Tocal Field Days 2017 Guide Book

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Tocal Agricultural Centre

5-7 May 2017 815 Tocal Road, Paterson NSW 2421

maitland community care services

Hunter Valley

maitland community care services 02 49

For all things
green and
great, see us
at the show!

* Toys and Merchandise

Commercial Mowing Gator Series

Compact Utility Tractors AMS Solutions 6000 Series Tractors Ride On Mowers

For more information call the team today or visit

144 Manning River Drive, Taree (02) 6551 3886
52 Racecourse Road, Rutherford (02) 4932 5588
1300 243 783 |
*Images for illustration purpose only, various styles available.

2 Tocal Field Days

Adults $18
Seniors $13
(with government concession)

Children $1
No dogs allowed on site.

Address for GPS

Catch the free shuttle from Maitland
815 Tocal Rd
and get a discount at the gate. Paterson 2421

10,000 L
500,000 L

e: P: 0249 831107
Tocal Field Days 3
5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

A word from our

For Tocal College principal Darren Bayley,
the upcoming 2017 Tocal Field Days - held over
three days on the first weekend in May - will
present the perfect opportunity to forge closer
connections between agriculture and the city.
As sprawling suburbs replace paddocks,
and nearby Maitland takes on the mantle
of being one of the fastest growing areas
in NSW as it soaks up the overflow from
Newcastle, this notion of connectedness
has never been so important.
Connections between the city and the
bush can no longer be taken for granted, Mr
Bayley said. reaches thousands of other people through from the biggest tractor to gear for the shed,
Its becoming rarer for people to have its external online and short courses. available all in the one spot, he said.
links to the rural sector. Online qualifications include diplomas The field days have been an important
There are no longer farms just down in agriculture and conservation and land date on the Lower Hunters events calendar
the road and they no longer have parents, management and an advanced diploma in for more than three decades; in fact, 2015
grandparents or other family members who agriculture. was the first time in the field days history
live on properties, he said. Short courses, lasting one to three days, that the event had to be cancelled because
Tocal Field Days attract more than 20,000 cover topics from queen bee breeding to of the devastating April superstorm.
visitors across the three days of the event, with pest management and chainsaw operation The Tocal Field Days mean many
people pouring out of Maitland, Newcastle, and maintenance. different things to different people, and the
the Lower Hunter, Central Coast and northern Tocal has a second campus at Yanco, in saying that theres something for everyone is
Sydney suburbs to the grounds of Tocal the Riverina, and holds courses in 83 locations certainly true.
Colleges CB Alexander Campus in idyllic rural from Wagga to Broken Hill and Armidale. Check out the urban garden displays
surrounds near Paterson in the Hunter Valley. Mr Bayley said commodity prices were or come face to face with a Brangus, kick
Its proof that city people really do want strong, particularly for beef, and agriculture the tyres on the latest tractor or undertake
to see where their food and fibre come from, was once again driving the national economy. some retail therapy, be entertained by Talent
Mr Bayley said. In the Lower Hunter, the season had at Tocals young performers or those ever-
For many young people, the field days turned for the better, with summers extreme popular racing piglets, savour the great food
are an opportunity to find out more about temperatures and low rainfall giving way to and coffee, soak up ambiance of historic
undertaking further study at Tocal College. good, soaking rain. Tocal Homestead or chat to specialists from
One of the most important aspects of the The countryside was now lush green, the Department of Primary Industries and
Tocal Field Days was the showcasing of Tocal dams were filling and the mood of primary Local Land Services ... the list goes on.
Colleges courses and its students. producers and land managers was buoyant. For Mr Bayley the field days are all about
This year were putting Tocal on Show, With this renewed confidence, farmers showing off agriculture to the district, region
its great for the students to be able to show would be opening up their back pockets, and beyond.
off their practical achievements in areas such something that bode well for the field days Its that connection between the country
as mustering, fencing, livestock handling and exhibitors, he said. and the city thats important, he said.
horse skills to the public, he said. Tocal Field Days are one of the largest The team at Tocal looks forward to
While the campus has a residential agricultural field days in Australia, and farmers seeing you there.
student population of about 120, the college will be out looking for good deals on everything

Self guided audio tours daily
Guided tours including: Ex-Warder, 150 Years Under Lock and
Key, Crimes of Passion, Escapes, Ghost Hunting 101 and Psychic
Maitland Gaol Under Lights: 12 May, 9 June and 14 July
Functions, event, sleepovers and venue hire
t 02 4936 6482
Book online at

4 Tocal Field Days

TOCAL, Paterson, 5-7 May Boarding Schools Expo - Dubbo, 19-20 May
Knox comes to Griffith, 1-2 June Mudgee Field Days, 14-15 July
Boarding Schools Expo - Tamworth, 28-29 July AgQuip, Gunnedah, 22-24 August

For more information, contact Martin Gooding, Head of Enrolments, at

or call 02 9473 9768.

A Uniting Church school for boys, K-12 Wahroonga, Sydney

Tocal Field Days 5

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Urban and Community Gardens

On pockets of land in back yards, East Maitland, said the concept was sexuality, age or ability. the brainchild of David Sivyer.
front yards and school yards, street taking off across Australia, including NSW Government grants have With a background in traditional
verges and vacant plots across the in WA were former prisoners were facilitated raised beds, water tanks, farming and also hospitality, Mr
Hunter Valley, a food revolution is setting up the gardens as a means a shed and the conversion of the Sivyer started his venture by
underway. of re-entering the community in a old parish kitchen into a commercial collecting waste - leaves, egg shells,
Urban and community gardens meaningful way. facility. paper and coffee grounds - from
are sprouting up, and the movement cafes in Maitland and Newcastle
will be the feature event at the 2017 . Saturday, May 6, 10am - . Saturday, May 6, 11.30am - and turning it into compost on his
Tocal Field Days. Fiacres Feast Telarah Public School familys property.
Three passionate devotees - all For Mother Moira Evers, rector Telarah Public School joined the The business has expanded and
with different motivations behind of the Anglican Parish of Telarah- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden he now designs and installs urban
their individual gardens - will be at Rutherford, her urban food oasis is Program in 2014. gardens built from waste materials
the field days on Saturday, May 6, to all about compassion. The not-for-profit Stephanie such as pallets, and also holds
share their stories. Fiacres Feast, a community Alexander Kitchen Garden workshops to teach those skills to
Biodiversity gardens will be set garden named after the patron Foundation takes food education adults and children.
up near the Good Food and Wine saint of gardening - has sprung up and turns it into flavour and fun. Mr Sivyer is now promoting
Hall where their talks will be held. in the grounds of St Christophers, Using the philosophy that larger-scale urban farms, where
It will be coordinated by Slow Rutherford, growing fresh, children learn best by doing, organic waste is collected from food
Food Hunter Valley. seasonal produce to supplement students take charge of the whole outlets, used to remediate the soil on
The groups leader, Amorelle non-perishables in the parishs growing process - from planting to vacant land in the cities, and fresh,
Dempster, says backyard and emergency food relief program. plate. seasonal produce is grown that can
community gardens in urban areas Apart from growing vegetables The young gardeners harvest a be sold back into markets and cafes.
can feed families, their neighbours, and fruit, it aims to teach people to range of produce including spinach, He is inviting people to get
and also be a source of income for produce and cook their own fresh beans, zucchinis, eggplants and involved by setting up urban farms
people wanting to sell their excess food, thereby building life skills and potatoes. in their backyards or by helping out
fresh produce to markets and self-esteem. by planting, transplanting, cultivating
eateries. The garden is accessible to all . Saturday, May 6, 11am and and harvesting at existing plots.
Ms Dempster, who also runs people regardless of their religion, 1pm - David Sivyer
the Readers Cafe and Larder in cultural background, gender, Feedback Organic Recovery is

Innovative Gates & Yards

Discover this years agricultural solutions designed by Milbrotec
The Milbrotec Grate Gate offers you a cattle grate and a secure property
gate all-in-one. When the Milbrotec Grate Gate is in the lowered position it is a cattle
grate and when in the raised position, it is a secure property gate.
The automatic Milbrotec Grate Gate lifts the grate section via a battery powered actuator.
This is the easy option as you can raise and lower the grate from the comfort of your vehicle
using a remote control or key pad.

Milbrotec Farm Gates are built extra-strong to prevent sagging or warping.

Sick of your cattle destroying your trees? You can now use a Milbrotec Tree Guard.

Milbrotec Yards have no sharp edges or pinch points. The innovative

interlocking design of the Milbrotec Yards improves safety for your cattle, sheep and
other stock by removing sharp edges and pinch points. To assemble you simply slot the
yard panels together and insert a specially designed locking spike. This semi-permanent
structure also helps to prevent theft.

Contact us for a quote or visit us at TOCAL site 296

or at or 02 6574 0000

6 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
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7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Hunter Local Land

Services growing
our region
During its three years of operation, Hunter Local
Land Services has been working to deliver high quality
services to landholders that address biosecurity
threats and support farmers and other land managers
increase the productivity of agriculture and sustain
healthy landscapes.
Kids Digging Veggies? In 2016 it achieved:
Where do vegetables come get their hands dirty, digging for 525 animal health-related property visits by district
from before they end up on vegetables that grow in soil like vets
supermarket shelves? potatoes, sweet potatoes and
61,634 wild dog and fox baits provided to
Head down to the carrots.
Department of Primary Kids can also sow their own landholders
Industries marquee at the Tocal broad bean seed, and take it 1,121 wild dog and fox-related property visits by
Field Days, where city and home in a punnet where they biosecurity rangers
country kids alike will be able can nurture it ... and eventually 309 landholders trained in pest animal control
to find out all about what grows eat their own produce.
6,987 ha of travelling stock reserves managed
above and below soil level. This free activity is suitable
DPI education officer for youngsters aged 3-15 and 1,335 people upskilled through 102 training events
Mia Mackay said kids are will run over all three days of the 1,794 ha of bushland improved.
welcome to come along and field days.

Tocal Field Days 7

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

...Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
Precision agriculture is the new
buzz phrase in farming and unmanned
airborne vehicles - commonly known
as drones - are making the concept
achievable for todays innovative
Far from being expensive toys,
drones are being increasingly used
by farmers in a range of agricultural
pursuits, from measuring crop health
and vigour, to monitoring livestock,
checking fences and recording
changes in native vegetation growth.
Fitted with remote imaging sensors,
the drones can detect and map crop Image courtesy of
stress often before the human eye can Oregon State University (Flickr)
see it, leading to the earlier intervention
of problems such as nutrient deficiency
and pests, and ultimately increased
yields and profit margins. UAV/Drone display by Sky Land Management
Drones are considerably cheaper
than manned aircraft. Sky Land Management will it has a take-off weight of 100 kilos.
This revolution in farming will be on display the capability of its UAVs, or Sky Land Management managing
display in the Department of Primary
drones, at the Tocal Field Fields. director Phil Milling said that while
Industries marquee at this years Tocal
Field Days. The company is one of only a Japan has been using UAVs for
Footage showing how drones can small number of commercial UAV spraying and seeding rice for the past
scan paddocks will be screened as operators in Australia, specialising in 25 years, their use in Australia dates
part of the display. weed management, native regrowth back less than five years.
Its all about making our farming spraying, seeding and fertilising. Based in the Maitland suburb of
operations more efficient, DPI
Its clients include Tocal College, Bolwarra, this is the first time Sky
education officer Mia Mackay said.
In 2016, DPI deployed drones and Local Land Services, Hunter Water and Land Management has been an
state-of-the-art survey technology to mining companies including Rio Tinto. exhibitor at the fields days.
monitor water quality in the Darling The work at Tocal has involved the Sky Land Managements
River following the release of water trial spraying of giant reed, commonly demonstration will be held daily at 12
from Menindee Lakes. known as elephant grass. noon in the stallion paddock opposite
It was the first time drones were
Its demonstration at the field days Thunderbolts Bus Stop.
used to capture water data in the
Lower Darling as a means of informing will be with a Yamaha Rmax UAV - at It will also have a stand in the
government and landholders about three metres long and one metre high, Innovation Area.
water conditions.

Talk to
Learn online Advanced Diploma
of Agribusiness
us at the
Tocal tent
SITE 436
Diploma of Agriculture Diploma of Conservation AHC60316
AHC50116 and Land Management For farm owners, managers
For practicing farmers and AHC51116 and employees to
those wishing to enter the For landholders, bush develop their higher level
agricultural workforce at regenerators and students of management skills - and
management level. environmental management. pursue the ANU Pathway.

8 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
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Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Local Land Services

Protecting the Hunter regions $1.2 billion agricultural Wingham - Lyndell Stone 0429 532 855; and, Scone -
industry from biosecurity threats is the top priority of the Jane Bennett 0427 322 311.
team of district veterinarians and biosecurity officers from Check out Hunter Local Land Services display, which
Hunter Local Land Services. will include a photo slide show and taxiderm specimen of
Each year, Hunter Local Land Services protects some a predator, in the marquee over the three days of the Tocal
3500 agricultural businesses and more than 17,000 square Field Days.
kilometres of primary production land throughout the District vets will also be on hand.
region, ensuring its rural produce remains free of many of
the pest and diseases found in other parts of the world.
It is estimated that a 12-month outbreak of foot and
mouth disease alone would reduce Australias gross
domestic product by $10.3 billion-$16.7 billion over 10
Hunter Local Land Services district veterinarians Visit the Hunter Local Land Services display to
provide frontline biosecurity protection. speak to our expert staff including District Vets.
They work closely with private vets, saleyard operators For information and advice on:
and livestock producers to protect the health and welfare Controlling pests and animal diseases
of livestock. Improving agricultural production and sustainable
Each week the vets carry out field investigations into land management
animal health issues which are likely to be significant at a Preparing for natural disasters and emergencies
herd or district level, such as sudden deaths and unusual
Enhancing natural resources.
and emerging diseases.
Disease surveillance is a key role in maintaining export
The vets investigate suspected emergency and exotic Find us
livestock diseases - such as avian influenza or Hendra virus in the Land,
- which could threaten the local and national economy. Plants and
Producers also play a critical role in disease prevention.
Early recognition of a disease event can increase the
chances of a successful eradication program.
If producers notice any unusual symptoms, abnormal
behaviour or unexpected deaths in their livestock, they HunterLLS
should contact a district veterinarian immediately.
Your local district veterinarians are: Tocal/Singleton
- Jim Kerr 0439 185 275; Maitland - Kylie Greentree
Proud sponsor of the Tocal Field Days 2017
0428 498 687; Paterson - Digby Rayward 0427 493 617;

Tocal Field Days 9

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre


2017 TOCAL Field
DAYS Major


In the Located on sites Located on sites

Land,In Plants
the & Located194Con sites Located on96sites
Land,In Plants
the & Located194Con sites 111 and
Environment area 111 and
Located on96sites
Land, Plantsarea
& 194C 111 and 96
Environment area We appreciate
We appreciate the
the in-kind
in-kind contribution
contribution of
In theWe appreciate the in-kind
Located on sites contribution of
Located on sites
Land, Plants &
We appreciate the194C
in-kind contribution ofand 96
Environment area

We appreciate the in-kind contribution of

Thanks to
Thanks to
Thanks to
Thanks to

Thanks to
For providing animal For providing the prize for The Good Guys East For equipment loan and For equipment loan
nursery hay
For providing animal our survey
For providing thedraw
prize for Maitland
The Goodfor kitchen
Guys loan
East providing the Gate
For equipment loanPrize
and For equipment loan
nursery hay our survey draw Maitland for kitchen loan providing the Gate Prize
Tocal Field Days Association Community Contributions
For providing animal For providing the prize for The Good Guys East For equipment loan andFor equipment loan

Tocal Field Days Association Community Contributions

nursery hay our survey draw Maitland for kitchen loan providing the Gate Prize
For providing animal For providing the prize for The Good Guys East For equipment loan and For equipment loan
nursery hay Field Days
our survey Association
draw Community
Maitland for kitchen loan Contributions
providing the Gate Prize

Tocal Field Days Association Community Contributions

Tocal Field Days Association Community Contributions

Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating the Billy Coordinating

Good Food & Wine Coordinating
Homestead activities Coordinating
Childrens Park Coordinating the Billy
Boiling Competition Coordinating
Good Food & Wine Homestead activities Childrens Park Boiling Competition Livestock
Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating Coordinating the Billy Coordinating
Good Food & Wine
Coordinating Homestead activities
Coordinating Childrens Park
Coordinating Boiling Competition
Coordinating the Billy Livestock
Good Food & Wine Homestead activities Childrens Park Boiling Competition Livestock

Commercial Commercial Commercial

Coordinators Commercial
Coordinators Commercial
Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators
Commercial Commercial
Commercial Commercial
Coordinators Coordinators
Coordinators Coordinators

10 Tocal Field Days

Visit our
display today at
site 218.

Valued at ov

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Visit our display suite today, our friendly staff will be there to greet you at site 218.
Take the first step to making your dream, a reality.
manor 11760 | Freecall 1800 55 18 18

*Terms & conditions apply, visit for more details

Tocal Field Days 11

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Piglet Races and Animal Nursery

Its shaping up to be a world This year, Animal Nursery the chickens - pure bred
first for the 2017 Tocal Field coordinators Viv Rogers and varieties of various sizes
Days. Sarah Jardine are upping the - have been in training for
In the past, piglet races stakes. weeks.
have drawn huge crowds as Theyre holding the The chicken are getting
the little porkers navigated inaugural chicken races, and really good at running in a
their way around the course, in an ultimate show-down straight line but anything
dressed in costumes that between poultry and pork, the could happen on the day, and
have included Olympic chickens will be competing probably will, Ms Rogers
Games and Royal wedding against the piglets. said.
themes. According to Ms Rogers Were pretty confident
its going to be a world first
simply because no one else
on earth would ever dream up
such a whacky idea.
And yes, the chickens will
be wearing their most elegant
Friday, Saturday and Sunday-
best outfits for the event.
The Animal Nursery has
been a favourite destination kids of the four-legged kind.
for children attending the field Tocal College students will
days for the past 16 years, be helping out in the Animal
and Hamish the llama and his Nursery, so bring the children
mates will be back again this down to meet some of their
year, along with all the regular favourite feathery and furry
attractions including cute day- friends.
old chickens, ducklings and

12 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Kentan Machinery is the means a loss of money - something

proud sponsor of this years that no primary producer can afford.

Gate Prize
The business specialises in the
Tocal Field Days gate prize, procurement of new and used parts for
with one lucky visitor to the all makes and models of tractors and
three-day event to take home other farm machinery and mowers,
a brand new brushcutter and offers a daily pick-up, pack and
worth more than $600. dispatch service to the Hunter, Upper
Hunter, Central Coast and Manning
A multi-award winning business Valley.

Sponsored by:
conveniently located on the Pacific It also has an established freight
Highway at Hexham, Kentan network that allows it to efficiently and
Machinery is a long-time exhibitor at quickly send parts further afield.
the field days and this year will have a Managing director Kent Ireland
big presence at the event. said the Tocal Field Days were a great
Central to its success since it way to meet new people and catch up

first opened for business in 1970 is with established customers, and he
its understanding that down-time on looked forward to welcoming visitors
the farm because of machinery failure to their stand.

Fur Felt Hats Brushcutter

Leather Hats
from $75
from $20 Popular with both home owners and contractors alike, the
Kubota DH264W brushcutter is designed to handle a variety of
Ladies Hats tough residential and commercial jobs.
from $10 The Kubota DH264W brushcutter retails for $606 and is
designed to tame the most unruly grass and undergrowth, from
Leather Belts rural properties to city blocks.
from $10 Powered by a Kubota 4 stroke, 26cc engine, renowned
worldwide for their exceptional reliability, the DH264W is the
NICK NACK GALLERY brushcutter that keeps on going. Built with comfort and safety
Come find us at site 92. in mind, the heavy duty, straight shaft cushions vibrations, for
Phone: 0414 188 269
increased operator comfort. While the safe trigger throttle stops
the cutting tool instantly, ensuring operator safety.
Additional attachments available, including steel cutting
blade that easily cuts through thick grass, roots and branches.

To enter:
Write details on space below and leave at Tocal Field Days
information (Cowavan) in Nash park (near the stage).
Entries open from 9am May 5 and close at 3pm Sunday May 7, 2017.
The draw will take place at 3:15pm Sunday May 7 on the stage in
Nash Park.





Prize is not transferable or redeemable in cash.
Entries will only be accepted at the Tocal Field Days Cowavan
Persons entering this competition agree to be contacted by the
Members of the Tocal Field Days Association are not eligible to enter.

Kentan are on sites 170 - 171 on the corner of Centre Rd

Tocal Field Days 13

Exhibitors South of Centre Road

258 289 W10
257 Obedience
259 288 W4
260 287
256 W5 W7 290
261 286 CC6 T15 291
262 Seating
254 285 293
263 294
253 284
283 295
252 265
282 296
230 251 266
297 Water Tank
229 231 250
267 297A
Fire 305
228 249 280 Hydrant

232 268 298 304



279 299

233 269 303


247 278 300


226 302

234 246 277


225 301
271 276

235 245

272 275

236 244

223 273

237 243
222 274

238 242


239 241



14 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
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Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number

1800 HOSE VAN 1800 467 382 249
Addictedtocoffee 0419 848 899 T16A
Adventure Quads & Bikes 02 4966 1331 227, 228
Animal Nursery 02 4932 5851 Animal Nursery
Arrow Farmquip (Yarrum Rural Supplies) 1800 814 107 239, 240
Bare Nature Furniture 0417 453 136 297
Business Bus 1300 134 359 W2
Central Coast Mini Jeeps 02 4353 5177 Next to the Animal Nursery
Chesterfield Australia 02 4932 5588 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277
Clark Equipment 02 4983 6400 236, 237, 244, 245
Compass Pools Newcastle 02 4964 8322 257A
Earthsafe Group 02 4932 4400 299, 300
East Coast Trailers and Horsefloats 02 4368 4826 303
Envirocycle/Graf 1800 688 588 226
EnviroPro Alternatives 1800 707 076 292
Gato Sales and Repairs 02 4955 5533 269
Healy Group 02 9525 5522 281
Heritage Tanks 02 4657 1698 302
Hunter Valley Wide Span Sheds 0410 642 659
Hydraulink Hose and Fittings 1300 36 37 34
JCB Construction Equipment Australia 1300 522 232
266, 267
Joes Event Catering 0400 567 086 T15 Tocal only
Kanga Loaders Global 02 9854 1444 286
Landmark 02 4932 7811
LGPM Process Innovation 03 9702 4855
28, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Major discounts on
Linhai Quads & UTVs 07 4613 0622
Lockyer Lucerne Products 07 3271 6311
Onga pumps and
Lucas Mill 03 5728 7283
Maitland Motorcycles 02 4933 1998
RapidPlas water tanks
Manor 1800 55 1818
Milbrotec 02 6574 0000
218, 219
and troughs.
Mister B Catering 0403 232 826 T16
Modern Motors Dungog 02 4992 1486 250, 251, 252
National Poly Industries 02 4015 7804 279, 280
National Stockyard Systems 02 4932 1363 233, 234, 235, 246, 247
Newcastle ATV Centre 02 4951 1184 282, 283
Newcastle Chainsaws & Mowers 02 4961 1332 241, 242, 243
Newcastle Mowers & Outdoor Equipment Centre 02 4951 1184 285
Paterson Golf Club 02 4938 5828 W5
Paterson Rural Fire Brigade 02 4938 5064 CC6
Peaceland Horse Floats 0401 315 158 270, 271, 278
Performance Feeds 1800 300 593 268
Port Containers 1300 793 668 220, 221, 222
Power Pro Industries 02 4283 4814 295
Red River Stockyards 1300 068 067 253, 254
Rural Product Marketing 07 5596 2549 287
ShedFast 1800 743 332 225
Sota Tractors 02 4735 5931 261, 262
Spanline Home Additions 02 4958 4822 W7
Super Tool Australia Trust 02 9793 8468 289
Sweet & Sour Licorice & Fairy Floss 0434 628630 298
Sydney Ice Cream 1300 724 960 T13
The Horse Stall - Jewellery, Clothing & Giftware 0414 591 517 W10
Thompsons Farm Gear Wauchope/Hunter Valley 02 4992 1486 230, 231, 232
Thorburns Fabrication 0424 332 960 294
TJM Hunter Valley 02 4951 1184 284
Warwick Industrial Cleaning Equipment 02 9625 4423 238 Come and see us at SITE 107.
WesTrac 02 4964 5000 263, 264

Tocal Field Days 15


Huge Deals & Savings Across

Our Entire Product Range!
Animal Health and Petrol Driven Post Herbicides and
Management Drivers Pest Control
Livestock yards, Blundstone Boots
Cattle Crushes Fertiliser and Soil
and Weighing Seaweed Products Treatments
Spray Equipment Pasture Seed and
Water Storage small and large Crop Suitability
Solutions Advice

Conventional and Wobble Tee

Electric Fencing Sprinklers

Dont miss our LIVE DEMOS on site and

in the demonstration arena!
See the Tocal Field Days Guide for times and details.

152 Racecourse Road

16 Tocal Field Days

Weaning is one of the most physically and nutritionally demanding periods for a calf. Despite this, their trace mineral
levels are often suboptimal because milk does not provide an adequate supply. A rapid top up of trace minerals is
required for proper function of the calfs immune system.
Vaccinations at weaning should always be accompanied by Multimin. Numerous university and Australian trials have
vaccine response compared to untreated animals1-5.
mineral levels as quickly as 24 hours6, something unachievable by traditional forms of supplementation.
1. Arthington and L. J. Havenga, J Anim Sci 2012, 90:1966-1971 2. Arthington et al, J Anim Sci 2014, 92:2630-2640. 3. Palomares et al,Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 2016, 1;178:88-98
4. Roberts et al J Anim, 2015, 93:s3 5. Enhanced Weaner Productivity and Immunity -Trial Protocol 572-15 6. Pogge et al, J. Anim. Sci, 2012 90:2692-2698.

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Tocal Field Days 17

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Grace VanderWaals I Dont Know My Name

at her audition - her upcoming gig at the Tocal
Field Days will be the first time she has been
paid to perform.
But with appearances at Newcastles
Ukulele Festival, the reopening of Maitlands
Bunnings Warehouse following the 2015
superstorm and, of course Tamworth, to her
credit, Azure is excited at the prospect of
performing live on stage in front of crowds at
this years field days.
Azure - whose list of favourite artists
include Adele, Taylor Swift and Michael
Jackson - is self-taught on both the ukulele
Trinity Woodhouse and guitar.
Now a Year 10 student at St Josephs,

Talent at Tocal
My Church that they offered her a paid gig Lochinvar, Azures first brush with fame came
at the field days. as a Year 4 student when she performed one
In Tamworth, Trinity busked for 15 hours, of her own songs with her music teacher, with
Tocal will continue its tradition of giving competed in two talent quests and was their performance being posted on YouTube.
budding young performers a break when they interviewed by the ABC. This years Talent at Tocal audition
take to the stage at this years field days. Back home in the Hunter, Trinity wowed attracted more than 20 performers, with 12
This years impressive line-up of talent the audience when she performed during acts being selected in the final line-up.
- chosen from Talent at Tocal auditions breaks at a recent show by Tamworth Golden They will perform on three stages - on
held earlier in February - includes 13 year- Guitar award winner Travis Collins at the the Main Stage, at the Wedge and at Tocal
old guitar-playing country singer Trinity Khartoum Hotel in Kitchener. Homestead - across the three-day event.
Woodhouse and 15 year-old singer/ukulele Trinity has been taking singing lessons for Tocal Field Days manager Wendy Franklin
and guitar player Azure Hudson. three years; her guitar playing is a much more said the Talent at Tocal program had been
They will be joined on stage by 10 other recent and came about somewhat by chance embraced by visitors to the field days.
acts, including a trio, duo, soloists and even when a neighbour found a guitar abandoned The crowds really enjoy seeing young
a flautist. at the rubbish dump, restored it and gave it people having a go, Ms Franklin said.
Despite their youth, both Trinity, who lives to her. This is not busking, nor is it a talent
at Abernethy, and Azure, from Aberglasslyn, The Year 8 student from Cessnock High quest; they have to audition and then perform
are experienced artists, having performed School is a country girl through and through. a set number of songs in front of a live
during the Tamworth Country Music Festival Living on acreage with her family, Trinity audience for which they get paid.
as well as local events and talent quests. lives for country music, loves animals and Its Tocals way of supporting young local
Trinity survived a bout of tonsillitis at when she leaves school plans to study talent and for many performers it will be the
the Talent at Tocal auditions and impressed agriculture at Tocal College. first paid gig of their music careers.
the judges so much with her rendition of For Azure - who performed ukulele Its not easy for young local artists to
American singer songwriter Maren Morris sensation and Americas Got Talent winner score real life experiences like this, she said.


Announce best 9.15 am Tarna Rosentreter
10.00 am
exhibit awards
10.00 am Azure Hudson Remy Doust Chelsea Rollings
10.15 am Trinity Woodhouse Toby Zeuschner Laura Higgins
10.45 am Billie & Ivy Toby Zeuschner Lukah Eveleigh
10.45 am Finnian Johnson Remy Doust Lukah Eveleigh
11.30 am Tarna Rosentreter Trinity Woodhouse Laura Higgins
11.30 am Azure Hudson Reese Hamilton Finnian Johnson
12.15 pm Azure Hudson Remy Doust Chelsea Rollings
12.15 pm Dungog High Toby Zeuschner Laura Higgins
1.00 pm Billie & Ivy Toby Zeuschner Lukah Eveleigh
1.00 pm Dungog High Remy Doust Lukah Eveleigh
1.45 pm Tarna Rosentreter Trinity Woodhouse Laura Higgins
1.45 pm Trinity Woodhouse Reese Hamilton Laura Beaumont
2.30 pm Azure Hudson Remy Doust Chelsea Rollings
2.30 pm Amity Angels Toby Zeuschner Laura Higgins
3.15 pm Billie & Ivy Toby Zeuschner
3.15 pm Azure Hudson Remy Doust Lukah Eveleigh
3.45 pm Trinity Woodhouse Reese Hamilton Laura Beaumont

4.00 pm Amity Angels

18 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Tocal Homestead
Tocal Homestead stands as a Or simply soak up the ambiance of will take place this year on June 11,
reminder of Australias colonial past the gracious gardens with its majestic and the Peek Into The Past open day
and every year becomes a hive of trees, and the surrounding countryside. on July 30.
activity for hundreds of visitors who Delicious homemade lunches and Introduce yourself to one of the
flock to the Tocal Field Days. refreshments will be available over the Friends of Tocal volunteers, who are
Step back in time with a visit to the course of the three-day event, with all dedicated to providing support for all
historic homestead where you will be proceeds assisting ongoing restoration activities associated with Tocal College
greeted by the smell of freshly baked projects on the heritage site. and Tocal Homestead.
scones straight from the old wood Tocal has one of Australias finest Visiting the homestead is easy.
stove. collections of colonial farm buildings Jump on the free shuttle bus which will
Watch the blacksmith at work at dating from the 1830s, including the run to and from the homestead all day
his forge or see sheep being shorn. homestead which built in 1841 and throughout the event.
Check out the display of vintage opened to visitors in 1987. It departs from Thunderbolts
machinery or take a cart ride with It has since won a number of Corner on the main campus where the
Harry, Tocals much-loved Clydesdale. excellence in tourism awards and is a field days are held.
History buffs will be in their element popular venue for weddings and other
with informative talks to be held daily annual events such as the International
on the verandah. Back to Back Wool Challenge, which

Friends of Tocal
Friends of Tocal Inc is an important
part of the community of Tocal.
It is a group of people who are
interested in supporting not only the
Agricultural College and students, but
also the heritage listed site at Tocal
Some Friends volunteer at events
or on weekends, others support
financially and others provide
specialised skills on a volunteer basis.
And then there are Friends who just
like to keep in touch with whats going
on during the year at Tocal. If you
would like more information about
Coming soon: Geography and Friends of Tocal please email us at
Science & Technology
Image courtesy of Firebug Photography
Or call the
office on 4939 8901 (Mon, Tues Thurs).
on Tocal Farms.

Call Sandy at Tocal Homestead: 4939 8901

Tocal Field Days 19
5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

The Tocal Lioness

Book Shop Club 2017
The Tocal Book Shop has more Charity
than 100 titles that are suitable
for a wide range of people with The Lioness Club of
an interest in agriculture and land Maitland has been chosen
management - from full-time by the Tocal Field Days
primary producers to tree- committee to be this years
changers who may have recently charity to receive a stand
purchased a small rural holding. free of charge at the field
Its publications cover many days.
farming disciplines - including Visit the stand to
Scouts get into hot water farm management and animals,
crops and horticulture, pests and
find out more about the
tireless and inspirational
diseases, and technology - and work performed in the
Long before Hoges threw another shrimp on the barbie, bushies
were boiling their billies.
are fully-illustrated, well-priced, community by the clubs
But the lid on this great Aussie tradition will be lifted to a practical and reliable. 33 members which
new height with the staging of Tocal Field Days third Billy Boiling New to the shelves since last includes volunteering at
Competition in May. years field days are Australian Pink Ribbon, Daffodil Day,
Competitors - with only a tomahawk, box of matches, block of Native Bees, Honey Harvesting Starlight Foundation and
Cyprus pine and an empty beer carton to fan their fire - will race a And Extracting, Managing Climate SIDS events.
stopwatch to see who can get 600ml of water in their billy boiling in the Risk On Your Farm, Guide To In the past year the
fastest time. Common Fungi Of Coastal NSW, Lionesses have also held
And the competition is sure to be fiery, with a swag of prizes up Grasses Of The NSW Slopes And a trivia night to raise funds
for grabs and records to be broken. Adjacent Plains and AgSkills for for brain cancer, took
The winner of each heat will receive an engraved billy while the Confined Spaces. part in the Youth of the
person who records the fastest time over the competition will win Other publications, including Year competition, and
outdoor cooking equipment. ones on bees, beef, soils and undertaken hundreds of
The winning time in 2016 was 8 minutes flat, a big difference electric fencing have been
from the 13 minutes 34 seconds recorded in 2014, Paterson Bolwarra
service hours which sees
updated. them provide visitations,
Scouts leader-and competition organiser Allan George said. Even if you have visited the
No competition was held in 2015 when the field days were including Meals on Wheels,
book shop before, its always transport and social
cancelled because of flooding.
worth coming back to check activities for the elderly, frail
Mr George said he was starting to see competitors return
out whats new, Department
year after year to try to set a new personal best, and some people and disabled.
of Primary Industries manager
competed in more than one heat over the three days of the event. The Lionesses will have
There was some serious but friendly rivalry between school education delivery, Julie White,
handmade items, nick-
groups on the Friday, and also between the generations, and male and said.
nacks and books for sale
female entrants, across the competition, he said. All publications are also
at their stand, or support
Entry is free and is open to people over the age of 16 years. available as e-books, which are
them by buying a raffle
Two heats will be held on the Friday, and three each on the cheap, convenient and interactive.
The book shop also carries
ticket for your chance to
Saturday and Sunday.
a number of general interest
win a quilt donated by Jan
Paterson Bolwarra Scouts will receive a donation from field
days organisers for running the popular event, which will go publications including The People Burns, a painting by Helen
towards operating and insurance costs as well as a joint project with Of Tocal, Tocal Aboriginal Heritage Caddy or perfume donated
the Woodville School of Arts to build a shared storage facility for and Convict Tools. by Blooms The Chemist.

Tocal eBooks
There are dozens of Tocal eBooks available from both GooglePlay and iBooks.
You can read them on any computer or mobile device, increase the font size, tap
images to enlarge them, and search the text for topics.

Play with
some eBoo
at the Tocal
Find an up-to-date list with links to all eBook titles in both stores at tent/shop
SITE 436

20 Tocal Field Days

Photographs may show overseas models or illustrate non-standard equipment. # 1.2 tonne payload for Single Cab 2WD Genio with standard light truck tyres at 60psi. Max GVM 2980 kgs for all models.
XUV500 Optional accessories shown: stainless steel nudge bar and side steps. See your dealer for details. *All Promotional pricing ends 31 May 2017 or while stocks last.
See your dealer for details. All Prices include GST. DMM6050.


257 High Street MAITLAND
Tel: (02) 4933 3766

Tocal Field Days 21


S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2

22 Tocal Field Days

S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23

S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24

S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S42 S43 S44 S45 23 S15 S1
4 S13 T17
S12 S1
26 1 S10
S9 S8
S52 S51 S50 S49 S47 S46 S7 S6
27 S5 S4
S3 S2
S16 S1
28 29 S31 S3
S18 S1
0 S20 S2
S29 S2 1 S22 PARK
8 S23 CP9
102 S27 S2 91A
S32 S3 6 S25
3 S34 S24
T12 S35
S52 S36 S3 CP10
101 S51 7 S38
S39 S4
0 CP2
T11 B S50 S4
9 S42 S4 CP3
103 3 S44
S45 91 CP4
100 S47 S4
6 CP5
105 99 CP6
106 98 CP7

97 92 CP8

107 96 95 94

124 109 93

126 110

123 111 112 113 T8 CC2 T9
Exhibitors North of Centre Road

127 122 STREET C

128 120

170 119 118 EAT STREET AND BAR

129 116 115
130 114
171 169 131 CC3 CC4
132 T10
168 133 134 135136
172 167 137 138
NASH Stage1
173 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 T7
217 165 164 163 PARK
174 162 161 160
216 175 159 158 Seating
176 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149
215 177 178 193
179 190 191 192
214 185 186 187 188 189
180 181 182 183 184
212 197
211 198
210 209 200 199
208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201

194C H2
194 194D H3

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number Company Name / Telephone Site Number
See us at sites 299, 300
6D Leather 0419 461 207 99 Mini Dutch Pancakes 0418 966 482 T11

earthsafe australia
A & M Tools 0420 418 121 135, 136 Mortels Sheepskin Factory 02 4966 0990 112
Ag-Pride Australia 02 4964 8818 167, 174, 215, 216 Niagara Therapy 07 3387 3387 S28
All Four x 4 Spares 02 4041 4000 116, 117 nib health funds 02 4933 2139 S9
Anu Tools 0430 147 395 202, 203 Nick Nack Gallery 0414 188 269 92
At Call Equipment Hire 02 4973 6545 166 NSW Mounted Police 02 9319 2154 Patrolling site
Atlantic Oil 02 9829 7555 133 NSW Police 02 4934 0200 Safety area
Attic Collection 02 9816 4851 S11 NSW Rural Fire Service 02 4980 7300 Fire Brigade
Ausave Energy 1300 11 33 13 139 OBriens Machinery 02 6545 2622 212, 213, 214
Avarcas Australia 0413 069 610 S3 Off-Grid Energy Australia 1300 334 839 S25, S26
Barbeques Galore Maitland 02 4933 1323 204 Onya & Goclip 0413 131 305 S29
Basix Plastix 02 4964 2212 91A Oz Pig 07 5456 4541 93
Battery World Maitland 02 4936 6176 114 Ozzi Kleen Sewage Systems 0412 982 020 101
Bendigo Clothing 03 5428 9304 156 Paterson Bolwarra Scouts 02 4930 1523 Billy Boiling
Best Sheds 02 4648 7777 159, 160 Paterson Public School P & C 02 4938 5114 CC1
Better Living Australia 1800 25 38 93 S18, S19 Paterson Rural Fire Brigade 02 4938 5064 CC2
Better Pool & Irrigation Supplies 0477 022 883 107 Perrys Lemon Myrtle Rainforest Products
BJ Enterprises & Marketing 0427 131 007 115 02 6564 2150 183
Bone a Fide Dog Products 0402 859 308 S24 Pet Protector Hunter Valley 0467 215 206 S44, S45
Brian Wilson Positive Solar Contacts 0401 782 426 138 Peters Real Estate 02 4933 7855 199
Brights Natural Beeswax 07 5592 2182 S20 PFG Australia 0408 548 547 194
Bupa 02 4934 6501 S16 Pioneer + DAB pumps 02 4983 1107 96
Caravan & Marine Barbeques 02 4981 9859 150, 151 Pivot Stove & Heating 1300 474 868 S49, S50
Caravans And Trailers 02 6888 5311 157, 158 Pocket Power Australia/Portable Power Solutions
Casa Tips 02 4389 2525 182 0429 802 979 141
Chiro Connection 0432 101 300 S4 Professional Nibbler 03 9489 1177 104
Civcon + Fuji Clean Septic Systems 02 4983 1107 95 Quik Spray 1800 645 688 154, 187
Civcon + Poly Tanks 02 4983 1107 111 Quinns Country Clothing 02 4992 3645 S31
Cloud 9 Chairs 03 9489 1177 110 R.M.Williams Longhorn Express 0429 028 404 195
Coast & Valley Tractors 02 4360 4040 Rotary Club of Paterson 0407 592 514 CC3
123, 124, 125, 126, 127 Rotary Club of Rutherford Telarah 02 4932 7034 CC4

Corry Marketing 03 9584 7587 149 Semco Equipment Sales 02 4954 7066 165, 176
Country All Over 0419 388 071 113 Silveys Mowers and Chainsaws
Crocodile Creek Rural Supplies 02 6649 3148 121 02 4947 7150 161, 180
Discount Cable Ties 0497 888 222 175 Skin Detox - Skin Care Solutions 0434 102 670 S27
Discount Tractors & Trailers 02 6553 1432 100 Sky Land Management 0402 244 073 194D
Dougs Hats 02 6647 2129 186 Slattery Auctions and Valuations 02 4028 0000 152
Dr Drums Furniture 0428 298 880 103 Sneddens Fencing Products 02 4996 4504 119
Duraplas Industries 02 6552 6800 209, 210 Sock Warehouse 0419 481 974 201
Earthsafe Environmental 1300 327 847 206 Solahart Newcastle & Hunter Valley 02 4951 3333 120
El Poco Loco 0499 357 626 T9 Southern Cross Ag Machinery 02 4932 3011 164, 177

Enjo 0414 319 686 S10 St Johns Ambulance Australia - First Aid
Extend Security 03 5831 5031 185 0428 594 153 First Aid
Forage Espresso 0427 554 524 T12 Step Forward Orthotics 1800 000 566 S40
Freshly Squeezed Water 07 3352 6379 S36 Stihl Shop Ray Tce & Warners Bay 02 4983 1150
Good Samaritan Donkey Sanctuary 02 4996 5596 S51 130, 131
GoSolar Newcastle 02 4954 9967 148 Stockers & Partridge 02 4938 5154 162, 163, 178, 179

Grand Living 02 9789 2664 S42, S47 Strictly Workwear 0418 443 448 198
Greenpro 1800 645 688 153, 188, 189 Sun-Power Auto Gates 02 6280 4655 181
Gutter - Mesh 0411 413 741 S17 Super Tools - St Marys 02 9623 6590 102
HCB Solar 02 4964 1153 200 Sydney Ice Cream 1300 724 960 T10
Heaven Grind Coffee Bar 0434 416 000 T7 Taylors Mowers & Chainsaws 02 4952 9966 129
Hip Pocket Workwear & Safety 02 4934 8313 147 Texas Fence Fixer Australia 0439 823 659 137

Hunter Valley Mahindra 1300 652 605 194C The Original Australian Leather Seal 03 9682 5100 190
Ians Campers 02 4938 3918 211 The Pizza Truck 0433 422 591 T8
Insideout 02 4962 5577 S6, S7, S8 TNN Australia 02 4987 1353 128
Kakadu Outdoors 0427 989 538 94 Top End Campgear / Metalcraft 0476 175 124 145, 146
Kentan Machinery 02 4964 8275 Tornado Pumps & Sprayers 02 9824 8444 105, 106
168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Total Eden - Bringing Water to Life 02 4933 3111 144
KGR Performance Offroad Lighting TractorHouse Australia 1300 034 771 140
02 6334 2930 205 Truckfit 02 4932 8421 132
Kingspan Water 1300 826 548 118 V2 Aerial Photography 0422 880 503 155
Kiwanis Club of East Maitland 0417 455 130 Vision Mart Sunglasses 0427 562 121 S46
Near Nash Park Stage Websters Coachworks 02 4982 9744 108
Knox Grammar School 02 9487 0122 S23 Weedwakka 02 6236 8218 197

6 Paddock Place
Kooyong Furniture 07 4668 0151 91 Whitlands Engineering 03 5729 7577 142, 143
KP & DC Machinery Overhauls 02 4932 6988 207, 208 WHM Tractors 1300 851 600 122
Lake and Valley Powersports 02 4973 6000 109 Woodville School of Arts 0414 585 084 S32
Letzgetwired 0417 131 795
Lioness Club of Maitland 02 4934 1848
191, 192
4932 4400
Magnum Welders 03 5595 1273 134
Maitland Community Mens Shed
02 4934 1293 S14, S15
Maitland Dog Obedience Club 0412 806 964 Wedge
Maitland Gaol 02 4936 6482 S30
McKeeco General Engineering 02 6621 9544 193
Mega Cheap Hardware 07 5437 6111 97, 98
Metal Art 0466 641 155 217

Tocal Field Days 23

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Tocal on Show
More than half the colleges of the Hunter Valley - and well
student population is female, as on farms and stations, and
and the girls have proven year associated rural pursuits such
after year that they are keen to as land management and
The Tocal Field Days have been Tocal on Show learn inside the classrooms and conservation.
a highlight on the Hunter Valleys will feature outside in the field. At the field days, the students
calendar for more than 30 years. demonstrations on: So what is the attraction are put to work, also giving them
But what sets the field days Fencing, of studying at an agricultural exceptional experience in rural
apart from other events is the Chainsaw operation, college such as Tocal? event management.
involvement of Tocal Colleges Identifying weeds and grasses, Its exciting, its something Their studies also can be
students and this year they will Drenching and vaccinating different and whats important is pathways to university.
be put under the spotlight with cattle, that the students come out at the Most students have found
Tocal on Show. Hoof trimming for cattle, end with the world at their feet, their way to Tocal College having
Tocal College beef manager Selecting a steer, Mr Burke said. attended the field days as
Mal Burke said that over Mustering, by foot, on With qualifications at children with their families or as
the years field days visitors horseback and using certificate and diploma level, the high school students.
had always been interested machines, students are highly employable Tocal on Show will run on
in meeting the students, Quad, motor bike and side-by- on livestock and horse studs - all three days of the field days.
understanding what the college side handling, and, the home of many top names Check the program for session
had to offer in the way of Horse handling by the colleges being right here in the heart times.
courses and finding out how it horse course students.
fitted into the community.
So we decided to make Its the type of day-to-day
a big deal out of it this year work the students carry out as
and put Tocal on Show in a part of their rigorous regime at
which groups of students, the college.
predominantly from the Tocal College students
Certificate IV in Agriculture come from all parts of Australia
course, will give quick, 15-20 including WA and Tasmania,
minute presentations, showing with a large contingent from the
off their skills, Mr Burke said. Central Coast.

If you use chemicals

on your farm, you
must be trained and

Talk to
us at the
Tocal College is delivering an up-to-date range of online and face-to-face
Tocal tent
SITE 436
SMARTtrain Chemical Courses:
In my job I apply chemicals In my job I apply chemicals In my job... I supervise others
under supervision with with powered equipment. using chemicals, give advice
non-powered equipment. I am not supervised. or train in chemical use.


Chemical Safety Chemical Application Chemical Risk Management
Valid for 5 years Valid for 5 years | online reaccred. Valid for 5 years | online reaccred.

24 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Quad Bike
Quad bikes, two-wheel motor
bikes and side-by-sides will be
put through their paces by Tocal
College students at the field days.
The students will show their
skill in handling these three types
of farm bikes over the challenging
man-made terrain, and at the
same time reveal the pros and
pit-falls of each machine.
The emphasis will be on
safety, and in particular, the
importance of choosing the right
bike for the job.
The message is that not all
quad bikes are bad or that all
side-by-sides are good, Tocal
College lecturer Steph Teterin
And there are situations, for Tocal College has become a Upcoming courses will be Farmers and their workers
example in rough country, where leader in raising safety awareness held at Trangie on May 17, West may be eligible for quad bike
two-wheeled motor bikes are the and carrying out training. Wyalong on March 29, Wilcannia/ safety rebates of up to $1000 and
safest option. Apart from ensuring its Broken Hill on May 31, Hay on $400 respectively.
Its all about walking into the students can operate the June 14, Wagga on June 19 and
shed, knowing what job has to be machines safety, the college also Yanco on June 28.
done and then picking the right runs PROfarm courses for both
machine, she said. large-scale and hobby farmers.
Considerations include There is an estimated
the nature of the work to be 200,000 quad bikes on rural
undertaken, the terrain, the riders properties in Australia.
skill-level and whether items such Quad bikes are one of
as tools or sprays need to be the leading causes of on-farm
transported. fatalities.
Side-by-sides - with rollover In 2015 and 2016 quad bikes Take
protection bars, seatbelts, and accounted for the highest number advantage
a bigger footprint - are relative of farm deaths and injuries of current
newcomers to farming. overall, and, tragically, that subsidies
They come, as their name included children.
suggests, with seats for two The demonstrations will be
people; and a tray on the back held on all three days of the field
enables gear to be carried easily days.
and safely.
The slightly wider wheel base TRAINING COURSES AND
makes them more stable than REBATES
quads. Tocal College, in partnership
There is not a significant price with SafeWork NSW, offers quad
differential, with a quad costing bike training to eligible farmers
about $11,000 and a comparable and their workers at various
side-by-side about $14,000. locations across NSW.
This is the second year that Running between November
Tocal College has incorporated 2016 and June this year, a total
side-by-sides into its farming of 45 one-day quad bike training
regime. courses will be held in the Visit the Tocal tent and sign up today!
Students undergo training on Sydney/Hunter/Central Coast,
Site 436
all three types of machines but New England/North Coast, One-day practical training in a small
now use side-by-sides instead southern and western areas, in group with a NSW DPI qualified trainer.
of quads as work vehicles for locations including Tocal College,
Training delivered all over NSW.
mustering in the colleges beef Camden, Tamworth, Albury and
and dairy operations. Dubbo.

Tocal Field Days 25

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Having an emergency plan
on how to best protect your
property and livestock in the
event of a natural disaster
makes good sense.
It is important to have a
plan which lists the actions

NSW Rural Fire Service

that should be taken before,
during and after an event
such as a flood or bush fire.
Extreme temperatures over summer enable residents to have their say on bush fire These plans are critical
produced the worst possible scenario for risk and mitigation in the two council areas. for landholders, including
the Rural Fire Service, with catastrophic Ms Mathieson said the Lower Hunter Risk absentee landholders, in
conditions declared on a number of occasions Management Plan was reviewed every five flood and fire-prone areas.
across NSW, including the Hunter region. years, and this years field days provided the Contact Hunter Local
As properties and livestock came perfect opportunity to engage with as many Land Services for assistance
under threat, and lives were put at risk, the residents as possible. with preparing for natural
importance of bush fire preparedness was Copies of the plan, including maps, will disasters and ask for a copy
again underlined, with now being the perfect be on display and people will be on hand to of their new Farm Flood
time to get ready for future bush fire seasons. discuss it with visitors to the field days. Readiness Kit.
The Rural Fire Service will have a strong Children visiting the RFS stand will also be Kits will be available at
presence at the Tocal Field Days again this able to put the Get Down Low and GO, GO, the field days, speak to a
year, with residents of Port Stephens and GO slogan into practice inside the inflatable member of the Local Land
Dungog being given the opportunity to Smoke House which is filled with smoke-like Services team or phone the
have input into fire strategies for their local fog for them to crawl through. Paterson office on 02 4930
government areas. Its a valuable exercise that could one 1030 for a free copy.
RFS coordinator Anne Mathieson said the day save the life of your child, regardless of More information is also
Lower Hunter Risk Management Plan would whether they live in a bush fire-prone rural available on the website at
be on display at the field days, as part of a 42- area or in the city.
day public consultation process which would

26 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Bees at Tocal DATE Sat
Tocal College is the place 14 Oct Weed Information
to bee if you want to become a
beekeeper. In 2016 Tocal College Tocal 2017 Weed identication Impact of weeds
delivered face to face nationally Beekeepers
accredited training mapped to
Field Day Control methods Herbicide use
the Certificate III in Beekeeping to
over 300 students in every region Legislation Weed publications
of NSW. 2016 Australian Native Bees and
There are currently 30 Queen Bee Breeding AgGuides.
students enrolled in the Australian native bees was
Certificate III in Beekeeping co-authored by Danielle Lloyd- FEATURING:
(AHC32010) in 2017, including Prichard (Education Officer
2 Beekeeper Trainees who are Professional Development) and African Olive Information Stand
full-time employees of commercial a number of Australias leading
beekeepers from New England native bee researchers. Sponsored by NSW Environmental Trust
and the North coast. The Queen Bee Breeding
You dont need to enrol in the AgGuide, written by Elizabeth
full Certificate III in Beekeeping to Frost (Education Officer, Honey
gain practical skills in managing Bees) and Dr. Doug Somerville
bees. Tocal College offers a range (Technical Specialist, Honey
of face to face short courses Bees), is the definitive publication
including; Beginning in Bees, on queen bee breeding in the
Pests and Diseases of Honey Australian context.
Bees, Queen Bee Breeding, Honey Books can be purchased and
Bee Pollination Services, Artificial information gathered on bees.
Insemination of Queen Bees, and Come and see us in the DPI
Native Stingless Bees. marquee or visit
Tocal College produced two
new beekeeping publications in


Ute lovers will be all revved up as with bull bars, headlights and
they head to the Tocal Field Days decorated with pub and rodeo
for the 8th annual Ute Muster. stickers - will line up for the event FRI, SAT & SUN
Trophies will be awarded to on Sunday, May 7.
the winners of the categories, with Gates open from 6am-9am for 1:30pm
judges looking for the best feral, utes and vehicles cannot drive on
B&S, classic, chick, street, tradie, the site once the gates are open to
rural and 4WD utes. the public.
And cover your ears when the There are spaces for only 60
very popular sound-off between utes. FIND US AT SITE 404
the V6s and V8s gets underway, Pre-entry is recommended.
its sure to be a big crowd puller. For more details download in Land, Plants & Environment section, or at
Utes - ranging from dirty the Ute Muster Entry Form on the
and lived-in to immaculate and Tocal Field Days website.
gleaming machines and others

Tocal Field Days 27

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Come and visit the Lifestyle Marquee!

Quinns Country Clothing

A passion for the Hunter building in the main street
Valley and Australian clothing of Dungog, is proud to be
brands will see Quinns located in the heart of the
Country Clothing make a Hunter Valley, where her
welcome return to this years business also supplies its

Tocal Field Days. range of clothes to customers
Quinns Country Clothing in the horse racing industry
stocks iconic Australian labels and livestock studs for
such as RM Williams and uniforms.
Akubra, as well as Wrangler, Ms Quinn does not sell insideout is a boutique Williams, together with
Thomas Cook and Emu, and online, believing face-to- design business their passionate design
will have a range available for face customer service is
specialising in turning team, also offer an interior
sale in the Lifestyle Marquee. paramount, with stands at
Owner and manager Tina the Tocal Field Days and polo houses into stylish design service.
Quinn, who operates the events her only other outlets. homes. We talk to our clients
business out of an historic With an emphasis and find out exactly what
on quality brands from theyre after and then
ethical suppliers around find the pieces, saving

Bone-A-Fide Dog
the world, insideout them the time, expense
supplies beautiful and and hassle of driving to
unique items, including Sydney or elsewhere, Ms
antiques, at affordable Bartlett said.
Make no bones about it; pooches are in for a special treat. prices. Property styling for
Bone-a-Fide Dog will be bringing its range of doggy Its range includes people selling their homes
shampoos, conditioners, deodorises and balms to soothe furniture, window is also available.
skin irritations to the Lifestyle Marquee. treatments, fabric, rugs, insideout is a first-
Soap will also be on sale to rid mans best friend of those wallpaper, lights, artwork, time exhibitor at the field
pesky fleas. accessories and garden days and will have a large
Its products, which are made in Queensland, are 100 per pieces. display in the Lifestyle
cent natural, chemical free and low pH, suitable for the most Apart from direct Marquee.
sensitive skins. sales from its Newcastle
Bone-a-Fide Dog, which is based on the Central Coast, is store, business owner
a first-time exhibitor at the field days. Deborah Bartlett and
her brother Christopher

28 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Save water (and money) with Civcon Millers Forest

Civcon Water Services - a major sponsor
of the 2017 Tocal Field Days - deals with all
do, from the smallest to the largest project,
he said.
Cooking up a Storm
things water related, from harvesting rain and The business has also completed jobs for Tuck into a Devonshire tea at the
irrigating farms or sporting fields, through to Roads and Maritime Services, the railways, Tocal Field Days and help feed the
supplying household, fire and solar pumps, fire stations and is the preferred supplier to a minds of students from one of the
and wastewater treatment systems. number of local councils.
Lower Hunters smallest schools.
Centrally located on the Pacific Highway Its products include rain water tanks
Millers Forest Public School has
at Heatherbrae, Civcons general manager ranging from 340 litres to 500,000 litres for
Karl Atkin said the business prided itself on its rural, commercial, industrial and fire usage.
a total enrolment of just 65 students
experience and reputation. It also stocks pumps, irrigation, filtration but that wont stop its P&C from
The business employs four full-time and wastewater treatment systems, as well as undertaking one man-sized project.
plumbers for installations, services and fittings and pool chemicals, plus water testing. P&C volunteers will be serving
breakdowns, with the service team on call 365 Established in 2005, the business has built scones, jam and cream, as well as
days a year. strong relationships with its suppliers to ensure sandwiches and cakes in the colleges
Our staff has more than 150 years of that customer service, quality and value for Chapel during the field days.
combined experience in the water industry money are central to its operation. A very busy grandmother of one of
with several of them over three decades It is with this attitude we do the best for the schools Kindergarten kids will bake
individually, Mr Atkin said. our loyal long-term and new customers each a staggering 1000 scones for hungry
Civcon ventured out of its normal service day, Mr Atkin said. visitors over the three days.
area in recent years, and is now the preferred
Sandwiches will be made fresh
supplier to Lord Howe Island of wastewater
daily, and home-baked cakes will be
treatment systems.
Lord Howe Island is a World Heritage
available for sale.
island, we work closely with the island board to P&C president Tracee Lee said
make sure what we do and say will work and profits from the fund-raiser will go
ensure the island remains pristine, Mr Atkin towards new numeracy and literacy
said. resources for the students.
We do not take the easy road or the Millers Forest is a first-time and
short-term fix. Come and visit us at sites 95, 96 most welcome participator at the field
Civcon takes this view with everything we and 111 at this years Field Days. days.

With the heaviest galvanising available worldwide at 600g/m2,

our silos are built to last. We offer silos ranging from 4.5m3 to
over 25,000m3 for the following industries.
Suitable for the following industries
Stock Feed Pet Food Brewing
Industrial Bulk Storage Grain Terminals Dairy
On-Farm Storage Food & Beverage and many more
Flour Milling

Ph 03 9702 4855 12 Keith Campbell Crt

Tocal Field Days 29




Wash Bay
L28 Piglet
L29 Races


W1 L11
257A L12

258 W10 L17

289 L16
Dog L15 BEE Loading
257 W9 L18 L14 F CA Ramp
259 288 L19 L13

W8 L20 D
290 L21
260 A L27 L22
256 287 W5 W7 290 L26
T13 L25
261 CC6 T15 291 L24 FENCING
292 AREA
262 Seating
254 285 293
263 294

253 284 UTE MUSTER

283 295

252 265

282 296

230 251 266
297 Water Tank
281 306
229 231 250
267 297A
Fire 305
228 249 280 Hydrant PR

232 268 304

298 ET A


279 25
227 299 24 MARQTYLE

233 269 303 23 UEE


247 278
S15 S1
4 S13
300 26

S12 S1
226 302
1 S10
S9 S8
270 27 S7 S6

234 246 277 S16 S1

S5 S4
S3 S2
28 29 7

S18 S1
225 301 S31 S3
S20 S2
271 276 102
S29 S2
1 S22

235 245 S27 S2

STR S32 S3 6 S25


3 S34
224 101 S36 S3

272 B
7 S38
275 S51

S39 S4
T11 S50 S4 0
236 244 103
9 S42 S4
3 S44
S45 91

104 S47 S4
223 273 99 6


237 243 106 98

97 92

222 274 125 107 96


95 94
SEE PAGE 14 242 108

238 124 109 93


221 126 110

123 STREET C 111

239 241 112 113 T8


127 122
220 121 Seating

128 120 119 EAT

219 170 118
129 117 116

115 114
171 169 130
218 131 132 T10
168 133 134 135136
172 137
167 STREET D 138
173 166 139 140 141 142 143
217 165 164 163
174 162 161 160
216 175 159 158
176 157 156 155 15
215 177 178 179
EXHIBITORS 214 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 18


211 210 209 208 207 206 201 2
205 204 203 202

Toilets Information
Disabled Toilets/Access ROAD

30 Tocal Field Days




RIVATE 413 414
411 412
PARK 407 416

CP10 406 417
CP4 418
CP8 420
500 421
CC1 CC2 T9 398 Canteen
403 423
Land Plants &
FIRST G23 Environment 425
CC3 CC4 AID G17G18
G15G16 426
G12 400
Fire Food Marquee G29 427
G8 G9 G13 Hydrant
NASH Stage1 G7 400
399 a 402 T1
3 144 145 146 147 148 T7 GOOD FOOD G10A G11A G14
G10 G11 T5 T6



T3 T4




54 153 152 151 150 149 OFFICE G4
G2 G1
G1A CC5 C32 C24
193 C22 C23
190 191 192 C21
Commercial 435
87 188 189 G3 G3
C19 C20
A C2
Craft C29 C30 Local Land Weather
C27 C28
C31 C25 C26 Services Station
197 T2 Dept. of Primary
198 C36
Industries featuring
200 199
Amateur Tocal College
C16 C13
Alexander Dining Beekeepers
C3 C4
C10 Alexander
Court C14
s Craft
H1 Kid

194C H2
194 194D H3 C8
C7 Crawford Court
H4 C11 C12
C5 C6

Ticket Booth



Tocal Field Days 31

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toca l Agr icult ural Cent re

Company Name Telephone Site Number Company Name Telephone Site Number
1800 HOSE VAN 1800 467 382 249 Brights Natural Beeswax 07 5592 2182 S20
3 Girls Silky Soaps 0427 121 399 C31 Bruce Kerr Pottery 0427 506 297 C36
6D Leather 0419 461 207 99 Bupa 02 4934 6501 S16
A & M Tools 0420 418 121 135, 136 Business Bus 1300 134 359 W2
A Vintage Ambiance 0402 996 445 C2 Caravan & Marine Barbeques 02 4981 9859 150, 151
Addictedtocoffee 0419 848 899 T16A Caravans And Trailers 02 6888 5311 157, 158
Adventure Quads & Bikes 02 4966 1331 227, 228 Casa Tips 02 4389 2525 182
Ag-Pride Australia 02 4964 8818 167, 174, 215, 216 Central Coast Mini Jeeps 02 4353 5177 Next to the Animal Nursery
Al-Anon 0417 467 897 H2 Chesterfield Australia 02 4932 5588 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277
Alcoholics Anonymous 0428 699 700 H1 Chick Pea 02 4984 5110 C24
All Four x 4 Spares 02 4041 4000 116, 117 Chiro Connection 0432 101 300 S4
Animal Nursery 02 4932 5851 Animal Nursery Chooktred 0417 349 573 L28
Anu Tools 0430 147 395 202, 203 Choppa Chops Gourmet Pet Bakery 0415 749 617 C29
Arrow Farmquip (Yarrum Rural Supplies) 1800 814 107 239, 240 Civcon + Fuji Clean Septic Systems 02 4983 1107 95
At Call Equipment Hire 02 4973 6545 166 Civcon + Poly Tanks 02 4983 1107 111
Atlantic Oil 02 9829 7555 133 Clark Equipment 02 4983 6400 236, 237, 244, 245
Attic Collection 02 9816 4851 S11 Cloud 9 Chairs 03 9489 1177 110
Ausave Energy 1300 11 33 13 139 Coast & Valley Tractors 02 4360 4040 123, 124, 125, 126, 127
Australian Alpaca Association - Central Compass Pools Newcastle 02 4964 8322 257A
02 4934 1799 L27
Coast/Hunter Region
Cook Blacksmithing 02 4990 6139 L6
Australian Alpaca Barn 02 4938 5707 C12
Corry Marketing 03 9584 7587 149
Australian Braford Association 0427 108 880 L12
Country All Over 0419 388 071 113
Australian Museum of Clothing & Textiles 02 4939 8901 Homestead verandah
Cozyosko 0425 222 555 C32
Avarcas Australia 0413 069 610 S3
Crocodile Creek Rural Supplies 02 6649 3148 121
Barbeques Galore Maitland 02 4933 1323 204
Darrell Lea 0422 134 513 C31A
Barcoo Brats and Bossie Brats 07 4693 3651 C16, C17
Dexter Group of Manning Valley 02 6577 6186 L10
Bare Nature Furniture 0417 453 136 297
Discount Cable Ties 0497 888 222 175
Basix Plastix 02 4964 2212 91A
Discount Tractors & Trailers 02 6553 1432 100
Battery World Maitland 02 4936 6176 114
Dougs Hats 02 6647 2129 186
Bendigo Clothing 03 5428 9304 156
Dr Drums Furniture 0428 298 880 103
Best Sheds 02 4648 7777 159, 160
Duraplas Industries 02 6552 6800 209, 210
Better Living Australia 1800 25 38 93 S18, S19
Earthsafe Environmental 1300 327 847 206
Better Pool & Irrigation Supplies 0477 022 883 107
Earthsafe Group 02 4932 4400 299, 300
BJ Enterprises & Marketing 0427 131 007 115
East Coast Trailers and Horsefloats 02 4368 4826 303
Bone a Fide Dog Products 0402 859 308 S24
Eastbourne Art 02 9655 1800 C30
Brian Wilson Positive Solar Contacts 0401 782 426 138
Eggs On Legs Poultry 0433 426 708 L21, L22
El Poco Loco 0499 357 626 T9
KEY Enjo 0414 319 686 S10
Envirocycle/Graf 1800 688 588 226
Machinery, Equipment, Vehicles, Trailers, Tools
EnviroPro Alternatives 1800 707 076 292
Craft, Clothing, Shoes, Fashion, Hats, Home & Living
Everchanging by Judy Simonson 02 6558 2709 C8
Food, Wine, Catering Extend Security 03 5831 5031 185

Books, Information, IT, Education, Health, Safety Forage Espresso 0427 554 524 T12
Freshly Squeezed Water 07 3352 6379 S36
Livestock, Animal Products, Animals
Friends of Tocal 02 4939 8901 College Foyer
Solar Equipment, Renewable Energy Friends of Tocal 02 4939 8901 Homestead tea rooms
Gardening, Outdoor Leisure, Kayaks, Camping Galloways Australia 02 6231 7345 L15

Gates, Fencing, Water tanks, Sheds & Structures Gato Sales and Repairs 02 4955 5533 269

32 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toca l Agr icult ural Cent re

Company Name Telephone Site Number Company Name Telephone Site Number
Good Samaritan Donkey Sanctuary 02 4996 5596 S51 Maitland Community Care Services 02 4932 5755 CP1
GoSolar Newcastle 02 4954 9967 148 Maitland Community Mens Shed 02 4934 1293 S14, S15
Grand Living 02 9789 2664 S42, S47 Maitland Dog Obedience Club 0412 806 964 Wedge
Greenpro 1800 645 688 153, 188, 189 Maitland Gaol 02 4936 6482 S30
Gutter - Mesh 0411 413 741 S17 Maitland Motorcycles 02 4933 1998 265
HCB Solar 02 4964 1153 200 Manor 1800 55 1818 218, 219
Healy Group 02 9525 5522 281 Margaret Cane Clothing 02 9498 7565 C25, C26
Heaven Grind Coffee Bar 0434 416 000 T7 Margarets Homecrafts 02 4957 5895 C13
Heritage Tanks 02 4657 1698 302 McKeeco General Engineering 02 6621 9544 193
Hip Pocket Workwear & Safety 02 4934 8313 147 Mega Cheap Hardware 07 5437 6111 97, 98
Hive Australia Beeswax Candles 0405 030 595 C20 Metal Art 0466 641 155 217
Horse Welfare Inc 0418 682 571 Horse Welfare Milbrotec 02 6574 0000 296
Hunter Fine Feathers 0408 678 160 L19 Millers Forest Public School P&C Assn 0413 339 761 CC5
Hunter Silver Art 02 4938 1496 C10 Mini Dutch Pancakes 0418 966 482 T11
Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Miniature Goats Association 0408 416 875 L18
0409 721 614 Amateur Beekeepers
Mister B Catering 0403 232 826 T16
Hunter Valley Farm Machinery Club 02 4966 2813 Homestead princt
Modern Motors Dungog 02 4992 1486 250, 251, 252
Hunter Valley Hereford Association Inc 02 4987 3405 L8
Monte Dwyers Red in the Centre 0412 422 699 C37
Hunter Valley Limousin Promotion Group 02 4938 5380 L16, L17
Mortels Sheepskin Factory 02 4966 0990 112
Hunter Valley Mahindra 1300 652 605 194C
National Poly Industries 02 4015 7804 279, 280
Hunter Valley Wide Span Sheds 0410 642 659 297A
National Stockyard Systems 02 4932 1363 233, 234, 235, 246, 247
Hydraulink Hose and Fittings 1300 36 37 34 223
Newcastle ATV Centre 02 4951 1184 282, 283
Ians Campers 02 4938 3918 211
Newcastle Chainsaws & Mowers 02 4961 1332 241, 242, 243
Insideout 02 4962 5577 S6, S7, S8
Newcastle Mowers & Outdoor Equip. 02 4951 1184 285
JCB Construction Equipment Aust. 1300 522 232 266, 267
Newcastle Spinners & Weavers Guild C4, C9
Jewellery by Margo 02 4966 3584 C19
Niagara Therapy 07 3387 3387 S28
Joes Event Catering 0400 567 086 T15
Justice of the Peace - Northern NSW nib health funds 02 4933 2139 S9
0432 34 32 24 College Foyer
Federation Nick Nack Gallery 0414 188 269 92
Kakadu Outdoors 0427 989 538 94
NSW Mounted Police 02 9319 2154 Patrolling site
Kanga Loaders Global 02 9854 1444 286
NSW Police 02 4934 0200 Safety area
Kentan Machinery 02 4964 8275 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173
NSW Rural Fire Service 02 4980 7300 Fire Brigade
KGR Performance Offroad Lighting 02 6334 2930 205
NSW Wiltipolls 02 6557 0044 L24
Kingspan Water 1300 826 548 118
Oakfield Ranch 0429 664 172 CP6, CP9, CP10
Kiwanis Club of East Maitland 0417 455 130 Near Nash Park Stage
OBriens Machinery 02 6545 2622 212, 213, 214
Knox Grammar School 02 9487 0122 S23
Off-Grid Energy Australia 1300 334 839 S25, S26
Kooyong Furniture 07 4668 0151 91
Onya & Goclip 0413 131 305 S29
KP & DC Machinery Overhauls 02 4932 6988 207, 208
Oz Pig 07 5456 4541 93
Lady Franklin Hats 0418 279 535 C11
Oz Tukka 02 4942 6356 G20
Lake and Valley Powersports 02 4973 6000 109
Ozzi Kleen Sewage Systems 0412 982 020 101
Landmark 02 4932 7811 28, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Paterson Bolwarra Scouts 02 4930 1523 Billy Boiling
Letzgetwired 0417 131 795 191, 192
Paterson Golf Club 02 4938 5828 W5
LGPM Process Innovation 03 9702 4855 305
Paterson Public School P & C 02 4938 5114 CC1
Linhai Quads & UTVs 07 4613 0622 301
Paterson Rural Fire Brigade 02 4938 5064 CC6
Lioness Club of Maitland 02 4934 1848 500
Paterson Rural Fire Brigade 02 4938 5064 CC2
LocketInn 0411 463 336 C34, C35
Peaceland Horse Floats 0401 315 158 270, 271, 278
Lockyer Lucerne Products 07 3271 6311 304
Performance Feeds 1800 300 593 268
Lucas Mill 03 5728 7283 229 Perrys Lemon Myrtle Rainforest
02 6564 2150 183
Magnum Welders 03 5595 1273 134 Products
Pet Protector Hunter Valley 0467 215 206 S44, S45

Tocal Field Days 33

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toca l Agr icult ural Cent re

Company Name Telephone Site Number Company Name Telephone Site Number
Peters Real Estate 02 4933 7855 199 Sydney Ice Cream 1300 724 960 T13
PFG Australia 0408 548 547 194 Sydney Ice Cream 1300 724 960 T10
Pickle Chic 0474 224 352 G3A Sydney Icecream 1300 724 960 T17
Pioneer + DAB pumps 02 4983 1107 96 Tar10 02 4938 9145 G10
Pivot Stove & Heating 1300 474 868 S49, S50 Taylors Mowers & Chainsaws 02 4952 9966 129
Pocket Power Australia/Portable Power Texas Fence Fixer Australia 0439 823 659 137
0429 802 979 141
The Elephant Emporium 0402 334 144 C28
Pokolbin Creek Olives 0411 862 394 G21
The Herb Store 02 6020 2045 G32
Port Containers 1300 793 668 220, 221, 222
The Horse Stall - Jewellery, Clothing
Power Pro Industries 02 4283 4814 295 0414 591 517 W10
& Gift.
Professional Nibbler 03 9489 1177 104 The Land Newspaper 02 4570 4444 399
Pukara Estate 02 4991 7098 G4 The Original Australian Leather Seal 03 9682 5100 190
Quik Spray 1800 645 688 154, 187 The Pizza Truck 0433 422 591 T8
Quinns Country Clothing 02 4992 3645 S31 Thermomix Australia 0402 324 779 G17
R.M.Williams Longhorn Express 0429 028 404 195 Thompsons Farm Gear Wauchope/H.V. 02 4992 1486 230, 231, 232
Raw Creations by Stephi 0401 386 922 C15 Thorburns Fabrication 0424 332 960 294
Red River Stockyards 1300 068 067 253, 254 TJM Hunter Valley 02 4951 1184 284
Relens Mini Donuts 0425 751 405 T4 TNN Australia 02 4987 1353 128
Rochelle the Face painter 0423 967 755 CP7 Tocal Students Association Inc 02 4939 8859 Tocal Canteen
Rotary Club of Paterson 0407 592 514 CC3 Top End Campgear / Metalcraft 0476 175 124 145, 146
Rotary Club of Rutherford Telarah 02 4932 7034 CC4 Tornado Pumps & Sprayers 02 9824 8444 105, 106
Rural Product Marketing 07 5596 2549 287 Total Eden - Bringing Water to Life 02 4933 3111 144
Semco Equipment Sales 02 4954 7066 165, 176 TractorHouse Australia 1300 034 771 140
ShedFast 1800 743 332 225 Treasured Earth 0423 889 754 C33
Shirleys Woodberry Drapery 02 4966 2248 C21, C22 Trees in Newcastle 02 4969 1500 403I
Signature Sauces Australia 0466 466 425 G8 Truckfit 02 4932 8421 132
Silveys Mowers and Chainsaws 02 4947 7150 161, 180 Tumbi Valley Poultry & Dursley Poll
02 4388 4364 L23
Dorset Stud
Skin Detox - Skin Care Solutions 0434 102 670 S27
Twins Pantry 1300 792 172 G13
Sky Land Management 0402 244 073 194D
University of Newcastle 02 4921 6131 427
Slattery Auctions and Valuations 02 4028 0000 152
Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue 02 6571 3320 400A
Slow Food Hunter Valley 0407 250 848 G12A
V2 Aerial Photography 0422 880 503 155
Sneddens Fencing Products 02 4996 4504 119
Vacy Public School 02 4938 8153 Craft Courtyard
Sock Warehouse 0419 481 974 201
Viet Yum 0423 566 753 T6
Solahart Newcastle & Hunter Valley 02 4951 3333 120
Vision Mart Sunglasses 0427 562 121 S46
Solar Service Centre 02 4934 6377 426A
Warwick Industrial Cleaning Equipment 02 9625 4423 238
Sophies Scoops 0416 989 472 T2
Websters Coachworks 02 4982 9744 108
Sota Tractors 02 4735 5931 261, 262
Weedwakka 02 6236 8218 197
Southern Cross Ag Machinery 02 4932 3011 164, 177
WesTrac 02 4964 5000 263, 264
Spanline Home Additions 02 4958 4822 W7
Whitlands Engineering 03 5729 7577 142, 143
St Johns Ambulance Australia - First Aid 0428 594 153 First Aid
WHM Tractors 1300 851 600 122
Step Forward Orthotics 1800 000 566 S40
Willina Worms 0429 099 794 424
Stihl Shop Ray Tce & Warners Bay 02 4983 1150 130, 131
WineArt Gallery 0428 681 014 G7
Stockers & Partridge 02 4938 5154 162, 163, 178, 179
Woodville School of Arts 0414 585 084 S32
Strictly Workwear 0418 443 448 198
Yarn Spinner & Patchwork 0400 433 514 C23
Sugar and Spice - Gourmet Foods 02 4970 5404 G12
Young Creative Farms 02 6887 2114 L31
Sun-Power Auto Gates 02 6280 4655 181
Super Tool Australia Trust 02 9793 8468 289
Super Tools - St Marys 02 9623 6590 102
Sweet & Sour Licorice & Fairy Floss 0434 628630 298

34 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Blazing Saddles
Is riding a horse a long-held dream?
Maybe you live in the city and have never had the
chance to get up close and personal with a horse.
Or perhaps youve recently moved to a hobby farm
and youre contemplating buying a horse.
Rod Samson - who has been associated with the
Tocal Field Days for more than a decade through his
camel and childrens pony rides - will introduce horse
rides for adults at this years event.
Mr Samson, who runs Sahara Trail Rides at Anna Bay
and Oakfield Ranch at Woodberry, will bring four to five
of his horses to the field days to give adults the first-time
experience of being on horseback.
Adults will be able to ride on their own - not led - in a
roped-off area under the watchful eye of an instructor.
Riders will not be expected to put on saddles or
bridles, and they will be helped to mount and dismount.
Ive been thinking about this for a while and believe
that the Tocal Field Days is the perfect place to give it a
go, Mr Samson said.
Adults can go for a five-minute gentle walk on a
horse and then, if they like it, they can take the next step
after the field days and go on a longer ride along a trail or
on the beach, or maybe take lessons, he said.
Riding for adults will take place in the Childrens Park.
A fee will be charged for this activity.

Tocal Field Days 35

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Craft Exhibit

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number Company Name / Telephone Site Number

3 Girls Silky Soaps 0427 121 399 C31 Justice of the Peace - Northern NSW Federation 0432 34 32 24 College Foyer
A Vintage Ambiance 0402 996 445 C2 Lady Franklin Hats 0418 279 535 C11
Australian Alpaca Barn 02 4938 5707 C12 LocketInn 0411 463 336 C34, C35
Barcoo Brats and Bossie Brats 07 4693 3651 C16, C17 Margaret Cane Clothing 02 9498 7565 C25, C26
Bruce Kerr Pottery 0427 506 297 C36 Margarets Homecrafts 02 4957 5895 C13
Chick Pea 02 4984 5110 C24 Millers Forest Public School P&C Assn 0413 339 761 CC5
Choppa Chops Gourmet Pet Bakery 0415 749 617 C29 Monte Dwyers Red in the Centre 0412 422 699 C37
Cozyosko 0425 222 555 C32 Newcastle Spinners & Weavers Guild C4, C9
Darrell Lea 0422 134 513 C31A Raw Creations by Stephi 0401 386 922 C15
Eastbourne Art 02 9655 1800 C30 Shirleys Woodberry Drapery 02 4966 2248 C21, C22
Everchanging by Judy Simonson 02 6558 2709 C8 Sophies Scoops 0416 989 472 T2
Friends of Tocal 02 4939 8901 College Foyer The Elephant Emporium 0402 334 144 C28
Hive Australia Beeswax Candles 0405 030 595 C20 Treasured Earth 0423 889 754 C33
Hunter Silver Art 02 4938 1496 C10 Vacy Public School 02 4938 8153 Craft Courtyard
Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Association 0409 721 614 Amateur Beekeepers Yarn Spinner & Patchwork 0400 433 514 C23
Jewellery by Margo 02 4966 3584 C19



Visit our stores at: COME AND MEET PAUL HARRAGON!
215 High St, Maitland Ph: 4934 8313 between 11am and 2pm on the Friday, on site 147.
120 Newcastle Rd, Wallsend Ph: 4951 6051

36 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
-Agr Y, 201
icul tura l
7 tre
Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Crafty Kids
Its the Year of the Rooster and the
Tocal Field Days are about to be
overrun by chickens of a quite different
Vacy Public Schools P&C will again
host free craft activities for children,
with paper-plate chickens on the
program this year.
Youngsters can also make their
mums a special card, just in time for
Mothers Day on Sunday, May 14, the
weekend following the field days.
In return for running craft activities
over the three days of the Tocal Field
Days, Vacy Public School will receive
a $2000 donation from the events
organisers, which will be put towards
upgrading technology at school.
P&C president Joe Thompson said Last year, the donation was put Supervision will be provided by P&C
the donation would meet about one- towards maths teaching resources. members, or parents are welcome to
third of the cost of buying new iPads The craft activities are suitable stay and watch.
and computers for a pool of resources for children aged 10 years and under, Sessions will run all day across
that would benefit all 107 pupils at the and are free of charge, with some of the three days of the field days, in the
small country school. the projects making use of recycled courtyard area outside the dining hall.

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Tocal Field Days 37

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Good Food & Wine

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number
Friday Saturday
Bake or Burn High School Cooking Demonstrations
3 Girls Silky Soaps 0427 121 399 C31
A Vintage Ambiance 0402 996 445 C2
10.00 am Heat 1
& Gardening talks
Australian Alpaca Barn 02 4938 5707 C12
Barcoo Brats and Bossie Brats 07 4693 3651 C16, C17
Bruce Kerr Pottery 0427 506 297 C36 10.30 am Heat 2 ALL DAY
Chick Pea 02 4984 5110 C24
Choppa Chops Gourmet Pet Bakery 0415 749 617 C29
11.00 am Heat 3
Cozyosko 0425 222 555
Darrell Lea 0422 134 513
11.30 am Heat 4 Sunday
Eastbourne Art 02 9655 1800
Everchanging by Judy Simonson 02 6558 2709
12.15 pm Semi Final 1 Kids Bake or Burn
Friends of Tocal 02 4939 8901 College Foyer 12.45 pm Semi Final 2 10.00 am Community Gardening
Hive Australia Beeswax Candles 0405 030 595 C20
Hunter Silver Art 02 4938 1496 C10 1.30 pm Final 10.30 am Gardening in small
Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Association
0409 721 614 Amateur Beekeepers 2.00 pm Winner Announced spaces
Jewellery by Margo 02 4966 3584 C19
Justice of the Peace - Northern NSW Federation 11.00 am Cooking Demonstration
0432 34 32 24 College Foyer
Lady Franklin Hats 0418 279 535 C11 11.30 am Heat 1
LocketInn 0411 463 336 C34, C35
Margaret Cane Clothing 02 9498 7565 C25, C26 12 Noon Heat 2
Margarets Homecrafts 02 4957 5895 C13
Millers Forest Public School P&C Assn 0413 339 761 CC5 12.45 pm Heat 3
Monte Dwyers Red in the Centre 0412 422 699 C37
Newcastle Spinners & Weavers Guild C4, C9 1.30 pm Final
Raw Creations by Stephi 0401 386 922 C15
Shirleys Woodberry Drapery 02 4966 2248 C21, C22 2.00 pm Winner Announced
Sophies Scoops 0416 989 472 T2
The Elephant Emporium 0402 334 144 C28
Treasured Earth 0423 889 754 C33
Vacy Public School 02 4938 8153 Craft Courtyard
Yarn Spinner & Patchwork 0400 433 514 C23

38 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
7 MA
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or Burn
Turn off those television cooking
shows and head on down to the
Good Food and Wine Hall at the
Tocal Field Days for some red hot
The Bake or Burn cook-off is on
again, with high schools students
ready to turn up the heat in the
kitchen on Friday, May 5, and junior
chefs aged 7-16 years donning their
aprons on Sunday, May 7.
Tomaree High School, the winner of Contestants have just 20 minutes the ingredient that this years budding
previous Bake or Burn competitions, is to prepare, cook and plate up their chefs must champion, and with the
hoping to add to its prize stash and has dishes, while providing a commentary Hunter Valleys highly acclaimed
thrown out a challenge to other food on their progress, all in front of a live reputation for fresh produce there are
technology and hospitality students to audience. sure to be some delicious culinary
take them on. Each year a special ingredient masterpieces created.
Toronto and Bulahdelah high is chosen to be the hero of the With urban and community
schools have already signed up, contestants dishes, with chicken, gardening a major theme at this
setting the stage for an exciting beef, pork, honey and dairy in the years field days, the choice of
cook-off and great entertainment for spotlight at previous competitions. vegetables is fitting.
all the family. Vegetables have been chosen as Last years junior chef winner,
Oscar Affleck, 11, of East Maitland,
will demonstrate his skills at the start
of the heats on Sunday - hopefully
inspiring more kids to get into the
kitchen - and will then take his place
on the judging panel.
Tocal Field Days 5th Bake or
Burn competition is supported by
Slow Food Hunter Valley.

Tocal Field Days 39

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Land, Plants & Environment 413 414

411 412


407 416

406 417

405 419
398 Canteen
403 423
Land Plants &
Environment 425
399 a 402 T1

Local Land Weather
Services Station
Dept. of Primary
Industries featuring
Tocal College

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number Company Name / Telephone Site Number

Aussie Shade & Hot Houses 02 4932 1899 406 LLS Aboriginal Programs 02 4930 1030 403B
Australian Hearing 131 797 427a LLS School Engagement 02 4930 1030 403D
Australian Plants Society - Newcastle Group 0487 501 782 403F Maitland City Council 02 4934 9700 432
Briar Grove 411 Michelle & Sandras Mobile Coffee 0400 898 469 T1
CutAbove Tools 02 9871 8841 417 Muswellbrook Forest Nursery 02 6543 2622 408, 409
Defence Force Recruiting 13 19 01 400 Narrabri Fish Farm 02 6792 2217 423
Delightfully Fresh Organics 02 4374 1355 412 National Parks & Wildlife Service 02 4904 2590 405
Department of Primary Industries 02 4939 8981 436 Native Animal Trust 0473 148 771 403A
Devil Ark 02 4340 1022 403L Natures Care Nursery 02 6552 8848 413, 414
drumMUSTER & ChemClear 02 6230 4799 419 NSW Farmers 02 9478 1000 396
Earthcare Park Landcare 02 4933 6111 403G NSW State Emergency Service 02 4931 3222 403J
Emu Logic 02 6825 4346 426 Office of Environment & Heritage 02 4904 2590 405
Geological Survey of NSW 02 4931 6666 431 Relia-Bale Constructions 0419 424 316 418
Hoselink 1300 900 617 407 RMS - Maritime Division 0417 162 967 433
Hunter Bird Observers Club Inc 02 4938 5039 403C SafeWork NSW 13 10 50 428, 429, 397
Hunter Farm Forestry Network 02 6547 3552 403E Service NSW 13 77 88 434
Hunter Great Eastern Ranges Partnership 0455 602 571 403K Signs and Screens 0434 167 896 415, 416
Hunter Limestone 02 6545 2222 425 Slattery Helicopter Charter 0408 434 639 Visitor entry
Hunter Local Land Services 02 4930 1030 435 Solar Service Centre 02 4934 6377 426A
Hunter Pet Motel 0249383710 Visitor entry The Land Newspaper 02 4570 4444 399
Hunter Region Landcare Network 0478 214 498 403H Trees in Newcastle 02 4969 1500 403I
Hunter Regional Illegal Dumping Squad 131 555 421, 422 University of Newcastle 02 4921 6131 427
Hunter Regional Weeds 02 4934 9700 404 Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue 02 6571 3320 400A
Lions Club 0438 414 024 Survey Tent Willina Worms 0429 099 794 424

40 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
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Peppa, the
Tasmanian Devil joey
Meet Peppa, the Tasmanian These fascinating marsupials
Devil joey born during the 2016 are born the size of a grain of rice
breeding season at Devil Ark in and by six weeks old reach the
the rugged Barrington Tops region size of a jelly bean.
of NSW. Devil Arks aim is to produce
Peppa is one of 150 320 robust and disease-free joeys
Tasmanian Devils at the facility, the by 2018.
mission of which is to help bring But in order for it to achieve
this iconic little Aussie battler back its goal, the facility will have
from the brink of extinction. to undergo a major and costly
With more than 90 per cent of expansion.
the wild population already wiped Its annual operational budget
out from Devil Facial Tumour already runs into many thousands
Disease, the work being carried of dollars, including a hefty
out in captivity at Devil Ark is $45,000 for food for the devils
crucial to securing and building a and $16,000 in veterinary care;
genetically-diverse and disease- field officers, vehicles and habitat
free population and ultimately maintenance cost extra.
repopulate Tasmania with healthy Devil Ark is a not-for-
devils once the deadly cancer has profit charity that relies on the
run its course. communitys ongoing support
Two decades after the to spread the work and raise
discovery of the disease there awareness of the project.
is still no cure, nor is there a Visitors to the Tocal Field
vaccine, leaving these iconic Days can meet Peppa in the Land,
Australian animals still vulnerable Plants and Environment marquee
to extinction. on Saturday, May 6, between
Devil Ark was set up in 2011, 10am and 2pm.
with a nucleus of 44 Tasmanian Get up close to a devil, chat
Devils. with their keepers, ask about
Since then, five successful adopting a devil, or find out what
breeding seasons have produced your school can do to help Devil
more than 180 healthy joeys. Ark save this unique species from

Tocal Field Days 41

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Service Clubs working at Tocal Field Days:

Kiwanis Paterson Golf Club Woodville School of Arts

Kiwanis International is a global Few sporting entities in Australia have hit the The small Hunter community of Woodville
organisation of volunteers dedicated to rough as often as Paterson Golf Club. has one of the few remaining operational,
changing the world ... one child and one The club dates back to World War II community-owned and managed School of
community at a time. when soldiers, camped at the Paterson Arts in NSW, if not Australia.
Its members are men and women of all showground, played golf for recreation. The With more than 50 individual and
ages and from across all professions who are area soon reverted to scrub and it was not family members, up to a dozen of them will
united in their commitment and compassion until 1971 that a vision for a golf club in the volunteer at this years Tocal Field Days.
for others. town re-emerged, Work, mostly done by hand It is strongly supported by its community
The Kiwanis Club of East Maitland was with picks and shovels, got underway but and has an active band of volunteers who
formed in 1980 and its involvement in this gradually the hard manual labour began to have guided its restoration and ongoing
years Tocal Field Days will enable club take its toll and the idea was abandoned. maintenance.
members to continue their mission of giving In 1991, the long-held dream was Today, the historic building is a popular
all children the opportunity to lead healthy revitalised taking just over three years for the venue for weddings - with brides and grooms
and successful lives. project to come to fruition despite several travelling from Sydney and further afield for
Members will act as field marshals in obstacles, seemingly always in their path. its quaint country ambiance.
the lead-up to the field days and during the However by the end of January 1994 the Woodville School of Arts and hall
three-day event, assisting the hundreds of greens and tees were complete. Another four secretary Pat Lannen said that while
exhibitors set up their sites. holes were opened two years later. weddings were its biggest income stream,
In return for their hard work, the club Today, its members still dig deep to keep running costs, including public liability
will receive a donation from the field days the club operating, and a team of volunteers insurance and general maintenance, were a
organisers. will work at this years Tocal Field Days constant drain on its funds.
The Kiwanis Club of East Maitland has helping set up the event. The generous donation the committee
23 members but it is always on the lookout The donation they will receive from field will receive from Tocal Field Days organisers
for more, club spokesperson Rae Pigeon days organisers in lieu of their assistance in lieu of their work at the event would go
said. will go towards maintenance of the greens, towards plugging the funding hole and its
The club will have a stand at the Tocal including new turf. future projects, he said.
Fields Days so why not pop in to find out And for the proud, hard-working Our aim is to remain self sufficient
how you can become a member and make members of the Paterson Golf Club, and the so we can be keep the hall running for the
a real difference to the life of a child in your town, thats just about as good as hitting a community.
community. hole-in-one.

Quality land management solutions tailored to your specific needs,

based on sound industry knowledge and experience.

Phil: 0402 244073 Daily flight demonstration

12pm in the paddock opposite
E: Thunderbolts corner bus stop.
W: Stand 194D

42 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
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7 tre
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Men on a
Newcastle Mens Shed members will
provide much of the manpower at the 2017
Tocal Field Days.
The shed, which was registered in 2014,
has about 70 members from all walks of life
and professions, including tradesmen and a
They initially took up residence in BHPs
old administration building in Mayfield North,
paying a peppercorn rental. revived, learnt and shared with fellow receive from working at this years Tocal Field
But when the site was earmarked for members, all in an atmosphere of mateship. Days would be used to help secure new
remediation and closed last year, the men We help and support each other, no premises, and also meet ongoing costs such
found themselves without a home. matter whether its making a bird box or as insurance.
They currently meet in the St Johns getting involved in a big community project, Four to six weeks out from the start of the
Ambulance hall in Hamilton each Tuesday at or simply having a chat about how lifes field days, members will converge on Tocal
10am for a cuppa and to discuss how they going, Newcastle Mens Shed secretary Colleges campus at Paterson to begin the
can best continue their involvement in the Wayne Grant said. huge logistical and physical task of setting up
community. Newcastle Mens Shed members have for the event on May 5, 6 and 7.
And while their aim is to acquire a worked tirelessly since the sheds inception; Paddocks will be turned into carparks,
permanent shed, their immediate need is to they have helped with the Paint the Lake fences and barricades will be erected,
find temporary premises, to provide them REaD project which encourages Lake signage will be put up and exhibitor areas will
with a place to meet and store their tools and Macquarie preschool children to read and at be staked out.
other equipment. the Australian Scout Jamboree. Give us almost any practical problem
Mens Sheds are widely recognised as They made 80 surfboard fin-shaped and well have a go at fixing it, Mr Grant
being vital to mens health and well-being, trophies for the Tubes4Boobs Pink Ribbon said.
including medical conditions such heart cancer appeal. But its unlikely it will be all hard work.
disease, diabetes and depression. Some members also mentor high school Well have a bit of fun for sure, he said.
In these social hubs and workshops, and TAFE students. We may even have a campfire or two.
skills such as wood and metal-work are Mr Grant said the donation they will

Have a spin on
the Purple Cow at
Childrens Park!
Childrens Park is a much-loved corner
of the Tocal Field Days where activities and
entertainment are designed especially for
Every visitor to the field days aged 10
years and under will receive a free spin on the
Purple Cow Prize Wheel for the chance to win
toys, games, books or a milkshake made on
the pedal-powered milkshake maker.
Children can have their faces painted with
animal or insect themes, there will be games
to play and a mystery lucky dip.
Camel and pony rides also will be
available. with services that enable them to remain give clients and their families peace of mind.
Fundraisers from Maitland Community independent, dignified and connected with If clients are not eligible to receive
Care Services - a valued provider of services their community. subsidies, MCCS can provide services on a
for frail, aged, younger people living with Its services include Meals on Wheels, full cost basis.
disability, and those who care for them - will domestic assistance, transport plus a range MCCS has provided care and support
run Childrens Park. of social activities such as craft and outings. to the communitys most vulnerable citizens
Located in John Street, Telarah, MCCS MCCS team of 43 paid staff and 131 for decades, and the donation it will receive
is a not-for-profit organisation that looks volunteers are qualified, dedicated and have from field days organisers will go towards
after more than 1900 clients, providing them undergone police checks and screening to expanding this vital service.

Tocal Field Days 43

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

1990 to care for rescued donkeys that everyone and easy for everyone, no
have been abandoned, surrendered, matter if they live on a farm or in the
neglected, mistreated or ill, will be there middle of suburban Sydney.
to educate the community about these He will be address the fundamentals
Visitors to this years field days will be gentle creatures and promote the work of housing, feeding and nutrition,
able to view some of the top livestock of the sanctuary. diseases and illnesses, and predators
from studs in NSW and chat with the Horse Welfare Inc - which will such as foxes which, unfortunately, are
breeders behind them in a series of coordinate activities in the livestock prevalent, even in the suburbs.
roving conversations. section - will also have a stand there Chickens are very rewarding and
They will follow a path around the promoting its charity and education work will become a part of your family, the
livestock section where the various within the equine industry. fact that they pay their rent in freshly laid
breed associations will be represented. It will also showcase portfolios of eggs is a bonus, Mr Eyes said.
Cattle from the Australian Braford horses available for adoption. And nothing beats the taste of
Association, Dexter Group of Manning And the field days would not be freshly laid eggs.
Valley, Galloways Australia, Hunter Valley complete without chooks. Chooks will be available for sale at
Hereford Association, Hunter Valley Tim Eyes - Dux of Tocal Colleges the field days.
Limousin Promotion Group will be on Certificate III in Agriculture course in Check out the program for times for
display, along with sheep from NSW 2009 - will be back with his business all these events.
Wiltipolls and Dursley Poll Dorset Stud. venture, Eggs On Legs, which
The Australian Alpaca Association, specialises in the breeding and sale of
Miniature Goats Association and Tumbi Hy-Line Browns, Australorps, Leghorns
Valley Poultry representatives also will be and Silkies.
on hand for visitors to engage with over Mr Eyes, from the Central Coast, will
all three days of the field days. conduct talks on keeping chooks in the
The livestock section will be the backyard.
centre of numerous activities, including He believes that it is important for
electric and conventional fencing kids, and people of all ages, to have an
demonstrations. appreciation of where their food comes
Good Samaritan Donkey Sanctuary, from.
a registered charity at Glen William in the His aim is to making keeping
Hunter Valley, which was established in backyard chickens accessible to

Horse Welfare Inc. livestock section at the event.

The donation Horse Welfare will
receive from the field days organisers
will be invested to help it achieve its
Click onto Horse Welfare Incs website and re-educating its charges, Horse long-term aim of purchasing a bigger
and the pictures tell a thousand stories. Welfare also coordinates the rehoming property in the Hunter Valley to enable it
Stories of horses that have been of a large number of horses that dont to continue and expand its operations.
mistreated, neglected, forgotten, sent to actually end up in their care, a time- Our goal is to become self-funding
slaughter or sale yards, and seized by or consuming but necessary process to and therefore less reliant on donations
surrendered to the RSPCA. ensure that horses and humans find their from the public, Ms Briggs said.
Not all the horses are unloved; perfect match. This could be accomplished through
sometimes their owners pass away, Horse Welfare president Jo Briggs activities such as riding lessons or
or are no longer able to care for them said the organisation struggled agistment.
because of drought or floods. financially. Its our dream ... its all about the
And then there are the stories about Were just one of a number of horses.
the lucky ones who have been adopted animal welfare organisations that are
and given a second chance at life. trying to attract donations from people,
The work that this charitable Ms Briggs said.
organisation carries out on its properties Peoples incomes are stretched,
at Glen Oak in the Hunter Valley comes and there are myriad other worthwhile
at a big cost. charities to which people are also being
Firstly, there are on average 25 constantly asked to contribute, she
hungry mouths to feed, but this figure said.
can balloon out to as many as 60 horses Donations also tended to be one-
at any one time. offs, whereas Horse Welfares financial
Their feed bill is about $500 a week, commitments were ongoing, she said.
and then there are veterinary bills and Horse Welfare has forged a strong
costs such as shoeing on top of that. bond with the Tocal Field Days and its
Apart from rescuing, rehabilitating volunteers will again this year run the

44 Tocal Field Days

5 - 7 MAY, 201 7
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Livestock Exhibitors


Wash Bay

Piglet Races
L28 L8
L9 L10 L11
L30 L12
L17 L16 ROAD
L15 L14 L13
L26 L25 AREA
L24 L23

Exhibitor List
Company Name / Telephone Site Number

Australian Alpaca Association - Central Coast/Hunter Region 02 4934 1799 L27

Australian Braford Association 0427 108 880 L12

Catch the People Mover to the Livestock area
Chooktred 0417 349 573 L28

Cook Blacksmithing 02 4990 6139 L6

Dexter Group of Manning Valley 02 6577 6186 L10

10.30 am Conventional Fencing Eggs On Legs Poultry 0433 426 708 L21, L22
11.00 am Chicken Health Galloways Australia 02 6231 7345 L15
11.15 am Electric Fencing Horse Welfare Inc 0418 682 571 Horse Welfare
11.45 am Post Driving Demo Hunter Fine Feathers 0408 678 160 L19
12 noon Yard Design Hunter Valley Hereford Association Inc 02 4987 3405 L8
12.15 pm Breeder Talks Hunter Valley Limousin Promotion Group 02 4938 5380 L16, L17

1.15 pm Backyard Chickens Miniature Goats Association 0408 416 875 L18

1.30 pm Mini Goats NSW Wiltipolls 02 6557 0044 L24

1.45 pm Conventional Fencing Tumbi Valley Poultry & Dursley Poll Dorset Stud 02 4388 4364 L23

2.15 pm Electric Fencing Young Creative Farms 02 6887 2114 L31

Tocal Field Days 45

5 - 7 MAY, 2017
TOCAL FIELD DAYS Toc al Agr icul tura l Cen tre

Tocal Alumni
College and Cameron
Archer, Chair. The

link from the past

Committee has been
assisted by College

to the future
staff including Darren
Bayley Principal,
Ruth Luckner Acting
The Tocal Alumni was established in 2015 Leader eXtension and
as an initiative of the 50th anniversary of the Publications, Julie White
establishment of the College in 1965. While Manager Education
the College had been well served by an active Delivery and Robyn
and dedicated Ex-students Association it was Papworth, Assistant to
felt that more could be done to keep in touch the Principal. embraced the alumni to the extent that it
with past graduates but also with others who The first decision was to select a database has been embraced in the United States
have had an Association with College through program to manage the extensive contact of America. US institutions have enormous
attending a short course, serving as staff detail the College already has on its past alumni including alumni run businesses. Some
member, living in the district and so on. students. Accordingly, the program Potentiality alumni even run nursing homes!
A constitution was drawn up and was selected which is specifically designed Running a nursing home is not on the
approved by the CB Alexander Foundation to service organisations like Tocal Alumni. It agenda for the fledgling Tocal Alumni nor is on
under which the Alumni will operate. A first has many functions which will be introduced its radar!
committee was established which is working in time. At present only the basic functions are The main aim is to create an
to get a range of activities underway. operational. ongoing link between the College and its
The members are: Rex Kingston Friends In November, the first Alumni dinner was community in the widest sense. Todays
of Tocal, Beth McDonald ex-student, held in the College dining room on the evening communication technology provides much
member CB Alexander Foundation, David before Foundation Day. It was attended by a greater opportunities than in the past so we
Allan ex-student, Rita Hough ex-student, range of people from ex-students, staff, former must capitalise on that and use the latest
Scott Whiston, ex-student, John Lennon, staff and locals. technology to connect with our Alumni.
ex-student; Lisa Nies, ex-student, Sally Friis Australian tertiary education institutions
- Education Officer (Special Projects) Tocal and the community in general have never

Drop your entry into the Cowavan

Tell us what you think.

Fill out the survey to go in the draw to win a Sizzler Deluxe 2 !
One lucky winner will receive a Sizzler Deluxe 2 from
Caravan & Marine Barbecues. This will be drawn out of
the hat at 3pm on Sunday May 7.
sites 150 and 151.

Are you attending this event as a (pls tick a box) What are your 3 favourite things about on a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the following:
participant spectator exhibitor this event? Venue poor 1 2 3 4 5 excellent
other . Livestock/Animal displays Food 12345
What is your residential postcode? ................... Land Management ideas Entertainment 12345
entertainment Safety 12345
Are you a primary producer yes no
Organisation 12345
How many people are in your group? Atmosphere 12345
Products for sale
Children: .......under 12 .......12-17yrs Value for money 12345
Adults: .......18-39 .......40-54 .......55+ yrs Machinery
education More details at
Is this a day trip or longer stay for .... days Please provide details for winner notification (privacy protected).
Food & Wine
Are you staying in your own home hotel Name: .................................................................
motel campsite rented apt/house
Craft Email: ..................................................................
with friends other
other. Address: .............................................................
How did you hear about the event this year?
What would you change to improve the .............................................................................
flyers/posters word of mouth TV
internet radio newspaper other.... .............................................................................
How much do you expect to spend in the area
during the event? $0 - $50 $51-$100 .............................................................................
Copyright 2017. No reproductions without permission.
$101-$200 $201-$500 over $500
............................................................................. Destination research & Development

46 Tocal Field Days

Australias Best Stockyards
Sheep Cattle Horses Goats Alpacas

Murray Schaefer 37B Kyle Street Telephone: (02) 4932 1363

Mobile: 0425 315 913 Rutherford NSW 2320 Facsimile: (02) 4932 1361

SITES 233 - 235, 246, 247

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Tocal Field Days 47

48 Tocal Field Days

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