Stregnthening Blue-Green Infrastructure in Our CIties
Stregnthening Blue-Green Infrastructure in Our CIties
Stregnthening Blue-Green Infrastructure in Our CIties
Prof. Dr. Dr. Manfred Moldaschl Prof. Herbert Dreiseitl Prof. James L. Wescoat Jr. Joyce Klein Rosenthal, PhD
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Schrter Prof. Nirmal Kishnani Alex Marks Evageline McGlynn
Matthias Wrlen Prof. Tan Puay Yok Karen Noiva
Dr. Jrg Rber Giovanni Cossu Smita Rawoot
Cynthia Ng
Usually we think of a city as buildings, roads, concrete, Blue-Green infrastructure (BGI) offers a feasible and
asphalt and all the other hard, grey elements. But what if valuable solution for urban areas facing the challenges
the city has more than one layer? What if we define a city of climate change. It complements and in some cases
by looking at water and vegetation as well? Elements that replaces the need for grey infrastructure. BGI connects
shape and improve human life. We call this BGI = Blue-Green urban hydrological functions (blue infrastructure) with
Infrastructure the essential layer in a liveable city. vegetation systems (green infrastructure) in urban
landscape design. It provides overall socioeconomic
For too long, we have pushed water underground out benefits that are greater than the sum of its individual
of sight, out of mind and disregarded the green. Though components.
essential to our lives, it has lacked a strong advocate. But
times change and suddenly we have become aware that Taken together as a comprehensive system, these
grey cannot cope with the challenges of climate change. components of BGI projects strengthen urban
ecosystems by employing natural processes in man-made
Blue-Green Infrastructure environments. They combine the demand for sustainable
The traditional grey approach to urban infrastructure, water and stormwater management with the demands of
which is to discharge rainwater into pipes, is not an adaptive urban life and planning.
adequate solution for hydroclimatic problems induced by
urbanisation, urban density, and impervious land cover.
Nor is it a way to mobilize the many socioeconomic
benefits of water as an element in peoples living
10 08 CHAPTER 1
Blue and Green Infrastructure
for Liveable Cities
18 CASE STUDIES ON PROJECT The political BGI entrepreneur
LEVEL Driving groups and networks
Emerald Necklace, Boston, US Water agencies as institutional bottlenecks
Hannover-Kronsberg, Germany Green policy and sustainability programs
Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Yishun Pond, 90
Ulu Pandan Park Connector, Singapore Land restriction
Doubts about technical feasibility
28 CASE STUDIES ON CITY LEVEL Silo-thinking in the administrative realm
Hamburg, Germany
New York City, US The importance of institutional and political support
Jakarta, Indonesia
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE The importance of documentation
The importance of umbrella programs
44 HOW THE BGI APPROACH The importance of effective, enforceable, and
EVOLVED sanctionable guidelines and regulations
The importance of building local capacity
48 BGI IN URBAN DESIGN AND The importance of formal institutions for BGI
Why use the Polychrome Capital Approach?
The capital-based framework for BGI assessment
THE BLUE IMPERATIVE Capital-based assessment of values added by BGI
The case study & the capitals: Summary
Examples for increasing effectiveness, Create partnerships
adaptability, and resilience within the case
BGI enhances a citys beauty and aesthetics Look for windows of opportunity to initiate BGI
Biophilic Design: Interdependence of blue,
green and social design features and the 161 SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE
aesthetics of landscape Build up an internal stock of knowledge
Learning from pilot projects is decisive
Examples of the benefits of BGI on health 162 BASIC CONDITIONS
and well-being Think holistically and river catchment-wise
BGI and Biophilia Disposal of land and precautionary land use
Learning about and experience of nature planning
Institutionalize BGI as a standard technology in
138 SOCIAL CAPITAL urban planning
Examples of the benefits of BGI for social Anticipate long-term operation and
interaction and integration maintenance
The benefits of BGI for civic identity and
relatedness 165 FINANCES
Look for innovative approaches to financing
BGI as measure to increase a citys
reputation in Malm and Freiburg 166 FINAL THOUGHTS
BGIs impact on iconic value and tourism
Rather than viewing the city as a single, discrete entity, it might be more useful
to think of it as interacting layers of different kinds of activities and physical
features. There is one element in particular that, perhaps more than all of the
others, shapes a city and supports urban activity and human life that element
is water. Water is necessary for human life and a variety of economic activities.
However, for too long we have pushed water one of the most essential
resources for a functioning city underground, and therefore out of sight and
out of mind. There is growing awareness that securing clean and sufficient
freshwater will be a defining challenge for cities in the 21st century.
BGI systems are not unknown and are gaining recognition in many
cities and countries worldwide. Already there exist a number of
programs and organizations1 that raise awareness of BGI and support
implementation of BGI projects. While it is true that the number of
projects that have been successfully built and are in operation is still
relatively small, this number is increasing daily.
The impacts of BGI on the water resources, the natural habitat and
peoples well-being will be further explored in Chapter 3.
1 The ABC-Waters Program of the Public Utilities Agency aims to integrate urban green and Singaporean
water bodies, that is break up the dominant grey and concrete approach for storm water infrastructure and
use bio-engineering techniques. It is a big scale policy program with three certain foci: Identify opportunities
for BGI in a ABC-Masterplan and start implementing BGI in 100 single projects from 2006 2031; Building up
Img.01 engineering capability and engineering culture by ABC Water Guidelines; education for water awareness.
Cities and their decision-makers today face many complex challenges that
are associated with balancing urban development and its impact on the
environment. The trend towards urbanization continues at a break-neck pace
worldwide with a majority of the worlds population now living in cities, and
an expected increase to 66% by 2050.1 Consequently, the demand for new
infrastructure construction is expected to increase commensurately. These
infrastructure expansions are aligned with enormous costs.
Enormous investments are required for the upgrade and maintenance of aging
infrastructure stocks as well as the construction of new built infrastructure to
accommodate population growth. One of the many challenges cities face is
in securing clean and sufficient water supply while mitigating environmental
stress and pollution. There is growing recognition that the traditional, so-called
grey approach to infrastructure will be insufficient to meet the growing
pressures from urbanization and additional stresses associated with climate
change and energy scarcity.
In such demanding times, we need solutions that help to solve more than one
challenge at the same time. A paradigm shift is required one that recognizes
that we can no longer focus only on temporary technological fixes. Instead, we
must integrate planning of built infrastructures with an understanding of how
these technical systems perform in society and the environment.
The lessons learned are described for each specific project and are then
compared and summarized, and general lessons presented. These lessons are
intended to assist in setting priorities and agendas for BGI projects and to
facilitate a strategic approach for the implementation of BGI throughout the
project life cycle, from developing a vision through effective construction and
operation. Since many local factors, different disciplines and responsibilities
need to be considered when planning, financing, constructing and maintaining
BGIs, a range of relevant target groups and key audiences were identified. We
present a set of customized recommendations tailored to each of these specific
This report demonstrates the many benefits of BGI projects and how they
enhance the value of a variety of urban ecological, economic and social
functions: including prosperity, urban sustainability and liveability. We believe
that the cases presented here provide strong arguments for the many benefits
of BGIs and hope that the specific projects and general principles will convince
key actors like government authorities, public administration, urban planners
and designers, academic groups, public-at-large, NGOs, construction builders
and developers that BGI is achievable and economical.
We hope this work will positively influence the adoption and success of blue-
green infrastructures worldwide.
1 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division (2014): World Urbanization Prospects: The
2014 Revision. Img.02
We hope
this work will
positively influence
the adoption
and success
of blue-green
Urban infrastructures need to be
retrofitted from conventional drainage built
systems to more functional and resilient green
systems that bring together built areas,
green (landscape systems) and water.
grey separation of bgi overlap of blue water sensitive city
infrastructure elements and green management
The use of the term infrastructure in BGI is a recognition that the natural
processes associated with vegetation and hydrology contribute valuable
and functional services to human societies. There has been growing
awareness of the value of so-called green infrastructure (e.g. open space
and tree canopy). Including blue in BGI is a natural extension of the green
infrastructure concept, since green features depend on water and also
affect local hydrology.
A wide implementation of BGI elements and techniques a city and therefore it relies on the capabilities in a city
to achieve multifunctional urban landscapes on a holistic to negotiate forms and outcomes of this change with
catchment scale has yet to be realized. Blue-green all different civic stakeholders as well as to be aware of
infrastructure often is not seen as valuable opportunity unintended consequences in the wider (spatial, social,
for creating multifunctional landscapes with an ecological temporal) context.
approach to sustainable urban stormwater practice.
Moving forward, we believe in (and the case studies
The underlying hypothesis of this work is that the demonstrate) the importance of effective communication,
main obstacles for the implementation of sustainable knowledge-sharing, and cooperative agenda-setting
stormwater management go beyond the technical. We in promoting BGI. There is a need for improved
believe that a paradigm shift is needed and that urban argumentation and for increased efforts in data-driven
water management must move beyond the conventional analysis to support and refine the ecologic, economic and
engineering mindset to a more holistic approach social arguments for BGI. In particular, further research is
that includes knowledge about societal values and needed on what we call The Expanded Process Model to
ecosystem services. Such a paradigm shift has begun to identify, analyse, and enhance:
be appreciated, but many decision-makers still remain
unaware of the value of such an approach or how to The challenges, drivers and enabling conditions of
operationalize it. successful BGI-implementation, and
The transition of urban water management from standard The benefits and added values stemming from this
grey to blue-green is more than a technical innovation. combination of blue-green infrastructure, especially its
It implies a change in the social and political setting of impact on improving social life and human-environmental
Temperate zone
Tropical zone
Tropical zone
Temperate zone
The research work, which is the foundation of this In addition to assessing individual BGI at the project scale,
handbook, is based upon case studies, namely individual we also compared opportunities and challenges for BGI
projects and cities. The case studies included an extended successes at the city scale to gain insight into relevant
literature review as well as numerous interviews with citywide agendas and policies.
different stakeholders such as governmental officials,
developers, planners, and construction companies. These For each case study, positive and negative lessons were
case studies are summarized in the Annex. identified and an attempt made to generalize these
lessons as good practices important for current and future
To provide a more balanced picture of BGI challenges BGI planning and implementation in cities.
relevant around the world and in a variety of contexts,
the selection criteria for case studies included climate, The results of studying BGI projects and programs of
governance systems, and variations in the history of BGI- cities are comprised in Chapter 4 Lessons learned,
development types as well as the designed functionality and build the substance for the analysis of added
within the BGI. The cases chosen for the study represent values (Chapter 5), and finally the recommendations for
several continents (America, Europe, and Asia) and a successful implementation of blue-green infrastructure
range of climate types including the tropical rainforest (Chapter 6).
climate (Singapore), the tropical wet and dry climate
(Mumbai), and the humid continental climate (Germany,
Denmark, etc.).
Temperate zone
Tropical zone
Temperate zone
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Yishun Pond, New York City, US
Jakarta, Indonesia
Ulu Pandan Park Connector (UPPC),
Singapore Mumbai, India
Fig.05 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Case Studies - Project Profile Emerald Necklace
General Information
Country/ City: United States of America/ Boston, MA
Geographic coordinates: 4221N, 710451W [1]
GDP (nominal) per Capita (2013): US$ 370, 769 [5] 1 Emerald Necklace (EN)
BB - Back Bay Fens
Human Development Index: 0.914 Increase RW - The Riverway
very high 5th [6] OP - Olmsted Park
Population/Population Density [1]: 645 966 JP - Jamaica Pond Park 3 Other BGI
AA - Arnold Arboretum PS - Peabody Square
Population Density (calculated): 2 780 / km2 FP - Franklin Park PG - Green Alley
CM - Commonwealth Ave. Mall PA - Porous Alley
Percentage of Blue in the city [1]: 46 % 2 EN-Connected 4 2012 Consent Decree
CR - Charles River Esplanade CS - Central Square (E. Boston)
Percentage of Green in the city [7]: 9.5 % PG - Public Gardens AC - Audubon Circle
Per Capita Coverage of Blue: 170 m2 BC - Boston Common CHP - City Hall Plaza
Per Capita Coverage of Green [16]: 34 m2
Boston & BGI Projects [8]
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
Size of BGI-project in square meters:
Table 1: Specific Blue-Green Infrastructure Characteristics for the Emerald Necklace Components
Emerald Necklace (EN) BGI Components Necklace-Connected BGI Other BGI Demo Projects 2012 Consent Decree-BGI
Motivation/Targets BB RW OP JP AA
Motivation/Targets FP CM
CR PG Motivation/Targets
Climate change mitigation Climate change mitigation Climate change mitigation Climate change mitigation X
Air pollution mitigation Air pollution mitigation Air pollution mitigation Air pollution mitigation
Urban heat island mitigation Urban heat island mitigation Urban heat island mitigation
X Urban heat island mitigation
Rainwater management, flood prevention, groundwa- X X X Rainwater management, flood prevention,
X Rainwater
flood prevention, groundwa-management,
X flood
X prevention,
X groundwa- X X X
ter level, quality improvement ter level, quality improvement ter level, quality improvement ter level, quality improvement
Question: Do we want to know Y/N/Other? Level Question: Do we want to know Y/N/Other?
Do we want to know Y/N/Other?Question: Do we want to know Y/N/Other? Level
of Import? Intentional/Incidental? of Import? Intentional/Incidental? of Import? Intentional/Incidental? of Import? Intentional/Incidental?
Restoration X X Restoration
X Restoration X Restoration
Increasing permeability Increasing permeability Increasing permeability Increasing permeability
Olmsteads original plan for a greener Boston [19].
Recreation in dense settlements X X X Recreation
X in denseXsettlements
Recreation in dense
X settlements
X Recreation in dense
X X settlements
Renaturation X X Renaturation
X Renaturation X X Renaturation
Water pollution mitigation X X X Water pollution
X mitigation Water pollution mitigation
X Water pollution mitigation
Water recycling Water recycling Water recycling X Water recycling X X X X
Conservation of natural & cultural heritage X X X Conservation
X of natural & cultural heritage
Conservation of natural
X & cultural
X Conservation of natural & cultural heritage
BGI Functionality BB RW OP JP AA
BGI Functionality FP CMFunctionality
BGI CR PG BGI Functionality
Recreation X X X Recreation
Recreation X X xRecreation X
Floodplain management X X X Floodplain
X management Floodplain management
X X Floodplain management
Public Square Public Square X
Public Square Public Square
Street Greening Street Greening X
Street Greening Street Greening X
Urban Gardening & Farming X Urban Gardening & Farming Urban Gardening & Farming Urban Gardening & Farming
Greenroof Greenroof Greenroof Greenroof X X
Retention System, Water Drainage, Open Retention System, Water Drainage, Open Retention System, Water Drainage, Open
Retention System, Water Drainage, Open
Water System, Closed Water Loop, Water System, Closed Water Loop, Water System, Closed Water Loop, Water System, Closed Water Loop,
Climate Change Adaptation, etc. X X X Climate X
Change Adaptation, etc. Climate Change Adaptation,
X X X etc. Climate Change Adaptation,
X Xetc. X X X X
Physical Facilities BB RW OP JP
Physical AA
Facilities FP CM
Physical Facilities
CR PG Physical Facilities
Playground X Playground X Playground Playground
Sunbathing lawns X Sunbathing lawns X Sunbathing lawns Sunbathing lawns X Dredging of the Back Bay Fens (1882) [22].
Cafes Cafes X Cafes Cafes
BGI Strategy
Planning policy information
Was the project supported by financial government support programs or any tax systems?
Annual appropriations to support the construction of the necklace came mostly from city property tax assessments, property contributions and
perhaps a lesser portion from the state budget [10].
Research team in charge - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Prof Jim Wescoat, Karen Noiva, Alex Marks
Fig.06 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Case Studies - Project Profile Hannover Kronsberg
General Information
Country/ City: Germany, Hannover
Geographic coordinates: 52 22 33.21 N (DMS Lat), 9 4355.24 E (DMS Long)
Temperature: Means
Daily Maximum 13,3 C
Daily Minimum 05,2 C
Gross National Product (GNP): n.a.
GDP per capita: 45,008 (Region Hannover in 2006)
Percentage of Green in the city: Projects: reforestation of 70 hectares of woodland; two green 1 5 10km
residential parks a 1 ha, 11 km Mulden-Rigolen;
two slope boulevards as surface water drains
Percentage of Blue in the city: n.a
* Case Study Hannover Kronsberg
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
Size of BGI-project in square meters: A residential area of 150 ha with 3000 dwellings
for about people
What was the motivation for the BGI-project? What were the drivers and what were the arguments?
(Please select and describe by using the following topics):
o Rainwater management Balancing of conventional stormwater drainage and semi-natural
retention and sewage to stabilize groundwater table on area and in
nearby woodland under conditions of poor permeability and hillside
o Increasing permeability Upgrading of green by provision of trees and plants
o Recreation in dense settlements New urban settlement in green, semi-central landscape
o Renaturation
What are the functionalities of the BGI-project?
Schematic Flow Diagram
o Retention System, Water Drainage, Open Water System, Closed Water Loop, Climate Change Adaptation
Limited flow shaft, decentral water retention
o Recreation zone BGI as part of public and semi-public recreation space
o Open space
o Street greening, green roof Mulden-Rigolen-System (Swales/ Underground storage system)
Which are the main facilities?
o Playground
o Community space
o Cycle path
Site conditions:
o Surface hard scape/soft
scape Meager, Unsealed, agricultural area of
low-medium quality
o Percentage of sealed area/green area n.a. Detailed Landscape Plan
o Soil classification: clay, silt, sand, gravel, peat, loam, loess limestone marl and chalk
BGI Strategy
Planning policy information
Hannover Kronsberg is a pilot-project for ecological construction of new urban settlements as part of World Exposition 2000 in Hannover.
The Water concept was ambitious and had great impact on water regulation in Hannover. After Kronsberg construction on-site seepage
became the standard technology in new settlements in Hannover. Kronsberg is an important reference project for new technologies for
rain water management - Mulden-Rigolen-System and limited flow shaft, decentral water retention in Germany and in international
The water concept was governed by the building plan, the Drainage Regulations for the Regional Capital Hanover (of 16.05.1991) and
the Lower Saxony Water regulations (of 25.03.1999). As a consequence rainwater from sealed surfaces had to be channeled into a
gulley-and-trench system, there to soak away or be fed at a controlled rate into the public drainage system. The system brings together
decentralised retention, as high a level of seepage as possible and strictly-controlled outfall into the public drains.
The Kronsberg settlement was financed by public and private investors. Development costs (c.a. 50 mio ) were covered by return on
sales of land hold by City of Hannover to private investors. The was a budget for public communication of ecological issues including Inner courtyard pond
construction consultancy for water infrastructure provided by European Union (1,5 mio ). Rain water system was financed by the
citywide charge for waste water connection. Maintenance costs for Mulden-Rigolen are covered by the Division for Waste Water
Treatment of City of Hannover.
The IDB Niedersachsen mbH -Object Kronsberg (IDB) - a consortium of the Sparkasse Hannover and two local construction companies
was the main private partner of City of Hannover. The IDB owned 30% of Kronsberg Area. The IDB developed its part of Kronsberg
according to the building plan and sold smaller blocks to local construction companies. Thereby IDB worked as an important mediator
Logo Urban Drainage Hannover
between city planning office and private investors e.g. in negotiation of building requirements in sales contracts.
und-Region/Statistikstelle-der-Landeshauptstadt-Hannover2/Hannover-in-Zahlen/Einwohner [11. Feb. 2015] Map of Hannover: [Online], Available: [11.Feb. 2015]
Herbert Dreiseitl: [Interview] [10. Feb. 2015] Plan View Hannover Kronsberg: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
Schematic Flow Diagram: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
Detailed Landscape Plan: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
Green corridor:
Inner courtyard pond:
Logo Stadtentwsserung Hannover: [Online]
Research team in charge - National University of Singapore - Prof Tan Puay Yok, Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Giovanni Cossu, Cynthia Siela Ng, Bernd Michael Schernau
Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore, is a large regional re-using the concrete waste within different features in
park connecting two residential areas Bishan and Ang the landscape. In place of the canal, the landscape was
Mo Kio (BAMK) that were constructed in the 1970s. In designed to mimic a small, meandering stream, which
the early 1980s, a concrete canal, which bisected the provides natural cleansing of runoff through bioretention
park, was built for flood mitigation. The canal collected and filtration. During periods of intense rainfall, the height
water from the surrounding neighborhoods into the of the stream increases and floods up the banks of the
Kallang River basin, a catchment area now used in within adjacent green space, demonstrating the adaptability of
Singapores water reuse system. When Bishan Park was BGI to extreme climate events.
chosen to be one of the first of 20 pilot projects as part of
Singapores national ABC Waters Program1 in 2006, both Today the park serves not only as a recreational space for
the park and the canal had strong need for restoration. the local residents but as a unique opportunity to revalue
The Public Utility Board (PUB), which overseas municipal nature, animal life and water in Singapore as it transcends
water management for Singapore, decided that Bishan boundaries between the park as open public space and
Park should be a demonstration project that retained the the semi-natural canal.
existing functionality of the existing canal while enhancing
water quality and mitigating stormwater runoff using
additional green design elements. An opportunity was
also seen to combine water management functionality
while enhancing community activities and recreation. PUB
cooperated with the [Singapores Parks board], and the
budgets from each agency were merged. The resulting,
[award-winning] design removed the concrete canal,
1 The ABC-Waters Program of the Public Utilities Agency aims to integrate urban green
and Singaporean water bodies, that is break up the dominant grey and concrete approach
for storm water infrastructure and use bio-engineering techniques. It is a big scale policy
program with three certain foci: Identify opportunities for BGI in a ABC-Masterplan and start
implementing BGI in 100 single projects from 2006 2031; Building up engineering capability
and engineering culture by ABC Water Guidelines; education for water awareness.
Fig.07 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Case Studies - Project Profile Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park
General Information
Country/ City: Singapore/ Singapore
Geographic coordinates: 1 21 43.71 N (DMS Lat), 103 5051.9 E (DMS Long)
Location Singapore
Climate Zone (Koeppen): Af, tropical rainforest
Annual: 2357.8 mm (Meteorological Service Singapore)
Distribution: n.a.
Number of heavy rains p.a.: 4 in 2013
Intensity in mm/ 5 min: The maximum hourly rain intensity reached 85 mm/hr (Annual
Weather Review 2012 - National Environment Agency)
Net annual water budget: n.a.
Temperature: Means
Daily Maximum 31,6 C
Daily Minimum 25,3 C (2014 SingStat) Climate Chart Singapore
Gross National Product (GNP): 363827 SGD Million (229417 Euro Million)
GDP per capita: 69,050 SGD (2013, SingStat)
Human Development Index: 0.901 (UNEP) *
Population: 5,469,700 (2014, SingStat)
Population Density: 7,615 p/Sq km (2014, SingStat)
Percentage of Blue in the city: 959 ha (amount of water-bodies open for recreational activities)
(Sustainable Singapore Blueprint) 1 5 10km
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
What was the motivation for the BGI-project? What were the drivers and what were the arguments?
o Increasing Permaebility
o Investment costs for the BGI project: 68 M
Bioengineered River
BGI Strategy
Planning policy information
Was the project supported or regulated by guidelines, building regulations etc.? Logo PUB
Partly, but it did also function as a pilot project.
Was the project supported by financial government support programs or any tax
systems? It was completely funded by the government.
References Figures
SingStat: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] World Map: Schernau, Bernd (2014) [Graphic].
Meteorological Service Singapore: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Climate Chart Singapore: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015]
National Environment Agency: [Online], Available: Map of Singapore: [Online], Available: [11.Feb. 2015] [11. Feb. 2015] Plan View Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park: Atelier Dreiseitl (2009) [Graphic]
Tradingeconomics: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Aerial view Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park: Atelier Dreiseitl (2011) [Photograph]
UNEP: [Online], Available: Water Playground: Atelier Dreiseitl (2012) [Photograph]
Sustainable Singapore Blueprint: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Bioengineered River: Atelier Dreiseitl (2012) [Photograph]
Herbert Dreiseitl: [Interview] [10. Feb. 2015] Logo PUB: [Online],
sites/default/files/field/image/PUB%20logo(brochures,%20handbook%20etc).jpg [11. Feb. 2015]
Logo NParks: [Online], [11. Feb. 2015]
Research team in charge - National University of Singapore - Prof Tan Puay Yok, Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Giovanni Cossu, Cynthia Siela Ng, Bernd Michael Schernau
Fig.09 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Case Studies - Project Profile Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
General Information
Country/ City: Singapore/ Singapore
Geographic coordinates: 1 21 43.71 N (DMS Lat), 103 5051.9 E (DMS Long)
Distribution: n.a.
Number of heavy rains p.a.: 4 in 2013
Intensity in mm/ 5 min: The maximum hourly rain intensity reached 85 mm/hr (Annual
Weather Review 2012 - National Environment Agency)
Net annual water budget: n.a.
Temperature: Means
Daily Maximum 31,6 C
Daily Minimum 25,3 C (2014 SingStat)
Gross National Product (GNP): 363827 SGD Million (229417 Euro Million)
(Tradingeconomics) Climate Chart Singapore
Percentage of Blue in the city: 959 ha (amount of waterbodies open for recreational activities)
(Sustainable Singapore Blueprint)
Regional Parks Managed by NParks (2012): 2,847.51 ha
Percentage of coverage per Capita of Blue and Green: 6,96 sq m
1 5 10km
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
Map of Singapore
Size of project in square meters: GFA (Gross Floor Area) - 108,600 m 2
Owner / investor of the project (Private, municipal etc.): Fully funded by the Singapore Government
The KTPH brief called for the seven principles of Erik Asmussen healing architecture:
1. The unity of form and function - 2. Polarity - 3. Metamorphosis - 4. Harmony with nature and site - 5. Living Bird View of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
wall - 6. Color luminosity and color perspective - 7. Dynamic equilibrium of spatial experience. The hospital was
designed to promote natural air movement and use passive elements to reduce heat. The architecture shall be a
holistic example of patient-centric approach that speaks to the whole person as a being of body, soul and spirit.
o Community space
o Bicycle Parking stations
o Cafes
o Rehab and Geriatric Care Center
Facility management
o Authority or company in charge of maintenance: KTPH Facilities Management team
o Investment costs for the BGI project : US$ 500,000,000 approximately
BGI Strategy
Planning policy information
Exterior View
Is the project embedded in a citywide BGI-strategy?
The project is not embedded in a citywide strategy but targeted at the community-at-large. It is also part of the
Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) programme
Was the project supported by financial government support programs or any tax systems?
Yes, the development was fully funded by the Singapore Government
was sought from the community, residents, grassroots and healthcare collaboration partners
References Figures World Map: Schernau, Bernd (2014) [Graphic].
Communication with Project Team at CPG and owner representative Climate Chart Singapore: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015]
SingStat: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Map of Singapore: [Online], Available: [11.Feb. 2015]
Meteorological Service Singapore: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Precipitation Diagram
National Environment Agency: [Online], Available: KTPH Bird View: Nirmal Kishnani (2012), Greening Asia, FuturArc , pp. 166-183 [Photograph] [11. Feb. 2015] KTPH Exterior Perspective: Nirmal Kishnani (2012), Greening Asia, FuturArc , pp. 166-183 [Perspective]
Tradingeconomics: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] KTPH Central courtyard: Nirmal Kishnani (2012), Greening Asia, FuturArc , pp. 166-183 [Photograph]
Sustainable Singapore Blueprint: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] KTPH Sampling of birds: Nirmal Kishnani (2012), Greening Asia, FuturArc , pp. 166-183 [Photograph]
Herbert Dreiseitl: [Interview] [10. Feb. 2015]
Communication with NParks [CUGE]
Research team in charge - National University of Singapore - Prof Tan Puay Yok, Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Giovanni Cossu, Cynthia Siela Ng, Bernd Michael Schernau
The Ulu Pandan Park Connector (UPPC) in Singapore a pure concrete canal and no green, it (Ulu Pandan Grey)
is a green corridor surrounding the Sungei Ulu Pandan serves as a case to study the effects of blue and green
River stretching from Commonwealth Ave West through design elements on human use. Areas with no integration
the Holland Grove estates, crossing Clementi Road and semi-integrated areas were studied separately
and continuing across the Sunset estates and towards and compared to Bishan Park (see above), which is an
Ayer-Rajah Expressway. Two sections were examined: excellent example for full blue-green integration.
(1) The western section, between Clementi Road and
Ayer-Rajah Expressway, is semi-integrated with concrete
banks covered in greenery providing a rustic and inviting
view. There are also other Active, Beautiful and Clean
Waters1 design features, such as vegetated swales and
a sedimentations basin. Despite the protective fence,
there are at times people walking down to the water
to fish. (2) The western section of the UPPC, stretching
between Commonwealth Ave West and Clementi Road,
consists of a concrete drain without any green cover. The
green structure is completely separated and the drain
fulfills no other purpose than to transport water during
heavy rainfall. No ABC Waters design features have been
1 Originally we planned to explore the Hamburg case more intensively. The RISA project
promised to provide relevant insight. Unfortunately the completion of RISA has been delayed
unforeseeably. When RISA results have been published in December 2015 the phase of active
research in this research project has already been finished. Therefore we do not discuss
RISA in detail. For further information about the RISA please see http://www.risa-hamburg.
de/. Nonetheless we provide analysis of the institutional setting of stormwater management
in Hamburg and even more extensively in: Schrter, E., Rber, J. (2015): Urban Governance
for Livable Cities: Institutional Capacity Building for Blue-Green Infrastructure Planning
and Development. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and
Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Zeppelin University (previously
Fig.10 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Case Studies - Project Profile Hamburg RISA
General Information
Country/ City: Germany, Hamburg
Geographic coordinates: 53 33 2 N (DMS Lat), 9 59 36 E (DMS Long)
Temperature: Means
Daily Maximum 12,8 C
Daily Minimum 05,3 C
Gross National Product (GNP): 97.731 BIL Euro (2013)
GDP per capita: 55,772 Euro (2013) *
Human Development Index: 0.911 (UNEP)
Population: 1,746,342 (2013) [statistik nord]
Population Density: 2,312 p/sq km (2013)
Percentage of Green in the city: 24.6% agricultural area, about 11.34% living/open area without sealed
area, 7.8% recreational area, 6.4% forest area, 1% cemetery area and about
0.9% operational area, which is defined as permeable. Adding this up, 1 5 10km
the total percentage of the permeable area in the city amounts about 52.04%. Hamburg
* Case Study Hamburg Kleine Horst
Percentage of Blue in the city: 8% [Stadt Hamburg]
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
Size of BGI-project in square meters: Projects (RISA): RISA is a project carried out by two municipal departments
of the city of Hamburg. The project wants to create an official citywide plan
for sustainable rain water management. RISA will publish their results in
the first half of 2015. This city profile will show you 5 projects, which were
followed through by the team of RISA.
The area in sum of these 5 BGI projects are in a total about 14.5 ha.
What was the motivation for the BGI-project? What were the drivers and what were the arguments?
o Adaptation to climate change
o Rainwater management (flood prevention, groundwater level, quality improvement)
o Recreation in dense settlements
o Renaturation
o Bad infiltration due to sealing
What are the functionalities of the BGI-project?
o Retention System, Water Drainage, Open Water System, Closed Water Loop, etc.
o Climate Change Adaptation etc.
o Recreation
o Green roof
o Floodplain management
Water network, landscape, urban planning
Which are the main facilities?
o Playground
o Open space
o Community space
o Pet area
o Wetland biotope
o Cycle path
Site conditions:
o Surface hard scape/soft scape/ sealed area/green area
Kleiner Horst, Ohlsdorf 12: 9.3ha of a residential complex were planned with sustainable rain water management standards. 12 000m bodies
of water were created, more than 1000m of trough-trench systems were built and 6000m of retention basins are integrated. Ohlendorffs Park:
Creation of a new rain water management diverting to prevent the flooding of canalization. Parking of about 0.2ha is being used for retention and
infiltration. Lokstedt 56: A newly built 4.8ha large residential complex which was also built with rain water management systems to reduce flooding
in canalization. For this more than 40 housing complexes in this area have green roofs. Rainwater playground: The first rainwater playground in
Germany is a future concept for many more playgrounds or other areas that can used for multiple purposes. Rainwater management systems were
integrated and the water flows into a nature reserve and is infiltrated for supporting groundwater regeneration. Elementary school Wegenkamp:
This project should also be a future concept for school yard development. To create a new school yard, Rainwater management systems were installed. Residential development Kleine Horst plan view
This pilot project resulted in a general guideline for sanitation and reconstruction for school grounds.
o Soil classification: clay, silt, sand, gravel, peat, loam, loess n.a.
o Water infiltration in meters Kleine Horst, Ohlsdorf 12: 2-5m, Ohlendorffs Park: 1-2m, Lokstedt 56: 2-5m Studies
made about the BGI-project (topic, observation period, links etc.)
o Focus of major assessments (e.g., visitor use, biodiversity)
o Major gaps in previous studies
Facility management
o Authority or company in charge of maintenance
Kleine Horst, Ohlsdorf 12: District and citizensOhlendorffs Park: District
Lokstedt 56: District and citizens
o Maintenance costs n.a.
o Investment costs for the BGI project Kleine Horst, Ohlsdorf 12: ca. 1 000 000 [Stadt Hamburg]
As a result of this plan, future measures for infrastructural adaption will rely heavily on BGI and
decentralized stormwater management and retention. This plan is also guided by the idea of
refinancing expenditures for BGI-projects through the costs saved i.e., the costs that would have
been required for enhancement of existing systems, which would have been necessary without BGI. Rain water collection and infiltration
wetterkontor: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Map of Hannover: [Online], Available: [11.Feb. 2015]
wzforum: [Online], Available:,2929469,2929469 [11. Feb. 2015] Plan View Hannover Kronsberg: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
Moeller DWD: Weather station Altstadt, own measurement June 6th 2011 Schematic Flow Diagram: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
statistik nord: [Online], Available: Detailed Landscape Plan: Atelier Dreiseitl (2000) [Graphic]
vj134_HH_Zensus.pdf [11. Feb. 2015] Green corridor:
Stadt Hamburg: [Online], Available: [11. Feb. 2015] Inner courtyard pond:
Herbert Dreiseitl: [Interview] [11. Feb. 2015] Logo Stadtentwsserung Hannover: [Online]
Research team in charge - National University of Singapore - Prof Tan Puay Yok, Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Giovanni Cossu, Cynthia Siela Ng, Bernd Michael Schernau
Fig.11 Blue-Green Infrastructure in NYC: Environmental Governance & Implementation - Case Studies - City Profile New York
General Information
Country/ City: USA/ New York City
Geographic coordinates: 40 41 40.07 N (DMS Lat), 73 55 50.76 W (DMS Long)
Total Area of the City: 783.8 km2 (2014, Census)
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Specific BGI Information
o Finances[e]:
[7,8] [8]
Blue-green roof on Osborne Associates building, Bronx, NY; Photo credit: NYC DEP
BGI Strategy
Planning policy information
Does the city dispose of a citywide-BGI strategy, guidelines or components for BGI?
Specific to green infrastructure, the city has a twenty-year plan managed by the Department
of Environmental Protection (DEP). This plan includes aggressive development of stormwater
management infrastructure (2014, DEP).
Does the city have any specific regulations and building permissions, which influence the
development of BGI projects?
Bioswales controlled are governed by a specific set of possible designs (2014, DEP). There Greenthumb community garden in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY; 1100 Block Bergen Association
are also standards for cool roofing to be eligible for incentive plans (2010, Buildings).
References [11] NYC DEP, 2010. NYC Green Roof Tax Abatement Program Regulations.
[1] U.S. Census Bureau, 2014. New York (city), New York. State and County QuickFacts. [12] Department of Buildings, 2010. NYC Greenroof Property Tax Abatement Program
[2] NOAA, 2015. Climatalogical Report (annual). Retrieved from: [13] New York State Legislature, 2013. Bill Number: A7058. Retrieved from:
php?site=NWS&issuedby=NYC&product=CLA&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off fld=&bn=AB7058&term=2013&Actions=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y
[3] US Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2014. ECONOMIC GROWTH WIDESPREAD ACROSS METROPOLITAN AREAS IN 2013 News release, September
16 2014. Retrieved from:
[4] UNDP, 2014. Human Development Report 2014, Sustaining Human Progress:Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience.
[5] US FS (United States Forest Service), 2007. Assessing Urban Forest Effects and Values: New York Citys Urban Forest. United States Department of
Agriculture. Retrieved from: [a] Calculated from population of NYC metropolitan area, 19,567,410 from 25 counties
[6] (OLTPS) Mayors Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, 2012. PlanNYC Sustainability Indicators. Retrieved from: https://data. [b] There is a separate US-specific HDI maintained by Measure of America, at which NYC Metro scores 6.12, ranking 5th among US cities
Notes [c] Since the date of study more than 800,000 trees have been planted by the MillionTreesNYC program
[7] Office of Management and Budget, 2014. Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2015: Capital. [d] Based on reported acrage of greenstreets and Greenthumb gardens, plus DEPs reported number of Bioswales, green roofs, blue roofs,
[8] Office of Management and Budget 2014. City of New York Fiscal Year 2015: Departmental Estimates. porous pavement and tree pits estimated at the size of the smallest bioswale design, 50 square feet (4.6 square meters).
[9] NYC Environmental Protection, 2013. NYC Green Infrastructure 2013 Annual Report. [e] Draftv021015, do not cite, quote or distribute. Klein Rosenthal, McGlynn, Keesler, 2015
[10] Center for Urban Forest Research, 2007. New York, New York: Municipal Forest Resource Analysis. [g] Greening Western Queens was part of the legal settlement following the 2006 blackouts between ConEdison and impacted communities
Research team in charge - Harvard Graduate School of Design - Joyce Klein Rosenthal, PhD, MSUP, MPH; Evangeline McGlynn; Virginia Keesler.
Thanks to Robert J. Crauderueff, MCP (Crauderueff & Associates) for assistance.
Jakarta is just in the middle of tremendous and rapid bone diseases, affecting mainly children. Unfortunately,
growth and densification. While the number of malls and Jakartas recent history demonstrates how quickly water
urban plazas has increased, interstitial spaces between can transition from a culturally important resource into
buildings and urban infrastructure which the majority an afterthought. Jakarta presents an important case for
of citizens from Jakarta depend on for social intercourse understanding the challenges that rapid urbanization
dropped from 250 km2 to 51 km2. With this, there present to BGI implementation. It illustrates some of the
has been a substantial loss of green space from 24% largest challenges in successful BGI implementation while
to 9.9% of city area with a parallel loss of the water providing an opportunity for BGI advocates to innovate
footprint from 4% to 2.5%. Green space available to the and adapt existing projects to new contexts.
poor is estimated at 0.19 m2/capita, while the affluent
have 6.53. Yet Jakarta was once described as a water
city, and the value of water is deeply rooted in local
culture and religion. In the recent past, however, the citys
rapid development and policy response has altered this
relationship generating new anxieties and phobias for
water. Factories, buildings and roads have turned rivers
into narrow concrete, polluted canals. Access to rivers and
green space has decreased. These changes have triggered
a change in habits a new generation of Jakartans
pollutes rivers with garbage and sewage without a second
thought. The waterways have lost their social value,
becoming an open dump. Hydrological problems have
worsened: fewer canals and less greenery have resulted
in increased flood frequency and intensity. During flood
events, water moves rubbish and pollution into the
city water-grid which attracts mosquitos that spread
Fig.12 Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments - Recent Issue - City Profile Jakarta
General Information
Country/ City: Indonesia / Jakarta
Geographic coordinates: 612S 10649E
Gross National Product (GNP): 130.8 billion US$
GDP per capita: 11,500 US$ 3
Human Development Index: 0.617 (2011) 2 1
Population: 10.1 million
Population Density: average 15,234 p/sq km, peak 48,952 p/sq km
Flooding in 2015
1 5 10km
Flood Information
People Affected by Flood: Around 15,517 people are affected directly by the flood
as their houses are inundated
close to 6,000 peolple have been displaced
Flooding Problem
The main caused of flooding problem: (6)
o 40% of Jakarta, particularly the northern areas, is below sea level
o Land Subsidence, during 36 years, land subsidence in north Jakarta has reached 4m (1970-2010).
o Jakarta is the estuary of the 13 rivers which have the catchment area of 850 sq km
o Changes in Land Use (for residential and industrial)
Vast amount of land up will certainly affect the rate of surface runoff. The rapid growth of
development caused by the rapid growth of population.
o Decreasing of the flow capacity of the river due to sediment and informal settlement
2 Temporary lake: A car is submerged in floodwater in a housing complex in Periuk, Tangerang,
The capacity of the river reduced by sedimentation and also narrowed because of the slum Banten, on Wednesday. Water from the overflowing Sabi River inundated the housing complex,
with depths reaching up to 2 meters. (Antara/ Lucky R.)
settlement along the river. For example, Ciliwung River have less than 30m width from 50m width.
(1) Jakarta in Figures, 2014: [Online], Available: [February
(2) Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [February 11st,2014]
(3) The Watchers, Jakarta flooded as peak rainy season approaches, Indonesia [Online], Available: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.
com/2015/02/09/jakarta-flooded-as-peak-rainy-season-approaches-indonesia/ [February 11st,2014] Land Subsidence: The flooding city of JAKARTA; May 2013, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
(4) Floodlist, Indonesia Floods Jakarta Under 80cm Flood Water [Online], Available: Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah
[February 11st,2014]
(5) Jakarta Flood Hazard Mapping Framework : Brinkman, JanJaap (Deltares) and Hartman, Marco (HKV consultants) [Online], Available : http:// Figures
(6) The Flooding City of Jakarta: BPBD DKI Jakarta (2013) (1) World Map: Schernau, Bernd (2014) [Graphic].
(7) Floodlist, Indonesias Ambitious Plans to Reduce Jakarta Flooding [Online], Available: (2) Climate Chart Jakarta: [Online], Available:
[February 11st,2014] Sunshine,Jakarta,Indonesia [February 11st,2014]
(8) Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS) Study, Sinking Cities - Jakarta: JanJaap Brinkman, Deltares (2012) (3) Map of Jakarta: [Online], Available:
Research team in charge - National University of Singapore - Prof Tan Puay Yok, Dr Nirmal Kishnani, Giovanni Cossu, Cynthia Siela Ng, Bernd Michael Schernau
42 Header
The main constraints on implementing sustainable urban stormwater and
environmental management in a changing climate are not technological. Rather,
they involve shifts in vision, policy, design, and the urban planning culture.
The topic of green infrastructure is now a well-established reuse and recycling. In general, blue infrastructure provides
concept in urban environmental planning, policy, research, services for both aspects of quantity and quality control.
and design, while awareness and understanding of its
potential benefits for ecology and society have increased. The Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI)1 paradigm marries
The term green infrastructure often refers to projects that these two types of infrastructures and values together
include vegetated design elements such as parks, green in a union that is greater than the sum of its parts. BGI
roofs, greenbelts, alleys, vertical and horizontal gardens integrates hydrological and biological water treatment
and planters. Such green infrastructures are recognized trains into systems where green features are seamlessly
and intensively discussed with respect to the ecosystem overlapping with blue features. Together blue and green
services they provide services that are especially infrastructures strengthen urban ecosystems by evoking
valuable in densely populated urban areas. natural processes in man-made environments and
combine the demands of sustainable water and storm
However, green infrastructure is a bit of a misnomer, water management with the demands of urban planning
as infrastructures of this type are often closely linked and urban life. The hypothesis is that such systems have
with and even defined by blue processes. Blue positive impacts on the urban metabolism of natural
infrastructure technically refers to infrastructure related resources (added green values) and on the experience and
to the hydrological functions, including rainwater and behaviour of people using these infrastructures (added
urban storm water systems as well as surface water and social values). (See Fig. 13)
groundwater aquifers. In urban design blue infrastructure
is traditionally discussed as a matter of resilient provision BGI is highly valuable to make cities more
for water supply and water security. Such water liveable, sustainable and resilient.
infrastructure may be natural, adapted or man-made and
provides functions of slowing down, decentralization and 1 We use blue-green infrastructure synonymously with sustainable urban drainage, low
spreading, soaking into the underground, evaporating impact development, water sensitive urban design, Water Sensitive Cities, Modified
rainwater management while acknowledging that some differences may exist in the localized
and releasing water into the natural water environment. use of these terms, as described by Fletcher, T. D., Shuster, W., Hunt, W. F., Ashley, R., Butler, D.,
Arthur, S., Trowsdale, S., Barraud, S., Semadeni-Davies, A., Bertrand-Krajewski, J. L., Mikkelsen,
This includes flow control, detention, retention, filtration, P. S., Rivard, G., Uhl, M., Dagenais, D., Viklander, M. (2015): SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more.
The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage. Urban Water Jour-
infiltration and different forms of water treatment like nal, 12(7), 525-542.
Water access to
limited within green spaces
Urban Heat
Island effect
Airborne Low
pollutants evaporation
Water Canopy
retention and interception
recycling and evaporation
rainwater Deep
harvesting Biodiversity infiltration
and wildlife and high
Throughout the evolution of cities, securing sufficient possible to think about water as a valuable and desirable
water supply for health, hygiene, and the economy has recreational nexus within the urban landscape.
been a defining challenge (see Fig. 14 and Fig. 15). The era
of early industrialization in cities saw a focus on hygiene, Today we are one step further. The goal of blue-green
with a key environmental concern of creating sanitary infrastructure is to mimic and recreate more natural
cities.1 As the populations of cities like London, Paris hydrology within the urban context while contributing to
and New York burgeoned, the frequency and intensity additional urban services such as recreation and quality of
of epidemics of water-borne diseases such as cholera, life. The aim of BGI is to contribute to:
typhoid, and dysentery also increased. Throughout most
of the 19th century, germ theory was unknown. Instead, Conservation of the water balance within urban
the popular theory was that disease was spread through developments;
bad vapors or miasmas.. As a consequence municipal
authorities promoted public health by putting sewage Improvement of water quality by including appropriate
underground. The goal of that time was to collect as much treatment methods, such as filtration and/or retention;
wastewater into sewerage infrastructures and to convey it
away from the city as quickly as possible (typically into an Reduction of rain and stormwater runoff and peak flows
open body of water downstream). by implementing detention and retention measures locally
as well as through increasing pervious surfaces;
While freshwater features have played a variety of
important roles in cities, including for transportation, water Mitigation of the need for drainage infrastructure and
supply, or waste conveyance, they are often plagued with associated costs, whilst improving local water reuse; and
all varieties of urban pollution. As such, water features in
large, densely populated cities are often not associated Integration of stormwater management into the urban
with the most positive aesthetics. Only after the know- landscape by designing multiple use infrastructures that
how for safe water treatments was developed on a larger enhance the visual aesthetics and recreational amenities of
scale and sewage treatment plants were installed, was it urban areas.
1 Melosi, M. V. (2005): The Sanitary City: Environmental Services in Early America from Coloni-
al Times to the Present. University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh.
Blue-green infrastructure projects support the transition
of the urban water management paradigm from large,
centralized1, technical solutions towards a more integrated
approach, exemplified by multi-purpose BGI systems that
enhance urban liveability, sustainability and quality of life.
Img.34 Img.36
Img.35 Img.37
Other moments in ground surfaces, like roadsides also Neighborhoods in urban design frameworks should benefit
provide key opportunities for BGI tools to help reduce from open spaces that incorporate blue-green features that
peak flows and add value to hardscape dominated zones enhance community life and environmental benefits
filtration Conveyance
To separate sediments To control and trans-
from water by interposing port rainwater flow to a
a medium (filter) final receptor
Sedimentation Detention
To settle out entrained To reduce rainwaters
particles of water flow peak flow
Infiltration Retention
To allow water seep into
To keep water volume on
the soil and recharge
Recycle Storage
To recycle nutrients, To conserve cleaner
reuse cleaner water etc. water
This supply, drainage and sewerage approach to water water resources management2 as well as in a larger
infrastructure was driven by a narrow focus on getting movement towards sustainable development.
the water in and out. In focusing only on a few aspects of
the water cycle, this conventional approach has not only As demonstrated by the principles of Water Sensitive
missed opportunities to enhance urban water quality and Urban Design 3, methods and technologies that were
reuse, it has also led to the destruction of natural habitat once primarily the domain of the civil engineer are
which has unintentionally decreased the resilience of expanding to include a much broader array of disciplines.
urban water systems. This adds a level of complexity never-before seen in the
stormwater management discourse, particularly with
The premise of BGI supports the ideal of a transition from regards to aesthetics and open space planning. And it
a technical approach to urban water management focused implies an array of challenges and obstacles to overcome,
on inputs and outputs, towards a more holistic approach. but with commensurate opportunities for innovation and
The result of a wider adoption and implementation of improvement in short, an exciting intention.
BGI will be a more resilient urbanwater cycle and water-
conscious cities.1 The next chapters will talk about the challenges but
also what enhances and supports the successful
BGI namely, the mimicry of natural hydrology and implementation of blue and green infrastructure, and
ecology through engineered systems - is an important recommendations drawn from the case studies research.
manifestation of a larger paradigm shift within integrated
2 E.g. as promoted in the European Water Framework Directive: Directive 2000/60/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework
for Community action in the field of water policy.
1 Brown, R. R., Clarke, J. M. (2007): Transition to water sensitive urban design: The story of 3 Wong, T. H. (2006): Water sensitive urban design-the journey thus far. Australian Journal of
Melbourne, Australia (Vol. 7, No. 1). Melbourne: Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration, Water Resources, 10(3), 213; and Wong, T. H. F., & Brown, R. R. (2009): The water sensitive city:
Monash University. principles for practice. Water Science and Technology, 60(3), 673.
Rainwater, greywater and blackwater treated on
building scale
To treat and mitigate water flow on surface of
urban landscape
Underground water treatment and storage Fig.17
Planter boxes and other facade elements are
additional tools that can be accommodated
on buildings to reduce peak runoff, cleanse
water, improve air quality of cities, reduce
urban heat island effect, etc.
Evaporation Filtration Biological Detention
Evaporation Biological
FILTRATION absorption
Evaporation Biological
REUSE absorption
Storage Infiltration Recycle
The sum of evaporation and plant
transpiration from the Earths land and
ocean surface to the atmosphere.
1 Filtration
To separate sediments
from water by interposing
a medium (filter)
1 Sedimentation
To settle out entrained
particles of water flow REUSE
3 Infiltration
To allow water seep
into the soil and
recharge aquifer
4 Recycle
To recycle nutrients, reuse
cleaner water etc.
5 Detention
To reduce rainwaters NAL
peak flow
6 Retention
To keep water volume STORAGE INFILTRATION
on place
7 Storage
To conserve cleaner
Urbanization increases the density of built infrastructure, Many cities, particularly in Asia, are currently experiencing
which is accompanied by the loss, not only of blue an unprecedented urbanization speed and the trend is
and green spaces, but of social interaction and other expected to continue as the share of Asias population
changes to the cultural fabric that negatively impact living in urban areas is low relative to that in the rest of
the well-being of city dwellers. These impacts are often the world.3 For example, the population in urban areas in
disproportionately borne by the poor. It is also widely Indonesia increased by 42% between 1950 and 20104.
acknowledged that urbanization exerts immense pressures
on ecosystems, natural capital, and global nutrient cycles.1 This rapid urbanization has been to
These pressures have altered ecosystem functioning, the detriment of green spaces, public
resulting in immense changes to regional and global health and water quality.
biodiversity as well as a significant loss of species, which is
occurring at a rate not seen since the last mass extinction. While urbanization is associated with a number of negative
connotations, it is accompanied by some positive changes,
Urbanization also had a tremendous impact on quality of as well. For instance, the use of resources tends to be
life and lifestyles over the last century. The worlds urban more efficient as population density increases, as does the
population has dramatically increased from 746 million efficiency with which the resources are provided. Urban
in 1950 to 3.9 billion in 2014. Asia is home to 53% of the dwellers have access to a higher density of economic
worlds urban population, followed by Europe (14%), and opportunities and access to cultural capital than their rural
Latin America and the Caribbean (13%). Urban growth is neighbors.
not expected to occur uniformly; some regions will grow
faster and larger than others. For instance, India, China Cities may also represent a new opportunity for
and Nigeria are expected to host 37% of the projected re-integrating blue and green spaces into the built
worldwide population growth by 2050.2 environment. However, one of the largest challenges
of urban development is the provision of adequate
1 Grimm et al., (2008): Global Change and the Ecology of Cities, Science, 319 (5864): 3 Asian Development Bank. Green Urbanization in Asia - Key Indicators for Asia and the
756-760. Pacific 2012
2 United Nations World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision, Highlights. Department of 4 Human spaces report (2015): The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace. See
Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division, United Nations. 2014.
water greenery people
and secure accommodation for all urban dwellers, and The city of Copenhagen, for example, reacted to its
to promote a healthy environment. This includes the vulnerability to extreme rainfall events with its Climate
provision of safe and resilient climate-adapted structures, Adaptation Plan6 and the Cloudburst Adaptation Plan7.
as well as accessibility to public blue-green spaces. 5 These plans add blue and green layers of infrastructures
to the city as a system to support underground pipes to
In summary, rapid urban growth prevent floods and increase quality of life.
poses enormous challenges
worldwide, which are simultaneously Each of the BGI case studies highlighted in this report
concerning water quality and quantity, shows how the integration of Blue-Green helped the
environmental degradation and social city to address urban challenges and the ways in which
issues. At the same time, many cities obstacles were approached and overcome.
have currently untapped blue, green,
and social resources to address these
challenges. 6 City of Copenhagen (2011): Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan. See: http://international.
5 WHO Health Indicators of sustainable cities (2012): See 7 The City of Copenhagen (2012): Cloudburst Management Plan. See: http://
During the last century, urbanization has been associated fitness and social cohesion6 besides all other ecosystem
with a loss of green spaces in cities around the world. services like improvement of air etc. they are delivering.
For instance, in Jakarta, green space has decreased Environmental psychology research has demonstrated
from 24% to 9.9% of city area (Figure 22).1 This loss and that access to natural systems allows for psychological
fragmentation of green spaces has negatively impacted restoration. Research into the relationship between human
not only biodiversity and ecosystem health but also human health, well-being and nature is an ongoing and active
well-being. area of research in a variety of academic fields, including
neuroscience, psychology, and epidemiology.
A connection to the natural environment appears to be a
crucial element in peoples lives. E.O. Wilson, pioneering Biophilic design is an approach that targets and enhances
ecologist and conservation advocate, discussed the biophilic response and therefore results in positive feelings
relationship between people and nature in his 1984 book, and experiences, for instance, calmness or satisfaction, and
Biophilia, in which he argued that humans have an innate improves overall health and well-being.7 BGI is a design
tendency to focus on life and life-like processes.2 approach that facilitates blue-green integration in the
urban fabric and enhances human connection to nature.
Indeed, there is growing evidence that the affinity of Therefore, biophilia and the BGI approach have significant
people for nature is more than just a romantic notion or overlap. In addition to providing positive benefits for urban
aesthetic preference. While it can be difficult to quantify water management and ecosystem health, and injecting
directly, the importance of nature to human health and greenery in the urban environment through design
well-being becomes especially apparent when response to elements that allow direct connection to nature, BGI
individuals given access to nature is compared to the lack enhances human health and well-being.
thereof. The journalist Richard Louv popularized the term
nature deficit disorder to describe the associated costs of In another study on American hospitals it was estimated
human alienation from the natural world, and attributed a that if patients were offered views of nature, it could
variety of mental and physical disorders to it.3 save USD 93 million per year in healthcare costs.8 In the
same study, it was argued that Singapores reputation
In contrast, access to natural outdoor elements is as a global hub for business is tied directly to its urban
associated with a variety of improved psychological greenery, which increases its attraction to businesses (and
outcomes such as stress reduction.4 In another recent is thus an example of symbolic and financial capital), as
study, a survey of 10,000 adults in the United Kingdom, Singapore continues to identify greenery as part of a
found lower mental distress and higher self-reported life strategy to lure investment, and drive economic growth
satisfaction to be correlated with residence in urban areas that concurrently increases quality of life and delivers
with greater amounts of green space.5 more business to the city every year. (ibid, p. 25) .
Other research has shown that well-managed parks As the relationship between biophilia and health and well-
and green areas provide communities with a sense of being becomes better understood, the value of including
place and belonging, opportunities for recreation, health, BGI in urban spaces (and the consequences of overlooking
it) will become more apparent. After all, an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure (or more).
6 Roe, J. J., Thompson, C. W., Aspinall, P. A., Brewer, M. J., Duff, E. I., Miller, D., Mitchell R.,
1 Drawing from the MSc ISD programme 2015 at the National University of Singapore based Clow, A. (2013): Green space and stress: Evidence from cortisol measures in deprived urban
on data from Nasa Earth Observatory. communities. International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(9),
2 Wilson, E. O. (1984): Biophilia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 4086-4103.
3 Louv, R. (2005): Last Child in the Wood, 1st ed; Algonquin Books: New York, NY, USA, 2005. 7 Kellert, S. R., Heerwagen, J. H., and Mador, M. L. (2015): Biophilic design (2008): See http://
4 Alcock, I. (2014): Longitudinal Effects on Mental Health of Moving to Greener and Less www. biophilicdesign. net/ and Human spaces report. The Global Impact of Biophilic Design
Green Urban Areas. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 1247-1255. in the Workplace. 2015 See
5 White, M. P., Alcock, I., Wheeler, B. W., & Depledge, M. H. (2013): Would you be happier 8 Terrapin Bright Green (2012): The Economics of Biophilia: Why designing with nature
living in a greener urban area? A fixed-effects analysis of panel data. Psychological science, in mind makes financial sense. See
0956797612464659. uploads/2012/06/The-Economics-of-Biophilia_Terrapin-Bright-Green-2012e.pdf
Fig.22 Jakarta, Indonesia, Loss of Urban Greenery within Jakarta city limits (NUS, Msc ISD, 2015)
Figure 1.Jakarta, Indonesia: Loss of urban greenery within Jakarta city limits (NUS, MSc ISD, 2015)
Singapore is a useful case for examining urban blue and - Symbolic: the Garden City brand has created a reputation
green infrastructure: for Singapore as a role model for urban development
High-density urban environment. Singapore pays regard to - Built: Singapore currently has more than 350 parks that
balancing demands of compactness and decentralization. cover more than 2000 ha. It has 17 reservoirs, 32 rivers and
Over the next 15 years, three new hubs are planned to over 8000 km of waterways.
support further growth in the commercial, retail, and
entertainment sectors to provide all citizens with inner-city Singapores policy on greenery and water has seen
amenities and access to public transport while keeping expansion and integration in the last 15 years. There is
urban sprawl limited according to demands of future policy rhetoric on its transition from Garden City to City
sustainability and development.1 in a Garden. This refers first to an intensification and
distribution of greenery, for instance, integration with
Policy framework on the use of greenery in the built buildings (walls and roofs).1
environment. Since 1963, when the Garden City concept2 1 National Park Boards (2009): Creating a Variety of Streetscapes. Singapore Government.
was first proposed, over 80% of Singaporeans live within Accessed August 1, 2012.; National Parks.
2009a. Trees of Our Garden City. Singapore: NParks; National Parks Board. 2011. National
10 minutes walking distance of a park or green space. Parks Board Singapore Government. Accessed August 1, 2012.;
National Parks Board. 2012a. Park Connector Network. Singapore Government. Accessed
Singapore aims to increase this to 90% by 2030.3 August 1,2012; National Parks Board. 2012b. Skyrise Greenery Award. Singapore Government.
Accessed August 1, 2012.
- Natural: interest in the cooling effects of greenery on 80% OF SINGAPOREANS LIVE WITHIN
urban systems
- Social: proximity of green spaces and parks to public 2030. [NEO CHAI CHINA, 2015]
housing is seen to facilitate community interaction
- Financial: Singapores brand as Asias Garden City PARKS TO PUBLIC HOUSING IS SEEN TO
has increased the attractiveness of the city to tourists,
business looking for a base in Asia, talented individuals
seeking to move to/within Asia THE GARDEN CITY BRAND HAS CREAT-
1 Urban Redevelopment Agency (2012): DESIGNING OUR CITY. Planning for a sustainable ED A REPUTATION FOR SINGAPORE AS
2 The garden city vision was introduced by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 11 May 1967 MENT.
to transform Singapore into a city with abundant lush greenery and a clean environment in
order to make life more pleasant for the people,
3 See Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources et al. (2014): Our Home, Our
Environment, Our Future. Sustainable Singapore Blueprint 2015.
The Imagine Boston 20301 planning study announcement 7. Land Use, Design and Placemaking: Building on a
gives a sense of major challenges facing Boston today. It rich tradition of creating vibrant urban places and
identifies eight major themes: neighborhoods
1. Housing: Building the housing that keeps Boston 8. Health: Improving and sustaining the health of our
accessible to all. population.
2. Mobility: Creating an efficient, equitable, sustainable The Parks and Open Space theme is most closely
transportation system. associated with BGI, but it is framed in the old language
of parks and open space rather than the BGI ideals of
3. Environment and Adaptation: Using our natural urban landscape restoration, biophilia, and ecosystem
resources wisely while preparing for the impacts of a services. Each of the other themes can be associated with
changing climate. and positively affected by blue-green infrastructure. For
example, Housing can acquire greater value through BGI,
4. Parks and Open Space: Providing world-class spaces for and climate adaptation can be enhanced by BGI. The arts,
recreation and public life. culture, creativity, and placemaking goals are all advanced
by BGI. The rapidly growing field of the health benefits of
5. Prosperity and Equity: Creating jobs and supporting environmental design can also be directly linked with BGI.
education and workforce development infrastructure to However, the text of current plans indicates that these
broaden economic opportunity. connections need to be made far more explicit than they
are at present.
6. Arts, Culture and Creativity: Enriching Boston and
harnessing our creative potential in all endeavor.
Water is life. Humans need it for metabolic processes, periodic transitions in the approach to control and use of
thermoregulation, the conveyance of nutrients, and the water in urban design.
ejection of toxins. Its value is reflected in the inclusion
and importance of its role in cultures and religions around Changes in the predominant focus of urban water
the world. Whether celebrated (e.g. Songkran Festival, management have been described as: an early
Thailand), revered (e.g. River Ganges, India), or directing preoccupation on water supply access and security for
architectural aesthetics (Feng Shui, China), water is a sustenance, to public health protection, flood protection,
substance key to the commonplace as well as the sacred.1 and pollution management for waterways protection, and
more recently to sustainable urban water management in
There has always been a strong connection between cities, the form of water sensitive city.2 These shifts occurred
culture and water. Most cities are built near a river, lake, or as a response to a suite of socio-political and socio-
sea. The ways that cities manage water have undergone ecological drivers, and are usually intertwined with the
several distinctive shifts ever since humans began to live emerging urban development goals of urban sustainability,
in urban areas. While managing water simultaneously as resilience and liveability.
a critical resource for survival and as a hazard will always
remain a key challenge, there have nevertheless been 2 See: Brown, R., Keath, N., & Wong, T. (2009): Urban water management in cities: historical,
current and future regimes. Wong, T. H. F., & Brown, R. R. (2009): The water sensitive city:
1 See FuturArc (May June, 2014): Letter from the Editor. principles for practice. Water Science and Technology, 60(3), 673.
Changes in water management also mirror the transition scales. This is in contrast to the more conventional grey
in key environmental concerns. The focus of the previous approach to blue infrastructure, which is implemented at
two centuries on the sanitary city was driven by the a very large scale with a high degree of centralization and
need to deal with the unprecedented production and therefore requires substantial upfront financial investment
accumulation of toxic waste that was a natural, though and political backing. Securing sufficient financing for
unintended, consequence of the Industrial Revolution. large infrastructure projects is notoriously problematic for
A variety of changes in technologies and policies have many developing countries.
in general improved sanitation within cities, at least
within the boundaries of the cities. In many cases these As described in Chapter 2, BGI contributes to a variety of
changes led to urban waste being externalized, leading to hydrologic functions, including slowing down and reducing
environmental damage at an entirely different scale. As the runoff, groundwater recharge, local storage, evaporative
set of negative environmental impacts that are associated cooling, and improving water quality. While BGI will not
with urbanization grows, awareness has increased that eliminate large infrastructure projects, it can substantially
(as mentioned earlier) policy must move beyond a focus reduce the size of the conventional grey infrastructure
on urban inputs and outputs towards a more holistic required and also push back the need for such an
view. This awareness has transformed the dialogue from a investment. It can be implemented at a variety of spatial
concern with the sanitary to a focus on sustainability. scales and in a decentralized way.
The challenge for urban decision-makers is to go beyond As mentioned, cities in developing country contexts,
mitigating the ills of industrial cities, towards developing such as the Jakarta and Mumbai cases present
adaptive management to reduce demands on resources, substantial challenges and obstacles to successful BGI
reducing waste, managing disturbances, and leveraging on implementation. However, for the reasons just described
ecological processes in cities.1 (such as the ability to implement on a small scale in a
decentralized manner), the BGI approach to infrastructure
The concept of blue infrastructure is not yet as widely might be particularly well-suited to these contexts.
used and understood as green infrastructure. However, And because these cities often have particularly acute
as awareness of its many potential benefits increases, environmental and health issues, the potential benefits of a
BGI is receiving increasing interest from the public health successful BGI project are substantial.
and international development sectors. Because the
BGI approach gives focus to the local water balance, Since many of these rapidly developing cities have not
including hydrological functioning, it is well-suited to been able to increase traditional grey infrastructure as
being implemented at a variety of scales, including smaller quickly as the demand, there often exists a variety of
decentralized built infrastructure, the functioning of
1 Childers, D. L., Pickett, S. T. A., Grove, J. M., Ogden, L., Whitmer, A. (2014): Advancing urban
sustainability theory and action: Challenges and opportunities, Landscape and Urban Planning which could be enhanced with BGI. An example of this is
described for the case of Mumbai.
Jakarta has a footprint of 660 km2 and a population of
10.1 million. From 1989 to 2013 its urban density rose from
10,075 to 13,157 people/km2, with peak density now close
to 50,000 people/km2.1
With this, there has been a substantial loss of green space
from 24% to 9.9% of city area with a parallel loss of the JAKARTA HAS EXPERI-
water footprint from 4% to 2.5%. Green space available to ENCED A SUBSTANTIAL
the poor is estimated at 0.19 m2/capita.2 LOSS OF GREEN SPACE
FROM 24% TO 9.9% OF CITY
Jakarta was once described as a water city. Rooted in AREA WITH A PARALLEL
culture and religion, water was positively perceived. The LOSS OF THE WATER FOOT-
citys development has altered this relationship creating PRINT FROM 4% TO 2.5%.
new anxieties and phobias for water. Factories, buildings Earlier 1989 2004 2013
Studies show that the impact of sea level rise and Today six great reservoirs located more than 150 km north
escalating storms will affect many coastal Indian cities of the city are secured to serve the regions water needs
like Mumbai, Kolkata, Surat and Chennai, perhaps more while the citys river system, nullahs, tanks and coastal
devastatingly than many cities in the west.1 Mumbai city waters suffer compromised flows and reduced capacity,
has been losing its existing blue-green infrastructure to due to heavy pollution and encroachment posing severe
pressures of development and growth, and the city lacks risks of flooding. Resurfacing these lost water geographies,
adequate regulatory measures and institutional structures securing them through blue-green infrastructures
for protection and planning.2 For example, conservation of (mangroves, mudflats, forests, parks, promenades
wetlands and mangroves is declining in Thane creek and and green corridors), and connecting them to natural
Ulhas River.3 flows offers an approach to improving environmental
sustainability while reclaiming Mumbais rich natural
The geographic, economic, and cultural history of Mumbai heritage and great environmental traditions. This approach
situates it as a place where the people have had a very of water heritage conservation combined with innovative
close association with water.4 Mumbais urban network productive landscape design could offer an opportunity
of fountains, tanks, and wells, which include historic Parsi for Mumbai to reclaim its lost association with water while
charities all reflect this close association with water. A simultaneously responding to the needs of development
large part of these rich networks of association however and risks of climate change.
has been abandoned or submerged as the city continues
to grow into its modern mega-city form.5
1 Hallegatte, Stphane, Colin Green, Robert J. Nicholls, and Jan Corfee-Morlot (2013): Future
Flood Losses in Major Coastal Cities. Nature Climate Change 3 (9). Nature Publishing Group:
8026. doi: 10.1038/nclimate1979.
2 Kirtane, G. (2011): Making the Sewer a River Again. Observer Research Foundation.
3 Nikam, V. S., Kumar, A., Lalla, K., Gupta, K. (2009): Conservation of Thane Creek and Ulhas
River Estuary, India. Journal of environmental science & engineering 51(3), 157-162.
4 Gandy, M. (2008): Landscapes of disaster: water, modernity, and urban fragmentation in
Mumbai. Environment and planning. A, 40(1), 108. Gandy, M. (2009): Liquid city: Reflections
on making a film. Cultural Geographies 16.3. 403-408.
5 Belanger, P. (2009): Landscape As Infrastructure. Landscape Journal 28 (1): 7995.
Urban population is expected to rapidly grow over the The Asian Development Bank, in its report on Green
next four decades.1 Urbanization in Asia4, discusses the pros and cons of
rapid urbanization. The reports conclusion was that
Over the last 60 years there has been a tremendous urbanization must calibrate quality of life and social equity.
movement of people from rural to urban areas. Countries The dilemma of urban density and diminished green
like Brazil and Indonesia have seen an increase of spaces versus social well-being is evident in statistics from
people living in urban areas of 51% and 42% respectively. various cities in Asia.
According to the United Nations, 60% of the worlds
population will live in urban environments by 2030 While BGI generally tends to lack governmental and
(Human Spaces, 2015).2 This process will have a strong legislative support, BGI projects are proliferating in exciting
impact on cultural and political dimensions and will affect ways in an increasing number of cities. As more and more
social equity in many countries. urban blue-green systems are created and restored, they
have enhanced local liveability and quality of life and
Within urban areas, poor living conditions will mostly increased public support for BGI. Research is now focused
be affected by these adverse conditions3 and cities will on identifying and understanding the social benefits of BGI
eventually experience loss of social cohesion and decline to provide insight into how to further improve design to
of public trust. enhance the human-environmental experience.
In a context where public perception is becoming more The strength of BGI projects has been in actively engaging
and more important, cities around the world compete people. Successful BGI triggers sensorial and cognitive
for liveability and symbolic capital like urban green and responses, which generate positive emotional reactions
blue can provide. For instance in Asia, financial capital is that go beyond simple socioeconomic benefits. These
intrinsically impatient. Buildings and infrastructures are reactions evoke powerful associations with BGI that
often built without sensitivity to the urban fabric. exceed perceived utility to generate a sense of place; these
attributes are aligned with memory and expectations,
Blue-green infrastructure extends the well-established and increase user satisfaction. Positive user experience
concept of green infrastructure (e.g. open space and tree can help strengthen social support for BGI, and can help
canopy) to encompass social systems and processes that to counter institutional opposition or disinterest. It is
make enormous contributions to the aesthetic, functional, therefore an aspect of BGI that is important for advocates
and cultural values of urban landscapes. to keep in mind.
1 UN Habitat (2013): State of the worlds cities 2012/2013: Prosperity of cities. Routledge.
2 Human spaces (2015): The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace
3 Klein Rosenthal, J., et al. (2014): Intra-urban vulnerability to heat-related mortality in New 4 Asian Development Bank. Green Urbanization in Asia Key Indicators for Asia and the
York City, 19972006. Health & Place 30: 45-60. Pacific. 2012. See
Mumbai has a suite of blue-green infrastructure systems
that include watershed headwaters that are protected
as a National Park, stream corridors that radiate from
those headwaters through the city, and a variety of urban
coastal areas some of which have mangrove tidal flats.
These systems face enormous pressures and are not yet
integrated in a metropolitan BGI system.
1 Nicholls, R. J., Wong, P. P., Burkett, V., Codignotto, J., Hay, J., McLean, R. et al. (2007): Coastal
systems and low-lying areas. eds Parry ML, et al. (Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge, UK), pp
2 Data Source: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
3 P K Das & Associates, and Mumbai Waterfronts Centre (2012): Open Mumbai.
What are the factors and conditions supporting BGI- According to the Expanded Process Model, the context
implementation? To answer this, we examined selected for each case study is broken down into:
case studies through extensive literature reviews and
stakeholder interviews. These cases form the basis of our 1. Initial conditions and context of BGI projects including
research and highlight key lessons in overcoming obstacles challenges and opportunities that gave rise to the BGI
during the process of implementing BGI. inquiry (e.g. crisis, hazards, pollution) to understand
motives, targets and resources for BGI implementation.
The BGI projects and policies examined, as well as the
urban contexts in which they were implemented, vary 2. Drivers of change i.e. agents who take initiative in
widely across the case studies. This section explores some spearheading BGI project implementation. These change
of the collected stories and summarizes key points and agents may be citizens, leaders, institutions and or social
lessons learned of how to successfully implement BGI. movements.
For comparative purposes of this inquiry, the so-called 3. Constraining conditions such as agents and/
Expanded Process Model was used to document the or institutions opposing BGI; design standards or
origins, exploration, implementation, initial performance, policy programs that work against BGI; or scientific,
and adjustments of urban BGI projects.1 Standardizing the technological, or other resource constraints
analysis in this way strengthens the ability to compare
and contrast the cases in a meaningful way, and to draw 4. Enabling conditions and supporting features like
general insights and lessons. technical tools, legal regulations, and political and social
awareness, financial support that have a secondary effect
as a lever for BGI implementation.
What leads some cities to identify the BGI approach as a
valid and viable urban design solution, while others still
cling to the conventional grey paradigm in exclusion of
In the case of the Emerald Necklace in Boston, a combination of intense real estate development pressures
and landfilling of coastal marshlands blocked natural drainage and directly discharged raw urban sewage into
the tidal floodplains. This created worsening flood and sanitary health hazards. There were a number of early
missteps addressing these problems until the landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted argued that Boston
waterways get a holistic upgrade as a matter of health improvement.1
Similar development is found in the traditional blue-green spaces in New York, where a growing and dense
urban population was in urgent need of clean water. Main drivers of BGI thinking in the 19th century were the
burgeoning immigrant population housed in crowded and poor quality tenements on one side and public health
and fire hazards on the other. Reformer efforts to ameliorate the citys unsanitary conditions, and efforts by local
boosters to create an elite city led to NYCs initial implementation of BGI.2
While a different terminology was used at the time, these historical precedents can help illustrate the
importance of BGI by drawing attention to existing and functioning solutions. These early examples of the
application of BGI to health and sanitation are important reference points for todays rapidly developing cities in
particular their health and sanitation challenges.
1 Marks, A., Wescoat Jr., J. L., Noiva, K.,Rawoot, S. (2015): Boston Emerald Necklace Case Study. Research and Recommendations for Blue-Green Urban Infrastructure. Final Report
of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (previously unpub-
2 Klein-Rosenthal, J., Crauderueff, R., Keesler, V. (2015): A History of Blue-Green Infrastructure in New York City: Creating the Adaptive City. Case study of Rambolls Research
Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Harvard Graduate School of Design (previously unpublished).
These cases illustrate that grey is not the only the urban fabric for social spaces, such as parks. Biophilia
technological solution to ensure healthy living conditions; made an appearance in these parks movements, with
they are in fact augmented by BGI, even under conditions urban planners, landscape architects, and public health
of rapid growth and heavy economic strain. While the advocates emphasizing natural green spaces and water
successful improvement of urban living conditions is features within park designs.
attributed primarily to grey infrastructure, the research
shows that investments in BGI often paralleled those in These early investments in blue-green infrastructure like
grey infrastructure. Bostons Emerald Necklace are sometimes overlooked
by policy-makers. However, they have conveyed many
Grey infrastructure helps to solve the immediate health long-term socio-economic benefits. Bringing attention to
and sanitation concerns associated with the increased these existing examples of BGI can help to raise awareness
sewage and waste that result from urban growth. However, of what BGI can look like. While modern BGI projects are
grey infrastructure has a narrow focus and does not more sophisticated and offer even greater functionality
replace all of the functionality of the original surface than early BGI, increasing the familiarity of decision-
waters, which also offered additional services such as makers with existing BGI in an historical way reduces
open space, a relevant element for biodiversity, and opposition to BGI that stems from its apparent novelty.
central social nexus. At the same time that investments
in grey water infrastructure were expanding, there was a
growth in public support for land to be set aside within
Currently, climate change is top of the agenda of urban billion as of 2013) (considered the largest capital outlay
planning in many cities and regions. To date, urban for a single project undertaken by the state), Tunnel
planners and decision-makers realize that it is a race No. 3 adds a much needed second water source to the
against the clock to climate-proof our cities before borough.2 The need for an additional water pipelines was
disaster strikes. BGI can be an important tool in increasing recognized as early as 1954, when Tunnel No. 3 was first
the adaptation and resilience of cities to climate change. authorized. Construction did not begin on Tunnel No.
3 until 1970, however, after which progress was stalled
Many cities have already been convinced that BGI several times due to lack of funds (highlighting that more
enhances resilience and mitigates the negative impacts of conventional water infrastructure comes with its own
climate. Particularly coastal cities are concerned with the risks).3
increase to flooding due to predicted sea level rise and
increased frequency of intense weather events. Many cities Hurricane Sandy hit New York City hard in 2012, and its
have already experienced substantial costs associated impacts were exacerbated by sea-level rise and urban
with these challenges, e.g. New York City. Recognizing that urbanization.4 Several solutions to protecting the coastline
these costs may be even higher in the future, cities have were proposed, and in 2013 in a 438-page proposal
made substantial efforts in preparing for future disasters. allocating USD 20 billion towards arming New York City,
Preliminary studies and the resulting disaster plans have oyster reefs, wetlands and offshore barrier islands around
led to increased funding for new infrastructure. the city were emphasized.5 In contrast, the proposal to
construct a more conventional sea wall around the city
Urban water infrastructure and green infrastructure have (a project estimated at USD 10 billion) was dismissed by
both received attention from these plans. In supplying a NYCs Mayor Michael Bloomberg as impossibly expensive
critical urban resource, water infrastructure has received and environmentally unsustainable.6
new scrutiny and secured significant new funding. For
instance, New York City recognized the vulnerability of its
financial hub, Manhattan, because of a lack of redundancy 2 Flegenheimer, Matt. (2013): After Decades, a Water Tunnel Can Now Serve All of Manhattan.
The New York Times, 13 October 2013.
in water infrastructure.1 Manhattan has relied on a single ter-tunnel-can-provide-water-for-all-of-manhattan.html?_r=0.
3 Ibid.
water source, Tunnel No. 1, since 1917. Expected to be 4 Baker, K. (2013): City of Water. The New York Times, 12 October 2013. http://www.nytimes.
com/2013/10/13/opinion/sunday/city-of-water.html; The City of New York (2013): A Stronger,
completed in 2020 at a cost of USD 5 billion (USD 4.7 More Resilient New York. PlanNYC report.
5 Ibid.;Gregory, Kia. (2013): Bloomberg Storm Plan Praised, but Faces Obstacles. The New
York Times, 12 June 2013.
1 Rosenzweig, C., et al. (2007): Managing climate change risks in New York Citys water plan-praised-but-faces-obstacles.html
system: assessment and adaptation planning. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global 6 Baker, K. (2013): City of Water. The New York Times, 12 October 2013. http://www.nytimes.
Change, 12 (8): 1391-1409. com/2013/10/13/opinion/sunday/city-of-water.html
While the aforementioned factors can serve to positively These types of events serve to focus attention on water
dispose an urban institutional setting towards considering management and related infrastructure in the media,
BGI as a viable design option, possessing a fertile policy which increases pressure on politicians for action and
environment does not guarantee implementation of change. Another example of an acute event is major heat
BGI. Typically a specific opportunity is required as waves, which focus attention on the merit of open green
a crystallization point that draws together potential spaces and their mitigating, evaporative cooling effects.
investors with visionary designers and receptive technical
competencies. A survey of the conditions under which
the first BGI projects were initiated in the case studies CRISIS AS A WINDOW OF
highlighted some common factors concerning both OPPORTUNITY
specific projects and time frames that contribute to
favorable conditions for introducing a BGI pilot project. Several cases showed that crisis is
These conditions are: an important door opener for BGI
implementation. Cloudbursts in the center
With respect to the project scale - If a positive political of Copenhagen1, the flooding of Orchard
environment already exists for BGI and has generally Street in Singapore2 after heavy rainfall,
shown acceptance of BGI as a viable approach to urban and precipitation-induced landslides in
rainwater management, the next step is to identify suitable Portlands affluent neighborhoods3 were
opportunities for a pilot BGI project. For instance, BGI is found to be powerful levers for increasing
comparatively easy to implement in new developments, public support for BGI in these cities.
where it can be integrated into physical infrastructure
without disruption right from the beginning. In fact, BGI In Copenhagen4 and New York5, rainwater
can actually facilitate the connection of new developments management gained prominence
to the existing drainage system if it is designed to slow in political discussion after several
water flows, possibly even storing water on-site before incidences of major and extensive
discharging it to the citywide system. This can lead flooding in inner city areas. These floods
to substantial reductions in the costs for upgrading spurred awareness of and demand for
the existing urban drainage system, as has been a key decentralized stormwater reduction and
consideration for Singapore and New York City. The storage options as well as an increased
restoration of aging infrastructure can also be a window of willingness to invest in semi-natural
opportunity for BGI if the spatial on-site conditions allow treatment structures.
for BGI construction, as costs for redevelopment projects
including BGI often are easy to implement at a competitive
cost level (see Box and Chapter 5).
1 Hansen, U. (2012): Rekordskaderefterskybrud- regningttp 5 mia.kroner.
With respect to the time scale - an acute disaster event Brsen, 18.04.2012; and Politiken, (2011): Kbenhavndrukneriskybrud.
Politiken. Available at:
can provide the impetus to decision-makers signifying drukner-i-skybrud/
2 AsiaOne (2010): Blocked drain caused Orchard Road flood. AsiaOne.
the need for and will to change the status quo. Urban Available at:
Singapore/Story/A1Story20100618-222731.html; and AsiaOne, 2011. Flash
challenges like climate change and its impacts (rising sea floods hit Liat Towers and other parts of Orchard Road. AsiaOne. Available
levels, average temperatures etc.) often stay well below A1Story20111223-317945.html.
3 Portland Bureau of Transportation, 2015. Landslide Prevention. Available
the political radar as they develop slowly enough to be at:; and
ignored or only partly accepted by short-term oriented, 2015. Heavy rain causes landslide in West Hills neighborhood.
Available at:
policy-makers and ordinary citizens alike. Damage nw-portland-landslide/24815997/
4 City of Copenhagen (2011): Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan. http://
from flooding (e.g. from storm surge or high intensity
5 NYC DEP (2010): NYC Green Infrastructure Plan: A sustainable strategy for
precipitation events) is an example of disaster-type clean waterways. New York City.
Other suitable time frames for pioneering BGI projects These challenges constitute windows of opportunity.
are in situations where a citys reputation is on the line in But it is not enough to identify these windows of
a highly visible way. An example is in the run-up for big, opportunity; they must be acted upon. Both are critical
well-publicized international events such as a bid for the steps in initiating a BGI project. The success of a city in
Olympic Games or the World Cup. BGIs were used as achieving both will depend on its readiness, which in turn
arguments for major events like the Olympics in Sydney depends on its institutional capacity (see Chapter 6).
2000, Vancouver 2010, and World Cups like the German Having a precedent of relevant local projects, a supportive
Soccer World Cup 2006. BGI is inherently well-suited political framework, and historic conditions enhances the
for this type of event since it places heavy emphasis institutional capacity of a city. Choosing the right time and
on open space, community integration, aesthetics, and project scale for introducing a BGI project influences the
environmental concerns in its design objectives. cost structure, political support, and public awareness in
short, is crucial for the success of the initial project and
therefore the likelihood of future BGI projects.
For instance, citizens play an active role in the municipal 4. Green policy and sustainability programs
governments of Boston, Hannover, and Portland, and the
engagement and support of BGI from civic movements
was found to be an important part of the BGI process
in these cities. In other cases, such as in Singapore,
urban water management and infrastructure is typified
by a highly centralized, top-down effort. In these cases,
the advocacy of government officials such as agency
managers was found to be an important driver of this
In several of the cases it was clear that strong Often these individuals shared similar traits. They
personalities had played a key role in the success of the all tended to be charismatic leaders occupying
BGI implementation. These individuals served as project top-management level positions within key public
lynchpins. They took responsibility for driving the project organizations and were in charge of urban planning and/
agenda forward and in doing so were able to pioneer or urban infrastructural engineering. It goes without saying
BGI projects in their respective cities. These individuals that they are strongly convinced of the advantages BGIs
are perhaps best described with the term political BGI are providing to cities and are experienced in inter-agency
entrepreneurs as they were especially engaged in political coordination; and they enjoy the reputation of being good
communication. These political BGI entrepreneurs had to performers. Characteristically these personalities heavily
be more than skillful communicators and managers to gain rely on long-lasting relationships and trust gathering
legitimacy for BGI projects. from individuals, high-level politicians, agencies, and the
Mr. Hans Mnninghoff was a central driving force when it came to managing the details of Kronsbergs BGI project
construction. At the time of the project, Mnninghoff served as Chief Officer of the Department for Ecology
and Nature in the city of Hannover, responsible for all ecological issues related to Kronsberg. As a well-qualified
engineer, with a charismatic personality, Mnninghoffs technical, political, and managerial experience proved
pivotal in the success of BGI in Kronsberg.
Mr. Khoo Teng Chye was a chief planner for the Water Bodies Design Panel of Singapore1 with the aim to bring
nature and parks closer to the people. When Mr. Khoo took over the Public Utility Board chief office in 2002, the
ideas from the Water Bodies Panel were delayed. With his new position, Mr. Khoo was able to be a driver that
these ideas were transformed from goals into implemented BGI projects.
Consulted by experts like Studio Dreiseitl and other, he set up the specific Program ABC Waters Active,
Beautiful and Clean Waters as an umbrella program () to remake () Singapore into a vibrant City of Gardens
and Water.2
Mr. Liak Teng Lit was another key figure in the success of BGI in Singapore. Mr. Liak is CEO of Alexandra Health in
Singapore (the owner/operator of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital Singapore, KTPH) and was previously CEO of Changi
General Hospital (CGH) and Alexandra Hospital (AH). The successes of CGH and AH, in particular, were important
to the making of KTPH. Liak has spoken of accrued trust between himself and high-level decision-makers
resulting from these early successes that allowed him to push the boundaries of innovation at KTPH. Liak also
references conversations with the former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, and senior civil servants,
suggesting that they supported him and may have contributed to the acceptance of his ideas.
1 The Water Bodies Design Panel was introduced 1989 under leadership of URA to open up waterfront at canal locations as a measure to green and upgrade residential areas for high
standard housing purposes. So the idea to integrate vegetation and urban greenery actively into the Singaporean waterbodies was identified as a relatively early stage in reaction to
previously implemented, sub-optimal grey infrastructure.
2 See Wong, T. H. F. (2011): Framework for stormwater quality management in Singapore. In: 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Proceedings, Porto Alegre, Brazil,
International Water Association, p.8.
All such successful drivers were heavily convinced of Very obviously the change of an urban planning paradigm
the benefits and the feasibility of BGI-solutions. Each of is no easy task. It touches epistemic cultures and
these individuals proved skillful in convincing colleagues, professional practices in a number of different planning
politicians and the wider public to back their vision. Often agencies. This is especially true for cultures that adopt
these political entrepreneurs make use of a vision of change slowly as is true for urban water management.
liveability and prosperity to bring the advantages of BGI It is no surprise that the individuals who can successfully
into play (green city vision, biophilia, sustainable urban steer a community through such a change have powerful
design, city in a garden, water sensitive city).1 skills in negotiation and political maneuvering and must be
prepared for a long-term commitment.
1 In Singapore the vision to create a City of Gardens and Water was successfully employed
to gain support for the ABC-Waters program: We ought to be a Venice, but we are not Singapore more attractive and to me its almost like a no-brainer. You must do it. Interview
because much of the blue are ugly concrete drains, or canals () If Singapore wants to be with Khoo Teng Chye, 15/5/2015 at the Centre for Liveable Cities in Singapore, conducted by
more livable as we become more dense () you have no choice. To me this is the way to make Matthias Wrlen, Cynthia NG and Oliver Tovatt.
In addition to the importance of charisma and other SUPPORTIVE NETWORKS FOR BGI
leadership qualities of those who have successfully driven PROJECTS
initial BGI projects, these individuals were also found to be
pivotal persons within and between networks of relevant The success of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) in
professionals and citizen groups. The exact position and Singapore can be accredited to many individuals.
roles occupied within these networks differed in each of Rosyland Tan, a former occupational therapist who,
the cases. Sometimes they were allies and supporters after retirement, became KTPHs chief gardener,
in other agencies or in the wider institutional setting. supported Liak Teng Lit.1 Liak and his deputies created
Sometimes they had already been engaged with BGI but an organizational culture that was open to ideas
did not succeed in their earlier projects. In other cases from within and outside their ranks. They encouraged
they were engaged citizens or politicians who realized that volunteer participation, opening the door to interest
BGI would be a positive contribution to their citys future. groups that many other institutions typically avoid.
Alternatively, they were mentors of a group of innovative Liaks personal connections with senior decision-
and engaged BGI activists. makers in other public agencies were especially critical
in the adoption and integration of Yishun Pond (see
The individuals who drove successful BGI implementation Annex, Description of case studies) into the hospital
relied heavily upon the support of these networks area.2
throughout the process. This was particularly important
in the early stage of project implementation. Individual In Hannover the whole World Expo initiative was
drivers leveraged their networks to garner a citywide considered controversial. Former Expo projects had
momentum for change. been costly and were criticized as being ecologically
unsustainable. Conscious of those criticisms,
Regardless of the political context or Hannovers World Expo planners set a high bar for
governance cultures, the importance of environmental objectives that the final design would
supportive networks in the success of have to meet. These requirements included a low
BGI implementation was found to be a material footprint, a long-term use plan, and a low
common factor across case studies. impact on the ecology of the environment. It was in
this political context that the local Green Party once
the harshest critics of the project became some of
its strongest proponents and drivers in the sustainable
design of the Expo Flagship the Kronsberg Hill
area. Hans Mnninghoff the focal personal driver
of the Kronsberg construction relied very much
on the steady support of this group of green policy
advocates. This is also true for the water design on the
Kronsberg Hill: Hans Mnninghoff was supported by a
group of young water engineers with less experience
in the water agency the water agency of Hannover
City. As the director of the water agency Fritz Stolle
had had serious doubts about the functionality of
BGI for flood management, it was decisive that young
engineers were heavily engaged to push BGI forward.3
Without the support of individual, very engaged water
engineers who were highly convinced of the idea of
sustainable urban design, BGI on Kronsberg would
have never been possible.
1 LiakTeng Lit was a key figure in the success of BGI in Singapore. Mr. Liak is CEO
of Alexandra Health in Singapore (the owner/operator of KhooTeckPuat Hospital
Singapore, KTPH) and was previously CEO of Changi General Hospital (CGH) and
Alexandra Hospital (AH).
2 Kishnani, N., Cossu, G. (2015):Biophilic Design. Final Report of Rambolls Research
Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban
Environments. National University of Singapore (previously unpublished).
3 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015): Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as
Urban Innovation. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green
and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for
Sustainability Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
As BGI was not explicitly specified as a new task for the Singaporean sewer agency, their pioneering ideas for
water infrastructure were only followed for a very short time span, and were soon forgotten until they were
revisited by the ABC Waters Masterplan in 2006. As there was no change in the technocratic view on urban
water management, the old paradigm of grey infrastructure became the dominant model again. Only after PUB
was explicitly given authority for all water management issues in Singapore did the window of opportunity for
BGI reopen. As the first BGI projects in the ABC Waters Masterplan (including Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park) began
to move through the planning pipeline Khoo Teng Chye, the then CEO of PUB, recognized the potential for an
institutional bottleneck. His solution was to put the engineers in charge. In his own words, he said he realized that
the hardest people to convince are the engineers, engineers in charge. If I put a landscape architect in charge it
will be a disaster, you will not succeed. So I made a decision that I need to find 3 teams, multidisciplinary teams
but engineers in charge, ok? To me that was important to get that program going. Otherwise it would have been
very difficult. 2 3
1 The Water Bodies Design Panel was introduced 1989 under leadership of URA to open up waterfront at canal locations as a measure to green and upgrade residential areas for high
standard housing purposes. So the idea to integrate vegetation and urban greenery actively into the Singaporean waterbodies was identified as a relatively early stage in reaction to
previously implemented, sub-optimal grey infrastructure.
2 Interview Mr. Khoo T., Ch., 15/5/2015 at the Centre for Liveable Cities in Singapore, conducted by Matthias Wrlen, Cynthia NG and Oliver Tovatt.
3 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015): Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as Urban Innovation. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social
Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for Sustainability Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
Green policies and sustainability programs can also lever for consideration of the BGI approach in urban
serve as convincing reference points for advocacy of design. Many parts of Asia have been important
BGI innovations. Regardless of whether BGI is explicitly biodiversity hotspots, and are increasingly threatened
mentioned within a sustainability program, the BGI by urbanization. As mentioned previously, Asian cities
approach is highly aligned with frequently cited objectives are some of the largest and have experienced some of
of programs, such as lessening the urban heat island the most rapid growth over the past few decades, with
effect, improving air quality, and flood mitigation. An negative consequences for biodiversity due to habitat
example is the Water Sensitive Urban Design approach1, loss. BGI projects provide crucial natural habitat for
but also Eco-City concepts2 and the Local Agenda 213 were supporting biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem health by
levers for bringing BGI onto the table in their respective reducing the degree of habitat fragmentation caused by
locations. The Water Framework Directive by the European urbanization.
Commission about the improvement of the water bodies4
has increased the inclusion of BGI in European urban How do sustainability programs help reduce the barrier to
design. The European Union has indeed been an early adopting the BGI approach in urban design? Once a city
proponent of BGI for urban water management. As a has committed to follow a definite green policy program,
result, pioneering BGI projects have been implemented a structured process is launched: strategies have to be
in a number of European cities, including the Kronsberg/ developed, objectives have to be defined and measures
Hannover and Copenhagen cases of this report. Also have to be specified. The sustainability program often
the Green Infrastructure Strategy implemented by the represents a move away from the status quo, which opens
European Commission in 2013 gives major support to a window for considering alternative options that would
implement BGI in European cities. Its focus is on the have been less relevant without the policy change. Cities
deployment of green infrastructure in the EU in urban and often face a type of peer pressure from other cities, as
rural areas []. Therefore it set the aim, that by 2020, well as local citizen groups, to develop and commit to
ecosystems and their services [have to be] maintained green policy programs. These programs are therefore
and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and often launched with substantial media attention and
restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems.5 efforts for community awareness and engagement, which
then puts pressure on local leaders to follow through
BGI received some of its earliest support within Europe, with high-profile supporting projects. This is especially
a region that also saw some of the pioneering city action true when programs are connected with a special brand
plans for sustainability in climate change. Today there exist and periodical evaluation. A city can suffer a major loss
a much larger number of cities throughout the world with of reputation if they prove unable to meet their stated
sustainability-focused policy programs and agendas. objectives or if their progress compares poorly to that of
other cities.
In several Asian cities, like Hongkong6 and Singapore7,
concern for biodiversity loss has been an important BGI can be an important tool for cities looking to expand
their portfolio of green design and to otherwise support
1 Water Sensitive Urban Design is an Australian approach to urban design and stormwater
management that is especially prominent in Australian and Southeast Asian water engineering
their reputation for sustainability. Relative to other types
and urban design discourse. See: Wong 2006. Wong, T., HF. (2006): Water sensitive urban of ecological urban design policies, like sustainable energy
design-the journey thus far. Australian Journal of Water Resources 10.3:213.
2 The Eco-City concept introduced by urban ecologist Richard Register in Berkeley, California system and minimal impact technologies, BGI has benefits
in 1990 is one of the most prominent guiding principles especially (but not only) in urban
development in China. See: Roseland, M. (2007): Dimensions of the eco-city. Cities 14.4: that are comparably easy to show, understand, measure
3 Local Agenda 21 is an umbrella term for programs of different local governments that and report.
include local measures to reach development goals approved of 178 nations at the Earth
Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in
1992. To refer to local Agenda 21 for local programs for sustainable regional development is
very prominent in Europe and especially in Sweden.
Higher order sustainability policy programs also facilitate
4 Water Framework Directive: Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the adoption of BGI as they may provide additional funding,
Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of
water policy. especially if these programs participate in ranking or
5 EU-wide strategy on Green Infrastructure: Communication from the Commission to
the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the design competitions. Therefore BGI can serve as an
Committee of the Regions: Our life insurance, our natural capital: EU biodiversity
strategy to 2020 /* COM/2011/0244 final */. important element of a formal green policy program. The
6 See The Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Agriculture, Fisheries potential for BGI to enhance a citys reputation through
and Conservation Department (AFCD), Government of Hongkong;
this channel was a significant lever for adoption e.g. in
7 Referring to Singapores signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) NParks Malm and Freiburg (see Chapter 5).
developed and launched the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
for Singapore in 2009. The ABC-Waters Program is explicitly taken as one measure for
biodiversity conservation in the NBSAP. See:
BGI is still controversial as a potential infrastructure
investment. Occasionally cited as criticisms of BGI are
high degrees of project complexity, long-term horizons
of project time lines, high-level expertise and resource
In implementing BGI on a citywide scale, the identification SURFACE WATER FLOWS OBEY A NATURALLY
of available and suitable land is only a first step. New DICTATED HIERARCHY
construction requires a variety of different types of
permits, and must meet a variety of zoning requirements. A corollary of the fact that water flows downhill is that in
Because BGI projects integrate several types of land use, doing so it always follows the path of least resistance. A
BGI may not fit neatly into the framework of existing consequence of this is that in flowing downhill, streams
zoning types and regulations. are formed and join others to form streams of increasingly
higher order. As the stream order increases, so does
Problems related to land restrictions occur very often in the relative size of the catchment area supplying it. The
dense areas and principally take the form of constraining BGI approach, which follows the natural logic of water,
factors especially for large-scale projects. If a government suggests a chain of responsibility and ownership that
does not own the land earmarked for a proposed BGI may be distinct from local water laws: Water streams and
project, or the land desired for the project does not lie the responsibility to control and treat them should be
within the citys boundaries, BGI projects may not be able increasingly socialized on their way downstream (i.e. as
to unfold their full benefits. stream order increases). The logic of water management
responsibility should progress naturally from private
This is especially true in the field of stormwater responsibility for small order, peripheral streams to semi-
management as effective management of water flows on public, community-level flows and finally into fully public
urban scape depends on the feasibility of a watershed streams.
approach. There are two specific hydrologic issues of
particular importance when designing with water: Ensuring sufficient land is set aside for BGI will be an
important policy issue for a long-term water-conscious,
WATER FLOWS DOWNHILL catchment-oriented urban design. While there exist
legal maneuvers around land use obstacles such as
Water follows the logic of gravity, regardless of political expropriation, reallocation of property rights, and exercise
borders and jurisdiction. One of the primary mandates of pre-emption rights the efficacy of these methods
of the BGI approach is to augment and enhance depends at any time on the institutional and financial
urban hydrology. Thus, the BGI approach is inherently capacity of the agencies and institutions involved. The
catchment-oriented. The vision for a BGI project designed strategy of first choice should be a precautionary land
to improve local water management may clash with a use policy for urban planning, and one that explicitly
socially induced system of property rights. Aligning the supports a water catchment approach with the aim to
water management objectives of a BGI project with reserve corridors and relevant areas for BGI on every scale
property rights and cognitive-cultural constraints requires of urban planning. In the long term, the latter approach
finesse in coordinating the interests and cooperation of will be more convenient and effective and therefore, will
different shareholders. contribute to the success of BGI projects.
In 2005, a citywide flooding in Mumbai resulted in the government began to prioritize an approach to water
significant loss of human life and unprecedented management where every drop counts. As a matter
disruption of services. According to reports, the floods of national security, water resources management was
damaged 40,000 commercial establishments, 30,000 given a high priority in planning. Unlike most major cities,
vehicles, and disrupted electric supply for 24 hours. Most Singapores urban water management focuses on the
arterial roads and highways were impacted, the railway watershed within its municipal boundaries. For this reason,
services were closed, and 500 people lost their lives. In Singapores land use planning has, for many decades,
suburban Mumbai 175,885 houses were partially damaged prioritized urban green space. The urban infrastructure
and 2000 were fully damaged.1 Some studies estimated and city layout is adapted to collect all possible rainwater
the flood costs to the city at 2 billion USD (Flood risk in rivers, canals and drains in many water reservoirs (by
and climate change in Mumbai, OECD)2 . Hydrological 2014 = 17 reservoirs). This water is treated to potability and
assessments stated afterwards that flows into Mithi River then pumped for storage into higher elevation reservoirs.
were the primary source of flooding. The Mithi River was Singapores water infrastructure currently collects water
accused of failing to perform its dual function as a drain from 70% of the island area, with projects in planning that
to carry monsoon waters out and as surge protector will increase this to 95% within the coming decade.5
to accommodate the high tide from the Arabian Sea.
However, that was only part of the truth, since capacity However, while policy-makers recognize the importance
of the Mithi River has not only been reduced but also of green space for water quality, this type of land use is
the catchment area of the river has been impacted increasingly in competition with expansion of housing
by increased urbanization. A spatiotemporal analysis development, which has lagged population growth. While
using satellite data from the years 1966, 1987 and 2005 the political landscape is in many ways aligned with and
indicated significant land use and land profile changes supportive of the BGI approach in principle, in practice
within the Mithi River catchment area over the indicated there are many obstacles to implementing large-scale
time period.3 This included a 50% reduction in river width BGI. Singapore provides an interesting case for many
from encroachments and landfilling. In addition to the reasons, and the useful lesson that even when supporting
reduced capacity of the Mithi River, there had also been conditions exist, the success of BGI projects cannot be
significant loss to riparian areas, which act as buffers taken for granted.
during high stream flow. There was a 70% decrease in
mudflats and other open spaces in the river catchment. Singapore also provides an opportunity to consider
Meanwhile the built area increased from 29% to 70%, thus another lesson. It is important to keep in mind the
increasing impervious surfaces and therefore stormwater importance of integrated functionality to the BGI
runoff. Further, the study of the river course indicated approach. Blue infrastructure elements that exist adjacent
that landfilling and encroachment reduced the length to green infrastructure do not necessarily make a BGI.
of the river from 18.8 km to 15.16 km. The lower Mahim When a design consists of tidy, decorative planters lacking
Basin showed an increase in landfilled area from 0% in hydrological integration with neighboring blue features,
1966 to 13% in 1986. These changes severely affected the the result is not what we understand by the integrative
natural drainage of the Mithi catchment: reduced surface approach of blue-green elements.
porosity (impervious surface has increased from 46% to
85%) caused heavy runoff, which reduced the carrying While Singapore has many green spaces, and in many
capacity.4 Therefore, it would be more accurate to blame, places they are adjacent to open water bodies, these
not the Mithi River, but urbanization as the source of the waters are mostly linear, cement-lined canals within dense
2005 flood. urban housing districts. While the space immediately
adjacent to these canals serves as a connector for cyclists
Singapore is located on a relatively small island of and walkers, and may also contain recreational equipment,
~700 km2. Surrounded by a saltwater sea, the city social meeting spaces, and extensive gardens, the
of Singapore has no hinterland from which to obtain functional separation between the hydrology of the park
additional water resources for its growing population. In and the canal prevent these features from being true BGI.
the early 1960s, following a couple years of low rainfall,
Integration between blue and green functions is essential
1 Hallegatte, St., Henriet,F., Patwardhan,A., Narayanan, K., Ghosh, S.,Karmakar, S., Patnaik, U., et to BGI project success and is key to optimizing the
al. (2010): Flood Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Benefits in Mumbai: An Initial
Assessment of Socio-Economic Consequences of Present and Climate Change Induced Flood benefits for both, water bodies and urban greenery, as will
Risks and of Possible Adaptation Options.
2 Ibid. be explained further in Chapter 5.
3 Kamini, J., Jayanthi, S.,Raghavswamy, V. (2006): Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Land Use in
Urban Mumbai -Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data and Gis Techniques. Journal of the Indian
Society of Remote Sensing 34 (4): 38596.
4 Rawoot, S., Wescoat Jr., J. L., Noiva, K., Marks, A. (2015): Mumbai Case Study. Research and 5 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015): Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as Urban
Recommendations for Blue-Green Urban Infrastructure. Final Report ofRambolls Research Innovation. Final Report ofRambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social
Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for Sustainability
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (previously unpublished). Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
BGI is still relatively unknown as a technology and tool for to elaborate on the values, benefits and opportunities
water management. Therefore, a challenge in BGI adoption of BGI and to understand the concerns of the agency
is that individuals still need to be convinced that BGI is representatives (and explain how the project design
able to guarantee functionality as reliably as established addressed their concerns, particularly flood protection and
solutions. As standards for BGI design emerge, and as water quality), these agencies became key supporters in
performance data from existing projects is gathered, the BGI project.
BGI becomes more comparable to conventional grey
infrastructure as a design option. However, this type of Another potential challenge to BGI adoption that needs
documentation is still in its early stages. To avoid the risk to be highlighted is shifting negative public opinion that
of the unknown, many planners and decision-makers was shaped by previously attempted BGI or BGI-like
prefer a mediocre conventional grey infrastructure design projects that failed. Even if a BGI project is successfully
to a promising BGI project. This is particularly true when constructed, if it is poorly maintained, badly designed,
other supporting conditions for BGI, such as sustainability or does not meet important requirements (like failing to
programs, are not in place. substantially address flood protection and water quality),
this failure can have a long-term impact on peoples will
Another obstacle to convince decision-makers of the to support such projects in the future. Every effort must
viability of blue-green infrastructure as urban water therefore be made to ensure that a pioneering BGI project
infrastructure is its apparent complex and effective works to build social capacity wherever possible and
functionality when compared with conventional grey follows through on promises in short, pioneering BGI
infrastructure. The logic behind conventional infrastructure projects need to err on the side of under-promising and
may appear more straightforward at first glance than a over-delivering, rather than the reverse.
BGI design. Conventional systems consist of elements and
services like: an inlet for collecting stormwater runoff; a Soon after Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park was completed and
network of sewers through which the runoff is contained the Kallang River was reconstructed in an ABC manner,
and directed; potentially some degree of wastewater strong storm events hit Singapore in 2012/2013 and flash
treatment through filtration or settling basins or ponds, floods were happening at Orchard Road. Even though
and finally have an outlet into the water environment. there was no evidence and connection as no ABC project
In combined systems with waste and stormwater the was built upstream, in the media and public opinion, BGI
overflow at a storm-event brings pollution directly in and the ABC Waters Program were associated with this
the natural water environment. In separated systems, problem. This shows how fast preconceptions are nurtured
stormwater is discharged very often without treatment by such events and pose a real challenge to innovation like
directly into waterbodies of the environment. Each new BGI systems.
function is met by appropriate application and operation
of a particular technology a drain, a sewer pipe, and a
settling basin or pond.
To proceed, the BGI designers for Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park in Singapore Studio Dreiseitl had to convince
officials at the water agency (PUB), the parks agency (NParks), and the construction companies of the robustness
and capacity of BGI as a drainage and cleansing infrastructure. This required several major efforts by the
designers. In the end, the designers decided on their own risk and initiative to build a smaller-scale pilot project to
run test trials of the system performance. This pilot project had to be constructed parallel to the original, concrete
canal and discharge water from the canal in the newly build riverbed to demonstrate its resilience against soil
erosion. For the water engineers of PUB this was of major importance. The engineers were concerned that the
BGI design would lead to large quantities of soil erosion, which would reduce the capacity of the system for flood
protection and cleansing functionality, and most importantly would endanger the quality of drinking water in
the water reservoirs downstream.2 This was a legitimate concern, since these downstream reservoirs provide a
substantial amount of Singapores water. In the end, the ability of the designers and the national agencies to work
together to address these concerns led to a very popular, award-winning design in short, a success.
1 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015) Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as Urban Innovation. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social
Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for Sustainability Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
2 Ibid.
In the case of Singapore, the doubts about the viability variety of fish and other insects that prey on mosquitoes
of the BGI approach were shared not only by the national and larvae.
agencies but also by the wider public. Public awareness
campaigns are designed to make Singapores citizens Other fears include the presence of invasive species,
aware of the precarious position of Singapores water including snakes, caterpillars, and snails. Park users were
security. These campaigns are designed to try to ensure also afraid of potentially reduced water quality, the entry
that Singaporeans do not take their water for granted, of pollutants and poor maintenance. Project designers and
which may explain this adversity to risk from the public. the national agencies acknowledged these anxieties, and
Culturally, Singaporeans are accustomed to a high degree efforts were made to ameliorate these concerns through
of regulation and oversight in their lives, and are raised public education, onsite information panels, and media
to value social conventions. Moreover, Singapore has a coverage. Once the project designers had the backing of
tropical rainforest climate. National agencies are constantly the relevant national agencies (PUB, NParks, and others),
fighting against stagnant water, an effort tainted by these agencies proved to be key supporters of the project
recurring national outbreaks of dengue fever. People are and heavily engaged with the public through their political
constantly reminded through public education campaigns platforms to counter these anxieties.
that stagnant water poses a serious risk. Singaporeans
were worried that the restored river in Bishan-Ang Mo Kio The high degree of integration that
Park would have large quantities of stagnant water, which characterizes BGI projects makes them
would substantially increase the risk of dengue. However, more complex and seems to be more
the risk of stagnant water and a mosquito-breeding confusing to engineers and managers who
ground is likely lower for BAMK than many of the other are used to linear systems and discrete
parks in Singapore, since the streambed in BAMK has an simple technologies.
elevation drop that ensures water flow and also hosts a
Across the case studies, silo-thinking was found to be one While the existence of an appropriate and supportive
of the major constraining factors for BGI implementation. policy framework at the institutional level is important, it
We identified two main ways in which silo-thinking often is the personal level that ultimately safeguards or
manifested itself: hinders eventual project success. For instance, even in the
cases implemented in relatively fragmented and divided
Horizontal silo-thinking occurs when inter-institutional institutional settings, sometimes the requisite cooperation
capacity is low and agencies involved with BGI make little could be achieved when it was facilitated by individuals
or no effort to cooperate across agency interests. with a shared professional socialization or similar
educational or social backgrounds.
Vertical silo-thinking occurs when a hierarchy
exists in authority and responsibilities related to BGI Certainly, many books have been written on the value
implementation. Low inter-institutional capacity between of cooperation in a business setting and how to achieve
authorities occupying different governmental levels (e.g. it. To summarize for our cases, in addition to sharing a
national and local levels) leads to project fragmentation social network, cooperation was also enhanced when
or deliberate attempts to obstruct efforts by another individual actors shared other values, such as professional
authority. worldviews or belief systems with one another (e.g. as
between legalist perspectives and managerial notions
The inherent complexity of BGI planning and of policy-making, or as between aesthetic or technical
implementation necessitates though the cooperation considerations with political or economic rationales).
and coordination of a number of involved institutions
and agencies. This cooperation is facilitated or hindered In a similar vein, relevant stakeholders and key actors in
depending on the institutional framework in which policy-making and implementation may adopt a variety
these agencies operate, and whether this framework of roles amongst themselves that can facilitate or hinder
allows adaptation of agency aims of different agencies effective cooperation across organizational boundaries.
to one another. The relative ability of the framework to For instance, one individual might adopt a more reactive
support this type of cooperation and adaptation is a key role (e.g. as of a classical bureaucrat or expert-driven and
component of institutional capacity. Cooperation requires technocratic role understandings), while another might
the institutional actors to share knowledge and negotiate pursue a proactive approach (e.g. as a policy advocate or
agendas and aims. Successful BGI implementation as a political activists or policy entrepreneur).1
demands personal readiness of individuals to understand
(or even share) the perspective and values of other actors On a personal level, shared networks or values can
involved, and to be jointly and actively engaged in the facilitate mutual understanding between actors and can in
development of innovative solutions. some cases be enough to compensate lacking institutional
capacity. The other side of this coin is that unwillingness
Where institutional capacity is low, e.g. because the or the lack of readiness to cooperate on the part of
institutional framework is not supportive of the necessary individuals can also be enough to constrain the progress of
cooperation or individual actors are not prepared BGI implementation even where institutional responsibility
to cooperate, it becomes all too easy for a gap of for BGI is formally supportive.
accountability to emerge. Each institution involved comes
into the process with individual aims and follows more or In addition to building shared values, the skillful
less its own agenda. Where conditions for cooperation management of cross-sectional dialogue and the
are not favorable, it is much more difficult to achieve installment of independent commissionership for BGI
a platform and agenda of mutual understanding, and seem to be the most promising ways to deal with this
without shared aims, BGI projects are almost certainly challenge.
Silo-thinking not only leads to disciplinary, conventional
Unfortunately, the policy environments into which BGI solutions, it also impacts the financial results and is very
projects are introduced are often characterized by a connected to the striving for power.
lack of cohesive policy framework. Responsibility for
1 Bcher, M.(2015): The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Regional Governance. In: I. N. Aflaki, E.
the relevant regulations is typically divided between Petridou, L. Miles(ed.) Entrepreneurship in the Polis: Understanding Political Entrepreneurship.
Farnham: Ashgate, S. 7386; Roberts, N.C., King, P.J.(1991): Policy Entrepreneurs: Their Activity
departmental boundaries. Blue-green infrastructure Structure and Function in the Policy Process. Journal of Public Administration Re-search
planning and implementation lends itself as a near-perfect and Theory, 1(2), S.147175; Timmermans, J., van der Heiden, S., Born, M.P.(2014): Policy
Entrepreneurs in Sustainability Transitions: Their Personality and Leadership Profiles Assessed.
example of a complex policy area that cuts across many Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 13, S.96108. For further explanation see
Schrter, E., Rber, J. (2015): Urban Governance for Livable Cities: Institutional Capacity
traditionally established lines of responsibility. Building for Blue-Green Infrastructure Planning and Development. Final Report of Rambolls
Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban
Environments. Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
In Copenhagen, the planning and implementation of large BGI projects also benefited from a shared planning
culture embedded in the Danish and Scandinavian tradition. This planning culture revolves around a cross of
managerial and technocratic notions of public service provision and infrastructure development.6 Eckhard
Schrter and Jrg Rber7 argue that BGI implementation benefited from this shared culture valuing institutional
capacity. Most of the key players in the BGI project management teams, private-sector consultancy firms, and
HOFOR (Copenhagens Technical Department and public utility) also share a common professional network, as
well as educational background and organizational cultures. Consequently, a widely shared worldview of how
large and complex infrastructure projects ought to be managed effectively, helps to span inter-organizational
In Singapore the ABC Waters program was only possible after PUB reorganization, which occurred in 2001. After
this reorganization, PUB now manages the entire process of collection, production, distribution and reclamation
of water in Singapore, leading to significant reduction in institutional fragmentation for water management. Since
it is PUBs responsibility and core mission to oversee one of Singapores most crucial resources water this
reorganization enhanced institutional capacity by centralizing and integrating the functions of the different
agencies. The public mandate of securing water, combined with a highly integrated, top-down approach to water
management, gives PUB a powerful position in decisions about water management. This position allows PUB to
reconsider Singapores approach to water management. For instance, when the Water Bodies Design Panel was
organized in 1989 its original mission was related to the aesthetic value of water. However, since PUB recognized
that aesthetics were fundamentally related to many aspects of water management, it was able to leverage the
panel into an opportunity to educate the public on the link between aesthetics and the challenges of providing
potable water. This increased awareness helped create facilitating conditions where BGI could be introduced into
the city in a major way. Through the opportunity created by the Water Bodies Design Panel, the proposed BGI
projects were marketed as rainwater infrastructure that consisted of semi-natural elements and integrated into
the built urban fabric, which maximized ecosystem services (especially cleansing) and helped reduce treatment
In the Boston case we see, that local BGI projects increasingly involve collaboration between public agencies and
citizen organization across multiple scales. The Muddy River Restoration Project is an excellent example of a BGI
project that resulted from this collaboration. Initiated after major 1996 flooding caused severe damage in several
affluent neighborhoods adjacent to the Muddy River, the Restoration Projects initial mandate was to increase
local storage for stormwater runoff. The project was led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who actively
engaged with the State of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the Boston Water and
Sewer Commission, and Boston Parks and Recreation. It also has an Oversight Committee (MMOC) that includes
leading civil society organizations.10
1 Mayer, H., Provo, J. (2004): The Portland Edge in Context, in: Ozawa, Connie (Ed.): The Portland Edge. Washington: Island Press, 9-34. See also: Florida, R. (2008; 175-177) Whos Your
City? New York, NY: Basic Books.
2 Gibson, K., Abbott, C. (2002): City Profile Portland, Oregon. Cities, 19(6), S.425436.
3 Grey2Green is a program introduced by the City of Portland. Grey to Green was a five-year Environmental Services initiative with other city bureaus and community partners to
boost green infrastructure in Portland. The Grey to Green initiative and Environmental Services ongoing investment in green infrastructure projects and programs helps implement the
Portland Watershed Management Plan, protect existing sewer and stormwater infrastructure, and meet other city goals. See:
4 Florida, R. (2008): Whos Your City? New York, NY: Basic Books; Johnson, St. (2004): The Myth and Reality of Portlands Engaged Citizenry and Process-Oriented Governance in:
Ozawa, Connie (Ed.): The Portland Edge. Washington: Island Press, 102-117.
5 Kippenberger, S. (2015): Portland: progressiv und selbstironisch. Der Tagesspiegel, 07.06.2015, p. 5. See also explanation about the Grey2Green strategy in Portland in Fn. above.
6 Hedensted Lund, D. (2012): Climate Change adaptation in Denmark. Enhancement through Collaboration and Meta-Governance. In: Local Environment, 17(6-7), pp. 613-628.
7 Schrter, E., Rber, J. (2015): Urban Governance for Livable Cities: Institutional Capacity Building for Blue-Green Infrastructure Planning and Development. Final Report of Rambolls
Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
8 Ibid.
9 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015): Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as Urban Innovation. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social
Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for Sustainability Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
10 Marks, A., Wescoat Jr., J. L., Noiva, K., Rawoot, S. (2015): Boston Emerald Necklace Case Study. Research and Recommendations for Blue-Green Urban Infrastructure. Final Report
of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (previously unpublished).
1 In this paper only a selection of the most important resources is presented. The list of
resources that might be decisive for successful implementation is nearly endless as the scarcity
and the need for resources is very much defined by contextual features of the situation.
Without a doubt, financial resources are one of the most In fact, the research suggested for several cases that
crucial resources for the success of BGI projects. We found the total costs would have been significantly lower if
that insufficient or badly managed funding is one of the the different agencies involved had coordinated their
main reasons for the success or failure of BGI project objectives and the timing of their plans. Where this did
implementation. Why is this so? not happen, there were a number of costly delays and
mistakes. In other words, it is particularly important
The focus of many typical urban planning projects is that agencies effectively communicate and coordinate
the provision of housing or other municipally owned on project timelines, project specifications, and the
buildings; transportation projects; or the construction of management of the construction process. In addition,
other large infrastructures such as the energy grids. The attention should be given to the project timeline post-
combination of water resources with open green spaces construction. Agencies should coordinate and cooperate
that are characteristic of a BGI project can therefore be on how they intend to approach operation of the BGI
easily misinterpreted by some individuals as more of a project and share budgeting and responsibility for services
pet project than an urban necessity. Where BGI projects and maintenance.
are in competition with more conventional infrastructure
projects, which is a common situation, BGI is unfortunately Numerous obstacles to optimal inter-agency coordination
often seen as not affordable compared to a more exist. As discussed in a previous section, each agency has
necessary service. This mindset is unfortunately common their own particular authorities, tasks, and responsibilities
in water resources management in general, where the and these tend to be very strictly delineated. Even when
infrastructure is less visible than that for other urban the best intentions exist, the ability for each agency to
services. This leads to the existing situation, where BGI transcend these silos may be restricted. In these situations,
projects end up last on the list of potential infrastructure a structural change in the institutional framework is
investments and are the first to be cut a situation prescribed. Where cooperating agencies are able to
exacerbated by the fact that BGI projects are seen as high- recognize the limitations of the existing arrangements, a
risk ventures, even to infrastructure investors. discussion between leaders can occur with respect to how
to promote more effective leadership, and what needs
However, as elaborated upon in Chapter 5, it is therefore to change for agencies to move past their silos. Within
important to bring awareness to the many benefits our research, we found the most successful BGI projects
and values of BGI projects. Many of these added values occurred in cities that supported and implemented
are not typically included in a cost-benefit analysis of appropriate structural changes.
conventional infrastructure in part because conventional
infrastructure projects do not perform well in these For example, in the cities of Copenhagen, Portland,
areas. It can be particularly effective to stress the many and New York City, BGI adoption was facilitated by the
social, socioeconomic, and ecologic benefits generated creation of a position for a person to coordinate climate
by a typical BGI project for a city and its residents. Even change efforts under the offices of the mayor. Notably, for
looking at direct costs and benefits only, BGI projects are all three cities, these climate change coordinators were
at least as economical as equivalent conventional grey granted far-reaching authorities. These coordinates were
infrastructure. With this in mind, a main recommendation able to facilitate cooperation between different agencies
of this report is to increase documentation, data, and and stakeholders. An important part of this coordination
understanding of the multiple long-term benefits of BGI. was found to be a negotiation, facilitated by the climate
change coordinators, to outline a role for each agency that
Especially for financial reasons, it is of major importance was consistent with levels of project commitment, interest,
that the many different public agencies, investors, and and expertise. This negotiation led to better working
private developers have a strong commitment to BGI. relationships and a better balance between responsibilities
These stakeholders must work together to coordinate and agency expertise. For all three cases, budgets were
on budgeting and to cooperate carefully throughout found to be more efficiently executed than for projects
the project planning process. Effective leadership is implemented under less favorable conditions.
particularly important in navigating the planning process
where budgets are tight.
Finally for a long-term success we found that a cultural larger trend throughout society. Therefore, this should not
capacity needs to be developed. Individuals engaged be considered an undue burden.
with the project should be educated as to the purpose
and goals of BGI systems, especially in their potential to As you see, we found multiple sources of funding for BGI
support climate change mitigation and enhance resilience. including properly managed Public Private Partnerships
Additionally, if several stakeholders are involved, financing (PPP), allocation of BGI-related costs onto existing water
and budgeting must be transparent and a long-term tariffs, and the safeguarding of costs for future operation
commitment to operational management made explicit. and maintenance with fixed budgets. For successful
The development of this cultural capacity requires financial results it seems to be indispensable to stress the
commitment and more effort than for grey infrastructure multiple benefits BGI usually provides (according to local
systems because of the relative novelty of BGI. However, conditions), to implement effective project management,
climate change, water scarcity, and urban resilience are and to use opportunities (timely and spatial) for
issues of growing relevance, and this commitment fits a cost-effectiveness.
It seems to have been a necessary experience for these agencies to cooperate on coordinate project plans
and budget for KTPH. The experience provided an opportunity for these agencies to work through some of
the obstacles to integration and cooperation that would continue to impede the implementation of future BGI.
Fortunately, these agencies were able to successfully negotiate and navigate these regulatory hurdles, and in doing
so built institutional capacity. The existence of these working relationships and changes to institutional structure
will facilitate these agencies working together in the future for additional large-scale BGI projects. Whereas in the
past these agencies were frequently unaware of future plans beyond their own, they are now actively collaborating
again on another projects. In additional collaboration with a few private developers, these agencies are using
a township as a pilot project. In the process, they are drafting additional guidelines for the coordination and
integration of the different development agencies.2
In addition to the potential for agencies to use a joint financing approach to BGI, there are increasingly options for
more direct forms of financing. An example is for BGI costs to be financed through users, such as by a surcharge
on the existing water tariff: BGIs in Hannover-Kronsberg are financed by allocation on citywide water charge and
PUB, the Singapores National Water Agency, has the sole competence for charging.3
1 Kishnani, N., Cossu, G. (2015):Biophilic Design. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density Urban Environments.
National University of Singapore (previously unpublished).
2 Wrlen, M., Moldaschl, M. (2015): Enhanced Socio-Economic Analysis of BGI as Urban Innovation. Final Report of Rambolls Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social
Performance in High Density Urban Environments. European Center for Sustainability Research, Zeppelin University (previously unpublished).
3 Ibid.
To build and operate highly valuable BGI for multiple- Even in cities with some of the most progressive water
use purposes is a complex task requiring coordination management practices, such as Singapore, capacity must
of objectives between urban planning, landscaping, frequently be built. In fact, generating the local knowledge
water management, and ecology. These projects require base was found to be important in all of the successful BGI
expertise in all of these areas. Plants and other aspects projects. The following approach has proven to be very
of the blue-green infrastructure must be designed to be effective to develop up a long-term local knowledge base
relevant to the local climatic and hydrological conditions for BGI construction in Singapore (ABC, BAMKP, KTPH)
while meeting the functional requirements for water and in Hannover (Kronsberg):
management. For instance, swales and retention elements
must be able to retain appropriate volumes; these volumes The project planners were active members of BGI-
may depend on climatic considerations and potentially professional communities and therefore managed to gain
on local water use if the BGI is to include water reuse. appropriate know-how through foreign projects.
Reducing erosion, ensuring water cleansing, the demands
of aesthetics and recreation requirements each function Regional developers, planners, and construction
requires careful design and consideration and must be managers were able to refer to this base of knowledge
balanced with those imposed by other project objectives. and drew upon it in implementing individual pilot projects.
To do this effectively and well requires a very particular These pilot projects were then used as examples and test
multidisciplinary skillset. cases for future projects.
Even in cases where the individuals driving BGI adoption Tests and trials adapting the BGI approach to local
are themselves experts disposing of the relevant skills, conditions were used as opportunities to build know-how.
the success of the project is more likely when a number
of other actors throughout different agencies are also Throughout the process, project planners worked
qualified and knowledgeable about BGI-specific demands closely with scientific experts, which ensured that
and requirements. Planners, construction companies, and technical aspects of the design were aligned with aesthetic
operations managers are only a few examples of types of considerations and vice versa.
actors who must possess a broad skillset and the ability to
work across disciplines. The experience of implementing a pilot project was
codified and documented in handbooks for construction.
As discussed before, the holistic approach to water These handbooks were designed to effectively convey
management that is characteristic of BGI is still relatively knowledge and multiply the learning effects at the local
novel in almost every urban planning environment. scale.
1 Center for Livable Cities (2015):CLC Lecture Series: Urban Transformation of Singapore. Part 1 of 4.http://www., P.4.
Pilot projects are a measure of first choice in nearly all DIRECT ADVANTAGES CONVEYED BY WELL-DESIGNED
attempts to innovate social practice. While in general pilot BGI PILOT PROJECTS ARE:
projects often suffer from low visibility, low replicability,
and are not always able to meet stated benefits, pilot - As BGI projects (even pilot projects) are part of the
projects for BGI have proven to be highly effective as a public realm, they have very high visibility and therefore
lever to change collective cultures in a citys urban design are suitable measures for creating support in the public
and engineering sectors. It is promising to start citywide and political sphere
BGI implementation with one or several pilot projects
that can then serve to provide middle and long-term - BGI depends upon inter-agency collaboration. Pilot
perspective as such projects break with daily standard projects provide an opportunity to practice the demands
procedures and create room for innovation. Therefore pilot that BGI places on coordination and cooperation. The
projects as door openers for BGI, provide opportunities for collaborative effort also creates a shared experience
a citys water engineering community to test new ideas, between agencies that can serve as a platform for future
deepen knowledge about on-site conditions, and elaborate BGI projects.
expertise of hydrological and environmental processes. A
pilot project can also serve as a reference point for both - BGI pilot projects are physical manifestations of design
technical feasibility and the range of different potential and planning ideas. They can be experienced directly; their
blue-green and social added values of BGI. Nearly all results (and benefits) are tangible. BGI pilot projects can
cases have shown this effect. Regardless of the size of the also be used to exhibit other innovative ideas in urban
project, once completed, BGI pilot projects help convey design and water management. Therefore they can serve
theses added values to decision-makers and the larger as powerful symbols for inspiration and learning.
public in a tangible way.
- They allow construction practices associated with
Most prominently, Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park (BAMK) in common BGI elements (e.g. landscaping, maintenance
Singapore now serves as the flagship project for the ABC requirements, etc.) to be tested under local conditions.
Waters program in Singapore. The ABC Waters program
is the umbrella for about 100 other BGI-related projects in DIRECT DISADVANTAGES AND PROBLEMS THAT MIGHT
the next 25 years. While the public initially resisted BAMK, OCCUR WITH BGI PILOT PROJECTS:
this resistance was reduced with awareness campaigns
and all disappeared after BAMK was implemented. BAMK - The risk of pilot projects is that their frame conditions
is considered a resounding success, both within Singapore are often exceptional and therefore untypical, so follow-up
and internationally1, and the wide public acceptance and projects will have the difficulty to be measured on the
support engendered by this pilot project will facilitate high expectations that cannot be fulfilled within standard
implementation of the other BGI projects in planning. conditions.
Since the BGI approach is still relatively novel, techniques communicating the benefits of the project and enhancing
are not fully integrated into the established professional the reputation of Kronsberg as an Expo Town project.
planning and engineering education. Successful BGI
depends strongly upon the expertise and experience of Handbooks can focus on different scales and purposes.
engineers and designers. Creating relevant and beautiful While in Singapore ABC Guidelines are written for the
solutions adapted for local conditions requires a minimum entire city and state of Singapore, in Hannover the focus
of expertise by a critical mass of partners. Since this range has been primarily on the Kronsberg project.
of expertise is not currently common, building up the
necessary knowledge base is very demanding and requires
foresight, time, and resources.
2 PUB, ed. (2014): ABC Waters Design Guidelines, 3rd Edition.
Practitioners in urban planning and civil engineering might On the state and regional level, too we know
lose sight of BGI in the course of a relevance shift. As programs caring about the water resources like Act
projects are most often focusing on a very specific site, on Decentralized Elimination of Rainwater in Baden-
the broader context of water related BGI themes are often Wrttemberg, Germany.2
While the management of surface and groundwater water
To embed BGI in a broader umbrella program for bodies has a long tradition at least in the more developed
infrastructural planning is an effective countermeasure. countries, harvesting rainwater has been neglected
Particularly programs focusing on water quality seem to during the last centuries although it was part of the daily
work as a good lever. An example is the European Water life in many countries. This historically led to enormous
Framework Directive1, which was launched in 2000. This know-how and appreciation of rainwater a culture worth
Directive imposes the European member states to care remembering for our water insensitive world.
for their water resources in order that all surface water
bodies as well as the groundwater achieves the status
of good quality. This implies the need for purification,
conservation, and cleansing of surface and groundwater
bodies. 2 Verordnung ber die dezentrale Beseitigung von Niederschlagswasser vom 22.03.1999
1 European Water Framework Directive is published as EC Directive 2000/60/EC of the ( 45 b, Abs. 3, Wassergesetz Baden-Wrttemberg); downloaded 2016/04/04;
European Parliament and of theCouncil of October 23, 2000 (L 327 of 22-12-2000). See also Niederschlagswasserverordnung_mit_Begruendung.pdf
Urban wastewater management is a highly regulated and hydrological expertise. Regulations must be defined
field due to the risks of poorly treated wastewater for and tested, and should be implemented in pilot projects,
public health. Regulations for wastewater flows cover before they can be sanctioned.
the coordination of wastewater transportation on its
way downstream and the treatment of this wastewater, As an example of a change to regulations that supports
including retention facilities. BGI-oriented urban planning BGI, the sewage regulations in Hannover were altered
can facilitate adoption of the BGI approach through to allow water authorities to release homeowners from
appropriate wastewater regulations. For example, if on-site an obligatory water charge in cases where on-site water
retention is possible (as a matter of available space, soil retention was practiced. Water authorities were also able
conditions and rain volumes), the volume for wastewater to force private investors to provide complete onsite
discharge can be restricted and on-site infiltration can retention for future developments. In Hannover, these
be required in the building plan. These requirements changes to the regulatory framework have proved highly
ensure that developers must consider BGI as part of the effective in increasing implementation of BGI throughout
development while having the advantage of mitigating the city.
the pressure of a new development on existing municipal
infrastructure. To be sure, changing existing regulatory
frameworks requires substantial institutional capacity
Cities interested in adopting the BGI approach should Within a particular urban context, it is most reasonable to
invest in efforts to develop this knowledge base locally. expect that the first BGI projects will draw and perhaps
In particular, they should begin to invest in qualifying rely upon external knowledge. Many cities will not have
local actors with the relevant expertise. This requires the the BGI-relevant expertise in both landscape architecture
will for a long-term commitment; however, without this and water engineering. However, this should be considered
commitment the city will have to depend on external a short-term solution. Long-term, it is important to keep
capacities, which can be costly and also unreliable. Local in mind that the more quickly a critical mass of citizens
experts will be the most familiar with local conditions especially local agency officials, construction managers,
and local needs and will be more likely to be in positions developers, and designers possess some BGI-relevant
to leverage support from their professional and social knowledge, the sooner a momentum in awareness and
networks all of which, as discussed previously, are creativity can be achieved.
important for the successful implementation of BGI.
Young professionals especially engineers and designers
In addition to building a knowledge base within the may be still looking to find their niche and should be
community of relevant experts, an important long-term encouraged to consider specialization in BGI as a potential
measure for BGI adoption is to increase awareness of the career path. Whether as a freelancer, a more corporate
benefits of BGI and educate the public on BGI-appropriate position, or as an actor in the public sector, BGI is an
technology and sustainable urban design. The goals of a excellent field to shape ones professional profile in the
public education campaign should be to build up a strong field of urban water design and management. These young
local base of BGI-relevant knowledge. This knowledge professional will be key in the long-term in supporting
base can then be levered in the process of implementing future BGI implementation. However, these young
individual BGI projects and can be crucial in facilitating potentials need support in the form of opportunities for
project coordination and collaboration. BGI-relevant education, such as workshops, and they also
need practical opportunities to build up expertise. Cities
should be aware of this and look for opportunities to help
support young professionals in this endeavor.
In order to assess the societal (including ecological and outcome of economic transactions, the modern
economic) impacts of BGI implementation, we modelled understanding of the term has broadened this meaning,
the BGI-induced change of an urban societys capability applying it more generally to other types of resources
for liveability, sustainability and resilience. In particular we used in society. In a nutshell: We follow a Triple-Bottom-
employed a socio-economic capital-based accounting Line methodology in so far as we hang on its idea to take
model, based on the Polychrome Sustainability approach economical, ecological (defined as natural capital)2, and
of Manfred Moldaschl1. This approach allowed us to social sustainability as three pillars that represent distinct
consider how BGI projects and policies help to build up dimensions for evaluation. But as an extension of this
urban resources for liveability, sustainability and resilience. basic concept, we suggest applying a more detailed and
elaborated version of the social pillar.
Therefore we define Societal Capital as immaterial capital
In this study, the term capital is used for all relevant that takes certain forms: Human Capital, Social Capital,
societal resources. While the term capital is usually and Symbolic Capital.
understood as financial capital, i.e. a final monetizable
Later drawing upon the work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu3 categories of Social Capital and
Symbolic Capital were added to capture the value embedded in social relationships a value that becomes
evident, for instance, if individuals draw upon these connections to enhance their own capabilities significantly.
These relationships can include friendships between persons; trust between management and employees, even
on a larger scale, the level of solidarity within a whole society.4
Symbolic Capital follows a similar logic. The image of a person or a country, the brand name of a product or a firm
are types of Symbolic Capital, that have to be built up over time through investment, and that can be used to gain
trust in a product, an activity, or a plan. In other words, Symbolic Capital can be spent to reduce initial opposition
to an idea. Symbolic Capital explains, for instance, how a firm with a valuable brand name can have a market value
that is five or twenty times higher than its book value.
1 Becker, G. S. (1992): Investment in Human Capital: A theoretical analysis.The journal of political economy: 9-49.
2 Schultz, T. W. (1982): Investing in people: The economics of population quality. Univ. of California Press.
3 E.g. Bourdieu, P. (1979): Les troistats du capital culturel.Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 30.1: 3-6; Bourdieu, P. (1980): Le capital social.Actes de la rechercheen sciences
sociales 31.1: 2-3; Bourdieu, P. (1989): Social space and symbolic power. Sociological theory 7.1: 14-25.
4 This idea of Social Capital as capabilities based on social relations is very much established in certain fields of socio-economics. The World Banks Social Capital Implementation
Framework applies very similar criteria to define Social Capital; see
Human, Social, and Symbolic Capitals are types of recognizes the importance of immaterial capital to
immaterial capital, a type of capital that is considered to sustainability. This is of major relevance as sustainability is
differ crucially from financial capital and natural capital a general guiding principle not only for natural resources
both in their forms of manifestation as well as in their but also for social development. For example Social
forms of (re-)production. Immaterial capital may or may Capital plays an enormous role in a citys development
not be monetized. The different categories of immaterial drawn upon as a resource for collaboration, participation,
capital are inseparably linked to human competences self-organization, as well as enhancing aspects of
and/or social relations. Immaterial capitals often follow urban life including social well-being, city identity and
a more generic logic as e.g. trustful behavior is built identification, social equity, etc.
on trust and enhances trust. From corporate strategic
management research we know that immaterial capital For some purposes especially in urban planning and
can be especially valuable in cutthroat markets since development it can also make sense to distinguish
they convey competitive advantages that are hard (or another physical or material capital category: the
impossible) to imitate by any other competitor. Even in Built Capital1, which includes buildings, roads, other
less competitive areas of life, immaterial capital conveys infrastructure or parks, etc. Investments in built capital are
tangible benefits, as seen, for instance, in the long-term made to support essential urban services, like providing
impacts of knowledge, social relations, reputation, etc. on cooling of the city. The Built Capital can be increased
social development. through new development, for instance as new buildings in
dense environments.
In our discussion of the benefits of BGI we considered
these different types of capital and used the so-called 1 Therefore the approach employed here (Polychrome Sustainability plus built capital) is
similar to the Community Capitals Framework introduced by Cornelia Flora and Jan Flora; for
Polychrome Sustainability Approach to emphasize further information see: Flora, C. B., Emery, M., Fey, S., & Bregendahl, C. (2005): Community
capitals: A tool for evaluating strategic interventions and projects. Available from www.
dimensions beyond the green sustainability of natural (accessed 6. April
2005); and Emery, M., and Flora, C. (2006): Spiraling-up: Mapping community transformation
resources. The Polychrome Sustainability Approach with community capitals framework. Community Development 37.1: 19-35.
Our model relies on the idea that implementation of We apply the Polychrome Capital Approach to this
BGI, when oriented along the principles highlighted by research for a number of reasons: (1) To make experts,
the Polychrome Capital Approach induces a positive practitioners, decision-makers in urban Infrastructure and
change in the structural conditions of citizens lives. As interested citizens aware of the value of these different
defined in capital terms, we used the Polychrome Capital resources. (2) To make them aware of their own utilization
Approach to assess the added values of BGI by examining styles, consumption modes, and necessary contributions
post-implementation changes in the capital resources of a to their reproduction or creation. (3) To emphasize
society. conflicts and contradictions between purposes and target
values of strategies using these capitals (e.g. creating
The change of capital stocks can be considered as more living space while reducing public space and natural
an expression of a societys ability to act: a growth in space; increasing resilience against floods by channels
capital implies increased collective and/or individual while losing natural water flows and their aesthetic and
abilities to act in the future while a capital reduction biodiversity value, etc.), which usually affect stakeholders
denotes a diminished capability for future action. An and citizens in very different aspects and to different
assumption of the approach is that we can measure, extents. (4) To contribute to accounting methods that
more or less precisely, how different project designs and can help to create better oversight of costs and benefits,
design strategies contributed to the target criteria being requirements, and resources in complex modern societies;
assessed. here, this is applied to urban development which has to
balance liveability and growth, sustainability and resilience
With the selection of capitals we follow very much all at the same time.
two ideas: (1) We define capitals to take into account
an anthropocentric perspective, as human beings are
responsible for and can control the employment of the
resources (for example by implementing BGI in the urban
landscape). (2) All forms of capital can be understood
as sources of power. But different capital forms provide
different capabilities for activity and follow different logics
of reproduction. Knowledge, personal networks, and
money are enabling in different ways and get reproduced
following different logics. Therefore they do not reduce
one another; they are non-equivalent and therefore it
is useful to consider each category separately from the
Human capital refers to personal competences and capabilities taking different forms
like physical and mental health, basic potentials and strengths of persons, knowledge
(education, qualification, creativity, etc.).
Financial capital includes relevant direct as well as indirect costs and benefits
resulting from financial effects or from effects that are frictionlessly transferable in
monetary terms.
Soil sealing in course of urbanization leads to an increase Reduction of peak discharge of stormwater runoff,
in built area and pervious surfaces reduces the infiltration which reduced the risk and impact of flooding.
of the soil beneath the city. It turns out that this process
has a very direct disturbing effect on the urban water Reduction of disturbance in riparian and freshwater
cycle. While the specific problems differ from city to city ecosystems: BGI is a near-natural system in so far as the
depending upon, for instance, local conditions of soil and technologies applied should be as near to natural systems
geology and also the degree and extent of urbanization as possible.
BGI can be an important tool to reconfigure the urban
water cycle. It can be particularly effective in addressing Reduction of soil erosion: Reduction of peak discharges
problems resulting in unbalanced urban water regimes. reduced the impact, particularly of high-intensity
precipitation events, on soil erosion. Soil erosion threatens
THROUGHOUT THE CASE STUDIES, BGI ecosystem functioning and reduces water quality.
A study developed by Singh and Mishra1 documented the lowering of the groundwater level of 20-30 cm in the
impacts of deforestation at the Sanjay Gandhi National Seelhorst2, a wetland near Kronsberg with high degree of
Park and the costs associated for drinking water supply biodiversity and a much appreciated recreational area. In
in Mumbai. Mumbai forests are the catchment area for a contrast to the conventional system, the newly developed
number of reservoirs that supply freshwater to the city, BGI system with swales, underground storage and limited
and are Mumbais primary source of freshwater. The forests flow shaft was predicted to lead to an additional runoff of
in these catchments play important hydrological roles only 19 mm/year (compared to 1994) and also stabilized
in stream stabilization, reduction of stormwater runoff, local infiltration at a level of 287 mm/year.3 The Kronsberg
improving water quality and reducing siltation. Until the BGI project design was chosen over the conventional,
1970s the water from these sources could be treated and a more recent hydrological study of the groundwater
to potability primarily through chlorination. However, development in the Seelhorst testifies a constant refill in
augmenting urbanization increased pollution, and led spite of the Kronsberg construction.4
to the need for new treatment plants to be installed at
Bhandup and Panjrapur. Singh and Mishra documented Another important consideration is the urban water-
the rate of deforestation in these forests over the past energy nexus. Electricity is used in the city to pump
decades through the study of orthorectified landstat stormwater runoff and to heat and cool buildings. A study
images from and digitized land use maps of Entrix5 in 2010 looked at the relationship between
from the National Remote Sensing Centre. The study also the green roofs advocated by Portlands Grey-to-Green
analysed information on water quality through the records (G2G) program, and found that these were expected
of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) to reduce the electricity usage: Based on 37 inches of
and a state hydrological project that maintains data on annual rainfall, it is estimated that there are an estimated
water quality and turbidity levels and controlled for rainfall 1,004,700 gallons of rain falling per surface acre. BES
through the time series. The study estimated that for (Portland Bureau of Environmental Services) ecoroof
every one percent decrease in the forest cover, turbidity monitoring data from the 2008 BES Ecoroof Report
increased by 8.41% and water treatment cost increased indicates that Portland ecoroofs retain and evaporate
by 1.58%. That analysis concluded that an annual rate of approximately 55 percent of annual rainfall. Although not
change of forest cover at -0.0088% (1994-2007), the all ecoroofs are equally effective at reducing stormwater, it
deforestation-induced costs of water treatment translated is the intention of BES to develop ecoroofs with maximum
to 3.73 million Indian rupees/year (ca. 54 USD thousands/ stormwater benefit. Multiplying these figures indicates
year) according to the 2010-11 prices for the Panjrapur that every acre of ecoroof will reduce stormwater runoff
treatment plant. by 552,600 gallons. Energy savings are expected to result
primarily from reduced pumping in the combined sewer
In the design of the Hannover-Kronsberg BGI project, system, so it is necessary to estimate the proportion of
management of stormwater runoff became a central issue. ecoroofs that are located in the combined sewer area.
Preliminary hydrological and technical studies showed Although siting of ecoroofs in the G2G Initiative is not
that a residential district with standard drainage system known at this time, BES estimates that 80 percent will be
in this area would have major impacts on the quantitative located in the combined sewer area. This indicates that
balance of regional water flows. In order to make every acre of ecoroof will result, on average, in reduction
construction and development more environmentally of approximately 442,100 gallons of stormwater annually
sound, a semi-natural drainage concept was designed to to the combined sewer system. Using the BES estimate
minimize the effects of development on the natural water of USD 0.0002 of electricity cost per gallon on combined
balance. The original water balance for the Kronsberg sewer stormwater6 and an energy price of USD 0.06 per
Hill area prior to construction in 1994 was measured kilowatt hour (kWh) provides estimated annual energy
to be 304 mm/year of evaporation, 256 mm/year of savings per ecoroof acre of 1,470 kWh. The G2G target
infiltration and 14 mm/year of runoff. With a conventional is to construct 43 acres of ecoroofs, so the total annual
(grey) infrastructure solution, the new development was energy savings once this target is reached are estimated at
expected to increase runoff to 165 mm/year with an 63,400 kWh annually.7
infiltration of only 145 mm/year. The consequences of
these changes to the urban hydrology were predicted to 2 Mull, R., Lange, A. (1992): Endbericht zum Gutachten, Grundwasserverhltnisse im
Kronsberggebiet. Institut fr Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und landwirtschaftlichen
be: (1) extreme variations in the volumes carried by the Wasserbau der Universitt Hannover.
3 Stadtentwsserung Hannover (2000): Wasserkonzept Kronsberg. Teil des EXPO-Projektes
Rohrgraben stream the only watercourse providing kologische Optimierung Kronsberg. Hannover.
4 Grotehusmann, D., Schrder, J. (2012): Gutachten zur orientierenden Bewertung
drainage to this area (risks of overflows in the downstream zu den Auswirkungen der geplanten Bebauung (B-Plan 1764) auf das Wasserregime.
Ingenieurgesellschaft fr Stadthydrologie mbH, Hannover.
drainage system would be critical); (2) reduction of 5 Entrix is a consulting agency in Portland, Oregon, specialized in water resource
recharge to the local water aquifer, which would endanger management. Since 2010 Entrix is member of the Cardno-group. Cardno is an ASX-listed
professional infrastructure and environmental services company, with Head Office in Fortitude
the natural water balance in the wider area including a Valley, Queensland, Australia.
6 i.e. costs of management of stormwater in a combined sewer system.
7 Entrix (2010): Portlands Green Infrastructure: Quantifying the Health, Energy, and
1 Singh, S., Mishra, A. (2014): Deforestation-induced costs on the drinking water supplies of the Community Livability Benefits. Report for the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental
Mumbai metropolitan, India. Global Environmental Change. 27: 73-83. Services. p.29.
Blue-green infrastructure was found to be a highly Improve soil quality, which supports biological and
effective instrument to create, restore, or protect aquatic mechanical cleansing processes and enhances water
and terrestrial habitats. For instance, Lin et al.1 showed quality and ecosystem health.
that with the naturalization of the canal in Bishan-Ang
Mo Kio Park, there was an increase in habitat complexity, However, it should be noted that while the influence of
which was seen in the type of in-stream substrate, range BGI on biodiversity can be manifold, its actual impact
of vegetation, and flow characteristics. The structure of in practice strongly depends on its individual design
bank-side vegetation had also been altered. Concomitant features and its local integration with urban hydrology and
with these changes was the increased presence of ecology. In addition, positive and negative consequences
dragonflies, damselflies, and caddisflies; species associated of BGI on biodiversity should be carefully and consistently
with clean water. Reports of BGI enhancing biodiversity monitored, since these systems are still vulnerable to the
of various types have also been reported in the large spread of invasive species.
majority of scientific studies reviewed in our study.
The effects can be attributed to BGI providing habitat,
supporting meta-populations across landscapes by
reducing habitat fragmentation, and providing refuge for
species during critical stages in species life cycles or in
response to disturbances.
1 Lin Y, QuekR.F, Yoon H.L, Fung T.K, Kwan W.MI, EikaasH.S and Clews E. (2012): Ecological
evaluation of the regeneration of the Kallang River at Bishan Park, Singapore under the active
beautiful, clean waters programme, PUB.
BGI implementation usually requires planning with catchment-scale considerations in mind, for instance, the water
flow across interconnected waterways and waterbodies.4 Similar connectivity considerations are also important
in the ecological management of floodplains.5 Such planning considerations provide a useful means for creating
interconnected blue and green spaces, which is in turn a key strategy for biodiversity conservation traditionally
considered in the form of ecological networks. BGI therefore provides opportunities to link fragmented green
spaces through a network of corridors in a catchment, thereby connecting isolated populations of species
through functional connectivity between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. BGIs themselves can be stepping
stones or nodes through which fauna and flora could move across larger landscapes.6
BGI is also a means to reduce total impervious area (TIA), which is well documented as a major predictor of health
of stream ecology. Reducing TIA through wide-scale implementation of BGI in urban areas can potentially improve
ecological conditions of aquatic ecosystems. In addition, as it is also expected that blue-green infrastructure
improves water retention in urban areas, it can also support urban microclimatic changes that improve conditions
for terrestrial vegetation and biodiversity.7
Many urban areas still contain freshwater habitats or native vegetation with high biodiversity or functional
integrity. These areas are often under threat due to fragmentation of landscapes and other adverse effects of
urbanization. Urban stormwater runoff is a key stressor of freshwater habitats since it frequently carries high
level of toxins and pollutants. Low rates of infiltration in urban environments lead to large volumes of runoff,
which can overwhelm and damage fragile stream ecosystems. Since BGI improves the quality of stormwater
runoff while attenuating stormwater discharge, it also protects the downstream receiving water bodies and
remnant vegetation patches from adverse effects of urban stormwater runoff. When implemented as an upstream
mitigation strategy, BGI contributes to a broader mission of protecting aquatic and terrestrial habitats with high
biodiversity or ecological values even beyond the bounds of the city, as suggested by Price and colleagues.
Specifically, the authors suggested: placement of stormwater management ponds adjacent to streams and
wetlands prevents chemical contamination, sedimentation, and the variability of water flow, benefitting fish,
amphibian and reptile populations.8 This was similarly suggested by Booth and Bledsoe for application of LID9
to preserve elements of the natural hydrologic system [such as] channels and wetlands; highly infiltrative soil
with undisturbed vegetative cover; and intact mature forest canopy.10
Furthermore BGI is also a means to demonstrate natural ecosystem processes. Flow of water is a basic natural
process, which has been hidden in urban areas. For instance, in most urban areas stormwater is channeled
through underground pipes or concealed drains away from the view of urban dwellers. BGI helps to make visible
natural water flows in urban areas and provides opportunities for environmental education by connecting people
with nature. The latter is a means of raising awareness that humans, despite living in a highly human-influenced
urban ecosystem, are still very much dependent on the functional quality of natural ecological flows and cycles
of water and other forms of materials. BGI, because of its multiple values, is a good instrument for this purpose.
Hassall advocated this added value of BGI11; support for this concept is also found in a recently published study
by Church on the educational value of bioswales in Portland.12
1 Smith, T. B., Wayne, R. K., Girman, D. J., Bruford, M. W. (1997): A Role for Ecotones in Generating Rainforest Biodiversity, Science 276(5320):1855-1857 ; Ward, J. V., Tockner, K.,
Schiemer, F. (1999) : Biodiversity of floodplain river ecosystems: ecotones and connectivity, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15(1-3): 125- 139.
2 Gagn, S. A., Eigenbrod, F., Bert, D. G., Cunnington, G. M., Olson, L. T., Smith, A. C., Fahrig, L. (2015): A simple landscape design framework for biodiversity conservation, Landscape
and Urban Planning 136(0):13-27; Stagoll, K., Manning, A. D., Knight, E., Fischer, J., Lindenmayer, D. B. (2010) : Using bird-habitat relationships to inform urban planning, Landscape and
Urban Planning 98(1):13-25.
3 Hamer, A. J., Smith, P. J., McDonnell, M. J. (2012): The importance of habitat design and aquatic connectivity in amphibian use of urban stormwater retention ponds, Urban
Ecosystems 15(2):451-471.a
4 Roy, A. H., Shuster, W. D. (2009): Assessing impervious surface connectivity and applications for watershed management, Journal of the American Water Resources Association
5 Ward, J. V., Tockner, K., Schiemer, F. (1999): Biodiversity of floodplain river ecosystems: ecotones and connectivity, Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15(1-3):125- 139.
6 Hassall, C. (2014): The ecology and biodiversity of urban ponds, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 1(2): 187-206.
7 That BGI improves microclimate through water retention has been suggested in a recent review: Coutts, A., Beringer, J., Tapper, N. (2010). Changing urban climate and CO2
emissions: Implications for the development of policies for sustainable cities, Urban Policy and Research 28(1): 27-47.
8 Price, S., J., Snodgrass, J., W., and Dorcas, M., E. (2014): Managing Aquatic Environments for Wildlife in Urban Areas. Urban Wildlife conservation. Springer US. Pp. 361-388, see p.372.
9 Low Impact Development (LID) is a sustainable storm water management strategy, see Dietz, M., Low, E. (2007): Impact development practices: A review of current research and
recommendations for future directions. Water, air, and soil pollution 186.1-4 (2007): 351-363.
10 Booth, D. B., Bledsoe, B. P. (2009). Streams and urbanization, In: The Water Environment of Cities, Springer US, pp. 93-123, see p.114.
11 Hassall, C. (2014): The ecology and biodiversity of urban ponds, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 1(2): 187-206.
12 Church, S. P. (2015): Exploring Green Streets and rain gardens as instances of small-scale nature and environmental learning tools, Landscape and Urban Planning 134:229-
The Heat Island Group at the Berkeley Lab made a very prominent study about the relation of urban heat Island
to urban surfaces in California, reporting: Cities that have been paved over do not receive the benefit of the
natural cooling effect of vegetation. As the air temperature rises, so does the demand for air-conditioning (A/C).
This leads to higher emissions from power plants, as well as increased smog formation as a result of warmer
temperatures. In the United States, we have found that this increase in air temperature is responsible for 510%
of urban peak electric demand for a/c use, and as much as 20% of population-weighted smog concentrations in
urban areas. () On a large scale, the evapotranspiration from vegetation and increased reflection of incoming
solar radiation by reflective surfaces will cool a community a few degrees in the summer. As an example, computer
simulations for Los Angeles, CA show that resurfacing about two-thirds of the pavements and rooftops with
reflective surfaces and planting three trees per house can cool down LA by an average of 2-3K. This reduction in
air temperature will reduce urban smog exposure in the LA basin by roughly the same amount as removing the
basin entire on-road vehicle exhaust.2
1 Rosenzweig, C., et al. (2009): Mitigating New York Citys heat island: Integrating stakeholder perspectives and scientific evaluation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
90.9: 1297-1312, see p.1306.The study used a regional climate model in combination with meteorological, satellite, and GIS data to determine the impact of urban forestry, living (green)
roofs, and light-colored surfaces on near-surface air temperature and the urban heat island in New York City. The research group evaluated nine mitigation scenarios city-wide and
in six case study areas. Temperature impacts were calculated on a per-unit area basis, as well as taking into account the available land area for implementation, and other physical
constraints. The scenarios are then evaluated based on their cost-effectiveness at reducing air temperature and resulting energy demand.
2 Akbari, H. (2005): Energy Saving Potentials and Air Quality Benefits of Urban Heat Island Mitigation. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Pp. 2-20, see p.2.
BGI is a very effective tool for effectively managing the has been a decision to invest in the construction and
water flow through the urban watershed as it allows for preservation of coastal dunes to act as a buffer to storm
retention and infiltration on various scales, and thereby surge. These coastal dunes also help improve the water
increases resilience to drought as well as to urban flooding quality of urban runoff before it reaches the ocean.2
in case of cloudbursts; it bears great potential to slow
downstream rainwater flows and consequently reduce For many regions, climate change increases not only the
peaks. frequency and severity of high precipitation events but
also the severity of droughts. The city of Los Angeles
Therefore urban water management gains particular provides an example of the challenges associated with
importance in the face of climate change, which is these climate change impacts. Several very dry years
predicted to increase the volatility and intensity of have severely stressed Los Angeles water resources.
temperature and precipitation patterns. The weather in This drought has been occasionally interrupted by
many regions around the world, including those in which precipitation events of incredibly high intensity. Ironically,
the case studies were located, has already exhibited the drought has increased the imperviousness even of
deviation from the norm. An increase in the prevalence natural surfaces, multiplying the intensity of stormwater
and severity of droughts is expected, as is an increase in runoff associated with these high intensity precipitation
the frequency and intensity of precipitation events. events. The consequence is that during the drought,
these high intensity precipitation events have induced
The increased frequency of high intensity precipitation devastating landslides in urban areas and decreased
events multiplies the risk of flooding and flood-related water quality. In response to these events, Los Angeles
impacts associated with urbanization. Simultaneously, has recently invested in an expansion of BGI within the
this flood risk is further exacerbated by sea level rise city. This move reflects a recognition that BGI will help to
associated with climate change. The devastation to New retain stormwater runoff. This will first mitigate flooding
Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the and then mitigate the urban heat island effect through
damage to New York City caused by Hurricane Sandy evapotranspirative cooling associated with the BGI3.
in 2012 demonstrate the vulnerability of cities to climate
change. The destruction caused by these two hurricanes Climate change has highlighted the limitations of grey
raised awareness of the limitations of the conventional infrastructure, while opening windows of opportunity
grey infrastructure approach to flood mitigation. As a for introducing BGI into cities around the world. BGI
consequence, New York City and New Orleans1 have bears great potential as a measure for climate change
begun to invest in BGI to enhance their adaptability to adaptation and the reconfiguration of the urban water
climate change. An example of this in New York City system.
1 In the face of tremendous damages caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the 2 In the course of Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bill de Blasio released One New York: The Plan for
obvious benefits of green infrastructure as a measure for resilient stormwater management a Strong and Just New City in April 2015 as an upgrade of PlaNYC. A Greener, Greater New
the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans approved the Green Infrastructure Plan York released in 2007. See: City of New York (2015): One New York: the plan for a strong and
in April 2014. It aims to identify projects for integrated water management following a just New York City.
triple bottom line approach. See: Water and Sewerage Board of New Orleans (2014): 3 Chau, H.-F. (2009): Green Infrastructure for Los Angeles: Addressing Urban Runoff and
Green Infrastructure Plan. Water Supply Through Low Impact Development.
greeninfrastructusewerage-and-water-board-of-new.html Paper_4-1-09_530pm.pdf
New York City (NYC) is in a decades-long period of green infrastructure expansion, with the number and types of
programs increasing dramatically since 1996. Much of this green infrastructure falls under the category of BGI by
integrating blue and green elements. While investment in green infrastructure within the metropolis began as early
as 1996, efforts were ramped up in 2005 long before Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012 after
NYC was required by court order under the Federal Clean Water Act to invest over USD 2 billion to mediate the
negative impacts of its stormwater runoff in waterways, particularly those from its Combined Sewerage Overflows
(CSOs). As a consequence, the NYC government decided in 2010 to employ BGI as the primary measure to meet
this request with its Green Infrastructure Plan. This Plan is built around the idea, that in NYC the cost of grey
investments such as 50-million gallon underground storage tanks is significantly increasing and at the same
time the New Yorkers need and want sustainability benefits such as more open space, improved air quality, more
shade, and increased property values. In this new reality, the City must strive to get the most water quality and
sustainability benefits out of every dollar it invests.1 In other words, NYC began to aggressively pursue BGI after
recognizing that a comparable grey infrastructure solution would be substantially more expensive; and would
also lack any additional social value. Since 2010, NYC has prepared to spend up to USD 1.5 billion over the next 20
years to implement BGI on 10% of NYCs combined sewer areas2 as an alternative to the current all-Grey Strategy
that costs billions more, reduces less CSO volume, and foregoes sustainability co-benefits.
There is clear evidence that BGI has already served as an effective technology mitigate precipitation-induced
flooding. For example Franco Montalto et al. studied the effect stormwater retention associated with a BGI project
area, The Nashville Greenstreet, in Cambria Heights in Queens, NYC during Hurricane Sandy (in October 2012)
and Hurricane Irene (in August of 2011). Montalto et al. found substantial reduction in peak stormwater flow that
was attributable to the BGI: The Nashville Greenstreet significantly reduced the stormwater load that these two
extreme events would have had on the local combined sewer system. The site infiltrated 100% of the total amount
of rainfall and runoff directed to it during Sandy, and 79.3% of the total inflow during Irene. The monitoring effort
suggests that Greenstreets can be effective strategies for reducing the impact of extreme precipitation events on
combined sewer systems, and should be considered a key component of efforts to build up regional resilience to
climate risks.3
1 New York City Department of Environmental Protection (2010). NYC Green Infrastructure Plan, p.11.
2 In most areas of NYC, sanitary and industrial wastewater, rainwater and street runoff are collected in the same sewers and then conveyed together to the Citys treatment plants. This
is known as a combined sewer system. Approximately 60 percent of the City sewers are combined. See: NYC Department of Environmental Protection;
3 Montalto, F., et al., (2013): The Performance of Green Infrastructure under Extreme Climate Conditions. Drexel/CCRUN, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation. In Jeannette
Compton et al.: Getting Ahead of the Storm Understanding and Implementing. Green Infrastructure. RLA, ASLA. Trust for Public Land. Pp.1-35, see p.32.
An analysis by the Center for Clean Air Policy3 of Portlands citywide BGI implementation of urban stormwater
management were found to be highly profitable: Portland invested USD 8 million in green infrastructure to save
USD 250 million in hard infrastructure costs. A single green infrastructure sewer rehabilitation project saved USD
63 million, not counting other benefits associated with green practices such as cleaner air and groundwater
recharge benefits. Portlands Green Street projects retain and infiltrate about 43 million gallons of water per year
and have the potential to manage nearly 8 billion gallons, or 40% of Portlands runoff annually. Portland estimated
that downspout disconnection alone would lead to a reduction in local peak CSO volume of 20%.4
BGI was found to be an economical approach to infrastructure in New York City, Copenhagen, and Portland,
demonstrating the viability of the business case under a variety of contexts. The case studies highlighted the use
of BGI for stormwater management, additionally BGI is an instrument for mitigating heat island effects in dense
urban areas (and for combining the two functions); this is proven in many other cities like e.g., London, Rotterdam,
Vancouver, Paris, and Philadelphia among others.5
1 Net Present Value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of total cash inflows and the present value of total cash outflows. In the analysis mentioned here costs of
financing are taken as discount rate for private utilities (serial loans with maturity of 40 years at 3 % interest rates). Municipalitys costs of financing are neglected.
2 Leonardsen, J. (2013): Cloudburst Adaptation. A cost-benefit Analysis. Ramboll Management Consulting.
3 Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) is the an independent, non-profit think tank working on climate and air quality policy with Head Office in Washington, D.C.
4 Foster, J, Lowe, A., Winkelman, S. (2011): The value of green infrastructure for urban climate adaptation. Center for Clean Air Policy.
5 Based on presentations made in the Masterclass on Climate Change Adaptation on November 24th-25th 2014 in Copenhagen organized by the City of Copenhagen and Ramboll as
part of the European Capital initiative.
That beauty is in the eye of the beholder is only half of For these reasons, the attribute of beauty is considered
the truth. According to Detlev Ipsen, spatial perception an attribute of a project design and an attribute of a BGI
is neither a purely subjective issue based in sensorial project. More specifically, beauty is an attribute associated
perception, nor is it a simple feature dependent upon the with Built and Natural Capital.
physical world of objects. It results from and is embedded
in a learning process built upon anthropological needs, A BGI project provides an important opportunity to
embodied experience, and external inspiration; it is upgrade a citys appearance, as there is a shared human
different for each individual and evolves over time.1 disposition to perceive the combination of blue and
green as being especially beautiful. In this research,
For decades, the ideal of subjective beauty in design the preferred aesthetic associated with blue and green
was subverted by an emphasis on efficiency of form for elements is referred to as naturalness. The study about
function. However, the topic of aesthetics has become Biophilic Design3 that is part of the overall research
increasingly important to the discussion of sustainable project presented here showed that the arrangement of
development. The Living Building Challenge (LBC), for social, green, and blue spatial elements triggered a users
instance, stipulates beauty as a category in its framework expression of preference. This preference is linked with
for design compliance. In giving aesthetics its own the underlying arrangement of elements in the blue-green
category, the LBC has taken a noteworthy departure design.
from other sustainability assessment tools in the building
industry. In evaluating a project design for compliance, BGI helps to reconnect people with the natural
LBC looks for features intended solely for human delight environment through the active integration of water and
and the celebration of culture, spirit and place appropriate greenery in which the boundaries between the two are
to its function2. Within the same category, the LBC blurred and made accessible. This integration appears
looks for design elements that enhance the creation of to trigger a positive response for up to two-thirds of all
awareness such as acts of advocacy or education that respondents.
increase the buy-in of the public and/or the user.
Blue elements of design have the strongest positive
For any given requirements, a project can be designed in associations, and when combined with green elements
multiple ways, not all of which will be deemed beautiful this positive effect is magnified. The perception of the
by a majority of its users. The relative beauty of a design relative beauty of the blue elements seems to be related to
can be shown in its impact on a user, through measurable their scale and size, as well as how the edge conditions for
physical and cognitive response. In other words, beauty public access are implemented.
and aesthetics are more than subjective attributes of a
project: they have a measurable user response and can
therefore be compared between projects.
3 Kishnani, N., Cossu, G. (2015): Biophilic Design. Final Report of Research Project Enhancing
1 Ipsen, D., (2006). Ort und Landschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften. Blue-Green and Social Performance in Dense Urban Environments. National University of
2 Living Building Challenge Version 3.0. Singapore (previously unpublished). Funded by the Ramboll Foundation.
The study of Kishnani and Cossu examined the interdependency between integration of blue, green
and social design features and the aesthetics of the landscape. Survey respondents in Khoo Teck
Puat Hospital (KTPH) (N=85) and Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park (BAMK) (N=92) were presented six
pictures of the project, each showing a part of the landscape with blue, green and social spaces in
varying combinations. Each respondent was asked to pick two images they liked best and explain
their choice. No further instructions or criteria were offered. All comments were recorded and
content analyzed. Commonalities of top ranked images have been (i) a sizeable presence of water in
all but one, (ii) substantial amount of greenery in all, (iii) presence of some social activity, linked to
waters edge. Commonalities in the bottom ranked images are (i) little or no presence of water, (ii) a
substantial number of people in all but one, (iii) presence of some greenery.
Observations: (1) Proportion of those saying one element is highest for blue (KTPH: 22%; BAMK:
15%). (2) Total number of those saying blue (individually or in combinations) is higher than green and
social. In KTPH, blue was mentioned by 68% of all surveyed (green: 60%; social: 31%). In BAMK, blue is
mentioned by 74% (green: 56%; social: 50%). Blue is mostly preferred in combination with green. (3)
The total number of people who mentioned two or three elements is higher than those who speak of
only one. In KTPH this is 55%; in BAMK 68%. The proportion of respondents who speak of all three is
4% in KTPH and 12% in BAMK.
Findings: (1) Of the three elements, blue is the most important ingredient, especially in combination
with green. Blue is perceived for its scale and size, and edge conditions for public access. (2)
Integration of elements appears to be a trigger for about half of all respondents who speak mostly of
two elements seen together. (3.) All three-element integration is less important in a hospital than in a
Furthermore respondents were asked, on a five-point scale, to assess the beauty of a project as a
whole and then to explain why they deem it beautiful. Beauty was intentionally not explained; the
second question was left open-ended. The goal was (i) to gauge the degree of attraction felt (beauty
as proxy for preference), and (ii) to establish if the attraction is linked to attributes of elements of
biophilic design, (iii) to examine the cognitive constructs affecting this assessment. Words used by
respondents to explain their attraction were coded into two categories Attributes and Elements.
Observations: (1) Three Attributes emerge: Affordances and quality (=comfort and convenience) and
aesthetics. Aesthetics corresponds mostly with the perception of naturalness. (2) Three Elements
emerge: water and greenery, people and biodiversity.
Findings about attributes: (1) The importance of Affordance (13-18%) and Quality (15-17%) suggests
that an environment is assessed primarily for its convenience and comfort. (2) Aesthetics accounts for
substantive 9-10% of responses in KTPH and BAMK. Most speak of a certain aesthetic of naturalness.
Findings about elements: (1) Greenery and Water is the dominant element in KTPH, BAMK and Ulu
Pandan Park Connector (UPPC)1 accounting for 30-32% of all responses. Some note when this is
lacking or missing: NUH (6%) and UPPC (9%). (2) Biodiversity accounts for 4-8% of responses in
KTPH, BAMK and UPPC. The project with the highest response rate is KTPH (8%). (3) People is
minimally mentioned (1-2%) or absent.
1 Ulu Pandan Park Connector was examined in another study: Dreiseitl, H., Tovatt, O., Wanschura, B. (2015): Shaping Landscapes and human welfare. Comparative
Field Study of the Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration in Singapore. National University of Singapore, School of Environment and Design, Department
of Architecture.
Human Capital1 is an umbrella concept encompassing One of the great drivers to urban growth is that cities have
personal competences and capabilities that may take proven to provide great socio-economic opportunities,
different forms, such as physical and mental health, the yet there are also constraints to healthy living in a city. In
basic potentials and strengths of persons (e.g. resilience), addition to economic development and growing affluence,
or knowledge (education, qualification, creativity, urbanization seems to be accompanied by a widespread
etc.). Human capital resides in individuals and in social rise in mental and behavioral disorders, increasing social
aggregates, such as communities of different scales isolation, breakdown of the traditional family unit, social
(which is where they are generated). An important fragmentation and exclusion, and diminished social trust.
element of urban growth is how effectively they integrate Low social integration is a particularly important issue in
human capabilities within complex and multifarious urban areas. People living in neighborhoods with low level
processes of value creation.2 of trust, and who lack strong social networks and bonds,
are increasingly likely to suffer from poor mental health.
BGI provides many services that enhance Human Capital.
For instance, BGI provides natural spaces that support Urbanization has also been associated with a new set of
more active lifestyles, the recreation of life energy, the negative impacts on physical health. Living in cities has
relief of work. A community having access to nature has been found to be associated with an increased prevalence
positive effects on mental refreshment through stress of lifestyle-related diseases, including hypertension,
relief and the reduction of sensory overload. These effects diabetes, and obesity in both developed and emerging
are well documented for social spaces provided by high economies. A main reason is insufficient physical activity,
quality, well-integrated BGI. BGI helps urbanites feel more as is the case for two-thirds of the Europeans living in
connected to nature and other people emotionally and cities.
Across the case studies, a positive relationship was found
In our research we found clear evidence that the following between BGI and well-being, a component of human
fields of impacts of BGI were of particular relevance capital. A primary finding of this research project has been
(additionally there might be other impact fields): (1) BGI that the integration of blue and green elements in BGI
has positive effects on health and well-being, (2) BGI helps has a strong supportive impact on the health metrics in
to experience a connectedness with nature, and (3) offers high-density urban environments. Supporting the benefits
a chance for learning about and experience of nature its of BGI to health and well-being, it was also found that BGI
values and processes. enhances the:
BGI AND WELL-BEING Tendency to use the open spaces, which increases
physical activity and physical and mental health;
Few things affect an individuals well-being as much as
social connections to other people. People who report Commitment to spending time with and connecting
being happier tend to have stronger ties to friends and socially with others, especially in the parks, with positive
family and are more committed to spending time with consequences for mental (and therefore physical) health;
1 Schultz, T. W. (1961): Investment in Human Capital. The American economic review: 1-17. For Reconnection of people to their natural environment.
an early and reliable study of the impact of individual Human Capital lifetime earnings see:
Ben-Porath, Y. (1967): The production of Human Capital and the life cycle of earnings. The
Journal of Political Economy: 352-365.
2 For the very interesting discussion on the relation between a citys Human Capital and its
prosperity see Florida, R. (2005): Cities and the creative class. Routledge; Storper, M., Scott,
A., J. (2009): Rethinking Human Capital, creativity and urban growth. Journal of economic
geography 9(2), 147-167.
1 Ulu Pandan Park Connector (UPPC) is another park in Singapore that is comparable
in size to BAMK that contains blue and green elements but lacks integration between
them. In this park, mental well-being was found to be enhanced primarily by the
recreational potential of the park: for example, in provide spaces to stop and stretch. For
further information see below.
2 Dreiseitl, H., Tovatt, O., Wanschura, B. (2015): Shaping Landscapes and Human
Welfare. Comparative Field Study of the Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration
in Singapore. National University of Singapore, School of Environment and Design,
Department of Architecture.
Recall that biophilia is a phenomenon rooted in after their visit they are calmer and more relaxed. This
neuroscience and psychology, characterized by an phenomenon has recursive benefits for human happiness
affinity of human beings for nature1 . Popularized by for individuals and communities, and also leads to a
the ecologist E. O. Wilson in 1984 in a book of the same stronger commitment to protecting nature.
name, the concept of biophilia is linked to environmental
psychology. Over the past few decades, paralleling a
growing environmental awareness the literature on
biophilia has been growing2. We know now that there is BIOPHILIA CONNECTEDNESS
universal preference of people for natural landscapes over WITH NATURE AND
built environments, and for built environments that contain WELL-BEING
natural elements over ones without. This preference has
tangible impacts on human health and well-being. Nature Singapore/KhooTeckPuat Hospital (KTPH)
deficit disorder, for instance, describes problems in and BAMK
childhood behavior where there is persistent separation
from nature3. Conversely, access to natural elements has The study on Biophilic Design1 examined the
been found to improve human health and well-being, interdependency between biophilic design
resulting in salutogenic effects like quickened recovery and high level of integration of blue and
from illness. green design features with self-reported
well-being in a user survey comparing Khoo
Drawing on that literature and the concept of biophilia, Teck Puat Hospital (N= 193) and Bishan-Ang
Biophilic Design (BD)4 has emerged as a design Mo Kio Park (N= 198) as examples of high
philosophy that aims to integrate elements that satisfies integration with National University Hospital
the biophilic response, thereby resulting in positive (N= 70) and Ulu Pandan Park Connector (N=
feelings and experiences. In other words, BD is the 124).
integration of elements, processes and flows, patterns or
attributes derived from nature into the design of the Results: KTPH does better on self-reported
built environment. These elements may have an indirect well-being than NUH. There is also higher
effect, acting simply as sensorial triggers, or may be preference for, and greater satisfaction with
designed to stimulate more complex cognitive processes KTPH compared with other hospitals in
such as actively stimulating a user to consider his or her Singapore. It is not yet clear if well-being,
underlying expectations of nature. preference or satisfaction are linked directly
to KTPHs biophilic design. (In later sections
Because BGI projects are built infrastructure with natural it will be shown that preference is triggered
elements that are designed for public use and with by the presence of water and greenery
attention to beauty and aesthetics, BGI inherently provides that are central to the KTPH experience).
a sensorial experience to its users. The research by the There are also no known studies supporting
NUS team demonstrates, however, that BGI projects can KTPHs goal of a healing environment, linking
also trigger deeper, emotional responses in their users, biophilic design to patient recovery rates.
which appear to be linked with the particular arrangement
of blue and green elements. More specifically, it appears Findings on well-being in BAMK vs. UPPC
that the integration of these elements satisfies the are less conclusive. BAMK does no better
biophilic need for exposure to nature and generates on the question of calm and relaxed and
a preference in the user, which is then converted into worse on the question of less stressed.
benefits especially enhancement of health and well- The geographical reach of BAMK however
being.5 Visitors to BGI projects in general say that suggests that it attracts more people from
1 Wilson, E., O. (1984): Biophilia. Harvard University Press. further away. Visitorship figures and other
2 See eg. Ryan, C. O., et al. (2014): Biophilic Design Patterns. Emerging Nature-Based
Parameters for Health and Well-Being in the Built Environment. International Journal of user surveys affirm that BAMK is one of the
Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR 8.2: 62-76; Kaplan, R., Kaplan, St., Ryan, R. (1998): With
people in mind: Design and management of everyday nature. Island Press; Kahn, P. H. (1997): most preferred parks in Singapore.
Developmental psychology and the biophilia hypothesis: Childrens affiliation with nature.
Developmental review 17.1: 1-61.
3 Louv, R. (2005): Last child in the woods: Saving our kids from nature deficit disorder.
1 Kishnani, N., Cossu, G. (2015): Biophilic Design. Final Report of Rambolls
4 Beatley, T. (2011): Biophilic cities: integrating nature into urban design and planning. Island
Research Project Enhancing Blue-Green and Social Performance in High Density
Urban Environments. National University of Singapore (previously unpublished).
5 See section on Beauty for more information on the relationship between well-being and
1 See Speech of Lee Hsien Loong at the ABC Waters Public Exhibition Opening
Ceremony on 6th Feb 2007; See Transcript of speech by PUB
2 Public Utilities Board - PUB (2013): Annual Report 2012/2013. PUB, Singapore,
p. 76.
Social Capital1 is a category of immaterial capital that is interaction as it provides public space where people can
related to value derived from an individuals institutional engage in recreation and be physically active alone, in
affiliations (e.g. memberships) and personal or impersonal social groups, or with their families. People can use BGI to
relations to others. It can be stored in a variety of different engage with their own social networks at the same time as
forms including trust, commitment, cohesion, social they can look and see how others spend their leisure time.
support and solidarity. It can be used individually or
collectively for social support and social integration, to In examining the case studies, the research showed that
influence others (e.g. to enhance stability and resilience a high level of integration of BGI into the urban fabric
of a social system)2 or to enhance peoples readiness to has strong benefits for enhancing social interaction and
exchange knowledge or accept innovation and change.3 integration, including:
Individuals may possess Social Capital in general, but (as
opposed to individual Human Capital) cannot spend it.4 Increasing activity of people interacting in groups
Some forms of Human Capital can be additive, such as outdoors.
the generalized trust of a population in each other or in
a government; others are not additive: e.g. if one group Increasing the tolerance of BGI users to foreigners, with
mobilizes Social Capital against another. whom they come to identify through sharing a common
space for socializing.
Urbanization leads to changes, such as densification of
buildings and people, which alters the conditions of social Increasing peoples predisposition to spending time
interaction. In high density urban environments, people with family and friends.
tend to have more social contacts, but these relationships
or the time spent with these contacts is shorter. These Therefore, well-integrated BGI has many social benefits,
relationships may also be more functional in nature and such as inspiring individuals to spend more time with
less community-oriented. High quality social spaces can their relatives and friends and proving an aesthetically
help to counter the negative impacts of urbanization pleasing space in which to interact. Interestingly, since
on social relationships, including tendencies towards BGI increases socialization of communities in open public
isolation and depersonalization. The BGI implemented in spaces, it had the unexpected and additional benefit
the case studies was found to provide enormous benefits of providing more opportunities for individuals to see
to neighboring communities in its provision of communal foreigners in their day-to-day lives in a non-threatening
space, large enough to support multiple social groups way that increased their tolerance to strangers.
(families, friends, associations etc.), in a beautiful natural
setting for various forms of interaction and recreation.
Social interaction and integration, and (2) Civic identity WEEKDAY 39%
and relatedness.
1 For the concept of Social Capital see: Putnam, R. D. (1995): Bowling alone: Americas
declining Social Capital. Journal of democracy 6.1: Pp. 65-78. The approach to Social Capital
divers significantly from a pure individualistic approach used in Coleman, J., S., (1988): Social
Capital in the creation of Human Capital. American journal of sociology: Pp. 95-S120. 0%
2 For discussion of the relation between Social Capital and urban resilience see: Adger, W. N. BAMK-PARK
(2010): Social Capital, collective action, and adaptation to climate change. Der Klimawandel. UPPC GREY UPPC GREEN
blue and green
VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften. 327-345; Aldrich, D., P., (2012) Building resilience: Social
Capital in post-disaster recovery. University of Chicago Press.
3 For the benefits derived of Social Capital in the field of innovation and knowledge creation
see: Wenger, E., McDermott, R., A., Snyder, W. (2002): Cultivating communities of practice: A
guide to managing knowledge. Harvard Business Press. Nahapiet, J., Goshal, S. (1998). Social
Capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. Academy of management
review 23.2: 242-266.
4 Moldaschl, M. (2008): Wem gehrt das Sozialkapital. Papers and Preprints of the
Department of Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management (BWL IX), Fig.31 Dreiseitl, H., Tovatt, O., Wanschura, B. (2015): Shaping Landscapes and Human
Chemnitz University of Technology.
Welfare. Comparative Field Study of the Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration in
5 As mentioned for other forms of capital in this study, this should be considered a
representative (i.e. not exhaustive) list. Singapore. National University of Singapore.
1 Dreiseitl, H., Tovatt, O., Wanschura, B. (2015): Shaping Landscapes and human welfare. Comparative Field Study of the
Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration in Singapore. National University of Singapore, School of Environment and
Design, Department of Architecture.
2 Ibid. page 19f.
3 Ibid. page 20
4 Ibid. page 24
Processes of identity building are complex. They are THE CASE STUDIES SHOW THAT IN PROVIDING AN
usually based on learning through social interactions and OPEN SPACE WITH BGI:
mutual perception e.g. in seeing oneself through the eye
of another under conditions that are socially structured by It typically becomes an important element in the
norms, expectations, practices, and opportunities1. These residents image of their city, serving as a point of
processes play a decisive role in determining the answer to reference for civic identity.
the question of whether individuals define themselves as
part of a bigger group that shares conditions that benefit It provides a high quality, highly accessible space-
their individual condition. gathering place for a neighborhood, thereby assisting in
the construction of a sense of mutual relatedness.
This identity-based relatedness is of tremendous
importance for the consumption, reproduction, and The open park stringes and green areas in Hannover
generation of common resources (e.g. liveable urban Kronsberg integrate BGI functions not only visibly but
conditions, public infrastructure, peace, trust etc.). It provide seating areas and places to play and rest. We
provides the basis for pro-social sharing of resources and have observed a very strong biophilic effect, where people
the sanctioning of antisocial behavior2. Urban societies rely of different age, gender, or ethnic backgrounds come
heavily on peoples readiness to be connected with and together to enjoy and interact. Depending on the weather
support their neighbors, to be engaged in their towns, and conditions, children find it fun to go outside in rubber
to take active part in the urban social system. These forms boots and play together in the little creeks and ponds
of relatedness are particularly important in cities, where formed by the rain.
more traditional, community- and family-based types of
solidarity are getting weaker through social fragmentation. In several places like Hameau de la Fontaine in Echallens
in Switzerland, Schafbrhl in Tbingen, and Arcadien in
While BGI should not be considered the only (or even Asperg both in Germany, BGI projects were designed and
the most prominent) factor in the complex process of function also as a social magnet and community meeting
evolving and strengthening a civic identity, its potential place where families meet, parents talk to each other while
contribution is enormous. BGI has to be considered as a their children are playing.
very practical way to provide high quality, accessible, and
easy-to-relate-to public places. The places and restaurants next to the blue-green
infrastructure of Kallang River in Bishan-Ang Mo
Kio Park are always full and actively visited. The
number of park visitors being about 3 million in
1 See Mead, G., H. (2009): Mind, self, and society: From the standpoint of a social behaviorist. 2008, has increased after the restauration and
Vol. 1. University of Chicago press; Blumer, H. (1986): Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and
method. Univ of California Press. implementation of BGI up to 7 million visitors per year.
2 Ostrom, E. (1990): Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions for collective
action. Cambridge University Press.
Symbolic Capital1 is a type of immaterial capital related An increasing number of cities and their representatives,
to attributions of positive value to persons, organizations, decision-makers, and planners realize the value of global
firms, cities, states or even transnational entities (e.g. UN- recognition. A global reputation can improve the ability
HCR). Symbolic Capital exists in different forms, including of a city to recruit resources with respect to any sector of
reputation, image, and tradable brand names. city life public, cultural, private and economic including
the attraction of investors, artists, tourists, universities
As Symbolic Capital is perhaps a less familiar category in and other core elements of a knowledge society. Cities
the socio-economic assessment of urban infrastructure, are increasingly competing for awareness and recognition
we provide some background information on the concept: from expatriate professionals, tourists, etc. and in this
competition the symbolic logic of distinction4 is the
Symbolic Capital can be earned: for instance, when primary rule of structuration. Therefore cities have to work
evidence of desirable performance can be presented hard to show valuable and unique features.
in a relevant audience. Academic titles are a very good
example for Symbolic Capital that can be earned by One could argue that rivalry between cities is not fair:
individuals. It can also be ascribed on the basis of How can cities like Hannover or Detroit ever achieve the
tradition: e.g. hereditary nobility, and it also exists at same status of recognition as Paris or New York? Or in
the level of the social system. For instance, a city may the words of Bourdieu: the structure of the field, i.e.
accrue Symbolic Capital through recognition of good the unequal distribution of capital, is the source of the
governance or in its historical importance or on the basis specific effects of capital5. The status of being special
of possessing physical attributes. In general, social entities is undoubtedly relational. But do the traditional centers
(e.g. individuals or cities) are capable of driving their for urban culture possess unchallengeable positions in an
Symbolic Capital in different directions; in other words, oligopolistic market?
their Symbolic Capital can undergo further development
depending on the type of reputation they have (earned) Of course this is not the fact. While it is true that the
and how that compares to that of other entities with relative hierarchy of cities does show inertia, a survey
which they share a joint competition for status. of history can quickly identify examples of cities that
have risen to power, maintained that position for many
Consider for a moment how the competition between years, and then fallen. Criteria of recognition might
cities is organized on a global scale: The notion that a city change in course of newly established demands and
may exert effort to enhance its international reputation is values. What yesterday might be seen as an indicator of
not a new phenomenon. For instance, during the Italian under-industrialization is tomorrows opportunity for high
Renaissance from the 14th century until the 16th century bikeability. And where in past decades the most valued
Venice, Florence, Milan, and Genua were in constant architecture was characterized by concrete, steel, and
and cutthroat competition to gain reputation and status glass, this approach may soon be unfashionable in the
through achievements in culture and liveability. Their course of increased interest in green architecture and
ultimate driving motivation at the time was to improve biophilia.
their position within a European hierarchy of leading
cities2. The symbolic reputation through highly visible In consequence of this potential for cities to change their
cultural achievements was seen as a strategic resource to relative status in the global hierarchy, there are increasingly
attract innovative artists and scientists and to acquire new innovative ways for strategic positioning in these urban
international trade relations.
and political engagement. This index is a collaboration of A.T. Kearney, Foreign Policy and
the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
cities-index/2015; (2.) Economists Most Liveable Cities EIUs ranking of the liveability of
In other words: competition for reputation between cities world cities on a scale of 0-100 based on 30 indicators grouped in five categories: stability
is not a new phenomenon. However, whereas in the past (25%); healthcare (20%); culture and environment (25%); education (10%); and infrastructure
(20%); (3.)
the sphere of influence of a city might be regional or Global Metro Monitor: Ranking of the economic performance of world cities during three time
periods: 1993-2007 (pre-recession); 2007-2010 (recession); and 2009-2010 (recovery). The
even continental, today a citys reputation and status can study is a collaboration of the Brookings Institution and the London School of Economics
and Political Science (LSE).
have a global reach. Moreover, a number of international M10420 (4.) Green City Index: Regional indexes that evaluate and rank the environmental
performance of cities around the world based on eight categories: Energy and CO2, Land Use
ranking systems now exist that explicitly codify and and Buildings, Transport, Waste, Water, Sanitation, Air Quality and Environmental Governance.
Developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and sponsored by Siemens. http://
quantify what was once a more subjective assessment3. (5.) Global Power Cities Index: Ranking
of the magnetism or overall urban competitiveness of 35 of the worlds most influential
1 Symbolic Capital refers to Pierre Bourdieus work about the reproduction of social structure. global cities. The GPCI evaluates cities based on six functional areas: Economy, R&D, Cultural
The term is introduced in his book Bourdieu, P. (1977): Outline of a Theory of Practice. Vol. 16. Interaction, Livability, Environment and Accessibility.
Cambridge University Press. english/ius2/gpci2/
2 Clark, P. (2009): European cities and towns: 400-2000. Oxford University Press. 4 Bourdieu, P. (1986): The forms of capital. Bourdieu, P. (2011). Cultural theory: An anthology,
3 See e.g. (1.) Global Cities Index: Ranking of the most global cities based on five aspects p.96.
of globalization: business activity, Human Capital, information exchange, cultural experience, 5 Ibid
competitions and there is a lively and contested discussion (1) BGI helped a city to improve its reputation as a driver
about criteria for valuable urban modernization. There is of liveability, sustainability and innovation, and
not only a competition for Symbolic Capital (e.g. to gain
more reputation and awareness) but there are symbolic (2) BGI raised the iconic value of a city, which had positive
struggles1 for standards of Symbolic Capital accounting. effects for tourism.
That is, cities do not only try to score high on given
indicators, but they try to influence the normative base of BGI AS A MEASURE TO ENHANCE A CITYS
The issue of BGI is widely affected by urban competitions.
Notions of sustainability, resilience, liveability, etc. are BGI is appreciated for different reasons and by different
modern urban values that have the potential to stir up interest groups. As already mentioned above, BGI is an
the existing hierarchy of cities. These concepts have been innovative instrument that fosters the sustainability of
operationalized and codified in various ways to organize natural resources and enhances the resilience of urban
urban competition for Symbolic Capital around these infrastructure. It helps to promote improved quality of
notions. But we should consider that there are also certain life, health, and well-being for residents and it enhances
limits to the instrumentation of urban achievements social identity and integration. Political parties, private
as symbols for reputation enhancement. For instance, companies, and public agencies as well as their leaders
projects may in fact lose symbolic value through their can turn the increased value of BGI (reputation, image,
reframing as commodities or value drivers3. This shift in and legitimacy) directly into profits if they engage in
meaning might erode the perceived authenticity of the successful BGI implementation. Therefore drivers of BGI
project both within and outside of the city. can gain Social Capital that grows their power and support
for other projects and activities.
It is important to remember that entrepreneurial and
innovative approaches to urban design rely (at least in Across the case studies, BGI was found to:
the long term) on support and legitimation from local
residents and interest groups. With BGI implementation, Increase a citys reputation by enhancing the perception
urban governments and public utilities are demonstrating of a citys overall attractiveness and liveability and by
that they care about the quality of life for the citys increasing the reputation of the governmental institutions
residents. This has significantly enhanced local to care for the quality of life of citizens. These benefits
legitimacy of these institutions and can also augment were also found to boost a citys reputation outside of its
the citys reputation outside of the city through the local, regional sphere, which would have benefits in the
global competition for liveability, image, hipness, and global competition for human and financial capital.
attractiveness. Local stakeholders in a variety of functional
fields, like park agencies, nighttime entrepreneurs, Increase legitimacy and social status of institutional
public relations managers of industrial corporations, bodies, public utilities and private companies and
and community workers are increasingly looking for therefore supports other development projects.
opportunities to contribute to the urban branding. BGI can
be particularly useful instrument in realizing this goal, as it Increase the reputation of individual BGI drivers:
is an issue of great visibility.4 Leading successful implementation of a highly visible
BGI project helped to shed light on the BGI drivers, and
In our research we found clear evidence that BGI enhanced their reputation as visionary thinkers, successful
enhanced the Symbolic Capital in the following ways: leaders, and skillful managers. BGI projects were found to
be important milestones in the professional careers of the
1 Bourdieu, P. (1989): Social space and symbolic power. Sociological theory 7.1, p.21.
2 See e.g. for creative city labelling Chatterton, P. (2000): Will the real Creative City please individual BGI drivers.
stand up? City 4.3: 390-397.
3 The more Europe becomes Disneyfied, the less unique and special it becomes. The bland
homogeneity that goes with pure commodification erases monopoly advantages. Cultural
products become no different from commodities in general. See: Harvey, D. (2009): The art
of rent: globalisation, monopoly and the commodification of culture. Socialist Register 38.38,
p. 96.
4 As mentioned for other types of capital, this should not be considered an exhaustive list.
The city of Malm, historically an industrial city, was faced with both declining population
and economic activity in the 1990s. Today Malm is marketing its image as an eco-center1.
A key part of their image is a recent development project that also features BGI elements.
Malmos Western Harbor transformed what was previously an industrial site into an eco-
residential development. The new development showcases an attractive development
focused on sustainable design. The project was funded through a joint partnership between
private and public ventures and also integrated community engagement. The project met its
sustainability objectives, which included energy neutral, on-site waste recycling and on-site
stormwater management, by using solar panels, wind turbines, public transport, and green
roofs. Stormwater runoff is managed through green roofs, which is collected by open paving
channels and canals. This stormwater strategy reduced the developments pressure on the
citys water treatment system while creating natural environment in the area.
The success and experience of the project were shared within the community, and
knowledge was transferred to key stakeholder groups and the wider community. In
particular, the innovative strategies used in the developments design (including the green
public transport system, the waste management strategy, energy efficiency, ecological
design, and water management) were documented for this purpose. The development now
attracts many study tours annually. The organizations and agencies involved in the project
benefitted from a significant increase in reputation as visible drivers of BGI. Internationally,
Malm served as a model for Chinese eco-cities like Tangshan2 and Caofeidian3.
There are a number of cities that have demonstrated similar transformations in their
reputation. For example Freiburg in Germany is now known for being a pioneer in ecological
policy and urban planning. In the 1990s a sustainable model district for 5500 residents was
constructed in the Vauban area of Freiburg, which today serves as a flagship for sustainable
urban design. Vauban is internationally known for its rainwater infiltration system, as well
as other innovative technologies for sustainable architecture and urban design. On the
whole site no rainwater drains exist; all stormwater runs to two rigole-trench infiltration
ditches. Nearly all the rainwater is managed on-site4. Vauban was presented as German
Best Practice at the Habitat II Conference 1996 in Istanbul and won the title Sustainable
Capital5. Meanwhile Vauban became a highlight in green urban design tourism as it attracts
busloads of energy experts, who regularly walk through the neighborhood firing away with
Financial capital includes relevant direct as well as indirect integration is less well understood. However, some studies
costs and benefits resulting from financial impacts or from do exist. For instance, the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park
impacts that are frictionless and transferable in monetary Cost-Benefit Analysis affiliated to this research project
terms. focused on the isolated BGI integration effect5. Due to
intelligent research design and extensive data collection,
Very often a financial cost-benefit analysis is decisive in it was possible to compare status ex ante and ex post of
infrastructural decision-making. Both costs and benefits BGI implementation, based on separating BGI effects. This
depend to a great extent on the local conditions and study found that the most significant financial benefits
the opportunity costs taken into account. Despite the of the BGI integration were to increased property values,
limitations in collecting and analyzing quantitative data particularly in high-density urban areas. While increased
on the socio-economic benefits of BGI-projects, the case property value in the course of park access is accepted as
studies demonstrate that the overall costs of BGI are being remarkably high, it is important to pay regard to the
often more than compensated for by the added values role of BGI integration as a powerful lever in this context.
generated through BGI. Compared to grey infrastructure
options, BGI is a competitive solution that often bears the Increase in property value is by nature a benefit for
chance for significant financial revenue1. property owners, while costs of development and
maintenance are very often taken by the public utilities.
In our research we found clear evidence that BGI has That means cities need to consider ways, regulations,
direct benefits for financial capacity in the following way, and opportunities to socialize the benefits. One way to
through2: reap some of the economic benefits of BGI and increase
municipal revenues is through taxation of the market value
(1) Increased property value, of properties, which many cities around the world rely on
as an important funding source for infrastructure.
(2) Economic benefits of improved physical and mental
health, and Even more important is to realize that BGI is also a matter
in the issue of social equity of urban residents. While BGI
(3) Economic benefits of improved water management does provide important benefits for health and well-being
and resilience of the city. to all residents, it is also related to increased property
value in its immediate neighborhood. Accessibility to parks
INCREASED PROPERTY VALUES often shows remarkable correlation to socio-economic
inequity of citizens i.e. the improvement of parks might
It is a well-studied phenomenon starting in the 19th be directly connected to gentrification. It is important to
century with Frederick Olmsteds research work3 that notice that the restoration of parks might contribute to
well-maintained and well-designed parks have a significant gentrification and can have a negative effect on the overall
impact on the value of surrounding property by improving liveability of a city unless active measures are taken for its
the social and aesthetic attractiveness of the surrounding prevention. Suchlike threats for urban social equity need
land and buildings and therefore its real estate value. In a to be counteracted by long-term urban planning. For
meta-study of 30 research projects about hedonic price example Singapore and New York City integrated aims for
changes due to park access, John L. Cropton found an equal access to green recreational space within walking
average increase of 20%.4 distance to the next park6, and Vienna has long tradition
in positioning social housing also in those areas, where the
Because of methodological problems associated with richer people are living.
isolating BGI-related value from benefits associated
with green infrastructure, the particular impact of BGI
5 Dreiseitl, H., Leonardsen, A., L., Wanschura, B. (2015): Cost-benefit analysis of Bishan Ang-
1 As a matter of analytical correctness it is to mention, that issues of double accounting in the Mo Kio Park. National University of Singapore, School of Environment and Design, Department
different fields of financial impact were not explicitly taken into consideration. E.g. it might of Architecture.
be realized that increased property value is at least partly depending on a better access to 6 Singapore gave a specific target: 100% of all citizens with distance of 400 meter or less to
the park and its opportunities. Therefore acidity related benefits are partly included in an the next park till 2030. New York was a little more modest setting a walkable distance for 85%
observed increased property value. of all citizens as a target for 2030. For Singapore See: National Population and Talent Division,
2 Again, this should be considered a representative, not an exhaustive list. Prime Ministers Office, Government of Singapore: Issues Paper 2012 A Good Quality Living
3 Olmsted, F. L. (1881): A consideration of the justifying value of a public park. Tolman & White. Environment;; For NYC see: NYC
4 Crompton, J. L. (2001): The impact of parks on property values: A review of the empirical Parks: Framework for an Equitable Future;
evidence. Journal of Leisure Research 33.1: 1-31. parks-framework.pdf
The Municipality of Copenhagen was hit by a high intensity precipitation event in 2011. The resulting
damages from flooding generated an estimated EUR 800 million in insurance claims, which is about
1,040 billion USD at exchange rate of that time. As a response, the municipality created a flood
adaptation plan, with the focus on identifying critical and high risk areas and designing solutions
for adapting to these events in the future. Rambll has driven design of a detailed flood adaptation
plan for two high-risk areas: Vesterbro and Ladegrds. During a flood event, the water can either be
transported or stored in traditional subterranean structures such as drainage pipes, sewers, storage
chambers, etc. Alternatively the water can be handled by terrain-based solutions, where blue and
green elements disperse the water. The alternative solutions have a large impact on the design and
feel of the city. Green and blue elements act as urban lungs and also provide recreational areas. Trees
and bushes assist in capturing and filtering air pollution, augment biodiversity, increase property
values, and create a pleasant-looking urban area. In contrast, blue and green elements can obstruct
traffic patterns and reduce road capacity. It is therefore necessary to plan according to local needs.
Besides design of the master planning and of the Flood Adaptation Plan, a socio-economic cost
benefit analysis was conducted by Rambll.
Similar effects to property values were observed in Singapore in the course of the BAMK renovation.
In 2014 and in 2015 the Ministry for Environment and Water Resources used a hedonic price model
to analyse the effect of BAMK on the nearby real estate. The research showed that implementing BGI
in the park resulted in an average increase of 2-4% and that the overall value of the park could be
calculated to be SGD 100-200 million, which is USD 75-150 million.1
BGI can help improve human physical and mental The redevelopment of the park has attracted
health by means of upgraded space for recreation, an increased number of visitors. Upgrading
exercise and social activities. These amenities reduce the old park with BGI increased the estimated
individual and public health costs. annual park users by more than 100%, from 3
to 7 million. The benefits from the time spent
BGI supports social interaction and social integration as exercising in the park have been estimated to
it increases the tendency to use open spaces for activities be an annual benefit of SGD 8 million in the
in groups and the commitment to spend time with baseline scenario, 16,2 million in the conservative
families, neighbors, and communities. scenario and SGD 43 million in the probable
scenario (USD 6 / 13 / 35 million at exchange
1 Arup, (2014): Cities Alive.;
rate of 2015). Computing these annual benefits
BBC (2013): Green spaces boosts wellbeing of urban dwellers. over the lifetime of the business case results in
health-22214070; BBC (2013 ): Green spaces can save NHS billions.
news/science-environment-24806994 a Net Present Value (NPV) of SGD 188,3 million
2 Sjstrm, M., et al. (2006). Health-enhancing physical activity across European Union
countries: the Eurobarometer study. Journal of Public Health 14.5: 291-300. for the baseline scenario, SGD 376,6 million for
the conservative scenario and SGD 1.004 million
for the probable scenario (USD 150 / 301 / 903
million at exchange rate of 2015).1
The ongoing challenge of climate change is likely to lead The benefits of BGI on water quality can also become an
to more frequent, more intense, and longer duration important factor in situations where water is scarce and/
weather events. The cost of the damage inflicted on or polluted. With appropriate application of ecological and
buildings and infrastructure by such events is already a biological cleansing, BGI can clean water so that in many
huge burden to local governments, and is expected to cases only an ultraviolet treatment is then required for it to
increase substantially with climate change. be classified as drinking water (Studio Dreiseitl, 2014).
A considerable part of the flooding risk can be linked to Several examples around the world have identified
stormwater events. According to Jan Rasmussen from the water management as a strategic field for a citys future
City of Copenhagens Parks and Nature Department, the economic status. The city of New York decided to make
high intensity precipitation event in 2011 caused damage of substantial investments in land management upstream
more than USD 1 billion. to protect the quality of its freshwater sources. The costs
for these changes came in at USD 1 billion; the same
Through on-site infiltration and retention, BGI efficiently improvement in water quality through construction of a
reduces the amount of water flowing into the sewer water treatment plant was estimated at a much higher
systems, thereby reducing the flood risk as well as the cost of USD 6-8 billion. An increase of 9% was added to
energy costs associated with pumping or treating the the unit cost of water to the user in order to finance the
water. Compared to more mono-functional infrastructure investment. In contrast, financing the water treatment
approaches, the stormwater management costs are plant through an increase in the unit cost would have
significantly reduced with this long-term holistic required more than a 100% a change that would certainly
perspective. have been unpopular with residents.1
Increasing the infiltration in the city also helps to replenish Similar conclusions can be made based on the other case
groundwater reserves, which, when these are used as a studies in this report. In other words, these case studies
water source, reduces stress on local water supply as well demonstrate generally that decentralized stormwater
as the need for importing water. systems based on BGI are cost-effective relative to
conventional grey infrastructure.
1 Juniper, T. (2013): What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? How Money Really Does Grow on
Trees. Santa Fe, N.M.: Synergetic Press.
Given the topographical conditions, a conventional grey drainage system would have had large
impact on the urban water balance, as the flow of stormwater is subject to a large fluctuation
normally storage levels are quite low but come close to overflow in times of heavy rain. At the same
time, increases to impervious surfaces would have reduced groundwater refill, which sooner or later
would lead to a dehydration of a nearby wetland and adjacent forest.
Consequently, on-site retention and infiltration by BGI was chosen as best option, even though soil
had comparably low permeability and did not allow for complete on-site infiltration For this reason,
an expansive concept with combined outflow, storage, and delayed drainage was implemented
with the aim to optimize groundwater refill. BGI was implemented with a Swale-French drain
infiltration design to increase on-site retention and groundwater refill and guarantee a high level of
flood protection to Kronsberg and the downstream areas.
According to a cost comparison carried out after the development was completed, decentralized
rainwater management for public spaces is more economical for the City Water Treatment Services
than conventional drainage systems. Minimizing the areas sealed by paving and buildings reduces
the need for rainwater retention facilities. Removing the need for street drains and environmental
compensation measures according to nature conservation law also saves money.
Looking at the capital investment cost, the decentralized BGI approach to stormwater management
was around 8% more economical than a conventional drainage system. The construction costs
were EUR 11,599,167 (USD 10.9 million at exchange rate of 2001) while the costs for a conventional
drain construction were estimated at EUR 12,606,412 (USD 11.8 million at exchange rate of 2001).
The specific investment costs worked out at around EUR 34/m2 of built area.
The viability studies performed by private-sector property developers showed that the investment
costs of decentralized rainwater management are to be assessed as on average about 25% higher
than conventional drainage. However, according to the water table of charges, 70% reductions in
rainwater disposal charges more than compensates for this difference.1
1 Rumming, Karin (ed.) (2004): Hannover-Kronsberg handbook: planning and realisation. Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Umweltdezernat, Baudezernat.
This dimension is primarily concerned with the cultural fit worldviews or belief systems might clash with one
between organizations and their (leading) staff members another (e.g. legalist perspectives with managerial notions
and further stakeholders involved. In an optimal case, the of policy-making, aesthetic or technical considerations
understanding, problem perception and value patterns of with political or economic rationales).
involved actors correspond with one another.
In a similar vein, relevant stakeholders and key actors
Culturally based structures of institutional bodies, in policy-making and implementation may adopt a
professional groups and whole societies are some of the variety of role understandings for themselves that
most basic drivers of social and economic evolution of a can facilitate or hinder effective cooperation across
city. Although often termed as soft factor, culture is also organizational boundaries (e.g. a more re-active role of
most difficult to change. Nowhere is this more true than in a classical bureaucrat or expert-driven and technocratic
the field of BGI: Decision-making in urban infrastructural role understandings, while others pursue pro-active
planning is based very much on cultural frames and policy advocacy or classify as political activists or policy
meaning structures of the political, civic and corporative entrepreneurs).
actors involved. A joint understanding about relevant goals
and appropriate measures can function as a source for Surprisingly the cornerstones for BGI-oriented planning
high productivity of infrastructural projects. cultures can differ significantly from city to city. For
example cultural capacity for BGI projects can rest on a
The relative cost of coordinating and cooperating depends more managerial and technocratic planning conception
on the prevailing cultural patterns of work-related when BGI is realized as an innovative and suitable
attitudes and professional role understandings of relevant technology to handle critical infrastructural demands
stakeholders and key players (planning cultures). In some (Copenhagen). Or, cultural capacity for BGI projects might
institutional settings, cooperation tends to be facilitated by be based on grassroots politics, bottom-up policy-
a shared professional socialization, similar educational or making and more generally an eco-friendly approach
social backgrounds. In other settings, values professional shared by all involved stakeholders (Portland).
If cultural capacity in an urban institutional setting is low Create newly-established professional networks and
or the established urban planning culture is not BGI- associations related to blue-green infrastructure e.g.
oriented, we recommend investing in a change of the by sponsoring research projects, hosting professional
collective mindset. It takes a long breath, but in the end it meetings, initiating training and education programs or
pays for all. Some tools seem to be very effective: forming networks focused on blue-green infrastructure.
Commit boundary spanners in decision-making and Participatory approaches in public policy analysis is
implementation processes across the involved (central also an important vehicle to carry projects of blue-green
and local) government offices, public enterprises and infrastructure through the policy-making process: town
private-sector contractors. This might be external experts hall meetings, hearings, focus groups and elements
with good networks or even central senior executives of mediation can support the cause of blue-green
in municipal administration and public utilities, who infrastructure by developing a common ground for
serve as interfaces between different professional and meaningful policy discourses.
organizational cultures. But also interdisciplinary staff
units endowed with extensive responsibilities for the International / national competition as driver:
coordination of project management partners might Copenhagens blue-green infrastructure projects are
strengthen the work relationships between public also energized and propelled forward by a strong
utilities, private consulting engineers and municipal sense of international competitiveness. Most key actors
administration. and their agencies have been an integral part of an
international epistemic community of planning experts
Invest in BGI capacities: Professional socialisation is a and political protagonists of blue-green infrastructure for a
very strong source for a planning culture, and professional considerable period of time. Being part of this community
education is its main driver. Following a long-term BGI not only incentivizes key players in Copenhagen on their
agenda, it pays to invest money and time in specialized ways to top positions in international rankings and indices,
programs for BGI planning and construction. This helps it primarily provides much needed access to expertise
to change role understandings of young professionals and is, perhaps even more importantly, a rich source of
who sooner or later will support innovative projects as visibility and legitimacy.
members of an epistemic community spread over different
agencies and companies.
Forming partnerships and collaborations (collaborative Networks that have a specific BGI focus best support BGI
administration) and aiming at the improved inter-agency projects. Sometimes informal BGI exchange groups might
cooperation is a further vehicle to enhance capacity be the most important drivers in this context. But these
for complex and innovative policy proposals across groups are hard to govern as they depend on a critical
established department boundaries. Most importantly, mass of experts and interested persons that participate
local and state government authorities will enhance their individually. Networking might also be pushed forward
strategic capacity if they build effective collaborative on a more institutional level. Here platforms or clearing
working relationships with external actors. houses that may help to initiate debates, provide and
disseminate expertise and information, are also options for
These networks of mutual exchange and support might improved cooperation.
include private stakeholders like NGOs and private
companies, who can span different vertical political levels Effective partnerships also contribute to enhanced
and they might contain representatives of different public knowledge and skills as well as to legitimacy.
agencies. These networks function as crucial resources
(Social Capital) in political and administrative decision-
making. Ideally they exist independently from single
projects and get activated for political opinion making
when two or more network partners have complementary
interests. The interface between public authorities, external
(organized) interests and stakeholders (such as boards,
commissions, hearings, councils or roundtables), will assist
the agenda-setting process as well as the formation of
policy proposals.
BGI is in many cases a relatively new practice, and Pilot projects used to be a first resort measure in
integrating blue, green and social elements in the urban nearly every field of socio-technological innovation.
landscape requires experience, detailed expertise and the Well-designed and constructed BGI projects easily
generalists ability to coordinate all parts of the complex serve as long-term references and are highly effective
implementation. However, local governments often face to establish first steps of a BGI planning culture. As
insufficient human resources or general knowledge permanent exhibition for BGI technology, they unfold
required to implement BGI. their long-term financial, social and ecological benefits.
Another plus is that pilots offer some degree of freedom
One way to improve general knowledge within the local for innovation and collaboration, which is an important
office or department is to use external expertise in an resource for later planning routines. Experiments that
early stage and from that build up an internal stock of deepen the understanding of opportunities and necessary
knowledge. This external expertise could be provided in preconditions of BGI can be executed under local
form of consultants to develop guidelines, best practice conditions.
examples and handbooks of relevant recommendations
and toolboxes. Technological expertise needs to be built on the local scale
and important key officials as well as the wider public have
To ensure a good outcome in terms of both water to be convinced of the feasibility of BGI solutions to turn
management and biodiversity enhancement, a into a future BGI path in urban development. Pilot projects
combination of hydraulic and ecological risk assessment offer the chance to conduct experiments that deepen the
needs to be incorporated in the final implementation understanding of opportunities and needs of BGI under
plan of BGI. This may require expertise beyond traditional local conditions.
engineering techniques.
However, they can also be some sort of obstacle as they
Apart from technological knowledge, it might be required seem to be exceptional and cannot be achieved under
to have support from interdisciplinary professionals normal conditions. Therefore it is of most importance that
who can transcend institutional boundaries to create pilot projects are able to become paradigm examples with
an integrative planning culture addressing all different a high relevance to other cases.
disciplines that have to be involved (see Chapter Cultural
Capacity). To have a positive learning effect and understanding of
the multiple long-term benefits from such pilot projects,
it is important to document all relevant steps towards
its success and to demonstrate the performance after
completion by an in-depth evaluation.
For BGI implementation one of the preconditions is to The disposition of land to build BGI projects is
take the whole river catchment area with all its resulting fundamental. The process of acquiring land becomes
requirements into account. increasingly complex under conditions of high urban
Most cities have been evolving slowly by implementing
mono-functional solutions for problems that occur in This is true for all infrastructural projects (housing, traffic
the process of growing. Providing drinking water and and commerce), but of particular relevance to BGI. One of
sanitation is very typical in that aspect: Cities used to the main goals of BGI is to enhance the regional hydrology.
construct separate structures for water inflows and Since water obeys the law of gravity and ignores zoning
outflows without paying any regard to the urban body plans and property rights, an optimal BGI design does not
as a socio-ecological system of its own. The way cities necessarily follow the local logic of private, semi-private,
were and often still are built induces disturbing effects and public spaces. However, the pattern of land ownership
for the natural conditions in the urban area and beyond. and zoning affects the acquisition of land for project
With sustained growth and rising density, these disturbing implementation.
effects tend to endanger urban living conditions and
capital resources. Increasing population leads to a growing Several measures like expropriation, reallocation of
demand for water and energy; more settlements means an property rights, and application of pre-emption rights
increased share of impervious surface on urban area and are known to be more or less effective depending on the
thus a higher risk of flooding, increasing drought, more institutional capacity of the governmental body.
climatic stress and less biodiversity.
However, in the long run, it is more effective to develop
At latest with the introduction of the European Water proactive land use policies to support the acquisition of
Framework Directive in the year 2000, European cities, land for BGI projects, which are sensitive to the needs of
agencies and planners started to look onto their city as a water catchment in their design. Such land use policies
being part of one water catchment area. From there it may be introduced in a variety of forms, e.g. as master
follows that all planning and construction work of urban plans, and should aim to reserve urban corridors and
infrastructure should have minimal impact on the natural contiguous catchment areas for BGI.
water balance. Future BGI should pursue increased
connectivity with upstream and downstream socio- Precautionary land use planning is also essential for urban
environmental systems. Cities in other parts of the world equity an equitable provision of citizens with the benefits
are experiencing similar movements. of urban green. As BGI is connected to healthy and
socially embedded living citizens there is legitimate claim
to profit equally from the overall BGI activities of an urban
BGIs integrative and interdisciplinary approach to water Establishing a formal institutional framework for BGI
management requires collaboration and cooperation projects not only liberates the success of the project from
across agencies: for instance, between urban designers, personal and agency politics, it can actually help to initiate
landscape architects, and water engineers. The need for changes in well-established habits. The pace of innovation
cross-agency cooperation adds complexity to the process has been found to increase when first pieces have already
of BGI planning and implementation and can lead to been put in place.
delays and increase project costs. However, BGI projects
are not inherently more complex than more conventional To support the development and adoption of an
infrastructure projects. Support from an appropriate institutional framework for BGI, an effective first step
regulatory framework can go a long way towards is to document acquired knowledge and experience in
simplifying the process for BGI. Once necessary local handbooks and guidelines. This documentation supports
knowledge and experience is built up through a handful the transfer of experience from a single project to future
of pilot BGI projects, local decision-makers and experts projects and enhances the efficiency and effectiveness
should create a set of standards to facilitate future BGI of BGI implementation. Where possible, lessons learned
implementation. should be communicated so as to be applicable to
different project scales. Once this documentation is
In short, once routines and standards for BGI have in place, it should be followed by implementation of
been defined, the planning process for BGI is not more effective, enforceable, and sanctionable BGI guidelines
demanding than it is for conventional grey infrastructure. and regulations in the urban planning processes like e.g.
Institutionalization of appropriate regulations and drainage regulations; policies for land ownership and land
standards reduce transaction costs and support the use; requirements for rainwater inflows and outflows; etc.
creation of new paths of development.
BGI has certain features that enable and sometimes even Normally building BGI relies on the engagement of a
call for new solutions of financing. number of different public agencies. These agencies
include not only water and environment, but also public
Well-designed BGI has multiple uses and thus provides housing and transportation. When these agencies decide
benefits for many different stakeholders. To acquire to invest in BGI they usually have to reallocate budgets
financial support from the different beneficiaries should from their core responsibilities to another category.
be high priority in project planning. Opportunities to bring In practice, this can be a complex and complicated
these partners into joint financing arrangements can be accounting maneuver. There are intelligent tools, however,
crucial for the success of a BGI project: first, since BGI is to rebalance this budgetary shift.
still a relatively new technology more traditional funding
sources are not always available; second, bringing these Wherever possible, financing for BGI should identify
partners into financing arrangements increases their arrangements that coordinate budgets across agencies:
commitment to the success of the project and supports for instance, program budget that merge budgets across
innovation. departmental lines. Cross-agency budgeting can be highly
effective because it increases inter-agency involvement
A number of successful, well-managed models for public- and can therefore enhance cooperation. When multiple
private partnerships exist in the field of BGI: an example agencies have financially invested in funding the BGI
is real estate financing. Real estate owners and insurance project, it can help in securing funding from external
companies, for example, as partners of flood prevention investors.
improvements in dense urban areas typically are in
privileged financial positions. Agencies who plan BGI investments can also look to apply
for funding that is earmarked for that specific purpose
However, it is still an open question to find a model for by the city government or other funding agencies.
financing that attracts insurance companies as financial Alternatively water agencies themselves might fund
partners for BGI. However, since BGI mitigates the risk money through financers that provide seed money for
of flooding and therefore flood-related damages, BGI BGI projects, whether the projects are driven by public
provides an insurance-related service. Potentially there is a or private developers. Ultimately, it is important to find
large opportunity to include insurance companies into BGI an arrangement so that a single agency does not have
financing in advance. We expect inspiring and innovative to bear the full burden for BGI investment. Instead the
solutions in this field to come soon. benefits are concentrated and the costs are diffused so
called distributive policies.
Currently, BGI implementation is heavily dependent on
private contributions, as effective rainwater management The combination of city-administrated BGI funding, BGI
has to regulate stormwater inflows to the public system commissions, and BGI reports can be an effective, three-
already on the private ground. Split water charges and pronged approach to institutionalizing BGI in an urban
tax cuts seem to be an effective way to reimburse private planning process.
property owners for investment in BGI. Other measures
include the reduction in water charges where property
owners invest in on-site stormwater retention.
The combination of water and vegetation makes cities more vibrant, lively and
attractive for community life. And this in turn helps people avoid depression,
burnout and diseases like diabetes. Blue-Green cities have a higher reputation,
attract young families and give companies strong arguments to locate their
headquarters there.
It all adds up to greater economic stability, more which we can only bring about by working stronger
dependable tax revenues, increased prosperity and greater together. This research shall support urban decision-
long-term welfare. With a strong vision and focused makers on their path towards a future, where we
leadership, let us reconnect blue and green within our intelligently use what nature is teaching us for the sake of
cities. environmental protection and societal benefits.
Blue-Green infrastructure will help us adapt to climate Learn more about Ramboll and the Liveable Cities Lab
change! But its implementation requires a new mindset
01_ Three Circles_Blue, Green, Red. Diagram used images_ 28_Jakarta Indonesia_ Jakarta_Bundaran Hi_2_Credit:
Credit: Studio Dreiseitl Destinasian_Jakarta
02_ Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park_ Credit: Studio Dreiseitl 29_ Jakarta Indonesia_ Jarkata_Credit: Giovanni Cossu
03_ Tanner Springs Park, Portland_Credit: Mike Faha 30_ Mumbai_ India_skyline_Credit: Bhavesh Kumar_2014
04_ Swale system, Portland_ Credit: Mike Faha 31_ Mumbai_ India_Street view of Chembur_Mumbai_
Credit: Brandon
05_ Viborg_sns inauguration_ Credit: Ramboll Group
32_ Mumbai_India_MUMBaI Sandy beachDSCN9560_
06_ Copenhagen Image_ People Talking on waters edge_ Credit: James L. Wescoat Jr.
Credit: Ramboll Group
33_Untergrund_kanalisation_05_1920_ Reinigungsarbeiten
07_ Emerald Necklace_Boston_Credit: Google Earth in einem Hauptsammelkanal(um 1920)_ berliner-
08_ Emerald Necklace, Boston_FENWAY_DSC07899_
Boston_ Credit: James L. Wescoat 34_Chicago Town Hall_Credit: Diane Cook and Len
Jenshel - National Geographic Stock
09_ Hannover-Kronsberg_ Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
35_ Portland_ Memorial Park_stormwater retrofit_Credit:
10_ Hannover-Kronsberg_ Credit: Studio Dreiseitl Mike Faha
11_ Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park_Credit: Pagodashophouse. 36_Tanner Springs Park_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
12_ Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl 37_ Stuttgart_ Arkadien Winnenden 103_Credit: Doherty
13_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital_Credit: Jui-Yong Sim_2012 38_ First and Main Green Roof_ Portland_Credit: Mike
14_Khoo Teck Puat Hospital_Credit: Giovanni Cossu
39_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital_Credit: Giovanni Cossu
15_ UPPC_Credit: Lawrence Chiam
40_ Portland_Graham Oaks Park_green parking
16_ UPPC_Credit: georgetan98_blogger lot_Credit: Mike Faha
19_Hamburg (Germany)_ Credit: Kleiner Horst 42_ Kronsberg Hannover_All images and graphics_Credit:
Studio Dreiseitl
20_ Portland_Clay Street_Greenstreet_ Credit: Mike Faha
43_Berlin Potsdamer Platz_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
21_ Portland (Oregon,US)_ Warner Milne Green Street
Raingarden_ Credit: Mike Faha 44_Jarkata_Credit: Giovanni Cossu
25_ Copenhagen (Denmark)_Copenhagen Cloudburst 46_Jakarta Background Image credit: Giovanni Cossu_
Masterplan_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl Diagram Info by LCL Ramboll
26_ Central Park New York City_ Credit: Anthony 47_Mumbai_ Diagram Info by LCL Ramboll_Image Credit:
Quintano_2014 Herbert Dreiseitl, Giovanni Cossu
49_ Boston Common 1848_View of the Water Celebration, 71_ Lunchtime Crowd at Hyde Park_2011_Credit: Alex
on Boston Common, October 25th 1848. Lithograph by P. Proimos
Hyman and David Bigelow. National Archives and Records
Administration, National Archives Identifier 535910 72_ KTPH People_Credit: Giovanni Cossu
50_ Emerald Necklace Park System_Boston_1894 73_ Bishan Ang Mo Kio Park_ Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
plan for the Emerald Necklace Park System in Boston,
Massachusetts. 1 January 1894 _Source: National 74_VANDPLUS Project info_Frederiksberg -
Park Service Olmsted Archives, Author: Boston Parks Linevangparken_Grften_illustration_Credit: Ramboll
Department & Olmsted Architects
75_ Freiburg,_Seepark_Betzenhausen_Flckigersee
51_ Flooding in the Midwest, June 2008_ Credit: Don
Becker, USGS 76_ Kronsberg Hannover_All images and graphics Credit:
Studio Dreiseitl
52_ Copenhagen Cloudburst _Copenhagen eye level
sunny_ Credit: Ramboll 77_ Chicago Town Hall_Credit: Diane Cook and Len
Jenshel, National Geographic Stock
53_ Portland_ 124th_Avenue_Greenstreet_ Credit: Mike
Faha 77_Singapore BGI_Credit: Herbert Dreiseitl
54_ Road Block Sign_Credit: Alex Grichenko 79_BGI Integration_Graphic Credit: Herbert Dreiseitl
55_ Workshop_meeting_ Open Space Innovate June 80_BAMK Park_Credit: Lawrence Chiam
2011_Credit: Debbie McCallum & Kevin Hayes
81_Tanner Springs Park_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
56_ Singapore_Bishan Park 000_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
82_Frederiksberg_Linevangparken_Water Plus_ Credit:
57_ Hamburg_RISA_ Credit: Studio Dreiseitl Ramboll Group
58_Tanner Springs Park, Portland, OR_ Credit: Studio 83_Copenhagen Cloudburst_Credit: Ramboll Group
84_Copenhagen Cloudburst_Credit: Ramboll Group
59_Singapore BGI_Credit: Herbert Dreiseitl
85_BAMK Park_Biotope_Credit: Lawrence Chiam
60_ Singapore BGI_Credit: Herbert Dreiseitl
86_Chicago Town Hall_Credit: Diane Cook and Len
61_ VANDPLUS_Project info_Viborg - sns_Viborg_ Jenshel, National Geographic Stock
Credit: Ramboll
87_BAMK Park_Credit: Studio Dreiseitl
62_Panoramic birds eye view of Bishan Park and housing
estate from Ang Mo Kio_Credit: Jimmy Tan
63_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital_Credit: Giovanni Cossu FIGURES: INDEX & CREDITS
64_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital_Credit: Giovanni Cossu Fig.01_Diagram: Recommendations for the integration of
Blue-Green Infrastructure_Credit: LCL Ramboll
65_ Copenhagen Cloudburst Links ncap_Gasvrksvej
Hochwasser_Credit: Ramboll Fig.01a_The Process of Integration_ Section Diagram
Credit: LCL, Herbert Dreiseitl
66_ Climate change drought_Dry ground in the Sonoran
Desert, Mexico_Credit: Tomas Castelazo Fig.02_(and Fig. 02b) The Expanded Process Model_
Credit: LCL Ramboll
67_ Portland_Zidell_Board_Credit: Mike Faha
Fig.03_ World Map_BGI Ramboll Research Project-
68_ Hamburg RISA _Credit: Studio Dreiseitl Graphics2_Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.05_ Emerald Necklace, Boston_ Case Study Fig.24_Diagram: The importance of documentation_
Poster_2015_02_11_Boston_ Credit: LCL Ramboll Credit: Pedro Santa Rivera
Fig.07_ Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore_ 150211_ Fig.26_Diagram: Liveability, Sustainability, Resilience_
Board_Project Profile_Bishan_Credit: LCL Ramboll Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.08_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital & Yishun Pond, Fig.26A_Diagram: Blue Green Infrastructure_Wheel
Singapore_Credit: Nirmal Kishnani, Greening Asia Book Values_Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.09_ Khoo Teck Puat Hospital & Yishun Pond, Fig.27_ Diagram: Value embedded in social relationships_
Singapore_ 150212_ProjectProfile_Khoo Teck Puat Credit: Pedro Santa Rivera
Hospital_ LCL Ramboll_ KTPH Section_Credit: Nirmal
Kishnani, Greening Asia Book Fig.28_ Diagram: The capital-based framework for BGI
assessment_Credit: Giovanni Cossu (LCL Ramboll)
Fig.10_ Hamburg, Germany_ 150211_Board_ProjectProfile_
Hamburg_Credit: LCL Ramboll Fig.29_ Diagram: The case study & the CAPITALs:
summary_Credit: Giovanni Cossu (LCL Ramboll)
Fig.11_ New York City_Case Study_Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.30_ Diagram: Ecosystem Services_Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.12_Jakarta Indonesia_Case Study_ Credit: LCL Ramboll
Fig.31_ Share of total number of park users_Credit:
Fig.13_ Blue-Green Infrastructure: Gradient from separated Dreiseitl, H., Tovatt, O., Wanschura, B. (2015): Shaping
to integrated BGI_Credit: Herbert Dreiseitl Landscapes and Human Welfare. Comparative Field Study
of the Non-Material Effects of Blue-Green Integration in
Fig.14_How the BGI Approach Evolved_ Integrated BGI Singapore.
Approach, Absence of BGI_Giovanni Cossu (LCL Ramboll)
Fig.19_ BGI Solutions on Different Scales_ Neighborhood HDB Housing Development Board
Scale_Credit: Giovanni Cossu (LCL Ramboll)
KTPH Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Fig.20_ BGI Solutions on Different Scales_ Underground
Scale_Credit: Giovanni Cossu (LCL Ramboll) MOH Ministry of Health
The work for this publication has been made possible with the support of diverse
persons, institutions and agencies. Their participation is greatly appreciated as
they shared information, performed research and collaborated in the effort to put
together this report.
Hannover Singapore
Hanns Mnninghoff, former Director of Economic Centre for Livable Cities (CLC)
and Environmental Services in the City of Hannover Teng Chye Khoo
Dr. Ing. Hans-Otto Weusthoff, Dr. Ing. Horst Sophianne Arib
Menze, and colleagues at the Stadtentwsserung Rui Yan Yong
Hannover (Sewer Agency, City of Hannover) Martha Kaplan
Hans Dieter Keyl (former Chief Planner), and Prof.
Dr. Peter Hansen (former Chief Manager) at the Public Utility Board (PUB)
development company Gundlach GmbH & Co Kg Ying Shan Lau
Michael Bellwon, Thomas Backhau, Antonio Tan Ngaun Sen
Fernandez Chamizo, and colleagues from the Cheng Geok Ling
KROKUS Community Center at Hannover-Kronsberg Wing Keng Yau
Reinhard Martinsen, former City Planner Nikki Ye
involved in the Kronsberg development process
Annegret Pfeiffer and Ingrid Weitzel, Department of National Parks Board (NParks)
Environment and Urban Greenery of the City of Hannover Seow Kang Ling
Cybil Kho
Hamburg Hee Hiong Tan
Angelia Sia
Olaf Simon, Head of Department for Water Economy and Urban Chang Yi Ning
Water Planning of the City of Hamburg Ang Chiean Hong
Aga Khan Planning and Building Service-India, Arnold Arboretum, Alexandra Health
Boston Parks and Recreation Department, Boston Water and Mr Liak Teng Lit
Sewer Commission, Charles River Watershed Association, Emerald Donald Wai Wing Tai
Necklace Conservancy, Douglas MacDonald, Metropolitan Water Stewart Tai Yee Fong
Resources Authority, the MIT-TATA Center for Technology and Rosalind Tan
Design, Mumbai First, Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development
Authority, and U.S. National Park Service Olmsted Center for
Landscape Preservation.