Aero Q406
Aero Q406
Aero Q406
New Enhanced
oeing 787
from the
Ground Up
a quarterly publication
Cover photo: 777 fuselage interior
Welcome Back
Were thrilled to be bringing back AERO magazine
to you, our valued customers.
Cruise Performance Monitoring
This valuable process can help airlines identify
and solve inservice performance problems.
12 12
New Enhanced Service Bulletins
A change in the way service bulletins are
prepared and delivered combined with
airline process improvements can reduce
maintenance cost significantly and improve the
ability to show conformance.
Boeing 787 from the Ground Up
With a new approach to design, Boeings
787-8 Dreamliner is projected to have
30percent lower airframe maintenance costs
than any comparable product and is expected
to be available for revenue service more often
than any other commercial airplane.
Maintenance Program
01 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e Issue 24_Quarter 04 | 2006
Publisher Design Cover photography
Shannon Frew Methodologie Jeff Corwin
AERO online
Editorial Board
Richard Breuhaus, John Cashman, Graham Crippin, Dick Elliott, Jeff Hawk, Al John, Jill Langer,
David Okrent, Mick Pegg, George Peppes, Bob Rakestraw, Jerome Schmelzer, Paul Victor
AERO magazine is published quarterly by Boeing Commercial Airplanes and is distributed at no cost Information published in AERO magazine is intended to be accurate and authoritative. However, no
to operators of Boeing commercial airplanes. AERO provides operators with supplemental technical material should be considered regulatory-approved unless specifically stated. Airline personnel are
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Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company
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a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
welcome back
n Established a customer council with airline executives to review Material Management practices.
n Created first-officer training solutions that help airlines meet the increasing demand for pilots.
n Revised our process metrics to better reflect how your business is affected by our day-to-day operations.
n Embarked on an ambitious effort to improve our suppliers on-time performance and support.
Our focus is on speed, ease, and attitude responding quickly to your needs, making it easy
for you to do business with Boeing, and having a can-do attitude when we resolve your issues.
We look forward to our continued partnership in flight.
Lou Mancini
Vice President and General Manager
Boeing Commercial Aviation Services
03 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
TO decrease
operating costs.
Cruise Performance
In addition to what might be considered its
more common use of determining flight
planning and FMC performance factors, cruise
performance monitoring can help airlines identify
and solve inservice performance problems. Often,
performance monitoring will identify a need for
Boeing to assist in determining the solution to a
given in-service problem. However, with a good
understanding of the monitoring process and the
interactions among the variables involved, airlines
by Dave Anderson,
Flight Operations Engineer, can do a significant amount of their own problem
and Carolyn Hanreiter,
Aerodynamics Engineer diagnosing and solving.
Cruise performance monitoring has been used n Identify high fuel burning airplanes for Case study 1:
for many years by airlines that strive to operate possible maintenance. Airframe versus engine
their airplanes as efficiently as possible. These n Validate performance degradation for extended causes of fuel mileage deterioration
airlines know that continuous cruise performance twin-engine operations (ETOPS) critical fuel
monitoring of airplanes in their fleets can decrease reserves planning (in lieu of the regulatory An airline that operates a 747-400 airplane fleet
operating costs relative to airlines that do not requirement of 5percent fuel mileage was concerned about what it considered to be
monitor airplane performance levels. Continuous deterioration allowance). excessive fuel mileage deterioration relative to the
cruise performance monitoring can give airlines n Increase flight crew confidence in flight plans fuel mileage levels its airplanes exhibited when they
the information they need to: and possibly decrease the amount of were new. The airline requested help from both
discretionary fuel requested and loaded. Boeing and the engine manufacturer in determining
n Adjust the baseline performance levels they
what was causing this deterioration the
use for flight planning and flight management An additional, less recognized benefit of cruise
airframe, the engine, or both. Through a better
computer (FMC) fuel-required predictions performance monitoring is diagnosing and solving
understanding of the contributions that airframe
so that the correct amount of fuel is loaded various airplane performance problems or issues.
and engine deterioration make to the overall fuel
on each and every flight. These case studies show how cruise performance
mileage deterioration, the airline could more
n Identify normal deterioration for a fleet monitoring was used to determine solutions to
efficiently focus its maintenance resources.
of airplanes. three different problems.
To help resolve this issue, the airline proposed
n Match the airplanes that perform best to
an experiment involving an engine exchange
their longest routes.
05 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
old 747-400
total fuel
mileage difference
new 747-400
from old to new airplane
using the old and new engines
between an old and a new airplane. A six-year-old exterior before the engine swap. Control surfaces The experiment began by
747-400, which was operating about 4.1percent
below the flight planning database level of fuel
were rerigged, seals were repaired, and one engine
was replaced. A minor leak in the pneumatic
putting the old airplane
mileage, represented the old airplane, while a system, discovered during the Dcheck, was not through a complete
soon-to-be-delivered 747-400 represented the
new one. The airline requested assistance and
fixed by the airline (determined to cause about a
0.1percent penalty in fuel mileage). Fuel mileage
Dcheck, including a
support from Boeing and the engine manufacturer data was collected before and after the Dcheck to configuration inspection.
in carrying out the experiment, which would: determine any change across the check, especially
to quantify any changes resulting from rerigging airframe must contribute about 0.85percent
n Measure pre-exchange fuel mileage on both
the flight control surfaces and replacing any worn toward the overall fuel mileage deterioration
the new and the old airplane (pre-engine swap).
seals. Fuel mileage improved 0.7percent after the originally observed on the old airplane and engine
n Swap all four engines between the new and
Dcheck, with 0.3percent attributed to proper combination. However, about 0.3percent of that
old airplane.
rerigging of the flight controls and 0.4percent difference is explainable. Of the total calculated
n Measure fuel mileage again on both the new
attributed to the changing of one engine. difference of 0.85percent, the pneumatic duct
and the old airplane (post-engine swap).
Fuel mileage data was then collected on leakage discovered on the old airplane during the
By using the same physical set of four engines both the old and new airplanes before and Dcheck contributed about 0.1percent. In addition,
on two different airframes, the airline, Boeing, after the engine swap. The data collected was the old airplane did not have the same revised
and the engine manufacturer agreed that any a combination of in-service data collected by vertical fin fairing as the new 747-400. If the older
measurable difference in fuel mileage for the same the airplane condition monitoring system (ACMS) airplane had had the newer vertical fin fairing,
set of engines on two different airframes could and hand-recorded data that was collected under it is estimated that the fuel mileage would have
be attributed to airframe effects alone that is, more controlled test conditions. improved about 0.2percent.
drag deterioration. Average results from all four sets of data were After adjusting for the pneumatic system leak
Boeings position was that proper maintenance then compared to determine the differences in fuel and the newer vertical fin fairing, for the same set
of the exterior of an airplane would lead to minimal mileage between the old and new airplanes with of engines the old airplanes fuel mileage averaged
amounts of drag deterioration as an airplane ages. the same set of engines. about 0.5percent worse than the new airplane.
As a result, the experiment began by putting the For both the old and new engines, the average The results are supportive of the position
old airplane through a complete Dcheck, including improvement in fuel mileage for the new airframe that the drag deterioration of a well-maintained
a configuration inspection, so that it would be relative to the old airframe was about 0.85percent. airplane most likely will not exceed more than
considered as having a properly maintained The initial conclusion could be that the older about 0.5percent.
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
Case Study 1:
To help determine the
primary cause of the fuel
mileage deterioration,
Boeing and the airline
collected fuel mileage data
on both a new and old
747-400 before and after
an engine exchange.
Case study 2: different winglet drag increment (relative to a blended winglets. Boeing analyzed the data for
Investigation of a cruise fuel nonwinglet 737-800) and an aeroelastic correction each airplane using both the operational database
mileage shortfall absent in the earlier database. and the revised database.
At Mach0.79, the difference between the two While the data was, on average, about
An airline expressed concern to Boeing that its databases varies from 0.2percent to 2.3percent, 0.5percent closer to the newer database level
new 737-800/CFM56-7B airplanes equipped with depending on the exact conditions flown, with the than the operational database level, Boeings
Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) blended winglets airlines database predicting a better fuel mileage analysis did not agree with the airlines analysis.
were exhibiting fuel mileage performance more than increment because of the winglets in all cases. Boeings analysis of the data using the revised
2percent worse than the Boeing database level, Upon request, the airline provided Boeing with database concluded that two of the airplanes
while its older, nonwinglet 737-800s (all ACMS data for two of its 737-800 airplanes with appeared to display fuel mileage performance
approximately two years old) displayed fuel mileage about 3percent below the latest Boeing-assessed
performance similar to the database level. The
airline, which collects cruise fuel mileage data on an
Boeings analysis of the winglet level even more than the 2percent
originally suggested by the airline.
ongoing basis, based its analysis on ACMS-collected data using the revised Further discussions with the airline revealed
cruise fuel mileage data analyzed using the Boeing
Airplane Performance Monitoring (APM) program.
database concluded that that it had been using passenger weight allowances
of 70 kg per passenger, including carry-on baggage,
In initial discussions between Boeing and the two of the airplanes and 13 kg per checked bag for all of its flights. As
airline, it was explained that the database being used
by the airline to represent the 737-800 with blended
appeared to display fuel of June 1, 2002, the airline changed to the higher
passenger weight allowances recommended
winglets was based on the original winglet flight test mileage performance in the Joint Aviation Requirements Operations
results completed in early 2000. This is the same
database used in the Flight Crew Operations Manual,
about 3 percent below (JAROPS) 1. Checked baggage would be weighed
whenever possible; otherwise, JAROPS 1 checked
the FMC, and the operational flight planning the latest Boeing- baggage weight allowances would be used. The
database. Additional flight tests had led to Boeings
latest, best assessment of the delivered performance
assessed winglet average passenger weight allowances are signifi
cantly higher than the 70 kg per passenger the
of the winglets, which showed slightly less level even more than airline had been using. Because the data sent
improvement than the original testing. This revised
database, based on several additional flight test
the 2 percent originally to Boeing for the two winglet-equipped airplanes
was collected prior to June 2002, it was based
programs conducted in 2000 and 2001, includes a suggested by the airline. on the lighter weight allowance of 70 kg per
07 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
passenger. The airlines analysis was based on These results supported were too light (the airplane was heavier than
data using a combination of the weight allowances.
As the investigation continued, the airline sent
the conclusion that, for estimated), then the in-service performance would
appear to be worse than the delivery flight level.
additional data to Boeing for the same two winglet- this airline, the JAR-OPS The airline provided Boeing with the first
equipped airplanes but only for conditions
recorded after June 1, 2002, based on the higher
passenger weight allow 10 weeks of ACMS in-service data for the airplane
following delivery, separating the data for charter
JAROPS weight allowances. The airline also ances for scheduled flights and scheduled-service flights. For this
included data for one more winglet-equipped
airplane, as well as for three nonwinglet airplanes.
flights more accurately analysis, the data was analyzed relative to the
most recent 737-800 with winglets database.
The data for the two winglet-equipped airplanes reflect the true weight Although the delivery flight results showed the
showed an immediate fuel mileage improvement
of about 2.4percent for each airplane, based on
of the passengers plus airplane to be slightly better than the demonstrated
database level, the early in-service charter flight
analyzing only the data from JAROPS weight carry-on baggage. results show the airplane with an average per
allowances collected after June 1, 2002. This result ceived fuel mileage 3.3percent worse than the
led quickly to the belief that the previous 70 kg per In this situation, Boeing proposed that the demonstrated level (see fig. 3). Unaccounted-for
passenger weight allowance was too light. JAROPS passenger weight allowances as weight shows up as airplane drag (thrust required).
Although both the fuel mileage and thrust recommended for holiday charter flights were According to the charter flight data, the airplane
required changed significantly between data based underestimating the airplane weight for this particular experienced a 4.4percent increase in thrust
on 70 kg per passenger and data based on JAROPS airlines charter operations. Although the airline required on entering service, partially offset by a
passenger weight allowances, the thrust-specific was receptive to the possibility that the JAROPS 0.7percent drop in engine TSFC, for a 3.6percent
fuel consumption (TSFC) hardly changed. Errors passenger weight allowances might be too light for its drop in fuel mileage from the delivery flight level.
in the estimated weight of an airplane present holiday charter flights, it was not fully convinced. The When the same airplanes scheduled service data
themselves as high or low drag but do not affect the airline believed that the JAROPS weight allowances for the same time period was analyzed, the fuel
fuel flow (i.e., TSFC) deviations calculated by APM. for scheduled flights could just as easily be incorrect, mileage was much closer to the delivery flight
Although a significant improvement was in which case their airplanes were performing as level. Average in-service fuel mileage for the first
observed for both of the winglet-equipped airplanes poorly as the charter flight data indicated. 10 weeks of operation deviated from the delivery
originally analyzed with data recorded before To determine which weight allowances were level by only 0.8percent (only 0.5percent below
June1, 2002, the results for all six airplanes correct, the airline and Boeing agreed to collect the demonstrated level), which is within the
were still not as good as what Boeing experience delivery flight performance data on the airlines ACMSs ability to determine fuel mileage over
indicated for this model. Further investigation next new airplane delivery, a 737-800 with a given time period.
determined that this airline operates its fleet of production blended winglets installed. These results supported the conclusion that,
737-800s in a mix of both scheduled and holiday The advantages of collecting delivery flight for this airline, the JAROPS passenger weight
charter flights, using the specific JAROPS weight data as opposed to in-service data are: allowances for scheduled flights more accurately
allowances called out for each. The data sent to reflect the true weight of the passengers plus
n The performance level of the airplane could
Boeing for the six airplanes included a mixture of carry-on baggage than the weight allowances
be established at delivery.
data from both these types of flights. The average recommended for the charter flights.
n The airplane would be weighed at the Boeing
passenger weight allowance recommended for In addition, both are much more representative
factory with all the weight changes following
scheduled service is 84 kg per passenger and than the original 70 kg per passenger the airline
weighing but preceding delivery accurately
76kg per passenger for charter service (both are had been using. The weight allowances for
tracked and published in the Weight and
higher than the 70 kg per passenger originally used scheduled flights of 84 kg per passenger produce
Balance Manual. Therefore, the delivery flight
by the airline). At Boeings request, the airline a more accurate zero fuel weight buildup and a
empty weight could be considered accurate.
separated all of the post June 1, 2002, data into truer representation of the actual performance of
n Delivery flights are flown with minimum crew,
two groups: charter service and scheduled service. the airplane, with or without winglets.
so the issue of passenger weight allowances
The data for each group was reanalyzed separately The results of this case study identified a
would not exist.
(see figs. 1 and 2). fleetwide airplane weight buildup issue for this
The analysis revealed a significant discrepancy After collecting cruise performance data on particular airline. Boeing suggested that the
in demonstrated fuel mileage and thrust-required the delivery flight, the airline would continue with JAROPS holiday charter passenger weight
levels between the charter and scheduled flights. its standard in-service data collection on both allowances appeared to be too light for this
If airplane weight is underestimated, perceived scheduled and charter flights. Comparing the airlines operations, with unaccounted-for weight
airplane performance will be poorer than expected. results from the delivery flight with the results showing up as excess airplane thrust required
Weight that is unaccounted for shows up as obtained in-service would help determine which (drag). Using the JAROPS-recommended
increased airplane drag and decreased fuel JAROPS passenger weight allowances gave the passenger weight allowances for scheduled flights,
mileage. In this analysis, the TSFC deviations airline more accurate airplane gross weights. If the the fuel mileage performance for its 737-800s
remained consistent between both sets of data, weight allowances were too heavy (the airplane was with and without winglets is close to predicted
but the thrust-required (drag) deviations increased actually lighter than estimated), then the in-service and reflects Boeing expectations based on
significantly for the charter flights a strong performance would appear to be better than the numerous flight tests and delivery flight results.
indication of unaccounted-for airplane weight. delivery flight performance. If the weight allowances
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
AP 1 AP 2 AP 3 AP 4 AP 5 AP 6
Percent Change
Fuel Mileage
Figure 1
+2.7% +2.7%
Nonwinglet relative to +2.0%
Percent Change
Thrust Required
nonwinglet database +0.7%
Percent Change
+0.9% +0.9% +1.0%
+0.3% +0.1%
Figure 2 +0.8%
Nonwinglet relative to
Percent Change
Thrust Required
0.4% 0.1%
Percent Change
0.4% 0.2%
performance summary
delivery flight versus
in-service (all deviations GOOD
Percent Change
Fuel Mileage
= 3.3%
Delivery flight
Percent Change
Thrust Required
= 1.4%
Post delivery
schedule service
Percent Change
+0.4% +0.3%
09 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
Case study 3: reinforced wings. For these 11 airplanes, the improvement depends on W/d for a given Mach
Performance improvement resulting from nonwinglet data was based on this reinforced wing number. This dependency on W/d is because the
737-800 winglet retrofit configuration. Three of the airplanes had the wing winglet improvement is a function of airplane lift
reinforced and winglet installed at the same time. coefficient, which in turn is a function of weight,
An airline requested assistance from Boeing For these three airplanes, the nonwinglet data was altitude, and speed. The improvements were
to determine the airplane cruise performance based on the production nonreinforced wing. The determined by comparing both the nonwinglet
improvement resulting from the retrofit installation two sets of data were analyzed separately in order and winglet fuel mileage results to the nonwinglet
of blended winglets on 14 of its 737-800s. To to identify any differences in the improvement 737800 database. The performance improvement
determine the magnitude of this improvement, based on differences in the baseline before the because of the winglet is not the average winglet
cruise fuel mileage data collected after the installa winglets were installed. deviation from the nonwinglet database; rather, it
tion of the winglets would be compared to data Boeing analyzed the data for all 14 airplanes
collected before the installation. The airline provided using the same in-house software tools used to Boeings analysis of the
ACMS-recorded data collected on each of the
14 airplanes, before and after the installation of
analyze Boeing flight-test data. These software tools
are different from the APM software provided to
data indicated a slight
the winglets, to Boeing for analysis and comment. airline customers, but the analysis produces basically improvement in drag and
Retrofitting the winglets is a two-step process
comprising a structural reinforcement of the wing
the same results. The main difference is that the
Boeing in-house software normalizes the data
fuel mileage (at a fixed
followed by installation of the winglet. Eleven of the points to nominal weight to pressure ratios (W/d) weight) that resulted
airplanes had the wing reinforcement completed
many weeks before the winglets were installed,
chosen by Boeing while the APM software does not.
The improvements were plotted versus W/d
from the reinforcement
with the airplanes returning to service with the in order to illustrate that the magnitude of the of the wing structure.
w/ 106 lb
Percent Change Drag ()
= = =
Winglet installation plus Winglet installation relative Predicted drag
wing reinforcement relative to reinforced wing improvement
to baseline wing
(based on in-service cruise (based on Boeing
(based on in-service cruise fuel mileage measurements flight-test results)
fuel mileage measurements of eleven retrofit airplanes)
of three retrofit airplanes)
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
is the difference between the average deviations route is determined by a combination of the Summary
for the winglet and nonwinglet, both measured improvement in fuel mileage offset by any increase
relative to the nonwinglet database. This same in airplane weight. Retrofitting the winglets to the The benefits of cruise performance monitoring
process was followed for each W/d, and for the 737-800, including wing reinforcement, currently are well known by many airlines that include
various sets of data (see figs. 4 and 5). adds about 218 kg to the empty weight of the the practice as part of their toolbox of practices
Boeings analysis of the data indicated a slight airplane, and this additional weight alone would aimed at efficient operation of their airplanes.
improvement in drag and fuel mileage (at a fixed increase fuel burn approximately 0.2percent to The three case studies in this article illustrate
weight) that resulted from the reinforcement of the 0.3percent for an average 737-800 flight leg. the use of cruise performance monitoring to solve
wing structure. The results indicated this improve An analysis similar to the Boeing analysis various cruise performance issues. Performance
ment to be relatively small but still worth an could have been carried out by the airline itself monitoring can also be used to identify flight plan
average of a few tenths of apercentage at normal using the spreadsheet output option from the ning and FMC performance factors and to monitor
cruise weights and altitudes. Including the effects APM software program. The results of analyzing performance deterioration trends. Boeing has the
of both the wing strengthening and the addition of the data in this manner would differ by only a resources to assist airlines with cruise performance
the winglets, the fuel mileage and drag improve relatively small amount from the analysis carried monitoring analyses and to help them interpret
ments closely matched their predicted levels. out using the Boeing in-house software. This same results. For more information, contact David
Because the improvement in drag is a func method of analysis could be used to investigate Anderson at
tion of W/d for a given cruise speed, the actual any type of modification to an airplane. Data
improvement in fuel mileage that the airline would collected before and after a modification would
experience for any given flight conditions depends be compared to a reference database and the
on the W/ds flown during that airlines operations. difference between the two sets of data would
The change in total fuel required to fly a given reflect the effect of the modification.
w/ 106 lb
= = =
Winglet installation plus Winglet installation relative Predicted fuel mileage
wing reinforcement relative to reinforced wing improvement
to baseline wing
(based on in-service cruise (based on Boeing
(based on in-service cruise fuel mileage measurements flight-test results)
fuel mileage measurements of eleven retrofit airplanes)
of three retrofit airplanes)
11 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
New Enhanced
Service Bulletins
by Mark Baker, Tim Dowling, Willard Martinez, Tom Medejski,
Dan Pedersen and Don Rockwell, Service Bulletin Engineering
Increasing economic and regulatory Boeing has continually made enhancements to the content, format, and
delivery of its service bulletins. Past enhancements include digital delivery,
pressures make it imperative for simplified English, and tabular work instructions.
airlines to find opportunities to reduce Boeing has been working directly with airlines to reduce end-to-end costs
for service bulletin incorporation. During this process, it was observed that
costs and show conformance to when airlines create their engineering orders, they rewrite or reengineer
manufacturers data. Because airline service bulletins and rekit or repackage the kit of parts to match their own
engineering orders. This reengineering causes unnecessary delays and
maintenance operations represent a expense for the airlines in implementing service bulletins.
significant cost, airlines have asked Boeing developed the Enhanced Service Bulletin, also known as the
Next Generation Service Bulletin, to minimize this reengineering effort while
Boeing for help in reducing this cost. making it easier and less expensive to implement service bulletins. The
Recent results show that changing enhanced service bulletin, in conjunction with airline process improvements,
will enable a smooth workflow ensuring that information, parts, and tools are
the way service bulletins are prepared staged in a coordinated manner to support the mechanic during service
maintenance cost significantly and packaging, and selective information extraction. These features have been
incrementally introduced into Boeing service bulletins as they became
improve the ability to show available beginning in mid 2003. Today, Boeing develops all new service
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
01. 02.
Lean work Faster access to
instructions essential information
One of the most apparent changes in the enhanced service bulletin is that When viewed online, Boeings enhanced service bulletins include hotlinks
figure instructions are provided in a work breakdown of four hours or fewer. within their text that provide direct access to referenced documents, making it
This makes it possible for airlines to schedule mechanics time more easier and faster to find the information needed. For example, hotlinks provide
efficiently and reduces the coordination difficulties associated with work quick access to relevant information in the Airplane Maintenance Manual
shift changeover. (AMM), Structural Repair Manual (SRM), and other documents available on
Each figure in the enhanced service bulletin is a single configuration. the Web portal
Previously, multiple configurations were typically shown in a figure. This
required the airline engineer, planner, or mechanic to extract the steps
applicable to the specific airplane. One configuration per figure simplifies
extraction of the applicable data and can prevent accomplishment of the
wrong steps. Additionally, separate left and right side figures are now
provided, which further facilitates extraction of the applicable data.
03. 04.
Improved Selective information
kit packaging extraction
Enhanced service bulletin kits are packaged to match the figure instructions. If Enhanced service bulletins enable airline personnel to extract information
operators use the service bulletin instructions as written, this new packaging specific to selected airplane configurations. This allows an airline to more
eliminates additional repackaging or sorting through parts. This change alone quickly identify and extract service bulletin information specific to its airplane
can result in a significant time savings in both the operations and configuration. Once the data is extracted, it can easily be copied into an
maintenance arenas. airlines own document management system.
13 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
enhanced service
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
The Filter function allows airlines to
extract data by individual airplane group
and configuration.
Boeing worked with airlines to validate the benefits of the enhanced service
bulletin. As part of that effort, Boeing coordinated closely with one airline to
study the predicted benefits of the enhanced service bulletin. Study data from
the airline showed these predicted benefits:
n A potential 60percent reduction in defects attributed to the rewriting or
reengineering of the service bulletin data into the airlines document
management system.
n A potential 77percent reduction in labor hours to develop and release the
Based on the positive results of the study data, Boeing continued to work
closely with the same airline to collect actual labor hour benefits. The actual
data was obtained by comparing airline incorporation of a conventional ser
vice bulletin on part of its fleet and an enhanced version of the same service
bulletin on the remainder of its fleet. Data from the airline showed these
actual results:
n A reduction in nonrecurring engineering labor hours to develop the airlines
own engineering and job cards from 143 labor hours to 87 labor hours.
n A reduction in recurring kit packaging labor hours from 24 hours to
Enhancements continue
To date, Boeing has issued more than 1,300 service bulletins across all
Boeing model airplanes with one or more of the four key features described
above. Boeing has been working with a number of airlines to assist in the
adoption and implementation of enhanced service bulletins into their operations
as well as to obtain airline user feedback. Such feedback is key to adding
improvements to the enhanced service bulletins.
15 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
The 787 Dreamliner
takes advantage
of new technologies
to increase reliability and
improve maintainability.
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
Boeing 787
from the Ground Up
by Justin Hale,
787 Deputy Chief Mechanic
The Boeing 787 program has consciously Life-cycle cost design philosophy With the 787, Boeing has expanded the life-
designed in new, state-of-the-art features and cycle design approach by adding two unique
performance that reduce cost and increase The life-cycle cost approach to design looks at the performance measures: maintenance cost and
airplane availability. These features will lead to total cost picture for design options by examining airplane availability. Clearly, looking at the cost to
additional savings and greater revenue for Boeing all of the factors that affect an airplane over its maintain systems over their lifetimes becomes a
customers. The 787 reflects a new life-cycle lifetime. Traditionally, the value of a given design significant factor when attempting to understand
design philosophy that has dictated some solution has been measured using factors such as: the total effect of a design decision on an operators
significant changes in the way the airplane will be cost structure. Airplane availability includes not
n Drag
built. These changes include extensive use of only schedule reliability but also other factors such
n Weight
composites in the airframe and primary structure, as the length of time an airplane must be out-of-
n Noise (cabin and community)
an electric systems architecture, a reliable and service when maintenance is required. Obviously,
n Schedule reliability
maintainable design, and an improved taking an airplane out of service for two days has a
n Development cost
maintenance program. Taken together, these much bigger effect on operator revenue than
n Build cost
changes will offer customers a guaranteed taking it out of service for two hours.
reduction in maintenance costs. Using these measures to compare design
options helps determine the optimum choice.
17 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
Composites in the airframe and handles compression very well. On the other hand, considerations indicate aluminum is a poor choice,
primary structure composites are not as efficient in dealing with titanium is an excellent low-maintenance design
compression loads but are excellent at handling solution. Titanium can withstand comparable loads
The Boeing 787 makes greater use of composite tension. The expanded use of composites, especially better than aluminum, has minimal fatigue con
materials in its airframe and primary structure than in the highly tension-loaded environment of the cerns, and is highly resistant to corrosion. Titanium
any previous Boeing commercial airplane. Under fuselage, greatly reduces maintenance due to fatigue use has been expanded on the 787 to roughly
taking the design process without preconceived when compared with an aluminum structure. This 14percent of the total airframe. Every structural
ideas enabled Boeing engineers to specify the type of analysis has resulted in an increased use element of the 787 has undergone this type of life-
optimum material for specific applications of titanium as well. Where loading indicates metal cycle analysis and material types are based on a
throughout the airframe. is a preferred material system but environmental thorough and disciplined selection process.
The result is an airframe comprising nearly
half carbon fiber reinforced plastic and other In addition to using a robust structural design
composites. This approach offers weight savings
on average of 20percent compared to more
in damage-prone areas, the 787 has been designed
conventional aluminum designs. with the capability to be repaired in exactly the
Selecting the optimum material for a specific
application meant analyzing every area of the
same manner that airlines would repair an airplane
airframe to determine the best material, given the today with bolted repairs. These can be just as
operating environment and loads that a component
experiences over the life of the airframe. For
permanent and damage tolerant as they are on
example, aluminum is sensitive to tension loads but a metal structure.
5% Other
20% Aluminum
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
In addition to lowering the overall airplane with traditional aluminum floor beams. The 777 In addition to using a robust structural design
weight, moving to a composite primary structure model has been flying for more than 10 years with in damage-prone areas, such as passenger and
promises to reduce both the scheduled and more than 565 airplanes in the fleet and to date cargo doors, the 787 has been designed from the
nonroutine maintenance burden on the airlines. has not replaced a single composite floor beam. start with the capability to be repaired in exactly
Boeing has also implemented a rigorous the same manner that airlines would repair an
Reduced scheduled maintenance. Experience
process for evaluating the use of aluminum that airplane today with bolted repairs. The ability to
with the Boeing 777 proves that composite structures
combines likelihood of corrosion with consequence perform bolted repairs in composite structure is
require less scheduled maintenance than noncom
of corrosion. This scoring system provides a service-proven on the 777 and offers comparable
posite structures. For example, the 777 composite
definitive measure for establishing acceptable repair times and skills as employed on metallic
tail is 25percent larger than the 767s aluminum
application of aluminum in the design with full airplanes. (By design, bolted repairs in composite
tail, yet requires 35percent fewer scheduled
understanding of the maintenance implications. structure can be permanent and damage tolerant,
maintenance labor hours. This labor hour reduction
Corrosion and fatigue in a structure add just as they can be on a metal structure.)
is due to the result of a reduced risk of corrosion
significantly to the nonroutine maintenance burden In addition, airlines have the option to perform
and fatigue of composites compared with metal.
on an operator. Nonroutine maintenance frequently bonded composite repairs, which offer improved
Reduced nonroutine maintenance. A com doubles or even triples the total labor hours aerodynamic and aesthetic finish. These repairs
posite structure also results in less nonroutine expended during a maintenance check. With are permanent, damage tolerant, and do not
maintenance. The 777 floor structure is all the expanded use of composites and titanium require an autoclave. While a typical bonded
composite and highlights the advantages of combined with greater discipline in usage repair may require 24 or more hours of airplane
this material when applied in a harsh environ of aluminum, Boeing expects the 787 to have downtime, Boeing has taken advantage of the
ment. Airline operators are aware of the fatigue much lower nonroutine labor costs than a more properties of composites to develop a new line of
cracking and corrosion difficulties experienced conventional metallic airframe. maintenance repair capability that requires less
than an hour to apply. This rapid composite repair No-bleed, more electric n Various ducts, valves, and air control systems
technique offers temporary repair capability to get systems architecture n Leak and overheat detection systems
an airplane flying again quickly, despite minor
The Boeing 787 reflects a completely new Auxiliary power unit. The APU provides an
damage that might ground an aluminum airplane.
approach to onboard systems. Virtually everything excellent illustration of the benefits of the more-
In total, the reduced risk of corrosion and fatigue
that has traditionally been powered by bleed-air electric architecture. One of the primary functions
associated with composites combined with the com
from the engines has been transitioned to an of a conventional APU is driving a large pneumatic
posite repair techniques described will lower overall
electric architecture. The affected systems include: load compressor. Replacing the pneumatic load
maintenance costs and maximize airline revenue by
compressor with starter generators results in
keeping airplanes flying as much as possible. n Engine start
significantly improved start reliability and power
n Auxiliary power unit (APU) start
One innovative applica n Wing ice protection
availability. The use of starter generators reduces
maintenance requirements and increases reliability
tion is the move from n Cabin pressurization
n Hydraulic pumps
due to the simpler design and lower parts count.
Electric brakes signi While much can be said regarding the efficiency
gains achieved by changing the means of extracting
load compressor.
ficantly reduce the power for airplane systems from the engines, the
Electrical power generation. Another funda
mental architectural change on the 787 is the use
mechanical complexity 787s no-bleed architecture brings with it some sig
nificant maintenance cost and reliability advantages
of variable frequency electrical power and the
of the braking system and as well. By eliminating the pneumatic systems from
integration of the engine generator and starter
functions into a single unit. This change enables
eliminate the potential the airplane, the 787 will realize a notable reduction
in the mechanical complexity of airplane systems.
elimination of the constant speed drive (also known
for delays associated with The list below highlights just a few of the compo
as the integrated drive generator, IDG), greatly
reducing the complexity of the generator. In addi
leaking brake hydraulic nents eliminated as a result of this systems change:
tion, by using the engine generator as the starter
Pneumatic engine and APU start motors
APU load compressor
motor (an approach used with great success on the
Next-Generation 737 APU), the 787 has been able
other hydraulic failures. n Precoolers to eliminate the pneumatic starter from the engine.
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
When compared to the more complex 767 IDG, the n Fault detection and isolation Overall, the 787 will
787 starter generator is predicted to have a mean
time between faults (MTBF) of 30,000 flight hours
n Electrical monitoring of brake wear
n Ability to eliminate scheduled visual brake
reduce mechanical
a 300percent reliability improvement compared wear inspections systems complexity by
to its inservice counterpart. n Extended parking times
more than 50 percent
Brakes. One innovative application of the more-
electric systems architecture on the 787 is the
Because the 787 brakes can monitor the
braking force applied even while parked, the
compared to a 767; the
move from hydraulically actuated brakes to electric brakes enable extended parking brake elimination of pneumatic
electric. Electric brakes significantly reduce the
mechanical complexity of the braking system and
times by monitoring and automatically adjusting
its parking brakes as the brakes cool.
systems is a major
eliminate the potential for delays associated with At an airplane level, the reduction in contributor.
leaking brake hydraulic fluid, leaking valves, and systems parts by moving to a primarily electric
other hydraulic failures. Because its electric brake architecture is significant. Overall, the 787 will
systems are modular (four independent brake reduce mechanical systems complexity by more Reliable and maintainable by design
actuators per wheel), the 787 will be able to than 50percent compared to a 767; elimination
dispatch with one electric brake actuator (EBA) of pneumatic systems is a major contributor. In addition to major changes such as use of com
inoperative per wheel and will have significantly As a consequence of this reduction in complexity, posites and the elimination of pneumatic systems,
reduced performance penalties compared with airlines will experience reduced airplane-level the 787 takes advantage of new technologies to
dispatch of a hydraulic brake system with a failure maintenance costs and improved airplane-level increase reliability and improve maintainability.
present. The EBA is line-replaceable enabling dispatch reliability. Boeing has looked for opportunities large and
insitu maintenance of the brakes. In fact, the move to electric systems is expected small to reduce maintenance costs while making
In general, electric systems are much easier to cut about a third of the schedule interrupts com the 787 highly available for revenue service.
to monitor for health and system status than pared to a 767 for the systems affected by the Here are some wide-ranging examples that
hydraulic or pneumatic systems; the brakes take no-bleed/more-electric architecture. Other benefits illustrate the extent of these improvements.
full advantage of this. Continuous onboard include improved health monitoring, greater fault
Advanced maintainability analysis. A new
monitoring of the brakes provides airlines with a tolerance, and better potential for future tech
generation of digital analysis tools is enabling
number of advantages, such as: nology improvements.
Boeing to better understand future maintenance
issues during the design process. Through
21 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
animated simulations, designers ensure mechanics failed components and reduce return-to-service dimmable windows give cabin crews the ability to
can perform various procedures effectively and times. Boeing expects the 787 to show a reduction dim or brighten an entire cabin at the press of a
efficiently, resulting in a more maintainable in no-fault-found (NFF) removals of 58percent single button.
airplane and higher quality maintenance compared to the 767, reducing yet another major
Propulsion structure and airplane interface.
procedures. Boeing has already identified about cost driver for 787 operators.
The 787 marks the first time Boeing has made the
4,000 areas of maintenance on the airplane
Selective paint stripping. Boeing is pioneering a engine type interchangeable at the wings. That
and will both digitally and physically validate
new paint stripping technique that makes it possible allows a 787 owner to quickly and easily convert
100percent of 787 maintenance procedures
to chemically strip the paint on the airplanes an airplane to a different engine brand in order to
prior to entry into service (EIS).
composite airframe. A three-hour chemical strip place it into a fleet. The 787 engine cowlings have
Advanced maintenance computing removes decorative paint. This eliminates the a quick composite repair capability, enabling small
systems. The 787 features greatly expanded and hand-sanding requirement for paint removal on damages to be repaired in one hour at the gate,
improved systems monitoring capability coupled composite structure and puts the 787 on par with maximizing the airplanes availability.
with an advanced onboard maintenance computing a metal airplane in terms of repaint times.
High-intensity discharge (HID) and light
system. This capability combined with e-enabling
Electro-chromatic dimmable windows. emitting diode (LED) lighting. The 787
technologies, which make real-time ground-based
The 787 replaces mechanical window shades has replaced virtually all cabin, flight deck and
monitoring possible, will significantly aid in rapid,
with highly reliable electro-chromatic dimmable exterior lighting with HID and LED lighting technolo
accurate troubleshooting of the 787. Airplane
windows with a projected life of more than gies. Because these light types have no filament,
systems information used in conjunction with fully
20years. In addition to eliminating the the operational life of the lights is dramatically
integrated support products will help maintenance
maintenance associated with light-leaking or longer than that of an incandescent bulb. For
and engineering organizations quickly isolate
inoperable window shades, electro-chromatic example, HID landing lights will last an order of
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
data (MPD)
labor hours
767-300 ER
magnitude longer than the lights in service today. approved by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administra Summary
LED cabin lights will last 50,000 operational hours tion and European Aviation Safety Agency before
and LED aircraft position lights 20,000 operational taking the 787 into flight testing. The 787 program By designing the 787 with features and
hours. Overall, 787 lights will last ten to twenty has set target intervals for EIS that exceed those of performance that reduce cost and increase
times longer than their in-service counterparts. any other commercial airplane. These target airplane availability, Boeing is developing an
intervals include a first external visual inspection of airplane that promises to offer Boeing customers
Improved dispatch reliability. In the 787,
the structure at 6 years and the first internal visual significant savings and greater revenue.
Boeing is demonstrating that generational
inspection of the structure (heavy check) at 12 For more information, contact Justin Hale
improvements in systems technology result in
years. The 787 maintenance program is on track at
airplane-wide reliability improvements. At an
to deliver the target intervals at EIS.
airplane level, component reliability is improved by
In addition to longer intervals between
more than 15percent when compared to the 767.
scheduled maintenance checks, the 787 program
That translates into improved schedule reliability.
projects labor hours content will be reduced by
The 787 program is targeting a mature schedule
20percent on a per-check basis and total scheduled
reliability of more than 99percent.
labor hours will be reduced by 60percent over the
life of the airplane.
Maintenance program development This reduction in required scheduled
maintenance is another significant contributor
By working closely with airlines, major partners to the overall 30percent airframe and systems
and suppliers, and regulatory agencies, Boeing maintenance cost reduction guaranteed by the 787.
plans to deliver a scheduled maintenance program
23 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
Maintenance Program
by Brian McLoughlin,
Maintenance Engineering Technical Services Manager,
and Jane Beck, 777 ISC Co-Chair
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
Boeing regularly works with an Industry Steering Committee to improve
the efficiency of the maintenance tasks that operators use to create their
scheduled maintenance programs for their commercial airplane models.
These improvements optimize the content and interval of maintenance
tasks to maintain safety and reliability and achieve cost efficiencies.
Improvements are based on Boeing analysis of in-service data collected from
the worldwide fleet. All improvements are reviewed and approved through
an industry process involving Boeing, operators, and regulatory agencies.
Over the decades, Boeing has worked closely with the aviation industry to and reliability of the airplane but can also produce substantial savings for the
develop robust processes that ensure scheduled maintenance programs operators. Any operator may become a representative voting member of an ISC.
adhere to the highest safety and operational reliability levels. In creating
and updating its scheduled maintenance programs, Boeing uses a process
In-service data collection and analysis
as outlined in Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 121-22A
(Maintenance Review Board Procedures) that involves the establishment of
Operators strongly influence the success of a scheduled maintenance
an Industry Steering Committee (ISC), in-service data collection and analysis,
program revision by providing in-service data. Boeing analyzes the fleetwide
and a recommendation from Boeing for each individual task under review.
data provided by the operators to identify important trends for incorporation
into the scheduled maintenance programs through the ISC process.
Industry Steering Committee The operators and Boeing work together to identify areas within the
scheduled maintenance program to review for optimization. In-service data
An ISC comprises operators, manufacturers, and regulators who follow the is collected by the operators and sent to Boeing for review and analysis. For
guidance outlined in Advisory Circular AC 12122A to develop the scheduled each identified maintenance task, Boeing reviews the data and analyzes the
maintenance program for an airplane model and the resulting Maintenance positive and negative in-service results. Boeing also reviews service bulletins,
Review Board Report (MRBR). It is the function of the ISC, under the direction reliability data, service letters, airworthiness directives and any other pertinent
of a chairperson (an operator selected by its peer operators), to develop and documents, and coordinates proposed changes with other Boeing or supplier
establish policy for the development of the MRBR proposal and participate in engineering groups.
the review and approval process of the ISC. Once the analysis is complete, Boeing makes a recommendation for each
ISC meetings for all models, which are held on an as-needed basis, take individual task under review and presents it to the ISC-participating operators
place in Seattle, Wash., or Long Beach, Calif., and generally last one week. and the regulatory agencies. Each operator is entitled to one vote on the
Meetings are open to all operators and typically cover a specific Boeing Boeing proposal. The entire process is observed by the regulatory agencies,
airplane model or defined set of models. which ultimately can approve or reject any proposed changes. Accepted
The airframe manufacturer serves as an ISC co-chairperson and has changes are incorporated into the MRBR, requiring acceptance from the MRB
the duties of receiving in-service data to be analyzed for proposed MRBR chairperson (the FAA and EASA). The changes are also incorporated into the
changes, providing the ISC with sufficient technical data to base decisions Boeing Maintenance Planning Data (MPD) document and Boeing-configured
on proposed changes, providing relevant training to the ISC as needed, and task cards, which are issued to the operators for inclusion in their own
coordinating and participating in ISC and working group activities. scheduled maintenance programs.
The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency The ISC process (see fig. 1) ensures that operators have efficient scheduled
(EASA) have Maintenance Review Board (MRB) chairperson duties, which maintenance programs with the highest possible levels of safety and reliability.
consist of inviting other regulatory authorities, in coordination with the The combination of operators experience and Boeings design-based analysis
manufacturer, to participate in the MRB process; reviewing and accepting ensures that all safety items on the airplane are supported by scheduled
or rejecting the policy and procedures used throughout the process; and maintenance tasks with appropriate intervals. The result is increased reliability
providing final acceptance of the MRBR. with decreased labor hours and maintenance costs (see fig. 2). Boeing
The ISC makes ongoing improvements to the scheduled maintenance engineering design groups can develop resolutions to technical issues arising
program using the most current maintenance philosophy (see History of Main from the in-service data. The new design or process changes can improve
tenance on p. 28). These improvements not only maintain the inherent safety reliability and result in maintenance cost avoidance for the entire fleet.
25 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
steering Engineering
process Enhancements
Figure 1
a e r o q u a rt e r ly qtr_04 | 06
777 technical 100%
and scheduled
labor hours
Figure 2
97.9% 2,550
Reduction in scheduled
maintenance cost has had
no adverse effect on tech
nical dispatch reliability. 0
96 01 06
777 Technical
Dispatch Reliability
Scheduled Maintenance
Labor Hours per
10,000 Flight Hours
777 scheduled maintenance program improvements task with no adverse findings, and the ISC determined that the interval for
this task could be extended from 1,200 to 1,500 flight hours. As with the
A recent evaluation of the scheduled maintenance program for the 777 other tasks that were escalated, this change enables operators to arrange their
illustrates the ISC process. This evaluation included a review of approximately maintenance programs in a more efficient manner without compromising safety.
400 777 maintenance tasks.
The new program extends the maintenance inspection interval for zonal and
Future data collection
structural tasks, involving such areas as doors, fuselage compartments, struts,
and flight controls, from 25 to 37 months. Under the previous MRBR, an airplane
Boeing continues to seek optimization of its maintenance requirements using
was pulled out of service for approximately 5 days to perform required mainte
improved data collection and the ISC processes. Boeing is currently developing
nance checks every 25 months. The addition of 12 months to this maintenance
a program that collects and stores real-time in-service data from scheduled
interval provides significant financial and scheduling opportunities to 777 opera
maintenance visits in a line and hangar environment and associates this
tors. Other tasks that have been escalated in the new maintenance program
data with the scheduled maintenance task. The program enables data to be
include many general inspections, which have increased from 100 to 125 days.
gathered and analyzed centrally for use by the industry in adjusting current
The result saves more than 400 labor-hours per airplane per year and
scheduled maintenance tasks or check intervals based on in-service findings.
increases airplane availability by providing airlines with one additional day of
This will allow ISCs to be more proactive in managing scheduled maintenance
revenue operation annually for each 777 in their fleet. Using industry averages,
programs. It also will allow operators to benchmark against other participating
the reduced maintenance costs and increased revenue opportunities added
operators, expedite ground times for line and hangar maintenance visits, and plan
more than $100,000 USD in annual value to each 777 in operation.
spares and consumables using worldwide averages for scheduled maintenance.
In total, the evaluation resulted in an escalation (i.e., lengthening of
the interval between maintenance task accomplishment) of approximately
100 line maintenance phase check tasks (similar in content to the block Summary
program A-check) and approximately 250 hangar-level-check tasks (similar
in content to the block program C-check). The ISC, however, did not escalate The ISC process maintains safety and reliability standards and reduces waste
approximately 12percent of the tasks reviewed and de-escalated (i.e., short by ensuring maintenance tasks are performed at the proper level of intensity
ened the interval between maintenance task accomplishment) one task based and interval, based on industry in-service flight data and each airplane
on the findings from the in-service data. models inherent design characteristics.
For example, one task that was escalated on the 777 was operationally Data collection and operator participation in the ISC process remain key
check flight deck indicator lights in dim and bright mode, which is considered factors in future scheduled maintenance program improvements. For more infor
an economic, not a safety, task. Operators provided 1,500 test results for this mation, contact Brian McLoughlin at
27 i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
history of
In the early days of aviation, maintenance For aircraft in the 1970s, the document
programs were developed by mechanics. The Airline/Manufacturer Maintenance Program
programs were simple and without analytical Planning, or MSG-2, was developed. It was
basis. The formation of airlines created the need process oriented and analyzed failure modes
for new regulations and broader regulatory from the part level up. The MSG-2 philosophy
involvement in maintenance requirements. was based on the theory that all airplanes and
With the entry of large jet airplanes into the their components reach a period when they should
commercial market in the 1950s, the airplane be zero timed or overhauled and restored to
manufacturer became the source of maintenance new condition.
program development. The underlying concept was In 1978, United Airlines, commissioned by the
to overhaul every component at a given time. Department of Defense, developed a methodology
In 1960, the industry formed a task force to for designing maintenance programs based on
investigate the capabilities of preventive main tested and proven airline practices. This new
tenance. The findings of the task force led to a methodology was the basis for MSG-3, the current
new type of maintenance called on-condition industry standard.
maintenance. This methodology has a task-oriented
The handbook Maintenance Evaluation approach to maintenance that analyzes system
and Program Development, also referred to as failure modes from a system level, or top down.
MSG-1, was developed in 1968 for the 747 by Maintenance tasks are performed for safety, oper
the Air Transport Association (ATA) Maintenance ational, or economic reasons. They involve both
Steering Group (MSG), a group of airframe preventive maintenance and failure finding tasks.
manufacturers, airlines, U.S. Federal Aviation Revisions to the MSG-3 philosophy have
Administration (FAA) representatives, and provided added methodology for improving
suppliers. MSG-1 used decision logic to develop coverage of all modes of failure, such as inclusion
scheduled maintenance. of the Corrosion Prevention and Control Program,
Enhanced Zonal Analysis, and Lightning/High
Intensity Radiated Fields.
Boeing continues to work with airplane
operators, regulators, and the ATA to update
MSG-3 to enhance the methodology.