Job Aid3
Job Aid3
Job Aid3
analyze a situation use known words to figure out what
connect topic to ___(visual ____ means (use context clues)
clues)describe general meaning/main show comprehension of text through use
points/ details heard in ____ of graphic organizer
follow directions/group roles use ___________ (text source) to
identify key/vocabulary words heard in a connect reading to ________
discussion/video about _____ define/ identify
listen and speak in large/small group describe
interactions draw conclusions
react to oral presentations evaluate sources
record responses from one-on-one gather evidence
interviews identify authors purpose/audience
self-monitor /seek assistance by ___ label
use arguments/conclusions to edit ___ summarize/paraphrase
use feedback to edit ____ support/modify claims
use technology to analyze, organize,
gather and manage info
o content maps
o cooperative group work (jigsaw, etc)
o graphic organizers
o guided reading (leveled)
o conduct interviews
o identify/define/use key vocabulary
o cooperative group work
o identify main idea/details
o debate
o label diagram
o fishbowl
o match description with words
o graphic organizers
o opportunities to reread
o inner/outer circle
o paired reading
o opportunities for large and small group
o reading response journal
o read/think aloud
o oral presentations
o shared reading with books, charts, etc
o trade books
o vocabulary maps
o write descriptions
Listening Reading
Beginning Beginning
frequent understanding checks native simplified, decodable texts, familiar
language clarification English
shorter sentences, fewer pronouns, use teacher model (read aloud)
gestures visuals
Intermediate Intermediate
pre-teach academic vocabulary extra time to read independently
use simplified language, high-frequency peer support
vocabulary predictable stories
use visual and verbal cues use common vocabulary or pre-teach it
Advanced Advanced
rephrase, repeat, or slow down at abstract vocabulary
students request context clues
use some visuals, verbal cues, and oral reading opportunities
gestures pre-teach multiple meaning words and
use wait time low-frequency words
read and think aloud focus on main
using the words _______ clarity
construct argument compose
include ideas of others in construct arguments
arguments/explanations narrate, describe, and explain in writing
participate in discussion about ________
present project/report revise drafts
seek assistance when needed site sources
state/describe problem solving support opinion with evidence
strategies use standard writing conventions
use complex sentences use technology to research, organize,
use formal/informal English to say manage, analyze, display information
_______ write using the vocabulary words
use idioms/metaphors/ similes ______ to talk about ___
use specific details when discussing
use the word/phrase ______ in a
group/class discussion about ___
use vocabulary word ______ when
working with partner/in group
Intermediate Intermediate
give answer choices independent: connections using present
focus on content, not pronunciation or and past tense
grammar interactive word wall
simple sentence frames shared: familiar topic: expository,
use wait time procedure
Advanced Advanced
graphic organizers can help use different concept mapping/graphic organizers
tenses and providing details add details
opportunities to practice content connect reading and writing: draw
vocabulary conclusions and explain abstract ideas
Advanced High
extended discussions Advanced High
narrate/describe problem-solving research projects: gather information to
strategies support findings
practice formal/informal language texts for variety of audiences and
practice using idioms in different purposes
1. What activity* will students
Matching be doing?