracts together with the discounts, persisted.
allowed to gather dust and urged both the has made switching gas suppliers nearly However, Bonakele stressed that the recom-
public and private organisations named in the impossible. mendations regarding small wholesalers were
recommendations to take appropriate action To address the constraints to LPG supply, seen as minimum thresholds and were
to improve the performance of the LPG sector t he com m ission re com mend s g reat er reflective of the highly concentrated nature
rather than focus on the nonbinding nature of alignment between the National Energy of the sector.
the remedies. Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) and Should the supply constraints outlined in the
The reports recommendations, which Transnet National Ports Authority in both report be eased, he saw scope for far higher
were presented by Dr Liberty Mncube and the content and timeframes associated with levels of penetration by new entrants.
Thembalethu Sithebe, are also accompanied the licensing of new import facilities. The In fact, the commission notes that a number
by a voluntary implementation plan and current misalignment is viewed as a significant of licences have already been granted for
associated timeframes. impediment to investment and has also made the development of import facilities and
The commission concludes that the industry the process of licensing protected. recommends that the regulatory frameworks
is highly concentrated, with 80% of yearly It also recommends that Nersa, rather than be reviewed to encourage the construction
supply of 350 000 t arising from the countrys the Department of Energy (DoE), be respon- of LPG import and storage capacity at the
five refineries Enref, Chevref, Natref, sible for wholesale licensing and that the countrys ports.
PetroSA and Sapref and the balance from energy regulator also be responsible for the It also recommends that the DoE undertake
imports. Further imports are constrained by monitoring and enforcement of the regulated a market study on how price deregulation could
inadequate pipeline and storage infrastructure, prices. be achieved in the LPG market over time.
which is, in turn, undermined by policy, The commission notes that the DoE, which However, the commission stresses that,
regulatory and pricing dynamics. is currently responsible for monitoring and in light of prevailing supply bottlenecks,
The five refineries have long-term supply enforcement on the MRGP and the MRP, lacks immediate deregulation could result in a
agreements with four large wholesalers (Afrox, the inspectorate capacity to fulfil the role. It price spike.
outh Africas Trade and Industr y CONTRIBUTING EDITOR ONLINE
Minister Dr Rob Davies reports that THE Independent Communications Authority
the Southern African Customs Union of South Africa (Icasa) has signed an agree-
Equal Spaces
Canada contributes R25m to help revitalise inner-city communities
anadas Deputy Minister of Global social housing units, accommodating about
Affairs, Ian Shugart, announced a 16 000 low- and moderate-income people.
contribution of R25-million last month Shugart said these efforts would help alle-
to the Equal Spaces: Social Housing to End viate poverty and contribute to economic
Spatial Apartheid project, in South Africa. growth, gender equality and transformation.
The project will be managed by Canadian Canadas development programming seeks
nongovernmental organisation Rooftops to help strengthen South Africas public insti-
Canada and will support four metropolitan tutions to meet the needs of all South Africans,
areas, including Johannesburg, Cape Town, particularly the most marginalised.
eThekwini and Ekurhuleni. He added that the project was an exam-
The Canadian governments support for ple of Canadas focus on supporting South IAN SHUGART
this project will help to revitalise inner-city Africas National Development Plan objec- The project will help to revitalise inner-city
urban communities through the creation of tives to reduce poverty and inequality, pro- urban communities
social housing developments that are well mote inclusive economic growth and build a
managed, centrally located, affordable and more capable State. professional improvement would be shared
secure, he said at an event hosted by the Shugart further stated that South Africa was equitably between women and men to ensure
Canadian embassy in Johannesburg. Canadas most important political and trad- that the benefits of this project did not entrench
He noted that the project would support ing partner in sub-Saharan Africa and this existing inequalities.
urban regeneration initiatives and provide new project was part of a broad collaboration Shugart pointed out that Canada and South
technical assistance for social housing insti- between Canada and South Africa. Africa were both committed to the global
tutions across the country. Sustainable development, the empower- Sustainable Development Goals, an over-
Rooftops Canada will work directly with ment of women and providing opportuni- arching set of 17 global commitments that
the South African Department of Human ties for youth are also key priorities for our together work towards ending poverty, pro-
Settlements, the Social Housing Regulatory government. tecting the planet and ensuring prosperity
Authority and the National Association of Canada is committed to ensuring that all for all.
Social Housing Organisations, as well as vari- development assistance recognises the differ- Among these is goal Number 11 focus-
ous stakeholders who play a part in the social ences in the experience of women and men ing on sustainable cities and communities,
housing sector. . . . to deliver equitable benefits and con- which speaks about the need for more safe
The initiative is set to reach hundreds of tribute to reducing gender inequalities, he and affordable housing in urban centres. I
social housing stakeholders and help pro- said. think this project is an excellent contribution
vide up to 4 500 safe, affordable, well-located He added that access to training and in meeting this objective, he said.
From page 8 times for projects average less than two years successfully competing with heavily subsi-
updated and the final version is not expected and the electricity price paid to projects has dised incumbents across the globe and that
until the second half of 2017. declined 68% within three years. wind penetration levels continue to increase,
Despite the unfortunate impasse in 2016, The price of wind energy in the last led by Denmark, which is approaching 40%.
the GWEC says South Africas wind indus- Round 4 expedited was 0.62c/kWh, more The GWECs rolling five-year forecast
try, under a government-designed competitive than 40% less than forecast prices for Eskoms sees almost 60 GW of new wind installations
bidding programme, has taken place within new-build coal plants, Kusile and Medupi. in 2017, rising to a yearly market of about
a relatively short period of about five years, However, besides the Eskom impasse, the 75 GW by 2021.
placing South Africa among the leading new GWEC also highlights weak growth, currency Growth will be underpinned by Asia, with
wind markets globally. There are currently volatility, tendering costs and grid integration China continuing to lead all markets. But
20 wind farms fully operational and more costs as constraints to wind projects. India, which set a new installation record in
than 3 365 MW under different stages of Additionally, extended transmission and 2016, also has ambitious targets.
development. distribution works are needed, and the cost Market fundamentals are also seen as
With bidding for the first four rounds recovery rules for this are not yet transparent strong in North America, and steady for
of South Africas REIPPPP completed, and or consistent. Europe, which will continue to lead the off-
with three rounds of preferred bidders hav- The GWEC believes the wind industry in shore market. Offshore wind has had a major
ing reached financial close by 2015, the wind South Africa can pick up its very rapid growth price breakthrough in the past year, and looks
industry has established itself as a major new phase from where it stalled if the current set to live up to the enormous potential that
infrastructure sector and is now worth about impasse can be overcome, which it describes many have believed in for years.
R75-billion, the report states. as a likely scenario. The council is, there- We see the technology continuing to
It also notes that the REIPPPP has facilitated fore, expecting a big year in 2017 for Africa, improve and spread beyond its home base in
both the rapid introduction of wind energy led by Kenya, South Africa and Morocco. Europe in the next five to ten years, Sawyer
and a steep decline in prices. Construction Sawyer also notes that wind power is said.
Critical Link
Mombasa-to-Nairobi rail line
set for commissioning
enya is gea r i ng up
for a new era in rail-
way transport with the
impend ing commissioning of a LONG-STANDING MAINSTAY
A Kenyan train travelling along a 1-m-gauge railway line; the country has
standard-gauge railway (SGR) depended on a 1-m-gauge system for more than a century
line on June 1.
The East African nation has
depended on a dilapidated 1-m- transport costs by as much as 35%. is testament to Kenyas determi-
gauge railway system for more Australia-based construction com- nation to become East Africas
than a century, but that is about pany John Holland, a subsidiary transport hub.
to change, following the comple- of CCCC, has been contracted to Apart from the new line, Kenya
Picture: John Muchira
tion of the $3.8-billion 472 km operate the SGR line. intends to construct a 3 500 km
SGR line from the coastal city T he SGR line will assist SGR network under the Railways
of Mombasa to Nairobi, the cap- in lowering the logistics costs Master Plan that will connect the
ital city. ATANAS MAINA associated with freight storage country to Uganda, South Sudan
The standard-gauge railway
The SGR line is the largest line will play a vital role in
and delivery, which will lead to and Ethiopia.
infrastructure project in post- decongesting the Port of Mombasa low freight transport costs for Maina says the Mombasa
independence Kenya. Its com- the business community, says Nairobi line is critical for the
missioning will mean low freight Maina. development of Kenya because
transport costs, which is a good News. The line, constr ucted The completion of the it will provide a more efficient
development for the economies of by C h i n a Com mu n icat ion s MombasaNairobi line, which mode of transport for freight in
the region, Kenya Railways MD Construction Company (CCCC), forms the first phase of a broader the northern corridor, the main
Atanas Maina tells Engineering ha s t he p ot ent ia l to re duce railway investment programme, transport route for cargo des-
tined for not only Kenya but also
Uganda, Rwanda and parts of the
FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE identities of the four shortlisted Democratic Republic of Congo.
companies. Trains will travel at 80 km/h,
Renewed interest in delayed Howeve r, t h e c o m p a n ie s
that have expressed interest
which will significantly reduce
transit times for cargo.
Uganda oil refinery plan in the project include Chinas
China Petroleum & Chemical
The line has a haulage capac-
ity of up to 4 000 t a trip.
JOHN MUCHIRA listed companies. Cor p or at ion (Si nop e c) a nd
CREAMER MEDIA Russias RT Global had won Guangzhou Dongsong Energy Struggling
CORRESPONDENT the tender to finance, build and G r o up; I E SC O, of Tu r key; Currently, cargo transport along
THE much-delayed crude oil operate the 60 000-bbl/d-capacity Profundo, of Spain; SNC Lavalin, the northern corridor, which com-
refinery in Uganda is back on refinery, which was slated for of Canada; Maire Tecnimot, petes with Tanzanias central cor-
track after eight international completion in 2018. Completion of Italy; and Yatra Ventures, of ridor, is mainly by road, at 97%.
companies expressed interest has now been rescheduled to the US. Rift Valley Railways, the opera-
in implementing the $4-billion 2020. The refinery, which will be tor of the 1-m-gauge line between
project. Although Uganda entered into located in Hoima district, in Kenya and Uganda, has been
Four of the bidders have been negotiations with SK Engineering western Uganda, is a high priority struggling to operate profitably.
shor tlisted, and the Uganda & Construction-led consortium, of project, owing to its importance The SGR line will play a vital
government intends to select one South Korea, which was named in add ressing t he count r ys role in decongesting the Port
of them before July, eight months the alternate preferred bidder, energy needs and saving Uganda of Mombasa, thus enable it to
after the Russian consortium that after the Russian pull-out, the the $1-billion-odd it spends on increase cargo throughput to the
was initially awarded the contract talks broke down, prompting the petroleum product imports each inland, says Maina.
to build the facility walked away authorities to seek fresh bids. year. The commissioning of the line
in unclear circumstances, We hit a snag last year when Uga nd a is d et e r m i ne d t o comes at a time when cargo traffic
Uga nd a E nerg y M i n ist r y we were about to sign with the implement the refinery project to at the Mombasa port is increas-
spokesperson Irene Muloni Russians, who then pulled out. refine its huge crude oil deposits, ing, having gone up by 2.4%
says the Uganda government is Now we have four consortia from estimated at 1.7-billion barrels from 26.7-million tons in 2015 to
currently undertaking technical which we will pick the winner to and has partnered with Tanzania 27.3-million tons in 2016.
and financial evaluations of build the refinery, she says. to build an export pipeline to the The SGR line is designed to
the bids submitted by the short- Muloni declined to reveal the Port of Tanga. To page 23
Least-cost electricity transition being played out at CSIRs Pretoria campus
Picture by Dylan Slater
he expansive Pretoria campus of the was its role as a platform to demonstrate smart power grid and use natural resources
Council for Scientific and Industrial physical results, which is in the form of the for all its energy requirements. This plan
Research (CSIR) is increasingly EAC. He adds that a major influence in hinges on three primary forms of power
being taken off the grid with the roll-out work undertaken by the EAC is the focus generation to form an integrated plant
of renewable-energy projects as part of on a least-cost approach to determine the that is not only flexible and reliable but,
its drive to demonstrate the potential of methods of using renewable energy. eventually, also capable of producing
renewable energy to the domestic energy Attention, therefore, is being paid to about 30 GWh/y of energy. This
industry. the results achieved through different integrated plant will comprise various
To drive research and development into types of technology and various forms of solar photovoltaic (PV) plants, a wind
renewable-energy solutions for South implementation of an array of renewable- turbine and a biomass plant.
African applications, the CSIR established energy solutions and concepts to help the These primary forms will be
a new research unit the CSIR Energy CSIR understand the most cost-effective supplemented by secondary forms of
Centre (CEA) in 2015 that focuses on option for specific applications, the energy, such as storage from batteries,
energy research. A major component of the advantages and drawbacks of certain and hybrid generation such as hydrogen
CEA is the CSIRs Energy Autonomous technologies and combinations thereof, fuel cells.
Campus (EAC) initiative. and the risks associated with different
EAC programme manager Sengiphile methods of implementation. PV Fillip
Simelane tells Engineering News that, Simelane points out that the aim of Although a sizeable solar PV plant already
considering the global transition in energy the EAC project is to be a working exists at the EAC currently contributing
that is increasingly seeing a focus on demonstrator model to showcase key just under 1 MW to the CSIR campus
renewable energy, the CSIR decided to factors of renewable-energy power network the integrated energy plant is
launch a specific unit dedicated to conduct- generation technology, including the still largely under development.
ing research into energy issues that impact costs involved in implementing different It is planned that another 1 MW of
on South Africa and the wider region. forms, the performance thereof, risks and rooftop solar PV modules will be rolled
Energy research at the CSIR is divided rewards, likely payback timeframes and out in the upcoming financial year.
into various streams, which are relevant integration methods. The currently operating solar PV plant
to various issues in South Africa. A key The ultimate plan for the EAC is to comprises ground-mounted and rooftop
criterion of the departments establishment transform the entire CSIR campus into a plants.
Cyclical Upturn
owing to the consumption-driven recovery
in the developed economies, low oil prices
and the government stimuli programmes sup-
porting automotive purchases in several coun-
Steel demand seen growing again as recession risks recede tries. However, this may now be approaching
a peak.
ture sector, which accounts for 50% of global
lobal steel demand would increase by is expected to record increases in steel demand steel use, has been reflecting different pictures
1.3% to 1.53-billion tonnes this year, of 4% and 4.9% in 2017 and 2018 respectively. of the developing and developed economies.
and by a further 0.9% to 1.55-billion We expect Russia and Brazil will finally This sector has been a major driver of steel
tonnes in 2018, following growth of 1% in move out of their recessions. However, demand in developing countries on the back
2016, the World Steel Association (worldsteel) China, which accounts for 45% of global steel of urbanisation, but activity in the developed
said in its latest short-range outlook (SRO). demand, is expected to return to a more sub- economies since the 2008 financial crisis has
worldsteel economics committee chair- dued growth rate after its recent short uplift. been more subdued.
person TV Narendran noted that steel For this reason, overall growth momentum This appears to be about to change, with a
demand recovery had been stronger than will remain modest, Narendran pointed out. recovery in construction activities apparent in
expected in 2016, with the upside mostly com- With the risk of global recession reced- the European Union as a result of the improv-
ing from China. ing and economic performance improving ing economic conditions and the potential
We believe, in 2017 and 2018, we will see across most regions, a number of geopolitical renewal initiatives for infrastructure in the US.
a cyclical upturn in steel demand, with a con- changes still create some concern. US policy The machinery sector could also benefit
tinuing recovery in the developed economies uncertainties, Brexit, the rising populist wave from rising investment activities if the uncer-
and an accelerating growth momentum in the in current European elections and the poten- tainties surrounding the global economy can
emerging and developing economies. tial retreat from globalisation and free trade be contained.
Steel demand in developed economies is under the pressure of rising nationalism add On the other hand, depression in ship-
expected to increase by 0.7% in 2017 and 1.2% a new dimension of uncertainty in investment building activities is expected to continue for
in 2018. The developing world, excluding environments, worldsteel notes in the SRO. some time, given the global glut in shipping
China, accounts for 30% of global demand and The automotive sector has been the top capacity.
STEEL 2 quarter of 2016 and came on the back of flat year-on-year, with Germany recording a 1.9%
Global steel
year-on-year production in March of 539 000 t. year-on-year increase to 3.9-million tonnes dur-
Total global steel production for the 67 coun- ing March, Italy producing 9.5% more crude
production reaches
tries reporting to worldsteel totalled 145-million steel at 2.2-million tonnes and Spain produc-
tonnes during March, a 4.6% increase, while ing 1.4-million tonnes, up 15.7%.
410Mt in Q1
first-quarter production totalled 410.5-million France produced 1.3-million tonnes of crude
tonnes, up by 5.7% year-on-year. steel, up by 18.1%, compared with March 2016.
MEGAN VAN WYNGAARDT Asia produced 280.6-million tonnes of steel, The Commonwealth of Independent States
CREAMER MEDIA a 5.4% increase year-on-year. This was due produced 25.9-million tonnes of crude steel in
SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITOR ONLINE to Chinas March crude steel production of 72- the first three months of 2017, an increase of
SOUTH Africa produced an estimated 1.56- million tonnes, an increase of 1.8%, compared 4% over the same months of 2016.
million tonnes of steel in the first quarter of the with March 2016. Japan produced 8.9-million Turkeys crude steel production for March
year, the World Steel Association (worldsteel) tonnes in March, an increase of 1.8%. was 3.1-million tonnes, up 14%.
said in a recent note. This was roughly the same The European Union produced 42.5-million North Americas crude steel production
as the 1.54-million tonnes produced in the first tonnes of crude steel in the first quarter, up 3.8% totalled 29.3-million tonnes, a 7.1% increase.
WATER Megha Engineering & Infrastructure, SMC 20 000 m3 (20-milllion litres) of water a day,
Infrastructure and Technafab Engineering. thus meeting the present demand for water,
Four bidders shortlisted Bakuwa reports that the four bidders were says Bakuwa.
for Blantyre water project selected after Exim Bank had scrutinised
ten applications from several interested
Secondly, it will assist in reducing exorbi-
tant electricity costs, as the system will largely
MARCEL CHIMWALA contractors. be operated under gravity specifically, the
CREAMER MEDIA CORRESPONDENT The main components of the project include raw water transmission mains.
MALAWIS Blantyre Water Board (BWB) the construction of an intake structure on the The project is aimed at curbing water
has shortlisted four bidders for a project to Likhubula river; the laying of a 50km pipe- shortages in Blantyre, which are the result
tap water from the Likhubula river to the city, line from the river to Nguludi, which is close of increasing demand caused by rapid popu-
the countrys commercial capital. to the city of Blantyre; the construction of a lation growth.
The project will be financed by a $23- storage tank at Mpingwe Hill, in the city; and Malawi will also implement a project to
million loan from the Export and Import the laying of supply mains from the storage tap water from Lake Malawi to supply the
(Exim) Bank of India. tank to two locations in the city. city of Lilongwe.
BW B CEO Henry Bakuwa says the The importance of [this project] cannot be The contract for the project has been
four shortlisted bidders comprise a joint overemphasised. Firstly, it will supplement awarded to South Africa-based Katho Civils
venture of WPIL and SMS Paryavaran, the existing water supply systems by adding in a restricted tendering process.
African Energy
ucts and services. A tangible example is
Ghana, where Conco has an excellent record
but where Conlog has never operated.
He also remained optimistic about oppor-
CIG uncertain about local outlook, but sees growth tunities in South Africa, despite the delays in
starting Round 4 renewable-energy projects.
in rest of Africa CIG is a major participant in Round 4, hav-
ing secured work valued at R2.3-billion. We
as we are confident that the programme will
a n-A fr ica n infrastr ucture group currency had improved in Angola and AES happen and will contribute significantly to
Consolidated Infrastructure Group currently had no backlog on its offshore cre- our South African power business over the
(CIG) posted revenue growth of 29% to ditor payments. next three years once active. Gamsu pointed
R2.7-billion for the six months to February 28, Looking ahead, he noted that CIG would out that addressing new black economic-
owing to its strategy to expand across Africas leverage the groups cross-selling opportuni- empowerment legislation in South Africa and
energy markets. ties by piggybacking the established pres- the sectors skills shortage would continue to
The company further reported a 20% year- ence and local market experience of group pose challenges to growth.
on-year increase in its earnings before inter-
est, taxes, depreciation and amortisation to
R330-million; however, it noted that its earn-
ings were negatively impacted on by a reduc-
tion in profitability in CIGs Angolan associate, Call Irene on +27 10 060 2955
AES, owing to a slowdown in oil exploration, Email
a stronger South African rand and higher
interest costs.
Earnings per share and headline earnings
per share were down 18.5% to 111c apiece. Ready 1st September 2017!
The group ended the period with cash of
R548-million, compared with R481-million
as at end-February 2016.
Meanwhile, CIG posted a strong order book,
growing 25% year-on-year to R6.6-billion.
CEO Raoul Gamsu said he remained con-
fident in the groups focus on Africa and the
Middle East, and was pleased at the con-
tinued momentum in CIGs international pen-
etration in the period; the Middle East-Africa
region presents a wealth of opportunity given
the upward trend in renewable-energy pro-
jects and continued demand for and funding
of electricity grid infrastructure.
The companys power division remained
the key driver of results and performed well, LETTING FROM
with its renewables start-up, CIGenco, con- R55 p/sqm
cluding its first contract for an independent
power project in Namibia.
In South Africa, the division faced mixed 10 PREMIUM
conditions, with uncertainty in the municipal
and renewable-energy sectors balanced by con- UNITS
tinued infrastructure investment on the part
of Eskom and the mining sector.
The building materials and rail divisions Each unit comprising spacious warehousing with modern offices, generous
both recorded stronger and positive growth, internal stacking heights of minimum 11m, excellent security, ample yard
mainly owing to improved market condi-
tions and expanded market share. AES, the space and parking areas. Ramps and docking level provisions. Centralized
oil and gas divisions waste service business backup electricity supply. Conveniently situated in the Western Capes
in Angola, fared worse and was impacted on Northern Suburbs Brackenfell.
by reduced oil exploration activity and the
appreciation of the rand.
CIG acted quickly together with local
management to contain costs in the slower
period and AES continues to deliver positive
returns on investment for the group, said
Gamsu, adding that conditions for foreign
several times a year, but we need a farmer
he Department of Agriculture, Forestry yields than conventional farming. No soil is at least three times a day. We must strive for
and Fisheries (DAFF) has pledged its required to grow the vegetables and water friendlier methods of agricultural production.
support for the SUNfarming Food & economy is increased through drip irrigation. What NWU and SUNfarming are doing here
Energy project run by North-West University Through the project, several women from is the answer to these challenges we are fac-
(NWU), in Potchefstroom, in the North West the local Ikageng community are being trained ing within the agriculture sector.
province, which promotes the growing of in cultivation methods, insect control, nutri- What I saw today is the future of agri-
affordable and nutritious food in local munici- tional values of the different crops, root sys- culture... It is important that these and
palities, thereby effectively addressing house- tems and harvesting techniques. other projects seek cooperation agreements
hold food and nutrition insecurity. We are no longer planting our vegetables with the private sector to expand it further
The project is a partnership between using the soil, but coco fibre. Our system of across the province and the country, the
Germany-based photovoltaic (PV) specialist farming saves water. Our vegetables pots are Minister said.
SUNfarming and NWU. irrigated on time and we produce fresh vege- N W U Potchefst room ca mpus rector
The project, which is cofinanced by the tables, Buni Maretlwa, one of the workers Professor Fika Janse van Rensburg said
German government, focuses on the applica- at SUNfarming, said. many communities would benefit from this ini-
tion of technological engineering solutions NWU and SUNfarming donated the initial tiative should it be rolled out on a bigger scale.
and takes traditional, small-scale vegetable plants, fertiliser and compost and the reve- SUNfarmings objective is to roll out the
farming to new heights. nue generated from the produce will enable project to all universities and schools in
Special so-called agrosolar greenhouse the community members to sustainably grow Africa and it is collaborating with universi-
structures are used to grow vegetables, such produce for many production cycles. ties in Kenya, Ghana, Zambia and Botswana,
as tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, lettuce, cab- At a site visit to the project last month, besides other countries, to achieve this goal.
bage, broccoli, onions and herbs. The project, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Through the cooperation with African edu-
which started production in June 2016, cur- Senzeni Zokwana said, in view of the pro- cational institutions, we seek to lay the ground-
rently comprises three greenhouses, or tunnels. jects innovative technology for agriculture, work for future investments and joint ventures
While agricultural produce is grown, the the department wanted to see this replicated between our company group and local com-
solar panels mounted on top of the tunnels in other parts of the country, as it effectively munities in your country, said SUNfarming
generate electricity. deals with the issue of climate change and founder Peter Schrum.
Solar tunnel production offers much higher the scarcity of water and land, calling for a ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450989
Cement Incentives
export to neighbouring carry 22-million tons of cargo
countries. Ethiopia aims a year, equivalent to 40% of the
to produce 27-million tons Mombasa ports throughput.
of cement each year by In anticipation of increased
Ethiopia says it will continue 2020, making it an African container throughput at the port,
powerhouse in cement the Kenya government is modern-
to support cement investments production and a key exporter ising and expanding the inland
of the material. container depot (ICD), in Nairobi.
JOHN MUCHIRA | CREAMER MEDIA CORRESPONDENT The commissioning of When completed, by August,
Habesha Cement comes barely the ICD will have five additional
thiopia will continue human resources, among two years after the opening SGR lines serviced by six gantry
to offer investors in others, to help them become of the Dangote plant in the cranes for offloading and loading
the cement industry competitive in the international country, which has a yearly containers, a staking yard for at
attractive incentives as it seeks market, said Prime Minister capacity of 2.5-million tons of least 5 000 twenty-foot equiva-
to dominate the cement trade in Hailemariam Desalegn when cement and is the biggest in lent units (TEUs) and a yearly
the wider East African region. he commissioned a plant East Africa. throughput of 405 000 TEUs.
Cement production in the owned by Habesha Cement, a Currently, the depot has a yearly
Horn of Africa nation has joint venture involving South Yearly Production throughput of 180 000 TEUs.
increased tenfold during the Africas Industrial Development The Habesha plant, which T h e s e c o n d p h a s e of t h e
past decade, owing to the entry Corporation and Pretoria was constructed at a cost of SGR project will see the line
of new investors attracted by Portland Cement, as well as $155-million by Chinese com- being extended from Nairobi to
incentives like cheap electricity, local shareholders. It is the pany Northern Heavy Industry, Naivasha, a distance of 120 km,
government-provided land and newest cement factory in the has a yearly production capacity at a cost of $1.5-billion, funded
tax incentives. country. of 1.4-million tons. by a loa n f rom t he Ch inese
The Habesha plants commis- It is located in Holeta town, government.
Support sioning increased Ethiopias some 35 km west of the capital, Kenya has also signed con-
Government will continue cement production capacity to Addis Ababa. Besides Habesha struction agreements with CCCC
to support investors in the 16.4-million tons a year, ten and Dangote, other cement covering Phase 2B, from Naivasha
cement industry by providing times more than ten years ago. manufacturers in Ethiopia to Kisumu, and Phase 2C, from
them with clean energy, The production surge has are Mugher, Messebo, Derba Kisumu to Malaba, on the Uganda
logistics infrastructure and enabled the country to not only Midroc and Ethio Cement. border.
Degree programmes:
Masters in Engineering Management (MEM)
Masters in Project Management (MPM)
Masters in Technology and Innovation Management (MTIM)
Honours in Engineering and Technology Management (MOT)
sity, during breaks while the driver relaxed.
research team from German truck For many years, scientists have been During the night, the test subjects slept in a
maker Daimler recently explored an researching the complex relationships between normally darkened truck.
interesting question in the darkness the availability of biologically effective light The team documented the test results with
of Finlands polar night: Does the biological and the physical and mental states of human support from co-researcher Dr Michael
effect of light have a positive influence on the beings. Schrauf and the use of electroencephalo-
wellbeing and performance of truck drivers? Various related health problems have been graphy, electrocardiography and electrooculo-
Eight Daimler test drivers simulated two defined. One of the most common is seasonal graphy and other physiological measurements,
typical working weeks for truckers at a site affective disorder. as well as saliva samples, to ascertain levels
in Rovaniemi, in Northern Finland, in the Lack of light is a serious problem for many of the sleep hormone melatonin.
Arctic Circle. people in Northern Europe, for example, which Mental state and professional performance,
The truckers alternated between driv ing barely gets light during the winter months. which are closely related, were examined
for one week in a truck cab with conventional This can result in reduced performance and a using standardised psychological test proce-
lighting and for another week in a cab with a lack of motivation. dures (sustained attention and reaction tests on
Daylight+ module that provides additional day- Light therapy is a standard method of treat- the computer) and by recording vehicle data
light while driving and during breaks. ing these symptoms. through the FleetBoard telematics system.
In order to ascertain the possible benefits of When viewing trucks in terms of daylight, Rothe estimates that it will take several
applying daylight inside the truck cab, project Rothe determined that the shape of a conven- months to sift and analyse the extensive data
manager and head of the experiment Siegfried tional truck cab allowed only a comparatively from the series of experiments conducted in
Rothe, of the Daimler research department, low percentage of natural light to reach the the Arctic Circle.
defined this working hypothesis an applica- drivers light receptors. This finding prompted Only then we will be able to make a
tion of biologically effective light with a wave- him to think about possible solutions. recom mendation as to whether the test find-
length of between 460 and 490nanometres has An initial series of experiments with engi- ings should lead to changes in the design of
a positive effect on humans. neers from Daimlers test drive department cab lighting.
Nobody thinks too much about daylight, pro- proved positive. The subjective condition of Initial feedback from the truck test drivers
vided they do not suffer from a lack of light. all test subjects improved significantly under already provided some new insights.
Yet light dictates how life on earth is organised. the influence of an additional dose of light, The drivers consistently reported that they
The shift from day to night provides struc- regardless of the time of day. perceived the space inside the cab to be con-
ture as a short-term time cycle, as do the Another finding proved surprising test siderably more pleasant with the additional
changing seasons. Also, evolution means drivers with more daylight in the cab drove light fittings.
that the human internal clock has adapted to more economically. During the formal expe- When designing the series of tests, we
these circumstances, with this clock helping riments in Rovaniemi, Rothe examined how a hadnt even considered that the space might
in synchronising circadian rhythms. drivers performance changed when he or she appear larger, says Rothe.
Consolidated Model
Chief selected for Imperials newest business venture
he automotive business of the JSE- business unit in July 2016.
listed Imperial group has a new leader. The restructuring has prompted the question
Former Imperial CFO Osman Arbee whether Imperial will consider listing these
was named the CEO of Imperials newest entities as separate units on the JSE.
business venture, the Motus Corporation, in Before we consider listing either of these
January. Arbee has been with Imperial for divisions, we need to run them as two focused,
close to 13 years. increasingly self-sufficient effective businesses,
Manny de Canhas retirement from and we think that will take us to 2018, says
Imperials Associated Motor Holdings with Arbee. The way forward for Motus is to pull the
Imperial buying out his 10% share of the busi- Once we get to June 2018, we will be in businesses together, see where the industry is
ness has allowed the JSE-listed group to a better position to decide whether a sepa- headed
restructure its interests into two businesses. ration is the right decision for stakeholders.
Imperial now consists of the Motus and Right now we are trying to focus two large get in terms of warehousing, our footprint
Imperial Logistics divisions, which currently independent businesses and see how we can [and] the way we distribute our cars and man-
generate roughly R70-billion and R50-billion maximise our returns. age our parts. We are one family now in the
in revenue a year respectively. Currently, these divisions are still held Motus division, and we need to run the busi-
Motus came into existence on January 1, together by the Imperial group balance sheet. ness as one.
consolidating all Imperials vehicle import, Once we get some rubber on the road, we can Arbee also wants Motus to sell all its avail-
distribution, retail, rental, aftermarket parts question if they still fit together as a family. able motor-related financial services across
and financial services businesses into one Arbees task for the next 12 months is to pull the family.
division, operating through 1 360 dealerships, a relatively young team of leaders together, The longer-term goal is to ensure the sus-
depots, and car rental and franchise outlets. and to create whatever synergies, whatever tainability of the business going into the future.
Imperial Logistics was formalised as one cost savings and economies of scale we can To page 28
Gearing Up
BMWs Rosslyn plant to start producing X3 early next year
roduction of the new X3 at the BMW capital expenditure budget for the X3 was
plant in Rosslyn, outside Pretoria, for spent over an eight-week shutdown period in
the local and export markets, will start December 2016 and January 2017. ROBOT FARM
in the first half of 2018, says BMW Group Around 1700 people spent a total 1.4- The plants new body shop increases the
South Africa (SA) and sub-Saharan Africa million workhours at the plant, moving 2225t amount of robots used from 190 to 288
CEO Tim Abbott. of material into the plant and removing 1959t
The plant currently produces the 3Series from the facility. Around 226km of cabling Abbott. Job opportunities will also increase.
sedan, also for the local and export markets. was also laid during the shutdown. A number of BMW Group SA staff have been
In 2016, the facility produced 63000units, The X3 project sees BMW Group SA mak- upskilled to become maintenance person-
with 2017 to deliver roughly the same volume. ing use of a new body shop, an upgraded paint nel at the bodyshop. We also do a lot more
Around R6-billion is being spent on the shop, a new combined vehicle body stacker manual work in our body shop than in
Rosslyn facility to gear up for X3 production, and a refreshed assembly line. Germany, for example, in an effort to create
says Abbott. With the new X3, the plant will, A new training centre, due to open in the jobs, says body shop GM Danny Bester.
technically, be designed for a potential maxi- middle of the year, will also gear up the The new 26000m 2 body shop, with its
mum capacity of 71000 units [a year]. companys employees for production of the improved ventilation and use of natural light,
Abbott adds that the sports utility vehicle newX3. is twice the size of the old body shop.
(SUV) is the right vehicle for Africa going BMW Group SAs paint plant has always The old body shop will become a logistics
forward. He believes the German carmaker been the Achilles heel, in terms of qua lity, space once X3 production starts.
will eventually also find a market for the X3 of the Rosslyn plant, says Abbott. Now it The assembly plant received a new roof as
in African countries outside South Africa, is comparable with the best anywhere in the part of the X3 project.
such as Nigeria and Kenya, when the conti- world. The roof had to be lifted by 14m to enable
nents economy picks up again. The new paint plant will save 20% on its production of the taller X3 (compared with
In 2016, around 30% of all BMWs sold energy use, partly by cutting the primer phase the 3Series). The new roof was built over
globally were SUV X-models. X-model sales (and the use of an oven after this phase) from the existing roof, with the existing roof then
jumped from 295000 units in 2010 to 644992 the traditional four-phase process of e-coat, dismantled.
units in 2016. primer, base coat and clear coat. A new inte- The planned change in production also
grated paint process sees the base coat tak- introduces a hanger system to the plant, which
Big Change ing over the function of the primer coat. The brings the vehicle being assembled to the
Having focused exclusively on 3 Series Rosslyn plants new combined body stacker worker (associate in BMW-speak), instead
sedan production since 1990, gearing up can store up to 132painted and unpainted car of the associate moving to and from the unit.
for X3 assembly has led to the biggest bodies. At 32m high, it is the tallest build- The plant also had technology installed that
infrastructure change in the history of plant ing in Rosslyn. turns vehicles on their sides to allow for the
Rosslyn, notes Abbott. The plants new body shop will increase the easy fitment of components such as fuel lines,
Around R500-million of the R6-billion number of robots used from 190 to 288, says instead of associates working overhead.
From page 24 This very open, transparent at his destination, as well as to paperwork, as well as a 13% sav-
need to subcontract other trans- system means smaller transport- upload proof of delivery. ing in transport costs to the cus-
porters to assist them with their ers can easily compete with the The customer and Linebooker tomer on average. Linebooker also
operations. big guys, says Hoffman. can view the drivers progress in provides the opportunity of lane
Linebooker is an online plat- Linebooker charges a book- real time. balancing, adds Hoffman.
form, explains Linebooker sup- ing fee of no more than R450, The system currently includes When a truck delivers goods
ply chain manager Nick Hoffman, dependent on the value of the suc- 40 transport companies. Load from Johannesburg to Cape Town,
where customers log on, stating cessful bid. capacity starts at 12t. that truck does not have to come
details such as the pallet count, We execute the load, notes We vet these transport compa- back empty, which costs around
pallet height, loading point, deli- Hoffman. We take full accounta- nies and their trucks through face- R8 000 in fuel alone. Through
very point and temperature range bility for the delivery of the goods. to-face visits, says Hoffman. We Linebooker, that truck can find
of the goods to be transported. We track the truck and the deliv- inspect the vehicle and make sure a load to carry back to Gauteng.
Transport companies then have ery of the load. We pay the trans- the correct insurance is in place. Rademan says Linebooker will
a two-hour window to bid on the porter within 15days, while we Rademan says Linebooker carry its 1000th load this week,
load, with bids moving in R200 will give the customer 30days delivers several benefits for the of which 300 were executed in the
increments. The customer selects to pay us. industry, such as improved effi- last month.
a winning bid after the two-hour A Linebooker phone app allows ciency, increased competition, bet- We have experienced exponen-
period, only then learning the the driver responsible for the deli- ter visibility of the logistics chain, tial growth in the last two months.
identity of the company that will very to note when he is loading the a single creditor, the opportunity We aim for 2000 loads a month
provide the service. vehicle and when he has arrived to compare rates and reduced by July.
When you have IP, you mustnt behave like
he Compa n ies a nd I nt el le ct u a l IP is [currently] all over [the place], she a stingy husband or a stingy boyfriend, he
Property Commission (CIPC), an observed. The DTI is mandated to lead cautioned. The value of IP is its utility. When
agency of the Department of Trade and policy in this area. The success of what we you protect IP, it is to protect it so it can be
Industry (DTI), has been holding talks with are doing in the IP space is dependent on our used. Similarly, the DST is creating IP reposi-
the Department of Higher Education about success in collaborating. tories, so that local researchers and entre-
establishing a national intellectual property South Africa . . . [has a] very fragmented preneurs can access South African IP. So, if
(IP), or innovation, academy, reported CIPC IP [environment] . . . [with] pockets all it isnt being utilised, you can take it forward.
executive manager: innovation and creativity over gover n ment , p oi nt e d out C I P C We ought to educate, to raise awareness,
Nomonde Maimela. She was speaking at commissioner Rory Voller. Involved with so you are comfortable talking about IP,
a function to celebrate World Intellectual IP development and protection are the DTI, asserted Maimela. Not all of us know about
Property Day on April 26 at the Innovation the Department of Science and Technology this thing, especially the youth. There is
Hub, in Pretoria. (DST), the Department of Health, among a whole [IP] value chain. Once you register
She stressed that these talks were in their others. We need to centralise it. Africa has [your patent or design] with the CIPC, you
early stages. The proposed academy would many challenges, he empha sised. A lot have to ask: how do I commercialise this? It
be a large innovation/incubator complex, of challenges can be over come if we, as a is like we are a team in a relay, passing the
apparently inspired, or partly inspired, by continent, can understand the IP situation and baton one to another. We need to elevate our
such a complex now operating in Russia. use the [global] innovation and IP system. country. South Africans are very innovative,
The intent would be to concentrate as much Over a couple of years, we have been very inventive. We are a very inventive nation.
as feasible of the countrys IP development in look ing at how best we (DST) can protect IP (The Innovation Hub, which hosted and was
one big place. developed through public funding, stated DST one of the sponsors of the World Intellectual
The idea is that such a concentration would deputy director-general: technology innovation Property Day celebration, is an agency of
accelerate IP development in the country by Mboneni Moufhe. We really felt we need to the Gauteng provincial government, not the
bringing hitherto widely scattered innovators find a way to protect [this] IP. The country, national government. It is also currently
into proximity with each other. We can get as a whole, invested R2-billion in research regarded as the leading science park in Africa.
where we want to go faster when we are and development in the 2014/15 financial The other sponsors were the DSTs Nipmo and
working together, she affirmed. year, he noted. When you invest in science, biotechnology association AfricaBio.)
Oxford, Federation
would reopen and the Oxford road
offramp (northbound) would close.
New Course
Court ruling means new approach needed for SAs
nuclear programme
he South African Nuclear Energy In its reaction, also issued in a press release
Cor p or at ion ( Ne csa) ca l le d for on the same day, Business Leadership South
caution and common sense in the Africa (BLSA) hailed the judgment. Once
press release it issued on April 28 in response again, the rule of law has triumphed in South
to the Western Cape High Court judgment on Africa. It congratulated the groups (Earthlife
April 26, which set aside as unconstitutional South Africa and the Southern African Faith KELVIN KEMM
and unlawful certain policy decisions and Communities Environment Institute) which A false impression has been created that this
intergovernmental agreements announced and brought the case before the court. judgment is antinuclear
entered into by the South African government Judge Lee Bozalek . . . has assured South
regarding the countrys planned construction Africans of future public participation and We look to the Department of Energy for
of new nuclear power plants (NPPs). It high- more transparency, it averred in its press guidance on the matter and will take [its]
lighted that the judgment had not derailed the release. BLSA applauds this ruling, particu- lead on the next course of action. The asso-
countrys new NPP programme. larly given the nuclear new-build programme ciation emphasised that the High Court had
The court has ruled on an administra- was a red flag for ratings agencies. It pointed passed no judgment on nuclear energy but
tive process, stressed Necsa chairperson to ratings agency Fitch as having cited the new had focused its concerns on the procedures
Dr Kelvin Kemm. The court has not ruled NPP programme as a key reason for the dis- that had been adopted by government in
on the wisdom, or otherwise, of nuclear power. missal of former Finance Ministers Pravin carrying out its nuclear policy.
A false impression has been created that this Gordhan and Nhlanhla Nene. Niasa reaffirmed its commitment to proper
judgment is antinuclear. It is not and comment BLSA has also noted and supported the procedures, transparency and fair trade in
to that effect is premature and regrettable. clear findings of the Integrated Resource Plan, the implementation of the new NPP pro-
There are many misunderstandings and which suggest South Africa does not need a gramme. It pointed out that all its members,
false perceptions around nuclear and the pub- R1-trillion nuclear plan. In our current low- which include all the companies seeking to
lic is often fed misinformation about the costs, growth environment, the costs and affordabil- sell NPPs to South Africa, had signed a dec-
benefits, safety and South Africas long-term ity of a nuclear programme will strain public laration committing themselves to a fair and
energy requirements, he affirmed. One posi- finances already under pressure. The judges transparent acquisition process that respected
tive aspect of this ruling is that it presents the findings have forestalled government from South African law.
opportunity for the facts and truth to be fully flouting Constitutional requirements, side- Nuclear technology is not new to South
aired and debated so that rational people can stepping Parliament and the public and defy- Africa and would play its part in an energy
think and decide on realities, not hearsay. The ing the standards of transparency required in mix for the country, which would, Niasa stated,
antinuke lobby has had the platform to them- a democracy . . . BLSA welcomes the ruling meet both the countrys baseload electricity
selves, not least because the nuclear industry that the Minister of Energy and the National requirements and climate change commit-
has been quiet. This will change. Necsa and Energy Regulator of South Africa will make ments. [T]he argument for nuclear technol-
the nuclear industry intend to step up efforts to a new, more accountable determination. ogy is undisputed and supported by scientific
put the facts before the court of public opinion The Nuclear Industry Association of research, said Msebenzi Equally so, we
and to present a balanced and evidence-based South Africa (Niasa) issued its reaction on respect our democracy and the need for cor-
case for nuclear energy as the right energy April 27. As an industry, we respect the courts rect process and procedure.
option for South Africa. judgment, stated Niasa MD Knox Msebenzi. ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E451000
From page 25 ourselves how we make Motus sustainable seeks to earn more revenue offshore. Around
In current market conditions, things are in this industry. 13% of Motuss profits are currently earned
changing constantly, such as peoples buy- That sustainability, he adds, involves outside South Africa, mainly through vehi-
ing patterns, says Arbee. This includes the remaining an importer of vehicles such as cle distribution rights in Africa and dealer-
way people choose cars the way they see the Hyundai, Renault, Kia, Mitsubishi and ships in the UK and Australia.
the ownership of vehicles. Disruptive service Tata brands. The second challenge to the newly minted
offerings, such as Uber, are coming naturally Local assembly of these passenger cars division is the lack of economic growth in
to younger people, for example. offers no economies of scale. Motus will, how- South Africa and, as a result, the demand for
We need to invest in information tech- ever, continue to assemble commercial vehicles new cars are low. No new jobs means no new
nology, we need to make sure we understand in South Africa, such as the Hyundai bakkie. vehicle buyers, says Arbee.
the consumer, and we need to make sure we Looking to the future, Arbee notes that The third challenge is that any down-
are more efficient in the way we sell vehicles. Motus faces three challenges. grade in South Africas sovereign rating will
In short, says Arbee, the way forward for The first is a volatile, unpredictable rand, probably lead to higher interest rates, which
Motus is to pull the businesses together, see more so than a weak rand. will negatively affect consumers spending
where the industry is headed, and then ask In order to counter rand movement, Motus power.
demand, higher coal-plant availability and new
aving been effectively directed by the The ruling was also scathing in its assess- renewables and conventional supply.
Western Cape High Court to start ment of the content of the 2014 intergovern- The logical platform for such re-engagement
with a clean slate when approaching mental agreement (IGA) with Russia as well as is the process already under way to update the
the controversial issue of nuclear procure- the tabling of the Russian, South Korean and IRP. True, the base case has been tabled and
ment, South Africas new Energy Minister, US IGAs before Parliament. On the content there has already been a public participation
Mmamoloko Kubayi, has some big calls to of the Russian IGA, the judges found that it process. However, there is still an opportunity
make. could not be considered a routine agreement to make the updating far more inclusive, more
In the April 26 judgment signed off by jus- with many attributes of a binding deal, while transparent and more credible.
tices Lee Bozalek and Elizabeth Baartman, its tabling before Parliament was declared For one, Kubayi could announce a tem-
acknowledgement is made that it would be unlawful and unconstitutional. The court porary moratorium on any further procure-
inappropriate for the court to prescribe to the also set aside the tabling of the South Korean ment processes based on the 2010 IRP until
Minister the form of any procurement process and US IGAs, which the applicants described the update is finalised. Thats not to say that
to be adopted. Nevertheless, the ruling makes as mere window dressing to minimise the the 37 renewables projects legally procured
it plain that the nontransparent processes hith- impact of the Russian IGA. way back in 2015 should be included under
erto employed for a procurement with such The main hammer blow for the current such a freeze; they should not. Indeed, those
far-reaching consequences for the South Eskom-led procurement process flowed natu- power purchase agreements should be signed
African public, and the allocation of resources rally from the courts ruling that the 2013 and and resolution found to Eskoms cost-recovery
by government, are neither rational nor lawful. 2016 determinations were unlawful and uncon- anxieties. However, Eskoms nuclear procure-
Not only was the hur r iedly prepa red stitutional. As a consequence, the judgment ment should be halted until the IRP is updated
revised nuclear determination of December set aside any request for proposals (RFP) and that update should take full account
2016 (which transferred nuclear procure- or request for information (RFI) issued as a of the public submissions. In addition, any
ment responsibilities from the Department of result of the determinations. policy adjustments made to the least-cost
Energy (DoE) to Eskom and the South African This, no doubt, has consequences for model should not only be made transparent,
Nuclear Energy Corporation) found to be want- Eskoms RFI, which closed on April 28, and but also be justified on the basis of a cost-
ing, but so too was the earlier December 2013 for any subsequent RFP, which the utility had benefit analysis.
determination, which was only gazetted in been hoping to issue during the second half of Additionally, the process of electricity reform
December 2015. 2017. Eskom says it is studying the judgment could be broadened beyond the IRP and the
In both cases, the concurrence of the and will, if it deems necessary, comment in countrys current fixation with generation
National Energy Regulator of South Africa the near future. technologies. South Africans need to have a
(Nersa), in the absence of a public participa- However, the ball is now firmly in Kubayis mature, far-sighted conversation on the future
tion process, was held up to be procedur- court and how she responds will have far-reach- design and operation of the entire system so as
ally unfair. ing effects not only for the credibility of the to futureproof it (as best as practically possible)
The judgment notes, too, that, in the 2016 DoE and government, but also for the shape in the face of the disruption that is already
instance which Nersa delivered within three and cost of South Africas electricity supply under way, as well as the disruption that is to
days of then Energy Minister Tina Joemat- industry transition from coal. come. How best can South Africa navigate
Petterssons request concurrence was given Naturally, the Minister has the option to this transition without allowing slippage on
despite the fact that two years had elapsed appeal, which is a likely scenario. Here there what some call the Three As of electricity
since the regulator officially concurred with may even be some merit, as clarification is affordability, accessibility and availability?
the 2013 determination. It was also provided arguably required on Nersa needing to con- Naturally, any restructuring of the domes-
despite continuing misgivings over the 2010 sult the public when offering concurrence for tic industry will take time, particularly given
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which called a Ministerial determination that is based on the political sensitivities associated with such
for the building of 9600MW of new nuclear an IRP, drafted after public consultation. In an overhaul, not to mention the technical and
capacity by 2030 and was in the process of other words, should Nersa be entertaining financial dangers associated with any effort
being updated. further public consultations on a plan that to transform.
Given the elapse of two years since Nersas has already been canvassed? If so, would the Nevertheless, the debate cannot be held off
concurrence in the 2013 determination and the IRP be adapted after such consultation by the forever, with the utility model under threat
changed format of the determination, most par- regulator? Additionally, what would it mean in many countries, including South Africa,
ticularly in its designation of Eskom Holdings immediately for the renewable-energy, coal and given this countrys particular challenges
or its subsidiaries as the procurer in respect and gas determinations that have also arisen around strengthening the transmission grid and
of the nuclear programme, it was, in my view directly from the 2010 IRP? the sustainability of some of its municipal dis-
incumbent upon Nersa to afford members of However, that clarity aside, Kubayi can tributors that are currently failing.
the public and/or interested and affected per- either approach this judgment as an unaccept- Its not often that a Minister has a clean
sons an opportunity to influence the decision, able intrusion on executive power to be con- slate opportunity. She should grasp it with
Bozalek said. tested on all fronts, or she could use it as an both hands.
WAR ON POTHOLES SAINSHAND SALKHIN worlds longest immersed tunnel of its type for
PROJECT PARK WIND FARM road and rail transport.
The Fehmarnbelt link will be 18 km long and
40 m below sea level.
Name of the Project Name of the Project In contrast to a bored tunnel, an immersed
War on potholes project. Sainshand Salkhin Park Wind Farm project. tunnel comprises hollow concrete elements,
Location Location cast on land and assembled section by section
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. The project is located 460 km south-east of to form the tunnel.
Client Ulaanbaatar, near Sainshand City, the capital The tunnel will comprise a four-lane motorway
Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA). of Dornogobi province, Mongolia. and two electrified rail tracks. It will consist of
Project Description Client 79 individual elements, each 217 m long, and
The JRA is prioritising the repair of failing road Ferrostaal Industrial Projects. ten special elements with a lower floor for the
services in the City of Johannesburg. Project Description tunnel operation and maintenance equipment.
The 2017 citywide Visual Condition Index The project involves the construction of a The trench for the tunnel will entail the
inspection has indicated that 40% of the 55 MW onshore wind farm, which will have a excavation of about 19-million cubic metres
citys roads are in very good condition, 15% yearly output of 190 000 MWh. of stone and sand from the seabed. This will
in a good condition, 15% in a fair condition, The project will prevent the emission of about be used to establish about 3 k of new natural
14% in a poor condition and 15% in a very 210 000 t/y of carbon dioxide. areas on Lolland and, to a lesser extent, on
poor condition. As of February 2017, 37 450 Jobs to Be Created Fehmarn.
potholes had been reported to the JRA, of Not stated. Once complete, it will take ten minutes to travel
which 32 740 have been repaired. However, Value from Denmark to Germany by car and seven
the time to repair potholes is a concern. The project is valued at about 117.5-million. minutes by train.
To address the current pothole repair backlog, Duration Motorists will be able to drive at 110 km/h in
the City of Johannesburg has allocated addi- Construction is planned to start this year, with the tunnel. Electric trains will be able to travel
tional funding to the JRA for 2016/17; a con- commissioning of the plant in the second half at 200 km/h.
tractor has been appointed to assist in repair- of 2018. Jobs to Be Created
ing potholes, while additional staff are being Latest Developments Up to 3 000 people will be directly employed in
recruited; and pothole repair teams are working None stated. building the Fehmarnbelt tunnel.
overtime to tackle the backlog, including on Key Contracts and Suppliers Value
weekends. None stated. The construction budget for the Fehmarnbelt
Jobs to Be Created On Budget and on Time? link is DKr52.6-billion.
Not stated. Not stated. The Fehmarnbelt link will be user-financed.
Value Contact Details for Project Information Revenues from the link will repay the loans that
R88-million. Ferrostaal Industrial Projects head of wind financed construction.
A total of R60-million has been allocated for power Holger Boy, tel +49 201 818 28 60 or Duration
materials and equipment for pothole repairs fax +49 201 818 35 14. The project is expected to take about 8.5 years
and other types of road maintenance; and Sainshan Wind Park, tel +976 11 325867 or to complete.
R28-million to start addressing the 40% email info@sainshandwindpark. Latest Developments
staff capacity shortage in the road maintenance Arup, in joint venture with Rambll and Tunnel
teams. FEHMARNBELT FIXED Engineering Consultants (TEC), will provide
Duration LINK PROJECT consultancy services and technical support for
Not stated. the construction of the tunnel.
Latest Developments Key Contracts and Suppliers
None stated. Name of the Project Femern Link Contractors (construction of
Key Contracts and Suppliers Fehmarnbelt fixed link project. the immersed tunnel and the tunnel element
None stated. Location factory, and construction of the portal
On Budget and on Time? The Fehmarnbelt link will be built between structures, toll buildings, bridges and ramps);
Not stated. Rdbyhavn on Lolland, in Denmark, and the Dredging International (dredging contract)
Contact Details for Project Information German island of Fehmarn. COWI (consultant) and Arup (consultancy
JRA operations manager: CRM, Marketing and Client services and technical support for the
Communications Bertha Peters-Scheepers, Femern. construction of the tunnel).
tel +27 11 298 5023 or Project Description On Budget and on Time?
email The project entails the construction of the Not stated.
First Solar approved series 4 (Certification RI16031501) PiA Solar non-conductive Thin Film clamps.
ISO 9001:2008
Erf 896, Sardinia Bay Road| Lovemore Park | Port Elizabeth | PO Box 15212 | Emerald Hill | 6011 | South Africa | Office: +27 41 366 1911 | Fax: +27 366 1913 |
Email: |
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for economic growth
Page 40
Nampo Harvest Day
allows company to build
relationships Page 41 Compiled by VICTOR MOOLMAN
Agricultural equipment from Vermeer has been
used to create hay bales in the Free State
ith aspirations to start distribu specials, we envision generating equipment The Vermeer VRseries Carted Wheel
tion of its agriculture products sales and product inquiries which we can Rakes feature a number of Vermeer inno
across subSaharan Africa, follow up on immediately after the show, vations the VR1022 is easy to operate
Industrial equipment supplier Vermeer says Vermeer equipment supplier MD and built for highvolume raking.
believes the Nampo Harvest Day is an Frank Beerthuis. The Vermeer Rancher 6640 is designed
ideal platform to promote its products to He highlights that at the Vermeer stand, to produce a large amount of bales, the
the market. the Rancher 6640 Baler, BPX9000 Bale Vermeer TMSeries Trailed Mowers can
The show easily attracts over 60000 Processor, 604N Cornstalk Special Baler, hitch up easily and are easy to operate and
visitors, and among these will be many TM800 Rebel Trailed Mower, R2300Twin the Vermeer 604N and 605N Cornstalk
potential customers for our products. With Rake and the VR1022 Carted Wheel Rake, Special Balers are equipped to bale their
a fittomarket product and lucrative retail will be on show. To page 36
We deliver, so that
you can deliver
Hear what UD Trucks
customers have to say
Product in photograph is for illustration purposes only and is subject to stock availability.
Telematics is included in every Quester giving you peace of mind as well as being
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Features include:
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Contact us for trusted brands, excellent service and world-class pumping system solutions.
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Toyota SA @ToyotaSA
The drought last year made trading
he continued growth of agricultural conditions very challenging and, as an
exhibition Nampo Harvest Day, in the industry, we have lost momentum, he says.
Free State, reflects the importance However, Keir explains that SPE is positive
of agriculture to the economic growth of about the outcomes this year, as the company
South Africa, says equipment supplier Smith has already observed some positive trends in
Power Equipment (SPE) Polaris and Linhai the market: the rand is strengthening slightly
product range national sales manager Mark and customers of the company are spending
Chittenden. more strategically than before.
Having attended the show for the past 16 Even though we see disparate weather
years, he notes that every year SPE show patterns and rainfall in different provinces,
competition in the market. mechanisation, the impact of emissions on
Chittenden explains that the relaunching the environment, productbuyer connections
of Linhai allterrain vehicles, such as the 300 and financial solutions in the sector are
The period in years for which Smith and 400 4 4 models, will fill the stand, of interest to SPE, he says. The company
Power Equipment has been attending while the dieselpowered Linhai 800 side specialists will participate in key discussions
the Nampo Harvest Day show byside with bench seat and steel bin will be on these matters.
demonstrated at the new agricultural track. Chittenden concludes that, because the
Nampo Harvest Day show is an agricultural
show, SPE will be focusing on the Kubota
tractors, with the other company brands
being there to support a full product lineup.
T h is yea r has st a r te d of f look i ng
promising and we believe it will be better
than last year.
75 000
allows company to Total visitors at the Nampo show last
advantages of standardising its extensive
wing to the agriculture market what we have, understanding some of the product range.
becoming more technologically needs that may not be met and finding We are far more than a product supplier
advanced, bearings supplier solutions for these needs, he explains. To page 50
Bearings International (BI) says attending
the Nampo Harvest Day will allow
the company to build the necessary
relationships within the sector.
[Economic] growth is important, but, FULL RANGE OF DEWATERING
[that said], so too are the relationships and
meeting customers that Nampo offers. At
BI, we believe in customer relationships Extensive fleet available at short notice
and Nampo is an ideal way to meet with supported by an experienced technical team
all our clients in a relaxed environment to
discuss some of the challenges faced and
offer solutions to these challenges, says BI
CEO Burtie Roberts.
As a result, he notes that BI will show
case the product offerings that support the
agriculture industry at its stand in Nampo
Hall 45 and 46, from belts for vehicles,
transmission products for motors and
chains for drives to bearings, couplings,
electric motors, tools and many other
Roberts says that BI also provides advice
on keeping farming equipment operating at
optimum efficiency, in addition to outlining
the most proactive maintenance procedures
to increase the life span of equipment.
We show what the industry uses and
CM 270117CG
needs; as we see demand change and new
products become available, we offer these
to the market. The show is about offering
When it comes to keeping your machinery and vehicles operating at an optimal level, think
twice before you install inferior quality parts. They will need replacing far sooner than OEM
quality BMG products, engineered to improve your productivity and cut costs in the long run.
We have the widest range and largest stockholding of superior quality Agricultural products as
well as the technical expertise to help you make the right, cost effective choices.
Revamped stand to
encourage positive
customer experience
ndustrial gases company African Oxygen, The stand will feature familiar and popular
better known as Afrox, will be featuring elements from previous years, such as live
a revamped stand at the Nampo Harvest demonstrations, daily specials, welding
Day show, from May 16 to 19, in the Free workshop bays and product displays, as well
State, to enable its agricultural customers to as the Handigas mascot which made its first
view and experience welding machines and appearance at the Nampo Harvest Day show
equipment in a suitable environment. last year making it easy to spot.
The company explains that the theme of The new Afrox industrial metal arc
the stand will convey its desire to be the welding (MMA) 221S is a robust machine
preferred supplier of choice, allowing Afrox that features a digital display with arc force
to demonstrate a range of welding machines, and hot start capabilities and will be on TIG WELDER
Customers will be able to use some of the
consumables, gases and support services special throughout the duration of Nampo welding equipment from Afrox at the show
on offer. 2017, says Afrox arc equipment product
manager Dewald Bodenstein. Other newly
launched models will also being on display machines, which include two new MMA
My son asked me what its like to be married, and available for purchase. models, three new metal inert gas (MIG)
so I told him to leave me alone, and when he
did, I asked him why he was ignoring me.
He highlights that the Afrox stand will welding models with multiprocess capabilities
include new Afrox industrial welding as standard and two new tungsten inert gas
for the entire
agricultural sector.
8 1 Diesel Generator Set
1 2 WWash Motor
3 Invicta Vibrator Motors
4 Indoor Customisable Control Panels
5 Overhead Lines
6 Transformers
14 10
7 All Weather Outdoor Control Panels
8 Pole Mount Transformers
9 Premium Efficiency Motors
10 Variable Speed Drives
Zest WEG Group has been servicing the agricultural sector for more than 35 years with
its range of robustly engineered products. 11 Soft Starters
12 Direct Online Starters (DOL)
WEG products, designed using modern technology, offer farmers optimum reliability
coupled with excellent energy efficiency. From WEG Premium Efficiency electric motors 13 Motor Protective LV Switchgear
to WWash electric motors with WEG Variable Speed Drives, all have developed a 14 Pushbuttons and Pilot lights
reputation for solid performance in the most demanding conditions. Low maintenance
requirements as well as ease of serviceability allow reduced total cost of ownership to
the agricultural sector.
As a market leader, Zest WEG Group offers access through WEG Brazil, to international
best practice in electrical solutions for the agricultural sector. The Zest WEG Group
operates a strategically situated network of branches and distributors to ensure
optimum availability of product and parts. Tel: +27 11 723 6000
Picture by Senior Chief Photographer Duane Daws
Industrial strike
borehole equipment, he says.
Van Der Merwe explains
that the Fhoton SolarPAK is
also economical in the long run
with many of the smaller sized action. Lost time
due to rain.
systems costing little more than
the fuel-powered equivalents.
Source: Bloomberg
The solar pumping system
decreases future costs and cost
uncertainties as the fuel is free
Project delivered
6 months ahead
and the pump element, which The SolarPAK uses solar power
can be removed and replaced to transport water over long
alone, is the only wearing part, distances
with little or no maintenance
With a solar pumping
300m, he elaborates. Small-
scale systems use highly
of schedule.
system, there is a significant efficient, standard alter nating
reduction of cost of ownership current motors and progressing
and customers are assured of cavity pumps, while medium-
many years of reliable water scale systems use multistage,
supply at near-zero operating centrifugal submersible pumps
cost. powered by high efficiency
The investment payback permanent magnet motors.
period for Franklin Electrics
Fhoton SolarPAK is 12 to
Van der Merwe says the large-
scale systems are driven by an Impossible?
Not for DRA.
24months, allowing customers array of high powered modules,
to quickly realise the benefits of ensuring reliability and an
a solar-powered water pumping expected lifetime in excess of
system, he points out. 20 to 25years.
Van der Merwe explains that Power from the solar array
the advantages of the Fhoton is fed into a high-quality
SolarPAK include not being electronic inverter which
reliant on fuel or electricity; converts direct current into
being expandable; extremely three-phase variable frequency
efficiency, meaning pumps output, he says.
can be used in marginal wells, Franklin Electric is a
pushing water through pipelines manufacturer of high-quality
that may be several kilometres pumping solutions, with an
long; being constructed of high- extensive branch and distri- In one year, DRA delivered 6 platinum concentrators to
quality materials and designed bution network of authorised various clients in Africa, resulting in a total processing
for corrosion resistance and service providers across Africa capacity of 670 Ktpm. As one of the industrys leading
maintenance-free service even and the world, offering a range concentrator and mining experts, DRA can proudly attest
in harsh environments; and of support facilities to its to satisfied clients in all areas of the platinum industry.
offering long-term performance customers. Its just another way DRA delivers through
and reliability. Van der Merwe concludes all circumstances.
The Fhoton SolarPAK that the solar-powered pumps
is suitable for a variety of will be available for purchase
applications from livestock at the Nampo Harvest Day
watering to rural water supply show, in the Free State, at
and renewable-energy projects, Stand25 from May 16 to 19,
and can be designed for small-, at a one-off promotional offer
medium- and large-scale water for the duration of the show.
requirements. Typical flow There will be prizes for
ranges begin at 1000 /d and visitors to the stand, with a
from depths of 5m to 120m grand prize of a complete solar
for small systems, to large- powered pumping system,
scale flow systems that can including a 250 Wp solar Extraordinary Possibilities
reach in excess of 185000 /d panel.
and achieve depths of up to ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450660
Nampo is an ideal platform for suppliers
lock-making machine manu- and manufacturers to access invalu-
facturer Hydrafor m will able direct market input from a
be launching the new M9 customer base and vice versa, and,
business-on-a-trailer block-making with the shows new international
machine at the Nampo Harvest Day pavilion, the enterprise is growing
show to be held from May 16 to 19 its international visitor and exhibitor
in the Free State. base tremendously, she explains.
Hydraform marketing coordinator The drought has also inspired
Ryno Saayman explains that. while farmers to seek supporting oppor-
the machine is electrically powered, tunities and enterprises that can be
the trailer includes a generator that sustained on their farms.
not only powers the machine but This creates the perfect oppor-
also all ones building needs. It also tunity for block making using the
has several extra components that farmers nonarable soil and the farm
can be added to enable farmers and labour available.
small businesses to complete work BLOCK-MAKING TRAILER The M9 concept lessens the load
on their farms or add new industry The M9 trailer is a combination of machines that can be used to
easily create blocks for construction projects
on farmers to acquire a large amount
to their operations. of water to facilitate building new
The concept behind the business- structures.
on-a-trailer is that it serves two purposes as other Hydraform machines: once it has H e r e it e r a t e s t h a t t h e Hyd r a fo r m
the block-making business on a dismountable reached the location where the construction t e c h n o l o g y o n l y r e q u i r e s a s m a l l
skid, as well as a standalone trailer for loading is taking place, interlocking blocks can be amount of water to create several thousand
and transporting other materials and items manufactured using only a mixture of 10% blocks.
that affect ones business or operation. cement, water and soil from the surrounding Un for t u nately, water wi l l st i l l be
Saayman explains further that the block- area, using the M9 trailer-based block-making playing a part in the construction process,
making machine follows the same principle machine. but you will end up using less water,
Hydraform has been developing the Saayman says.
Hydraform interlocking building system for He adds that farmers prefer the hands-on
29 years, with the M9 trailer-based machine approach to building and maintaining the
being the latest innovation. equipment and structures that they have.
The Nampo Harvest Day festival has been Dickson explains that Hydraform has a
chosen as the launch platform for the new long and successful relationship with the
M9 concept, because of the opportunity this agriculture community.
represents for our farming clientele, He explains that, by nature, successful
Farmers can use the M9 business on a farmers are innovators whose survival
trailer block-making machine and take it to depends on finding solutions to day-to-
wherever it is required to build new buildings, day challenges, which makes Hydraform
add to a building or to improve already technology an ideal companion for them.
existing structures, Saayman highlights. Saayman adds that Hydraform will be at
GREAT OPPORTUNITY He explains that, during the slowdown in Stand 65c, where the M9 machine will be
Farmers can use the M9 business-on-a-trailer
block-making machine and take it wherever
farming operations, farmers choose to focus used to create blocks throughout the Nampo
it is required to build new buildings, add to on the maintenance of existing structures, Harvest Day show.
a building or to improve already existing and building storage facilities and housing We are proud to be associated with the
structures He points out that the Nampo Harvest Nampo event for so long and are grateful
Day show is the largest agricultural show in to the growing enterprise for its support in
the southern hemisphere and it is attended connecting the agriculture industry with the
I thought I was just really tired, but its by the agriculture community from across tools it needs not only to survive but also to
been five years, so I guess this is how I
look now.
Africa. thrive, Dickson concludes.
It offers exhibitors direct access to the ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450771
From page 41
we also focus on offering our customers
BI also provides advice
in the agriculture community a total on keeping farming
solution for their specific needs, explains
Trevelyan. Further, he explains that the
equipment operating at
agriculture sector is under increasing optimum efficiency
pressure to cut costs and improve BURTIE ROBERTS
productivity, owing to the recent drought
and the changing political climate. BI has
made its product line available to help
its customers reduce their downtime and
boost productivity. bearings and shaftmountedgearbox
On display at the BI stand at the Nampo supplier Dodge, power tool manufacturer
Harvest Day show are products from Makita, hand cleaner and degreaser
manufacturer Citronol, electric motor
manufacturer Bauer and bearings and
When the wealth is lost, nothing is lost. transmission components manufacturer DODGE GEARBOX
When the health is lost, something is lost.
Mental peace leads to good health. KML. Bearings International will be showcasing
ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450648 some of Dodges gearbox offerings
A lack of major infrastructure projects in
South Africa is negatively affecting the
Source: Bloomberg
he construction industry in South projects that are implemented. on February 19, 2013, which aims to elimi
Africa which is tied directly to the He is concerned over a lack of major infra nate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030
state of cement and concrete is stut structure projects in South Africa recently, as being behind schedule according to con
tering, but there is scope to improve, says with the last two notable constructions being tained forecasts.
chemicals solutions provider Chryso Southern Stateowned power utility Eskoms Medupi To mitigate this situation and facilitate
Africa CEO Norman Seymore. and Kusile power stations, both of which growth, Chryso has been expanding its terri
It has been widely reported that the con have been completed from a construction tories by developing into subSaharan Africa.
struction industry has not been doing well point of view. However, Seymore says there is scope
for several years, he tells Engineering News. This leaves only road infrastructure pro for South Africas construction industry to
Seymore explains that the reliance of jects constituting major infrastructure pro improve, as there is a need for infrastruc
cement and concrete on a thriving construc jects in the country. This abatement negatively ture development.
tion industry, which, in turn, is reliant on impacts on the construction industry, thereby While there are no major infrastructure
infrastructure projects means the condition affecting cement and concrete. projects on the cards, he concedes that there
and progress of the construction industry is Further, Seymore points to governments are pockets of good performance. These
directly proportional to the number of such National Development Plan implemented To page 54
From page 52
infrastructure projects are very localised,
however; for example, in Sandton, where
passersby might be under the impression
that there is a construction boom, this is not
the case rather, there is isolated growth in
the area.
ement a nd const r uc new Efficiency Audit service Infrastructure projects are
tion materials supplier offering. necessary for CPMs to sell their
A f r i S a m i s p r ov i d AfriSam national sales man products, and this downturn has
ing additional support for its ager Amit Dawneerangen says increased pressure, necessitating CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE
Concrete Product Manufacturers there has been a downturn in [the consideration of] operational AfriSams Centre of Product
(CPMs) customers through its infrastructure projects locally. efficiencies to reduce costs. Excellence offers customers an
additional Efficiency Audit service
This has subsequently been
the catalyst for AfriSam's new
offering, which was implemented opments and trends in produc
weishaupt at the beginning of this year as
extra support for customers to
tion, this service can mitigate
[the situation], Dawneerangen
(South Africa) (Pty) Ltd ensure that they remain profita explains.
ble, he notes. Mo r e ove r, h e n o t e s t h a t
Weishaupt WM 20 monarch Burners The support is also a new AfriSam can draw from the expe
Advantages: feature of AfriSams Centre rience and progress gleaned from
Easy fuel changeover between gas and oil on dual fuel burners of Product Excellence facil several readymix concrete plants
Digital combustion manager with electronic compound ity, in Roodepoort, Gauteng. operated by the company nation
regulation at all ratings Dawneerangen explains that a ally in its provision of these advi
Sound attenuated air inlet as standard for quieter operation team of technical experts are dis sory services.
All WM 20 burners are delivered with a mixing head preset for the patched to a customers manufac Though still in its infancy, the
required output of the burner turing operation to conduct an service has been offered to one
Computer controlled function tested at factory
audit on the process taking place. of AfriSams biggest clients, with
Digital combustion manager Burner housing This provides a fresh set of plans to roll it out to other CPM
with control and display unit
eyes, as people working at the customers over time.
same operation daily become Dawneerangen notes the only
Electronic ignition unit
accustomed to it and might miss challenge experienced has been
opportunities for improvement. the reluctance by some opera
This team covers the entire tional staff to have outsid
process, from the starting point ers evaluate their operations
of constituent material selection and scrutinise their daily work.
to the finished concrete product. However, there has been good
Stepping motor for The company has produced, buyin by senior management
gas butterfly valve
through its experience, a checklist from the companies AfriSam
of items to identify areas of has approached.
improvement in the facility, he To mitigate this reluctance, a
adds. preaudit meeting is conducted,
Once this has been con where the intentions of the audit
Stepping motor for
air damper control ducted, the management team are clearly outlined and freedom
Certification is briefed regarding the results, to participate is emphasised.
The burners are tested by an independant body and conform to the even in the case where opera The meeting aims to clar
following standards and EU directives: tional efficiency is at its optimum, ity to staff that the audit is not
EN 267 and EN 676 (Emission Class 2) Machinery Directive 98/37/EU with no need for improvements. being done on the order of senior
Electromagnetic Compatibility EMV 89/336/EU Low Voltage Directive
73/23/EU Gas Application Directive 90/396/EU Press Vessel Directive
When manufacturers have management, but is an additional
97/23/EU The burners carry the CE and CE-PIN label not kept up with the latest devel service offered by AfriSam to
improve productivity.
Weishaupt (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd This service is mutually bene
PO Box 1739, Honeydew 2040 Why dont we wait for life on ficial, as it ensures an opti
Tel: 011 793 6711 Fax: 011 793 6488 mised process for CPMs and
CM 120517CG
Access & Time fingerprint terminal
for harsh operating conditions
courses launched
Concrete Technology and
Construction Stage2 and
Stage3 examinations set by
the London-based Institute of
Concrete Technology.
completion of the level41
o improve ease of African construction sector, notes that level41 and 42 and 42 courses, following
access to education cement and concrete technical courses, covering general completion of the level10,
and training courses as services provider The Concrete principles of concrete 20 and 30 courses, is an
well as pass rates in the South Institutes (TCIs) School of technology and practical appli- important prerequisite for
Concrete Technology launched cations respectively, have delegates who wish to study
its online e-learning platform been a mainstay of TCIs towards the ultimate goal
I met my soulmate. She didnt. in January. education and training offering. of the Advanced Concrete
TCI MD Bryan Perrie These have traditionally Technology diploma offered
by the Institute of Concrete
The School of Concrete
Technology will offer the
diploma programme again
in 2018, in Midrand.
However, delegates often
do not realise how crucial it
is to complete the coursework
to pass the level41 and 42
examinations and, thus, tend
to be ill-prepared, resulting
in low pass rates, Perrie
points out.
To improve the pass rates,
TCI has taken advantage of
technology advancements
and converted the courses
to an online platform. Perrie
explains that, once delegates
have registered and paid for
MOVING WITH THE TIMES the course, they receive course
The Concrete Institute is now able to track delegates progress through the online platform to ensure that they notes online.
prepare adequately before sitting the exam To page 64
E V E N 1 0 0 Y E A R S O F B E I N G A N I N N O V AT O R A N D
Loesche six roller Mill
Are you looking for cost-effective size-reduction and classification of ores, industrial minerals and concentrates? Contact Loesche
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From page 56 achieve the high early strength any product currently on the mar
strengthens the relationship with that is required by manufactur ket, says Dawneerangen.
customers, enabling AfriSam to ing operations. He emphasises that it should
offer continued service provision. Dawneerangen explains that be ensured that RHC is used cor
most CPM products are made rectly. Ensuring this correct use
Streamlining Operations in moulds that form the prod is facilitated through the cen
Several inputs can determine how uct. Therefore, the quicker the tres team of technical experts,
profitable manufacturing opera moulds are turned around and which provides technical support
tions are for concrete products, the product demoulded, the more on site for customers. Moreover,
and Dawneerangen highlights efficient, or productive, manufac Dawneerangen notes that, since
the constituent materials that turers are. RHCs implementation, sales
are used to manufacture the This necessitates a very high have increased yearonyear.
products as one of the biggest early strength performance and RHC is not required to be used
inputs. consistency, as a variation will on all concrete applications, but
CPMs essentially buy cement impact on productivity, owing to has a niche market, such as appli
and aggregates, and combine TAILOR-MADE inconsistent demoulding times. cations where high early strength
them to create another product AfriSams Rapid Hard Cement He indicates that AfriSam is required and when concreting
such as a brick or a roof tile, product has been specifically is currently the only manufac in cold weather conditions, but
Dawneerangen says, dispelling designed to achieve a very high turer in South Africa produc more manufacturers are enter
early strength
the misconception people may ing a cement product in the ing this space and adopting this
have that cement is just cement. 52.5R strength class, which is product.
The product found in a bag is To help subvert this, AfriSam the higheststrength class possi AfriSam RHC is a sophisti
mistakenly believed to be suit has developed specific cement ble, according to South African cated product developed using
able for any application. products over the years that cement specifications. the latest cement production tech
He h igh lights the cost of have been tailormade for spe According to the specifica nology. Its effectiveness should
cement as the priciest compo cific applications, which takes tion, AfriSam RHC 52.5R needs not be measured against price by
nent in manufacturing. As such, into account the demands of to achieve a twoday strength comparing it to other cement
this is where he believes that customers. of 30 MPA. When compared products available, but rather
manufacturing operations are not Dawneerangen cites AfriSams with the closest strength class against its ability as a concrete
optimised, as they are not fully Rapid Hard Cement (RHC) as 52.5N which needs to achieve offering at the lowest possible
using the properties of different an example, with RHC having on ly a two day st rengt h of cost.
cements to their full potential. been specifically designed to 20 MPA, it is far superior to ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450439
From page 58 of individual mill motor units to minimise duration to repair the mills conventional
gearbox for VRMs. Further, this presents downtimes by about two gearboxes, will be a matter of the past.
the first time eight drive motors for a hours; and an extremely compact design Implementing the COPE drive requires the
VRM gearbox have been used, as well with motors directly attached to the standard foundation. The replacement of
as the first time multiple drives in VRMs gearbox housing. one of the eight small motors is easily done
have operated with or without variable Loesche points to the most important as they are readily available and easy to
frequency drive. difference of this development being the install.
Other benefits include the easy removal fact that long standstills of months in ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450478
96 Loper Avenue, Aeroport, Spartan
Kempton Park, 1619, South Africa
T: +27 11 201 2300
hemicals solutions provider Chryso Engineering News that South Africa has
Southern Africa has established been facing a weakening currency over the
a research facility in Jet Park, past few years, which has put pressure on
Johannesburg, to develop products a number of Chryso products, as many of
specifically for the African market, while these are imported. To circumvent this, the
offering regional testing services. company initiated an investment in 2015 to
Chryso CEO Norman Seymore tells produce the polymers for the raw materials NORMAN SEYMORE
New Chryso products are the continual
evolution of improvements on existing products
Source: Bloomberg
part of Chryso Group, which is high skyscrapers can reach,
headquartered in France, where the speed of construction and
the groups main laboratory is ease of concrete placement are CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE
also located. The new Jet Park initiatives that are facilitated by Chrysos new research facility will develop products specifically for the
facility is Chrysos biggest these continual improvements. African market, while offering regional testing services
centre of operation in South
Africa. Concrete Solution mining up to a distance of then having to set immediately
While the laboratory has Chryso enjoys a dominant 4 km underground as an once applied.
not yet been officially opened, position in the South African example. In this instance, Seymore says this is faci
Seymore says it is already ope market and it has been concrete needs to be litated through the use of
rational. The official opening involved in supplying cement manufactured on the surface chemical additives, which
will be held within the next few and concrete products for and transported below surface create workability for ease of
months. some of the countrys major at depth, and horizontally transport and then accelerate
infrastructure projects, such once there. This situation is the setting and final stages of
Product Innovation as the Gautrain, the Nelson further complicated by the the concrete. Chryso has also
Chryso has been in South Mandela bridge, the Durban concrete having to remain fluid worked on gold, platinum and
Africa for more than 20 years. port upgrade and the Cape and workable from when it is diamond mining operations.
Seymore avers that, in line Town Waterfront development, mixed to when it is placed, and ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450368
with the companys tagline, Seymore explains.
Innovation is our chemistry, The company is supply
the company invests up to 4% ing the Fourways Mall
of its yearly revenue in research
and development (R&D).
The global company
upgrade project, the pedestrian
bridge construction between
Alexandra and Sandton, all in
launches about 30 new pro Gauteng, and the Saldanha Bay
ducts each year, with these upgrade, in the Western Cape,
new technologies having to with cement and concrete Gas Treatment by Lechler
be adapted regionally to suit products. Gas Cooling Systems complete with
local conditions. Seymore Moreover, he notes that
says the new facility allows the company has a notable nozzles, lances, pumps and control units
for this adaptation to facilitate presence in mining operations, for single and twin fluid nozzles
introduction into the local specifically in underground DeNOx-Equipment for SCR- and
market. construction. He cites the SNCR-Processes with nozzles, lances,
He explains that these new scenario of an operation
pumps and control units
Wet FGD with nozzles
Semi dry, or dry FGD with nozzles,
lances and systems
Source: Bloomberg
CM 120517MF
concrete floors
flooring companys side, he
This necessitates the need for
a levelling screed application.
KBAC is using developer and
TASNEEM BULBULIA | CREAMER MEDIA REPORTER manufacturer of concrete-based
products iTes self-levelling
n element often screed, which Duncan indicates
overlooked by the is the companys current pre-
construction industry ferred choice. He describes it as
contractors when laying a smooth textured cementitious
screeds for floor surfaces compound, with a good flow
is the importance of laying rate to facilitate a smooth finish.
concrete subfloors to tolerances
acceptable for flooring finishers, Self-Levelling Screed
says interior flooring supplier Prior to 1976, companies used
and installer KBAC Flooring a far less sophisticated product,
senior contracts manager Ian which was spread manually
Duncan. onto the floor, followed by
Source: Bloomberg
manufactured self-levelling
screeds in South Africa, with
many companies now offering
excellent quality products. 6% of the
He says such screeds are
quicker to apply than the older
manual methods, which took
days to be completed, as they
had to be manually sanded have access
to electricity.
down, which self-levelling
screeds do not require. KBAC Flooring is using iTes
The critical aspect of apply- self-levelling screed to achieve
ing a self-levelling screed is
to follow the products mix-
smooth surfaces
A 22 MW
ing methodology, whereby levelling screed obviously adds
a predetermined ratio of the weight to the building, at least
screed and water are combined 5 kg to 10 kg per square metre
in a drum (5 of water to one
bag of screed), mixed with
on a particularly poorly laid
surface. This weight can add plant delivering
electricity to
an electric mixer and poured up and, therefore, needs to be
on the surface. The screed is monitored by an engineer to
then raked out to the required ensure stability.
thickness level and rolled flat
using a roller. The screed is then
Secondly, laying self-levelling
screed is labour intensive and Africas largest
gold mine.
left for 24 hours at a set flow time consuming, which adds
rate, settling and drying into a an additional facet to the com-
smooth, flat surface, Duncan panys workflow, as this pre-
extolls. paration of concrete surfaces
The training departments of has to be conducted before
manufacturers train installers to being able to install the floors.
use the correct mixing method
for self-levelling screeds, which
The additional time required
is not included in the flooring
KBAC does as well. We train
each of our teams how to use
this product to ensure that they
contractors work programme.
Duncan says KBAC can
lay a floor within 24 hours
Not for DRA.
are competent, and this has of applying the self-levelling
placed us in good stead when screed. Self-levelling screed
Randgold Resources and Anglo Gold Ashantis
it comes to preparing concrete has made the process of
processing plant at Kibali in oriental DRC, designed and
surfaces for flooring, Duncan levelling floors so much easier.
implemented by DRA, is currently producing 600 000
acclaims. Previously, it would take three
oz of gold per year thanks to the energy provided by
He does note two repercus- to five days he concludes.
Africas most powerful river. Detailed designed and
sions, however. Firstly, the self- ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450838
constructed by DRA, a first for the company, the Nzoro
II hydropower plant produces clean, sustainable power
at a third of the cost of diesel. Every member of our
TCI is currently in discus- through them. The first group
team dedicated their expertise to ensure that the utmost
sions to set up an examination of learners to use the online
environmental preservation was maintained at all levels
centre in Kenya, and Perrie is platform will write their exam
of implementation. In a country with little electrical
confident that this will be the this month and we are eager to
infrastructure, were proud to deliver a solution that not
first step in further expansion see the positive impact that this
only sustains the natural resources, but the people of
into the continent. development has had.
Kibalias well. Its just another way DRA delivers through
The institute will also aim A new one-day course, a
all circumstances.
to expand the online learning Level15 Concrete for Batchers
format to its other courses in and Batch Plant Staff, will
due course. also be offered this year by the
We have gone to great School of Concrete Technology,
lengths to make the online in partnership with the Southern
learning interface as user African Ready Mix Association
friendly as possible and have (Sarma).
received positive feedback so The course will be pre-
far. Obviously, there have been sented by Sarma and offered
a few teething problems, but in Johannesburg, Durban, Port Extraordinary Possibilities
we are being very proactive Elizabeth and Cape Town.
in identifying and working ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450382
Welding Alloys
South Africa with surfacing provided by the hardfacing method, using sophisticated
alloys, notes the company.
To lead the market in engineered wear protection solutions and flux Operating from its facilities in Benoni and Roodepoort, WASA is
cored welding wire technology, Welding Alloys South Africa (WASA) equipped with wire manufacturing, automated plate, pipe, roller press
is focused on responding to its customers needs. and table welding equipment, and employs 147 people. The company
Part of the Welding Alloys group, which covers more than 150 offers chromium carbide overlay, flux cored welding wire, wear linings
countries through a network of 30 subsidiaries worldwide, WASA has in basalt and alumina ceramics, silicon and tungsten carbide and
been servicing the sub-Saharan Africa market since 1976. rubber; epoxy wearing compounds; idlers; ultrahigh-molecular-weight
Together with KRAM Engineering, a new subsidiary of WASA since polyethylene; and hydrocyclones.
2016, the company provides the mining, cement, power, petrochemicals Applications include crushers, steel mill rolls, sugar cane milling,
and steel industries with abrasion-, impact- and corrosion-protection coal transportation, mining and quarry equipment, excavator buckets,
services to reduce life cycle costs. caterpillar rollers and tracks, valves, forge hammers, chutes, cyclones,
Performance and quality criteria are becoming ever more stringent feeders, hopper bins, pulley lagging, launders, thickeners, screw
and require ever more complex materials. Shortages of raw materials conveyors and pulverised coal systems.
are leading increasingly to the development of composite components, The company is ISO 9001- and ISO 3834-accredited.
CM 170317MF
While the Cape Town High Court significantly
delayed the implementation of a nuclear new
build programme last month, the plans for
such a programme persist
mplementing a nuclear build pro added to the costs of importing most of the recent past. The lack of public support
gramme in South Africa would the nuclear technology, fuel and materials, is also concerning, says Fish, noting that
be extremely difficult because of will incur large amounts of debt. a deal has yet to be signed with a court
the associated expenses as well as the Additionally, financing the project and case challenging the nuclear procurement
controversy surrounding nuclear power, its resulting foreign currency denominated process having recently been heard. The
says financial services company Thomson debt would, in light of recent reviews by case was heard before the Cape Town
Reuters. ratings agencies, prove difficult. High Court on February 22 and judgment
Globally, government decisions Fish comments that, although the ulti handed down on April 26.
regarding nuclear programmes are mate cost of the nuclear build is important, Environmental organisations Earthlife
delayed and often deferred to incoming one should also ask, how much has the Africa Johannesburg and South African
administrations because its too big a nuclear build programme already cost Faith Communities Environment Institute
decision to make, especially in light of us?, citing ratings agency Fitch Ratings approached the court in December to
public concerns relating to costs and decision to downgrade the sovereign credit legally challenge the South African
safety, says Thomson Reuters Africa rating and its likely impact on the South governments nuclear procurement process.
supply chain and commodities head African economy. He explains that the Earthlife notes on its website that, in
Robert Fish. downgrade was partially owing to Fitchs the initial hearing on December13, the
He states that, globally, there has hardly concerns regarding the proposed nuclear court was disquieted by the signing of a
ever been a nuclear build that has been deal. Section34 determination for 9600MW of
completed on time and within budget. Fish adds that many nuclear reactors nuclear power by then Minister of Energy
Further, he notes that African countries have had some sort of safety incident, Tina Joemat-Pettersson.
already struggle to build oil refineries, noting that the major ones that come The website states: The Court stressed
and that embarking on a nuclear build to mind are Fukushima, in Japan, and in its judgment that there was no evidence
programme is, 12 times more complex Chernobyl, in what is now Ukraine. presented to the court explaining how
than building and maintaining a refinery. However, he stresses that less publicised this determination came about, when
Fish notes that the costs associated with and smaller incidents such as radiation it was decided upon and the processes
constructing the necessary infrastructure leaks and technical malfunctions occur leading thereto, despite the determination
including the establishment of transmission semifrequently, with both Koeberg and apparently having been made more than
infrastructure as well as labour costs Pelindaba experiencing such incidents in To page 70
increase assistance to
to review the countrys infra
structure development for a
nuclear power programme.
The Integrated Nuclear
nuclear hopefuls
Infrastructure Review (INIR)
was carried out at the invitation
of the Ghanaian government.
Ghana, whose economic
development is hampered by
uclear energy organi general Mary Alice Hayward, Milestones Approach provides a lack of consistent electricity
sation, the International and Rosatom International structured guidance and supply, is considering a poten
Atomic Energy Agency Relations deputy director checklists to help nuclear tial role for nuclear power in
(IAEA) and the Russian State general Nikolay Spassky, newcomer countries better the countrys energy mix. It
owned atomic corporation in the presence of IAEA understand the commitments has established the Ghana
Rosatom have reached an directorgeneral Yukiya involved in introducing nuclear Nuclear Power Programme
agreement that is aimed at Amano and Rosatom director power, from developing a Organisation (GNPPO) to
strengthening IAEA assistance generalAlexey Likhachev. regulatory framework to build coordinate all preparatory
to member States that are The IAEAs nuclear infra ing a plant and planning for its activities related to the deve
considering introducing or structure development sec decommissioning and nuclear lopment of a nuclear power
expanding nuclear power tion, through the technical waste management. programme.
programmes. cooperation programme, In particular, the agreement The INIR team concluded
Under the agreement, IAEA provides targeted support to will help strengthen IAEA that Ghana has made con
programmes on nuclear infra member States embarking on efforts to promote capacity siderable progress in the
structure development will new nuclear power programmes building in newcomer and development of its nuclear
receive a financial contribu or expanding existing ones. expanding countries in areas power infrastructure.
tion of up to $1.8million and According to the IAEA, about including nuclear safety, It established effective
inkind contributions of up to 30 countries are currently stakeholder involvement and mechanisms to involve a
$1.9million from Rosatom, considering, planning or the development of a national comprehensive range of
over the next three years. starting such a programme. position on nuclear power. national stakeholders in the
The agreement was signed Developing a nuclear relevant activities. The team
at the IAEAs headquarters in power programme is a major Ghana Case Study made recommendations and
Vienna last month by IAEA undertaking of at least ten One of the countries that may suggestions aimed at assisting
management deputy director to 15years. The IAEAs benefit from this agreement is Ghana in making further
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Ghana may soon erect a nuclear power station, making it the second
African country to do so Innovative solutions...
progress in its nuclear power general and acting GNPPO for all your power needs
infrastructure development. chairperson Benjamin Nyarko,
The INIR mission was welcomed the outcome of
conducted in a cooperative the INIR mission.Ghana is
and open atmosphere, said committed to the careful step
IAEA nuclear infrastructure bystep development of its
development section team nuclear power programme,
leader and senior nuclear he said.
engineer Anthony Stott. The gaps identified by the
The Ghana team was very mission will be tackled in
well prepared for the mission, earnest to enable the country to
and managed its participation make a knowledgeable decision
in the review effectively. in 2018, as per its roadmap for
At the time, Ghana Atomic nuclear power development.
Energy Commission director ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450711
Nuclear energy provides life cycle costs of electricity from the different
generation technologies over the 60-year life
of a NPP, nuclear energy comes second only
baseload power
he points out.
He notes that discrepancies in estimated
energy costs can and have been manipulated,
stating that, when conveniently taking certain
criteria out of context, some technologies can
appear to be more cost effective than others.
uclear energy is the only provider on the electricity price in the future. Finally, Preparing for the Proposed Build
of secure, reliable, clean and afford- the intermittency of renewables ensures Muller notes that, as with all power genera-
able baseload power that, from a total that they barely compete in the baseload tion technologies, the average cost of NPPs
life cycle cost perspective, offers one of the space, especially when factoring in the cost of will drop as more power plants are built and
most affordable electricity sources, states balancing power from gas turbines and the manufacturing and construction techniques
the Nuclear Industry Association of South costs of energy storage systems needed to are refined.
Africa (Niasa). manage this intermittency. Additionally, as far as he is aware, South
Niasa supply chain development subcom- Muller notes that the high cost of nuclear Africa would likely procure a proven tech-
mittee chairperson Des Muller lists reasons power plants (NPPs) can be attributed to nology to mitigate the risk of cost and sche-
why other baseload power providers are sub- the essential safety systems built into the dule overruns being seen on first-of-a-kind
par, noting that coal despite its ability to plants, affirming that these systems ensure builds. This provides us with highly expe-
provide reliable and affordable power supply that installed costs are higher than those of rienced partners and hard-won construction
produces emissions that affect air quality other technologies. He comments that, despite methodologies to help minimise the cost.
and are a major health concern. Gass dis- higher lead times and costs, the total life cycle He notes that he is hopeful that the recent
patch ability is not suited for pure baseload cost of electricity from a NPP is still one of downgrades are not a medium- to long-term
and, the volatility in fuel costs, although cur- the most affordable forms of electricity. feature, and expects that financing will be
rently low, could have an enormous impact When considering the all-inclusive total managed in the competitive procurement
process by each of the vendor countries. the transfer of knowledge and technology that can be covered in benchmarking South
South Africa has a well-established, func- where applicable. Considering South Africa Africas industry against internationally
tional nuclear industry capable of launching is a world-class industrial nation, this pro- benchmarked local nuclear regulatory stan-
a build programme in partnership with an cess will be tough and protracted but is no dards and requirements. This will be a
international nuclear vendor country, Muller doubt achievable. significant step forward toward being con-
says, adding that the local industries that He does advise that there is a huge gap sidered by the selected NPP vendor and its
formed around the coal builds could also be between the present industrial quality and technology partners.
aligned to manufacturing and construction safety cultures that are necessary in the He states that a few South African compa-
opportunities on a nuclear build when ade- nuclear industry, which would need to encom- nies have already achieved these standards
quately prepared. pass the full supply chain including artisan and have been implementing them on the
Muller reminds South African that a training, service providers and tertiary edu- Koeberg NPP and Necsas Research Reactor
nuclear build would be more a management cation institutions and would require time with success.
challenge than a technical challenge for our to be invested. Muller affirms that the anticipated nuclear
industries, in what, in terms of scope and A number of our universities are already build programme has been strategically and
quantum of job and career opportunities delivering excellent results in postgraduate methodically progressed under the auspices
across the supply chain, will also set a pre- education in nuclear sciences and engineer- of the IAEA, which conducted an Integrated
cedent for the rest of Africa. ing for peaceful applications, like energy Nuclear Infrastructure Review a 19 point
Moreover, he mentions that the emphasis on and nuclear medicine, where we are a global checklist which includes sections on licens-
regional localisation, where possible, opens player. ing, safeguards, funding and industrialisation
up opportunities to all who have a product or Further, he highlights that, while a nuclear of South Africas readiness to implement a
service to contribute to NPP licensing, pro- qualification and accreditation framework nuclear build programme.
curement, engineering, construction, com- exist, it will need to be scaled up to accommo- South Africa has the essential regulatory
missioning, operations and maintenance, date the demand from industry when State- structures, implementation authorities and
which includes fuel and waste management owned power utility Eskom and State-owned international support to initiate and mobilise
and eventual decommissioning. nuclear company South African Nuclear a viable nuclear build programme. This will
Muller adds that all the vendors competing Energy Corporation (Necsa) start their build all come together and materialise into an
for the nuclear new build, together with local programme. orchestrated industrial roll-out plan when the
industry stakeholders and the International Muller notes that, although the exact codes vendor country has been selected and aligned
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), are equipped and standards for the build will only mate- to the overarching objectives of the build pro-
to manage the roll-out of a nuclear indus- rialise once the vendor country has been gramme, Muller concludes.
trialisation programme, which will include identified, there is a lot of valuable ground ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450611
uranium, safety and post-operations closure and radiopharmacy, and uranium process-
and remediation issues. ing plant design will also be offered, and
Namibia is currently ranked the fifth- are Engineering Council of South Africa
largest producer of uranium in the world accredited for continuing professional deve-
and is set to become the second-largest lopment points.
producer when uranium producer Swakop In addition, technical visits to key sites
Uraniums Husab mine, based 12km north- have been planned. Global Nuclear
west of the Husab mountain, in Namibias This will include the Husab uranium pro- Expertise
Erongo region, becomes fully operational ject, which will become the second-largest Supply Chain Management,
later this year, making it a fitting location uranium mine in the world on completion Inspection, Code Consulting,
Vendor Qualification,
for the conference. of commissioning, producing 7000t/y of Supervision, Quality Control
Namibia is poised to become a major triuranium octoxide; British-Australian and Quality Assurance
uranium hub and the development of the multinational Rio Tintos Rssing uranium
Husab mine will undoubtedly see the ura- mine, the longest running uranium mine in
nium industry playing a more significant the world and the third-largest opencast mine;
role in the national and regional economies. uranium producer Paladin Energys Langer
The conference will feature a programme Heinrich mine; exploration and development
of presentations, short courses and techni- company Bannerman Resources demon-
cal visits. stration plant; and a viewing of the geology
Papers are welcome on topics such as of the Alaskite mineralisation in the lower
uranium mining, mineral and metallurgi- Swakop river.
cal processing, process control and optimi- Swakopmund is the centre of uranium
sation, refining and value-added products, extraction in the country, with most of
fuel cycle, nuclear/radioactive waste and site Namibias uranium mines located in the
reme diation, medical applications, safety, Namib desert, within easy driving distance
Creamer Media 060516CG
for standing up
tend to have more
heart attacks. So,
putting an extra
tax on hamburgers
ference to any obesity issue. It might even
rofessor Tim Noakes has won his analyses are done. kill some people who have extremely little to
confrontation with the professional Sadly, in medicine, one finds some of the eat and whose bodies rely on the little sugar
medical body over his stance that a most inaccurate scientific findings presented that they consume for survival.
long projected option concerning the best as fact. Medics are often not very good at The third thing that Noakes showed was
ratio for fats and carbohydrates in a persons mathematical-type analysis. One of the most that well-meaning political decisions in the
diet is not correct. prevalent errors is that correlations are pre- US designed to feed the poor had the unin-
This whole Banting diet issue has been sented as causality. tended consequence of changing the eating
very much in the news for a while now. Some What this means is that just because two patterns of the whole population.
time ago, the Association for Dietetics in graphs look the same does not mean that Such well-intended moves quite often
South Africa (Adsa) laid a formal complaint they have any linkage. A friend of mine in have unintended bad consequences. For
against Noakes at the Health Professions the US recently sent me a set of correlation example, in a past US administration of
Council of South Africa. Adsa accused graphs that are intended to be silly to make some 40 years ago, the President pushed
Noakes of unprofessional conduct after this point. For example, there are graphs of subsidies into food production because it
he had apparently suggested on Twitter the number of lemons exported from the US, had been reported that many Americans
that a mother wean her baby onto a low- compared with the number of car accidents were going to bed hungry. Think about it:
carbohydrate, high-fat diet. in Texas, and the graphs seem to match. What is the easiest way to take advantage
Let me hasten to point out that I am not Lemon exports do not influence car accidents of a food subsidy? Do you produce more
a medic, so I am not claiming any profes- in Texas. Many medical results presented as cows for beef and milk, or more grains
sional medical knowledge. Also, let me fact suffer from the same fault. for more breads and cereals? You cannot
point out that I am not on any diet myself, Many analyses that one sees in news- easily make cows produce more cows, so the
so I do not have a particular personal inter- papers and on TV discussions suffer from bread and cereals win hands down. So, the
est in the issue. the same fault. A famous one is the appar- US diet swung in favour of the breads and
However, I did sit through an hour-long ent correlation between ozone quantity and multiple other carbohydrates.
presentation given by Noakes some years ago, CFC gases in the Antarctic. Just because the Overall, Noakes has shown the courage to
and I did speak to him briefly afterwards, as graphs look as if they are linked does not stand up for scientific truth. I wonder how
he was hastily getting ready to dash to the mean that they are linked. many of the dieticians who attacked Noakes
airport. So, I could not discuss things for as One finds that issues such as the heart have actually done real scientific research
long as I would have liked. attack incidence is plotted against the into this issue or if many of them are show-
What I can say is that I was impressed by consumption of certain foods, and so on, ing a solidarity vote? If so, that is honour-
his presentation. I am a qualified scientist and and then, just because the graphs look the able to their buddies, but it is not science.
investigator, so I watched the presentation same in shape, people assume that, somehow, So, over the years, Noakes has shown that
very critically. I rapidly came out on his side. they are linked. Noakes correctly pointed out he has the courage to say that he has been
Three things particularly struck me that they are not. wrong in the past. He has the scientific integ-
with the presentation. Firstly, he already He showed cases of clearly inaccurate rity to go public and to explain the truth.
had an impressive professional reputa- medical conclusions concerning the carbo- I am glad that the professional finding
tion, so the easiest thing for him would hydrates and fats issue in diets. went in his favour, but one wonders if this
have been to keep going with the flow Let me make one up. If the shape of a is the end of the professional fight in public.
and he would have maintained his image. graph appears to show that people who eat Behind the scenes, the professionals
But he did not. He said: I have been giv- a lot of hamburgers die of heart attacks, should continue to have aggressive debate
ing wrong advice for years and now I am this does not mean that the hamburgers on the topic.
changing my position. That takes guts. cause the heart attacks. It could be that the
So, I figured that a fellow as sensible as people do something else that leads to the
he is must be rather sure to make such a heart attacks, but they also then go and eat
dramatic public about-face. a lot of burgers. For example, hamburger
Dr Kemm is a nuclear physicist and is CEO of Nuclear
The second point was that he showed eaters may also drink a lot of beer and may Africa (Pty) Ltd as well as chairperson of the South African
quite a few graphs and sets of data about not exercise much. Nuclear Energy Corporation. He sits on the board of
heart attacks and suchlike around the world. They may tend to largely live in small advisers of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow,
based in Washington DC. He is also a board member of
That I am qualified to judge, because I know inner-city flats, where there is little space GoNuclear Inc and EFN: USA, both based in Colorado,
the science and maths behind how such for exercise and the air is laden with exhaust US
as a result of the
n a previous instalment of this column, 60 minutes, you are going to have to take limitations of the
I wrote about Mercedes-Benz going to about 100 kWh from your house supply municipal power
produce an electric car. (more than the 33.7 kW you used since the supply to a domes-
By this I mean the automaker is going battery is not very efficient). tic residence.
to produce a car for sale to the public that This is never going to work since the But then again,
will be 100% electrical in drive it will not supply to the house is not more than 13 kW, Terry Mackenzie-Hoy if electric cars get
be a hybrid car with a generator that switches so you have to change the charging time to to be very popular,
on when needed to support the electric about seven hours. This is doable, if some- perhaps they will be charged while people
motor and battery system. The car (now what limiting if you want to pop down to are at work at special charging stations.
available in the US) is a B-model Mercedes- the pub, you will have to use the bakkie. This sounds desirable but really is not
Benz and has a lithium-ion battery and a However, while the power supply to the going to pan out because there is going
132 kW motor. It sells for $40 000. house is capable of supplying 13 kW, a group to be even more congestion in the cities
In an Internet post, the company says of houses fed from one mini substation than at present. What is possible is for there
the car does 85 miles to the gallon (elec- has an average consumption (called the to be battery-change stations where you
tr ic). T h is is abbreviated as M PGe. I after-diversity demand) of about 4 kW for pull up and they take the battery out and
quote f rom Wi k ip e d ia: T he M P G e each house. Thus, if several houses are each give you another one. This does not seem
metric was introduced in November 2010 trying to draw 13 kW to charge electric cars, very likely, as it will require all electric
by the EPA (Environmental Protection then the supply at the miniature substation manufacturers to have the same sort of
Agency) . . . the ratings are based on the to the group of houses will trip. battery, which, if we go by cellphones, is
EPAs formula, in which 33.7 kWh (121 Getting back to that 132 kW motor . . . not going to happen.
megajoules) of electricity is equivalent to really that size? To use 33.7 kWh in 2.5 hours, But, quite probably, it will be just simple
one gallon of [petrol]. the motor will only be running at an aver- get home, plug the car in, crack open a
So, we can assume that the vehicle does age of one-tenth of the rated power. Thus, beer and watch television. Perhaps some
85 miles/137 km for every 33.7 kWh con- you cruise at 60 km/h on not much power. sort of local area system will communicate
sumed. Let us say youre driving around What this means is that, when you pull up with all electric cars charging such that the
town, at an average speed of 60 km/h. After at the traffic lights and the home boy racer miniature substation is not overloaded.
2.3 hours, you have used 33.7 kWh. next to you gives it the beans, you can take The whole area is a topic in which I have
So, we can more or less say that on the off in a cloud of molten rubber, silently, much interest. I drove an Alan Cocconi
average commute of 2.5 hours you are leaving your man dazed and confused. electric car in 1993. I have been waiting for
going to go home having used 33.7 kWh. As one would expect from Mercedes- a long time for this.
And now you plug the car in. If we assume Benz, it seems that the company worked Mackenzie-Hoy is a consulting acoustics and electrical
that the lithium-ion battery charges up in all the numbers. What is not worked out or engineer
PRIVATE EQUITY The report highlights that, from 2010 to ing for 70% of deal value from 2010 to
Growth Engine
2016, general partners (GPs) raised around 2016.
$2.7-billion a year to invest in Africa-based GPs that are successful in the region
companies. Last year, while Africas GDP have a competence for helping investees,
Dynamite GDP growth grew at a sluggish 1.4%, GPs raised about par ticularly family-owned and closely
$2.3-billion, compared with the $2-billion held businesses, to upscale and corpora-
comes in small private-equity raised in 2014, when economic growth was tise, says ECN Africa director Herman
investment packages significantly higher and the commodity Warren.
cycle peaked. The report notes that this differs from
DAVID OLIVEIRA Deals above $250-million accounted the approach GPs tend to take in other
CREAMER MEDIA SENIOR STAFF WRITER for just under half of all funds invested, regions of t he world where t here may
EVERY 0.01% increase in private equity amounting to $12.5-billion from 2010 to be f ina ncia l engineer ing objectives
(PE) investment penetration into Africas 2016. T he aver age si z e of dea ls con- that can involve loading an investment
gross domestic product (GDP) would inject cluded by GPs during the period was about with debt, embarking on a cost-cutting
an incremental $1.1-billion investment over $40-million, highlighting the key role GPs exercise and exiting an investment as soon
the next five years, providing a critical source play in Africas commercial ecosystem, as possible.
of growth capital to Africas commercial particularly in assisting relatively small However, the report found that GPs in
sector. businesses to grow. Africa tend to use relatively little debt to
This is according to a report by economic The report also found that investment by fund transactions, with the general objective
advisory services provider The Economist GPs was focused on sectors serving Africas in structuring Africa-based deals focusing
Corporate Network (ECN). The report, A growing consumer class. From 2011 to 2016, on equity capital raising, which is primarily
growth engine: Trends and outcomes of about half of all investments were made into used to expand an investees footprint, and
private equity in Africa, notes that, last year, consumer-serving sectors. invest in human capital and other resources,
PE investment was equivalent to 0.18% of West, Southern and multiregion African as well as to improve strategy and governance,
Africas GDP. deals dominated GPs investments, account- to grow the enterprise.
Chief Justice development of the Opuwo Cobalt
M o g o e n g Project.
Mogoeng has Borg is a highly respected consult-
been elected ant geologist who has specialised
president of the in the battery materials sector,
Conference of including lithium, graphite and
C o nst itut i o nal cobalt mineralisation, and partici-
Jurisdictions of pated in numerous successful
Mogoeng Africa, a posi- projects in an investment and/or
Mogoeng tion which gives operational capacity.
South Africans He has played a key role in the
even more cause to be apprecia- the Opuwo Cobalt Project and the
tive of their democratic freedom. exploration conducted by Celsius
Mogoengs election on April 27 in to date.
Cape Town is a significant rec- Borg has 20 years experience,
ognition of the Constitution and having worked in management,
the Constitutional Courts role operational and project develop-
in strengthening the countrys ment roles in the exploration and
democracy and its system of mining industries with mining com-
Ninzi-Connect was selected by US company Aspect to host its VP, checks and balances, and in safe- panies including Rio Tinto Iron
Joe Gagnon (centre), on his extraordinary global challenge to run six guarding the fundamental rights Ore, Magnis Resources, IronClad
individual marathons on six continents on six consecutive days. It was of citizens. Mining, Lithex Resources and
his third marathon in three days, on three continents. He started his The presiding officers (Speaker Sibelco Australia.
journey on April 10 in Sydney, Australia; from there, he travelled to of the National Assembly and He is a director of geological con-
Singapore and landed in South Africa in the early hours of the April 12 Chairperson of the National sultancy Borg Geoscience and of
Council of Provinces) took the a new energy minerals marketing
oppor tunit y to c ongratulate firm, Minemark.
Mogoeng on his election. I would also like to welcome Borg
Par liament s sp okesper son to the board and congratulate him
points out that it is noteworthy on his appointment.
that this significant recognition He is already a key part of the
takes place during the year in team that has enabled drilling to
which Parliament is commemo- commence so rapidly following the
rating and reflecting on the 20 acquisition of the project.
years since the signing into law We believe he is the ideal person
of the Constitution, its mean- to unlock value from the Opuwo
ing and impact on the lives of Cobalt Project for our sharehold-
ordinary South Africans. ers, says Celsius Resources
chairperson Bill Oliver.
Australian com- Borg says he is excited to have
p a ny C e l s i u s the opportunity to drive the com-
Resources panys plans to rapidly evalu-
i s p l e as e d to ate and potentially develop the
announce that Opuwo Cobalt Project in an
In honour of the Sun Duke of Edinburgh Cup, Tsogo Sun will Brendan Borg environment of sustained global
be sponsoring the installation of a fully fledged Early Childhood has been demand for cobalt and other
Development centre container an Edutainer at Diepsloot Primary appointed MD battery-related minerals that
School 4 at a cost of R471 000. Pictured are Diepsloot Primary School 4 of the company are key to the uptake of new
principal Joe Makhafola, Tsogo Sun HR director Vusi Dlamini and Tsogo Brendan Borg to fast-track the energy technologies.
Sun GM Priya Naidoo with two learners
Wealth taxation
and second estate
duty reports on
its website on
July 13, 2015, and
in the spotlight
August 24, 2016.)
Want to venture
a guess about the
extent of the
revenue that is
ave you read it yet? All 700 it is 30% to 35%. Even in Brazil, long Riaan de Lange collected through
pages, that is. Well, if you have regarded as one of the most unequal wealth taxation?
not, acquire a copy. The book countries in the world, the income share According to the media release, the answer
in question was an Amazon number of the top 10% is 55% to 60%, and the is about 1% of tax revenue. If you are
one bestseller and also sold out in percentage is falling. Piketty said South knowledgeable about taxation, you might
major bookstores on its release. It Africa is really at the top of the class, question the absence of capital gains tax
was all the range on its release on so to speak. (CGT). Although CGT is generally
March 18, 2014. According to the Davis Tax Committee, considered a form of wealth tax, the
No, it is not one of the instalments the distribution of wealth in South Africa Davis Tax Committee has taken the
of the Harry Potter series, and neither is highly unequal, with recent empirical view that it is a form of income tax.
is it a book of fiction; well, some might evidence suggesting that the Gini coeffi- The Davis Tax Committee was
argue that its conclusions are. It is, in cient for wealth is about 0.95 (compared specifically requested by Gordhan to
fact, a book about economic inequality with the Gini coefficient for income of inquire whether it would be appropriate
written by a then little-known French 0.67). The committee also contends that to introduce additional forms of
economist, and has been described as it is well established that economic wealth taxation and the feasibility
being dense with data and historical inequality inhibits economic growth of doing so.
examples from France, including a few and undermines social, economic and As a consequence, the Davis Tax
literary references to Jane Austen. The political stability. Committee is inviting submissions by
economist in question is Thomas Piketty Now, the Davis Tax Committee May 31 on the desirability and feasibility
and the book is titled Capital in the established by former Finance Minister of the following possible forms of wealth
Twenty-First Century. Pravin Gordhan in 2013 to inquire tax: a land tax, a national tax on the
According to an opinion piece by into the role of the tax system in the value of property (over and above
Tim Worstall, Piketty intended his promotion of inclusive economic growth, municipal rates) and an annual wealth
voluminous book to tell us two things: employment creation, development and tax. Based on the written submissions
firstly, that the concentration of wealth fiscal sustainability has called for received, this will be followed by a
is going to become greater, thereby written submissions on possible wealth workshop for oral submissions during
increasing inequality, and, secondly, taxes for South Africa. So, does South June.
that something needs to be done about Africa not already impose any wealth The obvious question is: Who is
this. taxes? considered to be a wealthy person in
Worstall, however, remains uncon- Well, in its analysis and research, South Africa? I have written about
vinced by either of the arguments. Quite the Davis Tax Committee needs to that in a previous column.
tellingly, billionaire Bill Gates yes, take recent domestic and international Worstalls take on this subject might
he of Microsoft told Piketty on CNBC: developments into account, particularly well provide you with food for thought:
I love your book. I care a lot about the long-term objectives of the National Our problem is that a wealth tax can
inequality but I dont want to pay more Development Plan (NDP). either be set at a rate at which it can be
taxes. Gates, who is renowned for The committee should also take into paid out of income, in which case its
giving a large part of his wealth to account broad tax policy objectives not actually going to reduce wealth
charity, favours a progressive tax on (revenue raising to fund government disparity, or it will be set at a rate at
high consumption instead of net wealth. expenditure is the primary objective which rich people must liquidate their
The fame that the book brought of taxation) and social objectives, portfolios to pay it, and if all rich people
Piketty meant that he could travel the like building a cohesive and inclusive have to do that, then who in heck can
world, and he did a number of whistle- society, which can be partially met they sell to?
stops visits, including to South Africa, through a progressive tax system and Personally, I question how a delibera-
during which he brought the message the redistribution of resources. tion on wealth tax can even seriously
of the imposition of a wealth tax. So, do you have the answer to the be contemplated in the absence of real
In fact, he visited South Africa in question relating to South Africa and political change, for, in the absence of
October 2015. wealth taxes? According to the Davis political change, a wealth tax will not
During his visit, Piketty reminded Tax Committees media release of alter economic growth or have an impact
his audience that South Africa is the April 25, South Africa currently on the overall tax burden.
most unequal country in the world. imposes three forms of wealth taxation,
The top 10% earn 60% to 65% of the namely estate duty, transfer duty and
This economic and trade-focused column is prepared by
income. In the US, by comparison, donations tax. Riaan de Lange The views
their share is 40% to 50% and in Europe (If you are interested, the Davis Tax expressed in this column are the authors personal views
First Cohort
disputes, corporate and finance practices,
alongside partners and associates across
the firms international network, giving
them exposure to global clients.
Global law firm set to extend learnership programme to Joburg Jackson noted that the company chose
South Africa to launch the programme, as
recruit and very good law schools.
lobal law firm Herbert Smith through a structured programme. Theres clear demand for this type of
Freehills (HSF) is set to extend We are looking for technically learnership programme for legal graduates
its innovative Alternative Legal excellent legal graduates who have the in South Africa. When we engaged with
Services (ALT) business to Johannesburg. capacity to work effectively as part of a young legal graduates [here] recently, it was
The business will combine a mix of team and to learn quickly as part of our clear that they would relish the opportunity
legal expertise, process efficiency and innovative and fast-growing global ALT to develop their legal and commercial skills
technology to handle high-volume or team, she said. through participation in our ILLP and
document-intensive work more efficiently HSF is seeking applications from that, in tandem, HSF would be helping to
and cost effectively for clients, and will be graduates with a strong academic record, address the ongoing challenge of high youth
housed at the firms existing Johannesburg who are committed to investing in legal unemployment rates in South Africa, she
office. and business skills training. highlighted.
The new team will initially be staffed Successful candidates will have Looking ahead, HSF is planning a further
by about five lawyers and 20 legal analysts, excellent attention to detail, the ability to intake in 2018. The size of our second
who will form the first cohort of the review, analyse and organise documentary intake will be determined partly by the way
firms new international legal learnership and factual evidence, along with an aptitude in which our global ALT business evolves
programme (ILLP), which will launch for learning and becoming proficient in over the next year, including the service
alongside the opening of the Johannesburg the use of leading-edge software and offerings our clients are seeking from our
ALT business. information technology applications to ALT team, and also the way in which we
Speaking to Engineering News, HSF intelligently navigate large databases might refine the programme. HSF believes
partner and ALT global head Libby and document management systems, graduates will complete the programme
Jackson said the company was very Jackson explained. with a deeper understanding of legal
excited about recruiting team members Participants in the ILLP will develop processes and a stronger curriculum vitae,
for its first 18-month ILLP, which will offer client and commercial skills, increase their thereby increasing their chances of securing
up to 20 legal graduates the opportunity technical capability and improve their a candidate attorney position, or other roles
for employment and work experience personal leadership qualities. in the legal sector, in the future.
Bunkering Hub
allocate 1000 MW of gas-to-power genera-
tion at the Coega Industrial Development Zone
(IDZ) was warmly welcomed.
The Department of Economic
Eastern Cape sets sights on becoming Africas leading fuel Development, Environmental Affairs and
Tourism (DEDEAT), in partnership with
bunkering centre Nelson Mandela University, is in the advanced
stages of baseline studies on the shale gas
MIA BREYTENBACH | CREAMER MEDIA STAFF WRITER potential in the Karoo and other parts of the
province, he said.
ollowing the successful introduction growth from serving ten ships in May Meanwhile, the DEDEAT has completed a
of a deep-sea bunkering service off the 2016 to 103 ships a month from January 2017, detailed business case for gas-to-power gener-
coast of Port Elizabeth, in the Eastern Eastern Cape Premier Phumulo Masualle ation at the Coega IDZ. Governments expec-
Cape, the province has set itself the target of noted when he delivered his State of the tations include a floating system for liquid
becoming the leading bunkering stopover in Province address in Bhisho in February. natural gas (LNG) transfer, allocation of the
Africa, states Eastern Cape MEC for Rural Qoboshiyane highlighted that these ser- 1 000 MW plant and 35% local beneficiation
Development and Agrarian Reform Mlibo vices were also beginning to open other eco- from the R25-billion investments, as well as
Qoboshiyane. nomic opportunities in the entire value chain. the opening of opportunities for smaller indus-
The province is targeting liquid fuels, The Ngqura port is always hosting three try players, Qoboshiyane pointed out.
including bunkering services and biofuels, oil rigs at any given moment, thereby confirm- He suggested that these initiatives placed
gas-to-power generation, the development of ing it as the most strategic location for oil rigs the Coega IDZ and the Ngqura port in a bet-
commercial and industrial gas and [an] oil repair, he said. ter position for an LNG industry and gas-to-
rigs service industry. Our vision . . . is to T he South A fr ica n Ma r itime Sa fety power generation.
become the biggest bunkering service centre Authority is conducting a study to assess In addition to the proposed pipeline from
on the continent, Qoboshiyane noted at the the economic contribution and employment Ngqura to Mossgas, the Department of
South African Maritime Industry Conference opportunities created by the offshore bun- Economic Affairs is also exploring the estab-
(SAMIC 2017), hosted in Port Elizabeth last kering industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay lishment of a pipeline to the East London
month. metropolitan municipality. It will also map port for LNG to supply the industry around
He added that the province was pleased out industry value chain activities that provide the Buffalo City Metro and the Wild Coast
with the progress made in the first offshore potential for beneficiation by the local industry. Special Economic Zone. The gas-to-power
bunkering services that started in May 2016, There are also plans for a gas pipeline link- generation industry is gearing up to create
stressing that it had also proved beyond rea- ing a new terminal in the Port of Ngqura to 8 500 jobs during construction as well as
sonable doubt that Nelson Mandela Bay was State-owned gas-to-fuels company PetroSAs 300 permanent jobs, with more jobs expected
one of the most suitable locations for off- Mossgas refinery, in Mossel Bay, in the to be generated from downstream industries,
shore bunkering services. Western Cape. Qoboshiyane concluded.
The service has recorded phenomenal Qobosh iya ne f u r t her noted t hat t he ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E450900
CONTACT CENTRES tre and determine the flow of work and sales. Typically, AI systems help contact centres
AI systems seen as key The higher speeds of analysing the work-
ings of a contact centre will allow for better
to generate more revenue or to save money.
While the development of AI chatbots auto-
to managing contact and more immediate management to reduce
inefficiencies and tackle challenges.
mated contact centre agents that can handle
basic queries are still in the early stages, the
centre as volumes rise While contact centre employees are
often expected to offer sympathy and cour-
main use of AI will be to empower customer
engagement agents and customer experience
SCHALK BURGER teously handle difficult clients, the main management agents.
CREAMER MEDIA purpose of any call centre is to effectively does not see AI as a threat to
SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITOR resolve queries and complaints as quickly as contact centres. Conversely, it foresees a
USING artificial intelligence (AI) systems will possible. growing need for better and faster contact
be necessary to effectively manage the volumes Therefore, AI systems that improve this centres and customer engagement to support
of simultaneous customer interactions over such as AI systems that gather information increasingly digital businesses and business
multiple contact channels in digital economies, during client conversations across multiple models.
says instant messaging customer interaction channels, including during a voice call, and fill AI systems will help companies to improve
software developer strategic business out forms or trigger relevant processes using customer experiences, which are key to cus-
development consultant Nicholas OConnor. the information provided by the client boost tomer attraction and retention in digital busi-
AI systems that function as agent-assistance the efficiency of contact centres. ness models.
systems or analytics engines are helping con- However, AI systems are not homogeneous They will be increasingly crucial to unify
tact centres to more effectively meet client or broadly applicable and are used to perform digital business processes, customer self-help
needs and resolve queries faster. many different specific and niche functions. services and companies employees.
The evolution and broader use of such sys- Therefore, it is important to consider the OConnor advises companies investigating
tems will continue to improve customer expe- different scenarios in which AI can assist AI systems to apply them selectively to address
rience, he adds. contact centre agents, optimise the customer specific problems in their contact centres and
AI systems are used in contact centres to engagement environment and make the in their customer engagement processes.
support the productivity of the contact cen- processes more efficient, says oConnor. ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E451015
Network Threat
Fileless in-memory malware targeting ATMs has
been detected in 40 countries in the Middle East,
Africa and Turkey.
The malware can only be detected in RAM, and
Banks warned of ATMs being infected remotely by malware network and registry logs.
security researcher Sergey Golovanov.
ybersecurity multinational Kaspersky As this case proves, a carefully directed
Lab has cautioned banks in the Middle incident response can help to solve even well
East, Africa and Turkey to check prepared cybercrime, he highlights.
random access memory (RAM), network and We advise organisations to check their
registry logs to determine whether the fileless systems, keeping in mind that detection of
ATMitch malware is present. such an attack is possible only in RAM,
The ATMitch uses in-memory malware their network and registry logs. In such
to infect banking networks. This malware is instances, the use of Yara rules based on a
remotely installed and executed on an ATM scan of malicious files are of limited use and
from within the target bank through remote comprehensive security software is advised
administration tools of ATM machines, says to prevent such attacks, emphasises Hasbini.
Kaspersky Lab senior security researcher Kaspersky Lab has registered attacks in
Amin Hasbini. more than 140 enterprise networks in a range
After it is installed and connected to the of business sectors.
ATM, the ATMitch malware communicates Infections have been registered in 40
with the ATM as if it is legitimate software. countries, including in Turkey, Saudi Arabia,
This makes it possible for attackers to carry Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Tunisia, Morocco,
out a list of commands such as collecting Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Congo and Tanzania.
information about the number of banknotes ATMitch cases have been reported in just two
in the ATMs cassettes. Further, criminals can countries to date, but the attackers might still
dispense money at any time from the infected be active.
ATM at the touch of a button. Combatting these kinds of attacks requires
Usually criminals start by getting infor- a specific set of skills from the security
mation on the amount of money an ATM AMIN HASBINI specialist guarding the targeted organisation.
dispenser has. After that, a criminal can ATMitch uses in-memory malware to infect The successful breach and exfiltration of data
banking networks and is remotely installed and
send a command to dispense any number of executed from a network can only be conducted with
banknotes from any cassette. An ATM robbery common and legitimate tools, says Golovanov.
like this takes seconds. Once an ATM is Further information on the ATMitch
robbed, the malware deletes its traces. recover the malicious executables because malware Yara rules for forensic analysis of
The investigation started after a banks cybercriminals had wiped the malware after the fileless attacks can be found in the two
forensics specialists recovered and shared the robbery. blogs on Technical details,
two files containing malware logs from the After the attack, criminals may wipe all including Indicators of Compromise have
ATMs hard drive (kl.txt and logfile.txt) with the data that could lead to their detection, also been provided to customers of Kaspersky
Kaspersky Lab. These were the only files leaving no traces. Intelligence Services.
left after the attack. It was not possible to To address these issues, memory forensics is ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E451021
Adverse Developments
the question is how, and in what way, he said.
Parsons stated that priorities needed to be
highlighted and that there had to be a blue-
print outlining steps that had to be taken to
Political decisions, downgrades push policy uncertainty ensure transformation something that was
still lacking.
into negative territory He highlighted that there were fears and
suspicions that fiscal probity would become
The danger is also that the credibility of
he North-West University (NWU) the spike in the PUI. the National Development Plan will be put at
School of Business and Governances The risk of another investment downgrade risk, he said.
Policy Uncer ta inty Index (PU I) in June has also risen in the aftermath of the He said the onus would be on Finance
increased to 51 in the first quarter of this year, Cabinet reshuffle. The recent concerns of the Minister Malusi Gigaba to win the confidence
putting it in negative territory. credit ratings agencies about the economy of both foreign and domestic investors by
The PUI was at 38.8 in the fourth quarter have revolved around market doubts generated following policies and making decisions
of 2016. An increase to above 50 reflects by the removal of Gordhan from his post, which were clear, ethical, consistent and
heightened policy uncertainty, while a score Parsons said. growth-orientated.
below 50 indicates reduced uncertainty. He noted that the financial markets and Parsons added that the risk of the South
The removal of former Finance Minister credit ratings agencies would also expect to African economy moving into a recession
Pravin Gordhan and the way in which the see conservative fiscal policies still being had increased and that the countrys growth
Cabinet reshuffle has generally been handled followed and the antipatronage stance taken rate this year would probably be below 1%,
has had a negative impact on markets and by Gordhan being upheld. noting that policy uncertainty had inevitably
investor confidence, NWU school of business Parsons added that governments ambitions risen, which was not helpful in encouraging
professor Raymond Parsons said at a media for radical economic transformation was the private fixed investment that South Africa
briefing in Johannesburg last week. another source of uncertainty for investor needed to grow more rapidly.
He added that the global economic outlook confidence. The damage to trust and confidence
the national Budget and the economic impact No one really knows what is being referred in these important relationships will need
of political decisions, along with the credit to when you throw around those terms. It is to be repaired if South Africas economic
ratings downgrades by S&P Global Ratings mentioned in conjunction with land reform and performance is to continue to successfully
and Fitch, were the main contributors to the nationalisation of mines and banks. We all mobilise collaborative effort, he said.
Solutions Hub
them and will improve technology sharing
from around the globe, like manufacturing
t e c h n o l o g i e s f r o m G e r m a n y o r I oT
technologies from Dallas, emphasises Du.
Huaweis SA OpenLab to focus on safe city, smart grid solutions The lab is an open, flexible, resilient and
secure platform where we can cooperate and
build solutions for the ecosystem that help
customers to achieve higher commercial
nformation and communication technology It will facilitate a digital transformation
(ICT) multinational Huawei has launched STORY HIGHLIGHTS ecosystem to support the implementation of
Huawei launches its South Africa OpenLab, which
an OpenLab in South Africa that will focus joint innovations and expand the ecosystem
will provide a platform for cooperation with industry
on safe city and smart grid technologies, partners and clients to develop new and innovative in terms of industry alliances, business
says Huawei South Africa deputy CEO solutions. alliances, developer platforms and open-source
Alex Du. The OpenLab is part of Huaweis international communities, says Du.
The research and development laboratory ICT ecosystem strategy that aims to bolster the We hope the Huawei OpenLab will create a
broader ICT environment and adoption of digital
is one of seven Huawei OpenLabs that systems.
new model for joint innovation. Subsequently,
will be opened this year and will provide a we would like to invite partners to work
formal environment for Huawei to work with together with Huawei in this initiative, says
various industry partners in South Africa Huawei Enterprise Government and Public Huawei Enterprise Business Group Southern
to create innovative solutions and promote Utility Sector, Global Industry Solutions Africa energy sector director Stan Qiu.
the development of a robust information department VP Edwin Diender emphasises Huawei will provide the data centre
technology ecosystem. t h at t he O p en L a b leve r age s ex ist i ng facility, hardware and software infrastructure
The Huawei Johannesburg Open Lab partnerships and initiatives, such as Huaweis and technical team, while the partners
will focus on the development of advanced work to provide municipalities with safe city will contribute ideas, products and human
analytics for police and power grid operations, systems, and encourages the formation and resources.
as well as on power-related Internet of Things development of new partnerships. By working together, we can enable new
(IoT) systems and the integration of Huaweis The laboratory will test and customise ideas to be verified more quickly, allow for
com munication module into local smart a broad range of solutions, such as the more agile industry innovation and more
meters. multimedia image sharing system being efficient proof of concepts creation.
The laboratories are open because a developed for emergency services, under The ultimate goal is to transform the lab
co-creation and revenue sharing model will be the umbrella of safe cities and smart grids. into a customer experience centre and generate
used. Products and services will be developed Making cities safer will lead to smarter cities, more opportunities for all ecosystem players,
and distributed in collaboration with other but safety is, and should be, the first priority, he adds.
industry partners, he explains. he says. Huawei is committed to cooperating with
The OpenLab programme is aligned with The OpenLab will also facilitate the faster its customers and partners in building ICT
Huawei Enterprise Business Groups Platform adoption of technologies by many public and platforms featuring Cloud, Pipe, and Device
and Ecosystem strategy and is centred on private organisations in various applications, collaboration to create symbiotic, vibrant and
collaborating with partners and customers owing to the availability of best practice sustainable ecosystems.
to develop innovative, differentiated and standards and proven successful uses. Huawei will continue to work with its
leading industry-specific solutions that enable This will also help government organisations part ners to explore new ways to address
open, elastic, flexible, and secure platforms to digitally transform themselves, and digital transformation challenges in the new
to drive enterprise digital transformation, accelerate the broader e-government shift, ICT era.
he explains. he adds. ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E451035
From page 83 $10.1-million during this year. The telecommunications, segment, there will be greater
for managed network and appli- Most enterprises will insurance and financial services demand for network and appli-
cation security services in 2017. increasingly look to outsourcing industries will be the largest cation security services due to
Meanwhile, government and services to managed service consumers of analytics services the need to improve compliance
the public sector, the trans- providers to benefit from to improve their operational and security efficiencies.
portation and logistics sector, improved efficiency of IT opera- efficiency through a proactive, Additionally, challenging
and utilities will use Big Data tions and cost savings, and problem-solving approach. economic conditions charac-
analytics to a large extent in adopt a proactive approach to The convergence across terised by continued weaken-
2017, says Dhinakaran. maintenance. telecommunications and ing of the rand and a grim
Further, despite the shutdown The need for vertical-specific entertainment markets, com- recovery outlook are expected
of mobile money services, knowledge will compel business bined with the growing uptake to continue this year.
technological advances in process management (BPM) of managed services, software- This will make ICT exports
digital banking and payments providers to reinvent or realign defined wide-area network cheaper, while enabling the
are likely to transform the their service delivery models, technology, and consultation- domestic outsourcing industry
market this year. instead providing more face-to- driven BPM service delivery to establish itself as a cost-
This will drive the value face consultative engagement models will propel market effective outsourcing destina-
of South Africas total digital instead of offering one-time growth, notes Dhinakaran. tion, concludes Dhinakaran.
payment transactions to service over a voice channel. In the managed services ENGINEERING NEWS COUPON ON PAGE 82 E451018
Hope for the Future: That Breva becomes a household global brand
Favourite Reading: The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
Favourite TV Programme: Ina Gartens cooking shows
Favourite Food/Drink: Breva, with any meal
Favourite Music: Gaither Vocal Band
Favourite Sport: Swimming
Favourite Website:
Hobbies: Cooking (and, thereafter, eating what I would have cooked),
reading and swimming
Breva Beverages
Car: Volvo
Pets: None
Miscellaneous Dislikes: Pettiness and arrogance
Favourite Other South African Company: The now defunct
Mallinicks Attorneys, for its soul, which Gerald Mallinick brought to the
Favourite Foreign Company: Heineken
Married: Single but open to persuasion
Children: None yet
Copyright Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd MZ Clubs: None
Report APRIL 2017
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