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Biobased and

Renewable Industries
for Development and
Growth in Europe
Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA)


Disclaimer: This document reflects the ambitions and objectives of the members of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC) in
March 2013, and is the basis for road mapping towards the BRIDGE calls for proposals. The BRIDGE SIRA will frequently be adjusted
based on technology and market developments, results obtained and ambitions of new members entering the BIC.
1. Executive Summary

The Biobased Industry Vision

The industry vision is that of a competitive, innovative and sustainable Europe leading the transition towards a
post-petroleum society while decoupling economic growth from resource depletion and environmental impact.

In this vision, the Biobased Industries will optimize land use and food security through a sustainable, resource-
efficient and largely waste-free utilisation of Europes renewable raw materials for industrial processing into a wide
array of biobased products:
Advanced transportation fuels1
Food ingredients and feed

In doing so, the Biobased Industry will play an important role in spurring sustainable growth and boosting
Europes competitiveness by re-industrialising and revitalising rural areas, thus providing tens of thousands of
high-skilled research, development and production jobs over the next decade.

How to realise this Vision?

At the heart of this vision, the development of biobased value chains will be accelerated. New biomass supply
chains will be developed to feed new integrated biorefineries while existing biorefineries will be brought to a
new level: to secure feedstock availability and flexibility throughout the year, with multiple inputs and multiple
outputs. These developments will gradually complement and replace product streams from fossil oil and provide
innovative new products and solutions and markets. The Biobased Industries play a critical role in the realisation
of this vision and are already making significant investments in biorefineries.

However, critical technological, political and market challenges remain before full-scale commercialisation of the
innovations can succeed and innovative solutions are brought to the market. Another fundamental challenge is
the innovation Valley of Death, from research to market. These challenges cannot be overcome by individual
companies or the industry alone.

The competitiveness will be increased by reversing the currently seen trend of significant biobased economy
investments in regions outside Europe where framework conditions appear to be more attractive. A long term
research and innovation agenda jointly funded by public and private players can help address this challenge.
This will be done by developing new value chains, de-risking investment in demonstration projects of innovative
processes and in building first-of-its-kind flagship plants.

Biofuel from waste, residue and non-food cellulosic material, RED Article 21(2). This means that any R&D, demonstration and flagships in the
PPP dedicated to biofuel production will be based on waste, residue and non-food cellulosic feedstock.
Flagship plants are the first units of value chains operating at an economically viable scale

BRIDGE Public Private Partnership (PPP)
The PPP on Biobased Industries (BRIDGE PPP) is an integrated and fundamental tool under Horizon 2020 to
realise the biobased industry vision. BRIDGE focuses on developing EU-based value chains and accelerating the
transition to advanced feedstock for biorefineries: It will focus on:
Building new value chains based on the development of sustainable biomass collection and supply
systems with increased productivity, and improved utilisation of biomass feedstock (incl. co- and by-
products), while unlocking utilisation and valorisation of waste and lignocellulosic biomass;
Bringing existing value chains to new levels, through optimised uses of feedstock and industrial side-
streams, and offering innovative added value products to the market, thus creating a market pull and
reinforcing the competitiveness of EU agriculture and forest based industries;
Bringing technology to maturity through research and innovation, and through upgrading and building
demonstration and flagship biorefineries that will process the biomass into a range of innovative
biobased products.

BRIDGE fully recognises that biomass is not an unlimited resource. It must be utilised intelligently, to ensure that
additional uses of biomass do not compromise the ability to produce food in sufficient quality and quantity. By
doing so, the PPP will ensure availability of a sustainable and secure supply of biomass both for food and feed
applications as well as for chemicals, materials, fuels and energy.

To enable supply of additional and sufficient biomass for a biobased economy, it is critical to increase the
productivity and output of biomass from European forest and agricultural land in a sustainable way and to unlock
the potential of the residues and side-streams and waste. BRIDGE focuses on optimising utilisation of existing
feedstock (forest and agricultural biomass) and the development of new feedstock supply chains (e.g. forest
residues, agricultural lignocellulosic residues or dedicated crops), as well as industrial side streams and organic
municipal waste. Providing new markets for biomass producers strengthens rural economies, and allows further
development and investment in the production system. Albeit essential for the future of the biobased economy,
the advanced feedstock supplies are still underdeveloped and require significant infrastructure for mobilization
and logistics. The goal of BRIDGE is to address those issues by 2020 through research, demonstration of
technologies and flagship projects to build efficient and cost competitive supply chains and transformation units.

Cooperation towards new biobased value chains and markets

All developments will occur in parallel and will lead to technology and competence transfer between sectors. In
the short term existing value chains will drive the product development, in particular for added value products.
Without biobased product market development at an early stage, there will be no market pull in Europe for the
biobased economy and thus significant delay in its deployment. As new supply chains develop to 2020 and
become economically viable, the biobased economy feedstock will increasingly come from lignocellulosic supply.
The PPP builds upon the strong agricultural, agro-food, forestry and pulp & paper sectors and world-leading
companies in the plant breeding, biotechnology, chemistry, energy and bioprocess engineering. It also capitalizes
on the vast amount of R&D investments and results, both optimising and utilizing Europes existing pilot and
demonstration facilities, and realising the required leap forward towards advanced technologies utilizing waste and
lignocellulosic feedstock. But not least, BRIDGE will leverage the combined and complementary knowledge and
skills of academia, research organisations, SMEs3 and larger corporations to achieve its innovation objectives.

The primary mode of participation by SMEs in PPP activities is expected to be as regular industry actors

The Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA)
The BRIDGE multi-annual SIRA translates the PPP ambitions into a coherent set of actions that will deliver
tangible and increasingly ambitious results by 2020 and by 2030.

The SIRA includes a balanced combination of:

Value chain demonstration projects aiming towards integration and deployment of technologies and
R&D results into actual value chains and bringing technology close to commercial scale through
upscaling in demonstration activities and flagship projects;
R&D projects focused on filling the gaps in technological innovations: dedicated projects on the
development of specific technologies and concepts needed to realise the value chains, and proving the
principles in pilot installations;
Supporting projects, addressing the cross-sectoral challenges and supporting the value chains to
become reality.

The projects of the SIRA will be developed around 5 value chains, where specific deliverables will be
demonstrated, ultimately leading to flagship projects.

1. F rom lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials: realising
the feedstock and technology base for the next generation of fuels, chemicals and materials;
2. The next generation forest-based value chains: utilisation of the full potential of forestry biomass by
improved mobilisation and realisation of new added value products and markets;
3. The next generation agro-based value chains: realising the highest sustainability and added value by
improved agricultural production and new added value products and markets;
4. Emergence of new value chains from (organic) waste: From waste problems to economic opportunities
by realising sustainable technologies to convert waste into valuable products;
5. The integrated energy, pulp and chemicals biorefineries: Realising sustainable bio-energy production,
by backwards integration with biorefinery operations isolating higher added value components.

 o have competitive biobased products in the market in 2020, each step of the value chains needs to be
competitive: the feedstock supply, the processing, as well as the product(s) and market (both in term of price and
environmental performance). BRIDGE focuses on developing, optimizing and demonstrating this competitiveness
throughout the five value chains.

2. The long-term strategic objectives for the
Biobased Economy
BRIDGE activities reflect clearly the ambitions of industrial partners to contribute to a sustainable society on
the longer term. The PPP will trigger further developments leading to long-term benefits: new value chains and
products initiated and demonstrated by BRIDGE will come into full deployment, biorefineries will be upgraded
and new flagships will be built, new biobased developments will be triggered by the PPP activities, and dedicated
policy measures will be put in place.

BRIDGE will achieve concrete and significant results by 2020, yet the greatest leverage effect and commercial
deployment will be reached in the period from 2020 to 2030. Thus the strategic objectives of the Biobased
Economy that will be stimulated and triggered by the PPP are evaluated over two periods4.


The PPP activities will help to guarantee a secure and sustainable supply of lignocellulosic biomass (incl. waste) for
European biorefineries through the development of integrated and sustainable agricultural and forestry value chains;

There is a potential to better valorise agriculture land that currently is no longer under production or is currently not
under optimal use. BRIDGE aims to contribute to put 15% of this underutilized land back into production or at least
be better utilized in 2020 (35% by 2030);

Current EU biomass utilisation for food, feed and materials is 1100 Mton. The amount of biomass used in the EU
for energy and material uses is estimated to amount to 500 Mton5. The PPP results will contribute to achieve
10% increase in biomass supply in Europe by 2020 (20% by 2030) by increasing productivity and mobilization in
sustainable manner while making best use of innovations in agriculture and forestry practices;

Current unused by-products and wastes from various biobased sources (agriculture, forestry, waste water treatment,
sludge, organic household waste, yard waste, food processing waste, debarking waste) amount to a total of 2.8 bn
tons/year in the EU6. BRIDGE activities will stimulate the mobilisation and utilisation of these potential resources to
be increased to 15% of the total amount in 2020 (25% in 2030);

BRIDGE results will contribute to maintain and further develop a competitive and knowledge intensive rural economy
in Europe based on biorefineries resulting in new, higher and more diversified revenues to farmers and cooperatives
and creating up to 400.000 new skilled jobs in 2020 (700.000 by 2030), of which more than 80% will be in rural
and today underdeveloped areas;

The qualitative and quantitative objectives in this table have been identified through intense discussions among all partners, and reflect business plans and
expected investments. Unless otherwise stated the reference for the figures is the current situation in 2012.
Of this, approx. 400 Mton comes from forestry and other wood sources. In 2010, 229 Mton wood was used for materials, 173 Mton for energy (Mantau, U. et al.
(2010), EUwood. Final report, 30. June 2010). In 2008, industry used some 18.6 million tonnes of biomass (excl. wood), and the total quantity of biomass (excl.
wood) used for both materials and energy use amounted to over 98 million tonnes (Jossart, J.-M. (2009): Development of the bioenergy sector future European
demand factors, technological development and competition. EEA-JRC-UASE Workshop Biomass resource assessment for biofuels/bioenergy and competition
with other biomass. Eberswalde, December 2009). No numbers exist for EU alone, but the worldwide harvested biomass in 2008 was 13 bn tons (forestal and
agricultural). Of this, 73% was used for food and feed, 11% was wood for material use, 10% wood for energy use and only approx. 3 % each was renewable raw
materials for material and energy use (Nova-Institut 2011, FAO 2011, Kausmann et al 2008).
IEA Bioenergy Task 37. See also:,,,, generation.

The biomass available will be fully utilized and cycles will be closed. The PPP will contribute to protein isolation and
valorisation from additional biomass processing, that will result in 15% reduced import of protein (e.g. soy) for feed
in Europe in 2020 (50% by 2030). Currently 2300 Mton of phosphate and 2700 Mton of potash are consumed in
the EU, most of which (estimated 90%) are imported in the form of rock materials or processed rock (non-renewable
resources) into the EU. Optimisation of soil fertility programmes including recovery and use of phosphate and potash,
as triggered by the PPP activities, will lead to a 10% reduced import of those components for fertilizers applied to
feedstock production (25% by 2030);

BRIDGE will contribute to and trigger industrial deployment of biobased chemicals, biomaterials and advanced
biofuels, so that
o 20% of the chemicals and materials production in Europe will be biobased by 2020 (30% to 2030); this is
compared to the current situation 10% of chemicals and materials being biobased.
o By 2020 at least 2%7 of Europes transport energy demand will be met by sustainable advanced biofuels (25%
in 2030, together with an overall 50% improved road transport system efficiency8); This is compared to the
current situation of no advanced biofuels in European fuel mix.
o At least 5 first-of-its-kind flagship plants will be realised to optimise technology for biomass conversion and
ensure price-competitiveness for a second wave of commercial production to kick-in from 2017.
BRIDGE will realise a new generation of biobased materials and composites, allowing the production of better-
performing components for application in several industries. With this the PPP contributes to the ambition that in
2020, the market supplied by biobased polymers and composites at comparable quality-price ratio compared to the
fossil alternatives will be 5 times higher than today (factor 10 in 2030); increased consumer acceptance, concerted
policy and labelling, awareness of biobased products as well as recycling and reuse will have an important contribution
to the improved market penetration;

Through its combined efforts the PPP will have a significant contribution to the European objective of achieving 20%
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 (compared to 1990 levels);

As a consequence of following the openness and excellence principles, BRIDGE intends to actively involve academia,
research organisations, and SMEs9 such that at least 15% of the Horizon 2020 funds allocated through the PPP
goes to these actors. It is expected that significant additional industry funding will go to academia, RTOs and SMEs
through their participation in industry-driven demonstration activities.

A 2% substitution of the transport fuels in 2020 with advanced ethanol would require 45 Mton of biomass
Should SMEs decide to participate in contract research. But it is expected that the primary mode of participation by SMEs in PPP activities will
be as regular industry actors, which significantly increases the industrial SME participation.

3. The objectives and activities of BRIDGE PPP
The long-term strategic objectives will be achieved by the triggering of and leverage effects on the BRIDGE direct
deliverables. This Chapter describes the BRIDGE activities, as well as the direct deliverables (the Key Performance
Indicators - KPIs), which will be achieved if the right framework conditions can be developed.

Table 2. BRIDGE direct deliverables 2020

 36 new cross-sector interconnections in biobased economy clusters (new bridges creating cooperation between the
9 different sectors (see figure 3);

At least 10 new biobased value chains (new products and feedstock);

 a total industrial investment of 2.8 bn Euro by the PPP partners in research, development and innovation
via R&D projects, realised demonstration and flagship projects: both by building of new operations and upgrading
existing and abandoned industrial sites to be converted into biorefinery operations (reindustrialisation);

More than 200 cooperation projects through cross-industry clusters;

 he new biobased products resulting from BRIDGE will on average have an at least 50% reduction on green house
gas emission compared to their fossil alternatives;

10 new regional biorefinery clusters raised: biorefinery demonstrations, with regional biomass supply;

10 conversion of existing and unused facilities into biorefineries;

 At least 5 flagships resulting from BRIDGE producing new biobased materials, chemicals and fuels which have
proven to become cost-competitive to the alternatives based on fossil resources (at least 1 per value chain).

BRIDGE aims at accelerating the building of biobased value chains, starting from sustainable feedstock production
and mobilization towards the implementation and use of biobased materials and products (see Figure 1).

Biomass and organic waste

Industrial side-streams:
o Residues from the wood industry/saw mills and other
biobased processes
o By-streams from biorefineries
o Agro-industrial side-streams, partly now utilised as Biobased products & markets
feed, other pre-consumer side-streams and waste Biobased chemicals

streams Bioplastics / biomaterials /

Wood, recovered paper and side-streams from forestry, packaging
landscape, nature Advanced biofuels
Agricultural residues, partly now being left on the land or (incl. aviation)
burned Specialties (eg. Biosurfactants,
Agricultural crops lubricants, pharmaceuticals)
Dedicated ligno-cellulosic / fibre crops Food ingredients and feed
New promising biomass sources (e.g. aquatic biomass, Bioenergy
such as algae)
Process and waste water
Municipal organic waste
Agricultural surplus produced by the EU member states
Animal manure

Figure 1. Biobased value chains envisioned in BRIDGE

3.1. BRIDGE activities in the period 2014-2020
A sustainable growth of the biobased economy requires a dedicated and balanced approach addressing
specific common research and innovation challenges, while integrating and demonstrating cooperation between
stakeholders over different disciplines and value chains. These key challenges have been grouped into three types
of projects, as follows:
Value chain demonstration projects aiming towards integration and deployment of technologies and
R&D results into actual value chains and bringing technology close to commercial scale through
upscaling in demonstration activities and flagship projects;
R&D projects focused on filling the gaps in technological innovations: dedicated projects on the
development of specific technologies and concepts needed to realise the value chains, and proving the
principles in pilot installations;
Supporting projects, addressing the cross-cutting challenges and supporting the value chains to
become reality.

Projects in BRIDGE, especially the value chain demonstration and their resulting flagship projects, will consider
the whole value chain. To have competitive biobased products in the market in 2020, each step of the value
chain needs to be competitive: the feedstock supply, the processing and the product (both in term of price
and performances).

Further details about the different types of projects are presented in the following chapters.

Biomass supply Biorefineries Products/Markets

R&D projects
Cross cutting issues

Value Chain demonstration projects Flagships

Figure 2. Overview of BRIDGE projects

Value chain demonstration projects contain mainly demonstrator activities corresponding to Technology Readiness
Level (TRL) levels 4 to 6. This activities are considered as being the last non-commercial step to demonstrate the
performance and reliability of all critical steps in a value chain so that the first commercial unit can be designed
and performance guaranteed from the outcome of the demo unit. Operation of such projects for the purpose of
demonstration of the innovative technologies will either not generate any revenue or generate insufficient revenues to
pay back capital costs and cover operating costs. The purpose of these value chain demonstration projects is to provide
the backbone for subsequent flagships (demonstrator TRL 7-8 projects). The scale / maturity of demonstrators TRL
4-6 should be high enough to be able to prove technical, environmental and economical performance and provide
enough data so that the technology can be realistically scaled-up to industrial size after successful operation of the

Flagship projects mainly include Demonstrator activities corresponding to TRL levels 7-8. Flagships are the first units of
value chains operating at an economically viable scale. Building and running such plants entails significantly higher costs
and risks than demonstration plants because of the increased scale. They have significantly higher costs and higher risks
than subsequent commercial plants which benefit from a learning curve and lower risks premium for the capital and
loans funding the project.

R&D projects mainly include Research activities, which are focused on applied research to be performed based on R&D
demands arising from the Value Chain demonstration projects. Applied research here refers to scientific study and
research directed primarily towards a specific practical aim or objective (e.g. research that seeks for new technologies.

Table 3. Definitions of the innovation and research phases10

Starting points are the definitions provided in the EIBI Implementation plan, as well as the TRL-definitions used by the Commission (Reference to Commission
document on TRL levels). TRL 3: Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept; TRL 4: Technology validation in a laboratory
environment; TRL 5: Technology validation in a relevant environment ; TRL 6: Technology demonstration in a relevant environment; TRL 7: Technology prototype
demonstration in an operational environment ; TRL 8: Actual technology system completed and qualified through test and demonstration ; TRL 9: Actual
technology system qualified through successful mission operations;

3.1.1 Value Chain demonstration projects -
addressing the integration challenge
The core of BRIDGE is the realisation of new untraditional partnerships. This aims for accelerating the building of
biobased value chains by the cooperation throughout and across value chains. Value chains will be well integrated
to existing infrastructure, demonstrated at suitable level and fully aligned with market demand and sustainable
policies. Addressing these challenges through demonstration activities will prove the viability of the new value
chains thus contributing to overcome investments barriers.

The demonstration activities in the value chain projects of BRIDGE aim to provide the final proof of technological
and economic feasibility of a process or product manufacturing and the necessary supply chain before moving
into a commercial phase. A demonstration activity allows, for instance, to scale-up a process to industrial or near-
industrial scale. Each step of the process has previously been tested and validated individually on a pilot scale.
The demonstration activities focus on proving how different sub-processes can be combined using equipment
available at industrial scale. Research activities within the demonstration activities focus therefore mainly on
optimization of flows and cost reduction. Those research activities could be for instance testing operational
conditions that have been identified before at research and pilot scale to optimize productivity, or to reduce costs.
The monitoring, data collection and analysis is critical during this phase. A demonstration also aims at fine tuning
the process to ensure a reproducible and constant quality of the product(s).

Wherever possible the value chain demonstration projects will make use of the existing infrastructure and
available demonstration facilities for the Biobased Economy (available at the PPP partners - industry and SMEs,
or open shared facilities11). For some of the new innovative value chains new and near-industrial scale facilities will
be required. The developments in the demonstrated value chains will lead to investments in flagship plants.

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (See 3.1.2).

Moreover, demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological, cross-cutting challenges to be solved.
This will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues (See 3.1.3). The value chains
demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. Each value chain area will lead to
at least one flagship project. These flagships projects will cover the full value chain. They will include programmes
realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and industrial

Five main innovative biobased value chains have been identified, in which demonstration projects will be carried
out. These value chains are built on the ambitions of the existing sectors / industries (the pillars) that all have
biobased ambitions, though from different perspectives. The current agro- and forest biobased sectors want
to strengthen their competitiveness by increasing their product portfolio and maximise the use of scraps and
residues. The waste-sector aims to achieve a valuable and sustainable solution for converting waste-streams into
resources. And the chemicals, materials, fuels and energy sector have ambitions to transform their current fossil-
based products into new sustainable biobased products with low environmental footprint aiming for consolidation
of existing markets and creation of new ones.

BRIDGE will thus strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of all biobased industries, by strengthening
the innovation pillars. This increased innovation capacity will facilitate and accelerate the emergence of new
sustainable value chains building on an innovative and economically strong infrastructure: effectively building the
bridges towards new value chains (Figure 3).

E.g. Leuna, Biobase Europe Ghent, BRI platform Reims, Bioprocess Pilot Facilities Delft, facilities at RTOs, as well as company-owned pilot and
demonstration facilities

Figure 3. Bridging between the pillars towards the Biobased Economy

Though starting from different feedstock and/or ambitions, all value chains aim to improve the biomass supply
chains and to cooperate for the development and demonstration of new biobased chemicals, fuels, materials and
products. Therefore common ambitions are set on achieving the supply chain and product deliverables:

Table 4. BRIDGE direct deliverables 2020 - Biomass Supply

5 to 10 new/innovative species varieties;

10% higher mobilisation of forest biomass by innovative technologies;

10% higher biomass yield by combining innovative cultivation methods with the regional most suitable crop rotation;

Higher efficiency of fertilizer use (focus on N, P, K) by 15% increase of harvested biomass per unit of fertilizer;

15% increase in the water use efficiency by adapted crop rotations and management practices.

Table 5. BRIDGE direct deliverables 2020 - Biobased Products

5 new building blocks based on biomass of European origin validated at demonstration scale, further increasing to
10 in 2030;

10 functionalized chemicals and materials developed, with demonstration of their economic feasibility, lower
environmental footprint and societal benefits;

5 successfully demonstrated concepts for valorisation of proteins from plant residues;

50 new biobased materials (eg. such as specialty fibres, plastics, composites and packaging solutions);

30 new demonstrated consumer products based on biobased chemicals and materials;

5 new biodegradable, compostable or recyclable bio based products and materials for short life application.

Value chain 1

From lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials: realising the
feedstock and technology base for the next generation of fuels, chemicals and materials.

The projects within this value chain aim at realising sustainable and efficient cascaded value chains at scale to
mobilise and convert lignocellulosic feedstock into cost-competitive advanced biofuels12 and biobased chemicals
and materials. This includes new/improved profitable lignocellulosic biomass sources with a higher efficiency
in the production (fertilizer, water use, logistics) and/or improved digestibility in biorefineries. This will reduce
industrial waste streams and improve the environmental impact, contributing to reducing the pressure on natural
resources, the European dependency on imports and increasing the development of rural livelihood. Moreover,
it focuses on creating a financial incentive and better revenues for farmers and forest owners to produce and
mobilise more biomass at a competitive price. This value chain furthermore includes the demonstration of
advanced technologies to hydrolyze and convert lignocellulosics in a sustainable and economic way into valuable
chemical building blocks, materials, and advanced biofuels.

The value chain demonstration projects will achieve:

Mobilizing an increasing supply by sustainably increasing productivity and mobilization of currently
unused biomass and residues for agro and forest with special attention to SMEs and farmers/foresters
Cost-efficient preparation of harvested material at farm level including suitable packaging and e.g.
water extraction from the biomass to reduce transport volume and improved storage capability
Improved logistics and storage to provide a continuous supply of feedstock
Development and demonstration of new feedstock with higher sugar content (C6 and C5)
Integration of lignocellulosic feedstock (e.g. agricultural residues) supply, transportation and storage
into a complete biorefinery logistics concept to demonstrate economics of year-round operation
Evaluate feedstock flexibility of lignocellulosic enzymatic conversion processes for European
lignocellulosic biomasses (available agricultural residues, wood residues, energy crops) at
demonstration scale
Demonstration of cost-effective fractionation, separation and purification technologies for
lignocellulosic biomass into its basic components, such as lignin, cellulose, hemi-cellulose, sugars and
other carbohydrates
Development and demonstration of low-cost integrated bioreactors in order to reduce the investment
needed for the production of biofuels and biochemicals
Separation and purification technologies for high quality (low cost) sugar streams for chemicals
and fuels
Development and testing of robust enzyme cocktails for (ligno-cellulosic) biomass conversion for
improved performance and cost price reduction
Demonstrate innovative biotechnological, biocatalytic and catalytic routes to obtain building blocks and
chemicals from cellulosic sugars (C5 and C6), to convert ethanol into butanol, and to produce ethanol
and butanol derivatives
Production of biobased advanced fuels and materials via innovative advanced technologies
Improving the overall conversion yield from the lignocellulosic feedstock into biochemicals and biofuels
Demonstrate processes for transforming lignin into high(er) value products, such as hydrocarbons,
biomolecules, aromatic platform chemicals, resins, additives, new materials and composites
Demonstrate production of derivative products from ethanol and other fermentation products (e.g.
ethylene, ethylene oxide, butanol derivatives, jet fuels)
Demonstrate processes that decrease Capex and / or Opex and increase the overall process
sustainability of processes based on lignocellulosic feedstock12 biofuels include road transport fuel and
aviation jet fuel
Demonstrate the economics of combined production of biofuels and bio-based chemicals from
lignocellulosic feedstock at large scale

Demonstrate the added value of integration of existing chemical and catalytic conversion technologies
into production processes based on lignocellulosic feedstock
Polymerisation processes based on new biobased monomers, biopolymer processing into products
(films, fibres, packaging, structural composites for e.g. automotive, agriculture) and demonstration of
routes to replace specific fossil-based polymers
Demonstration of new value chains leading to consumer products
Increase consumer awareness on biobased products and biobased economy
Identify and create market applications for new biobased products; diversification of markets of
current biomass based products; networks and closer cooperation with downstream industries to better
understand and serve industrial customers and consumers requirements
Demonstrate industrial feasibility for new products

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (see section 3.1.2 for the
description behind the topics):
Moreover, demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological, cross-cutting challenges to be solved.
This will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues (See 3.1.3).

R&D project topics

1.1.1; 1.1.4; 1.2.1; 1.2.3; 1.2.4; 1.2.5; 1.2.6; 1.2.7; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.1.3; 2.1.4; 2.2.1; 2.2.2; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 3.1.2; 3.1.3; 3.1.4; 3.1.5;
3.1.8; 3.1.10; 3.1.12; 3.2.1; 3.3.1; 3.3.2; 3.3.3; 3.3.4; 3.3.5

The value chains demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. This value chain
will lead to at least flagship project. These flagships projects will cover the full value chain. They will include
programmes realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and
industrial infrastructures. See below an example of one of the possible flagship projects to be realised within
value chain nr 1.

Value chain Flagship Example

A flagship for advanced biofuels using 400.000 dry tons of straw could produce biofuels and biochemicals
(ethanol, butanol, polyols, diols) and energy.

Value chain 2

The next generation forest-based value chains: utilisation of the full potential of forestry biomass by improved
mobilisation and realisation of new added-value products and markets.

Projects within this value chain are built on the current sustainable practice of forestry and its processing value
chain (e.g. the pulp and paper industry). The ambition of this sector is to increase the product portfolio and to
create new markets in addition to the current products. Technologies and applications will be developed based on
their current raw materials and the residues and side streams.

This will be achieved by creating more added-value products from the current feedstock base: by increasing
feedstock mobilisation (forest residues), and improved utilization of side and waste streams. For this, innovative
and efficient technologies will be implemented, new innovative products developed and co-products, side-
streams and residues valorised. This improves the competitiveness of the European forest-based value chains
while reducing the pressure on biomass resources by producing more and better from less, and thus developing
rural livelihood.

The biobased products from this value chain help to mitigate climate change by realising the replacement of
fossil-based materials by biobased materials with a positive social impact and lower environmental footprint. This
will fulfil market and consumer demand and create new markets by demonstrating routes and concepts for new
and innovative materials into new products.

The value chain demonstration projects will achieve:

Mobilizing an increasing supply by increasing productivity and mobilization of forest biomass and
residues in sustainable manner while making best use of innovations in forestry practices
Biostimulants that enhance forestry output increasing the nutrient use efficiency
Innovative tree species that can provide biomass to the biorefinery with sustainable management
Development and demonstration of cost-effective fractionation, separation and purification
technologies for wood
Development and demonstration of new functional biobased chemicals and materials from side
streams and residues from forestry and pulp and paper mills (e.g. based on lignin, cellulose, or e.g.
Demonstration of new processes (biological, chemical, and combination thereof) at scale, for added
value products, and in particular their economic viability and environmental benefits
Integration of new biobased additives and formulation for high performance products / in cooperation
with converters, formulators and users
Demonstration of new and more efficient production concepts for specialty and performance chemicals
(e.g. biosurfactants, emulsifiers, pigments, lubricants, specialty polymers, additives, etc.)
Develop adequate advanced recycling methods for bio-materials and residues (improved collection,
sorting and processing)
Replacement of petrochemical specialties / performance chemicals such as stabilizers, emulsifiers,
chelants, surfactants, solvents, thickeners, lubricants, antioxidants, pigments, etc. with bio-based
Develop and demonstrate new functional biobased materials: e.g. bioplastics, biocomposites, materials
based on lignin, starch, (nano-)cellulose or carbon fibre: towards fit-for-purpose solutions for diverse
industrial customers
Formulation of new materials into end-user products and demonstration of new value chains leading to
consumer products with higher bio-content, improved ecoefficiency and/or improved performance at
the production and customer side (films, fibres, packaging, structural composites for e.g. automotive,

Application testing and demonstration of the industrial feasibility of new products
Increase consumer awareness on biobased products and biobased economy
Identify and create market applications for new biobased products; diversification of markets of
current biomass based products; networks and closer cooperation with downstream industries to better
understand and serve industrial customers and consumers requirements

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (see section 3.1.2 for the
description behind the topics):

R&D project topics

1.1.1; 1.2.7; 1.2.8; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.1.4; 2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.3; 3.1.4; 3.1.5; 3.1.6; 3.1.8; 3.1.9; 3.1.11; 3.1.13;
3.1.15; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.3.1; 3.3.2; 3.3.3; 3.3.4; 3.3.5

Moreover, demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological, cross-cutting challenges to be solved.
This will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues (See 3.1.3).

The value chains demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. This value chain
will lead to at least one flagship project. This flagship project will cover the full value chain. They will include
programmes realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and
industrial infrastructures. See below an example of one of the possible flagship projects to be realised within
value chain nr 2.

Value chain Flagship Example

A flagship converting a pulp mill into a multiproduct forest-based biorefinery producing new biobased products.
Production of innovative pulp fibres for textiles at a volume of 200.000 ton/y from wood, coproducing new biobased
products, e.g. biocomposites and biopolymers at 20.000 ton/y.

Value chain 3

The next generation agro-based value chains: realising the highest sustainability and added value by improved
agricultural production and new added value products and markets.

Projects within this value chain build on the current sustainable practice of agriculture (incl. horticulture, and
fertilizer companies) and its processing value chain (e.g. agro-food industry). The ambition of this sector is to
increase and broaden the product portfolio and create new bio-based markets on top of the current products.
Technologies and applications will be developed based on the current raw materials and increase the use of their
residues and side streams. This strengthens the competitiveness of the existing value chains thereby securing the
production of their primary products and increasing the added value of industry in rural environment.

This will be achieved by creating more added value products from the current feedstock base through increasing
feedstock production and flexibility, improved utilization of side streams and mobilising residues. Moreover
new and improved profitable crops with a higher efficiency in the production (regarding fertilizer and water
use, logistics) will reduce industrial waste streams and improve the environmental impact. For the existing and
new crops, innovative and efficient technologies for growing, harvesting and logistics will be implemented, new
innovative products developed and co-products, side-streams and residues valorised. Moreover, for specific
value chains an innovative range of inputs will become available enhancing agricultural productivity whilst
not threatening the environment. New plant protection products (biocides, biocontrol, ) and plant nutrition
products (biostimulants, high -efficiency fertilizers) will be obtained under this value chain. This improves the
competitiveness of the European agricultural value chains while reducing the pressure on biomass resources
by improved utilisation of by-products and side streams. Moreover, it will create a more competitive European
farming sector, thus especially developing rural areas.

The biobased products from this value chain help to mitigate climate change by realising the replacement of
fossil-based materials by biobased materials with a positive social impact and lower environmental footprint. This
will fulfil market and consumer demand and create new markets by demonstrating routes and concepts for new
and innovative materials into new products.

The value chain demonstration projects will achieve:

Mobilizing an increasing supply by increasing productivity and mobilization in sustainable manner while
making best use of innovations in agriculture practices (eg. By improved soil structure and fertility,
innovative crop and plant species)
New plant species or varieties: Deliver specific ingredients for the new value chains (e.g. fatty acids,
more homogeneous lipid composition, single and complex carbohydrates or protein components)
Cost-efficient preparation of harvested material: introduction of innovative technologies and machinery
that reduce pre & post-harvest losses and prepare the biomass in the best possible way
Demonstration of technologies that recover minerals (such as phosphate) from agricultural,
agro-industrial and dairy farming residues, convert them into fertilizers and prove new fertilizer
concepts by eg. field trials
Demonstration of valorisation concepts of co-products and side-streams (proteins, pulp, fibres) from
agro-food industry towards higher added-value products including feed and food ingredients, including
efficient and cost-effective fractionation, separation purification technologies to simplify biomass into
its basic components, mildly extract or separate components while preserving their functionalities (eg.
Functional proteins)
Demonstration of production concepts that specifically use a combination of various biomass
feedstocks thereby increasing the diversity and functionality of products
Integration of new biobased additives and formulation for high performance products / in cooperation
with converters, formulators and users

Demonstration of new and more efficient production concepts for specialty and performance chemicals
(e.g. biosurfactants, bioplastics ,emulsifiers, pigments, lubricants, specialty polymers, additives, etc.)
Replacement of fossil-based plasticizers and flame retardants with biobased (superior) alternatives
Introduction of new biobased molecules: platform chemicals and polymers going towards 100%
biobased solutions, providing alternatives and new solutions to fossil-based chemicals and materials,
which should be competitive in the market place and demonstrate environmental benefits (through Life
Cycle Assessment)
Develop and demonstrate new functional biobased materials: e.g. bioplastics, biocomposites, materials
based on lignin, starch, (nano-)cellulose or carbon fibre: towards fit-for-purpose solutions for diverse
industrial customers
Formulation of new functional biobased materials into end-user products and demonstration of new
value chains leading to consumer products with higher bio-content, improved eco-efficiency and/
or improved performance at the production and customer side (films, fibres, packaging, structural
composites for e.g. automotive, construction, infrastructure)
Application testing and demonstration of the industrial feasibility of new products
Demonstration of new biodegradable, compostable or recyclable materials and products and
development of adequate advanced recycling methods for bio-materials and residues (improved
collection, sorting and processing)
Establishing stronger links and better understanding of the needs (quality, performance) of
downstream industries
Increase consumer awareness on biobased products and biobased economy
Identify and create market applications for new biobased products; diversification of markets of
current biomass based products; networks and closer cooperation with downstream industries to better
understand and serve industrial customers and consumers requirements

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (see section 3.1.2 for the
description behind the topics):

R&D project topics

1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.5; 1.1.6; 1.1.7; 1.2.7; 1.2.8; 1.2.2; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.1.4; 2.1.5; 2.2.1; 2.2.2; 2.2.3; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 3.1.1; 3.1.2; 3.1.3;
3.1.4; 3.1.5; 3.1.6; 3.1.8; 3.1.9; 3.1.11; 3.1.13; 3.1.15; 3.2.2; 3.2.3; 3.3.1; 3.3.2; 3.3.3; 3.3.4; 3.3.5

Moreover, demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological, cross-cutting challenges to be solved.
This will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues (See 3.1.3).

The value chains demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. This value chain
will lead to at least one flagship project. This flagship project will cover the full value chain. They will include
programmes realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and
industrial infrastructures. See below an example of one of the possible flagship projects to be realised within
value chain nr 3.

Value chain Flagship Example

A flagship processing agricultural green or lignocellulosic residues (beet leaves, grass, ) and surplus into 100.000
ton/y of proteins, and valuable chemicals and materials, like dicarboxylic acids.

Value chain 4

Emergence of new value chains from (organic) waste: From waste problems to economic opportunities by
realising sustainable technologies to convert waste into valuable products.

Projects within this value chain aim to develop and demonstrate value chains based on currently unused by-
streams and waste from various biobased sources (agriculture, forestry, waste water treatment, sludge, organic
household waste, yard waste, food processing waste, debarking waste). Realising cost competitive value chains
producing added-value products will create solutions for the environmental problem of increasing waste flows
(partly due to urbanisation), reducing pressure on virgin resources, and increasing the competiveness of industry.

Energy, fuels and building blocks produced from this value chain help in mitigating climate change by realising
the replacement of fossil-based solutions with alternatives with a positive social impact and lower environmental

The value chain demonstration projects will achieve:

Cost-efficient preparation of heterogeneous waste material, e.g. through e.g. separation technologies
for the biogenic part of municipal solid waste (MSW), or thermocatalytical processes (gasification,
torrefaction or pyrolysis)
Modification of the pretreatment conditions to make the cellulose from (MSW) accessible to the enzymes
Adaptation of existing technologies to alternative feedstock, like the organic fraction of urban waste
Development and demonstration of new enzymes that can hydrolyse the cellulose fraction of MSW to
sugars with improved yield, from which biofuels, building blocks and bioproducts can be obtained using
different biological and chemical routes
Organic waste (agro-food residues and MSW) bioconversion to added value molecules using
microorganisms and also higher organisms (e.g. insects)
Development and demonstration of processes based on bark and other wastes / sidestreams from
existing industrial uses of biomass as feedstock for high value biobased chemicals and biomolecules
Implement adequate advanced recycling methods for bio-materials and residues (improved collection,
sorting and processing)

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (see section 3.1.2 for the
description behind the topics):

R&D project topics

2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 3.1.3

Moreover, demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological, cross-cutting challenges to be solved.
This will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues (See 3.1.3).

The value chains demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. This value chain
will lead to at least one flagship project. This flagship project will cover the full value chain. They will include
programmes realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and
industrial infrastructures. See below an example of one of the possible flagship projects to be realised within
value chain nr 4.

Value chain Flagship Example
A flagship that Converts 400 000 tons of straw, 650,000 tons of manure and 50.000 tons of municipal solid waste
into 73 million litres of bioethanol and about 99 million cubic meters of biogas (of which 76 million cubic metres
of biogas will be upgraded and fed into the natural gas grid). In addition, district heating for approx. 10-20 000
households and electricity equivalent to 15-25,000 households consumption will be produced.

Value chain 5

The integrated energy, pulp and chemicals biorefineries: Realising sustainable bio-energy production, by
backwards integration with biorefinery operations isolating higher added value components.

New value chains will be demonstrated that improve the sustainability and economics of bio-energy production
by conversion / integration into biorefinery operations: creating a spectrum of added-value products from the
feedstock in addition to bio-energy. This will decrease the pressure on biomass resources and increase industries

New chemicals, biofuels and materials from this value chain help mitigating climate change by realising the
replacement of fossil-based materials by biobased materials with a positive social impact and lower environmental
footprint. This will fulfil market and consumer demand and create new markets by demonstrating routes and
concepts for new and innovative materials into new products.

The value chain demonstration projects will achieve:

Primary processing of biomass at farm level including suitable packaging and e.g. water extraction from
the biomass to reduce transport volume and improved storage capability (e.g. by Torrefaction, pyrolysis,
shredding, etc.)
Integrating the production of bio-products and advanced bio-energy carriers in a smart way (smart use,
maximise carbon and energy yield from biomass)
Demonstrate processes for more efficient use of lignin: transformation into high(er) value hydrocarbons
polymers, aromatics and performance chemicals before energetic use
Densify the energy content of the initial feedstock through several pre-treatment processes, e.g.
torrefaction pelletization and pyrolysis oil production
Implementation of conversion technologies allowing for the use of heterogeneous biomass while
ensuring high efficiency and low environmental impact
Turning solid residues (bottom ash, fly ash) into valuable products, a.o. taking advantage of their
mineral properties for plant nutrition
Integrating technological results from other value chains into the integrated bio-energy concept

The value chain demonstration projects will also reveal technological challenges that need more extensive R&D.
These specific technological challenges are the basis of the calls for R&D Projects (see section 3.1.2 for the
description behind the topics):

R&D project topics

1.1.4; 2.2.1; 2.2.3; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 3.1.3

The value chains demonstration projects will lead to investments in full-scale Flagship projects. This value chain will
lead to at least one flagship project. This flagship project will cover the full value chain. It will include programmes
realising feedstock supply, ensuring the market uptake, and integrating in the existing rural and industrial
infrastructures. See below an example of a possible flagship project to be realised within value chain nr 5.

Value chain Flagship Example

A flagship for the conversion of an energy plant that currently co-fires 1.000.000 ton/y of biomass for energy
production, into an integrated biorefinery, producing 400.000 ton/y cellulose fibres & chemicals next to bio-energy.

3.1.2 The R&D projects
(addressing the innovation challenge)
While value chains can be built partly on already developed research results and successful pilot trials, the
demonstration projects will still require substantial research and development before the whole value chain can be
moved to the demonstration level.

Calls for R&D projects (including specifically SME targeted projects) will address the specific research and
innovation challenges arising from the value chain demonstration activities. This will generate the necessary
enabling knowledge and technologies to build and reinforce the new value chains from biomass to biorefineries
and markets/products. Research and innovation activities addressing the innovation challenge will be centred
around the three parts of the value chain: biomass supply, biorefineries and products & markets. The table on
the next pages shows an indication of possible research areas and their timing. However, calls will only address
those topics that arise from encountered challenges in the value chains to be demonstrated and realised. Calls
will therefore be made more specific based on the value chains to be realized. Some (hypothetical) examples of
topics becoming more specific:
Development of concepts for reuse of fertilizer recovered from by-streams in biorefinery operations
(1.1.2) might become a specific call on Development of an economical process for the isolation of
pure phosphate from process water arising from the value chain that processes Irish nature grass into
proteins for fish feed and specific functional food ingredients and / or Development of an effective
fertilizer application for the phosphate recovered from process water arising from the value chain that
processes Irish nature grass into proteins for fish feed and specific functional food ingredients
Efficient and cost-effective fractionation and separation technologies to simplify biomass into its basic
components (2.1.1) might become Development of a sustainable and cost-efficient technology to
separate wheat straw from Denmark into its pure components cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, within
the specifications given by the further conversion of those components into pure sugars, cellulose for
paper, benzene and furans

Table 6. the innovation challenge - Main research areas supporting the value chains

1. Fostering a sustainable biomas supply to feed both existing and new value chains
Short Medium Long
1.1 Increase biomass production by improving agriculture practices 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

1.1.1 Development of higher efficiency in cultivation systems to increase yield, availability and use of
forestry and agricultural biomass (in particular residues, co- and by-products) while meeting
the range of other demands on arable and woodland. Reducing feedstock production costs
under sustainable production methods with added value for the complete production chain
and demonstrating of value creation (economic, environmental and social) at the production/
mobilisation stage;

1.1.2 Development of concepts for reuse of fertilizer recovered from by-streams in biorefinery
operations. Preferably leading to a separation of organic matter and minerals, helping to improve
plant yields and soil quality and reducing waste and environmental impact of biorefineries;

1.1.3 Identifying the most appropriate crop cultivation systems to increase biomass production for
specific value chains taking into account climate change, crop rotational effects, resistance to
biotic and abiotic stresses, nutrient and carbon balance, water use efficiency, soil tillage practices
and management needs;

1.1.4 Development of pre-transformation techniques at harvest and/or storage, in particular focusing on

cost- effective concentration systems to facilitate transport and/or storage;

1.1.5 Development of agronomic solutions to maintain soil structure and fertility, reducing erosion,
putting into value arable land and maximizing water use efficiency for specific areas in order to
supply the biomass production for dedicated new fuels, chemicals and materials value chains;

Short Medium Long
2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

1.1.6 Precision farming: improving soil quality, water, land use, new input management technologies
(water, crop protection, animal husbandry techniques, sensor technology) for specific areas in
order to increase the biomass supply for dedicated new value chains;

1.1.7 Develop regional closed loop systems in biorefinery clusters and hubs: study the use and impact
of spreading safe and nutrient-rich process water from biorefineries onto fields on soil quality
and productivity.

1.2 Mobilising an increasing supply

1.2.1 New plant species or varieties: Improving composition of lignocellulose or other components for
the use of plants as source of renewable materials to be used in specific value cahins (e.g. more
easily hydrolysable, lower lignin content, lignin with less stable bonds);

1.2.2 New plant species or varieties: Deliver specific ingredients (e.g. fatty acids, more homogeneous
lipid composition, single and complex carbohydrates or protein components);

1.2.3 New plant species or varieties: Create a list of biomass genotypes (e.g., poplar, willow, miscanthus,
reed canary grass) to be grown for specific new value chains;

1.2.4 Mobilisation of currently unused biomass and residues from agriculture and forest through
precision equipment for harvesting and collection, while maintaining other important functions of
woodland and crop land;

1.2.5 Storage: Develop technologies to improve biomass storage properties and to improve
feedstock quality;

1.2.6 Logistics: Improved logistics and storage to provide a continuous supply of feedstock to specific
value chains, minimise transport costs, exploitation of transport as process stage and guarantee
intermediate product quality and availability;

1.2.7 Planning and managing integrated logistics chains at local and regional scale to achieve the
maximum supply potential required for the value chains (also combining different transport types:
road, railways and waterways);

1.2.8 Recycling: Develop adequate advanced recycling methods for bio-materials and residues
(improved collection, sorting and processing);

2. Optimising efficient processing through R&D and pilot biorefineries

Short Medium Long
2.1 Primary conversion processes 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

2.1.1 Efficient and cost-effective fractionation and separation technologies to simplify biomass into its
basic components, such as lignin, cellulose, hemi-cellulose, minerals, oils and fatty acids, protein,
starch, sugars and other carbohydrates;

2.1.2 Innovations in existing primary processes (agro-food, pulp and paper) to minimise residues and
obtain higher value;

2.1.3 Advanced technologies to mildly extract or separate components while preserving their
functionalities and minimising the degradation of other components to enable their
further valorisation;

2.1.4 Cost-efficient preparation of harvested material;

2.1.5 Ensuring flexibility on size of biorefineries while at the same time remaining price-competitive
Combining low investment costs with large regional stakeholder commitment improving market
deployment with the specific advantages of local/regional processing;

Short Medium Long
2.2 Secondary conversion processes 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

2.2.1 Bio-technological;

2.2.2 Chemo-catalytical;

2.2.3 Thermo-chemical processes;

2.2.4 Hybrid & consolidated processes;

2.2.5 Downstream processes;

3. Developing innovative products & accelerating market-pull for biobased products and fuels

3.1 New materials & products Short Medium Long

(incl. conversion and functionalization technologies) 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

3.1.1 Materials based on lignin (and bio-aromatic) chemistry;

3.1.2 Biobased alternatives for existing polymers and innovative polymers from new biobased

3.1.3 Advanced biofuels and bioenergy carriers from waste, residues, lignocellulosic materials and other
new promising biomass sources;

3.1.4 New (chemical) building blocks from renewable resources;

3.1.5 New functional biobased materials and products: e.g. bioplastics, biocomposites, materials based
on lignin, starch, (nano-)cellulose or carbon fibres;

3.1.6 Materials based on cellulosic and hemicellulosic fibres and fibre/polymer composites;

3.1.7 Lignin-based carbon fibres and nano-cellulose fibres;

3.1.8 New packaging solutions derived from biobased materials;

3.1.9 Materials based on biopolymers (such as starch, polyesters from vegetable oils and sugar, chitin);

3.1.10 Biomass based oleochemistry: fatty acids conversion technologies, including chemistry
(metathesis, for example) and biotechnology (including microbial conversion of sugars to lipids/
fatty acids, cutin and suberin conversions);

3.1.11 New advanced fertilizers;

3.1.12 New high-value products (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemical), in some cases directly extracted
from plants;

3.1.13 New hygiene products derived from biobased solutions;

3.1.14 Materials based on oils and fats from plants and animals e.g. biolubricants, biosurfactants,

3.1.15 Recyclability concepts for biomaterials;

Short Medium Long
3.2 Conversion and functionalisation technologies 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

3.2.1 Functionalisation and conversion technologies, including chemical catalysis, mechanical, thermal
and biotechnology processes towards functionalised chemicals and products;

3.2.2 Fractionation and extraction technologies to preserve structure and activities of macromolecules
of natural polymers. Advanced functionalisation technologies;

3.2.3 Biopolymer processing into products (films, fibres, packaging, structural composites for
e.g. automotive, agriculture);

3.3.4 Polymerisation processes based on new biobased monomers;

Short Medium Long

3.3 New applications and market development 2014-15 2016-17 2018-20

3.3.1 Connect market demand with biobased opportunities: combine required techno-economical
specifications with opportunities of new biobased chemicals and materials;

3.3.2 Increase consumer awareness on biobased products and biobased economy;

3.3.3 Identify and create market applications for new biobased products; diversification of markets of
current biomass based products; networks and closer cooperation with downstream industries to
better understand and serve industrial customers and consumers requirements;

3.3.4 Demonstrate industrial feasibility for new products;

3.3.5 Create combinations and synergies between fossil and biobased materials;

3.1.3 Supporting projects
(addressing the societal challenges)
Demonstrating the value chains will require non-technological cross-cutting challenges to be solved. Some of
those will be solved in the value chain demonstration projects and R&D projects, or on the programme level
in the Joint Undertaking. Others will lead to calls for specific Supporting Projects on cross-cutting issues.
Supporting projects will thus enable the value chains to face the many critical elements related to cross-
disciplinary approaches. These practices and tools can either address market, legal aspects, technology, quality
or any other aspect. Cross-cutting issues include cross-sectoral and critical elements which connect the different
steps of the value chains, the different levels of innovation as well as the different stakeholders involved from the
private and the public sector.

The Supporting Projects in BRIDGE will take into account the following cross-cutting issues:
Clustering and networking: Clusters are networks of stakeholders in the bioeconomy, which transcend
regions and value chains. They will be essential to develop new value chains and support the
development of new processes and materials by connecting different partners: research, technology
development, operators/producers and consumers. Some value chains aim to create and strengthen
optimally integrated areas of rural and industrial biobased activities (Biobased hubs), and create and
strengthen clusters which connect value chains and linking regional agriculture, industry and research
networks. Activities might also involve the demonstration of systems of new integrated cascaded
biorefinery approaches or systems of industrial ecology and symbiosis: combined residue processing,
bio-energy production, heat integration and valorisation, re-use of water and (organic) nutrients, analyse
energy streams to discover what processes / companies could fit together, etc. Studies might include
feasibility studies regarding the optimal locations for biorefineries and suitable unused facilities for
conversion to biorefineries;
SME engagement: SMEs are expected to play an important role in building the European bio-based
industries. They will be active throughout the whole PPP, in R&D and demonstration projects. In
addition, BRIDGE will develop supportive measures for SMEs concerning critical issues such as
financing, market information and forecasts, legal obstacles and international partnering. Moreover it is
planned that SMEs pay a reduced membership fee to the PPP13;
Standards and regulations: While developing new biobased products, the BRIDGE projects will
contribute to the development of standards working closely together with CEN14. Specific questions
might arise from the value chain demonstration for analysing the relationship between the development
of standards and regulations and the markets for bio-based products and bio-fuels and identify societal
demands and unmet market needs. This includes the development of a common language over the
entire value chain(s);
Feed-stock sustainability and LCA: Specific value chains might require the assessment of
methodologies for addressing sustainability criteria facilitating all projects, including a sustainability
and economic feasibility evaluation over the whole value chain, and the environmental footprint of the
resulting product.

Cross-cutting issues to be covered in the individual projects and by the overall Joint Undertaking concern
increasing awareness and support for the activities of BRIDGE. Actions will include proactive communication,
dissemination and outreach, educational activities and monitoring the impact on the European biobased

A defined in the BIC statutes, its Internal Rules and the Biobased Industries PPP Governance document.
European Committee for Standardization (Comit Europen de Normalisation)

3.2 Monitoring the progress and impact

Fast implementation and performance feedback are key issues of BRIDGE. Overarching strategic objectives
towards the Biobased Economy that will be triggered by the PPP activities and results have been identified in
Table 1 (Chapter 2), covering the whole value chain as well as cross-cutting areas. Looking at the ambition and
the high level strategic objectives of BRIDGE, the effectiveness and throughput will be the most suitable aspects
for monitoring the success of the initiative.

The PPP is a chain of links: input, throughput, output, outcome, impact. Each of these links is taken into account
in monitoring to assess and evaluate:

Efficiency, in terms of relationship input/output;

Effectiveness, in terms of relationship input/outcome and impact;
Throughput, in terms of relationship between output, outcome and impact.

It is proposed to implement all validated technologies or processes at pilot scale within demonstration projects
and in some cases flagships allowing the assessment of the programme progress with the help of an appropriate
set of KPIs. Three levels of quantitative and qualitative Key Performance Indicators have been identified
(see Figure 4).

Biobased Economy Strategic Objectives and KPIs level 1 - Contribution to the

associated expected achievements completion of the long term Vision and
ambition (Table 1)

PPP Value chain objectives KPIs level 2 - Effectiveness of

PPP Organisational objectives implementation of the PPP
(Table 2, 4, 5 & 8)

Priorities and topics for project calls KPIs level 3 - Project specific indicators

Figure 4. The different levels of KPIs

In particular:
KPIs Level 1 address the contribution to accomplishment of the overall strategic objectives of the
Biobased Economy associated with the Vision 2030 (outcome and impact). Although the PPP results
and activities will be crucial triggers for these objectives, these objectives will not be direct results of
the PPP;
KPIs Level 2 aim at monitoring the progress of BRIDGE and measuring how the specific research and
innovation targets defined by 2020 are met (output and outcome);
KPIs Level 3 allow monitoring the success of each project to be funded under BRIDGE.

KPI level 3 will be defined by each project as ad-hoc KPIs attuned to KPI level 2.

Efficiency of BRIDGE

For the sake of monitoring progress and implementation of BRIDGE, the direct quantitative objectives could be
used as KPIs Level 2 to monitor the progress of the programme (see Tables 2, 4, 5 and 8). A limited selection
from these objectives is made as key specific objectives. These objectives are directly linked to a set of key
performance indicators (kpis), to be measured and monitored during the progress of the PPP, and to be used to
steer the PPP activities accordingly. See table 8 and 9 on the next pages.

The monitoring at this level will be a task of the programme management. Frequent monitoring gives insight in
the efficiency of the programme. During the execution of the programme these KPIs will be evaluated on their
effectiveness, in order to be able to change and complete the monitoring of the programme when needed.

These kpis will be complemented with operational objectives on the PPP performance to be monitored
Overall percentage % of industry investments (cash + in-kind) in the total PPP organisation and projects;
A well balanced SME involvement in BRIDGE organisation and projects, in line with Horizon 2020;
Involvement of RTOs / Academia (i.e. targeted amount of finances flowing to RTOs / Academia);
Balance between R&D, demonstration and supporting projects;
Addressing the societal challenges (i.e. including some cross-cutting issues in demonstration projects);
Follow-up on R&D results: % of PPP R&D results brought into demonstration projects;
How well do the projects realised address the variety of topics in the SIRA in a balanced way (e.g. variety
in feedstock, in products, in processes, etc.);
A geographically balanced distribution of projects across member states (in all projects, and especially
large demonstrators).

Table 7. PPP Key Objectives

36 new cross-sector interconnections in biobased economy clusters (new bridges creating cooperation between the
9 different sectors)

At least 10 new biobased value chains (new products and feedstock)

More than 200 cooperation projects through cross-industry clusters

5 new building blocks based on biomass of European origin validated at demonstration scale, further increasing to
10 in 2030

50 new biobased materials (eg. such as specialty fibres, plastics, composites and packaging solutions)

30 new demonstrated consumer products based on biobased chemicals and materials

At least 5 flagships resulting from BRIDGE producing new biobased materials, chemicals and fuels which have proven
to become cost-competitive to the alternatives based on fossil resources (at least 1 per value chain)

Effectivity of BRIDGE
To get insight in the effectiveness of the programme, i.e. answering the question are we doing the right things?,
a monitoring for the KPIs at Level 1 (Table 1) has to be set-up. This is a task of the programme management,
but might be supported by a Supporting Project within the PPP, that will run throughout the execution of the

KPI level 3 will be defined by each project. This can be done by setting monitoring criteria in the call for proposal
and/or by demanding the determination of KPIs in the Description of Work of the projects. The KPIs Level 3
have to be attuned to KPI level 2 and 1. Ensuring the KPIs Level 3 are well attuned is the responsibility of the
programme management of BRIDGE. The project manager is responsible for monitoring the progress of the
project and has to deliver data for KPIs Level 1 and 2 when needed.

Societal ambition: Biobased Economy

Changing environment of the program in execution

Biobased Economy Objectives KPI level 1

PPP Strategy KPI level 2
Research and Innovation Themes

Learning & improving
effects (adaptations etc.)
Output Execution PPP:
Priorities and topics for future
calls for proposals
Execution of projects
Output &

Results projects and apprecation

Continued effect and impact

Figure 5. Proposed approach to monitor BRIDGE

Monitoring of these key specific objectives and kpis will be performed according to the overall logic of figure 5.

Table 8. PPP key specific objectives + kpis for monitoring and assessing the
progress of the Biobased Industries PPP

36 new cross-sector interconnections in biobased economy clusters (new bridges creating cooperation
Objective between the 9 different sectors);

31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

KPI # of new cross-sector interconnections in BRIDGE projects
1 10 20 36
Amount of innovative cooperations started in BRIDGE value chain demonstration projects: When
How to analyze companies from different sectors start to cooperate on building new value chains, while these companies
have not been active in the same value chain before / did not cooperate in business before (or did
cooperate but in a totally different field).

At least 10 new biobased value chains (new products and feedstock);


31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

KPI New biobased value chains realised
1 4 10
2 Amount of completely new value chains (from raw material to product) developed in BRIDGE projects:
How to analyze New innovative products or existing products that have not been produced from the biobased feedstock
before. The new value chains are proven in the PPP projects to be economically viable, and to fulfil all
relevant sustainability criteria. Each of the value chains have elaborated business cases and plans for
commercialisation (if not already scaled up to flagship projects - see objective 7).

More than 200 cooperation projects through cross-industry clusters;


31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

3 KPI General progress of BRIDGE
80 projects 140 projects 200 projects
Amount of cooperation projects started (value chain demonstrations and R&D).
How to analyze

5 new building blocks based on biomass of European origin validated at demonstration scale,
Objective further increasing to 10 in 2030;

31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

KPI Amount of new biobased building blocks
1 2 5

4 How to analyze
New building blocks developed and demonstrated by BRIDGE projects. New biobased building blocks
are chemical building blocks that are currently made from fossil sources and have not (successfully)
been made from biomass on (pre)commercial scale before, or are new building blocks that could
replace the current fossil based ones. The new building blocks are proven in the PPP projects to fulfil a
clear market demand and its technical requirements, to be economically viable and to fulfil all relevant
sustainability criteria.

50 new biobased materials (eg. such as specialty fibres, plastics, composites and packaging solutions);

31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

KPI Amount of new biobased materials
10 20 50

5 How to analyze
New biobased materials developed and demonstrated by BRIDGE projects. The biobased materials that
replace current materials have proven to have an equal or overall better sustainability (by LCA, replacing
fossil based, improved material efficiency, reduced GHG emission, biodegradability, recyclability or other
improved effects during use or reuse). The biobased materials have proven in the PPP projects to fulfil
a clear market demand and its technical requirements, to be economically viable and to fulfil all relevant
sustainability criteria.

30 new demonstrated consumer products based on biobased chemicals and materials;

31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20

KPI Amount of new biobased consumer products
5 15 30

6 How to analyze
New biobased products and applications developed and demonstrated by BRIDGE projects. The
biobased products (materials, fuels, chemicals successfully converted into to consumer products) will
have an overall better sustainability than its current alternative (by LCA, replacing fossil based, improved
material efficiency, reduced GHG emission, biodegradability, recyclability or other improved effects during
use or reuse). The biobased products have proven in the PPP projects to fulfil a clear market demand and
its technical requirements, to be economically viable and to fulfil all relevant sustainability criteria.

At least 5 flagships resulting from BRIDGE producing new biobased materials, chemicals and fuels which
Objective have proven to become cost-competitive to the alternatives based on fossil resources (at least 1 per value

7 KPI Bring PPP results into practice

31-12-16 31-12-18 31-12-20
1 2 5

How to analyze Amount of flagship projects started based on BRIDGE demonstration projects.

3.3 Call procedure
BRIDGE supports research and innovation activities following open and competitive calls for proposals,
independent evaluation, and the agreement for each selected project of a Grant Agreement and a
Consortium Agreement.

Submission and evaluation procedure

Applications to the Joint Undertaking for financial support will be made following open competitive calls for
proposals. The evaluation, selection and award procedures will be described in details in a specific document
Rules for submission of proposals, and the related evaluation, selection and award procedures. Evaluation will be
performed on the basis of Excellence. The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together defining Excellence, and the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different funding schemes will
be based on Horizon2020 guidelines and described in a dedicated chapter in each Annual Implementation Plan
and call, titled Evaluation criteria and procedures.

Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously. Ranked lists of proposals will be established for each main area.
Proposals from different topics, within the same area, with equal overall scores will be prioritized according to the
overall Joint Undertaking Annual Implementation Plan coverage. Proposals for the same topic with equal overall
scores will be prioritised according to their scores for the S/T Quality criterion. If they are still equal, they will be
prioritised according to their scores for the Impact criterion. A reserve list will be constituted if there is a sufficient
number of good quality proposals, which will be taken into consideration if budget becomes available.

Consortium Agreement
The legal entities wishing to participate in a project shall form a consortium and appoint one of its members to
act as its coordinator. As a general rule, the coordinator of a demonstration project should come from the Industry
Grouping (members of the Biobased Industry Consortium - BIC) or become member of BIC (before project
application). For R&D and Supporting Projects the coordinator can be an Associate member to the BIC (e.g. RTO,
university, industry association, ), however supported and steered by one or more members of BIC that together
defined and support the specific call topic, based on the value chain project under development. Any exception to
this rule will have to be justified. The IPR rules of BRIDGE will be described in a separate document.

Grant Agreement and forms of grants

The Consortium Agreement (between the partners) has to be agreed and signed before the signature of the
Grant Agreement (between consortium and BRIDGE).

BRIDGE financial contribution will be given as a grant to the beneficiaries. The contribution will depend on the
funding scheme, activity, nature of the beneficiary and type of cost. The reimbursement rules will be specified in
detail in the call for proposals.

The Grant Agreement will:

Govern the relationship between the consortium and BRIDGE;
Provide appropriate provisions for the implementation of the RTD activities and support actions;
Ensure that appropriate financial arrangements and rules are in place relating to the intellectual
property rights policy (to be further detailed in the Consortium Agreement);
Projects shall be supported by a financial contribution from BRIDGE and through in-kind and/or cash
contributions from the legal entities participating in the activities.

Requirements for participation
Participation in projects shall be open to all legal entities and international organisations once the minimum
conditions have been satisfied. The minimum conditions for projects funded by BRIDGE are
(cfr. Horizon 2020 rules):
at least three legal entities must participate, each of which must be established in a Member State or
Associated country;
The partners should come from at least 3 different Member States;
All three legal entities must be independent of each other as defined in Chapter 1, Article 7 of the
Rules of Participation of Horizon 2020.

BRIDGE will ensure that innovative SMEs will be an integral part of the PPP execution by having a visible and
easy accessible SME portal, easy access to market information and financing instruments dedicated to SME.
Furthermore, it is envisaged that a significant number of PPP funded projects will include a minimum of SME
involvement, including special SME-calls for technology development.

Details on the calls procedure of BRIDGE (programming and implementation) are described in a separate

4. Stakeholder involvement
A group of 40 leading companies and clusters from current and future biobased sectors, across Europe, together
developed this underlying Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda. The cooperation and exchange across a
broad range of sectors such as chemical, pulp and paper, agro-food, biofuel and energy companies and well as
technology providers (e.g. biotechnology) is exceptional and promises to be extremely fruitful and holds great
potential. Partners cover all the key phases of a general biobased value chain, as well as nearly all countries in the
EU. SMEs are well involved and integrated in the PPP partnership. Research organisations and academics are
joining and supporting the research and demonstration priorities.

4.1 Industrial partners in BRIDGE

4.1.1 The Industry Grouping

Currently 41 industrial partners (large enterprises, SMEs and clusters) contribute financially and in-kind to the
founding of the PPP (see figure 6). The industrial partners have grouped themselves into a legal entity (BIC
AISBL), with a General Assembly and a balanced representation of the relevant industrial sectors.

Figure 6. The BIC industrial members (large enterprises, SME, clusters)

The industrial partners are supported and advised by their European Associations (figure 7).

Figure 7. European Associations contributing to BRIDGE

4.1.2 SME participation

A substantial part of the transition to a biobased economy will be initiated and/or developed by innovative starters
and SMEs. These SMEs are essential in offering and developing specific services, technologies, equipment and
instruments, both in enhancing developments at large enterprises as well as in stand-alone projects or local
cooperation. In addition, innovative SMEs capture the potential of new technologies extremely fast, thus pushing
the bioeconomy as a whole. This PPP will develop supportive measures for SME concerning critical issues such as
financing, market information and forecasts, legal obstacles and international partnering.

SME representation will take place through the different clusters participating in BRIDGE, but also through
individual membership of BIC. Already among the current partner consortium, SMEs are already well involved,
either directly or via clusters.

Direct SME partners

Currently 5 SMEs are direct members in BIC:
IUCT (a high-tech company for industrial technological innovation aimed at developing, implementing
and promoting new technologies in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and environmental fields)
CLEA Technologies (core competencies in the development of green, sustainable biocatalytic processes
and a proprietary technology for enzyme immobilization as Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs))
Biobase Europe Pilot Plant (open innovation pilot and demo facilities for the biobased economy)
Direvo Engineering Biomass (develops and implements biology-based solutions for partners and
customers in the fast growing biomass conversion market)
Biorefinery Process Facilities (open innovation pilot and demo facilities for the biobased economy)
BIONET Ingenieria (provides equipment and engineering for biotech, chemical, food and
pharma industries)

SMEs in Clusters
Many SMEs are currently involved via four cluster-members in BIC: IAR, GFP, DBC and CLIB2021.

GFP German Federation of Private Plant Breeders

A cluster of 60 German plant breeders of which 2/3 is SME

IAR (Industries et Agro-ressources) cluster, France

90 SMEs represented and, in particular, the companies:
Deinove (microbiological technologies for lignocellulose conversion into biofuels and chemicals)
YNSECT (novel molecules from biomass using insects)
Omega Cat System (novel catalysts and solutions in the field of olefin metathesis)
Maguin (novel extraction process using pulsed electric fields)
Alderys (disruptive synthesis for the production of chemical compounds by micro-organisms)

Dutch Biorefinery Cluster (DBC)

Via the association of Dutch paper and board mills: 2 SME specialty paper mills
Coldenhove Papier
Meerssen Papier
Via the Product Board Arable Products
Several SMEs converting arable biomass to food and materials
Via the Product Board Horticultural Products
Several SMEs converting arable biomass to food and materials

Biobased Innovations
Involvement of SMEs is arranged on project bases. Two projects active (biobased innovations &
biofunctionals). Active SMEs
5 SMEs in biobased innovations (advisory, fermentation, agrofood, biobased cleaning)
13 SMEs in biofunctionals (biogas, textile, advisory, agrofood, biomaterials, technology, packaging,
filtration, paper, 1 torrefaction)

CLIB2021 Cluster Industrial Biotechnology, Germany

26 PPP-relevant SME members from Germany, EU27 and other countries represented, in particular 5 companies.
SME are active in a variety of biotech sectors (see figure 8):
Technology development/services (enzyme/strain development and optimisation,
bioproducts, fermentation/reaction technology, purification, downstream processing,
process optimisation, pilot plant/pilot services, biofuels, analytics)
Biomass processing
Policy/market analysis

Tech development, enzymes/strain Tech development: pilot plant/pilot Biomass logistics/processing

development and optimisation, services Camelina Sativa Projekt GmbH
bioproducts Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant Biomaterials
ARTES Biotechnology GmbH (BE) (also individual member Emery Oleochemicals GmbH
Autodisplay Biotech GmbH of the Biobased PPP) Tech Mitsui & Co Deutschland GmbH
c-LEcta GmbH development/services: S
 pecialChem SA (FR,
Dyadic Nederland BV (NL) purification, downstream marketing/innovation services)
DIREVO Industrial processing, process Solutex (ES)
Biotechnology GmbH (also optimisation
individual member of the instrAction GmbH Tech development/services:
Biobased PPP) Insilico Biotechnology AG Analytics
Senzyme GmbH Schaumann BioEnergy GmbH
AQura GmbH
BUTALCO GmbH BIRD Engineering BV (NL)
B&S Analytik GmbH
BIRD Engineering BV (NL)
Taros Chemicals
Emcid Biotech GmbH Policy/market analysis
evocatal GmbH nova-Institut GmbH Tech development: biofuels
SeSaM-Biotech GmbH
Phytowelt GreenTechnologies Greasoline GmbH
GmbH (specialisation on plants)

Figure 8. SMEs in CLIB2021

BRIDGE will have a clear direct impact on SMEs competitiveness. European SMEs offer a wide range of biobased
products, processes and technologies in different stages of development. For example, in Spain it is estimated
that 95 bioprocesses, 91 bioproducts (49 of which are advanced biofuels) and 53 biobased technologies are
currently being developed by biobased companies, most of which are SMEs15. However most of the SMEs do not
have a product or a process ready for demonstration and still require substantial research work to be carried out.

SME development stage

Frontier Applied
Research Research

SME needs and contributions

Large scale
Pilots Market
demonstration projects

Figure 9. Positioning of SMEs along the innovation chain

The Biobased Industries PPP will contribute to bringing these products and processes led by SMEs to the
market, which will significantly contribute to fulfilling the 2030 objectives associated with the PPPs ambitions.
SMEs can also provide valuable support to large industrial players with technical assistance and support, often
in tight cooperation with RTOs. They are experts in high technological solutions and are technology developers.
Bioreactor design, process optimization, new biocatalyst for biomass processing, are some examples of areas
where SMEs are deeply involved. These technologies and expertise could be instrumental for the implementation
and deployment of demonstration projects.

Frontier Applied Large scale

Idea Pilots Market
Research Research demonstration projects

Tech 5
Tech 2
Tech 1

Tech 3 Tech 4

Figure 10. Potential contribution of SMEs along the innovation chain

The industrial interest of this type of SME will be to develop a new product, process or services to be licensed or
used by larger players in traditional and new value chains. BRIDGE, with a strong presence of SMEs, will become
a platform for the most effective exploitation of the available resources to have new technologies going to the
market. This will result in a greater number of new innovative products on the market.

BRIDGE will ensure that innovative SME will be an integral part of the PPP execution by having a visible and
easy accessible SME portal, easy access to market information and financing instruments dedicated to SME.
Furthermore, it is envisaged that a significant number of PPP funded projects will include a minimum of SME
involvement, including special SME-calls for technology development.

Data collected from the Industrial Biotechnology of ASEBIO, ASEBIO report 2011

4.1.3 Biomass production
Sustainable biomass supply is an essential part of biomass value chains. This includes the increased production
and mobilisation of existing biomass (forestry and agriculture), as well as the development of new dedicated
crops. PPP partners investing in this part of the value chain are:

Plant breeders
Federation of German Private Plant Breeders (60 plant breeders)
Via Dutch Biorefinery Cluster
Productboard Arable farming
Productboard Horticulture

Fertilizer companies

Farmers / Farmers associations / Farmers cooperatives

Nordzucker (16,000 beet growers as biomass suppliers, all shareholders are farmers)
Sdzucker (56% share holders are farmers beet growers cooperative)
Via Dutch Biorefinery Cluster
FrieslandCampina (cooperative of dairy farmers)
Cosun (cooperative of beet growers)
Avebe (cooperative of potato growers)
Productboard Arable farming
Productboard Horticulture
Via IAR:
Tereos (cooperative, 12 000 farmers as shareholders)
Sofiproteol (leading player in the French vegetable oil and protein industry with agricultural
Via ARD:
Cristal Union, 9500 farmers involved as cooperators
Vivescia, the main cooperation of Siclae, has 12.000 farmers also cooperators

Forest cooperatives
Holmen: 60% of their wood consumption is from own forest: 1Mha
Mets Group (Metsliitto Osuuskunta): cooperative of 125.000 Finnish forest owners
SCA: Europe largest private forest owner 50% of own wood consumption: 2.5 Mha
Sdra (cooperative) has a total of 36,000 forest properties and 51,000 people as members
UPM: own forests in EU area 0,9 Mha 16 % of annual wood consumption originate from own forests
and plantations

4.1.4 Participation across Europe
The current PPP members cover whole Europe with their businesses. Except for Malta, production and
conversion activities are in all EU member states. Especially in terms of contributing to an EU wide supply of
sustainable biomass, the potential of the EU12 is substantial. Agricultural and forestry production levels are
relatively low and leave significant room for progress. The Bloomberg New Energy Finance study estimates the
potential of agricultural & forestry residues & municipal waste across the EU27 and concluded that 25.4 % of
the total EU potential is located in the EU12, with Poland ranking in 5th position overall in the EU. For reasons of
efficiency, biorefineries need to be close to the biomass sources.

The EU12 could not only benefit from being purely biomass suppliers, thus creating additional income
opportunities for farmers and foresters, but even more so in terms of establishing the required industrial
conversion/biorefinery capacities. This approach would allow addressing difficulties of the EU12 to identify a
sufficient number of economically viable projects that can absorb the resources available to them in rural
development funds. The concept of Smart Specialisation in this regard would allow EU12 Member States to
build on their individual strengths, e.g. in terms of agriculture and forestry and in terms of fermentation know-
how, giving priority to related investments in R&D&I. DG REGIO in cooperation with DG RTD and other services
is currently preparing a Practical Guide for Managing Authorities, assisting managing authorities (MAs) in
integrating green growth into the regional research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation, thus
making optimal use of the EU Structural Funds to address issues of sustainable energy, eco-innovation and
eco-system and nature protection.

Independent from or as a follow-up to BRIDGE, the development of a network of biorefineries in EU12 Member
States can provide an excellent opportunity to leverage the necessary structural funds under the EU Cohesion
Policy, creating new sources of employment and economic growth.

In addition, PPP information and brokerage events will need to be organised in cooperation with the industry,
specifically focusing on the EU12.

Therefore, BRIDGE will also stimulate demonstration activities at the production locations in EU-12 countries.
Below an overview is given from the production facilities of the current BIC members:
Billerud: Lithuania
Borregaard: Czech Republic
Cargill: Poland
Clariant: Czech Republic, Poland
Holmen: Estonia
Mets Group: Poland, Slovak Republic, Estonia
Mondi: Slovakia (2x), Czech Republic (5x), Bulgaria (1x), Poland (11x), Hungary (3x)
Nordzucker: Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic
Roquette: Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania
SCA: Poland, Slovak Republic
Smurfit Kappa: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania
Stora Enso: Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland
Sdzucker: Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic
Tereos (via IAR): 5 plants in Czech Republic
Siclae (via ARD), via its subsidiaries: Hungary, Romania and Poland
Sofiproteol (via IAR): Romania
UPM: Poland, Estonia
Unilever: Czech Republic, Romania

In order to benefit from scientific and technological expertise from institutes and academia from all over Europe,
BRIDGE will cooperate with the relevant ERA NETs. Results of ERA NETs will be incorporated and implemented in
BRIDGE and the PPP will advise on their research topics. Moreover, involved industrial partners in ERA NETs will
be stimulated to become partners in BRIDGE.

In the ERA-NET ERA-IB (industrial biotechnology) partners and observers from 15 different countries joined
forces to reduce fragmentation of national research efforts, and to encourage academics and industrial
researchers to work together. The fact that member states such as Romania, Croatia and Poland are also
participating, illustrates the growing interest of the Eastern European countries. Some of the clusters in BRIDGE
have strong ties to academic institutions in EU-12 countries (e.g. CLIB2021 with Poland and the Slovak Republic).

4.1.5 Participation research organisations

Research organizations, consisting of Research and Technology Organisations (RTO) and universities, play
an important role in the implementation of the European Framework Programme for Research & Technology
Development16. They also have an essential role in BRIDGE, through supporting the demonstration activities by
executing research and development required to realize the vision of the Joint Undertaking. They furthermore
contribute by evaluating and disseminating the scientific achievements as described in the annual activity reports
and advise in setting the R&D agenda and Annual Implementation Plans.

A large network consisting of over 200 representatives of research organizations from different European
member states expressed their interest in the SIRA (see Appendix 1). In their combined response to the
prioritization of the SIRA research topics, it was shown that the research organizations have a quite similar
prioritization of the research topics as the industrial partners.

4.1.6 Regions

Many regions in Europe have already developed a regional strategy for the biobased economy, and several have
set up local clusters and PPPs. Also the Committee of the Regions (CoR) recently emphasized the important role
of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in accelerating the transition towards a bioeconomy17. More specifically, the
CoR suggested that advanced regions in the bioeconomy field should be supported in taking the steps required
by bioeconomy value chains and in connecting to other less advanced regions, and believes that this approach
leads to an effective use of resources, while fostering cohesion.

Through the Smart Specialisation Strategy the European Commission encourages national and regional
authorities across Europe to draw up research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation, so that the EUs
Structural Funds can be used more efficiently. Synergies between different EU, national and regional policies, as
well as public and private investments, can be increased.

The Biobased Industries PPP is a key enabler in this respect since several of the regional clusters participate.
BRIDGE will contribute to the creation of the bridge between Horizon 2020 and Structural Funds since it will
trigger the participation of the regions in planning actions and measures well aligned with the intrinsic capabilities
of each local areas.

Research and Technology Organisations in the Evolving European Research Area A status report with Policy Recommendations by EARTO
Conference Partnering for the Bioeconomy in European Regions, 12 October 2012, Brussels

5. The EU added value
In February 2012, the European Commission has adopted a strategy and action plan Innovating for Sustainable
Growth: a Bio-economy for Europe2 to shift the European economy towards greater and more sustainable use
of renewable resources. This bio-economy strategy is part of the Europe 2020 flagship initiatives Innovation
Union and A Resource Efficient Europe. The goal is a more innovative and low-emissions economy, reconciling
demands for sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food security, and the sustainable use of renewable biological
resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring biodiversity and environmental protection. This PPP is part of the
implementation of this strategy.

5.1 Added value of action at EU level and of public

intervention using EU research funds
The multi-sectoral approach in the biobased PPP will combine the strengths of industries, regions and EU
countries enabling the transition from oil & gas to a biobased sustainable economy. Neither single stakeholders
nor individual member states will reach the required critical mass on their own, justifying the clear added value
of tackling these ambitions on a EU27 scale. Highly forested countries and highly productive agricultural regions
will be linked to industrial centres in Europe to generate new value propositions through the development of
integrated value chains.

The EU approach has a distinct added value, complementing and bringing together national approaches. The EU
mandates on the Common Agricultural Policy and the EU Horizon 2020 programme that combines knowledge
and expertise from member states with the technologies available in other member states and the value chains
in the different EU regions add up to a much larger effort than single projects alone. BRIDGE projects will
therefore, where possible, be combined with national projects and structural and regional funds to achieve a
multiplier effect.

Another rationale for an EU-led PPP is evident: most of the barriers/challenges to kick-start a biobased
economy from sustainable biomass supply to market pull via targets, product standardisation and green public
procurement schemes are not adequately addressed at national level but rest firmly on Community-level
regulation, i.e. the Common Agricultural Policy, environmental regulations and the single market. In this context,
BRIDGE will report on policy feedback on several cross-sectoral policies of relevance for the industry (from supply
to market pull measures).

A clear EU added value for the Biobased Industries PPP is its key enabling role for implementing the European
Commissions strategy and action plan, Innovating for Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe. It will
also contribute to the implementation of several European policies and existing EU actions, deliverables and
recommendations (i.e. the Lead Market Initiatives for Bio Based Products) which will help to increase coherence
of market pull measures for biobased products across member states: green public procurement, standardisation,
mandates, tax incentives for sustainable biobased product categories, setting indicative or binding targets for
certain biobased product categories where they contribute to achieving the objectives of existing and future
EU sustainability policies. The creation of a permanent policy desk within the initiative will also contribute to an
improved and more informed dialogue between public and private biobased economy stakeholders.

Tackling these challenges in a cooperation between industry and the European Commission within the framework
BRIDGE is justified by:
the research needed which is so complex that no single company or public research institution can
perform it alone,
the absence of an agreed long-term budget plan and strategic technical and market objectives to
encourage industry and the research community to commit more of their own resources will slow down
the pace of innovation,

the sub-optimal allocation of funds leaving gaps and overlaps in a fragmented research coverage, when
member states do not align their funding,
an insufficient volume of funds for an integrated and continuous programme covering fundamental
research, applied research and EU-level demonstration and flagship activities,
the fact that the value chains are dispersed across different countries and sectors which restricts the
exchange and pooling of knowledge and experience.

This summarizes the clear European added value in having BRIDGE as a EU wide long term research and
demonstration programme to allow large industrial companies and SMEs, including those in the new Member
States, to collaborate between themselves and with European RTOs, universities, national governmental
organisations and NGOs, working towards shared short, medium and long-term objectives across value chains.

5.2 Additionality to existing activities

This SIRA aims at providing research and innovation priorities for the period 2014-2020 with the ultimate goal of
accelerating the pace of innovation towards a sustainable biobased economy.
In this framework, there are three components of additionality:
Input Additionality: collaborative Research and Innovation activities around an industry-led programme
in close dialogue with different EC services could not be launched without public support, at first due
to the current economic and financial challenge, but also because of the specific nature of the sectors
involved and their complex value chains.

Process Additionality: the innovation process is managed and implemented in a more efficient way due
to the value chain approach, well aligned with the Horizon 2020 objectives.

Output Additionality: the partners have drawn pathways to meet the 2030 vision, whatever economic
scenarios may be faced by investors. This means a European roadmap towards demonstration and
flagship projects and the tests of various business models and associated value propositions. It brings
direct benefits to the participants and to the represented sectors and industries, showing that the
barriers towards a sustainable biobased economy are not insurmountable.

Synergy, optimal alignment, cooperation and exchange with all main running initiatives in EU, is required to
facilitate practical realisation. We will actively work with, for example, the following EU initiatives to deliver the
objectives described in this document:

European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) aim to address weaknesses in the European research and
innovation system, which might prevent the entry of innovations into the market. They provide a working
interface between practice, science, policy makers, advisors, and other stakeholders at EU, national and
regional level. Three candidate EIPs are of relevance to the biobased PPP: Agricultural Productivity and
Sustainability, Raw Materials and Water Efficiency.

EIBI (European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative) supports the demonstration of reference plants for
innovative bioenergy value chains which are not yet commercially available (excluding existing biofuels
and heat & power technologies) and which could be deployed on a large scale. The biobased PPP will
develop competitive biorefineries optimising the creation of economic, social and environmental values,
including energy conversion from waste streams, thus contributing important developments to the
EIBI. In turn, the EIBIs demonstration of successful bioenergy value chains could be valuable for the
integrated biorefineries which are the goal of the Biobased PPP.

EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) is a co-operation between the major European RTOs
advising the EC on necessary bioenergy-related fundamental and applied research to achieve the policy
goals defined in the SET-Plan.

The PPPs running under the Recovery Plan, in particular Factories of the Future PPP increases the
technological base of European manufacturing through the development and integration of enabling
technologies. Synergies with the biobased PPP are related to sustainable manufacturing tools,
methodologies and processes for cost-efficiently shaping, handling and assembling products composed
of complex and novel materials. The Green Cars PPP develops sustainable transport methods,
including research on greening combustion engines, biomethane use, logistics and transport systems.
Synergies with the biobased PPP lie in the realisation of value chains providing sustainable advanced
biofuels for transport. The Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) PPP aims at promoting green technologies
and the development of energy-efficient systems and materials in new and renovated buildings aiming
to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The biobased PPP develops value chains
which could deliver sustainable biobased building materials to support the EeB PPP objectives.

The SPIRE PPP, also developed under Horizon 2020, aims to better understand and develop the role
of the process industry in resource & energy efficiency. The biobased PPP supports the SPIRE PPP
and its stakeholders by developing sustainable value chains, bringing together the critical stakeholders
to ensure an infrastructure from field to the output from biorefineries. The SPIRE PPP strengthens the
biobased PPP and its stakeholders by developing energy and resource efficient processes (both fossil
and biobased) and prepares the current process and manufacturing industry for feeding in biobased
building processes and blocks. Biobased Industries PPP, together with the Bio PPP, has identified
docking points between the two PPPs to ensure mutual support and complementarity.

An overview of complementarities and synergies is provided in the following picture.

Agriculture EIBI

Raw Materials Biobased EERA



Factories of
Green Cars
the future

European Innovation
Partnerships (EIPs) Research & Innovation Initiatives

Figure 11. Complementarity and synergy of biobased PPP with main EU initiatives

The intended biobased PPP is fully complementary and synergetic to the Lead market initiatives and its
recommendations, aiming at:
Continuing to stimulate and enhance technological innovation and the development and application of
Increasing public funding for demonstration projects via public-private partnerships.
Increasing public funding for demonstration projects and stimulating the construction of demonstrators
via Public-Private Partnerships;
Setting up a specific EU Innovation Fund which could also serve to aid the transition of the results to
full-scale implementation and to the marketplace;
Developing incentives for the conversion of production plants and industrial processes into biobased
ones, provided that they have proven to be sustainable and that applicable EU State Aid rules
are respected;
Developing incentives (taxation or state aid measures, grants) to support the development of new,
sustainable biobased products production processes.

Ultimately, this SIRA builds heavily on the findings of the previous CSA projects BECOTEPS18 and Star-COLIBRI19.
In particular the industrial stakeholders have further elaborated their findings and aligned them with the overall
vision towards 2030, based on the integrated value chain approach.


6. Financials
The founding partners together have committed to invest above 2.8 billion in research and innovation efforts
between 2014 and 2020, if the right framework conditions can be developed. These framework conditions include
1 billion from the Horizon 2020 budget of the European Commission to be used for the cofundable part of the
BRIDGE projects, following Horizon2020 rules.

In Figure 13 an overview of in which topics and kind of projects this total of 3.8 billion is planned to be invested.
This prioritisation is based on the ambitions of the BIC members in March 2013. A regular review will be
performed on both the topics and budget distribution, based on obtained results and updated ambitions of the
industrial partners (at least every 2 years).

R&D projects

Biomass supply Biorefineries Products &

90 MEuro 360 MEuro 150 MEuro

Value Chain demonstration projects Flagships projects

projects Value Chain 1

292,5 MEuro 1313 MEuro

Value Chain 2

142,5 MEuro 281,4 MEuro

Value Chain 3

150 MEuro 234,5 MEuro

Value Chain 4

112,5 MEuro 351,8 MEuro

Value Chain 5

65 MEuro 52,5 MEuro 164,2 MEuro

JTI Organization

40 MEuro

Figures 12. show the funding prioritisation of the Horizon2020 co-fundable

part of the BRIDGE projects (which covers Horizon2020 co-funding
as well as industry investments (in cash and in-kind) ). This financial
prioritisation is based on the ambitions of the BIC members, where
the distribution of the funding over the kind of projects and value
chains is weighted based on the intended investments of the partners.

Value chain demonstration projects

Flagship projects

R&D projects

Supporting projects
Figure 13. Distribution of funding over
PPP Organisation - 2% research, demonstration and
supporting projects

Value Chain 1: From lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials:
realising the feedstock and techology base for the next generation of fuels, chemicals and materials.

Value Chain 2: The next generation forest-based value chains: utillistaion of te full potential of forestry
biomass by improved mobilisation and realisation of new added value products and markets.

Demonstration Value Chain 3: The next generation agro-based value chains: realising the highest sustainability and
projects added value by improved agricultural production and new added value products and materials. 15%
Value Chain 4: Emergence of new value chains from (organic) waste: From waste problems to ecomonic
opportunities by realising sustainable technologies to convert waste into valuable products. 15%

Value Chain 5: The integrated energy, pulp and chemicals biorefineries: Realising sustainable bio-
energy production, by backwards integration with biorefinery operations isolating higher added value 7%

Figure 14. Distribution of funding over the value chain demonstrators

Biomass supply 15%

R&D projects
Biorefineries 60%
Products & Materials 25%

Figure 15. Distribution of funding over the R&D projects20

These numbers reflect the ambitions and objectives of the members of the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC) in March 2013. The numbers
will be adjusted based on technology and market developments, results obtained and ambitions of new members entering the BIC.

Biomass supply
Many partners representing the biorefinery-sector as well as the bio-products and bio-fuels part of the chain
recognize that the biomass supply is an important area to invest more resources in. This stresses the importance
for either increasing the involvement of partners active in the biomass supply chain, or stimulating research,
development and demonstration via other funds.

Enable to realise the objectives on increasing the biomass supply, BRIDGE will actively cooperate with the EIP
Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability to align on the relevant R&D and demonstration topics. Only by a
strong cooperation with the agricultural and forestry sectors, a sustainable and secure supply of biomass for the
production of biochemicals, bio-based materials can be secured, in harmony with food and feed applications.

Other funding for demonstration and flagship projects

Demonstration and flagship activities are a key output of BRIDGE. This is an area where significant public co-
investments will be deployed jointly with large investments by industry to firstly implement their technologies on
the market. Demonstration and flagship activities in BRIDGE include both smaller demonstrators (TRL 4-6) and
bigger demonstrators (TRL 7-8) - see Table 3, the latter however not being fully eligible under Horizon2020.
Thus, these developments require a close synergy between research and innovation grants available through
H2020 on one side and cohesion and structural funds as well as debt facilities and risk finance instruments
by EIB on the other side. The involvement of the EIB can act as a catalyst, encouraging other banks, financial
institutions and the private sector to participate in an investment. Eventually EIB loans can be combined with EU
grants depending on the scope and definition of the individual project fully in line with the overall ambition of the
Innovation Union and H2020.

Structural Funds may complement local financial needs in terms of deployment of technologies, processes and
products. Within the structural funds there are also regional development funds (cohesion funds for regional
development); they will be addressed for instance for improved logistics, roads, required education, help SMEs
to start-up. Within the integrated approach targeted by BRIDGE also the second pillar of the CAP is considered,
which provides funds for rural development, in particular to help farmers to place investments that benefit
the rural development. These should also be addressed for biobased economy related themes, for instance
machinery to mobilise the residues, improve storage at the farms, etc.

Details on the finances and funding rules within BRIDGE are described in a separate document.

Appendix 1. R
 esearch organisations and universities that have expressed
interest and support to the development of BRIDGE, the Biobased
Industries PPP

Aalborg University Denmark Polish Academy of Poland

Ainia, Technologial Centre Spain Sciences

Aitiip Spain PTS Germany

Ascamm Spain SINTEF Norway

Aula Dei Spain Spain SP Sweden

Austrian Centre of Industrial Austria Swerea Sweden

Biotechnology (ACIB) Tecnalia Spain
Cartif Technology Centre Spain Tekniker Spain
Cener Spain TNO Netherlands
Centre Technique du Papier France TU Delft Netherlands
(CTP) TU Munich Germany
Cetenma Spain Univeristy of Vigo Spain
Cidaut Spain Universidad Politecnica de Spain
Ciemat Spain Madrid
CIRCE Spain Universit di Bologna Italy
CSIC Spain University of Barcelona Spain
ENEA Italy University of Freiburg Germany
Forschungszentrum Jlich Germany University of Girona, Spain
Fraunhofer Germany Lequia

IdealFood Spain University of Hohenheim Germany

IFP ENERGIES NOUVELLES France University of Germany

Inbiotec Spain
University of Lon Spain
INIA Spain
University of Lleida Spain
Innovhub SSI Italy
University of Naples Italy
Innventia Sweden
Federico II
INRA France
University of OULU Finland
IRTA Spain
University of Valladolid Spain
Itacyl Spain
University of Zaragoza Spain
James Hutton Institute UK
Vito Belgium
KTH Sweden
VTT Finland
Leitat Spain
WageningenUR Netherlands
Materia Nova Belgium
Metla, Finnish Forest Finland
Research Institute


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