Loh Barcy, an Australian boxing champion, has not gone to the stage like many other champions, but instead the stage has come to him. Arrangements have been made to screen a biographical film about his life in Pietermaritzburg that night. The film will include many varied incidents from his career. It will feature the usual love interest subplot. Given Barcy's popularity, the palace theater is expected to be packed to overflowing as everyone wants to see who the charmer is that captivates Low.
Loh Barcy, an Australian boxing champion, has not gone to the stage like many other champions, but instead the stage has come to him. Arrangements have been made to screen a biographical film about his life in Pietermaritzburg that night. The film will include many varied incidents from his career. It will feature the usual love interest subplot. Given Barcy's popularity, the palace theater is expected to be packed to overflowing as everyone wants to see who the charmer is that captivates Low.
Loh Barcy, an Australian boxing champion, has not gone to the stage like many other champions, but instead the stage has come to him. Arrangements have been made to screen a biographical film about his life in Pietermaritzburg that night. The film will include many varied incidents from his career. It will feature the usual love interest subplot. Given Barcy's popularity, the palace theater is expected to be packed to overflowing as everyone wants to see who the charmer is that captivates Low.
Loh Barcy, an Australian boxing champion, has not gone to the stage like many other champions, but instead the stage has come to him. Arrangements have been made to screen a biographical film about his life in Pietermaritzburg that night. The film will include many varied incidents from his career. It will feature the usual love interest subplot. Given Barcy's popularity, the palace theater is expected to be packed to overflowing as everyone wants to see who the charmer is that captivates Low.
not h'ono.to tho.'Mtnffo, but ln n moiihoi tho ?Htago hna oomo to him, for. arrnuKomontH hnvo ;boon miulu to aoroon n plulitro Hlory of hlH llfo ut Platorln. tn-nlKlit. Tho ploturo umbrnaoH mnny nnd varied Inoliionln of IiIh onrooi'i and of aourao tlioro Will Uo tho usual lovo minimal', nnd It will not bo mirprlslnif It ?Iho 'pninco' Ih paolcod to ovornowlnff.
ovorybody will wnnt to hoo who iho ohnrmor
Ih ?thnt ciaptlvntoH Low.
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article121720557