P91 Bez PWHT
P91 Bez PWHT
P91 Bez PWHT
M Consonni, D J Abson, TWI Ltd
Presented at 10th International EPRI Conference on Welding and Repair Technology for Power Plants. Marco Island,
Florida, USA. 26-29 June 2012.
Prezentovano na 10-oj meunarodnoj konferenciji o tehnologiji zavarivanja i reparaturi kod energetskih postrojenja.
Marco Island, Florida, SAD, jun 2012.
Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) is generally required for any grade 91 steel fabrication before entering service, as
well as after any repair welding. However, this may sometimes be impractical or not cost-effective. A review of current
welding practice for grade 91 showed that, whilst welding is relatively well established, there is a lack of published
literature and proven procedures for non standard operations, such as weld repair without PWHT. By applying a
microstructural refinement criterion (temper bead), SMAW and GTAW weld repairs of grade 91 steel without PWHT have
been investigated. Metallographic examination and hardness testing were carried out to evaluate the degree of HAZ
refinement and tempering, respectively. For both welding processes, a good level of refinement was produced, but only
limited tempering was achieved. Recommendations are provided for the development of weld repair procedures based
on an alternative criterion to that explored in this present project.
Naknadna termika obrada (TOPZ) se generalno zahteva kod bilo kojeg elika klase P91 pre ukljuivanja u
eksploataciju, kao i posle svakog reparaturnog zavarivanja. Meutim, to moe biti nepraktino ili neisplativo. Pregled
sadanje zavarivake prakse za klasu 91 je pokazao, da je zavarivanje relativno dobro ustanovljeno, dok postoji
nedostatak publikovane literature i odobrenih procedura za nestandardne operacije, kao to je reparaturno zavarivanje
bez TOPZ. Primenom kriterijuma mikrostrukturne rafinacije (zavar za otputanje), podvrgnuti su reparirani zavareni
spojevi klase 91 bez TOPZ postupcima MIG i TIG. Radi ocene stepena rafinacije i otputanja sprovedena su
metalografska ispitivanja i merenje tvrdoe. Za oba postupka zavarivanja, postignut je dobar nivo rafinacije, ali samo
ograniieno otputanje. Obezbeene su preporuke za razvoj procedura reparaturnog zavarivanja zasnovane na nekom
alternativnom kriterijumu.
Grade 91 steel (also referred to as P91 in the pipe form, EN designation X10CrMoVNb 9-1) is widely used in fossil fuel
power stations, where it has found application in new build and, particularly for headers in existing power plants, to
replace lower alloy steel counterparts. The 9% chromium content and the incorporation of vanadium and niobium as
alloying elements have effected a substantial improvement in creep strength compared to the lesser alloyed Cr-Mo
grades (e.g. grade 22), and has allowed designers to provide for an increase in steam temperature from around 540 to
580C or even 600C. The higher alloy content has also ensured that the microstructure of the parent steel (and the
HAZ of any weld) will be martensitic for all likely cooling rates. Moreover, the hardness of such as formed martensite is
typically > 400HV. In the light of the high creep resistance of the steel, the hardness decreases only slowly during
tempering or PWHT, as shown in Figure 1.
elik klase 91 (poznat i kao P91 u obliku cevi, EN oznaka X10CrMoVNb 9-1) se nairoko koristi u elektranama na
fosilna goriva, gde je naao primenu u novogradnji, a posebno za kolektore u postojeim elektranama, za zamenu nie
legiranih elika. Sadraj hroma od 9% i ugraivanje vanadijuma i niobijuma kao legirajuih elemenata su proizveli
znaajan napredak u otpornosti na puzanje u odnosu na manje Cr-Mo klase (npr klasa 22), te je dizajnerima
dozvoljeno da poveavaju temperaturu pare od oko 540-580 C ili ak 600 C. Vei sadraj legirajuih elemenata je
takoe osigurao da mikrostruktura osnovnog materijala- elika (i ZUT i av) bude martenzitna za sve brzine hlaenja.
Osim toga, tvrdoa, tako nastalog martenzita je obino> 400HV. U svetlu visoke otpornost na puzanje elika, tvrdoa
se blago smanjuje tokom otputanja ili TOPZ (termike obrade posle zavarivanja), kao to je prikazano na slici 1.
Figure 1. Trend of hardness as function of the Larson Miller parameter. [1] Reproduced by permission of the American
Welding Society. The coarse-grain HAZ hardness will be similar to that of the weld metal.
Sl. 1. Trend vrednosti tvrdoe kao funkcije Larson Millerovog parametra.[1] Reprodukovano uz dozvolu American Welding Society.
Tvrdoa grubozrnog ZUT bie slina onoj za metal ava
PWHT is generally required for any grade 91 steel fabrication before entering service, to relieve residual stresses, to
reduce weld metal and HAZ hardness, and to improve toughness. For the same reasons, after any repair welding there
is an expectation, and currently a requirement, that a PWHT is carried out. However, since PWHT may be difficult to
perform and often not cost effective, depending on the location and accessibility of the weld repair, a procedure that
allows its omission is desirable, and controlled deposition welding procedures (also referred to as 'temper bead' or 'cold
repair' procedures) have been devised for C-Mn steel and for the lower alloy steels in creep service. Although at least
one study has demonstrated that some HAZ softening can be affected by careful bead placement, [2] industry standards
currently do not allow this approach for grade 91 steel components.
TOPZ je generalno potrebna za bilo koju klasu elika 91pri izradi i pre uvoenja u eksploataciju, za smanjenje
zaostalih napona, kako bi se smanjila tvrdoa metala ava i ZUT, i radi poboljanja ilavosti. Iz istog razloga, nakon
svake popravke zavarivanjem postoji oekivanje, a trenutno je zahtev, da se obavlja TOPZ. Meutim, budui da se
TOPZ teko izvodi i esto nije isplativa, zavisno od lokacije i pristupanosti avu koji se reparira, postupak koji
omoguava njeno izostavljanje je poeljan, i procedure kontrolisanog polaganja zavara (poznata i kao 'zavar za
otputanje tehnoloki zavar' ili procedura 'reparatura na hladno') su osmiljene za C-Mn elike i za manje legirane
elike u uslovima puzanja. Iako je barem jedna studija pokazala da se na izvesno omekavanje ZUT moe uticati
paljivim postavljanjem zavara [2], industrijski standardi trenutno ne dozvoljavaju ovaj pristup za klasu 91 elinih
Following a review of the available literature on weld repair of grade 91 without PWHT, summarized below, this project
investigated the possibility of carrying out non-PWHT weld repairs employing the controlled deposition approach, with
some variation in electrode diameter being explored. Low heat input levels were used, as this gives not only a
reasonably small coarse-grain HAZ grain size but it also restricts the width of the thermally-damaged region at or
beyond the edge of the fine-grain HAZ, which is generally the creep-weak region in a welded joint subjected to cross-
weld stress. The preliminary trials reported here represent the first stage in exploring whether repair welding of grade
91 steel without a subsequent PWHT is possible; if progress is to be made, further extensive welding trials and testing
will be required, including investigating HAZ toughness and cross-weld creep strength.
Nakon pregleda dostupne literature o reparaturnom zavarivanju klase 91 bez TOPZ, sumarno datoj ispod, ovaj projekat
je istraivao mogunost obavljanja reparature ava bez TOPZ korienjem pristupa kontrolisanog polaganja zavara uz
neke varijacije u preniku elektroda koje se koriste. Korieni su mali nivoi unete toplote, jer to daje, ne samo razumno
malu grubozrnu ZUT, ve isto tako ograniava irinu termiki oteene regije u ili izvan ivica finozrne ZUT, koja se
generalno javlja u regijama ugroenim puzanjem zavarenog spoja koji je podvrgnut poprenim naponima usled
zavarivanja. Prema preliminarnim pokuajima, koji su saopteni ovde, oni predstavljaju prvu fazu u istraivanju da li je
mogua popravka zavarivanjem klase elika 91 bez naknadne TOPZ; ako se napravi napredak, bie potrebna dalja
opsena zavarivanja i ispitivanje, ukljuujui i istraivanje ilavosti ZUT i granice puzanja poprenog ava.
Literature review
Pregled literature
Mitchell and Brett[3] published a review of cold weld repair procedures that have been successfully applied to repairs
made to type IV cracking in 2Cr 1MoV steels with Ni-based consumables. The main advantages identified by
Mitchell and Brett when repairing with Ni-alloys are:
Lower risk of hydrogen cracking due to the face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice in weld metal.
Higher fracture toughness of the weld metal compared with weld metal with matching composition and initially lower
residual stress.
However, major drawbacks have been identified as well, such as:
Addition of a 'dissimilar metal transition' joint in the repaired component.
Issues with NDE and slow relaxation of the residual stresses developed during repair.
Mitchell i Brett [3] su objavili pregled procedura reparaturnog zavarivanja na hladno koje se uspeno primenjuje na
popravkama prslina tipa IV na elicima 2Cr 1MoV dodatnim materijalom na bazi Ni. Glavne prednosti koje su
identifikovali Mitchell i Brett pri reparaturi sa Ni-legurama su:
Manji rizik od vodoninih prslina zbog povrinski centrirane kubne reetke (FCC) u metalu ava.
Vea lomna ilavost metala ava u odnosu na metal ava sa odgovarajuim sastavom i inicijalno manji zaostali naponi.
Korienje feritnih dodatnih materijala je postalo popularno poslednjih godina. Za 2Cr1Mo elike, primenjuju se i
runo elektroluno zavarivanje i punjena ica. Meutim, za modifikovani 9Cr1MoV elike, uglavnom je odabrano
runo elektroluno (REL).
A few examples of repairs of Grade 91 using matching (or near matching) consumables have been published.
Storesund and Samuelson[4] indicate that a repair in a grade 91 steam line after 118,000 hours service was only
subjected to 23,000 hours further service until a crack developed in the HAZ at the outside of the pipe, which was post
weld heat treated. These repair welds had a consistently higher hardness than the original, service aged weld. This
particular case considered repair of fabrication flaws, rather than the repair of service degradation such as type IV
Nekoliko primera reparature elika klase 91 koristei odgovarajui (ili blizu odgovarajueg) dodatni materijal je
objavljeno. Storesund i Samuelson [4] ukazuju na to da je reparatura parovoda od elika klase 91 nakon 118.000 sati
rada bila podvrgnuta daljem radu od samo 23.000 sati dok se prslina razvila u ZUT na spoljanjoj strani cevi, koja je
bila podvrgnuta termikoj obradi posle zavarivanja. Ovi reparirani avovi imaju sistematino veu tvrdou od originala,
ava koji je ostario tokom rada. Ovaj konkretni sluaj se odnosi na reparaturu nedostatka tokom izrade, a ne
reparaturu degradacije tokom rada kao to su prsline tipa IV.
With regard to repairing service degradation flaws, it is recommended that the entire weld is cut out (including HAZ)
and re-welded, as the damage accumulation in the creep weak type IV region is likely to be aggravated by the residual
stresses associated with any repair. The use of grade 91 matching consumables for such repairs produces welds with
have a better creep resistance compared with the parent material which is service-aged. This may aggravate further
type IV cracking in the HAZ created by the weld repair.
to se tie reparature oteenja usled degradacije tokom rada, preporuuje se da se celi av isee (ukljuujui ZUT) i
ponovo zavari, jer e akumulacija oteenja u regiji oteenja usled puzanja tipa IV verovatno biti poveana zaostalim
naponima vezanim za bilo kakvu reparaturu. Upotreba dodatnog podudarnog materijala klase 91 za takve reparature
daje bolju otpornost na puzanje u poreenju sa osnovnim materijalom koji je ostario tokom rada. To moe dalje da
pogora prsline tipa IV u ZUT stvorenoj reparaturom ava.
Vekeman and Huysmans[2] proposed using less alloyed consumables as an alternative to matching the parent material.
The rationale behind this is the attempt to match the creep resistance of the service-aged base material. As residual
stress relaxation is a 'creep-like' mechanism, less creep resistant weld metal will allow a somewhat greater degree of
relaxation of such stresses. A modified T24 filler metal with Nb alloying was used. The authors established that gas
backing would be needed, so standard 2Cr filler metal was used for the root pass to eliminate the excessive oxidation
of the weld bead. The weld repair was performed successfully. However, care needed to be taken with the deposition
sequence to ensure that the maximum hardness measured in the HAZ was less than 400HV (to avoid stress corrosion
cracking in the absence of PWHT), and it was observed that restrictions on the service temperature (limited to 540-
580C) may be required to avoid reheat cracking during service. At the time of writing this report, there is no evidence
of components repaired with the above procedures being put in service.
Vekeman and Huismans [2] predloili su korienje manje legiranog dodatnog materijala kao alternativu podudaranju sa
osnovnim materijalom. Obrazloenje je pokuaj da odgovara otpornosti na puzanje osnovnog materijala koji je ostario
tokom rada. Za relaksaciju zaostalih napona koristi se mehanizam 'puzanje-poput', metal ava manje otpornosti na
puzanje omoguie donekle vei stepen relaksacije takvih naprezanja. Korien je modifikovan T24 dodatni materijal
legiran sa Nb. Autori su utvrdili da e biti potrebna gasna podloka, pa je korien standardni 2Cr dodatni materijal za
koreni prolaz da bi eliminisao prekomernu oksidaciju zavara. Reparatura ava je uspeno izvedena. Meutim, potrebna
je velika panja pri nanoenju da se osigura da maksimalna tvrdoa u ZUT bude manje od 400HV (da bi se izbegle
prsline usled naponske korozije u odsustvu TOPZ), a uoeno je da se ogranienje radne temperature (ogranieno do
540-580 C) moe zahtevati radi izbegavanja prslina usled ponovnog zagrevanja tokom rada. U vreme pisanja ovog
izvetaja, nema dokaza o repariranim komponentama, navedenim postupcima.
Experimental approach
Eksperimentalni pristup
Kratki pregled
Two welding processes were selected for the investigation of weld repair procedures without PWHT: shielded metal arc
welding (SMAW) and mechanised (machine) gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Both processes are allowed by clause
IWA-4620 of Section XI of the ASME B&PV Code for in-service temper bead repairs of base materials classified as P-No
1, 3, 12A, 12B or 12C, which do not include grade 91 (P-No 5B). It should be noted that the GTAW process is only
allowed by ASME B&PV Section XI if 'automatic' or 'machine' using cold wire feed.
For both processes multi-layer welded pads were deposited on service-aged P91 pipe material with 15mm thickness to
simulate weld repairs. The welding parameters for each layer were selected in order to maximise the refinement of the
HAZ associated with subsequent welding layers, by using the two-layer refinement criterion suggested by Alberry: [5]
Where P is the maximum fusion boundary depth (first bead), C is the sum of maximum fusion boundary depth +
average layer height (first bead) and R is the maximum depth of the refining zone (second bead). A schematic
representation of this criterion is shown in Figure 2.
Odabrana su dva postupka zavarivanja za istraivanje procedura reparature zavarenog spoja bez TOPZ: runo
elektroluno zavarivanje (REL) i mehanizovano (mainsko) zavarivanje u zatiti gasa (TIG). Oba postupka su
dozvoljena klauzulom IWA-4620 Sekcije XI ASME B & PV Pravila za reparaturu u toku rada zavarom za otputanje,
osnovnih materijala svrstanih kao P-No 1, 3, 12A, 12B ili 12C, koji ne ukljuuju klasu 91 (P No 5B). Treba napomenuti
da je postupak TIG doputen samo po ASME B & PV sekcija XI ako se koristi 'automatsko' ili 'mainsko' dodavanje.
Za oba postupka, naneti su vieslojni avovi na elik P91 koji je ostario tokom rada u obliku cevi debljine 15mm za
simulaciju reparatureava. Parametri zavarivanja za svaki sloj su odabrani kako bi se poveala rafinacija ZUT povezana
sa kasnijim zavarivanjem slojeva, koristei kriterijum rafinacije preko dva sloja koji je predloio Alberry: [5]
gde je P maksimalna dubina granice stapanja (prvi zavar), C je suma maksimalnih dubina granica stpanja + prosena
visina sloja (prvi zavar) i R je maksimalna dubina zone rafinacije (drugi zavar). Shematski prikaz ovog kriterijuma je
prikazan na slici 2.
In addition, it was expected that the deposition of subsequent welding layers would affect some tempering of the HAZ
associated with the first layer. The weld repair procedures were then tested by metallographic examination and
hardness testing, to evaluate the degree of refinement and tempering obtained, respectively.
Osim toga, oekivano je bilo da nanoenje naknadnih zavarenih slojeva moe uticati na otputanje ZUT od prvog sloja.
Postupci reparature zavarenog spoja su potom proverene metalografskim ispitivanjem i ispitivanjem tvrdoe, za
procenu stepenapostignute rafinacije i otputanja.
Za testove REL zavarivanje, dva sloja zavarene jastuii su proizvedeni, koristei razliite kombinacije veliina elektroda
i grijanje ciklusa izmeu prvog i drugog sloja. Parametri zavarivanja i veliinama elektrode su bile zasnovane na rad
koji se obavlja na hladnim vara popravci C-Mn elika, [6] koji zauzvrat koristi kriterij profinjenosti Alberry, a kasnije su
prilagoditi visokim Cr potroni materijal koji se koristi.
Test weld W01 was welded using 3.2 and 4.0mm (1/8 and 5/32in) electrodes for the first and second layer,
respectively. Test weld W03 was welded using 2.5 and 4.0mm (3/32 and 5/32in) electrodes for the first and second
layer, respectively. A 'cascade' sequence was applied, with the second layer deposited on a smaller area, to allow
sectioning of single and double-layer configurations. All welds were carried out in the vertical-up welding position; with
a minimum preheat temperature of 200C (approximately 390F) and a maximum interpass temperature of 250C
(approximately 480F). The SMAW electrical variables are summarised in Table 1.
Ispitni av W01 je zavaren elektrodama za prvi i drugi sloj 3.2 i 4.0mm (1/8 i 5 / 32in). Ispitni av W03 je zavaren
elektrodama za prvi i drugi sloj 2,5 i 4.0mm (3/32 i 5 / 32in). Primenjena je kaskadna sekvenca, a drugi sloj je
nanet na manju povrinu, kako bi se omoguilo razdvajanje jednosnojnih i dvoslojnih konfiguracija. Svi avovi su
izvedeni u poloaju zavarivanja vertikalno na gore; sa minimalnom temperaturom predgrevanja od 200 C (oko 390
F), a maksimalna meuslojna temperatura od 250 C (oko 480 F). Promenljive elektrine karakteristike za REL su
date u tabeli 1.
Table 1. As-recorded MMA welding parameters, the corresponding welded pads are shown in Figures
3 and 4.
Tabela 1. Parametri zavarivanja koji su snimljeni za REL, odgovarajui zavareni avovi su prikazani na slikama 3 i 4.
Ispitn Preni Jaina Duin Uneta koliina Preni Jaina Duin Uneta koliina
i av k struje a toplote k struje Napon a toplote
Test L1 , i, ROL AE, L2 , i, V ROL AE,
weld mm A mm kJ/mm mm A mm kJ/mm
W01 3.2 100 22 150 0.5-0.6 4 112 22 100 0.9-1.1
Welding was carried out using AWS A5.5 E8015-B8 electrodes, matching the composition of Grade 9. The purpose of
these tests was to verify the effect of the selected welding procedures on HAZ microstructure and hardness, it was not
considered necessary to use consumables matching Grade 91. In addition, type 'B8' consumables have a lower
resistance to creep than type B9. These were considered suitable for evaluating repairs on Grade 91 in the service aged
condition, i.e. with a somewhat reduced creep strength compared with the as-fabricated condition. After welding, the
test pads were not subjected to PWHT.
Zavarivanje je izvedeno koritenjem AWS A5.5 E8015-B8 elektrode, koja odgovara sastavu klase 9. Svrha ovih
ispitivanja je bila da se proveri uinak odabranih postupaka zavarivanja na mikrostrukturu ZUT i tvrdou, nije smatrano
potrebnim da se koristi dodatni materijal koji odgovara klasi 91. Osim toga, tip "B8" dodatni materijali imaju manju
otpornost na puzanje nego tipa B9. Oni su smatrani pogodnim za ocenjivanje reparature na klasi 91 u starenom stanju
posle rada, t.j. sa neto smanjenom granicom puzanja u odnosu na stanje posle izrade. Nakon zavarivanja, ispitne
podloge nisu bile izloene TOPZ.
Mechanised GTAW.
Mehanizovani TIG
GTAW repair using the temperbead (or 'half bead') approach have been developed by Alberry et al [5] and Gandy et
al[7] for ASME SA 508 Class 2 steel for application in the nuclear sector. In particular, Gandy et al developed a three-
layer procedure, using the same parameters for all layers.
Bead on plate (BoP) tests, which are not detailed in this paper, were carried out to determine the optimum welding
parameters. The BoP trials were assessed according to the refinement criterion (Formula (1) and Figure 2) and one set
of welding parameters was selected (table 2). Subsequently, in accordance with the abovementioned three-layer
procedure, a weld pad (W15) was obtained using the same parameters for all layers. Metallographic specimens were
then obtained from three cross-sections, identified as W15-1, 2 and 3, to compare the effect of the subsequent layers
on the base metal via visual examination and hardness testing.
Reparatura TIG postupkom korienjem zavara za arenje (ili 'pola zavara') razvili su Alberri i dr. [5] i Gandi i dr. [7] za
elik prema ASME SA 508 klasa 2 za primenu u nuklearnom sektoru. Konkretno, Gandi i dr. su razvili proceduru sa tri
sloja, koristei iste parametre za sve slojeve.
Testovi zavara na ploi (Bop), koji nisu navedeni u ovom radu, sprovedeni su radi odreivanja optimalnih parametara
zavarivanja. Probe Bop su ocenjivane prema kriterijumu rafinacije (Formula (1) i Slika 2) i odabran je jedan skup
parametara zavarivanja (tabela 2). Nakon toga, u skladu sa pomenutom procedurom troslojnog zavarivanja, av (W15) je
dobijen korienjem istih parametara za sve slojeve. Metalografski uzorci su zatim dobijen iz tri preseka, koji su
identifikovani kao W15-1, 2 i 3, radi uporeenja efekta narednih slojeva na osnovni materijal putem vizuelno i merenjem
AWS SFA A5.28 ER 80S-B8 with 1.2mm (0.045in) was used, matching the composition of Grade 9 rather than Grade
91, see discussion above. The TOPTIG TM variant of the GTAW process was used[8], as this generally allows a smoother
HAZ profile for the first layer, compared with standard GTAW welding, hence increasing the possibility of a consistent
refinement and tempering of the HAZ itself, when the second and third layer are deposited.
Korien je, prema AWS A5.28 SFA dodatni materijal, ER 80S-B8 prenika 1.2mm (0.045in) koji se poklapa sa
sastavom klase 9 pre nego sa klasom 91, videti diskusiju gore. Varijanta TIG postupka, TOPTIGTM [8] je koriena, jer
generalno omoguava glatkiji profil ZUT za prvi sloj, u poreenju sa standardnim TIG zavarivanjem, stoga poveava
mogunost stalne rafinacije i otputanja samog ZUT, kada se nanose drugi i trei sloj.
Figure 3 shows photomacrographs of the sections taken from test weld W01 (3.2/4.0mm). The sections taken from
test weld W03 (2.5/4.0mm) are shown in Figure 4. The above mentioned figures indicate that if the combination
2.5/4.0mm electrode is used for the first/second layer, the latter penetrates through the thickness of the first layer
and a new untempered and unrefined HAZ is formed. On the other hand, if the combination 3.2/4.0mm electrode is
used, the outer regions of the HAZ produced by the second layer appear to overlap with that produced by the first,
hence providing the condition for refinement.
Slika 3 prikazuje sliku makrostrukture tih preseka uzetih iz ispitnog ava W01 (3.2 / 4.0mm). Preseci uzeti iz ava W03
(2.5 / 4.0mm) su prikazani na slici 4. Gore navedeni podaci ukazuju da, ukoliko se kombinacija 2.5 / 4.0mm elektroda
koristi za prvi / drugi sloj, zadnja prodire kroz debljinu prvog sloja i stvara novu neotputenu i nerafiniranu ZUT. Sa druge
strane, ako se koristi kombinacija 3.2 / 4.0 mm elektroda, spoljanji regioni ZUT dobijeni drugim slojem koji preklapa
onaj dobijen prvim slojem, time obezbeujui uslov za rafinaciju.
Figure 3. Macrosections taken through test weld W01. Scale ruler shown:
(a) W01-A: first layer appearance (SMAW electrode 3.2mm);
Slika 3. Makropreseci uzeti iz ispitnog ava W01. Lenjir sa skalom pokazuje:
(A) W01-A: prvi sloj (REL elektrodom 3.2mm);
(b) W01-B: appearance after second layer (SMAW electrode 4.0mm)
(b) W01-B: izgled nakon drugog sloja (REL elektrodom 4.0mm)
Figure 4. Macrosections taken through the samples relating to test weld W03. Scale ruler shown:
(a) W03-A: first layer appearance, showing fairly even HAZ (SMAW electrode 2.5mm);
Slika 4. Makropresci uzeti iz uzoraka vezanih za ispitni av W03. Lenjir sa skalom pokazuje:
(a) W03-A: izgled prvog sloja, prikazuje vidljivu ZUT (REL elektrodom 2.5mm);
(b) W03-B: appearance after second layer, showing elimination of original HAZ and formation of a new
HAZ resulting from the higher heat input (SMAW electrode 4.0mm).
(b) W03-B: izgled posle drugog sloja, prikazuje eliminaciju originalne ZUT i stvaranje nove ZUT to je rezultat veeg
unosa toplote (REL elektrodom 4.0mm).
The irregular profiles shown in Figures 3 and 4 are explained by the imposition of welding parameters and heat input
levels that are outside the usual ranges for the consumables being used. It should also be noted that at this stage, the
primary purpose of the test welds was to determine the effect of different combinations of electrode size and electrical
parameters on the HAZ microstructure, hence limited emphasis was put on obtaining a smooth weld pad profile.
The 2.5/4.0mm combination was discarded based on the photomacrographs. Subsequent metallographic examination
was limited to test weld W01 (3.2/4.0mm). Figure 5 shows the effect of the bead placement and temper bead
technique on the HAZ. Good refinement of the HAZ was obtained.
Neregularni profili prikazani na slikama 3 i 4 objanjavaju se parametrima zavarivanja i nivoom unete toplote koji su
izvan uobiajenog opsega za potrone materijale koji se koriste. Takoe, treba napomenuti da je u ovoj fazi, primarna
svrha ispitnih avova bio da se utvrdi uticaj razliitih kombinacija veliina elektroda i elektrinih parametara na
mikrostrukture ZUT, stoga je ogranien akcenat stavljen na dobijanje glatkog profila ava.
Kombinacija 2.5 / 4.0mm je odbaena na osnovu makrofotografije. Naknadno metalografsko ispitivanje je ogranieno
na ispitivanje ava W01 (3.2 / 4.0mm). Slika 5 pokazuje efekat mesta i tehnike izvoenja zavara na ZUT. Postignuta je
dobra rafinacija ZUT.
Detail of the weld and HAZ microstructures resulting from test weld W01 (Figure 3) Magnification indicated
by micron marker:
(a) Microstructure at one end of the weld pad (see Figure 3), showing limited refinement;
Detalj ava i mikrostruktura ZUT iz ispitnog ava W01 (slika 3) Uveanje oznaeno oznakom mikrona:
(a) Mikrostruktura na jednom kraju ava (videti sliku 3), pokazuje ogranienu rafinaciju;
(b) Detail of Figure 5a, showing a predominantly martensitic microstructure;
(b) Detalj sa slike 5a, pokazuje uglavnom martenzitnu mikrostrukturu;
(c) Microstructure of the HAZ at the centre of the weld, showing good refinement;
(c) Mikrostruktura ZUT u centru ava, pokazuje dobru rafinaciju
Hardness measured in the HAZ of specimen W01 ranged between 329-435HV 5 (average 385HV5) and 258-
420HV5(average 360 HV5) after deposition of one and two layers, respectively, against 224-229 HV 5 for the parent
Izmerene vrednosti tvrdoe ZUT na uzorku W01su u opsegu 329-435HV 5 (srednja vrednost 385HV5) i 258-
420HV5(srednja vrednost 360 HV5).
Figure 6 shows the degree of overlap between the HAZs of the three welding layers in test weld W15. In
particular, Figure 6b shows that the HAZ associated with the second layer consistently overlapped that of the first layer,
whereas, due to the variation in layer thickness, the HAZ produced by the third layer appears to have extended over
the fusion line only in a few positions (Figure 6c).
Slika 6 prikazuje stepen preklapanja izmeu ZUT-ova tri zavarena sloja na ispitnom avu W15. Konkretno, slika 6b
pokazuje da je ZUT vezan za drugi sloj dosledno preklopljen onim iz prvog sloja, dok zbog varijacija u debljini sloja, ZUT
dobijen treim slojem se nastavlja preko linije stapanja samo u nekoliko pozicije (slika 6c).
Macrosections taken through the samples relating to test weld W15. Scale ruler shown:
(a) First layer (W15-1);
Slika 6. Makropresci uzeti iz uzoraka vezanih za ispitni av W15. Lenjir sa skalom pokazuje:
(a) Prvi sloj(W15-1)
(b) Two layers (W15-2) - arrows indicate the limit of the 2nd layer HAZ (darker);
(b)Dva sloja (W15-2)- strelice indikuju kraj ZUT drugog sloja (tamnije);
(c) Three layers (W15-3) - arrows indicate the limit of the 3rd layer HAZ (lighter).
(c)Tri sloja (W15-3)- strelice indikuju kraj ZUT treeg sloja (svetlije );
Figure 7 shows the degree of HAZ refinement obtained when depositing two and three layers (Figure 7b and c,
respectively), compared with the HAZ produced by the deposition of a single layer (Figure 7a).
Slika 7 pokazuje stepen rafinacije ZUT dobijen kada se nanose dva ili tri sloja (slika 7b i c) u poreenju sa ZUT dobijen
nanoenjem jednog sloja (slika 7a)
Detail of the weld and HAZ microstructures resulting from test weld W15 (GTAW). Magnification indicated
by micron marker:
(a) HAZ associated with a single layer (W15-1);
Detalj ava i mikrostrukture ZUT kod ispitnog ava W15 (TIG). Uveanje prikazano oznakom mikrona:
(A) ZUT kod jednog sloja (W15-1);
The HAZ hardness associated with a single layer ranged from 391 to 473HV 5, and averaged 430HV5. After the
deposition of a second layer, the HAZ hardness ranged from 374 to 453HV 5 and the average value slightly decreased to
423HV5. The values measured after the deposition of the third layer varied between 312 and 466HV 5 with an average of
391HV5. This indicated that, whilst the third layer did not contribute to the refinement of the HAZ, it had a measurable
effect on HAZ tempering.
Tvrdoa ZUT vezana sa jedan sloj je od 391 do 473HV 5, i proseno 430HV5. Nakon nanoenja drugog sloja, tvrdoa
ZUT je od 374 do 453HV5 a prosena vrednost neznatno opada na 423HV5. Vrednosti merene nakon nanoenja treeg
sloja variraju izmeu 312 i 466HV5 sa prosekom od 391HV5. To ukazuje da, iako trei sloj nije doprineo rafinaciji ZUT,
ima merljive efekte na otputanje ZUT.
The review of current welding practice for grade 91 showed that whilst conventional welding and repair procedure are
relatively established and can be reliably assessed, there is a lack of published literature and proven procedures for
non-standard operations, such as welding without PWHT, which are highly desirable in a variety of fabrication and
maintenance scenarios.
Pregled sadanje prakse zavarivanja klase 91 pokazuje da iako je konvencionalno zavarivanje i procedura popravke
relativno uspostavljeno i mogu se pouzdano proceniti, postoji nedostatak literature i proverenih procedure za
nestandardne operacije, kao to je zavarivanje bez TOPZ (PWHT), to je veoma poeljno kod razliitih izrada i scenarija
In this respect, the experimental results showed that, if a refinement criterion previously applied to C-Mn steels, is
applied to investigate the possibility to repair grade 91 components without PWHT, a substantial degree of HAZ
refinement can be obtained for both the SMAW and GTAW processes. However, the tempering produced by such
approach in the HAZ cannot be considered significant for SMAW, with an average hardness drop of approximately
25HV5. On the other hand, when GTAW was applied, a moderate degree of tempering was obtained, with a hardness
reduction of 40HV5 after the deposition of three weld layers. It should however be noted that grade 91, being resistant
to creep damage, is intrinsically resistant to tempering.
U tom smislu, eksperimentalni rezultati su pokazali da, ukoliko se primenjuje kriterijum rafinacije, prethodno primenjivan
za C-Mn elike, radi ispitivanja mogunosti za popravku komponenti od klase 91 bez TOPZ (PWHT), znaajan stepen
rafinacije ZUT se moe postii REL i TIG postupcima zavarivanja. Meutim, otputanje postignuto ovakvim pristupom u
ZUT ne moe se smatrati znaajnim za REL, sa prosenim padom tvrdoe od oko 25HV5. S druge strane, kada je
primenjen TIG, umereni stepen otputanja je postignut, smanjenjem tvrdoe 40HV5 nakon nanoenja tri sloja. Meutim,
treba napomenuti da je klasa 91, otporna na puzanje, sutinski otporna na otputanje.
The wide range of hardness values observed indicated the range of maximum temperatures experienced in the HAZ
regions with the lowest hardness values, corresponding to the areas that had been more effectively tempered by the
heat cycle induced by the subsequent layers. This confirms that the depth of penetration of the second and following
welding layers, as well as their associated HAZ, must be made more uniform, if consistent tempering is to be obtained.
irok raspon vrednosti tvrdoe koji je uoen, ukazuje na opseg maksimalnih temperatura u ZUT regionima sa najniim
vrednostima tvrdoe, odgovara podrujima koja su efikasnije otputena, toplotnim ciklusima izazvanim narednim
slojevima. Ovo potvruje da dubina prodiranja drugog i narednih slojeva zavarivanja, kao i njihove ZUT, moraju biti
uniformnije, ako se eli postii dosledno otputanje. .
No procedures for 'cold' weld repairs of P91 components are available in the public domain, which have been
successfully employed in-service.
SMAW and GTAW weld repair procedures for grade 91 without PWHT were investigated by applying a refinement
A combination of SMAW electrodes with diameters 3.2mm (1/8in, first layer) and 4.0mm (5/32in, second layer)
produced some refinement, but only limited tempering occurred in the HAZ.
A three-layer GTAW repair procedure provided a higher degree of microstructural refinement, with limited tempering.
Nema procedure za 'hladno' reparaturno zavarivanje komponenti od P91 koje su javno dostupne, a da su bile uspeno
koriene u eksploataciji.
Postupci REL i TIG za reparaturu kod klase 91 bez TOPZ (PWHT) su ispitivani primenom kriterijuma rafinacije.
Kombinacija REL elektroda prenika 3.2mm (1 / 8in, prvi sloj) i 4.0mm (5 / 32in, drugi sloj) proizvela je donekle rafinaciju,
ali se u ZUT desilo samo ogranieno otputanje.
Postupak TIG reparaturnog zavarivanja u tri sloja obezbeuje vii stepen mikrostrukturne rafinacije, sa ogranienim
If weld repair procedures for grade 91 without PWHT are to be developed, the investigation of a controlled deposition
procedure, based on a shallower penetration by the second layer than that explored in this present project, is
recommended to achieve maximum tempering rather than maximum refinement.
Ako se postupci popravke zavarivanjem bez TOPZ za klasu 91 budu razvijali, istraivanje procedure kontrolisanog
nanoenja, na osnovu plieg prodora drugim slojem,koja su koriena u sadanjem projektu, preporuuje se da se
postigne maksimalno otputanje, a ne maksimalna rafinacija.
In order to assess the performance of such repair procedures for in service applications, extensive welding trials and
testing are required, including investigating HAZ toughness and cross-weld creep strength.
U cilju procene uinka takvih procedura popravke za tokom ekspolatacije, obavezne su opsene studije zavarivanja i
ispitivanje, ukljuujui istraivanje ilavost ZUT i granicu puzanja po preseku ava.
This work was funded by the Industrial Members of TWI, as part of TWI's internal research programme. The author
would like to thank TWI colleagues: Nigel Allison, Ray Banham, Rita Banks, Jackie Brand, Chris Dungey, Harry Froment,
Chen Fun Wee, Alan Parker-Murrell, Diane Shaw, Shaun Smart, Ramin Taheri, Mark Tiplady and David Welsh.
Ovaj rad je finansiran od strane industrijskih lanova TWI, kao deo unutranjeg istraivakog programa TWI. Autor eli da
se zahvali kolegama iz TWI: Nigel Allison, Ray Banham, Rita Banks, Jackie Brand, Chris Dungey, Harry Froment, Chen
Fun Wee, Alan Parker-Murrell, Diane Shaw, Shaun Smart, Ramin Taheri, Mark Tiplady and David Welsh.
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and Processing Industry.
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Vol. 1, No. 3.
Alberry P J and Feldstein J G, 1985: 'Alternatives to half bead repair technique (GTAW) '. CEGB report
TPRD/M/1512/R85, CEGB, US.
Jones R L, 1987: 'Development of two-layer deposition techniques for the manual metal arc repair welding of thick C-
Mn steel plate without post-weld heat treatment'. TWI Member Report 335.
Gandy D W, Findlan S J and Childs W J, 1991: 'Repair welding of SA 508 Class 2 steel utilizing the 3-layer temper bead
approach' PVP-Vol. 215, Fatigue, Fracture and Risk, ASME, US.
Air-Liquide, 2012: www.airliquidewelding.cz/file/otherelement/pj/new%20toptig%202386z18473.pdf