Wildcat Family Network XXS: Important Dates Finals Schedule

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Wildcat Family Network

Weekly e-Bulletin: May 11, 2017

Important Dates
Finals Schedule
May 1-12: AP Testing Friday May 19 FINALS May
DAY 119 (Tu): Finals 3, 7 (Red)
Period 0: 6:45 May
AM 207:49
Finals 4, 6 (Gold)
May 17: Seniors Last Day Period 1: 7:55 AM 9:55 AM
@5PM: Senior Awards Night - Gym REDDayBreak: 9:55 AM 10:10 AM GOLD Day
Period 6: 10:15 AM 12:15 PM Period 0
0 06:45 07:49 06:45 07:49
May 19 @8AM: Graduation Practice Period
12:45PM Period 2 07:55 09:25
May 19: Grad Night - Disneyland Period 3 09:35 11:05 Period 4 09:35 11:05
Lunch May 2211:05
Monday 11:35
FINALS DAY 2 Lunch 11:05 11:35
May 19/22/23: Finals Schedule Period
Period 0: 6:45 AM 7:49 AM Period 6
7 11:41 01:11 11:41 01:11
May 22 @5PM: Graduation Period 2: 7:55 AM 9:55 AM
*Students should contact teachers directly to confirm date of final.
Break: 9:55 AM 10:10 AM
May 30: HLPUSD Summer School starts
Period 3: 10:15 AM 12:15PM
Aug 1-3: Business Days Lunch: 12:15PM 12:45PM

Tuesday May 23 FINALS DAY 3

Period 4: 7:55 AM 9:55 AM
Break: 9:55 AM 10:10 AM
Period 5: 10:15 AM 12:15 PM
Lunch: 12:15PM 12:45PM

Announcements for Parents

2017-2018 Parent Leadership Opportunity
We are seeking parent representatives for School Site Council and English Language Advisory Committee.

School Site Council (SSC): SSC is a collaborative group made up of the principal, staff, parents and students. SSC works
together to make school-wide decisions. As a parent representative, you will be part of Wilson High Schools decision-making
process first hand, by discussing, reviewing and voting on the yearly school plan and budget. For 2017-2018, there are two
parent positions vacant and two parent alternate vacancies.

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC): ELAC is made up of parents of English Learners. While ELAC does not vote on
school matters, this parent group discusses and advises on issues that affect Wilson High Schools instructional program for
English Learners. During ELAC meetings, parents are also regularly updated about the English Learner instructional program.
For 2017-2018, we are looking for at least 2 parent representatives.

Interested? Parents can self-nominate or nominate a fellow parent, with consent. If you would like to serve as a parent
representative for SSC and/or ELAC, please complete a School Election Permission Form and submit it to Ms. Chung
(Guidance Office). Nomination form is attached to the email.

HLPUSD Summer School

The initial summer school list is posted at each high school. Late registration for summer school is available, depending on
the availability of open seats.
Guidance Information & Updates
Course Request Change
Current 9th -11th grade students can confirm their students course selection SAT & SAT Subject
for 2017-2018. Course requests for next year can be viewed through AERIES. www.sat.org
Click on Student Info then Course Requests. 2017 Test Registration Late*
Dates Deadline Deadline
June 3 May 9 May 24
Senior Scholarship Directory
Seniors are encouraged to check the Scholarship section under the Wilson
Guidance website for scholarship opportunities. Several local scholarships
grant a scholarship to a Wilson senior each year.
Link: http://wihs.hlpschools.org/scholarships ACT
AERIES Parent Portal 2017 Test Registration Late*
AERIES is an online gradebook system, and both parents and students have Dates Deadline Deadline
separate accounts to log in to see students grades, attendance and June 10 May 5 May 19
teacher contact information. If you have not yet activated an account,
please contact your students counselor for account setup information. *Late fees will apply.
AERIES Parent Portal: http://parent.hlpusd.k12.ca.us Fee waivers for ACT/SAT are available, if
student is eligible for free/reduced lunch.
Available upon request at Guidance Office.

Who is my Counselor?
Students are assigned a counselor based on last name. Counselors can be contacted by calling 626-934-4412 or by email.

Counselor Caseload (by last name) Email address

Ms. Mabrie A-D mmabrie@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Ms. Chung E-G sujchung@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Mrs. Jara H-L mjara@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Ms. Khan M-R jkhan@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Mrs. Valenzuela S-Z ncvalenzuela@hlpusd.k12.ca.us
Ms. Tsuneyoshi International Students paetsuneyoshi@hlpusd.k12.ca.us

Please visit the Guidance section of our website for resources: http://gwhs-hlpusd-ca.schoolloop.com/Guidance1

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