EPRI2009HeatRateConference FINAL
EPRI2009HeatRateConference FINAL
EPRI2009HeatRateConference FINAL
Applying the Fundamentals for Best Heat Rate Performance of Pulverized Coal Fueled Boilers
Often overlooked are the factors that boiler combustion and performance play in the overall heat rate
performance of pulverized coal plants. For example; a large utility boiler can be tested and found to be
meeting the original design boiler efficiency by completing an ASME boiler heat loss method performance
test. Yet the unit heat rate may be off design by over 300 Btus per kWh due to the non optimization of
airflows, air in leakage, high desuperheating spray water flows to the reheater and superheater, auxiliary
power consumption and/or non optimum steam temperatures (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 23). In fact, there are at least twenty
two operations and maintenance controllable heat rate factors that are controllable by excellence in O&M
at the boiler (2). The top ten of these boiler operations and maintenance controllable variables (based on
our experience) are:
It has been the authors experience that the average large coal fueled utility steam unit, on a given day,
has about 300 to 500 Btus per kWh heat rate improvement potential (2, 3).
This presentation will review some experiences and case studies of typical coal plants where the
fundamentals of optimizing furnace performance have led to significant heat rate improvements.
1.0 Introduction
Old coal fueled power plants are still the backbone of Americas base load power generation. The
average age of the American coal fueled fleet is about 35 years. In 2007, coal fueled power plants
produced about 49% of the total electric power generation of the United States. The plants are
amongst the lowest cost of generation of electric power and are likely to be depended on for years to
come. Reasonable cost electricity is an important factor for Americas economy and for industrial
competitiveness. Therefore the efficiency of these old plants should be improved upon to be the best
It has been the authors experience that many plants have significant opportunity for improvement in
heat rate. This is illustrated by Figure 1, which has been taken from the July 23, 2008 report by the
DOE/NETL, entitled Reducing CO2 Emissions by Improving the Efficiency of the Existing Coal-Fired
Power Plant Fleet. (24)
Figure 1
This figure indicates a wide spread between the Best and the Worst performing plant heat rates.
The purpose of this presentation is to show the opportunity to apply the fundamentals and achieve
significant improvement in overall plant efficiency.
Figure 2 on the next page is a figure that Storm Technologies, Inc. has used for years to illustrate the
potential improvements by applying excellence in operations and maintenance.(3) This slide
compares the design of the ASME historical power plant, Eddystone No. 1, which was designed for
an overall thermal efficiency of about 41% to several periods from 1957 to present day. The worlds
best most efficient plants even with extreme clean coal stack clean up auxiliaries are approaching
41% again. Yet, we depend on an aging fleet of about 1400 old coal plants that could achieve heat
rates of about 10,000 Btu/kWh or better, but often operate at about 10,500 Btus/KWh or about 32.5%
thermal efficiency.
Figure 2
With this background established of the potential improvement by applying the fundamentals, a few
examples will be reviewed of the results that may be (and have been) attained by Applying the
Fundamentals (2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23).
Improved Heat Rate Results should begin with the optimization of the combustion process.
Of course, this only applies to balanced draft systems. In our experiences, we occasionally are
involved with pressurized furnaces, but I estimate that 90% plus of the pulverized coal boilers in
operation, are balanced draft.
Figure 3 Combustion Airflow should be precisely measured and controlled. Any air that leaks into
the setting after the furnace exit is of no value to combustion and is a loss in efficiency. The overall
unit efficiency losses tend to compound one another and accumulate to very significant levels.
Total equivalent leakages of air, from the furnace to the air heaters, has been documented to the
range of 20% of the equivalent total air required for full load operation. See Figure 3 for typical
locations of air in-leakage (3).
This air in-leakage has resulted in significant heat rate penalties. Air in leakage and the resultant
oxygen starved furnace further contributes to loss of capacity and reliability from the high furnace exit
gas temperatures. Furnace oxygen starvation creates the reducing atmosphere which increases
slagging, fouling and water wall metal wastage.
In our experience, the heat rate penalty for excessive air in-leakage alone is often over 300 Btu/kWh.
Modern low NOX combustion systems typically have at least three air flow paths (excluding tramp air
in-leakage). These are: Primary Airflow, Secondary Airflow and Overfire Airflow. The secondary
airflow paths are often divided into at least two or more paths, of inner air or core air and peripheral
air in a two air zone low NOX burner as shown in the figures below.
Figure 3A
Some new generation low NOX burners have three or four secondary air zones, and some boilers
utilize underfire air or boundary air for partial admission of portions of the combustion airflow to the
burner belt.
70s High
20 Flames
Intensity Burner
2nd & 3rd Generation Low NOX
Burners w/ OFA / Staged
60 Flames
Challenging !
Figure 3B
The point attempted to be made here is the combustion airflow should be measured and controlled to
each point of admission into the furnace. Or at least, know the total quantities of airflow being
supplied to each major flow path; primary, secondary and overfire. The reason for knowing the exact
airflow proportions is that there is limited time to complete combustion. Only one or two seconds. (1, 3,
4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 19)
The residence time to combust pulverized coal fuel is only one to two seconds from the time a coal
particle enters the furnace (from the uppermost burners), until the de-volatilized particles are
quenched below the carbon char ignition temperature of 1,400 F as shown on Figure 4 below.
Figure 4
Because of this short time to completely combust the pulverized coal at a NOX compliant level, the
airflow paths must be precisely measured and controlled. The schematic of typical airflow paths is
shown on Figure 5.
The fundamental fact of coal combustion, especially for bituminous coals is that the de-volatilized
carbon char particles remaining after a pulverized coal particle enters the furnace will require a
minimum of 1400F and an oxidizing environment to complete combustion. Therefore, combustion
must be completed before the burning carbon char particles enter the convective heat transfer section
of the boiler.
So what does airflow management have to do with heat rate? Plenty! Here are a few examples:
High primary airflow harms heat rate. This is especially true for bituminous fuels (total fuel
moisture less than 10%) where significant tempering airflow is utilized as a component for
primary air.
Why? Because the tempering airflow bypasses the air heater and in so doing, gives up the
heat transfer of the exiting flue gas to exchange heat to that amount of combustion air in the
primary airflow path. In essence, this is an increase in the stack dry gas loss, due to a
slightly elevated flue gas exit temperature
Even greater losses in efficiency from non-optimized primary airflow show up as high furnace exit gas
temperatures which create heat rate penalties from a myriad of affects including: (1, 3, 4, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23)
Increased ash cinder (popcorn) ash deposits to foul or plug the SCR or APH.
These fouled surfaces then increase draft losses and increased fan power
High primary airflow usually creates poor fuel fineness and poor fuel
distribution which contribute to the above. Plus higher than optimum carbon
in ash.
Secondary airflows and overfire airflows are also important to be measured and controlled for best
furnace performance. (4, 21, 23) Another subject is fuels flexibility. The more precise the airflow
measurement and control is, the more tolerant a furnace is of fuels with lower fusion levels that
accompany higher sulfur and iron levels. (5, 6)
The typical heat rate improvement opportunity for optimizing combustion airflow is in the magnitude of
50-200 Btus/kWh. Not insignificant and at todays fuel costs there is both financial and
environmental incentives.
4.0 What does Flyash Unburned Carbon Have to do with Heat Rate?
The heat rate penalty for Bituminous Flyash LOI (or Loss on Ignition) is roughly accepted to be about
0.10% in efficiency for every 1.0% change in flyash LOI. In other words, if a boiler firing Central
Appalachian coal with a 12,000 Btu/pound HHV and 10% ash has a 15% flyash LOI, the losses due
to LOI when calculated by the ASME code will come out real close to 1.5 % in efficiency loss of the
boiler for the heat loss component attributed to carbon in ash. If the steam plant is operating at a heat
rate of 10,000 Btus/kWh, then the penalty could be expressed as 150 Btus per kWh. Seems simple
enough. Now, if combustion optimization is applied to the pulverizers, mechanical tolerances and
airflow, and the flyash LOI is reduced to about 5%, then the heat rate improvement would be roughly
about 100 Btus right? Well maybe.
It has been our experience that when the flyash LOI is reduced significantly, as in this example, the
heat rate improvement is often far better than the expected 100 Btus/kWh. Why? I have seen this
many times and the explanation is this. When the pulverizer adjustments are made, the airflow
proportions corrected, leakage repaired, and slagging reduced. Then there are a number of
compounding factors that work in the favor of better heat rate. Among them:
Less soot blowing, so there is a reduction in steam consumption and steam cycle losses.
Less draft losses from cinders plugging the SCR or the Air Preheaters. So, there is less
auxiliary horsepower required for the fans.
Less draft losses create less air heater differential between the entering air and leaving gas.
This reduced delta of static pressures reduces airheater leakage rates.
As the fires are lowered in the furnace and active combustion is lowered down and out of the
superheater and reheater, then there are less de-superheating water spray flows which are in
themselves a large unit heat rate penalty.
Operations and maintenance personnel when working to reduce the flyash LOI become more
aware of the other 21 O&M Controllable factors at the boiler and the overall heat rate
improvement using flyash LOI as a precursor can yield improvements that exceed
expectations from flyash carbon loss alone.
There are two lists that Storm uses as check lists to optimize combustion. They are the Thirteen
Essentials and the 22 Heat Rate Factors Controllable by O & M.
Myself and others in our company have presented numerous presentations, written articles for
magazines and technical publications on the Storm approach to getting the furnace inputs right so I
will not repeat the details here. The reference list at the end of this paper lists 23 publications or
presentations on the subject Optimizing Furnace Inputs. Suffice it to say, we know they work and
we have obtained good results by applying the fundamentals.
Figure 6
Figure 6 represents an actual case study of a 650MW, wall fired 2400 psi/1000F/1,000F unit. This
was a coordinated effort by all of the O & M team, and Storm Technologies personnel using our
testing and diagnostic techniques. Basically, the Heat Rate was improved overall by over 500
Btus/kWh by a comprehensive approach to getting the boiler inputs optimized , feedwater cycle,
condenser, cooling tower and balance of plant. By teamwork, the overall heat rate was improved
significantly on two occasions. The high peaks were when attention was not applied to the boiler.
I have been involved in many such successes as shown on Figure 6. Our approach works, when the
O & M team all buys in and applies the fundamentals.
Begin with a comprehensive diagnostic testing program that includes at least seven variables for
measurement, then plan and execute the required maintenance operations to achieve results. See
Figure 7a.
7.0 EmissionSamplingSystemsbySTORMTECHNOLOGIES
Figure 7A
Main Secondary Air Ducts
Compartments PORT 8
Primary Air
Coal Piping Venturis
What are the rewards for Applying the Fundamentals? Well, if a 500 MW pulverized coal plant is
operating at a heat rate of say 10,700 Btu/kWh and the heat rate can be reduced to 10,200 Btu/kWh
the financial incentive is millions of dollars in fuel savings, plus the reduction in carbon dioxide.
Typical opportunities are outlined on the table below. (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 21, 23)
AirInLeakage 200Btu/kWh
PrimaryAirflowOptimization 50Btu/kWh
Balance 100Btu/kWh
ReducingAirHeaterLeakage 80Btu/kWh
ReducedCoal"Pyrites"Rejects 40Btu/kWh
ReducedCarboninAsh 50Btu/kWh
Reductionofdesuperheatingspraywaterflows 50Btu/kWh
Total: 570Btu/kWh
Figure 8
6.0 Summary
There are two observations that I have made over my 40+ years in this business. 1) During the
60s there was much attention to pulverizer coal fineness testing, air in-leakage testing, airheater
tests and periodic unit heat rate tests. Plant Results Engineering staff focused on these tests and
results. Back then, the boilers were often relatively new compared to the aging coal fleet we now
depend upon. It has been my observation that there are less results engineering and test and
results technicians employed in the plant staffs now, than there was 40 years ago. This would
seem to be a missed opportunity for heat rate improvement, reduction of fuel costs and reduction
of carbon emissions.
2) The second point is that the boiler furnace duty has been increased since the 60s and 70s.
There have been extreme measures to reduce NOX with the installation of low NOX burner
systems. Fuels have been changed, many boilers designed for eastern bituminous fuels, now fire
lower grade western fuels such as PRB. Exacerbating the challenge is the fact that often major
plant overhauls have been changed from 6 months between boiler scheduled outages to
sometimes more than 2 years. The overall reliability, considering the NOX changes, extended
time between overhauls and fuel changes, are remarkable and noteworthy accomplishments.
However, these accomplishments could, in the authors opinion be made even better with more
attention to applying the fundamentals to the furnace performance.
As a third party observer experienced in the art of coal power generation, a fair question occurs to
me: Is it now time to apply the fundamentals of getting the furnace inputs optimized and driving
maintenance work orders from actual diagnostic tests?
[14]Testing Improves Results, Stephen K. Storm, Daniel S.
[1] Getting the most from Boilers Stephen K. Storm, Storm, Sammy Tuzenew, Adam McClellan; Storm
Industrial Fuels & Power Magazine, December 2008 Technologies, U.S. Review of how testing can be utilized to
optimize old PC fired boilers; World Coal Magazine, September
[2] The Fundamentals of Combustion & The Apples 2004
Approach to Optimization. Stephen Storm, Power Plant
Summit, 2008 CII, Sponsored by the U.S. DOE, NETL and [15] Practical Diagnostic Tests to Identify Opportunities to
U.S. AID, New Delhi, India improve heat rate, reliability and capacity on large
pulverized coal fired boilers, R.F. Storm, Danny Storm,
[3] Large Electric Utility and Combustion Performance Adam McClellan, NTPC Thermal Power Generation
Conference, 2003 New Delhi, India.
Improvements Short Course Storm Technologies, Inc.,
2008 [16] Opportunities for Improvement of Controllable Heat
Rate Variables at the Boiler. Are these Really Stealth
[4] The Extreme Importance of Total Air & Fuel Flow
Losses or Simply Correctable by Applying the
Measurement on a 450MW B&W Wall Fired Unit firing high
Fundamentals? R.F. Storm, EPRI Conference, 2005
sulfur fuels. Electric Power Conference 2008 May 7th, 2008,
Baltimore, MD. [17] Conducting a Comprehensive Diagnostic Test on a
Pulverized Coal Fueled Boiler; Richard F. Storm, Stephen K.
[5] Maximizing Plant Performance - Stephen Storm. Storm, Sammy Tuzenew; World Coal Magazine, September
Presentation at Clyde Bergmanns Boiler Cleaning 2003.
Symposium, 2008
[18] Three Years Operating Experience at a Low NOX
[6] Quality Counts A look at different ways to measure Limit of .33lbs/MMBTU with Flyash Carbon Content Less
coal quality Stephen Storm, WORLD COAL MAGAZINE, than 5%,, Richard F. Storm, Glenn Burney, Ervin Carden,
March 2008 rd
3 Annual Conference on Unburned Carbon on Utility Flyash -
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. May 1997.
[7] A Review of the Importance of Measuring and
Controlling the Furnace Inputs on a Typical PC Fired Pittsburgh, PA.
500MW boiler R.F. Storm, Stephen Storm, POWER
MAGAZINE, October 2007 [19] Performance Combustion and Reliability
Optimization of a 360MW Unit, Firing 90% Pulverized Coal
[8] To Optimize Performance, Begin at the Pulverizer R.F. and 10% MSW, Richard F. Storm, William Furman, Jay
Storm, POWER MAGAZINE, February 2007 Chesser, T.J. Reilly, POWER-GEN, 1996.
[9] Apply the Fundamentals to Improve Emissions [20] A Comprehensive Common Sense Approach to Low
Performance R.F. Storm, POWER MAGAZINE, October 2006
NOX Combustion in Pulverized Coal Fired Boilers,
[10] Achieving Simultaneous NOX & Combustion Richard F. Storm, IJPGC, ASME technical Paper, 1996.
Improvements on a 90 MW CE Unit by applying the
fundamentals Stephen Storm; Storm Technologies, Inc.; [21] Performance Optimization of a Boiler Equipped with
PWR2006-88157, Electric Power 2006 Low NOX Burners, Richard F. Storm, Glen Burney, Mike
Gallagher, Mark Lanseidel, POWER-GEN, 1995.
[11] Vertical Spindle Pulverizer Optimization Stephen
Storm; Storm Technologies, Inc.; PWR2006-88156, Electric [22] Optimizing Combustion in Boiler with Low NOX
Power 2006 Burners, Richard F. Storm, POWER Magazine, October
[12] NOX Reduction without Low NOX Burners Stephen
Storm; Maureen Moss (Southern Company). (Electric Power
[23] Optimizing Boiler Air & Fuel on a 450 MW Coal Fired
Boiler, Patrick McGowan, Barry Pulskamp, Richard Storm
[13]Testing Improves Results, Stephen K.Storm, Daniel S. University of Kentucky Coal Conference, April 1991
Storm, Sammy Tuzenew, Adam McClellan; Storm
Technologies, U.S. Review of how testing can be utilized to [24] Reducing CO2 Emissions by improving the efficiency
optimize old PC fired boilers; World Coal Magazine, September of the existing Coal-Fired Power Plant Fleet, DOE-NETL,
2004 July 23, 2008.