Final Bell Schedule Fall 2020

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Distance Learning Student Schedule - Fall 2020
BELL SCHEDULE: Monday BELL SCHEDULE: Tuesday &Thursday BELL SCHEDULE: Wednesday & Friday
Distance Learning @ Home Distance Learning @ Home Distance Learning @ Home
Period 0 7:23 7:55 Period 0 7:15 7:55 Period 0 7:15 7:55
Period 1 8:00 8:32 Period 1* 8:00 9:20 Period 2* 8:00 9:20
Period 2 8:37 9:11 Period 3* 9:25 10:45 Period 4* 9:25 10:45
Period 3 9:16 9:48 Period 5* 10:50 12:10 Period 6* 10:50 12:10
Period 4* 9:53 10:53 Lunch 12:10 12:55 Lunch 12:10 12:55
Period 5 10:58 11:30 Office Hours 12:55 2:00 Office Hours 12:55 2:00
Period 6 11:35 12:07 Period 7/8 2:00 3:20
Lunch 12:07 12:55
Period 7 1:00 1:32 *Periods 2, 4, 6 ~ 50 minutes per period of live
*Periods 1, 3, 5 ~ 50 minutes per period of live
Student Senate Meetings 11:00 12:00 interaction
*Period 4 ~ 60 minutes live interaction


Friday, August 7, 2020 WILSON QUAD LOS ALTOS QUAD
Period 0 CANCELLED Wilson High School 11:45 1:00 Los Altos High School 11:45 1:00
Period 1 8:00 8:40 Cedarlane 11:45 1:00 Palm 11:45 1:00
Period 2 8:45 9:25 Grazide 7:00 8:30 Kwis 7:00 8:30
Period 3 9:30 10:10 Mesa Robles 11:45 1:00 Los Molinos 11:45 1:00
Period 4 10:15 10:55 LA PUENTE QUAD WORKMAN QUAD
Period 5 11:00 11:40 La Puente High School 11:45 1:00 Workman High School 11:45 1:00
Period 6 11:45 12:25 California 11:45 1:00 Baldwin 11:45 1:00
Lunch 12:25 1:00 Sparks Middle School 7:00 8:30 Fairgrove 7:00 8:30
Period 7 CANCELLED Lassalette 11:45 1:00 Valinda 11:45 1:00
School administrators are on campus from 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM and can be reached via email or phone. Visit the school website for
contact information for the Principal and the Assistant Principals.
AERIES: Aeries is a Student Information System and provides access to a student's attendance, grades, and assignments.
Parents should create their own account in Aeries rather than using their student's account. Parent portal provides a higher level of
access to student information than the student portal. Call the Wilson Office for assistance.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Weekly announcements will be made on Mondays during period 4. They will also be posted to the school's website.
ASSIGNMENTS: Daily assignments/activities will be posted to Canvas at least 30 minutes prior to the start of each class period.
Asynchronus Learning occurs when the teacher provides materials, lectures, assignments to be accessed at any time. Students are
generally provided a timeline in which to complete these tasks.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken by period based on participation in live interaction and access to/completion of assignments.

CANVAS: Canvas is the Learning Management System teachers will use to post activities and assignments, as well as facilitate
communication and live interaction with students. Canvas can be accessed from the school's website.
Live interaction with the teacher is required 50 minutes of every 80 minute class period. Visit Canvas daily/by period for the times of
live interaction will begin and for the link that will connect you with the teacher.
LUNCH: Lunch distribution will occur at Wilson HS daily from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm. Other locations/times are available (see website).
Office hours provide an opportunity for students to request time with the teacher or for a teacher to arrange time to work with an
individual student or group of students. Office hours are not part of a student's daily attendance record.
The Wilson High School campus is closed to visitors, students, and parents. A visit to campus for any purpose must be approved by a
school administrator in advance. Contact information for administration can be found on the website.
Each period 4 class will elect a student senate representative. Student senators will meet with school administration on a regular
basis to share concerns expressed by period 4 students. Senators will provide weekly reports to their period 4 class.
SYNCHRONOUS: Synchronous Learning requires the teacher and student to be online at the same time. Lectures, discussions, activities occur at the
same time. Students must be present at that time to participate.
WEBSITE: Information and updates are regularly posted the Wilson High School website
The Weekly Message will be sent via phone and email to all families on Fridays through School Messenger. If you are not receiving
WEEKLY MESSAGE: the weekly message, please contact the school office.
Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service used to virtually meet with others. Access to Zoom will be provided as a link by
teachers in CANVAS.

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