Approved Tonight

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Minutes of the Meeting from November 27, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Bohl at Erlanger Central Station.


Member Attended Member Attended

Past President Robinson Excused President Bohl Present
Vice President Huth Excused Secretary Godsey Present
Treasurer Brinkman Present
Chase Autry Absent Jason Becker Present
Jim Brophy Present Elliott Epping Absent
Rob Hucker Excused Bob Hug Excused
Joe Kappa Excused Jay Kelley Excused
Scott Lewis Present Eric McDonald Present
Randy McMullen Excused Dave McQuerry Excused
Mark Otte Present Brian Schwartz (approved tonight) Excused
Craig Stewart Excused Drew Verkamp Absent
Todd Whitaker Excused Rhonda Wolf Excused

Tim Koenig (retired) Bill Martin (retired)

Todd Schulkers (retired)

8 of the 23 active members were in attendance.

M (Brinkman) / S (Lewis) to accept the minutes from the September 10, 2015 meeting. No
discussion. All were in favor. None opposed.
Presidents Report

09 20 2015 - I attended the Putting for the Caboose fundraiser. We raised $1500.
10 13 2015 - I attended the firefighter appreciation meeting held by the VFW - Ladies Auxiliary.
They gave us $200.
10 31 2015 - I attended the Dunkin Donuts First ResponDDer event. They raised $292 for us.
10 16 2015 - Erlanger Lions presented us with a check for $600 to buy smoke detectors for the
citizens. We purchased 36 detectors through A & S Electric - Erlanger, KY
11 16 2015 - I attended the fundraiser for the Firefighter Cancer Network sponsored by Florence
Professional Firefighters at Quaker Steak and Lube.
11 17 2015 - We hosted the KPFF (Kentucky Professional Firefighters) District Meeting at the
Erlanger City Building. The following was discussed:
Covington reported they have a new president, Mike Lee. Their recruit class
has 10 new members and they are still negotiating their contract.
Fort Thomas reported they are negotiating their health insurance. They have a
new city manager after Don Martin retired.
Florence reported Tim Webster was elected as president for another term. They
are trying to work with the city about the current vacation/PTO policy. It is
making it difficult to take time off or they are losing time. It is causing a lot of
Independence reported they have some retirements that have not been refilled.
Their insurance premiums have increased. They continue to hold fundraisers
(teen dances and football cards) and split the money with the district. Josh Cox
was elected as the secretary of the fire district board.
Central Campbell reported their golf outing went well. Their chief has been
great to work with and they are looking at increasing staffing.
Erlanger reported we are working on recruitment and retention.
Point Pleasant reported they have 11 members with Brad Foley elected
president. They have 3 contract employees that are employed for 1 year. They
have the same benefits as the full time employees.
KPFF State Secretary/Treasurer Daugherty requests updated officer
information and members to use non employer email addresses. Please stay
current on your dues.
KPFF State President Joe Baer reported on the Governor election. Matt Bevin
beat Jack Conway. Bohl asked about the rumors that Bevin does not like our
retirement system and wants to change it. It is true that he wants to change the
system to a 401K for current and retired members. KPFF State Legislative Chair
said there have been talks with the teachers and police to fight these changes.
They also mentioned our incentive is $3100 a year. $3000 is budgeted with $100
coming from the Governors budget. It is preciable that this incentive will be cut.
With some legislation we supported, it was learned that certain senators and
representatives have been threatened other legislators with reduced funding for
their districts if they do not change their support. Some of our retirement fund
was used to fight heroin. Spiking was briefly discussed as well.
Independence President Clint Green discussed having money from a
fundraiser for a cancer patient. They were looking to donate to someone local.
Bohl suggested the Kremer family. Angie is battling cancer. Matt is a police
sergeant for Erlanger, Angie is a former Erlanger dispatcher, they have three
small children and they reside in Independence.

10 17 2015 - I attended the Brock Restoration - Chili Cookoff that Chase Autry entered on
of the local. Chase won Best Booth and second place in Tasters Choice.
11 04 2015 - I attended the return of the caboose at the Railroad Depot Park.

I have left messages for Sports Shop to place a union clothing order. They are moving from
Weaver to Mall Road. I am looking for a different vendor.

Vice Presidents Report

Nothing to Report.

Secretarys Report

Nothing to Report.

Treasurers Report

Checking Balance: $8768.18 (minus clothing allowance)

Savings (Vending): $700.02

M (Godsey) / S (Otte) to accept the treasurers report. No discussion. All were in favor. None
were opposed.

Reports of Committees

By Laws

Article 5 / Section 5 (see attached) Second Reading

M (Becker) / S (Brinkman) to approve the change. No discussion. All were in favor. None were

Article 8 / Section 7 (see attached) Second Reading

M (Becker) / S (McDonald) to approve the change. No discussion. All were in favor except
Brophy (opposed). Passed.


Thank you from the Erlanger Historical Society for the Putting for the Caboose fundraiser.

Thank you for our service from the VFW - Ladies Auxiliary.

Thank you letters were delivered for the Putting for the Caboose supporters, Erlanger Lions
Club and Dunkin Donuts.

Old Business

Nothing to report on the idea of purchasing a soft drink machine. (Lewis)

New Business

Firehouse Santa will be held on Saturday, December 12, 2015 at Erlanger Central Station from
2 to 4 pm.


M (Brinkman) / S (Lewis) to accept Brian Schwartzs application for membership. No

discussion. All were in favored. None were opposed.

President Bohl requested a motion to purchase coffee mugs and mouse pads with the local
logo. Motion was made by Godsey. Before there was a second, discussion was made about
Tervis mugs instead. The motion was withdrawn. Eric McDonald will look into Tervis mugs for
each member.

M (Lewis) / S (Becker) to adjourn at 7:27 pm. No discussion. All were in favor. None were

M (Lewis) / S (Brinkman) to go back in order for nominations. No discussion. All were in favor.
None were opposed.

Nominations were opened for the office of Secretary.

Bohl and Wolf nominated Randy Godsey prior to the meeting.
Nominations were called three (3) times with no other nominations added.
M (Lewis) / S (Becker) to close the nomination for the office of Secretary. No discussion. All
were in favor with none opposed.

Nominations were opened for the office of Treasurer.

Bohl and Wolf nominated Justin Brinkman prior to the meeting.
Nominations were called three (3) times with no other nominations added.
M (Lewis) / S (Otte) to close the nomination for the office of Treasurer. No discussion. All were
in favor with none opposed.

Nominations were opened for the office of Vice President.

Bohl and Wolf nominated Regis Huth prior to the meeting.
Nominations were called three (3) times with no other nominations added.
M (Brinkman) / S (Godsey) to close the nomination for the office of Vice President. No
discussion. All were in favor with none opposed.

Nominations were opened for the office of President.

McQuerry and Wolf nominated Richard Bohl prior to the meeting.
Nominations were called three (3) times with no other nominations added.
M (Lewis) / S (Becker) to close the nomination for the office of President. No discussion. All
were in favor with none opposed.

With only one member nominated per office, there is no need for an election.

M (Brinkman) / S (Lewis) to adjourn at 7:32 pm. No discussion. All were in favor. None were

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