M Subject Headings: Earth - Planetary Systems - Planets and Satellites: General
M Subject Headings: Earth - Planetary Systems - Planets and Satellites: General
M Subject Headings: Earth - Planetary Systems - Planets and Satellites: General
2007. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
The recent discovery of super-Earths (masses 10 M ) has initiated a discussion about conditions for habitable
worlds. Among these is the mode of convection, which influences a planets thermal evolution and surface
conditions. On Earth, plate tectonics has been proposed as a necessary condition for life. Here we show that
super-Earths will also have plate tectonics. We demonstrate that as planetary mass increases, the shear stress
available to overcome resistance to plate motion increases while the plate thickness decreases, thereby enhancing
plate weakness. These effects contribute favorably to the subduction of the lithosphere, an essential component
of plate tectonics. Moreover, uncertainties in achieving plate tectonics in the 1 M regime disappear as mass
increases: super-Earths, even if dry, will exhibit plate tectonic behavior.
Subject headings: Earth planetary systems planets and satellites: general
Convective Parameters Power-Law Dependence on Mass
is t hu/D. The faster the flow, the larger the stress. In general,
these are competing effects: viscosity decreases while velocities
increase with higher temperatures (T). The relationship for ve- Fig. 1.Plate thickness and stress for super-Earths. The dependence of plate
locity is u k/DRa1/2 (Turcotte & Schubert 2002, pp. 226 thickness (blue axis) and horizontal normal stress (green axis) on mass are
shown for a bulk silicate Earth composition (solid lines) and a reduced heat
291). A super-Earth can be expected to have larger velocities content case (dashed lines). Both cases have a T-dependent viscosity treatment.
due to larger Rayleigh numbers. Thus, we need to investigate As mass increases, the stress available to overcome plate resistance increases,
the extent to which the viscosity effect reduces the stress to while plate thickness decreases, enhancing plate weakness. Plate thickness for
predict whether or not plate failure will occur. We do so by Mars and Venus is shown with their uncertainty (from Zuber et al. 2000;
considering two cases for viscosity: an isoviscous case (h p Nimmo & McKenzie 1998). The Earths plate thickness is a global average.
Planets with masses larger than 10 M can start to retain gas during formation
h0 p 10 21 Pa sEarths nominal value) and a T-dependent (Ida & Lin 2004).
viscosity case [h p h0 (T/T0 )30; Davies 1980].
dependent viscosity case and Earth-like radioactive heat sources
2.2. Structure and Convection
(solid lines). An additional case with reduced heat sources
We calculate the internal structure of terrestrial planets with (dashed lines) is discussed below. The trends between these
masses in the range of 110 M (Valencia et al. 2006) and two scenarios and scaling exponents are similar, although their
determine the mantle thickness, density, and gravity of each 1 M values are different.
planet. We find that a power-law relationship can adequately As expected, the plate thickness decreases as the M of the
express the dependence of these parameters on M. For planetary planet increases. This is because a more vigorous convective
mantles, the Rayleigh number depends on the mantle density interior can transport heat more efficiently to the surface and
[r p r (M/M ) 0.20 ], gravity [g p g (M/M )1/2 ], mantle thick- sustain a higher surface heat flux. In addition, shear stress
ness [D p D (M/M ) 0.28 ], and heat flux (q), which all depend underneath the plate increases proportionately with M (Fig. 2),
on the mass of the planet. Ra also depends on material properties:
thermal expansivity (a), thermal diffusivity (k), thermal con-
ductivity (k), and viscosity (h). The latter is a strong function of
T. Therefore, the Rayleigh number Ra p argD 4q/kkh depends
indirectly on M and T. It increases for super-Earths as the size
of their mantle and interior heat increases. To account for the
heat flux as a function of M, we scale radioactive heat production
and indirectly consider secular cooling. It is straightforward to
scale the radioactive production with M for similar bulk com-
positions. Secular cooling, on the other hand, can only be com-
pletely assessed by considering the full thermal evolution. More
massive planets would have larger initial gravitational energy
budgets to dissipate over time; we assume for simplicity that the
heat to be lost to secular cooling is proportional to M. Convective
velocities also scale roughly with M (u M 1.19 ; see Table 1), so
that the proportional rate of cooling should be roughly indepen-
dent of M. Even though the relative contributions of radioactive
heating and secular cooling to the total heat flow will depend
on the evolution of the planet, we assume that heat flow scales
proportionately with M, especially because we expect the radio-
active production to be dominant. The internal structure model
allows us to calculate Ra, d, and T beneath the plate for planets
between 1 and 10 M. Convergence of these parameters deter-
Fig. 2.Convective parameters scaling with planetary mass. Plate thickness
mines the structure and final radius of each super-Earth planet. (solid line), drop in temperature within the plate (dash-dotted line), shear stress
(medium-dashed line), plate length (long-dashed line), normal stress on plate
3. RESULTS boundaries (dotted line), and convective velocity (short-dashed line) depend
on the mass of the planet. This dependence can be fitted to a power law, with
Figure 1 shows the dependence of plate thickness (blue) and corresponding exponents shown as numbers. The values are normalized for
horizontal normal stress (green) as a function of M for the T- Earth; see Table 1.
and thus, the deviatoric horizontal normal stress also increases. thickness depends on the extent of melting under ridges, which
This means that the viscosity reduction effect on stress is very depends on the P and T conditions. As shown above, T at
small compared to the velocity effect. This is the case because ridges and under plates varies little with M, so that with larger
the drop in T within the plate and hence local viscosity are gravity values, melting occurs at shallower depths in super-
nearly independent of M, as indicated by our calculations for Earths. A simple calculation shows that the crust thins with
the more realistic T-dependent viscosity case (Fig. 2). For sim- increasing planetary M, and while it becomes a larger com-
ilar surface temperature, the increase in temperature at the base ponent of the also thinning boundary layers, its thickness stays
of the lithosphere between Earth and a super-Earth differs at below the threshold allowing negative buoyancy. This effect
most by only 5%. We think the reason for this surprising result stands in contrast to the young Earth that had a higher potential
is a very efficient negative feedback induced by viscosity. If T but same P profile (Nisbet & Fowler 1983; Davies 1993).
T increases, the viscosity decreases and heat flux increases, To precisely assess the density of the plate, detailed petrological
cooling the planet and reducing T. We ignore pressure (P) models like those of Hynes (2005) and Afonso et al. (2007)
effects on viscosity because we expect them to be small under are needed. It is important to point out that their models do
thin plates and because we find that P at the base of the plate not predict negative buoyancy on Earth when the plates density
is roughly the same for all super-Earths. is compared to sublithospheric density, arguing that perhaps
Figure 2 shows the dependence of all the relevant convective this condition is not critical for the initiation of subduction. In
parameters with planetary mass normalized to the Earths val- addition, Becker et al. (1999) showed that in compressive
ues for the T-dependent case. The results can be adequately regions, the cold plate can thicken to a point that negative
fitted to a power law such as d p d (M/M ) b, where the ex- buoyancy is inevitable and subduction follows. If negative
ponent b shows the dependence on M. In a vigorously con- buoyancy is indeed a necessary condition, our simple calcu-
vective interior (high Ra), the velocities are expected to be lations show that super-Earths can satisfy it.
large, and this is evident in Figure 2. The relative size of the
convection cells measured as the length of the plate with respect 4. SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS
to its radius (L/R) increases slightly, from a 0.29 ratio for a
In summary, convection is more vigorous in massive ter-
1 M planet to a 0.30 ratio for a 10 M planet. The maximum
restrial planets, making their lithospheres thinner and therefore
plate age, related to the convective overturn, in a super-Earth
reducing lithospheric strength. Furthermore, they achieve larger
is much less (see Table 1 for b p 0.91).
stresses owing primarily to larger velocities and therefore can
more easily overcome the lithospheric resistance to deforma-
3.1. Heat Flow
tion. Plates may reach negative buoyancy on super-Earths de-
In addition to a bulk silicate Earth composition for radio- spite their relative younger ages. This scenario is suitable for
active sources, we also consider planets with no 40K content. the failure of the plate and subsequent subduction, which is a
As a result of potassiums volatile nature, Earth is depleted in necessary step for plate tectonics. Given that Earths convective
this element (McDonough & Sun 1995). It is therefore possible state leads to plate tectonics, the more favorable conditions
for other planets to also have nonchondritic K concentrations. experienced by super-Earths will inevitably lead to plate tec-
U/O and Th/O ratios can be expected to be fairly constant for tonics. Furthermore, planets of similar mass should have the
planets forming around stars with a relatively recent supernova same potential to exhibit plate tectonics. Conversely, this phys-
event (within 10 Gyr). K contributes less than one-third of total ics can help explain why small planets like Mars, Mercury,
heat from radioactive sources at the present time on Earth. and the Moon do not exhibit plate tectonics.
Within this context, we consider a pessimistic scenario for a
super-Earth with only one-third of its chondritic heat flow (Q) 4.1. Role of Water
and no secular cooling contribution.
Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth and does not exhibit
This end-member case (Q/3) shows comparatively thicker
plate tectonics, although some authors (Turcotte 1993; Jellinek
plates (Fig. 1), with 117 km versus 43 km in thickness for a
et al. 2005) have suggested it may have in the past. This ob-
1 M planet. In addition, the driving force is on the order of
servation indicates that the 1 M case falls within a zone of
16 MPa, which is lower than Earths value of 10 MPa. This
transition between hard stagnant lid and mobile plate re-
is an extreme case where subduction would be difficult but still
gimes. In this case, characteristics other than M may be im-
possible for the most massive super-Earths if other factors, such
portant to the dynamics of the lithosphere. For example, the
as the presence of hydrated minerals, is invoked to reduce the
high surface temperature of Venus might lead to a weak, highly
strength of the plate. For each planetary mass, there is a thresh-
deformable boundary layer that would not support the coherent
old in heat flow below which the convective driving force
platelike behavior that characterizes oceanic plates on Earth.
would not be sufficient to maintain subduction and plate tec-
Moreover, plate strength is relatively large compared to the
tonics would cease. Nonetheless, most of the super-Earths that
mantle driving force in the 1 M case; yield stresses are on
will be detected in the next few years will likely fall in a regime
the order of 15 GPa for olivine (the representative upper man-
above the Q/3 scenario.
tle mineral; Chen et al. 1998), whereas our calculations, in
agreement with more detailed models (Becker & OConnell
3.2. Lithospheric Buoyancy
2001), suggest an underlying driving force of only 10 MPa.
On Earth, the oceanic lithosphere is comprised of 7 km of Since slip can occur on preexisting faults at stress values of a
basaltic crust (chemically buoyant), overlaying lithospheric few MPa, the existence of plate tectonics in the 1 M regime
mantle. We perform a simple buoyancy calculation at subduc- may thus depend crucially on the conditions required to initiate
tion ages by considering the thermal contraction from the ridge. subduction. The presence of water is one possible mechanism
We determine maximum crustal thicknesses that still allow the to reduce the yield strength of a plate and friction on faults.
lithospheric mean density to be larger than the underlying man- Experiments show that water reduces the yield strength of ol-
tles. We find this value to be 13% the plate thickness at sub- ivine by 62% when raising the temperature from 25C to 400C
duction zones (twice the average thicknessd). The crustal at 10 GPa, compared to a drop of 39% in dry olivine (Chen
et al. 1998). Hence, the hydration level of Venuss mantle, temperatures within the liquid water regime (Kasting 1996). A
which is 12 orders of magnitude lower than on Earth (Zolotov super-Earth that has plate tectonics and weathering capabilities
et al. 1997), may make it very difficult for convective forces can be expected to have CO2 atmospheric concentrations that
within this planet to overcome plate resistance. would yield temperatures around liquid water. Therefore, evi-
For larger planets, super-Earths, these issues become less dence against the presence of plate tectonics on an exoplanet
relevant. A wet super-Earth will clearly have enough driving would be the detection of high values of CO2 for the age of
force to sustain subduction. But, more importantly, the con- the star, type of star, and orbital distance. An SO2-based atmo-
sequences for initiating subduction associated with the hydra- sphere is also possible and the same reasoning would apply,
tion of a 1 M planet (i.e., a reduction of the yield strength by since the sulfur cycle operates analogously to the carbon cycle.
half) would be similar to a doubling of the mass of the planet But obviously, more theoretical research is necessary to model
(Fig. 2). That is to say, both scenarios would be as likely to the details and predict the right observable signatures.
initiate and maintain subduction. In conclusion, we show here that as mass increases, the
process of subduction, and hence plate tectonics, becomes eas-
4.2. Atmospheric Observables ier. Therefore, massive super-Earths will very likely exhibit
plate tectonics. In the future, with the Terrestrial Planet Finder
The difference between a super-Earth with active plate tec- by NASA and Darwin by ESA, it might be possible to use
tonics and one with stagnant lid is in the access of upper mantle spectroscopy to identify atmospheric signatures suggesting
material and gases to the atmosphere. The first case allows plate tectonism on these objects. This class of planets offers
several global geochemical cycles to operate, like the CO2 and the possibility of finding Earth analogs and, in particular, make
SO2 ones. For example, cases in our solar system include Earth attractive targets in the search for habitable planets.
with a CO2 cycle and possibly early Mars with a SO2 cycle
(Halevy et al. 2007). Earth has had stable modest levels of
atmospheric CO2 (between 160 and 7000 ppm; Royer et al. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for his/her
2001) in the last 0.5 Gyr, whereas Venus levels stand today at useful comments. D. V. acknowledges support from the Har-
96%. A planet with plate tectonism and a carbonate rock res- vard Origins of Life Initiative. This work was in part funded
ervoir has an efficient built-in cycle that stabilizes climate at by NSF grant EARp0440017.
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