Do This, Not That Reading

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Do This

Not That

Do This Not That

Reading - Instruct Reading - Encourage

students to look at each children to look away
letter and connect the from the words
letters to sounds when (pictures, context clues)

Sight Words - Use letter

Sight Words - Whole
– sound connections to
word memorization of
teach BOTH regularly and
“sight words”.
irregularly spelled words

Spelling – Activities that

Spelling – Memorizing
focus the child on letter
letters, letter shapes,
– sound relationships
shape of the word
when spelling. Ex: Tap
(rainbow writing, word
the sounds, then write
searches, writing words
the letters to represent
10X each)
each sound.

Teach phonics explicitly ,

with many opportunities to
Teach phonics through
practice reading and
discovery, incidental
writing words with the
instruction, and using
phonics patterns in
leveled texts.
isolation and in context
(decodable texts).

Follow a scope and

sequence of skills, using Randomly teach phonics
high quality instructional patterns

Ready to Make a Change?
Do This
Not That

Do This Not That

Explicitly teach
vocabulary words before
and after reading a text. Instruct students to look
Teach the sounds, up all vocabulary in a
spelling, meaning, and dictionary or glossary.
use of the words. Use
pictures and gestures to
aid in learning the

Model using new

vocabulary in context, Tell students to write
through both oral and words in a sentence after
written language. Then looking them up in a
have students use the dictionary.
vocabulary in discussion
and writing.

Choose vocabulary Choose vocabulary

words from texts the words randomly or from
students are reading. a list.

Academic Talk – Use

Use simple language and
sophisticated language
words to make things
daily in conversations
easier for the child to
and interactions with

Complex Texts – Read Read aloud or have

aloud and have children children read only texts
read challenging texts with simple language or
with academic language leveled texts.
and complex vocabulary.

Ready to Make a Change?
Do This
Not That

Do This Not That

Help students to work

with grade level, Use leveled texts at their
challenging, complex “independent level”

Ask questions based on

the text, having students
find the answers from
Ask “text to self”
within the text(s) first.
questions to start.
Then move to
connecting the text to
their lives, experiences.

Use text sets (multiple

Using unrelated texts to
texts on the same topic)
practice reading
to maximize vocabulary
skills/strategies or
and background
identify text features or
knowledge growth and
build comprehension

Group students based on

Group students by
need for scaffolding of the
reading level.
complex text. Differentiate
Differentiate the level of
the scaffolding for each
the text.

Model the use of multiple

strategies (summarizing,
Teach students one
questioning, predicting,
strategy at a time to use
monitoring) to gain both
in disconnected texts.
knowledge and meaning
from texts in a text set.

Ready to Make a Change?
Do This
Not That

Do This Not That

Oral reading, with

Sustained silent reading
teacher guidance,
or drop everything and
modeling, and
immediate feedback.

Repeated reading of
Reading texts at a "good
decodable texts (in
fit" level.
phonics instruction) and
grade level texts with
Single reads of a text.
teacher support

Read aloud strategies such

as cloze reads, echo Round robin reading of
reading, and partner texts in whole or small
reading. groups.



Access Meaning

Ready to Make a Change?
Do This
Not That

Do This Not That

Benchmark assessments
Use efficient, valid and that do not have validity and
reliable screeners that reliability data to validate
assess essential literacy their use and monopolize
skills 3 times a year. significant amounts of
instructional time.

Use data from informal

Only use formal
diagnostic assessments
diagnostic data for
(intervention based
IEP planning
diagnostics) that target
Use reading levels to
specific reading skills to
plan interventions
plan instruction.

Only assess students 3

Use brief, curriculum-based times a year (screeners)
measures to progress Progress monitor using
monitor interventions every time-consuming
2-3 weeks. assessments (more than
2-5 minutes)

Keep students in the

Make changes to
same interventions all
interventions based on
year, without making
the progress monitoring
changes based on the
data (time, intensity, type
progress monitoring
of intervention).

1-minute Oral Reading

Fluency CBM. Analyze data Running records that are
for accuracy (percentage of based on the 3 Cueing
words read correctly), System or assessments
fluency (number of words that assign students to a
read), and comprehension reading level

Ready to Make a Change?

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