Machinery Lubrication March April 2017

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March - April

This issue sponsored by:

Strategies for Lubricating Big Iron
Whether you have big iron or normal-sized machinery, knowing the limitations of the technology used to
monitor your asset health and tailoring your maintenance activities to overcome these limitations will be
paramount for success.

March-April 2017

The 5 States of Machine Inspection 2.0
To fend off risk and vulnerability, wise and reliability-intensive
Choose the Right Lubricant to Reduce Air Pollution
By properly matching the needs of your equipment to the prop-
organizations perform inspection across multiple states. erties of the lubricant, you not only can extend the life of your

14 46
machinery, but you can also help protect the environment.
Cavitation or Aeration? How to Tell the Difference PERSPECTIVE
Many maintenance technicians confuse cavitation and aeration. Aligning Lubrication Excellence with ISO 55000
Although these common conditions often have very similar symp- As you gain a better understanding of ISO 55000, you will realize
toms, their root causes are entirely different. the value it offers in implementing a proper asset management

system as well as a world-class lubrication strategy that can help
OIL ANALYSIS you reach your goals.
Best Practices for Using Oil Analysis
in Lubrication Management
Maintenance organizations must be proactive so that the solution to
an oil-related problem is not always an oil change.
ICML Charts Growth While Planning Future Success
Since its inception in 2001, the International Council for Machinery

Lubrication (ICML) has awarded more than 17,000 certifications in
LUBE-TIPS more than 100 countries while continuing to support the machinery
lubrication industry and serve practitioners.

Our readers offer advice on a host of lubrication-related issues,
including tips on filtering out contaminants and switching greases.

CASE STUDY How to Mitigate Contaminant Ingression
How Improving Lubricant Storage and Handling in Hydraulic Systems
Can Pay Off Damage to hydraulic cylinder rods and wiper seals is a perpetual
Discover how the Gerber plant in Fort Smith, Arkansas, was able to problem for most hydraulic machinery users. Learn the key methods
boost its asset reliability through better lubrication management. that can help mitigate this common issue.

MoreEditorial Features
Maintenance and Reliabili t y

J im F itch | N oria C orporation

5 STATESof Machine
W hen most of us refer to
inspection, we are
thinking of running
machines inspected routinely, say on daily
rounds. Unarguably, this type of on-the-run
inspection is critical to machine condition
monitoring, but other types of inspections
are important as well. At its best, inspec-
tion seeks and finds the precursors to
failure, also known as root causes. This is
job one, for sure. Next, inspection must
hunt down those elusive incipient failure
conditions (the earliest detectable state)
that can be as difficult as the sound of a
pin drop for our senses to detect.
The time horizon when inspection
should incur spans from cradle to grave.
Ive emphasized in past columns that
Inspection 2.0 is a continuous state of vigi-
lance. The moment you let your guard
down is exactly the time when the enduring business to protect your investment and minimize air movement between the
Mr. Murphy makes his entrance. To fend more importantly to sustain a state headspace and the atmosphere. This
off risk and vulnerability, the wise and reli- of readiness. also keeps internal surfaces oil wet,
ability-intensive organization performs Without a doubt, the central enemy which would otherwise be exposed to
inspection across multiple states. for this type of equipment is water that condensation and other atmospheric
condenses, settles, puddles and corrodes. contaminants. In gearboxes, these surfaces
Inspection of Spares, Storage Therefore, from the standpoint of inspec- would include all bearings, internal shafts
tion, looking for water entry points and
and Standby Equipment the presence of invaded water is high on
and gears. Because of hydrostatic forces,
these flooded machines are prone to
Keeping spares and standby machinery the list. The ability of a lubricants addi-
in a prime, healthy state can be a daunting leakage over time, often through gaskets
tives to suppress corrosion is largely
task, to say the least. Often machines and neutralized when additives are unable to and lip seals. All evidence of leakage, from
critical spare parts must be stored for years circulate. For numerous reasons, water is dampness to oil puddles, should be noted
in a ready for operation state. Several rightfully the scourge of stored and idle and corrected.
articles have been published in Machinery machines and spare parts. Also, check to ensure:
Lubrication magazine on maintaining idle Many types of machines are internally All shafts and couplings have protec-
and standby equipment. This is serious flooded with oil during storage to tive coatings still in place.

2 | March - April 2017 |

Lubrication ML
Mike Ramsey -
Lube lines and components are tightly sealed change presents risk from the standpoint of GROUP PUBLISHER
Brett OKelley -
(caps, plugs, etc.), and hatches and covers machine reliability.
are battened down. There is also the human element. When Jason Sowards -
operators, mechanics and maintenance SENIOR EDITOR
Reservoirs and sumps are clean and free of
workers alter a machine, it is often difficult to Jim Fitch -
water and sludge.
precisely return it to the previous operating TECHNICAL WRITERS
Shafts are being rotated frequently. state. Any kind of intrusive event, despite all Wes Cash -
Alejandro Meza -
Dirt and other debris have not accumulated good intentions, presents danger. Before Bennett Fitch -
tearing down any machine, there must be a Loren Green -
on exterior surfaces. Michael Brown -
compelling need. Explore all non-intrusive Garrett Bapp -
Parts and small assemblies are sealed (e.g., options first. CREATIVE DIRECTOR
plastic sheets/bags) and oriented correctly A great countermeasure to avoid start-up Ryan Kiker -
(i.e., vertical versus horizontal), including risk is thorough and continuous inspection GRAPHIC ARTISTS
hydraulic cylinders, bearings, gearboxes, along with condition monitoring. Respect all Patrick Clark -
pumps, etc. potential areas of danger. Inspect as many of Josh Couch -
Greg Rex -
areas do not expose spare parts, these hazards as possible until operational
stability is restored. These include: ADVERTISING SALES
assemblies and stored machines to vibration. Tim Davidson -
Temperature (all critical zones, compo- 800-597-5460, ext. 224
nents and surfaces)
Ally Katz -

It is frequently said that the time a machine
Balance and alignment CORRESPONDENCE
is most prone to failure is just after commis- You may address articles, case studies,
sioning, major repairs or teardown. These Gauge readings (temperature, pressure, special requests and other correspondence to:
episodes are critical states of change, and vacuum, flow, speed, proximity, etc.) MACHINERY LUBRICATION
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Differential filter pressure unnecessary invasions that can introduce a surfaces? How about used filters, strainers,
Magnetic plug collections root cause for failure. That said, you often sump floors, seal condition, corrosion,
can safely gain access to gear teeth, sump journal bearings, etc.?
level, color and clarity at all walls, couplings, shaft seals, bottom sedi- Does your organization have assigned
sight glasses ment and water (BS&W) bowls, magnetic responsibilities for failure reporting, anal-
Leak zones plugs, bearing clearances, etc., for a brief ysis and corrective action system (FRACAS)
look at the condition. Cameras, including activities? How about root cause analysis?
Dont overlook the need to pull samples
borescopes, may be helpful. One of the problems with repair inspec-
frequently and run onsite checks for cleanli-
tions and failure investigations is that the
ness levels and wear debris. Typically, there
is no need for a lab to perform these checks. Repair Inspection people assigned to the task are often the
Repair and rebuild inspections present same people who are directly or indirectly a
Many different field methods do an
a valuable opportunity that too often target for blame. Asking a maintenance
adequate job, including patch testing, the
goes untapped. What a wonderful organization to find fault in itself has
Durban method and blotter spot testing.
learning opportunity failure can be. This inherent challenges for which there is no
Run Inspection not only involves what failed and why it easy solution.
failed, but also what else you can observe Part of the answer is culture. Building a
Ive covered this subject in the last several
while you are performing the autopsy. culture of continuous improvement and not
Machinery Lubrication articles. Yes, there is a
Consider the following: a culture of blame and finger-pointing goes
difference between Inspection 2.0 and
What are rebuild shops teaching you a long way. We all make mistakes. How can
conventional practices. An enhanced state
we learn from them?
of reliability demands an enhanced state of about the causes of failed electric motors,
Ive detailed the five states of machine
operator involvement. It is not just about cylinders, gearboxes, pumps, etc.? Do you
Inspection 2.0. How does your reliability
quickly looking at a machine, but rather its receive inspection reports from these
organization compare?
about examining the machine frequently rebuild shops on what they find when they
open up your failed machines? Do they give
and intensely with a skilled, probing eye.
For all bad actor machines under your you guidance on prevention? If so, how is
About the Author
Jim Fitch has a wealth of in the trenches
care, there is a critical need for Inspection this knowledge (feedback) used to improve
experience in lubrication, oil analysis,
2.0 vigilance. These are the machines that your maintenance practices today?
tribology and machinery failure investigations.
are pushed beyond their design limits. They Do you procrastinate when it comes to
Over the past two decades, he has presented
are most responsible for business interrup- performing needed breakdown autopsies?
hundreds of courses on these subjects. Jim has
tion and lost production, as well as for 80 Once operation has been restored to your published more than 200 technical articles,
percent of the costs of downtime and repair. process or machine, do you fail to investi- papers and publications. He serves as a U.S.
gate the cause of the failure? Does it take delegate to the ISO tribology and oil analysis
Stop Inspection three or even four similar failures before working group. Since 2002, he has been the
Stop inspections allow you to access action is taken to seek the cause? director and a board member of the Interna-
those hard-to-reach machine conditions Besides the search for failure root tional Council for Machinery Lubrication. He
and frictional surfaces. Of course, as previ- causes, do you use the opportunity to is the CEO and a co-founder of Noria Corpo-
ously mentioned, you should avoid all inspect other wear zones and machine ration. Contact Jim at

4 | March - April 2017 |

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By Brian Thorp, Seminole Electric Cooperative


ypically, when mine operators
are asked what they are doing
for their lubrication program,
the response is generally
along the lines of scheduled
preventive maintenance (PM) and used oil
analysis provided by the equipment manu-
facturer. Unfortunately, these activities alone
do not constitute an effective program. This
article will explore lubrication strategies for
big iron, which includes large earthmovers
such as rope shovels, hydraulic shovels, drag-
lines and bucket-wheel excavators.

A pair of rope shovels working the central
Appalachian coal region had planetary gear-
cases on the propel drives (i.e., the tracks).
On average, one of four planetary propel
gearcases in service would fail every six to
eight months. In a matter of two years, it
was conceivable that all four gearboxes
would be replaced. A single gearcase cost
approximately $400,000, and lead times
were increasing to six months. To further
complicate the situation, most failures were
catastrophic, and the gearcases could not
be rebuilt.
So what was causing the gearcases to fail?
Lube changes were being conducted approxi-
mately every six months on regularly scheduled
PMs, and oil samples were being taken nearly
every three months, but these tasks alone were
not detecting failures. Consequently, there
was little belief from the maintenance team
that used oil analysis was effective.
Part of the problem was the lack of new
oil sample analysis with which to compare
the used oil. Lubricants for big iron typi-
cally have high viscosities (approximately
1,000 centistokes) and unique additive
packages. The only way to know if you have
lost your additive package in your used oil is
to have a new oil reference.
Another problem was the test slate being
performed on used oil at the laboratory. As
with most used oil analysis, labs sell a basic
test package that costs $15 to $20 per
sample. Typically, this includes a 19-element
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) report,
a viscosity test and an indication of moisture
content, which is usually determined by a
crackle test on a hot plate. With big iron, | March - April 2017 | 7


Iron ppm 13 100-300
Chromium ppm 0 0-1
Molybdenum ppm 0 0
Aluminum ppm 0 0-2
Copper ppm 0 0-2
Lead ppm 0 0
Tin ppm 0 0
Silver ppm 0 0
Nickel ppm 0 0
Vanadium ppm 0 0
Titanium ppm 0 0-1
Manganese ppm 0 0
the amount of wear debris considered
normal always flags as exceptionally high at Cadmium ppm 0 0
the lab. In addition, the AES test cannot Contaminant Elements
fully account for particles larger than 3 to 8 Silicon ppm 19 0-20
microns, depending on the instrument used Sodium ppm 0 0-2
by the lab. Big iron machine components Boron ppm 1 2
are much larger than normal, so the wear Additive Elements
debris is larger as well. Simply put, the stan-
Magnesium ppm 7 6-8
dard tests didnt see the full picture.
Calcium ppm 5 6-8
THE SOLUTION Barium ppm 0 0

The solution was to develop machine-spe- Phosphorus ppm 185 185-220

cific test slates with custom alarm limits. This Zinc ppm 2 2-10
required a premium used oil analysis package. Non-Metallic Content
For the planetary gearcases, new oil samples Water % vol. Nil Nil
for a baseline reference were sent to the lab. A Solids % vol. <0.1 Not tested
test slate was assembled comprised of Lube Data
21-element AES, viscosity, acid number, mois-
Viscosity at 40C cSt 318.0 Alarm at 10%
ture by crackle test, oxidation by infrared (IR)
Acid Number mg KOH/g 0.85 1.2
and direct read (DR) ferrography (see the
table on the right). The DR test was needed to Infrared
overcome the particle size limitation with Hydroxy N/A 0
AES. While some labs do not offer the DR Anti-wear Loss N/A 0-1
test, they can perform a particle quantity Oxidation N/A 0-11
(PQ) index, which is a suitable alternative. Nitration N/A 5
Initially, the sample frequency on the
Oxidation/Sulfate N/A 30
four gearcases was weekly so the data
Additional Tests
density could be increased and what was
normal could be identified. The mainte- PQ Index 9 30-80
nance teams thought this was overkill, A customized test slate for big iron

but buy-in and support were obtained

from management.
One of the gearcases was new and just
put into service. After two weeks of opera-
tion, the maintenance crew sampled the
gearcase. When the oil analysis report was
received, a resample was ordered immedi-
ately because the additive levels of the used
oil did not appear correct. The resample
confirmed that the new oils additive
package had been lost. This is not
uncommon for new oil in new machinery.
In laymans terms, what happened was
that the additives had attached themselves
to the machinerys components and were
no longer suspended in the oil.
An oil change was ordered on the
gearbox, which had been in service only
one month. The cost of the oil change was
$3,000-$4,000, but the cost of a new
gearbox was $400,000. Traditional
wisdom for maintaining this machinery
was to change the oil approximately every
six months. In actuality, it was more like
once a year.
As monitoring continued on a
bi-monthly basis, the in-service oil was
good for three to four months before addi-
tives started dropping out and oxidation
levels increased. With custom test slates
and close monitoring, used oil analysis was
able to determine the proper oil change
intervals, and the planetary gearbox fail-
ures stopped completely.

Effective maintenance should be viewed
in terms of the profits generated. The base-
line case for this example involved a
gearbox failure every six months, with a
cost of $800,000 per year in parts alone.
Assuming a gearbox lifespan of five years,
the replacement costs amounted to
$320,000 annually for the four units in
service. The oil change costs included two
changes per year per gearcase at a cost of
$3,500 per oil change, for a total of
$28,000 annually for the fleet. This was
increased to three changes per year per
gearcase, for a total cost of $42,000. The
cost of the used oil analysis was negligible.
So for a $14,000 increase in lubrication
costs, a profit of $466,000 per year was
generated. The savings could be even
10 | March - April 2017 |


Cost of new gear-
$800,000 $320,000
cases (per year)
Cost of oil replace-
$28,000 $42,000
ments (per year)

Total $828,000 $362,000

Comparing the costs of business as usual with the costs of an effective lubrication program

greater if the operator only incurred rebuild

costs and not replacement costs.
Please note that the oil change interval
was dependent upon how much the oper-
ator trammed or propelled the shovel. A
long-distance tram generally requires an
immediate oil change. Effective lubrication
programs target and monitor specific
failure modes, but there is no standard
Fresh air.
package applicable to big iron.
Many other practices can also be profit-
able, such as offline oil filtration, using oil
sampling ports, adding desiccant breathers
Whatever clean technologies the future To learn more,
and utilizing magnetic filtration for circu- brings, lubricants will continue to play a key scan the QR
lating oil systems often found on draglines role. For innovative industrial lubricants that code or visit
and shovels. Whether you have big iron extend service life and enhance performance,
look to lubricants formulated with NUFLUX oil-additives.
or normal-sized machinery, knowing the technology from Evonik.
limitations of the technology used to
Aim high Let it flow.
monitor your asset health and tailoring
your maintenance activities to overcome
these limitations will be paramount in
achieving success.

About the Author

Brian Groff is a senior mining engineer
and consultant for Continental Placer, which
has been providing services to the mining and
industrial minerals community since 1988.
Brian has more than 17 years of practical
experience in zinc, salt, coal, limestone and
aggregates, and has visited more than 100
mines worldwide.
12 | March - April 2017 |

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or Aeration?
How to Tell the Difference
B y A l Smiley, GPM H ydraulic Consulting
Many maintenance technicians resulting pressure difference between the Causes of Cavitation
confuse cavitation and aeration. reservoir and the pump inlet causes the fluid
Any increase in fluid velocity can lead to
In fact, aeration is sometimes to move from the higher pressure to the lower
referred to as pseudo cavitation. While cavitation. Fluid velocity is inversely propor-
pressure. As long as the pressure difference is
these two conditions have similar symp- sufficient and the flow path is clear, the oper- tional to the size of the hydraulic line. Most
toms, their causes are entirely different. ation goes smoothly, but anything that pumps have a suction line that is larger than
reduces the inlet flow can create problems. the pressure line. This is to keep inlet
What Is Cavitation? Whenever the pump cannot get as much fluid velocity low, making it very easy for oil to
Cavitation is the formation and collapse of as it is trying to deliver, cavitation occurs, as enter the pump. Any blockage, such as a
air cavities in liquid. When hydraulic fluid is shown in the right illustration below. plugged suction strainer or filter, can result
pumped from a reservoir, a low-pressure drop Hydraulic oil contains approximately 9 in the pump cavitating. A contaminated
occurs in the suction side of the pump. percent dissolved air. When a pump does not suction strainer is the most common cause
Despite what many people believe, the fluid is get enough oil, air is pulled out of the oil. These of cavitation simply because it is under-
not sucked into the pump but rather pushed air bubbles travel into the pump and eventually neath the oil level in the reservoir.
into it by atmospheric pressure, as shown in collapse and implode when they reach an area One of our consultants was recently
the left illustration below. of relatively high pressure. The ensuing shock- called to a plant in Georgia that had
The movement of the rotating gears leads waves produce a steady, high-pitched whining changed five pumps on a machine within a
to a drop in pressure at the suction line. The sound and damage to the inside of the pump. week. The first thing that was noticed was a

Low available pressure

Sufficient vapor cavities form and
available pressure implode inside pump

14 | March - April 2017 |


unit failed within a few hours after startup

due to cavitation. After losing two pumps
in 24 hours, the pipe plug on the breather
opening was discovered.
Extreme oil temperatures can also cause
cavitation. High temperatures allow vapor
cavities to form with less of a pressure
drop, while low temperatures increase the
oils viscosity, making it harder for the oil to
get into the pump. Most hydraulic systems
should not be started up with the oil any
colder than 40 degrees F or put under load
until at least 70 degrees F.
In addition, cavitation may result if the
drive speed is too high for the pump, as the
pump tries to deliver more oil than it can
get into its suction port. If the pump is posi-
tioned so fluid must be lifted a long way
from the reservoir, atmospheric pressure
may be insufficient to deliver enough fluid
to the pump inlet, which can cavitate.
Systems at high altitudes are also
susceptible to cavitation, as the available
atmospheric pressure may be inadequate. It
is for this reason that aeronautic hydraulics
must use pressurized reservoirs.

Understanding Aeration
Aeration occurs whenever outside air
high-pitched whining sound, which was breather cap was originally located. The enters the suction side of the pump. This
heard every 20 to 30 seconds. The mill- result was that one of the pumps on the produces a sound that is more erratic than
wrights had changed the suction line, and
although a suction strainer was shown on
the schematic, none was found in the line.
The machine was then shut down, and the
reservoir drained to be cleaned. Guess what
was found in the reservoir? The suction
strainer, which had been floating around in
the oil, was occasionally blocking the
suction pipe to the pump.
A plugged breather cap is another
common cause of cavitation. It can lead to
falling pressure in the reservoir. Suction
pressure at the pump must drop very low to
compensate for this, creating vapor cavities.
At a plywood plant in Oregon, a hose
ruptured on the lathe, which resulted in a
loss of 150 gallons of oil in the reservoir.
After the hose was changed, the lubrication
technician removed one of the breather
caps to refill the reservoir. While filling the
tank, a shift change occurred, and the
second-shift lube tech took over. Once the
reservoir was refilled, the lube tech installed A fitting (marked A) on this hydraulic pump suction line vibrated loose after
12 years, leading to aeration.
a pipe plug on the threads where the
that of cavitation. The whining noise may be augmented by a sound
similar to marbles or gravel rattling around inside the pump. If the Aeration and cavitation
oil in the reservoir is visible, you may see foaming. Air in the oil can
lead to sluggish system performance and even damage the pump produce different sounds.
and other components. Usually you can determine the
Causes of Aeration cause of the problem before
Aeration is often caused by an air leak in the suction line. the first wrench is turned.
Pressure in the suction line is below that of atmospheric pres-
sure, so if theres a leak in the suction line, oil wont leak out, but
air will leak in. If you suspect an air leak, put oil on all the fittings Incorrect shaft rotation may not be an issue with all pumps, but
and connections in the suction line. If the sound of aeration some will aerate if they are turned backward. Most pumps have a
stops briefly, you have found your leak. An ultrasonic gun can direction of rotation stamped or located on a sticker on the pump
also be used to detect leaks. housing. Many times when a pump is rebuilt, this sticker is removed.
One of our consultants was asked to diagnose several pump Always check the part number of the new pump to be installed with the
failures on a system at an automotive manufacturing plant. When old pump. Often a number or letter will indicate whether it is a right-
he arrived at the unit, he heard an erratic high-pitched sound. He hand or left-hand rotation. If you are unsure, remove the pumps outlet
also noticed that there were several fittings in the suction line. He line and secure it into a container. Never hold this line, as it could be a
had one of the millwrights fill a bottle with oil and squirt it around hazardous situation. Momentarily jog the electric motor. If the pump is
all the fittings. When oil was applied to one fitting, the pump rotating in the correct direction, oil will flow out of the outlet port.
momentarily quieted down. This fitting had vibrated loose after 12 Aeration may also result from a low fluid level. The oil level should
years on the machine. never drop more than 2 inches above the suction line. If so, a vortex can
A bad shaft seal on a fixed displacement pump is another
form, much like when draining a bathtub. This allows air in the suction
common cause of aeration. If you suspect a bad shaft seal, spray
line, leading to aeration of the pump.
some shaving cream around the seal. If it is bad, holes in the shaving
When troubleshooting hydraulic pump issues, make the visual and
cream will develop as air enters the pump.
sound checks first, as these are the easiest to perform. Remember,
I was once called to a paper mill where foam came out of the
aeration and cavitation produce different sounds. Usually you can
log-kicker reservoir shortly after the fixed displacement pump
determine the cause of the problem before the first wrench is turned.
was started. After performing the shaving cream test, I knew the
shaft seal was badly worn. Upon further inspection, I found the About the Author
pump elastomeric coupling was worn, which resulted in wear on Al Smiley is the president of GPM Hydraulic Consulting Inc., located
the shaft seal. in Monroe, Georgia. Since 1994, GPM has provided hydraulic training,
Improperly tightened or aligned fittings in the suction line can consulting and reliability assessments to companies in the United States,
also cause aeration. Check all the fittings and make sure they are Canada, the United Kingdom and South America. Contact Al at gpm@
torqued and aligned according to specifications. | March - April 2017 | 17

Is there any way to clean our oil up to two ISO codes
other than with loop filtering?
Best practices recommend that the existing and desired cleanliness level.
lubricants are filtered when they The lubricant volume will play a factor as
are transferred from one well. In the field, it is common to have a
container to another or to a machine. This lubricant pass through the filter seven times
practice can improve lubricant cleanliness to clean it, but this is just an estimate.
with just a single pass. The filter must have a Other alternatives can also be employed
high beta ratio (greater than 200) at the to clean the oil, including modern centrif-
right micron size to achieve the expected ugal technologies. These can be very
cleanliness level. Of course, the use of a effective in removing solid contaminants
high-efficiency filter will require the proper and improving ISO cleanliness codes. They
lubricant flow rate and pressure according are used for industrial engine oils and
to the viscosity and volume to be filtered. frequently applied as a bypass system for
Installing a temporary online filtration the main filtration and lubrication circuit.
system or kidney loop to clean the lubri- Most centrifuge designs utilize the pres- The reaction force created by the exiting
cant in a machine or container is a low-cost sure of the fluid going through the system to fluid creates the torque necessary to over-
option to remove solid contaminants. Since spin the rotor at speeds high enough to sepa- come any friction, and the rotor begins to
the filtered lubricant returns to the same rate contaminant particles from the fluid. In spin. Typical speeds between 5,000 and
sump from which it was obtained, it is engine applications, the oil is directed to the 8,000 revolutions per minute can be
mixed with non-filtered lubricant. The new centrifuge in a bypass loop, which uses 5 to achieved in most applications.
sump cleanliness is the result of the mixed 15 percent of the pumps flow, depending on Other methods such as gravity
concentrations. For this reason, the lubri- the application. This pressurized flow travels settling or magnetic filters may not be as
cant must pass through the filter several through the centrifuge rotor. As it exits the effective in removing smaller particles or
times. The number of passes will depend on rotor, the oil goes through two small nozzles. different materials.

Is there an oil color standard for oil analysis? We

have taken samples of engine lubricants, and some
have colors that look like coffee with milk. Is this color
acceptable in oil analysis? Do you know the color
standard in oil analysis?
Color can be used as an indicator of oil health, and in
many cases it is a reliable field indicator. However, color
alone cannot tell the whole story of the oils condition.
For a complete understanding of oil condition, it is important to use
an appropriate test slate.
The color of lubricating oils can range from transparent to
opaque. The color is based on the crude from which it is made, its
viscosity, method and degree of treatment during refining, and the
amount and types of additives included.
A change in oil color signifies a change in the chemistry of the oil
or the presence of contaminants. For example, oil oxidation, mixing

18 | March - April 2017 |

two dissimilar types of oil, and carbon insolubles from thermal
failure can all darken oil. There is also a possibility that the oil dark-
ening is due to a photochemical reaction from sunlight exposure.
Measuring color is based on a visual comparison of the amount
of light transmitted through a defined depth of oil. This can be done
with a predefined test method and instrumentation or a subjective
view of the oil with reference to a color gauge. In either case, there
may be a number of variables to monitor for quality results.
The ASTM D1500-07 test method can be used to compare the
color of an oil sample to a glass slide. This test is used in lubricant
manufacturing for quality-control purposes. It is performed using
a standard light source to match a sample to a glass slide. Values
for the glass range from 0.5 to 8.0 in 0.5 increments. If the sample
falls between two colors, the higher number is reported. If no color
gauge is available, the oil color is compared to a previous sample

or a new oil sample.
It should be noted that color is added using dyes in some cases
to help identify the type of lubricant, such as red for automatic
transmission fluid. Nevertheless, an oil with a specific color should
lubrication for high-
never be assumed to be a certain type of oil. It is also important to demand applications.
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2017 Dow Corning Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company.
All rights reserved. Images: AV10013, AV19512, AV19520, AV13207, AV01056, AV11797. | March - April 2017 | 19


Best Practices for Using

Oil Analysisin How to Determine

B y Bill Quesnel, WearCheck Canada

There is no question that an effec-
tive oil analysis program lowers
maintenance costs on rotating
equipment. The trick is knowing how to run an
effective oil analysis program. Organizations
must be proactive so the solution to an oil-
related problem is not always an oil change.
The real benefit of oil analysis is using the data
to steer you toward solutions to eliminate
lubricant issues. This article will describe the
best practices for using oil analysis to monitor
your lubrication management program.

Getting Started
Are you waiting until you have imple-
mented basic lubrication management
strategies before taking those first oil
samples because you know the results will be
bad? Dont hesitate to start your program.
You likely will see many problematic oil
samples, but that is no reason to delay
sampling. Oil-related problems are opportu-
nities for your lubrication program. The
worse the problem is, the better the oppor-
tunity for a cost-effective solution that will
translate into big savings for your mainte-
nance budgets bottom line.
Start sampling before you begin making
improvements in order to establish baselines
on the condition of your lubricants and
lubricated equipment within the plant. Addi-

20 | March - April 2017 |


tionally, the initial oil analysis results will data for wear and additives. If you are
provide you with direction in terms of the sampling machines with oil filtration, the

tions must be
solutions that should be implemented and on laboratory should perform particle count
which machinery. testing. Ensure that you are purchasing the

proactive so
correct test kits for this type of machinery.
What to Look for Pay attention to the ISO cleanliness code as

the solution to
When you receive your first oil sample well as the particle counts by micron size.
results, you most likely will see a number of Abnormal or severe silicon levels and/or

an oil-related
abnormal or critical sample reports. The particle count results indicate a problem with
main issues to watch for are water contami- contamination. Again, the laboratory will be
nation, high levels of oil particulate, improper
oil top-ups and poor oil condition.
using typical industry limits for silicon and oil
cleanliness, which is fine when you are starting problem is not
It is also possible that you will have results
showing abnormal or severe wear in some
your oil analysis program. Standard silicon
alarm levels for most equipment are approxi- always an oil
machines. The purpose of establishing a lube
program is to maintain proper lubrication
and avoid unnecessary wear, so lets assume
mately 25 parts per million (ppm). ISO
cleanliness codes for filtered systems are
generally around 19/17/14.
your reliability team is assessing these reports Improper oil top-ups are a bit more diffi-
ability to perform this level of comparison.
and has the situation in hand. Instead, we will cult to detect, but look for comments about
The most blatant types of improper oil
focus on the oil-related problems, beginning changes in the elemental additive levels
top-ups or incorrect oil usage are when the
with dirt and water contamination. (phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, boron,
barium, sulfur, etc.) and monitor any changes viscosity varies drastically from the specifica-
Water will show up on your sample report
as water or H2O. Are these results in oil viscosity that are plus or minus 10 tion. This would include when you believe you
abnormal or severe? At this point, you have percent from the oil specification. Elemental are using an ISO 320 gear oil, but the viscosity
not set any alarm levels for water contamina- additive levels can fluctuate as much as 25 is actually 100 centistokes (cSt), indicating a
tion, so it is acceptable to use the laboratory percent, so a laboratory will look for other possible top-up with hydraulic, compressor
defaults for your industry and type of elements that shouldnt be present or the or circulating oil.
machine. With most rotating equipment, the lack of an element that should be present in For most lubricated plant machinery, the
contamination limit for water will be 0.1 the oil. Some labs have very sophisticated oil condition is monitored using the oils acid
percent. Limits will range as low as 0.03 algorithms that not only compare the used number (AN). When oil oxidizes, it forms acidic
percent for turbines and as high as 0.2 percent oil to the new baseline but can also deter- degradation products. An increasing AN signi-
for gearboxes. Some compressors using mine the fluid type and compare it to the fies oil degradation. Once the AN is over the
synthetic oils may go as high as several generic fluid type for the oil you have speci- limit for the oil, it is time to schedule an oil
percent water. fied. They can then alert you when a different change. Large systems like turbines require
Dirt will appear on a sample report under type of fluid is being used. You may want to more advanced testing, such as rotating pres-
silicon (Si), along with the other elemental inquire whether your laboratory has the sure vessel oxidation testing (RPVOT), water

1 2 3 4

Water (H20): >0.1% Silicon (Si): > 25 ppm Viscosity: +/- 10% AN: +1.0 mg/KOH
from base
Free Water: >0.5% ISO Code +2 above One or more of boron
target cleanliness code (B), barium (Ba), RPVOT: <25% of New
Ferrography: Ferrous molybdenum (Mo),
Red Oxides (FRo) magnesium (Mg), Oxidation: >0.20
phosphorus (P), Abs/0.1 mm
zinc (Zn): +/- 25%

The most common oil-related issues uncovered by oil analysis and their associated general warning limits

22 | March - April 2017 | | March - April 2017 | 23

separability, rust properties, foaming charac-

teristics and air release, to determine if the oil
is suitable for continued use.

How to Correct Problems

So oil analysis found some issues. Now
what? Realize these oil-related problems are
opportunities for improvement in your lubri-
cation program. Most of the suggestions here
are low cost and provide a high rate of return
on investment. Many of these recommenda-
tions can be implemented within a short
amount of time and dont require a huge
capital investment. The sooner you get
started, the sooner you will improve your
maintenance budgets bottom line.
Rated desiccant air breathers are the first
place to start. Air breathers are an easy-to-
implement, low-cost solution for preventing situation. If the water contamination issues symbols to identify the lubricant to be used.
water and particulate from entering lubri- are chronic (e.g., leaking cooler) and you have Dispensing equipment is available in a
cated machinery. Air breathers can reduce large systems (more than 100 gallons), you variety of colors to match. With some basic
moisture levels in lubricants even when oil will need some serious equipment, such as a lubrication education, your lube crew will be
analysis results show 0.2 percent or less water vacuum dehydrator or bypass centrifugal armed with the tools and knowledge to do
contamination. Desiccant air breathers dry filtration system. In this case, you will be the job right.
the air that enters the machinery during oper- investing $25,000 to $100,000. If the sample report indicates a poor oil
ation and also dry the headspace in reservoirs, Particulate contamination can be easily condition (not contamination), you should
moving moisture out of the oil. The result is managed with proper lubrication, drain ports schedule an oil change when it is convenient.
drier oil. In addition, these air breathers have and offline filtration. Purchase an offline If this will be an expensive oil change (more
a rated micron filter that cleans the air, which filtration cart that best suits your application. than $5,000), it may be prudent to invest in
leads to cleaner oil. Hydraulic filter carts are fairly straightfor- advanced oil testing to determine if an oil
For very large systems, dry gas blan- ward and inexpensive. Gearbox applications change is required immediately or whether the
keting may be an effective option, especially require heavy-duty equipment and time spent task can be put off for three months or more.
when there is a readily available source of to ensure that the filter cart has the proper Unlike contamination, in 99 percent of cases
inert gas present (such as in refineries). For specifications for the application. when the oil condition is a problem, you need
instance, feeding dry nitrogen into a turbine The addition of lubrication and drain to change the oil. For a better indication of
reservoir can create a positive pressure that ports to machinery that will be part of your what is happening with the oil, request
prevents the introduction of contaminants. offline filtration program is essential, as these membrane patch colorimetry (MPC) testing
The dry gas causes moisture to move out of ports feature quick connections to allow for varnish potential and linear sweep voltam-
the oil and into the headspace, where it is maintenance technicians to easily hook up a metry (LSV) tests to determine the exact
exhausted externally. filter cart and perform oil top-ups and amounts of antioxidants remaining in the oil.
For systems with major water contamina- changes without having to remove fill and
tion issues (0.5 percent or more water in the drain ports. Additionally, a desiccant breather
Monitoring Your
oil), a more involved solution will be required. can be affixed to the lubrication port, further Lubrication Program
Start by ensuring that all machine hatches reducing particulate ingression. After implementing these solutions, what
and inspection ports are properly sealed. Controlling oil top-ups can be managed should you watch for on your oil sample
Upgrading the seals may be necessary. To easily. Start by installing lubrication porting reports? The moisture and particulate levels
remove water contamination between 0.3 on equipment to make top-ups easier and should start to come down once you have
and 2.0 percent on smaller systems (less than provide the right kind of dispensing equip- properly sealed your reservoirs from contami-
15 gallons of oil), consider using an offline ment to empower your lubrication technicians nation. Over about six months, these levels
filtration cart outfitted with water adsorption to do the job correctly. If you give your main- will reach their minimum. It is worth noting
filter media. If there is too much water, you tenance staff the right tools, they will do the the change from the baseline samples and to
run the risk of spending a lot of money on job the way you intended. set reasonable targets going forward.
filter elements. A bit of consultation with your Oil identification tags should be attached For example, lets say the water level in
filter cart provider can help you assess the to the lubrication ports. Use colors and/or your gearbox was initially 0.15 percent and the
24 | March - April 2017 |

ISO cleanliness code was 22/20/18. Six months after adding desiccant Next Steps
air breathers and an offline filtration cart program, your moisture
With these upgrades, you no doubt will have dramatically
levels are 0.03 percent and the ISO cleanliness code is 20/18/16. You
improved your lubrication program. Typical internal rates of return
should inform your laboratory that you want to establish new alarm
and net present value over five years are about 150 percent and
limits on these gearboxes. Set the ISO cleanliness abnormal alarm at
$500,000 for a program in a medium-sized plant.
22/20/18 (two codes above the new average), and the critical alarm at
The next steps will require putting in a plan for capital expendi-
23/21/19 (three codes above the new target). For moisture, set the
ture. Invest in a world-class lube room complete with an advanced oil
abnormal alarm at 0.05 percent and the critical alarm at 0.10 percent.
storage system, cabinets and lubrication handling carts. Replace the
Now when you receive abnormal or critical sample reports based on
offline filter cart program with permanently mounted filtration
the water or particulate level, you will know what corrective action to
systems on critical equipment. Augment your stawndard oil analysis
take change the desiccant air breather and/or run the offline filter
program with an advanced oil monitoring program for critical
cart for several days and resample.
machines and those with large oil sumps (in excess of 250 gallons).
If you implemented oil identification procedures and invested in
As you continue to improve the condition of your lubricants, revisit
appropriate dispensing equipment, you should no longer see signifi-
your wear, oil condition and contamination alarm levels and adjust
cant additive changes (more than plus or minus 25 percent) or
them accordingly. Your initial investment in lubrication management
viscosity changes (more than plus or minus 10 percent) unless the oil
has likely eliminated 80 percent of your oil-related problems. The next
condition is also suspect. When you see a dramatic change, ensure
20 percent will take more continuous efforts.
any new maintenance personnel are educated about preventing oil
The subsequent steps involve looking for incremental improve-
mixing and have been trained regarding the use of dispensing equip-
ment throughout the plant. It will be essential that you continue to
ment. If training is not the issue, you may have an improperly
educate yourself on lubrication best practices and seek opportunities
identified oil delivery and should take samples from the suspected
to enhance your lubrication program. Remember, world class is a
totes or barrels.
moving target, so my advice is to get started now.

Gauging Success
If you have been using oil analysis data to track oil-related issues in
your plant, subsequent management reports should show a decreasing
trend in the water, particulate and incorrect oil usage statistics.
If you have reduced the moisture and particulate levels, then you
have increased the mean time between failures (MTBF) for those
machines. In the previous example, the gearbox should see an
increase of approximately 1.25 times, based on the moisture reduc-
tion, and 1.25 times for the particulate reduction, which means
more than a 50-percent increase in MTBF. That is significant.
Regarding lubricant mixing, not all incorrect oil top-ups result in
lubrication issues. However, in several instances, serious damage can
occur. Adding less than 1 percent of an emulsifying oil, which is
designed to hold water in suspension, will destroy the demulsibility of
an oil formulated to separate from water, i.e., bearing circulating oil,
turbine oil, etc. Machines with bronze components should not use
common extreme-pressure (EP) additives. Topping up such a machine
with an EP gear oil will not only increase the viscosity but also lead to
corrosion of any bronze components long after the problem has been
detected and the oil has been changed.
An investment in fluid identification, proper dispensing equip-
ment, and most importantly in training and education will drastically
reduce the incidence of incorrect oil top-ups. It is more difficult to
put numbers on the savings, but any averted catastrophe warrants
the improvement.
26 | March - April 2017 |
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Castrols new Edge Bio-Synthetic motor oil is a bio-based lubricant that combines fluid tita-
nium technology with the natural lubricating properties of plants. Made with 25-percent
plant-based oil compounds, the motor oil is formulated to reduce metal-to-metal contact
across a range of different driving speeds, protect the engine for the entire drain interval and
decrease engine deposit formation. The oil is available in 1- and 5-quart sizes as well as in
viscosity grades that cover the vast majority of American cars.

The new BD50000 lube filter from Baldwin incorporates the compa-
nys next generation of engineered media for longer life and better
performance in modern engines. It has a 17 percent greater capac-
ity than similar models for longer filter life and a 40 percent lower
restriction at cold starts to improve flow and reduce wear. The filters
structural stability also helps to ensure durability and prevent con-
taminant leaks. It can be used with Cummins ISX and X15 engines.
Baldwin Filters

Anton Paars new SVM 4001 Stabinger Viscometer
features a unique double-cell system to determine
viscosity and density at two different tempera-
tures (40 and 100 degrees C) simultaneously. This
ensures fast determination of the viscosity index
from the lowest sample volume. The company also
introduced the SVM 2001 viscometer for conducting
highly precise kinematic and dynamic viscosity mea-
surements according to ASTM D7042. It is ideal for
any constant temperature viscosity determination
between 15 and 100 degrees C.
Anton Paar


The new Blue Flame Synthetic Blend diesel engine oils from Champion are
formulated to meet the needs of the next generation of heavy-duty engines.
The oils, which are offered in lower viscosity grades to maximize fuel econ-
omy without compromising durability, are designed to keep diesel engines
running longer by reducing engine wear, preventing high-temperature corro-
sion and controlling abrasive soot contamination. The API FA-4 and CK-4
series oils are a direct replacement for the current API CJ-4 diesel engine oil
specification and will have limited backward compatibility.

30 | March - April 2017 |

Klbers new Klberfood NH1 CH 6-120 Supreme food-grade
lubricant is intended to provide protection for oven chains
at extreme temperatures while supporting food safety. The
lubricant is formulated to offer high-temperature perfor-
mance, good wetting properties and excellent penetration
with high dispersion stability, as well as NSF H1 registration
and ISO 21469 certification. It is ideal for ovens used to pro-
duce baked goods where the conveyor chain is exposed to
temperatures up to 1,200 degrees F (650 degrees C).

The new SpectroBlue from Spectro Analytical Instruments is an inductively cou-
pled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) for laboratory analysis in
industrial and environmental applications. The analyzer utilizes gas purification
technology as well as an OPI-AIR interface to avoid costly external water cooling.
The laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor generator can deliver up to
1,700 watts of power and has no parts subject to wear. Samples can be analyzed
in smaller dilutions for lower limits of detection. Other benefits include a faster
warmup time for greater productivity.
Spectro Analytical Instruments

TRPs new engine oil has been formulated to protect modern four-stroke
diesel and gasoline engines while also keeping older engine models running
smoothly. Made to combat the sludge, varnish and ash deposits that can
occur at high operating temperatures, the engine oil is designed to guard
against oxidation, corrosion and rust. It also provides diesel particulate fil-
ter (DPF) protection, resulting in longer DPF life, less downtime and lower
maintenance expenses. The oil is available in SAE 15W-40 and SAE 10W-30
viscosity grades.


The new V4L-4-Site image analysis system from V4L is designed to allow fluid
and particulate condition monitoring of in-service lubricants in harsh industrial
environments. The unit incorporates rugged hardware and user-friendly software
developed specifically for onsite use. The unique filter patch analysis technology
enables testing of petroleum-based and synthetic fluids, including water-glycol
mixtures. The systems Macro-2-Micro technology provides a range of on-screen
magnifications as well as high-quality images of both macroscopic and micro-
scopic particles.
+44-1753-27-2090 | March - April 2017 | 31

MAGAZINE FEATURES INNOVATIVE ideas submitted by our readers.
Additional tips can be found in our Lube-Tips email newsletter. If you have a
tip to share, email it to To receive the Lube-Tips newsletter,
subscribe now at

A Better Way to Filter Contaminants

When improving fluid cleanliness, it is much easier (and
cheaper) to exclude contaminants by ensuring seals, vents and
breathers are in good shape rather than to filter out contaminants
when they are already inside a component. Use a full-flow spin oil
filter (with an appropriate beta rating) as an air filter. Because the
differential pressure across an air filter is lower than across a full-
flow oil filter, oil filters are typically more efficient at removing
particles from the air than they are from oil.

Check Soap Residue When Switching Greases

When converting from one grease to another, it may be helpful
to determine how much soap residue you have residing in bearing
housings and how much flushing will be necessary to eliminate the
old material. If the amount of old material is low and the residue
is soft and pliable, then you may be able to simply increase the
relube frequency, perhaps doubling the cycle for a while to flush
out the old grease. Advice for Gearbox Oil Changes
When changing oil in a gearbox, put an air wand (from shop air
Cap Disconnected Hoses During Maintenance or portable air source) down into the vent plug. This blows oil
Always ensure that disconnected hoses are capped while mainte- residue and deposits off the surface of the gear teeth and casing. It
nance is taking place. It is surprising how much debris can enter an also pushes sediment off the case bottom. You may wish to hold
open pipe. This will find its way into the system in short order, up a shield to keep the splatter down. Afterward, flush the gearbox
causing accelerated wear. with a lower viscosity oil of the same type for a few minutes and
then drain again using the air wand. With this method, the oil in
When to Use Silicone Synthetics the sight glass will look like a new gearbox with very little residue.
Silicone synthetic lubricants are used when resistance to oxida- The procedure is faster as well.
tion, heat and/or water is important and the performance of other
types of lubricants is unacceptable. Applications include high-tem- Why Viscosity Index Is Important
perature grease and the lubrication of oxygen compressors.
As the temperature of a gear oil increases, its ability to support a
Negatives for using silicone synthetics include high cost, poor
load decreases. This is due to the thinning effect that temperature has
boundary lubrication and poor additive solvency (they dont accept
on the viscosity. The rate of change differs for each oil and is expressed
extreme-pressure and anti-wear additives).
in an oils viscosity index (VI) number. The higher the VI number, the
Selecting a Grease to Prevent Corrosion lower the rate of change.
If you have a hot gearbox that seems to have a low reliability rating,
In a humid environment, condensate can form in rolling-ele-
you might check to see if the oil has a suitable VI and is capable of
ment bearings and cause corrosion, leading to a reduction of the
bearing life. By carefully choosing the grease lubricant, you can holding up under the high temperatures. If the products VI is less than
reduce the effect of the condensed moisture. Greases thickened 120, as shown on the product data sheet, then you might consider an
with sodium soap will absorb (emulsify) large quantities of water alternative oil for the high-temperature, heavily loaded application.
but may soften it to such an extent that the grease flows out of the
bearing. Lithium soap greases do not emulsify water, but with suit- Tips for Repacking Grease Guns
able additives can provide good protection against corrosion. When repacking grease guns from a pressure line, wipe down
There are also numerous greases with synthetic thickeners that the fitting and the pressure line to prevent contamination. When
offer excellent protection against corrosion, prolonging the repacking with tubes, move to an environmentally controlled area,
bearing life. such as a control room, to replace the tube.

32 | March - April 2017 |

WELCOME TO MACHINERY LUBRICATIONS For descriptions, complete table of contents and excerpts from
BOOKSTORE, designed to spotlight lubrication- these and other lubrication-related books, or to order online,
related books. For a complete listing of books of visit or call 1-800-597-5460, ext. 204.
interest to lubrication professionals, check out the
Bookstore at

Compressors: How to Achieve Lubrication and Maintenance of

High Reliability & Availability Industrial Machinery
Authors: Heinz P. Bloch Author: STLE
and Fred K. Geitner
This book can be used by everyone in
Written by experts with more than the production process, from super-
100 combined years of industry expe- visors to floor personnel. It explains
rience in machinery failure avoidance, the key role of effective equipment
this book offers proven solutions to lubrication practices in a proac-
a pervasive and expensive problem in tive reliability-based maintenance
modern industry compressor fail- program. Learn the best practices for
ures. This on-the-job guide addresses achieving the cost reduction and the
elusive causes of compressor failure inherent resultant increase in operational reliability.
and clearly maps out remedies you
can put to use right away. Oil Sampling Procedure Posters
Publisher: Noria Corporation
Best Practices for Oil Sampling This set of three posters visually displays step-by-step oil
Training Video sampling procedures for in-service lubricants and hydraulics.
Format: DVD Each poster includes a list of required equipment necessary to
Publisher: Noria Corporation follow the procedure. The procedures featured in the set are
Correct and accurate sample collection is the critical first step for high fluid pressure systems, low fluid pressure systems and
in a successful oil analysis program. systems at atmospheric pressure.
Without representative oil samples, oil
analysis may just be a waste of time
and money. This 48-minute
video shows you how to design
and implement a world-class
oil sampling program that
will deliver better results and
help you focus on improving
equipment reliability.

Machinery Failure Analysis and The Practical Handbook of Machinery

Troubleshooting Fourth Edition Lubrication Fourth Edition
Authors: Heinz P. Bloch and Fred K. Geitner Authors: Robert Scott, Jim Fitch, Lloyd Leugner
This classic, comprehensive guide to analysis and trouble- The completely rewritten fourth edition addresses specific
shooting may help you solve new topics such as oil properties and testing, oil analysis,
the machinery failure problems grease applications, journal bear-
costing you time and money. ings, compressors, contamination
Covering both the engineering control, storage and handling,
detail and management theory, wear and failure mechanisms, and
Machinery Failure Analysis and troubleshooting. It retains the
Troubleshooting provides a robust easy-reading nature of the original
go-to reference and training book with restructured chapters
resource for all engineers and to heighten the focus on reliability
managers working in manufac- and provide further detail on recent
turing and process plants. changes in industry practices. | March - April 2017 | 33

ImprovingStorage and
How to Determine Handling
Pay Off
Better Lubrication Management Boosts Gerbers Asset Availability

The Gerber production plant in Improving Lubrication true to these truths, Gerber implemented lubri-
Fort Smith, Arkansas, manufac- cation management with another universal
tures a wide range of high-quality Management principle as the guide: apply the right lubricant
baby food products. Along with aseptic The first step in improving Gerbers lubri- in the proper amount at the correct time.
cups, glass jarred products and meat sticks, cation management was to reduce the amount Gerber team members attended Noria
the facility produces enough infant cereal of silica showing up in the oil samples. Nearly training courses and used the companys
to supply North America. everything lubrication related had to be learning materials to obtain certifications
In 2006, the plant incorporated oil anal- corrected, from how and where lubricants through the International Council for
ysis with its existing predictive maintenance were stored to how much and how often they Machinery Lubrication (ICML). These certifi-
(PdM) tools, including infrared inspections, were applied. Rather than re-inventing the cations not only would validate the skills and
ultrasonic leak detection, vibration analysis wheel, Gonzagowski researched lubrication knowledge gained by personnel but also help
and motor current analysis. It didnt take management and found universal truths ensure better machine reliability.
long for oil analysis to reveal that cost across all industries. As part of an initiative known as zero
savings could be realized by keeping lubri- For instance, oil must be kept clean, dry and access, new machine guarding was
cants clean, dry and controlled. controlled from the time of purchase through constructed around eight critical machines. A
Because silica was found in virtually gearbox top-offs. Subsequently, and by staying new approach for maintaining oil levels and
every oil sample, an informal root cause
failure analysis was conducted to examine
how the facilitys lubricants were being
managed. At the time, the plant was using
an open-raftered oil shed. Hot, humid
and windy Arkansas summers combined
with a neighboring facility that was manu-
facturing with sand resulted in lots of dust.
When the wind blew, dust would enter the
plants oil shed and settle on everything.
The oil analysis data opened our eyes
and led to a totally different view of how
we manage lubricants, said Mark Gonza-
gowski, the plants reliability services
team lead. The renovated lube room at the Gerber production plant

34 | March - April 2017 |

The lubrication training center developed by Gerbers Fremont
Michigan TPM team and duplicated at the Gerber
Fort Smith Arkansas Plant

extracting oil samples from critical gearboxes was developed along

with a comprehensive plan that included remote-access minimess
extraction ports, catch pipes and breathers. Total productive mainte-
nance (TPM) lubrication standards like machine lube maps would also
be important in the transformation process. However, the biggest
step was changing how the facility managed lubrication in general,
primarily its lubricant storage and handling.
The outdoor oil shed was abandoned after space inside the plant
was allocated for the new lubrication center, which would be centrally
located, insulated from the elements and offer a means to control
access. Only approved technicians would now have access to all the
lubricants needed to perform preventive maintenance (PM) tasks.
Dedicated point-of-use containers were color-coded to bulk storage
containers to simplify tasks, and technicians no longer would have to
brave the elements outside to retrieve the necessary resources. Every-
thing was also designed to eliminate contaminant ingression.

Decreasing Lubricant Consumption,

Increasing Cleanliness
With a new approach to lubrication management, the facilitys
average consumption of its two primary food-grade lubricants
dropped from 650 gallons to just 110 gallons annually a reduc-
tion of more than 80 percent, which resulted in more than $15,000
a year in savings. This made a sustainable difference in the plants
operations budget.
Despite the dramatic decrease in consumption, the plants lubri-
cant vendor, Tulco Oil, continues to support Gerbers efforts in all
aspects of its lubrication program.
The relationship between a plant and its lubricant supplier is
crucial because that is where lubrication management starts,
Gonzagowski said. If your vendor does not provide or is not
willing to take steps to provide a quality product based on specific
requirements, cut them loose.

Gerbers reliability team

Changes in gearbox cleanliness at the facility were also seen in the

first year. The average ISO cleanliness code improved steadily from
26/24/20 to 20/18/16. Gearbox life cycles and mean time between
failures increased by three to four times in most washdown areas
and as much as seven to 10 times in dry areas. The cost-avoidance
savings achieved by extending gearbox mean time between failures
(MTBF) via better lubrication management could also be added to
the plants annual operations budget reduction along with increased
machine availability or asset intensity.
Plant personnel were included in the improvements through
Norias onsite training sessions and training videos. Processes were
designed to increase the lubrication skill set, and machine opera-
tors will be performing routine lubrication in the near future.
Weve done a lot toward applying the proper amount of grease
lubricant when its needed as opposed to a time-based applica-
tion, Gonzagowski noted. Every motor that we would open up
before, there were large amounts of grease in the winding field. We
dont see that anymore.

Moving Forward
To improve its lubricant storage and handling practices, Gerber
has invested a little more than $100,000 in physical resources, with
an additional $30,000 to $35,000 in lubrication program develop-
ment, training and training aids. The plant still hopes to add onsite
lubricant analysis and more condition-based maintenance team
members so all maintenance can be scheduled and driven by
predictive technologies and methodologies. Going forward, TPM
standards like 5-S, visual guidelines and other components have
driven more changes for the better.
Good lubrication management impacts so many universal key
performance indicators (KPIs) that are common to all industries,
be it power generation at a nuclear facility to making the best
widget at the most competitive cost, Gonzagowski said. It can
get expensive on the front end for sure, but not seeing gearboxes in
our recycling bins makes the expense worth it.

36 | March - April 2017 |


Camecos Owen
Discovers Value
of Effective
Lube Program
Nearly four years ago, the Cameco Corporations Cigar Lake uranium
mine in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, performed an audit on its
lubrication program. At the time, the program was almost non-existent,
with lubricants stored outside, no follow-up on oil sample results, equip-
ment not labelled and many other issues. Initially, one of the mines
mechanics was put in charge of starting and running the lube program.
After he was promoted to supervisor, Bradley Owen took over the
program and continued to build on the groundwork that had been laid.
During the past three years, Owen has seen firsthand the tremendous
financial benefits that can come from implementing and maintaining
an effective lubrication program.

Q: What types of training Q: Whats a normal work day cranes and man-lifts. Underground Bradley Owen
have you taken to get to your like for you? we have scoops, drills, bolters,
current position?
A: We are a remote mine site, so I header machines and skid steers.
A: I have taken courses on basic and spend one week at the site, followed
Our mining process equipment
advanced lubrication and condition by a week off at home. While onsite, includes numerous gearboxes and a Job Title
monitoring, as well as participated in we work 11-hour days. A normal day huge variety of pumps. Our ore is Senior Reliability
webinars on various topics. Our consists of analyzing results from the moved as a slurry and pumped Technologist
lubricant supplier and oil analysis lab previous samples, entering follow-up through our processing circuit. We
also offer training and information work notifications where required Company
have pumps that generate up to Cameco Corp.
sessions that I have attended. I also and preparing the next batch of 15,000 pounds per square inch of
try to attend at least one lubrication samples to go out to our contract pressure and others that can pump Location
or reliability conference each year. lab. I also review new equipment to Saskatchewan, Canada
slurry 500 meters to the surface.
ensure we have lubricant onsite that
Q: Are you planning to obtain Our mining process also requires us Length of Service
will meet the specifications required
additional training or achieve to freeze our ore body, so we 10 years
and spend time with the lube techni-
higher certifications? have a fleet of 10 ammonia freeze
cians in the field discussing areas
A: A person must always continuously that need improvement.
train to stay current and aware of new
developments in industry. There is a Q: What is the amount and
Be Featured in the Next
huge body of knowledge out there range of equipment that you Get to Know Section
and so much to learn. My next target help service through lubrica- WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FEATURED IN THE
is to achieve a Level II Machine Lubri- tion/oil analysis tasks? NEXT GET TO KNOW section or know someone
cant Analyst (MLA II) certification A: We have a massive variety of equip- who should be profiled in an upcoming issue of
through the International Council for ment onsite. Our surface mobile Machinery Lubrication magazine? Nominate yourself
Machinery Lubrication (ICML) and equipment fleet consists of graders, or fellow lubrication professionals by emailing a photo
follow that up with the MLA III. semi-tractors, loaders, excavators, and contact information to
38 | March - April 2017 |
compressors, which we closely monitor. the increase in consumption, I was able to get Q: What do you see as some of the
Last year, I sent out and reviewed results the supplier to deliver in totes, eliminating a more important trends taking
from more than 900 samples. large number of empty drums onsite. place in the lubrication and oil
In addition, our freeze compressors each analysis field?
Q: On what lubrication-related proj- hold 600 liters of oil. As the compressors A: Technology and skilled, certified workers
ects are you currently working? are becoming more important. We have
were installed in phases by various contrac-
A: Cameco has four operations in northern trained and certified lubrication techni-
tors, we ended up using three different
Saskatchewan that have operated fairly cians in the field performing the tasks. A
types of oil, even though the compressors
independently from each other. As this is person needs to be trained and willing to
were the same. I standardized this to one
changing, I will be working with our other learn skills like ultrasonic greasing and
type of oil across all units, eliminating oil
sites to standardize our lubrication proper techniques for oil sampling. An
mixing and maximizing our purchasing and
programs. I am continuously looking for oiler or greaser is no longer a valid
inventory settings.
opportunities to standardize products and description of this role.
reduce inventory, as well as working with
Q: How does your organization
our inventory review team to optimize lubri- Q: What has made your company
view machinery lubrication in
cant stocking levels. decide to put more emphasis on
terms of importance and overall
machinery lubrication?
Q: What have been some of the business strategy?
A: With Cigar Lake being a remote site,
biggest project successes in which A: It is very important. Cigar Lake has been everything must be trucked to and from
youve played a part? very proactive in making the recommended the site. With our lubrication program, we
A: We were stocking multiple grades and improvements to the lube program. More have been able to reduce inventory and
formulations of hydraulic oil. I was able to importantly, our management team is aware decrease the volume of waste oil, less-
reduce six products down to two, which of the work we do and its effect on equip- ening our environmental impact. In terms
allowed for more efficient ordering and ment reliability. As we work toward of equipment reliability, lubrication is the
storage as well as less confusion in the field. becoming more condition-based rather than No. 1 cause of failures. If you do lubrica-
Our lube supplier was not offering our time-based with our maintenance work, the tion correctly, your assets will run reliably
selected oil in bulk totes, only drums. With lubrication program will be critical. for a long time.
online. From web exclusives and industry news to videos, white papers, buyers guides and more,
everything that relates to machinery lubrication is available now on

Signs of How Temperature Impacts Best Strategies

Lubricant Oil Condition for Lube Mapping
Starvation Temperature affects many things in the Lube mapping is a great practice for
realm of machine ensuring all lube points are properly
Once a maintained while minimizing the chances
reliability. At elevated
mechanical temperatures, you would of lubricant cross-
system becomes expect the lubricant contamination. Read
depleted of viscosity to decrease, the this article on the
lubricant, and lubricant film to become ML site to find out
the lubricating thinner, an acceleration how lube mapping
film keeping gears, bearings or slides apart in abrasion and scuffing not only helps new
is no longer present to support or protect conditions, the oil to workers identify and
the surfaces, surface-to-surface contact age sooner, the addi- address all lubrica-
will occur. When two surfaces slide or rub tives to deplete quicker, an acceleration tion points on a given
together, friction is produced, and from of corrosion, and the formation of sludge piece of equipment
friction comes heat. Check out this article and varnish. Learn how these side effects but also serves as a
on the ML site to discover the other signs of running at a higher temperature play a check to make sure
that can indicate your machine is suffering critical role in the health of the machine and even the most experi-
the lubricant by reading this article on the enced technicians are
from lubricant starvation as well as the most
ML site. hitting all the points as well.
effective way to combat this condition.

Using KPIs to Measure When a Single Oil Sampling FEATURED WHITE PAPERS
Lubrication Effectiveness Point Isnt Enough is the
Oil analysis can reveal the health of your place to turn for white papers on a
host of lubrication-related topics.
lubricant and machines, but in complex
Heres a sampling of the latest
pieces of equipment, a single sampling white papers that are currently
point is often not enough to determine available for download:
whats wrong with your machine. Access
Automatic Lubrication Systems
That Stand Up to Corrosive,
Caustic Environments
How to Make Your Compressor
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are Room Work for You
essential for evaluating the success of a Tips for a Lean Approach
lubrication program. Access this 2-minute, to Motor Reliability
15-second video to hear about some of the Ultrasound Lube Technician
most common KPIs in industry and how Handbook
this 1-minute, 58-second video to under-
they can be used to monitor the effective- stand the differences between primary and Check out the full list of white
ness of lubrication at your plant. papers by visiting www.Machinery-
secondary sampling ports as well as when and clicking on the
each type of port should be used. White Papers link.

of lubrication professionals say inad-
equate lubrication would be the most
likely cause of an early machine failure at
their plant, based on a recent survey at

40 | March - April 2017 |

ITS TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE SECTION in which we Stay Connected With Noria
focus on a group of questions from Norias Practice Exam for
Level I Machine Lubrication Technician and Machine Lubricant
Analyst. The answers are located at the bottom of this page. The
complete 126-question practice test with expanded answers is
available at

1. The ISO solid contaminant code:

A) Is a means to characterize the chemical composition of debris found in the lubricant Follow us on Twitter
B) Is useful as a means to accurately state the concentration of dirt in a lubricant
C) Is useful as a means to characterize the concentration of solid particles in a lubricant
D) Is the most useful condition-based measure to gauge oil life
E) Is a means of characterizing the type of solid contaminant

2. Additives:
A) Enhance existing base oil properties
B) Suppress undesirable base oil properties
C) Add new properties that the base oil cannot provide
D) Answers A and B only
Like us on Facebook
E) Answers A, B and C

3. Which two viscosity units are identical: centistokes, centi-

poise, SUS and mm2 /second?
A) Centistokes and centipoise
B) Centistokes and SUS
C) Centistokes and mm2/second
D) Centipoise and mm2/second
E) Centipoise and SUS

Connect with us on LinkedIn

replaced by the kinematic viscosity method.
measure viscosity. The SUS viscosity measurement method has largely been
of the fluid. SUS stands for Saybolt Universal Seconds, which is another unit to /noria-corporation
matic viscosity is dynamic viscosity (centipoise) divided by the specific gravity
A centistoke, which is the unit of kinematic viscosity, is equal to mm2 /second. Kine-
3. C
anti-wear additives, detergents and metal deactivators).
good examples); and add new properties (examples would be extreme-pressure and
undesirable properties (pour point depressants and viscosity index improvers are
oxidants, corrosion inhibitors, anti-foam and demulsifying agents); suppress existing
Additives are added to base oil to enhance existing properties (examples include anti-
2. E
particle counts for particles larger than 4, 6 and 14 microns.
solid particles in a lubricant. The current ISO solid contamination code provides
The ISO solid contaminant code is useful in characterizing the concentration of
1. C
Continue learning with us on YouTube
Answers | March - April 2017 | 41


W es C ash | N oria C orporation

Choose the Right

L ubricants can provide a
variety of different functions
within a given system. They
generally are expected to
decrease friction, wear and
heat in machine components. One of the
more overlooked aspects of a lubricant is
its ability to influence environmental emis-
sions. By selecting the proper oil, you can
help to reduce some of the harmful contam-
inants that are spewed into the environment
without sacrificing the needs of the machine
or the performance of the lubricant.

Emission Factors
When you think of emissions, the first
thing that often comes to mind is your
personal vehicles exhaust pipe. These emis-
sions add up over time and have led to laws
being passed to limit the idle time of large synthetics rapidly gaining ground. Vege- traction coefficient is simply the amount of
semi-trucks. Some states even require table oils are increasing in popularity but force required to move a load divided by
mandatory testing of vehicle emissions, are mostly relegated to environmentally the load. The closer this ratio is to 1, the
which is known as smog testing. Much of safe areas, total-loss systems and some more force is required to move the load. As
this has to do with how fuel is consumed food-processing applications. Each base oil the ratio decreases, less force is needed to
during the combustion cycle. The more move the same load.
has its own strengths and weaknesses,
completely the fuel is burned, the fewer Mineral oils by nature have millions of
which will determine how much influence it
harmful emissions are produced. combinations of molecular shapes and
has in controlling emissions.
sizes in each drop. This inconsistency in
Base Oils The Traction Coefficient molecular size results in a higher traction
While several factors can affect how coefficient. Synthetic base oils are
lubricants impact environmental emissions, One property that can improve a manmade compounds and have much
lets start by examining the fundamental machines efficiency and lessen energy and more consistency in several key areas,
building block of a finished lubricant, the fuel consumption is known as the traction including their fluid properties and molec-
base oil. A base oil is oil without any addi- coefficient. Consider that if you are able to ular size. This allows a load to move more
tives. Base oils are commonly classified into decrease the amount of force required to easily across the lubricant film, thus less-
three categories: mineral, vegetable and move a load across a lubricant film, you can ening energy consumption and emissions.
synthetic. The majority of the market share reduce the amount of fuel consumed and To envision how this works, imagine
is still dominated by mineral base oils, with the number of emissions produced. The pushing a sheet of plywood across a series

42 | March - April 2017 |


By properly
a much higher concentration as well as reduce friction between the surfaces when a
more chemically aggressive additives. To fluid film is not present. You likely are

matching the reduce emissions and help your equipment

run more efficiently, you should focus on
familiar with two types of these additives
called anti-wear (AW) and extreme-pressure

needs of your three main additive types: friction-control

additives, detergents and dispersants.
(EP) additives. However, a third type,
known as friction modifiers, is used in

equipment Friction-control additives leave a ductile

chemical film on machine surfaces to
most energy-conserving lubricants. These
additives require less activation energy,

to the prevent parts from sticking together and to usually in the form of heat, to become

properties of
the lubricant, Find us online at

you not only

can extend
the life of your
but you can
also help
protect the
of balls. If the balls are different shapes and
sizes (footballs, basketballs, baseballs,
etc.), moving the piece of plywood becomes
more cumbersome and awkward. Now if
you took that same sheet of plywood and
pushed it across a series of tennis balls, with Customer
each ball the same shape and size, it
becomes much easier. This is why most
synthetic oils come with claims of reducing is not dead.
energy consumption and can actually help
to decrease emissions.

Aside from base oils, additives are the
other fundamental building block of a
Great Products. Great Service.
finished lubricant. Additives are blended Whether its fixing an issue, finding the right application,
into the base oil to impart, suppress or the right product, oil analysis, cross-over, compatibility,
or any other need, were here to support our customers.
enhance the oils properties. Depending on
the application, varying amounts and types
of additives are added to the oil to allow it
( 800.749.5823
to better function in the equipment. For Klber Lubrication NA LP
instance, turbine oils have a relatively small Summit products are made in U.S.

number of additives, whereas engine oil has | March - April 2017 | 43


active and work in frictional zones. Simply High Soot Load (Causes Wear)
put, they begin working at colder tempera-
tures than traditional AW and EP additives 7 Carbon Concentration Dependent
and thus can further lower energy
consumption. In engines, they also can Soot Load vs. Time
help to decrease emissions.
Detergents serve two purposes: to clean
deposits from high heat areas and to

Soot Load (% in Oil)

neutralize acids formed in the combustion
cycle. During combustion, byproducts 4
often get past the rings in an engine and
find their way into the oil. These byprod- 3
ucts are referred to as blow-by. If left
Wear risk varies
unchecked, blow-by will produce acids, 2 proportionally with
which can result in shorter oil change inter- soot load
vals and poor lubrication. Detergents 1
neutralize acids before they become a
problem, thus extending the oil change 0
interval and diminishing the risk of these 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

acids causing further damage. As is the Engine Hours

case with most additives, detergents are
sacrificial and have limited lifespans. Typi- Soot Generation and Load Factors
cally, once detergent levels drop by 50
percent, the oil must be changed. Combustion efficiency Elevation Fuel economy
Dispersants are used to control soot EGR Makeup rate Drain interval
deposits. Soot is a byproduct of combus-
Idling Filtration
tion. Over time, soot can build up and lead
to a rise in oil viscosity, impaired lubrica-
tion, increased wear and shorter oil change
intervals. Good dispersancy is key for
optimum performance and maximum
lifespan from an engine. Dispersants help Poor Soot Dispersancy (Causes Deposits)
to prevent soot from agglomerating and
settling out of the oil. If soot stays finely Cluster Dependent Size
divided and suspended throughout the oil,
you have a much better chance of filtering
it and preventing the associated deposits.
This can keep valves and rings free to move,

minimizing emissions and acid formation. High risk

of surface
Applications deposits
Possibly the most important applica-
tion in which emissions can be controlled Good Poor
with proper lubrication is the internal Dispersancy Dispersancy
combustion engine. These types of engines
are responsible for a large number of emis-
sions into the atmosphere, as most people 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4
drive to work or use their vehicle for their Soot Cluster Size (Microns)
livelihood. When purchasing motor oils,
you should concern yourself with what is
known as the American Petroleum Insti-
Dispersancy Disruption Factors
tute (API) service classification. This High soot load Fuel in oil
classification will tell you if the oil meets
Water in oil Additive depletion
the standards put forth by the API in
certain aspects, such as additive load, Antifreeze (glycol) in oil

44 | March - April 2017 |

performance, emissions
and fuel efficiency. For

gasoline engines, the
service classification
begins with an S, such
as in SN, which is the
current classification. For
of lubrication professionals diesel engines, the service
consider environmental classification starts with
concerns when selecting a
lubricant for their equipment,
a C, with the most
based on a recent survey at current being CK-4. There are formulation
differences between the
classifications, so it is
best to know what your
specific engine calls for
when purchasing oil for
your vehicle.
Another classification found on most engine oils specifically
relates to fuel efficiency. On the bottom of the API donut symbol,
look for the words energy conserving or resource conserving.
When you see these terms, it means this particular oil has passed
the ASTM fuel economy test. In this test, oil is introduced to a test
engine in which fuel economy is measured. For SAE grades 0W-20
and 5W-20, the candidate oil must show an increase in fuel
economy of 2.6 percent after 16 hours of testing and 1.2 percent
after 100 hours. For 0W-30 and 5W-30 grades, the candidate oil
must show an increase in fuel economy of 1.9 percent after 16
it causes the additives in the oil to be used up faster, which results in
hours and 0.9 percent after 100 hours. The current trend in the
automotive industry is to increase fuel economy as much as shorter oil change intervals and a higher risk of failure. In these applica-
possible with the use of lighter viscosity grades, better base oils and tions, dispersancy testing is a must.
additive properties that correspond to the engines needs. Although most of this article has focused on engine oils, the same
Perhaps the biggest issue plaguing vehicles when it comes to principles can be applied to other applications as well. Compressor
emissions is the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx). When fuel systems are another type of equipment that benefits from selecting the
combusts in an engine with the presence of air, it forms NOx. This is proper base oil and additives for better handling of the gases present
then pushed out the tailpipe and into the atmosphere. There are in the compression chamber and keeping them from being released
several problems associated with this, such as a higher potential for into the atmosphere. In most refineries and petrochemical plants,
acid rain and health risks if the compound is breathed in regularly. compressors are utilized to recycle gases back into the process to be
To combat this, many diesel engine manufacturers have gone to further refined. This cuts down on the venting of gases or flaring
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) systems. (burning off), which leads to environmental pollution.
EGR systems employ the engine oil to further scrub harmful contami- Always keep in mind that by properly matching the needs of your
nants from the exhaust gases. While this is good for the environment, it equipment to the properties of the lubricant, you not only can
can cause trouble for the engine and the engine oil if not properly managed extend the life of your machinery, but you can also help protect the
and monitored. EGR systems work by returning some of the exhaust gases environment in which we live.
back to the engines intake side. During this time, the gases are cooled, About the Author
which decreases the flame temperature in the combustion chamber. If the Wes Cash is the director of technical services for Noria Corporation. He serves
flame temperature is lowered, it helps to reduce the formation of NOx, as a senior technical consultant for Lubrication Program Development projects
which is better for the environment. and as a senior instructor for Norias Oil Analysis I and Machinery Lubrication I
The problem with EGR systems is the excess soot generated due to and II training courses. Wes holds a Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) Level II
the recycling of exhaust gas. Since soot impairs a lubricants health and certification and a Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) Level III certification through
increases the risk of engine wear, it is imperative that engines using an the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML). Contact Wes at
EGR system have condition-based oil changes. Ive already discussed to learn how Noria can help you select the right lubricants
how additives can combat soot and wear, but as the soot load increases, for your applications. | March - April 2017 | 45

Lubrication Programs

B y A lejandro M eza | N oria C orporation

ISO 55000
I n previous issues of Machinery
Lubrication, the asset management
standard published by the Inter-
national Organization for Standardization
(ISO) known as ISO 55000 was discussed
in regards to how it can provide a frame-
work for supporting the deployment of
lubrication excellence. This article will go
further by explaining how the requirements
for ISO 55000 can be aligned with the
features of lubrication excellence to provide
a deeper understanding of how a world-
class lubrication program can be developed
to fulfill these standard requirements,
leading to greater machine reliability and
eventual ISO certification.
ISO 55000 was released in 2014 with the
goal of improving the value realized from an
organizations assets. The standard consists
of a series of three documents: ISO 55000,
ISO 55001 and ISO 55002. The series defines
the requirements and guidelines for the effec-
tive design, implementation and maintenance
of an asset management system. Imple-
menting ISO 55000 can give an organization
the confidence that the right things are being
done in its asset administration to support
the organizations mission and objectives,
such as the production of goods and services.

Defining an Asset and

Asset Management
According to ISO 55000, An asset is an
item, thing or entity that has potential or
actual value to an organization. The period
from the creation of an asset to the end of its
life is the asset life.

46 | March - April 2017 |


Asset management can be defined as the company systems and goals. An asset
coordinated activity of an organization to management system must also be
realize value from assets. It involves the supported by strong managerial commit-
balancing of actions, costs, opportunities ment, organizational culture, training,
and risks related to the desired perfor- metrics and continuous improvement. A
mance of assets to achieve organizational favorable business environment is another
objectives. In other words, asset manage- critical factor when implementing an asset
ment relates to all actions involved in a management system.
plant to have productive machines, tech- Keep in mind that the ISO 55000 series of
nologies and systems. Lubrication Strategy standards do not specify how to do things
as Part of ISO 55000 but rather what should be done. This allows
Lubrication Excellence
Asset Management an organization to achieve the requirements
as Part of Asset Management Its easy to see how a well-structured lubri- by following its internal procedures. Audits
A good asset management system cation strategy has a positive impact on nearly can be conducted to compare current prac-
considers the machines complete lifespan. every stage of the asset management cycle and tices to the standard asset management
In general, the elements of an asset life cycle how an effective lubrication program can help requirements. The requisites can then be
are shown in the table below. you achieve your organizational goals. A lubri- converted to guidelines for a lubrication
Note that the stages listed in the table cant could even be considered an asset that strategy so the lube program, tasks and
are interrelated and aligned to other contributes to the operational goals. actions can be aligned with the standard.



Machine is selected with the capabilities
Selection of online filtration systems, lube
required for the production (and business)
Machine specifications and selection room design, lubrication tools, hardware,
goals as well as the machine's environmental
lubricants and supplier
severity and reliability goals.
Optimum practices for transporting and
handling of the asset as well as for the
installation, alignment, flushing, initial tests Lube room implementation, storage and
and endorsement for operation; modifica- installation of lubricants in machines,
Installation and commissioning
tions and technology for reliable operation; installation of filtration systems, machine
systems or hardware that will support retrofitting, etc.
reliable and productive operation as well as
good asset maintainability
Operation and maintenance:
Operation within the design capabilities This denotes the machines or assets usage
is important for a long and productive and administration during its life. Includes Development of lubrication program, lube
life. The required maintenance interval is the production/operation program and and inspection route scheduling, lubri-
also fundamental. Maintenance strategy scheduled shutdowns. The maintenance cation-related procedures and tasks, oil
is implemented with the best possible strategy should include a preventive plan as analysis strategy, lubricant contamination
resources according to budget and risk. well as predictive and proactive strategies. control program and leak control; periodic
Investment in a reliability strategy is Includes technological improvements for review of the lubrication program, use of
critical for a productive machine life. production control and machine reliability new technologies, continuous improve-
Maintenance strategy is not static; it (continuous improvement). ment of the oil analysis strategy, etc.
should follow a creative and continuous
improvement program.

This happens when it is cost-effective to

replace instead of repair/rebuild. It is also
applicable for low-cost components when run- Lubricants and lubricant-contaminated
End of use to-fail is the intended maintenance strategy. materials are disposed of properly at the
The asset is set aside and unsubscribed from end of their life.
the asset management system. | March - April 2017 | 47


Following is a brief description of the and the asset management leadership Support The resources required to
ISO 55000 series guidelines organized into should be given the authority, responsi- accomplish these plans should be made
seven sections: organization, leadership, bility and resources to accomplish the available, along with the information
planning, support, operation, performance identified objectives. systems to support the process. This infor-
evaluation and improvement. Planning Risks and opportunities mation must be documented, controlled,
Organization Asset management should be identified, and plans put in communicated and auditable.
objectives must be consistent and aligned place to address them to support the Operation Plans, implementations
to organizational objectives. Stakeholders achievement of organizational objec- and processes should be reviewed and
should be identified and satisfied, and the tives. These integrated plans must detail controlled, including any activities that
scope and boundaries of the asset what will be done, when it will be done, are outsourced or encompass change
management system defined. by whom, and how it will be undertaken management. Evidence of the organiza-
Leadership Asset management lead- and evaluated. These plans should tion carrying out the plans and processes
ership must be put in place by top include risks and opportunities and how is required.
management. The asset management they change over time, achieving a Performance Evaluation Asset
policy should be defined and reviewed, balance of risk, cost and performance. performance and the effectiveness of the



Organization A lubrication strategy can be implemented successfully when the

The organizations internal and external environment should be organization is aware of the opportunities and willing to work in
suitable for implementation of a formal asset management system. that direction.

Asset management system implementation and maintenance Corporate/company lubrication guidelines are prepared. General
require top management endorsement and leadership team support. lubrication program goals are defined. Top management endorse-
Management defines the asset management systems goals and ment is obtained. The initial budget is allocated.
provides periodic reviews.

The risks for different aspects of the lubrication program, including

Planning assets, conditions and the environment, are assessed. A formal
Specific objectives must be defined at different levels of the asset implementation plan to close gaps is defined. Targets are set at
management system. Risk assessment is conducted at different the asset level. Processes are designed, and specific procedures
system levels. created. The project budget is allocated for implementation and
maintenance of the new lubrication program.

Roles, responsibilities and accountability are defined. Job
Necessary resources are allocated, roles and responsibilities are
descriptions and competency assessments are required for key
identified, and competencies and performance requirements are
personnel (all levels). A training and certification plan is developed.
defined. There is a formal communication program for the involved
Continuous communication is ensured.
team and organization.

Lubricants, components and vendors are selected systematically.

Lubricant storage practices are improved. The necessary
Actions to achieve the specific objectives are implemented. Manage-
technology and hardware are acquired and implemented. Change
ment is deployed to change processes when necessary.
management is executed when required.

Performance Evaluation A system to monitor the lubrication programs effectiveness

Measure the asset management system at different levels, including is implemented. Audits, KPIs, proactive oil analysis and other
assets, external and internal audits, and KPIs. resources are included in the system.

Improvement All actions taken are documented as a result of non-conformities.

Continuously improve the asset management system by establishing Training, data analysis and improvements to the lubrication program
new objectives and implementing corrective and preventive actions. are continued.

48 | March - April 2017 |

asset management system should be moni- About the Author assurance, training, consulting and development in the
tored, measured, analyzed, evaluated and United States, Brazil, Mexico and the Americas region.
auditable. Top management should review Alejandro Meza is a senior technical consultant with Contact Alejandro at to learn how
the asset management system for suitability, Noria Corporation. He has more than 20 years of experi- Noria can help you implement a lubrication strategy
adequacy and effectiveness. ence in the lubricant industry, technical services, quality that aligns with ISO 55000.
Improvement Non-conformities or inci-
dents related to the assets, asset management or
asset management system must be documented
and evaluated, and corrective action taken.
Asset management and the asset management
system should be continually improved.
The table on page 48 illustrates how some
lubrication practices correlate with the general
asset management requirements of ISO 55000.
With proper interpretation of the standard,
a lubrication strategy can be aligned to fulfill
these guidelines. It is important to note that
there are other ways to fulfill the specific ISO
standard requirements, so different
approaches than those described may be
accepted during the certification process.

Final Thoughts
ISO 55000 not only applies to production
facilities, but it can also be implemented for
different asset types in diverse organiza-
tions, such as airports, hospitals, offices,
etc. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself
with these standards, which can be viewed
on the ISO or American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) website. For some, ISO
55000 may sound too difficult to achieve,
but it can provide an excellent benchmark
for goal setting or starting your journey
toward improved reliability, especially if your
organization wants to be competitive and
pursue certification.
As you gain a better understanding of
ISO 55000, you will realize the value it offers
in implementing a proper asset manage-
ment system as well as a world-class
lubrication strategy that can help you reach
your goals.

BSI Standards Publication. BS ISO 55000 Series.
Asset Management BS ISO 55000:2014, BS ISO
55001:2014 and BS ISO 55002:2014.
Fitch, J.C. (2016). Will ISO 55000 Change the Defi-
nition of Lubrication Excellence? Machinery Lubrication,
Vol. 16, Issue 3.
Cooperleaf White Paper. (2016). A Best Prac-
tice of ISO 55000: Asset Investment Planning and
Management. | March - April 2017 | 49

TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION Maintenance and Reliability

ICML Charts
GROWTHWhile Planning
B y David L ange, A merican A ssociation of Petroleum Geologists
The global machinery lubrication and asset manage-
ment industry is considered the largest in the reliability
field, valued at an estimated $35 to $45 billion. This is
the industry that the International Council for Machinery Lubrica-
tion (ICML) was founded to serve. Since its inception in 2001,
ICMLs primary purpose has been to facilitate the growth and
development of machinery lubrication, condition monitoring, reli-
ability and asset management as a technical field of endeavor.
An important aspect of meeting this mission includes raising
the profile of lubrication professionals by fostering educational
programs and activities that equip practitioners with world-
respected, pertinent and unbiased career path credentials.
Having awarded more than 17,000 certifications in more than
100 countries, ICML has been quite active in supporting the
machinery lubrication industry and serving practitioners. The
number of certifications awarded by the organization annually
has also increased considerably over the past several years to
more than 2,000 in 2016. lubrication industry as well as the impact any changes could have
on ICMLs programs, services and mission.
Scope of Services With an experienced and knowledgeable staff, a solid volunteer
ICML currently offers certification exams in more than 10
support network, and a good resource base from which to build,
languages and provides a scope of services to help individuals
ICML is well-positioned to expand its programs and services to
become more knowledgeable and confident, which in turn enables
support the expected growth in the lubrication industry.
companies to be more competitive. The organization also advo-
The organization is also continuing its efforts to recognize
cates the needs of practitioners for additional lubrication-related
end-user programs that have demonstrated excellence in the appli-
standards. Its volunteers play an important role in supporting the
cation of machinery lubrication and oil analysis with its Augustus
development of such standards by working with the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM. H. Gill and John R. Battle awards. The latest winners of these pres-
tigious awards will be announced at the upcoming Reliable Plant
Future Plans Conference & Exhibition, April 25-27, 2017, in Columbus, Ohio.
Although pleased with its progress and achievements, ICML is To nominate a deserving program for one of ICMLs awards or
also aware that past performance is no guarantee of future success. to suggest how the organization can better serve you, your
Therefore, the organization continues to evaluate its plans and company or the machinery lubrication and reliability industry,
goals for the coming years. This includes assessing the current please contact ICML via email at or by
market environment and estimating the future of the machinery visiting
50 | March - April 2017 |


TO CONGRATULATE PROFESSIONALS worldwide who have recently achieved certified status
through ICMLs certification programs. ICML offers certification in the areas of oil analysis and
machinery lubrication. The following is a list of recently certified professionals in the area of
machinery lubrication who have attained their status as a certified Machine Lubricant Analyst
(MLA), Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) or Laboratory Lubricant Analyst (LLA).

Mayra Beltran Cotera, MLA I Derrick Wodtli, MLT I Cavendish Farms Dilmar Oil
Thomas Schaefer, MLA I Shawn Wallace, MLT I Billy Byrd, MLT II
Atlantic Controls
John Erikson, MLT II
Agnico Eagle Mexico Guy Labrecque, MLT II Cerro Verde Mining Co.
Timothy Weaver, MLT I
Edgar Odilon Lopez Rodri- Cesar Miguel Lopez
guez, MLT I Lamadrid, MLA I Donaldson
Adam Rothlisberger, MLT I
Christopher Cull, MLA I
ALS Global Andrew Marchlenski, MLT I Cosan Limited
Antonio Colangelo, MLA I Brandon Ward, MLT I Bernardo Ferraz Malta, Ertsoverslagbedrijf
Nicholas Cullen, MLA I Brent Foster, MLT I MLA II Europoort
Isaac Fitzpatrick, MLT I Brenno Rocha de Brito, Rob Wolfs, MLT I
American Crystal Sugar Co.
Brian Ripley, MLA I BASF Eskom
Bruno Souza de Freitas,
Cory Back, MLA I James Singleton, MLA I Colin Hadley, MLA III
Don Maurstad, MLT I William Cox, MLA I Finilager
Douglas Ribeiro, MLA II
Jade Fredrickson, MLT I William Welch, MLA I Marcela Rodriguez Montan,
Pedro Pereira de Azevedo,
Matthew Miller, MLA I MLA I
Bell Helicopter MLA II
Paul Eslinger, MLA I
Terry Murphy, MLT I Firm Synergy
Dale Technical Services
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Landon Martin, MLT I
Berry Plastics John Prough, LLA II Malcom Swee Kim, MLA II Need to take
ATI Metals
Frank Rynkiewich, MLA I
Scott Winter, MLA I
Nickolas Holdaway, LLA I
Richard Beckman, LLA II
General Mills an exam?
Jennifer Grove, MLT I ICML regularly holds exam
Jonathan Morgan, MLT I
sessions throughout the
Gold Corp. United States and the
Eduardo Lopez, MLT I world. Upcoming dates
Haldor Topsoe and locations for ICML
Lawrence Cruz, MLT I exams can be found at
Alan Ward, MLA I
International Paper
Bob White, MLT I
Brent Stephens, MLT I
Darrell Ward, MLT I ICML Certifications
Ed Futch, MLT I
Joshua Hopkins, MLT I LLA I
Leon Norris, MLT I L aboratory Lubricant
Mark Medlock, MLT I A nalyst Level I
Matt Squires, MLT I
Michael Smith, MLT I MLA I
Scott Bordeaux, MLT I M achine Lubricant
Ipiranga Petroleum A nalyst Level I
Andre Claudino da Silva, MLA II
MLT I M achine Lubricant
Erick Gomes Serranu, MLT I A nalyst Level II
Fabio da Silva Teixeira, MLT I
Felipe dos Santos de Aguiar, MLA III
MLT I M achine Lubricant
Felipe do Rosario Lopes, A nalyst Level III
Fernanda Ribeiro da Silva, MLT I
MLT I M achine Lubrication
Marcela Santos Abreu, MLT I Technician Level I
Marcio Mamoru Kameda,
Sidney de Araujo e Silva, M achine Lubrication
MLA I Technician Level II
Valquirya Caetana Dias, MLA I | March - April 2017 | 51


Irving Paper Lubrication Engineers Inc. MLA II Ahmad A. Iskander, MLA I MLT I
Adam Chiasson, MLT I Bryan Stine, MLT I Ahmad Marai Al-Shuhail,
PacifiCorp Energy Soboce
Benjamin Chamberlain, MLT I MLA I
Lyondell Basell Donald Parker, MLA I Edgar Romero Torrez, MLA I
Michael Murray, MLT I Ayoub Abdulhadi Emsaad,
Kurt Danford, MLA I Mike Baken, MLA I Gary Paredes Ibarra, MLA I
Steven Ringuette, MLT I MLA I
Hans Penaranda, MLT I
Andrew Fowler, MLT I Maxion Wheels Petronas Azzam Saati, MLA I
Jeff Cusack, MLT I Dallas Showman, MLT I Ag Ku Suffian Bin Pg Abdul Faisal H Bamardouf, MLA I Solvay
Kevin Loughery, MLT I Razak, MLA II Ibraheem Abdulhameed Blair Richardson, MLT I
McCain Foods
Khairil Azwan Khabri, MLA II Bagasi, MLA I Mike Iribarren, MLT I
Koedood Diesel Service Darren Cyr, MLT I
Md Subhinor Hassim, MLA II Mohammed Saeed Alhaj Ali,
Xander Barkin Kleiberg, MLT I Glenn Barr, MLT I Southern Gardens Citrus
Mohd Ezwan Farhan Kamaru- MLA I
Justin Craswell, MLT I Brendon Russ, MLT II
Kuwait Oil zaman, MLA II Zakariya Alsaihati, MLA I
Rocky Dewitt, MLT I Norshahida Yahaya, MLA II
Abdulaziz Hussain Al-Azmi, TestOil
Scott Martin, MLT I Sharizan Bin Ramli, MLA II Schwans
MLA I Anna Amaddio, LLA I
Vernon Robertson, MLT I Curtis Fritz, MLT I
Abdulaziz Marzouq Al-Azmi, Platte River Power Clay Mangus, LLA I
Zoel Ouellette, MLT I Daryl Knox, MLT I
MLA I Authority Evan Reddish, LLA I
Mosaic Co. Dennis Schuessler, MLT I
Adnan Abbas Abdullah, MLA I Wes Ridinger, MLA I Uniper
John Gonzales Jr., MLT I Eric Rowland, MLT I
Eissa Abdullah AL-Nashmi, Christopher Fraser, MLA II
Logan Vidrine, MLT I Rocat Rodamientos James Nevins, MLT I
MLA I Duncan Credland, MLA II
Alfredo Montecinos Gomez, Job Inglish, MLT I
Husain Yaheya Alshamma, Noco Energy Lee Mallard, MLA II
MLA I Joe Anderson, MLT II
MLA I Robert Phillips, MLT II
Sakhalin Energy Kevin Redetzke, MLT I U.S. Lubricants
Khaled Hussain Jafar, MLA I
Nodak Energy Investment Trevor Baker, MLT I Jason Versluis, MLA I
Mohammed Mosallem
Raymond Miller, MLT I Ramil Aslanovich Sergazin, William Beiker, MLT I Josef Leistikow, MLA I
Al-Ajmi, MLA I
Travis Huizenga, MLT I MLA I Mark Doering, MLT I
Lake Utopia Paper
Northern Sheets San Cristobal Mining Dennis van Geemert, MLT I VT Group
Cory Hutchinson, MLT I
Emanuel Aguilar, MLT I Wilmers Cruz Rodriguez, Pim Viergever, MLT I Duane Green, LLA II
Jordan Morrow, MLT I
MLA I Rik Kuijpers, MLT I Michael Smith, LLA II
Owens Corning
Levenhagen Corp.
Peter Tobin, MLT I Sappi Shell Weyerhaeuser
Torrey Levenhagen, MLT I
Benjamin Clukey, MLT II Alson Liong Vui Man, MLA II Chris Brokopp, MLT II
Oyu Tolgoi
Libbey Lee Hsiao Ling, MLA II Kyle Stutzman, MLT I
Bilguudei Ganbaatar, MLA II Saudi Aramco
Bert de Bruin, MLT I
Delgerdalai Gantumur, MLA II Abdullah Al-Abdulkareem, SKF Yanacocha Mining
Dennis de Vaal, MLT I
Temuujin Buurunkhii, MLA II MLA I Anthony Joan Jara Salazar, Felix Ricardo Canales Julca,
Lincoln Electric Systems Tuguldur Enkhdelkhii, MLA II Abdulrahman Fahad Alman- MLT I MLA II
Mat Love, MLT I Tumurkhuyag Khuyagbaatar, sour, MLA I Joan Tadeo Valtier Rosales, Pablo Carrillo Beunza, MLA II

Global Training Calendar


Johannesburg, South Africa April 21, 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina May 16-18, 2017
Johannesburg, South Africa April 3-6, 2017 MACHINERY LUBRICATION I ADVANCED OIL ANALYSIS
Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China April 23-25, 2017 Zaragoza, Spain May 16-18, 2017
Point Lisas, Trinidad April 4-6, 2017 May 2017 Shanghai, China May 19-20, 2017
Moscow, Russia April 18-20, 2017 Cairo, Egypt May 7-10, 2017 Johannesburg, South Africa May 22-25, 2017
Johannesburg, South Africa April 18-19, 2017 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia May 8-9, 2017 So Paulo, SP, Brazil May 22-24, 2017
Johannesburg, South Africa April 20, 2017 Moscow, Russia May 16-18, 2017 Mumbai, India May 29-31, 2017

ICML certification testing is available for most of the courses listed.

Visit for certification information and test dates.


M ichael B rown | N oria C orporation

How to
Contaminant Ingression
H ydraulic wiper seals are the
first line of defense in many
hydraulic systems. Unfortu-
nately, they are also a
perpetual problem for most users of
hydraulic machinery. Microscopic scratches Wiper seal with single lip
and gouges on the surface of cylinder rods
can significantly reduce the life of wiper seals
and give contaminants an easy path into the
system. Particles as small as 5 microns can
act like sandpaper on these surfaces, causing
a chain of wear that grows exponentially in
these fine-tolerance systems. Straight wiper lip
Wiper seals, which are also known as
scrapers, excluders or dust seals, are
installed on the external side of the cylinder
head to prevent dirt, dust, chips and mois-
ture from entering the cylinder/piston rods
as they retract into the system. This in turn
prevents contamination of the hydraulic oil,
which could damage wear rings, seals and Beveled wiper lip
other sensitive components.
rod, trapped in microscopic surface imper-
Wiper Seal Designs fections. The thickness of the oil film will
Wiper seals are not created equal, nor depend on the surface finish, rod seal and
should they be, as they must work in many surface speed of the rod. During the return
diverse industries. They must also deal with stroke, this thin film can be removed by an
contamination from high-pressure wash- aggressive wiper lip, resulting in system Rounded wiper lip
downs, exposure to extreme weather and leakage. Therefore, it is important to prop-
chemical attacks. To survive these condi- erly pair wiper and rod seals. For example,
tions, wiper seals are typically made from External Internal
an aggressive wiper lip design requires an
Wiper Wiper
heavy-duty materials like high-performance aggressive rod seal lip design. If the wiper Lip Lip
polyurethane. In addition, there is the and rod seals are not matched correctly,
design factor to consider, including the leakage and premature failure can occur.
seals lip and groove geometry. Some of the more common wiper seal
When the cylinder rod extends past the designs include single lip, straight lip,
rod seal, a thin film of oil remains on the beveled lip, rounded lip and double or Wiper with double or redundant seal lips

54 | March - April 2017 |

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redundant lips. The single lip and straight

wiper lip designs are the most aggressive.
The arithmetic mean of a surface finish profile within a
They offer the best scraping and dirt Ra
sampling length
removal performance, and are recom-
The largest peak height of a surface finish profile
mended for applications with high Rp
within a sampling length measured from the mean line
contamination. The average of the sums of the largest valley depth
A beveled wiper lip or chamfered lip is Rz to the highest peak of a surface finish profile within a
less aggressive. The beveled lip allows the sampling length
microscopically thin oil film on the rod to The ratio of the material length at a specified depth for
Rmr (Tp)
be retracted back into the system while a surface finish profile
providing adequate dirt exclusion in less Parameters used to describe surface finish
contaminated environments. transfer that is insufficient to form a thin system that includes 5-micron filters with a
The rounded lip is the least aggressive film and will lead to an increase in seal beta ratio of 75-200. While an online filtra-
design and is typically used in pneumatic wear. The parameters used to describe tion system may also work, it would be wise
applications to maintain a thin oil or grease surface finish are defined in ISO 4287, as to change the filters before starting. They
film on the rod and to keep the piston shown in the table above. may already be clogged and just circulating
bearing and seal lubricated. contaminants through the system.
Double or redundant wiper lips are one Bellows/Boots After you have cleaned up the oil and
of the most effective ways to improve a Many factors must come together for replaced the worn components, consider
systems sealing performance. This design wiper seals to work properly. A good the cost to change the components as well
must be paired with long-life rod seals. It contingency or backup plan for your wiper as the downtime and man-hours involved.
eliminates the release of built-up fluid pres- seals is to use bellows or boots. Bellows If this has happened before, add that to the
sure between the wiper and rod seals by offer an effective way to keep contaminants tally. Im sure you now have enough justifi-
releasing pressure past the rod seal and out of your cylinder wiper seals and thus cation to outfit your system with bellows,
into the system. out of the hydraulic system. They exclude desiccant breathers, quick connects, proper
contaminants by shrouding the cylinder rod sample ports and sight glass modifications
Hardware Surface Finishes as it moves in and out between the wiper to fully enclose the system and gain the reli-
The cylinder rods surface finish can seal and rod seal. This action ensures the ability youve only dreamed about.
severely impact the life of a wiper seal. A full length of the cylinder rod is covered and As with all machinery, hydraulic systems
mating surface that has scratches, scores, seals out contaminants like dirt, dust, water must be inspected periodically. Daily or
nicks or spiral machining marks can create and process contaminants. weekly inspections of your systems and
leak paths and be abrasive to the seal. As a Bellows can be made of rubber, vulca- components can save thousands of dollars
rule, the lower the sealing surface finish, the nized canvas, Gor-Tex, injection-molded in repairs and downtime. Remember, it
better the overall seal performance. A lower polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fire-resistant costs much less to do it right the first time
finish value generally means reduced wear fabric. While they are excellent at keeping than to have to fix it afterward. Also, if you
and increased seal life. However, too out contaminants, they can also make it dont fix it correctly, the cycle of ingression
smooth of a finish will lead to a significant difficult to inspect the seals. into the machine will start all over again
increase in seal wear. Without microscopic
once you push the start button.
peaks and valleys, no lubrication can be Contamination Control
retained between the seal lip and the sealing If you suspect your hydraulic system is About the Author
surface. These peaks and valleys are needed becoming sluggish and leaking oil past the Michael Brown is an associate technical
to channel lubricant and prevent direct cylinders, remove a filter and dissect it. consultant with Noria Corporation. He has
contact that would cause friction and wear. Empty the contents onto a white towel and more than 20 years of experience in heavy
For polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)/ look at it under a microscope. If you have manufacturing and holds Machine Lubrica-
Teflon seals, the transfer of a thin film of an oil analysis program, check the test tion Technician Level I and Machine
PTFE from the seal lip to the mating results to see if there has been an increase Lubricant Analyst Level I certifications
dynamic surface is critical for improved seal in wear debris and elastomer contamina- through the International Council for
life. Dynamic surfaces with relatively rough tion. If so, a seal may be going bad and the Machinery Lubrication. Contact Michael at
finishes wear the seal lip material too cylinder may be starting to wear. to learn how Noria can
rapidly. However, extremely smooth Before having the culprits repaired, filter help you prevent contaminant ingression in
dynamic surfaces result in a material the hydraulic oil using an offline filtration your equipment.

56 | March - April 2017 |

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amazed by the results you generate in your workplace. We invite you to join workshop fees.
us in Columbus, Ohio, for Reliable Plant 2017. 10 or more attendees:
Purchase 10 or more full-
conference registrations for

This is the best conference I have only $795 each, plus a 30%
discount on all pre- and post-

attended. Anyone in maintenance

conference workshop fees.

would be crazy not to attend.

John Kanno, Ingredion

To learn more or register, 0


call 800-597-5460 or visit 1

Go to for more videos.
Our brains tendency is
to discard information
when not needed. Find
out why on page 4. >>

Industrial Lubrication Fundamentals | Machinery Lubrication | Oil Analysis

Noria Is A Global Authority Training For Every Level
In Machinery Lubrication For plant-wide lubrication excellence,
And Oil Analysis Noria not only can train personnel with
no technical background to apply best
Each year, Noria trains thousands of lubrication practices but also specialized
professionals worldwide spanning all engineers and analysts charged with
types of mechanized industries and over 10 managing maintenance teams.
different languages on innovative plant
reliability measures through excellence in Noria offers five different nationally
recognized courses on lubrication and
machine lubrication.
oil analysis, with four of these including
certification preparation.
Inspire Productive
Change Through Education Satisfaction Guarantee
Noria continues to pursue a mission Noria proudly stands behind our training
of inspiring change through education courses. If youre not satisfied with the
by providing customers with the tools, information and insights you gain at these
resources and expertise to achieve the events, well refund 100% of your paid
tremendous potential that lubrication registration fee.
excellence has to offer.

Our Team
Norias team of experts combines a wide
variety of industry experience in reliability,
engineering and lubrication excellence to
provide world-class instruction, technical
consulting, failure investigation and program/
analysis development.
In addition to extensive experience, Norias
team relies on a large network of industry
leaders to stay on top of the newest
technologies and client needs. Our team works
hard to bring the best services and
highest level of expertise to every
one of our clients.

Flexible To Your Needs
We know your time is valuable and often Fighting the Forgetful brain 4
scarce. To accommodate our customers, Noria
can go beyond a pre-scheduled public seminar Your Learning Path 6
and conduct onsite training. In addition,
instructors can modify a course's curriculum
prior to training based on customer needs Industrial Lubrication Fundamentals 8
and preferences.
Machinery Lubrication I 10
Highly Impactful
Course Material Machinery Lubrication II 12
All course material from beginner to
advanced is task-based and immediately Oil Analysis II 14
applicable in the workplace. Students receive
preventive maintenance tips and learn
Oil Analysis III 16
why every strategy is important. A more
knowledgeable workforce using excellent
lubrication methods results in safer, more Noria Services 18
efficient and more reliable machinery.
Online Training 20
Proven Adult-Learning Strategies
Norias courses are carefully designed to align
Onsite Training 21
with the needs of adult learners, as determined
by an expert staff, including an adult-learning Reliability Skills Series 22
specialist, an instructional designer, and
multiple graphic artists and video/multimedia
developers. Training sessions are goal-
Registration Page 23
oriented, relevant and practical. Interactive
opportunities are incorporated whenever
possible to maximize knowledge retention
and understanding.

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 3
Fighting the
Forgetful Brain

Think of the last time are aware that you have been exposed to the
subject in the past. You just need something

you learned a new skill. to refresh your mind to recall what has been
learned. That is where just-in-time or on-
When examining how new knowledge demand learning comes in. It can provide
and skills are acquired, you will notice a easy access to training materials or create
progression. Transferable skills from past opportunities to use the learning to help make
experiences are adapted and applied, but the sure your training investment sticks.
specific details are new. Enthusiasm to learn Situations Where On-demand Solutions Work
is typically high. However, the confidence to
deploy the training may need reassurance. This A significant amount of time has lapsed after
is why learning often starts with observing the the learning event.
task or participating in a discussion. Changes to the environment require a need to
Effective training events offer a formal revisit the fundamental steps.
approach to ensure consistent results. Usually
this is accomplished through an instructor, Many steps are necessary to complete the task.
mentor or online module using course A mentor is unavailable.
materials. Retention and transfer of learning
is considered complete when the student Suggestions to Combat the Forgetting Curve
successfully applies the newly acquired Create a library of job aids along with copies
learning. However, there is a challenge faced of the procedure or task for easy reference.
by all types of learning efforts.
Use online training and videos before or as the
Art Kohn refers to this as the "forgetting
task is being completed.
curve" or the brains natural tendency to
discard information that is not needed at the Assign or request tasks that require the
moment. In other words, when the learning application of the new knowledge or skill
opportunity is complete, the brain moves on,
making room for the task at hand or what Periodically refresh knowledge with team
is relevant at the moment. This means the training and reviews by trained individuals to
training event is just a start. It creates the teach the subject to their peers.
framework for the new concepts. Remember to make the brain pay attention.
At times the new learning is not implemented Learning occurs best when it is needed,
right away. You may forget the specifics but relevant and applied.

Your brain needs to forget things that are no longer useful. And
this forgetting is inevitable, it is useful, and it is adaptive because
it clears your memory for things that are more relevant. The
problem, however, is that in the process of all of this memory
purging, our brain often forgets important information. - Art Kohn

From Brain Science article The Forgetting Curve: The Dirty Secret of Corporate Training

Something For Everyone
Norias course plan has something for all levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced
technicians and engineers. Follow the entire course track, progressing from beginner to the
expert level, or pick and choose according to your specific needs and interests.

Start here if you have

little or no experience
with machine
lubrication. Start here if you have
working knowledge/
moderate experience
with machine

Lubrication I

Machinery Oil
Lubrication II Analysis II

Analysis III
The course progression shown is recommended but not
required. To determine the best course for you, contact
us at 918-392-5063 or email

Basic To Most Advanced
Norias courses are built from the same foundational concepts, layering more detailed explorations
or specialized topics in higher level coursework. The chart below gives a glimpse into which topics
are emphasized in each course as well as how technically detailed the information is. Topic areas
are classified from the most basic () to the most advanced ( ).

Industrial Machinery Machinery

Topic Area Lubrication
Fundamentals Lubrication I Lubrication II
Oil Analysis II Oil Analysis III

Maintenance Strategies

Lubrication Concepts

Fundamentals of

Machine Wear

Lubricant Selection

Reception and Storage N/A N/A

Handling and Application

Contamination Control

Lubricant Analysis

Wear Debris Analysis N/A N/A N/A

Oil Analysis Program N/A N/A N/A

Environmental Disposal N/A N/A

MLT I and
Certification Preparation N/A MLT II MLA II MLA III
Private Public, Private Public, Private Public, Private Public, Private
Classroom Classroom & Online Classroom Classroom Classroom

Topic Area Scale From 1-4

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 7
Training Options


Course Topics
Learn Best Practices And Why They
Are Important Receiving and Inspecting
Industrial Lubrication Fundamentals is Norias New Lubricants
essential course for all levels of mechanical or
Maintaining Lubricant
maintenance experience. The course provides strong
techniques and perspective for those with some Containers, Machines and
lubrication knowledge, while presenting sound Lubricant Storage Areas
practical material and instructions for those Maintaining Lube
with none.
Room Inventory
The skillset for basic lubrication excellence has been
Removing Contaminants from
selected based on extensive collaboration between
Noria and plant reliability professionals, so students New Oils with Filter Carts or
have the most useful, up-to-date information. Installed Systems
The course presents materials in a task-based Protecting Lubricant Integrity
context, so students engage in interactive exercises,
through Contamination Control
discuss case studies and gain confidence through
hands-on examples. Transporting and
Applying Lubricants
Who Should Attend? Conducting Field Inspections
This course is designed for students with little to on Machines
no technical background who are responsible for
lubrication tasks. Job titles may include lubrication Excluding and Removing
technicians, maintenance technicians, millwrights, Contaminants from Lubricated
mechanics, oilers, machine operators, multicraft Machines
technicians, etc.
Sampling Lubricants
Importance of Safety, Leak and
Spill Response, and Disposal of
Hazardous Materials
Modifying Machinery for
Contamination Control, Safety
For a course description, and Reliability Improvement
class schedule and more,
download the brochure or Understanding the Communication
visit and Administrative Tasks
Necessary for Your Role

Take This Course If You Are Responsible For:
Electric Motors Gas/Steam Turbines Paper Machines
Compressors Gearboxes Process Pumps
Diesel Engines Hydraulic Systems Rolling Mills
Final Drives Hydrostatic Transmissions Blowers/Fans

Topics Include:
Training That Comes Back
To The Plant With You Conducting inspections
Training is a process not just an event. We make Oil changes
it easy to take your training with you. Each video
procedure comes with a printable job aid to Electric motor bearing regreasing
ensure you can take your training with you as Installation of external oil level indicators,
you head out to the plant floor.
valves, quick connectors and more
Also, every student receives 90-day access to
Norias video-based procedures used in the Oil sampling
course. This gives you access to world-class Using top-up containers
procedures to help you refresh and review the
content learned in the course. Oil filtration using a dedicated filter cart

Noria produced instantly usable knowledge,

which will definitely result in changes in the way
we handle lubricants and lubrication systems.
Joe Kelly, Maintenance Engineer, Akzo Nobel

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 9
Training Options


Course Topics
Gain Essential Understanding
For Maintenance, Lubricant Selection How Lubrication Affects
And Filtration Machine Reliability
Machinery Lubrication I (ML I) provides the essential Lubrication Fundamentals
concepts behind best lubrication practices and
Additives, Base Oils and
machine maintenance. Through ML I, students can
Grease Thickeners
move away from the old school methods of vague,
non-specific lubrication procedures and understand Lubricant Performance Properties
what to do and why there is a right way to do it.
Additive Functions
Individuals who take this course get much more than
pointers on lubricating a machine they learn the Food-grade and Environmentally
crucial relationships between lubricant health and friendly Lubricants
machine reliability so they can perform maintenance Grease and Oil Lubrication
tasks, knowing their impact.
Whats more, ML I students gain better understanding
of oil analysis and lubricant problems, so they can Lubricants & Fluids for Journal/
scout out potential failures, work toward more Rolling-Element Bearings, Gears,
efficient machine performance and provide better Automotive, Compressors, Steam/
defense against downtime. They will complete Gas Turbines, Hydraulics
the course understanding how even simple tasks
or inspections done right can significantly extend Contamination Control
machine life and cut costs. Oil Drains, Flushing and Reservoir
Storing/Handling Lubricants

Get Certified
Machinery Lubrication I prepares
students for ICML Level I MLT
certification. Certification testing
is available the Friday following
For course description, the training. Register for your
class schedule and more, exam at
download the brochure
or visit

Absolutely Awesome!
Should reduce downtime 25 to 50%.
-Scott Gilreath, Lube Tech, UNICCO

Take This Course If You Are Responsible For:

Lubrication procurement Procedure/quality-control implementation
Equipment maintenance Identifying cost-saving methods
Ensuring equipment readiness and uptime Operations planning
Efficiency initiatives/design Equipment reliability

Don't Forget Your Study Packet

The Level I MLT/MLA Study Packet is designed to be used for
both ICML Level I MLT and Level I MLA certification. It includes:
Flash Card Pack - 385 flash cards to help you prepare for
ICML Level I MLT certification.
125-Question Practice Exam - This multiple-choice practice
test is a great self-assessment tool and helps you prepare for
ICML Level I MLT certification. Licensed for use by one person.
How to Take a Multiple-Choice Exam - Includes advice from
professionals who have passed ICML certification exams as well as helpful hints for the night
prior to the exam, steps to take before entering the exam room, techniques to manage your
time during the exam and advice for handling different types of questions.
Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide - Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables,
charts and illustrations, this reference guide is designed to make information easily
accessible where you need it.
Oil Analysis Basics - Presents the fundamentals of oil analysis for machinery condition
monitoring in an easy-to-understand format. Youll learn everything from how to take a
proper oil sample to how to select a test slate for your applications.
The Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication - Once you start reading this book, you
probably wont stop until you finish it. It is that easy to read. Youll find understandable
explanations of how lubricants work, what theyre made of and how they break down. Topics
ranging from engine lubricants to industrial oils and hydraulic fluids are covered.
Add it to your course registration, or visit us at

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 11
Training Options


Course Topics
Manage Your Lubrication Program
With Expert Selection, Storage Lubrication Preventive
Maintenance Optimization
Design And Contamination Control and Design
Machinery Lubrication II (ML II) explores lubricant
properties, system design and troubleshooting Troubleshooting Lubrication
lubricant failure. Building on ML I, ML II brings Problems
students to a level where they can apply their Lubrication and Oil
understanding of lubrication to selecting the right
Analysis Metrics
base oils, greases, additives and equipment for
their facility. Oil Drains, Flushing and
Where ML I introduces students to causes of Reservoir Management
machine wear and lubricant damage, ML II prompts Accessorizing New Equipment
them to analyze machines for wear symptoms and
for Lubrication Excellence
select lubricants and additives to counteract or
prevent damage. Lubricating Grease and Oil
By the time they complete the course, ML II Application
students will be able to distinguish the appropriate Advanced Lubrication Techniques
lubricants and additives for every application in
their workplace, guide staff in conducting basic Base Oils
maintenance, and analyze machine/fluid indicators Viscosity and Viscosity Index
for potential problems. They will leave this class
with concrete action items for improving their Oxidation and
plant's lubrication and good strategies for getting Thermal Stability
staff behind them.
Air Release and Foam Control
Lubricant Degradation
Lubricant Selection
and Consolidation

Get Certified
For course description, Machinery Lubrication II prepares
class schedule and more, students for ICML Level II MLT
download the brochure certification. Certification testing
or visit is available the Friday following
the training. Register for your
exam at

Take This Course If You Are Responsible For:
Lubrication procurement Troubleshooting equipment
Equipment maintenance design/process/material

Systems operation/management Equipment reliability

Checking meters/recording instruments Production management

Mechanical inspections Procedure/quality-control implementation

Controlling lubricant contamination Identifying cost-saving methods

Get Certified
Certification testing will be held on the Friday following your training by the
International Council for Machinery Lubrication.

Which Certifications?
Machinery Lubrication Level I & II courses are designed to help you prepare
for Level I Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) and Level II Machine
Lubrication Technician (MLT) ICML certification exams.

To register for a What Is ICML?

certification exam The International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) is a vendor-
or to get more neutral, not-for-profit organization founded to facilitate growth and
information, visit development of machine lubrication as a technical field of endeavor. Among its various activities, ICML offers skill certification testing for individuals in
the fields of machine condition monitoring, lubrication and oil analysis.

...the information I learned can

improve our hydraulic systems by 40%.
-Vernon Player, PDM Tech, International Paper

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 13
Training Options



Course Topics
Explore The Finer Aspects Of
Lubricant Health Monitoring
Contamination Control And
Comprehensive Oil Analysis Oil Analysis Fundamentals
Oil Analysis II (OA II) approaches lubrication Oil Sampling The Very
excellence through the critical information to be Best Practices
gleaned from oil analysis. An OA II student begins
Fluid Properties Analysis
the course understanding basic analysis procedures
from ML I, and learns how to combine and apply Contamination Control and
these for more advanced strategies in conducting Proactive Maintenance
impactful predictive maintenance.
Fault Detection and Wear
Rather than rely solely on an oil analysis lab
Particle Analysis
report, OA II students will be a proactive line of
defense against failures, factoring lab findings Instrument-free Onsite Tests
into their own onsite analyses for more precise,
Interactive Case Studies
timely maintenance. They will graduate from taking
samples to analyzing and differentiating types
of wear particles to determine the source and Test Results and Oil Analysis
urgency of a problem. They'll select ideal test slates Report Interpretation
for different lubricants, set alarms and limits on
machines or meters and conduct field tests for fluid
properties and contamination.
The OA II student will also be adept in analyzing Practice In Class
lubrication systems for optimal efficiency and
savings, ensuring that machine/fluid health, Oil Analysis II includes practice
lubrication procedures and objectives reflect the oil analysis reports and individual
ideal for the plant, its personnel and the bottom line. and group participation in
problem-solving exercises.

Get Certified
Oil Analysis II prepares students
for ICML Level II MLA certification.
For course description, Certification testing is available
class schedule and more, the Friday following the training.
download the brochure Register for your exam at
or visit

Excellent learning forum. Provided substantial
information that will be immediately useful in
improving an existing oil analysis program.
Steve Fox, Maintenance Engineer, Aera Energy

Take This Course If You Are Responsible For:

Resource management Efficiency initiatives/design
Equipment maintenance Quality-control implementation
Systems operation/management Operations planning
Lubricant health and cleanliness targets Sensor selections/installation
Mechanical inspections Lubrication program effectiveness
Diagnostics and equipment troubleshooting Choosing test slates

Don't Forget Your Study Packet

The Level II MLA Certification Study Packet
is designed to be used for ICML Level II
MLA certification. It includes:
Level II MLA Flash Cards - More than
440 flash cards give you a head-start
in preparing for the ICML Level II MLA
certification exam.
Oil Analysis Basics - Our No. 1 best-selling
book makes oil analysis for machinery
condition monitoring easy to understand.
Wear Debris Analysis - Consisting of more
than 70 illustrations, figures and tables, this
book offers a practical look at wear debris
and wear particle analysis in many forms.
Machinery Oil Analysis - Uniquely
presenting the entire practice of oil
analysis as a condition monitoring tool
for machines, this in-depth analysis
describes the what, when, where and how-to for machinery lubrication concepts, machinery
failure and maintenance concepts, machinery failure modes, oil sampling and testing, plus
statistical analysis and data interpretation.
Add it to your course registration, or visit us at

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 15
Training Options



Course Topics
Master Advanced Analysis Techniques
To Provide Expert Diagnostic And Understanding and Analyzing
Predictive Maintenance Machine Wear
Oil Analysis III (OA III) is Norias most advanced Integrating Oil Analysis with
training available providing reliability leaders Vibration Analysis
the tools to develop, implement and evaluate a
Fluid Properties Analysis
comprehensive analysis program. OA III students
exhibit the highest level of expertise as they create Additive Depletion
new systems and/or assess system progress within
Contamination Analysis
any industrial workplace.
Converging both the machine lubrication and oil Grease Analysis
analysis focuses of its prerequisites, OA III trains Onsite Oil Analysis Options
students to diagnose problems like contamination,
corrosion and additive depletion - even with limited Designing an Oil Analysis
test results or difficult machines. Students will Program
compare detection and cost benefits/drawbacks Cost/Benefit Analysis
for any type of lab test to select the most precise
option for their needs. They will be able to gather
extensive data on a lubrication program, make
informed decisions and maintain the program as
a major company asset. OA III students also gain Practice In Class
strategies for applying their data and analysis to
building strong proposals for improvement projects. Oil Analysis III includes practice
They'll learn how to calculate accurate return oil analysis reports and individual
on investment predictions, use case studies and and group participation in
organize hard and soft data in their proposal. problem-solving exercises.

Get Certified
Oil Analysis III prepares
students for ICML Level III MLA
certification. Certification testing
is available the Friday following
For course description, the training. Register for your
class schedule and more, exam at
download the brochure
or visit

This class is a true pathway into
world-class maintenance.
-Gary Stamper, Maintenance Superintendent, Meadwestvaco

Take This Course If You Are Responsible For:

Systems operation/management Troubleshooting equipment
Operations design/process/material

Equipment maintenance Efficient utilization design

Testing samples and interpreting results Procedure/quality-control implementation

Mechanical inspections Cost/benefit analysis

Diagnostics Quality-control analysis

Suggested Reading
Machinery Oil Analysis Methods, Automation & Benefits - This
book uniquely presents the entire practice of oil analysis as a
condition monitoring tool for machines.
Wear Particle Atlas - The Wear Particle Atlas is a guide to wear
particle identification containing photographs of typical wear
particles found in used lubricating oil, illustrative case histories, and
operational procedures for wear debris analysis.
You can purchase these books online at

Avoid Costly Mistakes And Reap The Benefits Of Good Oil Sampling
A small misstep when installing sampling production. The company discovered that
ports, performing oil sampling or choosing the tests being conducted could only
lubricants can translate into expensive identify degraded or wrong lubricants not
problems. For most facilities, these mistakes impending failure.
are only apparent after problems arise or Successful oil sampling requires know-how.
through expert analysis. For example, a large Improper sampling port placement, running
steel mill installed 1,200 new sampling ports the wrong tests, poorly collected samples
and, after gathering strange data on multiple and more can compromise accuracy or even
occasions, learned they had been eliminate valuable information. Noria can
placed in the wrong locations. lend you the expertise to avoid these costly
Another Noria customer had been conducting mistakes so you can reap the full benefits of
oil analysis for years but was still unable good oil sampling.
to detect bearing failures that shut down

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 17
Services & Solutions
Lubrication Program Development
Lubrication Program Development is Norias comprehensive lubrication overhaul for your facility. We
begin with a 540-point assessment of your existing lubrication practices and materials. Our findings
provide your roadmap to lubrication excellence. After developing a custom lubrication program, Noria
experts then deliver detailed instructions for maintenance routes, hardware modifications, lubricant types
and procedures. We also make recommendations to redesign your lubricant storage to preserve lubricant
quality and save space.

Prevent Mechanical Failure,

Train Personnel And
Maximize Efficiency
In One Program.

For those needing to tap Norias network of skilled lubrication and oil
analysis professionals, Workforce Solutions is the lubrication labor
outsourcing division of Noria Corporation. We place skilled
personnel at customer facilities on a full-time or short-term basis
to manage your lubrication program and/or carry out aspects of
machinery lubrication and oil analysis. To learn more, visit:

18 800.597.5460 |
Education & Training
For plant-wide lubrication
excellence, Noria can train all
personnel, from those with no technical
background to those with specialized
roles. Noria offers five different nationally
recognized courses on machinery lubrication
and oil analysis, with four of these including
certification preparation. To learn more, visit:

Technical Consulting
Lubrication-enabled reliability is Norias core mission; we
can supply answers and advice for any reliability issue
pertaining to lubrication. Noria technical consultants
have provided expert witnessing and forensic
investigations, laboratory studies, benchmarking, and
specialized troubleshooting on a variety of machine
parts and systems.

For More Information,

Call 800-597-5460

Failure Investigation
When machines fail, some causes and long-term solutions
require expert intervention. Norias network of expert
investigators covers a multitude of industries and
applications. Our technical consulting team has decades
of experience in root cause analysis, tribological
studies, lubricant analysis, debris/wear particle
identification, metallography and more. Our failure
investigations will provide the answers and
solutions to ensure your machinerys quick
return to reliable service.

1328 East
For dates, 43rd Court
complete courseTulsa, OK 74105
description, 800.597.5460
or to| enroll |
visit or call 1-800-597-5460 19
Available Courses

ONLINE LEARNING Machinery Lubrication I

Machinery Lubrication II

Flexible Certification Preparation: Gain the right

Key Features
understanding and steps for excellent condition-based
125-question pre-and post-
maintenance, prepare for a certification test and do it all
on your own time whenever it is best for you.
Knowledge checks for each
Onboarding: Use this training for onboarding new
section to evaluate your
employees or to get your team up to speed quickly and in
understanding know what
alignment with your company culture, skill requirements
to work on before moving
and performance expectations.
Self-paced: Log in anywhere, anytime on your
Step-by-step interactive
customized schedule for one year. Play, pause, rewind
demonstrations of common
and replay as often as needed. Learn while maintaining
lubricant analysis tests
plant and operational schedules. ADA-compliant closed
captioning is available. Meets the training
requirements for the ICML MLA
Pre-/Post-assessment Quizzes: Track your
and MLT Level I certifications
knowledge and understanding through each section with
quizzes designed to show your progress and areas that SCORM compliant, tablet ready
may require further attention. Includes closed captioning
For more information, visit
or call 918-392-5063

Why Train Online?

Affordable: Reduce training
costs and improve productivity.
Flexible: Anytime, anywhere.
Online training enables your
team to learn at their own pace.
Easy To Use: Norias simple
click-and-watch training method
is easy for anyone to use.
Course Manual: Downloadable
PDF manual for future reference.

Bring online machinery lubrication and reliable skills training to your entire company. Noria can host the
training content on your learning management system (LMS) or provide a private, easy-to-use learning
portal for your team. Norias online learning solutions provide the following features:
Monitor learning progress Flexible Deployment: Our modules are compliant
Train on your team's schedule with all training industry standards. We can successfully
implement the following reporting formats: AICC, SCORM
Integrate machinery lubrication reliability to
1.2 and xAPI (Tin Can). If you dont have a learning
your training portfolio.
management system, ask us about a no-hassle, branded
Verify skills solution for your organization.
Prepare for industry certification Custom Online Learning: Norias custom online
Reduce travel expenses learning solutions allow us to address your specific needs.
Our team works closely with you to create a learning plan
Onboard new employees faster
that meets your-short and long-term goals.
Improve efficiencies and reduce costly errors
Contact us today at 918-392-5037 or request a quote
Train your entire workforce online at

Available Courses
BRING NORIA Industrial Lubrication

TRAINING TO YOU Machinery Lubrication I & II

Oil Analysis II & III

Private Onsite Training

Whether you have 15 or 500 employees in need of training, Noria can offer expert instruction at
a time and location that are most convenient for your group. Additionally, Noria can customize
any of its courses based on your needs!
Noria provides onsite training for employers wishing to avoid travel time/costs. This can include
personalized training with examples from onsite equipment. Our customers have used this
option to rotate groups of employees through consecutive one-day trainings and to bring
personnel from multiple plants to one onsite training. Noria is committed to providing options
that will have the smallest impact on your production.

For more information visit or call 918-392-5063

For dates, complete course description, or to enroll visit or call 1-800-597-5460 21
Reliability Skills Series Online
Quickly provide fundamental and best-practice training to
everyone in your plant or your entire company with these
great online lessons.
How to Use a Grease Gun explains that while the grease gun
is one of the most widely used tools for machinery lubrication,
few are trained on grease gun best practices. When used or
loaded improperly, the grease gun can become a safety risk to
both the lubrication technician and the machine.
How to Grease a Motor Bearing provides plant personnel with an
overview of the best practices for lubricating electric motor bearings. Use
it to train operators, lubrication technicians, mechanics, electricians and
maintenance personnel for years to come.
Introduction to Lubrication Fundamentals provides a solid foundation on
the basics of industrial lubricants and tribology, including oil and grease
properties, additives, synthetics, mineral oils, lubricant oxidation, and
many other important topics.
Best Practices for Oil Sampling shows you how to design and implement a
world-class oil sampling program that will deliver better results and help you
focus on improving equipment reliability.
Best Practices for Lubricant Storage and
Handling provides procedures you can
implement right away. From delivery to
dispensing to filling the machine, youll
learn the very best practices for new oil
storage and handling.
Lubrication Basics for Machinery
Operators offers lubrication basic
training, including how to recognize
the early signs of lubrication-related
problems, grease gun basics and
safety, checking oil levels, cleaning and
inspecting machinery, oil leak inspections,
and more.

Add it to your course registration or visit

ONLINE FAX (3-4 days processing) PHONE MAIL (3-4 weeks processing)

FORM 918-746-0925 800-597-5460 Noria Training
or 1328 E. 43rd Court
918-749-1400 Tulsa, OK 74105


Last Name First Name Middle Initial

Job Title Organization/Business Name

Mailing Address

City State/Province Postal Code/ZIP Country

Phone Fax

Email (required)

Note: The mailing address is where all mailed correspondence about this registration will be sent. The email address is how Noria communicates important program details to you.


q Machinery Lubrication I $1,295
q Optional: Study Packet - Level I MLT / Level I MLA
Price includes shipping to a U.S. address

q Machinery Lubrication II $1,295

q Oil Analysis II $1,295

q Optional: Study Packet Level II MLA $310

Price includes shipping to a U.S. address

q Oil Analysis III $1,295

Note: Payment is due before the course. Total Amount Due $___________________

q Check is enclosed. (Allow 3-4 weeks for processing.) Please make checks CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS If you cannot attend the
payable to Noria Corporation in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. course, a colleague can attend in your place. Registrations canceled
q I authorize Noria Corporation to charge $__________________ to my: at any time prior to 10 days before the course are not subject to fees.
Cancellations after 10 days are subject to a $75 service charge. Or,
q VISA q MasterCard q AMEX q Discover your registration fee can be transferred to another program of your
choice to be taken within12 months. For more information visit Noria.
Card Number Expiration Date
CERTIFICATION EXAMS Certification testing is offered by the
International Council for Machinery Lubrication the morning following
a training course at the same hotel. Please contact ICML to register
for the certification exam or register online at
Print name as it appears on credit card bill
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE Noria proudly stands behind our
training courses. If youre not satisfied with the information and
q Our purchase order is attached. P.O. Number insights you gain at these events, well refund 100% of your paid
registration fee.

For dates, online
complete at
course or call
description, or to enroll visit 800-597-5460 or call 1-800-597-5460
1328 East 43rd Court
Tulsa, OK 74105


Find the training that works for you. Norias machinery lubrication and oil analysis training courses offer something for all
levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced technicians and engineers. Enroll today to learn precision lubrication skills
for maximizing machine reliability. For dates and locations, check out


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