Aero #20
Aero #20
Aero #20
Boeing 40-A Editorial Board
Richard Breuhaus, John Cashman, Michael DiDonato, Dick Elliott, Chris Finnegan,
Jeff Hawk, Al John, Bob Kelley-Wickemeyer, Elizabeth Lund, Jay Maloney, Tom Melody, John Mowery, Jerome Schmelzer, William Siegele, Roger Stropes, Bill Williams
Brian Ames Technical Review Committee
Editor-in-chief Frank Billand, Richard Breuhaus, Roy Bruno, John Creighton, Edward Dobkoski, Dick Elliott, Giday Girmay, Bruce Groenewegen, Al John, Warren Lamb, Bob Manelski,
Jill Langer Tom Melody, Doug Mohl, Norm Pauk, Gary Prescott, Jerome Schmelzer, William Siegele, William Tsai, Joan Walsh, Todd Zarfos
Art director/designer
Faye Lomax
Aero magazine is published quarterly by Boeing Commercial Airplanes and is distributed at no cost to operators of Boeing commercial airplanes. Aero provides
Copy/quality editor
operators with supplemental technical information to promote continuous safety and efficiency in their daily fleet operations. ■ The Boeing Company supports
Julie O’Donnell
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Daniel Sheldon
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Contents Issue No. 20
flight deck display presents a simple
graphical picture of the vertical
dimension to enhance flight crews’
vertical situation awareness.
Xiamen, China.
airplane must descend later than normal steep approaches, and maintenance of and regulators to ensure efficient devel-
to intercept the glideslope, an approach a stabilized path. opment and implementation as well as
with a steep glideslope, and level flight Based on these results, Boeing chose the establishment and support of an in-
toward mountainous terrain. Flight crew to pursue further development of the dustry standards team. Human interface
performance, subjective ratings, and VSD as the most effective and practical requirements were refined in the 737
observations were gathered. option that could be implemented in the engineering flight deck simulator be-
Results showed that the VSD was near term. This decision was not meant cause the 737 uses various display types
the most effective display format in to preclude further developments in and sizes. Boeing wanted to ensure that
all three scenarios. The least effective 3D perspective displays. any VSD design could be implemented
display was a simple three-dimensional Developing a side-view vertical on the many sizes of electronic displays
(3D) perspective display. The VSD profile display necessitated refinement used today, including the larger ARINC
scored high in the areas of early threat of the human interface requirements. D-size (8- by 8-in) and the smaller
recognition, effectiveness when flying Boeing worked with airlines, suppliers, ARINC B-size (6- by 7-in) displays.
The VSD is another step on the evolutionary path of flight deck displays.
The display is a natural complement to and outgrowth of the lateral
moving map introduced into commercial fleets in the 1970s and 1980s.
The VSD can have a significant and beneficial effect on commercial
air transport safety. By presenting the flight crew with a simple graphical
picture of the vertical dimension, vertical situation awareness is
enhanced, which potentially can significantly reduce the number of air
transport accidents in the worldwide fleet in a realistic time frame. The
VSD can be implemented without major airplane hardware changes.
The system will be offered by early 2003 as a customer option on in-
production 737s and by retrofit on 737-600/-700/-800/-900 airplanes
already in service. Implementation of the system on other Boeing models
is under consideration.
Effectivity PT201-203
Effectivity PT201-203
Effectivity PT201-203 Part
Effectivity PT201-203Part
Part Part
Part Part
Part Part
Part Part
Part Part Part
Part Part
Part Part Drawing
Part Drawing
Part Drawing
DATA STRUCTURED AROUND consuming for airline customers to find given a customer variable number,
1 ENGINEERING DRAWINGS the applicable drawings for particular which is a unique number that is
airplanes during maintenance planning assigned to each airplane of similar
Since the 1940s, Boeing Commercial and repair work. configuration in the customer’s fleet.
Airplanes has used a drawing-based
Using the airplane identification
configuration system to identify and DATA STRUCTURED
track parts for each airplane it built 2 AROUND PARTS
or customer variable number, a
customer can find part information
(fig. 1). Parts for each airplane were
Under DCAC/MRM, maintenance and for any or all of its airplanes on
tracked by manually adding customer-
engineering data for an airplane model, the Boeing
specific identification numbers to each
are structured around airplane parts business-to-business web site
engineering drawing. Each drawing
(fig. 2). For each airplane model, parts offered to airplane owners and
also was marked, or tagged, with a
basic number, a variable number, and are grouped into modules based on operators as well as MROs. (See
a propulsion number based on the their location within the airplane. Each “ For Increased
drawing subject. The basic number module includes all of the information Efficiency and Productivity,” Aero
identified the standard design for an necessary to install a group of parts no. 18, April 2002.)
airplane model. The variable number (i.e., part numbers, location on the On MyBoeingFleet, modules for
identified the customer changes to the airplane, installation requirements, a particular airplane are identified by
standard design. The propulsion num- and geometry references). maintenance zones so that users can
ber identified the drawings related to The options chosen by the customer retrieve data for specific maintenance
the engines on the airplane. determine which modules are installed activities or identify installations
Under this drawing-based system, on a particular airplane. Each airplane, by knowing part locations on the
it was time consuming for Boeing with its unique set of modules, is identi- airplane. Maintenance zones, which
employees to track the parts through fied with a single airplane identification are specified in Boeing maintenance
the build process and equally time number. In addition, each customer is planning data documents, divide the
Part Part
Part Part Part
Part Part Part
400 600
700 300
700 300
Major Zone 100 — 400 500
Lower half of fuselage
400 400
A-check 400 flight-hours 500 flight-hours 600 flight-hours 300 flight-hours 600 flight-hours
4,000 flight-hours 5,000 flight-hours 6,000 flight-hours 3,600 flight-hours 6,000 flight-hours
or 15 months, or 15 months, or 18 months, or 15 months, or 18 months,
C-check whichever
whichever whichever whichever whichever
occurs first occurs first occurs first occurs first occurs first
747 Classic and 747-400 CPCP structural areas of the airplane may 747 Classic and 747-400 GVI tasks.
inspections. The structures main- be inspected twice, once for the The ISCs adopted a definition of GVIs
tenance program for the 747-400 is MRBR requirements and once for that was part of MSG-3 Revision 2002,
based on that of the 747 Classic, the CPCP requirements. a successor to MSG-3 Rev. 2. The new
which was developed using MSG One of the most significant bene- definition states that a GVI can be
Level 1 guidelines. In 1990, the fits of conducting the MSG-3 Rev. 2 conducted from within touching distance
FAA issued Airworthiness Directive analysis was the integration of the unless otherwise specified and that a
mirror can be used to ensure visual access
(AD) 90-25-05, which mandated the CPCP requirements into the structures
to all surfaces in the inspection area. As
development of additional structures maintenance section of the MRBRs,
a result, structures maintenance tasks for
maintenance requirements involving which eliminated the possibility of
detailed visual inspections can be con-
CPCP inspections for both the redundant inspections. The integration sidered part of the GVIs. Some of these
747 Classic and 747-400. Because was validated on-airplane at an GVI tasks were transferred to the zonal
many 747 operators have not integrated ISC member location with the FAA maintenance sections of the 747 Classic
the structures maintenance and CPCP Maintenance Review Board chair- and 747-400 MRBRs, thereby allowing a
requirements into a single program, person in attendance. broader skill base to perform these tasks.
747 Classic