Poem My Hero
Poem My Hero
Poem My Hero
Stanza One
2 I rate him Number One, In his/her opinion, his/her father is the best
3 Hes not afraid of the His/her father is not scared of the quietest and darkest part
dead of night, of the night
4 Or anything under the Or anything that exists around us. (It can also mean that
sun. his/her father is not afraid of anything during the day)
Stanza Two
Line Line Interpretation
1 Hes not afraid of a late- The personas father is not scared of watching horror
night film, movies on television late at night
Stanza Three
1 Hes not afraid of The personas father does not fear meeting ghosts
meeting ghosts, (something that most of us are scared of)
2 Hed even smile and He can even smile and greet or talk to the ghosts.
greet em, (em informal British or American, short form of
3 And things that scare His/her father can also beat/overcome many things or
most dads the most, problems that other fathers are afraid of/cannot do.
Stanza Four
Stanza Five
2 And hes always ready to He is willing and confident to show his bravery/courage
prove it.
3 So why, when a spiders The persona admires his/her father and is proud of him,
in the bath, but he/she cannot understand why his/her mother has to
get rid of a spider (just a small insect) that is in the
4 Does Mum have to come
(Perhaps, his/her father is scared of tiny insects!)
and remove it?
The darkness or quietness of the night
Frankensteins monster
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by the English author Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley that tells the story of a young science student Victor Frankenstein,
who creates a grotesque but human like creature in a scientific experiment. Shelley started
writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published
anonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Shelleys name first appeared on the
second edition, published in France in 1823.
Bravery / Courage Heroism
Leadership by example
o Confidence Love
o Respect Helpfulness
Heroic Thinking
Stanza 2.
Stanza 3.
Stanza 4.
Stanza 5.
The persona feels his father is very brave and is
not afraid of any time of the day and anyting in
the world.He rates his father who watches horror
movies late at night is not put off by any horror
scenes or fearful skeletons.If any ghost appears
in front of his father,he will either greet them or
fight them off.Horror figures,big or small,ugly or
scary looking do not give him the creeps even if
they appear at his door.However,the persona's
father or his hero has a weakness-He has a fear
of spider.
Moral Values.
A)Recognise and acknowledge our weakness.
B)Not be afraid to acknowledge our weakness.
C)Value family relationship.
D)Must set good examples.
E)Try to live up to young children's exectation.
F)Able to seperate the reality from make-believe.
G)Willing to help those in trouble.
Question on My Hero.
Stanza 1.
Stanza 2.
Stanza 3.
Stanza 4.
Practice 1.
Read the poem,'My Hero',carefully.Then,answer
questions (A)-(D).
Practice 2.
Read the poem,'My Hero',carefully.Then,answer
questions (A)-(D).
Practice 3.
Read the poem,'My Hero',carefully.Then,answer
questions (A)-(D).
Practice 4.
Read the poem,'My Hero',carefully.Then,answer
questions (A)-(D).
A)In Stanza 5,what does the line 'And he's always
ready to prove it' imply about the parent-child
->Father knows now highly the child think of him
so he will do anything to leave up to that