Concrete Structures

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The document provides an overview of a textbook on concrete structures.

The book covers topics related to the design of concrete structures based on the American Concrete Institute code ACI 318.

Topics include design of beams, columns, footings, slabs, formworks and more.

MehdiSetareh RobertDarvas

Second Edition
Concrete Structures
Mehdi Setareh Robert Darvas

Concrete Structures
Second Edition
Mehdi Setareh Robert Darvas
College of Architecture College of Architecture
and Urban Studies and Urban Planning
Virginia Tech University of Michigan
Blacksburg, VA, USA Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Additional material to this book can be downloaded from

The previous edition was published by Pearson Education, Inc. in 2006.

ISBN 978-3-319-24113-5 ISBN 978-3-319-24115-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015954568

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

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To Roua, Ali, and Kamran with love

To Eva with love,

Preface to the Second Edition

Since the publication of the rst edition, the requirements for the design of concrete
structures have gone through a number of changes as reected in the American
Concrete Institute, ACI 318 publication. The latest revision of the Code was
published in 2014 and represents the state-of-the-art of the current knowledge in
concrete and reinforced concrete design. This revision, ACI 318-14, forms the basis
of the second edition of this textbook.
The book retains the features that made it well received by students, instructors,
and practitioners alike. The popular step-by-step approach of problem solving,
augmented by owcharts and supported by numerical solutions, clearly describes
the processes that need to be followed to provide safe and economical designs of
reinforced concrete components. The self-experiments included at the end of the
chapters help students better understand the behavior of concrete structures through
the construction and testing of scaled models.
To make the book more useful to students in Construction Engineering pro-
grams, a new chapter (Chapter 8) on formworks for monolithic concrete construc-
tion has been added. This chapter covers the fundamentals of formwork and shoring
design, and detailed step-by-step solutions of numerical problems along with
mathematical formulae and tables to help students and practitioners to design
these temporary structures. In addition, to provide more visual clarications of
the topics discussed in the book, a new appendix (Appendix B) is added, which
includes color images of various stages of concrete construction and completed
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following individuals and orga-
nizations by providing images that are used in the book: Professor Jack Davis, Dean
of Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Ms. Kathe Hooper
from the American Society for Testing and Materials, Mr. Charles James from the
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, Ms. Angela Matthews
from the American Concrete Institute, Ms. Gwen Wang from the Portland Cement
Association, and Mr. Doug Peters, PE, President of Christman Constructors, Inc.

viii Preface to the Second Edition

We also owe special thanks to the following individuals: Mr. Nadir Makhlouf, a
partner of Robert Darvas Associates, PC, for his great help in preparing the graphics
work for Chapter 8, Mr. Xiaoyao Wang, Mr. Hasheem Halim, and Mr. Sriram
Sankaranarayanan, students at Virginia Tech schools of architecture and engineer-
ing, for their efforts on updating the book and the solutions manual.
The authors would like to express their thanks to Springer International Pub-
lishing AG Switzerland, in particular Mr. Michael Luby, senior publishing editor,
and Mr. Brian Halm, project coordinator for helping us bring this second edition to

Mehdi Setareh Blacksburg, VA

Robert Darvas Ann Arbor, MI
Preface to the First Edition

The intended audience of this book is architectural engineering, undergraduate civil

engineering, building construction, and architecture students. The manuscript com-
plies with the provisions of the ACI Code 318-05. The easy to follow style of the
text makes it valuable to engineering and nonengineering students. Furthermore,
educators and practitioners interested in the analysis and design of concrete struc-
tures based on the latest ACI Code provisions may also benet from it.
Chapter 1 covers the topic of concrete technology. It discusses the most impor-
tant properties of the main components of reinforced concrete. This technology is
essential for both architecture and engineering students.
Chapter 2 discusses the analysis and design of rectangular beams and one-way
slabs, including a complete treatment of the Unied Design Method as recommended
by the ACI 318-05. Several examples demonstrate the provisions of the latest
changes in the ACI Code. It is written to benet architecture and engineering students
as well. Depending on the main objectives of the course and class time constraints,
the instructor can select the specic topics and their details to be included for the
intended audience.
Chapter 3 Special Topics in Flexure covers T-beams, doubly reinforced
beams, and a discussion of the deection of reinforced concrete beams and slabs.
These topics are more complex, but indispensable in the design of concrete struc-
tures. The detailed technical information presented is essential for engineering
students. We recommend that only a brief discussion of each topic be used in
courses for architecture students.
Chapter 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams covers the design of shear
reinforcements in reinforced concrete beams. We consider this chapter to be
important in both engineering and architecture courses. The depth of coverage
may be left to the discretion of the instructor.
Chapter 5 covers the analysis and design of reinforced concrete columns.
It includes a complete treatment of short columns with small and large eccen-
tricities. Because most reinforced concrete columns are short and a complete
treatment of slender columns is usually only covered in advanced engineering

x Preface to the First Edition

courses, we decided to cover that topic generally. We recommend this chapter be

covered in engineering and architecture courses.
Chapter 6 is a treatise on the different oor systems typically used in reinforced
concrete buildings. A simplied approach appropriate for both architecture and
engineering students is used.
Chapter 7 discusses foundations and earth-retaining walls. The chapter starts
with a background on some aspects of soil mechanics and geotechnical investiga-
tions for building design. These topics are not usually covered in reinforced
concrete structures textbooks. However, we are aware that many engineering
students do not take a soil mechanics course as a prerequisite for a reinforced
concrete class. Furthermore, soil mechanics and foundations courses are
unavailable in nearly all architecture curriculums. The treatment of the subjects
of foundations and earth-retaining walls are well-suited for both architecture and
engineering students.
Chapter 8 is an introduction to prestressed concrete for both architecture and
engineering students.
Chapter 9 discusses the use of the SI System in reinforced concrete design and
construction. We decided against the use of the equivalent SI System within the
main body of the book, as is done in many other textbooks. We felt that this resulted
in a clearer text. Several examples on different topics covered in other chapters are
again presented using the equivalent SI System.
Two unique features of this book are the self-experiments and an accompa-
nying CD with images of concrete structures. From our experience we know that
some engineering students and nearly all architecture students do not have access to
a testing laboratory. Therefore, we included these simple-to-do sets of experiments
that students can perform to learn about reinforced concrete from their own
experiences. We believe these experiments may also help students gain a better
understanding of concrete as a building material. The accompanying CD has a
number of high-quality images of reinforced concrete structures, so that students
can develop an appreciation of the potential this building material offers.
There are numerous problems at the ends of each chapter to be used as home-
work assignments. A complete Instructors Solutions Manual is available upon
A step-by-step approach was adopted throughout the text. Most of the pro-
cedures for design or analysis are summarized in owcharts, where all steps are
numbered, and the example solutions follow these steps. In our experience this
approach helps students try to follow the numerical solutions of various problems.
We would like to thank Professors Jay Stoeckel, Jack Davis, and Mr. Gerry
Martin from the Ceco Concrete Construction, LLC, for providing some of the
images in the accompanying CD-ROM. The continued educational support by the
Northeast Cement Shippers Association, and in particular Kim Frankin, is greatly
appreciated. We are also grateful to students at the School of Architecture + Design
of Virginia Tech for their help and comments during the development of this book,
in particular Mr. Amir Abu-Jaber for his assistance in typing and editing the
manuscript and the solutions manual.
Preface to the First Edition xi

Finally, we wish to thank the Pearson Education editorial and production staff
for their support and assistance. Many thanks to Bret Workman, who did a great job
with text editing. In particular, the assistance of Penny Walker from Techbooks is
greatly appreciated.

Mehdi Setareh Blacksburg, VA

Robert Darvas Ann Arbor, MI

1 Reinforced Concrete Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The ACI Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Concrete Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Portland Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3.2 Fine and Coarse Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.3 Water and Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.4 Admixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.5 Testing Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.5.1 Slump Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5.2 Cylinder Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.3 Core-Cylinder Test and In Situ Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6 Mechanical Behavior of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6.1 Concrete in Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6.2 Concrete in Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.7 Volume Changes in Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.7.1 Temperature Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.7.2 Concrete Shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.7.3 Creep of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.8 Reinforcing Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.8.1 Behavior of Steel Under Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.4 On the Nature of the Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

xiv Contents

2.5 Live Load Reduction Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.6 Continuity in Reinforced Concrete Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.7 Propagation of Internal Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.8 On the Fickleness of Live Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.9 The ACI Code Moment and Shear Coefcients . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.10 The Concept of Strength Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.11 Design (Ultimate) Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.12 Assumptions for the Flexural Design of Reinforced
Concrete Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.13 Different Failure Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.14 The Equivalent Stress Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.15 The Steel Ratio () . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.16 The Balanced Steel Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.17 Elaboration on the Net Tensile Strain in Steel (t) . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.18 The Location of the Neutral Axis and Limit Positions . . . . . . . . 75
2.19 Relationship Between and dt/c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.20 Limitations on the Steel Percentage ()
for Flexural Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.21 Minimum Steel Ratio (min) for Reinforced
Concrete Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections . . . . . . . 80
2.22.1 MR Calculation: Method I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.22.2 MR Calculation: Method II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.23 Selection of Appropriate Dimensions for Reinforced
Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.23.1 Selection of Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.23.2 Selection of Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
2.24 Crack Control in Reinforced Concrete Beams
and One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.25 Design of Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.26 Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2.27 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Under Loads . . . . . . . . 113
2.28 Reinforcement in One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
2.28.1 Main Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
2.28.2 Shrinkage and Temperature (S & T) Reinforcement . . . 116
2.28.3 Minimum Reinforcements for One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . 117
2.29 Areas of Reinforcing Bars in Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2.31 Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
3 Special Topics in Flexure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
3.1 T-beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
3.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
3.1.2 Effective Flange Width (beff) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Contents xv

3.1.3 Minimum Steel for T-beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

3.1.4 Analysis of T-beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
3.1.5 Design of T-beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
3.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
3.2.2 Analysis of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beams . . . . . 176
3.2.3 Design of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beams . . . . . . 190
3.2.4 Lateral Support for Compression Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
3.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
3.3.2 The Effective Moment of Inertia (Ie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
3.3.3 Cracked Section Moment of Inertia (Icr) . . . . . . . . . . . 205
3.3.4 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.3.5 Comments on the Effective Moment of Inertia (Ie) . . . . 214
3.3.6 Long-Term Deections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.4.1 Bond Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.4.2 Development Length for Bars in Tension . . . . . . . . . . 218
3.4.3 Tension Bars Terminated in Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.4.4 Development Length for Bars in Compression . . . . . . . 223
3.4.5 Splices of Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
4.2 Shear in Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
4.3 The Design of Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
4.3.1 Zone 1 (Vu  Vc/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
4.3.2 Zone 2 (Vc/2 < Vu  Vc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
4.3.3 Zone 3 (Vc < Vu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
4.4 Additional Requirements for the Design
of Shear Reinforcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
4.6 Additional Formulas to Calculate the Shear Strength
of a Beam Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
4.6.1 Beams Subject to Flexure and Shear Only . . . . . . . . . . 262
4.6.2 Members Subject to Axial Compression . . . . . . . . . . . 262
4.6.3 Members Subject to Signicant Axial Tension . . . . . . . 262
4.7 Corbels and Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
5 Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
5.2 Types of Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
xvi Contents

5.2.1 Based on Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

5.2.2 Based on Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
5.2.3 Based on Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
5.2.4 Based on Structural System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
5.2.5 Based on Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
5.3 Behavior of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity
Under Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
5.4 General ACI Code Requirements for Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
5.5 Some Considerations on the Design of Reinforced
Concrete Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
5.5.1 Column Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
5.5.2 High-Strength Material Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity . . . . . . . . . 294
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity . . . . . . . . . . 302
5.7.1 Ag Known, Ast Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
5.7.2 Ag and Ast Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads . . . . . . . . . 316
5.9 ACI Column Interaction Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
5.10 Design Axial Load Strength (Pn), and Moment
Capacity (Mn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity
Using Interaction Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
5.11.1 Analysis of Columns with Compression-
Controlled Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
5.11.2 Analysis of Non-compression-Controlled
Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity . . . . . . . . . . 347
5.12.1 Design of Columns with Compression-
Controlled Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
5.12.2 Design of Non-compression-Controlled
Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
5.13 Slender Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
5.13.1 Column Buckling and Slenderness Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . 358
5.13.2 P Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
6 Floor Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
6.2 Flat Slabs and Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
6.3 Shears in Flat Slabs and Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
6.5 Flat Slabs and the Use of Drop Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
6.6 Wafe Slab Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
6.7 One-Way Joists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
6.8 Beams and One-Way Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Contents xvii

6.9 Two-Way Slabs on Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

6.10 Two-Way Joists with Slab Band Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
7.2 Types of Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
7.3 Soil Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
7.4 Test Borings and the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) . . . . . . . 404
7.5 Soil Failure Under Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
7.6 Pressure Distribution Under Footing and Soil Settlement . . . . . 408
7.7 Allowable Bearing Soil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
7.8 Types of Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
7.8.1 Shallow Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
7.8.2 Deep Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
7.8.3 Considerations for the Placement of Foundations . . . . . 418
7.9 Distribution of Soil Pressure Under Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
7.10 Design of Wall Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
7.10.1 Plain Concrete Wall Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
7.10.2 Reinforced Concrete Wall Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design . . . . . . . . . 436
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
7.13.1 Lateral Earth Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
7.13.2 Basement Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
7.13.3 Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
8.2 Planning for Formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
8.3 Loads on Formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
8.3.1 Gravity Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
8.3.2 Lateral Pressure on Formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
8.3.3 Lateral Loads on the Shoring
and Forming Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
8.4 Materials for Formwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
8.4.1 Form Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
8.4.2 Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
8.4.3 Formwork Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
8.4.4 Release Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
8.5 Design of Formwork Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
8.5.1 Typical Design Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
8.6 Wall Formwork Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
xviii Contents

8.7 Column Formwork Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546

8.8 Floor Slab Formwork Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
8.9 Beam Formwork Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
9.2 Advantages of Prestressed Concrete Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
9.3 Types of Prestressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
9.3.1 Pretensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
9.3.2 Posttensioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
9.4 Prestressed Concrete Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
9.4.1 Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
9.4.2 Prestressing Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
9.5 Loss of Prestressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
9.5.1 Elastic Shortening of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
9.5.2 Shrinkage of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
9.5.3 Creep of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
9.5.4 Relaxation of the Prestressing Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
9.5.5 Friction Losses in Curved Tendons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
9.5.6 Total Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
9.6 Ultimate Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
9.7 The Concept of Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Self-Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design
and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
10.2 Brief History of Metric System Adoption
in the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
10.3 Conversion to SI Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603

Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607

Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images . . . . . . . . . . 643

Appendix C: Standard ACI Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
Chapter 1
Reinforced Concrete Technology

1.1 Introduction

Concrete and reinforced concrete are extremely versatile building materials.

Concrete, which essentially is a man-made stone, can take virtually any shape
and form the designer envisions. Because concrete is like a heavy liquid when
produced, it is poured into a mold and, when hardened, will take the shape of the
pre-built form.
The skillful use of reinforced concrete opens unlimited vistas for the designer.
Working with reinforced concrete is an experience in sculpting. Any sculptor
working on the creation of an art object must be fully familiar with the possibilities
and limitations of the material be it clay, metal, glass, or something else. Likewise,
the designer must be fully cognizant of the nature of reinforced concrete. How
is it made? How does it work? How will it serve in different environments?
Figures B1.1 and B1.2 in the Appendix B demonstrate the visual and artistic
importance of reinforced concrete as a building material.
Reinforced concrete is not a homogeneous material. It is a combination of two
materials: concrete and reinforcing, which is most often steel. Concrete, while
strong in compression, is relatively weak in tension. This weakness in tension
must be corrected by adding steel reinforcing. The successful combination of
these two distinctly different materials into one successful hybrid makes reinforced
concrete the most widely used building and structural material in the world.
To gain a better understanding of the complexity underlying the construction of
a reinforced concrete structure, consider Figure 1.1, which outlines the process and
the players involved. Of course there are many more players (like those who
manufacture materials such as cement, steel reinforcing rods, timber products used
in form making, and so on) but their inclusion would unnecessarily complicate an
already intricate web of involvements.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 1

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_1
2 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Contractor for Other trades whose
concrete work items must be in place
prior to concrete
Design drawings, placement (conduits,
layout and size of pipe-sleeves, etc.)
all elements, reinforcing Shoring and formwork
requirements (schedules),
and specifications
Supplier of concrete
Reinforcing is placed
and secured in place.
Manufacturer of
reinforcing Proposed mix for each
class of concrete to
Reinforcing is checked and satisfy specifications
approved (designer or
Shop drawings; all bars testing agency).
are detailed as to length,
bends, and location.
Review and approval
by designer
Concrete is delivered and
conveyed to the location
Review and approval of placement.
by designer (last line
Approved mix is
of defense for designers)
produced and
delivered in quantities
Concrete is placed, requested by concrete
consolidated and finished. contractor.
Bars are cut and bent
per approved shop
drawings and tagged.
Curing Testing agency

Removal of shoring Samples fresh concrete

and forms; correction of (slump, air content, etc.);
unacceptable blemishes also prepares strength
test cylinders

Finish of hardened
concrete per design
requirements (leaving as
cast, paint, cover, sand-
blast, bush hammer, etc.)

Figure 1.1 Concrete construction overview

1.2 The ACI Code

The rules and regulations governing any construction in the United States are set by
different model codes. The rules of a model code become the law in a given
municipality when the legislative body (state legislature, city council, etc.) adopts
them as the governing standard for building construction under its jurisdiction.
There are many model codes, among them the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and
the International Building Code (IBC). The UBC is traditionally used in the western
states of the United States. The IBC rst appeared in the year 2000 and is a joint
effort of the BOCA (Building Ofcials and Code Administrators), the ICBO
1.3 Concrete Ingredients 3

(International Conference of Building Ofcials), and the SBCCI (Southern Building

Code Conference International).
For the design of reinforced concrete structures, these model codes usually adapt
the requirements set forth by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), headquartered
in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Engineers, architects, concrete producers, contrac-
tors, chemists, and cement manufacturers from all over the world belong to this
organization, but membership is available to anyone wishing to join. Student
membership is also available.
There are several hundred technical committees within the ACI that deal with
any aspects of producing and designing with concrete. These technical committees
collect the vast existing (and continually forthcoming) research information and
publish it in the ACI Journal as recommended standards. The updated collection of
standards are also published every other year or so in a large six-volume set, The
ACI Manual of Standard Practice.
One of the committees (ACI Committee 318) compiles and publishes a docu-
ment, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, that contains the most
up-to-date rules recommended by the collective knowledge in the Institute. In the
past a new updated edition was published about every 6 or 7 years. Now the
Institute appears to have adopted a 3-year cycle to update the Code and incorporate
the latest and best available research information. The latest edition, ACI 318-14,
appeared in 2014. This book has already been updated to contain the latest changes
in the Code. Proposed changes in any new edition are rst published in the ACI
Journal for review and comments from the membership; then the nal revised
document is submitted to the Institutes membership for approval. Upon approval, it
becomes an ACI Standard that governs the design of concrete and reinforced
concrete structures.

1.3 Concrete Ingredients

Concrete is a mixture composed of a ller material (aggregate) bound together by a

hardened paste. One might call it man-made stone. The hardened paste is the result
of a chemical reaction, called hydration, between cement and water. In addition,
admixturesvarious chemicals, usually in liquid formare often used to impart
desirable qualities to the freshly mixed or hardened concrete. The paste lls the
voids between the aggregate particles, gravel or crushed stone and sand, and binds
them together. The aggregate size distribution is carefully controlled to minimize
the resulting voids that must be lled with the paste. Minimizing the amount of
paste helps to minimize the amount of cement, which is the most expensive
ingredient of the mixture, because it requires a large amount of energy in its
manufacture. The usual proportion of the aggregate in normal-weight concrete is
about 6575 % by volume, while the paste makes up about 3323 %. The remaining
volume is air.
4 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Figure 1.2 Concrete ingredients (Courtesy of Portland Cement Association)

Thus the four ingredients of concrete (see Figure 1.2) are (1) cement (i.e., the
binder); (2) ne and coarse aggregates, which ll the bulk of the volume; (3) water
and air; and (4) admixtures, which are used to impart certain desirable properties.
These ingredients, carefully proportioned, are combined in a mixer.

1.3.1 Portland Cement

Mankind has used natural cements since ancient times. The magnicent stone
structures built by the Romans all used nely ground cementitious materials
(pozzolans) in the mortar. Other materials may be used to bind aggregate particles
together (asphalts are used in making asphaltic concrete for road construction), but
in the making of structural concrete, hydraulic cements are used without exception.
Hydraulic cements harden by reacting with water. The most important hydraulic
cement is the one rst made by an English mason, Joseph Aspdin, who received an
English patent in 1824 for the composition and the process. He called it portland
cement because the concrete made with the cement had the color of natural
limestone quarried on the Portland peninsula. Portland cement is a ne powdery
material, composed mainly of calcium silicates and aluminum silicates. The mate-
rials needed to make cement are found in virtually every part of the world:
1. Limestone, which provides calcium oxide (CaO)
2. Clays, shales, and so on, which supply silicon dioxide (SiO2) and aluminum
trioxide (Al2O3)
1.3 Concrete Ingredients 5

The materials are pulverized, mixed in the right proportions, then baked in a
rotary kiln at very high (about 2,300  F) temperatures. The product from the kiln, a
glassy-looking ceramic, is called clinker. During the baking, chemical changes
occur in the original materials, which form four important compounds (among
others of somewhat lesser importance). These are dicalcium silicate, tricalcium
silicate, tricalcium aluminate, and tetracalcium aluminoferrite. The relative pro-
portions of these compounds inuence the characteristics of different cements.
The clinker is then ground into a ne powder. The average size of the particles is
only 0.0004 in. This is just an average; there are many smaller size particles.
Actually there are about seven trillion particles per pound of cement. The particles
combined surface area is about 2,000 ft2/lb. Usually, small amounts of gypsum and
various other minerals are mixed with the ground clinker to adjust the setting time
of the cement or to impart some desirable properties to the nal product. Different
types of cement are used for various jobs and conditions. For building structures in
most cases, Type Inormal portland cement, or Type IIIhigh-early-strength
portland cement are used.
While the basic raw materials of cement (limestone, clay, shale, etc.) are
relatively cheap, the making of cement, chiey the previously described baking
process, requires large amounts of energy (e.g., natural gas). Thus the cement is by
far the most expensive component of concrete. To save cement, other materials that
have hydraulic properties can be substituted for some part of the cement. Substitu-
tion of up to 35 % to 45 % by weight may be permitted. Fly ash, a by-product of
coal-red power plants, and ground blast furnace slag are two such commonly used

1.3.2 Fine and Coarse Aggregates

Aggregates, such as the ller material, make up the bulk of the volume in concrete.
Thus it is important that the aggregates be of good quality, strong and resistant to
the environmental forces (physical and chemical) that will affect the concrete
throughout its intended life. Aggregates should not contain chemicals or materials
that might lead to the destruction of the inner structure of the concrete.
As mentioned before, approximately 6575 % of the total volume of concrete is
aggregates. In a somewhat arbitrary way they are divided into two classes. The
particles that pass a #4 sieve, that is, less than 0.25 in. are called ne aggregates or
sand. Coarse aggregatesnatural gravel or crushed stoneare particles that are
larger than 0.25 in. Aggregates are mostly dug or dredged from a pit, river, lake, or
seabed. They are also produced by crushing rocks (limestone, dolomite, etc.) and
Producers usually wish to ll most of the volume with the cheaper ingredients,
that is, the aggregates, so they rst carefully separate the different grain sizes (the
ne and the coarse), then mix them in desirable proportions. In the resulting particle
6 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

distribution, the successively smaller particles ll the voids between the larger
parts. This is referred to as good gradation.
At a certain point however, the smallness of a ne aggregate particle becomes
deleterious to the quality. The cement paste must coat all the particles to bind them
together. The smaller the particle, the larger is its surface-to-volume ratio. Thus
particles less than 0.006 in. are undesirable. If necessary, aggregates are carefully
washed to rid them of adhered clay or mud particles.
On the other end of the scale, the maximum size of the coarse aggregate must be
controlled as well. The gravel in the concrete mix must pass between closely spaced
reinforcing bars, and the concrete must smoothly ll often-intricate forms. In
general, the maximum-size aggregate should be no larger than one-fth of the
narrowest dimension of the concrete form. Furthermore, in building structures,
where the minimum allowable clear spacing between reinforcing bars is 1 in., the
maximum size of coarse aggregate particles is usually limited to about 3/4 in. in the
concrete mix.
The unit weight of concrete made with gravel (or crushed stone) and sand
aggregates varies between 140 and 150 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). In calculations
an average weight of 145 pcf is used for unreinforced concrete, while for the weight
of reinforced concrete structures a value of 150 pcf is used. The difference between
these two values tends to account for the greater unit weight of the embedded steel
The last 50 years has also seen a growing development in the use of lightweight
aggregates. In concrete structures, because the self-weight of the structure is a much
larger component of the total loads than in steel or wood-framed structures, it is
often desirable to use lighter aggregates than gravel or stone. Concretes made with
lightweight aggregates also have better insulating properties. Most of these aggre-
gates are articially produced. For structural purposes expanded shales and clays
are used almost exclusively. Their use enables the production of structural
(as opposed to insulating) concretes with only 110115 pcf unit weight. Light-
weight structural concrete is more expensive than normal weight concrete, but its
lighter weight often reduces the overall cost of the structure.

1.3.3 Water and Air

Water Water is an important and necessary part of making concrete. The water used
to make concrete has to be free of chemicals and unwanted elements. In general, if
the water is drinkable, it can be used to make concrete, although some waters that
are not t for drinking may also be suitable for concrete. Two important aspects
about the role of water in concrete need to be discussed: the hydration process and
the water/cementitious materials ratio.
The Hydration Process When water is mixed with cement, a chemical reaction
starts between them. This is called hydration, which creates the binding quality of
the paste. The two calcium silicates that make up about 75 % of portland cement
1.3 Concrete Ingredients 7

react with water to form two new compounds: calcium hydroxide and the more
important calcium silicate hydrate. The latter compound rst appears as a gel,
which later turns into a solid. The surface area of the calcium silicate hydrate is
enormous. Its crystals can be discerned only in a scanning electron microscope.
These crystals adhere to each other, as well as to the grains of sand and gravel,
cementing (gluing) all parts together.
The hydration process develops in three stages. These are setting, hardening, and
strength development. They all are related to the rate of reaction between the
cement and the water. This rate of reaction must be carefully determined and
regulated to allow sufcient time for the concrete to be transported, placed, and
nished. When the hydration advances to a certain stage of setting, the concrete
becomes difcult or impossible to handle. Thus the concrete must be placed and
consolidated in the forms, usually within 2 hours after batching (the mixing of
ingredients with the water). Temperature also has a major inuence on the rate of
the hydration, so various chemical admixtures may be added to either retard or
accelerate the process.
From the age of about 2 hours to about 68 hours, the hardening stage takes
place. After hardening, one may step on the concrete without leaving an imprint on
the surface. The concrete is far from being strong at this stage, however. Thereafter
begins the third stage, that is, the strength development that is quite rapid in the
early days and gradually becomes slower.
Hydration continues throughout the life of a concrete structure as long as free
moisture is available to react with unhydrated parts of cement particles.
Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio The water/cementitious (w/cm) materials
ratio is of paramount importance. It greatly inuences the quality of the paste,
hence the quality of the concrete. It is dened as the weight of the total water to the
weight of the cement (or cementitious products) in the mix. The total water must
also account for the water contained by moist aggregates. The free water adhering
to the aggregates can be signicant, so it must be carefully determined, and the
weight of the additional water into the mix must be adjusted accordingly.
For complete hydration only an approximate w/cm ratio of 0.25 (25 lb of water
for every 100 lb of cementitious material) is needed. This is a theoretical value only.
Evaporation of water from the mix cannot be prevented, thus reducing the amount
available for the hydration process. Furthermore, concrete made with such a small
w/cm ratio is too dry and unworkable. More water (higher w/cm ratio) is needed to
produce a concrete that is workable. Therefore, a minimum w/cm ratio between
0.35 and 0.40 is usually required.
Workability is not a scientically denable term. It refers to the ease of placing,
consolidating, and nishing fresh concrete. It is true that more water in the mix
tends to increase the workability, but excess water creates all sorts of problems.
Practically all desirable properties of concrete, such as strength and durability, are
adversely affected by high w/cm ratios.
To begin with, concrete with excess water has a tendency to segregate. When the
fresh concrete is too uid the heavier particles (coarse aggregate) settle on the
bottom of the form, that is, they segregate from the ideal distribution of particles.
8 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Non-air-entrained concrete
Compressive strength, psi






0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Watercement ratio

Figure 1.3 Changes of concrete compressive strength with w/cm ratio and age

Then the excess water migrates to the surface in a process called bleeding,
producing a weak top layer. Large amounts of bleed water also make it difcult
to properly nish the top surface of oors. In the later stages of hardening and
strength gain, the excess water, that is, the water that was not used during hydration,
will evaporate from the concrete through tiny capillaries. This results in voids that
weaken the concrete. Figure 1.3 illustrates the dramatic strength loss with increas-
ing w/cm ratio while all other parameters, such as total cement content, are kept
constant in a given mix.
A balance must be struck between having too little water and an unworkable
mix, and having too much water that results in loss of strength and durability. Thus
an optimum water content must be used. Optimum water content is the minimum
amount necessary in a mix to maintain good workability. As will be discussed in the
section on admixtures, there are certain chemical compounds that, when added to
the fresh concrete, temporarily increase its uidity. These are called water reducing
agents (plasticizers) or high-range water reducing agents (superplasticizers). The
former agents reduce the water requirement by 510 %, while the latter ones reduce
it by as much as 2030 % without the loss of workability.
Air All concrete, even after the most careful consolidation, contains some air. Two
types of air may be present in a concrete mix: unwanted or bad air, and wanted or
good air. Bad air is basically large bubbles of air entrapped inside the mix. These
bubbles create discontinuity in the concretes texture and weaken its strength. Every
effort is made to minimize this type of air in hardened concrete. At the time of
placement the aim is to consolidate the concrete to the maximum possible density
and bring these unwanted air bubbles to the surface. Unfortunately, even with the
best consolidation efforts, these large air bubbles (well visible to the naked eye) get
stuck in the concrete by adhering to aggregates, reinforcing bars, and most often to
1.3 Concrete Ingredients 9

the inner surface of the formwork, especially in columns and sides of deep beams.
There they become visible on the surface of the hardened concrete and are com-
monly referred to as bug-holes. In well-consolidated concrete, these may repre-
sent about 1 % or less of the total volume. Their presence is not a source of major
The second type of air, good air, is deliberately introduced into the concrete.
This process is called air entrainment. Properly used air-entraining agents distribute
tiny (microscopic) air bubbles uniformly in the concrete. The size of the bubbles
ranges between 0.0004 and 0.004 in., in excess of three billion air bubbles per cubic
foot of concrete. The chemicals used to create them are added to the concrete using
special admixtures. Air-entrainment makes the concrete mix more workable (thus
requiring less water), slightly decreases the weight of the concrete, and, most
importantly, increases the durability of the concrete.

1.3.4 Admixtures

Admixtures are chemicals added to the concrete batch during mixing or just prior to
placement to enhance properties such as rate of setting, hydration, workability,
strength, and so on. Four main types of admixtures are discussed here.
Air-entraining Admixtures Air entraining agents are hydrophobic, that is, they
repel water. Thus a lm (e.g., soap lm) forms on the surface of the bubbles that
prevents them from collapsing or coalescing. The lm also keeps water out of the
bubbles. These bubbles are nely dispersed throughout the concrete during mixing.
They do increase the workability of the concrete, but their most important role is to
increase concrete durability. Durability in this context refers to concretes resis-
tance to the destructive process of freeze and thaw cycles that occur in certain
Hardened concrete contains ne capillaries that enable moisture to penetrate. As
free water in moist concrete freezes, it expands. The expansion is signicant. Ice
takes up about 9 % more volume than unfrozen water. This expansion exerts
hydraulic pressure on the yet unfrozen water, which in turn exerts pressure on the
surrounding paste structure. If this pressure is too great for the tensile strength of
the paste to withstand, the paste structure will rupture and collapse to provide the
excess room needed for the ice. This creates more volume the next time around for
the penetrating water, thus even more room is needed to accommodate the
expanding ice. This cyclic phenomenon continues, resulting in scaling and crum-
bling of the concrete.
Entrained air voids act as relief reservoirs in the paste structure. The expanding
water in the capillaries can enter the storage space provided by these well-dispersed
tiny bubbles by overcoming the air pressure existing within the bubbles. On
thawing, the water, driven out by the compressed air, returns to the capillaries.
To impart proper freeze/thaw resistance to building structures the accepted range
is to have about 57 % entrained air in the hardened concrete volume. Air content of
10 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

the freshly mixed concrete can be measured right at the job site prior to placement.
This ensures that the hardened concrete will have an appropriate amount of
entrained air. The actual air content can also be established on core samples
taken from the already hardened concrete. The two different tests may give
different results, because some air inevitably will be lost during placement and
Accelerating Admixtures (Accelerators) This admixture hastens the setting of
concrete by speeding up the hydration process, which in turn makes the concrete
gain strength faster, especially at an early age. Similar results may be obtained by
using Type III, or high-early-strength portland cement, by lowering the w/cm ratio,
or by curing the concrete at higher temperatures. Accelerators are traditionally used
in cold weather construction. Cement hydration is an exothermic process, that is, it
generates heat. The use of accelerators reduces the setting and hardening times. The
accelerated hydration produces a larger amount of heat, which helps to prevent the
concrete from freezing. In the past, calcium chloride was used as an accelerator, and
some products on the market still contain calcium chloride. This chemical, how-
ever, has many potentially dangerous side effects (e.g., chloride ions in the presence
of moisture enhance corrosion of the reinforcing), so its use is strongly discouraged.
Several, non-chloridebased and noncorrosive accelerators are available for use.
Superplasticizers This admixture reduces the water needed to create a owing
concrete as well as the water that otherwise would be needed for proper workability.
The reduced w/cm ratio results in a higher strength concrete with the same amount
of cement. Superplasticizers are indispensable when concrete is pumped between
the point of discharge from the delivery truck and the point of placement. Normal
structural concrete is said to be workable when the slump is about 3 in. (see
Section 1.5.1 for the slump test that is used to check consistency and workability).
Such concrete is too stiff to ow through a 5-in. or 6-in. diameter hose. Adding a
superplasticizer will temporarily increase a 3 in. slump to 8 or 9 in.; thus the
concrete behaves like a liquid for a short time.
Retarding Admixtures (Retarders) As the name implies, retarders have an effect
opposite to that of accelerators. They slow down concrete hydration and increase
the setting time. Retarders are used for hot weather construction because the
hydration process is much faster at elevated temperatures. Their use enables
the contractor to place and nish the concrete before advancing hydration makes
the concrete difcult to handle. Retarders are also used to make exposed aggregate
elements in the precast concrete industry. A layer of retarder paste is smeared on the
inside of the form prior to the placement of the concrete. In about 1224 hours
(depending on the curing technique used), the precast concrete element is removed
from the form and the retarder paste is washed away, exposing the surface of the
underlying aggregate structure. (Note: For additional information, refer to ACI
212.3R: Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, reported by ACI Committee 212.)
1.5 Testing Concrete 11

1.4 Curing

Freshly placed concrete is consolidated to bring large entrapped air bubbles and
excess water to its surface. This is usually done by high-speed vibrators. The
vibrating action reduces the friction between the particles and makes the concrete
behave like a thick uid. At the same time, entrapped air bubbles and excess water
are forced to rise to the surface. Vibrators are elongated cylinders with an unbal-
anced weight rotating inside at a high frequency. Vibrators are of different diam-
eters, from about 3/4 up to 6 in.; the most frequently used ones are 2 to 21/2 in. in
diameter. Frequencies may vary from 5,000 to 15,000 cycles per minute. Vibrators
should be rapidly lowered into the concrete and then slowly withdrawn for best
After the freshly placed concrete is nished, it is necessary to create the best
possible environment for the concrete to harden and gain strength. This process is
called curing. Hydration and strength gain will continue as long as unhydrated
cement particles and adequate moisture are present for the chemical reaction. Thus
the moisture in the concrete after the consolidation and nishing processes must
remain in the concrete. If the concrete dries out (i.e., the relative humidity inside
drops below 80 %), the hydration stops. Similarly, if the moisture in the concrete
freezes, the hydration will stop and the expansion of ice will destroy the paste
matrix, which is at its early stages of formation.
So the concrete should be kept moist and comfortably warm. Concrete is kept
moist by covering it to prevent evaporation from the surface, or sprinkling it several
times daily. Chemical curing compounds also are available. These are sprayed on
the concrete to form a lm that prevents moisture from escaping.
In the wintertime, freshly placed concrete is covered with insulation blankets. It
is also a usual practice to enclose the space below the fresh concrete and heat the
space with propane space heaters. This process not only prevents the freshly placed
concrete from freezing but enhances the speed of the hydration. (Note: Detailed
information may be found in the ACI Standards, ACI 305Hot Weather Concret-
ing and ACI 306Cold Weather Concreting. These contain state-of-the-art recom-
mendations regarding the topics). Figures B1.3 and B1.4 in the Appendix B show
two different methods of concrete placement.

1.5 Testing Concrete

Testing of concrete aims (1) to ensure that it has the required properties called for in
the design documents and specications, and (2) to determine the properties of
concrete in an existing structure.
Many tests can be performed to evaluate certain properties of fresh or hardened
concrete. The three most commonly used tests are as follows.
12 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

1.5.1 Slump Test

The slump test measures the consistency and workability of concrete. This test is
performed on fresh concrete either as it is discharged from the truck (known as
testing at the point of delivery), or after it has been conveyed to the point of
placement. The distinction is sometimes important, for signicant slump loss may
occur during conveyance. The device used in this test is a 12 in. high truncated
metal cone, 4 in. wide at the top and 8 in. wide at the base (see Figure 1.4a). The
method of sampling the fresh concrete, and of lling and consolidating the concrete
inside the slump cone is standardized in the ASTM (American Society for Testing
and Materials) C143 standard.

a 4 in.

12 in.

8 in.



Slump cone
Settled concrete

Figure 1.4 (a) Slump cone. (b) Slump test

1.5 Testing Concrete 13

Figure 1.5 Slump test (courtesy of Portland Cement Association)

The cone is lled with concrete in three equal-volume layers, and each layer is
consolidated within the cone by 25 strokes of a 5/8-in. diameter rod with a rounded
end. After the third layer is lled, the excess concrete is struck off with the steel rod,
and the cone is carefully lifted off. The cone is then placed upside down next to the
concrete, and the steel rod is placed across its top. The distance measured from the
bottom edge of the rod to the original center of the slumped concrete mass is the
slump (Figures 1.4b and 1.5). The slump recommended for good workability and an
acceptable w/cm ratio depends on the type of construction. The common range of
slump in building structures is 34 in. (unless superplasticizers are used).
14 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

1.5.2 Cylinder Test

The most important property of hardened concrete is its compressive strength, fc0 .
This value refers to the cylinder compressive strength of the concrete at the age of
28 days and forms the basis of the design of a structure. In the United States
compressive strength of concrete is measured on 6 in. diameter by 12 in. high
cylinders. (Note: The sampling of the fresh concrete is governed by ASTM C172,
Method of Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. The making and curing of the
cylinders are governed by ASTM C31, Practice for Making and Curing Concrete
Cylinder Test Specimens.)
The architect or design engineer species the number of cylinders cast for
testing. Typically one set of cylinders is made from about every 50100 yd3 of
concrete, but not less than one set from each days pour. Usually three cylinders
comprise one set. After the concrete is hardened, the cylinders are transported to a
testing laboratory where they are placed in a curing chamber. The temperature
inside the curing chamber is kept at 72  F (room temperature) with 100 % relative
humidity. These cylinders thus treated are called lab-cured cylinders. They indicate
how good the concrete mix was, not how good the concrete is in the structure, as the
contractor may not maintain ideal curing conditions on the site. To determine the
strength development of the concrete in the eld, extra cylinders may be cast and
kept in the eld to cure under the same conditions as those of the structure. These
are known as eld-cured cylinders. Comparing the strength of eld-cured cylinders
to that of lab-cured cylinders helps to determine how successful the contractors
efforts were in providing good curing.
The strength test is performed in accordance with ASTM C39, Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. Compression force is
applied to the prepared concrete cylinder by a hydraulic jack (Figures 1.6 and 1.7).
The load is increased progressively at a rate of 35  5 psi (pounds per square inch)
per second until the concrete cylinder fails. The load required to break the cylinder
is noted, then divided by the cross-sectional area of the cylinder. The result gives
the breaking stress, or cylinder strength. A strength test is the average strength of
two cylinders cast from the same sample.
The acceptance of the concrete (from the strength point of view) is regulated by
the ACI Code. The strength of the concrete is considered satisfactory when:
The arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds
fc0 , (i.e., the specied design strength)
No individual strength test (the average of two cylinders) falls below fc0 by more
than 500 psi when fc0 is 5,000 psi or less; or by more than 0.10 fc0 when fc0 is more
than 5,000 psi
Often extra cylinders are cast and tested at an earlier age (7 days) to evaluate the
development of strength. Although different cements may gain strength at some-
what different rates depending on the relative proportions of the main chemical
compounds, the 28-day strength can be estimated by extrapolating early test data.
1.5 Testing Concrete 15

Concrete cylinder 12 in.

6 in.

Figure 1.6 Cylinder test

Figure 1.7 Cylinder test (Courtesy of Portland Cement Association)

The problem with the 28-day strength test is that if the results are unsatisfactory,
the remedy is usually difcult and expensive. In any major project, construction
progresses far in 28 days, often resulting in two or three additional oors. Thus,
removing the weak concrete and replacing it is rarely an option. The various
strengthening methods of the structure are generally very expensive. So it is of
paramount importance to have good quality control throughout the process from
16 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

mixing (making sure that all the required ingredients are there in the right
proportions), to transporting, placing, nishing, and curing.

1.5.3 Core-Cylinder Test and In Situ Tests

Core-cylinder tests are used to evaluate the strength of the concrete in an existing
structure. The sample is obtained by coring the hardened concrete. The size of the
sample is typically 2 in. in diameter and 4 in. high, and its compressive strength is
determined in a manner similar to that for a normal cylinder test. Larger-diameter
and longer cylinders may be cored; however, the ratio of height to diameter should
preferably equal 2.
Nondestructive tests exist, that is, tests that do not require the removal of a
sample. The most popular is the rebound hammer test. This test uses a calibrated
spring-loaded device that shoots a rod against the concrete surface. A dial gage
measures the rebound that is correlated to the concretes modulus of elasticity, from
which an estimate of the compressive strength can be made.

1.6 Mechanical Behavior of Concrete

1.6.1 Concrete in Compression

Concrete is very strong in compression. In the United States, cylinder tests are used
to study the behavior of concrete in compression. In other parts of the world,
compression testing is typically done on 20-cm cube samples. Results obtained
from the two different tests are different for samples made of the same concrete.
This is due to the shape and proportions of the samples.
The deformation of the sample under load during testing may also be measured
to establish the stress-strain diagram. Axial
 stress is dened as the
force divided by the cross-sectional area f PA , which has units of psi (pounds
per square inch) or ksi (kips per square inch). In SI (International System) units, the
stress may be measured in KPa (kilopascal) or MPa (megapascal)  units. Strain is the
deformation of a unit length of the member and is dened as
, where is
the change in the length, and is the original length. Strain is a dimensionless
number, for example, inch/inch.
It must be emphasized that the cylinder test used to evaluate the strength of
concrete is only a representative sample and provides only an indicative and
correlative value of how the concrete may behave in the structure. The cylinder,
when tested, is free to expand laterally. The concrete in a structure may be conned
by its surrounding. A conned sample of concrete is much stronger. Note also that
the cylinder test determines the strength of the concrete under short-term loading.
1.6 Mechanical Behavior of Concrete 17

Research indicates that under long-term loading (e.g., within building structures),
the strength of the concrete is less than that exhibited by the cylinder testing.
Different concrete mixes exhibit not only different strengths, but very different
deformation characters. Figure 1.8 shows the stress-strain diagrams of typical
concrete mixes.

fc (psi)

fc' = 6,000 psi

fc' = 5,000 psi
fc' = 4,000 psi
fc' = 3,000 psi



0 ec
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004

Figure 1.8 Stress-strain diagram of concrete in compression

A study of the stress-strain curves leads to important observations. At small

strain levels there seems to be a straight-line relationship between strain and stress,
that is, concrete seems to follow Hookes law (stress is linearly proportional to
strain). This almost elastic relationship is valid up to about 3050 % of the ultimate
strength. The relationship then starts to deviate from this reasonably assumed
straight line, that is, with increasing strain the stress grows, but at a slower rate.
The peak stress level in typical concretes used in construction occurs near a strain
value of 0.002. Then the stress in the cylinder starts to decrease with increasing
strain until an ultimate strain value is reached, at which point the sample fails. The
ultimate strain is different for different strength concrete mixes, as shown in
Figure 1.8. In general, weaker concrete has greater ultimate strain. Note that in
reinforced concrete design an ultimate useful strain of 0.003 is assumed. This will
be further discussed in following chapters where we deal with the design of
reinforced concrete members.
Most building projects utilize concrete with fc0 in the range of 3,0006,000 psi.
The last couple of decades have seen the industrial development and utilization of
ultra-high-strength concretes. Concretes with 10,000 to 12,000 psi compressive
strength are routinely available from many suppliers, and even higher-strength
concretes, some exceeding 20,000 psi, can be manufactured. Ultra-high-strength
concretes are used mainly in columns of high-rise buildings.
The compressive strength of concrete, fc0 , varies with time. Figure 1.9 shows this
variation. Well cured concrete gains most of its potential compressive strength
within the rst 28 days. After that, the strength gain proceeds at a much slower rate,
18 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

fc (psi)







0 Time
28 days 1year 5 years

Figure 1.9 Compressive strength versus time for concrete

although the hydration process between cement and water may continue in the
presence of available free water.
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete In elastic materials (or materials that behave in
an elastic way up to a certain stress level), a denite linear relationship exists
between stress and strain. The coefcient in the relationship is called the modulus of
elasticity. The capital letter E is used to denote this modulus, and the relationship is
dened as stress modulus of elasticity  strain.
The behavior of concrete, as described by the typical stress-strain curves in
Figure 1.8, is not this simple. The diagrams are not linear; thus, the E value (i.e., the
slope of the tangent to the curve at any point) is changing continuously. To simplify
the matter and establish a value that can be used in calculations, a substitute E value
is used. The E value used is the secant modulus, which is the slope of a line
connecting the point of zero stress and zero strain to the stress point of 0.45 fc0
and its corresponding strain (Figure 1.10). By denition, this value is the modulus
of elasticity of concrete.
This value is different for different strength concretes: Stronger concretes have
greater E. Furthermore, concretes made with different aggregates (normal-weight
concrete, lightweight structural concrete, etc.) also exhibit different moduli of
The value for the modulus of elasticity is needed when calculating instantaneous
(also called elastic) deformations of structures under load, such as the deection of
a beam. This is justied, for at stress levels that exist during normal use of
structures, the concrete responds in a quasi-elastic manner to short-term loads.
After studying the results of hundreds of tests and applying statistical analysis
(tting a mean curve to the values), researchers have determined that Equation (1.1)
provides a reasonable approximation for the modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec
for wc between 90 and 160 pcf (ACI Code, Equation
1.6 Mechanical Behavior of Concrete 19


f c

0.45 f c


Figure 1.10 Concrete secant modulus

Ec 33w1:5
c fc0 1:1

where wc the weight of the concrete in pounds per cubic foot and fc0 the
ultimate cylinder strength, or specied compressive strength of concrete in pounds
per square inch. The resulting unit for Ec is psi, and substitution into the equation
must be made using the units as dened.
Unreinforced normal-weight concrete is about 145 pcf. When wc 145 pcf is
substituted in Equation (1.1), the result, after rounding, is Equation (1.2) (ACI
Code, Equation
Ec 57,000 fc0 1:2

As discussed above, there are two ways of determining the modulus of elasticity:
(1) by testing, and (2) by using the approximate equation provided by the ACI
Code. Because the concrete that will go into the structure has not been made,
placed, and cured at the time of design, the designer is invariably forced to use the
accepted approximate equation.
Example 1.1 Find the modulus of elasticity of a concrete mix with the compres-
sion strength, fc0 3,500 psi. Assume the mix is lightweight structural concrete
with a unit weight of 110 pcf.
Solution The ACI approximate equation for Ec is:
20 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Ec 33w1:5
c fc0

Substituting wc 110 pcf and fc0 3,500 psi:

Ec 331101:5 3,500
Ec 2,252,356 psi
Ec 2,252 ksi

1.6.2 Concrete in Tension

The strength of concrete in tension is only about 812 % of its compressive

strength, fc0 , that is, it is a very weak material in tension. The ratio of tensile to
compressive strength is greater in low-compressive-strength concrete than it is in
high-compressive-strength concrete. In fact the tensile strength of concrete is
completely disregarded when designing reinforced concrete structures in exure
(bending). It is somewhat cumbersome to make reliable concrete samples that could
be tested in pure tension, so substitute tests are often used. One such test determines
the tensile strength of the concrete in an unreinforced beam by testing it in exure.
Because the tensile strength of concrete is much less than its compressive strength,
the beam will fail on the tension side of the cross-section. If we know the load, span,
and cross-section of the beam, we can calculate the maximum moment on the beam
and, consequently, the ultimate tensile stress at failure. This tensile stress value is
called the modulus of rupture, or fr.
From statistical analysis of data, an empirical formula (Equation (1.3)) evolved
and has been adopted by the ACI Code (ACI Code, Equation
f r 7:5 fc0 1:3

In this equation fc0 and fr are in psi units. (Substitution of fc0 must be made in psi,
otherwise the formula will produce erroneous results). is a modication factor to
adjust the equation when lightweight aggregates are used and varies depending on
the type of aggregates. is equal to 0.75 for the all-lightweight concrete;
0.750.85 for the ne blend-lightweight concrete; 0.85 for the sand-lightweight
concrete; 0.851.0 for coarse blend sand-lightweight concrete; and 1.0 for the
normal weight concrete. This formula is simple to use, but in most cases, it
overestimates the true tensile strength of a concrete element.
1.6 Mechanical Behavior of Concrete 21

Example 1.2 A test was performed to determine the modulus of rupture of a

concrete. A concrete beam 3 in.  6 in. in cross-section and 90 000 long was cast
and supported at the ends on masonry blocks. The beam was loaded at the one-third
points of the span with concentrated loads. The beam failed when it cracked on the
bottom face at a load of 150 lb at each location (which led to an immediate collapse).
The applied load and test setup is shown in Figure 1.11. The compressive strength of
the concrete was determined as 4,000 psi via a cylinder test. The concrete weight was
wc 150 pcf (normal weight). Calculate the modulus of rupture of the concrete
using (a) the results of the test, and (b) the ACI approximate equation.

P = 150 lb P =150 lb

3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0"

P = 150 lb P = 150 lb w = 18.75 lb/ft

Figure 1.11 Beam loading for Example 1.2

(a) Test Results The beam is subjected to two loads: its weight, and the two
concentrated loads as shown in Figure 1.11. The beam self-weight is a
uniformly distributed load, with a magnitude of

w = (150) = 18.75 lb/ft
Conversion factor for in2 to ft2

The maximum moment for the beam occurs at the midspan. The equations for
the maximum moments are as follows:

Mmax for the beam with uniform load
Mmax for the beam with concentrated loads
w2 P
8 3
18:7592 1509
8 3
Mtotal 190 450 640 ft-lb
22 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

w = 18.75 lb/ft A
P = 150 lb
b =3 in.

M total = 640 ft-lb

h =6 in. Neutral

Section AA fb

Figure 1.12 Internal forces and stresses for Example 1.2

Mtotal is the internal moment at the mid-span of the beam. This moment creates a set
of compression stresses at the top, and tensile stresses at the bottom of the beam as
shown in Figure 1.12. The maximum bending stress occurs at the top (compressive)
and the bottom (tensile) of the cross section. The equation for the maximum
bending stress is:

Mc M
I Sm

where c is the distance from the neutral axis (where stress is zero) to the top or
bottom of the beam, I is the moment of inertia of the section about its neutral axis,
and Sm is the elastic section modulus. For a rectangular shape, Sm is:



3 6 2
Sm 18 in:3
Conversion factor for feet to inches

M (640)(12)
fr = fb = = = 427 psi
Sm 18

(b) ACI Approximate Equation

1:0 normal weight concrete

p p
fr 7:5 fc0 7:51:0 4,000
fr 474 psi
1.7 Volume Changes in Concrete 23

1.7 Volume Changes in Concrete

Concrete is not an inert material, so its dimensions change in response to environ-

mental inuences. The most important ones are temperature change, concrete
shrinkage, and concrete creep.

1.7.1 Temperature Change

Concrete, like most other materials, expands with rising temperature and contracts
with falling temperature. Suppose a concrete element with the length is restrained
at only one end (A) (see Figure 1.13a). Under an increase in temperature of T
(degrees of Fahrenheit), the element expands and has an increase in length equal to
. This increase in the length can be calculated using Equation (1.4).

T 1:4

where is the coefcient of thermal expansion, which depends on the type of

material. For normal weight concrete, is about 5.5  106 to 6  106 in./in./ F.
The length change caused by thermal expansion/contraction in a concrete
element can be calculated using Equation (1.4). For example, due to a 100  F
temperature change, a 200-ft-long building will change its length T
(6  106)(100)(200  12) 1.44 in., a very signicant length change indeed.
Now, if both ends of the concrete element (Figure 1.13b) are restrained, the
length cannot grow at any increase in temperature, and the restraint causes longi-
tudinal compression stresses.



Figure 1.13 Effects of temperature on concrete: (a) free to move, (b) restrained
24 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Because f Ec and =, Equation (1.5) can be used to calculate the

change in length in terms of the stress f.


Combining Equations (1.4) and (1.5) yields Equation (1.6).

f Ec T 1:6

where Ec is the modulus of elasticity of the material in psi (or ksi), and f is the
resulting stress in psi (or ksi) developed in the restrained element due to a change in
temperature equal to T.
As shown by Equation (1.6), large stresses can build up if the length change is
restrained. The buckling of pavements often seen on hot days is the result of two
neighboring pavement slabs pressing each other (in the absence of a wide enough
expansion joint) while trying to expand. The buckling relieves the prevented
expansion. On the other hand, tensile stresses will build up when concrete tries to
shorten with dropping temperatures if the free contraction is somehow hindered.
For example, for an fc0 4,000 psi concrete:

f Ec T
f 57,000 4,000 6  106 1:0 21:6 psi

for each degree of temperature change (T 1  F), if the length change is fully
prevented. If the concrete in the above example has an ultimate tensile strength of
7:5 4,000 474 psi, the theoretical value of the temperature drop that will crack
this concrete is only 474/21.6 21.9  F, a rather small temperature change.
Admittedly it is very rare that concrete is fully restrained against movement due
to temperature change. But the unsightly cracking of concrete structures all around
us provides ample testimony to the results of restrained volumetric changes.
The value of for concrete is quite similar to that of steel (6.5  106 in./in./ F).
Thus, the reinforcing steel inside the concrete will expand or contract at about the
same rate as the surrounding concrete, without signicant stresses resulting from
expanding or contracting at a different rate. Aluminum, for example, has a coef-
cient of expansion roughly twice that of steel. Thus, the use of aluminum as
reinforcement for concrete is not a good idea; for when the temperature rises, the
aluminum rod expands at twice the rate of the surrounding concrete at the interface
between the two materials. The conicting expansion rates cause all kinds of
weird stresses at the interface, breaking down the necessary bond between the
two materials.
1.7 Volume Changes in Concrete 25

1.7.2 Concrete Shrinkage

Shrinkage means that the concrete becomes smaller in volume. There are many
causes of shrinkage, but the most signicant contributor to this phenomenon is the
loss of water.
As previously discussed, more water is needed in a concrete mix than the cement
uses for hydration. Some of this excess water bleeds and evaporates during and
immediately following consolidation while the concrete is still plastic. The heavier
parts in the still-uid concrete tend to settle, causing what is known as setting
shrinkage or plastic shrinkage. Reinforcing bars or large aggregates near the
surface obstruct the uniform settlement of the concrete, thus enhancing the forma-
tion of thin hairline cracks on the surface. These hairline cracks look like cobwebs:
lots of relatively short, thin cracks in all directions. Their depth is usually limited to
small fractions of an inch.
After the concrete hardens, it still contains free water in the capillaries and water
adsorbed on the surface of particles. As this water slowly evaporates, the concrete
continues to shrink, not unlike a sponge shrinks as it dries. This causes what is
known as drying shrinkage. The rate of the drying shrinkage is tied to the speed of
the evaporation, which in turn depends on the porosity of the concrete and the
environment, that is, temperature and relative humidity. Concrete in highly humid
climates shrinks less than corresponding concrete does in arid climates.
More than 90 % of the drying shrinkage happens within the rst few weeks after
casting. Drying shrinkage, however, is partially reversible. Thus, if the concrete
gets soaked it swells, and when it dries out again it shrinks. If the drying shrinkage
could take place without any restraint whatsoever (a theoretical proposition rather
than what really occurs), no stress buildup would result. Because, however, free
shrinkage is usually restrained (i.e., something prevents the concrete from shorten-
ing in any direction), tensile stresses start to develop and build up. In moderate
climates the average dimensional change is about 300 millionths (300  106 in./
in.). Compared to the length change due to a decrease in temperature, the effect of
the average shrinkage value is similar to that of a 50  F temperature drop. If the
developing tensile stress is greater than the tensile strength of the concrete at any
point, the concrete will crack. The crack should be thought of as a relief from
tension caused by the prevention of free movement.
An example is a long wall that has been cast on top of its footing. The footing has
already cured and hardened. When the wall tries to shrink, the footing restrains its
bottom edge from moving. The top of the wall, however, is free to shrink length-
wise. Thus, a tug of war results between the top and the bottom of the wall, resulting
in one or more cracks with diminishing width from top to bottom (Figure 1.14a).
Another example is a oor that is cast over walls placed earlier, thus hardened.
As the oor shrinks and tries to change its long dimensions, it cannot because the
walls restrain it. The buildup of tensile stresses results in cracks, especially in the
corners, where the edges of the slab try to move in two different directions. The
relief comes as diagonal cracks in the corners (Figure 1.14b).
26 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology


Footing Walls below

Figure 1.14 Shrinkage cracks: (a) Concrete wall; (b) Concrete oor

Plastic shrinkage cracks are characterized as random surface cracks, that is, they
do not penetrate the full thickness of the concrete element. Drying shrinkage cracks,
on the other hand, are usually full depth and quite wide (1/8 in. or more is not
The mitigation of the effects of shrinkage requires good design and construction
practices. The following actions help to minimize cracking in slabs and walls due to
Use the minimum amount of water in the concrete mix. The concrete should
have not only the smallest w/cm ratio, but also the smallest amount of water in
absolute terms. This also means using the smallest amount of cement necessary
to achieve the desired concrete strength, because more cement introduces more
excess water in the mix. Such a tactic is also good for keeping costs down.
Use good curing technique. Moist curing helps keep the excess water from
evaporating too soon (i.e., before the concrete has a chance to develop its tensile
Limit the size of the pour to about 6080 ft maximum length in any direction.
The construction is broken up into segments by the use of construction joints
(Figure 1.15a). If the second pour is 34 days after the rst pour, some
shrinkage has already taken place in the rst pour. On some projects the pouring
sequence may follow a checkerboard pattern. Other construction techniques
leave a gap between two neighboring pours (1224 in.) that is lled in when the
larger pours have undergone most of their shrinkage.
Provide reinforcing steel (shrinkage reinforcement). Because steel bars are
bonded to the concrete, they restrain and limit the change of length of the
Use shrinkage compensating cement (Type K). This particular cement type
expands during the early stages of hydration, before any drying shrinkage
occurs due to moisture loss. Reinforcing is also provided in both directions in
a wall or a slab, and the expansion of the concrete at the early stage of hardening
1.7 Volume Changes in Concrete 27

a b Dowel, greased on
Steel bars the second pour side
First pour Second pour First pour Second pour

joint material

c Saw cut or tooled joint


Figure 1.15 (a) Construction joint, (b) expansion joint, (c) control joint

induces tension in the steel (i.e., the expanding concrete tries to elongate the
reinforcing bars). If we recall Newtons law on action and opposite and equal
reaction, it is easy to understand that the steel in turn will compress the concrete.
When shrinkage sets in and causes tension in the concrete, it rst will have to
overcome the precompression in the concrete. Thus, the forces will either
completely cancel each other out, or at least the resulting tensile stresses will
be greatly reduced.
Provide expansion/contraction or control joints (Figure 1.15b, c, respectively).
At an expansion joint the longitudinal reinforcing is interrupted. The joint is lled
with an elastomeric material that can be compressed when the concrete expands,
and permits the free movement of the two parts relative to each other when the
concrete shrinks. A key-way (or a dowel that is greased on one side of the joint to
prevent bonding) forces the two parts to stay together in the out-of-plane sense
while still allowing them to move freely longitudinally. This prevents one side
from moving higher or lower than the other and thus creating a trip hazard or a
step. The role of the control joint is different. A weakening groove, usually 1/8 in.
wide and about one-fourth to one-fth of the slab thickness, is either tooled into the
freshly nished concrete, or cut with a saw into the concrete as soon as it hardens
enough so as not to leave an imprint on the surface. This allows the shrinking
concrete to crack along that straight line where the section is weakened. Control
joints essentially locate shrinkage cracks along predetermined paths instead of
letting them naturally meander all over the slab or wall.

1.7.3 Creep of Concrete

A structure deforms when it is subjected to loads. For example, beams and slabs
deect, columns become shorter, and so on. For every stress level, there is a
corresponding strain. Strain is nothing else than the deformation of a unit length
of the material.
28 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Concrete structural elements experience two types of deformations under loads:

(1) instantaneous or elastic deformation, and (2) long-term deformation, or creep.
Instantaneous deformations occur as soon as the member is subjected to load.
This is similar to what happens in other construction materials such as steel.
Creep, on the other hand, is the gradual long-term deformation of concrete under
a sustained load. Nearly 75 % of the total creep happens during the rst year, and
the total creep can be two to three times the instantaneous deformation
(Figure 1.16).

Creep (long-term deformation) Instantaneous deformation

Figure 1.16 Instantaneous and long-term deformation in a concrete beam

The causes of creep are complex. Interestingly, one contributor is the loss of
adsorbed water. In drying shrinkage the loss occurs due to the lower relative
humidity of the ambient atmosphere, and this loss leads to the shrinkage. In the
case of creep, the sustained compression on the concrete squeezes some of the
moisture out of the concrete. This in turn lets the solids consolidate even more.
The second major cause of creep is thought to be microfracturing in the hardened
paste around sharp edges of aggregates under the effect of compression.
Creep deformations can be very signicant. They are caused mainly by dead
loads or sustained loads, because the self weight and some permanently attached
superimposed dead loads are dominant in most concrete structures, whereas the
transitory (live) loads are less signicant. Creep could account for an additional
100300 % of the instantaneous deformations. Thus, a beams original deection of
1 in. may grow to anywhere between 2 and 4 in. If this additional deformation is not
accounted for in the detailing of attached items, such as partitions, it may cause
serious distress in them.

1.8 Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing steel is used to overcome the weakness of concrete in tension. The role
of the reinforcing is to resist the tension in structures. Thus, a hybrid structural
composite called reinforced concrete is created, where each material does the work
it is well suited for. Concrete takes care of the compression, while the steel takes
care of the tension.
1.8 Reinforcing Steel 29

1.8.1 Behavior of Steel Under Stress

To better understand the material that will be discussed in the following chapters,
we review the behavior of steel under stress. This review will also help to famil-
iarize the reader with the terminology that will be used later.
Consider Figure 1.17, which is a typical stress-strain diagram for steel in tension.
There are four distinct zones in the stress-strain diagram for steel. First is the
elastic zone, where steel under stress will go back to its original length if it is
released. In this zone the stress in the material is linearly proportional to the strain.
(Robert Hooke formulated this relationship, so we refer to it as Hookes law. Hooke
worked with Christopher Wren on the construction of St. Pauls Cathedral in
London, England.) When steel is pulled beyond the elastic zone (elastic or propor-
tional limit) it yields. Yielding is an elongation of the steel with no appreciable
change in stress. The onset of yielding (elastic or proportional limit) is the begin-
ning of the plastic zone. When the steel is pulled beyond the proportional limit it
will not return to its original length, but remain permanently deformed.
The stress at which steel yields is called yield stress and it is noted as fy. The
corresponding strain is called yield strain or y. By the time yielding ends, the
corresponding strain is about eight to ten times the strain at the proportional limit.
After yielding, the steels stress/strain curve starts to climb again in a curvilinear
mode until it reaches a plateau called the ultimate strength ( fu). This curvilinear
zone of the stress/strain curve is called strain hardening.


Elastic hardening Failure
zone Plastic zone zone zone


Es = f e


Figure 1.17 Stress-strain diagram for steel

30 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Another important mechanical property of steel is its modulus of elasticity (Es).

For steel the modulus of elasticity corresponds to the slope of the stress-strain
diagram in the elastic zone (see Figure 1.17). Es is about 29,000 ksi.
Three forms of reinforcements are commonly used in concrete structures:
(1) steel bars, (2) welded wire reinforcements (WWR), and (3) prestressing steel.
(A fourth is short steel, glass, or plastic bers mixed into the fresh concrete. Bars
manufactured from advanced composite materials, such as berglass and carbon
bers, are also used in special cases. Discussion of these reinforcing methods,
however, falls beyond the scope of this text).
1. Steel Bars Modern reinforcing bars are round, rolled sections. In the past, square
bars were also used and may be encountered in old buildings built before World
War I or shortly thereafter.
Round reinforcing steel comes in two different variations: deformed and plain.
Deformed bars have a pattern of ribs, or deformation, rolled on them. These
deformations provide better relative slip resistance between the steel bar and
concrete. In addition to the chemical bond that exists between the cement paste
and the steel surface, these ridges provide a mechanical anchorage as well. Fig-
ure 1.18 shows a few examples of deformed bars. The ACI Code mandates the use
of deformed bars in all new reinforced concrete structures.

Figure 1.18 Examples of deformed bars

Plain bars do not have any deformations and rely on surface bonding only to
prevent relative slippage. These are no longer in use, although they may be
encountered in old structures.
Different grades of steel are used, typically made from either new steel, scrap
metal, or a mixture of both. Grades of steel represent their guaranteed minimum
yield stress in ksi units. For example, Grade 60 steel refers to reinforcing steel with
a guaranteed minimum yield stress of fy 60 ksi. ACI Section provides
the various types of steel that are used for the production of deformed bars.
Table A1.1 in Appendix A lists the different types of steel used as reinforcing
bars along with their mechanical properties. Each type of steel in Table A1.1 has an
ASTM designation such as A615. Different types of steel in Table A1.1 are:
Carbon steel (A615)This is the most common type. (Type S steel).
Low-alloy steel (A706)This type of steel provides enhanced weldability.
(Type W steel).
1.8 Reinforcing Steel 31

Stainless steel (A955)This type of steel has application where high corrosion
resistance or controlled magnetic permeability is required. Their property
requirements are the same as those for carbon steel. (Type SS steel).
Rail steel (A996)This is made of recycled railroad track. (Type R steel).
Axle steel (A996)Similar to rail steel, but made from axle as scrap metal.
(Type A steel).
Low-carbon chromium steel (A1035)This is a high-strength material that is
permitted for use as transverse reinforcement in special earthquakeresistant
structural systems and spirals in columns. (Type CS steel).
Of all these reinforcing steels, most construction uses A615 Grade 60 (carbon)
steel. Grades 75 and 80 are sometimes used in columns. Grades 100 and 120 are
mainly used for transverse reinforcements of structures in seismic prone regions.
Grade 50 has not been around for quite a while. Grade 40 is almost never used, for it
has only two-thirds of the strength of Grade 60 steel, and its cost in place per lb is
the same.
Bar Sizes Steel bars are made in different sizes. Bar size, in general, represents the
diameter of the steel bar in inches. From #3 to #8 (#1 or #2 bars do not exist), each
number represents the diameter of a bar in fractions of 1/8 in. For example, #3 bar
means that the diameter of the bar is 3/8 in., and #8 is 8/8 in. 1 in. diameter.
The heavier (larger-diameter) #9, #10, and #11 bars do not precisely follow the
1/8 in. rule, but they are close.
In addition, there are #14 and #18 bars, which are very large, heavy bars. They
are used mostly in large columns in high-rise construction and are available on
special order.
Table A1.2 includes the diameters and areas of the available steel bars.
Identication of Steel Bars Steel bars used in concrete construction have special
identication marks rolled on them. These marks provide information such as where
the bars were produced, the bar size, type of steel, and their grade (see Figure 1.19).

H Initial of producer mill

10 Bar size S: A615

W: A706
Steel SS: A955
S type R: A996
A: A996
CS: A1035
60 Grade of steel

Figure 1.19 Identication marks for steel reinforcement

32 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Epoxy-Coated Bars The highly alkaline environment that the concrete provides for
the embedded reinforcing usually protects it from corrosion. Some structures,
however, such as bridge decks, parking structures, coastal structures, and so on
are often exposed to moisture containing chloride salts. The deicing salts (road
salts) that are used on roads and bridges, and carried into parking structures by the
automobiles, contain large amounts of soluble chlorides. When such solutions get
into contact with the reinforcing, the result is corrosion (oxidization or rusting) of
the steel.
The rust (ferrous oxide) grows to about eight to tenfold the volume of the
original steel. Thus, as the rust tries to create elbow room for itself, the internal
pressure starts to crack, split, and spall the concrete around it. This in turn provides
more access to the dangerous chloride-laden moisture.
One way to protect reinforcing in this kind of environment is the use of epoxy-
coated bars. Epoxy resin is an excellent adhesive and protects the steel from
chloride attacks. A note of caution is in order, however: Such bars must be handled
carefully to prevent nicks or cracks in the coating. Such places are especially
attractive to chloride ions and often become nodes of violent and rapid corrosion
in the reinforcement.
2. Welded Wire Reinforcements (WWR) In certain situations it is more econom-
ical to use welded wire reinforcements (WWR) in lieu of a series of small-diameter
bars. WWR are thin wires spaced at certain distances in two orthogonal directions
and fabricated in either large sheets, or in long rolls in the case of light-gage wires.
They are welded together at intersection points, usually by the electric resistance
welding method. The chief advantage of using WWR is the labor saving. Individual
reinforcing bars are placed one by one and are secured by tying them together at
every intersection. This ensures that they will remain at the desired location
throughout the concrete placement, consolidation, and nishing process.
WWR are available in commonly standardized wire sizes and spacing. Table 1.1
lists some of the commonly used styles of WWR. The standard designation of the
reinforcement represents the spacing and the wire sizes. In the modern designation
system the W-number represents the approximate cross-sectional area of the wire in
multiples of 0.01 in.2. Thus, the cross-sectional area of a W4.0 wire is about
0.04 in.2. As an example, 6  12  W4.0  W2.5 represents wires with cross-
sectional areas of 0.04 and 0.025 in.2 in a rectangular grid of 6 in.  12 in. as
shown in Figure 1.20.

Table 1.1 Some commonly Steel area (in.2/ft)

stocked styles of welded wire
Reinforcement designation Longitudinal Transverse
6  6  W1.4  W1.4 0.028 0.028
4  12  W2.9  W2.5 0.087 0.025
6  6  W2.5  W2.5 0.050 0.050
4  4  W1.4  W1.4 0.042 0.042
6  6  W2 .9  W2.9 0.058 0.058
6  6  W4. 0  W4. 0 0.080 0.080
4  4  W4.0  W4.0 0.120 0.120
1.8 Reinforcing Steel 33

6 in. 6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

A = 0.040 in2

12 in.

A = 0.021 in2

12 in.

Figure 1.20 6  12  W4.0  W2.1

3. Prestressing Steel When we discussed the mechanical properties of concrete, we

noted that the tensile strength of concrete is small. Early users of reinforced
concrete soon realized that if compressive stresses were induced into regions
where the loads (dead and live) caused tension, this tension would have to over-
come the pre-existing compressive stresses before inducing tensile stresses that
could result in cracking or failure. Hence the concept of prestressing was
Two different techniques are used to achieve prestressing. One is known as
pretensioning, the other is posttensioning. (These will be discussed in detail in
Chapter 9).
A much stronger steel product than ordinary reinforcing steels is needed for
prestressing purposes. Most of the time, seven-wire strands are used (six wires
wrapped around a core wire in a helical form; see Figure 1.21). The wires are cold-
drawn (i.e., the wires are pulled through a series of smaller and smaller round
openings without any preheating). The cold working increases the toughness and
the strength of the steel. Because the wires are stretched way beyond yield during
manufacturing, the strands manufactured from them have no yield levels compa-
rable to those of ordinary reinforcing bars. The most commonly used prestressing
strands have a nominal ultimate strength of 270 ksi.


Figure 1.21 Seven-wire strand for prestressing

34 1 Reinforced Concrete Technology

Some special applications use either smooth or deformed prestressing bars of

varying diameters from 3/4 to 21/2 in. These are available with ultimate strengths
of up to 160 ksi.


1.1. What is hydration in concrete?

1.2. What is the signicance of compression strength of concrete, and how is it
1.3. What are the applications of air-entraining admixtures?
1.4. What is the modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ec) and how is it determined?
1.5. Dene the modulus of rupture, fr, for concrete.
1.6. What are the differences between deformed bars and welded wire
1.7. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagrams for a 12 in.  24 in.
concrete beam made of lightweight concrete with the unit weight of 110 pcf,
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 1.0 kip/ft. Assume the beam is
simply supported and has a 100 000 span.
1.8. Determine the modulus of elasticity, Ec, and the modulus of rupture, fr, for a
normal-weight concrete (wc 145 pcf) with a specied compressive
strength, fc0 , of 3,500 psi.
1.9. Determine the maximum concentrated load that can be applied at the center
of a 6 in.  6 in. simply-supported plain concrete beam before it cracks in
tension. The beam has a 60 000 span and is constructed of sand-lightweight
concrete with a unit weight of 120 pcf. The specied compressive strength is
3,000 psi. Use the ACI Code recommended value for the modulus of rupture.
1.10. Determine the maximum span for an 8 in.  12 in. simply-supported plain
concrete beam constructed of normal-weight concrete and loaded by a uni-
formly distributed load of 2 kip/ft just before it fails. The specied compres-
sive strength of the concrete is 4,000 psi. Use the ACI Coderecommended
value for the modulus of rupture.


In the self-experiments of this chapter, you learn about the different aspects of
making concrete by using simple tools.

Experiment 1 (Making a Concrete Sample)

The following materials are needed:
1. Three 20-oz empty tin cans (cylinder shape)
2. Three large bowls
3. Cement (can be obtained from a local hardware store)
4. Sand and gravel
Self-Experiments 35

5. Tap water
6. A 3/8 or 1/2 in. diameter wood dowel, about 1215 in. long
Make three samples: (1) cement sample, (2) concrete with a w/cm ratio of 1.0,
and (3) concrete with a w/cm ratio of 0.5.
1. Cement Sample
Pour 10 oz of cement with 6 oz of water into a bowl and mix them thoroughly.
Note how much effort is used to mix the cement with water. Then place the mix
in can number 1. Consolidate the mix in the can by prodding it with the dowel
about 1215 times.
2. w/cm 1.0 Concrete Sample
Pour 3 oz of cement, 10 oz of sand, 10 oz of gravel, and 3 oz of water into a bowl,
and mix them thoroughly. Again note how much effort is needed to mix the
materials. Then place the concrete in can number 2. Consolidate the mix in the
can by prodding it with the dowel about 1215 times.
3. w/cm 0.5 Concrete
Pour 4 oz of cement, 10 oz of sand, 10 oz of gravel, and 2 oz of water into a bowl,
and mix them thoroughly. As in the rst two cases, pay attention to the amount of
effort needed to make the mix. Then place the concrete in can number 3. Con-
solidate the mix in the can by prodding it with the dowel about 1215 times.
Leave the three samples for approximately 6 hours at room temperature. Check
them every 6 hours for 3 days. Record any observations. Answer the following
Which mix was easiest to make (i.e., which one was most workable)?
Which mix resulted in the most bleeding?
Was any sign of hydration observed?
At the end of the 3 days cut the tin cans to completely expose the samples.
Answer the following questions:
What are the differences in the textures of the three samples?
Which sample has the most uniformity of material?
Chapter 2
Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.1 Introduction

This chapter covers the analysis (checking the strength) and the design (sizing the
concrete and steel) of reinforced concrete beams and slabs that span primarily
one way.
The previous chapter emphasized that concrete is very weak in tension, but
strong in compression. As a result, reinforcements are used to supply tensile
strength in concrete members (most commonly in the form of round reinforcing
bars or rebars). Like any other building system, reinforced concrete structures have
advantages and disadvantages.

2.2 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete

1. Can be cast into any shape This is the main advantage of reinforced concrete
compared to other building materials. Concrete members can be made into any
desired shape by using forms. Figure B2.1 in Appendix B shows the pleasing
exterior of a reinforced concrete building.
2. Has great resistance to re and water Concrete loses its structural integrity
much more slowly than wood or steel when subjected to high temperature. In
fact, concrete is often used as reproong material. Concrete also better resists
exposure to water, does not corrode like steel, and does not lose strength as wood
does. Certain chemicals in water, however, can harm concrete.
3. Is a low-maintenance material Concrete does not corrode, so it does not need to
be painted and regularly maintained when exposed in the environment.
4. Has very long service life Reinforced concrete structures that are well designed
and built last a very long time.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 37

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_2
38 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.3 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete

1. Has very low tensile strength Concrete has a very low tensile strength in
comparison to its compressive strength. Consequently, reinforcing steel bars
are needed to counteract the development of tensions in concrete structures.
2. Requires shoring and forms This is a major disadvantage of concrete because it
raises the cost of concrete structures, especially in countries such as the United
States where labor costs are high. Shoring and formwork often constitute more
than half the total cost of the structure.
3. Has variations in properties The mechanical and physical properties of concrete
are sensitive and require careful proportioning, mixing, curing, and so
on. Eliminating large variation in these properties demands carefully monitored
4. Results in heavy structural members Reinforced concrete structures are heavier
than similar steel or wood structures. This results in larger building dead loads,
which in turn result in larger foundations. Concrete structures are also more
sensitive to differential settlements. Thus, concrete structures require relatively
good soil conditions.

2.4 On the Nature of the Design Process

Before attending to the main topic of this chapter, which is the analysis and design
of bending members, a discussion on the concept of design is appropriate.
Ask ten people about the meaning of the word design and you probably will
get ten different answers. Design also has very different meanings to architects and
to engineers. And to top it all off, design is often viewed as synonymous with sizing
of members. So we hope that readers will forgive the rather loose usage of the term
Structural design of reinforced concrete structures is an iterative process. It
begins with the layout of the structure or, in other words, with the selection of the
structural system. Any practitioner will admit that this initial step is by far the
hardest part of the process. It requires the designer to come up with a synthesized
whole for the building, laying out all the component elements (columns, girders,
beams (or joists), and slabs). Furthermore, the designer must also estimate the sizes
of the elements within the space in order to go to the next step, that is, to analysis.
The owchart of Figure 2.1 presents a somewhat simplied picture of the
process. Oddly enough, it begins with a step in synthesis, or the conception of the
structure. This step is nonmathematical, for the aim of the study at this point is to
look at what the building structure should do. What spaces are required? What is the
minimum column spacing required to t the architectural program?
But before we reach the part designated as Analysis or Design, we must
complete another exercise: identifying the loads that the structure may be subjected
to in its life span.
2.4 On the Nature of the Design Process 39

Structure is conceived

Functional requirements (space layout, column spacing, etc.)
Aesthetic requirements

Superimposed dead loads [floor finishes (or roofing and
Analysis insulation as appropriate), partitions, ceilings, suspended
mechanical and electrical equipment]
Live loads (building code requirements)

Serviceability (short- and long-term deflections)
Durability requirements
Fire rating requirements

Sizing of all individual elements

Figure 2.1 The iterative nature of structural design

Loads generally fall into two major categories: gravity loads and lateral loads.
Gravity loads are further divided into two major groups: dead loads and live
loads. One can only guess how this nomenclature came into usage. Perhaps
people originally identied loads that were stationary as dead, and loads that
moved as live. Today, we make a somewhat different distinction between these
two loads. Dead loads are those that remain permanently attached to the structure,
while other loads that are transitory in nature are referred to as live loads. Thus,
furniture and stored items as well as loads from peoples activities are in the latter
category. For example, most of the weight in a librarys stack area is from the
stored books with only a very small part of the oor loads coming from the
visitors; nevertheless, the stacks and the books are considered live loads. In
addition, environmental effects such as moisture or temperature changes may
create stresses in the structure, so they also may be loosely dened as loads that
the structure must safely withstand.
Before any meaningful analysis can be performed to calculate and appropriately
size any component element within a structure, designers must establish the
loads that such an element can safely support, or at least must reasonably
approximate them.
In a concrete structure, the self-weight is a very signicant part of the dead loads.
Because self-weight depends on the size of the particular member, a reasonable
estimate must be made on the size. After the designer estimates the size, he or she
can calculate the loads from the self-weight, assuming that reinforced concrete
weighs about 150 lb/ft3. At this point we do not want to tax the students attention
with detailed discussion on the selection of an appropriately sized beam or slab, and
40 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

all of the reasons thereof. This subject will be discussed later in this chapter. In any
case, if during the design process the designer determines that an initial estimate of
the members size, and thus the self-weight, was signicantly in error, he or she has
to re-analyze the member, taking into account the newly adjusted size; thus, the
iterative nature of the design and sizing.
Superimposed dead loads (SDL) are somewhat ambiguous. Often these items
and their precise location in space are not completely known at this stage of the
design (see Figure 2.1). Partition layouts have not been decided yet, or may change
in the future. Ductwork, piping, and light xtures may go anywhere. So the designer
is forced to make a blanket estimate on these. Most practitioners estimate that the
combination of these items will exert about 1520 lb/ft2 of oor area. (The only
areas that need more careful attention are those where some special ooring, such as
stone or terrazzo, is planned. These items exert about 1213 lb/ft2/in. thickness.
Thus, a 2 in. terrazzo ooring weighs about 25 psf.)
Live loads (LL) are prescribed by building codes for the particular usage of a
space. These loads are listed as uniformly distributed minimum loads and represent
the current professional wisdom. Because live loads are not uniformly distributed
except in very isolated cases, they have very little, if anything, to do with the real
loads that may occur on structures. Actual surveys show that total loads, uniformly
averaged out over the whole oor area, amount to only about 1520 % of the codes
mandated minimums in spaces like hotels, residential buildings, and ofces. These
minimums, however, represent a statistical probability of the loads that the structure
may experience in a projected lifetime of 50 or 100 years. Furthermore, these code-
prescribed live loads also try to account for the dynamic nature of many loads by
treating them as equivalent static loads.
This discussion of loads should sufce to show that any calculation made during
the load analysis phase will contain unavoidable inaccuracies and uncertainties.
These errors are inevitable no matter how carefully the designer tries to evaluate the
currently envisioned, but essentially future loads.
Example 2.1 In this simple oor plan, beams 12 in. wide and 20 in. deep are
spanning 30 ft. The beams are located 90 000 center to center. A 5-in. thick slab
spans from beam to beam. (See Figure 2.2.) The oor structure will be used in a
general ofce building, thus (per Code) the minimum uniformly distributed live
load is 50 lb/ft2. Calculate the dead and live loads that one interior beam has to
carry. Assume 20 psf for the superimposed dead load for the partitions, mechanical
and electrical systems, and so on.
Solution The beams are 9 ft apart, so each beam is assumed to be responsible for
the loads that occur 4.5 ft from either side of the beams centerline. Thus, each
linear foot of beam will support loads from 9 ft2 of oor in addition to the weight of
the stem.
2.5 Live Load Reduction Factors 41

30'-0" 5 in.
15 in.

12 in. Section A-A

9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0"

Figure 2.2 Floor plan and section

Loads from the slab:

5 in. slab self-weight (5/12)  150 62.5 psf

Superimposed dead loads, estimated 20.0 psf
Total dead load on slab 82.5 psf
Dead loads on beam from slab: 9 ft  82.5 742.5 lb/ft
Volume of stem per foot: (12  15)/144  1 ft 1.25 ft3/ft of beam
Weight of stem: 1.25  150 187.5 lb/ft
TOTAL DEAD LOADS: wD 930 lb/ft

In addition, the beam will support live loads from 9 ft2 of oor area on each
linear foot of beam. Thus:
TOTAL LIVE LOADS: wL 9  50 psf 450 lb/ft
Summary: See Figure 2.3.

wL 450 lb/ft
wD 930 lb/ft


Figure 2.3 Floor beam

2.5 Live Load Reduction Factors

We complete this discussion of loads by dealing with the concept of live load
reduction factors. These are derived from statistical analyses of the probability of
having the maximum amount of live loads everywhere on a oor of a building.
42 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs



G-1 C-1
(AI)B-1 (AI)G-1

Figure 2.4 Inuence areas for different structural members

Studies indicate that the larger the oor area that contributes loads to a particular
member, the less likely it is that every square foot of that area will bear the
maximum amount of live loads.
Different codes deal with this concept somewhat differently. Some codes relate
the live load reduction to the tributary area (AT), or the area directly loading the
particular element under investigation. Other codes relate the live load reduction to
the so-called inuence area (AI), the area in which a part, however small, of any
load may contribute to the loading of a particular element under investigation. In
other words, the inuence area for a structural member is the part of the building
structure that may fail if that member is removed.
As an example consider Figure 2.4, which shows the oor framing plan for
a reinforced concrete building. To determine the inuence area for beam B-1,
assume that this beam is removed. This will cause the slabs supported by B-1 to
fail. As a result, the inuence area for B-1 is (AI)B-1, the area between column
lines 1, 2, A, and B. Following this logic, if we remove girder G-1, the beams it
supports will fail, and consequently the slabs supported by the beams. Thus, the
area between column lines 1, 2, B, and D (AI)G-1 will collapse. A similar study will
show that the inuence area for column C-1 is the area between column lines
1, 3, D, and F.
One variation of the live load reduction formula is given in Equation (2.1):
Lred L0 0:25 p 2:1

Lred the reduced design live load per square foot of area supported by the member
L0 the unreduced design live load per square foot of area supported by the
AI the inuence area of the member in square feet
2.6 Continuity in Reinforced Concrete Construction 43

Equation (2.1) is applicable whenever AI > 400 ft2. The usage of live load
reduction is limited in that the reduction cannot exceed 50 % (Lred  0.5 L0) for
members supporting one oor and cannot exceed 60 % (Lred  0.4 L0) for members
supporting two or more oors. Live load reductions do not apply for live loads in
excess of 100 psf, except for members supporting two or more oors, in which case
the live load can only be reduced up to 20 %.
Example 2.2 For the interior beam of Example 2.1, determine the reduced
live loads.
Solution The inuence area, AI, for the beam is:

AI 2  9  30 540 ft2

Because this area is larger than 400 ft2, a reduced live load may be used in the
design of the beam. The reduced design live load is:

L 50 0:25 p 50  0:895 44:8 psf

Thus, the reduced design live load on this beam is:

wL 44:8  9 403 lb=ft

rather than the previously calculated load of 450 lb/ft.

2.6 Continuity in Reinforced Concrete Construction

Many readers may have encountered only statically determined structural elements.
These are simply supported beams (with or without cantilevers at their ends),
cantilevers xed at one end and free to move at the other, simple posts, and so
on. These elements P are all characterized
P by
Pneeding only the equations representing
static equilibrium H 0, V 0, M 0 to solve for the reactions.
A review of what reactions means may be needed here. A building element
does not exist in a stand-alone vacuum. It is connected to other elements. At a point
of connection the free relative displacement between the element under study and
the rest of the structure is denied. This denial of free movement results in the
transmission of a force (or moment) at the connection between the supporting and
the supported elements. Look at Figure 2.5a for example. Here a beam end is
supported on a wall. Elsewhere within the span the beam is free to deect, or move
vertically. But this ability to displace vertically is denied at the place of the support.
Figures 2.5b, c show the symbols of a hinge type of support and a roller. In the
hinge support, the two relative displacement components (vertical and horizontal)
are denied between the beam (the member under investigation) and the support
44 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

d e
a b c

Figure 2.5 The meaning of the different support conditions: (a) wall supporting a beam (roller),
(b) a hinge support, (c) a roller support, (d) wall supporting a beam (xed), (e) a xed support

Figure 2.6 Joist before and End rotation

after deformation

below it. Thus, vertical and horizontal forces could be transmitted at the point
between the beam and the support. (The forces coming from the support to the
supported member are called reaction forces.) At a roller support (Figure 2.5c) only
relative vertical displacement is denied; the beam could still freely roll horizontally
without resistance. Correspondingly only a vertical force could be transmitted
between the beam and the support. Figure 2.5d shows a beam end built into a
large mass. The beam end cannot move horizontally or vertically, and it cannot
rotate with respect to the mass. This condition is called xity. The usual symbol of
xity is shown in Figure 2.5e. In this condition, horizontal force, vertical force, and
a moment may be transmitted between the member and the support at that location.
All of these support conditions are quite familiar to students who have had a rst
course in structures. These support conditions represent what may be called abso-
lute conditions: The displacement (vertical, horizontal, or rotational) is either freely
available, or completely denied. As will be pointed out later, there is an innite
number of conditions in between, especially as related to rotations. Consider, for
example, a exible joist supported by a wall or beam at its ends (Figure 2.6). The
mere supporting certainly precludes vertical displacement of the joist, thus a force
transfer occurs. An action force is transmitted from the joist to the wall or beam, and
an equal but opposite reaction force is transmitted from the supporting element to
the joist. As the joist deects under load, its supported ends can rotate freely; thus,
the moments at the ends are zero.
Reinforced concrete construction is monolithic, which means that members are
intimately built together with neighboring members. Slabs are continuous over
supporting beams and girders; beams and girders are continuous over supporting
interior columns, and so on.
Figure 2.7 illustrates the point. The slab in the beam and slab structure is
continuous in both horizontal directions over the beams. The beams are continuous
over other beams or columns.
A simple problem is presented here to clarify the concept. Admittedly, this
problem does not occur in reinforced concrete structures, but it serves to illustrate
the concept. A continuous structural member is represented by an imaginary center
2.6 Continuity in Reinforced Concrete Construction 45

Figure 2.7 Beam and slab oor framing

a b c

Span 1 Span 2

Angle of rotation

Points of inflection Deformed line

Moment diagram

Figure 2.8 Deformations and moments in a two-span beam

line (see Figure 2.8). On this two-span beam, Span 2 is larger than Span 1. If the
loads are about the same, Span 2 will deect more. Consequently this deection
will try to force Span 1 to curve upward slightly near the center support to follow
Span 2. (The tangent to the deformation curve will rotate toward Span 2.) Study of
the deformation curve shows that the beam bends into an upward curvature, that is,
tension develops at the top of the beam, between the two points of inection (where
the moment in the beam is zero), whereas elsewhere the beam bends downward,
resulting in tensions at the bottom. The moment diagram is shown below the
deformation line of the beam. The moments are referred to as positive when tension
is on the bottom, and negative when tension is on the top.
46 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

The deformation line in Figure 2.8 shows that the longer span (Span 2) will force
the beam to rotate toward itself at the center support. The resistance against this
rotation comes from the bending stiffness of the member in Span 1. Stiffness is the
ability of a member to resist deformation. There are several different types of
stiffness, such as exural, shear, axial, and torsional. Each type refers to a specic
ability to resist a certain type of deformation. The greater the stiffness, the more is
the effort required to bring about the specic deformation.
The exural stiffness of a member is linearly related to the moment of inertia, I,
which is a cross-sectional property, and to the modulus of elasticity, E, the ease of
extendibility or compressibility of the material; and is inversely related to the
length, , of the member. Thus, if K represents the exural stiffness, K k ,

where k is a numerical constant that depends on the support conditions of the other
end of the member.
In the simple beam shown in Figure 2.8, if the exural stiffness of Span 1 is
innitely large, it will resist any attempt by Span 2 to rotate the section over the
center support toward itself. Hence the condition for Span 2 will approach that of
full xity at its left end. On the other hand, if the stiffness of Span 1 is very small, it
will offer very little resistance against the efforts of Span 2 to rotate freely at the
center support. Thus, as far as Span 2 is concerned, such a condition might be a
simple support, regardless of the continuity.

2.7 Propagation of Internal Forces

The free-body diagrams that resulted from the continuity are shown in Figure 2.9.
Double subscripts identify the locations of shears and moments. Thus, if the rst
span is from a to b then Vab represents the shear in that span at end a, and so on.
The two-span continuous beam is dissected to show the propagation of loads and
moments. Each cut shows every force and every moment as they act on the part
under consideration. For example, Mba is shown as a clockwise arrow on Span
1, whereas it is shown as a counterclockwise arrow on the small part over the
b support. These are two manifestations of the same moment, a concept well known
from Newtonian physics (action and reaction). Similarly, Vba is shown at the same
cut as an upward force on Span 1 that comes from the support to the beam, as well
as a downward force that comes from the beam to the support.

a b c
Vab Vba Vbc w2 Vcb
Mab Mba Mbc Mcb

Vab Span 1 Vba Vbc Span 2 Vcb

Ra Rb Rc

Figure 2.9 Propagation of internal forces on a two-span beam

2.7 Propagation of Internal Forces 47


13 14 15 16

9 10 11 12

5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4

Figure 2.10 Deformations of a three-bay and three-story monolithic structure

Consider now the following self-evident statement: When a structure is in

equilibrium, every
P part mustP be in equilibrium.
P Thus the well known equilibrium
conditions of H 0, V 0, and M 0 apply for each individual part that
is arbitrarily cut out of the structure. For example, the reaction force on the left-
hand support, Ra, must equal P the shear force, Vab, transferred by the beam to that
support. If we consider that M 0 on the same piece, we conclude that Mab must
equal zero, for there is no other moment on the piece to maintain equilibrium. On
the small piece just above the b support, the reaction force from the support Rb must
equal the sum of Vba and Vbc. Note also that Mba Mbc in order to satisfy equilib-
rium conditions.
Figure 2.10 shows a three-story-high, three-bay-wide reinforced concrete frame
with all the joints numbered. The two outer bays are shown as somewhat wider than
the inner bay. Thus, when they are all loaded in an approximately uniform way,
the larger spans will try to rotate the ends of the inner bay (between column lines
B and C) toward themselves. Thus, the joints on line B will rotate counterclockwise,
and the joints on line C will rotate clockwise. At the exterior ends, the loads on
the beams will rotate the joints on line A clockwise, and the joints on line D
From the study of the deformation lines, we can draw some important general
conclusions. The beams will have two curvature reversals (inection points or
points of counterexure). They curve downward in their midspans, resulting in
tensions at the bottom (positive moment region). They will curve upward near their
ends, resulting in tensions at the top (negative moment region).
48 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

V13-14 V13-14 V14-13 V14-13 M14-15 V14-15

13 14
P13-14 P14-13 P14-15
M13-14 M13-14 M14-13 M14-13 V14-15 M14-15
M13-9 M14-10
V13-9 V14-10

P13-9 P14-10

V13-9 V14-10
M13-9 M14-10

M 9-13 M 10-14
V9-13 V10-14

P9-13 P10-14

M10-14 V10-14
M 9-13

V9-10 V9-10 V10-9 V10-9 M10-11

9 P9-10 P10-9 P10-11
M9-10 M9-10 M10-9 M10-9 V10-11

M9-5 M10-6
V9-5 V10-6

P9-5 P10-6

Figure 2.11 The propagation of forces and moments between beams and columns

The columns on the two upper oors, due to the forced rotations of their ends,
will bend into a double curve (S curve). Depending on the amount of xity available
at the footing level, the lower columns will bend either into a double curve when the
xity at the base is signicant, or into a single curve when the resistance against
rotation at the base approaches that of a hinge. P
P Figure 2.11P shows free-body diagrams for part of the frame. Again H 0,
V 0, and M 0 apply for each individual part. Thus, the axial force in
beam 1314 must equal the shear at the top of column 913 for Node 13 to be in
equilibrium. The axial force in the column equals the shear at the left end of beam
1314. And the moment at the end of column 913 must maintain equilibrium with
the moment at the left end of beam 1314. Mathematically:
For H 0 V 13-9  P13-14 0
For V 0 P13-9  V 13-14 0
For M 0 M13-14  M13-9 0

The reader may want to study and write out the equilibrium equations for other free-
body parts.
2.8 On the Fickleness of Live Loads 49

2.8 On the Fickleness of Live Loads

As stated earlier, loads permanently attached to the structure are referred to as dead
loads, and transitory loads are referred to as live loads. The nature of live loads is
that sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not, so it is entirely possible
that the live loads are fully present in one bay, while completely missing in other
bays. Figures 2.12ad show the effects of loading one span at a time on a four-bay
continuous beam. In each case the deformation and the moment diagram are shown
schematically under different live loading conditions. Deformations are shown as
dashed lines.
A study of the deformation lines and the moment diagrams of these four different
cases leads to the following conclusions:
1. The largest positive moments due to live loads in a given span occur when live
loads are on that span and on every second span on either side. This is known as a
checker-board pattern loading. See Figure 2.13a, b.
2. The largest negative moments due to live loads near a support occur when live
loads are on neighboring spans and on every other span on either side. See
Figure 2.13ce.
Thus, on a continuous beam the number of live loading patterns that result in
maximum moment effects equals the number of supports. For example, in a four-
span beam with ve supports, ve different live loading patterns need to be
considered to nd the possible absolute maximums in each of the positive and
negative moment zones.
These are only the moments that are due to the effects of the live loads. The
cases, shown in Figure 2.13ae must be combined with the moments resulting from
the dead loads, that is, the loads that are permanently present on the structure,
whose effects are not variable. The combinations of the dead load moments and the
live load moments will result in a maximum possible moment at every location
along the beam. The live and dead loads, when plotted into a graph such as the one
shown in Figure 2.14, produce a diagram that represents all these combinations.
This is called the diagram of maximum moments or the moment envelope.
Two important points must be noted here. Figure 2.14 shows that in some
portions of each span, only positive moments occur, and in others, only negative
moments, regardless of the distribution of the live loads. There are portions of each
span, however, where either positive or negative moments may occur. This fact is
signicant in that it affects how a continuous beam must be reinforced.
The second point is that so far we have assumed that the continuous beam is
similar to a mathematical line supported on knife-edge supports. The result of such
a simplied assumption is that the reactions appear as concentrated forces and the
moment diagram has a sharp peak (cusp) at those points. This result, however, is not
in conformance with the physical reality. Supports (columns) have a width over
which the reactions are distributed. This modies the moment diagram within
the width of the support to something similar to the sketch shown in Figure 2.15.
50 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs





Figure 2.12 (a) The effects of live loads on span A-B. (b) The effects of live loads on span B-C.
(c) The effects of live loads on span C-D. (d) The effects of live loads on span D-E

The exact shape of the moment diagram at this location is quite immaterial, for both
theoretical studies and numerous test results clearly show that the critical negative
moments in the beam occur at the faces of the supports. (Refer to ACI Code,
Section and Section
2.8 On the Fickleness of Live Loads 51

Figure 2.13 (a) Live loads in the rst and third bays. Largest positive moments in rst and
third spans. (b) Live loads in the second and fourth bays. Largest positive moments in second and
fourth spans. (c) Live loads in the rst, second, and fourth bays. Largest negative moments
at second support. (d) Live loads in the second and third bays. Largest negative moment at
third support. (e) Live loads in the rst, third, and fourth bays. Largest negative moment at
fourth support
52 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Live loads

Dead loads

Figure 2.14 Maximum moments due to dead loads and different combinations of live loads

Width of

Design moment
required by the
ACI Code

Some likely

Moment calculated
with knife-edge

Figure 2.15 The true moments in beams at columns

2.9 The ACI Code Moment and Shear Coefcients

The complexities involved in the design of a very simple continuous beam may
seem quite bewildering. In practice, however, a vastly simplied procedure is
available in most cases.
Any moment along a span may be expressed as follows:

Mu coefficient  wu 2n 2:2

wu is the intensity of the total factored load (see Section 2.10), or the load per unit
length. This variable should be evaluated and applied separately for each span
if the live loads are different in each one
n is the net (clear) span for positive moment or shear, or the average of adjacent
net (clear) spans for negative moment
2.10 The Concept of Strength Design 53

When certain conditions are satised, the ACI Code permits the use of approx-
imate moments and shears in the design of continuous beams and one-way slabs in
lieu of the detailed analysis for maximum moments outlined in the previous section.
Approximate moments and shears usually provide reasonable and sufciently
conservative values for the design of these horizontal exural elements.
ACI Code Section 6.5.1 requires the following conditions for the use of these
There are two or more spans The beam or slab is continuous; that is, the
approximation does not apply to a single span only.
Spans are approximately equal, with the longer of two adjacent spans not
greater than the shorter by more than 20 % The larger span tends to pull the
shorter neighboring span upward if there are signicant differences between
adjacent spans.
Loads are uniformly distributed.
Unit live load does not exceed three times the unit dead load This is usually the
case with reinforced concrete structures.
Members are prismatic This means that the cross section is constant along the
length of the span.
The ACI Code design moments and shears are applicable when these precondi-
tions are satised. Table A2.1 and the accompanying gure list the coefcients for
the moments and shears according to the end conditions and number of spans. In the
authors experience, the ACI coefcients are somewhat more conservative than
values obtained from detailed computerized analysis; thus, their use will result in
additional safety for the structure.
In actual practice the use of simplied methods to nd the design moments and
shears is in decline. Many proprietary computer programs are available that not
only help evaluate all the most critical loading combinations, but also aid in the
design of the required reinforcing. These programs require the sizes of the members
as input, for the analysis of an indeterminate structure. (The result, or the output,
depends on the relative stiffnesses of the members.) Thus, the application of these
coefcients is still very useful for obtaining quick results that can be used in
preliminary sizing of the members, which in turn enables the development of
input data for a more detailed computerized analysis.

2.10 The Concept of Strength Design

The rst design theory of reinforced concrete, developed near the end of the
nineteenth century, simply borrowed its approach from the prevailing theory of
elasticity. The method assumed that reinforced concrete elements at usual actual
loads will have stress levels that might be considered to fall within the elastic zone.
Figure 1.8 indicates that concrete in compression may follow an approximately
linear stress/strain relationship as long as the stress level does not exceed 50 % of its
54 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

ultimate strength level. Steel reinforcing behaves elastically below its yield point.
So the concept of working stress design (WSD) was not an unreasonable method-
ology, and the underlying calculation technique is still used when estimating
deformations (deections) in structural elements. (See Section 3.3 for a more
detailed discussion.)
The WSD method, however, has many conceptual drawbacks. First and fore-
most, it does not account for differences between dead and live loads. Rather, it
simply lumps them together and assigns a collective margin of safety, regardless
of the origin of the load. Dead loads can be estimated much more accurately than
can live (transitory) loads; thus, logic dictates that the part of the load that comes
from dead loads could use a much smaller safety factor against failure. On the other
hand, the magnitude and the distribution of the live loads are much more uncertain.
Another, and equally important, drawback of the WSD method is that it inac-
curately assumes that concrete behaves in a linear fashion with increasing stress
levels. Merely knowing a stress level does not ensure a correct prediction of an
undesirable level of stress (i.e., failure), because steel has a linear stress response to
strain whereas concrete has a nonlinear one.
The third, and perhaps the most signicant, drawback of the WSD method is that
it is unimportant to know the stress level in a structure at a given loading. What is
important is to know how much overload the structure can take before it fails.
Strength is needed to have a safe design, or adequate strength, so that the
structure does not fail whether the actually occurring loads were underestimated
or excess load is placed on the structure. Thus, load factors (i.e., values used to
magnify the actual loads [called working or service loads]), or moments or shears
therefrom, are used so as to create a demand on the strength. The concept of demand
states, for example, that the structure (or, more precisely, a given element under
investigation) must have an ultimate strength (i.e., before it fails) not less than those
given by Equation (2.3a) (ACI Code, Section 5.3.1).

U 1:4D
or U 1:2D 1:6L 0:5Lr or S or R
or U 1:2D 1:6Lr or S or R 1:0L or 0:5W
or U 1:2D 1:0W 1:0L 0:5Lr or S or R 2:3a
or U 1:2D 1:0E 1:0L 0:2S
or U 0:9D 1:0W
or U 0:9D 1:0E

U required (ultimate) strength
D effect from dead loads
L effect from live loads
W effect from wind loads
E effect from seismic (earthquake) loads
2.11 Design (Ultimate) Strength 55

Lr effect from roof live loads

S effect from snow loads
R effect from rain loads
The multipliers applied to the effects in the various load combinations are the
load factors. These guard against accidental overloading of the structure. They also
take account of the imprecision in establishing the magnitude, or the distribution, of
the loads. Thus, for example, greater load factors are assigned to live loads (or wind
loads, or earthquake loads) than to dead loads to account for greater uncertainty.
Also, dead loads sometimes actually help to counteract the effect of wind or
earthquake loads. For these conditions a more conservative approach is to presume
that calculated dead loads are somewhat less than assumed. Such a concept is
accounted for by the sixth and seventh load combinations in Equation (2.3a). These
load combinations can be simplied by combining all live loads as L and using the
larger load factor. In addition, for U 1.4D to govern the design, the condition of
D > 8L must exist, which is not very probable in most cases. Therefore, the load
combination given below will be used for the member supporting oor loads
(Equation (2.3b)), and for members supporting roof loads only (Equation (2.3c))
throughout this book (these typically include slabs, beams and girders):

U 1:2D 1:6L 2:3b

U 1:2D 1:6Lr 2:3c

where D includes the effects from all the dead loads and L is due to all the live loads.
For members that support both oor and roof loads (neglecting the effects of wind
or earthquake loads), the governing load combination from Equation (2.3a) are
(these typically include columns and walls):

U 1:2D 1:6L 0:5Lr if L  1:83Lr

or 2:3d
U 1:2D 1:6Lr 1:0L if L < 1:83Lr

The effects of uid, F, lateral earth pressure, H, and forces due to restraint of
volume change and differential settlement, T, can also be incorporated in the load
combination with their corresponding load factors. Refer to ACI Section 5.3 for

2.11 Design (Ultimate) Strength

The ultimate strength of a section within a structure (as discussed in detail later for
separate and combined cases of bending moment, shear, torsion, and axial load) is
calculated from the sizes (dimensions) of the section, the materials (steel and
concrete) employed, and the amount of reinforcing used. This calculation gives
56 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

us the supply, or the resisting strength furnished by the section. In exural design,
for example, this calculated quantity is designated as Mn, which is called nominal
moment strength or nominal resisting moment. Nominal strength is the calculated
strength, provided that everything goes according to plan; that is, the concrete is at
least as strong as assumed in the design, the dimensions of the beam, slab, or any
designed element is exactly as shown on the plans, the required reinforcing is
placed exactly where it was assumed in the calculations, and so on. But experience
shows that there is no such thing as perfectly executed plans, even in the best
circumstances. ACI 117-90, Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and
Materials lists tolerances that are reasonable to expect when good workmanship is
provided. Furthermore, the calculation processes employ simplied mathematical
models that should be considered as only reasonable approximations of reality. The
design methodology also tries to reect the relative importance of different struc-
tural components. The failure of columns, for example, may result in collapse of an
entire building, but the failure of a beam typically causes only limited local damage.
In light of all these possible detrimental effects to the assumed strength, a
strength reduction factor (-factor), sometimes referred to as an under-strength
factor, is introduced to the above dened nominal strength. This factor accounts for
the fact that the sections strength may be less than assumed in the analysis.
Thus, we arrive at the concept of useable strength (or supply), which is the
product of the nominal strength and the strength reduction factor.
Different factors are used for different types of effects. Equation (2.4) gives
some factors.

Flexure 0:90
Shear and torsion 0:75 2:4
Axial compression columns 0:65

Hence the ultimate strength design (USD) method can be stated as the following

Demand  Supply
or required ultimate strength  useable design strength
or effects of loads  resisting capacity of member

And so for a beam subjected to gravity (dead and live) loads, for example,
Equations (2.5)(2.8) represent this concept.

Mu 1:2MD 1:6ML 2:5


Mu  Mn 2:6
2.11 Design (Ultimate) Strength 57

Dening the design resisting moment, MR, as

MR Mn 2:7

the following must hold for the beam to be safe:

Mu  MR 2:8

On the left side of Equation (2.8) is the demand. The demand depends only on
the span, the type of support (e.g., simply supported, cantilevered, etc.), and the
loads. All this information comes from the static analysis.
On the right side of Equation (2.8) stands the supplied strength of the section
(design resisting moment, MR), which depends on the size and shape of the cross
section, the quality of the materials employed (fc and fy), and the amount of
reinforcing furnished. Thus, the left side of the inequality is unique, but the right
side is undened. An innite number of different sizes, shapes, and reinforcing
combinations could satisfy a given problem. The only rule is that the supplied
useable strength be larger than (or at least equal to) the required strength.
Example 2.3 Assume that the beam in Example 2.1 is simply supported. Calculate
the required ultimate exural strength (factored moment from the loads). Use the
permitted reduced live load.

MD 930  302 =8 104,625 lb-ft

ML 403  302 =8 45,338 lb-ft


Mu 1:2  104,625 1:6  45,338 198,091 lb-ft or 198:1 kip-ft

The same result could be obtained by using factored loads (the loads multiplied by
their respective load factors).

wu 1:2  930 1:6  403 1,761 lb=ft 1:761 kip=ft


Mu 1:761  302 =8 198:1 kip-ft

Notice that when nding factored loads from service or working loads, the
nature of the loads does not change; only their magnitudes are multiplied by the
corresponding load factors. If a service load is distributed, its factored value is also
distributed; if the service load is concentrated, its corresponding factored load is
also concentrated. The following example claries this point.
58 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

PL = 10 kip
wL = 2.0 kip/ft
wD = 1.0 kip/ft

20'-0" 20'-0"

Figure 2.16 Example 2.4 (service loads)

Pu 16 kip
wu1 4.4 kip/ft
wu2 1.2 kip/ft

20'-0" 20'-0"

Figure 2.17 Example 2.4 (factored loads)

Example 2.4 Determine factored loads for the beam shown in Figure 2.16.
Solution For the left half of the beam:

wu1 1:2wD 1:6wL

wu1 1:2  1:0 1:6  2:0 4:4 kip=ft

For the right half of the beam:

wu2 1:2wD 1:6wL

wu2 1:2  1:0 1:6  0 1:2 kip=ft

The concentrated load is a live load only:

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL
Pu 1:2  0 1:6  10 16 kip

The factored loads on the beam are shown in Figure 2.17.

2.12 Assumptions for the Flexural Design of Reinforced

Concrete Beams

To this point we have discussed the calculations for the left side of the design
Equation (2.8) (demand) in some detail. In this section we develop the right side of
the design equation. To establish the supply, or the ultimate exural strength, of a
2.12 Assumptions for the Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams 59



1.5 in. clear

Figure 2.18 Denition of symbols used in a rectangular beam section

reinforced concrete section, we must discuss the stages of stress that a reinforced
concrete section experiences before reaching failure. This discussion of these
different stages of stress under increasing bending moments will also illuminate
the assumptions made in developing expressions for calculating the ultimate
strength of the section. To keep the discussion simple, we will examine a beam
with a rectangular cross-section like the one shown in Figure 2.18.
The symbols in Figure 2.18 will be used throughout this book. They are the
standard ACI symbols used with reinforced concrete. Thus:
b width of the section
h the overall depth of a section
d the effective depth of a section, or the depth from the centroid of the tension
reinforcement to the compression face
As the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the reinforcing bars
Notice that the reinforcement is not placed at the very bottom of the beam. The
rst and foremost reason for this placement is to provide corrosion protection to the
reinforcement. The inner environment of concrete is highly alkaline (high pH
value) and helps to protect the reinforcement. The concrete cover also provides
re protection to the reinforcement. Furthermore, the concrete surrounds the
reinforcing steel, which enables intimate bonding and allows the concrete and the
steel, two individual materials, to work together. The required minimum concrete
cover is given in Section of the ACI Code. For unexposed beams it is
1.5 in. to the stirrups. (The stirrups, usually made out of #3 or #4 bars, will be
discussed in Chapter 4.)
Figure 2.19 shows a simply supported beam that has a simple rectangular cross
section made of plain concrete (homogeneous material). This type of beam is
almost never used in an actual building, but it will give us insight into the behavior
of concrete beams.
The uniformly distributed load (Figure 2.19a) represents the self weight plus
some superimposed load. The slightly exaggerated deected shape is shown in
Figure 2.19b, and the moment diagram in Figure 2.19c. Attention will be directed to
the section where the bending moment is the greatest. This location is where the
stresses and the strains are also the largest.
60 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

(a) The loaded beam

(b) Beam after deformation

M max

(c) The moment diagram

Figure 2.19 Elastic bending

Section Strains Stresses

Figure 2.20 Linear distribution of strains and stresses

Figure 2.20 shows the cross section of the beam and the distribution of strains
and stresses if the beam is unreinforced. Figure 2.21 illustrates the distribution of
the strains and stresses in a 3-D form. As long as the bending moments are
small, that is, the resulting tensile stresses at the bottom are less than the ultimate
tensile strength of the concrete, the section will behave as if it were made of a
homogeneous, quasi-elastic material. The bottom is in tension, and the top is in
Direct your attention to the strain diagram rst. Strain represents changes in
length. The strain distribution is linear from bottom to top.
The farther up or down a point is from the imaginary center, the greater the strain
in the beam. The largest tensile strains are at the bottom, whereas the largest
compressive strains are at the top. There is a line across the section where the strain
is zero. This is called the neutral axis. The straight-line distribution of strains is
known as the BernoulliNavier hypothesis. This distribution is called a hypoth-
esis because it results not from mathematical derivation, but from careful mea-
surements made on countless tests of many different materials, including concrete.
The distribution of stresses is also linear when the material follows Hookes law, as
2.12 Assumptions for the Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams 61

Figure 2.21 3D representation of linear strain or stress distribution

z 2h/3

Figure 2.22 The internal couple in homogeneous beams

steel does below the so-called proportional limit. Stresses are forces acting on a unit
area. Thus, it is possible to determine the resultant for these forces. The resultant,
which is a tensile (T) or compressive (C) force, is equal to the volume of the stress
block, For example, if the largest compressive stress is fcmax, then the sum of all the
compressive forces is given by Equation (2.9).
h   i
C 1=2 fcmax  =2  b

Similarly, the sum of all tensile forces is given by Equation (2.10).

h   i
T 1=2 ftmax  =2  b

These resultants will be located at the centroid of the wedge-shaped stress blocks,
as shown in Figure 2.22. Equilibrium requires that these resultants be equal in
62 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

magnitude, and together they form an internal couple. The internal couple is
equivalent to the bending moment at the section.
Example 2.5 For the beam of Figure 2.22, assume b 12 in., h 24 in. and
Mmax 38.4 kip-ft. Determine the bending stresses and the equivalent tensile and
compression forces acting on the section.
Solution The section modulus is:

S b  h2 =6 1,152 in:3

Thus the maximum stresses are:

fmax Mmax =S 38:4  12=1,152 0:400 ksi


C T 1=2  0:400  24=2  12 28:8 k

The moment arm between the maximum stresses is z 2  24/3 16 in.

The moment equivalent of this couple is:

460:8 kip-in:
C  z T  z 28:8  16 38:4 kip-ft

which agrees with the given moment, Mmax 38.4 kip-ft.

The concept of the internal couple will become a very important tool in consid-
ering a reinforced concrete beam. If the beam in Example 2.5 has enough tensile
strength to withstand the applied 0.400 ksi (400 psi) tensile stress, the beam will
not fail. As discussed earlier, concrete has a rather limited tensile strength. The
modulus of rupture, which was said to represent the ultimate tensile strength of
concrete in exure, is given in Equation (1.3).
As mentioned previously, the modulus of rupture is a statistical average (with a
considerable coefcient of variation) that is empirically derived from many labo-
ratory tests. At increasing loads, a magnitude very soon is applied at which the
beams tensile strength is exhausted. At that point, somewhere near the maximum
moment, the beam will crack. Without reinforcement, the crack will instantly travel
upward and the beam will collapse, as shown in Figure 2.23.
In the following discussion the beam is assumed to have exural reinforcement.
Such a beam is shown in Figure 2.24. As long as the tensile stresses in the concrete
at the bottom of the section are less than the modulus of rupture, there will be no

Figure 2.23 Bending failure of an unreinforced concrete beam

2.12 Assumptions for the Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams 63


Section Strains Stresses

Figure 2.24 Strain and stress distribution of a reinforced concrete beam prior to cracking


s fs

Section Strains Stresses

Figure 2.25 Strains and stresses after cracking

cracks. At the location of the reinforcing steel, the concrete and the steel have
identical strains. The steel is bonded to the concrete, thus they must deform
together. But the two different materials respond differently to deformation because
they have a different modulus of elasticity, so the stresses will be different. In this
particular case the stress in the steel will be much larger than that in the concrete.
For example, assume a concrete with fc0 3,000 psi. Then Ec 57,000 3,000
3,122,000 psi 3,122 ksi. The modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel is
Es 29,000 ksi. According to Hookes law the stress equals the product of the
modulus of elasticity and the strain. So it follows that the stress in the steel will be
about nine times higher (the ratio of the two moduli of elasticity values) than the
stress in the concrete in the immediate vicinity. This ratio is usually designated as
n Es/Ec and is called the modular ratio.
The concrete cracks under increasing applied forces, and it is the reinforcement
that carries the tension across the crack. The crack travels up to a height, then stops
somewhere below the neutral axis as seen in Figure 2.25. The shaded area represents
the uncracked part of the section. Where the strains are still small near the neutral
axis, the concrete is still able to transfer some tensile stresses (albeit very small), even
in the cracked section; however, the amount of tensile force represented by the still
un-cracked tensile stress volume is so small that it is simply neglected.
Assuming, therefore, that the concrete does not carry any tension after cracking,
the bending moment in the section is transferred across from one side of the crack to
64 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs


s fs

Section Strains Stresses

Figure 2.26 The internal couple after cracking

the other via the tension in the steel and the compression in the concrete, as seen
in Figure 2.26. This assumption simplies the development of an appropriate
formula for the internal couple. The tensile component of this couple is at the
centroid of the reinforcing steel, while the compressive component is at the centroid
of the wedge-shaped compression block. Comparing Figures 2.22 and 2.26 indi-
cates that the T force now is concentrated at the centroid of the reinforcing.
In Figure 2.26 the compression stress block is represented as a triangular wedge
shape. This representation is more or less accurate as long as the compressive
stresses in the concrete remain quite low. Figure 1.8 shows the generic shapes of
the stress-strain curve of concrete in compression, and the assumption of linear
distribution of stresses may be justied up to approximately 0.5fc0 .
As the applied loads increase, there is a corresponding increase in bending
moments throughout the beam. Thus, many more sections away from the location
of the maximum moment will develop tensile stresses that exceed the concretes
ultimate tensile strength, resulting in the development of more cracks. While
theoretically the spacing between cracks is very small, it does not happen that
way, because the formation of a crack relieves tensile strains in the concrete in its
immediate neighborhood. Initially the cracks are very ne hairline cracks, and a
magnifying glass may be needed to locate them. These hairline cracks do not
indicate that there is anything wrong with the beam: They occur naturally in
reinforced concrete beams subjected to exure under normal working load condi-
tions. In fact, the reinforcement does not even do much work until after the concrete
has cracked.
As the bending moment at the section increases, the magnitude of T and C, the
tension and compression components of the internal couple, must also increase. In
the reinforcement this is simply reected as an increase in stresses. Correspond-
ingly, the steel also will experience greater strains and elongation. As long as the
strains in the reinforcing are less than the yield strain, the relationship between
stresses and strains remains linear.
In the concrete, however, the increased compression strains result in a nonlinear
response of the stresses while maintaining the required increase in the volume of the
stress block. The concrete stress block becomes more and more bounded by a
curvilinear surface. Ultimately, the contour will resemble the one shown in
Figure 2.27. This diagram is the same as the ones shown in Figure 1.8, except the
2.13 Different Failure Modes 65









Figure 2.27 Typical curvilinear stress distribution in the concrete at ultimate strength

axes are reversed. At the origin, the strains and stresses are zero, just like on the
beam section at its neutral axis. At the top there is a strain value of 0.003, which is a
value selected by the ACI Code (somewhat arbitrarily) as the ultimate useful strain.
Somewhere between these two limits (in the neighborhood of 0.002) the peak stress
(the maximum compressive strength or simply compressive strength) occurs.
In calculations this value is designated as fc0 ; it is the specied compression strength
of the concrete, as already mentioned in Section 1.6.1.
On the tension side (i.e., at the reinforcement), Figure 1.17 shows the stress-strain
curve of the reinforcing steel, or the response of the steel to increasing strain values.
This curve clearly shows that the steel has signicant residual strength even after it
has yielded, but this residual strength (the strength gained in the strain hardening
zone) is neglected. Thus, we assume that the stresses will linearly increase with
increasing strains up to yield, after which ever-increasing strains produce no
corresponding increase in stresses. Scientically, this curve is known as a bilinear
stress-strain diagram, and the response of the steel as elasto-plastic behavior. Fig-
ure 2.28 shows the assumed stress-strain diagram for 40 and 60 ksi steel, respectively.

2.13 Different Failure Modes

As a rst case assume that a beam has a relatively small amount of reinforcing steel.
Such a beam is shown in Figure 2.29. With increasing demand on the internal
couple the stresses in the steel will reach yield before the demand on the concrete
66 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs


60 ksi

40 ksi


Figure 2.28 Assumed bilinear stress-strain diagram of reinforcing steel

Compression zone


Figure 2.29 Tension-controlled failure of a reinforced concrete beam

compression block reaches the ultimate concrete compressive strength. With

increasing elongation in the steel, still prior to yield, the cracks will become
wider and more visible. When the steel starts to yield (i.e., elongate rapidly), the
relatively narrow crack at the bottom opens up. This forms a wedge that shifts the
neutral axis upward, thus decreasing the area available for the compressive stress
block, until the concrete crushes on the compressive side as a secondary failure.
The primary cause of failure was due to the yielding of the reinforcement. In a
somewhat misleading way such sections are sometimes referred to as
underreinforced sections. This unfortunate expression implies that the section is
underreinforced as compared to the capacity of the compression part of the section.
(In Section 2.17 we will discover that the behavior of an under-reinforced section is
classied as tension-controlled or transition-controlled depending on the level of
tensile strain in the steel at the time of failure.)
As a second case consider a beam that has a relatively large amount of
reinforcing. For such a beam the steel will be able to develop the T part of the
internal couple without yielding. As demand on the compression stress block
2.14 The Equivalent Stress Block 67




Figure 2.30 Strain distribution at balanced failure

increases, however, the capacity to provide a sufciently large volume of concrete

stresses will be exhausted, reaching the state shown in Figure 2.27. In such a case
the primary failure occurs in the concrete. These types of sections are referred to as
overreinforced, that is, the beam has more reinforcing in the section than what
could be used with the largest possible compressive stress block.
A casual observer may care little about what initiated the failure of the beam.
But the two modes of failure vastly differ. The rst mode, in which the primary
failure happens due to the yielding of the reinforcing, is a ductile process and is
preceded by signicant cracking, fairly large deections, and similar warning signs.
The beam, in a way, tells you that something bad is about to happen.
In the second mode there are no such obvious signs of impending failure. The
reinforcement, in providing the tensile part of the internal couple, experiences
relatively low strains, so the few hairline cracks do not serve as warning signs.
Consequently when the failure occurs, it happens in a sudden, explosive waythe
concrete failure in compression is very abrupt.
Between these two different failure modes is a special case, known in the literature
as the balanced-failure condition. Balanced failure is a theoretical limit dividing the
underreinforced and overreinforced failure modes. We feel that this is an unfortunate
terminology, because the word balance (i.e., equilibrium) should not be used to
describe a failure mode that is anything but the maintenance of balance. We would
prefer to use the expression simultaneous failure. But whatever terminology is used,
it refers to the amount of reinforcement in a section that causes the concrete at
the compression side to fail at exactly the same time the steel begins to yield. So the
strain in the steel will be the yield strain, and the strain at the extreme edge of the
concrete will be 0.003. This balanced condition is depicted in Figure 2.30.

2.14 The Equivalent Stress Block

A quick look at Figure 2.27, or at its 3-D representation in Figure 2.31, should
convince anyone that it would be impractical to calculate the value of C by guring
out the volume of the stress block. The calculation would require integral calculus,
68 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Figure 2.31 True stress distribution in the concrete at ultimate strength

even if there was an easy way to express the shape of the curve mathematically.
A reasonable approximation can be obtained by substituting a stress block whose
volume is about the same as the true stress volume enclosed in Figure 2.31, and
whose centroid is fairly close to that of the true stress volume. This is known as the
equivalent stress block, and is shown in Figure 2.32.
The relationship between the true stress block and the equivalent stress block has
been established by studying many concrete stress-strain curves. The simple rect-
angular block has been adopted for its simplicity and ease of calculation. If a
uniform stress value of 0.85fc0 is adopted, then only the relationship between the
depth of the equivalent stress block a and the distance of the neutral axis from the
top c is needed. This relationship is given in Equation (2.11).

a 1 c 2:11

To account for the somewhat different shapes of the stress-strain curves of different
strengths of (refer to Figure 1.8) concrete, 1 is given by the ACI Code (Section as follows:
2.14 The Equivalent Stress Block 69

b 0.85 fc

Figure 2.32 The equivalent stress block

1 0.85 for concrete strength fc0 up to and including 4,000 psi. For strengths above
4,000 psi, 1 shall be reduced at a rate of 0.05 for each 1,000 psi
of strength in excess of 4,000 psi, but 1 shall not be taken less than 0.65
Equation (2.12) gives the expression to calculate 1 for fc0 > 4,000 psi.
fc  4,000
1 0:85  0:05  0:65 2:12

The equivalent stress block makes it extremely easy to manipulate the expression to
calculate the ultimate (design) resisting moment of a given section. The moment
arm of the internal couple, z, can be calculated using Equation (2.13).
zd 2:13

The numerical value of the internal couple can be expressed in two different
ways, using the designation of Mn for the nominal resisting moment and MR for the
design resisting moment. These moments can be calculated using Equations (2.14)
and (2.15), respectively.

Mn Tz or Mn Cz 2:14

MR Mn Tz Cz 2:15
70 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs


T As f y (the area of the reinforcing multiplied by the yield stress

of the steel)
C 0:85fc0 ab (the volume of the equivalent stress block)

Equilibrium requires that T be equal to C, thus

As fy 0:85fc0 ab 2:16

Solving this equation for a gives Equation (2.17) for calculating the depth of the
equivalent stress block.

As fy
a 2:17
0:85fc0 b

Note that a will increase as larger amounts of reinforcement, or reinforcing steel

with greater strength is used. On the other hand a will be smaller if a wider section,
or stronger concrete is used. Note, however, that a is independent of the depth of the

2.15 The Steel Ratio ()

Sometimes it is useful to express As as a fraction of the working cross section, which

is the product of the width b and the effective depth (or working depth) d. The term
steel percentage or, more accurately, steel ratio refers to the ratio between the area
of the reinforcing steel and the area of the working concrete section.
The steel ratio is calculated using Equation (2.18).


Note that is a nondimensional number, area divided by area, so it is not a

percentage per se. But it can be made into a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
For example, assume the following beam data: b 12 in., h 24 in., As 3
#6 bars 3  0.44 1.32 in.2, and #3 stirrups in the beam.
Then d 24  1.5 in. (concrete cover)  0.375 in. (diameter of the stirrup) 
0.75 in. (diameter of #6 bar)/2 21.75 in. Thus, the steel ratio is
As 1:32
0:00506 (or 0.506 %).
bd 1221:75
2.16 The Balanced Steel Ratio 71



d N.A.

dt cb


Figure 2.33 Strain distribution at balanced failure

2.16 The Balanced Steel Ratio

Section 2.13 discussed the two possible different failure modes of reinforced
concrete beams in bending. The theoretical dividing point between them, the
balanced failure, was also discussed. In this case the steel in the outermost
layer (if there is more than one layer) reaches its yield strain exactly when the
maximum compressive strain in the concrete reaches the 0.003 value. The strain
distribution at balanced failure resembles the one shown in Figure 2.33. In order to
cover the more general (although not so frequent) case of multilayer reinforcing in
the beam, a distinction is made between d, the working depth, and dt, the depth to
the outermost layer of reinforcing on the tension side. When there is only one layer
of reinforcement, d dt.
From the similarity of the two triangles above and below the neutral axis,
cb, the depth of the neutral axis at balanced failure can be expressed as a function
of dt and fy.

cb 0:003
d t  cb ty

Solving for cb

cb 2:20
0:003 ty


fy fy
ty 2:21
Es 29,000,000
72 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

We can substitute and rearrange to obtain

cb dt 2:22
87,000 fy

In these equations fy is substituted in psi.

With this information the depth of the equivalent stress block at balanced failure
can be calculated using Equation (2.23).

Asb fy
a b 1 c b 2:23
0:85fc0 b

where Asb is the theoretical amount of reinforcing needed to cause a balanced

failure mode.
When cb from Equation (2.22) and Asb bbd from Equation (2.18) are
substituted into Equation (2.23).

87,000dt b bdfy
87,000 fy 0:85fc0 b

the steel ratio for balanced failure, b, can be calculated using Equation (2.24).

0:85fc0 87,000 dt
b 1 2:24
fy 87,000 fy d

If dt d, which means there is only one layer of reinforcing steel (by far the most
frequent case), then Equation (2.24) becomes Equation (2.25).

0:85fc0 87,000
b 1 2:25
fy 87,000 fy

Note that the value of b depends only on the selected materials ( fc0 and fy) and is
independent of the size of the section. (The ratio becomes necessary only when
there is more than one layer of reinforcement.)

2.17 Elaboration on the Net Tensile Strain in Steel (t)

In an effort to generalize the approach for members subject to both bending and
axial compressive forces, the ACI Code strives to treat these combination cases
together. The different failure modes were discussed in Section 2.13. These modes
are distinguished by whether the primary failure is due to yielding of the steel or to
2.17 Elaboration on the Net Tensile Strain in Steel (t) 73

A1 B1t

0.65 Flexural members

controlled Transition Tension controlled

ty 0.004 0.005

Figure 2.34 Variation of versus t

crushing of the concrete. The former is called tension-controlled failure, and the
latter is compression-controlled failure. It was also previously noted that tension-
controlled failure results in highly desirable ductility, whereas compression-
controlled failure is abrupt and nonductile in nature. Unfortunately, as will be
discussed later in Chapter 5, the desire to have only ductile tension-controlled
failure modes cannot always be satised. But in exural members, at least we can
control the failure behavior by using no more steel than an amount that ensures the
desirable ductility. In the past this was accomplished by limiting the reinforcement
ratio, , to 75b in exural members. Since 2002 the ACI Code has adopted a new
approach that is a better integration of dealing with members subject to axial
stresses whether from exure, or axial compression, or both. If ductile failure
mode cannot always be assured, then the use of a larger safety factor against a
nonductile type of failure is warranted. This larger safety factor is obtained by
regulating the ratio between the useful ultimate moment or design resisting moment
(MR Mn) and the nominal ultimate moment (Mn). This requires only an adjust-
ment in the (strength reduction) factor.
The ACI Code (Section 21.2.2) denes three different types of section behavior:
tension-controlled, compression-controlled, and a transition zone, which is the
zone between the tension- and the compression-controlled failure zones. Figure 2.34
shows a graphical representation of these zones, and denes and separates the three
regions. Theoretically the division between compression-controlled failure and
tension-controlled failure is where t ty. In other words, the section is
compression-controlled if the strain in the steel is less than the yield strain; and is
tension-controlled if the strain in the steel is greater than the yield strain when the
compression strain in the concrete reaches the limit of 0.003. For design purposes,
however, the ACI Code requires a safely assured tension-controlled section; thus, it
74 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

a b c
c 0.003 c 0.003 c 0.003


d dt

t ty t 0.005 ty t 0.005

Figure 2.35 Strain distribution and net tensile strain (t) at behavior limits: (a) compression-
controlled sections; (b) tension-controlled sections; (c) transition-controlled sections

denes a section as tension-controlled only when the steel strain at ultimate strength
is greater than 0.005. Between the two limits, yield strain (ty) and 0.005, the Code
denes a transition zone with lowered values.
Note that the ACI Code allows t for exural members to be as small as 0.004 at
ultimate strength. A somewhat diminished factor, however, is required in
It may be helpful here to repeat what was discussed in Section 2.13 in a
somewhat different format. Figure 2.35 denes graphically the behavior of
reinforced concrete sections.
1. A compression-controlled section is a reinforced concrete section in which the
strain in the concrete reaches 0.003 at ultimate strength, but the strain in the steel
(t) is less than the yield strain (ty). (See Figure 2.35a.) In other words, at the
ultimate strength of the member, the concrete compressive strain reaches 0.003
before the steel in tension yields. This condition results in a brittle or sudden
failure of beams and should be avoided. In reinforced concrete columns, how-
ever, a design based on compression-controlled failure behavior cannot be
avoided. As shown in Figure 2.34, 0.65 is mandated for this case, which is
considerably less than the 0.90 that is used for tension-controlled sections.
The reasons for this additional factor of safety are: (1) compression-controlled
sections have less ductility; (2) these sections are more sensitive to variations
in concrete strength; and (3) the compression-controlled sections generally occur
in members that support larger loaded areas than do members with tension-
controlled sections.
2. A tension-controlled section is a reinforced concrete section in which the tensile
strain in steel (t) is more than 0.005 when the compression strain in concrete
reaches 0.003 (see Figure 2.35b). In other words, when a section is tension-
controlled at ultimate strength, steel yields in tension well before the strain in the
concrete reaches 0.003. Flexural members with tension-controlled sections have
2.18 The Location of the Neutral Axis and Limit Positions 75

ductile behavior. As a result, these sections may give warning prior to failure by
excessive deection or excessive cracking, or both. Not all tension-controlled
sections will give both types of warning, but most tension-controlled sections
should give at least one type of warning. Both types of warnings, excessive
deection and cracking, are functions of the strain, particularly the strain on the
tension side. Because tensile strains are larger than compressive strains in
tension-controlled sections at failure, the ACI Code allows a larger factor
(0.90) for these types of members.
3. A transition-controlled section is a reinforced concrete section in which the net
tensile strain in the steel (t) is between yield strain (ty) and 0.005 when the
compression strain in the concrete reaches 0.003. (See Figure 2.35c.) Some
sections, such as those with a limited axial load and large bending moment,
may have net tensile strain in the extreme steel (t) between these limits. These
sections are in a transition region between compression- and tension-controlled
sections. In Figure 2.34, the line AC represents the Code-dened relationship
between and t in the transition-controlled zone. The value of in the
transition zone can be calculated using Equation (2.26).

A 1 B1 t 2:26

where the coefcients A1 and B1 may be expressed as

0:00325  0:9 ty
0:005  ty
0:005  ty

Table A2.2a in Appendix A lists the values for the coefcients A1 and B1 for
commonly used reinforcing steels.

2.18 The Location of the Neutral Axis and Limit Positions

Consider the strain diagram shown in Figure 2.36. The location of the neutral axis at
ultimate strength (c) depends upon the net tensile strain of the steel. Observe the
solid and the dotted lines. Because the strain at the compression face is constant
(0.003), c becomes smaller as the steel strain increases. Using similar triangles of
the strains above and below the neutral axis, an expression can be derived to
calculate the depth of the neutral axis, c.

c 0:003

dt  c t 2:27
ct 0:003dt  c
76 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

ec 0.003



Figure 2.36 Variation of the location of the neutral axis (c) with the tensile strain in steel (t)

Solving Equation (2.27) for c:

c dt 2:28
0:003 t

The ratio of c/dt, given in Equation (2.29), is often used to check if a section is

c 0:003
dt 0:003 t

Two values of t are of special interest. The rst one is t 0.004. This is the absolute
minimum steel strain permitted by the ACI Code for members in exure. (Refer to
Figure 2.34 and ACI Code, Section for one way slabs, and Section for
beams). Substituting this t value into Equation (2.29) gives us Equation (2.30).

c 3
0:429 or c0:429dt 2:30
dt 7

Equation (2.30) gives the lowest permissible value of the neutral axis depth. In
other words, this denes the largest permissible concrete area in compression
(c  0.429dt).
The second value of interest is t 0.005. Solving Equation (2.29) for this case,
we obtain Equation (2.31) for the lowest location of the neutral axis depth for
tension-controlled sections.

c 0:003 3
0:375 or c0:375dt 2:31
d t 0:003 0:005 8
2.20 Limitations on the Steel Percentage () for Flexural Members 77

A2 B2 ( dct ) C D

A B Flexural members

controlled Transition Tension controlled

dt 7 8 c
cb 3 3

Figure 2.37 Variation of versus

2.19 Relationship Between and dt/c

Equation (2.29) shows that the ratio of either c/dt, or its inverse, dt/c, are in direct
relationship with the steel tensile strain t. Then it is possible to modify Figure 2.34
to show the ACI Codeprescribed strength reduction factors (the factors)
variation in terms of the dt/c ratio. (For convenience of graphing, the relationship
is shown in terms of dt/c.) Figure 2.37 expresses the changing values with respect
to the ratio dt/c. Note that the ratio dt/cb is the ratio of d/c at the balanced failure
Table A2.2b in Appendix A of this text lists the values for the coefcients A2 and B2
that describe the variations in values through the transition zone. The limiting ratios
between the depth of the member and the location of the neutral axis (dt/c) and its
inverse at the balanced failure point (i.e., dt/cb or cb/dt) are also included.

2.20 Limitations on the Steel Percentage () for Flexural


With the help of Equations (2.30) and (2.31), the corresponding largest values (i.e.,
the steel percentages that satisfy those limiting conditions) can be determined. For
t 0.004 (lowest permitted steel strain value at ultimate strength of exural mem-
bers), the maximum depth of the neutral axis is calculated using Equation (2.32).
78 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

cmax d t 2:32

The corresponding depth of the equivalent stress block (refer to Equations (2.11)
and (2.17)) is given by Equation (2.33).

As, max fy 3
amax dt 2:33
0:85fc0 b 7 1

where As,max is the amount of reinforcing steel necessary to have t 0.004.

Substituting for As,max max bd in Equation (2.33), then rearranging, the largest
value can be determined.

max bdfy 3
1 d t 2:34
0:85fc0 b 7
3 f 0 dt
max 0:851 c 
7 fy d


fc0 dt
max 0:3641  2:35
fy d

Equation (2.35) gives the maximum percentage of reinforcing steel permitted by

the ACI Code in exural members, unless the capacity is augmented by the use of
compression reinforcing. (See more on that in Chapter 3.)
For sections with a single layer of reinforcing, dt/d 1.0, Equation (2.35) is
simplied as indicated in Equation (2.36).

max 0:3641 2:36

In a similar way, we can determine the value of that will ensure an t 0.005,
the upper limit of needed to ensure a tension-controlled (ductile) failure in beams
at their ultimate strength. Designate this value of as tc. After changing the right
side of Equation (2.34) accordingly (see Equations (2.30) and (2.31)), then the
value of tc can be calculated using Equation (2.38) (or Equation (2.39) for the
special case of a section with only one layer of reinforcement).

tc bdfy 3
1 d t 2:37
0:85fc b 8
2.21 Minimum Steel Ratio (min) for Reinforced Concrete Beams 79

fc0 d t
tc 0:3191  2:38
fy d
tc 0:3191 2:39

Table A2.3 in Appendix A lists the values of max and tc for various grades of steel
( fy) and concrete strength (fc0 ) combinations. The value of the strength reduction
factor () is shown in the right column of the table. This value varies when
tc < < max, or the beams failure mode is in the transition zone (see
Section 2.17). Table A2.3 indicates that not much is gained in terms of useable
moment capacity with the required reductions in the values and when the
reinforcing percentage is increased from tc to max, especially when higher
strength steels are used.

2.21 Minimum Steel Ratio (min) for Reinforced

Concrete Beams

When a reinforced concrete beam, for architectural or other reasons, is relatively

large in cross section, or carries little load, the calculations may require only a very
small amount of reinforcing steel. Such a section, if accidentally overloaded, will
fail in a sudden, brittle manner. The reason is that the ultimate moment strength
provided by the reinforced section is actually less than the strength of the same
section without any reinforcing. Thus, the stress in the reinforcement will immedi-
ately reach yield at the rst crack, causing the section to fail suddenly.
To ensure that reinforced beams ultimate strength is larger than that of
the unreinforced beam, Section of the ACI Code requires a minimum
amount of exural steel in reinforced concrete beams. This requirement is given
in Equation (2.40).
3 fc0 200
As, min bd  bd 2:40
fy fy

This minimum amount of steel (As,min) provides enough reinforcement to ensure that
the moment strength of the reinforced concrete section is more than that of
an unreinforced concrete section, which can be calculated from its modulus of rupture.
In the past, the ACI Code required only an As, min bd. For concrete strength
greater than about 4,440 psi, however, this is not sufcient to ensure the desired aim;
80 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

3 fc0
bd recties this condition. Because As,min min bd, Equation (2.40) may be
expressed mathematically in terms of min (minimum steel ratio) as shown in
Equation (2.41).
( p )
3 fc0 200
min max , 2:41
fy fy

Table A2.4 in Appendix A provides values of min for different grades of steel
and compressive strengths of concrete.

2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections

Analysis of a section means nding the MR Mn value. This may be necessary

when checking an existing structure or element to determine if the strength pro-
vided by the section (supply) is sufcient to satisfy Mu that is calculated from the
loads (demand). Finding MR also makes it possible to calculate the maximum live
load that may be permitted on the element.
An analysis can be performed only when all parameters that inuence the ultimate
strength of a section are known. There are ve of these parameters, namely:

The dimensions of the section b and d

The materials used in the beam fc0 and fy
The tensile reinforcement in the beam As

Next we show two methods for calculating the value of MR.

2.22.1 MR Calculation: Method I

This method closely follows the already discussed and established formulae.
Figure 2.38 shows the stress and strain distributions for a reinforced concrete
rectangular beam at ultimate strength. For the most general case, a beam section
with multilayer reinforcing is shown.
The resisting moment can be calculated from the internal couple and using
Equations (2.42)(2.44).
2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 81

a b

a C


t ty

Figure 2.38 Stress and strain distributions on a reinforced concrete section

T As fy C 0:85fc0 ba z d  a=2
Mn Tz As fy d  a=2

Mn Cz 0:85fc0 bad  a=2 2:43

MR Mn 2:44

The calculation proceeds as follows:

Step 1. Calculate and check if  min (from Table A2.4); if not, the
beam does not satisfy the minimum requirements of the ACI Code, and
its use for load carrying is not permitted. Determine whether  max
(from Table A2.3); if not, the beam has too much reinforcing and does
not satisfy the latest ACI Codes limitations. A practical solution for this
is to disregard the excessive amount of reinforcement, assume that the
section is in the transition zone, and continue the calculations with
the maximum permissible amount of reinforcing.
Step 2. Calculate the depth of the equivalent stress block from Equation (2.17):
As fy
0:85fc0 b

Step 3. Calculate the location of the neutral axis from Equation (2.11):
82 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 4. Determine whether

c 3

dt 8
If yes, the beam is in the tension-controlled
  zone; set 0.90 and
3 c 3
go directly to step 5. If not i:e:,   , the factor must be
8 dt 7
adjusted accordingly. Therefore, calculate the reduced :

A2 c refer to Table A2:2b for A2 and B2
Step 5. Calculate MR Mn As fy d  refer to Equations 2:42 and
Figure 2.39 summarizes the analysis steps.

Find MR for reinforced

concrete rectangular beams.

As No Beam is illegal ( min)
bd per current ACI Code.

2. Asfy
0.85fc b

3. a

4. Warning! max
c 3 Only the part of the reinforcing that
? is equal to max may be taken into
dt 8
account in the nominal strength calculations.


0.90 B2
A2 c

MR Asfy (d a)

Figure 2.39 Flowchart to calculate MR (Method I)

2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 83

Example 2.6 Use Method I to determine the design resisting moment, MR, of
the reinforced concrete beam section shown below. fc0 4 ksi, and fy 40ksi.
The reinforcement is 3 #9 bars, As 3.00 in2.
b = 10 in.

d = 22 in.

Solution Using the steps of Figure 2.39:

Step 1. Find the steel ratio, :
As 3
bd 10  22
From Table A2:4 ! min 0:0050 < 0:0136 ok
From Table A2:3 ! max 0:0310 > 0:0136 ok

Step 2. Calculate the depth of the compression zone, a:

As fy 3  40
a 0
3:53 in:
0:85fc b 0:85  4  10

Step 3. From the depth of the equivalent stress block, determine the location of the
neutral axis, c:
a 3:53
c 4:15 in:
1 0:85

Step 4. Determine whether the section is tension-controlled or is in the transition zone:

c 4:15
0:189 < 0:375 ok
dt 22

Therefore, the section is tension-controlled and the strength reduction

factor 0.90.
84 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 5. Calculate the resisting moment, MR:

MR As fy d 
0:90  3  40 22 
MR 182 ft-kip

Example 2.7 Repeat Example 2.6 for fy 60 ksi, and fc0 3 ksi.
Step 1.
Table A2:4 ! min 0:0033 < 0:0136 ok
Table A2:3 ! max 0:0155 > 0:0136 ok

Step 2.
As fy 3  60
a 0
7:06 in:
0:85fc b 0:85  3  10

Step 3. a 7:06
c 8:30 in:
1 0:85

Step 4.
c 8:30
0:377 > 0:375
dt 22

Section is in the transition zone (although just barely).

A2 c

Use Table A2.2b to determine A2 and B2; then

0:233 0:90

Step 5.
0:90  3  60 22 
MR 249 ft-kip
2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 85

Example 2.8 Calculate MR for the reinforced concrete beam section shown below.
fy 60 ksi, fc0 4 ksi, As 7.62 in2.

12 in.

d = 31.25 in. dt = 32.5 in.

6 # 10


Step 1.

As 7:62
bd 12  31:25
From Table A2:4 ! min 0:0033 < 0:0203 ok
From Table A2:3 ! max 0:0207 > 0:0203 ok

Step 2.
As fy 7:62  60
a 0
11:21 in:
0:85fc b 0:85  4  12

Step 3.
a 11:21
c 13:19 in:
1 0:85

Step 4.
c 13:19
0:406 > 0:375
dt 32:5

Section is in the transition zone. With the help of Table A2.2b:

86 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

B2 0:25
A2 c 0:233 0:85

Step 5.  
0:85  7:62  60 31:25 
MR 831 kip-ft

2.22.2 MR Calculation: Method II

This method results in the development of design aid tables, which are more user-
friendly. The tables will also be useful when the aim is to design beam sections to
satisfy a given Mu demand instead of analyzing.
The expressions for the components of the internal couple are

T As fy C 0:85fc0 ba z d  a=2

Because T C, the depth of the equivalent stress block is

As fy
0:85fc0 b

Substituting from Equation (2.18), As bd. Equation (2.45) can be used to calcu-
late a.

bdfy dfy
a 2:45
0:85fc b 0:85fc0

Substituting from Equation (2.11), a 1c, c can be determined using

Equation (2.46).

1 c
fy d
0:85fc0 1


c fy d
dt 0:85fc0 1 dt

Equation (2.47) is usually the preferred equation to check if a section is tension-

2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 87

If 3/8  c/dt  3/7 the strength reduction factor, , must be adjusted accordingly.

A2 c

Substituting for c/dt from Equation (2.47), Equation (2.48) can be used to
calculate the adjusted strength reduction factor.

0:85fc0 1 dt
A2 B 2  2:48
fy d

Equation (2.48) provides the values of in the transition zone. In order to simplify
the equation, introduce a new steel ratio, t:


(Note that dt d and t when the beam has only a single layer of steel.)
Substituting t Equation (2.48) can be rewritten as Equation (2.48a).
0:85fc0 1
A2 B2 2:48a
t fy

From Equation (2.43) (see also Figure 2.38):

MR Mn Cz
MR 0:85fc0 ba d 

Substituting from Equation (2.45) for a:

0 10 1
dfy dfy
MR @0:85fc0 b 0
A@d  0
0:85fc 1:7fc

Rearranging and simplifying:

" !#
MR bd 2
fy 1  0 2:49

If the product in the bracket is designated as R (called the resistance coefcient,

which has units of stress, psi or ksi) as shown in Equation (2.50),
88 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

R fy 1  2:50

the expression for MR is simplied to Equation (2.51).

MR bd2 R 2:51

It is clear from Equation (2.50) that R depends on the materials used (i.e., fc0 , fy
and the steel ratio () in the beam), but it is independent of the dimensions of the
section. Thus tables for R can be developed in terms of for the various combina-
tions of materials. Values of R can be found from Tables A2.5 through A2.7. min
for beams are indicated on each table. Reinforcement ratio () values less than min
may not be used in beams, but may be used in slabs and footings.
These tables were developed with R in psi. Using R in psi and beam dimensions
b and d in inches results in lb-in. units for MR. Because kip-ft are usually used in
moment calculations, appropriate conversions must be made between lb-in. and
kip-ft for the correct use of the tables.

MR ft-kip b in:d in:2

The tables must be used with care, especially when large values result in
the section being in the transition zone. The value of depends on fc0 , fy, , and
, thus if
 tc ! 0:90

and if

0:85fc0 1 d t
max  > tc ! A2 B2 
fy d

The values of tc and max for common grades of steel and concrete strength are
listed in Table A2.3.
An important note here is that Tables A2.5 to A2.7 have been developed based
on (i.e., beams with a single layer of reinforcement). If the beam has multiple
layers of reinforcement (t 6 ), the R value must be modied by adjusting it to an
R0 value based on t. This can be easily done by using Equation (2.51a).

R0 R 2:51a

The values of 0 , which are listed in Tables A2.5 to A2.7, correspond to the
values of t.
2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 89

The use of Method II for analysis of reinforced concrete beam sections involves
the following steps:
Step 1. Determine whether  min; if not, then the beam does not satisfy the
minimum requirements of the ACI Code and its use for load carrying is not
Determine whether  max; if not, the beam has too much reinforcing
and does not satisfy the latest ACI Codes limitations. A practical solution
for this is to disregard the excessive amount of reinforcement, assume that
the section is in the transition zone, and continue the calculations with the
maximum permissible amount of reinforcing.
Step 2. Use , fc0 and fy to obtain R and values from the appropriate Tables A2.5
to A2.7. If the beam has a single layer of steel or 0.90, nd MR from
Step 3. Otherwise move to Step 4.
bd2 R
Step 3. Calculate MR b, d in:; R psi; MR ft-kip
Step 4. For beams with multiple layers of reinforcement, calculate t and
obtain the corresponding strength reduction factor (0 ) from Tables A2.5 to
Step 5. Calculate the modied value of the coefcient of resistance R0 R .

bd2 R0
Step 6. Calculate MR .
The owchart for Method II is shown in Figure 2.40.
Method II has fewer steps to follow, so it is easier to use. Method I, however, is
more general as it does not require the use of design tables (which may not be
readily available) and it is adaptable to any grade of steel or compressive strength of
concrete, not just the ones listed in the tables.
90 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Find MR for reinforced concrete

rectangular beams (Method II).

min,beam is illegal per ACI Code.
As No max,only the part of the reinforcing
min bd max? that is equal to max, may be taken into
account in the nominal strength calculations.

2. Use , f , f to find R and from
y c
Tables A2.5 through A2.7.

Beam has No
single layer of
bars (dt d )?

bd 2R Yes
MR 0.90?

4. As
Use t to find from
Tables A2.5 through A2.7.

5. R R

bd 2R

Figure 2.40 Flowchart to calculate MR using Method II

Example 2.9 Solve Example 2.6 using Method II.

Step 1. From Example 2.6:

0:0136 > min 0:0050 ok

From Table A2:3 ! max 0:0310 > 0:0136 ok

Step 2. Using 0.0136, fy 40 ksi, and fc0 4 ksi, obtain the resistance coef-
cient, R, from Table A2.5b:

R 450 psi, 0:90

2.22 Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Sections 91

Step 3. Because the beam has a single layer of reinforcement:

bd 2 R 10  222  450
12,000 12,000
MR 182 ft-k

which is the same as determined in Example 2.6.

Example 2.10 Solve Example 2.7 using Method II.
Step 1. From Example 2.7:

max 0:0155 > 0:0136 > min 0:0033 ok

Step 2. 0.0136, fc0 3 ksi, and fy 60 ksi. From Table A2.6a:

R 615 psi, 0:90

Step 3.

bd2 R
10  222  615
MR 248 ft-kip

which is about the same as the result determined in Example 2.7.

Example 2.11 Solve Example 2.8 using Method II.
Step 1. From Example 2.8:

0:0203 > 0:0033 ok

Because there are two layers of reinforcement, adjust max using
Table A2.3:
dt 32:5
max 0:0207 0:0207 0:0215 > 0:0203 ok
d 31:25

Step 2. Use , fy, and fc0 to obtain R from Table A2.6b.

fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! R 825 psi
fy 60 ksi 0:82

Step 3. Because the beam has two layers of reinforcement and is not equal to
0.90, determine t and 0 and adjust the resistance coefcient, R:
92 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 4.
As 7:62
t 0:0195
bdt 12  32:5
From Table A2:6b ! 0 0:85

Step 5. Adjusted value of the resistance coefcient (R0 ) is:

0 0:85
R0 R 825  855 psi

bd2 R0 12  31:252  855

Step 6. MR 835 ft-kip
12,000 12,000

This result is about the same as that from using Method I. The difference
is insignicant and is due to rounding errors in the calculations.

2.23 Selection of Appropriate Dimensions for Reinforced

Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.23.1 Selection of Depth

The selection of a beams depth is almost always a controversial issue. On the one
hand, the building designer wants to minimize the depth of the structure in order to
maximize the headroom without unduly increasing the height of the building. On
the other hand, structural elements that are too shallow lead to increased short- and
long-term deections. These, in turn, may be detrimental to attached nonstructural
building elements. Excessive deections of concrete structures may result in
cracked walls and partitions, non-functioning doors, and so on.
To guide in the design of well-functioning structures, the ACI Code (Sections and recommend a set of span/depth ratios, with the comment that
the designer does not have to calculate deections (an involved and somewhat
uncertain process) if the utilized depth is at least equal to the values provided in ACI
Table for one-way slabs, and Table for beams. These values are
summarized graphically in Figures 2.41 and 2.42.
Note from Figures 2.41 and 2.42 that the recommended minimum depth for
simply supported beams is span/16, whereas for one-way slabs this value is span/20.
These types of support conditions are quite rare in monolithic reinforced concrete
construction, because in most cases either continuity or some other type of restraint
is available at the supports. If the member is continuous at both ends, hmin span/21
for beams and hmin span/28 for one-way slabs. Finally, if the beam is continuous
at only one end, the minimum depth is span/18.5, and for one-way slabs is span/24.
A cautionary note is in order here. Span 2 (2) in Figures 2.41 and 2.42 is shown
as Both ends continuous. This assumption is valid only if the cantilever at the left
end of 2 is long enough to develop a signicant end moment. Experience shows
2.23 Selection of Appropriate Dimensions for Reinforced Concrete Beams. . . 93

hmin hmin /16


hmin /
1 8 hmin /
2 21 hmin /
3 21 hmin /
4 18.5

1 2 3 4

Cantilever Both ends continuous Both ends continuous One end continuous

Figure 2.41 Minimum depth requirements for reinforced concrete beams

hmin /20


hmin /
1 10 hmin /
2 28 hmin /
3 28 hmin /
4 24

1 2 3 4

Cantilever Both ends continuous Both ends continuous One end continuous

Figure 2.42 Minimum depth requirements for reinforced concrete one-way slabs

that when the cantilever length is at least 2/3, the span 2 may safely be assumed as
both ends continuous from the point of view of satisfactory deection control.
The values shown in Figures 2.41 and 2.42 are applicable only to normal-weight
concrete (wc 145 lb/ft3) and Grade 60 reinforcement. For other conditions, the
ACI Code Section 7.3.1 recommends the following modications:
(a) For lightweight concrete in the range of 90115 pcf, the values in Figures 2.41
and 2.42 need to be multiplied by (1.65  0.005wc) where wc unit weight of
concrete in lb/ft3. This factor should not be less than 1.09. For a typical
lightweight structural concrete, wc 115 pcf. Then the multiplier is
1.65  0.005  115 1.075 < 1.09. Use a multiplier equal to 1.09.
(b) For fy other than 60,000 psi, the values obtained from Figures 2.41 and 2.42
shall be multiplied by:
94 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

0:4 2:52

If the selected beam depth is less than the recommended hmin, the beam deec-
tion has to be calculated and checked against the ACI Code requirements. There-
fore, if a beam does not satisfy the minimum depth requirements, it may still be
acceptable if computation of deection proves it to be satisfactory.

2.23.2 Selection of Width

Minimum Bar Spacing in Reinforced Concrete Beams In Section 2.12 we

discussed the role of concrete cover over the reinforcement. Reinforcing bars also
need space between them to ensure adequate bond surface at their interface with the
concrete. The space should also be larger than the size of the largest aggregate
particle in the concrete.
Sections 25.2.1, 25.2.2 of the ACI Code require a minimum clear space for
single and multiple layers of bars as follows:
Minimum Space (smin) for Single Layer of Bars The minimum space (smin) for a
single layer of bars in beams (see Figure 2.43a) is the largest of the following: the
diameter of bar (db), 1 in., and 4/3 of maximum size aggregate used in the concrete

smin maxfdb , 1 in:, 4=3 max: aggregate sizeg

Note that in most building structure applications (save for footings and founda-
tions) the usual concrete mix limits the size of the aggregate to in. Thus, a 1 in.
minimum spacing satises the third of the spacing requirements.

a b

s min
s min
1 in.

Figure 2.43 Minimum spacing between reinforcing bars: (a) single layer; (b) multiple layer
2.24 Crack Control in Reinforced Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs 95


Figure 2.44 Minimum beam width (bmin)

Minimum Space for Multiple Layers of Bars Where reinforcement is placed in two
or more layers (see Figure 2.43b), bars in the upper layers shall be placed directly
above bars in the lower layer with clear distance between layers not less than 1 in. In
addition, the requirements of single-layer bars must also be satised.
Minimum Width (bmin) of Reinforced Concrete Beams We use the minimum
required space between bars in a single layer to calculate the minimum beam
width needed to provide enough room for a specic number and size of bars. To
compute bmin, consider Figure 2.44. Usually #3 or #4 bars are used for stirrups.
Also, the minimum cover for bars in beams is 1.5 in. Therefore, we can calculate
bmin by adding the minimum required spaces and the bar diameters.
As an example, suppose that the beam in Figure 2.44 is reinforced with 4 #8 bars.
Assuming #4 stirrups, the minimum width for this beam is:

bmin = 2 1.5 in. + 2 in. + 4 1 in. + 3 1 in. = 11 in.
Cover Stirrups Main bars smin

Note that smin 1 in. was used; this assumes that 4/3 of the maximum aggregate
size is less than or equal to 1 in. Table A2.8, based on the above example, shows
bmin for different numbers and sizes of bars in a single layer.

2.24 Crack Control in Reinforced Concrete Beams

and One-Way Slabs

It was previously mentioned that a reinforced concrete member will always crack
when subjected to bending. In fact, the reinforcing really starts working only after
the development of cracks. Nevertheless, designers try to minimize the size of the
cracks. Limitation of crack width is desirable for three main reasons: (1) appear-
ance; (2) limitation of corrosion of the reinforcement; and (3) water-tightness.
96 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Laboratory experiments have shown that several parameters inuence the width
and spacing of exural cracks. The rst is the concrete cover over the reinforcing.
The smaller the cover, the smaller the crack width will be. The cover cannot
be reduced beyond a certain limit, however, because a minimum cover is needed
for re and corrosion protection. Thus, the Code requires a minimum cover
of 1.5 in. over the stirrups for interior beams, 2 in. for exposed exterior beams
(see Figure B2.2 in Appendix B) and in. for joists and slabs. The 1.5 in. cover
over the stirrups results in a cover of 1 7=8 in. to 2 in. over the main reinforcement.
The second important parameter is the maximum stress in the reinforcement
(directly related to the strain, or the elongation of the steel) at service load levels.
This value may be assumed to be roughly 0.66 fy. The higher the stress level is in the
steel, the wider the cracks are expected to be. Thus, using more reinforcing than
required to satisfy the ultimate strength capacity can reduce the width of cracks by
reducing the stresses (and strains) at working load levels. This is not an economical
choice, however. The same is true if steel with fy 40,000 psi is used instead of
steel with fy 60,000 psi. The section would need 50 % more steel, but the much
lower levels of stress at service load levels would help limit the crack width.
Another important parameter is the maximum spacing of the reinforcing bars.
For minimizing the width of cracks, placing more and smaller bars closer together is
preferable to placing a few large bars farther apart. The ACI Code (Sections 24.3.2,
and 24.3.3) limits the maximum spacing of the tensile reinforcement in beams and
one-way slabs. The empirical formula for maximum spacing, given in Equa-
tion (2.53), is based on the tensile stress in the steel and the concrete cover.
40,000 40,000
s 15  2:5cc  12 2:53
fs fs

where s is the center-to-center spacing (in inches) of exural tension reinforcement

nearest to the extreme tension face; fs is the calculated tensile stress (in psi) at
service load in steel or 2/3 fy; and cc is the least distance (in inches) from the surface
of the reinforcement to the tension face. Equation (2.53) cannot address the control
of cracking for all the different causes discussed.
If fy 60,000 ksi, the right side of Equation (2.53) is limited to 12 in. (since
fs 2/3 fy). The left side of the inequality relates the maximum spacing (s) to the
concrete cover (cc). To better comprehend Equation (2.53), consider Figure 2.45,
which shows the reinforcing bar with two different covers, cc1 and cc2. If the
concrete cover is increased from cc1 to cc2 and the crack width at the level of the
reinforcement (ws) is constant, the surface crack width increases from w1 to w2.
Figure 2.45 clearly shows the relationship between surface crack width and amount
of concrete cover.
We can use the maximum spacing limitation (s) given by Equation (2.53) to
determine the maximum beam width (bmax) as a function of the number of bars
placed in the section. For example, for 4 #4 main bars, #4 stirrups, and
fy 60,000 psi, the maximum permissible spacing of bars (s) is:
2.24 Crack Control in Reinforced Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs 97

a b
w1 w2
Concrete surface

ws cc1

c c2



Figure 2.45 Relationship between crack width and concrete cover

40,000 40,000
s 15  2:5cc  12
fs fs
! !
40,000 40,000
s 15 2  2:51:5 0:5  12 2
=3  60,000 =3  60,000
s 10 in:  12 in: ! s 10 in:

and the maximum beam width (bmax) is:

bmax = 2 1.5 in. + 2 1

2 in. + 1
2 in. + 3 10 in. = 34.5 in. 34 in.
Cover #4stirrups #4bar s

Note that in the above calculation, s is the center-to-center distance of the

reinforcing bars. Therefore, only the diameter of one bar was used to determine
bmax. The last column of Table A2.8 lists bmax for different sizes and numbers of
bars in a single layer. In practice, bmax is rarely a problem for beams; however, the
maximum spacing limitation is an important issue when designing reinforcing
layouts in slabs.
Table A2.9 shows the areas of reinforcing steel (As) for different sizes and
numbers of bars.
98 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.25 Design of Beams

The ultimate strength of a beam depends on ve parameters. These are the materials
( fc0 and fy), the dimensions of the section (b and d ), and the amount of reinforcement
(As). The last three parameters may be expressed in the form of the steel ratio
Whichever way these parameters are expressed, they are always ve in number.
There is only one equation (or, more precisely, one inequality), however, that
expresses the problem:

Mu  MR

The left side of this inequality depends only on the applied loads. The right side
of the inequality, on the other hand, depends on all ve of the variables listed above.
Thus, this problem has an innite number of solutions. But if four out of the ve
parameters are preselected or assumed, the inequality can be readily solved.
As an example, contemplate the following considerations. In a oor of a given
structure, it would be quite impractical to vary the quality of the concrete. Conse-
quently, every beam and slab of the oors of the structure is usually cast with the
same quality concrete (same fc0 ) throughout. (In columns, the use of a different
quality concrete may be warranted; but even then all columns in a given oor level
would have the same concrete mix.) So preselecting the concrete quality for the
slabs and beams throughout a building is standard practice.
The same is true with the reinforcement. Labor is the dominant factor in the price
of the in-place reinforcing steel. And the basic cost per ton of reinforcing steel
with fy 40 ksi and fy 60 ksi is very near the same, so there is no economic
incentive to use the former. In fact, 60 ksi steel provides 50 % more strength than
40 ksi steel, thus making it cheaper to use.
Of the three remaining variables, b (the width of the section), d (the working
depth of the section), and As (the amount of reinforcement), two must still be
preselected in order to solve for the remaining unknown quantity. Generally
speaking, practitioners select a concrete section (b and h) and then solve for a
minimum required amount of reinforcement to satisfy the demanded factored
moment requirements. Often all beams have the same depth and width to enable
the contractor to reuse the forms. In other cases keeping the depth of all beams
uniform satises the minimum headroom requirement throughout the structure.
In general, two types of problems arise: (1) The beams sizes (b and h) are set
using the considerations stated above and the designer needs only to determine the
required area of steel (As); this is by far the most common problem. (2) The beams
sizes (b and h) and area of steel (As) are all unknown and determined by the designer
during the process; this problem is more academic than practical.
b, h known, As unknown
The owchart in Figure 2.46 shows the steps for the design process.
2.25 Design of Beams 99

Design of reinforced concrete

rectangular beams
(b, h known, As unknown) b

1. Calculate maximum Mu (remember

to include beam self-weight in
the dead load). d

2. d h y; y 2.5 in.
assumed y

bd 2

4. Use R, f , and f to find from

y c
Tables A2.5 through A2.7.

Yes Need to
R Rmax? increase
beam size.

min? min

As bd, then select bar size
and numbers from Table A2.9.

Calculate y and find d h y.

d dassumed



Figure 2.46 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete rectangular beams (b, h known,
As unknown)
100 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 1. Find the maximum factored bending moment, Mu.

Step 2. Because the bar sizes are not yet known, assume the distance from the edge
of concrete in tension to the center of steel (y) is 2.5 in. This is a reasonable
assumption if the cover is 1.5 in., the stirrup diameter is 3/8 in. (#3) or in.
(#4), the main reinforcement is #8 to #10 bars or smaller, and there is only
one layer of reinforcement.
Step 3. Use the assumed value of d to calculate the required resistance
coefcient (R).

MR bd2 R refer to Equation 2:51

If b and d are in inches, and R in psi, Mu will need to be converted to

in.-lb from its usual ft-kip units.

bd2 R
Set Mu MR:

bd 2 R
bd 2

Step 4. Use R, fy, and fc0 to determine from Tables A2.5 to A2.7. If R is greater
than the maximum R value (Rmax) to be found in the tables, it means that the
selected sizes are too small and must be increased.
If the value obtained is less than min, it means that the beam sizes b and
h are larger than needed to carry the loads with minimum reinforcement.
This may happen when other considerations dictate the beam sizes. In this
case use min from Table A2.4, because the beam must always have the
required minimum reinforcement.
Step 5. Determine how much steel is needed and select bars using Table A2.9. It is
also helpful to use Table A2.8 here, because it lists how many of a certain
size of bar may be tted into the selected b in a single layer.
Step 6. Once the bar sizes are known, the exact effective depth (d) can be
calculated. If this depth is greater than what was assumed at the beginning
of process, the design will be conservative as it will have more moment
capacity than what was demanded. If the effective depth is less than the
assumed value (e.g., the section needs multiple layers of reinforcements),
then the process needs to be repeated with a new value of d. Insignicant
differences in the assumed and recalculated values in d (less than 3/8 in. in
slabs and 1/2 in. in beams) may be neglected and the reinforcing need not
be redesigned.
Note that having multiple layers of reinforcing bars may inuence the
value of the strength reduction factor, .
2.25 Design of Beams 101

Example 2.12 Figure 2.47a shows the partial framing plan of a beam-girder
reinforced concrete oor system. The slab is 6 in. thick, and is subjected to a
superimposed dead load of 30 psf. The oor live load is 100 psf. Beam B-2 has
a width of 12 in. (b 12 in.), and a total depth of 30 in. (including the slab
thickness). Determine the steel required at Section 1.1. Use the ACI Code coef-
cients to calculate moments. Assume that the beam end is integral with the column.
Use fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and assume that the unit weight of concrete is 150 pcf.
Stirrups are #3 bars.

30'-0" 30'-0"


12 in.  12 in. column

15'-0" 1

15'-0" 1



6 in.

#3 stirrup 24 in.

12 in.
Section 11

Figure 2.47a Framing plan and section for Example 2.12

Step 1. Before calculating the moments at the selected location, we must determine
the oor loads:
102 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Weight of slab 150  75 psf
Superimposed dead load 30 psf
Total dead load 105 psf
Live load 100 psf

The tributary width for beam B-2 is 150 000 ; therefore, the uniform dead
and live loads are:

Beam weight

12 24
105 15 12 12 = 1.88 kip/ft
wD = +
1,000 1,000
100  15 Note : Reduction of live load
wL 1:5 kip=ft
1,000 is neglected here:
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2  1:88 1:6  1:5 4:65 kip=ft

The beams clear span n 30 ft  (0.5 ft + 0.5 ft) 29 ft

Figure 2.47b shows the moments using the ACI coefcients from
Table A2.1 for an exterior beam. Because the problem requires designing
the reinforcement at Section 1.1:

wu 2n 4:65292
Mu  391 ft-kip
10 10
Section to be designed

wu 2n wu 2n wu 2n
16 14 10

Figure 2.47b Moments using the ACI coefcients (Example 2.12)

Step 2. Assuming the distance (y) from the edge of the beam in tension to the center
of tensile steel is 2.5 in.:
d h  y 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:
Step 3. The required resistance coefcient, R, is:
12,000Mu 12,000  391
bd 2 1227:52
R 517 psi
2.25 Design of Beams 103

Step 4.

R 517 psi
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! 0:0106
fy 60 ksi

Note that 0.0106 corresponding to R 519 psi was conservatively


Table A2:4 ! min 0:0033 < 0:0106 ok

Step 5. Find the required amount of steel:

As bd 0:01061227:5 3:50 in:2

From Table A2.9 ! Try 3 #10 (As 3.81 in.2)

The reinforcement is placed at the top of the beam, because the moment
is negative at the section under investigation, which causes tension at the
top. Figure 2.47c shows a sketch of the beam.

Table A2:8 ! bmin 10:5 in: < 12 in: < bmax 24 in: ok

Step 6. Check for the actual effective depth, d:

y = 1.5 in. + 3 8 in. + 1.27 2 = 2.51 in.

Cover Stirrup Bar diameter

d = h - y = 30 in. - 2.51 in. = 27.49 in. d assumed = 27.5 in. \ ok

6 in.
3 #10

24 in.

12 in.

Figure 2.47c Sketch of beam for Example 2.12

b, h, As unknown
There is still only one design equation, but the problem now is formulated
differently. It is somewhat more contorted than the previous one, for if the
designer does not like the results obtained with the assumed cross section and the
104 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

corresponding reinforcement, he or she can just change the width or the depth
(or both) and recalculate the reinforcement until satised with the design.
A rst assumption may be an arbitrary selection of the steel ratio . When ratios
close to the max value are chosen, the amount of steel required creates a rather
congested layout, especially in the positive moment regions (steel is placed in the
bottom of the beam). On the other hand, an unnecessarily large concrete section
may result if the sections moment requirement can be satised with min. Most
practical designs have steel ratios somewhere between max and min.
Generally speaking, if is assumed to be about 0.6max or less the beam
proportions will likely be such that excessive deection will not be a problem.
Therefore, Table 2.1 is provided as an aid for the designer. In this table, des was
calculated as 0.6max as a starting point.

Table 2.1 Design steel ratio des

(des) 0 0 0
fy (psi) fc 3,000 psi fc 4,000 psi fc 5,000 psi
40,000 0.0139 0.0186 0.0218
60,000 0.0093 0.0124 0.0146
75,000 0.0074 0.0099 0.0116

Then the corresponding R value may be obtained from Tables A2.5 to A2.7.
The value bd2 can be determined using Mu:

Mu Rbd 2 ! bd2

Two unknowns remain, however: b and d. There are no ACI Code requirements on
the geometrical proportioning of beams. But it is more economical to design beams
as deep and narrow rather than wide and shallow sections. This means that the
effective depth, d, should be larger than the width, b. Generally speaking, the most
economical beam sections for spans up to 25 ft usually have a d/b ratio between 1.5
and 2.5. For longer spans, a d/b ratio of 34 may be more suitable. Economy for a
specic beam (or set of beams) is not the same as economy for the overall building.
In fact, sometimes it is more economical to design wide and shallow beam sections
due to the savings in the oor-to-oor height, even though this design will require
more reinforcing steel.
Figure 2.48 summarizes the steps of the design process:
Step 1. Find the factored loads and moments.
Step 2. Use fy and fc0 to select a des value from Table 2.1. Then nd the
corresponding R value from the appropriate design table (Tables A2.5
to A2.7).
Step 3. The formula for MR is:

bd2 R
2.25 Design of Beams 105

Design of reinforced concrete

rectangular beams (b, h, As unknown)

1. Calculate maximum Mu

2. Using fy and fc find des from Table 2.1,

and find R from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.

Add the moment 3. 12,000Mu (Mu ft-kip)

from weight to bd 2 (b,d inch)
R b

Assume b d /2, and solve

for b and d.
8. 12,000Mu
R 2
bd 4. As bd
Find from Tables Select the size and number of bars
A2.5 through A2.7. using Tables A2.8 and A2.9.

9. As bd 5. h d y
Select the size and
number of bars using
Tables A2.8 and A2.9. 6. No
h hmin
h hmin?

No Beam weight
included ?


Figure 2.48 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete rectangular beams (b, h, As unknown)

and the design of the beam requires that MR  Mu. For the most economical
case, Mu MR; therefore

bd2 R

Solving for bd2:

bd 2

Now we must preselect one dimension or the other: We either assume

b and solve for d, or the other way around. A third possibility is to assume a
106 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

certain proportion between d and b, for example, d/b 2; then the problem
again becomes straightforward.
Step 4. Use the values of b and d from above to nd the required area of reinforce-
ment (As):

As bd

and select the size and number of bars using Tables A2.8 and A2.9.
Step 5. Now nd the beams total depth (h) using the effective depth (d) from Step
3 and size of bars:


Then round h up to the nearest 1 in.

Step 6. Check the beam depth for expected deformation performance by comparing
it with hmin as recommended by the ACI Code (see Figure 2.41). If h < hmin,
use hmin. In this case you may want to go back and recalculate As.
Step 7. Because the beam sizes were not known when the loads were calculated,
the beams self-weight could only be estimated. Experienced designers
usually use their own rule of thumb for this purpose. For example, some
engineers assume the beams self-weight to be about 1020 % of the loads
it carries. Others estimate the total depth (h) to be roughly 68 % of the
span, and b 0.5h, and nd a preliminary estimate for the beams weight.
But if we desire a more accurate value of the beams weight, we can
estimate it now and make corrections to the dead load and the total Mu.
Step 8. Find a new R value:


and nd the corresponding steel ratio () using Tables A2.5 to A2.7.

Step 9. Find the required area of steel:

As bd

and select the numbers and sizes of bars from Tables A2.8 and A2.9.
Example 2.13 Determine the required area of steel for a reinforced concrete
rectangular beam subject to a total factored moment, Mu 400 ft-kip, that already
includes the estimated weight of the beam. fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi and
use des 0.0124 from Table 2.1.
Step 1
Mu 400 ft-kip
2.25 Design of Beams 107

Step 2 For fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi and 0:0124

using Table A2:6b ! R 596 psi

Steps 3 and 4 Search now for the beams sizes:

12,000Mu 12,000  400

bd 2
R 596
bd 2 8,054 in:3

There are an innite number of solutions, that is, an innite number of concrete
cross sections that will satisfy the design problem, even with the provision that
0.0124 (1.24 %). The table below lists a few solutions. Take your pick!

b 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in.

d 28.4 in. 26.0 in. 24.0 in. 22.5 in. 21.2 in. 20.1 in.
As, required 3.52 in.2 3.87 in.2 4.17 in.2 4.46 in.2 4.73 in.2 4.98 in2
hpractical 32 in. 30 in. 28 in. 26 in. 24 in. 24 in.

A couple of important observations must be made here. All of these sections

have approximately 1.24 % reinforcement, but the quantity of reinforcing grows as
the beam becomes wider and shallower. Furthermore, the concrete cross-sectional
area (and, consequently, the self-weight of the beam) also increase.
Another way to solve this same problem is to select a d/b ratio. For example,
suppose that after determining that

bd 2 8,054 in:3

the designer selects a d/b 2.0 ratio. Then:

d 2  d3
d 8,054
2 2
d 3 2  8,054 25:3 in:
d 25:3
b 12:65 in: ! Select b 13 in:
2 2
h 25:3 2:5 27:8 in: ! Select h 28 in:
As bd 0:0124  12:65  25:3 3:97 in:2
108 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Example 2.14 Use the oor framing plan and loadings of Example 2.12
(Figure 2.47a) to design the reinforced concrete rectangular beam along grid line
2. Assuming that the beam width b 12 in., determine the beam depth, h, and
required steel for the location of the maximum bending moment. Use ACI Code
coefcients for calculation of moments. Assume that the beam end is integral with
the column, fy 60 ksi, fc0 4 ksi, and the unit weight of the concrete is 150 pcf.
The stirrups are #3 bars.
Step 1. Find the maximum ultimate moment, Mu.
From Example 2.12:

105  15
wD 1:58 kip=ft without the weight of the beams stem
100  15
wL 1:5 kip=ft without the use of live load reduction
wu 1:2wD 1:6 wL 1:2  1:58 1:6  1:5 4:3 kip =ft
1 1
n 30 ft  29 ft
2 2

Using the ACI coefcients (Table A2.1) to calculate moments

(Figure 2.49a), we determine that the maximum bending moment for the
beam along line 2 is at the rst interior column (negative moment):

wu 2n 4:3292
Mu 362 ft-kip
10 10

Step 2. From Table 2:1 ! fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi ! des 0.0124 From Table A2.6b
! R 596 psi

wu 2 wu 2 wu 2 wu 2 wu 2 wu 2
n n n n n n
16 14 10 11 16 11

n n

Figure 2.49 (a) Moments using the ACI coefcients (Example 2.14)
2.25 Design of Beams 109

Step 3. Determine the beams sizes:

12,000Mu 12,000  362

bd 2
R 596
bd2 7,289 in:3
b 12 in: ! 12d2 7,289
d2 607 ! d 24:7 in:

Step 4. Calculate the required area of steel, and select the number and size of the
reinforcing bars:

As bd 0:01241224:7 3:68 in:2

From Table A2:9 ! Try 4#9 As 4 in:2
Table A2:9 ! bmin 12 in: 12 in: ok
Table A2:9 ! bmax 34 in: > 12 in: ok

Step 5. Use the selected bar sizes and the effective depth (d ) to calculate the total
beam depth (h):

1 3 1:128
y1 2:44 in:
2 8 2
h d y 24:7 2:44 27:14 in:

This value is usually rounded up to the nearest 1 in. Thus:

h 28 in:

Step 6. Check to see if the beam depth is more than the recommended minimum for
deection control. The case for the beam with one end continuous results in
the largest required depth (see Figure 2.41):

30  12
hmin 19:5 in: < 28 in: ok
18:5 18:5

Step 7. Calculate the correct beam weight. The total beam depth is 28 in. The
concrete slab, however, is 6 in. thick; therefore, the beam depth (the stem)
below the slab is 28 in.  6 in. 22 in.
12 22
12 12
Stem weight 0:28 kip=ft
110 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

The total uniform dead load acting on the beam (wD):

wD 1:58 0:28 1:86 kip=ft

wu 1:2  1:86 1:6  1:5 4:63 kip=ft
wu 2n 4:63292
Mu 390 ft-kip
10 10

Step 8.
12,000  390
R 639 psi

From Table A2.6b ! 0.0134 (this corresponds to R 638 psi, which

is very close).
Step 9.

As bd 0:01341224:7 3:97 in:2

From Table A2:9 ! Use 4#9 bars:

The selected reinforcement is the same as it was for the previous design
cycle. Figure 2.49b shows the sketch of the beam.

6 in.

4 #9

28 in.

12 in.

Figure 2.49 (b) Final design of Example 2.14

2.26 Slabs 111

2.26 Slabs

Slabs or plates are very important components of reinforced concrete structures.

The elements we have studied until now, could be described abstractly by a line:
Bending of that line in a vertical plane by the loads described their behavior. These
elements are called linear elements, because one of their three dimensions, the
length, is much greater than the other two, i.e. the dimensions of the cross section.
Slabs (plates), on the other hand, cannot be described by a line. They have two
dimensions, length and width, that are signicantly larger than the third one, the
thickness. Mathematically plates are described as planes. A mathematically exact
analysis of slabs is not provided here but a discussion of their behavior is in order.
A slab can bend in two directions, so its bent shape is described not by the shape
of a single line, but rather by the bent shape of a surface. A slab must carry the loads
to the supports, hence it will bend accordingly. The behavior of a slab depends on
the support conditions, that is, on how the designer chose to support it. The types of
supports are:
(a) Line supports (beams, girders, walls) Slabs that are supported by these types of
building elements are referred to as one- or two-way slabs. In this chapter we
discuss only one-way slabs, although an attempt is made to explain the
difference between one-way and two-way slabs. Chapter 6 discusses the
different types of two-way slabs used as oor systems.
(b) Point supports (columns, posts, suspension points, etc.) Slabs supported by
these types of supports are referred to as at slabs or at plates. We will
discuss these in more detail in Chapter 6.
(c) Continuous media (slabs on grade)
The simple sketch in Figure 2.50 illustrates the behavior of a one-way slab. The
beams that support the slab are poured together with the slab. Slabs are often not just
single span, as shown here, but continuous over several spans dened by the beams
spacing. In the case of uniformly distributed loads, the most common for slabs (for it
is quite rare to place large concentrated loads on slabs), every one-foot-wide strip of
the slab is loaded identically; hence, the design is limited to only a one-foot-wide
strip and the selection of the reinforcing for that strip. Then it is assumed that all the


Figure 2.50 One-way slab behavior

112 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

other strips behave the same way, that is, they need the same amount of reinforcing.
Figure 2.50 also illustrates that if only one imaginary strip is loaded, the adjacent
slab strips will have to help. This is because it is impossible for a monolithic structure
to get the deformation diagram shown on the right of the gure.
Figures 2.51 and 2.52 show the framing plan of different reinforced concrete
oor/roof systems. In Figure 2.51a, slab S-1 is supported by the surrounding beams


(S-1) Slabs
(S-1) (S-1) (S-1)

(S-1) (S-1) (S-1) (S-1) Beams



(S-2) (S-2) (S-2)


(S-2) (S-2) (S-2)

Figure 2.51 (a) Slabs in beam girder oor system; (b) at plate slab
2.27 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Under Loads 113

1'-0" wide strip
Wall (typical)


Plan Section A-A

Figure 2.52 Slab supported by walls

and girders. In Figure 2.51b slab S-2 is part of a at plate oor system, in which
slabs are directly supported by columns. In Figure 2.52 slab S-3 is supported by two
parallel walls, which can be made of concrete or masonry.

2.27 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Under Loads

Depending on the geometry and location of the supports, most slabs are divided into
two groups: one-way slabs, and two-way slabs.
One-way slabs bend mainly in one direction. If the supporting elements of the
slab are only two parallel members such as beams or walls, the slab is forced to
bend in a perpendicular direction. Figure 2.52 shows the plan view of a slab
supported by two parallel walls. Because every 1 ft wide strip can be considered
to be the same as all the others, only a single 1 ft wide strip of slab needs to be
considered in analysis and design.
The slabs geometry is an important factor that affects its behavior under loads.
Figure 2.53a shows a slab supported by edge beams B-1 and B-2. Determining the
distribution of loads from the slab to the supporting beams can be simplied by
assuming that the load is transferred to the nearest beam. Such an assumption is
represented by drawing 45-degree lines from each slab corner. The enclosed areas
show the tributary loads to be carried by each beam. Beam B-1 will carry large
trapezoidal loads compared to the triangular loads that will be carried by beam B-2.
As the ratio of longer span () to shorter span (s) increases, B-1 carries more loads
than does B-2, that is, more loads are transferred in the  shorter span
 of the slab.

In fact, if the ratio is greater than or equal to 2.0  2:0 , the load carried
s s

by B-2 is quite small, and it can be neglected altogether. Therefore, if  2:0,
the slab behaves as a one-way slab for all practical purposes, even though the slab is
supported on all four edges.
114 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

45 B-1

B-2 B-2 s



B-2 ws B-2

1'-0" w s


b ws w

Figure 2.53 (a) Slab (edge supported); (b) slab load distribution

To better understand this assumption, consider Figure 2.53b, in which two 1 ft

wide strips of slab in the long () and short (s) directions are shown at midspan for
both. The load carried by the short 1 ft wide strip is ws, and the load carried by the
long 1 ft wide strip is w. If we assume that the slab is simply-supported along all
edges, we can calculate the maximum mid-span deections for the short (s) and
long () 1 ft wide strips from Equations (2.54) and (2.55).

5ws 4s
s 2:54
2.28 Reinforcement in One-Way Slabs 115

5w 4

The two deections must be equal. Thus, an expression may be developed that
relates the loads and spans, as shown in Equation (2.56).

5ws 4s 5w 4

384EI 384EI
ws 4s w 4
ws 4
w s s

The assumption for one-way behavior is /s  2.0. If /s 2.0 is substituted into

Equation (2.56), ws is equal to 16w. Thus, the load transferred in the shorter
direction (ws) is 16 times larger than that transferred in the long direction (w),
when /s  2.0. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the loads are transferred
mainly in the shorter direction.
Despite all the foregoing reasoning, structural engineers often design slabs as
one-way slabs, even when the slabs proportions do not satisfy the /s  2.0
requirement. The reason is that the shrinkage and temperature reinforcing needed
in the long direction is usually quite enough to satisfy the small moments require-
ments. Figure B2.3 in Appendix B shows a one-way slab supported by reinforced
concrete beams. Design and analysis of oor systems with two-way slabs are
discussed in Chapter 6.

2.28 Reinforcement in One-Way Slabs

In general, two types of reinforcement are used in one-way slabs: main reinforce-
ment, and shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.

2.28.1 Main Reinforcement

The main reinforcement resists the bending moments. It is designed to act in the
direction of the one-way slabs bending, which is along the shorter span length.
Figure 2.54 shows the main reinforcement in a one-way slab supported by two
parallel walls. The slab is assumed to be simply supported by the walls. In other
words, no moment is transferred from the slab to the walls. Because the bottom
portion of slab is in tension, the main reinforcement is placed in the bottom.
116 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs



S&T reinforcement
S&T reinforcement
Main reinforcement

Main reinforcement

Section B-B Section A-A

Figure 2.54 One-way slab reinforcement (simple span)

Similarly, the main reinforcement is placed in a continuous construction where

tension develops. For this case, as shown in Figure 2.55, the main reinforcement is
at the bottom of the slab in the midspan region (positive moment) and at the top of
the slab over the supports (negative moment). Typically, #4 bars or larger are used
as main reinforcement, #3 bars are susceptible to permanent distortion caused by
the construction crew walking over them. This is more critical for the top (negative
moment) bars as the slab effective depth (d) may be reduced.

2.28.2 Shrinkage and Temperature (S & T) Reinforcement

As discussed in Chapter 1, fresh concrete loses water and shrinks soon after
placement. In addition, variations in temperature cause the concrete to expand
and contract. These volume changes, when restrained, may result in cracking of
concrete, especially in the early stages of strength development. Reinforcing bars
are used to resist developing tensions in order to minimize cracks in concrete
caused by shrinkage and temperature changes. The main longitudinal reinforcement
in beams plays that role as well. Because the cross-sectional dimensions of beams
are relatively small and beams may freely change their cross-sectional dimensions
2.28 Reinforcement in One-Way Slabs 117

S&T reinforcements Main reinforcements

Reinforcement distribution


Moment diagram for continuous slab

Figure 2.55 One-way slab reinforcement (continuous construction). (a) Reinforcement distribu-
tion. (b) Moment diagram for continuous slab (refer also to Figure 2.14)

without restraint, shrinkage and temperature reinforcement are not needed perpen-
dicular to the main bars.
This is not the case in reinforced concrete slabs. Slabs typically have large
dimensions in two directions, thus they need shrinkage and temperature reinforce-
ment, which is placed in the direction perpendicular to the main reinforcement.
Figures 2.54 and 2.55 show such reinforcement for simple-span one-way slabs and
continuous one-way slabs, respectively. In addition, temperature and shrinkage
reinforcement helps distribute concentrated loads to a wide zone transversely to
the one-way direction. (This is necessary in bridges, for example, to distribute large
wheel loads onto a much wider strip than the one directly affected by the concen-
trated load.)

2.28.3 Minimum Reinforcements for One-Way Slabs

As discussed above, two types of reinforcement are used in one-way slabs. The ACI
Code sets the following minimum reinforcement criteria for both the main and the
shrinkage and temperature reinforcements.
118 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Minimum Main Reinforcement The minimum main reinforcement for slabs is

equal to that required for shrinkage and temperature reinforcements (ACI Code,
Section 7.6.1):

As, min AsS&T 2:57

In other words, if the calculated main reinforcement is less than that required for
shrinkage and temperature reinforcement, the designer must use at least the latter
Minimum Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement The ACI Code
(Section requires shrinkage and temperature reinforcement based on the
grade of steel, as given in Equations (2.58)(2.60).

For fy 40 or 50 ksi ! AsS&T 0:002bh 2:58

For fy 60 ksi ! AsS&T 0:0018bh 2:59

0:0018  60
For fy > 60 ksi ! AsS&T bh  0:0014bh 2:60

In Equations (2.58)(2.60), b 12 in. (slab width), which corresponds to the width

of the 1 ft wide strip, h is the overall thickness of the slab in inches, and As(S &T) is
the area of steel in square inches per foot of width.
Minimum Concrete Cover for the Reinforcement in Slabs A minimum concrete
cover is needed for the reinforcement to prevent various detrimental effects of
the environment on reinforcing bars. Concrete cover is always measured from the
closest concrete surface to the rst layer of reinforcing. This is shown in Figure 2.56.
Section of the ACI Code requires a minimum concrete cover of in. for
#11 and smaller bars, and 1.5 in. for #14 and #18 bars, provided that the concrete
slab is not exposed to weather or not in contact with the ground.

Minimum concrete cover

Figure 2.56 Minimum cover for slabs

2.28 Reinforcement in One-Way Slabs 119

Bar Spacing in Reinforced Concrete Slabs No specic minimum spacing of bars is

required in slabs other than what was already discussed for beams. For practical
reasons, however, bars are not placed closer than 34 in.
The ACI Code has different maximum spacing requirements for the main and
the shrinkage and temperature reinforcements. These are as follows:
Maximum Spacing of Main Reinforcement Bars ACI 318-14 has two sets of
requirements regarding maximum bar spacing for the main reinforcement in
one-way slabs: (1) Section requires that the maximum spacing of bars be
limited to three times the slab thickness or 18 in., whichever is smaller; and
(2) Section 24.3.2 limits the maximum main reinforcement spacing (s) of
one-way slabs, as calculated by Equation (2.53), in order to control the width and
spacing of exural cracks.
We can use the required minimum cover of 3/4 in. for one-way slabs
(cc 0.75 in.) and fs 2/3 fy 2/3 (60,000) 40,000 psi to determine the maxi-
mum spacing for fy 60 ksi reinforcement. Substituting into Equation (2.53):
40,000 40,000
s 15  2:50:75  12
40,000 40,000
s 13:1 in:  12 in:
s 12 in:

Therefore, the maximum main reinforcement spacing with fy 60 ksi steel for
one-way slabs is given by Equation (2.61a).

smax, main minf3h, 12 in:g 2:61a

Similarly, when using fy 40 ksi steel as main reinforcement, Equation (2.53) will
simplify to Equation (2.61b).

smax, main minf3h, 18 in:g 2:61b

Maximum Bar Spacing of Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement ACI Code,

Section limits the spacing of the shrinkage and temperature reinforce-
ments to ve times the slab thickness or, 18 in., whichever is smaller:

smax, S&T minf5h, 18 in:g 2:62

Minimum Thickness of Slab for Deection Control The minimum recommended

thickness for one-way slabs required to adequately control excessive deections is
based on Table of the ACI Code, which is summarized graphically in
Figure 2.42. Lesser thicknesses are permitted if the designer can show through a
detailed deection analysis that the Codes serviceability requirements are met.
120 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.29 Areas of Reinforcing Bars in Slabs

A 1 ft (12 in.) wide strip of slab is typically used for the analysis and design of
one-way slabs. Thus, it is advantageous to dene the amount of steel in a 1 ft wide
strip as a function of the bar size and the spacing.
Table A2.10 lists spacing and bar sizes for slabs. The table provides the areas of
reinforcement averaged out to 1 ft width for different sizes and spacing of bars.
(One can interpolate for in. spacing increments, if so desired.)
For example, with #5@8 in. o.c. (#5 bar at 8 in. on-center spacing), the table,
under #5 bars spaced at 8 in., provides the area of steel per foot of section 0.47 in.2.
In other words, 0.47 in.2/ft is equivalent to one #5 bar every 8 in.
Another example: If 0.50 in.2 of reinforcement is required for a 1 ft wide strip of
a slab, the table offers several options, including #4@4 in. (As 0.60 in.2),
#5@7 in. (As 0.53 in.2), #6@ 10 in. (As 0.53 in.2), and so on.

2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs

In general, one-way slabs and reinforced concrete beams are analyzed very simi-
larly. There are a few differences, however. These are listed below:
1. For the analysis of one-way slabs, b is always 12 in.
2. Slabs require a different amount of concrete cover over the reinforcement.
3. Slabs require shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.
4. The Code-specied minimum amounts of reinforcing steel for slabs and beams
are different.
5. Minimum required depth/span ratios for adequate control of deection are
6. Bar spacing requirements are different.
Figure 2.57 summarizes the steps for the analysis of reinforced concrete one-way
slabs. They are as follows:
Step 1. Calculate the steel ratio, . As is the area of steel in a 1 ft wide strip
of slab from Table A2.10. Compare with max from Table A2.3. The
maximum permitted steel ratio is the same for beams and slabs.
Step 2. Compare As with As,min, which is the minimum required area of steel for
the control of shrinkage and temperature-induced volumetric changes.
If As  As,min, the proportioning of steel and concrete is not acceptable
according to the current ACI Code and the slabs use is illegal. If As  As,min,
however, then one of the following methods can be used to check the
adequacy of the slab:
2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 121

Analysis of Reinforced
Concrete One-Way Slabs

Slab is illegal As You may not legally use all
per current max
the reinforcing in finding MR.
ACI Code. bd

3. Asfy As As,min ? 3.
a Use , fy and fc to find R
0.85 fc b from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.
(1) EITHER (2) OR

c 3
dt 8

Yes 5.
bd 2 R
MR Mu ? MR
0.90 12,000
A2 c

MR Asfy (d a (

No Yes

Slab is not adequate to carry the 6.

Check main reinforcement spacing.
assumed live loads. Calculate
permissible reduced live
loads from MR. 7.
Check shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.

Check slab thickness for deflection control.


Figure 2.57 Flowchart for the analysis of reinforced concrete one-way slabs

Method I
Step 3. Calculate the depth of the compression zone:
As fy
0:85fc0 b

Determine the location of the neutral axis (c):

122 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

c 3
If  , the section is tension-controlled and 0.90. Otherwise, the
dt 8
section will be in the transition zone. Calculate the strength reduction
factor, :
A2 c

A2 and B2 are listed in Table A2.2b.

Step 4. Calculate the sections resisting moment (MR):
MR As fy d 

(If As is in in.2, fy ksi, d and a in., then MR will have kip-in. unit.
Divide the result by 12 to obtain MR in the customary units of kip-ft).
Step 5. Compare MR with the maximum factored moment from the applied loads. If
MR < Mu the slab is not adequate to carry the assumed loads. Proceed to
calculate a new permissible live load that the slab may legally support. If
MR  Mu, the section can take the assumed loads, but the reinforcing still
needs to be checked for conformance with other Code requirements.
Step 6. Check spacing requirements. The maximum allowable spacing of main
reinforcement is min{3h, 12 in.}, or min{3h, 18 in.} for fy 60 ksi and
fy 40 ksi steel, respectively.

3 in:  s  minf3h, 12 in:g for fy 60 ksi

3 in:  s  minf3h, 18 in:g for fy 40 ksi

Step 7. Check the amount and spacing of shrinkage and temperature reinforcement,
(As)S &T (Refer to Equations (2.58)(2.60).)

3 in:  sS&T  minf5h, 18 in:g

Step 8. Check the thickness of the slab against the minimum thickness of one-way
slabs for desirable deformation control (see Figure 2.42).

hmin =20 for simply-supported slabs

hmin =10 for cantilevered slabs
hmin =28 for both ends continuous slabs
hmin =24 for one end continuous slabs

If the slab thickness is less than the above limits, calculate the deection
and check it against the Codes serviceability requirements.
2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 123

Method II
Steps 1 and 2 are the same as in Method I.
Step 3 Use fy, fc0 , and the calculated steel ratio () to obtain the resistance coefcient,
R, from Tables A2.5 to A2.7.
Step 4 Use the R value to calculate the sections resisting moment.

bd2 R

R is in psi, b 12 in., and d in inches. MR will be in units of ft-kip. Steps 5, 6,

7, and 8 are the same as in Method I.
Example 2.15 Figure 2.58 shows a section through a reinforced concrete simply-
supported one-way slab of an existing building. The maximum moment from dead
loads, including the slab weight, is 3.0 (ft-kip)/ft, and that from live loads is 2.0
(ft-kip)/ft. Check the adequacy of the slab, including the shrinkage and temperature
reinforcements, using (a) Method I, and (b) Method II.

6 in

#5 @7 in. (main) #3 @12 in. (S&T)

Figure 2.58 Sketch of one-way slab for Example 2.15

Use a concrete cover of in., fc0 3:0 ksi, and fy 40.0 ksi.
Step 1. Check the reinforcement ratio in the slab:

Diameter of #5 bars
3 8
y = + = 1.06 in.
4 2
d = h - y = 6 in. - 1.06 in.=4.94 in.

#5@ 7 in. (main reinforcement) ! Table A2.10 ! As 0.53 in.2/ft

124 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

As 0:53
bd 12  4:94

fc0 3 ksi ! Table A2.3 ! max 0.0232 > 0.00894 ok

fy 40 ksi
Step 2. Check the minimum area of main reinforcement. For slabs, this area is the
same as the requirement for shrinkage and temperature reinforcement:
As, min AsS&T 0:002bh fy 40 ksi
As, min 0:002126 0:14 in:2 =ft
As 0:53 in:2 =ft > 0:14 in:2 =ft ok

(a) Method I
Step 3. Calculate the depth of the compression zone:

As fy 0:53  40
0:85 fc0 b 0:85  3  12
a 0:69 in:

The neutral axis is located at c:

a 0:69
c 0:81 in:
1 0:85
dt d 4:94 in:
c 0:81
0:164 < 0:375 0:90
dt 4:94

Step 4.
MR Mn As fy d 
MR 0:90:5340 4:94 
87:7 in:-kip
MR 7:3 ft-kip
12 in:=ft

Step 5. Calculate the factored applied moment on the slab:

Mu 1:2MD 1:6ML
Mu 1:2  3:0 1:6  2:0 6:8 ft-kip < 7:3 ft-kip ok
2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 125

Step 6. Check the main reinforcement spacing:

3 in:  s  minf3h, 18 in:g

The main reinforcement is #5@ 7 in.:

3 in: < 7 in: < minf3  6 in:, 18 in:g

3 in: < 7 in: < 18 in: ok
Slab is ok:

Step 7. Check the shrinkage and temperature reinforcements:

AsS&T 0:002bh 0:002126 0:14 in:2 =ft

From Table A2:10 ! #3@12 in: ! As 0:11 in:2 =ft < 0:14 in:2 =ft N:G:
Therefore, the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in the slab
does not satisfy the current ACI Codes minimum requirement.
(b) Method II
Step 3. fc0 3 ksi ! Table A2:5a ! R 299 psi (by interpolation)
fy 40 ksi
Step 4.
bd 2 R
124:942 299
MR 7:3 ft-kip

This value is the same as the resisting moment we calculated in

Step 4 using Method I. Steps 5, 6, and 7 are the same as those of
Method I.

Example 2.16 Figure 2.59 shows the partial oor framing plan and section of a
reinforced concrete oor system. The weight of the ceiling and oor nishing is
5 psf, the mechanical and electrical systems are 5 psf, and the partitions are 15 psf.
The oor live load is 150 psf. The concrete is normal weight, fc0 4 ksi, and
fy 60 ksi. Check the adequacy of slab S-1 in the exterior bay at (a) midspan,
and (b) over the interior supporting beam. Assume the slab is cast integrally with
the supporting beams and use ACI code coefcients to calculate moments. Use
in. cover for the slab.
126 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

25'-0" 25'-0"

12'-0" (S-1)

12'-0" A



Partial floor framing plan

#4 @ 8 in. #4 @ 8 in.

6 in.

#4 @ 10 in.

#3 @ 10 in. 24 in.

14 in. 14 in.
12'-0 in.
Section A-A

Figure 2.59 Framing plan and section for Example 2.16

(a) Check the Slab at the Midspan
Step 1. The main reinforcement at the midspan (positive moment) is #4@
10 in.

#4@10 in: ! Table A2:10 ! As 0:24 in:2 =ft

2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 127

3 8
y 1:0 in:
4 2
d h  y 6 in:  1 in: 5 in:

As 0:24
bd 125
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:3 ! max 0:0207 > 0:004 ok
fy 60 ksi

Step 2.
As, min AsS&T 0:0018bh fy 60 ksi
As, min 0:0018126 0:13 in:2 =ft
As 0:24 in:2 =ft > 0:13 in:2 =ft ok

Method II is followed for the rest of the solution, as it requires fewer

Step 3.
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! R 208 psi
fy 60 ksi

Step 4.
bd2 R
1252 208
MR 5:2 ft-kip

Step 5. The slabs dead and live loads are:

Weight of slab 150 75 psf
Ceiling and the floor finishing 5 psf
Mechanical and electrical 5 psf
Partitions 15 psf
Total dead load 100 psf
Total live load 150 psf
128 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

The slabs tributary width is 10 000 :

100  1
wD 0:10 kip=ft
150  1
wL 0:15 kip=ft
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2  0:10 1:6  0:15
wu 0:36 kip=ft
14 in:
n 12 ft  10:83 ft
The maximum factored moment at the midspan of the exterior bay
of the slab is:

wu 2n
Mu 3:0 ft-kip < MR 5:2 ft-kip ok

Because MR is much larger than Mu, the slab is overdesigned for

positive moment.
Step 6. Check the spacing requirements for the main reinforcement:

3 in:  s  minf3h, 12 in:g

3 in: < 10 in: < minf3  6 in:, 12 in:g
3 in: < 10 in: < 12 in: ok

Step 7. Check shrinkage and temperature reinforcement:

AsS&T 0:0018bh fy 60 ksi

AsS&T 0:0018126 0:13 in:2 =ft

#3@10 in: ! Table A2:10 ! As 0:13 in:2 =ft ok

Check the spacing of the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement:

3 in:  s  minf5h, 18 in:g

3 in: < 10 in: < minf5  6 in:, 18 in:g
3 in: < 10 in: < 18 in: ok
2.30 Analysis of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 129

Step 8. For deection control, the minimum recommended thickness (without

calculating deections) for the one-end-continuous slab is:

12  12
hmin 6 in: 6 in: ok
24 24
Slab is ok at mid-span:

(b) Check the Slab at Supports

Step 1. The main reinforcement at the supports (negative moment) is
#4@8 in.

#4@8 in: ! Table A2:10 ! As 0:30 in:2 =ft

3 8
y 1:0 in:
4 2
d h  y 6 in:  1 in: 5 in:
As 0:30
bd 125
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:3 ! max 0:0207 > 0:005 ok
fy 60 ksi

Step 2.  
As, min AsS &T 0:0018bh fy 60 ksi

As, min 0:0018126 0:13 in:2 =ft

As 0:30 in:2 =ft > 0:13 in:2 =ft ok

Step 3.
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! R 258 psi
fy 60 ksi

Step 4.
bd2 R
1252 258
MR 6:5 ft-kip
130 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 5. The dead and live loads from part a are:

wu 0:36 kip=ftfrom part a

n 10:83 ftfrom part a

The maximum factored moment at the rst interior support for an

exterior bay of the slab is (Table A2.1):

wu 2n
Mu 4:2 ft-kip < MR 6:5 ft-kip ok

Step 6. Check the spacing of the main reinforcement:

3 in:  s  minf3h, 12 in:g

3 in:  s  minf3  6 in:, 12 in:g
3 in: < 8 in: < 12 in: ok

The shrinkage and temperature reinforcement and the minimum

depth for deection were checked in part a.
Slab is ok at the support.

2.31 Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs

The design process of one-way slabs is similar to that of reinforced concrete

rectangular beams. Figure 2.60 summarizes the steps for the design of reinforced
concrete one-way slabs. They are as follows:
Step 1. Select the slab thickness. The slab thickness is generally based on the
minimum ACI requirements for deection control (see Figure 2.42). This
is usually rounded up to the nearest in. for slabs with h  6 in. and to the
nearest 1 in. for those with h > 6 in.
Step 2. Calculate the factored loads (wu), and then determine the maximum fac-
tored moment, Mu.
Step 3. Determine the slabs effective depth, d. Because the bar sizes are not yet
known, assume #6 bars with 3/4 in. cover.

y 1:12 in:
2.31 Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 131

Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs

1. Select h based on ACI requirements for deflection (Figure 2.42).


2. Find dead and live loads and calculate wu 1.2wD 1.6wL.

Find the maximum moment, Mu

3. Calculate assumed effective depth (d ), d h 1.12 in.

4. 12,000Mu
(Mu ft-kip) R
bd 2
b 12 in.

5. Use R, f , and f to find from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.

y c

Increase slab thickness. R Rmax?

Yes No

As bd 7.

dactual dassumed?

No 6. A As,min ?
As As,min s
As,min As(S&T)

Select steel from Table A2.10.

8. Check maximum main bar spacing.

9. Design shrinkage and temperature reinforcements. End

Figure 2.60 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete one-way slabs
132 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Therefore, the assumed effective depth:

d h  1:12 in:

Step 4. Determine the required resistance coefcient (R):

bd 2

b 12 in., and d is in inches. Mu is in ft-kip and R in psi.

Step 5. Using R, fy, and fc0 select (steel ratio) from Tables A2.5 to A2.7. If the
value of R is more than the maximum value shown in these tables
(R > Rmax), the selected slab thickness is not adequate for the loads and
needs to be increased. (Note that in most cases this does not happen. The
required thickness for deection control is usually more than what is
required to carry the loads.)

As bd

Step 6. Check the minimum reinforcement requirement. The minimum area of

steel for the main reinforcement must not be less than that required for
shrinkage and temperature reinforcement:

As, min AsS&T

If As < As,min, the slab requires only a small amount of reinforcing steel,
As. Use at least As,min, however. Select the bar size and spacing from
Table A2.10.
Step 7. Check for actual depth (dactual) based on the bar selected. If
dactual < dassumed, go back to Step 4 and revise. Repeat if the difference is
too large (larger than 1/8 in. for slabs h 6 in. and 1/4 in. for h > 6 in.).
Step 8. Check bar spacing. The spacing of bars selected in Step 6 has to be checked
against the ACI Code requirements for maximum allowable spacing.
Step 9. Design the shrinkage and temperature reinforcements according to the ACI
Code requirements.
Example 2.17 Design the one-way slab (S-1) of Example 2.16. Determine the
reinforcement at (a) the midspan and (b) the supports.
(a) Slab Design at the Midspan
Step 1. Because S-1 is one end continuous, the minimum slab thickness (hmin) is:

12  12
hmin 6 in:
24 24
2.31 Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 133

Step 2. Determine the loads on the slab:

Weight of slab 1506=12 75 psf

Ceiling and floor finishing 5 psf
Mechanical and electrical 5 psf
Partitions 15 psf

Total dead load 100 psf
Total live load 150 psf

On a 1 ft wide strip

100  1
wD 0:10 kip=ft
150  1
wL 0:15 kip=ft
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2  0:10 1:6  0:15
wu 0:36 kip=ft
14 in:
n 12 ft  10:83 ft

The maximum factored moment at the midspan of S-1 (see Figure 2.61) is:

wu 2n
Mu 3:0 ft-kip

wu n2 wu n2 wu n2 wu n2
24 14 10 11

Figure 2.61 Design factored moments for slab S-1 of Example 2.17 using ACI Code coefcients
from Table A2.1
134 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 3. Assuming in. cover, calculate the slabs effective depth:

d h  1:12 in: 6 in:  1:12 in: 4:88 in:

Step 4. Calculate the required resistance coefcient, R:

12,000  3:0
R 126 psi

Step 5. Find from Tables A2.5 through A2.7:

R 126 psi
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! 0:0024
fy 60 ksi

Therefore, the required area of main reinforcement (As) is:

As bd 0:0024124:88
As 0:14 in:2 =ft

Step 6. The minimum amount of reinforcement for slabs cannot be less than the
required shrinkage and temperature reinforcement steel:

As, min AsS&T 0:0018bh for fy 60 ksi

As, min 0:0018126 0:13 in:2 =ft < 0:14 in:2 =ft ok
As 0:14 in: =ft

From Table A2:10 ! select #4@17 in: As 0:14 in:2 =ft

Note that according to Section 2.28, the smallest size bar for main
reinforcement is #4.
Step 7. Check for the actual effective depth.

3 8
dactual 6   5:0 in: > d assumed 4:88 in: ok
4 2

Step 8. Check the main reinforcement spacing, s, ( fy 60 ksi).

3 in:  s  minf3h, 12 in:g

3 in: < 17 in: < minf3  6 in:, 12 in:g
3 in: < 17 in: < 12 in: N:G:
2.31 Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Slabs 135

Use #4@ 12 in. for the main reinforcement at the midspan.
Step 9. Calculate the required shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.

AsS&T 0:0018bh 0:13 in:2 =ft

From Table A2:10 ! use #3@10 in:

The shrinkage and temperature reinforcement spacing (s) has to be

within the following range:

3 in:  s  minf5h, 18 in:g

3 in: < 10 in: < minf5  6 in:, 18 in:g
3 in: < 10 in: < 18 in: ok

Use #3@10 in. for the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.
(b) Slab Design at the Supports
Step 1. From Step 1 of part a:
hmin 6 in:

Step 2. The factored uniformly distributed load on the slab (wu) from Step 2 of part
a is:

wu 0:36 kip=ft

and the clear span (n) is:

n 10:83 ft

From Figure 2.61, the moments at the exterior and interior supports are:

wu 2n 0:3610:832
u 1:76 ft-kip exterior support
24 24
wu 2n 0:3610:832
u 4:22 ft-kip interior support
10 10

Step 3.
Assume d h  1:12 in: 6  1:12 4:88 in:
136 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

Step 4.
12,000Mu 12,000  1:76
R 74 psi exterior support
bd 2 124:882
12,000 Mu 12,000  4:22
R 177 psi interior support
bd 2 124:882

Step 5. 8
> R 74 psi
For exterior support fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! ext: 0:0014
fy 60 ksi
> R 177 psi
For interior support fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:6b ! int: 0:0034
fy 60 ksi


As ext: bd 0:0014124:88 0:082 in:2 =ft

As int: bd 0:0034124:88 0:20 in:2 =ft

Step 6. From Step 6 of part a:

As, min AsS&T 0:13 in:2 =ft

As ext: 0:082 in:2 =ft < 0:13 in:2 =ft N:G:

Therefore, use

As ext: 0:13 in:2 =ft

As int: 0:20 in:2 =ft > 0:13 in:2 =ft ok
From Table A2:10 ! Try #4@12 in: exterior supports
As int: 0:20 in:2 =ft
From Table A2:10 ! Try #4@12 in: interior supports

Step 7. This is the same as in part a.

Problems 137

Step 8. Check the main reinforcement spacing:

3 in:  s  minf3h, 12 in:g

3 in:  s  minf3  6 in:, 12 in:g
3 in:  s  12 in:
sint: sext: 12 in: 12 in: ok
Use #4@12 in: for the exterior and interior supports:

Step 9. The shrinkage and temperature reinforcement was designed in part a.

Figure 2.62 shows the slab as designed.

#4 @ 12 in. #4 @ 12 in.

#3 @ 10 in. #4 @ 12 in.


Figure 2.62 Slab S-1 designed in Example 2.17


In the following problems, unless noted otherwise, use normal weight concrete with
a unit weight of 150 pcf, 1.5 in. for beam clear concrete cover, and 0.75 in. for slab
clear concrete cover.
2.1 Consider a section with a width (b) of 14 in. and reinforced with 4 #9 bars in
a single layer. fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi. Determine the moment
capacity of the section, MR, using Method I or II, for the following cases:
(a) d 28 in.
(b) d 32 in.
(c) d 36 in.
(d) d 40 in.
Show the changes in MR with respect to the sections effective depth.
Calculate the percentages of increase in MR versus d.
138 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.2 Consider a rectangular reinforced concrete beam with an effective depth of

36 in. reinforced with 4 #9 bars. fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi. Determine
MR using Method I or II for the following cases:
(a) b 14 in.
(b) b 16 in.
(c) b 18 in.
(d) b 20 in.
Show the variation in MR with b. For each case calculate the percentage of
increase in MR versus b.
2.3 Consider a reinforced concrete beam with a width (b) of 14 in. and an effective
depth (d) equal to 36 in. fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi. Determine the
moment capacity of this beam, MR, for the following reinforcements:
(a) 4 #6 bars
(b) 4 #7 bars
(c) 4 #8 bars
(d) 4 #9 bars
Show the variation of MR with respect to the area of reinforcements (As). For
each case calculate the percentage of increase in MR versus As.
2.4 Consider a reinforced concrete beam with a width (b) of 14 in., and an effective
depth (d) of 36 in. reinforced with 4 #8 bars. Use fy 60,000 psi. Determine the
moment capacity, MR, of this beam for the following cases:
(a) fc0 3,000 psi
(b) fc0 4,000 psi
(c) fc0 5,000 psi
2.5 Rework Problem 2.4 for fc0 4,000 psi and for the following steel yield
(a) fy 40,000 psi
(b) fy 60,000 psi
(c) fy 75,000 psi
2.6 Determine the useful moment strength of the section shown below in accor-
dance with the ACI Code. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and #3 stirrups
and follow Method II in the calculations.

12 in. 8#9

32 in.
Problems 139

2.7 The rectangular reinforced concrete beam shown below is subjected to a dead
load moment of 180 ft-kip and live load moment of 90 ft-kip. Determine
whether the beam is adequate for moment capacity. fc0 4,000 psi, and
fy 60,000 psi. The stirrups are #3 bars.

12 in.

30 in.

4 #9

2.8 The beam below supports 500 lb/ft service dead loads and 600 lb/ft service live
loads in addition to its self-weight. Calculate the maximum simply-supported
span ( ?) for the beam. Use Method II in the calculations. Use fc0 5,000 psi
and fy 60,000 psi.

15.5 in.

3 #8
2.5 in.
12 in.

2.9 A rectangular beam carries uniformly distributed service (unfactored) dead

loads of 3.0 kip/ft, including its own self-weight and 1.5 kip/ft service live
loads. Based on the beams moment capacity, calculate the largest factored
concentrated loads, Pu, that may be placed as shown on the span in addition to
the given distributed loads. The beam width is 18 in., and has a total depth of
30 in. with 5 #11 bars. Use fc0 5,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and #3 stirrups.

Pu Pu

8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0"

140 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.10 The beam shown below is part of a beam-girder oor system. It is subjected to
a superimposed dead load of 4.0 kip/ft (excluding the beam weight) and a
live load of 2.0 kip/ft. Check the adequacy of this beam. Use fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, and #3 stirrups. Assume knife edge type supports at the
centers of the walls.

wD 4.0kip/ft
wL 2.0kip/ft A B

5'-3" 18 in. 18 in. 5'-3"

12 in. 12 in.

4 #9

24 in. 24 in.

3 #10


Note: Check both sections A-A and B-B. Neglect the reinforcement in the
bottom of the beam at section A-A.
2.11 Determine the moment capacity, MR, of the reinforced concrete section
shown below if subjected to a negative moment. The stirrups are #3 bars.
Use fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
Problems 141

4 #10

28 in.

13 in.

2.12 The gure below shows the cross section of a oor system consisting of a
reinforced concrete beam supporting precast concrete planks. The beam span
is 200 000 with 160 000 spacing. Calculate the maximum service live load per
square foot of oor area. Use fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi. The unit
weight of lightweight (LW) concrete used is 108 pcf. Assume the beam is

Floor finish, 2 psf

2 in. concrete topping at 108 pcf

8 in. deep 24 in. wide precast

concrete planks at 110 lb/ft

24 in.


12 in.

2.13 The 16 in.  27 in. rectangular reinforced concrete beam shown below is
reinforced with 4 #10 bars in the positive moment region and 3 #11 bars in
the negative moment region. Determine the maximum factored uniformly
distributed load, wu, for this beam. Stirrups are #4, fc0 5,000 psi, and
fy 60,000 psi.
142 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs


28'-0" 12'-0"

2.14 The beam of Problem 2.11 is part of a beam-girder oor system shown below
(beam B-1). The oor slab is 6 in. thick concrete, and the weight of the
mechanical/electrical systems is 5 psf. Assume 15 psf for partition loads,
and miscellaneous dead loads of 5 psf. What is the maximum allowable live
load for this oor? Consider only the negative moment capacity of the section.
(Note: Use the ACI moment coefcients. Live load is not to be reduced.)




14 in. 14 in. 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0"

Columns (typical)

2.15 Calculate the required areas of reinforcement for the following beams. Use
fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
(a) b 10 in., d 20 in., Mu 200 ft-kip
(b) b 12 in., d 24 in., Mu 300 ft-kip
(c) b 18 in., d 36 in., Mu 500 ft-kip
Problems 143

2.16 Design a rectangular reinforced concrete beam subjected to a factored load

moment, Mu 250 ft-kip. The architect has specied width b 10 in. and
total depth h 24 in. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and #3 stirrups.
2.17 Redesign the beam in Problem 2.16, assuming that the clear height for the
building requires the total beam depth to be limited to 20 in. Determine the
beam width (b) and the area of steel (As) in such a way that the section will be
in the tension-controlled failure zone.
2.18 Design a rectangular beam for Mu 300 kip-ft. Use fc0 3,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, and #3 stirrups. Size the beam for 0.01 and b/d 0.5
(approximate). Do not consider the beams self-weight.
2.19 The 16 in.  27 in. rectangular reinforced concrete beam shown below is
subjected to concentrated loads of PD 12.0 kip and PL 8.0 kip. The
uniformly distributed dead load, wD, is 1.6 kip/ft (including the beams self-
weight), and the live load, wL, is 1.0 kip/ft. Determine the required reinforce-
ments. Sketch the section and show the selected bars. Use fc0 5,000 psi and
fy 60,000 psi.


8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0"

2.20 An artist is designing a sculpture that is to be supported by a rectangular

reinforced concrete beam. The sculptures weight is estimated to be 400 lb/ft
(assumed as a live load). The beam section must be limited to b 8 in. and
h 12 in. The artist wants to make his sculpture as long as possible. What is
the maximum possible length of this cantilever beam without the use of
compression reinforcement? Use fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and #3
2.21 A 14 in.  24 in. rectangular precast reinforced concrete beam supports a
factored uniform load, wu 4.0 kip/ft, including the beams self-weight.
Determine the reinforcements required at the supports and the midspan. Use
fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.

wu 4.0 kip/ft

12'-0" 32'-0" 12'-0"

144 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.22 An 8 in. thick simply-supported reinforced concrete one-way slab is subjected

to a live load of 150 psf. It has a 12 ft span and is reinforced with #4@8 in.
as the main reinforcement and #4@12 in. as shrinkage and temperature
reinforcement. Determine whether the slab is adequate. Use fc0 4,000 psi
and fy 60,000 psi.
2.23 A 5 in.-thick simply-supported reinforced concrete one-way slab is part of a
roof system. It is supported by two masonry block walls, as shown below.
Assume a superimposed dead load (roong, insulation, ceiling, etc.) of 15 psf
and a roof snow load of 30 psf. Check the adequacy of the slab, including the
required shrinkage and temperature reinforcement. Use fc0 4,000 psi and
fy 60,000 psi. The bearing length of the slab on the wall is 6 in.

#4 @ 9 in. #4 @ 12 in.

6 in. 6 in.


12 in. 12 in.

2.24 The gures below show the framing plan and section of a reinforced concrete
oor system. The weight of the ceiling and oor nishing is 5 psf, that of the
mechanical and electrical systems is 5 psf, and the weight of the partitions is
20 psf. The oor live load is 80 psf. The 6 in.-thick slab exterior bay (S-1) is
reinforced with #6@9 in. as the main reinforcement at the midspan and #4@
12 in. for the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement. Check the adequacy
of the slab. Use the ACI moment coefcients. Use fc0 4,000 psi and
fy 60,000 psi.
Problems 145

25'-0" 25'-0"

10'-0" (S-1)

10'-0" (S-2)


12 in. 12 in. column (typical)


Framing Plan

6 in.

30 in.

12 in. 12 in.
Section A-A
146 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs

2.25 Design a 6 in.-thick one-way slab for a factored moment, Mu 10 ft-kip. Use
fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
2.26 Find the reinforcements for the midspan and supports for an interior 6 in.-thick
slab (S-2) of the oor of Problem 2.24. Sketch the slab and show the
reinforcements including the shrinkage and temperature reinforcement steel.


The main objective of these self-experiments is to understand the behavior of beams

in bending (tension and compression) and changes in concrete strength with time,
nding the modulus of rupture, and understanding the behavior of reinforced
concrete beams under loading. The other objective is to understand the different
aspects of concrete slabs. Remember to include all the details of the tests (sizes,
time of day concrete was poured, amounts of water/cement/aggregate, problems
encountered, etc.) with images showing the steps (making concrete, placing,
forming, performing tests, etc.).
Experiment 1
In this experiment you learn about the behavior of beams in bending. Obtain a
rectangular-shaped piece of Styrofoam with the proportions of a beam. Make slots
on the top and bottom of the beam, as shown in Figure SE 2.1.


Figure SE 2.1 Styrofoam beam with slots

Place the beam on two supports and add a load at the center as shown in Figure SE
2.1. Answer the following questions:
1. What happened to the slots at the top and bottom of the beam?
2. Did the slots stay straight after adding the load?
3. Any other observations?
Experiment 2
You must start and perform Experiments 2 and 3 at the same time. In this
experiment, you nd the modulus of rupture for a plain concrete beam and learn
about concrete curing and gaining strength with time.
For this experiment you will build four beams using concrete with w/cm
ratio 0.5. Size the beams as you wish, but do not make them excessively small
or large (for practical reasons). After forming the beams (you can use cardboard or
wood for your forms, depending on the beam size), spray water on two of the beams
Self-Experiments 147

while keeping the other two dry. Keep your concrete beams indoors, as the concrete
may freeze and stop the hydration process. After 2 days, test two of your test
beams (one kept dry and one kept wet) by placing loads on them, as shown in
Figure SE 2.2.


3 3 3

Figure SE 2.2 Plain concrete beam test.

Increase the loads until the beams fail. Record the loads at which the two
specimens fail.
After seven days, repeat the tests with the remaining two beams and record the
loads at which they fail.
Experiment 3
In this experiment, you will learn about the importance of reinforcing steel in
concrete beams and compare the results with those of Experiment 2.
When you pour the four plain concrete beams for Experiment 2, build two
reinforced concrete beams with the same dimensions as those of the plain concrete
beams. You can use steel wires for the reinforcement (depending on your beam
size). Place these wires on only one side of the beam (singly-reinforced beam).
After 2 days, place one of the beams on two supports and apply loads as shown in
Figure SE 2.3a. Increase the load, and record your observations.


3 3 3

Figure SE 2.3a Reinforced concrete beam test 1

Repeat this test for the remaining reinforced concrete beam after seven days.
(Perform these tests at the same time as Experiment 2.) DO NOT TRY TO FAIL
THE REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS! Turn the beams upside down
(Figure SE 2.3b) and repeat the tests. Add loads until the beams fail. Record
your observations.
148 2 Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs


3 3 3

Figure SE 2.3b Reinforced concrete beam test 2

Answer the following questions regarding Experiments 2 and 3:

1. Which of the samples (dry or wet) had more strength? Why?
2. Was the 7-day-old sample stronger than the 2-day-old one? Why?
3. Find the modulus of rupture for the 7-day-old plain concrete beams.
4. How did the reinforcement affect the concrete beam strength?
5. What happened when you turned the beam upside down and tested it?
Experiment 4
This experiment demonstrates the behavior of one-way and two-way slabs, and the
reinforcing of one-way slabs.
Test 1
Use two Styrofoam pieces to represent one-way and two-way slabs. For the
two-way slab, cut the Styrofoam into a square piece, and for the one-way slab
make it such that length/width  2. Place the square Styrofoam on two parallel
supports and apply a load as shown in Figure SE 2.4a. Support the same model on
four edges and repeat the test as shown Figure SE 2.4b. Make notes on how the two
models deform and their differences.

a b

Figure SE 2.4 Slabs under loads: (a) two parallel supports; (b) supports along all edges
Self-Experiments 149

Test 2
Repeat Test 1 using the one-way slab model. Record your observations.
Experiment 5
This experiment deals with the reinforcement in slabs.
Cast two slab models with a thickness of approximately 1 in. and a width of at
least 12 in. Make one from plain concrete and the other from concrete reinforced
with a grid of thin wires (provide about in. cover).
One week after making the samples, compare the two slabs in terms of crack
formation. Which one has more surface cracks?
Chapter 3
Special Topics in Flexure

3.1 T-beams

3.1.1 Introduction

In cast-in-place reinforced concrete systems, the concrete for beams and slabs is
poured at the same time. As a result, a monolithic system is obtained, that is, beams
and slabs working together to carry the loads.
There are several different types of reinforced concrete oor systems, as we will
discuss in detail later in Chapter 6. Here we will use a beam-girder oor system to
study T-beams. Figure 3.1 shows the oor framing plan and the section of a typical
beam-girder oor system. The oor beams (B-1) support the one-way slab (S-1).
The slab transfers the load to the beams (B-1); then the girders (G-1) carry the
loads from the beams. The girders are supported by columns (C-1). Because the
one-way slab is continuously supported by the beams, the load on the beams is a
uniformly distributed load. The girders, however, support the beams at their ends,
so the loads on the girders are concentrated. Thus, the ow of the gravity loads is
from the slab to the beams, from the beams to the girders, from the girders to the
columns, from the columns to the footings, and from the footings to the ground.
In cast-in-place concrete construction, concrete is poured in the forms after the
form-work is built and the rebars are placed, creating a monolithic system of slabs,
beams, and girders. There is no physical separation between beams and slabs as in
steel construction. So when a beam bends, part of the slab attached to the beam
works with the beam and helps the beam carry the load. At the midspan the top part
of the beam is in compression. As a result the slab, which is attached to the top of
the beam, is subjected to compression stress. But at the support, the top portion of
beam, including the neighboring slab, is in tension. Therefore, the slab does not
help carry the beam load because the concrete does not take any tensile stresses.
Figure 3.2 shows cross sections and moments for a typical beam (B-1). At the
midspan the moment is positive, so steel reinforcement is needed at the bottom of

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 151

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_3
152 3 Special Topics in Flexure


(C-1) (C-1)




(S-1) (S-1) (S-1)


(C-1) (C-1)

(B-1) (G-1)

Figure 3.1 Beam-girder oor system. (a) Typical oor framing plan. (b) Section A-A

the beam A s . In this case the concrete slab and part of the beam web are in
compression. The shape of the compression zone looks like a T-shape, so it is called
a T-beam. Over the supports, however, there are negative moments. This requires
steel reinforcement at the top of the beam A s . In certain special cases, the ACI
3.1 T-beams 153

B A-
s A

0" A+s



Moment diagram



N.A. N.A.

Web or stem N.A. N.A.



Figure 3.2 Beam behavior at midspan (T-beam) and over the support (rectangular beam)

Code requires part of the positive reinforcements A s to be extended over the
supports. In these cases reinforcing is used in the compression zone, resulting in a
doubly-reinforced beam (see Section 3.2).

3.1.2 Effective Flange Width (beff)

The attached slab zone of a T-beam is referred to as the ange of the beam. The
portion below the ange is called the web. How much of the slab width acts as part
of the beam is a rather complex matter. It depends on many parameters that dene
how much of a slabs width is dragged into compression by the beam. The
phenomenon that dissipates the compression in the slab that lies farther away
from the beams web is known as shear lag.
The ACI Code simplies the matter by dening an effective ange width (beff),
in which the stresses due to bending are assumed to be uniform. Figure 3.3, which
shows the oor framing plan and a section through the midspan of a reinforced
concrete oor system, also shows the effective width for an edge beam and for an
154 3 Special Topics in Flexure


beff beff


d d

As As

bw sw bw

Figure 3.3 Effective ange widths for T- and L-beams. (a) Plan. (b) Section A-A

interior beam. The edge beam is called an L-beam because the compression zone
has an L shape. The interior beam is a T-beam. The beams clear span is n, and their
clear distance between adjacent webs is designated by sw. The slab or ange
thickness is designated by hf.
The effective ange widths of T- and L-beams are based on Sections of
the ACI Code and are given in Equations (3.1) and (3.2).
a. beff for T-beams:

beff  min bw , bw 16hf , bw sw 3:1
3.1 T-beams 155

b. beff for L-beams:

n sw
beff  min bw , bw 6hf , bw 3:2
12 2

3.1.3 Minimum Steel for T-beams

The minimum amount of steel for a T-beam is the same as that for a rectangular
beam having working dimensions of bW (width of web) and d. Equation (3.3) gives
the minimum amount of steel required.
( p )
3 fc0 200
As, min max bw d, bw d 3:3
fy fy

Equation (3.4) gives the requirement in terms of minimum steel ratio.

( p )
3 fc0 200
min max , 3:4
fy fy

Table A2.4 lists the values for min.

The compression zone in the negative moment regions (near the columns) is at
the bottom of the web, where there is no ange attached. The section, therefore, is
simply rectangular. The analysis and design of these sections were discussed in
Chapter 2.

3.1.4 Analysis of T-beams

The behavior of the T-beam (or L-beam) depends on the shape of the compression
zone. The depth of the equivalent stress block (a) may be above or below the bottom
of the ange, depending on the proportioning of the beam and the slab and the
amount of reinforcement used. Figure 3.4a, b show these two cases, respectively.
When the neutral axis is within the anges depth, the T-beam (or L-beam) acts
like a wide rectangular beam with a rectangular compression zone of size beff  a.
In the rare cases when a small beff is coupled with relatively large positive moments,
the beff  hf zone is not adequate to develop the compression part of the internal
couple. Then a part of the web becomes in compression to aid the compression
zone. The analysis and design of such beams are somewhat different from those of
rectangular beams (Figure 3.5).
Thus, two slightly different sets of procedures are used for the analysis of
T- (or L-) beams based on the shape of the compression zone. The owchart in
156 3 Special Topics in Flexure

a b
beff beff

hf a


bw bw

Figure 3.4 Different types of T-beams. (a) T-beam with compression zone in the ange. (b)
T-beam with compression zone in the web

a b

hf y
c a

d z


Figure 3.5 T-beam with neutral axis below the ange. (a) Assumed area of compression zone at
ultimate moment. (b) y is the location of the centroid of the compression zone at ultimate moment

Figure 3.6 summarizes the different steps of analysis of T- (or L-) beams. They are
as follows:
Step 1. Calculate the effective ange width (beff).
Step 2. Check the minimum area of steel As,min or the minimum steel ratio from
Table A2.4. Note if the areas of reinforcing satisfy the current ACI Codes
Step 3. Assume that the steel yields in tension before the concrete crushes in
compression (i.e., fs fy). Then calculate the total tensile force, T:

T As fy

Step 4. Calculate the compression force if the entire ange is in compression, Cf :

3.1 T-beams 157

Analysis of T- and L-Beams

1. Find beff :
beff = min bw + n , bw + 16hf , bw + s w
{ { (T-beam)
beff = min bw + n , bw + 6hf , bw + w
{ { (L-beam)
12 2

2. Find , using Table A2.4

As,min = minbwd

No Reinforcing does not

As As,min? satisfy minimum
3. Assume fs = fy, and find tensile force, T:
T = A sf y

4. Calculate flange compression force, Cf :

Cf = 0.85fcbeffhf

Case (a) Yes No Case (b)

T Cf ?
a hf a > hf

5. As 5. Calculate a:
= TCf
beffd a= + hf
Beam has more No 0.85fc bw
c 3
6. Use f , f and than maximum ?
y c dt 7
reinforcement. 6.
to find R from Tables a
Yes c=
A2.5 through A2.7
B2 1
No c 3
= A2 + ?
c /dt dt 8
= 0.9 Locate y:
Beam has
No Ay
single layer y = and
of bars? A
7.M = Tz
R z= dy
= 0.9? Yes

No Yes 7. M = b d 2R /12,000
R eff
8. No Beam is not
MR Mu?
Calculate t , and Yes
find ' from Tables
A2.5 through A2.7. Beam is ok.

Check beam depth

R' = R for deflection.

7. R
MR = beffd 2

Figure 3.6 Analysis of T- and L-beams

158 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Cf 0:85fc0 beff hf

The internal couple requires that T C, that is, the compression force
and the tensile force must be equal.
If T < Cf (or a < hf), the full depth of the ange thickness is not needed to
develop the compression part of the internal couple. In that case the depth
of the equivalent stress block is less than the thickness of the ange, and
case a below is applicable; otherwise, use case b.
Case a: The compression zone is within the ange (a  hf); the beam behaves like a
rectangular beam.
Step 5. Determine the steel ratio, :


beff d

Step 6. Use fy, fc0 , and to obtain the resistance coefcient, R, from Tables A2.5
through A2.7.
The resistance coefcient obtained, R, is only applicable for beams
with a single layer of reinforcement (dt d). If the beam has multiple
layers of reinforcement, R may need to be revised. If the value of the
strength reduction factor, , in the last step is 0.90, no change in the
value of R is necessary. If < 0.90, however, then compute t
beff d t
and obtain the corresponding value of from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.
Then calculate R0 R0 R0 =.
Step 7. Calculate MR:

MR Mn beff d 2 R=12,000


MR Mn beff d2 R0 =12,000

MR is in ft-kip, b and d are in in., and R and R0 are in psi.

Step 8. After calculating MR, check to ensure the beam can safely carry the loads by
comparing MR with the maximum factored moment (Mu). Also, check the
depth of the beam to determine if deection calculations are required
according to the ACI Code (see Figure 2.41).
Case b: The compression zone extends below the ange (a > hf); compression zone
is T-shaped.
Figure 3.5 shows the T-shaped compression zone and the corresponding deni-
tion of symbols used below.
Step 5. Determine the depth of the compression zone (a) by equating the tensile
force to the compression forces in the ange and the web:
3.1 T-beams 159

T Cf 0:85fc0 bw a  hf
T  Cf 0:85fc0 bw hf 0:85fc0 bw a
T  Cf 0:85fc0 bw hf 3:5
0:85fc0 bw
T  Cf
a hf
0:85fc0 bw

Step 6. Locate the neutral axis (c) and check to ensure the section satises the ACI
Codes requirements for being in the tension-controlled or transition zones.
The neutral axis is located at:

c 3
If > the section does not satisfy the ductile failure requirements,
dt 7
as t < 0.004 when c 0.003.
c 3
If  , determine the strength reduction factor, using the relation-
dt 7
ships below:

c 3
if  ! 0:90
dt 8
c 3 B2
if > ! A2
dt 8 c=dt

A2 and B2 are obtained from Table A2.2b.

Step 6a. Determine the centroid of the compression zone by dividing it into rect-
angular parts and using Equation (3.6):

y 3:6

y is the distance from the top of the beam to the centroid of the
compression zone.
The moment arm (z), which is the distance between the tensile and
compression forces, is:


Step 7. Calculate the design resisting moment, MR:

MR Mn Tz 3:7
160 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 8. After computing MR, check to ensure the beam is adequate. Also check the
depth of the beam for deection (Figure 2.41).
Example 3.1 Figure 3.7 shows the partial oor framing plan and sections of a
reinforced concrete oor system. The slab is 4 in. thick, and the weight of mechan-
ical/electrical systems, ceiling, and oor nishing is 24 psf. The oor live load is
200 psf. The beam ends are integral with their support, fc0 3 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and a

24 in. x 24 in.
Column (typical)
32'-0" 32'-0"

10'-0" (S-1)

10'-0" (S-1) (S-1)
10'-0" (S-1)

10'-0" (S-1) (S-1)

4 in.

30 in. #4 stirrup (typical)

26 in.
6 #11
5 #11

18 in. 18 in.

Figure 3.7 Floor framing plan and section for Example 3.1. (a) Partial oor framing plan.
(b) Section A-A
3.1 T-beams 161

unit weight of concrete of 150 pcf. Stirrups are #4 bars. Use ACI coefcients for
calculation of bending moments.
a. Check the adequacy of the edge beam (B-1) at midspan.
b. Check the adequacy of the interior beam (B-2) at midspan.
Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.6.
(a) Edge Beam (B-1) B-1 is an L-beam for positive moment (midspan):
Step 1. Calculate the effective ange width:

n sw
beff min bw , bw 6hf , bw
12 2

n 32  2  12 360 in:
bw 18 in:
hf 4 in:
sw 10  12  18 102 in:

360 102
beff min 18 , 18 64, 18
12 2
beff minf48 in:, 42 in:, 69 ing 42 in:

Step 2. From Table A2.4 ! min 0.0033

4 1:41
d h  y 30 in:  1:5 27:3 in:
8 2
As, min min bw d
As, min 0:00331827:3
As, min 1:62 in:2

5 #11 ! Table A2.9 ! As 7.80 in.2 > 1.62 in.2 ok

Step 3. Assuming that the steel yields at the nominal resisting moment ( fs fy),
calculate the tensile force, T:

T As fy 7:80  60 468 kip

Step 4. Determine the total compression force, Cf, assuming that the compression
zone is within the ange:
Cf 0:85fc0 beff hf
Cf 0:853424
Cf 428k
T 468k > Cf 428 kip
162 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Because T > Cf , the assumption in step 4 was not correct, and the
compression zone has to be larger in order for Cf to be equal to T. Thus,
the compression zone extends below the ange.
Step 5. Determine the depth of the compression zone, a:

T  Cf
a hf
0:85fc0 bw
468  428
a 4
0:85  3  18
a 4:87 in:

Step 6. Calculate the location of the neutral axis, c:

a 4:87
1 0:85
c 5:73 in:

Because there is only a single layer of reinforcement (dt d 27.3 in.):

c 5:73 3
0:210 < 0:429 ok
dt 27:3 7
0:210 < 0:375 0:90

Therefore, the section is tension-controlled.

Step 6a. Locate the centroid of the compression zone (hatched area) in Figure 3.8.
Divide the compression zone into two rectangular shapes and calculate y
(measured from the top of the beam).

0.85f c
beff = 42 in.

hf = 4 in. C a = 4.87 in.

26 in.
5 #11
T fy

bw = 18 in.

Figure 3.8 Forces acting on the beam section of Example 3.1a

3.1 T-beams 163

4 0:87
42  4 18  0:87 4
2 2
42  4 18  0:87
y 2:21 in:

Calculate the moment arm, z:

z d  y 27:3  2:21 25:09 in:

Step 7. The design resisting moment, MR, is:

10,568 kip-in
MR Tz 0:90  468  25:09 881 ft-kip

Step 8. To ensure that the beam can carry the loads, calculate the maximum
factored moment after determining the loads.
Weight of slab 150 50 psf
Superimposed dead loads 24 psf
Total dead load 74 psf

18 26
74  5:75 150 
12 12
wD 0:913 kip=ft

200  5:75
wL 1:15 kip=ft
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2  0:913 1:6  1:15 2:94 kip=ft
n 32  2 30 ft

From Table A2.1:

wu 2n 2:94302
M u 189 ft-kip
14 14
Mu 189 ft-kip < MR 881 ft-kip ok

Check the beam depth for deection. See Figure 2.41. (B-1 is a one-end
continuous beam):

32  12
18:5 18:5
hmin 21 in: < h 30 in: ok
164 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Therefore, the deection does not need to be checked.

B  1 is ok:

(b) Interior Beam (B-2) B-2 is a T-beam for positive moment at midspan.
Step 1. Determine the effective ange width:

beff min bw , bw 16hf , bw sw


n 32  2ft  12 360 in:

bw 18 in:
hf 4 in:
sw 10  12  18 102 in:

beff min 18 , 18 164, 18 102
beff minf108 in:, 82 in:, 120 in:g
beff 82 in:

Step 2. From Table A2.4 ! min 0.0033

d h  y 30  1:5 4=8 1:41 1=2 26:1 in:

As, min min bw d
As, min 0:00331826:1 1:55 in:2

6 #11 ! Table A2.9 ! As 9.36 in.2 > 1.55 in.2 ok

Step 3. Assuming that the steel yields ( fs fy), calculate the tensile force, T:

T As fy 9:36  60 562 kip

Step 4. Calculate the ange compression force, Cf :

Cf 0:85fc0 beff hf 0:853824 836 kip

T 562 kip < 836 kip

Therefore, the compression zone is within the ange. In other words,

a < hf. Thus, the beam analysis is similar to that of a rectangular beam with
a width of b beff 82 in.
3.1 T-beams 165

Step 5. Calculate the steel ratio, :

As 9:36
beff d 82  26:1

Step 6.
R 225 psi
fc0 3 ksi ! Table A2:6a !
fy 60 ksi
Step 7. Calculate the design resisting moment, MR:

beff d2 R
8226:12 225
MR 1,047 ft-kip

Step 8. Determine maximum (Mu)+:

From part a: Total dead load 74 psf
Total live load 200 psf

18 26
74  10 150
12 12
wD 1:23 kip=ft

200  10
wL 2:0 kip=ft
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL
wu 1:2  1:23 1:6  2:0 4:68 kip=ft
wu 2n 4:68302
M u 301 ft-kip
14 14
Mu 301 ft-kip < MR 1,047 ft-kip ok

Check the beam depth to determine whether deection analysis is needed:

hmin 21 in: from case a

h 30 in: > 21 in: ok
B  2 is ok:

3.1.5 Design of T-beams

In theory, the design of T-beams involves nding the ange thickness, the width
and depth of the web, and the amount of reinforcement required. In practice,
however, the ange thickness is determined when designing the slab. The size of
166 3 Special Topics in Flexure

the web is selected to resist not only the moments at the supports (no T-beam
action), but to provide adequate shear capacity, and to simplify formwork layout for
ease of construction.
Hence, when designing a T-beam, the geometric dimensions of the beam
typically are known. The only unknown is the amount of steel required to resist
the loads. The T-beam design procedure, like beam analysis, depends on the
required depth of the equivalent stress block. In most cases, the compression zone
is within the ange area; so the design follows that of a simple rectangular beam,
with a width equal to the effective width of the ange.
In some rare cases, however, the compression zone available within the depth of
the ange, may not be adequate to develop the necessary factored moment. The
difference then must be compensated by having an additional compression zone
below the bottom of the ange (within the web).
The steps for the design of T- and L-beams follow. These are summarized in the
owchart of Figure 3.10.
Step 1. Calculate the maximum factored moment that the beam must carry (Mu).
Step 2. Determine the effective ange width (beff) based on the ACI requirements.
Step 3. Assume a single layer of reinforcement y 2:5 in: and the effective depth,
d h  y. In addition, assume 0.90.
Step 4. Calculate MRf using Equation (3.8). MRf is the moment capacity when the
compression zone is only within the ange.
MRf Mnf 0:85fc0 beff hf d  hf =2 3:8

Step 5. Case a: If Mu  MRf ! the compression zone is entirely within the ange.
Case b: If Mu > MRf ! the ange area is not adequate to develop the
required factored moment.
Case a: Compression zone is within the ange (a  hf).
Step 6. Calculate the resistance coefcient, R:

beff d2

Step 7. Use fy, fc0 , and R to obtain and from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.
Step 8. Calculate the required area of steel, As:

As beff d

Check the result against the minimum reinforcement requirement

As,min minbwd. min is given in Table A2.4. Select the size and number
of the bars using Tables A2.8 and A2.9.
Step 9. Calculate the actual effective depth:
3.1 T-beams 167

d hy

If d  dassumed, the design is a little conservative. Otherwise, you may

revise the design by using this new value of effective depth.
Step 10. Compare the beam depth with the required minimum for deection
Case b: Compression zone extends below the ange (a > hf)see Figure 3.9a.
Step 6. Calculate the area of steel required to balance the entire ange in com-
pression. See Figure 3.9b. Assume df d h  2.5 in., and the moment
arm zf df  hf =2.
Step 7. The area of steel necessary to develop the compression zone of the entire
ange area (Asf) is given in Equation (3.9).





b beff c


df = d zf
+ hw

A sf Asw
Asf fy Asw fy


Figure 3.9 T-beam design where the compression zone extends below the bottom of the ange.
(a) Compression zone extends below the ange. (b) Compression in ange only. (c) Compression
in web only
168 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Asf 3:9
fy zf

MRf is in kip-ft, fy in ksi, zf in in., and Asf in in.2.

Another way
 of calculating
 Asf is to use equilibrium of forces in
Figure 3.9b Asf fy Cf .

Asf fy 0:85fc0 beff hf

0:85fc0 beff hf

Design of T- and L-Beams

Find the maximum Mu

Find beff:
beff = min {bw + n /4, bw + 16hf , bw + sw} (T-beam)
beff = min {bw + n /12, bw + 6hf , bw + sw /2} (L-beam)

Assume y = 2.5 in. and
= 0.90, d = h - y.

Find MRf = Mnf (design resisting moment
for compression zone covering the entire flange):
MRf = (0.85 f c ) beffhf d - f
2 )
Case a Case b
Compression zone is No Yes Compression zone extends
Mu > MRf?
within flange (a hf ). below flange (a > hf )

6. 12,000Mu Assume df = h - 2.5 in.
R = h .
beffd 2 and zf = df - f

7. 12MRf
Use fy, f c , and R to find Asf =
fy zf
and from Tables
A2.5 through A2.7.
hw = h - hf and
assume dw = hw - 2.5 in.
8. As = beffd

12,000(Mu - MRf )
Rw =
As,min = minbw d bw d w2


Figure 3.10 Flowchart for the design of T- and L-beams

3.1 T-beams 169


No Use fy , fc and Rw to find
As >As,min ? As = As,min w fromTables A2.5
through A2.7.

Asw = w bw dw

As = Asf + Asw

Select the size and
Select the size and
number of bars using
number of bars using Tables A2.8 and A2.9.
Tables A2.8 and A2.9.

9. 12.
d = h-y
d = h-y

No d dassumed?
d dassumed?

Yes Yes
10. 13.
Check the beam depth Check the beam
for deflection. depth for deflection.

Figure 3.10 (continued)

Step 8. In order to calculate the area of required steel for the part of the compres-
sion zone that is below the ange (Asw), consider only the depth of the stem
that is below the ange (hw h  hf). Assume that the effective depth of the
stem (dw) is dw hw  2.5 in. See Figure 3.9c.
Then use Equation (3.10) to calculate the resistance coefcient for the
required area of steel in the web (Rw).
12,000 Mu  MRf
Rw 3:10
bw d2w

Step 9. Use fy, fc0 , and Rw to obtain w (steel ratio for the web) from Tables A2.5
through A2.7, and calculate the required area of steel in the web (Asw)
using Equation (3.11).

Asw w bw dw 3:11

Step 10. The total area of steel is:

As Asf Asw 3:12

Step 11. Select the size and number of bars using Tables A2.8 and A2.9.
170 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 12. Based on the size and number of the selected bars, compute the actual
beam effective depth d h  y. If this value is larger than what was
assumed in step 3, the design is a little conservative. Otherwise, revise the
design as needed by using the new value of effective depth.
Step 13. Finally, check the beam depth (h) for deection requirements.
Example 3.2 Because beams B-1 and B-2 of Example 3.1 were overdesigned,
redesign these L- and T-beams respectively for the maximum positive moments at
Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.10.
(a) Edge Beams (B-1)
Step 1. From Example 3.1a, step 8:

Mu 189 ft-kip

Step 2. From Example 3.1a, step 1, the effective ange width (beff) is:

beff 42 in:

Step 3. Assume y 2.5 in. and 0.90:

d h  y 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:

Step 4. Equation (3.8) gives the design resisting moment if the entire ange is in
compression (MRf):
MRf Mnf 0:85fc0 beff hf
MRf 0:900:85  3424 27:5 
9,832 in-kip
MRf 819 ft-kip

Step 5. Because Mu 189 ft-kip < MRf 819 ft-kip, the compression zone will be
within the ange (a < hf).
Step 6. Calculate the resistance coefcient, R:

beff d2
12,000  189
R 71 psi
42  27:52

Step 7.
fc0 3 ksi
fy 60 ksi ! Table A2:6a ! 0:0014
R 71 psi
3.1 T-beams 171

(When obtaining from Table A2.6a, because R 71 psi is not in the

table, we selected the value corresponding to R 74 psi.)
Step 8.
As beff d 0:00144227:5 1:62 in:2
From Table A2:4, min 0:0033
Thus As, min 0:0033  18  27:5 1:63 in:2
Because As is less than As, min use As 1:63 in:2
From Table A2:9, we select 3#7 barsAs 1:8 in:2
From Table A2:8 ! bmin 9 in: < 18 in: ok
From Table A2:8 ! bmax 24 in: > 18 in: ok

Step 9. Calculate the actual effective depth (d) of the beam:

4 0:875
y 1:5 2:44 in:
8 2
d h  y 30 in:  2:44 in: 27:56 in:  dassumed 27:5 in: ok

Step 10. Check the beam depth for deection:

hmin one-end continuous beam
32  12
hmin 21 in: < h 30 in: ok

Figure 3.11 shows a sketch of the beam.

4 in.

30 in.

3 #7

18 in.

Figure 3.11 Sketch of beam B-1 for Example 3.2

(b) Interior Beam (B-2)

Step 1. From Example 3.1b, step 8:

Mu 301 ft-kip
172 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 2. From Example 3.1b, step 1, the effective ange width (beff) is:

beff 82 in:

Step 3. Assume 0.90 and y 2:5 in.:

d h  y 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:

Step 4. Equation (3.8) gives the design resisting moment for the beam with the
entire ange in compression (MRf):
MRf Mnf 0:85fc0 beff hf d 
MRf 0:900:85  3824 27:5  4 2
19,195 in- kip
MRf 1,600 ft-kip

Step 5. Because Mu 301 ft-kip < MRf 1,600 ft-kip, the compression zone will
be within the ange.
Step 6. Calculate the resistance coefcient, R:

beff d2
12,000  301
R 58 psi
82  27:52

Step 7.
fc0 3 ksi
fy 60 ksi ! Table A2:6a ! 0:0011
R 58 psi

Step 8.
As beff d 0:0011  82  27:5
As 2:48 in:2
From Table A2:4 ! min 0:0033
As, min 0:0033  18  27:5 1:63 in:2
From Table A2:9 ! 3 #9 barsAs 3 in:2
From Table A2:8 ! bmin 10 in: < 18 in: ok
From Table A2:8 ! bmax 24 in: > 18 in: ok

Step 9. Calculate the actual effective depth (d):

4 1:128
y 1:5 2:56 in:
8 2
d h  y 30 in:  2:56 in: 27:44 in: dassumed 27:5 in: ok
3.1 T-beams 173

Step 10. Check the beam depth for deection:

32  12
hmin 21 in: < h 30 in: ok
18:5 18:5

Figure 3.12 shows a sketch of the beam.

4 in.

30 in.

3 #9

18 in.

Figure 3.12 Sketch of beam B-2 for Example 3.2

Example 3.3 Design the T-beam shown in Figure 3.13. Assume that the effective
ange width is 54 in. The T-beam is subjected to a total factored positive moment,
Mu 950 ft-kip. Use fc0 3 ksi, and fy 60 ksi. Assume #4 stirrups.

beff = 54 in.

3 in.

30 in.

20 in.

Figure 3.13 Sketch of T-beam for Example 3.3

Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.10.

Step 1. Mu 950 ft-kip given
Step 2. beff 54 in: given
Step 3. Assuming 0.90 and y 2:5 in : :

d h  y 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:

174 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 4. From Equation (3.8):

MRf Mnf 0:85fc0 beff hf d 
MRf 0:900:85  3543 27:5 
9,667 in-kip
MRf 806 ft-kip

Step 5. Because Mu 950 ft-kip > MRf 806 ft-kip, the compression zone will
extend into the web area (a > hf). Use Case b.
Step 6. First calculate the amount of steel needed to work with the entire ange in
compression (Asf), and then the reinforcing needed to work with the part of
the web that is in compression (Asw). The total required area of steel (As)
will then be:

As Asf Asw

To determine the area of steel required to work with the ange in

compression (Asf), assume df (effective beam depth for the entire ange
in compression) as:

df h  2:5 in: 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:

Then the moment arm of this internal couple is

hf 3 in:
zf d f  27:5 in:  26 in:
2 2
Step 7. The area of the steel required to work with the ange (Asf) is:

fy zf
12  806
Asf 6:89 in:2
0:9  60  26

Step 8. The depth of the web (hw) is:

hw h  hf 30 in:  3 in: 27 in:


d w hw  2:5 in: 27 in:  2:5 in: 24:5 in:

The resistance coefcient for the area of steel required for the part of
the compression in the web (Rw) is:
3.1 T-beams 175

12,000 Mu  MRf
bw d2w
12,000950  806
Rw 144 psi

Step 9.
fc0 3 ksi
fy 60 ksi ! Table A2:6a ! 0:0028
Rw 144 psi
Asw w bw dw 0:00282024:5
Asw 1:37 in:2

Step 10. The total required area of steel (As) is:

As Asf Asw 6:89 1:37 8:26 in:2

Step 11.
From Table A2:9 ! Try 6 #11 barsAs 9:36 in:2
From Table A2:8 ! bmin 19:5 in: < 20 in: ok
From Table A2:8 ! bmax 54 in: > 20 in: ok

Step 12. Calculate the actual effective depth (d):

y 1:5 1=2 1:41=2 2:71 in:

d h  y 30 in:  2:71 in: 27:3 in: dassumed 27:5 in: ok

The sketch of the nal beam design is shown in Figure 3.14.

3 in.

30 in.

6 #11

20 in.

Figure 3.14 Sketch of nal design of T-beam for Example 3.3

176 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams

3.2.1 Introduction

To this point we have shown the use of steel reinforcement only for the tension part
of a reinforced concrete beam (tension steel). When reinforcement is also used in
the compression zone of a reinforced concrete section (compression steel), the
beam is referred to as a doubly-reinforced beam. Even though such a section in
general is not economical, the use of compression steel has several advantages and
applications, including the following:
1. It allows the use of a cross section smaller than that of a singly-reinforced beam.
This is especially useful if the beam size is limited for architectural or aesthetic
2. It helps in reducing long-term deections.
3. It can support stirrups or shear reinforcement by tying them to compression bars.
4. It adds signicantly to the ductility of beams. Compression reinforcement
enables the beam to withstand large levels of movement and deformation
under extreme loading conditions that might occur during earthquakes.
5. It is frequently used where beams span more than two supports due to practical
considerations. The ACI Code requires a percentage of the tensile steel at
midspan to continue into the supports, and by a small extension this steel can
easily be used as compression reinforcement at the face of the supporting

3.2.2 Analysis of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beams

It is possible to use compression reinforcement, in conjunction with additional

tensile reinforcement, to increase the strength of exural members. The ACI Code
(Section allows the use of deformed reinforcement to resist compressive
in addition to tensile forces. To develop the internal couple in a reinforced concrete
section, the total compression force, C, has to be equal to the total tensile force, T,
which is provided by the steel. In a doubly-reinforced beam, however, the com-
pression force is developed partly by the concrete, and partly by the compression
Utilizing the principle of superposition, it is assumed that part of the steel in
tension provides the tensile force to balance the compression force in the concrete
(C1 T1), and another part provides the tensile force that balances the force in the
compression steel (C2 T2). Figure 3.15 shows these forces.
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 177


a C1 C2

= +
T1 T2

Figure 3.15 Compression and tensile forces in doubly-reinforced beam

The following notations will be used in this section, and are shown in
Figure 3.16.

A0s Area of compression steel

d0 Distance from the center of the compression steel to the compression edge of the beam
As1 Area of tension steel for the concrete-steel couple
As2 Area of tension steel required to work with the compression steel
As Total area of tension steel (As As1 + As2)
Mn1 Nominal resisting moment of the concrete-steel couple
Mn2 Nominal resisting moment of the steel-steel couple
d Effective depth of the section
dt Effective depth of the extreme tension steel
t Net tensile strain for extreme steel in tension
s0 Strain in the compression steel
fs0 Stress in the compression steel
Es Modulus of elasticity of the steel

Figure 3.16a shows a doubly-reinforced beam represented by the superposition

of two beams: (1) a singly-reinforced beam with an area of steel As1, and (2) an
imaginary tension-compression steel section, with A0s as compression reinforcement
and As2 as tensile reinforcement. Therefore, the total area of tensile steel, As, is
equal to the sum of As1 and As2 As As1 As2 .
Figure 3.16b shows the distribution of strain in a doubly-reinforced beam at the
ultimate moment. In order for the beam to remain tension-controlled, t  0.005
when c 0.003. If s0  y then fs0 fy ; however, when s0 < y , fs0 Es s .
Therefore, in order to determine the stress level in the compression steel, fs0 , it is
always necessary to determine the strain, s0 , and check the above relationship.
Figures 3.16c and 3.16d show the forces generating the concrete-tensile steel and
compression steeltensile steel couples, respectively. Consider the compression
steeltensile steel couple. In order to form a couple, the compression force, C2,
must be equal to the tensile force, T2, as shown in Equation (3.13).
178 3 Special Topics in Flexure

As As

= A s1
+ As2

b c = 0.003
d s

As c

d dt

c 0.85fc

a C1 = 0.85f c ba

d a
z1 = d

T1 = As1fy

C2 = A sf s

z2 = d d

As 2
T2 = As2fy

Figure 3.16 Analysis of doubly-reinforced beams. (a) Doubly-reinforced beam singly-

reinforced beam + tension-compression steel. (b) Strain distribution in doubly-reinforced beam.
(c) Concrete-steel couple. (d) Steel-steel couple
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 179

C2 T 2
As0 fs0 As2 fy

The following steps present the analysis of a doubly-reinforced beam. Figure 3.17
summarizes these steps in a owchart.
Step 1. Assume that the compression steel has yielded s0  y before the concrete
in compression has reached its ultimate strain. Therefore, fs0 fy and

As2 fy As0 fy

from which

As2 As0


As As1 As2

As1 can be calculated according to Equation (3.14).

As 1 As  As2 As  As0 3:14

From Figure 3.16c, which is the part of the beam represented by the
concrete-tensile steel couple, Equation (3.15) can be written.

C1 T 1 3:15
0:85fc0 ab As1 fy

Step 2. Calculate the depth of the compression zone (a) using Equation (3.16).

As1 fy
a 3:16
0:85fc0 b

Then determine the location of the neutral axis:


Step 3. Determine the strain levels for the tensile steel (t) from the similarity of
triangles (see Figure 3.16b).
180 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Analysis of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beam

Assume that all steel in tension and compression yields.
(fs = f s = fy)

As 2 = As
As1 = As As

2. As1fy
0.85 f c b

c= a

t = 0.003(dt c)

4. 0.003(c d )
s =
Yes c
= A1 + B1 t t < 0.005?

= 0.90
Yes No
Case 1 s y? Case 2

5. a 5.
Mn1 = As1f y d 2 ) (0.85f c b 1)c 2 + (87As Asfy)c 87d As = 0
Solve for c.
Mn 2 = Asfy (d d ) 6. 0.003(d c)
t = t
7. 6a.
Mn = Mn1 + Mn2 7. (c d ) Yes
f s = (87) t < 0.005?
M R = Mn a = 1c No = A1 + B1 t

8. = 0.9
Mn1 = (0.85f c ba) d a
( )

Mn2 = As f s (d d )

Section is ok. MR Mu? Mn = Mn1 + Mn2

Check beam MR = Mn
Section is N.G.
depth for

Figure 3.17 Analysis of doubly-reinforced beams

3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 181

t 0:003

dt  c c
0:003dt  c

Step 3a. If t < 0.005 (transition-controlled section), calculate accordingly.

! A1 + B1t (A1 and B1 are obtained from Table A2.2a.)
Otherwise, 0.90.
Step 4. Determine the strain in the compression reinforcement s0 using the
similarity of triangles in Figure 3.16b:

s0 0:003

cd c
0:003 c  d 0

Compare it to the yield strain of the compression reinforcement. There

will be two possibilities: Case 1 if s0  y , and Case 2 if s0 < y .
Case 1 Compression reinforcement yields.

s0  y 3:18

This indicates that the compression steel yielded. In other words, fs0 fy or the
assumption made earlier in step 1 is correct. Hence, proceed directly to calculating
the resisting moment of the section.
Step 5. Calculate the nominal resisting moment from the concretetensile steel
couple according to Equation (3.19).
Mn1 As 1 fy z1 As 1 fy d  3:19

Step 6. Calculate the nominal resisting moment from the compression steeltensile
steel couple according to Equation (3.20).

Mn2 As0 fs0 d  d0 As0 fy d  d 0 3:20

Step 7. Calculate the nominal resisting moment for the doubly-reinforced beam
according to Equation (3.21).

Mn Mn1 Mn2 3:21

Step 8. Calculate the design resisting moment (MR) using the strength reduction
factor () and Equation (3.22).
182 3 Special Topics in Flexure

MR Mn 3:22

Case 2 Compression reinforcement does not yield.

s0 < y 3:23

Step 5. Because s0 < y , the compression steel did not yield when the strain at the
extreme compression edge on the concrete section reached 0.003. From
similar triangles (see Figure 3.16b) the strain in the compression steel can
be calculated using Equation (3.24).

0:003c  d0
s0 3:24

The stress in the compression steel ( fs0 ) can then be calculated using
Equation (3.25).

0:003c  d0
fs0 s0 Es Es 3:25

Thus, the assumption made in step 1 is not correct. The force provided by
the compression steel is less than was assumed. Hence a smaller amount of
tensile steel will work in the compression steeltensile steel couple, and a
new location has to be determined for the neutral axis.
Equilibrium requires that the total compression on the section be equal to
the total tension, as expressed by Equations (3.26) and (3.27).

C1 C2 T 1 T 2 3:26
0:85fc0 ab As0 fs0 As1 fy As2 fy
0:85fc0 ab As0 fs0 As1 As2 fy

Because As As1 + As2:

0:85fc0 ab As0 fs0 As fy 3:28

Substituting a 1c and fs0 from Equation (3.25) into the above equation:

0:003c  d0
0:85fc0 1 cb As0 Es As fy 3:29
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 183

Multiplying the two sides of this equation by c:

0:85fc0 b1 c2 0:003c  d0 Es A0s  As fy c 0

Rearranging the equation:

0:85fc0 b1 c2 0:003Es As0  As fy c  0:003d0 Es A0s 0 3:30

Substituting Es 29,000 ksi, the location of the neutral axis (c) can be
determined from the quadratic Equation (3.31).
0:85fc0 b1 c2 87A0s  As fy c  87d 0 As0 0 3:31

(Note that fc0 and fy are in ksi.)

Step 6. Once c is known, determine the net tensile strain in the extreme layer of
steel t using Equation (3.32) (developed in step 3 above).

0:003dt  c
t 3:32

Step 6a. If t < 0:005 (transition-controlled section), calculate A1 B1 t (A1

and B1 are found from Table A2.2a). If t  0:005 (tension-controlled
section), set 0.90.
Step 7. Calculate the stress in the compression steel, fs0 , using Equation (3.33),
which is derived by substituting the value of Es into Equation (3.25).

0:003c  d0 0:003c  d 0 29,000

fs0 Es
c c
c  d
fs0 87

The depth of the equivalent stress block (a) is:

a 1 c

Calculate the component forces of the internal couples (see Figure 3.16c
and d) and determine whether equilibrium is satised, as expressed in
Equation (3.35).

C1 0:85fc0 ba
C2 As0 fs0
T 1 T 2 As fy 3:34
184 3 Special Topics in Flexure

T 1 T 2 C1 C2 3:35

If Equation (3.35) is not satised, then most likely an error was made in
the computation of c.
Step 8. Calculate the nominal resisting moment of the doubly-reinforced section by
adding the concretetensile steel and compression steeltensile steel cou-
ples as shown in Equations (3.36)(3.38) (see Figure 3.16c, d).
 a  a
Mn1 C1 z1 C1 d  0:85 fc0 ba d  3:36
2 2
0 0 0 0
Mn2 C2 z2 C2 d  d As fs d  d 3:37
Mn Mn1 Mn2 3:38

Calculate the design resisting moment, MR, using Equation (3.39).

MR Mn 3:39

Step 9. Once MR is calculated, determine whether the beam has enough capacity by
comparing MR with the maximum factored moment, Mu (i.e., the demand):

MR  Mu Beam is adequate:
MR < Mu Beam is not adequate:

Check if the beam depth is large enough so that deection does not need
to be computed.
Example 3.4 Calculate the design resisting moment, MR, of the doubly-reinforced
beam shown in Figure 3.18. fc0 4 ksi, fy 40 ksi, Es 29,000 ksi. The stirrups
are #4 bars. The beam is subjected to a positive bending moment.
Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.17.

14 in.

2 #7

#4 Stirrups
30 in.
6 #9

Figure 3.18 Beam section for Example 3.4

3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 185

Step 1. Assume that the tension and compression steel yield. The validity of this
assumption will be checked later in the analysis.

fs fs0 fy 40 ksi
From Table A2:9 ! 6#9 ! As 6:0 in:2
! 2#7 ! As0 1:2 in:2
As 1 As  As 6  1:2 4:8 in:2

Step 2. Calculate the depth of the equivalent stress block (a) in the concrete for the

As1 fy 4:8  40
a 4:03 in:
0:85 fc0 b 0:85  4  14

Therefore, the location of the neutral axis (c) is:

a 4:03 in:
c 4:75 in:
1 0:85

Step 3. Calculate the strain in the tension and compression steel and check for the
validity of the assumption made in step 1. Make a sketch of the strain
distribution as shown in Figure 3.19 and calculate the strains from similar
4 1:128
dt 30 in:  1:5 27:44 in:
8 2
0:003dt  c
0:00327:44  4:75
t 0:0143
fy 40
t 0:0143 > y 0:00138
Es 29,000

14 in.
c = 0.003

s = 0.0015
c = 4.75 in. d = 2.44 in. 2 #7

dt d
30 in.
6 #9

t = 0.0143

Figure 3.19 Strains for beam section of Example 2.10

186 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 3a.
t 0:0143 > 0:005 0:90

(The section is tension-controlled.)

Step 4. Calculate the strain level in the compression steel s0 . Check to see if the
steel yields when strain in the concrete reaches 0.003:

4 0:875
d0 1:5 2:44 in:
8 2
0:003c  d0
0:0034:75  2:44
s0 0:00146 > y 0:00138

Therefore, the compression steel yields, and the assumption in step 1 was
correct! Because the compression steel yields, follow the process under
case 1:
Step 5. Calculate the effective depth (d).
4 1
d 30  1:5 1:128 26:37 in:
8 2

Note that the clear vertical space between the bars is 1.0 in.
Calculate the nominal resisting moment from the concretetensile steel
couple, Mn1.
Mn1 As1 fy d 
4:840 26:37 
Mn1 390 ft-kip

Step 6. Calculate the nominal resisting moment for the compression steeltensile
steel couple, Mn2.

Mn2 As0 fy d  d 0
1:24026:37  2:44
Mn2 95:7 ft-kip

Step 7. Calculate the total nominal resisting moment, Mn, which is the sum of the
concretetensile steel (Mn1) and compression steeltensile steel (Mn2)
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 187

Mn Mn1 Mn2
Mn 390 95:7 485:7 ft-kip

Step 8. Calculate MR.

MR Mn 0:90  485:7 437 ft-kip

Example 3.5 Determine the design resisting moment, MR, for the doubly-
reinforced beam with 6 #8 bars used for steel in tension as shown in Figure 3.20.
Use fc0 4 ksi and fy 40 ksi, Es 29,000 ksi. The stirrups are #4 bars. The beam is
subject to a positive bending moment.

14 in.

2 #7

#4 Stirrups
30 in.
6 #8

Figure 3.20 Beam section for Example 3.5

Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.17.

Step 1. Assume fs fs0 fy 40 ksi

2 #7 ! Table A2:9 ! A0s 1:20 in:2

6 #8 ! Table A2:9 ! As 4:74 in:2
As1 As  A0s 4:74  1:20 3:54 in:2

Step 2. Calculate the depth of the equivalent stress block.

As1 fy 3:54  40
a 0

0:85fc b 0:85  4  14
a 2:97 in:

The neutral axis is:

a 2:97
c 3:5 in:
1 0:85
188 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 3. Calculate the strain in the tensile steel:

4 1
dt 30  1:5 27:5 in:
8 2

From Equation (3.17a):

0:003d t  c
0:00327:5 in:  3:5 in:
3:5 in:
t 0:0206 > y 0:00138
Step 3a.
t 0:0206 > 0:005 0:90

Step 4. Calculate the strain in the compression steel:

4 0:875
d 0 1:5 2:44 in:
8 2

From Equation (3.17b):

0:003c  d 0
0:003 3:5  2:44
s0 0:00091 < y 0:00138

The compression steel does not yield when the strain in the concrete
reaches 0.003. Therefore, the assumption in step 1 was not correct. Hence,
follow the procedure outlined in case 2.
Step 5. Determine the location of the neutral axis, c, using Equation (3.31).
0:85fc0 b1 c2 87A0s  As fy c  87d 0 A0s 0
0:85  4  14  0:85c2 87  1:2  4:74  40c  87  2:44  1:2 0
40:46c2  85:2c  254:7 0

This is a second order equation in the form of:

Ax2 Bx C 0

The solutions for x are:

B  B2  4AC
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 189

where A 40.46, B 85.20, C 254.7.

85:20  85:202  440:46254:7
Thus c
c 3:77 in:

(Quadratic equations have two roots. The one in the example has
c1 3.77 in. and c2 1.67 in. c cannot be a negative value, so the second
one obviously does not apply.)
Step 6. Determine the correct value of the net tensile strain at the extreme layer of
the reinforcement using Equation (3.32).

0:003d t  c
0:00327:5  3:77
Step 6a.
t 0:0189 > 0:005 0:90

Step 7. Calculate the stress in the compression steel ( fs0 ) using Equation (3.33).

c  d 0
fs0 87
3:77  2:44
fs0 87
fs0 30:69 ksi < fy 40 ksi

The corrected depth of the compression zone (a) is:

a 1 c 0:85  3:77 3:20 in:

Step 8. Calculate Mn1 and Mn2, the nominal resisting moments for the concrete
tensile steel couple and the compression steeltensile steel couple,
4 1
d 30  1:5 1 26:5 in:
8 2
Mn1 0:85fc0 ba d 
0:85  4  14  3:2 26:5 
Mn1 316 ft-kip
Mn2 A0s fs0 d  d0
1:2  30:6926:5  2:44
Mn2 74:0 ft-kip
190 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Calculate the design resisting moment, Mn.

Mn Mn1 Mn2
Mn 316 74:0 390 ft-kip

Calculate the design resisting moment, MR.

MR Mn 0:90  390
MR 351 ft-kip

3.2.3 Design of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beams

If a singly-reinforced section cannot develop the required factored moment and the
beam size cannot be increased, a doubly-reinforced section may be appropriate. In
the design of doubly-reinforced beams, the section sizes are known, so only the
reinforcement needs to be determined.
The design of a doubly-reinforced section follows the same concept as that of the
analysis: Calculate the amount of steel necessary for the concretetensile steel and
compression steeltensile steel couples and add the results. The step-by-step design
procedure is outlined below and summarized in a owchart in Figure 3.21.
Step 1. Calculate the maximum factored moment, Mu, from the loads acting at the
section under consideration. Because the beam sizes (b and h) are known,
estimate the effective depth (d) as

d h  y assume y 2:5 in:

Also, assume d0 2.5 in. In the following two steps we determine

whether a doubly-reinforced beam is required or a singly-reinforced
beam will be adequate.
Step 2. In order to calculate the maximum moment capacity of a singly-reinforced
tension-controlled section (Mn1), obtain the maximum tension-controlled
steel ratio (tc) permitted by the ACI code from Table A2.3 and the
corresponding resistance coefcient (R) from Tables A2.5 through A2.7.
Step 3. Calculate the maximum .Mn1 for a singly-reinforced beam:

Mn1 Rbd 2 =12,000 3:40

If Mu > Mn1 a doubly-reinforced beam is required. If Mu  Mn1 a

singly-reinforced concrete beam will sufce. If a singly-reinforced con-
crete beam will sufce, design the beam accordingly using the owchart of
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 191

Design of Doubly-Reinforced Concrete Beams

Calculate maximum Mu

Assume d = h y and d = 2.5 in., y = 2.5 in.

Use f c and fy to find tc (Table A2.3) and corresponding R from the resistance
coefficient tables (Tables A2.5 through A2.7).

3. Rbd 2
M n1=

No Design as a
Mn1 < Mu?
singly-reinforced beam.

4. As1 = tc bd

Mn2 = Mu Mn1

C2 = d
(d d )
= 0.90 As
d dt
5. As
0.85f c b

c =

0.003(c d )
s =

No Yes
f s = s Es s y ? f s = fy

7. C2
As =
f s


Figure 3.21 Design of doubly-reinforced beams

192 3 Special Topics in Flexure


f s As
As2 =

8. A = A + A
s s1 s2

Select the size and number of bars for As and As

from Tables A2.8 and A2.9.

d dassumed
d d assumed


Figure 3.21 (continued)

Figure 2.46. If a doubly-reinforced beam is needed i: e:, Mu > Mn1 ,

then proceed as follows:
Step 4. For the concretetensile steel couple:

As1 tc bd 3:41

Calculate the difference between Mu and Mn1. This difference is the

moment that must be resisted by the compression steeltensile steel couple.

Mn2 Mu  Mn1

Considering the compression steeltensile steel couple, (see Figure 3.16d)

calculate the compression force, C2, from Equation (3.43).

Mn2 C2 z2 C2 d  d0 3:42
C2 A0s fs0 3:43
d  d 0

Step 5. To calculate A0s we must rst determine the value of fs0 , as the compression
strain in the reinforcing may be less than the yield strain. In order to do this,
determine the location of the neutral axis and check the strain level in the
compression steel (see Figure 3.16c):
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 193

C1 T1
0:85fc ba As1 fy
As 1 fy
0:85fc0 b

Step 6. Calculate s0 (see Figure 3.16b):

0:003c  d0

If s0  y ! fs0 fy (i.e., the compression steel has yielded). If, however,

s0 < y ! fs0 Es s0 .
Step 7. Calculate A0s from Equation (3.45).

C2 A0s fs0 3:44

A0s 0 3:45

Calculate As2 using Equation (3.46) (see Figure 3.16d).

A0s fs0 As2 fy

A0s fs0 3:46

Step 8. Calculate the total area of steel (As).

As As1 As2 3:47

The result enables the selection of the size and number of bars for the
compression steel (A0s ) and the tension steel (As) using Table A2.9.
Step 9. After the selection of the tensile and compression steel, calculate the actual
values of d and d 0 , and compare to the assumed values in step 1. If
d  dassumed or d 0  dassumed
, the assumptions are conservative. However,
if these relationships are violated by more than in., a recalculation of As
and A0s , is necessary using the adjusted d and d 0 values by repeating the
process from step 2.
Example 3.6 Figure 3.22 shows the oor framing plan and sections of a reinforced
concrete building. The slab is 6 in. thick and there is a superimposed dead load of
25 psf. The oor live load is 125 psf. Assume that the beams are integral with the
columns, fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and the unit weight of the concrete is 150 pcf. The
194 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Columns 40'-0" 40'-0"
14 in. 14in.
(typical) A




6 in. 6 in.

#4 stirrups 30 in. #4 stirrups

33 in.

14 in.
14 in.
Section A-A
Section B-B

Figure 3.22 Floor framing plan and sections for Example 3.6

stirrups are #4 bars. Design the reinforcements for the edge beam and the rst
interior beam along column lines 1 and 2 (as shown in the sections A-A and B-B of
Figure 3.22) where the maximum negative moments occur. Consider doubly-
reinforced beams if necessary. Use ACI coefcients for the calculation of moments.
Solution Use the owchart of Figure 3.21.
(a) Edge Beam Along Line 1
Step 1. Find the factored loads on the beam:
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 195

Weight of slab 150 75 psf
Superimposed dead loads 25 psf
Total dead load 100 psf
Live load 125 psf

The uniformly distributed dead and live loads on the beam are (tributary
width 10.58 ft):

14 24
wD 100  10:58 150  =1,000 1:41 kip=ft
12 12
125  10:58
wL 1:32 kip=ft

(Note that live load reduction does not apply for the beams, because the
unit live load is in excess of 100 psf.)

wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2 1:41 1:6  1:32 3:8 kip=ft

7 7
Beam clear span 40 ft  38:8 ft
12 12

The maximum factored bending moment is next to the rst interior

column (negative moment):

wu 2n 3:838:82
M u  572 ft-kip
10 10

Assuming y 2:5 in., the effective depth, d, can be calculated.

dassumed h  y 30 in:  2:5 in: 27:5 in:


d 0 assumed 2:5 in:

Step 2. Use fc0 and fy to obtain the maximum tension-controlled steel ratio (tc) from
Table A2.3:

fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:3 ! tc 0:0180

fy 60 ksi

The corresponding resistance coefcient, R, from Table A2.6b is:

196 3 Special Topics in Flexure

0:0180 ! Table A2:6b ! R 818 psi

Step 3. Calculate the design resisting moment based on the limit of reinforcement
for tension steel (tc):

Rbd 2 8181427:52
12,000 12,000
Mn1 722 ft-kip > 572 ft-kip
Mn1 > Mu Design as a singly-reinforced beam:

Because the beam is to be designed as a singly-reinforced section, follow

the owchart of Figure 2.46. Continuing with step 3 of that owchart:

bd 2
12,000  572
R 648 psi

Step 4. From Table A2.6b, obtain the steel ratio () for this R value:

0:0137 > min 0:0033 Table 2:4 ok

Step 5. Calculate the required area of the steel (As):

As bd 0:01371427:5 5:27 in:2

From Table A2.9, use 6 #9 bars.

Step 6. Calculate the actual d.

y = 1.5 in. + 4/8 in.+1.128/2 in. = 2.56 in.

Cover #4 stirrup #9 bar
d = 30 2.56 = 27.44 in. dassumed = 27.5 in. \ok

Figure 3.23 shows the nal cross section and reinforcement.

(b) Interior Beam Along Line 2
Step 1. Using the total dead and live loads calculated in part (a) and a tributary width
of 20 ft, the uniformly distributed dead load (wD) and live load (wL) are:
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 197

6 in.

30 in.
#4 Stirrups

14 in.

Figure 3.23 Final design for Example 3.6 (edge beam)


14 27
wD 100  20 150  =1,000 2:40 kip=ft
12 12
125  20
wL 2:5 kip=ft
wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 1:2  2:40 1:6  2:5 6:88 kip=ft

The maximum factored moment is:

wu 2n 6:8838:82
Mu  1,036 ft-kip
10 10
dassumed h  y 33 in:  2:5 30:5 in:
d0assumed 2:5 in:

Step 2.
fc0 4 ksi ! Table A2:3 ! tc 0:0180
fy 60 ksi
0:018 ! Table A2:6b ! R 818 psi

Step 3. The limit of resisting moment for a singly-reinforced tension-controlled

section is:

Rbd 2 8181430:52
12,000 12,000
Mn1 888 ft-kip < Mu 1,036 ft-kip

Since Mn1 < Mu, the beam has to be designed as a doubly-reinforced

198 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Step 4.
As1 tc bd 0:0181430:5
As1 7:69 in:2
Mn2 Mu  Mn1
Mn2 1,036  888 148 ft-kip

The compression force to be carried by the compression steel (C2) is:

Mn2 148  12
C2 70:5 kip
d  d0 0:930:5  2:5

Step 5. Determine the depth of the compression zone (a):

As1 fy 7:69  60
0:85fc0 b 0:85  4  14
a 9:69 in:
a 9:69
c 11:4 in:
1 0:85

Step 6. Calculate the strain in the compression steel s0 :

0:003c  d 0
0:003 11:4  2:5
s0 0:0023
fy 60
y 0:00207 < 0:0023
Es 29,000

The compression steel will yield, thus

fs0 fy 60 ksi

Step 7. Calculate the required compression steel (As0 ) and the additional tension
steel for the compression steel-tensile steel couple (As2).

C2 70:5
A0s 1:18 in:2
fs0 60
fs0 A0s 60  1:18
As2 1:18 in:2
fy 60

Step 8. Calculate the total required tensile steel (As) and select the bars.
3.2 Doubly-Reinforced Beams 199

As As1 As2
As 7:69 1:18 8:87 in:2

For tensile steel, select 9 #9 bars (As,provided 2

 90 in. ) and for compression

reinforcement As 1:18 in: select 2 #7 bars As, provided 1:20 in:2 .

Step 9. Calculate the actual values of d and d 0 , and compare to the assumed values.
4 1:128
d h  y 33  1:5
8 2
30:44 in: d assumed 30:5 in:
4 0:875 0
d0 1:5 2:44 in: < dassumed 2:5 in: ok
8 2

The nal design of the beam is shown in Figure 3.24.

6 in.
9 #9

#4 Stirrups 27 in.

2 #7

14 in.

Figure 3.24 Final design for Example 3.6 (interior beam)

3.2.4 Lateral Support for Compression Steel

Any slender compression member is susceptible to buckling. Compression steel is

made up of slender reinforcing bars that can buckle and cause failure of the beam as
shown in Figure 3.25a. To prevent such catastrophic failures, Section of
the ACI Code requires that compression reinforcement in beams be enclosed by ties
or stirrups, as shown in Figure 3.25b. The size of the stirrups must be at least #3 for
main bars that are #10 or smaller, and #4 for those that are #11 or larger, according
to Section of the ACI Code. The maximum spacing, s, of the stirrups for
this purpose is given by ACI Code, Section and is:

smax minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

where db is the diameter of the main bars, dt is the diameter of the transverse
reinforcement (stirrups), and bmin is the smaller dimension of the beam section.
200 3 Special Topics in Flexure

a Buckling of compression reinforcement

b A

s A-A

Figure 3.25 Lateral support for compression steel in doubly-reinforced beams. (a) Possible
buckling of compression reinforcement without adequate stirrups. (b) Stirrups for doubly-
reinforced beams

3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams

3.3.1 Introduction

The analysis of deections in reinforced concrete exural members is a very

complex and inexact process. The difculty lies in three major uncertainties.
The rst is the inelastic behavior of concrete. As previously discussed, concrete
in compression does not follow Hookes law: Stresses and strains are not linearly
related, even at relatively low stress values. The inelastic behavior of concrete,
however, may be the least of the difculties, because the assumption of elastic
response does not lead to very large errors up to working stress or service load stress
The second uncertainty is much more difcult to get a handle on. In the formulae
for deection calculations, the product EI is in the denominator. For example, the
elastic deection formula for a simply-supported beam with uniformly distributed
loads is:
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 201

5 w4

384 EI

The product E  I modulus of elasticity  moment of inertia. As mentioned in

Section 1.6 of Chapter 1, the Code gives the assumed modulus of elasticity of
concrete as:
E 33w1:5
c fc0

where wc is the weight of the concrete in pounds per cubic ft and fc0 is the 28-day
cylinder strength of the concrete in psi. (Normal-weight concrete is about 145 pcf.)
The Code formula for the modulus of elasticity is accurate only within a range of
about 15 %.
Calculating the moment of inertia is even more problematic. Concrete exural
members, as discussed earlier, develop cracks while subject to normal service load
conditions. Between the cracked sections and the points where the moments are less
than the cracking moment (Mcr), there is the full concrete section augmented by the
reinforcing. At the cracked sections, however, only a much smaller moment of
inertia is available. Correspondingly, the center region of a beam has considerably
less rigidity as shown in Figure 3.26.


Uncracked Cracked section Uncracked

section section

Figure 3.26 Regions in a simply-supported beam

The third major uncertainty is due to the creep behavior of concrete in compres-
sion. The rst two uncertainties inuence the ambiguity of calculating the so-called
instantaneous deections, but creep inuences long-term deformation (i.e., a grad-
ually increasing deformation under sustained loads). Fortunately, the rate of
increase of deformation dissipates with time, and it virtually stops after about
5 years.
202 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.3.2 The Effective Moment of Inertia (Ie)

The ACI Code simplies the complex problem posed by uncracked and cracked
sections in different regions of beams by assuming that the effective moment of
inertia (Ie) lies somewhere between the gross sections moment of inertia (Ig) and
the cracked sections moment of inertia (Icr). Equation (3.48) [ACI Equation] presents the ACI Code (Section formula to calculate Ie.
  "   #
Mcr 3 Mcr 3
Ie Ig 1  I cr 3:48
Ma Ma

Ig is the moment of inertia of the gross concrete section about its centroidal axis,
neglecting reinforcement
Icr is the moment of inertia of the cracked concrete section
Mcr is the cracking moment
Ma is the actual (unfactored) maximum moment in the member
The ACI Code (Section recommends using an average of values
obtained from Equation (3.48) for the critical positive and negative moment
sections in calculating Ie for continuous beams. This averaged value should be
used in the appropriate deection formulae for continuous beams.
a. Equation (3.49) gives the gross moment of inertia for a rectangular section.

Ig 3:49

Equation (3.50) gives the cracking moment.

fr I g
Mcr 3:50

where fr is the modulus of rupture given by Equation (3.51) (for values of refer
to Section 1.6)
fr 7:5 fc0 3:51

and yt is the distance from the sections centroidal axis (neglecting reinforce-
ment) to the extreme ber in tension for a rectangular section, as shown in
Figure 3.27:

3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 203




Figure 3.27 Rectangular section




Figure 3.28 T-beam section

b. For a typical T-beam section like the one shown in Figure 3.28, calculating yt
and the gross moment of inertia requires considerable computational effort. To
ease the difculty, Table 3.1 is provided, which gives coefcients (Cyt) as a
function of the t/h and bw/b ratios. Then we can calculate the distance from the
sections centroidal axis to the bottom using Equation (3.52).

yt Cyt h 3:52

Table 3.1 Coefcients (Cyt) to calculate yt for T-beams

bw/b 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
0.1 0.647 0.713 0.744 0.757 0.760 0.755 0.747 0.735 0.721 0.705
0.2 0.579 0.629 0.659 0.678 0.688 0.691 0.690 0.685 0.677 0.667
0.3 0.550 0.585 0.610 0.627 0.638 0.644 0.646 0.645 0.641 0.635
0.4 0.533 0.559 0.578 0.592 0.602 0.609 0.612 0.613 0.611 0.607
0.5 0.523 0.541 0.555 0.567 0.575 0.581 0.584 0.586 0.585 0.583
0.6 0.515 0.528 0.539 0.547 0.554 0.558 0.561 0.563 0.563 0.563
0.7 0.510 0.518 0.526 0.532 0.536 0.540 0.542 0.544 0.544 0.544
0.8 0.506 0.511 0.515 0.519 0.522 0.524 0.526 0.527 0.528 0.528
0.9 0.503 0.505 0.507 0.509 0.510 0.511 0.512 0.513 0.513 0.513
204 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Table 3.2 Coefcients (CIg) to calculate Ig for T-beams

bw/b 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
0.1 0.01534 0.01800 0.01896 0.01922 0.01924 0.01930 0.01957 0.02018 0.02123 0.02282
0.2 0.02420 0.02830 0.03044 0.03142 0.03177 0.03183 0.03185 0.03201 0.03246 0.03333
0.3 0.03208 0.03655 0.03925 0.04074 0.04145 0.04171 0.04175 0.04177 0.04194 0.04239
0.4 0.03964 0.04395 0.04677 0.04850 0.04946 0.04989 0.05002 0.05003 0.05008 0.05030
0.5 0.04704 0.05091 0.05359 0.05533 0.05638 0.05693 0.05715 0.05719 0.05720 0.05729
0.6 0.05437 0.05763 0.05996 0.06156 0.06257 0.06315 0.06342 0.06350 0.06351 0.06354
0.7 0.06165 0.06418 0.06605 0.06738 0.06825 0.06878 0.06905 0.06915 0.06917 0.06918
0.8 0.06890 0.07063 0.07195 0.07290 0.07354 0.07395 0.07418 0.07428 0.07430 0.07431
0.9 0.07612 0.07701 0.07769 0.07820 0.07855 0.07878 0.07892 0.07898 0.07900 0.07900

The gross moment of inertia of T-beams about the centroidal axis can be
determined with the help of Table 3.2, which gives coefcients (CIg) for differ-
ent ratios of t/h and bw/b. Then we can use Equation (3.53) to calculate the gross
moment of inertia.
I g CIg bh3 3:53

Example 3.7 Calculate yt, Ig, fr, and Mcr for a T-beam made of normal-weight
concrete with the following data: b 60 in., bw 12 in., t 4 in., h 24 in., and
fc0 4,000 psi:

bw 12 t 4
0:2, 0:167
b 60 h 24

From Table 3:1 interpolating ! Cyt 0:665 ! yt Cyt h

0:665  24 15:96 in:
From Table 3:2 interpolating ! CIg 0:03077 ! I g CIg bh3
0:03077  60  243
25,522 in:4

The modulus of rupture is ( 1.0 for normal weight concrete)

p p
fr 7:5 fc0 7:5  1:0  4,000 474 psi

The cracking moment in the positive moment regions (i.e., tension at the bottom) is:

fr I g 474  25,522
Mcr 757,984 in:-lb 63:2 ft-kip
yt 15:96
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 205

The cracking moment in the negative moment regions (i.e., tension at the top) is:

fr I g 474  25,522
Mcr 1,504,655 in:-lb 125:4 ft-kip
h  yt 24  15:96

3.3.3 Cracked Section Moment of Inertia (Icr)

Rectangular Section The calculation of the cracked sections properties is based on

the transformed section concept. This is a useful tool borrowed from the theory of
elasticity. Figure 3.29 shows the strains, the stresses, the internal couple, and the
location of the cracked sections neutral axis for a rectangular section.
The internal couples components can be expressed as:

fc kd b kdb
C Ec c and T As fs As Es s
2 2

Substitute the area of steel with a special kind of material (As)tr, which can take
tension and has an elastic response similar to that of concrete. The tension force
then can be calculated as:
T As Es s As tr Ec s

The transformed steel area (As)tr is shown in Figure 3.30 and can be calculated
using Equation (3.54).

As tr As nAs 3:54

a b c
ec fc = E c e c
C = fc(kd )b/2


d kd

es fs = E s e s T = Asfs

Figure 3.29 The cracked rectangular section: (a) strains, (b) stresses, and (c) the internal couple
206 3 Special Topics in Flexure


d - kd
(As )tr = nAs

Figure 3.30 The transformed section

Table 3.3 Values of n

fc0 3,000 psi 4,000 psi 5,000 psi
n 9 8 7

where n is the modular ratio, which is the ratio of the steels and the concretes
modulus of elasticity. The value of n Es/Ec may be rounded as shown in Table 3.3.
The centroidal axis (measured as kd from the top) is located where the rst moments
of the areas above and below that axis balance each other.

bkd As tr d  kd nAs d  kd

By substituting As bd, the value for k can be calculated using Equation (3.55).
k 2n n2  n 3:55

The location of the neutral axis depends on only two parameters: the value of n that
depends on the concretes quality (because the modulus of elasticity of steel, Es, is
relatively constant and equal to 29,000 ksi), and the steel ratio, , employed in the
Then the moment of inertia about the centroidal axis can be expressed as:

I cr nbdd  kd2

After some mathematical manipulation, this equation can be written as shown in

Equation (3.56).

I cr bd 3
n1  k2 3:56
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 207

Table 3.4 Values of k and Cr for rectangular

n k Cr
0.010 0.132 0.0083
0.020 0.181 0.0154
0.030 0.217 0.0218
0.040 0.246 0.0277
0.050 0.270 0.0332
0.060 0.292 0.0384
0.070 0.311 0.0433
0.080 0.328 0.0479
0.090 0.344 0.0523
0.100 0.358 0.0565
0.110 0.372 0.0605
0.120 0.384 0.0644
0.130 0.396 0.0681
0.140 0.407 0.0717
0.150 0.418 0.0752
0.160 0.428 0.0785
0.170 0.437 0.0817
0.180 0.446 0.0848
0.190 0.455 0.0878
0.200 0.463 0.0908
0.210 0.471 0.0936
0.220 0.479 0.0964
0.230 0.486 0.0990
0.240 0.493 0.1016
0.250 0.500 0.1042
0.260 0.507 0.1066
0.270 0.513 0.1090
0.280 0.519 0.1114
0.290 0.525 0.1137
0.300 0.531 0.1159

If the expression within the bracket is designated by Cr, the cracked moment of
inertia can be calculated easily from Equation (3.57) using values obtained from
Table 3.4.

I cr Cr bd3 3:57

Table 3.4 lists k and Cr for different values of n.

Example 3.8 Given a rectangular section with b 12 in., h 20 in., As three #8
bars, fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi; calculate the gross moment of inertia (Ig),
the location of the neutral axis at service load conditions (kd), and the cracked
section moment of inertia (Icr). Assume d h  2.5 in. 17.5 in.
208 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Solution The gross moment of inertia is:

bh3 12  203
Ig 8,000 in:4
12 12

The steel ratio is:

As 2:37
bd 12  17:5

From Table 3.3:

fc0 4,000 psi ! n 8


n 8  0:0113 0:0904

From Table 3.4 (interpolating):

k 0:344 and Cr 0:0525

Hence, the location of the neutral axis from the top is:

kd 0:344  17:5 6:02 in:

and the cracked section inertia is:

I cr Cr bd3 0:0525  12  17:53 3,376 in:4

T-section Figure 3.31 shows a typical T-shaped concrete beam reinforced for
positive moment. The expression for k and the cracked section moment of inertia are
quite complicated for T-beams; however, there are easy solutions with certain
simplifying assumptions. During service load conditions, especially with large
amounts of reinforcing, the neutral axis may fall below the bottom of the ange
(in other words kd > t). Figure 3.32 shows the neutral axis and stresses for the general
case. If kd  t, or n is less than the value shown in Table 3.5, the neutral axis is
within the ange and Equation (3.57) and Table 3.4 can be used to calculate Icr.
In the introduction we stated that the calculation of deections contains many
uncertainties, so the errors introduced with simplifying assumptions are minimal
and do not seriously inuence the validity of the results. The main simplication for
calculating deection for T-beams is that when the neutral axis at service load
conditions falls below the bottom of the ange, the portion of the compressive zone
that is within the web is neglected. As shown in Figure 3.32, this is usually a small
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 209




Figure 3.31 T-beam section



d kd



Figure 3.32 The transformed section of a T-beam

Table 3.5 Values of n that satisfy the condition that kd  t

t/d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(n)limit 0.0055 0.0250 0.0643 0.1333 0.2500

area combined with small stresses, and so the error is small. Thus, the neutral axis is
located where the rst moments of the transformed areas from above and from
below are equal:
bt kd  nAs d  kd


As bd
210 3 Special Topics in Flexure

then solving for k gives:

1  t 2
k 2  d 3:58

Table 3.6 provides k values for different n and t/d values. When kd > t, or n is
greater than the value shown in Table 3.5, the neutral axis is below the ange and
Table 3.6 should be used to nd parameters required to calculate Icr. The heavy
horizontal line in each column of Table 3.6 represents the limiting values of
Table 3.5.

Table 3.6 Values of k in T-beams as a function of n and t/d

n 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.010 0.136
0.020 0.208
0.030 0.269 0.217
0.040 0.321 0.250
0.050 0.367 0.280
0.060 0.406 0.308
0.070 0.441 0.333 0.311
0.080 0.472 0.357 0.329
0.090 0.500 0.379 0.346
0.100 0.525 0.400 0.363
0.110 0.548 0.419 0.378
0.120 0.568 0.438 0.393
0.130 0.587 0.455 0.407
0.140 0.604 0.471 0.420 0.407
0.150 0.620 0.486 0.433 0.418
0.160 0.635 0.500 0.446 0.429
0.170 0.648 0.514 0.457 0.439
0.180 0.661 0.526 0.469 0.448
0.190 0.672 0.538 0.480 0.458
0.200 0.683 0.550 0.490 0.467
0.210 0.694 0.561 0.500 0.475
0.220 0.703 0.571 0.510 0.484
0.230 0.712 0.581 0.519 0.492
0.240 0.721 0.591 0.528 0.500
0.250 0.729 0.600 0.536 0.508 0.500
0.260 0.736 0.609 0.545 0.515 0.507
0.270 0.743 0.617 0.553 0.522 0.513
0.280 0.750 0.625 0.560 0.529 0.519
0.290 0.756 0.633 0.568 0.536 0.525
0.300 0.763 0.640 0.575 0.543 0.531
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 211

The cracked moment of inertia of a T-beam depends on many parameters. Thus,

unlike a simple rectangular section, several tables would be required to give
coefcients for the calculations. This text will rely on the reader to perform the
necessary calculations.
By using the following parameters (Equation (3.59)):
As t bw
bd d b
we can calculate the coefcient CrT using Equation (3.60):
CrT n1  k2 1   2 k k2 3:60
3 3
The cracked section moment of inertia for T-beams, where the neutral axis is below
the bottom of the ange, can nally be calculated using Equation (3.61).

I cr CrT bd 3 3:61

Example 3.9 The cross section used in Example 3.7 has 6 #11 bars in two rows,
As 6  1.56 9.36 in.2. Calculate the cracked section moment of inertia of the
Calculate the parameters required in Equation (3.60) for CrT. Because there are two
rows of reinforcing, use d h  4 in.; thus, d 24  4 20 in.

fc0 4,000 psi ! n 8 from Table 3:3

As 9:36
0:0078 ! n 8  0:0078 0:0624
bd 60  20
t 4 bw 12
0:2 0:2
d 20 b 60

Solving from Equation (3.58) or using Table 3.6 (interpolating), k 0.314.

kd 0:314  20 6:28 in:

Thus, the neutral axis is below the bottom of the ange.

Hence, from Equation (3.60):

CrT 0:2  0:0624  1  0:3142 1  0:2
 3 3 
  0:22  0:314 0:2  0:3142 0:0393

I cr 0:0393  60  203 18,864 in:4

212 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.3.4 Applications

As mentioned earlier, the main application of calculating Icr is to nd the effective

moment of inertia (Ie) required for computing deections. The following examples
will demonstrate this.
Example 3.10 The cross section of the simple span beam shown in Figure 3.33 is
the same as that used in Example 3.8. Calculate the deection due to the total
service loads. Assume the beam is made of normal-weight concrete with a unit
weight of 145 pcf.
From Example 3.8:

b 12 in:, h p

20 in:, d 17:5 in:, As 2:37 in:2 , I g 8,000 in:4 , I cr 3,376 in:4
fr 7:51:0 4,000 474 psi

For the given loads, the service load moment is:

0:7 0:4302
Ma 123:75 ft-kip

The cracking moment is determined using Equation (3.50):

fr I g 474  8,000
Mcr 379,200 in:-lb 31:6 ft-kip
yt 20
The effective moment of inertia from Equation (3.48) is:
  "   #
Mcr 3 Mcr 3
Ie Ig 1  I cr
Ma Ma
  "   #
31:6 3 31:6 3
 8,000 1   3,376 3,453 in:4
123:75 123:75

This value is only about 2.3 % higher than the cracked moment of inertia (Icr).
It hardly seems worth the trouble to go through the calculations.

LL = 0.4 kip/ft
DL = 0.7 kip/ft


Figure 3.33 Loads for Example 3.10

3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 213

The modulus of elasticity of the concrete is:

Ec 331451:5 4,000 3:64  106 psi

With these values the instantaneous deection is:

5w4 5  30  124
DLLL 12 1:6 in:
384Ec I e 384  3:64  106  3,453

About 1 in. of this deection is due to dead loads. The rest is due to live loads.
Example 3.11 Given the T-beam used in Examples 3.7 and 3.9, calculate the
instantaneous deections due to the dead and live loads shown in Figure 3.34.
Solution From dead loads:

2:0  402
MDL 400:0 ft-kip

From live loads:

0:8  402
MLL 160 ft-kip

From Example 3.7:

I g 25,522 in:4 and Mcr 63:2 ft-kip

From Example 3.9:

I cr 18,864 in:4

Substituting into Equation (3.48), the effective moment of inertia is:

 3 "  3 #
63:2 63:2
Ie  25,522 1   18,864 18,890 in:4
400 400

LL = 0.8 kip/ft
DL = 2.0 kip/ft


Figure 3.34 Loads for Example 3.11

214 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Note again that the result is only slightly different from the value of Icr.
fc0 4,000 psi, from Example 3.10, E 3.64  106 psi, and therefore the instanta-
neous deections are:

5 40  124
DL  12 1:68 in:
384 3:64  106  18,890
LL  1:68 0:67 in:

The calculation of the live load deection (LL not exactly according to the ACI
requirements, as this value has to be computed by subtracting the dead load
deection from the total dead and live load deection. This total deection is
computed using the effective amount of inertia (Ie) based on the applied dead and
live load amounts. The difference in the results, however, is negligible.

3.3.5 Comments on the Effective Moment of Inertia (Ie)

The values of the cracked section moment of inertia and the effective moment of
inertia (as dened by the ACI Code) usually differ only slightly, as observed in
Examples 3.10 and 3.11. To make it easy to understand the reason, we now rewrite
Equation (3.48) as Equation (3.62).
  "   #  
Mcr 3 Mcr 3 Mcr 3  
Ie Ig 1  I cr I cr I g  I cr 3:62
Ma Ma Ma

In other words, Ie is equal to Icr plus a fraction of the difference between Ig and Icr.
Because the cracking moment (Mcr) is usually much smaller than the actual
moment (Ma), their ratio, raised to the third power, is a small number. In building
structures the actual moment is about 6575 % of the ultimate moment; and in most
members the ratio of the cracking moment to the actual moment is less than 0.3
where the required reinforcing is at least two or three times the minimum As,min.
Hence, the multiplier to the (Ig  Icr) is only 0.027 or less. Thus
I e I cr 0:03 I g  I cr I cr

3.3.6 Long-Term Deections

In addition to instantaneous (or elastic) deections, designers must deal with

deformations caused by shrinkage and creep. The ACI Code treats these as
3.3 Deection of Reinforced Concrete Beams 215

additional deformations obtained by using a few empirically obtained multipliers

that represent great national average values.
Accordingly, Equation (3.63) (ACI Equation gives us the additional
long-term deection multiplier (ACI Code, Section The additional
long-term deection is computed by multiplying the immediate deection by .

1 500

where 0 is the
 ratio of compressive
 reinforcing (if any) in positive moment regions
of the beam i:e:, 0
; and the time-dependent factor for sustained loads is
equal to one of the following:

5 years or more 2.0

12 months 1.4
6 months 1.2
3 months 1.0

Tests have shown that the presence of compression reinforcing steel decreases
the additional long-term deformation. If no reinforcing exists on the compression
side, the deection due to sustained loads may grow to three times the instantaneous
deection in 5 years or more. Fortunately the rate of growth dissipates and becomes
very slow after about 3 years. The growth in deections virtually disappears after
about 5 years.
These additional deformations apply only to the part of the instantaneous
deections that the structure must sustain on a continuous basis. Thus they apply
to the dead loads and the part of the live loads that is continuously present. For
example, in a residential structure or an ofce structure, probably less than 15 % of
the design live loads are present continuously. In a library stack area or a storage
facility, on the other hand, 7580 % of the design live loads are present all the time;
thus, the live loads in these facilities contribute a great deal to the long-term
deformations as well.
Table 3.7 summarizes deections that are permissible according to the ACI
Code Section 24.2.2. Note that the main concern is damage to nonstructural
elements that are supported by, or are attached to the concrete structure. These
elements most frequently are walls, or, in some rare occasions, ceilings. So aside
from the fact that some shallow elements with really long spans may also exhibit
undesirable vibrations (very rare in concrete structures), the issue is not the mag-
nitude of the deection, but what it may cause. For example, when a beam or a slab
deects, a partition wall may unintentionally become a support to the beam or slab.
If the partition wall cannot take that load without cracking or buckling, then that
partition wall will fail, while nothing terrible happens to the beam or slab whose
action caused the failure. So the designers job is to evaluate the consequences
arising from the inevitable deections and take steps to avoid potential harm to
216 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Table 3.7 Maximum permissible computed deections [ACI Code Table 24.2.2]
Type of member Deection to be considered limitation
Flat roofs not supporting or attached Immediate deection due to live, /180
to nonstructural elements likely to be snow or rain loads
damaged by large deections
Floors not supporting or attached to Immediate deection due to live load /360
nonstructural elements likely to be
damaged by large deections
Roof or oor construction supporting That part of the total deection /480
or attached to nonstructural elements occurring after attachment of
likely to be damaged by large nonstructural elements (sum of the
deections time-dependent deection due to all
Roof or oor construction supporting sustained loads and the immediate /240
or attached to nonstructural elements deection due to any additional live
not likely to be damaged by large load)

neighboring elements. In the example cited above, the easy solution is to connect
the partition wall at its top in such a way that it permits the deection of the
structure above it and, at the same time, provides lateral support to the wall.

3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices

3.4.1 Bond Stresses

The integrity of reinforced concrete requires that there be no slippage between the
reinforcement and the surrounding concrete. The whole theory of design is based on
that assumption.
Figure 3.35 shows a small piece of a beam with applied moments. As the
moment changes along the length of a beam, so does the tension in the reinforcing
When the reinforcing is isolated, as shown in Figure 3.35b, the role of the bond
stresses becomes quite clear. They transfer the difference in the tensile force, T,
from the steel to the concrete surface surrounding the bar, and vice versa.
The magnitude of the bond stresses varies along the length of the beam with the
rate of change in the moments. Where the moments change rapidly, the bond
stresses are high; and moments change rapidly where shears are high. Hence,
where shears are high, the bond stresses also are high.
The use of deformed bars results in three distinct effects that resist relative
slippage between the surface of the reinforcement and the concrete. The rst is
chemical adhesion between the two materials. The second is friction on the surface
of the bar. (Reinforcing bars are not smooth; in fact, they have a rather rough
3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices 217

M M + M
Bond stresses

T T + T T T + T

Figure 3.35 (a) A x long portion of a beam and (b) isolated reinforcing as a free body

a b
Chemical adhesion and friction Reactions from concrete to ribs

T T + T T T + T

Figure 3.36 (a) Adhesion and friction forces on the bar surface and (b) reactions on the
deformation ribs

surface.) The third comes from the concrete bearing on the ridges of the deforma-
tions. These effects are shown schematically in Figure 3.36.
Research has shown that the following sequence occurs at the bar/concrete
interface. Initially, chemical adhesion bonds the two together. After the adhesion
breaks down, friction and the reactions on the ribs become engaged. These reactions
are at an angle to the axis of the bar, as seen in Figure 3.36b. The angle depends on
the slope of the ribs surface and the rib conguration. For simplicity ribs are shown
perpendicular to the bar, although they very often have different orientations.
Forces of the same magnitude but with opposite sense act on the surrounding
concrete. The component of these forces that acts parallel with the axis of the bar
counteracts T. The component that is perpendicular to the bar axis, however,
develops outward pressures from the bar to the concrete. Figure 3.37 shows these
two components of the reaction. The perpendicular component, in turn, results in
circumferential tensions in the concrete, similar to those in a pipe under pressure.
The circumferential tensions affect a cylindrical portion of the concrete that surrounds
the bar, as shown in Figure 3.37b. If the bar is too close to the outside of the concrete,
the cylinder is too thin, and cracks may appear on the side or bottom of the beam,
indicating a splitting failure. If bars are too close to each other, the two cylinders
overlap, and a split may develop in a horizontal plane between the bars. Thus, the
closer the bar is to the surface (small concrete cover), or the closer parallel bars are to
each other, the greater is the likelihood of splitting failure due to bond stresses.
Bond stresses change along even a small length of the beam. Research has shown
that bond stresses spike next to exural cracks (there is no bond across the crack
width), and also where a reinforcing bar terminates. These highly localized peak
218 3 Special Topics in Flexure

b Cylindrical zones of
circumferential tensions
surrounding the bars
Outward (radial)
Reactions from component of
ribs to concrete reaction on

Possible fractures

Figure 3.37 (a) Reactions on the surrounding concrete from the ribs and (b) outward-pointing
radial pressures on the concrete

bond stresses do not signicantly endanger the safety of the structure provided that
an adequate length of bar extends beyond where the bar will be fully stressed to
yield at ultimate strength. This extra bar length is called embedment length and is
dened as the length necessary for the bar to develop its full capacity. Another,
more common name for this length is development length.

3.4.2 Development Length for Bars in Tension

The ACI Code provides two ways to determine the required development length for
deformed bars and deformed wires.
The rst method (Section of the ACI Code) is a simplied one, whereas
the second method is more involved. In both of these methods, however, the
formulae include all the important variables that inuence the bond strength. The
latter method, which is based on Equation (3.64) (ACI Code, Equation of
Section, is the general approach used to calculate the development length.
Table A3.1 provides a description and values of the different factors.
2 3
6 3 fy 7
d 6
440 p  t e s 7 5db  12 in: 3:64
fc0 c b K tr


cb K tr

Table A3.2 summarizes the simplied equations allowed by the ACI for the
calculation of the required development length for reinforcing bars in tension in
3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices 219

lieu of using Equation (3.64). The required development length cannot be less than
12 in. (d  12 in.).
Table A3.3 shows the tensile bar development lengths (d) for fy 60 ksi and
fc0 3 ksi or 4 ksi. The reinforcing bars are assumed to be uncoated (e 1.0) and
not top bars (t 1.0), and the concrete is normal weight ( 1.0).
Example 3.12 Calculate the required development length, d, for a #7
epoxy-coated bottom bar. Assume normal-weight concrete, fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, #3 stirrups, 1.5 in. concrete cover over the stirrups, and a 5 in.
center-to-center spacing of bars.
Solution Both methods will be used here:
(a) Using Equation (3.64):
Step 1. Obtain the factors values from Table A3.1.

t 1:0not a top bar

e 1:5epoxy coated, cover is less than 3db
s 1:0#7 bar
normal-weight concrete
5 in:
cb 1:5 0:375 0:875=2 2:31 in:, 2:31 in:

Assume Ktr 0 (conservative)

Step 2. Check the requirement for Equation (3.64).

cb K tr 2:31 0
2:64 > 2:5 Use 2:5
db 0:875

Step 3. Use values from steps 1 and 2 to calculate the required development

3 60,0001:0  1:5  1:0

d p  0:875 38 in: > 12 in: ok
40 1:0 4,000 2:5

(b) Using the simplied expressions of Table A3.2:

The bar diameter is 0.875 in. Because clear cover 1.5 in. > 0.875 and clear
spacing 5  0.875 4.125 in. > 2(0.875), use condition A from Table A3.3:

d e d 1:542 63 in: > 12 in: ok

The simplied expression results in a more conservative development

220 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.4.3 Tension Bars Terminated in Hooks

When there is not enough space or length to transfer stresses using the entire
development or embedment length (e.g., when a beam terminates into a column),
the ACI Code permits the use of hooks or mechanical anchorage devices, or a
combination of these. The bending radii and the extensions for hooks are standard-
ized by the ACI Code and are shown in Figure 3.38. Equation (3.65) (ACI Code,
Sections and gives the required development length, dh, for bars
in tension when the end is terminated in a hook:
0 1
Bfy e c r C
dh @ q Adb  maxf8d b , 6 in:g 3:65
50 f c

In the above equation, e is the reinforcement coating factor, c is the cover

factor, r is the conning reinforcement factor, and is the lightweight aggregate
concrete factor. The recommended values of these factors are shown in Table A3.4.
ACI Code Section allows to use c r 1:0, conservatively.
Bars that are developed by standard hooks at a discontinuous end of a member
must be enclosed within ties or stirrups when both the top (bottom) cover and the
side cover over the bar are less than 2.5 in. The stirrup or tie spacing may not exceed
3db along the development length dh, and the rst stirrup or tie must be within 2db

dh dh


D = 6db for #3 through #8 bars

= 8db for #9 through #11 bars
4db 2.5 in. = 10db for #14 and #18 bars

6db for #3 through #5 bars
12db for #6 through #8 bars
6db for #3 through #8 bars


D 4db for #3 through #5 bars only;

for larger bars D is the same as for
primary reinforcing bars.

Figure 3.38 ACI Code standard hooks. (a) For primary reinforcement. (b) For stirrups and ties
3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices 221

of the outside of the bend, and r 1:0, where db is the diameter of the hooked bar
(ACI Code Section
Example 3.13 Calculate the development length (dh) for the bar in Example 3.12
if it is terminated in a standard hook.
Solution From Table A3.4:

e 1:2
c 1:0
r 1:0
60,000  1:2  1:0  1:0
dh p  0:875 19:9 in: > maxf80:875, 6 in:g 7 in:
501:0 4,000

Example 3.14 Figure 3.39 shows a beam/column connection. The beam clear span
is 30 ft, wu 2.2 kip/ft, Mu 194 kip-ft, and Vu 33 kip at the face of the column.
Calculate the cutoff points for the top bars. fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi. Assume
uncoated bars with normal-weight concrete.
Solution Check to determine if there is any excess reinforcement:

As 3:16
bd 16  15:5
From Table A2:6b ! R 609 psi
MR bd 2 R=12,000 16  15:52  609=12,000 195 kip-ft

The reinforcement is just adequate; no excess is provided. Calculate the point of

inection, which is the theoretical point where the negative reinforcing is no longer

18 in.
> d
ext1 ext2
> dh 4 #8 bars

> d h = 18 in.

d = 15.5 in.
b = 16 in.
104 kip-ft
194 kip-ft

3.03 ft
8.03 ft

Figure 3.39 Sketch for Example 3.14

222 3 Special Topics in Flexure

needed; in other words, where M 0. Cutting a section at the distance x from the
face of column, the equation for moment, Mx, is:

Mx Mu V u x  wu x2 =2 0
 194 33x  0 ! x 8:03 ft

Calculate the theoretical point where two of the four bars may be terminated. With
only 2 #8 bars, 0.0064, R 326 psi, and MR 104 kip-ft. Then

194 33x  104 ! x 3:03 ft
Calculate d using the general Equation (3.64). From Table A3.1 the necessary
factors are:

t 1:3 top bars

e 1:0 uncoated bars
s 1:0 bars larger than #6
1:0 normal-weight concrete
cb 2:5 in:
K tr 0 transverse reinforcements present
2 3
63 60,000 1:3  1:0  1:07
d 6
440 1:0p   751:0 37 in: 3:08 ft
4,000 2:5 0
The theoretical cutoff point for two of the bars lies at 3.03 ft from the face of the
column. In addition, the ACI Code requires that bars must extend beyond
the theoretical cutoff point (see the dimension labelled as ext1 in Figure 3.39)
by the greater of d (the effective depth of the beam) or 12db (ACI Code,
Section Hence,

ext 1  maxfd, 12db g

 maxf15:5 in:, 12  1 in:g Use 15:5 in: 1:3 ft
Thus, the two inner bars can be terminated at 3.03 + 1.3 4.33 ft from the face of
the column.
The other two bars, however, must be extended the dimension shown as ext2
in Figure 3.39 according to ACI Code (Section
3.4 Reinforcement Development and Splices 223

ext 2  max fd, 12d b , n =16g;

where n is the clear (net) span of the beam. The n/16 requirement covers the
uncertainty of the true location of the point of inection.

ext 2  maxf15:5 in:, 12  1 in:, 30  12=16g Use 22:5 in: 1:88 ft

Thus, the two outer bars may be cut off at 8.03 + 1.88 9.91 ft 90 -1100 from the
face of the column.
These bars have to be long enough to develop their strength between their cut off
point and the theoretical cutoff point for the rst two bars. This length is
9.91  3.03 6.88 ft, which is considerably greater than the required development
length of 3.08 ft.
If the bars were extended straight into the column, they would not have the
length needed to develop their strength because d 3.08 ft, but the width of the
column is only 18 in. These bars must be bent into the column with a 90 hook, as
shown in Figure 3.39. Considering the factors of Table A3.4, check for the
adequacy of the available length to develop dh.

e 1:0uncoated bars
c 0:7side cover 2:5in: with concrete cover 2 in: beyond the 90-degree hook
1:0 normal-weight concrete
60,000  1:0  0:7  1:0 00
dh p 13:3 in: > maxf81, 6 in:g 8
501:0 4,000

The anchorage into the column will be satisfactory.

3.4.4 Development Length for Bars in Compression

Bars in compression require considerably less development length than bars in

tension, because there are no tensile cracks in the compression zone to weaken the
bond. In addition, the bars transfer some of their forces to the concrete in
end-bearing. Hooks are useless for bars in compression. Equation (3.66) is used
to compute the compression development length, dc (ACI Code, Section
80 1 9
< >
B fy r C
dc max @ qAdb ; 0:0003fy r db  8 in: 3:66
: 50 f 0 >

where the constant 0.0003 has the unit of in.2/lb. The calculated length (dc) may be
multiplied by the reduction factors given in Table A3.5.
Table A3.6 gives the compression bar development length (dc) for fy 60 ksi,
and fc0 35 ksi, or more for r 1:0.
224 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.4.5 Splices of Reinforcement

Splices are often needed in construction, either because the required length of a bar
cannot be supplied, or because of practical construction considerations, such as
splicing column reinforcing just above the most recently cast oor.
Splices for #11 or smaller bars may be made either by simple overlap, by butt or
lap welding them together, or by using a proprietary splicing device.
Tension Splices
Lap splices The ACI Code (Section gives the minimum length of lap for
tensile reinforcing as
Class A splice . . . . . . . . . max{1.0 d ; 12 in.}
Class B splice . . . . . . . . . max{1.3 d ; 12 in.}
Generally speaking, Class B splice is required for most cases. Class A splice is
permitted only when both of the following conditions are satised:
a. The area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by analysis
everywhere along the length of the splice;
b. Only one-half or less of the total reinforcing is spliced within the required lap
Welded splices
Splices may be butt welded or lap welded, as shown in Figure 3.40. The ACI Code
(Section requires that they be able to develop 125 % of the yield strength
of the reinforcing. Welding must conform to the Structural Welding Code
Reinforcing Steel (ANSI/AWS D1.4).

Figure 3.40 (a) Butt-welded bar and (b) lap-welded bar

Butt-welded splices are preferred over welded lap splices. In the former the
tensile force travels in a straight path. In the latter there is an eccentricity equal to
the bar diameter. The resulting moment develops forces on the concrete perpen-
dicular to the spliced bar. These forces may result in local cracking along the bars in
the lap zone.
Welded splices are expensive, as they are very labor intensive. Butt-welded bars
usually require extensive preparation of the ends, and lap-welded splices take more
time to weld.
Problems 225

Proprietary mechanical splices Many patented devices are available for

splicing reinforcing bars. Some are internally threaded sleeves into which the
threaded bar ends are screwed from both ends. Others are sleeves that t around
the bar ends to be spliced; molten metallic ller is poured to provide the necessary
Compression Splices
Lap splices The ACI Code (Section denes compression lap splices,
sc, as

sc 0:0005fy db  12 in: for fy  60,000 psi

sc 0:0009fy  24 db  12 in: for fy > 60,000 psi

When fc < 3,000 psi, the calculated lap length must be increased by one-third.
Welded splices Welded compression splices are permitted. The rules for the
welding are the same as those for welding tension splices.


In the following problems, assume concrete is normal-weight unless noted

3.1. Determine the nominal moment capacity, Mn, of the following T-beams. Use
fc0 3,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi:
(a) bw 12 in., beff 30 in., hf 4 in., d 21.5 in., and three #10 bars
(b) bw 14 in., beff 36 in., hf 4 in., d 27.5 in., and four #10 bars
(c) bw 16 in., beff 36 in., hf 4 in., d 33.5 in., and ve #10 bars
Assume single-layer reinforcement at the bottom of the beams.
3.2. Rework Problem 3.1 assuming the beam is rectangular (i.e., beff bw). How
much does the T-beam nominal moment capacity increase (in percent) as
compared to the rectangular beam assumption for each case?
3.3. Rework Problem 3.1 with fc0 4,000 psi. What is the percentage of increase in
Mn for each case?
3.4. Calculate the positive moment capacity, MR, of the T-beam shown below,
which is part of a reinforced concrete oor system with beams having a
clear span of 190 -800 and spacing of 80 -000 on center. Use fc 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, #4 stirrups and a cover of 1.5 in. Neglect the top bars in
computing the moment capacity.
226 3 Special Topics in Flexure

6 in.

30 in.

5 #9

16 in.

3.5. The gure below shows a cross section of the interior bay of a oor system.
The beam has a clear span of 240 -000 . The superimposed dead load is 20 psf.
What is the maximum allowable service live load on the oor in psf based on
the moment capacity of the beam at the midspan? For simplicity assume
the beam is simply-supported. Assume #4 stirrups and 1.5 in. cover. Use
fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi. Neglect the top bars. Do not consider live
load reduction.

4 in.

18 in.
2 #11 2 #11

12 in.

3.6. Consider the oor system of Problem 3.5 with fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi,
a superimposed dead load of 25 psf, and a live load of 60 psf. What is the
maximum allowable clear span for the beam? For simplicity assume the beam
is simply-supported. Do not consider live load reduction.
3.7. What are the required areas of reinforcement for the following T-beams? Use
fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi.
(a) beff 66 in., bw 12 in., hf 4 in., h 20 in., Mu 200 ft-kip
(b) beff 48 in., bw 12 in., hf 4 in., h 18 in., Mu 150 ft-kip
(c) beff 32 in., bw 10 in., hf 3 in., h 16 in., Mu 100 ft-kip
3.8. Select the reinforcement for the beam of Problem 3.5 if the superimposed
dead load is 40 psf and live load is 40 psf. Assume the beam is singly
reinforced with bottom bars (positive moment). Consider live load reduction.
Problems 227

3.9. What is the moment capacity, MR, of the doubly-reinforced beam shown
below? Use fy 60,000 psi, #4 stirrups, 1.5 in. cover, and d0 2.5 in.
(a) b 12 in., h 24 in., As 3 #9 and, A0s 2 #6; fc0 4,000 psi
(b) b 12 in., h 30 in., As 4 #9 and, A0s 2 #7; fc0 3,000 psi
(c) b 16 in., h 34 in., As 5 #10 and, A0s 2 #7; fc0 3,000 psi
Note: Reinforcements are in single layers.



3.10. Calculate the moment capacity, MR, of the rectangular beam shown below.
How much will this capacity increase if 3 #9 bars are added as compression
reinforcement? Assume d0 2.5 in., fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and #4
stirrups and a cover of 1.5 in.

32 in.

4 #11

16 in.

3.11. Design a rectangular reinforced concrete beam to resist service moments of

200 ft-kip from dead load (including the beam weight) and 150 ft-kip from
live load. Architectural requirements limit the beam width to 14 in. and the
total depth to 26 in. fc0 3,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi. Assume #3 stirrups
and 1.5 in. cover. Use compression reinforcements if needed.
3.12. Calculate the gross moment of inertia (Ig) and the cracked section moment of
inertia (Icr) for the following rectangular reinforced concrete beam. Use
fc0 4,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi.
228 3 Special Topics in Flexure

14 in.

#3 @ 12 in. c/c
24 in.

4 #9
1.5 in.
Clear cover

3.13. Calculate the cracked and effective moments of inertia for the beam of
Problem 3.4 in the positive moment region (tension in the bottom). The
actual service load moment is Ma 500 kip-ft.
3.14. Calculate instantaneous deections due to the dead and live loads for the
T-beam of Problem 3.5. The oor live load is 100 psf.
3.15. The following rectangular reinforced concrete beam has a width bw 12 in.,
and a total depth h 24 in. It is reinforced with 2 #9 bars and #3@10 in.
c/c stirrups. Use fc0 3 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and clear cover 1.5 in. Assume
normal-weight concrete.
Answer the following questions:
(a) Use Table A3.3 to see whether sufcient development length is avail-
able for the 2 #9 bars.
(b) Check to see whether sufcient development length is available if 2 #7
bars were used in lieu of the 2 #9 bars.
(c) Use the simplied formula given in Table A3.2 to see whether sufcient
development length is available for the 2 #9 bars if fc0 5 ksi was used
in the beam.
(d) Calculate the required development length for the 2 #9 bars when
Equation (3.64) is used.

Point of maximum moment

2 in. 12 in.

2 #9

#3@10 in.
Beam Section

3.16. A 6-ft-wide wall footing supports a 12 in. thick concrete wall. fc0 3 ksi and
fy 60 ksi. The maximum moment in the footing occurs at the face of the
wall. Concrete is normal weight. Answer the following questions:
Problems 229

(a) Use the simplied expressions shown in Table A3.2 to determine

whether #6 bars can develop their yield strength at the point of the
maximum moment without hooks at the ends.
(b) Determine whether #6 bars could be used if they have standard hooks at
their ends.
(c) What is the maximum bar size that could be used without hooks at the
ends? Use Equation (3.64).

3 in.

2'-6" 1'-0" 2'-6"

3.17. The reinforced concrete beam shown in the elevation below has a width of
15 in. and a total depth of 24 in. It is subjected to a factored moment of
260 kip-ft at the face of the column. Use fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, #3 stirrups,
and 1.5 in. clear cover. Answer the following questions:
(a) Determine the required development length (d) for the 4 #8 epoxy-
coated top bars using the simplied formulae shown in Table A3.2.
Calculate and use the permitted excess reinforcement factor (refer to
Table A3.1).
(b) Recalculate the required development length by using Equation (3.64).
Refer to Table A3.1 for denitions of the factors.

4 #8

#3 Stirrups @ 8 in. c/c

24 in.
230 3 Special Topics in Flexure

3.18. Calculate the location (measured from the face of the support) where two of
the 4 #8 bars may be terminated. Use fc0 4 ksi, and fy 60 ksi.

wu = 2.5 kip/ft (includes the self-weight) 12 in.

4 #8
#3 Stirrups
18 in.



In the following self-experiments, you will learn the behavior of T-beams and
doubly-reinforced beams. Include in the nal report all the test details (sizes, time
of day you cast the concrete, amounts of water/cement/aggregate, problems
encountered, etc., with images showing steps of the tests).
Experiment 1
Cut several pieces of Styrofoam in the form of rectangular beams and a slab. Place
the beams and slab on two supports as shown in Figure SE 3.1.
Apply a load (a few pounds) on top of the slab and observe how much the beams
bend. Record the maximum deection of the beams.
Next, glue the rectangular beams to the slab and repeat the test. How much do
the beams deect? Compare the maximum deection between the two cases.
Explain the difference, if any, in the results obtained. What is the importance of
gluing the pieces together?
Self-Experiments 231




Figure SE 3.1 T-beam test

Experiment 2
In this experiment, make the T-beams of Experiment 1 from concrete. First, build
the forms for the beams and slab. Then, place wires at the bottom of the beams and
slab (with about in. cover), and place concrete in the form. Make stirrups to hold
the beam wires together as shown in Figure SE 3.2. Record all the different stages
of casting the beams and slab and placing the wires. Record your observations and
any problems encountered.


Main bars

Figure SE 3.2 Reinforced concrete T-beam

232 3 Special Topics in Flexure

Experiment 3
This experiment demonstrates the behavior of doubly-reinforced beams. Get a
piece of Styrofoam and cut it as a rectangular beam. Make two holes at the bottom
of the beam using a heated wire. Then pass wires through these holes. Place the
beams on two supports and apply a load at the center of beam. Record how much
and the manner in which the beam bends under the load.

Figure SE 3.3 Doubly-reinforced Styrofoam beam

Now, remove the wires and apply some glue to them. Again pass the wires
through the holes and wait for the glue to harden. Load the beam as before and
record how much and the manner in which the beam deects under the load. Is there
a change in the amount of deection? Why?
Make two holes at the top of the beam, apply some glue to the two wires, pass the
wires through the holes and wait for the glue to harden. Load the beam as before and
record how much and the manner in which the beam deects under the load. Do you
notice any differences? Does the addition of top wires help the beam in resisting the
Experiment 4
In this experiment we construct a doubly-reinforced concrete beam. Using wood
and cardboard, make forms for the beam. Place two rows of wires at the top and
bottom and tie them together with smaller-sized wire representing stirrups
according to Figure SE 3.4.
Self-Experiments 233

Record all the different stages of making forms, placing bars, and casting
concrete. Record your observations and any problems encountered.

Figure SE 3.4 Doubly-reinforced concrete beam

Chapter 4
Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

4.1 Introduction

In the classic two-dimensional structural studies of beams typically three separate

internal forces are identied on any selected section. These are the axial force, P,
(tension or compression) that acts along the axis of the member; the shear force, V,
that acts in the plane of the section perpendicular to the axis of the member; and the
bending moment, M (see Figure 4.1).
So far we have treated the bending moments as being the only force acting on a
given section. It is true that the shear is zero where the bending moment is the
largest, and thus it has no inuence on the strength of the beam there. But elsewhere
along the length of the element shear has a major effect on resulting tensile stresses.
To fully understand the problem, we briey review elementary strength of materials
and the analysis of stresses and strains in homogeneous materials.

4.2 Shear in Beams

Figure 4.2 shows a reinforced concrete beam and its shear and moment diagrams
due to some applied load. A small length of the beam, dx, bounded by sections 1 and
2, is selected. The shear and the moment are different at the two respective sections
(i.e., V1 > V2 and M1 < M2).
The change in the moment equals the area under the shear diagram, and the rate
of change in the moment equals the magnitude of the shear. This is expressed
mathematically as

dM M2  M1
V or V
dx dx

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 235

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_4
236 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams


Figure 4.1 Internal forces on a section

1 2


V1 V2

M1 M2

Figure 4.2 Shear and bending moment diagrams on a beam

The internal couples are substituted for the moments (see Figure 4.3);
(i.e., M1 T1z C1z and M2 T2z C2z), therefore T1 < T2 because M1 < M2.
When a small part of the beam that is below the horizontal section is isolated
(see lower part of Figure 4.3), equilibrium requires that the horizontal force acting
on that section balance the applied loads. The area of that horizontal section is bdx,
and if the stress (i.e., the force per unit area) is designated by v, we can derive
the following relationship:

M2 M1 dM
T2  T1  4:1
z z z

From equilibrium:

T 2  T 1 vb dx 4:2
4.2 Shear in Beams 237

C1 C2

Horizontal z
T1 T2


v b dx
T1 T2

Figure 4.3 The internal couples on a short (dx) length of reinforced concrete beam


vb dx 4:3

Rearranging the terms of Equation (4.3):

V vbz 4:4

The horizontal shear stress value may then be calculated as

v 4:5

v v

Figure 4.4 Shears on a unit-size cube within the beam

Figure 4.4 shows an isolated part of the beam in elevation. Inside this portion of
the beam a small 1 in.  1 in.  1 in. cube is selected. The shear stresses are
indicated on the elevation of this cube. Previously we showed what causes the
horizontal shears. The horizontal shears form a couple (shown in Figure 4.4 as a
counterclockwise couple). Because a couple can be kept in equilibrium only by
another couple, a clockwise couple must be acting on this cube. The clockwise
couple is furnished by equal-magnitude shears on the vertical sides of the cube.
238 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

The existence of shears on both the horizontal and vertical sections of a beam is
known as the duality of shears. This means that shears of equal magnitude are
always present on both the horizontal and the vertical surfaces of a small cube
inside the beam.
Shears do not cause a problem for concrete. As a matter of fact, concrete is quite
strong in shear. Figure 4.5 shows the cube with the components of the shear stresses
parallel to the diagonals.

Components of v

Figure 4.5 Resolution of the shears into diagonal components

In Figure 4.6 we substitute the shears with their components. Then we cut the
cube into two triangular wedges along the diagonal planes. Figure 4.7 shows that
tensile stresses are generated along one of the diagonal faces to maintain equilib-
rium. Figure 4.8 shows a section of the cube along the opposite diagonal. In this
case, compression stresses will exist to maintain the equilibrium. So the conclusion
here is that horizontal and vertical shears cause tension and compression in the
diagonal directions.


2 v


Figure 4.6 The shears substituted by their diagonal components

By looking at one of the wedges in Figure 4.7 we can derive the magnitude of the
diagonal tension. Because the area of the diagonal plane is 2 (the cube is
4.2 Shear in Beams 239

Tensile stresses




Figure 4.7 Equilibrium on one triangular wedge, resulting in tensile stresses

1 in.  1 in.) the magnitude of the diagonal tension is t 2, where t is the diagonal
tensile stress. The equilibrium equation for forces along the diagonal is:
t 2 2 p 4:6

tv 4:7

In other words, the magnitude of the diagonal tensile stresses equals that of the
shear stresses.
We can perform a similar calculation for the wedges shown in Figure 4.8.
The result would show that the magnitude of the compressive stresses on the
diagonal face equals that of the shear stresses.
The above conclusion is valid only on a unit cube that is not subject to axial
stresses, as these do not occur at the neutral axis. Flexural compressive stresses
occur above the neutral axis while below the neutral axis we have exural tensile
stresses, for the beam shown in Figure 4.2.

Compressive stresses



Figure 4.8 Equilibrium on the perpendicular triangular wedge, resulting in compressive stresses
240 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

v f
f v

Figure 4.9 Stresses on a unit cube above the neutral axis

Figure 4.9 shows a cube that is above the neutral axis. This cube, therefore, is
subject to axial compression as well as to shears. Imagine now a series of sections
cut through this cube. These sections are rotated by an angle, , from the horizontal
section. A detailed mathematical analysis can show that among all the possible
planes there exists a pair of planes, perpendicular to each other, where the resulting
normal stresses are the largest compressions or tensions, respectively. These planes
are called the principal planes. The stresses that act on the planes are the principal
stresses. Figures 4.10 and 4.11 show the orientation of the principal compression
and tensile stresses, respectively, on a section above the neutral axis.
The angle can be calculated as:
tan 2 4:8

and the principal stresses as:

f 1, 2 1=2 f  f 2 4v2 4:9

Figure 4.10 Orientation of the principal compressions above the neutral axis
4.2 Shear in Beams 241

Figure 4.11 Orientation of the principal tensions above the neutral axis

The axial stress below the neutral axis is tension (see Figure 4.12). Thus, the
orientations of the principal tensions will be similar to those shown in Figure 4.13.

v f
f v

Figure 4.12 Stresses on a unit cube below the neutral axis

Because the magnitudes of the exural stress and the shearing stress vary along
the beam as well as in relation to their distance from the neutral axis, the orientation
and the magnitude of the principal stresses also vary accordingly. Of the two
principal stresses, the tensile stress is the main concern here, as concrete is weak
in tension. The diagonal tensions, therefore, may tear the beam apart. A potential
crack starts out vertically at the bottom surface (because there is no shear at the
outer edge), then changes orientation gradually as shear is introduced, causing a
change in the principal stress direction. It crosses the neutral axis at 45 , because no
axial forces exist at that location (pure shear), and then attens out as it invades the
zone of larger compressive stresses. Figure 4.14 shows two such cracks that follow
the principal tensile stresses.
Shear (or, more precisely, diagonal tension) is a very complex problem. Thus a
simplied approach is used in the analysis and design of beams for shear. Although
simplied, the approach has been shown to provide safe and satisfactory design.
242 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Figure 4.13 Orientation of the principal tensions below the neutral axis

Figure 4.14 Potential cracks perpendicular to the principal tensions

4.3 The Design of Shear Reinforcement

The basic concept of shear reinforcement is the same as that of exural reinforcing.
If cracks begin to open due to lack of tensile strength in the concrete, reinforcement
is needed to transfer the tensile forces across the crack.
Vertical stirrups are used almost exclusively in modern concrete construction
for shear reinforcement in beams (see Figure 4.15). The terminology shear
reinforcement comes from the fact that shear is used as a measure of the diagonal
tension. (To confuse the issue even further, shear reinforcement is often also
referred to as web reinforcement.) Vertical stirrups typically are U-shaped #3
or #4 bars. They surround the tensile reinforcing on the bottom and are anchored
into the compression zone by a hook at each end. (See the beam section
in Figure 4.15).
4.3 The Design of Shear Reinforcement 243

Vertical stirrups Stirrup support bar

s s



Approximate d

Figure 4.15 Model of shear resistance according to the ACI Code

The relationship between the design resisting shear, VR, and the nominal
resisting shear is:

VR Vn 4:10a

where is the strength reduction factor. As discussed in Chapter 2, the ACI Code
uses this factor to account for possible understrength of the materials and construc-
tion inaccuracies. The factor for shear (ACI Code, Section 21.2.1) is:

0:75 4:10b

which is smaller than the value for bending ( 0.90). The main reason for the
difference is that reinforced concrete beams are less ductile in shear than in
The design principle is to supply a greater strength than the required strength.
Expressed mathematically (Section of the ACI Code):

VR  Vu 4:11

The left side of the equation, VR, is the design shear strength of the section under
investigation. The right side, Vu, is the demand, or the shear acting on the section.
To describe the Vn, or the nominal strength of the section against shear failure,
Figure 4.15 shows a simple model that has been adapted in lieu of the very complex
interaction of the concrete and the various reinforcements. Other theoretical models
try to provide a practical solution to the problem. The empirical model adapted by
the ACI Code and discussed here is an easy-to-follow representation of the different
components of the available strength.
1. The rst component of the model is the shear strength of the concrete section, Vc.
The compression zone provides resistance due to friction and aggregate
244 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

interlock. To make calculation easy, the ACI Code relates the value of Vc to an
average shear over the whole working section of the concrete beam (ACI Code,
Vc 2 fc0 bw d 4:12

In this expression fc0 must be entered in psi, and bw and d are in inches. is the
light-weight concrete factor, which is equal to 0.75 for concrete made of all-
light weight aggregates, and is equal to 0.85 for sand-light weight concrete.
It is equal to 1.0 for normal weight concrete. The resulting Vc is in pounds.
Tables A4.1a, A4.1b, and A4.1c include Vc for different sizes of beam (bw and h)
and compressive strengths ( fc0 ) of normal weight concrete.
2. The second component of the model is the sum of the tensions developed by the
vertical component of the diagonal tensions in the stirrup legs (Vs). All stirrup
legs that cross a potential crack (Figure 4.15 shows three stirrups with two legs
each) will provide this strength. Thus
Vs n Av fyt 4:13

where n is the number of stirrups crossing the potential 45 crack. Because the
stirrups are placed at a spacing of s, and ns is approximately equal to d, we can
calculate the strength, Vs, (ACI Equation as:

Av fyt d
Vs 4:14

Av sum of the cross sectional areas of the stirrup legs in square inches
s spacing of the stirrups in inches
bw width of the web of concrete beams in inches
d distance from the extreme compression ber to the centroid of the tensile
reinforcement in inches
fyt the specied yield strength of the transverse reinforcing steel (i.e., stirrups)
in ksi or psi (consistent units must be used)
Tables A4.2a and A4.2b show Vs for #3 and #4 stirrups with different s and h,
and fyt 60,000 psi.
3. The third component of the model that provides strength against shear is the
so-called dowel action. This results from the vertical shear resistance of
the horizontal reinforcing after the sides of the crack are vertically separated.
The contribution from this source is neglected by the ACI Code.
The nal design equation (based on ACI Code Sections,, and is:
4.3 The Design of Shear Reinforcement 245

VR Vn Vc Vs  Vu 4:15

From what was mentioned above, if Vu  Vc (Vc is the shear that concrete can
carry), theoretically we do not need any stirrups. The ACI Code
(Section, however, requires a minimum amount of stirrups where
Vu > Vc/2. There are exceptions to this requirement as indicated in Table of the ACI Code. This minimum amount of stirrups (ACI Code
Section is:
( )
p bw s 50bw s
Av, min max 0:75 fc0 , 4:16
fyt fyt
The use of minimum amount of stirrups required by the code prevents
sudden shear failures when inclined cracking occurs. This rule has a few
exceptions, such as for slabs, footings, and concrete joist construction; in these
cases there is a possibility of load sharing between the weak and strong areas, so
no shear reinforcements are needed when Vu  Vc (more on these topics in
Chapters 6 and 7). In any case, the ACI Code requires no shear reinforcements
where Vu  Vc /2 in reinforced concrete beams.
In general, therefore, a reinforced concrete beam has three possibilities
(or zones) when designing for stirrups. Figure 4.16 shows these zones.
Note that design of beams for shear involves nding the spacing of stirrups
because almost all construction uses the same size stirrups for the entire beam.
The spacing is changed based on the level of shear force the stirrups have
to resist.

Critical section wu

2 in. or 3 in.
Zone Zone Zone
3 2 1

Vu Vc
Vc / 2

(Shear diagram)

Figure 4.16 Different zones for stirrup spacing

246 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

4.3.1 Zone 1 (Vu  Vc /2)

No stirrups are needed where Vu  Vc/2. For a symmetrically loaded beam this
condition usually occurs in a region close to the center of the beam, as shown in
Figure 4.16. Although the ACI Code does not require any stirrups in this zone, a few
stirrups are used to hold the main reinforcements in place.

4.3.2 Zone 2 (Vc /2 < Vu  Vc)

This is a zone where theoretically no stirrups would be needed. The ACI Code,
however, requires a minimum area of stirrups. Because our objective here is to
determine the stirrup spacings, we rewrite Equation (4.16) to obtain the maximum
allowable spacing (s1) in terms of the selected stirrup size, the width of the beams
web, and the materials used in the beam.
( )
Av fyt Av fyt
s1 min p , 4:17
0:75 fc0 bw 50bw

The units used for this empirical equation are as follows: Av in:2 , fyt psi,
fc0 psi, bw in:, and s1 (in.).
The ACI Code (Section places a further restriction on the maximum
allowable spacing in this zone (smax):

smax min s1 , , 24 in: 4:18

This requirement ensures that each 45 potential crack is intercepted by at least one
stirrup (Figure 4.15). Therefore, Equation (4.18) determines the stirrup spacing in
Zone 2 of the beam.

4.3.3 Zone 3 (Vc < Vu)

This is the only part of the beam for which we need to design the stirrups (i.e., this
zone may require closer stirrup spacing than the allowable maximum found in
Equation (4.18)). To determine the spacing of the stirrups in this zone, we need to
calculate how much shear the stirrups must carry (Vs). This is accomplished by
rearranging Equation (4.15):
4.3 The Design of Shear Reinforcement 247

Vu Vc Vs
Vu 4:19
Vs  Vc

The rst term on the right side of this equation is the total factored shear on

the beam at the section under consideration magnied by the strength reduction
factor in the denominator and the second term (Vc) is the shear to be carried by the
concrete. The remainder is to be resisted by the stirrups (Vs). Rearranging
Equation (4.14) to nd the stirrup spacing:

Av fyt d
s 4:20

Usually Av, fyt, and d are the same for the entire beam. Therefore, the stirrup spacing
(s) changes with the shear to be resisted by the stirrups (Vs). Clearly the stirrup
spacing is smaller near the supports as Vs is larger. The calculated stirrup spacing
increases continuously as we move toward the midspan and the shear diminishes.
Although theoretically this is true, in reality only a few (two or three) different
spacings are used. While we could save a few stirrups by continuously varying the
stirrup spacings, this complicates construction, as locating and placing the stirrups
become difcult. As Figure 4.16 shows, the rst stirrup is usually placed 2 in. or
3 in. from the face of the support.
Because stirrups cannot resist shear unless they cross an inclined crack, the
ACI Code (Section limits the maximum stirrup spacing. The maximum
allowable stirrup spacing is:

p d
if 0
Vs  4 fc bw d or Vs  2Vc ! smax min s1 , , 24 in:
p d
if 0
Vs > 4 fc bw d or Vs > 2Vc ! smax min s1 , , 12 in:

The rst part of Equation (4.21) limits the stirrup spacing such that each
potential 45 crack will be intercepted by at least one stirrup (Figure 4.15).
Where the shears are so large that the stirrups are required to carry Vs > 2Vc, the
maximum allowable spacing is limited to that shown in the second part of
Equation (4.21). This is necessary to provide better control of the width of the
potential inclined cracks.
Example 4.1 Determine the total resisting shear, VR, for the beam shown in
Figure 4.17. The shear reinforcements provided are #3 stirrups @ 8 in. on center.
Assume fc0 4,000 psi and fyt 60,000 psi. Concrete is normal weight.
248 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

d 18.5 in.
h 21 in.

bw 12 in.

Figure 4.17 Section in Example 4.1

1.0 (normal weight concrete)
From Equation (4.12)
Vc 2  1:0  4,000  12  18:5 28,081 lb 28:1 kip

From Equation (4.14)

2  0:11  60,000  18:5

Vs 30,524 lb 30:5 kip
From Equation (4.15)

VR Vn 0:7528,081 30,524 43,954 lb 43:95 kip

Solution Using Tables

From Table A4.1b (interpolating for h 21 in.)

Vc 28:1 kip

From Table A4.2a (interpolating for h 21 in.)

Vs 30:5 kip


VR Vn 0:7528:1 30:5 43:95 kip

Example 4.2 A reinforced concrete beam section with a width, bw 15 in.,

and, a total depth, h 24 in., is subjected to a shear force, Vu 60 kip. Find the
spacing of #3 stirrups at the section. fc0 3,000 psi, and fyt 60,000 psi. Concrete is
normal weight.
4.4 Additional Requirements for the Design of Shear Reinforcing 249

dest h  2:5 24  2:5 21:5 in:

1.0 (normal weight concrete)

From Equation (4.12)
2  1:0  3,000  15  21:5
Vc 35:3 kip

From Equation (4.19)

Vu 60
Vs  Vc  35:3 44:7 kip

From Equation (4.20)

2  0:11  60  21:5
s 6:35 in:

Rounding down to the nearest in., we use stirrups at 6 in. on centers at this
Solution Using Tables
From Table A4.1a (interpolating for bw 15 in.)

Vc 35:3 kip


Vs  35:3 44:7 kip

Entering into Table A4.2a with h 24 in., #3 stirrups with two legs at 6 in. spacing
will provide Vs 47:3 kip, which is slightly more than we need.

4.4 Additional Requirements for the Design of Shear


The following are additional ACI requirements:

(a) The value of fc0 must be less than 100 psi (ACI Code, Section
unless minimum web reinforcement is used in the exural member. This
limitation has been placed because of the limited amount of experience with
the use of concrete strength in excess of fc0 > 10,000 psi.
250 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

(b) The design yield strength of the shear reinforcing bars is limited to 60,000 psi
(ACI Code, Section This requirement limits the crack width. The
limit is 80,000 psi when welded wire reinforcement is used as shear
(c) The value of Vs is limited to 8 fc0 bw d (ACI Code, Section This
provision effectively limits the maximum value of Vn to 10 fc0 bw d.
Stating it differently, Vs may not exceed 4Vc (Vs  4Vc). Thus, if Vu is too
large to satisfy this requirement, the concrete section must be enlarged by
making the beam  wider
 or deeper. Note that Vs,max for a beam usually is at its
critical section Vs .
(d) The critical section for stirrup design (within zone 3) may be taken at distance
d from the face of the support in beams and joists, when the loads are applied
onto the top of the beam. In the portion between the face of the support and the
critical section the support reaction introduces vertical compressions into the
end zone of the member, which signicantly increases the shear strength in
that region. Sections located between the face of the support  and the critical
section may be designed for Vu at the critical section Vu . This means that for
design purposes the shear force from the critical section to the face of the
support is taken as, Vu , as shown in Figure 4.18. Note that we use the bar here
to indicate the value at the critical section (i.e., Vu , Vs and s represent the total
shear at the critical section, shear to be resisted by the stirrups at the critical
section, and the required stirrup spacing at the critical section, respectively).

Critical section

Figure 4.18 Location of the critical section

(e) Limit the stirrups size to #3, #4, or #5, as these bar sizes are easier to bend.
(This is only a recommendation, not an ACI requirement.) Also, the bend radii
at the corners of the stirrups require a minimum beam width for each size of
stirrup, as shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Recommended Stirrup size Minimum beam width (bw) (in.)
minimum beam width to
#3 10
accommodate different
stirrup sizes #4 12
#5 14
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 251

bw 24 in. 24 in. bw 48 in.

Two legs Four legs

Av 2Ast Av 4Ast

bw 48 in.
Six legs
Av 6Ast

Figure 4.19 Recommended number of legs of stirrups based on beam width.

Note: Ast area of each leg of the stirrups

Sometimes, to avoid very small (less than 3 in.) required spacing, the designer
may employ four, six, or more legs for stirrups. This increases Av in Equation (4.20),
and consequently the calculated spacing, s. The use of multiple legs is also
recommended in wide beams, as shown in Figure 4.19.

4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure

The steps for designing stirrups are summarized in Figure 4.20 and given below:
Step 1. Determine the distribution of shear along the beam to calculate the stirrup
spacing. (You can do this by drawing the shear force diagram.) Use either
the beam clear span or the center-to-center span. If you use the center-to-
center span, include half the support width when locating the critical
Step 2. Determine the shear at the critical section Vu . As mentioned in Section 4.4,
the critical section is at a distance d from the face of the support. Vu is the
largest shear acting on the beam that needs to be considered.
Step 3. Calculate the shear capacity of concrete (Vc):
252 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Design of Shear Reinforcements

in Beams

1. Draw V diagram.

2. Calculate V (shear at the critical section).


Vc 2fc bw d


Vu No Section size is
Vs Vc 4Vc? inadequate:


Vc No
Vu ? No stirrups are needed.

6. Determine the location of Vc 2
on the Vu diagram.

7. Av fyt Av fyt
s1 min ,
0.75 fc bw 50bw

smax min s1, d , 24 in.



Place stirrups at No ^
Vs V s@smax?
smax up to the location of Vc 2


9. Calculate the stirrup spacings:

Av fyt d
If Vs 2Vc : Vs If Vs 2Vc :
smax min s1, d , 12 in. Av fyt d smax min s1, d , 24 in.
4 2
Vu (Vc Vs )

Figure 4.20 Flowchart for stirrup design

4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 253

Vc 2 fc0 bw d

depends on the unit weight of concrete. If concrete is normal-weight

(145150 pcf), 1.0. For concrete made of all-light weight aggregates,
0.75, and for sand-light weight, 0.85.
Step 4. Calculate the shear to be carried by the stirrups at the critical section (Vs). If
Vs > 4Vc , we have to increase the beam section size, and repeat the proce-
dure. Otherwise, the beam size is ok.
Step 5. If Vu  , the beam does not require any stirrups to resist the shear force.
If Vu  , we need at least a minimum area of stirrups.
Step 6. Determine the locations of Vc /2 on the Vu diagram to identify the location
where no stirrups are needed.
Step 7. Determine the maximum spacing of the stirrups:
( )
Av fyt Av fyt
s1 min p ,
0:75 fc bw 50bw

smax min s1 , , 24 in:

Av fyt d
Step 8. Calculate V ^s , only minimum stirrups (at smax spacing)
. If Vs  V
are required. Place them up to the point of Vc/2. If Vs > V ^s , go to step 9.
Step 9. Calculate the stirrup spacing:

Av fyt d

Check for the maximum allowable spacing:

smax min s1 , , 24 in: if Vs  2Vc

smax min s1 , , 12 in: if Vs > 2Vc

This calculation may need to be repeated at different locations. Use one or

two different spacings, at most, in this zone.
Example 4.3 Design the stirrups for the beam shown in Figure 4.21. The columns
are 15 in.  15 in. The load includes the beams self-weight. Use fc0 3,000 psi and
fyt 60,000 psi. Concrete is normal weight.
254 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

wu 5 kip/ft

24 in.

30'-0" 12 in.
Beam section
Vu 62.9 kip

75 kip Vc
/2 10.6 kip
(Vu )

2.42 ft
12.9 ft

Figure 4.21 Elevation of beam in Example 4.3

Step 1. Draw the Vu diagram:

wu 530
R 75 kip
2 2

See the shear force diagram in Figure 4.21.

Step 2. Calculate Vu :
The estimated effective depth (d) is:

d h  2:5 24  2:5 21:5 in:

The critical section is at the distance d from the column face. Thus, from
the column centerline this distance is:

x 21:5 29 in: 2:42 ft

Because the factored shear decreases from the support to the midspan
(Figure 4.21) at a rate of 5kip/ft
 (the slope of the shear is the load), the
shear at the critical section Vu is:

Vu 75  52:42 62:9 kip

Step 3. 1.0 (normal weight concrete)

p p
Vc 2 fc0 bw d 21:0 3,0001221:5=1,000 28:3 kip
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 255

Step 4.

Vu 62:9
Vs  Vc  28:3 55:6 kip
4Vc 428:3 113:2 kip > 55:6 kip ok

The beam size is adequate.

Step 5. Determine whether stirrups are required:

Vc 0:7528:3
10:6 kip < Vu 62:9 kip
2 2
Stirrups are needed!
Step 6. Determine the location of Vc/2 on the Vu diagram.
Write the equation for the shear force diagram:

Vu 75  5x

Note that x in this equation is measured from the centerline of the


75  5x 10:6
x 12:9 ft

Therefore, from 12.9 ft to the center of the beam (i.e., x 15 ft), no

stirrups are needed because Vu  in this zone.
Step 7. Determine the maximum allowable stirrup spacing:
Using #3 stirrups with two legs (bw 12 in., see Figure 4.19) !
Av 2(0.11) 0.22 in.2
( )
Av fyt Av fyt
s1 min p ,
0:75 fc0 bw 50bw

0:2260,000 0:2260,000
s1 min p ,
0:75 3,00012 5012
s1 minf26:8 in:, 22 in:g 22 in:

smax min s1 , , 24 in:

21:5 in:
smax min 22 in:, , 24 in:
smax 10:5 in: rounded down to closest 1=2 in:
256 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Step 8. Determine whether the beam needs more than minimum stirrups. With #3
stirrups at smax 10.5 in.

Av fyt d 0:226021:5
V 27:0 kip < Vs 55:6 kip
smax 10:5

Needs more than the minimum stirrups!

Step 9. Calculate the spacing of the stirrups:
The smallest required spacing of stirrups is at the critical section s,
where Vs 55:6 kip (step 4):

Av fyt d 0:226021:5
s 5:1 in:
Vs 55:6

We round the spacing down to the closest in., so s 5 in:

Because Vs 55:6 kip < 2Vc 228:3 56:6 kip, the maximum
allowable stirrup spacing is:

smax min s1 , , 24 in:

smax min 22, , 24 10:5 in:

At this point we have calculated two stirrup spacings ( s 5 in:, and

smax 10.5 in.). These spacings are acceptable, so we may just use them. But if
we want to save a few stirrups, we could select another spacing between these two
values (say, s 8 in.).
Then we would have three different stirrup spacings, s 5 in., 8 in., and 10.5 in.
The question now is, where do these spacings start and where do they end? The rst
stirrup starts 2 in. from the face of the support, and then the stirrups are placed at
s 5 in: This spacing ends where the 8 in. spacing starts. Use Equations (4.14) and
(4.15) with s 8 in.:

Av fyt d 0:226021:5
Vs 35:5 kip
s 8
Vu Vc Vs 0:7528:3 35:5 47:9 kip

The s 8 in. starts (or s 5 in. ends) where Vu 47.9 kip. Determine the location of
this point on the shear diagram:

75  5x 47:9
x 5:42 ft

from the center line of the column.

Therefore, the number of 5 in. spacings (N ) is:
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 257

To column face First spacing

5.42(12) 7.5 2
N = = 11.1

We conservatively round this spacing up to N 12 or 12 @ 5 in.

Next we need to determine where s 8 in. ends or the maximum allowable
spacing (smax 10.5 in.) begins. To locate this point, use Equations (4.14) and
(4.15) with s 10.5 in.:

Av fyt d 0:226021:5
Vs 27 kip
s 10:5
Vu Vc Vs 0:7528:3 27 41:5 kip
75  5x 41:5
x 6:7 ft

This is the end point of s 8 in. The number of 8 in. spacings (N ) is:

6:712  7:5 2 12  5
N 1:4 2 @ 8 in:

Finally, we will determine the portion of the beam in which a stirrup spacing of
10.5 in. can be used. Because 10.5 in. is the maximum spacing and no stirrup is
needed after that, the end point is x 12.9 ft (found in step 6 for Vu Vc /2). The
number of 10.5 in. spacings is:

12:912  7:5 2 12  5 2  8
N 6:6 7 @ 10:5 in:

Therefore, the stirrup spacing from each end of the beam is 1 @ 2 in. + 12 @ 5 in.
+ 2 @ 8 in. + 7 @ 10.5 in. Figure 4.22 shows the resulting stirrup layout.

Column center line

2" 12@5 in. 2@8 in. 7@10.5 in.


Figure 4.22 Resulting stirrup layout for Example 4.3

258 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Example 4.4 Design stirrups for the oor beam shown in Figure 4.23. The
loads include the beams self-weight. The columns are 15 in.  15 in. Use
fc0 4,000 psi, and fyt 60,000 psi. Assume that the minimum cover is 1.5 in.
Concrete is normal weight.

a Pu 75 kip Pu 75 kip
wu 1.0 kip/ft

5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0"


27 in.
2 #10

15 in.
Section A-A

Figure 4.23 Elevation and section of beam in Example 4.4. (a) Elevation. (b) Section A-A

Step 1. Draw the Vu diagram (see Figure 4.24):

n 15  15 12 13:75 ft
75  2 1  15
R 82:5 kip

Alternatively, we can use the clear span.

The reaction at the face of column is:

75  2 1  13:75
R 81:88 kip

Step 2. Calculate Vu :
d h  1:5 3 8 1:27=2
27  2:5 24:5 in:
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 259

75 kip 75 kip
1.0 kip/ft

R 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0"

Critical section
82.5 Vu 79.8 kip
77.5 kip

Vc / 2 17.4 kip
(Vu )

x 2.67 ft

Figure 4.24 Shear force diagram for Example 4.4

The location of the critical section from the column center is:

x 15=2 24:5 32 in:=12 2:67 ft

Vu 82:5  1:02:67 79:8 kip

The shear at the critical section using the clear span is:

Vu 81:88  1:024:5=12 79:8 kip

As expected, the shear at the critical section, Vu , is the same when using
the center-to-center span or clear span.
Step 3. Calculate the concrete resisting shear, Vc:
1.0 (normal weight concrete)
p p
Vc 2 fc0 bw d 21:0 4,0001524:5=1,000 46:5 kip

Step 4. Calculate the shear to be resisted by the stirrups (determine whether the
beam size is adequate):

Vu 79:8
Vs  Vc  46:5 59:9 kip
4Vc 446:5 186 kip > 59:9 kip ok

The beam size is adequate.

260 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Step 5. Determine whether stirrups are required.

Vc 0:7546:5
17:4 kip < Vu 79:8 kip
2 2
Stirrups are required:

Step 6. Locate Vc/2 (17.4 kip) on the Vu diagram. This point lies on the vertical
part of the shear force diagram (Figure 4.24). Determine the stirrup spacing
for the rst 5 ft of beam from each end; the 5 ft at the center do not require
any stirrups for shear.
Step 7. Calculate the maximum stirrup spacing:
Use #3 stirrups with two legs (bw 15 in., see Figure 4.19),
Av 2  0.11 0.22 in.2
( )
Av fyt Av fyt
s1 min p ,
0:75 fc0 bw 50bw

0:2260,000 0:2260,000
s1 min p ,
0:75 4,00015 5015
s1 minf18:6; 17:6g 17:6 in:

The maximum allowable spacing is:

smax min s1 , , 24 in:

24:5 in:
smax min 17:6 in:, , 24 in:
smax 12 in:

Step 8. Determine whether more than the minimum amount of stirrups

(or maximum stirrup spacing) are required.

Av fy d
0:22  60  24:5

27:0 kip < Vs 59:9 kip

Needs more than the minimum amount of stirrups. (or stirrups to be

closer than the maximum allowable spacing.)
4.5 Stirrup Design Procedure 261

Step 9. Calculate the stirrup spacing.

The stirrup spacing at the critical section s is:

Av fyt d 0:226024:5
s 5:4 in: s 5 in:
Vs 59:9

Find the stirrup spacing at the end of this zone, where Vu 77.5 kip:

Vu 77:5
Vs  Vc  46:5 56:8 kip
Av fyt d 0:226024:5
s 5:7 in:
Vs 56:8

Because Vs 59:9 kip < 2Vc 246:5 93 kip the maximum stirrup
spacing is the same value found in step 7.

smax 12:0 in: > s 5 in: ok

Because the portion of the beam to have s 5 in: is a short distance

(5 ft), we use 5 in. spacing for the entire 5 ft. The number of spacings (N ) is:

512  7:5 2
N 10:1 Use 11@ 5 in:

Figure 4.25 shows the stirrup layout. As a practical matter, we usually

place a few stirrups where stirrups are not required to hold the main
reinforcements in place.

2 in.
11@5 in.


Figure 4.25 Stirrup layout for Example 4.4

262 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

4.6 Additional Formulas to Calculate the Shear Strength

of a Beam Section

4.6.1 Beams Subject to Flexure and Shear Only

Equation (4.12) Vc 2 fc0 bw d is the simplest expression that the ACI Code
permits in calculating Vc. This equation neglects the inuence of the longitudinal
As Vu d
reinforcing, w and the ratio both of which affect the shear strength. If
bw d Mu
the designer wishes to take the contribution of these parameters into account
as well, then the following equation (ACI Code, Table may be used
(ACI Code, Section
p Vu d p
Vc 1:9 fc 2,500w bw d  3:5 fc0 bw d 4:22


Vu d

4.6.2 Members Subject to Axial Compression

The presence of signicant axial compression (in addition to exure and shear)
increases the shear strength of a section. This is because the compressive loads can
prevent cracks from developing. The ACI Code provides the following equation
(ACI Code, Section to account for the contribution of axial compression:
Nu p
Vc 2 1 fc0 bw d 4:23

where Nu is the axial compression calculated from factored loads and Ag is the gross
cross-sectional area of the concrete section. In the formula Nu/Ag must be expressed
in psi. Nu is positive for compression. A more detailed calculation of Vc considering
Nu is given in the ACI Code Table

4.6.3 Members Subject to Signicant Axial Tension

The presence of signicant axial tension (in addition to exure and shear) decreases
the shear strength of the section. The ACI Code mandates the use of the following
4.6 Additional Formulas to Calculate the Shear Strength of a Beam Section 263

equation (ACI Code, Equation to account for the presence of axial
Nu p
Vc 2 1 fc0 bw d 4:24

where Nu is negative for tension. Nu/Ag must be expressed in psi. Vc cannot be less
than zero.
Example 4.5 Calculate the nominal shear capacity, Vc, of the section shown below
for the following cases (normal weight concrete with fc0 3,000 psi):

12 in.

d 22 in.
25 in.

3 #9

(a) Without any axial load or consideration of exure.

(b) Considering the effects of exure where Vu 20 kip and Mu 100 kip-ft.
(c) The section is subjected to an axial compressive force, Nu 100 kip.
(d) The section is subjected to an axial tensile force, Nu 100 kip.

1.0 (normal weight concrete)
(a) The shear capacity of the concrete section according to Equation (4.12) is:
p p
Vc 2 fc0 bw d 21:0 3,0001222=1,000 Vc 28:9 kip

(b) Using Equation (4.22):

p Vu d p
Vc 1:9 fc0 2,500w bw d  3:5 fc0 bw d
Vu d
264 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

As 3:0
w 0:0114
bw d 1222
Vu d 2022
0:37 < 1:0 ok
Mu 10012
Vc 1:91:0 3,000 2,5000:01140:37 1222=1,000
 3:51:0 3,0001222=1,000
Vc 30:3 kip  50:6 kip
Vc 30:3 kip
(c) Using Equation (4.23):
Nu p
Vc 2 1 fc0 bw d
1001,000 p
Vc 2 1 1:0 3,0001222=1,000
Vc 33:7 kip

(d) Using Equation (4.24):

Nu p
Vc 2 1 fc0 bw d
1001,000 p
Vc 2 1 1:0 3,0001222=1,000
Vc 9:6 kip

4.7 Corbels and Brackets

The ACI Code has special provisions for brackets and corbels. Figure 4.26 shows a
typical corbel. These are special elements on the side of a column or at the end of a
wall. In Figure 4.26, Vu is the factored vertical load from some building element,
which may be a precast or prestressed building girder, or a crane girder. Nuc is the
factored tension force on the corbel acting simultaneously with Vu. This horizontal
tension force results from any restraint against free relative horizontal movement
between the bracket and the supported element. Most often Nuc comes from
frictional restraint that occurs in the presence of volumetric changes in
the supported girder. The use of special bearing pads helps to minimize the
magnitude of Nuc.
4.7 Corbels and Brackets 265




0.5 d
plane h


Figure 4.26 Corbel (or bracket)

The ACI Codes design methodology (Section 16.5) is based on the satisfying
of the equilibrium of four forces (assumed to be concurrent). The method is
applicable when the following conditions are satised: (1) av /d  1.0, (2) Nuc  Vu,
and (3) the depth of the bracket at the front is not less than d/2. (ACI Code Sections
From Figure 4.26 it is clear that the shear plane at the level of the primary tension
reinforcement is subject to a moment:

Mu Vu av N uc h  d 4:25

It is also subject to the tensile force, Nuc, and the shear force, Vu.
Figure 4.27 shows the typical reinforcement of a corbel. The required amount of
primary reinforcement, Asc, is determined from two parts. The rst part, Af, resists
the moment in Equation (4.25). Its design follows the procedure of the exural
design of rectangular sections. The second part, An, resists the tensile force, Nuc.

Asc Af An 4:26

N uc
An , 0:90 4:27
266 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Asc (tension reinforcement)

Anchor bar


Stirrup support bars

Ah (horizontal closed stirrups)

Figure 4.27 Reinforcing required in a corbel

Assumed crack at shear plane Assumed crack at shear plane


Shear-friction Avf reinforcement
at an angle
to the crack

Figure 4.28 Reinforcing at an assumed crack

The design of Ah, total area of closed stirrups parallel to the primary tension
reinforcement, is based on the shear-friction concept. If a crack forms at a shear
plane, reinforcing is needed to prevent a relative displacement (slippage) between
the surfaces. This type of reinforcement is shown in Figure 4.28. The reinforcement
ties together the two halves and ensures that the friction resistance parallel to the
crack is maintained.
When the shear-friction reinforcing is perpendicular to the shear plane, as is the
case for the corbel shown in Figure 4.27, the shear strength can be calculated as
(ACI Code Equation
4.7 Corbels and Brackets 267

Vn Avf fy , 0:75 4:28

where is the coefcient of friction dened by the ACI Code for different types of
concrete and different pouring sequence scenarios. Avf is the area of reinforcement
crossing the shear plane to resist shear. (Refer to Section of the ACI Code.)
For a corbel cast monolithically with the column (always the case), 1.4 for
normal-weight concrete.
The ACI Code imposes the following limitations to ensure that the corbel will
act in concurrence with the proposed design model:
1. The depth of the corbel at the outside edge of the bearing area shall be not less
than d/2. (ACI Code Section
2. The corbel must be deep enough so that Vn for normal-weight concrete may not
exceed the smaller of 0.2 fc0 bwd, 480 0:08fc0 bw d, and 1600 bwd (ACI Code
3. The corbels minimum primary reinforcement, Asc,min, must be the greater of the
following (ACI Code Section
Af An , 2Avf =3 An , and 0:04 fc0 =fy bw d

Assuming Vu Vn and rearranging Equation (4.28), the expression for Avf is

obtained as
Vu Vu Vu
Avf 4:29
fy 0:75fy 1:4 1:05fy

for corbels cast monolithically with normal-weight concrete. The minimum total
area of closed stirrups parallel to the tension reinforcement, Ah,min, is equal to (ACI
Code Equation

Ah, min 0:5Asc  An 4:30

A few words must also be said about the anchor bar. The tensile reinforcement
(Asc) must develop its strength between the outer edge of the corbel and the face of
the column. (For a discussion of development of tensile reinforcing, see Chapter 3.)
This length is not adequate in most cases, hence some device is needed to add
mechanical anchorage. One such device is a largediameter bar (#9 or larger) to
which the reinforcing bars representing Asc are welded (see Figure 4.27). Another
way to provide mechanical anchorage is to weld the bars to an edge angle, as shown
in Figure 4.29.
268 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Asc (tension reinforcement)

Edge angle

Figure 4.29 Tension bars anchored to an edge angle

Example 4.6 Design the required reinforcement for the corbel shown in Figure 4.30.
Assume the following data: Vu 62 kip, Nuc 6 kip, av 8 in., b 16 in.,
fc0 5,000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi.
Step 1. Assume 1.5 in. cover and #6 bars for the primary reinforcement.
d 18  1:5  16:12 in:
From Equation (4.25):

Mu 62  8 618  16:12 507 kip-in:

Mu 507  1,000
R 122 psi
bd 2 1616:122

From Table A2.6c

Af required bd 0:0023  16  16:12 0:59 in:2
4.7 Corbels and Brackets 269

8 in.

62 kip

6 kip

10 in.

18 in.

Figure 4.30 Sketch of the corbel in Example 4.6

From Equation (4.27)

N uc 6
An required 0:11 in:2
fy 0:9  60


Asc required 0:59 0:11 0:7 in:2

Select 2 #6 bars Table A2.9 ! 0.88 in.2

Step 2. Design the required shear reinforcement:
Check for Vu,max:

0:2fc0 bw d 0:75  0:2  5,000  16  16:12=1,000

193:4 kip > 62 kip ok
480 0:08fc0 bw d 0:75480 0:08  5,0001616:12=1,000
170 kip > 62 kip o:k:
1,600bw d 0:75  1,600  16  16:12=1,000
309:5 kip > 62 kip ok
270 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

From Equation (4.29)

  Vu 62
Avf 0:98 in:2
required 1:05fy 1:05  60

Using #4 stirrups ! two legs provide 2  0.2 0.4 in.2 Thus, the
required number of horizontal stirrups is

n 0:98=0:40 2:45 ! Use a minimum of three stirrups:

Because (2/3)d (2/3)  16.12 10.7 in., place stirrups at 3.5 in.
center-to-center to have the three stirrups within the ACI Code-required
distance 2/3d. Then use additional stirrups at the same spacing to the
bottom of the corbel.
Step 3. Check for Asc,min:

#9 Anchor bar.
Weld 2 #6 bars to
2 #6 the anchor bar.

4 Spaces
@ 3.5 in. c/c

#4 Closed stirrups 2 #5 Stirrup support bars

Figure 4.31 Sketch of result for Example 4.6

Problems 271

Asc, min 2=3 Avf An 2=3  0:98 0:11 0:76 in:2 < 2 # 6 bars

  0:88 in:2 ok
Asc, min 0:04 fc0 =fy bw d 0:045,000=60,0001616:12
0:86 in:2 < 0:88 in:2 o:k:
Ah, min 0:5Asc  An
Ah, min 0:50:7  0:11
0:3 in:2 < 4#4 stirrups 4  0:4 1:6 in:2 o:k:

Figure 4.31 shows the nal design of the corbel.

In the following problems, assume concrete is normal-weight unless noted otherwise.
4.1. A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has been designed for moment only,
without any stirrups for shear. It is, however, subjected to a shear at the critical
section, Vu 10 kip. The beam width, b, is 12 in., and the effective depth, d, is
26 in. Use fc0 4,000 psi. Determine whether this beam is adequate.
4.2. A beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load and has a maximum shear of
60 kip at the face of its supports. The beam clear span is 30 ft0 in., b 12 in.,
d 24 in., fc0 4,000 psi, and fyt 60,000 psi. What is the shear at the critical
section? What is the required spacing for #3 stirrups at the critical section?
4.3. Design stirrups for the beam shown below. The dead load includes the beams
self-weight. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fyt 60,000 psi, and 1 in. cover.

PL 10 kip PL 10 kip wD 1.0 kip/ft

A wL 2.0 kip/ft

8'-0" 12'-0" 8'-0"

16 in.

32 in.

3 #11

272 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

4.4. Rework Problem 4.3 for a beam subjected only to the concentrated load on the
left in addition to the distributed loads.
4.5. The shear force at the critical section, Vu , of a reinforced concrete beam is
60 kip. If the beam has bw 14 in., fc0 3,000 psi, and fyt 60,000 psi,
what is the required effective depth, d, so that the minimum spacing of #3
stirrups is 9 in.?
4.6. Design stirrups for the beam shown below. The dead load is 0.70 kip/ft (beam
weight not included), and the live load is 1.5 kip/ft. Use fc0 4,000 psi,
fyt 60,000 psi, and 1 in. cover. The unit weight of the concrete is 150 lb/ft3.

12 in.

2 #8
24 in.
5'-0" 12". 20'-0" 12". 5'-0"
3 #8


4.7. A 6 in. thick one-way reinforced concrete slab has #6 @ 8 in. main reinforce-
ment. The cover is in. and fc0 3,000 psi. The unit weight of the concrete
is 150 pcf. Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the maximum shear (Vu) the slab can carry?
(b) What is the maximum live load the slab can support based on shear
requirements? Assume that the slab is simply-supported and has a clear
span of 10 ft0 in.
4.8. Design stirrups for the interior beam (B-1) shown below. The mechanical/
electrical systems weigh 5 psf, the partitions are 20 psf, and the ceiling,
carpeting, and so on, weigh 5 psf. The oor live load is 80 psf. Consider live
load reduction, if applicable. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fyt 60,000 psi, and 1 in.
for cover. Use ACI Code coefcients to determine the beam shear force. The
unit weight of the concrete is 150 pcf.
Problems 273

30'-0" 30'-0"

10'-0" A


12 in. 12 in.


6 in.

18 in.
2 #11
12 in.

4.9 Design stirrups for the beam shown below. The applied loads do not include
the beams self-weight. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fyt 60,000 psi, and 1 in. for
cover. The concrete is all-lightweight with a unit weight of 110 pcf.

12 in. Pu 20 kip wu 3 kip/ft


27 in.

10'-0" 10'-0"
3 #8

274 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

4.10 Rework Problem 4.3, considering the effects of moment on the shear strength
of concrete. Use the moment and the shear at the critical section for purposes
of simplication.
4.11 Rework Problem 4.3 for a beam subjected to an axial compressive live load of
150 kip. Compare the results with Problem 4.3.
4.12 Rework Problem 4.3 for a beam subjected to an axial tensile live load of
50 kip. Compare the results with Problem 4.3.
4.13 Design the required reinforcement for the corbel shown below. Use
fc0 4,000 psi, fy fyt 60,000 psi, b 18 in., and 1 in. for cover.

Vu = 50 kip

5 in. Nuc = 10 kip

9 in.

16 in.


In these self-experiments you learn about shear in beams. You will use both
Styrofoam and reinforced concrete models. Remember to include in your report
all the details of your tests (sizes, time of day you poured, amount of water/cement/
aggregate, problems that you encountered, etc.) together with images showing the
steps of the tests.
Self-Experiments 275

Experiment 1
In this experiment we use Styrofoam models to learn about the vertical and
horizontal components of shear in beams.
Test 1: Horizontal Shear
Stack several layers of Styrofoam, one on top of the other, and place them on two
supports, as shown in Figure SE 4.1a. Apply a load, P, at the center of the beam.
Measure how much the beam deects at the center under the load. Now glue the
layers together and repeat the test. Compare the measured deection for the two
cases, and discuss your observation.

Figure SE 4.1a Horizontal shear test

Plastic wire

Figure SE 4.1b Vertical shear test

Test 2: Vertical Shear

Place layers of Styrofoam next to each other and run a plastic wire through them.
Anchor the wire at both ends. Place the beam on two supports and apply a load on
the beam, as shown in Figure SE 4.1b.
Observe how the different pieces of Styrofoam move with respect to each other.
Record your observations.
Experiment 2
In this experiment we use different sizes of wire as main and shear reinforcements
for a reinforced concrete beam, as shown in Figure SE 4.2. The sizes of beam,
reinforcement, and span length are your choices. However, they have to be in
reasonable proportions for further testing. Cast the reinforced concrete beam.
Describe all the different stages of casting the beam and placing the bars. Also,
include a drawing and show the sizes and dimensions you used. After the beam
276 4 Shear in Reinforced Concrete Beams

cures, apply a load at the center of the beam. Increase the load until you notice the
concrete cracks. Record your observations and any problems encountered.

A Stirrups (smaller size)

Main bars


Figure SE 4.2 Reinforced concrete beam with main and shear reinforcements
Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction

Columns are the main supporting elements of a building structure. If we compare a

building to a tree, we can think of columns as the trunk of the tree. Any damage to
columns may result in catastrophic failure of at least part of the building. Columns
mainly carry loads in compression, although they also may be subjected to bending
moments transferred by the beams and girders connected to them.
Aside from walls, the compression members of reinforced concrete structures
are divided into two groups: pedestals and columns. Section 2.3 of the ACI Code
indicates that an upright compression member is considered to be a pedestal if its
height is less than three times its least lateral dimension. Pedestals may be designed
with plain or reinforced concrete. Figure 5.1a shows a pedestal.
Columns, on the other hand, are compression members whose height is more
than three times their least lateral dimension. Figure 5.1b shows a typical column.
The ACI Code requires all structural columns to be reinforced in order to prevent
unexpected brittle failure.

5.2 Types of Columns

Figure 5.2 shows the various classications of reinforced concrete columns. Columns
can be classied by the type of their reinforcement (main and lateral), by their shape,
by the type of loads that they will resist, by the type of structural system of which they
are part, and by their length. We now will study each class of columns.

5.2.1 Based on Reinforcement

Three main types of columns fall in this category: tied columns, spiral columns, and
composite columns.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 277

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_5
278 5 Columns


a b
h b

h b

Figure 5.1 (a) Pedestal, (b) column Tied Columns

Because columns are subjected mainly to axial loads, they are reinforced with
longitudinal bars along their length. Because these bars are very slender, they need
to be laterally supported to keep them in place during concrete placement, and they
need lateral support when subjected to loads. Small-diameter (#3 or #4) bars,
referred to as ties, are used to fulll these requirements. Columns that use ties for
lateral reinforcement are called tied columns. Figure 5.3a shows a square tied
column. The ties are wired to the longitudinal bars to make a cage, which then is
placed into the form and properly positioned before casting the concrete. The cage
of bars and ties keep the longitudinal bars straight and the ties provide resistance
against buckling. Ties generally follow the perimeter of the columns cross section
(rectangular in rectangular columns and circular in circular columns).
Tied columns are the most common because their construction costs are lower
than those for spiral and composite columns. In fact, over 95 % of all columns in
concrete buildings located outside earthquake-prone regions are tied columns. The
area inside the ties is called the core, and the area outside them is the shell of the
column (see Figure 5.3a). Spirally Reinforced Columns

Spirals are used in spirally reinforced columns to provide lateral support to the
main reinforcements. Spirals are helical-shape wires, which are placed around
the main reinforcements as shown in Figure 5.3b. Because most spiral columns
5.2 Types of Columns 279

Spiral columns

Based on reinforcements Tied columns

Composite columns

Square columns

Circular columns
Based on shape
Rectangular columns

Other shape columns

Axially loaded columns

(small eccentricity)
Types Based on loading
Eccentrically loaded columns
(large eccentricity)

Braced columns
Based on structural system
Unbraced columns

Short columns
Based on length
Slender (long) columns

Figure 5.2 Different types of columns

are circular in shape, a spirally reinforced core sometimes may be placed inside a
square cross section. Spiral reinforcing is a more expensive construction (about
twice as much) than using ties. Spiral columns provide larger capacity than do tied
columns, but their main advantage is their ductility and toughness when large
overloads, such as loads occur in earthquakes, are expected. Similar to tied
columns, the area conned by the spirals is the core, and the area outside them is
the shell (see Figure 5.3b).
280 5 Columns

a Core Tie


Tied column




Spiral column


Composite column

Figure 5.3 Types of columns based on reinforcements Composite Columns

Composite columns are constructed by placing a steel shape, such as a pipe or

I-section, inside the form and casting concrete around it. These columns may have
additional reinforcing bars around the steel shape, as shown in Figure 5.3c. Com-
posite columns are often used in multistory buildings to increase the capacity of the
steel sections. The surrounding concrete also provides reproong to the steel core.

5.2.2 Based on Shape

Selecting a column shape is generally an architectural and structural decision and

depends on the framing system, costs, reinforcement arrangement, and aesthetics.
5.2 Types of Columns 281

Figure 5.4 Different column shapes

Square and rectangular shapes are the most common, as they are the simplest to
form and construct. Circular columns may be formed by using cardboard or
plastic tubes, or by using hinged steel forms, which can be removed easily. Other
column shapes besides circular and rectangular are also used. Figure 5.4 shows a
few of them. Figure B5.1 in Appendix B shows the tapered reinforced concrete
columns used for a train station.
282 5 Columns

5.2.3 Based on Loading

Columns primarily carry loads in compression. But they can also be subjected to
moments, depending on the buildings geometry and loading. Therefore, columns
are grouped into two classes: axially loaded columns, and eccentrically loaded
columns. (Sometimes these are referred to as columns with small eccentricity, and
columns with large eccentricity, respectively).
A concentric axial load and a moment can be combined into an eccentric load.
The term eccentricity refers to the distance between the point of load application
and the center of the section. To better understand the consequence of an eccen-
tricity on the behavior of columns, consider Figure 5.5a, which shows a column
subjected to a compression force, P, acting at the center of the section (point 1).
Because the force acts at the center of the section, the internal compression stresses
are distributed uniformly on the section.
If we move P to a new location (point 2) at a distance e from the column center,
as shown in Figure 5.5b, the load generates bending stresses in addition to axial
compressive stresses. The bending stress is the result of the moment caused by the
off-center load (M Pe). The action of P at the eccentricity, e, is equivalent to the
load P acting at the center and an additional moment, M Pe.
If the moment acting on the column is negligible compared to its axial load, we
consider the column to be an axially loaded column, or a column with small
eccentricity. If the applied moment is large, the column is an eccentrically loaded
column, or a column with large eccentricity. In former ACI Codes, tied and spiral
columns were considered to be axially loaded columns when the eccentricity was
less than 0.1 h and 0.05 h, respectively (h the cross-sectional dimension in the
direction of the eccentricity).
Now that we know that the effects of eccentric loads are the same as adding
moments on columns and vice versa, let us review the sources of moments or
eccentricities. Figure 5.6a shows a reinforced concrete building frame under gravity
loads (Refer to Figures 2.10 and 2.11). The column on line B is subjected to
moments from the adjoining beams. If the beam spans and loads are equal, the
applied moments have the same magnitude but opposite directions, thus canceling
each other. As a result, the column on line B is subjected only to an axial load. Even
though this is theoretically correct, in reality there is always some moment on the
column because the loads on the neighboring beams are never the same and the
column is not perfectly straight.
The columns on lines A and C, on the other hand, are subjected to moments from
the beams on one side in addition to axial loads. Therefore, these columns are
subjected to large moments or have large eccentricities. Also, the column between
the two bays (column B) will be subjected to moment in addition to axial loads if
the live load is larger on one span than on its adjacent span.
Another example of a column with large eccentricity is shown in Figure 5.6b, in
which the column is part of a precast concrete structure. The beams and columns are
cast off the construction site, and then transported to the site for assembly.
5.2 Types of Columns 283

a P P

1 1

View A

b P P
eP e
M Pe

2 2

View A

Figure 5.5 (a) Axially loaded column (column with small or no eccentricity); (b) eccentrically
loaded column

In precast construction, beams are often placed on brackets and connected together
through steel plates embedded in both the beam and the bracket. As a result, there is
always an eccentricity between where the beam is supported and the column
centerline. This eccentricity generates a moment on the column, which needs to
be considered in the analysis and design of the column.
Lateral loads, such as high winds and earthquakes, can generate large moments
on the columns of monolithic concrete structures. Such columns usually have large
eccentricity. Figure 5.6c shows how the columns of a two-story building undergo
284 5 Columns


b c


Figure 5.6 (a) and (b) Gravity loading, (c) lateral loading

large bending moments when subjected to lateral loads. Columns subjected to loads
with large eccentricity will be studied in greater detail later in this chapter.

5.2.4 Based on Structural System

Column and beam assemblies can be divided into two categories, depending on the
building structural framing systems used: braced frames and unbraced frames. The
columns within such systems are called braced columns and unbraced columns,
In a braced frame, lateral loads are resisted by shear walls, elevator or stairwell
shafts, diagonal braces, or a combination thereof. The large stiffness of these
elements prevents the columns of such a frame from undergoing large lateral
motion or sidesway, and from experiencing signicant moments due to lateral
loads. In an unbraced frame, on the other hand, the columns (unbraced columns)
are subject to large bending moments due to the lateral loads and have to withstand
large lateral motions. These columns generally have large eccentricities. Figure 5.7
shows braced and unbraced columns in two different structural framing systems.
5.3 Behavior of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity Under Load 285

Shear wall Braced columns

Unbraced columns

Figure 5.7 (a) Braced columns, (b) unbraced columns

5.2.5 Based on Length

Columns may be divided into two groups based on their length, or more accurately
their slenderness ratio. Slenderness ratio (k/r) is the ratio of the columns effective
length (k) to the least radius of gyration (r) of the section. Short columns are
columns whose slenderness ratio is low enough that their failure occurs from
excessive stress levels rather than by buckling. Slender columns, on the other
hand, may buckle when subjected to large axial loads.
Most reinforced concrete columns in normal building structures are short col-
umns. In fact, the results of a study conducted by the ACI (Notes on ACI 318-71,
Building Code with Design Applications, p. 10-2) indicate that 90 % of braced
columns and about 40 % of unbraced columns could be considered to be short
columns. As a result, the emphasis in this book will be on short columns.

5.3 Behavior of Short Columns with Small

Eccentricity Under Load

Figure 5.8 shows the failure mechanisms of an axially loaded square tied column
and round spiral column. When a short tied column is subjected to increasing axial
loads, the column fails suddenly. First the longitudinal reinforcing reaches yield,
286 5 Columns

a P

Concrete being crushed Plastic buckling of

bars between ties

b P P


Figure 5.8 Short columns under axial loads: (a) tied columns; (b) spiral columns

and then the concrete fails when the ultimate strain is reached. The failure is usually
accompanied by plastic buckling of the longitudinal bars. Figure 5.9 shows a typical
load-deformation relationship for tied and spiral columns. The tied column reaches
the maximum capacity at point A, and fails soon thereafter at point B.
A spiral column, on the other hand, does not fail suddenly because the closely
spaced spirals keep the core conned while the column shell spalls (Figure 5.8b).
This connement does increase the columns deformability signicantly. The outer
5.3 Behavior of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity Under Load 287

A Spiral column C


Tied column

Figure 5.9 Load-deformation relationship of axially loaded columns

shell is not conned, thus it falls away readily. The inner core, however, is still able
to carry loads, even after the concrete has been crushed by large compressive
stresses. The column behaves like a bag of our: As long as the paper sack does
not burst, the our column will support loads. For this reason, in this type of
column, the ACI Code requires a minimum spiral reinforcement that will prevent
the column from bursting until well after the concrete has reached its assumed
ultimate strain of 0.003. Thus, a typical spiral column will have a second maximum
point in its load-deformation diagram (point C in Figure 5.9). The yielding of the
spirals makes the column failure ductile, which makes a spiral column ideal for
unexpected large overloads such as seismic loads.
288 5 Columns

5.4 General ACI Code Requirements for Columns

The ACI Code has several requirements for the design of columns:
1. Limits on the amount of longitudinal reinforcements. Column steel ratio, g, is
dened as the ratio of the area of the longitudinal reinforcement (Ast) to the gross
area of the column (Ag):
g 5:1

The ACI 318-14 no longer uses the column steel ratio notation (g); however, the
authors have kept it for purposes of clarity.
The ACI Code (Section limits the area of the longitudinal reinforce-
ment, Ast, in columns between 0.01 Ag to 0.08 Ag. This means that the steel ratio,
g, can average as shown in Equation (5.2):

0:01  g  0:08 5:2

The minimum steel ratio of 0.01 provides resistance to bending, which may exist
whether or not calculations show the column is subjected to bending moments.
In addition, a minimum amount of steel reduces creep and shrinkage of the
concrete under sustained compression loads. It is common practice to use a
minimum bar size of #5 for the longitudinal reinforcement.
Although the maximum steel ratio is 0.08, in practice it is very difcult to use
such a high amount of steel in the column, especially where the bars are spliced
above a oor level. Such congestion may be avoided by using #14 or #18 bars.
(A #14 bar has a cross sectional area of 2.25 in.2, a #18 bar has one of 4.0 in2.)
These bars are not used in beams, but are very useful in columns.
Bundled bars may be used if the column is subjected to a large load and a large
number of bars is needed. Bundles consist of three or four bars (a maximum of
four bars according to the ACI Code, Section tied together in direct
contact, and are usually placed at the corners of the column, as seen in
Figure 5.10. Each bundle of bars is treated as if it were a single round bar of
area equal to the sum of the areas of the bundled bars. The main drawback of
bundled bars is that they cannot be lap-spliced.

Figure 5.10 Column reinforced with bundled bars

5.4 General ACI Code Requirements for Columns 289

Figure 5.11 Minimum number of bars: (a) tied columns, (b) spiral columns

2. Limit on the number of bars. According to the ACI Code (Section, the
minimum number of main longitudinal bars is four for rectangular or circular tied
columns, three for triangular tied columns, and six for spiral columns (see
Figure 5.11).
3. Limit on the clear cover. According to the ACI Code (Section, the
minimum clear cover for columns is 1.5 in., measured from the edge of the
column to the transverse reinforcement. This cover is for interior columns that
are not exposed to weather or in contact with the ground. The clear cover is 2 in.
for formed surfaces exposed to weather or in contact with the ground. If the
concrete is cast directly against the earth without forming (as in drilled piles), the
cover must be increased to 3 in.
4. Limit on tie spacing. In general, there are four main reasons for having ties in a
A. They hold the longitudinal reinforcement in place during construction.
B. They provide a conned core and, as a result, increase the columns strength
and ductility.
C. They act as shear reinforcement.
D. They provide lateral support for the longitudinal bars and prevent them from
elastic buckling. Columns need sufciently large tie sizes that are well
connected to the longitudinal bars at sufciently close vertical spacings (s).
To satisfy the above requirements, the ACI Code (Sections and requires that at least #3 ties be used for #10 or smaller longitudinal
bars, and at least #4 ties be used for #11, #14, and #18 and bundled bars.
290 5 Columns

In addition, the ACI Code (Sections and requires that the
vertical center-to-center spacing of ties (s) be limited to:

s  minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

where db is the diameter of the longitudinal bars, dt is the diameter of the ties,
and bmin is the minimum dimension of the column. The clear spacing of ties has
to be at least equal to 4/3 of the maximum aggregate size (dagg). According to the
ACI Code (Sections and, a bar is adequately supported
laterally if it is located at a corner of a tie, with an enclosed angle not exceeding
135 , or if it is located between laterally supported bars with a clear spacing of
6 in. or less. Figure 5.12 shows typical tie arrangements that satisfy this

a b c

6 in. 6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

4 bars 6 bars 6 bars

d e f

6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

6 in. 6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

8 bars 8 bars 10 bars

g h

6 in.

6 in.

10 bars 12 bars

Figure 5.12 Typical tie arrangements

5.4 General ACI Code Requirements for Columns 291

requirement. Figure B5.2 in Appendix B shows the main reinforcements and ties
for arrangement e before concrete placement.
5. Limit on longitudinal bar spacing. Sections and 25.2.3 of the ACI Code
requires that the clear distance between longitudinal bars be at least equal to the
greatest of 1.5 times the bar diameter (db), 1.5 in. or 4/3 of maximum aggregate
size (dagg), to allow concrete to ow between the reinforcements. Reinforced
concrete columns in multistory buildings are generally cast one level at a time.
Therefore, the longitudinal reinforcements in columns typically are spliced
above every oor. An exception is columns in seismic zones where splicing is
usually near midheight between oors. There are different methods of splicing
bars in columns. Figure 5.13 shows one common method of splicing reinforce-
ments in a multistory building. Table A5.1 lists the maximum number of bars
that can be placed in a square or circular column based on minimum bar spacing
requirements and the splicing method shown in Figure 5.13. The spiral and tie
sizes are assumed to be #4 with 1.5 in. cover. Figure B5.3 in Appendix B shows
the reinforcements at the end of a concrete column during construction.
6. Limit on spacing and amount of spiral reinforcement. Spirals are often made of
smooth bars rather than deformed bars; and the spacing and amount of spirals need
to be such that they conne the column core. For these reasons, the ACI Code
(Sections and requires that clear spacing between spirals
(sclear) be at least equal to 4=3 dagg and between 1 and 3 in. (see Figure 5.14a). In
cast-in-place construction spirals must be at least 3=8 in. in diameter.
Spiral steel ratio is dened as:

Volume of spiral steel in one turn, s

s 5:3
Volume of column core in height, s

If the diameter of the spiral steel is dsp and the area of the spiral steel is Asp, the
volume of column core in height s (see Figure 5.14b) is:


The volume of spiral steel in one turn, s, is:

hs  Asp

Substituting the above into Equation (5.3), we get:

hs  Asp 4Asp hs
s 2
h2 hc s
c s

Because hs hcdsp, and dsp is negligible compared to hc, we can assume that hs
and hc are approximately equal (hs hc). Substituting hc for hs into the above
292 5 Columns


Three ties @ maximum 3 in. c/c

Lap splice of reinforcement

Section A-A

Figure 5.13 Reinforcements in a multistory building

equation allows us to calculate the spiral steel ratio for columns, s, using the
simplied Equation (5.4).
s 5:4
hc s

The ACI Code requires a minimum spiral steel ratio to ensure ductility and
toughness. According to Equation ( in Section of the ACI
Code, the minimum spiral steel ratio (s,min) is:
Ag fc0
s, min 0:45 1
Ach fyt 5:5
fyt  100 ksi
5.4 General ACI Code Requirements for Columns 293

Pitch (s ) Clear pitch(sclear)

1 in. sclear 3 in.

A A 4 d
3 agg

hc h

Section A-A

Figure 5.14 Spiral columns

In this equation, Ag is the gross area of the column:


Ach is the area of the core (measured from outside-to-outside edge of spiral
reinforcement). See Figure 5.14:


and fyt is the specied yield strength of the transverse (spiral) reinforcement. The
required spiral pitch, s, can then be calculated from Equation (5.4) based on an
assumed spiral size, which must be at least 3/8 in. in diameter.
294 5 Columns

5.5 Some Considerations on the Design of Reinforced

Concrete Columns

When designing reinforced concrete columns, we must consider a number of

factors in order to minimize the overall cost of construction.

5.5.1 Column Size

In general, columns in multistory buildings are designed based on their oor-to-oor

height. In order to simplify the formwork, the size of columns in a multistory
building is usually kept the same throughout the height of the structure whereas
the amount of reinforcement, and perhaps the concretes compressive strength, are
increased for the lower stories. Smaller size columns are easier to conceal in walls
and less intrusive architecturally, which results in larger rentable oor spaces for
building owners. Therefore, the structural designer tends to select as small a column
size as possible. The ACI Code does not require a minimum column size, but in
practice rectangular columns are at least 10 in. wide and round columns have a
minimum diameter of 12 in. Smaller columns are very difcult to construct properly.

5.5.2 High-Strength Material Use

Because most columns are in compression, it is more economical to use high-

strength concrete. High-strength concrete with compressive strength exceeding
16,000 psi has been used for the columns supporting lower stories in large, tall
buildings. The reliable production of such ultra-high-strength concrete requires
very special technology, so it is less commonly used; but 8,00010,000 psi concrete
is commonly available.
In most cases, however, the compressive strength of concrete in columns in low
or mid-rise buildings is in the 5,0006,000 psi range. Although the cost of concrete
increases as compression strength increases, the strength increases at a greater rate
than the cost. Grade 60 rebars are used in most concrete structures. Grade 75 bars
may provide better economy for columns in high-rise structures, especially when
they are used in conjunction with high-strength concrete.

5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity

Most reinforced concrete columns are categorized as short columns. This means
that they will fail in compression under large loads rather than undergo elastic
buckling. In this section we will study the load carrying capacity and the design of
short columns with small eccentricity.
5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 295

a Po b Po


0.85 fc

fy fy


Figure 5.15 Axial load capacity of a column

We rst nd the axial load strength of a column. Figure 5.15a shows a typical
column subject to a concentrated load at its center. From equilibrium of forces in
the vertical direction (along the column axis), the axial load capacity of a column
(Po) is equal to the sum of the volume of stresses in the concrete and the steel (see
Figure 5.15b). Based on the results of tests carried out at the University of Illinois
and Lehigh University from 1927 to 1933, the ACI Code uses 0.85fc0 for the
ultimate concrete compression stress. At ultimate load the stress in the steel is
equal to the yield stress ( fy). Therefore, according to ACI Equation

Po = 0.85 fc (Ag _ Ast) + fyAst

Concrete contribution Steel contribution

The stress in the concrete (0.85fc0 ) is applied on the net column area (AgAst), which
is the area of the concrete. In reality, however, the loads acting on columns always
have an eccentricity (e.g., due to vertical misalignment of the form). The ACI Code
accounts for accidental eccentricity by requiring that the theoretical capacity be
reduced by 20 % for tied columns and 15 % for spirally reinforced columns. Then
the nominal load capacity of columns is:
h   i
Pn 0:8Po 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast tied columns 5:7
h   i
Pn 0:85Po 0:85 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast spiral columns 5:8

To nd the design resisting load, PR, we must reduce Pn by the strength reduction
factor, :
296 5 Columns

PR Pn 5:9

According to the ACI Code (Sections and 21.2.2), columns with small
eccentricity have the following strength reduction factors:

0:65 tied columns

0:75 spiral columns

The values of for pure compression are less than those used for beams in
bending (0.90). The main reasons that the strength reduction factors are consider-
ably lower are the following:
1. A column failure is a much more severe event than the local failure of a beam,
because a column supports larger areas of a building.
2. The quality of concrete used in columns is less reliable than that used in beams
and slabs. The difculty of consolidating the concrete in narrow column forms
and between the longitudinal and lateral reinforcements often leads to honey-
combs that are difcult to repair (even when visible).
3. The strength of the concrete has a much greater role in the ultimate strength of a
column than it does in beams and slabs, where the reinforcing has the most
inuence on the ultimate strength.
After introducing the factor, we calculate the strength of an axially loaded
column (ACI Code Sections, and as follows:
h   i
PR Pn 0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast tied columns 5:11
h   i
PR Pn 0:85 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast spiral columns 5:12

The steps of the analysis of short columns with small eccentricity are shown in
Figure 5.16 and are as follows:
Step 1. Check the steel ratio. When we analyze a column, we know its dimensions
and the size and number of its reinforcements. Therefore, we have the gross
area of concrete (Ag) and the total area of steel (Ast), from which we can
determine the column steel ratio (g):


The steel ratio is limited by:

0:01  g  0:08

If the steel ratio does not fall within these limits, the column does not
conform to the current ACI Code requirements.
5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 297

Analysis of Columns
(short with small eccentricity)

1. Check the steel ratio:

0.01 g 0.08

Check the maximum number of bars (Table A5.1).

Tied column Spiral column

3. 3.
Calculate PR Pn where 0.65: Calculate PR Pn where 0.75:
PR 0.8 [0.85fc (Ag Ast) fy Ast ] PR 0.85 [0.85fc (Ag Ast) fy Ast ]

4. 4.

No No
PR Pu? Column is N.G. PR Pu?

Yes Yes
5. 5.
Check tie spacing: Check the spiral steel:
smax min {16db , 48dt , bmin} 4Asp
Ag fc
s,min 0.45 1
Ach fyt
s s,min?

6. 6.
Check the tie arrangement Check the clear vertical
using Figure 5.12. space of the spirals:
1 in. sclear 3 in.

Figure 5.16 Flowchart for analysis of reinforced concrete columns

Step 2. Determine whether the spacing between the longitudinal bars meets the
ACI Code requirements by obtaining the maximum number of bars that can
be placed in the column according to Table A5.1. The remaining steps
differ depending on whether the column is tied or spiral:
(a) Tied Columns
298 5 Columns

Step 3. Calculate the column capacity, PR:

h   i
PR Pn 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast

Step 4. Calculate the factored loads, Pu, and determine whether the column can
resist the applied loads (PR  Pu).
As indicated in Chapter 2, Section 2.10, depending on the value of the total
oor load, PL, compared to the total roof live load, PLr, one of the load
combinations of Equation (2.3d) is used to compute Pu:

Pu 1:2 PD 1:6 PL 0:5 PLr if PL  1:83PLr

Pu 1:2 PD 1:6 PLr 1:0 PL if PL < 1:83PLr

Step 5. Check the tie spacing:

smax minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

Step 6. Check the arrangement of the ties using Figure 5.12.

(b) Spiral Columns
Step 3. Calculate the spiral column capacity, PR:

h   i
PR Pn 0:85 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast

Step 4. Calculate the factored loads, Pu, and determine whether the column can
resist the applied loads (PR  Pu).
Step 5. Check the spiral steel. Calculate the spiral steel ratio (s) and compare it
with the minimum amount required by the ACI Code:

hc s
Ag f
s, min 0:45 1 c
Ach fyt
s  s, min

Step 6. Check the clear space (sclear) between each turn of the spirals:

1 in:  sclear s  dsp  3 in:

Example 5.1 Determine the maximum factored axial load that a short tied column
with the cross section shown below can resist. There is no moment on the column.
Determine whether the ties are appropriate. The compressive strength of the
concrete is 4,000 psi, and the reinforcement is A615 grade 60 steel.
5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 299

PR ?

14 in.

8 #8 14 in.

11 2 in. cover #3 @ 14 in.

Section A-A

Step 1. Determine and check the steel ratio, g:

8 # 8 ! Table A2:9 ! Ast 6:32 in:2

14 in:  14 in: column ! Ag 14  14 196 in:2
Ast 6:32
g 0:032
Ag 196
0:01 < 0:032 < 0:08 ok

Step 2. Check the spacing of the longitudinal bars by obtaining the maximum
number of #8 bars that can be placed into the column from Table A5.1:

h 14 in: ! Maximum of 12 #8 bars

Step 3. Calculate the column load capacity, PR:

h   i
PR Pn 0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast
PR 0:8  0:650:85  4 196  6:32 60  6:32
PR 533 kip

Therefore, the maximum design (factored) load for this column is 533 kip.
Step 4. We skip this step because we need only the load capacity.
Step 5. Check the adequacy of the ties. The maximum spacing of the ties (smax) is:
300 5 Columns

smax minf16db , 48d t , bmin g

smax minf16  1, 48  3=8 , 14 in:g
smax minf16 in:, 18 in:, 14 in:g 14 in:

Therefore, #3 @ 14 in. for the ties is adequate.

Step 6. Check the tie arrangement, according to Figure 5.12. Determine the clear
space between the bars:

Cover Tie #8
# # #
14  21:5  2  31:0
Clear space 8
Clear space 3:6 in: < 6 in:

Because the clear space between the bars is less than 6 in., no additional
ties are necessary on the non-corner longitudinal reinforcing. Therefore, the
tie arrangement meets the ACI Code requirements.
Example 5.2 The circular spiral column shown below is subjected to a dead load
of 200 kip and a roof live load of 225 kip. The eccentricity of the loads is small.
The compressive strength of the concrete is 4,000 psi, and the reinforcement is
A615 grade 60 steel. Check the adequacy of the column including the spirals.

PD 200 kip
PLr 225 kip

6 #9


3 in. diameter @ 2 in.


16 in.

Section A-A
5.6 Analysis of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 301

Step 1. Determine and check the steel ratio:

6 #9 ! Table A2:9 ! Ast 6:0 in:2

16 in: diameter column ! Ag 201:1 in:2
g 0:03

0:01 < 0:03 < 0:08 ok

Step 2. Obtain the maximum number of #9 bars for a 16 in. diameter column from
Table A5.1. The answer is nine bars. Therefore, 6 #9 bars can easily t into
the column.
Step 3. Calculate the design resisting load, PR, using 0.75 for spiral columns:
h   i
PR Pn 0:85 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast
PR 0:85  0:750:85  4201:1  6:0 60  6:0
PR 652 kip
Step 4. Determine the total factored load on the column:

Pu 1:2 PD 1:6 PLr 1:2200 1:6225

Pu 600 kip
Because PR 652 kip > Pu 600 kip, the column has enough strength to
carry the load.
Step 5. Check the amount of spiral steel:
Asp 0:11 in:2 8
in : dia: spiral
hc h  21:5 16  3 13 in:
s 2:0 in: from figure
Calculate the spiral steel ratio, s:

4Asp 40:11
s 0:0169
hc s 132:0

The minimum spiral steel ratio, s,min is:

0 1
Ag f B 201:1 C 4
s,min 0:45  1 c 0:45 B @ 2
A 60
Ach fyt 13
0:0155 < 0:0169 ok

Therefore, enough spiral steel is provided.

302 5 Columns

Step 6. Check the clear space between each turn of spiral:

sclear s  dsp 2  3 8 1:625 in:
1 in: < 1:625 in: < 3 in : ok

Therefore, the column is adequate for the given loading condition.

5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity

Design of reinforced concrete columns is a task that requires the involvement of

both the architect and the structural engineer. The shapes and sizes are usually
based on architectural requirements such as aesthetics and space needs. The con-
struction costs also play an important role. These costs can be reduced by doing the
1. Make the forms reusable by making the column shapes and sizes as uniform as
2. Typically it is cost effective to use the fewest longitudinal reinforcements
(or largest bar size) possible. This also reduces the cost of ties, as fewer ties will
be required. In addition, difculties in placement of the concrete will be reduced.
Often the column size (Ag) is preselected, or decided by factors other than
strictly structural considerations. In these cases, the structural designer needs only
to nd the required amount of steel (Ast) in addition to designing the ties or spirals.
In other cases, however, the structural designer may want to determine the mini-
mum size of a workable column.
In the following we consider two cases: Ag known, Ast unknown; and Ag and
Ast unknown.

5.7.1 Ag Known, Ast Unknown

A safe column requires that:

PR Pn  Pu

The load capacity of a tied column according to Equation (5.11) is:

h   i
PR 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast

The useful capacity of the column (PR) must be at least equal to the factored load
on the column (Pu). Thus,
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 303

h   i
Pu 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast

Because the area of concrete (Ag) is known we can solve the above equation for the
area of steel (Ast):
h  i  
Ast 0:8 fy  0:85 fc0 Pu  0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag
Pu  0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag 5:13
0:8 fy  0:85fc0

Similarly, the required area of steel, Ast, for spiral columns is:

Pu  0:85 0:85fc0 Ag 5:14
0:85 fy  0:85fc0

Note that if the numerator in Equations (5.13) or (5.14) results in a negative value,
the column requires only 1 % longitudinal reinforcement (min). The design steps
are shown in Figure 5.17 and are as follows:
Step 1. Determine the factored axial load on the column, Pu (as indicated in the
previous section):

Pu 1:2 PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr if PL  1:83PLr

Pu 1:2 PD 1:6PLr 1:0PL if PL < 1:83PLr

Which steps you perform next depends on whether the column is to be tied
or spirally reinforced:
Tied Columns
Step 2. Calculate the required area of steel using Equation (5.13). Use 0.65.
Step 3. Use Tables A2.9 and A5.1 to select bars. The minimum number of bars
for tied square columns is four. Determine whether 0.01  g  0.08. If
g < 0.01, use g 0.01. Also, if g > 0.08, or you cannot nd any arrange-
ments of bars to t inside the column, the column dimensions are not
enough and its cross-sectional area (Ag) must be increased.
Step 4. Design the ties. Use #3 ties for #10 and smaller longitudinal bars. Other-
wise, use #4 ties. The tie spacing, smax, is:

smax minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

Round down smax to the nearest 0.5 in. Check the tie arrangement using
Figure 5.12.
304 5 Columns

Design of Columns
(short with small eccentricity)
Ag known, Ast unknown

Calculate Pu

Tied column Spiral column

0.65 0.75

2. 2.
Calculate Ast : Calculate Ast :
P u 0.8 (0.85fcAg) P u 0.85 (0.85fcAg)
Ast Ast
0.8 (fy 0.85fc ) 0.85 (fy 0.85fc )

3. 3.
Use Tables A2.9 Use Tables A2.9
and A5.1 to select bars. and A5.1 to select bars.

4. Design ties: 4. Design spirals:

s max min{16db , 48dt , bmin} 4Asp
Check the tie arrangement s hcs
using Figure 5.12. Ag fc
s,min 0.45 1
Ach fyt
Set s s,min and solve for pitch
(s). Round down to the nearest
0.25 in.
1 in. s clear 3 in.

Figure 5.17 Flowchart for the design of a short column with small eccentricity (Ag known,
Ast unknown)

Spiral Columns
Step 2. Calculate the required area of steel using Equation (5.14). Use 0.75.
Step 3. Use Tables A2.9 and A5.1 to select bars. The minimum number of bars for
spiral columns is six. Determine whether 0.01  g  0.08. Similar to
the tied columns, if g < 0.01, use g 0.01; and if g > 0.08 or bars do
not t inside the column, increase the column cross-sectional sizes.
the spiral steel ratio (s) to s,min (use
Step 4. Design the spiral steel by equating
a minimum spiral diameter of 3 8 in.):
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 305

Ag fc0
s, min 0:45 1
Ach fyt
hc s
s s, min

Solve for s (spiral pitch) and round down to the nearest 1/4 in. Check
the clear pitch where sclear sdsp, which must be between 1 and 3 in.
If sclear is less than 1 in., increase the spiral size; if sclear is more than 3 in.,
use 3 in.
Example 5.3 Figure 5.18a shows the typical partial oor plan and sections of a
three-story reinforced concrete ofce building. The mechanical and electrical
systems for the oor and the roong and insulation weigh 5 psf. The weight of
the partitions is 15 psf. The oor live load is 50 psf and the roof snow load is 30 psf.
Assume fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi Design the square 16 in.  16 in. tied
interior columns between the ground and second levels. Moments acting on the
columns are not signicant, and you should not consider live load reduction in load
calculations. Assume that the unit weight of the concrete is 150 pcf. Neglect the
self-weight of the columns.
Step 1. Determine the loads acting on the columns:
Floor Loads

Weight of concrete slab 150 6=12 75 psf

Mechanical and electrical 5 psf
Partitions 15 psf
Floor dead load 95 psf

The tributary area for the columns is 30 ft  30 ft 900 ft2. In

addition to supporting the slab, the columns also support beams B-1
and B-2.

Slab B-1 B-2

95 150 24 16 150 24 16
PD,floor = (900) + 3 30 + 30
1,000 1,000 12 12 1,000 12 12
PD,floor = 85.5 + 36 + 12.0 = 133.5 kip
PL,floor = (900) = 45 kip
306 5 Columns




A 10'-0"

16 in. 16 in. (typical)

Typical partial framing plan

6 in.

24 in.

16 in.
Section A-A

EL 39'-0"

3rd level
EL 27'-0"

2nd level
EL 15'-0"

EL 0.00
Section B-B

Figure 5.18a Framing plans and sections for Example 5.3

5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 307

Roof Loads
Weight of concrete slab 150 12
75 psf
Roofing and insulation 5 psf
Roof dead load 80 psf

The tributary area of the columns at roof level is the same as that of a
oor (900 ft2). Therefore

Slab B-1 B-2

80 150 24 16 150 24 16
PD,roof = (900) + 3 30 + 30
1,000 1,000 12 12 1,000 12 12
PD,roof = 72.0 + 36.0 + 12.0 = 120.0 kip
PL,roof = snow load= (900) = 27.0 kip

Because the column self-weight is small compared to the applied

loads, we neglect the column weight. The columns between the ground
and second levels carry two oor loads and one roof load:

PD 2PD, floor PD, roof

PD 2133:5 120:0 387:0 kip
PL 2PL, floor
PL 245
PL 90:0 kip
PLr 27:0 kip

Since 1.83PLr 1.83(27) 49.4kip < PL 90kip, therefore, from Equa-

tion (2.3d):

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr

Pu 1:2387 1:690 0:527
Pu 621:9 kip
Step 2. Determine the required area of steel, Ast:
Pu  0:8 0:85fc0 Ag
Ast h i
0:8 fy  0:85fc0
621:9  0:80:650:854:016  16
0:80:6560  0:854:0
Ast 5:75 in:2
308 5 Columns

Step 3. Using Table A2.9, select 8 #8 bars (As 6.32 in2). Based on Table A5.1, the
maximum number of #8 bars for a 16 in.  16 in. column is 12. Therefore,
8 #8 bars are ok. The provided column steel ratio, g, is:

Ast 6:32
g 0:0247
Ag 16  16
0:01 < g 0:0247 < 0:08 ok

Step 4. Design ties:

Use #3 ties for #8 longitudinal bars. The maximum tie spacing, smax, is:

smax minf16d b , 48d t , bmin g

smax minf161:0, 483=8 , 16g
smax f16:0, 18:0, 16:0g
smax 16:0 in:

Check the tie arrangement based on Figure 5.12:

16  21:5  23=8  31:0

Clear space
Clear space 4:6 in: < 6 in: One tie per set

Figure below shows the cross section of the designed column.

16 in.

8 #8
16 in.

#3 @ 16 in.

Figure 5.18b Final design of Example 5.3

5.7.2 Ag and Ast Unknown

Because we have to determine both the size of the column and the required area of
steel, and only one equation denes the column load capacity, we must assume
one unknown. According to the ACI Code, g can vary between 0.01 and 0.08.
If g 0.01, the column size may be excessively large. On the other hand, g 0.08
is not practical as the reinforcement will be very congested. Exceeding g 0.04 is
not recommended, so for this process we use g 0.03.
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 309

A safe column must satisfy the following relationship:

PR Pn  Pu

From Equation (5.11) the load capacity of a tied column is:

h   i
PR 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast  Pu

For design, we consider PR Pu. The column steel ratio, g, is dened as:

g ! Ast g Ag

Substituting Ast in the equation for Pu:

h   i
Pu 0:8 0:85fc0 Ag  g Ag fy g Ag

and simplifying:
h   i
Pu 0:8Ag 0:85 fc0 1  g fy g

Solving Ag for tied columns:

Ag h u  i 0:65 5:15
0:85 0:85fc 1  g fy g

Similarly, for spiral columns, the required column area, Ag, is:

Ag h u  i 0:75 5:16
0:85 0:85fc0 1  g fy g

Now that we have determined the column area, we can calculate the column
dimensions, h and b, as follows:
Ag h2 !h Ag square column
Ag h  b rectangular column
h 2
Ag !h 2 round column
310 5 Columns

As we mentioned before, the minimum practical size for a rectangular or square

column is 10 in. and for a round column is a diameter of 12 in.
Use the column area, Ag, to calculate the required area of steel, Ast using
Equations (5.13) or (5.14):
Pu  0:8 0:85fc0 Ag
Ast   tied column
0:8 f y  0:85 fc0
Pu  0:85 0:85 fc0 Ag
Ast   sprial column
0:85 fy  0:85 fc0

The steps for the design of short columns with small eccentricity are shown in
Figure 5.19 and are as follows:
Step 1. Determine the factored axial load on column, Pu:

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr if PL  1:83PLr

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PLr 1:0PL if PL < 1:83PLr

and assume a column steel ratio g 0.03.

Based on the type of column (i.e., tied or spiral), follow the appropriate
subsequent steps:
Tied Columns
Step 2. Calculate the required gross area of the column, Ag:

Ag h  u  i 0:65
0:8 0:85fc 1  g fy g

Step 3. Determine the column size:

h Ag square column
h  b Ag rectangular column
h 2 round column

Round h or b to the nearest full or even inch.

Step 4. Calculate the required area of steel, Ast:
Pu  0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag
0:8 fy  0:85fc0
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 311

Design of Columns
(short with small eccentricity)
Ag , Ast unknown

Calculate Pu .
Assume g 0.03

Tied column Spiral column

0.65 0.75

2. 2.
Calculate Ag : Calculate Ag :
Pu Pu
Ag Ag
0.8 [0.85fc (1 g) fy g] 0.85 [0.85fc (1 g ) fy g]

3. 3.
Determine the column size, b Determine the column size, h.
and h. Round to the nearest inch. Round h to the nearest inch.

4. Calculate Ast :
Calculate Ast :
Pu 0.85 (0.85fc Ag)
Pu 0.8 (0.85fc Ag) Ast
Ast 0.85 (fy 0.85fc )
0.8 (fy 0.85fc )

Use Tables A2.9
Use Tables A2.9 and A5.1 to select bars.
and A5.1 to select bars.
Design spirals:
6. 4Asp
Design ties:
s hcs
smax min{16db , 48dt , bmin}
Check the tie arrangement Ag fc
using Figure 5.12. s,min 0.45 1
Ach fyt
Set s s,min and solve for
pitch(s). Round down to the
nearest 1 4 in.
1 in. sclear 3 in.

Figure 5.19 Flowchart for the design of a short column with small eccentricity

Step 5. Use Tables A2.9 and A5.1 to select the size and number of longitudinal
bars. Remember that the minimum number of bars for square tied columns
is four.
Step 6. Design the ties. Use #3 ties for #10 and smaller longitudinal bars.
Otherwise, use #4 ties. The tie spacing, smax, is:
312 5 Columns

smax minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

Round down smax to the nearest 1/2 in. Check the tie arrangement using
Figure 5.12.
Spiral Columns
Step 2. Calculate the required gross area of the column, Ag:

Ag h u  i 0:75
0:85 0:85 fc0 1  g f y g

Step 3. Calculate the column size:

h Ag square column
h  b Ar
g rectangular column
h 2 round column

Round h to the nearest full or even inch.

Step 4. Determine the required area of steel, Ast:
Pu  0:85 0:85 fc0 Ag
0:85 fy  0:85fc0

Step 5. Use Tables A2.9 and A5.1 to select the size and number of longitudinal
bars. Remember that the minimum number of bars for spiral columns is six.
Step 6. Design the spiral steel by equating the spiral steel ratio, s, to s,min. Use a
minimum spiral diameter of 3/8 in.:
Ag f
s, min 0:45 1 c
Ach fyt
hc s
s s, min

Solve for s (spiral pitch) and round down to the nearest 1/4 in. Check the
clear pitch, sclear sdsp, which must be between 1 and 3 in. If sclear is less
than 1 in., increase the spiral size; if sclear is more than 3 in., use 3 in.
Example 5.4 Design a short square tied column to carry an axial dead load of
300 kip and a oor live load of 175 kip and a roof live load of 80 kip. Assume
that the applied moments on the column are negligible. Use fc0 4;000 psi and
fy 60,000 psi.
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 313

Step 1. Compute the factored load, Pu.
1.83PLr 1.83(80) 146.4kip < PL 175kip, therefore from Equation
Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr
Pu 1:2300 1:6175 0:580
Pu 680 kip

Assume g 0.03.
Step 2. The required area of the column, Ag, is:

Ag h  u  i
0:8 0:85 fc0 1  g fy g
0:800:650:85 41  0:03 600:03
Ag 257 in:2

Step 3. For a square column, the size, h, is:

p p
h Ag 257
h 16:0 in:

Try a 16 in.  16 in. column:

Ag 1616 256 in:2

Step 4. The required amount of steel, Ast, is:

Pu  0:8 0:85 fc0 Ag
0:8 fy  0:85fc0
680  0:8  0:650:85  4  256
Ast 7:73 in2
0:8  0:6560  0:85  4

Step 5. Select the size and number of bars. For a square column with bars uniformly
distributed along the edges, we keep the number of bars as multiples of
four. Using Table A2.9, 8 #9 bars (As 8 in2) are selected.

From Table A5:1! Maximum of 12 #9 bars ok

Step 6. Because the longitudinal bars are #9, select #3 bars for the ties. The
maximum spacing of the ties (smax) is:
314 5 Columns

smax minf16d b , 48dt , bmin g

smax minf161:128, 483=8 , 16g
smax minf18:0; 18:0; 16:0g
smax 16 in:

The selected ties are 3 @ 16 in.

To check the tie arrangement, use Figure 5.12. To check the number of
ties per set, calculate the clear space between the longitudinal bars:

Cover #3 Ties #9 Bars

# # #
16  21:5  2 3
Clear space
Clear space 4:4 in: < 6:0 in:

Therefore, one tie per set is enough, as shown below:

16 in

16 in
#3 @ 16 in.

8 #9

Example 5.5 Solve Example 5.4 for a circular spiral column. fyt 60,000 psi.
Step 1. The factored load was determined in Example 5.4: Pu 680 kip. Assume
g 0.03.
Step 2. The required gross area of column, Ag, is:

Ag h u  i
0:85 0:85fc0 1  g fy g
0:850:750:8541  0:03 600:03
Ag 209 in:2
5.7 Design of Short Columns with Small Eccentricity 315

Step 3. The column size, h, is:

r r
Ag 209
h2 2 16:3 in:
We round down to 16 in.

h 16 in:

The provided gross area of the columns, Ag, is:

h2 3:14162
Ag 201 in:2
4 4
Step 4. The area of steel required, Ast, is:
Pu  0:85 0:85fc0 Ag
0:85 fy  0:85 fc0
680  0:85  0:750:85  4  201
0:85  0:7560  0:85  4
Ast 6:77 in:2

Step 5. Using Table A2.9, select 7 #9 bars. The provided area of steel is 7.00 in2.

Table A5:1 ! Maximum of 9 #9 bars ok

Step 6. Design the required spiral:

Because the longitudinal bars are #9 bars, try 3 8 in. diameter spirals. The
cross-sectional area of the spiral, Asp, is 0.11 in2. The column core size, hc, is:

hc h  21:5 16  21:5 13 in:

Therefore, the spiral steel ratio, s, is:

4Asp 40:11
hc s 13s
In the above equation, the pitch of spiral, s, is the unknown. The
minimum required spiral steel ratio, s,min, is:
Ag f
s, min 0:45 1 c
Ach fyt

where Ach is the area of core.

h2c 3:14132
Ach 132:7 in:2
4 4
316 5 Columns

Substituting the above into the equation for s,min:

201 4
s, min 0:45 1
132:7 60
s, min 0:0154

Calculate the spiral maximum pitch, smax:

s s , min
smax 2:20 in:
Use s 2:0 in:

In addition, the spiral clear pitch, sclear, should be between 1 and 3 in.:

sclear s  d sp 2  3 8 1:625 in:
1 in: < 1:625 in: < 3 in: ok

Therefore, the spiral to be used for this column is 3/8 in. diameter at 2 in.
The following gure shows the nal design of the column.

3 8 in. diameter @ 2 in.

7 #9

16 in.

5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads

There are two types of columns, based on the applied loads: axially loaded and
eccentrically loaded. In monolithic concrete construction, most columns are eccen-
trically loaded, which means that the applied load is not acting at the center of the
column. In other words, the column is subjected to a moment in addition to the
axial load. In the following, we explore the behavior of such columns in more
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 317

a Pu b Pu Pu c Pu
e e
Mu Pue


Figure 5.20 Eccentrically loaded column

Figure 5.20a shows a column subject to a load, Pu, at a distance e from the center
of the column. By adding two equal and opposite forces of magnitude Pu at the
center of the column, as shown in Figure 5.20b, we nullify the net effect because
these forces cancel each other out.
The two equal and opposite forces at a distance e form a couple or moment with
magnitude Mu Pue, and a concurrent axial load of Pu applied concentrically as
shown in Figure 5.20c. Hence, we conclude that a column subjected to a load Pu at a
distance e from its center is equivalent to a concentric load, Pu, and a moment,
Mu Pu e. Similarly, a concentric load, Pu, and a moment, Mu, may be represented by
an eccentric load, Pu, at an eccentricity e equal to Mu /Pu from the centroid.
The concentric load, Pu, creates a uniform compression stress while the applied
moment, Mu, adds bending stresses, as shown in Figure 5.5. Suppose a column has a
nominal axial load strength of Pn. If the load is applied at an eccentricity, e, the
column axial load capacity, Pn, will be reduced because it is subjected to a moment
in addition to the load. The moment, as shown on Figure 5.20c, adds compressive
stresses to the already compressed column. Thus, as the eccentricity of the load
increases, the applied moment increases, and the axial load capacity of the column
Figure 5.21 shows the deformations and strains of a typical column subjected to
an axial load, Pu, and a bending moment, Mu. When the load is concentric, the
deformations across the section are uniform (i.e., the section shortens uniformly).
Because strain () is dened as the ratio of the change in length to the original
length, the distribution of strain across such a section is uniform, as shown in
Figure 5.21a. Assume that the same column section now is subjected to only a
moment, Mu, which causes one side of the section to be in tension and the other side
in compression. The result is a linear distribution of deformation (0 ) or strain (),
as shown in Figure 5.21b.
318 5 Columns

a Pu b c Pu

Mu Mu



Figure 5.21 Deformations and strains from axial load and moment

When a column is subjected to the combined action of an axial load, Pu, and a
moment, Mu, the compressive deformations and strains due to Pu and those due to
Mu add up, while the compressive deformations and strains due to Pu and the tensile
deformations and strains due to Mu reduce each other. Depending on how large Mu
is in comparison to Pu, a part of the section may be in tension (large Mu), or the
entire section may be in compression (small Mu). In Figure 5.21c, 1 is the shape of
the strain distribution for a large Mu/Pu ratio, and 2 is the strain distribution for a
small Mu /Pu ratio. Therefore, a column with a given amount of reinforcing may fail
due either to excessive compression, where the effects of the load and the moment
are added up, or to excessive tension, where tension from a large moment over-
comes the compression from the axial force.
The ultimate useful strain in the concrete is assumed to be 0.003. Any reinforced
concrete column with a given amount of reinforcing has a combination of Pu and Mu
that causes the compressive strain in the concrete to reach 0.003 while tensile strain
in the steel at the opposite side of the section reaches the yield strain. This state is
called a balanced failure condition, which is somewhat similar to that dened for
reinforced concrete beams (see Chapter 2).
Example 5.6 Determine the nominal axial load strength, Pn, and the nominal
moment, Mn, for the short tied column shown in Figure 5.22a for the following
cases: (1) axial load (i.e., e 0.0); (2) e 5 in.; (3) balanced condition; (4) no load
but moment (i.e., e 1); and (5) axial tensile load. Assume fc0 4;000 psi,
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 319

16 in.

3 in.
4 #10

x x 24 in.

3 in.

Figure 5.22a Column of Example 5.6

fy 60,000 psi, and bending about the xx axis. Do not consider reduction in Pn due
to accidental eccentricity.
1. Assuming the load is concentric, the nominal axial load capacity of the column is
the sum of the compressive strengths of the concrete and the steel:
Pn Po 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast
Ag 1624 384 in:2
4#10 ! Table A2:9 ! 5:08 in:2
Pn 0:854384  5:08 605:08
Pn 1,593 kip

Thus, for case 1, Pn 1,593 kip, and Mn 0.

2. Figure 5.22b shows case 2, which is e 5 in. about the xx axis. In order to
determine the value of Pn we must determine the stress in the steel and the
distribution of stress in the concrete at the time of failure. The stress and strain
in the steel are proportional up to the yield point. Because e 5 in. is small
compared to the column depth (i.e., h 24 in., and e=h 5=24 0:21), assume
that the tensile steel has not reached yield (t < y) when the concrete reaches the
compressive strain of 0.003. Also, because the yield strain for grade 60 steel is
y 0.00207 and the compression steel is close to the compression edge of the
column, 0 we can
 assume that the strain in the compression steel is more than the
yield s > y . Therefore,

s0 > y !fs0 fy
t < y !fs < fy
320 5 Columns

5 in.
Pn y


Figure 5.22b Isometric view of column

a y b c
0.003 0.85fc
Location of the 16 in.
axial load
3 in. s
As Pn C1 a 0.85c
Pn c
5 in.
18 in. x x
14 in.

3 in. T
Column section Strain distribution Stress distribution and forces

Figure 5.23 Assumed strain and stress distribution for e 5 in. for Example 5.6

Figure 5.23 shows the assumed distribution of strain and stress at failure for
this section. The strains in the tension and the compression steel t and s0
depend on the location of the neutral axis (c). From similarity of the triangles of
Figure 5.23b, determine the relationship between t and c:

t dc

0:003 c
t 0:003
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 321

The strain in the tensile steel is:

fs Es t 29,0000:003
fs 87

Use the volumes under the stresses shown in Figure 5.23c to calculate the
compression and tensile forces acting on the section:

C1 0:85 fc0 ab 0:8540:85c16 46:24c kip

C2 As0 fy  0:85 fc0

C2 2:5460  0:854 143:8 kip

The tensile force, T, is:

T fs As

Substituting fs:
T 87 As
21  c 21  c
T 87 2:54 221 kip
c c

Equilibrium requires that the sum of forces be equal to zero.

Pn  C1  C2 T 0
Pn C1 C2  T  
21  c
Pn 46:24c 143:8  221 kip

In addition, the section needs to satisfy the second equilibrium equation

(i.e., the sum of moments must equal zero). Taking the moments about the
location of tensile steel (As) for simplicity:
Pn 14  C1 d   C2 18 0
or  a
Pn 14 C1 d  C2 18

1 0:85c
Pn 46:24c 21  143:8 18
14 2
Pn 1:40c 69:36c 184:89 kip
322 5 Columns

Equating the two expressions for Pn:

21  c
46:24c 143:8  221 1:40c2 69:36c 184:89

After some simplications, the following third order equation results:

1:40c3  23:12c2 179:91c  4,641 0

Solving for c by trial and error:

c 18:93 in:

Substituting c into either equation for Pn:

Pn 995 kip

Having determined c and Pn, we now check the correctness of our assump-
tions. First, calculate the strain in the compression steel s0 . From similarity of
the triangles of Figure 5.23b:

s0 c3

0:003 c
s0 0:003
18:93  3
s0 0:003
s0 0:00252 > y 0:00207

Strain in the compression steel ismore than

 the yield strain; therefore, the
stress is equal to the yield stress fs fy . Thus, the assumption that the
compression reinforcement had yielded is correct. Now we need to determine
the level of strain in the tensile steel:
t 0:003
21  18:93
t 0:003
t 0:00033 < y 0:00207

Hence, the second assumption (i.e., the tensile steel has not yielded) was also
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 323

Calculate the nominal moment:

Mn Pn e 995
Mn 415 ft-kip

Thus for case 2, Pn 995 kip and Mn 415 ft-kip

3. Case 3 is the balanced condition. The balanced failure condition occurs when the
extreme concrete compression strain is 0.003 and the steel tensile strain is equal
to the yield strain, y. In this case, the strain distribution across the section is
dened, so there is no need to make any assumptions. Figure 5.24 shows the
strain and stress at balanced failure condition.
Using similarity of the triangles of Figure 5.24b, locate the neutral axis:

0:003 cb

y d  cb
0:003d  cb y cb
0:003 y
0:003 0:00207
cb 12:43 in:

Also from similarity of the triangles, calculate the strain (and stress) in the
compression steel s0 and fs0 :

a Location of the
b c
applied load (to be found) 0.003 0.85fc
Pn Pb
3 in. X s
As C1 ab 0.85cb
cb eb
21 in.

18 in.

3 in. T
16 in. y 0.00207

Column Strain Stress distribution

and forces

Figure 5.24 Strain, stress, and force distributions at balanced condition

324 5 Columns

s0 cb  3

0:003 cb
0:003cb  3
0:003 12:43  3
s 0:00228

Because s0 0:00228 > y 0:00207, fs0 fy 60 ksi: The sum of the forces
acting on the section is Pn or Pb (see Figure 5.24c):

C1 0:85fc0 ab 0:854:00:85  12:43 16 574:6 kip

C2 As0 fy  0:85fc0 2:5460  0:854 143:8 kip
T As fy 2:5460 152:4 kip
Pn Pb C1 C2  T 574:6 143:8  152:4
Pn 566 kip

From the sum of moments about the tensile steel, determine the balanced
eccentricity, or eb:
Pn eb 9 C1 d  C2 18
0:85  12:43
566eb 9 574:6 21  143:818
eb 9 20:53
eb 11:53 in:

and the nominal moment at the balanced condition, Mn Mb, is:

Mn Pn e 566 544 ft-kip

Thus, for case 3, Pn 566 kip and Mn 544 ft-kip. Note that as the moment
increases, the axial load decreases.
4. In case 4 the column is subjected only to moment. This is obviously only a
theoretical case, as columns always have an axial load. Because the eccentricity
is the ratio of moment to applied load, this condition represents a very large
(innite) eccentricity. Essentially, columns subjected to pure moments behave
like doubly- reinforced beams. Assuming steel in tension yields (fs fy) before
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 325

0.003 0.85fc
a b c
3 in. s C2
a 0.85c C1
As c

21 in. Mn
18 in.

3 in.

16 in. t > y

Column section Strain distribution Stress distribution and forces

Figure 5.25 Strain, stress, and force distribution of column subjected only to moment

concrete crushes in compression,

  the stress in the compression steel has to be less
than the yield stress fc0 < fy to make the sum of the compression forces equal
to the tensile force. This is because the areas of the tension steel and the
compression steel are equal As As0 2:54 in:2 , and if both of them yield,
the force in the concrete would have to be zero, which denitely cannot be true.
Figure 5.25 shows the strain and stress distributions of the section for this
condition. Because we do not know the exact level of strain in the tension steel,
we cannot determine the location of the neutral axis, c, by using similarity of the
triangles of Figure 5.25b. Therefore, determine c through the use of equilibrium
equations. First calculate the stress in the compression steel as a function
of c. From similarity of the triangles in Figure 5.25b:

s0 c3

0:003 c
0:003 c  3
0 0 0
Because s < y ! fs Es s
0:003c  3
fs0 29, 000 
c  3
fs0 87

The forces acting on the section are:

326 5 Columns

C1 0:85fc0 ab
C1 0:8540:85c16 46:24c kip
C2 As0 fs0  0:85fc0

c  3
C2 2:54 fs0  0:854 2:54 87  3:4
c  3
C2 221  8:64 kip
T As fy 2:5460 152:4 kip

Equilibrium of the forces acting on the section (Figure 5.25c) requires that:

C1 C 2 T
221c  3
46:24c  8:64 152:4
Simplifying the above equation, we get:

46:24c2 60c  663 0

which is a second order equation. Solving for c:

60 602 446:24663
c 3:2 in:

The stress in the compression steel ( fs0 ) is:

c  3 873:2  3
fs0 87
c 3:2
fs0 5:44 ksi

and the magnitude of the forces acting on the section is:

C1 46:24c 46:243:2 148:0 kip

221c  3 2213:2  3
C2  8:64  8:64 5:2 kip
c 3:2
T As f y 2:5460 152:4 kip
C1 C2 148:0 5:2 153:2 kip

The small difference between C1 + C2 and T is due to round-off errors and is

negligible. To calculate the nominal moment capacity, Mn, we determine the
moment of these forces about the tensile steel:
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 327

M n C1 d  C 2 d  3
0:85  3:2
Mn 148 21  5:221  3
Mn 2907 93 3000 in:-kip=12 250 ft-kip

Thus, for case 4, Pn 0 and Mn 250 ft-kip.

5. Normally, concrete columns are not subjected to pure tension. To obtain a
complete picture of the effects of loads and moments, however, we consider
the case of a tensile member. Concrete cracks in tension and does not provide
any strength. Therefore, the columns tensile strength is provided only by the
steel (4 #10 bars):

Pn As fy 5:0860 305 kip

Thus, for case 5, Pn 305 kip and Mn 0. The negative sign means that the
column is in tension.
The following table shows the calculated values of Pn, Mn, and corresponding e.

Mn (ft kip) Pn (kip) e (in.)

0 1,593 0
415 995 5
544 566 11.53
250 0 1
0 305 0

Figure 5.26 shows the plot of these values to better visualize the results
obtained. The horizontal axis in the graph is Mn Pne and the vertical axis is Pn.
The graph shows the combinations of moment, Mn, and load, Pn, at which the
column may fail. This graph is called a column interaction diagram. The
interaction diagram in Figure 5.26 is a unique property of a specic column
with given dimensions, materials, and amount of reinforcing. When the load is
applied with no eccentricity or moment, the column has a nominal axial load
capacity of Pn 1,593 kip. As the eccentricity, e, increases (or the moment on
the column increases), the axial load capacity of the column decreases until it
reaches the balanced failure condition, which is when the failure of concrete in
compression and the yielding of steel in tension occur simultaneously. Values of
Pn and Mn above the balanced condition cause the concrete to crush in compres-
sion (c 0.003) before the steel yields in tension. Therefore, the failure of the
column section in this region is compression controlled. If the eccentricity
increases from the balanced condition (eb), the failure of the section occurs at
decreasing values of Pn and Mn. This may seem odd; however, when the
eccentricity increases from a balanced condition (e > eb), the steel in tension
yields before concrete in compression crushes (i.e., the element, in fact, may act
as a exural or bending member). In this region the failure of the section is
328 5 Columns



(0, 1,593)

(415, 995)
. Compression-controlled
5 in (544, 566)
500 .
eb 11.53 in Tension-controlled
P e
Balanced condition
(250, 0)
Mn Pne (ft-kip)
100 200 300 400 500 600

(0, 305)

Figure 5.26 Column interaction diagram of Example 5.6

tension controlled. Because the column fails in tension in this region, an increas-
ing compression force, Pn, keeps the section from failing and results in an
increase in its moment capacity, Mn, as well.
The interaction diagram also shows that, if we draw a line connecting a point
on the diagram to the origin (Pn Mn 0), any point on this line represents a P
and M combination that has the same eccentricity (e), because the ratios of P and
M are constant.
Here we repeat Example 5.6 to gain a better understanding of the interaction
diagram and its relationship to the distribution of strain across the section. This
time, however, we examine Pn and Mn values for different levels of strain in the
tensile steel (t).
Example 5.7 Determine Mn and Pn from the interaction diagram of Example 5.6
for the following different levels of strain in the tensile steel: (1) t 0.0;
(2) t 0.25y; (3) t 0.50y; (4) t 0.75y; (5) t y; (6) t 0.0035;
(7) t 0.0040; and (8) t 0.0050.
Solution For fy 60,000 psi, the yield strain, y, is:

fy 60,000
y 0:00207
Es 29,000,000

The stress in the steel depends on its strain level:

if t < y ! fs Es t
if t  y ! fs fy

Now, we consider the distribution of strain and stress on the column section, as
shown in Figure 5.27.
5.8 Behavior of Short Columns Under Eccentric Loads 329

a b 16 in. b 0.003 c 0.85fc

3 in. s
As a 0.85c
c C1

21 in.
Pn Pn
e x e

9 in.
3 in. fs
Column section Strain distribution Stress distribution
and forces

Figure 5.27 Strain, stress, and force distribution of column of Example 5.7

In order to determine Pn and Mn for different values of t, we must calculate the

stress levels of the steel in tension (fs) and in compression ( fs0 ). The tensile stress
of steel can be determined from the strains (t) given in the problem statement.
To calculate ( fs0 ), however, we must determine the location of the neutral axis
(c) for each strain case.
From similarity of the triangles of Figure 5.27b:

c dc

0:003 t
0:003d 0:00321 0:063
0:003 t 0:003 t 0:003 t

The strain in the compression steel s0 is:

c c3

0:003 s0
0:003 c  3
if s0 < y ! fs0 Es s0
if s0  y ! fs0 f y

The forces acting on the section shown in Figure 5.27c are:

C1 0:85 fc0 ab 0:8540:85c16 46:24c kip

C2 fs0 As0  0:85fc0 As0 fs0 2:54  0:854 2:54
2:54 fs0  8:64 kip
T As f s 2:54f s kip
330 5 Columns

Equilibrium requires that:

Pn C1 C2  T
Pn 46:24c 2:54 fs0  8:64  2:54 f s kip

Taking moments about the location of the tensile force:

Pn e 9 C1 d  C2 d  3
Pn e 9 46:24c 21  2:54fs0  8:6421  3 5:22
46:24c21  0:425c 182:54 fs0  8:64
e 9
46:24c 2:54 fs0  8:64  2:54fs
Mn Pn 5:23

For each strain case we can use Equations (5.18), (5.19), and (5.20) to determine
the location of the neutral axis (c) and the stress in the tensile and the compression
steels (fs and fs0 ). Having c, fs, and fs0 , we can calculate Pn, e, and Mn from
Equations (5.21) to (5.23). The table below shows the results for each case:
Case t s c (in.) Mn (ft-kip) Pn (kip) e (in.)
1 0.00 0.0026 21.0 357 1,115 3.84
2 0.25(0.00207) 0.0025 17.91 439 934 5.64
3 0.5(0.00207) 0.0024 15.62 488 790 7.41
4 0.75(0.00207) 0.0023 13.84 520 670 9.32
5 1.0(0.00207) 0.0023 12.43 544 566 11.53
6 0.0035 0.0021 9.69 517 440 14.1
7 0.0040 0.0020 9.0 502 402 14.96
8 0.0050 0.00186 7.875 473 340 16.7

Figure 5.28 shows the interaction diagram generated from the results of Exam-
ples 5.6 and 5.7. This diagram is the same as the one shown in Figure 5.26. The
levels of the tensile steel strain (t) and stress (fs) along the curve are also shown.
This interaction diagram shows the maximum nominal capacity of the column. Any
combination of Pu and Mu that lies inside the curve (e.g., point A) is safe for the
column; however, any combination of Pu and Mu that lies outside the interaction
diagram (e.g., point B) will cause the column to fail.

5.9 ACI Column Interaction Diagrams

In Examples 5.6 and 5.7, the rectangular column had 4 #10 bars. But if we increase
the area of reinforcements (e.g., to 8 or 12 #10 bars), the shape of the interaction
diagram would remain approximately the same but would have larger values of Pn
and Mn, as shown in Figure 5.29.
5.9 ACI Column Interaction Diagrams 331



(0, 1,593)


(357, 1,115)
(1) t 0, fs 0
(439, 934)
(2) t 0.25 y , fs 0.25fy
(3) t 0.5 y , fs 0.5fy (488, 790)
A (520, 670)
(4) t 0.75 y , fs 0.75fy
(5) t y , fs fy (544, 566)[balanced condition]
(6) t 0.0035 (517, 440)
(7) t 0.004 (502, 402)
(8) t 0.005 (473, 340)

(250, 0)
Mn Pne (ft-kip)
100 200 300 400 500 600

Figure 5.28 Column interaction diagram of Example 5.7


12 #
8 #1


Figure 5.29 Column interaction diagrams for different areas of steel reinforcements
332 5 Columns

Column interaction diagrams exist for rectangular and round columns with
different reinforcement arrangements, concrete compression strength, and steel
tensile strength. These curves are similar to the one shown in Figure 5.29. To
make these curves more versatile, however, the Pn values are substituted by
Kn 0 , which is a nondimensional parameter as long as the values are sub-
fc Ag
stituted with consistent units (e.g., kip and inches). Also, Rn 0 is used for the
fc Ag h
horizontal axis instead of Mn, which is a nondimensional value. Each set of curves
is made for a specic arrangement of reinforcement, compressive strength of
concrete ( fc0 ), yield strength of steel (fy), steel ratio (g), and parameter , which
represents the spread of reinforcements in the column:


where h0 and h are the distance between the center to center of the extreme steel in
the column, and the total depth of the column, respectively, as shown in Figure 5.30.
The dimensions h0 and h are measured perpendicular to the bending axis of the
Figure 5.31 shows the interaction diagram for a rectangular column with steel
reinforcement uniformly distributed around the column. It is from the ACI Design
Handbook, SP-17(11). In Figure 5.31, fc0 4 ksi; fy 60 ksi, and 0.6.
The interaction diagrams are for g 0.010.08. Figure 5.32 is a similar interaction
diagram for a circular column with fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and 0.8. The
diagrams show the levels of stress in the tension steel (fs) as a fraction of the steel
yield strength (fy). In addition, they indicate tensile strains of t 0.0035 and
0.0050. Another value that is given is Kmax, which is the maximum useable nominal
axial load capacity for a tied column:

Bending axis
Bending axis

h h
h h

Figure 5.30 Denition of parameter h0 =h

5.9 ACI Column Interaction Diagrams 333

fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.6
1.6 Kmax
0.0 e P
6 n
1.2 4
fs /fy 0
fc Ag


1.0 0.0




0.2 et = 0.0035 1.0

et = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
fc Ag h

Figure 5.31 ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)]

h   i
K max 0:80 0:85fc0 Ag  Ast Ast fy 5:25

In essence Kmax represents a cut-off level for Kn (and consequently for Pn). The
value of Kmax in the diagrams is dened for tied columns, as just mentioned. For a
spiral column, the value from the diagrams has to be multiplied by 1:0625
(i.e., the ratio of the limiting coefcients that account for accidental moments).
These computer-generated interaction diagrams assume the reinforcement to be a
thin rectangular tube for rectangular cross sections that have longitudinal reinforce-
ments distributed along all four faces, and a thin circular tube for patterns of
longitudinal steel bars arranged in a circle.
334 5 Columns

fc 4 ksi
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
8 0.8

1.6 0.0 Kmax

6 e Pn
1.4 0.0
5 fs /fy 0

1.2 4
3 0.25
fc Ag

1.0 0.0

1 0.50



et = 0.0035
et = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
fc Agh

Figure 5.32 ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)]

5.10 Design Axial Load Strength (Pn),

and Moment Capacity (Mn)

The latest ACI column interaction diagrams [ACI Design Handbook, SP-17(11)]
take no consideration of the strength reduction factor, , which is a signicant
change from previous versions. This change is intended mainly to make the dia-
grams as universal as possible.
As in the case of beams, the design resisting moment of columns (MR) and their
design axial load strength (PR) are:

5.10 Design Axial Load Strength (Pn), and Moment Capacity (Mn) 335

Spiral columns

Tied columns

Compression Tension
controlled Transition controlled

ety 0.005

Figure 5.33 Variation of strength reduction factor () with the net tensile strain in steel (t)

where is the column strength reduction factor, which depends on the level of
strain in the tension steel. Figure 5.33 shows the column strength reduction factor as
a function of net tensile steel strain (t) for tied and spiral columns. Most building
columns are compression controlled, that is, the concrete reaches the ultimate
useable compressive strain of 0.003 before the strain in the tensile steel reaches
the yield strain (t). The factor is constant for compression-controlled sections
(0.75 for spiral columns and 0.65 for tied columns). If the moment on the column is
relatively large compared to the axial load, the column section may be in the
transition zone. Then the factor varies between 0.75 for spiral columns, or 0.65
for tied columns, and 0.90 as t varies between ty and 0.005. If t is more than
0.005, the section is tension controlled, and is constant and equal to 0.9. Such a
section acts like a exure member (beam) rather than a compression member
If the column section is compression controlled, we can easily calculate the
design resisting axial load, PR, and the design resisting moment, MR; however, when
the column is in the transition zone, we must calculate from t as given below
from ACI 318-14, Table 21.2.2
t  ty
0:75 0:15   spiral column 5:26
0:005  ty
336 5 Columns


fc Ag

g 0.01


0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure 5.34 Kn vs. diagram for the interaction diagram of Figure 5.31

t  ty
0:65 0:25   tied column 5:27
0:005  ty

These values have signicance in only a small area of the interaction diagrams (i.e.,
the zone between s 1:0 and t 0.005).
Graphs that relate and Kn have been developed for each interaction diagram to
simplify the computation of . Figures 5.34 and 5.35 are examples of such graphs
and are to be used in conjunction with the interaction diagrams of Figures 5.31 and
5.32, respectively. Appendix A contains additional interaction diagrams and their
corresponding Kn versus graphs.

5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity

Using Interaction Diagrams

The analysis of columns with large eccentricities can be approached in many

different ways. A possible approach is to ask the question, Is a particular column
safe or not for a given set of Pu and Mu? Another approach is to determine the
largest factored axial load that the column may take with a given moment. Yet
another approach is to ask the question, What is the largest eccentricity (e) that a
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity Using Interaction Diagrams 337


fc Ag

g = 0

0.2 0.02
0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9

Figure 5.35 Kn vs. diagram for the interaction diagram of Figure 5.32

given factored load may safely have? Regardless of the approach, one can always
take advantage of the interaction diagrams.
The value of is constant if the section is compression controlled. For columns
in the transition zone, however, must be adjusted accordingly. Therefore, the
procedures for the analysis of columns in compressioncontrolled and noncom-
pression-controlled zones are somewhat different.

5.11.1 Analysis of Columns with Compression-Controlled


The following are steps for the analysis of compression-controlled members which
are summarized in Figure 5.36:
Step 1. Calculate and check the column steel ratio, g:

0:01  g  0:08

The strength reduction factor, , is equal to 0.65 for tied, and 0.75 for
spiral columns.
Step 2. Calculate (see Figure 5.30) and the nondimensional factors Kn or Rn:
fc0 Ag
fc0 Ag h
338 5 Columns

Analysis of Columns
(short with large eccentricity)
(compression - controlled section)

Calculate and check the steel ratio:
0.01 g 0.08
= 0.65 (tied column)
= 0.75 (spiral column)

2. h Pu Mu
Calculate = , Kn = (or Rn = )
h f c Ag f c Ag h
Select the interaction diagram based on fc , fy , and , and find Rn (or Kn)
for the computed g (Appendix A).

Is the column in the

compression- No Use the flowchart for a
controlled zone of noncompression-controlled
the interaction section (Figure 5.37).

Calculate Pn = KnfcAg, PR = Pn
Mn = Rnf c Agh , MR = Mn

5. PR Pu
The section is ok. Yes No
or The section is N.G.
Check the ties/spirals.
MR Mu?

Figure 5.36 Flowchart for the analysis of columns with compression-controlled section

If we know both Pu and Mu, then we may take these calculated Kn and Rn
values as the demand on the section. We now enter into the appropriate
interaction diagram (based on fc0 , fy, and ) and locate the point dened by
the calculated Kn and Rn. If this point falls within the curve dened by g
(calculated in step 1), the Pu and Mu combination is safe for this column.
Another approach is to calculate only Kn (or Rn) and, from the appropri-
ate interaction diagram, obtain the corresponding Rn (or Kn) using the
calculated g.
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity Using Interaction Diagrams 339

We need to consider two important points here:

1. If the point dened by the calculated Kn or Rn on the interaction
diagram falls between Kmax and s 1:0 (balanced condition), the
column section is compression controlled, and the assumed is correct.
Therefore, proceed to step 3.
2. If the point dened by the calculated Kn or Rn falls below s 1:0, the
column section is either in the transitional or the tension-controlled zone.
This means that the value used in step 1 is not correct and must be
adjusted. We need to proceed with the steps for the analysis of non-
compression-controlled columns, as discussed in step 2a and summa-
rized in Figure 5.37.
Step 3. Calculate the axial load (or moment) capacities:

Pn K n fc0 Ag , PR Pn
Mn Rn fc0 Ag h, MR Mn

0.65 for the tied columns and 0.75 for the spiral columns.
Step 4. Check the column capacity. For the column to be adequate, its axial load
capacity, PR, has to be greater than the applied load, Pu or the column
moment capacity, MR, has to be larger than the applied moment, Mu:

PR  Pu or MR  Mu

Step 5. Check the ties or spirals. If the section is ok, we can check the ties or spirals
as we did for the columns with small eccentricity (step 5 of Figure 5.16).

5.11.2 Analysis of Non-compression-Controlled Columns

The following are steps for the analysis of non-compression-controlled columns,

which are summarized in Figure 5.37.
Step 1. Same as that for compression-controlled columns.
Step 2a. Estimate the value. If the column is not compression controlled, the
assumption made for the factor is not correct. A larger value, which
will increase the PR and MR capacities, can be used in the non-
compression-controlled region of the interaction diagrams. The factor,
however, varies with the tensile steel strain (t), as shown in Figure 5.33.
Because the value of t at this stage is unknown, we estimate a new
value and recalculate Kn or Rn if only one of them is given.
340 5 Columns

Analysis of Columns
(short with large eccentricity)
(noncompression-controlled section)

Estimate the value from the
appropriate K n versus diagram.

Pu Mu
Calculate K n or R n
fc Ag fc Ag h

Select the interaction diagram based on

fc , fy , and , and find R n (or K n) for the
computed g (Appendix A).

Recalculate the value
using the K n versus diagrams.

Is the new
No value the
same as the
previous one?


Calculate P n K n fc Ag , PR Pn or
Mn R nfc Ag h , MR Mn

5. PR Pu
The section is ok. Yes No
or The section is N.G.
Check the ties/spirals. MR M u?

Figure 5.37 Flowchart for the analysis of columns with noncompression-controlled section
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity Using Interaction Diagrams 341

fc0 Ag
Rn 0
fc Ag h

Use fc0 , fy, and to select the appropriate interaction diagram. Having
Kn or Rn and, g we can either locate the corresponding point on the
diagram, when both Kn and Rn are known, or obtain the corresponding
Rn (or Kn), when only one of them is known.
Step 2b. Recalculate the value. At this point, recalculate the value using the Kn
value obtained in step 2a. We can determine the corrected factor by
using Kn versus diagrams such as those in Figures 5.34 and 5.35. If the
new factor is close to the previous estimate, proceed to step 3. Otherwise,
move back to step 2a and use the new factor to revise Kn or Rn, then
repeat the process.
Step 3. Calculate the columns resisting load and moment:

Pn K n fc0 Ag PR Pn
Mn Rn fc0 Ag h MR Mn

Step 4. Check the adequacy of the column. The following relationships must be
satised for the column to be adequate:

PR  Pu or MR  Mu

Step 5. Check the ties or spirals. If the column section is adequate, we can check
the ties or spirals (step 5 of Figure 5.16).
Example 5.8 Determine the maximum axial load that can be applied on the short
tied column section shown below (this is the column used in Example 5.1). The
applied dead and roof live load moments are MD ML 35 ft-kip. Use fc0 4,000
psi and fy 60,000 psi.

14 in.

8 #8 14 in.

#3 @ 14 in.

11 2 in. cover (typical)

342 5 Columns

Step 1. Check the column steel ratio, g:

Ast 6:32
g 0:032
Ag 196
0:01 < g 0:032 < 0:08 ok
h 14 in: ! Table A5:1 ! Maximum of 12 #8 bars ok

This is a tied column; therefore, 0.65.

Step 2. Select the interaction diagram to be used.
h0 14  21:5  2 3=8  2 1=2 9:25 in:
h0 =h 9:25=14 0:66
Mu 1:2MD 1:6ML 1:2  35 1:6  35 98 ft-kip
Mu 98  12
Rn 0 0:165
fc Ag h 0:65419614

fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and 0.66; therefore, we use the interaction dia-
grams of Figures A5.1a and A5.2a and interpolate:

Fig: A5:1a 0:60 ! g 0:032, Rn 0:165 ! K n 0:64

Fig: A5:2a 0:70 ! g 0:032, Rn 0:165 ! K n 0:74

Interpolating between the above Kn values for 0.66:

0:74  0:640:66  0:60

K n 0:64 0:70

The point g 0.032 and Rn 0.165 on both the interaction diagrams is in

the compression-controlled zone; therefore, proceed with step 3.
Step 3 and 4 The nominal axial load capacity, Pn, is:

Pn K n fc0 Ag
Pn 0:704196 549 kip
PR Pn 0:65549 357 kip

If we compare PR 357 kip with the result of Example 5.1 for the same
column but with small eccentricity, PR 533 kip, the effect of added
moment on the reduction of the column axial load capacity is evident.
Step 5. The procedure of checking the ties is the same as that shown in
Example 5.1.
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity Using Interaction Diagrams 343

Example 5.9 Check the adequacy of the short spiral column shown below (the
same as the one used in Example 5.2) if it is subjected to MD 36 ft-kip and
MLr 43 ft-kip. Use PD 200 kip, PLr 225 kip, fc0 4000 psi, and fy 60,000 psi.

6 #9

3 in. diameter @ 2 in.

16 in. diameter

Step 1. Check the column steel ratio, g:

Ast 6:0
g 0:03
Ag 201:1
0:01 < g 0:03 < 0:08 ok

If we assume that the column is compression controlled, 0.75.

Steps 2, 3 and 4. To show the different ways of solving this problem, steps 2, 3, and
4 steps are combined. However, one can choose one of these methods to
solve the problem. Because we have both the axial loads and the moments,
we proceed as follows:

h0 16  21:5  23=8  21:128=2 11:12 in:

h0 =h 11:12=16 0:70
Mu 1:2MD 1:6MLr 1:2  36 1:6  43 112 ft-kip
Pu 1:2PD 1:6PLr 1:2  200 1:6  225 600 kip
Mu 112  12
Rn 0 0:14
fc Ag h 0:754201:116
Pu 600
Kn 0:99
fc0 Ag 0:75  4  201:1

If we enter these values into the interaction diagram shown in

Figure A5.10a, the point falls in the compression-controlled region. The
point representing Kn 0.99 and Rn 0.14 requires a g value of about
0.05. The provided value is only 0.03. Thus, the column is not adequate.
Alternatively, to calculate the maximum factored load that may be used
in conjunction with the given moments, proceed as follows.
344 5 Columns

For Rn 0.14 and g 0.03, the corresponding Kn using Figure A5.10a is

K n 0:66


Pn K n fc0 Ag 0:66  4  201:1 531 kip


PR Pn 0:75  531 398 kip

Therefore, another easy way of solving the problem is just to compare Pu

with PR:

PR 398 kip < Pu 600 kip N:G:

In Example 5.2, the axial load capacity of this column, PR, was 652 kip,
which was satisfactory. Comparison of the axial load capacities again
shows the signicant decrease due to the applied moment.
Alternatively, the following question could be asked: How large an
eccentricity may the given loads safely have? Then we proceed as
For Kn = 0.99 and g = 0.03, the corresponding Rn from the interaction diagram is

Rn 0:08


Mn Pn e Rn fc0 Ag h 0:08  4  201:1  16

1,030 kip-in 85:8 ft-kip


MR Mn 0:75  85:8 64:4 ft-kip

Pu = 600 kip (see above calculation), so

MR 64:4  12
e 1:29 in:
Pu 600

Example 5.10 Determine whether the tied column shown below is adequate. The
applied factored axial load and bending moment are Pu 70 kip, and Mu 60 ft-kip,
respectively. Use fc0 4 ksi; and fy 60 ksi. Also, check the adequacy of the ties.
The typical clear cover is 1.5 in.
5.11 Analysis of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity Using Interaction Diagrams 345

12 in.

8 #6 12 in.

#4 @ 12 in.

Step 1. Check the steel ratio, g:

8 #6 bars ! Table A29 ! Ast 3:52 in2

Ast 3:52
g 0:024
Ag 12  12
0:01 < 0:024 < 0:08 ok

We assume that the column is compression controlled; therefore, 0.65.

0 1 0:75
Step 2: h 12  21:5  2 2 7:25 in:
2 2
fc0 Ag
Kn 0:19
0:654 12  12

Figure A5.1a is the interaction diagram for fc0 4 ksi; fy 60 ksi, and 0.60 with
uniformly distributed reinforcements for a rectangular column. The point for g 0.024
and Kn 0.19 falls in the transition zone (i.e., the region between s 1:0 and
t 0.005). Therefore, continue with the analysis for columns with non-compression-
controlled sections using the owchart of Figure 5.37.
Step 2a. Use Figure A5.1b with g 0.024 and Kn 0.19 to obtain the strength
reduction factor, :

346 5 Columns

Therefore, the new value of Kn is:

Pu 70
Kn 0:165
fc0 Ag 0:7354:012  12

Using g 0.024 and Kn 0.165, from Figure A5.1a, we nd that the

section is in the transition zone and Rn 0.155.
Step 2b. We use the Kn versus graph of Figure A5.1b to obtain the new value
with the new values of Kn and g. The new strength reduction factor, is
0.76. Because this new factor is different from the one obtained in step
2a, repeat the process:

Pu 70
Kn 0:160
fc0 Ag 0:764:012  12

Using g 0.024 and Kn 0.160, from Figure A5.1a, we nd that the

section is in the transition zone, Rn 0.152. From Figure A5.1b, 0.77.
Repeat the process as this new factor is different from the previous

Pu 70
Kn 0:158
fc0 Ag 0:774:012  12

From Figure A5.1a, we can conclude that the section is in the transition
zone and obtain Rn 0.152. Use Figure A5.1b to obtain 0.77. Because
the new value is about the same as the one obtained in the previous
iteration, we proceed with step 3.
Step 3.
Mn Rn fc0 Ag h
0:152412  1212
Mn 87:6 ft-kip
MR Mn 0:7787:6 67:5 ft-kip

Step 4.
MR 67:5 ft-kip > Mu 60 ft-kip ok

Therefore, the section is adequate.

Step 5. Check the adequacy of the ties:

smax minf16db , 48dt , bmin g

smax minf166=8 , 481=2 , 12 in:g
smax minf12 in:, 24 in:, 12 in:g

Therefore, #4 @ 12 in. is ok.

5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 347

Step 6. Check the tie arrangement using Figure 5.12:

12  21:5  20:5  30:75

Clear space 2:9 in:
2:9 in: < 6 in: One set of ties is required:

Therefore, the tie arrangement is ok.

5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity

The design of columns with large eccentricity, similar to the analysis, depends on
the column behavior under the load and moment. If the column is compression
controlled, the factor is constant, and the design process is straightforward. If the
column is not compression controlled, however, the factor varies with the tensile
strain in the steel (t). Thus, using the value as if the column were compression
controlled would lead to a conservative design. An iterative approach is necessary
to calculate the correct value.

5.12.1 Design of Columns with Compression-Controlled


The following are steps for the design of compression-controlled columns, which
are also summarized in the owchart of Figure 5.38:
Step 1. Determine the factored loads and moments acting on the column. The loads
on the column come from the beams and slabs connected to it. The
moments acting on the column are due to either gravity loads or lateral
loads such as wind or earthquake loads. If gravity loads are considered (PLr
is the roof live load, and MLr is the roof live load moment):

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr if PL  1:83PLr

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PLr 1:0PL if PL < 1:83PLr
Mu 1:2MD 1:6ML 0:5MLr if ML  1:83MLr
Mu 1:2MD 1:6MLr 1:0ML if ML < 1:83MLr

Step 2. Estimate the column size. In most cases, the column size is preselected
based on architectural considerations or ease of construction. If it is
necessary to estimate the column size, however, we must make reasonable
assumptions because both the area of the column (Ag) and the area of steel
(Ast) are unknown. Different simplifying assumptions may be used to
348 5 Columns

Design of Columns
(short with large eccentricity)
(compression-controlled section)

Determine Pu and Mu

2. Estimate the column size:

Tied column: A g = ( = 0.65)
0.8 (0.85fc )
Spiral column: A g = ( = 0.75)
0.85 (0.85f c )

3. Assuming h = h 5 in., calculate:

h Pu Mu
= , Kn = , and Rn = , and
h f c Ag f c Ag h
find g from the interaction diagrams.


Is the column in the

Revise the column compression- No Use the flowchart for
size or bar size/ controlled zone of noncompression-controlled
arrangement. the interaction sections (Figure 5.39).

Calculate the area of steel,
Ast = g Ag , and select the bars.

No Can the reinforcing

fit into the column?

Design the ties/spirals.

Figure 5.38 Flowchart for the design of compression-controlled columns

obtain a preliminary size. The most common assumptions are that the
columns capacity is the same as that of an axially loaded column and
that the area of steel, Ast, is neglected. The latter is made in an attempt to
account for the effects of the moments. The preliminary design equations
are given below:
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 349

h   i
PR 0:80 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast tied column
h   i
PR 0:85 0:85 fc0 Ag  Ast fy Ast spiral column

Assuming Ast 0, these equations become:


PR 0:8 0:85f
 c A0 g  tied column
PR 0:85 0:85fc Ag spiral column

When designing columns, PR Pu. Therefore, if this substitution is made,

we can calculate the column area, Ag, as follows:

Ag tied column
Ag spiral column

After calculating the gross area of the column, Ag, we can select the
column size. Round the column size to the nearest inch.
Step 3 and 4 Calculate , Kn, and Rn. In order to utilize interaction diagrams it is
necessary to calculate : We assume that the centerline of the longi-
tudinal reinforcing is 2.5 in. from the face of the column.

h0 h  22:5 h  5 in:

Using fc0 , fy, and , we select the appropriate interaction diagram, and then
compute Kn and Rn:

Pu Mu
Kn Rn
fc0 Ag fc0 Ag h

Entering the interaction diagram with the known values of Kn and Rn, we
determine whether the column is compression controlled. If the column is
not compression controlled or if Rn is out of the range of the interaction
diagram, we proceed to the owchart for the design of noncompression-
controlled sections (Figure 5.39). Otherwise, use Kn and Rn to obtain g and
move to step 5.
Step 5. Calculate the required area of steel, Ast:

Ast g Ag
350 5 Columns

Select bars using Tables A2.9 and A5.1. If the selected bars can t into
the column based on Table A5.1, we proceed to step 6. Otherwise, increase
the column size, which will increase the space between the bars, and
repeat the process starting back in step 3.
Step 6. Design the ties or spirals. This step is the same as that for columns with
small eccentricity (as shown in Figure 5.17).

5.12.2 Design of Non-compression-Controlled Columns

The following are steps for the design of noncompression-controlled columns,

which are also summarized in the owchart of Figure 5.39.
Steps 13 are the same as those for compression-controlled columns.
Step 4a. Assume a between 0.75 and 0.90 (say 0.80), because the column is
not compression controlled.
Step 4b. Check the column size. If the column is in the non-compression-controlled
region or Rn is completely outside the range of the interaction diagram
(due to very large moment), the factor used in step 2 of the design of
compression-controlled columns is overly conservative. If Rn is out of the
range of the interaction diagram, we need to increase the column size, as
the moment on the column is too large for the column dimensions. If this is
the case, we proceed to step 4c. Otherwise, the column dimensions are ok
and we go directly to step 4e.
Step 4c. If the column size is not enough for the applied moment, we need to resize
it. In order to do so, assume an Rn value in the transition zone for a steel
ratio of g about 0.02. Recall that an estimated g 0.03 was used for the
design of columns with small eccentricity. We try to work with a smaller
steel ratio for columns in the non-compression-controlled zone, however,
as they behave more like exural members.
Step 4d. Resize the column. The resisting moment of the column, MR, is:

MR Rn fc0 Ag h

To resize the column, make MR Mu and solve for Agh as shown below:

Mu Rn fc0 Ag h
Ag h
fc0 Rn

We select the dimensions for a square column. For a rectangular

column select one side of the cross section, either the width (b) or depth
(h), and solve for the other dimension. Note that selecting a larger h value
(elongating the section in the direction of bending) is more benecial.
Round the column sizes to the nearest inch.
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 351

Design of Columns
(short with large eccentricity)
(noncompression-controlled section)

Assume a value between
0.75 and 0.90 (start with 0.80)


Is the point on
the interaction diagram No
within the range of
Select R n in the
transition zone for g 0.02.
4e. h
Calculate , and: 4d.
h Recalculate the
Pu column size (h):
fc Ag Mu
Ag h
Mu fc R n
fc Ag h

4f. Use the interaction diagrams to calculate

g .
Also, find from the K n versus diagrams.

Is the
same as the
previous value?

Design the ties/ Calculate the area of steel,
spirals. Ast g Ag , and select the bars.

Figure 5.39 Flowchart for the design of non-compression-controlled columns

Step 4e. Determine , Kn, and Rn. Once you know the new size of the column,
determine (As in step 3, assume h0 h 2(2.5) h 5 in.). Also,
calculate Kn and Rn as

Pu Mu
Kn Rn
fc0 Ag fc0 Ag h
352 5 Columns

Step 4f. Obtain g from the appropriate interaction diagram, and update the
value. To do so, use , fc0 , and fy, and the assumed value to select
the appropriate interaction diagram. Then use the values of Rn and Kn
(determined in the previous step) to obtain g from the interaction
diagram. Also, determine from the Kn versus diagram.
Step 5. Determine whether convergence has been achieved. If the new factor is
not approximately the same as the one obtained in the previous cycle,
repeat the process with this new value starting in step 4e. Repeat the
procedure cycle until the value converges. After achieving convergence,
compute the required area of steel by using the steel ratio, g, determined
in the last cycle:

Ast g Ag

Select the reinforcing bars using Table A2.9 and check the layout using
Table A5.1.
Step 6. Design the ties or spirals. This step is similar to that of the design of
compression-controlled columns.

Example 5.11 Design a short tied square column to carry PD 300 kip,
PL 175 kip, PLr 80 kip, MD 150 ft-kip, ML 90 ft-kip, and MLr 32 ft-kip.
Assume fc0 4,000 psi; fy 60,000 psi, and that the main reinforcements are
distributed uniformly around the column edges.
Step 1. Calculate the factored load, Pu, and the factored moment, Mu:
With reference to Equation 2.3d, since
1.83 PLr 1.83(80) 146.4 k < PL 175 k

1:83 MLr 1:8332 58:6 ft-kip < ML 90 ft-kip


Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr

Pu 1:2300 1:6175 0:580 680 kip
Mu 1:2MD 1:6ML 0:5MLr
Mu 1:2150 1:690 0:532 340 ft-kip
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 353

Step 2. Estimate the column size:

0:80:85 fc0
Ag 385 in2
p p
h Ag 385 19:6 in:
Try a 20 in:  20 in: column

Step 3.
h0 h  22:5 20  22:5 15 in:
h0 15
h 20

Calculate Kn and Rn:

Pu 680
Kn 0
fc Ag 0:65420  20
Mu 34012
Rn 0 0:20
fc Ag h 0:65420  2020

Because fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and 0.75, interpolate between

Figures A5.2a and A5.3a. Enter these diagrams with the values of Kn and
Rn to obtain the corresponding steel ratio, g:

From Fig: A5:2a 0:70 ! g 0:04

From Fig: A5:3a 0:80 ! g 0:034
Interpolation between the values for 0.75 gives us:

0:034 0:04
g 0:037

Step 4. We now check our assumption for column behavior. Because the column is
in the compression-controlled region of the interaction diagram, our
assumption for the factor is correct. Go to step 5.
Step 5. The required area of steel, Ast, is:

Ast g Ag 0:03720  20 14:8 in:2

Using Tables A2.9 and A5.1 ! Use 12 #10 bars (Ast 15.24 in2)
Step 6. Design of the ties: Using #3 ties, the maximum spacing of the ties is:

smax min f16d b , 48d t , bmin g

smax min f161:27, 483=8 , 20g
smax min f20:3 in:, 18 in:, 20 in:g 18 in: #3 @ 18 in: ties:
354 5 Columns

Based on Figure 5.12, this column requires three sets of ties, as shown in
the gure below.

20 in.

12 #10

20 in.
#3 @ 18 in.

Example 5.12 Solve Example 5.11 for a round spiral column. fyt 60,000 psi.
Step 1. From Example 5.11, Pu 680 kip, and Mu 340 ft-kip.
Step 2. Estimating the column size:

0:850:85 fc0
Ag 314 in:2
r 0:85
0:85 0:75 4:0
Ag 314
h2 2 20:0 in:
Assume h 20 in: ! Ag 314 in:2

Steps 3 and 4
h0 h  22:5 20  22:5 15in:
h0 15
h 20
Pu 680
Kn 0:72
fc0 Ag 0:754314
Mu 34012
Rn 0:22
fc0 Ag h 0:75431420

Because 0.75, we interpolate between the interaction diagrams for

0.70 and 0.80. From Figures A5.10a and A5.11a ! g 0:062
(compression-controlled zone). Although g is within the allowable range
of 0.010.08, in practice a steel ratio of more than 0.04 will cause congestion
of reinforcements and is not acceptable. To make this point clear, continue to
step 5.
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 355

Step 5.
Ast g Ag 0:062314 19:5 in:2

We cannot t this much steel reinforcement into a 20 in. diameter column,

based on Tables A2.9 and A5.1 (unless we use #18 bars, which are special-
ordered). Therefore, we should increase the column dimension by 2 in. to
h 22 in. and repeat steps 3 and 4:
Step 3 and 4
h0 22  22:5 17 in:
h0 17
h 22
Ag 380 in:2
Pu 680
Kn 0 0:60
fc Ag 0:754380
Mu 34012
Rn 0 0:163
fc Ag h 0:75438022

Using the interaction diagrams:

Fig: A5:10a 0:70 ! g 0:037 compression controlled

Fig: A5:11a 0:80 ! g 0:032 compression controlled

Interpolating between the above values:

0:037  0:0320:8  0:77

g 0:032 0:034

Step 5.
Ast g Ag 0:034380 12:9 in:2
Use 13 #9 bars Ast 13:0 in:2

Step 6. Design the spirals. Assume 3/8 in. diameter spirals:

hc 22  21:5 19 in:
Ach 284 in2
Ag f
s, min 0:45 1 c
Ach fyt
380 4:0
s, min 0:45 1 0:0101
284 60
356 5 Columns

4 Asp 40:11
hc s 19s
s, min s
s 2:29 in: ! s 21=4 in:
sclear 21=4 in:  3=8 in: 17=8 < 3 in: ok

Therefore, the spiral pitch (s) is:

s 2 1=4 in:

The following is a sketch of the nal design:

13 #9

3 in. diameter @ 21 4 in.


22 in.

Example 5.13 Design a circular spiral column to resist Pu 300 kip, and
Mu 400 ft-kip. Use fc0 4 ksi and fy 60 ksi. Use a maximum steel ratio of
0.02. The design of the spirals is not required.
Step 1. Pu 300 kip, and Mu 400 ft-kip.
Step 2. Estimate the column size (h):

Pu 300
Ag 138:4 in:2
0:850:85fc0 0:850:750:85  4
r r
Ag 138:4
h2 2 13:3 in:
Try h 14 in:
Ag 154 in:2
5.12 Design of Short Columns with Large Eccentricity 357

Step 3.
h0 h  22:5 14  22:5 9 in:
h0 9
h 14
Pu 300
Kn 0 0:65
fc Ag 0:754154
Mu 40012
Rn 0
0:74 > 0:30 Out of range:
fc Ag h 0:75415414

Because Rn is out of the range of the interaction diagram, use the owchart
for non-compression-controlled columns (Figure 5.39).
Step 4a. Assume 0.80.
Step 4b. As noted in step 3, the value of Rn is not within the diagrams range;
therefore, proceed to step 4c.
Step 4c. In order to resize the column, we must have a reasonable value of Rn.
Using the interaction diagram of Figure A5.10a ( fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi,
and 0.70) for a steel ratio, g 0:02, we obtain the maximum value of
Rn. This value is about 0.14. We use this value to select a reasonable size
for the column.
Step 4d.
Ag h 0
fc Rn
Ag h 10, 714 in3
h 10, 714
10, 714 ! h3 13, 641 in3
h 23:9 in: Try h 24 in

Step 4e.
h0 24  22:5 19 in:
h0 19
0:79 0:80
h 24

Calculate the nondimensional parameters Kn and Rn:

Ag 452 in:2
Pu 300
Kn 0 0:207
fc Ag 0:804452
Mu 40012
Rn 0 0:138
fc Ag h 0:80445224
358 5 Columns

Step 4f. Since fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi, and 0.80, and the column is a round
section; therefore use the interaction diagram of Figure A5.11a. Using Kn
and Rn, we obtain a steel ratio, g 0.019. In addition, using the Kn versus
diagram of Figure A5.11b and Kn 0.207, we obtain a value of
Step 5. Because the new factor (0.825) is higher than that of the previous cycle
(0.80), repeat step 4e with the new .
Step 4e.
Pu 300
Kn 0 0:20
fc Ag 0:8254452
Mu 40012
Rn 0 0:134
fc Ag h 0:825445224

Step 4f. From Figure A5.11a, g 0:017. From Figure A5.11b, 0:84.
Step 5. Because the new value of is close to that of the previous step (0.84
vs. 0.825), accept this value and calculate the area of steel (Ast):

Ast g Ag 0:019452 8:59 in2

Using Tables A2.9 and A5.1, select 7 #10 bars (As 8.89 in.2). The
following shows a sketch of the nal design.

7 #10

24 in.

Note: The spiral was not designed.

5.13 Slender Columns

5.13.1 Column Buckling and Slenderness Ratio

Columns are divided into two classes based on their slenderness: short columns and
slender columns. Short columns crush under large axial force, whereas columns
with great slenderness may buckle before they fail in crushing.
Figure 5.40 shows a slender column subjected to an increasing axial compres-
sion force, P. As P increases the column may buckle (i.e., suddenly show large
lateral movement, see Figure 5.40). The stress at which the column starts buckling
is called the Euler buckling stress (fE):
5.13 Slender Columns 359

Reinforced concrete column u

Figure 5.40 Buckling of a reinforced concrete slender column.

(Note: Reinforced concrete columns cannot usually be assumed to be pin-ended due to the
continuity of these members. Here we show a pin-supported column as a theoretical example.)

2 E
f E  2 5:28

E modulus of elasticity of the concrete
k effective length factor for the column
u the unsupported length of the column, which is the clear distance between the
oor slabs, beams, or other members that provide lateral support for the column
r radius of gyration of column section, equal to in which Ig is the
moment of inertia of gross concrete section neglecting reinforcement and
Ag is the gross area of the column. The ACI Code (Section suggests
a rounded value of r of 0.3h for rectangular columns, and 0.25h for circular
columns, where h is the dimension of the column in the direction perpen-
dicular to the axis of bending.
The term is called the slenderness ratio. From the expression of the Euler
buckling stress we can see that as the slenderness ratio increases, the stress at which
the column buckles decreases. In other words, the column buckles at a lower stress
when it is more slender. The numerator of the slenderness ratio (ku) is called the
effective length, which depends on the unsupported column length (u), the type of
end supports (i.e., pinned, partially xed, or fully xed), and whether or not the
360 5 Columns

Reinforced concrete column k

u u

b Beam

Point of inflection

Column k u

Beam Point of inflection

Figure 5.41 Relationship between relative member sizes and end conditions of columns

column is allowed to move laterally (i.e., unbraced or braced). The effective length
is the length of that portion of the column that lies between two points of inection
of the buckled shape.
Column ends are connected to a foundation (at the base of the building), or to
slabs, beams and girders, or to both. Thus, there is no such thing as a true pin or a
fully xed support for columns. The amount of the columns xity depends on the
relative stiffness of the building elements at the ends of the column. For example, if
the size of the beams and girders at the ends of column is small compared to the
5.13 Slender Columns 361

column size, the end supports can be assumed to be pinned because the beams and
girders at the ends will provide little restraint to the free rotation of the column ends
when buckling. This condition is depicted in Figure 5.41a. But if the size of beams
and girders is large compared to the column, the end supports may be treated as
xed because the beams and girders will prevent the column ends from rotating, as
shown in Figure 5.41b. When the columns ends are pinned, the entire column
buckles; as a result, the columns effective length, ku, is almost the same as the
column length, u, in other words k 1.0. When the column ends are xed, its
buckled shape has two inection points; thus, ku is smaller than u. In the
theoretical case of perfect xity, ku 0.5u (i.e., k 0.5).
Another major factor inuencing the effective length of a column is the type of
structural system. If a column is part of the lateral load carrying system, it is subject
to sidesway, which means it can have signicant lateral motion and is called an
unbraced column. When other elements such as shear walls, however, are used as
the lateral load carrying system, the column will not have signicant lateral motion
and is called a braced column. The ends of an unbraced column have signicant
relative horizontal motion or sidesway. This relative movement is small when the
column is braced. A braced column is referred to as one without sidesway, and an
unbraced column as one with sidesway.
Sidesway affects the columns effective lengths. Figure 5.42 shows two columns
with xed-end supports. The column in Figure 5.42a is without sidesway and

a b

Point of inflection

Point of inflection
u k u u

k u
Point of inflection
k u

Point of inflection

Figure 5.42 Effective lengths for (a) column without sidesway, and (b) column with sidesway
362 5 Columns

theoretically its effective length is ku 0.5u. If the same column is subjected to

sidesway (unbraced), the effective column length, which is the theoretical length
between two points of inection, is ku u, as shown in Figure 5.42b.

5.13.2 P Effects

There is no such thing as a perfectly straight and vertical column. Applied moments
at the ends also bend the columns into a curvilinear shape. When a slender column
bends into a curve while subjected to an axial load, P, added moments, M, are
generated on the column. These moments have a magnitude of P multiplied by the
lateral deformation, . This is called the P effect.
Figures 5.43 and 5.44 show P effects on columns. The P effects on
columns with sidesway are more severe than those on columns without
The ACI Code requires a magnication of moments on slender columns due to
P effects. ACI Code (Section 6.2.5) allows P effectsto be  ignored for
columns without sidesway if the columns slenderness ratio satises the
following relationship (ACI Equation (6.2.5b)):

ku M1
 34 12 5:29
r M2

where M1 is the smaller end moment. is positive if M1 and M2 are acting in the
same direction (column is bent into a double curve; see Figure 5.43b), and is negative
if M1 and M2 act in opposite directions (column is bent into a single curve;
see Figure 5.43a). The right side of Equation (5.29) is limited to a maximum value
of 40.
The ACI Code (Section 6.2.5) permits the effects of slenderness to be ignored for
columns with sidesway when is less than 22. Figure 5.44 shows the P effects
on columns with sidesway.
Because of the complexity of the design of slender columns (as well as for
visual reasons), designers prefer to work with column dimensions that are not
slender. In general, we can ignore the slenderness effect of braced frames (columns
without sidesway) if is equal to 10 or less on lower oors, and 12 or less on upper
5.13 Slender Columns 363


P Moment diagram
Column bent into a single curve by the end moments


Moment diagram
Column bent into a double curve by the end moments

Figure 5.43 P effect on columns without sidesway superimposed over the end moments

oors. For unbraced columns must be smaller than 6 to have negligible slenderness
Designing slender reinforced concrete columns is a complex procedure.
Computer software is available to help the structural designer analyze and design
slender columns. The detailed discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of
this text.
364 5 Columns

a Sidesway

P Moment diagram

Column with sidesway bent into a single curve by the end moments

b Sidesway
P M1


P Moment diagram
Column with sidesway bent into a double curve by the end moments

Figure 5.44 P effect on columns with sidesway superimposed over the end moments


In the following problems assume concrete is normal weight unless noted

5.1. Calculate the axial load capacity, PR, of the following columns with small
eccentricity. Use fc0 3,000 psi and fy fyt 60,000 psi. Determine whether
the ties/spirals are adequate based on ACI requirements. The clear cover is 1.5 in.
Problems 365

12 in. 16 in. 24 in.

a b c

12 in. 16 in. 24 in.

4 #10 #3 @ 12 in. 8 #8 #3 @ 16 in. 12 #10

#4 @ 18 in. (three ties per set)

d e
8 in. diameter @ 2 in.

3 in. diameter @ 21 2 in.


6 #7
8 #8
16 in. 14 in.

5.2. Rework Problem 5.1 for fc0 4,000 psi and fc0 5,000 psi. What is the
percentage of change in the axial load capacity for each case? Do not check
the ties/spirals.
5.3. Repeat Problem 5.1 for fy 40,000 psi and fy 75,000 psi. What is the
percentage of change in the axial load capacity for each case? Do not check
the ties/spirals.
5.4. The square reinforced concrete tied column shown below is subjected to a dead
load of 200 kip and a roof live load of 220 kip. Determine whether the column
is adequate. The clear cover is 1.5 in. The loads eccentricity is negligible. Use
fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi. Do not check the ties.

16 in.

#3 @ 14 in.
16 in.

8 #8
366 5 Columns

5.5. Rework Problem 5.4 for the following circular spiral column. Do not check

3 in. diameter @ 2 in.


8 #8
16 in.

Compare the PR determined in this problem with that of the square column of
Problem 5.4.
5.6. Determine the required reinforcements for a 12 in.  12 in. tied reinforced
concrete column subjected to a dead load of 20 kip and a roof live load of
30 kip. Assume that the loads have small eccentricity. Use fc0 5,000 psi
fy 60,000 psi, and 2 in. clear cover.
5.7. Redesign the column of Problem 5.6 for a dead load of 125 kip, a oor live
load of 175 kip, and a roof live load of 80 kip.
5.8. Design a square tied reinforced concrete column subjected to a dead load of
250 kip, a oor live load of 240 kip, and a roof live load of 150 kip. The
moments due to the loads are negligible. Use fc0 4,000 psi; fy 60,000 psi,
and 1.5 in. clear cover.
5.9. Redesign the column of Problem 5.8 as a circular spiral reinforced concrete
section. Assume fyt 60,000 psi.
5.10. A 12 in.  12 in. column reinforced with 4 #9 bars is subjected to axial roof
dead and live loads with small eccentricity. If the ratio PD/PLr 1.5, deter-
mine the maximum compressive axial service loads that the column can
carry. Use fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi. Use #3 ties, and 1.5 in. clear
5.11. The following gures show the typical framing plan, elevation, and beam
section of a three-story reinforced concrete building. The oor live load is
50 psf and the roof live load is 15 psf. Assume 5 psf for mechanical/electrical
systems and 20 psf for partitions. Determine the required reinforcements for a
typical interior tied column between the ground and second levels. Use
fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and 1.5 in. for cover. Do not reduce live
loads. Assume small eccentricity for the loads. The unit weight of the
concrete is 150 pcf. Neglect the self-weight of the column.
5.12. Rework Problem 5.4. Assume the column is subjected to a dead load moment,
MD 20 ft-kip, and a roof live load moment, MLr 30 ft-kip.
5.13. Determine the maximum factored moment, MR, that a 24 in.  24 in. column
with 12 #10 bars distributed uniformly around the column can carry when
Problems 367

subjected to a factored axial load, Pu 750 kip. Use fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, #3 ties, and 1 1=2 in. for cover.

30'-0" 30'-0"


10'-0" A

16 in. 16 in.
column (typical)

Typical framing plan

6 in.

26 in.

16 in.
Section A-A

Roof level


3rd level

2nd level


Ground level

368 5 Columns

5.14. Rework Problem 5.10. Assume that the column is subjected to a factored
moment, Mu 50 ft-kip.
5.15. Rework Problem 5.11. Assume that the column is subjected to a factored
moment, Mu 110 ft-kip. Place the longitudinal reinforcing uniformly
around the four faces.
5.16. Determine PR values for the columns shown below subjected to the factored
moments indicated. Use fc0 4,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and 2.0 in. cover.
Do not check ties or spirals.

a 20 in.
3 in. Diameter spiral

x x 20 in.
8 #8

8 #8
#4 Ties
y 20 in.
Mux = 200 ft-kip Mu = 200 ft-kip

c d 16 in.
18 in. y

x x x 20 in.
x 18 in.

6 #10 #4 Ties
y 8 #11 #4 Ties
Mux = 140 ft-kip
Muy = 180 ft-kip

5.17. A square tied column is subjected to a factored load, Pu 250 kip, and a
factored moment, Mu 50 ft-kip. Design this column. Use fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, and 1.5 in. cover. Do not design the ties. Place the longitu-
dinal reinforcing uniformly in the four faces.
5.18. A circular spiral column is subjected to a factored load, Pu 400 kip, and a
factored moment, Mu 150 ft-kip. Design this column. Use fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi, and 1.5 in. for cover. Do not design the spirals.
Self-Experiments 369


These self-experiments focus on the behavior of columns subjected to axial load

and moment. Include all the details of the tests in your report along with images
showing the different steps.
Experiment 1
In this experiment, we look at the beam-column action. Glue together two pieces of
Styrofoam to make a beam-column assembly. Glue the base of the column to a rigid
surface. Apply a concentrated load to the beam and move the load along the beam,
as shown in Figure SE 5.1. How does the load affect the column? How does the
location of the load affect the behavior of the beam and column? Discuss any other
Experiment 2
In this experiment, you will cast the square tied column shown in Figure SE 5.2.
Two sets of wires are needed, thicker wires for the main reinforcement and thinner
wires for the ties. The column dimensions and reinforcement sizes are optional.
Discuss the different stages of construction. Estimate how much load the column
can carry. Discuss any other observations.
Experiment 3
Repeat Experiment 1 by casting the column and beam using reinforced concrete.
Make sure that the beam reinforcements are bent into the column to provide a
moment connection. How does the reinforced concrete beam-column behave dif-
ferently from that of Experiment 1? Discuss any other observations.

Moving load

Figure SE. 5.1 Beam-column assembly model

370 5 Columns



Figure SE. 5.2 Tied column model

Chapter 6
Floor Systems

6.1 Introduction

The appropriate selection of a oor system heavily inuences the overall cost of a
building. A designer has to take many factors into account when making such a
selection; and, unfortunately, the structural scheme cheapest to construct may not
be the best bargain in terms of overall construction cost of the building.
The rst element that forms the oor surface is the slab. Beams or columns, in
mathematical abstraction can be described by a single line. These are called linear
elements, because one of their three dimensions, the length, is much greater than the
other two (i.e., the dimensions of the cross-section). The load-path of linear
elements is easy to describe: They carry their loads along their length to the
A single line, however, cannot describe slabs or plates. As discussed in Chapter 2,
slabs have two dimensions that are signicantly larger than the third one, the
thickness. They are usually described mathematically as thin plates. The exact
bending theory of thin plates, based on the theory of elasticity, requires the solution of
a partial differential equation of the fourth order. This is completely impossible for
any practicing engineer or architect. Furthermore, so-called exact solutions fail to
deal with everyday realities, such as reinforced concrete that does not follow strict
elastic behavior, or load distributions that are not nice and uniform, and so on.
Fortunately, we can understand how a slab behaves by carefully considering how
it deforms under loads. Slabs bend in two directions, so a single line cannot describe
the bent shape. A way of describing a bent surface is therefore necessary for
understanding slab behavior. The load-path (i.e., the way a slab transfers any
load to the supports) depends on the way the slab bends between those supports,
which in turn depends on the way the designer chooses to support the slab.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 371

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_6
372 6 Floor Systems

The types of supports for slabs are divided into three groups.
1. Point supports. These consist of columns, posts, suspension points, and so
on. Slabs supported by supports of this type are referred to as at slabs or at
2. Line supports. Examples of line supports are beams, girders, and walls. Slabs
supported by supports of this type are referred to as one- or two-way slabs.
3. Continuous media (Slabs on grade supported by soil).
Admittedly the classications of the rst two types of support are somewhat
arbitrary. Often a designer may employ linear support elements (beams and walls)
in conjunction with point support elements, which makes the referencing more
The overall cost of a monolithic concrete oor system depends on several
factors. First and foremost among these is the cost of shoring and forming. A strong
shoring system must be constructed. It should safely support the weight of the
freshly poured concrete and the associated construction loads (i.e., the people and
the equipment necessary for placing and nishing the wet concrete). The forms that
will serve as the mold must also be built.
The costs in a reinforced concrete oor system usually break down as follows:

Formwork and shoring 50  60 %

Concrete, including placing and finishing 25  30 %
Reinforcement, including placement 15  20 %

These gures are based on current material and labor costs in the United States and
may not necessarily be the same elsewhere in the world. They clearly show,
however, that the cost of labor in the United States usually is greater than the raw
cost of materials. Thus, the selection of the right oor system for a building is not an
easy task.

6.2 Flat Slabs and Plates

Figure 6.1 shows a typical at plate oor system. Flat plate is a slab of uniform
thickness resting on column supports. It is the most economical system to form, as it
requires only a wood deck on adequate shoring. It also provides for the least
structural depth and thus for minimal oor-to-oor height, which is a very impor-
tant cost consideration in the overall economy of a multistory building. Figure B6.1
in Appendix B shows a high-rise building with at plate oor system under
Table 6.1, which is Table of the ACI Code, provides guidelines for the
selection of minimum thickness of slabs without interior beams or at plates as a
function of the clear span. The guidelines enable the designer to select a slab thick
enough to prevent excessive short- and long-term deections in the system. The
6.2 Flat Slabs and Plates 373

Figure 6.1 Flat plate oor system

Table 6.1 Minimum slab thicknesses recommended by the ACI Code Table (without
interior beams)
Without drop panels With drop panels
Interior Interior
Yield Exterior panels panels Exterior panels panels
strength, Without With edge Without With edge
fy (psi) edge beams beams edge beams beams
40,000 n n n n n n
33 36 36 36 40 40
60,000 n n n n n n
30 33 33 33 36 36
75,000 n n n n n n
28 31 31 31 34 34

authors believe, on the basis of decades of experience in designing and observing

similar structures, that the ACI-recommended minimum thicknesses are somewhat
small and probably will result in excessive deections, especially in exterior or
corner panels. Thus, we recommend selecting slabs about 710 % thicker than what
the Code requires. In Table 6.1, n is the clear span from the face of one column to
the face of the next. Use the longer clear span when selecting a slab thickness for
rectangular bays.
Flat plates are the most economical for square (or nearly so) bays, and for spans
of about 26 ft or less. Beyond that span length the slab becomes too thick, with
corresponding increase of self-weight. Flat slabs (i.e., plates strengthened around
the columns by additional depth provided by drop panels, as shown in Figure 6.2,
and with column capitals, as shown in Figure 6.3) are an economical choice for bays
up to about 35 ft.
Figure 6.4 shows the schematic deformation diagram of a at plate under load.
The largest deections are in the center of the bay, and the most highly stressed
zones occur around the supports.
374 6 Floor Systems

Figure 6.2 Flat slab with drop panels

Figure 6.3 Flat slab with drop panels and column capitals

Figure 6.4 Schematic deection of an interior bay under load

6.3 Shears in Flat Slabs and Plates 375

6.3 Shears in Flat Slabs and Plates

Because loads must travel toward the columns, the available zone through which
shear forces must travel becomes smaller and smaller; thus, the shear stress
increases, reaching a maximum at or near the interface of the column and the
slab, as shown in Figure 6.5. The large shears also indicate a sharp change in the
moments that occur around the columns. Shears cause diagonal tensions in concrete
structures that are subject to exure, and because concrete is quite weak in resisting
tension, failure can result. The failure surface may be envisioned as a truncated
pyramid similar to the one shown in Figure 6.6. This phenomenon is known as
punching shear: The column punches through the slab, or, more precisely, the
slab fails and falls down around the column.

Figure 6.5 Gravity load shear transfer from slab to column

Diagonal tension

Figure 6.6 Diagonal tensions around the columns

376 6 Floor Systems

This type of failure (i.e., punching) can be quite catastrophic. Many spectacular
failures in the history of construction have happened due to punching shear.
The intensity of the shear stress and the resulting diagonal tension depends on the
cross-sectional area through which the shear forces must travel toward the column.
This cross-sectional area, or shear surface area, depends on two parameters:
the thickness of the slab around the column, and the cross-sectional size of the
column. So the selection of these dimensions plays a very important role in
the preliminary design of the system. The column size is also inuenced by the
loads and moments that the column must resist at the oor level under consider-
ation. In this discussion, however, the column size is considered only from the point
of view of the punching shear in the slab.
Figure 6.7 shows a plan view of a typical interior column. The ACI Code
approach is based on a simple analytical model. It assumes that the critical shear
surface lies at a d/2 distance from the face of the column, where d is the effective
depth of the slab. The shear surface area then is the length of the critical periphery
(or perimeter of the critical section) multiplied by d.

d /2

d /2
Critical shear

Column section

Figure 6.7 Denition of the critical shear periphery

The ACI Code gives the maximum factored shear to be transferred by stresses on
the concrete from the slab to the column as the smallest of Equations (6.1), (6.2),
and (6.3) (ACI Code Table
4 p0
V c 2 fc bo d 6:1

where is the ratio of the long side to the short side of the columns cross section,
and bo is the shear periphery (perimeter of the critical section for shear). is the
lightweight concrete factor ( 0.75 for all-lightweight, 0.85 for sand-light-
weight, and 1.0 for normal weight concrete). As in Chapter 4, 0.75 for
shear. Equation (6.1) is the governing formula when the columns cross section is
an elongated rectangle, with the ratio of longer side to shorter side greater than 2.
s d p
Vc 2 fc0 bo d 6:2
6.3 Shears in Flat Slabs and Plates 377

where s is 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns, and 20 for corner
Vc 4 fc0 bo d 6:3

Figures 6.8 and 6.9 show the shear periphery for a corner column and for an edge
column, respectively.
Experience has shown that vertical chases, ducts, pipes, and so on are somehow
attracted to columns. Although structures can tolerate openings near columns, open-
ings reduce the available shear periphery. Figure 6.10 shows some examples of openings
near a column and the resulting reduction in the effectiveness of the shear transfer.

Critical shear d /2
d /2


Figure 6.8 Denition of the shear periphery at a corner column, bo c1 c2 2

Critical shear d /2
d /2


Figure 6.9 Denition of the shear periphery at an edge column, bo c1 2c2 4

Assume free
Critical shear


Figure 6.10 Lost effective periphery due to openings near columns

378 6 Floor Systems

Example 6.1 For a oor structure with typical 24 ft by 26 ft bay sizes, the
superimposed dead loads are 20 psf and the superimposed live loads are 100 psf.
As a preliminary design, select an appropriate at slab thickness
(without drop panels) and a column size as governed by punching shear. Assume
fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi. The concrete is normal weight with a unit
weight of 150 pcf.
The slab thickness will be governed by the longer span. Because we do not yet
know the column size, assume 18 in.  18 in. square. Even if we under- or
overestimate the column size, the error will have little effect on the slab thickness
selection. Thus, the larger net (clear) span is:

26  12  18 294 in:

From Table 6.1 (for the exterior panel):

hmin n =30 294=30 9:8 in:

Select 10 in. as a practical dimension.

Load analysis:
Self weight of 10 in: slab 150 125 psf
Superimposed dead loads 20 psf
Live loads 100 psf

The factored load per square foot is:

qu 1:2125 20 1:6100 334 psf

The factored load on a typical interior column is:

Pu qu A 334  24 ft  26 ft 208,416 lb

This value is larger than the actual shear that must be transmitted through the
critical shear periphery because the loads within the periphery do not contribute to
it. We will use this approximate value, however, for the factored shear as well as to
estimate the size of the required column.

Vu 208,416 lb

d 100.750.75 8.5 in. (average d assuming #6 bars in both directions with

3/4 in. cover)
6.3 Shears in Flat Slabs and Plates 379

From Equation (6.3) (normal weight concrete, 1.0):

Vc 0:75  4  1:0  4,000  bo  8:5 1,613bo  208,416 lb


bo  129 in:

Because bo column periphery + 8  d/2 column periphery + 34 in., the column

periphery for a typical interior column must be equal to or greater than
12934 95 in.
Thus, several possibilities exist. We can use 24 in.  24 in. square column,
20 in.  28 in. rectangular column, or 18 in.  30 in. rectangular column, and so
on, as long as the aspect ratio of the longer side to the shorter side remains less than
2. Thus, if the column size is 14 in.  34 in., the column periphery will satisfy the
minimum 95 in. requirement; but the aspect ratio 34/14 2.43 is greater than
2, which would require using Equation (6.1) as the governing equation.
4 p
Vc 0:75  2  1:0  4,000  2  14 2  34 4  8:5  8:5
191,109 lb

which is less than the required Vu 208,416 lb.

Moment transfer between the slab and the columns increases shear stresses
around the columns. How this moment transfer occurs precisely is still a subject
of discussion and research. The ACI Code (Sections and rather
arbitrarily assumes that 60 % of the moment transfer for square interior columns
occurs via exure at the columns face, and 40 % is assigned to a shear distribution
model over the critical periphery (For other column locations or shapes, refer to the
ACI Code Section and Table Figure 6.11 shows the assumed

Vu 2

Vu 2

B Mu
Vu 2

Vu 2

Vu 1
Critical sections

Assumed distribution of shears

providing for moment transfer

Figure 6.11 Model of moment transfer from slab to column via shears
380 6 Floor Systems

model. These shears then must be combined with those from the gravity loads that
were discussed above.
Example 6.2 Assume that it is necessary to transfer a factored moment of
Mu 120 kip-ft between a at slab and an interior column. The moment acts
clockwise, as shown on Figure 6.11.
The column is 20 in.  20 in. and d 8.5 in. for the slab. Calculate the factored
shear stress due to the moment.
Per the ACI Code, the shears will transfer 40 % of the moment. Thus, the shears will
be responsible for an Mu 0.4  120 48 kip-ft.
Designating the maximum shear as vuM, then:

B 8:5 20 28:5 in:

Vu1 vuM Bd vuM  28:5  8:5 242:25vuM

1 Bd 1 28:5  8:5
Vu2 vuM vuM 60:56vuM
2 2 2 2
Vu1  B 2 B
Mu 2 4 Vu2  
2 3 2

28:5 2 28:5
48  12,000 2 242:25vuM  4 60:56vuM
2 3 2
576,000 9,205vuM ! vuM 62:6 psi

If the shear stresses exceed what the ACI Code allows, we can reinforce the
column/slab interface. The reinforcing may be a shear head manufactured from
crossing steel shapes, or sets of closed stirrups. The last two decades have witnessed
the development of proprietary premanufactured shear reinforcement.

6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates

Flexure in at slabs and plates is a very complex problem. The simple representa-
tion of the deformation shown in Figure 6.4 does not truly describe the deections,
which have a rather intricate topography. But the magnitude of bending moments in
any direction is related to the slope of the deection curve, so the largest moments
occur where the curvature of the deection surface is greatest. Because the surface
curves in all directions, bending moments will occur in all directions at any location
on the slab. Moments in any direction can be represented by their component
moments in a preselected coordinate system, so the ACI Code uses a design method
based on a simple model that is easy to visualize and proven to be safe. (Refer to
Figure 6.12 in the following discussion of this model).
6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates 381

Column strip
Zone Zone
B Zone B

Middle strip
Zone Zone Zone

Column strip
Zone Zone
B Zone B

Column strip Middle strip Column strip

The width of the column strip within a panel is defined

as 0.25 1 or 0.25 2 (whichever is less) on each
side of the column centerline.

Figure 6.12 Denition of column strips and middle strips in at plates and slabs

Each slab bay is divided into strips in both directions, as shown in Figure 6.12.
By studying the deection pattern shown in Figure 6.4, we easily understand how
exures occur in the structure. In the zone where two middle strips cross (Zone A),
the slab bends downward in both directions; thus, there will be tensions in the
bottom in both directions (positive moment regions). Where two column strips
cross (Zone B), the slab bends upward in both directions, generating tensions at
the top in both directions (negative moment regions). Where a middle strip crosses
a column strip (Zone C), the slab bends downward in the direction of the column
strip, but bends upward in the direction of the middle strip; thus, there will be
positive moments in the column strips direction and negative moments in the
middle strips direction.
The ACI Code suggests two methods for the exural analysis of at slabs and
plates. The rst (and simpler) is called the direct design method; the second is
called the equivalent frame method. These methods are not exclusively for at slabs
or at plates. They may also be used when beams exist on the column lines, which
are commonly known as two-way slabs on beams. In this chapter we discuss only
the direct design method. (Discussion of the equivalent frame method is beyond the
scope of this book. The interested reader is referred to Section 8.11.2 of the ACI
The direct design method may be used only when the plan geometry conforms to
the following set of limitations (ACI Code, Section 8.10.2)
382 6 Floor Systems

1. There are at least three consecutive spans in each direction.

2. The panels are rectangular and the ratio of the longer span to the shorter span is
not greater than 2.
3. The neighboring span lengths differ by no more than one-third of the
longer span.
4. Columns can be offset by a maximum of 10 % of the span (in direction of offset)
from either axis between centerlines of successive columns.
The exure analysis of slab then proceeds as follows:
Step 1. Calculate the absolute sum of the average positive and negative moments in
each direction on a panel (ACI Code, Equation

qu 2 2n

qu the factored load on a unit area (psf);
n the clear (net) span length in the direction for which moments are
being determined;
2 the length of span (center to center) transverse to n;
Step 2. Divide Mo into positive and negative moments.
The value of Mo is divided between total factored positive and negative
moments in the span under consideration. Figure 6.13 shows a schematic
moment diagram for a slab and the value of Mo. The values assigned are not
the result of theoretical studies, but rather observations from testing. They
appear to be safe and reasonable values given the highly indeterminate
nature of the problem. (A few percentage points of difference one way or
the other does not change the overall ultimate strength of the system).

Net span

Positive factored moment

Negative factored moment

Figure 6.13 Moments in a at panel bay

6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates 383

In an interior span (ACI Code, Section, the negative factored

moment is 0.65 Mo, and the positive factored moment is 0.35 Mo. In an
exterior span, the ratios of the total negative moments and the positive
moments are strongly dependent on the presence of beams between col-
umns. Edge beams on the exterior perimeter help support the exterior wall
system and better control deections around the periphery, where deec-
tions may be harmful to the wall system. Table 6.2 (from the ACI Code,
Section shows the proportions of Mo to be used in exterior spans
according to the edge support condition.

Table 6.2 Percent distribution of moments into positive moments and negative moments in an
end bay (ACI Code Table
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Slabs without
beams between
interior supports
Exterior Slab with beams Without With Exterior
edge between all edge edge edge fully
unrestrained supports beam beam restrained
Interior negative 0.75 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.65
factored moment
Positive factored 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.50 0.35
Exterior negative 0 0.16 0.26 0.30 0.65
factored moment

Step 3. Divide positive and negative moments between column strips and middle
Now that we have determined the values of the positive and negative
moments across the full width (2) of the panel, we divide these moments to
the appropriate column strips and middle strips.
The calculations are slightly more involved when beams are incorpo-
rated into the oor system.
The ACI Code denes a coefcient, f, which is the ratio of exural
stiffness of a beam section to the exural stiffness of a width of slab
bounded laterally by the centerlines of adjacent panels on each side of the
beam. The coefcient f is calculated using Equation (6.4) (ACI Equation
Ecb I b
f 6:4
Ecs I s
where Ecb and Ecs are the modulus of elasticity of the concrete in the beam
and slab respectively (these two values are usually the same in cast-in-place
concrete construction); and Ib and Is are the moment of inertia of the gross
concrete section of the beam and slab, respectively. For at plates and
slabs, f 0.0.
384 6 Floor Systems

Table 6.3 summarizes the percentages of the negative moment that is

assigned to the column strips at an interior support (ACI Code,
Section The remainder of the moment is assigned to the middle
strip. Linear interpolation is permitted between the values shown.
Table 6.4 summarizes the percentages of positive moment assigned to
the column strips (ACI Code, Section The remainder of the
moment is assigned to the middle strip. Linear interpolation is permitted
between the values shown.
Column strips at an exterior support are assigned percentages of the
negative moments according to Table 6.5 (ACI Code, Section
Again, linear interpolation is permitted between the values shown. In
Table 6.5, the main distinction is whether or not an edge beam connects
into the column. A large edge beam with a signicant torsional stiffness
attracts negative moments away from the column strip, or in other words, it
provides some xity for the middle strip as well. In the case of free slab
edge (no edge beam), we assign the total exterior negative moment calcu-
lated in step 2 to the column strip.

Table 6.3 Percent of interior 2/1 0.5 1.0 2.0

negative moments assigned to
column strips (ACI Code (f12/1) 0 75 75 75
Table (f12/1)  1.0 90 75 45

Table 6.4 Percent of positive 2/1 0.5 1.0 2.0

moments assigned to column
(f12/1) 0 60 60 60
strips (ACI Code
Table (f12/1)  1.0 90 75 45

Table 6.5 Percent 2/1 0.5 1.0 2.0

distribution of negative
(f12/1) 0 t 0 100 100 100
moment at an exterior column
into the column strip (ACI t  2.5 75 75 75
Code Table (f12/1)  1.0 t 0 100 100 100
t  2.5 90 75 45

In Table 6.5, t is the ratio of the torsional stiffness of the beam to the
exural stiffness of a width of slab equal to the span length of the beam.
The term beam here refers to a T-section attached to a certain amount of
the slab that helps to increase the beams torsional stiffness. See Figure 6.14
for an illustration of the T-section.
The cross-sectional constant of the combined stem and attached slabs
may be evaluated from rectangular parts as given by Equation (6.5) (ACI
Code Equation
6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates 385

hb 4hf bw 2hb bw 8hf



bw bw

Figure 6.14 Slab width increasing the beams torsional stiffness

x x3 y
C 1  0:63 6:5
y 3

where x and y are the shorter and longer overall dimensions, respectively,
of the rectangular part of the cross section. The value for t can then be
calculated using Equation (6.6) (ACI Equation
Ecb C
t 6:6
2Ecs I s
In typical cast-in-place concrete construction, Ecb Ecs.
Step 4. Determine reinforcement.
From the moments calculated in step 3, determine the reinforcement
required in the column strips and middle strips using the exural design
methods discussed in Chapter 2.
Example 6.3 Design the reinforcement for a typical interior bay of the at plate
oor system of Example 6.1. Assume that the columns are 20 in.  20 in. and that
the slabs thickness is 10 in. Use fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
The solution shows detailed calculations for the longer span (26 ft)
direction only.
Step 1. Calculate Mo.

1 26:0 ft 2 24:0 ft qu 334 psf from Example 6:1

n 26  20=12 24:33 ft
0:334  24  24:332
Mo 593:3 kip-ft
386 6 Floor Systems

Step 2. Distribute Mo between the negative and positive moments.

Mneg 0:65  593:3 385:6 kip-ft

Mpos 0:35  593:3 207:7 kip-ft
Step 3. Distribute Mneg and Mpos between the column strip and the middle strip.
Because no beams are incorporated into the system, f1 0 and f2 0.
Thus, using the coefcient from Table 6.3, the factored negative moment
assigned to the column strip at an interior support line is:

 Mcolumn strip 0:75  385:6 289:2 kip-ft

The remainder 100  75 25 % is assigned to the middle strip:
 Mmiddle strip 0:25  385:6 96:4 kip-ft

Using the coefcient from Table 6.4, the factored positive moment
assigned to the column strip is:

Mcolumn strip 0:60  207:7 124:6 kip-ft

The remainder 100  60 40 % is assigned to the middle strip:
Mmiddle strip 0:40  207:7 83:1 kip-ft

Step 4. Determine the required reinforcement.

In the 26-ft long span direction, the width of a column strip or a middle
strip is one-half the perpendicular span. Thus, use the following cross-
sectional data to calculate the required reinforcing:

b 24  12=2 144 in: 

d 10  0:75  0:375 8:87  in: assuming #6 bars in the outer layer
and 3=4 in: concrete cover

Then the calculated column strip negative reinforcing is:

12,000Mu 12,000  289:2

R 306 psi !
bd2 144  8:872
from Table A2:6b ! 0:0060
then As bd 0:0060  144  8:87 7:66 in:2
From Table A2:9, select 18 #6 bars As 7:92 in:2 :

The middle strip negative reinforcing is:

6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates 387

12,000  96:4
R 102 psi ! from Table A2:6b ! 0:0019
144  8:872
then As 0:0019  144  8:87 2:43 in:2
From Table A2:9, select 13 #4 bars As 2:60 in:2 :

The column strip positive reinforcing is:

12,000  124:6
R 132 psi ! from Table A2:6b ! 0:0025
144  8:872
then As 0:0025  144  8:87 3:19 in:2
From Table A2:9, select 16 #4 bars As 3:20 in:2 :

The middle strip positive reinforcing is:

12,000  83:1
R 88 psi ! from Table A2:6b ! 0:0017
144  8:872
then As 0:0017  144  8:87 2:17 in:2

From Table A2.9, select 11 #4 bars (As 2.20 in2). Figure 6.15 shows the
selected reinforcing in the different strip zones. Final results include the
required reinforcing in the 24-ft span direction as well. The resulting
moments in the short span strips are somewhat less (due to the shorter
span), but the reinforcing required is almost identical to that of the long
span strip. This reinforcement will be placed in a second layer, with the
working depth d estimated as only 8.12 in. The student is encouraged to
verify these reinforcing requirements. The placement order (i.e., which
layer of reinforcement must be laid rst and which layer onto the second
layer) must be clearly noted by the designer on the structural plans.
Example 6.4 Calculate the column and middle strip moments for an end bay of the
oor system in Example 6.3 with the addition of a 12 in. wide by 20 in. deep edge
beam. Figure 6.16 shows the slab divided into column and middle strips. As in
Example 6.3 only the 26 ft span direction calculations are shown.

Step 1. Calculate Mo : 1 26:0 ft, 2 24:0 ft, qu 334 psf,

n 26  20=12 24:33 ft
0:334  24  24:332
Mo 593:3 kip-ft
Step 2. In this problem, the values listed in the fourth column of Table 6.2slabs
without beams between interior supports, but with edge beamwill apply.
388 6 Floor Systems

26 ft.

13 #6 Top 18 #6 Top 16 #4 Bottom 18 #6 Top

13 #4 Top

13 #6 Top
12 ft.

13 #4 Top 11 #4 Bottom 13 #4 Top

16 #4 Bottom

11 #4 Bottom

16 #4 Bottom
24 ft. 12 ft.

18 #6 Top 16 #4 Bottom 18 #6 Top

13 #6 Top

13 #4 Top

13 #6 Top
12 ft.

12 ft. 14 ft. 12 ft.

Figure 6.15 The calculated reinforcing from Example 6.3

The total factored negative moment at the rst interior support is:

0:70  593:3 415:3 kip-ft

The total factored positive moment in the rst span is:

0:50  593:3 296:7 kip-ft

The total factored negative moment at the exterior support is:

0:30  593:3 178:0 kip-ft

Step 3. Distribute the moments to the column strips and the middle strips.
(a) Negative moments at the rst interior support:
Because f1 0 (no beams in the span direction), from Table 6.3:
6.4 Flexure in Flat Slabs and Plates 389



12 in. 20 in.
edge beam

24'-0" 12'-0"


6'-0" 14'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0"

Figure 6.16 Column strips and middle strips in the exterior bay

 Mcol: strip 0:75  415:3 311:5 kip-ft

Mmid: strip 0:25  415:3 103:8 kip-ft

(b) Positive moments in the rst span, from Table 6.4:

Mcol: strip 0:60  296:7 178:0 kip-ft

Mmid: strip 0:40  296:7 118:7 kip-ft

(c) Negative moments at the exterior support:

In order to use Table 6.5, calculate the value of t.
Figure 6.17 shows the denition of the edge beam per Figure 6.14.
Calculating the required parameters:
390 6 Floor Systems

10 in.

20 in.

12 in. 10 in.

Figure 6.17 The edge beam in Example 6.4

20  12  10 10  10  5
yt 8:53 in, A 20  12 10  10 340 in:2
20  12 10  10
203  12 103  10
Ib  340  8:532 10,595 in:4
3 3
24  12  103
Is 24,000 in:4
 12  3  
12 12  20 10 103  10
C 1  0:63  1  0:63  8,399 in:4
20 3 10 3
t 0:175
2  24,000

By interpolating between the values listed in Table 6.5, we obtain

the percentage needed to calculate the negative moment at the exterior

Mcol: strip 0:982  178:0 174:8 kip-ft

The remainder, which is assigned to the middle strip, is:

Mmid: strip 178:0  174:8 3:2 kip-ft

This value is very small due to the relatively small torsional stiff-
ness of the edge beam.

6.5 Flat Slabs and the Use of Drop Panels

Flat plates are usually the most economical choice when spans are about 26 ft or
less. Beyond this length the slab thickness required to control deections becomes
too large, thus making the slab too heavy. Moments and shears are highest in the
areas around the columns. Hence, it makes eminent sense to increase the depth of
the plate in these critical areas, as shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3. Although the use
of drop panels may be attractive from the standpoint of structural behavior, the
6.5 Flat Slabs and the Use of Drop Panels 391

associated forming costs are considerable. On the other hand, drop panels allow
thinner slabs to be used in most of the areas. This results in weight and concrete
savings that offset some of the excess forming costs. Figure B6.2 in Appendix B
shows the forming of a drop panel for a at slab oor system.
According to the ACI Code (Section 8.2.4), drop panels must extend at least
one-sixth of the span length in each direction from the column center line, and their
thickness must be at least 25 % of the slab thickness beyond them.
Example 6.5 Calculate the appropriate size of a at slab system for the oor in
Example 6.3. The columns are 20 in.  20 in. Figure 6.18 shows the plan layout
indicating the outlines of the drop panels.
The minimum plan dimension of the drop panel is

1 1
26  2 80800 by 24  2 80000
6 6
From Table 6.1 the recommended minimum slab thickness is:

n 26  12  20
hmin 8:11 in: select h 8:5 in:
36 36

The minimum drop panel thickness below the slab is:





Figure 6.18 Plan of at slab

392 6 Floor Systems

0:25 in:  8:5 in: 2:13 in: Use 2:5 in:

Thus, the total thickness within the drop panel will be 8.5 + 2.5 11 in.
The total volume of concrete within one typical bay is:

8:5 2:5
24  26  8:67  8  456:5 ft3
12 12

or an equivalent uniform thickness of 8.78 in., as opposed to the 10 in. thickness

used in the at plate structure. This represents a 12.2 % saving in concrete use and,
correspondingly, in the self-weight of the structural slab. After the superimposed
dead and live loads are added, however, the savings in the average factored loads
diminish to about 5.4 %. The reduced working depth in the zones outside the drop
panels results in increased reinforcing as well, further diminishing the economical
advantages gained from the use of less concrete.

6.6 Wafe Slab Structures

Figure 6.19 shows a typical wafe slab or two-way joist oor structure. Wafe slab
oor structures are thick at plate structures, with the concrete removed from zones
where it is not required by strength considerations. Wafe slab provides economical
structures for spans up to 60 ft, in square bays, loaded with light and moderate
loads. The voids are formed by steel (or berglass) domes that are reusable, thus
very economical. These forms are available in standard sizes, as shown in
Figure 6.20, although wider or odd-shaped domes are also used to satisfy some
design objectives. The sides of the domes are tapered (usually 1 in 12) to permit
easy removal after the concrete has cured. The two-way joists, when carefully
nished after the removal of the forms, provide a pleasing appearance as well.
Figure B6.3 in Appendix B shows an exposed wafe slab oor system.

Figure 6.19 Underside view of a wafe slab

6.6 Wafe Slab Structures 393

Depth of void

19 in. or 30 in.
24 in. or 36 in.
Standard depth:
6 in., 8 in., 10 in., 12 in.
for 19 in.-wide voids
8 in., 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 16 in., 20 in.
for 30 in.-wide voids

Figure 6.20 Standard forming pans (domes) for wafe slabs

The lips on the domes, when laid out side by side, form 5 in.-wide joists for the
19 in.-wide voids and 6 in.-wide joists for the 30 in.-wide voids. But the designer
does not have to work with 24 in. or 36 in. planning modules. Because the domes
are always laid out on a at plywood deck, the spacing between the domes can be
easily adjusted to make the joists wider than standard at the base. This accommo-
dates virtually any column spacing while maintaining a uniform appearance.
Leaving out the domes around the columns forms a shear head that provides
increased shear strength as well as concrete in the bottom for the high negative
moments. The slab over the domes is typically 34.5 in. thick, unless large
concentrated loads, increased re rating requirements, or embedded electrical
boxes and conduits warrant the use of a thicker slab. The 3 in. minimum is quite
adequate for roofs. The slab is reinforced with a light welded wire reinforcement to
prevent shrinkage and temperature cracks. Figure B6.4 in Appendix B shows the
domes and reinforcements during the construction of a wafe slab oor system.
For overall depth selection, the span/depth ratios given in Table 6.1 under the
heading Without Drop Panels will result in a very serviceable structure. The solid
concrete area around the column ideally should approach the size required for drop
panels; in other words, it should extend about one-sixth of the span length measured
from the column centerline.
Example 6.6 Select an appropriate wafe slab oor structure for 36 ft  36 ft bays.
Columns are 20 in.  20 in. fy 60,000 psi
Select a 4.5 in.-thick slab, anticipating electrical conduits or junction boxes in the
slab Also, use the same depth structure in the end bays without edge beams.
From Table 6.1:

n 36  12  20
h 13:73 in:
30 30

Select 10 in.-deep pans and a 4.5 in. slab for a total structural depth of 14.5 in.
Figure 6.21 shows the resulting layout.
394 6 Floor Systems

Column strip
Middle strip
Column strip
Column strip Middle strip Column strip

Figure 6.21 Plan view of a wafe slab showing the dened column and middle strips

Each 30 in.  30 in.  10 in. dome displaces 4.92 ft3 of concrete (CRSI Design
Handbook, p. 11-1). A typical bay contains 128 domes. Thus, the total volume of
concrete in the bay is:

Volume 36  36   128  4:92 936:2 ft3

The average concrete thickness is only:

tavg 12 8:67 in:
36  36

The analysis of the system is very similar to that of at plates. When nding the
reinforcement take into account that, with the exception of the lled areas around
the columns, the slab is no longer solid, but rather a set of joists. Thus:
(a) In positive moment areas, divide the strip moment by the number of joists and
design the joists for that fraction. Figure 6.22 shows that joists in these areas
6.7 One-Way Joists 395

b 36 in.

d1 d2

Figure 6.22 Reinforcing in positive moment zones

are like T-beams, and the slab on top provides a wide compression ange. The
joists will have two layers of reinforcement, one for each joist direction; thus,
the working depth will be slightly less in one direction.
(b) In negative moment regions (where middle strips bend upwards over column
strips), the bottom width of the stem is in compression and the slab on the top
is in tension. Thus, distributed reinforcing is used over the width of the ange,
as shown in Figure 6.23.
(c) Shear and bending must be determined in the joists around the solid section
surrounding the column. On rare occasions, shear reinforcing is necessary in
the joists along a short distance.

d = 13.5 in.

b = 6 in.

Figure 6.23 Reinforcing in negative moment zones

6.7 One-Way Joists

Figure 6.24 shows a typical one-way joist system. One-way joists spanning between
beams are essentially closely spaced beam elements. The clear space between them
must not exceed 30 in. in order to qualify for the joist designation used by the ACI
Code. The forms are made of various materials, such as steel, berglass, ber board,
and corrugated cardboard, and are made with or without the edge lip, as shown in
Figure 6.25. Forms without the edge lip, however, tend to bulge sideways during
construction under the lateral pressure of the freshly placed concrete, and the
396 6 Floor Systems

Figure 6.24 One-way joists and beams

1-in.-12 slope Depth of void

20 in. or 30 in.
Standard depth:
8 in., 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 16 in., 20 in.

Figure 6.25 Standard one-way joist pans

resulting joist widths are uneven. Forms with square or tapered ends are also
available, as shown in Figure 6.26. The tapered ends provide increased shear
capacity as well as increased moment capacity at the negative moment regions.
Figure B6.5 in Appendix B shows a one-way joist oor system under construction.
One-way joist systems are often used when the bays are elongated (i.e., the
column spacing in one direction exceeds the spacing in the other direction by about
40 % or more). At such span ratios the advantage of two-way behavior is greatly
reduced, and it is more economical to use one-way systems in which beams span
between columns, and joists span between the beams. It is also more economical to
orient the beams in the shorter spans and the joists in the longer span. For ease of
forming, the selected depth of the beams is often equal to that of the joists. In order
to provide for the necessary shear and moment capacity, the beams are made
considerably wider than the faces of the columns into which they frame. These
wide and shallow beams are not as efcient as deeper beams, but the savings
achieved by the reduced forming cost more than make up for that. Beams deeper
than the joists, such as those shown in Figure 6.27, occupy additional ceiling space
and require additional forming cost. Figure B6.6 in Appendix B shows an exposed
one-way joist oor system.
The slab over the voids is typically 3 in. thick, unless large concentrated loads or
increased re rating requirements warrant the use of a thicker slab. The slab is
6.7 One-Way Joists 397

2 in.


Square-end joists Tapered-end joists

Figure 6.26 Square- and tapered-end pan layouts

Wide beam: joists and beam are Beam is deeper than joists, more
of equal depth, simple forming complicated forming

Figure 6.27 Beam sections with joists

Table 6.6 Recommended minimum span/depth ratios [ACI Code, Tables and].
(minimum thickness of non-prestressed beams or one-way slabs unless deections are computed.)
Simply One end Both ends
Member supported continuous continuous Cantilever
Solid one-way Span/20 Span/24 Span/28 Span/10
Beams or joists Span/16 Span/18.5 Span/21 Span/8

reinforced with a light welded wire reinforcement to prevent shrinkage and

temperature cracks. The overall depth of the joist (including the slabs thickness)
should be selected in accordance with Tables and of the ACI Code,
which is shown in Table 6.6. (This table was discussed in Chapter 2, but it is
repeated here for the readers convenience). The ratios listed therein give satisfac-
tory performance for most structural elements. The designer should be aware,
however, that these are minimum depth values, and should be used for members
not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged
by large deections. Thus, special attention should be paid when attaching walls to
the underside of concrete structural elements to ensure that such elements do not
398 6 Floor Systems

bear on the walls when deecting. Furthermore, the deection of the supporting
beams should not exceed span/600 to ensure crack-free masonry walls.
If the depth must be minimized beyond the values listed in Table 6.6, the
designer may use Grade 40 ( fy 40,000 psi) reinforcement. This will result in
about 50 % more required reinforcement, but will reduce the strain in the
reinforcing steel in service load condition. Reduced strain in the reinforcement
provides reduced deection. Because using a different grade of reinforcement for a
few selected members on a project is not recommended, it is permissible to use
Grade 60 steel equal in cross-sectional area to the calculated amount of Grade
40 steel that would be necessary. Values shown in Table 6.6 should be used directly
for members with normal-weight concrete and Grade 60 reinforcement. For other
conditions the values should be modied as follows:
(a) For structural lightweight concrete that has a unit weight in the range of
90115 pcf, the values shall be multiplied by max(1.650.005wc, 1.09),
where wc is the unit weight in pcf.
(b) For fy other than 60,000 psi, the values shall be multiplied by (0.4 +

6.8 Beams and One-Way Slabs

Figure 6.28 shows a typical beam and one-way slab system. A beam and one-way
slab system is an economical choice when the bays are elongated and the
superimposed loads are large. The system is especially economical when the
structure is subject to large line loads such as heavy partitions. Large openings
through the slab can be easily accommodated virtually anywhere in the oor. Beam
and one-way slab systems have a larger structural depth than do the other oor
systems, and their forming cost is usually higher. These disadvantages are

Figure 6.28 One-way slabs on beams and girders

6.9 Two-Way Slabs on Beams 399

somewhat balanced by savings in concrete and reinforcement usage. This type of

system also provides a clear and unambiguous transfer of moments between beams
and columns. This is a real advantage in high-wind or seismic zones, where the
structural frame resists lateral loads on the building.
Table 6.6 provides information useful for determining the thickness of the slab
and the depths of the beams and girders. These values, however, are recommended
minimum depth values. The following must be considered in selecting the appro-
priate width for girders (and beams):
(a) The width should be enough to lay out the reinforcing in one row in the
positive moment regions;
(b) The width must provide sufcient cross-sectional area so that Vc  Vu /3 at
least, but preferably Vc  Vu /2;
(c) The width of the girder (or beam) framing into a column should be the same as
that of the column face for ease of forming.

6.9 Two-Way Slabs on Beams

Figure 6.29 shows a typical two-way slab system. When the aspect ratio (the ratio of
the longer span to the shorter span) of a slab that is supported on all four sides is less
than about 1.50, the slab exhibits a signicant two-way behavior. As discussed in
detail in Chapter 2, this means that the slab will carry the loads in both directions. In
plan, the load distribution from the slab to the beams may be approximated, as shown
on Figure 6.30. The shorter beam supports much less load than the longer span does.
So if the aspect ratio is signicantly larger than 1.0, the use of stronger beams in the
long direction than in the short direction is recommended. As the aspect ratio
approaches 1.0, the load division between the beams is more evenly distributed.

Figure 6.29 Two-way slabs on beams

400 6 Floor Systems

Area loading
long beam

Area loading
short beam

Figure 6.30 Load distribution in two-way slabs

The ACI Code provides recommendations (Section for the minimum
thickness of slabs supported on all four sides. These ACI Code formulae are
somewhat cumbersome. In the experience of the authors, h  n/35 to n/40 is a
reasonable value for preliminary design (n is the longer clear span of the slab from
face of beam to face of beam). The preliminary selection of beams is governed by
considerations similar to those for one-way slabs and beams.

6.10 Two-Way Joists with Slab Band Beams

Figure 6.31 shows a typical two-way joist, or wafe slab, with slab-band beams
system. This oor system is an interesting variation of the two-way slabs on beams.
Wide beams form a two-way grid of beams (often referred to as slab bands)
between the columns. The depth of the beams is equal to the depth of the two-
way joist system. This arrangement provides a somewhat easier layout of reinforce-
ment in the negative moment regions around the columns. This system may also
have a seismic performance better than that of ordinary wafe slabs.
Problems 401

Figure 6.31 Wafe slabs (or two-way joists) on beams


In the following problems assume concrete is normal weight unless noted

6.1. A at plate reinforced concrete oor system with 16 in.  16 in. columns is
planned on a 25 ft  25 ft grid. Use fc0 4 ksi and fy 60 ksi.
(a) Determine the minimum recommended slab thickness for exterior panels
if edge beams are used on the exterior perimeter of the oor.
(b) Determine the minimum recommended slab thickness if no edge beams
are planned.
6.2. Repeat Problem 6.1 for fy 40 ksi reinforcement.
6.3. Repeat Problem 6.1 using drop panels. Determine the minimum required size
and thickness of a typical drop panel over an interior column.
6.4. An 8 in.-thick at plate reinforced concrete oor system with 18 in.  18 in.
columns is planned on a 22 ft  22 ft grid. The superimposed dead load is
15 psf and the live load is 50 psf. Based on the shear strength of the system
around a typical interior column, verify the adequacy of the design. Assume no
moment transfer between the slab and the column. Use fc0 4 ksi, fy 60 ksi,
and d 6.5 in.
6.5. Use the data in Problem 6.4 to calculate the shear in a slab due to the transfer of
a factored moment, Mu 80 ft-kip, from the slab to an interior column.
6.6. A at plate oor system of a reinforced concrete building is shown below. Use
fc0 5,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi, and concrete cover 3/4 in. The superimposed
dead load is 20 psf and the live load is 80 psf. Use the ACI direct design
method to calculate the moments in the slab.
402 6 Floor Systems

(a) Determine an appropriate slab thickness for an interior panel. Round the
thickness to the nearest 1/2 in.

24 in. 24 in.



25'-0" 25'-0"
Plan of Problem 6-6

(b) Check the shear around a typical interior column. Assume #6 bars in both
direction and use the average d when calculating the shear strength.
Assume no moment transfer between the column and the slab.
(c) Calculate the required outer layer reinforcing for (1) positive moment in a
column strip, (2) positive moment in a middle strip, (3) negative moment
in a column strip, and (4) negative moment in a middle strip.


Experiment 1
Make small-scale reinforced concrete models of a one-way joist, a wafe slab, and
a at plate oor system. Place wires for their reinforcements. Record the procedure
and your observations. Which system required the least effort in building the forms
and placing the reinforcement?
Experiment 2
Identify three different concrete oor systems from local buildings. Record the
range of the spans and the bay shapes (square, rectangular, etc.). In addition, record
their occupancy types. Write a report that summarizes your ndings and includes
Chapter 7
Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

7.1 Introduction

Any building structure requires a foundation system in order to transfer the loads to
the supporting soil. The strength of concrete typically is 400800 kip per square feet
(ksf). Soils typically however, can safely withstand only pressures of 310 ksf. As a
result the foundation system has to spread the load over a large surface area to
reduce the pressure when it transfers loads from columns and walls to the
supporting soil.
Foundations were constructed of stone and masonry before concrete was used as
a building material. Application of concrete has improved the foundation system
signicantly. Today, virtually all foundations are made of plain or reinforced
Because the design of foundations requires an understanding of the soil-structure
interaction, we must study the different types of soil and their behavior under
loading. Therefore, the following sections present an overview of the different
types of soil, their classications, the exploration methods, and the laboratory
tests for nding the allowable bearing capacity of soil.
Subsequently, this chapter deals with the different types of foundation systems,
with a focus on the design and analysis of wall and column footings. The last part of
this chapter discusses the different types of earth supporting walls, with an empha-
sis on basement walls and cantilever retaining walls.

7.2 Types of Soil

In general, all subsurface materials fall into one of two groups: rock or soil. But in
reality soils are made up mostly from rock eroded by air and water and settled over
many millennia. Soils are divided into two main categories: coarse-grained soils

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 403

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_7
404 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

and ne-grained soils. Coarse-grained soils consist mainly of gravel and sand. The
particle sizes are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Coarse-grained soils
are also called noncohesive soils, as their grains do not stick to each other when
oven-dried. Fine-grained soils are classied as clay or silt. A magnifying glass is
needed in order to see their particles. Fine-grained soils are also called cohesive
soils because their particles stick to each other. Cohesive soils expand when
subjected to moisture and shrink when dried.
In addition to these major categories of soil, soils are classied as organic or
inorganic soils. Organic soil consists of decayed vegetable or animal remains. The
top soil used to grow plants and vegetations is an organic soil. Inorganic soil, in
contrast, is almost completely free of organic materials. Organic soil is not suitable
for supporting building structures or even to be used as backll against basement or
retaining walls. If it is encountered in a construction site, it must be replaced with
appropriate compacted engineered ll.

7.3 Soil Classication

A soil classication called the Unied Soil Classication System (USCS) has been
devised to specify the soil mix and its condition. It is based on the work of Professor
Arthur Casagrande at Harvard University. Each designation in this classication
consists of two letters. The rst letter represents the type of soil: G (gravel), S
(sand), M (silt), C (clay), O (organic), and P (peat). The second letter shows the soil
condition, for example, W (well-graded) or P (poorly graded). In this classication,
soils are divided into 15 types, as shown in Table 7.1. A well-graded soil consists of
both large and small grains, with the small particles lling the voids between the
large ones (sand and gravel). Well graded and compacted sand and gravel are very
good substrata. The poorly graded soil refers to a soil that does not have the right
proportioning of sand and gravel and, as a result, has large voids between adjacent

7.4 Test Borings and the Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

In order to design foundation systems, we need information about the underlying

soil. The most widely used method of exploration drills holes (borings) into the
ground at the intended site of the building. The soil is sampled at different depths of
borings and standard tests are conducted to obtain information about the soils
Test borings are distributed so as to obtain insight about the soil under the whole
footprint of the building. The spacing and depth of the borings depend mainly on
the type of structure to be built and the uniformity of the soil deposit. For low-rise
buildings, the spacing of the borings is about 75100 ft. Their depths are about
7.4 Test Borings and the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) 405

Table 7.1 Unied soil classication system

Main division Symbol Description
Coarse- Gravels GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures
grained soils GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures
GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures
GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures
Sands SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands
SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands
SM Silty sands, silt-sand mixtures
SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures
Fine-grained Silts and ML Inorganic silts and very ne sands, silty or clayey ne
soils clays sands or clayey silts
CL Inorganic clays, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty
OL Organic silts and organic silty clays
MH Inorganic silts, ne sandy or silty soils
CH Inorganic clays
OH Organic clays, organic silts
PT Peat and other highly organic soils

2030 ft below the foundation level, with one deep boring to search for hidden
weak deposits. For high-rise buildings the spacing of borings is closer, around
4050 ft, and the depth often descends to the underlying bedrock.
Boring is performed by an auger drill. A hollow pipe, called the casing, is advanced
to prevent the soil from collapsing into the borehole. As the bore hole is advanced, the
soil is tested in situ at certain locations. This testing is usually performed wherever
the driller experiences a different stratum, or at 5-ft intervals within the same stratum.
The test used most often is the Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
The SPT uses a device called a split-barrel sampler. Figure 7.1 shows a schematic
drawing of a split-barrel sampler. It is a hollow cylinder 2 in. in diameter, made up of
two tting half cylinders, which are held together by two threaded end-pieces. It is
placed at the bottom of the bore hole and driven through the soil by a 140-lb hammer
that has a free fall of 30 in. The number of blows needed to move the sampler three
times 6 in. into the soil is recorded. The numbers of the blows from the second and
third 6-in. advancements are added up. This sum gives the so-called N value. The
blows from the rst 6-in. advancement do not reveal the true characteristics of the soil
in situ, because the auger tends to leave disturbed soil at the bottom of the hole.
In addition, when the sampler is withdrawn at the end of the test, the device is
taken apart and the soil sample contained in the cylinder (part B on Figure 7.1) is
placed into a sealed and labeled jar. The sample is then taken to the laboratory for
further testing.
The blow count, N, is related to the soil condition. Table 7.2 shows a general
classication relating soil condition and the blow count. After careful laboratory
analysis of the samples, the geotechnical engineer prepares a boring log of each
boring performed at the site. Figure 7.2 shows a sample boring log.
406 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Open shoe Head Rollpin



Tube Ball Vent
(2 at 3 8 in.
B diameter)
A 1.0 to 2.0 in. (25 to 50 mm)
B 18.0 to 30.0 in. (0.457 to 0.762 m)
C 1.375 0.005 in. (34.93 0.13 mm)
D 1.50 0.05 0.00 in. (38.1 1.3 0.0 mm)
E 0.10 0.02 in. (2.54 0.25 mm)
F 2.00 0.05 0.00 in. (50.8 1.3 0.0 mm)
G 16.0 to 23.0
The 1 1 2 in. (38 mm) inside diameter split barrel may be used with a 16-gage wall thickness split
liner.The penetrating end of the drive shoe may be slightly rounded. Metal or plastic retainers
may be used to retain soil samples.

Figure 7.1 Schematic drawing of a split-barrel sampler for the Standard Penetration Test
(copyright ASTM International. Reprinted with permission)

Table 7.2 Relationship Sand Clay

between soil condition and
Condition N Condition N
blow count, N (Data from
Terzaghi and Peck, Soil Very loose 04 Very soft <2
Mechanics in Engineering Loose 410 Soft 24
Practice, 2nd ed., 1968) Medium 1030 Medium 48
Dense 3050 Stiff 815
Very dense >50 Very stiff 1530
Hard >30

7.5 Soil Failure Under Footings

Soil, like any other material, has a certain load bearing capacity. If the pressure
from the footing exceeds this limit, the soil will fail. This would cause the footing
to sink into the soil, which may have disastrous consequences on a supported
Figure 7.3 shows a simple theoretical failure mechanism for soils under pressure.
A wedge is formed directly under the footing (Zone I). This wedge is pushed down
by the footing, which in turn pushes Zone II outward. Zone II rotates about a pivot
at the top and pushes Zone III sideways and up. The bottom parts of Zones II and III
7.5 Soil Failure Under Footings 407


1 2 3 4 5




10 20 30 40 50

SURFACE ELEVATION 10 20 30 40 50

1.0 Driller notes 4 in. asphalt and 8 in. base course

PA Driller notes silty clay fill
Silty clay, trace fine gravel, sand and shale - brown -
1 ST hard (CL)
5.0 PA 5.0
Silty clay, trace fine gravel, sand and shale - gray -
2 ST very stiff (CL)
PA 7.5
3 ST Silt, trace fine sand - gray - moist (ML)
10.0 10.0
4 SS Fine to coarse sand, trace silt and fine gravel - gray - 18
medium dense - saturated (SW)


5 SS


20.0 5/6"
6 SS Seams of clay in Sample 6.
6A SS Silty clay, trace fine gravel and sand - gray - very 7/6"

stiff to stiff (CL)


25.0 14

7 SS

8 SS
30.0 30.0
End of Boring * Calibrated Penetrometer
Borehole backfilled with chips and cuttings; patch
Automatic-Diedrich Hammer used for Standard
Penetration Tests

The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil types: In situ, the transition may be gradual.

8.0 ft WS 3/1/06
5.0 ft AB 3/1/06 1 1

Figure 7.2 A sample boring log

form a shear plane along which the wedges move. This plane provides shear
resistance against the movement. The weight of Zone III also provides resistance
against the rotation of Zone II. Thus, placing loads on Zone III (surcharge) or
moving the footing deeper into the ground will inhibit the movement of the wedges.
As a result, the soil will have more bearing capacity.
408 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls




Figure 7.3 Bearing capacity failure of soil

7.6 Pressure Distribution Under Footing and Soil


The pressure at the bottom of the footing propagates through the soil mass. The
pressure is most intense directly under the footing, and decreases at increasing
horizontal and vertical distances from the footing. This is known as the pressure
bulb effect as shown in Figure 7.4a for a circular footing. Figure 7.4b shows how the
pressure bulb extends in all directions like a balloon. The pressure bulb for a square
footing has a shape somewhat similar to the one shown in Figure 7.4. In the case of
a continuous strip footing, the pressure distribution extends along the footing with
proportions that are cylindrical rather than spherical.
Soils compress into a smaller volume when subjected to pressure. This leads to
settlement, or a downward movement of the footings. The amount of settling
depends on several factors such as the pressure level under the footing, the size
of the footing, and the properties of the soil. The volume of soil affected by the
footing is basically the limit of the pressure bulb shown in Figure 7.4. Therefore,
settlement also depends on the shape and size of the footing. Settlement can never
be completely eliminated unless the footing is directly supported by bedrock. So we
design footings to limit the detrimental effects of settlement on the structure.
Soils are composed of three major constituents: solid particles, a system of voids
between these particles, and air (gas) or water that lls the voids. When the soil is
loose, it has a large void content.
Settlement or consolidation in soils is associated with the squeezing of the
moisture or air out of the voids. This permits the solid particles to move closer to
each other, resulting in a denser structure.
In granular soils the movement of water (or smaller particles) is easy. Thus,
settlement of these soils will take place quickly as the structure is built on top of
them and loads are added onto the footings. About 90 % of the expected settling will
have taken place by the time the building is completed.
In cohesive soils (clays), the movement of moisture is slow, thus the consolida-
tion (settlement) of the soil is also slow. Settlement may take place long after the
completion and occupancy of the building.
7.6 Pressure Distribution Under Footing and Soil Settlement 409

b W

0 0.5W 0.75W W

0.6q 0.5W




Figure 7.4 (a) Isometric view of pressure bulb under column footing; (b) graph of pressure bulb
under column footing
410 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

In general, there are two types of settlement of building foundations:

1. Uniform settlement: This happens when all parts of the entire building settle
approximately the same amount. Uniform settlement may damage underground
utilities, but usually does not cause any signicant structural damage to the
building. The Monadnock Building in Chicago, for example, underwent almost
2 ft of settlement without any damage.
2. Differential settlement: In this case, different footings will experience different
amounts of settlement. Differential settlement can cause serious structural distortion
and damage, so it is important to design structures and foundations that minimize
the effects of differential settlement. It is common practice to try to limit differential
settlement to 1/300 of the horizontal distance between adjacent footings.

7.7 Allowable Bearing Soil Pressure

Because differential settlement can cause severe distortion and structural problems,
various methods are used to reduce its effect. One common method is to design the
footings so that each applies approximately the same pressure on the soil under the
most usual loads. These loads consist of dead loads and an average percentage of
the live load depending on the occupancy type.
There is a limit to the pressure that soils can safely support. This limit is called
allowable soil bearing pressure or simply soil bearing capacity, and is based on
two criteria: (1) the soil does not fail, and (2) the settlement is not excessive.
Building codes recommend soil bearing capacities for specic conditions. These
recommended values are generally approximate. Table 7.3 shows approximate soil
bearing capacities for each soil type. The proper method of establishing the
allowable soil bearing pressure is a soil investigation program conducted by a
qualied geotechnical engineer. Usually the structural engineer selects and designs
the foundation system based on a soil report from a geotechnical engineer.

Table 7.3 Allowable soil Soil type Bearing capacity (ksf)

bearing capacities
Medium clay 3
Stiff clay 4
Very stiff clay 6
Hard clay 810
Medium sand 26
Dense sand 68
Very dense sand 810
Sand and gravel mix 812
Soft rock 16
Medium, sound rock 30
Hard rock 4080
Massive, solid bedrock 200400
7.8 Types of Foundations 411

For smaller projects, however, the structural engineer may use the presumptive
bearing capacities recommended by the local building codes such as those shown in
Table 7.3 when foundations are supported by soil whose properties are known.

7.8 Types of Foundations

Foundations fall into two main categories: shallow foundations and deep founda-
tions. Each of these foundation systems consists of different subsystems, as shown
in Figure 7.5. Many factors need to be considered in the selection of a foundation
system. These include soil strength, soil type, the location of the water table,
variation of the soil with depth, and so on. In general, foundations are constructed
of plain or reinforced concrete. The typical strength of concrete used in footings is
fc0 3,000 psi. In rare cases, concrete with higher strength may be used to reduce
the footing depth and weight.

7.8.1 Shallow Foundations

Shallow foundations are usually located no more than 6 ft below the lowest nished
oor. These are the most economical and most common type of foundation. A
shallow foundation system generally is used when (1) the soil close to the surface of
the ground has sufcient strength, and (2) underlying weaker strata do not result in
undue settlement.
Figure 7.5 divides shallow foundations into ve major types: wall footings,
isolated column spread footings, combined footings, strap footings, and mat or
raft foundations.

Foundation Systems

Shallow foundation Deep foundation

Wall Combined Strap Mat
footing footing footing foundation

Pile Pier foundation

foundation (caissons)

Figure 7.5 Types of foundations

412 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Depending on the condition and the type of the supporting soil, shallow foundations
are cast either into a neat excavation in the soil or into wood forms. It is most economical
to cast the concrete into earth forms. But this is only possible with a cohesive soil,
such as clay, which remains stable during the concrete placement. If the soil is granular,
the concrete is cast using wood side forms. The forms are removed after the concrete
gains strength, and the area around the footing is backlled and compacted.
Wall Footings Wall footings support walls made of wood, masonry, or concrete.
They are made of plain or reinforced concrete and are continuous under the entire
length of the wall. Similar to slabs, structural analysis and design are performed on
a 1-ft-long strip of the footing (assuming the wall is evenly loaded). The supported
wall is usually placed at the center of the footing to avoid any eccentricity and
rotation of the footing. Figure 7.6a shows a typical wall footing.

a b


Figure 7.6 Different types of shallow foundations: (a) wall footing, (b) isolated spread footing,
(c) combined footing (rectangular), (d) combined footing (trapezoidal), (e) strap footing, and (f) mat
7.8 Types of Foundations 413

Figure 7.6 (continued)

Isolated Spread Footing An isolated or individual spread footing supports a single

column. Figure 7.6b shows a typical isolated spread footing. Spread footings are
usually square shaped, but we can design them in a rectangular shape, if needed.
This may be necessary if the footing is close to a neighboring footing or a
property line.
414 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Isolated spread footings can be made of plain concrete if they are subjected only
to gravity loads and are not located in earthquake-prone areas. Plain concrete
footings are usually used only with light loads.
Combined Footings One footing may be used to support two columns when the
columns are close to each other and the isolated spread footings for one column
would overlap the other. Such a footing is called a combined footing. Figure 7.6c
shows a rectangular combined footing. If the column loads are signicantly differ-
ent, we may use a trapezoidal footing such as the one shown in Figure 7.6d. The
larger width of the footing will be closer to the column supporting the heavier load.
When designing a combined footing, it is important to size the footing so that it
exerts an approximately uniform pressure on the soil. To achieve this, the footing is
proportioned so that its centroid is at or near the resultant of the column loads.
Strap Footings A strap or cantilever footing is a special type of combined footing
that uses a strap or beam to connect the two footings together. The application of
this footing is similar to that of the combined footing. Strap footings may also be
useful when underground utility lines prevent the use of rectangular combined
footings. Figure 7.6e shows a typical strap footing. The strap acts as a cantilever
beam that partially resists the moment from the eccentrically loaded exterior footing.
This ensures that the soil pressure is uniform underneath the entire strap footing.
Mat Foundation A mat or raft foundation consists of a large and thick continuous
reinforced concrete slab that supports the entire building. This system is used when
the soil bearing capacity is low or column loads are heavy, resulting in more than
50 % of the building plan area being required for individual footings. An advantage
of a mat foundation is that it drastically reduces differential settlement between
columns. Mat foundations are usually made of heavily reinforced concrete slabs at
least 24 in. thick. Figure 7.6f shows a typical mat foundation.

7.8.2 Deep Foundations

The use of shallow foundations may not be economical or even possible if the soil
bearing capacity close to the surface is too low. Deep foundations are used in these
situations to transfer the loads to a strong layer, which may be located at a
signicant depth below the ground surface. The load is transferred through skin
friction and end bearing as shown in Figure 7.7.
There are two main types of deep foundations: piles and piers (also called
caissons), as shown in Figure 7.5.
Pile Foundations Piles usually have small cross-section sizes, ranging from 6 to
24 in., and capacities of up to 500 kip. They are made of treated timber, steel, or
concrete in different shapes. Piles typically are driven into the ground using pile
driving hammers. This process causes noise and vibration, which may disturb
sensitive adjacent structures, such as hospitals.
7.8 Types of Foundations 415

Skin friction

Hard soil/bedrock

End bearing

Figure 7.7 Load transfer in deep foundations

When a pile is driven into the soil, it displaces the soil that is in direct contact
with it. The soil around the pile becomes signicantly compacted and lateral
pressure on the pile increases. This results in friction forces between the soil and
the pile.
Timber piles have been used since ancient times. The piles used today are about
2535 ft long although it is possible to splice them for longer length. Timber piles
act mainly as friction piles because their end bearing is not signicant. These piles
have load capacities in the range of 3050 kip.
Steel and precast concrete piles are normally used to carry large loads. For long,
slender piles the end bearing on soil is insignicant compared to the resistance from
the skin friction. But if the piles are driven to the underlying bedrock, they act as
end-bearing piles because the end-bearing resistance contributes a large percentage
of the total resistance.
Piles are commonly used in groups with a pile cap connecting the tops of the
piles and providing a surface area for placing building columns. Figure 7.8a shows a
pile group supporting a column. The piles in a group should be separated far enough
that the load carrying action of each pile does not affect that of an adjacent one.
Typically, at least three piles are used in a group, but two piles are often acceptable
in certain conditions. Figure 7.8b shows typical layouts of piles in groups with their
associated pile caps.
It is common to use battered piles if the piles are to be subjected to large lateral
loads due to wind or earthquake loads. These piles resist the effects of lateral
loads through axial tension and compression forces. Figure 7.8c shows a pile
group with battered piles.
Auger-cast piles may be used to alleviate the noise and harmful vibrations
associated with pile driving. A long hollow stem screw is drilled into the ground.
The auger is withdrawn at the desired depth while, simultaneously, concrete is
pumped into the bottom through the hollow stem. The withdrawing auger removes
the soil and replaces it with a concrete column. The pile can be reinforced by
416 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


Pile cap


b Pile (typical)

Pile cap

Column (typical)

3 Piles 4 Piles

5 Piles

6 Piles

7 Piles


Figure 7.8 Pile foundation: (a) pile group, (b) typical pile layouts, and (c) battered piles
7.8 Types of Foundations 417





Figure 7.9 Pier foundation (caisson)

lowering a wide ange steel section into the fresh concrete immediately after
withdrawal of the auger.
Pier Foundations Piers are typically made by using a large-diameter auger to drill a
round hole in the ground and placing concrete into the hole. The drilling process for
piers is much less noisy than pile driving. The shaft diameter is usually at least
36 in. This provides enough room to lower a person to inspect and test the soil
before placing the concrete. A protective steel cylinder (called a casing) is used to
prevent the collapse of the sides during drilling.
A drilled pier is sometimes called a caisson, which is French for box. A special
device is often used at the bottom of the pier to enlarge the base, creating a belled
caisson instead of a straight-shaft caisson. The main purpose of a bell is to increase
the bearing area of the caisson. Figure 7.9 shows a typical belled caisson with its
components. Bells can be made only in cohesive soils such as clay. It is common
practice when designing a caisson to ignore the skin friction between the shaft and
soil and use only the end bearing capacity.
Caissons support many tall buildings in Chicago. Each column of the John
Hancock Center is supported by a 140-ft-long caisson, which transfers the load to
the bedrock. The Willis Tower (old Sears Tower) sits on 114 caissons that are 6 ft in
diameter and over 100 ft long to reach the bedrock.
418 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

7.8.3 Considerations for the Placement of Foundations

Several issues must be considered when selecting a footing type. These issues,
however, mainly affect the placement of shallow foundations.
Adjacent Property Lines Buildings often have columns or walls close to or right on
a property line. Typically building codes and legal considerations do not allow any
part of a footing to extend beyond the property line. A good way to avoid this
problem is by setting the buildings supporting elements away from the property
line and letting the supported structure cantilever to the legal limit. But if the design
demands supports at or near a property line, the structural designer may need to use
an elongated rectangular footing, a combined footing, or a strap footing.
Depth for Frost Penetration The moisture in the soil underneath a footing may
freeze during the cold season if the bottom of an exterior footing is located too close
to the ground surface. Water expands when it freezes, and the magnitude of the
expansion is about 10 %. The expansion takes place toward the least resistance,
which is usually upward. This phenomenon is called frost heaving. This can push
the footing upward, which in turn can distort and crack the footing and damage the
supported building structure.
This problem is simple to prevent. Exterior footings have to be placed below the
frost line, as shown in Figure 7.10a. The frost line is the distance measured from the
nished exterior grade to the bottom of the expected maximum depth of frost
Historic data are available on the depth of the frost line in different locations. For
example, 42 in. is a safe depth in most parts of the Midwest. In the northern part of
the Great Lakes and in many northern states, exterior footings must be placed at
least 6072 in. below the exterior grade. The geotechnical engineer usually pro-
vides the necessary information relating to the local frost line. The map in
Figure 7.10b shows the variation of the frost line depth for different areas of the
United States, based on the values recommended in city building codes. (This map
should be used only for general information because it is not necessarily accurate
for specic localities.)
In heated buildings, this requirement is mandatory only for exterior footings, as
frost does not travel horizontally to affect the interior footings. An exception to this
is when the foundations are constructed in the winter, or are left unprotected from
freezing during cold spells. In those cases even the interior footings should be
placed below the frost line and protected by backlling or insulating blankets.
Different Elevations of Adjacent Footings If the elevations of two adjacent
footings are different, as shown in Figure 7.11, the pressure on the soil from the
upper footing may increase the pressure under the lower footing. Therefore, a limit
called the proximity line is placed on the slope of the line joining the footings when
placing adjacent footings at different elevations.
This slope should preferably be limited to 1:2 if the soil is mainly granular (sand,
gravel). If the footings are on good clays, however, the slope may be increased to
7.8 Types of Foundations 419

Exterior grade

Frost line








Figure 7.10 Frost line (minimum required depth to prevent frost penetration): (a) frost line
denition, and (b) maximum anticipated depth of freezing from the city building codes



Proximity line

Figure 7.11 Adjacent footings at different elevations

420 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

close to 1:1. The designer should consult the geotechnical engineer regarding the
safe elevation difference between neighboring footings.
Presence of Expansive Soil Expansive soil is a type of clay that undergoes signicant
volumetric changes with moisture variations. For example, a vast area of the southern
United States is covered by a clay deposit known as the Yazoo clay, which is an
expansive soil. Foundations placed directly on expansive soil may experience large
upward pressures that could cause serious distortion and structural damage through-
out the building. The moisture variation affects only the top few feet of an expansive
soil; thus, footings are usually placed at an elevation below which the periodic
moisture variation is insignicant. Short drilled piers are also commonly used.
Presence of Organic Layers Construction on soils that have signicant organic
content or underlying layers of organic soils (e.g., peat, marl, etc.) can cause serious
problems. Organic matter is highly compressible and in a state of long-term
Two different strategies for dealing with organic soil are available to the designer.
One is completely removing the soil to the full extent of the organic layers and
replacing it with a so-called engineered backll. The second is to use a deep
foundation, usually piles. It is also advisable to design the lowest level, which is
normally just a slab on grade, as a structural oor. Otherwise, the slab may settle
unevenly, cracking and distorting attached nonstructural elements, such as partitions.

7.9 Distribution of Soil Pressure Under Footings

Footings apply pressure on their supporting soil. This pressure has to be limited to a
certain allowable level (soil bearing capacity). There is also a reaction from the soil
acting on the footing when it presses the soil.
The true theoretical distribution of the reaction pressure from the soil on the
footing depends on the type of supporting soil. Figure 7.12 shows typical pressure

a b c

Figure 7.12 Soil pressure distributions: (a) sandy soil, (b) clayey soil, and (c) design assumption
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 421

distributions for different types of soil. The pressures are larger under the center of
footing and smaller along the edges if the soil is sandy. This is because the sand
along the edges does not have good lateral support and can easily move laterally
(see Figure 7.12a). The shape of the theoretical distribution of pressures in clays is
shown in Figure 7.12b. In practice, an average uniform soil pressure distribution,
like the one shown in Figure 7.12c, is assumed. This is much simpler and the results
have been proven to provide adequate and safe designs.

7.10 Design of Wall Footings

Because wall footings are long continuous members, designers use a 1-ft-long strip
of wall (b0 12 in. and its footing to represent the whole length for design purposes.
Figure 7.13 illustrates this concept. Wall footings are made of plain concrete or
reinforced concrete. Plain concrete footings are commonly used to support light
loads such as residential construction.


Figure 7.13 Wall footings design strip

7.10.1 Plain Concrete Wall Footings

To design a plain concrete wall footing we need only to determine the depth and
width of the footing such that (1) the soil pressure beneath the footing is less
than the allowable value (bearing capacity), and (2) the bending and shear strength
of the concrete footing is adequate. Generally, the footing width is calculated to
satisfy the rst requirement, while the depth is computed to satisfy the second
Plain Concrete Wall Footing Design We must perform the following steps in order
to design a plain concrete wall footing. They are summarized in the owchart of
Figure 7.17.
422 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Step 1. Determine the footing width (b).

Geotechnical reports usually provide the designer with a net allowable
soil pressure. Net pressure excludes the weight of the footing and the
surrounding soil. So the weight of the footing and the weight of the backll
directly above the footing are ignored in the design.
The footing thickness (h) and width (b) are both unknown, so we
estimate h and then check the pressure levels to determine how good the
estimate was. First we calculate the footing width (b) such that the soil
pressure (qs) is less than the allowable net bearing capacity of soil (qa), as
shown in Figure 7.14.

wD , wL , wLr (wT = wD+wL+wLr)

qs qa

Figure 7.14 Wall footing pressure on supporting soil

wT wD wL wLr
qs  qa
qa 7:1

In this equation wD, wL, wLr and wT are the unfactored dead, oor live,
roof live, and total loads, respectively. The footing width (b) is usually
rounded up to the nearest even inch.
Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness (h).
The rule of thumb for the thickness (h) of the plain concrete wall
footing is:
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 423

h 7:2

where t is the wall thickness (see Figure 7.14). The thickness (h) is usually
rounded up to the nearest inch.
According to the ACI Code (Section the wall footing has to
have a minimum thickness of 8 in. In practice, we use this value and the
thickness of the supported wall, whichever is larger. The footing has to be
at least as wide as the wall thickness. In addition, the geotechnical report
often states a minimum acceptable footing width, usually at least 16 in.
Figure 7.15 summarizes these requirements.

h max {t , 8 in.}

b t

Figure 7.15 Minimum dimensions of wall footings

Check the footing dimensions against these minimum values. If they are
smaller than the minimum, use the minimum width and thickness.
Step 3. Calculate and check the moment.
The bending moment is the critical factor in determining the required
thickness (h) for plain concrete wall footings. The critical sections for
moment (where moments are the largest) are based on the type of wall
being supported. According to the ACI Code (Section the
critical section for moment for a masonry wall (more exible than a
concrete wall) is at a distance t/4 to the inside of the wall, as shown in
Figure 7.16a. The critical section for a poured concrete wall is at the face of
the wall, as shown in Figure 7.16b.
The weight of soil above the footing and the weight of the footing do not
cause any bending or shear in the footing. In this respect, a footing is like a
424 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

mattress lying at on a bed. It does not bend; but when you stand on it, you
notice how it deforms and bends. Similarly, the only loads that cause
bending and shear in the footing are the dead (wD) and the oor and roof
live (wL and wLr) loads. As mentioned in Chapter Two, Section 2.10,
wu 1.2wD + 1.6wL + 0.5wLr (if wL  1.83wLr) and wu 1.2wD + 1.6wLr +
1.0wL (if wL < 1.83wLr). Figure 7.16c shows the bending of the footing
subjected to the applied loads. The ultimate tensile stress is calculated using
factored loads. Therefore, the factored pressure acting from soil on the
footing, qu, is:
qu 7:3

a t

Masonry wall Concrete wall

t /4 Critical section for moment Critical section for moment


c d



D b 1'-0"

Figure 7.16 Moment in wall footings: (a) critical section for masonry wall footing, (b) critical
section for concrete wall footing, (c) bending of wall footing, and (d) moment at the critical section
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 425

Figure 7.16d shows the moment at the critical section, which can be
found from the equilibrium of the sum of moments:
D D2
Mu qu D qu 7:4
2 2
The footing is constructed of plain concrete, so there is no clear denition
of the effective depth (d). But ACI Code (Section requires a
reduction of the overall footing thickness by 2 in. to allow for unevenness
of excavation and possible contamination of the concrete adjacent to the soil:
d h  2 in: 7:5
The moment, Mu, acts on a section (12 in.  d). Therefore, the elastic
section modulus, Sm, is:

b0 d2 12d 2
Sm 7:6
6 6

Design of Plain Concrete

Wall Footings

1. Determine footing width:


2. b
Estimate footing thickness, h , and compare
the footing dimensions with the minimum sizes.

Increase thickness (h). 3. Calculate and check moment:

Mu qu D , d h 2 in.
Mn 5 fc Sm , 1.0
0.60, MR Mn

Mu MR ?



Figure 7.17 Flowchart for the design of plain concrete wall footings
426 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

(b0 12 in. because we use a 12 in. strip of footing.) The nominal

resisting moment of the footing, Mn, is (ACI Code Equation
Mn 5 fc0 Sm 7:7
The value 5 fc0 is the ACI Code-recommended ultimate tensile stress in
bending for plain concrete. is the light weight concrete factor: 0.75
(all-light weight concrete); 0.85 (sand-light weight concrete); and
1.0 (normal weight concrete). Typically, footings are made of normal
weight concrete. Then, for the footing section to be acceptable:

MR Mn 7:8

MR  Mu 7:9

The strength reduction factor for exure, compression, shear, and bearing
of structural plain concrete (ACI Code, Section 21.2.1) is:


If the footing is not acceptable, we should increase the footing thickness

and repeat the process. The thickness can be increased arbitrarily or by
solving MR Mu for t.

Example 7.1 A 12 in. load-bearing CMU (concrete masonry unit) wall supports an
outdoor canopy. The wall will support a dead load of 10 kip/ft (including the weight
of the wall), and a roof live load of 5 kip/ft. Design a plain concrete footing for
this wall. The compressive strength of the concrete is 3,000 psi. The net bearing
capacity of the soil is 3,000 psf. The frost line is 4 ft from the grade. Concrete is
normal weight.

12 in.

CMU wall


7.10 Design of Wall Footings 427

Step 1. Determine the footing width.

wT wD wLr 10 5 15 k=ft
wT 15:0
Approximate footing width b 5 ft
qa 3:0

Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness.

b  t 60  12
h 24 in:
2 2

The footing dimensions are larger than the minimum sizes.

Step 3. Calculate and check the moment.
We check the moment by comparing the applied moment, Mu, with the
resisting moment, MR. The ultimate Load, wu, is computed for the dead
load and roof live load (no oor live load):

wu 1:2wD 1:6wLr
wu 1:210 1:65 20 k=ft

Determine the factored pressure from soil acting on the footing (qu):
qu 4:0 ksf

The critical section for moment, shown in Figure 7.18, is at t/4 from the
face of the CMU wall. Therefore, the distance, D, from the footing edge to
this location is:

bt t
2 4
5  12  12 12
D 27 in:
2 4
D2 12
Mu qu 4:0
2 2
Mu 10:13 ft-kip
d h  2 in: 24 in:  2 in: 22 in:
428 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

12 in.

Critical section for moment

D 27 in. wu

hest 24 in.

qu 4.0 ksf
b 5'-0"

Figure 7.18 Plain concrete wall footing of Example 7.1 (checking moment)

b0 d 2
Sm elastic section modulus
Sm 968 in:3

The nominal resisting moment, Mn, from Equation (7.7) is:

1:0 normal weight concrete

Mn 5 fc0 Sm
p 968
Mn 51:0 3,000 Conversion factor for in:-lb to ft-kip
Mn 22:1 ft-kip
MR Mn 0:622:1
MR 13:3 ft-kip > Mu 10:13 ft-kip ok

Therefore, the footing thickness is enough.

Figure 7.19 shows the nal design of this footing.

7.10.2 Reinforced Concrete Wall Footings

Reinforced concrete wall footings usually support larger loads than do their plain
concrete counterparts. They are typically reinforced in the short direction.
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 429

12 in.




Figure 7.19 Final design of wall footing of Example 7.1

Reinforced Concrete Wall Footing Design The design of a reinforced concrete

wall footing is different from that of a plain concrete footing because the footing is
reinforced to develop the required moment. Consequently, the footing can be
thinner. As a result the shear also has to be checked in reinforced concrete wall
footings. The following steps, which are summarized in Figure 7.21, are performed
in the design of these footings:
Step 1. Determine the footing width (b).

wT wD wL wLr
Footing width b

Round up b to the nearest even inch, if needed.

Step 2. Estimate the thickness (h).
The footing has no shear reinforcement. Thus, the concrete must be thick
enough to have sufcient shear resistance by itself. A reasonable thickness
is about 4050 % of the overhanging width of the footing. Hence, a
conservative estimate is:

h 0:5 7:10

Round up h to the nearest inch, if needed. Based on ACI

Section, the depth of footing above bottom reinforcement has to
be at least 6 in. Considering the cover requirement, the minimum
reinforced concrete wall footing depth is 10 in.
430 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

a b

Critical section for shear Wall

d Vu


'-0 "
C b 1

Figure 7.20 Shear in wall footings: (a) location of critical section, and (b) shear at the critical

Step 3. Calculate and check shear.

Similar to the plain concrete footing, the factored load (wu) and pressure
from the soil on the reinforced concrete footing (qu) are:

wu 1:2wD 1:6wL 0:5wLr if wL  1:83wLr

wu 1:2wD 1:6wLr 1:0wL if wL < 1:83wLr
The effective depth of the footing, d, is:

d h  cover  diameter of bar=2 7:11

The minimum cover in footings is 3 in. (ACI Code, Section

Assuming #6 bars:

d h  3 in:  0:375 h  3:38 in:

According to the ACI Code (Sections, the critical section for
shear is located at a distance d from the face of the wall. Figure 7.20 shows
the critical section and the shear at the critical section. To calculate Vu we
cut the footing at this location and write the equilibrium of forces
(Figure 7.20b):
Vu qu C 7:12


C d 7:13
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 431

Design of Reinforced
Concrete Wall Footings

1. Determine the footing width (b):


2. Estimate footing thickness (h):

b t
h 0.5
Make sure the footing dimensions are more than minimum.

3. Calculate and check shear:

wu b t
qu ;C d
b 2
Increase thickness (h). Vu qu C , d h 3.38 in.
Vc 2 fc b d ( 1.0, and b 12 in.)

Vu Vc ?


4. Determine the required reinforcements:

D2 12,000Mu
Mu qu ; b 12 in.; R
2 b d2
Use Tables A2.5 to A2.7 to find :
As bd
Select the size and number of bars.
Check the bars development length using
Tables A3.1 and A3.3 or Equation 3.64.

Figure 7.21 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete wall footings

The nominal shear strength of concrete, Vc, (ACI Equation is:
Vc 2 fc0 b0 d
b0 12 in:

According to the ACI Code (Section 21.2.1), the strength reduction

factor for shear in reinforced concrete () is:

432 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Therefore, for the section to be adequate:

Vc  Vu 7:15

Otherwise, the footing thickness has to be increased.

Step 4. Determine the required reinforcements.
Based on the ACI Code (Section, the critical section for
moment is at the same location as for the plain concrete footing (i.e., t/4
from the face of masonry walls and at the face of concrete walls), as shown
in Figure 7.16. Calculate the moment at the critical section as follows:

qu D2

Determine the R value:

R b0 12 in: 7:16
b0 d 2

Using Tables A2.5 through A2.7, we obtain the steel ratio and calculate
the required area of steel:

As b0 d 7:17

Check this value against the minimum area of reinforcement, As,min:

As, min 0:0018b0 h 7:18

Check the bars development length by using Table A3.3 and the
applicable modication factors of Table A3.1. The bar length from
the critical section for moment to the edge of the footing has to be more
than d. Otherwise, the bars have to be hooked at their ends. Therefore,

D  3 in: cover  d 7:19

Note that we can use Equation (3.64) and the corresponding modication
factors of Table A3.1 instead of Table A3.3 to obtain the bar development
length. This method usually results in a smaller required development
Normally, 1 #4 or #5 longitudinal bar is used per foot of width as
distributor bars.
Example 7.2 Design the wall footing of Example 7.1 using reinforced concrete.
Assume fy 60,000 psi.
7.10 Design of Wall Footings 433


Step 1. Determine the required width, b.

wT wD wLr 10 5 15 k=ft
b 5 ft

Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness, h.

bt 51
h 0:5 0:5 1:0 ft
2 2
h 10 000

Step 3. Calculate and check the shear.

Determine the factored pressure on the footing from the soil (qu):

wu 1:210 1:65 20 k=ft

qu 4:0 ksf

Calculate the effective depth of the footing. Assume #6 bars with 3 in.
minimum clear cover. Therefore,

d 12  3:38 8:62 in:

The critical section for shear is located at the distance d from the face of
wall, as shown in Figure 7.22a; from Equation (7.13):

C d
512  12
C  8:62
C 15:38 in: 1:28 ft

The shear at the critical section (Vu) is:

434 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

a 12 in.

Critical section for shear

d 12 3 8 8.62 in.
C 15.38 in.


qu 4.0 ksf
b 5'-0"

D 27 in. wu

t/4 3 in.


qu 4.0 ksf
b 5'-0"

Figure 7.22 Reinforced concrete wall footing of Example 10.2: (a) check shear, and (b) check

Vu qu C
Vu 4:01:28 5:12 kip

The shear strength of the concrete, Vc, is:

Vc 2 fc0 b0 d

21:0 3,000128:62
Vc 0:75
Vc 8:50 kip > 5:12 kip

Therefore, the footing thickness is enough to resist the shear.

7.10 Design of Wall Footings 435

Step 4. Determine the required reinforcements.

The critical section for moment is at the distance t/4 from the face of wall,
as shown in Figure 7.22b:
bt t
2 4
512  12 12
2 4
D 27 in: 2:25 ft
qu D2
Mu 10:13 ft-kip
b0 d 2
R 136 psi

From Table A2.6a ! 0.0026

As b0 d 0:0026128:62 0:27 in:2 =ft

The minimum required reinforcement is the same as the minimum shrink-

age and temperature reinforcement:

As 0:0018b0 h 0:00181212
As 0:26 in:2 =ft < 0:27 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 ! use #5 @ 13 in. (As 0.29 in.2/ft)

Check the reinforcing bars development length. According to
Table A3.2 because clear spacing 13  0.625 in. 12.375 in. > 2(0.625)
and clear cover 3 in. > 0.625 in., therefore condition A is applicable.
From Table A3.3 for #5 bars, fy 60 ksi, and fc0 3 ksi :

d 28 in:

The ends of the bar must have 3 in. cover. Hence:

D  3 in: 27 in:  3 in: 24 in: < 28 in: N:G:

Therefore, the bars do not satisfy the development length requirements

using the simplied expression. We can either bend the bar ends up to
create hooks or use the more accurate Equation (3.64) of Chapter 3 to check
the required bar development length. From Equation (3.64):
436 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

2 3
6 3 fy 7
d 6
440 p  t e s 7 5db  12 in:
fc0 c b K tr


cb K tr

From Table A3.1:

Ktr (no transverse reinforcement) 0

cb concrete cover to bar center 3 3:313 in:
cb K tr 3:313 0
5:3 > 2:5 Use 2:5:
db 0:625

t bottom bars 1:0

e coating factor 1:0
s reinforcement size factor 0:80
(normal weight concrete) 1.0

3 60,000 1:01:00:8 As, required
d p db
40 1:0 3,000 2:5 As, provided
As, required 0:27
d 26:3db 26:30:625
As, provided 0:29
15:3 in: > 12 in: ok
D  3 in: 24 in: > 15:3 in: ok

Therefore, the main reinforcement bar has sufcient development length.

Since the footing is 50 000 wide, we use 5 #4 distributor bars.
Figure 7.23 shows the nal design of this footing.

7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design

Square spread footings are the most common type of column footing. Regardless of
the material used for the column construction, reinforced concrete (or, rarely, plain
concrete) spread footings are used to support columns. Figure B7.1 of Appendix B
shows a large square spread footing under construction.
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 437


5 #4
#5 @ 13 in. bars)

3 in. clear cover


Figure 7.23 Final design of wall footing of Example 7.2

The steps for the design of reinforced concrete square spread footings are
summarized in the owchart of Figure 7.28 and are as follows:
Step 1. Calculate the required area and select the size of the footing.
As shown in Figure 7.24, the footing is sized such that the pressure on the
soil (qs) is less than the soil bearing capacity (qa). PD, PL, PLr, and PT
are the applied service dead, oor live, roof live and total loads,

qs  qa

PD , PL , PLr

qs qa
b b

Figure 7.24 Footing pressure on supporting soil

438 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


PT p
Arequired ! brequired Arequired 7:20

where qa is the allowable soil pressure. The value for b is usually rounded
up to the nearest even inch.
Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness.
In a square or rectangular footing, a reasonable estimate of the required
thickness is about one-half of the larger overhanging (O.H.) length of the
footing. Therefore, for a square footing, the estimated required thickness is:
h 0:5O:H: 0:5 7:21

Round up h to the nearest inch, if needed. The minimum thickness

commonly used for column spread footings is 12 in.
Step 3. Calculate and check the shear.
The factored Load, Pu, is:

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr if PL  1:83PLr

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PLr 1:0PL if PL < 1:83PLr

PD is the total dead load. PL and PLr are the applied service oor and roof
live loads, respectively.
The factored pressure on the footing from the soil, qu, is:
qu 7:22
Step 3a. Check the two-way (punching) shear.
Typically, the two-way (punching) shear (refer to Chapter 6) is the
controlling factor in determining the required thickness.
The critical sections for the two-way shear action are located at the
distance d/2 from the faces of the concrete column. For a steel column this
distance is measured from the midpoint between the face of column and
the edge of the base plate, as shown in Figure 7.25.
The footing bends in two perpendicular directions, so it requires rein-
forcement in the form of a grid. The average effective depth, d, may be
taken from the top of footing (which is in compression) to the location
between the two layers of bars as follows:

d h  cover  diameter of bar

The concrete cover for footings is 3 in. Assuming #8 bars, the distance
d can be calculated as:
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 439


Concrete column

Critical section for two-way shear

Critical section for moment
Critical section for one-way shear


C d


Steel column

Critical section for two-way shear

a a/2
Base plate
Critical section for one-way shear
Critical section for moment


C d

Figure 7.25 Critical sections for square spread footings: (a) concrete column, and (b) steel column

d h  3 in:  1 in: h  4 in:

Compute the length of the critical section, B. Then cut the footing at the
critical sections to determine the shear by satisfying the equilibrium of
forces in the vertical direction, as shown in Figure 7.26a:

B length of the critical section one side

d 7:23
Bt2 td
440 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls








Figure 7.26 Shear forces and bending moments at the critical sections: (a) two-way shear, (b)
one-way shear, (c) bending moment

The total factored shear acting on the critical shear surface is:
Vu2 qu b2  B2 7:24

According to the ACI Code (Section, the nominal shear

strength of concrete, Vc, for two-way action is the same as that for slabs:
4 p0 s d p
Vc2 min 2 fc bo d, 2 fc bo d, 4 fc bo d 7:25
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 441


larger dimension of column

1 for square columns
shorter dimension of column
bo perimeter of critical section bo 4B for square columns
s 40 for columns in the center of footing
30 for columns at an edge of footing
20 for columns at a corner of footing
1:0 typically, normal weight concrete is used for footings:

The footing is adequate in punching shear if:

Vc2  Vu2 0:75 7:26

Otherwise, the footing thickness, h, has to be increased, and the process

is repeated.
Step 3b. Check one-way or beam shear.
The requirements for one-way (beam action) shear must be satised in
addition to those for the two-way shear. As shown in Figure 7.25, the
critical section for one-way shear is at the distance d from the face of the
concrete column. Therefore, cutting the footing at this location and
writing the equilibrium equation of forces (see Figure 7.26b) allows us
to calculate the shear as follows:

Vu1 qu bC 7:27

where for the case of concrete columns

C d 7:28

The nominal one-way shear strength of concrete is (ACI Code,

Vc1 2 fc0 bd
1:0 for footings

For the footing to be adequate in one-way shear:

Vc1  Vu1 0:75 7:30

If the above equation is not satised, increase the footing thickness, h,

and repeat the process.
442 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Step 4. Determine the required reinforcement.

The footing bends in both directions like a dish when subjected to soil
pressure from below. Therefore, we can consider bending of the footing
from one side and nd the moment at the critical section. Cutting the
footing at the critical section for moment, as shown in Figure 7.26c, and
setting the sum of moments to zero, we can calculate the moment at the
critical section as follows:

qu bD2
Mu qu bDD=2 7:31
The required resistance coefcient, R, is:
Using the Tables A2.5 through A2.7, we obtain for R. The required area
of steel (As) then is:

As bd

Use Table A2.9 to select the number and size of bars. The minimum area
of steel is:

As, min 0:0018bh

Check the bar development length by using Table A3.3 and the applica-
ble modication factors of Table A3.1. The bar length from the critical
section for moment has to be more than d. Otherwise, the bars have to be
hooked at their ends. Thus:

D  3 in: cover  d

Note that we can use (3.64) and the corresponding modication factors
of Table A3.1 instead of using Table A3.3 to obtain the bar development
length. This method usually results in a smaller required development
Step 5. Determine the required dowel bars.
The column at its base transfers the load to the footing on an area equal to
the columns cross-sectional area (Ag). This generates a bearing pressure
that the footing must resist.
The bearing capacity of the concrete at the column footprint, Nbearing, is
given by the ACI Code (Section
N 1 0:85fc0 A1 7:32
N 2 min 0:85fc0 Ag 0
, 20:85fc A1 7:33
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 443

b A2 b2

A1 t2 t b


Column longitudinal reinforcement

Footing reinforcement


Figure 7.27 Dowel reinforcements: (a) bearing areas A1 and A2, and (b) dowel bars between the
column and footing

N bearing minfN 1 , N 2 g 7:34

0.65 (ACI Code, Section 21.2.1)
A1 column bearing area, which for a column directly bearing on
the footing is equal to Ag of the column
A2 area of the part of the footing that is geometrically similar to,
and concentric with the column bearing area, A1 (see
Figure 7.27a)
N1 bearing capacity of the column
N2 bearing capacity of the footing
444 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Design of Reinforced Concrete

Square Spread Footing

1. Determine the required size of the footing.

Find the footing area: Arequired qa
For a square footing brequired A required . Select b.

2. Estimate the footing thickness:

b t
h 0.5

Calculate and check the shear:

3a. Check two-way shear:

Vu 2 qu(b 2 B 2) ; d h 4 in.
Increase the thickness (h). 4 sd
Vc 2 min (2 ) l fc bod , ( 2) l fc b o d , 4 l fc bo d,
= 1.0 , 0.75

Vc2 Vu 2 ?

3b. Check one-way shear:
Vu1 qubC
Vc1 2 l fc bd
= 1.0, 0.75

Vc1 Vu1?

4. Determine the required reinforcement:
5. Determine the qubD 2 12,000Mu
Mu ;R
required dowel 2 bd 2
bars. Use Tables A2.5 to A2.7 to find , As = bd.
Select the size and number of bars.
Check bars' development length using Tables A3.1 and A3.3 or Equation 3.64.

Figure 7.28 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete square spread footings
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 445

Nbearing bearing capacity of the concrete at the base of the footing

fc0 the specied strength of concrete in the column, when evalu-
ating N1; and the specied strength of concrete in the footing,
when evaluating N2
Equation (7.33) is used when the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the
loaded area.
Because the compressive strength of concrete in columns is usually larger than it
is in footings, we must compute both N1 and N2 to determine Nbearing. Dowel bars
must resist the difference between the load transferred from the column to the
footing, Pu, and the bearing capacity of concrete, Nbearing. The required area of these
bars, Asd, is calculated as follows:

Pd Pu  N bearing 7:35
( )
Asd max , 0:005 Ag 7:36

The ACI Code, Section requires a minimum amount of dowel rein-
forcement equal to 0.005Ag (Ag is the gross area of column) to transfer the loads
from the column to the footing. This is in the form of a minimum of four bars
placed at the corners of the column. A minimum development length for the
dowels in compression equal to dc is required. This minimum length has to be
provided from the column bearing area extending into the column and the footing,
as shown in Figure 7.27b. The dowels are commonly hooked and tied to the
footing main reinforcements for ease of construction. The dowels have to be lap
spliced in compression to the column reinforcement based on requirements given
in Chapter 3. The length of the dowel in the column is the larger of the compres-
sion lap splice for the dowel bars (sc), as given in Section 3.4.5 of Chapter 3, and
the development length for the compression reinforcements in the column (dc).
Use Table A3.6 to obtain the development length for compression bars, dc, and
Table A3.5 to obtain the applicable modication factors.
Example 7.3 Design a square reinforced concrete footing for the 16 in. square
interior concrete column shown below. The dead load is 200 kip, the oor live load
is 80 kip, and the roof live load is 20 kip. The allowable net soil pressure (bearing
capacity) is 3,500 psf. Use fc0 3,000 psi for the footing, fc0 4,000 psi for the
column, and fy 60,000 psi. Assume the column has 4 #7 bars. Concrete is normal
446 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

16 in.

Step 1. Determine the required size of the footing.

PT PD PL PLr 200 80 20 300 kip

PT 300
Arequired 85:7 ft2
qa 3:5
brequired 85:7 9:26 ft

Round b to the nearest even inch and select b 90400 .

Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness.
The estimated depth of the footing is:

1 9  12 4  16
hest 24 in:
2 2

Step 3. Calculate and check the shear.

Since 1:83PLr 1:8320 36:6 k < PL 80 k, the factored load, Pu, is:

Pu 1:2  200 1:6  80 0:5  20

Pu 378 kip

The factored pressure on the footing from the soil is:

qu 4:34 ksf
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 447


Vu2 24 in.

qu 4.34 ksf

Figure 7.29 Two-way shear in the spread footing

Step 3a. Check the two-way shear.

The average effective depth, d, is:

d h  cover  estimated diameter of bar

d 24  3  1 20 in:

The critical section for the two-way shear is at a distance d/2 from
the face of the concrete column. Therefore, one side of the critical
section, B, is:

B t d 16 20 36 in: 30000

The shear at the critical sections, Vu2, is shown in Figure 7.29, and is
calculated as follows:
Vu2 qu b2  B2
Vu2 4:34 9:332  32
Vu2 339 kip

The nominal two-way shear strength of the concrete, Vc2, is:

448 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

4 p0 s d p p
Vc2 min 2 fc bo d, 2 fc0 bo d, 4 fc0 bo d
16=16 1:0
s 40 column in the center of footing
bo 4B 4  36 144 in:
p 40  20
Vc2 min 2 4 1:0 3,000 14420=1,000, 2 1:0
p p 
3,000 14420=1,000, 41:0 3,000 14420=1,000
Vc2 minf946 kip, 1,192 kip, 631 kipg 631 kip
Vc2 0:75 631 473 kip > 339 kip ok

The two-way shear capacity of this footing is acceptable. The estimated

depth could be reduced, as the shear capacity is about 40 % more than the
applied shear force. However, we will conservatively continue with the
assumed depth of 24 in.
Step 3b. Check one-way shear.
The critical section for one-way shear is at a distance, d, from the face
of the column:

C d
9:33  12  16
C  20
C 28 in: 20 400 2:33 ft

If we cut the footing at the critical section, as shown in Figure 7.30, the
shear at this location, Vu1, is:


b 9'-4"
qu 4.34 ksf (9.33 ft)

C 2'-4"
(2.33 ft)

Figure 7.30 One-way shear in the spread footing

7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 449

Vu1 qu bC
Vu1 4:349:332:33
Vu1 94:5 kip

The nominal one-way shear strength of concrete, Vc1, is:

Vc1 2 fc0 bd
Vc1 21:0 3,000 9:33  1220=1,000
Vc1 245:3 kip
Vc1 0:75245:3 184 kip > 94:5 kip ok

Therefore, the footing has enough capacity against the one-way shear.
Step 4. Determine the required reinforcement.
To calculate the required reinforcement, we rst calculate the bending
moment at the critical section for moment (the face of the column):

b  t 9:33  12  16
2 2
D 48 in: 4:00 ft

The moment at the critical section as shown in Figure 7.31 is:

Mu qu bD2 =2
Mu 4:349:334:02 =2
Mu 324 ft-kip
bd 2
R 87:0 psi
9:33  12202

qu 4.34 ksf



Figure 7.31 Bending moment in the spread footing

450 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

From Table A2.6a fc0 3,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi ! 0:0017
(conservatively) and the required area of steel, As, is:

As bd
As 0:00179:33  1220
As 3:8 in:2
As, min 0:0018 bh
As, min 0:00189:33  1224
As, min 4:84 in:2 > 3:8 in:2

Therefore, the required area of steel is:

As 4:84 in:2

Table A2.9 ! Use 9 #7 bars each way (As 5.40 in.2)

Check the bars development length.
From Table A3.2, because cover >0.875 in. and clear space >
2(0.875 in.), condition A is applicable, and from Table A3.3:

d 48 in: #7 bars
As, required
From Table A3.1, d can be reduced by , therefore :
As, provided

d 48  33:8 in:
The bar length measured from the critical section for moment is:

D  3 in: 48 in:  3 in: 45 in: > 33:8 in: ok

Step 5. Determine the required dowel bars.

N 1 0:85fc0 A1 ; fc0 column 4:0 ksi

N 1 0:650:854:016  16 565:8 kip
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 451

N 2 min 0:85fc0 Ag, 20:85fc A1 ; fc0 footing 3:0 ksi
( " r#
112  112
N 2 min 0:65 0:853:016  16 ,
16  16

 20:650:853:016  16 g
N 2 minf2,970, 848:6g 848:6 kip
N bearing minfN 1 , N 2 g 565:8 kip
Pu 378 kip < 565:8 kip
Use minimum area for dowels:
Asd 0:005 Ag 0:005 16  16 1:28 in:2
(Table A2.9 ! use 4 #6 (As 1.76 in.2)

It has to be noted that for practical purposes the dowel bar size is usually
selected to match the column main reinforcements, which for a
16 in.  16 in. column it is expected to be larger than #6 bars. We have,
however, selected #6 bars here for consistency and clarity in the solution.
The required development length in the footing from Table A3.6 (com-
pression bars) for fc0 3,000 psi is:

dc 17 in: #6 bars

Adjusting the dowel length using Table A3.5:

As, required 1:28
dowel dc 17 13 in:
As, provided 1:76

This is the length of dowel to be extended in the footing. From Table A3.6
the development length for #7 main reinforcements in the column
(fc 4,000 psi) is dc 17 in:
The required lap splice length, sc, for #6 dowels in the column is
(Chapter 3 Section 3.4.5):

sc 0:0005 fy d b  12 in:
0:000560,0000:75 22:5 in: 23 in:

We use the larger of 17 and 23 in., which is 23 in. for the dowel extension in
the column.
Figure 7.32 shows the nal design of this footing.
452 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

16 in.

4 #6 Dowels
23 in.

9 #7 each way 13 in.

24 in.
3 in. clear
9-4 9-4

Final sketch for Problem 7-6

Figure 7.32 Final design of the spread footing of Example 7.3

Example 7.4 Design the square reinforced concrete footing shown in Figure 7.33
for the interior column of Example 5.3. The bearing capacity of the soil is 8,000 psf,
fc0 3;000 psi for the footing and fy 60,000 psi. Concrete is normal weight.

16 in.

Figure 7.33 Spread footing of Example 7.4

Solution From Example 5.3:

Column 16 in:  16 in:

PD 387 kip
PL 90 kip
PLr 27 kip
fc0 4,000 psi
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 453

Step 1. Determine the required footing size.

PT 387 90 27 504 kip
Arequired 63:0 ft2
brequired 63:0 7:94 ft Round to 80 000 :

Step 2. Estimate footing thickness.

bt 8:0  12  16
hest 0:5 0:5 20 in:
2 2

Step 3. Calculate and check shear.

Since 1:83PLr 1:8327 49:4 k < P2 90 k, therefore;
Pu 1:2387 1:690 0:527 621:9 kip

Pu 621:9
b2 8:02
qu 9:72 ksf

Step 3a. Check two-way shear.

d 20  4 16 in:

The critical sections, as shown in Figure 7.34, are at distanced d/2 from the
face of the column.

B t d 16 16 32 in: 20 800 2:67 ft

bo 4  32 128 in:


20 in

qu 9.72 ksf


Figure 7.34 Two-way shear action

454 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

From Figure 7.34:

Vu2 qu b2  B2 9:72 8:02  2:672
Vu2 553 kip

The nominal shear capacity of the concrete for the two-way action is:
4 p s d p p
Vc2 min 2 fc0 bo d, 2 fc0 bo d, 4 fc0 bo d
1, s 40 column at the center of footing, 1:0
4 p
Vc2 min 2 1:0 3,000 128 16=1,000,
40  16 p
 2 1:0 3,000 128 16=1,000,
 41:0 3,000 128 16=1,000

Vc2 minf673, 758, 449g

Vc2 449 kip

Vc2 0:75449 337 kip < Vu2 553 kip N:G:

Therefore, we need to increase the footing thickness, which is usually

done through a trial-and-error process. The difference between the shear
capacity and the shear demand is quite large, so we try to increase the
footing thickness by 7 in.

Try h 27 in: 20 300

Step 3R (Repeat) Calculate and check shear.

Step 3R (a) Check two-way shear.
As shown in Figure 7.35:

qu 9:72 ksf
d 27  4 23 in:
B t d 16 23
39 in: 30 300 3:25 ft
bo 439 156 in:
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 455


27 in.


qu 9.72 ksf


Figure 7.35 Two-way shear action (second trial)

Using Figure 7.35:

Vu2 qu b2  B2 9:72 8:02  3:252
Vu2 519 kip

Again, calculating the shear capacity of concrete:

4 p
Vc2 min 2 1:0 3,00015623=1,000,
40  23 p
 2 1:0 3,00015623=1,000,
 41:0 3,00015623=1,000,
Vc2 minf1,179 kip, 1,552 kip, 786 kipg

Vc2 786 kip

Vc2 0:75786 590 kip > 519 kip ok

The new footing is deep enough, and we continue with checking the
one-way shear action.
Step 3b. One-way shear.
The critical section for the one-way shear, as shown in Figure 7.36, is at a
distance d(23 in.) from the face of the column.

8:0  12  16
C  23 17 in: 1:42 ft
456 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

16 in.

Critical section for

one-way shear

C 17 in. d 23 in.

27 in.


Figure 7.36 Critical section for one-way shear

Figure 7.37 shows the shear acting on the section. Thus:

Vu1 qu bC 9:728:01:42
Vu1 110 kip


b 8'-0"
qu 9.72 ksf

C 1.42 ft

Figure 7.37 One-way shear force

The one-way shear capacity of the concrete, Vc1 is:

Vc1 2 fc0 bd
21:0 3,0008:0  1223=1,000
Vc1 242 kip
Vc1 0:75242 182 kip > 110 kip ok
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 457

16 in.

Critical section for moment

D 40 in.


Figure 7.38 Critical section for bending moment


b 8'-0"

qu 9.72 ksf

D 3.33 ft

Figure 7.39 Bending moment at the critical section

Step 4. Determine the required reinforcements.

The critical section for moment, as shown in Figure 7.38, is at the face of
the column:
8:0  12  16
D 40 in: 3:33 ft
Figure 7.39 shows the moment acting on the critical section. Thus:
Mu qu bD
Mu 9:728:03:33
Mu 432 ft-kip
12,000  432
R 102 psi
8:0  12232
458 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

From Table A2.6a fc0 3,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi ! 0:0020

As bd 0:00208:0  1223
As 4:42 in:2
As, min 0:0018 bh
As, min 0:00188:0  1227 4:67 in:2 > 4:42 in:2

From Table A3.2 Use 8 #7 (As 4.80 in.2)

This reinforcement is required for both direction.
Check the bars development length:
From Table A3.2, because cover > db 0.875 in. and clear
space > 2db 2(0.875 in.), we use condition A. From Table A3.3, the
required development length is:

d 48 in: #7 bars
As, required
From Table A3.1, d can be reduced by A to get the required
s, provided
length (req). Therefore,
req 48  44 in:
The bar length measured from the critical section for moment is:

D  3 in: 3:33  12  3 37 in: < 44 in: N:G:

Use Equation (3.64) to calculate the more accurate required bar develop-
ment length:

cb 3 3:44
K tr 0 conservatively
cb K tr 3:44
3:93 > 2:5 Use 2:5
db 0:875
2 3
6 3 fy t e s 7 As, required
d 4 p  7
 db  12 in:
40 fc0 cb K tr 5 As, provided

3 60,000 1:01:01:0 4:67
p db 31:97 db
40 1:0 3,000 2:5 4:80
31:970:875 28 in: > 12 in:
D  3 37 in: > 28 in: The bar development length is adequate:
7.11 Reinforced Concrete Square Spread Footing Design 459

Step 5. Determine the required dowel bars.

Using Equations (7.32) to (7.36):

N 1 0:85fc0 A1
N 1 0:65 0:854:016  16 565:8 kip
N 2 min 0:85fc0 Ag , 2 0:85fc0 A1
( " r# )
96  96
N 2 min 0:65 0:853:016  16 , 20:650:853:016  16
16  16

N 2 minf2,546 kip, 848:6 kipg 848:6 kip

N bearing minfN 1 , N 2 g minf565:8 kip, 848:6 kipg 565:8 kip
Pu 621:9 kip > 565:8 kip
Pd Pu  N bearing 621:9  565:8 56:1 kip
( )
Asd max , 0:005 Ag

max , 0:00516  16
max 0:94 in:2 , 1:28 in:2 1:28 in:2

Table A2.9 ! Use 4 #6 (As 1.76 in.2)

Refer to the comment regarding the selection of size of dowels in the
solution for Example 7.3.
From Table A3.6 the required development length of #6 bars in the
footing for fc0 3,000 psi is:

dc 17 in:
As , required 1:28
dowel dc 17 13 in:
As , provided 1:76

Therefore, use 13 in. minimum dowel length in the footing. The compres-
sion lap splice in the column for fy  60,000 is (see Chapter 3):

sc 0:0005fy db  12 in:
0:000560,0000:75 22:5 in:

The column has 8 # 8 bars as the main reinforcement. The development

length for these compression bars per Table A3.6 is 19 in. Therefore, use a
23 in. splice in the column.
Figure 7.40 is a sketch of the nal design.
460 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

16 in.

23 in. min.
13 in. min. 4 #6 dowels

8 #7 each way 2'-3"

3 in. clear cover

8'-0" 8'-0"

Figure 7.40 Final design of the spread footing of Example 7.4

7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing

A square footing is sometimes impractical due to space limitations. For example, if

a building column is located close to a property line, the designer has to size the
footing to keep it within the property boundaries. A rectangular footing may be used
in such cases. The design method for rectangular footings is similar to that for
square footings. There are a few differences, however. The steps for the design of
rectangular reinforced concrete footings follow and are also summarized in the
owchart of Figure 7.45.
Step 1. Determine the required area of the footing:

If the footing area is b  bs (b is the longer dimension, and bs the
shorter, as shown in Figure 7.41) and the side (bs) is limited to a certain
known value, then b . Round up b to the nearest even inch and
calculate the footing contact area (A):

A b  bs
Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness.
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 461

A reasonable preliminary thickness is about 50 % of the overhanging

length for a square footing of equivalent area. Thus:
b A
hest 0:5
where t is the column width. Round up the thickness to the nearest inch,
if necessary.
Step 3. Calculate and check shear.
The factored pressure on the footing from the soil is:


Step 3a. Check two-way (punching) shear.

The two-way shear requirements for a rectangular footing are similar to
those of a square footing. The critical sections are at a distance d/2 from the
concrete column face (d h  3 in.  1 in.).
Figure 7.41 shows the critical two-way shear perimeter for a rectangular
footing with a square column. Cut the footing at the critical sections and
obtain the resulting shear force:
B t2 td
Vu2 qu A  B2
The nominal two-way shear capacity of concrete, Vc2, is:
4 p0 s d p
Vc2 min 2 fc bo d, 2 fc bo d, 4 fc bo d

The critical shear periphery

t 2

B bs

Figure 7.41 Two-way shear in rectangular reinforced concrete footings

462 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

which is the same equation (Equation (7.25)) as for square footings. (Refer
to the section on square footings for the denitions of the parameters.)
In order to satisfy the ACI Codes requirements, the shear capacity of
the concrete has to be greater than the applied shear force:

Vc2  Vu2
If this condition is not satised, we need to increase the footing depth, h,
and repeat the process.
Step 3b. Check one-way shear.
The one-way shear requirements for rectangular footings are also
similar to those for square footings. But, the rectangular shape of the
footing places the critical section for the one-way shear at the distance
d from the face of the column in the long direction, as shown in
Figure 7.42a. Therefore, the distance, C, from the edge of the footing to
the critical section is:
b  t
C d

Figure 7.42b shows the applied loads at the critical section for shear,
Vu1, which can be calculated as:

Vu1 qu bs C

The one-way shear strength of the footing is:

 p   p 
Vc1 2 fc0 bd 2 fc0 bs d

Critical section for one-way shear


bs t



Figure 7.42 One-way shear in rectangular reinforced concrete footings: (a) plan view, and (b) cut
at the critical section
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 463

Critical section for moment (long direction)


Critical section for moment
(short direction)


b c



Figure 7.43 (a) Plan view of critical sections for moment; (b) moment at the critical section in the
long direction; (c) moment at the critical section in the short direction

For the footing to be adequate in one-way shear:

Vc1  Vu1

If the above relationship is not satised, we increase the footing depth

and repeat the process.
Step 4. Determine required reinforcement.
Finding the required area of steel reinforcements for rectangular footings
is much different than for square footings, as the bending moments in the
footing are different in each direction. The critical sections for moments are
at the face of the column in each direction, as shown in Figure 7.43a.
Therefore, the distance in the long direction (D) from the edge of the
footing to the critical section is:
b  t
464 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

and the moment at the critical section, Mu, shown in Figure 7.43b, is:
Mu qu bs D
Mu qu bs

The coefcient of resistance, R, can be calculated as follows:

12,000Mu 12,000Mu
bd2 bs d 2

Use Tables A2.5 through A2.7 to obtain , and calculate the required
area of steel in the long direction:

As bs d

This reinforcing is distributed uniformly across the width (bs) of the

footing. For the short direction, the location of the critical section, Ds, is:

bs  t
and the moment at the critical section, Mus, shown in Figure 7.43c is:
Mus qu b Ds
Mus qu b
The coefcient of resistance, R, can be calculated as follows:
12,000Mus 12,000Mus
bd2 b d 2
Using Tables A2.5 through A2.7, we obtain . Then, the required area of
steel in the short direction is:

As b d

The reinforcement is not distributed uniformly in the short direction.

Figure 7.44 shows how the reinforcement is distributed in the short direc-
tion. According to the ACI Code (Section, a portion of the total
reinforcement equal to sAs should be uniformly distributed over a band-
width equal to the footing width (bs) under the column. The remainder of
the reinforcement [(1  s)As] should be distributed uniformly outside this
bandwidth. s is dened as:
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 465

of reinforcement in this band



bs /2 bs /2

Figure 7.44 Rectangular footing plan for reinforcement distribution

s 7:37


long side of footing b

short side of footing bs

We must check the development length of the reinforcements in both

directions, measured from the critical section for moment. The procedure is
similar to that used for square footings.
Step 5. Determine the required dowel bars.
The dowel requirements are the same as those for square footings.
Example 7.5 Design a rectangular reinforced concrete footing for the 16 in. square
reinforced concrete exterior column shown in Figure 7.46. The dead load is 100 kip
and the roof live load is 75 kip. The soil bearing capacity is 3,500 psf, fc0 3,000
psi for the footing and the column, and fy 60,000 psi. The width of the footing is
limited to 60 000 due to its proximity to the property line. Concrete is normal weight.
Step 1. Determine the required area.

PT PD PLr 100 75 175 kip

PT 175
A 50 ft2
qa 3:5
466 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Design of Reinforced Concrete

Rectangular Spread Footing

1. Determine the required area:

PT Arequired
Arequired ,b
qa bs
Round up b , A b bs

2. Estimate the footing thickness:

b t
b A hest 0.5

3. Calculate and check shear:


3a. Check two-way shear:

d h 4 in. Vu2 qu (A B 2)
Increase the
4 sd
thickness (h) Vc2 min{(2 ) l f c bod, ( 2) l f c bod, 4 l f c bod }
l 1.0, 0.75

Vc2 Vu2 ?

3b. Check one-way shear:
Vu1 qubsC
Vc1 2 l f c bsd
l 1.0, 0.75

Vc1 Vu1 ?

4. Determine the required
Long Direction Short Direction

qubsD 2 qub D 2s
Mu Mus
2 2
12,000Mu 12,000Mus
R 5. Determine the required R
bsd 2 b d2
dowel bars.
From Tables A2.5 to A2.7 From Tables A2.5 to A2.7
find ; As b sd find ; As bd
Select the size and number of bars. Select the size and number of bars.
Check the bar development length. Check the bar development length.
Distribute s of
reinforcement over bs centered
on the footing.

Figure 7.45 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete rectangular spread footing
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 467

16 in.


Figure 7.46 Rectangular spread footing of Example 7.5

The long dimension, b is:

A 50
b 8:33 ft
bs 6

Select an 80 400  60 000 footing

A 8:33  6 50 ft2

Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness.

p p
b A 50 7:07 ft
bt 7:07  12  16
hest 0:5 0:5 17:2 in:
2 2
h 18 in:

Step 3. Calculate and check shear.

The factored load, Pu, and the pressure acting on the footing from the
soil, qu, are:

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PLr
Pu 1:2100 1:675 240 kip
qu 4:8 ksf

Step 3a. Check two-way shear.

d h  4 in: 18  4 14 in:
468 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

2.5 ft
2.5 ft
18 in.

qu 4.8 ksf b 8.33 ft

bs 6'-0"

Figure 7.47 Two-way shear in the rectangular spread footing

The length of one side of the critical section for two-way shear, B, is:

B t d 16 14 30 in: 2:5 ft

Figure 7.47 shows the forces acting at the critical two-way shear sections,
Vu2, which can be calculated as follows:
Vu2 qu A  B2
h i
Vu2 4:8 50  2:52
Vu2 210 kip

The two-way shear capacity of the concrete, Vc2, is:

4 p0 s d p p
Vc2 min 2 fc bo d, 2 fc0 bo d, 4 fc0 bo d
1:0; s 40 column at the center of the footing
bo 4B 4  30 120 in:, 1:0 normal weight concrete
4 p 12014 40  14
Vc2 min 2 1:0 3,000 , 2
1 1,000 120

p 12014 p 120  14
1:0 3,000 , 41:0 3,000
1,000 1,000
Vc2 minf552, 613, 368g 368 kip
Vc2 0:75368 276 kip > 210 kip ok

Therefore, the footing thickness is adequate for the two-way shear action.
Step 3b. Check one-way shear.
The critical section for one-way shear, as shown in Figure 7.48, is at a
distance d from the face of the column in the long direction:
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 469


qu 4.8 ksf

bs 6'-0"

C 2.33 ft

Figure 7.48 One-way shear in the rectangular spread footing

b  t
C d
8:33  12  16
C  14 28 in: 2:33 ft
Vu1 qu bs C
Vu1 4:86:02:33
Vu1 67:1 kip
Vc1 2 fc0 bs d
p 6  1214
Vc1 21:0 3,000
Vc1 110:4 kip
Vc1 0:75110:4 82:8 kip > 67:1 kip ok

Therefore, the one-way shear is ok, and the footing thickness is

Step 4. Calculate the required reinforcement.

Long Direction
The location of the critical section for moment, shown in Figure 7.49, is:

b  t 8:33  12  16
D 42 in: 3:50 ft
2 2
Mu qu bs
Mu 4:86 176:4 ft-kip
R 150 psi
6  12142
470 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


qu 4.8 ksf

bs 6'-0"

D 3.50 ft

Figure 7.49 Moment at the critical section in the long direction

From Table A2.6a fc0 3,000 psi, fy 60,000 psi ! 0:0029
rounded up

As bs d
As 0:00296  1214
As 2:92 in:2
As, min 0:0018bs h
As, min 0:00186  1218
As, min 2:33 in:2 < 2:92 in:2

From Table A2.9 select 7 #6 (long direction).

As 3:08 in:2

Short Direction
The location of the critical section for moment, shown in Figure 7.50, is:

bs  t 6  12  16
Ds 28 in: 2:33 ft
2 2

qu 4.8 ksf

b 8.33 ft

Ds 2.33 ft

Figure 7.50 Moment at the critical section in the short direction

7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 471

The moment at the critical section (see Figure 7.50) is:

Mus qu b
Mus 4:88:33 109 ft-kip
b d 2
R 67 psi
8:33  12142

From Table A2.6a ! 0.0013

As b d 0:00138:33  1214
As 1:82 in:2
As, min 0:0018b h
As, min 0:00188:33  1218
As, min 3:24 in:2 > 1:82 in:2

Therefore, we need the minimum required reinforcement.

From Table A2.9 ! use 8 #6 (As 3.52 in.2)
For the distribution of reinforcement in the short direction:

b 8:33
bs 6

We must place a portion of reinforcement equal to s of the total in a

band centered on the column and having a width equal to bs:
2 2
s 0:84
1 1:39 1

Therefore, the number of bars to be distributed in this band is:

s As 0:848 6:7

Use 7 #6 bars in the 60 000 center bandwidth and one #6 bars on each
side. This results in 9 #6 bars (As 3.96 in.2).
Check the bars development length:
Bar spacing in the long direction

612  23  0:75
10:9 in:
472 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

From Table A3.2, because cover >0.75 in. and clear space >2(0.75 in.),
use condition A. From Table A3.3:

d 33 in: #6 bar

As , required
From Table A3.1, d can be reduced by :
As, provided
For the long direction:

d 33  31 in:

The provided bar length is:

D  3 in: 3:512  3 39 in: > 31 in: ok

For the short direction:

d 33  15:2 in:

The provided bar length in the short direction is:

Ds  3 in: 2:33 12  3 25 in: > 15:2 in: ok

We demonstrate how to use Equation (3.64) and Table A3.1 to calculate

the development length more accurately:

cb 3 3:38 in:
K tr 0
cb K tr 3:38 in:
4:5 > 2:5 use 2:5
db 0:75
2 3
6 3 fy t e s 7 A
d 6 p

440 f 0 cb K tr 5  7 db s , required  12 in:
c As, provided

3 60,000 1:0 1:0 0:8 1:82
p db 12:08 db
40 1:0 3,000 2:5 3:96
12:08 0:75 9 in: < 25 in: ok
The bars are long enough:
7.12 Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Footing 473

Step 5. Determine the required dowel bars.

Using Equations (7.32) to (7.36):

N 1 0:85 fc0 A1
N 1 0:65 0:85 3 16 r 424:3 kip
N 2 min 0:85 fc0 Ag , 20:85 fc0 A1

( " A 1
r# )
72  72
N 2 min 0:65 0:85 3:0 16  16 , 2424:3
16  16
N 2 minf1,909, 848:6g 848:6 kip
N bearing minfN 1 , N 2 g min f424:3, 848:6g 424:3 kip
Pu 240 kip < 424:3 kip
Use the minimum area for dowels:
Asd 0:005Ag 0:00516  16 1:28 in:2

Refer to the comment regarding the selection of size of dowels in the

solution for Example 7.3.
Table A2.9 ! Use 4 #6 (As 1.76 in.2).
The required development length from Table A3.6 is:

d 17 in:
As, required 1:28
dowel d 17 12:4 in:
As, provided 1:76
Use 13 in: minimum:
Figure 7.51 shows the nal design of the footing.

16 in.

4 #6 dowels
13 in. minimum #6 (typical)

7 #6
18 in.
3 in. clear cover

1 #6 #6 @ 12 in. c/c 1 #6

14 in. 6'-0" 14 in.

Figure 7.51 Final design of the rectangular footing of Example 7.5

474 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls

Basement walls and retaining walls are two common concrete (plain or reinforced)
structural systems. Sometimes, however, they are made of concrete masonry units.
These structural elements have to resist lateral soil pressure. Therefore, it is
important to understand the action of soil on them. This section briey explains
lateral soil pressure, then discusses the different aspects of the design and analysis
of basement and retaining walls.

7.13.1 Lateral Earth Pressure

Soil that is retained on one side of a wall is conned on the higher grade and
prevented from moving freely. Figure 7.52 shows a vertical section of a retaining
wall. A wedge-shaped part of the soil in this vertical cut is pulled downward by
gravity and tries to slide down along a plane of rupture. The wall, however, prevents
these downward and outward movements, resulting in a lateral pressure on the wall.
Frictional resistance occurs along the plane of rupture as the grains of the soil try
to slide by one another. If the soil has clay content, cohesion increases this sliding
resistance. The plane also supports part of the weight (W ) of the wedge. The
combination of the weight support and the sliding resistance results in the force R.
The earth pressure (E) on the back of the wall is the resultant of the soil friction
on the wall and the lateral earth pressure. The reaction to this force, E0 , acts on the
soil wedge, which is in equilibrium with the weight of the wedge (W ) and the
R force. The inclination of force E is due to the frictional resistance the wall offers

Plane of rupture

Soil wedge W

Retaining wall


Figure 7.52 The retained soil wedge

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 475

to the sliding wedge. If the wall surface is practically frictionless (e.g., smooth
waterproong on a basement wall), then the earth pressure on the wall is horizontal.
The magnitude and the distribution of the earth pressure on the back of the wall
depend on many factors. The most important of these are the type of the retained
soil (granular or cohesive), its moisture content, and the slope of the backll
(if any). In addition, there may be loads on the upper surface, called surcharge
loads. These are caused by stored materials, trafc, or permanent installations such
as neighboring building foundations. All these factors increase the gravity loads on
the sliding wedge, which in turn increase the pressure on the wall.
A detailed discussion of the theory of lateral earth pressure is beyond the scope
of this book, as it belongs to the eld of soil mechanics. Our intention is to
familiarize you sufciently with the results of the theory.
There are three different types of earth pressure, distinguished from each other
by their pressure coefcients. The rst type is earth pressure at rest. This is the
theoretical pressure on an essentially immovable object. The second type is the
so-called active earth pressure. This occurs when the wall moves ever so slightly.
This very slight movement activates the sliding resistance along the plane of
rupture, which in turn reduces the pressure on the back of the wall. The active
earth pressure, which occurs in the direction of wall movement, is signicantly less
than the at-rest earth pressure. The third type is the passive earth pressure. This
happens when the wall is moving against the soil.
This section of the text is concerned mainly with the active earth pressure. We use
Rankines theory here, which is the easiest and simplest theoretical solution for
calculating active earth pressure. The theory assumes that the rupture plane is a straight
line and the backll material is cohesionless. It also assumes that the frictional resis-
tance at the back of the wall is nonexistent (i.e., the wall is smooth). Thus, our primary
concern is with the horizontal component of the pressure that is exerted on the wall.
The theory assumes that the distribution of the pressure on the back of the wall is
triangular, as shown in Figure 7.53. In the absence of surcharge loads, the pressure
is zero at the top and increases linearly with depth.

pa Ka soilh

Figure 7.53 Pressure distribution on the back of a wall (no surcharge)

476 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Level Backll, No Surcharge The pressure at any depth ( y) can be expressed as:

pa, y K a soil y 7:39


K a the coefficient of the active pressure

soil the unit weight of the soil in pcf
y the depth measured from the surface

The maximum pressure at the base is:

pa K a soil h 7:40

The value of Ka depends on the angle of internal friction within the soil (). This
relationship is:

K a tan 2
45  7:41

As the value of increases, Ka decreases. Conversely, when the angle of internal

friction decreases, the value of Ka increases. Thus, if water is present in the soil, the
friction between the solid particles is reduced, and Ka increases. Hence, it is
important to have good drainage in the backll. Footing drains (a drain tile system
at the bottom of the basement walls) and weep holes in retaining walls can provide
this drainage.
The value of Ka changes within narrow limits of about 0.27 0.34 for level
backll when it is evaluated for well-drained granular soils using the values listed in
Table 7.4.
Sloping Backll When the backll slopes, as shown in Figure 7.54, the formula
for Ka is more involved. The equation is presented here for completeness. Using the
Rankine formula:
cos 2  cos 2
K a cos p 7:42
cos cos 2  cos 2

Table 7.4 Angle of internal Soil type (Degrees)

friction for drained granular
Gravel and coarse sand 3336
Medium to ne sand 2932
Silty sand 2730
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 477

pmax Ka soilh

Figure 7.54 Horizontal component of the pressure distribution, sloping granular drained backll

The maximum pressure at the base is:

pmax K a soil h

The Effect of Surcharge Any additional load surcharge atop the surface increases
the gravity force on the sliding wedge. This in turn increases the lateral pressure on
the back of the wall, as illustrated in Figure 7.55. The lateral pressure at any depth is
pa Kasoily, where the product soily is the weight of the soil above level y, so the
increased lateral pressure from a distributed surcharge load (wsc) will be

pa, y K a soil y wsc K a soil y K a wsc 7:43

The second part of the equation represents the increased lateral pressure from the
surcharge, which is independent of the depth. The surcharge may also be concep-
tualized as having an additional height (hsc) of soil atop the nish surface. If we
express the surcharge with the unit weight of the soil as

wsc hsc soil 7:44

then this ctitious height, as illustrated in Figure 7.56, is:

hsc 7:45

Equivalent Fluid Pressure The triangular lateral earth pressure is similar to a

liquid pressure. The pressure in a liquid (like water) at a given depth is uniform in
every direction and is equal to the unit weight of the liquid multiplied by the depth.
478 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


pa Ka soil h

psc Kawsc

Figure 7.55 Additional lateral pressure from surcharge


pa Ka soil h

psc Kawsc Ka soilhsc

Figure 7.56 Representation of surcharge by additional backll height

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 479

So if the unit weight of a ctitious liquid is a Kasoil, and we substitute this value
into Equations (7.39) and (7.40) that express the lateral pressure, we obtain what is
referred to as equivalent uid pressure. Geotechnical engineers usually make their
recommendations regarding lateral pressures on walls in terms of the equivalent
uid density (a).
The unit weight of compacted granular backll is between 105 and 115 pcf.
From the average values of Ka the calculated equivalent uid density for granular
backlls is between 30 and 40 pcf, with a mean value of about 35 pcf.
Note that these values hold for soils that are well drained. Clay soils or saturated
soils may produce much higher pressure values. The designer should always
consult with a geotechnical engineer to verify the most likely equivalent uid
density prior to designing retaining structures.

7.13.2 Basement Walls

Basement walls are earth retaining walls that are supported laterally by the rst
oor construction at their top and by the basement slab on grade at their bottom. In
addition, they are vertically supported on wall footings.
Figure 7.57 shows a schematic section through a basement wall. The wall will be
stable only after the rst oor construction is complete, so no backll (or only a
very limited height of backll) should be placed against the wall until after the rst

First floor


Basement wall
Undisturbed earth

Sealant and premolded filler

Basement floor (slab on grade)

Drain tile

Crushed stone

Figure 7.57 Schematic section through a basement wall

480 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

oor is in place. The backll should be a compacted granular ll that will drain well
into the footing drain. The footing drain (drain tile) is made of perforated tiles or
plastic drain pipes. This drain tile is then connected into either the storm drains or a
sump pit out of which the water is pumped. This prevents water from accumulating
behind the basement wall, and thereby prevents the increase of the lateral pressure.
Basement walls are usually made of concrete (either reinforced or unreinforced).
In residential construction they are sometimes built using concrete masonry units
(CMU) and hence are called CMU walls. These also may be reinforced or
Design of Basement Walls The structural behavior of a basement wall is similar to
that of a simply-supported one-way slab spanning vertically between the slab on
grade at the base and the rst oor at the top. Similar to slabs, only a 1-ft-long strip
of the wall, as shown in Figure 7.58, is considered in the design of these walls.
The minimum thickness commonly used for unreinforced concrete basement
walls is 10 in. It is difcult to properly consolidate the concrete within the forms for
thinner walls. In addition, basement walls have to be thick enough to provide width
for placement of members such as stud walls, brick veneer, and so on. In
unreinforced concrete walls, it is advisable to use vertical control joints at a
maximum spacing of 20 ft. The control joints prevent the random cracking of the
wall due to volumetric changes.
Unreinforced Concrete Basement Wall Design The steps to design unreinforced
(plain) concrete basement walls are as follows. They are summarized in
Figure 7.61:


Figure 7.58 Basement wall design is based on a 1-ft strip

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 481

Step 1. Calculate the maximum moment.

To help with the analysis, Figures 7.59 and 7.60 show the four most
common loading cases with closed-form solutions. The ACI Code Section
5.3.8 requires a load factor of 1.6 when the lateral earth pressure acts alone or
adds to the primary load effects. Hence, we must multiply the moments that
are calculated from unfactored pressures by a load factor of 1.6 to get Mu, max.

R1 (V ) (M )



E pmax Vmax R2
E 2E
R1 R2 Mmax (@0.577h from grade) 0.128 Eh
3 3

b wsc
p1 R1 (V ) (M )


p1 Kawsc p2 p1 Ka soilh Vmax R2 Mmax (@ x from grade)
h x [h 2 (2p
E (p1 p2) 1 p 2) 3hp1x (p2 p1)x 2]
2 6h
R1 (2p1 p2) R2 E R1 x is found by solving:
(p2 p1)
x2 2p1x 2R1 0

Figure 7.59 Shear force and bending moment in basement wall with full height backll: (a)
without surcharge, and (b) with surcharge
482 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

R1 (V ) (M )


h x


p max h 2
E Vmax R2
R1 Eh2 2 h2
3h Mmax h1 x at x h2
3h 3 3h
R2 E R1

b R1 (V ) (M )

h1 wsc

h x


p1 Kawsc Vmax R2
h2 Mmax (@ x from grade)
E (p1 p2)
h 22 (2p1 p2) h 22 x2
R1 (2p1 p2)(h1 x) [3h2p1 x (p2 p1)]
6h 6h 6h 2
R2 E R1 x is found from solving:
(p 2 p1)
x2 2p1x 2R1 0

Figure 7.60 Shear force and bending moment in basement wall with partial backll: (a) without
surcharge, and (b) with surcharge

Step 2. Determine the wall thickness (t).

To determine the wall thickness, set the wall resisting moment,
MR Mn, equal to the maximum moment, Mu, max, calculated in step 1.
ACI Code Equation gives the nominal resisting moment of a
plain concrete section as:
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 483

Design of Plain Concrete

Basement Walls

Calculate the maximum moment (Mu, max):
Use Figures 7.59 and 7. 60

2. Determine the wall thickness (t ):

t , = 1.0
6 f c
(Mu, max ft-kip, f c psi, t inches)
Round up t to the nearest inch. Use a
minimum wall thickness of 10 in.

Figure 7.61 Flowchart for the design of plain concrete basement walls

Mn 5 fc0 Sm

where is the light weight concrete factor. Typically, basement walls are
made of normal weight concrete ( 1:0). Sm is the elastic section modulus
of 1-ft-long wall, or:

Sm , b 12 in:
MR Mn  Mu , max

where for an unreinforced concrete wall, 0:60 (ACI Code

Section 21.2.1).
Substituting and Sm into the above equation:
 p 12t2
0:60 5 fc0  12,000Mu, max 7:46

Solving for t:
12,000Mu , max
t p 7:47
6 fc0

In this equation, Mu,max is in ft-kip, fc0 is in psi, and t is in inches.

There is no need to check for shear. Shear is never critical in the design
of basement walls subject to lateral earth pressure.
Example 7.6 Design the plain concrete basement wall shown in Figure 7.62. The
backll is made of granular material with a unit weight of soil 120 pcf and the
484 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


Figure 7.62 Basement wall of Example 7.6

coefcient of active soil pressure, Ka 0.33. Consider two cases: (a) without a
surcharge; (b) with a surcharge of 100 psf acting on the backll. Use fc0 4;000 psi.
(a) Without Surcharge
Step 1 Calculate the maximum moment.
This is Case (a) on Figure 7.60, a basement wall with partial backll
and without surcharge. The lateral soil pressure and resulting maxi-
mum moments are:

Equivalent fluid density a K a soil 0:33 120 40 pcf

The pressure at the base of the wall, pmax, is:

pmax a h2 40  7 280 lb=ft2

Use the factored pressure, which is obtained by multiplying the actual

pressure by the soil pressure load factor (H ) of 1.6, instead of using the
actual pressure. Then all of the results will be factored values.

pu 1:6 pmax 1:6  280 448 lb=ft2 =1,000 0:45 kip=ft2

Figure 7.63 shows the wall with the factored pressures.

Using the equations for reactions and the maximum moment from
Figure 7.60:
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 485





pu 0.45 ksf

Figure 7.63 Factored pressure distribution on basement wall in Example 7.6

pu h2 0:45 7
Eu 1:58 kip=ft of wall
2 2
Eu h2 1:58 7
Ru1 0:37 kip=ft
3h 3 10
Ru2 Eu  Ru1 1:58  0:37 1:21 kip=ft
and the location of the maximum moment, x h2 :
x 7:0 3:38 ft
3 10
Eu h 2 2
Mu , max h1 x
3h 3
1:58 7 2
Mu , max 3  3:38
3 10 3
Mu , max 1:94 ft-kip=ft

Step 2. Determine the wall thickness.

From Equation (7.47):
486 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

12,000Mu, max
t p
6 fc0
12,000 1:94
t p
61:0 4,000
t  7:8 in:
Use t 10 in: minimum wall thickness

(b) With Surcharge

Step 1. Calculate the maximum moment.
This is Case (b) in Figure 7.60. Use the formulae from this gure to
calculate the lateral loads from the retained soil and the surcharge, and
the resulting maximum moment:

pa a h 40  7 280 lb=ft2

Surcharge pressure ps Kawsc 0.33(100) 33 lb/ft2.

The factored pressures from the soil, pu, and the surcharge, psu, are:

pu 1:6 pa 1:6  280 448 lb=ft2 =1,000 0:45 ksf

ps u 1:6 ps 1:6  33 53 lb=ft2 =1,000 0:053 ksf

Obtain the equations for the reactions and the maximum moment
from Figure 7.60:

pu1 psu 0:053 ksf

pu2 pu psu 0:45 0:053 0:503 ksf
h2 7
Eu pu1 pu2 0:053 0:503 1:95 kip=ft
2 2
h22 2 pu1 pu2 7:02 2  0:053 0:503
Ru1 0:50 kip=ft
6h 6  10
Ru2 Eu  Ru1 1:95  0:50 1:45 kip=ft

To determine the location of the maximum moment (x), solve the

quadratic equation shown in Figure 7.60, Case (b):
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 487

pu2  pu1 2
x 2pu1 x  2Ru1 0
0:503  0:053 2
x 20:053x  20:50 0
0:0643x2 0:106x  1:0 0
0:106 0:1062 40:0643 1:0
2 0:0643
x 3:20 ft
h22 x2
Mu , max 2 pu1 pu2 h1 x  3h2 pu1 xpu2  pu1
6h 6h2
Mu , max 2  0:053 0:503 3 3:20
 37:0 0:053 3:20 0:503  0:053
Mu , max 2:46 ft-kip=ft

Step 2. Determine the wall thickness.

Use the formula (Equation (7.47)) developed for calculating the
necessary wall thickness for a plain concrete basement wall.
12,000Mu, max
t p
6 fc0
12,000 2:46
t p
61:0 4,000
t  8:8 in:
Use t 10 in:

Reinforced Concrete Basement Wall Design The design of reinforced concrete

basement walls is often dictated by considerations other than the absolute minimum
wall thickness required by exure. It is difcult to place and consolidate concrete
into the forms when the design contains at least two layers of reinforcing (vertical
and horizontal) near the inside face, especially with thin walls. To make matters
more difcult, often both faces of the wall may need reinforcement to better control
cracking induced by shrinkage and temperature changes.
Architectural requirements also inuence the selection of an appropriate wall
thickness. The support of the exterior wall nish (e.g., a brick ledge), in addition to
488 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

providing for adequate support for the rst oor construction, often results in much
thicker walls than would be required by strict structural considerations only.
Hence, the thickness of reinforced concrete basement walls is usually
preselected by the designer, and the wall is strengthened by providing the needed
amount of reinforcement. An absolute minimum thickness in a reinforced concrete
wall is 8 in. As with plain concrete basement walls, only exure needs to be
considered; the shear stresses in normal basement walls are never excessive.
The steps in the design are as follows and are summarized in the owchart of
Figure 7.64.

Design of Reinforced
Concrete Basement Wall

1. Calculate the maximum moment

(Mu, max): Use Figures 7.59 and 7.60.

Select the wall thickness t :
Minimum wall thickness 8 in.
Assume y 1.13 in. (#6 bars with 3/4 in. cover)

Determine the required reinforcement.
(a) Design the vertical reinforcements:
12,000Mu, max
d t y Rreq
bd 2
Use Table A2.5 through A2.7 to find . (Check for min from Table A2.4)

As bd

Use Table A2.10 to find the size and spacing of the bars.
(b) Design the horizontal shrinkage and temperature
Ash 0.002bt (#5 and smaller)
Ash 0.0025bt (otherwise)

Figure 7.64 Flowchart for the design of reinforced concrete basement walls

Step 1. Calculate the maximum moment.

Use the formulae listed in Figures 7.60 and 7.61 to calculate the factored
pressures, reactions, and the maximum moment, Mu,max.
Step 2. Select an appropriate wall thickness (t).
Use a minimum wall thickness of 8 in. Keep in mind, however, that you
may need at least 10 in. or more thickness in some situations to provide
enough width at the top to place studs, brick veneer, and so on.
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 489

Step 3. Determine the required area of vertical reinforcement.

The primary reinforcing will be located near the inside face of the wall, and
the ACI Code requires a minimum concrete cover of in. Assuming #6
bars for the vertical reinforcing, the effective depth (d ) is:

d t  0:75  0:75=2 t  1:13 in:

The required resistance coefcient is:

bd 2

Use the appropriate fc0 and fy in Tables A2.5 through A2.7 to obtain the
steel ratio, . Then the required area of vertical reinforcement, As is:

As bd

According to the ACI Code (Section, the minimum area of the
vertical exural reinforcements is:
( p )
3 fc0 200
As , min min bd max , bd 7:48
fy fy

Table A2.4 lists the corresponding min values.

Use Table A2.10 to select the size and spacing of the vertical reinforcements.
The horizontal shrinkage and temperature reinforcement is specied in the ACI
Code (Section 11.6.1) as:

Ash 0:002bt when #5 and smaller bars are used 7:49

Ash 0:0025bt when larger bars are used 7:50

The bar spacing for the vertical and horizontal reinforcements (ACI Code, Sections and is limited to:

s  min f3t, 18 in:g 7:51

For basement walls with a thickness of 10 in. or less, shrinkage and temperature
horizontal reinforcement typically is placed on only one face. For thicker walls, we
distribute the required horizontal reinforcing evenly between the inside and the
outside faces.
490 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Example 7.7 Design the reinforced concrete basement wall shown in Figure 7.65.
The unit weight of backll is soil 115 pcf, and the coefcient of active soil
pressure is Ka 0.33. The surcharge on the backll is 150 psf. Use fc0 4;000 psi
and fy 60,000 psi.
Step 1. Calculate the maximum moment.
This basement wall is subjected to full backll with surcharge. This is
Case (b) in Figure 7.59.
The equivalent uid density and pressure are:

a K a soil 0:33 115 38 pcf

pa a h 38 12:5 475 psf

The pressure from the surcharge is:

ps K a wsc 0:33 150 50 psf

wsc 150 psf


Figure 7.65 Sketch of basement wall in Example 7.7

The factored pressures are:

pau 1:6pa 1:6  475 760 psf=1,000 0:76 ksf

psu 1:6ps 1:6  50 80 psf=1,000 0:08 ksf
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 491

Figure 7.66 shows the wall with the factored pressures.

Using the equations in Case (b) of Figure 7.59, we calculate reactions
and maximum moment.

pu1 psu 0:08 ksf

pu2 pau psu 0:76 0:08 0:84 ksf
h 12:5
Eu pu1 pu2 0:08 0:84 5:75 kip=ft
2 2
h 12:5
Ru1 2pu1 pu2 2  0:08 0:84 2:08 kip=ft
6 6
Ru2 Eu  Ru1 5:75  2:08 3:67 kip=ft

To determine the location of the maximum moment, x, we solve the

following equation:

wsc 150 psf

Ru1 2.08 kip /ft

pu1 0.08 ksf

x 7.05 ft


Eu 5.75 kip/ft
Location of Mu, max

Ru2 3.67 kip / ft

pu2 0.84 ksf

Figure 7.66 Factored pressure values and reactions in Example 7.7

pu2  pu1 2
x 2pu1 x  2Ru1 0
0:84  0:08 2
x 20:08x  22:08 0
0:061x2 0:16x  4:16 0
0:16 0:162 4 0:061 4:16
2 0:061
x 7:05 ft
492 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

The maximum factored moment is:

x 2 
Mu, max h 2pu1 pu2  3hpu1 x  pu2  pu1 x2
7:05 h i
Mu, max 12:52 2  0:08 0:84  312:50:087:05  0:84  0:087:052
Mu, max 9:15 ft-kip=ft

Step 2. Select a wall thickness.

Assume that there are no particular architectural requirements for the
thickness of the wall. Select t 8 in.
Step 3. Design the required reinforcement.
(a) Design the vertical reinforcement.
Assume 3/4 in. cover and #6 bars; then

d 8  1:13 6:87 in:

Calculate the required resistance coefcient, Rreq:

12,000Mu 12,0009:15
Rreq 194 psi
bd 2 126:872

Obtain the required reinforcement ratio from Table A2.6b:

req 0:0038

Check for the minimum exural reinforcement required from

Table A2.4:

min 0:0033 < 0:0038 ok

As 0:0038126:87 0:31 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 select 5 @ 12 in. c/c (As 0.31 in.2/ft).

(b) Design the horizontal reinforcements.
The horizontal reinforcement required for shrinkage and temperature,
based on the ACI Code (Section 11.6.1) is:

Ash 0:0020bt assuming #5 or smaller bars

Ash 0:0020128 0:19 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 select #4 @ 12 in. (As 0.20 in.2/ft).

Check for the maximum permitted bar spacing:

smax min f3t, 18 in:g minf38, 18g 18 in:

With 12 in. bar spacing, the requirement is satised.

Figure 7.67 shows the sketch of the nal design.
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 493

#5 @ 12 in.

#4 @ 12 in.

t 8 in.

Clear cover 3 in.


Figure 7.67 Final design of Example 7.7

7.13.3 Retaining Walls

The behavior of retaining walls is very different from that of basement walls.
Basement walls are vertical simply-supported slabs bending between two supports
(i.e., the basement oor and the rst oor). Unlike basement walls, retaining walls
are not supported at the top. They must have substantial weight to prevent toppling
over from the earth pressure.
Figure 7.68 shows the acting forces on a retaining wall. In addition to the weight
(W ), the earth pressure (E) is applied to the back side of the wall. If the back of the
wall is smooth (i.e., frictionless), the E force is horizontal. The two forces, W and E,
are combined into the resultant (R).
The E force wants to overturn the wall, or to pivot it around the toe point. In
Figure 7.68 E exerts a counterclockwise moment on the toe. The W force (i.e., the
weight of the wall) wants to prevent the overturning by applying a clockwise
moment about the toe. As long as the resisting moment, Mr , of W is greater than the
overturning moment, Mot , from E, the wall will be stable. Another way to express
the same concept is that the wall is stable as long as the resultant force, R, intercepts
the base of the wall inside the bottom width, as shown in Figure 7.68. On the other
hand, the wall will tip over if the R force intercepts the base line outside the bottom
494 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


The force polygon


Figure 7.68 Forces on a retaining wall

width. Figure 7.69 shows a typical gravity retaining wall, and the applied forces
(assuming a smooth wall), with their corresponding application locations.

Passive pressure W Active pressure

(commonly neglected)


Figure 7.69 Forces on a retaining wall

The overturning moment, Mot , can be calculated as follows:

Mot E 7:52

And the resisting moment, Mr, is:

Mr Wc 7:53

Stability against overturning requires that:

Mr  FSot  Mot 7:54

where FSot is the factor of safety against overturning. Section 1807.2.3 of the
International Building Code (IBC 2015) requires a minimum factor of safety
against overturning of

FSot, min 1:5

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 495

A second failure mode besides overturning exists. The earth pressure (E) tries to
push the wall (from right to left in Figure 7.69) to make it slide along its base.
Resistance against sliding comes from two sources. The rst is frictional resistance
(F) at the bottom of the wall. The magnitude of this force is equal to the weight of
the wall (W ) multiplied by the coefcient of friction () between the two materials
(i.e., the wall and the soil). The larger the weight, the larger is the frictional
resistance. The second force that resists sliding is the passive earth pressure in the
front of the wall. The bottom of the retaining wall, as with any other footing, is
usually placed below the frost line. The ll at the front provides passive resistance,
which can be considerable when the ll is there. Sometimes, however, this ll in the
front is removed for one reason or another. Thus, its continuous presence is not a
given, and most designers disregard it.
To ensure safety against sliding:

F W  FSs  E 7:55

the coefcient of friction between the bottom of the wall and the soil
FSs the factor of safety against sliding. (The recommended minimum safety
factor against sliding is 1.5, per IBC 2015, Section 1807.2.3)
All retaining walls in essence are gravity walls, although only one type is
designated as such. They differ only in the way we provide the mass needed to
safely retain the soil at the upper elevation. These differences in design, however,
increase the diversity of structural behavior within the wall structures themselves.
Figure 7.70 shows various types of retaining walls, and discussed as follows.
1. Gravity walls These walls are constructed of plain concrete, stone, or brick
masonry. Their extensive use of material and labor costs limit their economy
to relatively low heights of about 8 ft above the low grade (Figure 7.70a).
2. Cantilever retaining walls These are by far the most common type of retaining
wall. They are constructed with reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry, and
are economical to use for heights up to about 20 ft. Figure 7.70b shows a typical
cantilever retaining wall. The backll above the heel provides much of the
weight needed for the stability of the wall. There are, however, variations of
these walls such as cantilever walls without heel or toe as shown in Figures 7.70c,
d. They are used when property lines or other limitations prevent the footing from
extending beyond one side of the wall. These walls are not as efcient as the
typical cantilever retaining walls.
3. Counterfort walls The wall stem will be subjected to very large bending
moments if a cantilever retaining wall is higher than 20 ft. In such cases it
may be economical to construct the wall with counterforts (walls perpendicular
to the stem, spaced about 1215 ft apart) that attach the stem to the heel. The
reinforced counterforts act like tension members supporting the stem. They also
greatly increase the bending strength of the stem. Figure 7.70e shows a
counterfort wall.
496 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

a b



Gravity wall Cantilever retaining wall

c d

Cantilever wall without heel Cantilever wall without toe

e f

Counterfort wall Buttress wall

Figure 7.70 Different types of retaining walls (a) gravity wall (b) cantilever retaining wall (c)
cantilever wall without heel (d) cantilever wall without toe (e) counterfort wall (f) buttress wall

4. Buttress walls These walls are similar to counterfort walls, except that the
buttresses, which attach the stem to the toe, are located in front of the wall
(see Figure 7.70f). The buttersses are in compression
Vertical Soil Pressure Under the Base of a Retaining Wall So far we have
discussed only wall and column footings that are concentrically loaded (i.e., the
load acts at the centroid of the footing, and the distribution of the pressures on the
soil is uniform). In general, concentric loading cannot be achieved under retaining
walls. The resultant force (R), as shown in Figure 7.68, does not intercept the
footing at its center, but rather is eccentric to it.
Figure 7.71 shows three different possibilities of pressure distribution under a
footing. In Case I the load is concentrically applied to the footing. In Case II the
load is applied at a small eccentricity (e), which is less than b=6. In Case III the load
is applied at an eccentricity larger than b=6. Because a 1-ft-long strip is considered
in a wall footing:
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 497

1  b2 3
A b  1 b ft2 and Sm ft

The pressures for the individual cases then can be found as:
P  P 6e  2P
fmax  f 1
b   max 3c
 max f
b b

 P 6e  7:56
 fmin 1

 b b 
Case I Case II  Case III

Case I Case II Case III

b b b
P c e
c b/2 c e
e 0

f max f min
f max f max
e 0; c
2 b b b b
P e ; c e ; c
f f max 6 3 6 3
f max P Pe From V 0, P 3c f
A Sm 2 max
P Pe f max 2P
f min
A Sm 3c

Figure 7.71 Eccentric pressures under wall footings

If 1  6e
b < 0 in Case II, the expression for fmin becomes negative, which
indicates that theoretically there is tension between the footing and the soil. But
tension cannot develop between the bottom of the footing and the soil, as a gap
would appear. This is an impossible and inadmissible situation, so Case III applies.
With a straight-line pressure distribution, the pressure volume under the footing
must be in equilibrium with the P force. Hence, the resultant of the reaction pressure
must be colinear with the P force. Then the neutral axis (i.e., where the pressures
become zero) must be located at a distance 3c from the toe (see Figure 7.71).
Shear keys and weep holes We can easily increase inadequate sliding resistance
in a retaining wall by using a shear key at the bottom of the footing, as shown in
Figure 7.72. The passive earth pressure in front of the key provides a sure and
economical resistance.
As with basement walls, it is important to prevent water saturation of the backll
behind retaining walls. Saturated backll increases the earth pressure dramatically
498 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Weep hole

Shear key

Figure 7.72 Weep hole and shear key in retaining walls

and may endanger the stability of the wall. Providing weep holes in the wall at
regular spacing is the easiest and safest way to drain the backll. A typical retaining
wall weep hole is shown in Figure 7.72. Figure 7.73 shows a owchart for the
stability analysis and design of cantilever retaining walls.

Stability Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls

1. Calculate the lateral soil pressures and overturning moment.

2. Calculate the weight and the resisting moment.

3. Determine the factor of safety against overturning and sliding.

4. Calculate the soil pressure under the footing.

5. Design the reinforcement required in the stem.

6. Design the reinforcement required in the heel and the toe.

Check the bar development length.

Figure 7.73 Flowchart for the stability analysis and design of retaining walls
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 499

Example 7.8 Analyze the stability of the gravity retaining wall shown in
Figure 7.74. The backll is sandy gravel, soil 120 pcf; the coefcient of the
lateral active earth pressure is Ka 0.32; and the coefcient of friction at the base
is 0.52. The wall is constructed of concrete, which weighs 150 pcf. A sur-
charge load of 150 psf exists on the upper elevation. Calculate the toe pressure on
the soil in addition to the stability analysis. Disregard the passive pressure in front
of the toe in the analysis.

4'-0" 2'-0"
wsc 150 psf


2 1 E1

W2 W1
4'-0" E2

W3 p1 48 psf p2 461 psf

Figure 7.74 Sketch for Example 7.8

Step 1. Calculate the lateral soil pressures and the overturning moment.

p1 K a wsc 0:32  150 48 psf

E1 48  12 576 lb=ft

applied at half the soil height.

p2 K a soil h 0:32  120  12 461 psf

E2 461  12=2 2,766 lb=ft

applied at one-third of the soil height.

E 576 2,766 3,342 lb=ft
500 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

The overturning moment about the toe is the sum of the moments caused by
E1 and E2:

Mot 576  12=2 2,766  12=3 14,520 ft-lb=ft

Step 2. Calculate the weight and the resisting moment.

We divide the area of the wall into three component parts, as shown in
Figure 7.74, and do our calculations in a tabulated form.

Part No. W x (Distance of W from Toe) Wx

1 2  14  150 4,200 lb/ft 5.00 ft 21,000 ft-lb/ft
2 (4  10/2)  150 3,000 lb/ft 2.67 ft 8,000 ft-lb/ft
3 4  4  150 2,400 lb/ft 2.00 ft 4,800 ft-lb/ft
9,600 lb/ft 33,800 ft-lb/ft

Step 3. Determine the safety factor against overturning and sliding:

Mr 33,800
FSot 2:33 ! 2:33 > 1:5 ok
Mot 14,520

Calculate the factor of safety against sliding:

The friction force

F W 0:52  9,600 4,992 lb=ft

F 4,992
FSs X 1:49 ! 1:49 1:5 ok
E 3,342

Step 4. Calculate the soil pressure under the footing.

Figure 7.75 shows all the forces acting on the wall. Determine the
location where the R force (the reaction of the resultant of W and E)


Rh E

R Rv W

Figure 7.75 The R force and its components at the base

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 501

intercepts the base of the wall. The vertical component of the resultant is
Rv W, and the horizontal component is Rh E; (W, E, Rh, and Rv are the
forces acting on the wall). The moment of a resultant about any point must
equal the sum of the moments of the composing forces about the same
The moments of the composing forces are already known. The moment
of W about the toe is the resisting moment (Mr). The moment of E is the
overturning moment (Mot).
Hence, from the equilibrium of forces acting on the wall:
Mo 0
 Wc Mr  Mot 0
Wc Mr  Mot 7:57
Mr  Mot

Substituting the calculated values, we obtain c:

33,800  14,520
c 2:0 ft
Because b 6.0 ft, this is Case III of Figure 7.71 c . Find the
maximum pressure, fmax:

2  9,600
fmax 3,200 psf
3  2:0

Figure 7.76 shows the resulting soil pressure distribution.

fmax 3,200 psf

Figure 7.76 Soil pressure distribution below the wall in Example 7.8
502 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Example 7.9 Analyze the stability of the reinforced concrete cantilever retaining
wall shown in Figure 7.77. Calculate the reinforcement required in the wall and the
footing. Disregard the passive resistance of the soil in front of the toe. Assume
Ka 0.32, soil 115 pcf, and 0.50. Use fc0 3,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
Concrete is normal weight.

hw 12'-0" Wsoil



1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-6"


Figure 7.77 Sketch of the wall in Example 7.9

Step 1. Calculate the lateral soil pressure and the overturning moment:

pmax K a soil h 0:32  115  10:5 386:4 psf

pmax h 386:4  10:5
E 2,029 lb=ft
2 2
h 10:5
Mot E 2,029  7,102 ft-lb=ft
3 3

Step 2. Calculate the weight and the resisting moment. Include the weight of the
backll atop the heel of the wall and treat that as an integral part of the
retaining wall.
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 503

Item W x (From Toe) Wx (Moment to Toe)

Wall 12  1  150 1,800 lb/ft 1.50 2,700 ft-lb/ft
Footing 5.5  1  150 825 lb/ft 2.75 2,269 ft-lb/ft
Soil 3.5  9.5  115 3,824 lb/ft 3.75 14,340 ft-lb/ft
6,449 lb/ft 19,309 ft-lb/ft

Step 3. Determine the factors of safety against overturning and sliding:

Mr 19,309
FSot 2:72 > 1:5 ok
Mot 7,102
W 0:50  6,449
FSs 1:59 > 1:5 ok
E 2,029

Step 4. Calculate the soil pressure under the footing. Determine the location at
which the resultant force intersects the bottom of the footing and calculate
the resulting soil pressures.

Mr  Mot 19,309  7,102

c 1:89 ft from the toe
W 6, 449

So the eccentricity is

b 5:50
e c  1:89 0:86 ft
2 2

b 5:5
e 0:86 < 0:92 ft
6 6

Therefore, Case II (see Figure 7.71) is applicable. The soil pressures under
the footing are:
W 6e 6,449 6  0:86
fmax 1 1 2;273 psf
b b 5:50 5:50
W 6e 6,449 6  0:86
fmin 1 1 72 psf
b b 5:50 5:50

Step 5. Design the required reinforcement in the stem. Calculate the factored
bending moment in the stem, as illustrated in Figure 7.78. The maximum
pressure at the base of the stem is:

pa 0:32  115  9:5 349:6 psf

pu 1:6  349:6 559:4 psf

The factored design moment at the bottom of the stem is:

504 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

h stem 9'-6" 10'-6"

Location of the maximum

moment in wall

pu 559.4 psf

Figure 7.78 Pressures on the stem

pu hstem hstem 559:4  9:5 9:5
2 3 2 3
8,414 ft-lb=ft 8:41 ft-kip=ft

The minimum concrete cover required for #6 or larger bars (ACI Code,
Section is 2 in., as the back of the wall is exposed to the soil.
Thus (assuming #6 bars):

d 12  2  0:75=2 9:63 in:

For a 1-ft length of the wall:

12,000Mu 12,0008:41
R 91 psi
bd 2 129:632

Using fc0 3,000 psi concrete and fy 60,000 psi steel from Table A2.6a:
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 505

req 0:0018 conservatively

From Table A2.4:

min 0:0033 > 0:0018 use min 0:0033

As, req 0:0033  12  9:63 0:38 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 select

#5 @9 in: c=c As 0:41 in:2 =ft

#6 @12 in: c=c As 0:44 in:2 =ft

We place some vertical reinforcements to support the horizontal bars on the

exterior face of the wall. Use #4 @ 18 in. for walls with a height, hw  14 ft,
and use #5 @ 18 in. where hw > 14 ft. Therefore, here we use #4 @ 18 in.
since hw 12 ft. The horizontal shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
required in the stem and footing is:

Ash 0:002bt 0:002  12  12 0:288 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 select #5 @ 12 in. c/c (As 0.31 in.2/ft) for the footing.
Use #4 @ 16 in. on each face of the stem, as walls thicker than 10 in. require
two layers of reinforcement (total As 2  0.15 0.30 in.2/ft).
Step 6. Design the reinforcement required in the heel and toe.
The heel acts like a cantilever from the back of the stem to the end of the
heel, as shown in Figure 7.79. The loads acting on it are the weight of the
soil from above, its self-weight, and the upward reaction pressures at its
bottom (found in step 4):

p1 72 psf
2,273  72
p2 72 3:5
p2 1,473 psf

The moment at the intersection of the heel and the stem is:
506 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

w 9.5 115 1,093 psf

Location of maximum
moment in heel Self-weight 150 psf
72 psf
1,473 psf

3.5 ft

Figure 7.79 Forces on the heel in Example 7.9

3:5 3:5
M 1, 093 150  3:5   72  3:5 
2 2
3:5 3:5
 1, 473  72   4;312 ft-lb=ft
2 3

The factored moment is:

Mu 1:6  4;312 6;900 ft-lb=ft 6:9 ft-kip=ft

The reinforcement will be placed at the top of the heel. Thus, 2 in. cover
(as in the case of stem) is required, therefore, d 9.63 in. For a 1-ft length
of the heel:

12,000Mu 12,0006:9
R 74 psi
bd2 129:632

From Table A2.6a:

req 0:0014 ! As 0:0014129:63 0:16 in:2 =ft

Per the ACI Code, Sections and the minimum reinforce-
ment is equal to the required shrinkage and temperature reinforcements.

As, min 0:0018bt 0:0018bt 0:0018  12  12

0:26 in:2 =ft > 0:16 in:2 =ft

From Table A2.10 select #5 @ 14 in. c/c (As 0.27 in.2/ft).

smax minf3h, 18g minf3  12, 18g 18 in: > 14 in: ok

7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 507

1'-0" 1'-0"

Self-weight 150 psf

2,273 psf 1,873 psf

Figure 7.80 Forces on the toe in Example 7.9

The toe is only 10 000 long, so the reinforcement required will not be
signicant. For the sake of thoroughness, however, we will also determine
the reinforcement in the toe.

p1 2,273 psf
2,273  72
p2 72 4:5 1,873 psf

Neglecting, conservatively, the soil on the toe, the moment at the intersec-
tion of the toe and the stem, as shown in Figure 7.80, is:
1:0 1:0 2
M 1,873  1501:0 2;273  1;873  1:0 995 ft-lb=ft
2 2 3
Mu 1:6995 1, 592 ft-lb 1:6 ft-kip=ft
d 12  3footing cover  8:63 in:assuming #6 bars

For a 1-ft length of the toe:

R 22 psi ! Table A2:6a ! req < 0:0010
use minimum steel
As 0:001812  12 0:26 in:2 =ft

Table A2.10 ! Use 6 @ 12 in. c/c to dowel bars from the footing into the
stem (As 0.44 in.2/ft). These bars will also serve for reinforcement in
the toe.
Step 7. Check the bar development length.
(a) Stem Reinforcement For the reinforcements in the stem, we must lap
splice the dowels in the footing to the main reinforcement. From
Table A3.3, for #6 bars, d 33 in., which can be reduced by
As, required
As, provided
508 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls


required 33  29 in:

Using a Class B lap splice according to the requirements discussed

in Chapter 3, Section 3.4.5:

Required lap splice 1:3d 1:329 38 in: > 12 in:

The footing is too small to provide the above length, so the bars are
hooked into the toe. The development length (per Equation (3.65)) is:
fy e c r
dh p d b
50 fc0
dh p db 15:3db
501:0 3,000
dh 15:30:75 11:5 in:

As, required
From Table A3.4, we can reduce dh by A . Therefore, the
s, provided
required length is:

As, required
required = dh
As, provided

required = 11.5 = 9.9 in. > min{8(0.75), 6 in.} \ok
required = 9.9 in. < provided = 24 - (3 + 2) = 19 in. \ok

Toe cover Stem cover

We could also use a shear key with the dowels extended into the key
to provide the required bar length if needed (see Figure 7.81).
(b) Heel Reinforcement The development length for #5 bars, per
Table A3.3, is 28 in. The required length is:

d 28  27 in:

The provided reinforcement length in the heel is (cover 3 in.):

3:512  3 39 in: > 27 in: ok

Hooks are required in the toe area, as the toe is not long enough.
7.13 Earth Supporting Walls 509

#4 @ 18 in. vertical

#4 @ 16 in. horizontal

#6 @ 12 in. vertical

#4 @ 16 in. horizontal

#6 @ 12 in. dowels

3'-2" #5 @ 14 in.
#5 @ 12 in.

Possible use of shear key Dowels could be

extended into the key

Figure 7.81 Final reinforcement results for Example 7.9

fy e c r 60,0001:00:71:0
dh p db p 0:625 9:6 in:
50 fc 0 501:0 3,000
required 9:6 9:2 in: > minf80:625, 6 in:g
provided 24 in:  3 in: 21 in: > 9:2 in: ok

(c) Toe Reinforcement The dowels from the stem are used as reinforce-
ment for the toe. From Equation (3.65), the required length of bars
with hook for #6 bars is:
fy e c r
dh p db
50 fc0
dh p 0:75 11:5 in:
501:0 3,000
510 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

required 11:5  6:8 in:  minf80:75, 6 in:g
provided 12 in:  3 in: 9 in: > 6:8 in: ok

Figure 7.81 shows the retaining wall and the details of the


In the following problems assume concrete is normal weight unless noted

7.1. Design a plain concrete wall footing to support a 12 in. thick concrete wall.
The dead load, including the weight of the wall, is 5.0 kip/ft, and the roof live
load is 6.0 kip/ft. The bearing capacity of the soil is 2,500 psf and
fc0 3,000 psi:
7.2. Redesign the footing of Problem 7.1 for a soil bearing capacity of 6,000 psf.
7.3. Rework Problem 7.1 for a reinforced concrete wall footing. Use
fy 60,000 psi.
7.4. The following gure shows a partial section of a four-story ofce building. It is
constructed of 8 in.-thick precast hollow core planks for roof and oors,
supported by 12 in. block walls. The planks weigh 55 psf, and the block wall
weighs 80 psf. The oor superimposed dead load is 25 psf, and the oor live
load is 50 psf. The roong weighs 15 psf, and the roof snow load is 30 psf. The
soil bearing capacity is 3,500 psf. Use fc0 3,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi.
Design a reinforced concrete footing for the interior walls shown.

24'-0" 24'-0"






Building section
Problems 511

7.5. A 16 in.  16 in. reinforced concrete column supports 150 kip dead load and
75 kip roof live load. The allowable soil bearing pressure is 4,000 psf. Design a
square footing to support the column. Use fc0 3,000 psi for the column and
the footing and fy 60,000 psi. Assume the column to have 4 #6 bars as the
main reinforcement.
7.6. Design a square reinforced concrete spread footing for the interior columns of
Problem 5.11. The soil bearing capacity is 6,000 psf. Use fc0 3,000 psi for the
footing, fc0 4,000 psi for the column, and fy 60,000 psi. Column has 8 #9
main reinforcement. Neglect the self-weight of column.
7.7. Design a square reinforced concrete spread footing to support a 24 in.  24 in.
column carrying a 600 kip dead load and a 400 kip roof live load. The soil bearing
capacity is 10,000 psf. Use fc0 3,000 psi for the footing, fc0 4,000 psi for
the column, and fy 60,000 psi. The columns main reinforcements are 8 #11.
7.8. Redesign the footing of Example 7.3, if one of the horizontal dimensions of
the footing is limited to 70 000 due to the proximity of an adjacent property line.
7.9. Redesign the footing of Problem 7.7 if one of the horizontal dimensions of the
footing is limited to 80 000 .
7.10. Determine the thickness of the unreinforced basement wall shown below for
the following cases. The unit weight of the backll material is 120 pcf, and the
coefcient of active pressure Ka 0.33. Show the soil lateral pressure and
draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the applied loads. Use
fc0 4;000 psi:
(a) h2 80 000 , no surcharge (wsc 0) (c) h2 70 000 , wsc 200 psf
(b) h2 60 000 , no surcharge (d) h2 100 000 , wsc 200 psf


h 10'-0"

512 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

7.11. Rework Problem 7.10 for h 120 000 . For case d, use h2 120 000 .
7.12. Design the plain concrete basement wall shown. The equivalent uid active
density of the backll material is 36 pcf. The unit weight of the soil is 120 pcf.
Consider two cases: (a) without surcharge, and (b) a surcharge of 150 psf
acting on the backll. Use fc0 3,000 psi.
7.13. Redesign the basement wall of Problem 7.12 using reinforced concrete. Use
fy 60,000 psi.
7.14. Check the adequacy of the 10-in.-thick reinforced concrete basement wall
shown below. Use fc0 4,000 psi and fy 60,000 psi. The clear cover is in.
The unit weight of the backll is 100 pcf, and the coefcient of active soil
pressure Ka 0.30.



Figure for Problem 7.12

t 10 in.

#5 @ 12 in. horizontal
#6 @ 12 in. vertical

Figure for Problem 7.14

Problems 513

7.15. What is the maximum allowable surcharge that can be placed on the outside
grade of the basement wall of Problem 7.14?
7.16. Check the stability of the concrete gravity retaining wall shown below. Also,
determine the soil pressure distribution on the base. The unit weight of the
backll is 120 pcf, the coefcient of active soil pressure is 0.30, and the
coefcient of friction at the base is 0.50. The unit weight of the concrete is
150 pcf. The applied surcharge on the backll is 100 psf. Disregard the
passive pressure action on the wall.

3'0" 6'0"

wsc 100 psf



7.17. Check the stability of the concrete gravity retaining wall shown below. Also,
determine the soil pressure distribution on the base. The unit weight of the
backll is 115 pcf, the coefcient of active soil pressure is 0.33, and the
coefcient of friction at the base is 0.45. The unit weight of the concrete is
150 pcf. The applied surcharge on the backll is 130 psf. Disregard the
passive pressure action on the wall.

wsc 130 psf



1'0" 1' 0"

3'0" 6'0"
514 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

7.18. Check the stability of the reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall shown
below. Disregard the passive resistance of the soil in front of the toe. Assume
Ka 0.3, soil 120 pcf, and 0.52. The unit weight of the concrete is
150 pcf.

wsc 200 psf


2'6" 1'6" 6'6"


7.19. Design the cantilever retaining wall of Problem 7.18. Use fc0 3,000 psi and
fy 60,000 psi. Use the ACI Code-recommended minimum covers.


In this self-experiment we study the behavior of square spread column footings.

Include all the details of your tests such as sizes, times, concrete and ingredient
proportions, problems you encountered, and so on, together with images showing
the steps of the tests in your report.
Experiment 1
To study the behavior of spread footings, we will use a square piece of rubber
(about 1/2 in. thick) or any other exible material. Put the rubber on some soft soil or
sand. Place a Styrofoam column on the center of the rubber. Press the column down,
as shown in Figure SE 7.1, and observe how the rubber mat reacts. Document all
ndings and observations.
Self-Experiments 515

Experiment 2
To gain a better understanding of the behavior of different types of soil under a
foundation, we repeat Experiment 1 in the following order:
1. Fill a dish with dry sand. Compact the sand by gently pounding it with the
bottom of a bottle. Smooth the top, and place a wood block (representing a
square footing) on the sand. Load the block with an increasing load. Note what
happens to the sand around the loaded block.
2. Repeat step 1 using wet sand.
3. Repeat step 1 using wet clay. The clay must be wet enough to be moldable.
4. Repeat step 3 after letting the clay dry for a few days.

Styrofoam column

Rubber footing


Figure SE 7.1 Spread footing under concentrated load

Experiment 3
Form and cast a reinforced concrete square spread column footing. We will
use wires to represent the two required sets of reinforcement, as illustrated in
Figure SE 7.2. Document all your problems and observations in casting the footing.
516 7 Foundations and Earth Supporting Walls

Figure SE 7.2 Reinforced concrete spread footing

Experiment 4
Using the concrete footing of Experiment 3, repeat Experiment 1 by adding a
square reinforced concrete column at the center of the footing. Remember that you
need dowel bars to tie the column to the footing. Document all problems and your
observations in the construction of the column and footing model.
What is the approximate capacity of the footing if it is placed on a soil with a
bearing capacity of 2,000 psf?
Chapter 8
Formwork for Monolithic Concrete

8.1 Introduction

This Chapter discusses the issues that need to be studied and understood by an
aspiring architectural or construction engineer, regardless whether works as a
designer, or is engaged in construction.
We encourage the readers to consult the National Design Specication for Wood
Construction, which provides comprehensive instructions for the use and the
allowable values for metal connectors (nails, bolts, etc.) in wood construction.
Besides offering detailed guidance to the analysis and design of formwork
elements, this Chapter discusses the design of wood shores. We have also included
many useful Tables and step-by-step numerical examples for the easier compre-
hension and safe design of different wood and plywood formwork component
elements. The scope and available space unfortunately does not permit us to include
here the many, mostly patented, metal shoring and forming systems offered by a
large number of manufacturers. A search of the Internet will help those readers,
who may wish to expand their knowledge in the subject beyond wood materials
used in formwork and shoring.
Formwork and shoring that supports it are the largest cost-component in mono-
lithic concrete construction, often reaching 50 %-or more-of the total. Even more
important is to know that the formwork materials costs amount to about 1/6th of
that and labor cost associated with the formwork in the U.S.-and other countries
with relatively high wages-is about 5/6th.
Formwork should be thought of as a mold into which rst the reinforcement is
assembled, then the freshly mixed concrete is poured, consolidated and cured. The
shoring should be thought of as the temporary structure necessary to support the
formwork, the weight of the workers during the construction process, the weight of
the fresh concrete and the weight of the equipment used during the concreting

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 517

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_8
518 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

8.2 Planning for Formwork

The most important reference material for the design and construction of formwork
is the American Concrete Institutes Guide to Formwork for Concrete, ACI 347R-
14. In addition, a much more comprehensive and authoritative treatment of the
subject may be found in the ACI SP-4 7th Ed., a book titled Formwork for Concrete,
written by Mary K. Hurd.
Shoring and formwork are essentially temporary structures that must be built to
provide a mold into which the uid concrete is poured, consolidated and cured.
Thus they have to be carefully designed to provide for the essential attributes of all
structural designs, which are quality, safety and economy.
Quality in formwork means:
(a) the quality of the facing material, which is an important constituent in achiev-
ing the desired nish of the formed components;
(b) the formwork must be watertight. Butt joints, or corner joints between the
plywood sheets must be sealed to prevent leakage from the fresh concrete.
Leakage leads to unsightly cement ns at such locations, which when broken
off clearly show a discontinuity of appearance. It may also lead to
honeycombing in the concrete, which is rather difcult and expensive to
The sealing may be done by using a thin adhesive tape, or an appropriate
caulk. Corner joints are often protected from leakage by sealed wooden
(or plastic) chamfers.
(c) the accuracy, i.e. size, thickness, and geometrical conformance of the nished
concrete construct to the design documents. The reader is referred to ACI
Standard Specication for Tolerances for Concrete Construction, ACI
117, which lists the acceptable deviations from the dimensions provided for
in the Contract Documents.
Forms that are not designed and/or constructed to produce elements satis-
fying the tolerance requirements, or the nish requirements set forth in the
project specications, may result in expensive renishing (or in some cases
demolishing and re-construction)!
Safety refers to the requirements:
(a) that the temporary structure must be designed and built to safely withstand all
the loads (gravity and lateral) that it is subjected to during the construction
(b) that it provides for the safety of the construction personnel.
Economy in the design and construction of the formwork looms huge among the
attributes, when one looks at the share of its cost in the overall concrete construction
cost. In the construction process there are three major components contributing to
the total cost of monolithic reinforced concrete construction in architectural struc-
tures (refer to Figure 8.1):
8.3 Loads on Formwork 519

Figure 8.1 Average concrete construction cost distribution

Concrete: materials, delivery, placement and nish;

Reinforcement: materials, fabrication, accessories and placement;
Formwork: materials for shoring and forming, construction and removal;
Each of these have a labor component, but the formwork, with its attendant
shoring that supports it, is the most labor intensive. So in countries where the cost of
skilled labor is expensive, the cost of formwork represents the largest percentage of
the total cost.

8.3 Loads on Formwork

8.3.1 Gravity Loads

For the purposes of design, Dead Loads are dened as the weight of the formwork,
shoring and scaffolding, the weight of the reinforcement and the freshly placed
concrete. In the authors experience an allowance of 10 psf to 15 psf is generally
sufcient to account for the weight of the formwork, scaffolds and shores. To
account for the weight of concrete and reinforcement, use the customary 150 pcf
for the design.
Live loads are more difcult to predict. Those represent the weight of workers,
concrete buggies or other concrete conveying equipment, pumping hoses,
generators, compressors, consolidating and nishing equipment, etc. The ACI
347 recommends the use of a minimum 50 psf uniformly distributed live load to
account for these, and minimum 75 psf, when motorized carts are used for the
conveyance of concrete.
520 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Example 8.1 Calculate the uniformly distributed load a formwork (and its
supporting post-shores) must be designed for a 10 in. thick normal weight concrete
slab. The concrete will be delivered via a concrete pump.

Weight of the concrete slab: (10/12)  150 125 psf

Self-weight of formwork (estimate) 10 psf
Live Load (min. per ACI 347 recommendations) 50 psf
Total design load for the slab formwork 185 psf

8.3.2 Lateral Pressure on Formwork

Fresh concrete behaves like a uid when placed, thus exerts hydrostatic pressure
against the sides of the forms. The value of the pressure depends upon many
variables. If the concrete is poured to full height of the form within a time that is
less than the initial set, then the formwork will experience full hydrostatic pressure
in the form of

p wc h 8:1

wc unit weight of concrete, lb/ft3
h depth of uid or plastic concrete from top of placement to point of consider-
ation in the form, ft
However, when the rate of pour is slower than the time required for the initial set
of the concrete mix, the pressure at the bottom of the formwork will diminish from
the full hydrostatic pressure. The parameters inuencing the magnitude are the
temperature of the concrete inside the form (higher temperature accelerates the
setting time) and the chemistry of the concrete mix (pozzolans used as cement
replacement, retarding admixtures, etc.). In combining all these effects into one
empirical formula, ACI 347 recommends

pmax Cw Cc 150 9,000R=T  600Cw lb=ft2 8:2

but not more than

pmax wc h 8:3

R rate of placement, ft/hr
T temperature of concrete during placement,  F
Cw unit weight coefcient (see Table 8.1)
Cc chemistry coefcient (see Table 8.2)
8.3 Loads on Formwork 521

Table 8.1 Unit weight coefcient Cw

Unit weight of concrete Cw
Less than 140 lb/ft Cw 0:5 1 wc =145 lb=ft3  0:8
140150 lb/ft3 1.0
More than 150 lb/ft3 Cw wc =145 lb=ft3

Table 8.2 Chemistry coefcient Cc

Cement type or blend Cc
Types I, II, and III without retarders 1.0
Types I, II, and III with a retarder 1.2
Other types or blends containing less than 70 % slag or 40 % y ash without retarders 1.2
Other types or blends containing less than 70 % slag or 40 % y ash with a retarder 1.4
Blends containing more than 70 % slag or 40 % y ash 1.4

For walls higher than 14 ft, or for placement rates between 7 and 15 ft per hour
the following empirical formula is recommended:

pmax Cw Cc 150 43,400=T 2,800R=T lb=ft2 8:4

Example 8.2 Assume a 24 in.  24 in. column form 14 ft high. The project
specications require normal weight concrete with Type I cement and allow the
use of maximum 25 % y ash cement replacement. Calculate the maximum lateral
pressure at the base of the forms.
Solution The total volume of concrete will be 2  2  14 56 cubic feet !
2:07 cubic yards. This is a small amount, hence it is more than likely that it will
be poured faster than the initial setabout 2 hours after mixingregardless of the
temperature of the concrete. Thus Equation (8.3) will apply:

pmax 150  14 2,100 psf

Example 8.3 Calculate the maximum pressure on a wall-form for an 18 in. thick,
60 ft long and 12 ft high wall. Normal weight concrete with Type I cement is
specied with a 40 % GBFS (Ground Blast Furnace Slag) cement replacement
without retarders. The average temperature during the pour is expected to be
about 80  F and the rate of pour is estimated to be about 4 ft/hr.
Cw 1:0
Cc 1:2 (From Table 8.2 (fourth row): blend with less than 70 % slag and no
Using Equation (8.2): pmax 1:0  1:2  150 9,000  4=80 720 psf
522 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Since this is greater than 600  Cw 600 psf (refer to Equation (8.2)), use
720 psf for the design.
Example 8.4 Same data as in Example 8.3, but the rate of pour is 5 ft/hr and the
temperature is expected to be only 50  F.

pmax 1:0  1:2  150 9,000  5=50 1,260 psf

A comparison of the results in Examples 8.2 and 8.3 shows, rather dramatically,
the importance of the R and T parameters. While the rst, i.e. the rate of pour can be
more accurately planned and enforced on the eld, the temperature on the date of
the pour is more difcult to assess with much accuracy. Hence, the designer should
always be cautious. Many authorities in the eld recommend that unless the
economy of the formwork design absolutely forbids it, the most conservative
design, i.e. Equation (8.3) be used.

8.3.3 Lateral Loads on the Shoring and Forming Assembly

The temporary structure of the shoring, bracing and forming assembly also must be
designed for lateral loads, such as wind and/or seismic loads, just like any other
structure. For the evaluation of such loads, the reader is referred to the SEI/ASCE
37-10 Standard Design Loads on Structures during Construction.
ACI 347R-14 Paragraph states the following:
Formwork exposed to the elements should be designed for wind pressures
determined in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7 with adjustments as provided in
ASCE/SEI 37 for shorter recurrence interval. Alternatively, formwork may be
designed for the local building code-required lateral wind pressure, but not
less than 15 psf. Consideration should be given to possible wind uplift on
In addition, concrete formwork is subject to other horizontal loads from the
starting and stopping of motorized equipment, from the concrete dumping opera-
tions, and other not-easily-calculable effects. ACI 347 recommends a minimum
horizontal force of 100 lb per linear ft (lb/ft) of oor edge in any direction be used to
account for these effects. This force is an alternative requirement to the minimum
wind load cited above, for it is unlikely that concreting operations would occur
during a wind storm.
In concrete construction usually the vertical elements are poured rst, thus they
are often available to provide lateral support to the shoring and forming elements.
The designer of the formwork must, however, carefully analyze the available
strength of the already-in-place elements when considering their utilization for
providing the necessary stability of the temporary structure.
8.4 Materials for Formwork 523

8.4 Materials for Formwork

8.4.1 Form Panels

Form panels should be thought of as the lining of the mold, i.e. the surface that will
be in intimate contact with the concrete. While many different materials may be
used as form panels, the overwhelming majority of them are APA (American
Plywood Association) Exterior type Plywood. These products are manufactured
using moisture resistant adhesives.
The industry also manufactures a trademarked special product known as
Plyform, manufactured for the specic purpose of forming for concrete.
Plyform-and indeed almost all plywood-panels are manufactured in odd num-
ber of layers (also called plies). The layers are laid up with the grain perpendicular
in adjacent layers, and bonded together under high pressure using adhesives. The
adhesives are selected on the basis of intended use, i.e., interior (not exposed to
weather), or exterior use. Plyform panels are always made with exterior quality
(waterproof) adhesives.
The alternating direction of the grain in the adjacent layers helps to minimize
the shrinking and warping of the panels. The typical plywood panels are
manufactured in 4 ft  8 ft size, although they may be available in larger sizes
on special order. The grain orientation in the outer plies is always in the long
Plyform panels are always manufactured with exterior bond classications and
in three basic grades: Plyform Class I, Plyform Class II and Structural I Plyform.
The Class refers to the strength of the Plyform, which in turn depends upon the
Group wood species that form the outer ply.
Overlaid Plyform panels are also manufactured for concrete form use. Two
types MDO (Medium Density Overlay) and HDO (High Density Overlay) are
available. During the fabrication process thermo-setting phenolic resins are
bonded-usually on one side only-to the surface of the plywood using high heat
and pressure. The overlay produces a smooth, hard, semi-opaque surface and
increases the durability, hence the re-use, of the forming panels manifold. It can
help to create concrete to appear nearly like a polished surface.
Since many different species of wood are used in manufacturing plywood and
due to its inner construction grains in adjacent layers are perpendicular to each other
and thus have different strength and stiffness characteristics, the cross-sectional
properties cannot be simply calculated like we do when using homogenous mate-
rials. Table 8.4 shows the calculated cross section properties of a 1 ft (12 in.) wide
section of Plyform. Thus the designer may need to select only the appropriate
effective section properties and the allowable stresses for the face ply in order to
perform any required calculations.
Table 8.3 shows the allowable design stress values and the Modulus of
Elasticity of the various Plyform materials. Note that the listed values are adjusted
values, used specically in concrete forming. In wood products the Codes require
524 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

the application of several adjustment factors, like wet service factor, load duration
factor, etc. So, the values taken from the Plywood Design Specications allow-
able stress are adjusted to wet use (outdoor construction must assume that the
formwork is in wet condition); however the load duration is a relatively short
one, for as the concrete stiffens and begins to carry its own weight, the pressures
on the plywood diminish. Thus, a special Cs 1.65 concrete setting factor was
applied together with the wet design stresses. Table 8.3 shows the allowable
design stresses already adjusted to account for the wet service and load duration

Table 8.3 Allowable stresses and moduli of elasticity used with Plyform
Plyform Plyform Structural
Class I Class II I Plyform
Modulus of elasticityE 1,650,000 psi 1,430,000 psi 1,650,000 psi
(adjusted, use for bending
and deection calculation)
Modulus of elasticityEs 1,500,000 psi 1,300,000 psi 1,500,000 psi
(unadjusted, use for shear
deection calculation)
Bending stressFb 1,930 psi 1,330 psi 1,930 psi
Rolling shear stressFs 72 psi 72 psi 102 psi

The term Rolling Shear Constant (see Table 8.4) maybe unfamiliar to the reader.
The bers in an inner layer of the plywood, laid perpendicular to the face layer, tend
to roll over each other, (not unlike a layer made out of toothpicks), when subjected
to horizontal shear due to bending.
Horizontal shear in members in bending is calculated as:

v   8:5
Ib Ib

The term in parenthesis in the denominator is referred as the rolling shear constant.
Due to the non-homogenous and non-isotropic nature of the plywood material,
calculations of the cross-sectional properties are far from being simple. Conve-
niently, however, all the design-applicable information is tabulated and made
readily available. (Refer to Table 8.4).
8.4 Materials for Formwork 525

Table 8.4 Section properties of plyform (courtesy of APAThe Engineered Wood Association)
Section properties for Plyform Class I and Class II, and Structural I Plyforma
Properties for stress applied Properties for stress applied
parallel with face grain perpendicular to face grain
Effective Rolling Effective Rolling
section shear section shear
Approx. Nominal Moment modulus constant Moment modulus constant
Performance weight thickness of inertia KS Ib/Q of inertia KS Ib/Q
category (psf) t (in.) I (in.4/ft) (in.3/ft) (in.2/ft) I (in.4/ft) (in.3/ft) (in.2/ft)
Class I
15/32 1.4 0.469 0.066 0.244 4.743 0.018 0.107 2.419
1/2 1.5 0.500 0.077 0.268 5.153 0.024 0.130 2.739
19/32 1.7 0.594 0.115 0.335 5.438 0.029 0.146 2.834
5/8 1.8 0.625 0.130 0.358 5.717 0.038 0.175 3.094
11/16 2.0 0.688 0.164 0.409 6.175 0.044 0.183 3.524
23/32 2.1 0.719 0.180 0.430 7.009 0.072 0.247 3.798
3/4 2.2 0.750 0.199 0.455 7.187 0.092 0.306 4.063
7/8 2.6 0.875 0.296 0.584 8.555 0.151 0.422 6.028
1 3.0 1.000 0.427 0.737 9.374 0.270 0.634 7.014
11/8 3.3 1.125 0.554 0.849 10.430 0.398 0.799 8.419
Class II
15/32 1.4 0.469 0.063 0.243 4.499 0.015 0.138 2.434
1/2 1.5 0.500 0.075 0.267 4.891 0.020 0.167 2.727
19/32 1.7 0.594 0.115 0.334 5.326 0.025 0.188 2.812
5/8 1.8 0.625 0.130 0.357 5.593 0.032 0.225 3.074
11/16 2.0 0.688 0.164 0.409 6.020 0.036 0.236 3.496
23/32 2.1 0.719 0.180 0.430 6.504 0.060 0.317 3.781
3/4 2.2 0.750 0.198 0.454 6.631 0.075 0.392 4.049
7/8 2.6 0.875 0.300 0.591 7.990 0.123 0.542 5.997
1 3.0 1.000 0.421 0.754 8.614 0.220 0.812 6.987
11/8 3.3 1.125 0.566 0.869 9.571 0.323 1.023 8.388
Structural I
15/32 1.4 0.469 0.067 0.246 4.503 0.021 0.147 2.405
1/2 1.5 0.500 0.078 0.271 4.908 0.029 0.178 2.725
19/32 1.7 0.594 0.116 0.338 5.018 0.034 0.199 2.811
5/8 1.8 0.625 0.131 0.361 5.258 0.045 0.238 3.073
11/16 2.0 0.688 0.167 0.418 5.621 0.051 0.249 3.493
23/32 2.1 0.719 0.183 0.439 6.109 0.085 0.338 3.780
3/4 2.2 0.750 0.202 0.464 6.189 0.108 0.418 4.047
7/8 2.6 0.875 0.317 0.626 7.539 0.179 0.579 5.991
1 3.0 1.000 0.479 0.827 7.978 0.321 0.870 6.981
11/8 3.3 1.125 0.623 0.955 8.841 0.474 1.098 8.377
The section properties presented here are specically for Plyform, with its special layup restric-
tions. For other grades, section properties are listed in the APAs Plywood Design Specication,
Form Y510
526 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

8.4.2 Lumber

Practically any formwork construction and consequently its design involve lumber.
Although the material selection may use any species listed in the National Design
Specication for Wood Construction and its Supplement: Design Values for Wood
Construction, published by the American Forest & Paper Association (AFPA) and the
American Wood Council (AWC), only a few species are typically used in the con-
struction industry. These are: Douglas Fir-Larch North; Douglas Fir South; Hem-Fir;
Spruce-Pine-Fir and Southern Pine. Within all these species each piece of cut-to-size
lumber is either visually or machine graded and classied as to their stress-grade.
Table 8.5 shows the sizes and section-properties of lumber typically used in
formwork construction. The listed values are for (S4SSurfaced 4 Sides) dressing,
which means that after rough sawing from the timber, the boards are run through a
planing machine to obtain smooth surface on all four sides and uniform cross-section.
Table 8.6 shows the Reference Design Stress values for 2 in.4 in. thick
lumber of selected species and grades. These values are subject to a number of
Adjustment Factors. We list only those factors that are typically used in formwork

Table 8.5 Properties of selected lumber sizes, typically used in formwork construction
Area of
Nominal Actual Approx. cross- Moment Section Moment Section
size size weight section of inertia modulus of inertia modulus
(in.) (in.) (lb/ft) (in.2) Ix (in.4) Sx (in.3) Iy (in.4) Sy (in.3)
24 1.5  3.5 1.3 5.25 5.36 3.06 0.98 1.31
26 1.5  5.5 2.0 8.25 20.80 7.56 1.55 2.06
28 1.5  7.25 2.6 10.87 47.63 13.14 2.04 2.72
2  10 1.5  9.25 3.4 13.87 98.93 21.39 2.60 3.47
2  12 1.5  11.25 4.1 16.87 177.97 31.64 3.16 4.21
34 2.5  3.5 2.1 8.75 8.93 5.10 4.56 3.65
36 2.5  5.5 3.4 13.75 34.66 12.60 7.16 5.73
38 2.5  7.25 4.4 18.12 79.39 21.90 9.44 7.55
3  10 2.5  9.25 5.6 23.12 164.89 35.65 12.04 9.63
3  12 2.5  11.25 6.8 28.12 296.63 52.73 14.65 11.72
44 3.5  3.5 3.0 12.25 12.50 7.15 12.50 7.15
46 3.5  5.5 4.7 19.25 48.53 17.65 19.65 11.23
48 3.5  7.25 6.2 25.38 111.15 30.66 25.90 14.80
4  10 3.5  9.25 7.9 32.38 230.84 49.91 33.05 18.88
4  12 3.5  11.25 9.6 39.38 415.28 73.83 40.20 22.97
66 5.5  5.5 7.4 30.25 76.26 27.73 76.26 27.73
68 5.5  7.5 10.0 41.25 193.36 51.56 103.98 37.81
88 7.5  7.5 13.7 56.25 263.67 70.31 263.67 70.31
Notes: (1). Weights shown assume dry condition, approx. 35 lb/ft3; (2). Ix and Sx are about the
strong axis of the section; (3). Iy and Sy are about the weak axis of the section; and (4). 6 and
8 sizes are mostly used as shore-posts.
8.4 Materials for Formwork 527

Table 8.6 Reference design stresses for selected species of visually graded lumber
2 in. to 4 in. thick
Shear Compression Compression Modulus
parallel perpendicular parallel to of elasticity
Species and Size Bending to grain to grain grain (psi)
grade classication Fb (psi) Fv (psi) Fc (psi) Fc (psi) E (psi) Emin (psi)
Douglas Fir-Larch (North)
No. 2 2 in. and wider 850 180 625 1,400 1,600,000 580,000
Construction 2 in.4 in. wide 950 180 625 1,800 1,500,000 550,000
Douglas Fir (South)
No. 2 2 in. and wider 850 180 520 1,350 1,200,000 440,000
Construction 2 in. and wider 975 180 520 1,650 1,200,000 440,000
No. 2 2 in. and wider 850 150 405 1,300 1,300,000 470,000
Construction 2 in.4 in. wide 975 150 405 1,550 1,300,000 470,000
No. 2 2 in. and wider 775 135 335 1,000 1,100,000 400,000
Construction 2 in.4 in. wide 875 135 335 1,200 1,000,000 370,000
Southern Pine
No. 2 2 in.4 in. wide 1,500 175 565 1,650 1,600,000 580,000
5 in.6 in. wide 1,250 175 565 1,600 1,600,000 580,000
8 in. wide 1,200 175 565 1,550 1,600,000 580,000
10 in. wide 1,050 175 565 1,500 1,600,000 580,000
12 in. wide 975 175 565 1,450 1,600,000 580,000
Construction 4 in. wide 1,100 175 565 1,800 1,500,000 550,000
Note: Emin is used with the calculation of the Column Stability Factor, CP

CDLoad Duration Factor. The stress level that wood may safely sustain for
short periods of time is higher than those from loads that are permanent. Thus for
concrete formwork a CD 1.25 (load duration 7 days or less) applies.
CMWet Service Factor. The strength and stiffness of wood is adversely
affected, when the moisture content in the material is greater than about 19 %.
The reduction of the allowable stress is different from the type of stress, for
example perpendicular to grain compression is more affected than shear
stress, etc.
CtTemperature Factor. Sustained temperatures above 100  F adversely affect
some properties of wood. In very hot climates, the stresses and the Modulus of
Elasticity (used in deection calculations) should be adjusted accordingly.
CFSize Factor. The NDS Code permits the use of this adjustment factor (see
Table 8.8) for joists, beams and studs. As its name implies, the factor depends
upon the size of the member. The magnitude of the factor is based on probability
studies of reliability and is applicable to all species of timber used in formwork
construction, with the exception of Southern Pine, where the size factors are
already included in the tabulated reference design stresses.
CrRepetitive Members Factor. The NDS Code permits the increase of the
allowable bending stresses (only) for 2 in.4 in. wide joists, beams, studs by
15 %, provided that there are at least three such members, spaced not more than
528 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

24 in. apart and are joined by oor, roof or other load distributing elements.
Minimum two span, appropriately designed plywood qualies for that role. Thus
Cr 1.15. However, ACI 347 does not recommend the use of this factor for
dimensional lumber, when CD and/or CF factors are also utilized.
CpColumn Stability Factor. This factor applies to elements (primarily
shoring posts) and applies to allowable compression parallel-to-grain stress values.
CfuFlat use factor. This factor is applicable to the Fb reference design bending
stress, when the load is applied to the wide face of the member. (See Table 8.8)
CbBearing Area Factor. Allowable perpendicular to grain compression stresses
are permitted to be multiplied by a factor of

b 0:375
Cb 8:6

where b is the bearing length measured in inches parallel with the grain, provided
the bearing length is less than 6 in. and it is not less than 3 in. from the end of the
member. Cb 1.0 for bearing at the end of a member and/or b > 6 in.
It can be disregarded conservatively.
To make it easier to comprehend, we summarize the use and applicability of
these adjustment factors in Table 8.9.
Thus the general formula to compute allowable stresses (F0 ) is the reference
design stress (F) multiplied by all the applicable adjustment factors:
F0 F  CD  CM  Ct  CF  Cr  Cp  Cfu  Cb 8:7
Note that only a selected few adjustment factors are typically applicable,
depending on condition and type of stress involved. See Table 8.9. (Refer to the
NDS Code for additional information).

Table 8.7 Reference design stresses for selected species of visually graded lumber
Posts and Timbers 5 in.  5 in. or larger
Shear Compression Compression Modulus of elasticity
Species parallel perpendicular parallel to
and Bending to grain to grain grain
grade Fb (psi) Fv (psi) Fc (psi) Fc (psi) E (psi) Emin (psi)
Douglas Fir-Larch (North)
No. 2 725 170 625 700 1,300,000 470,000
Douglas Fir (South)
No. 2 675 165 520 650 1,000,000 370,000
No. 2 575 140 405 575 1,100,000 400,000
No. 2 500 125 425 500 1,000,000 370,000
Southern Pine
No. 2 850 165 375 525 1,200,000 440,000
8.4 Materials for Formwork 529

Table 8.8 Size and at use adjustment factors for grades #1 and #2
(for construction grade lumber the size factor is 1.00 for all widthsa)
Bending stress adjustment factor
Size factor Flat use factor
Width of 2 in.3 in. 4 in. 2 in.3 in. 4 in. Compression parallel
lumber thick thick thick thick to grain adjustment factor
2 in. and 3 in. 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.15
4 in. 1.50 1.50 1.10 1.00 1.15
6 in. 1.30 1.30 1.15 1.05 1.10
8 in. 1.20 1.30 1.15 1.05 1.05
10 in. 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.00
12 in. 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.00
Size and Flat use factors are not applicable for Southern Pine

Table 8.9 Tabulation of typical adjustment factors to basic material property values for dimen-
sion lumber used in formwork design
Type of stress (or property) Adjustment factors Comment
Bending stress, Fb Load duration factor, CD 1.25 Typically used
Size factor, CF see Table 8.8 Typically used
Flat use factor, Cfu see Table 8.8 Used as applicable
Repetitive member factor, Cr 1.15 Not recommended
by ACI 347
Shear stress, Fv Load duration factor, CD 1.25 Typically used
Wet service factor, CM 0.97 Used as applicable
Compression Bearing area factor, Cb see Used as applicable
perpendicular to grain, Fc Equation (8.6)
Wet service factor, CM 0.67 Used as applicable
Compression Load duration factor, CD 1.25* Typically used
parallel with grain, Fc Wet service factor, CM 0.8 Used as applicable
Size factor, CF see Table 8.8 Typically used
Column stability factor, CP see Always used
Equation (8.9)
Modulus of elasticity, E Wet service factor, CM 0.9 Used as applicable
*CD 1.0 for shoring posts

8.4.3 Formwork Accessories

Formwork accessories are hardware items that are typically used in the construction
of the formwork. The reader is encouraged to search the Internet, where numerous
companies list and exhibit their proprietary products.
TIES are used in holding the opposite sides of the form secure against the lateral
pressure from the fresh concrete. (See Section 8.3.2.) There are many different,
usually patented devices. Some typical form ties are shown in Figure 8.2. They pass
through the concrete and fastened onto the formwork on each side. Manufacturers
530 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

cone shaped
plastic spreader.
wedge anchor
water stop.

break back

tapered rod to be bearing plate.

withdrawn entirely.

wing nut.

plastic tube bearing plate.

and end cones.

wing nut.

she-bolts screwed tie threads into

onto threaded she-bolts
ends of ties.

coil bolt threads 2 coil ties welded

into ends of onto tubular ends
2 coil ties. with inner threads

cone shaped
plastic spreader.

Figure 8.2 Examples of typical form ties

provide information on the safe working loads, which may range from about
2,000 lb for light duty to in excess of 60,000 lb for some super-heavy duty ties.
The published working load values carry a typically used safety factor of 2.
After the concrete hardened, they are either fully, or partially withdrawn, usually
1224 hours after placement of the concrete. Snap ties (as the name implies) have a
weakened point about 1.5 in.2 in. inside the concrete surface, called break-back
8.4 Materials for Formwork 531

points. The idea is that after breaking the tie, the outer part is withdrawn, but the rest
remains inside. A similar idea is represented by the so-called she-bolt type of tie,
where the outer parts are unscrewed from the inner tie-rod. The crimping in the ties
prevents the inner tie from rotating.
It is very important to note that the holes left in the concrete, whether just partial
on the surfaces, or all the way through, as in the case fully withdrawn types of ties,
be thoroughly lled with grout or pressure-grouted. ACI 347 recommends that no
corrodible metal be left in the concrete closer than 1.5 in. from the surface,
especially on concrete surfaces left exposed to view.
SPREADERS are used to keep the opposing sides of the formwork apart at a
xed dimension during concrete placement. Sometime they are just wooden blocks,
or special adjustable metal products, not left in the concrete, but removed either
during, or immediately after the placement of the fresh concrete. Some tie systems
(see Figure 8.2) incorporate plastic cone or hemisphere shaped spreaders secured to
the tie. After the removal of these plastic appurtenances and the withdrawal of the
outside portions of the ties, the remaining indentations provide good base for the
grouting of the holes in a visually acceptable manner.
SPACERS are usually small plastic attachments that are snapped onto the
reinforcement and used to maintain the specied concrete cover distance from the
vertical form.
CLAMPS are used to secure column forms. (See Figures 8.3 and 8.4; also
Example 8.6 for more detailed explanation).
HANGERS are primarily used to hang slab formwork from steel or pre-cast
concrete beams. Their use eliminate the need for shoring under the slab forms.
In addition to these most often used accessories, many different purpose and
design inserts, anchors, etc. are offered by manufacturers. All aim to help with
building the temporary structure speedily and economically and to enable the

plywood sheeting



Figure 8.3 Three dimensional view of the formwork components for a concrete column
532 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

if req'd.

Figure 8.4 Plan view of Figure 8.3

contractor in forming the desired mold, regardless how complicated and/or unusual
is the designed concrete element. Discussion about these accessories is beyond the
scope of this chapter.

8.4.4 Release Agents

Fresh concrete will adhere to the surfaces of the formwork, unless a special coating,
or release agent is applied to the contact area. Coatings are differentiated from
release agents, for they also provide other sometimes desirable benets.
Coatings (sealers) are used to:
modify the texture of the concrete surface;
enhance the durability of the nished concrete surface;
prevent the fresh concrete adhering to the form material; and
seal the concrete surface from moisture intrusion.
Release agents (often commonly referred to as form-oils, as a reference to the
past, when petroleum based products were used exclusively) serve only as a bond-
breaker between the fresh concrete and the form surfaces, thus facilitating the easy
removal and preservation of the formwork material. Release agents may be applied
to the form material during its manufacture, or applied in the eld. Care must be
taken during eld application to prevent the release agent from coating reinforcing
There are two different types of release agents available on the market:
(a) barrier release agents and (b) reactive release agents.
8.5 Design of Formwork Elements 533

(a) Barrier release agents, as the name clearly implies, develop a lm (barrier)
on the contact surface, thus preventing bond from the fresh concrete to the
(b) Reactive release agents interact with the free lime in the cement matrix and
through a chemical reaction process a bond-preventing-lm is created. This
lm is considered bio-degradable, hence their use is better for the

8.5 Design of Formwork Elements

8.5.1 Typical Design Formulas

When designing formwork for vertical structural members, such as walls and
columns, four elements: sheathing, studs, wales and ties need to be carefully
analyzed and selected. (Refer to Figure 8.5 for the visual representation of these
designations used in the industry.) The sheathing (Plyform1, or plywood) retains
the lateral pressure from the fresh concrete, the studs support the sheathing and the
wales support the studs. Finally, the ties are attached to the outside of the wales to
hold together the two faces. Figure B8.1 in Appendix B shows the process for a
large wall forming.
In the design of horizontal structural members elements (slabs and beams), the
elements that need to be carefully analyzed and selected are: sheathing, joists,
stringers (beams) and shores. The sheathing supports the weight of the concrete
(plus the construction loads), the joists support the sheathing, the stringers support
the joists and the shores support the stringers.
With the exception of the ties and the shores, all other elements are exural
elements and conventional beam formulas are used in their analysis. Since form-
work design involves many assumptions about the loads, the quality of the mate-
rials used and the workmanship in the actual construction, a simplied design
approach is justied. Thus, the following assumptions are commonly accepted
and used:
(a) Assume that all loads are uniformly distributed. The loads (pressures) on the
sheathing are truly distributed (albeit not always uniformly). So are the loads
on the studs and the joists that support the sheathing.
(b) Wales and stringers are actually loaded by point loads (typically closely
spaced) and can be approximated by an equivalent distributed load.
(c) Flexural elements that are continuous over three or more spans can be safely
designed by the formulas that apply for the 3-span condition.
Three governing conditions need to be considered in the design of exural
elements. These are: bending stresses, shear stresses and deection.
534 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

a 100 lb/ft
lateral load



form ties
15 psf wind load min.

2x4 strut

2x4 brace
toe plate


wale spacing



Figure 8.5 Typical formwork components for a concrete wall: (a) Section, (b) Three-dimen-
sional view
8.5 Design of Formwork Elements 535 Bending Members (Sheathing, Joists, Beams, Studs,

Wales, Etc.)

The formulas in Table 8.10 are for calculating the maximum bending moment and
shear-force that in turn are used in the analysis of the stresses in the member under
investigation. In additon, this table includes the equations to compute the maxi-
mum deections. The numerical coefcients are adjusted to the fact that the load is
input in lb/ft (pounds per lineal foot) units. The formulas for Mmax are those for the
absolute maximum that will occur; i.e. at mid-span for the simple span; at an
intermediate support for the two or three span condition. The formulas for Vmax
include the fact, that the critical shear does not occur at the point support, but a d
distance away from it.
The formulas shown in Table 8.10 can be solved for the allowable maximum
span for a pre-selected type and thick Plyform sheathing, or a pre-selected size and
species of lumber. The resulting formulas are shown in Table 8.11. Among the
Table 8.10 Design formulas for bending members
Simple span Two spans Three or more spans
w lb/ft w lb/ft w lb/ft

L(in) L (in) L (in) L (in) L(in) L(in)

2 2
wL wL wL2
Mmax Mmax Mmax
96 96 120
V max 0:5wL  2d V max 0:625wL  2d V max 0:6wL  2d
5 w L4 1 w L4 1 w L4
max   max   max  
384 12 EI 185 12 EI 145 12 EI
Note: In the formulas shown care must be taken to use the correct units for the variables. Thus:
w uniformly distributed loads, lb/ft
L center-to-center span, in.
E Modulus of elasticity, psi
I Moment of inertia, in.4 (effective moment of inertia for Plyform)
d depth of section, in.

Table 8.11 Allowable maximum spans

Governing condition Simple span Two spans Three or more spans

Allowable bending 96Fb S 96Fb S 120Fb S
stress, Fb Lmax Lmax Lmax
w w w
0 0 0
Allowable Shear 16Fv A 12:8Fv A 13:33Fv A
0 Lmax 2d Lmax 2d Lmax 2d
Stress, Fv solid w w w
Allowable Shear 24Fv Ib
19:2Fv Ib
20Fv Ib
0 Q Q Q
Stress, Fv plywood Lmax 2d Lmax 2d Lmax 2d
w w w
r r r
Deflection L
3 EI 3 EI 3 EI
Lmax 1:57 Lmax 2:10 Lmax 1:94
w w w
r r r
Deflection 360
3 EI 3 EI 3 EI
Lmax 1:37 Lmax 1:83 Lmax 1:69
w w w
r r r
Deflection max 4 EImax 4 EImax 4 EImax
Lmax 5:51 Lmax 6:86 Lmax 6:46
w w w
S Section Modulus, in. (Effective Section Modulus for Plyform)
536 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

formulas for deection check, we list three different cases, the rst two are
applicable when the deection limit is specied as a fraction of the span, i.e.,
L/240 or L/360. The third case provides for when the deection limit is specied
as a denite value, for example max 1/16 in. Axially Loaded Compression Members (Shoring Posts, Etc.)

The allowable compression load on a solid wood post is:

P AFc0 8:8

A cross-section area of the solid post;
Fc0 allowable compression stress, which is an adjusted reference design stress
parallel with grain in compression (Fc) for the selected species and grade;
The following adjustment factors apply:
CD 1.0 (Load Duration Factor)-Shoring posts may be left in place for an extended
period of time, hence ACI 347 does not recommend an increased value for the
design of posts.
CM (Wet Service Factor) CM 0.8 when used in Equation (8.10), CM 0.9 for
Equation (8.12). This is a conservative approach, again due to the likelihood that
shoring posts may be used for an extended period of time.
Ct 1.0 (Temperature Factor)-It is unlikely that the shoring will serve in temper-
atures in excess of 150  F.
CF (Size factor)-Applicable species listed in Table 8.7, except Southern Pine. Refer
to Table 8.8 for applicable values.
CP (Column Stability Factor):
  v u2

FcE u  32 FcE
1 u FcE
* u 6 1 F*
Fc* 7
Fc u
CP  t4 5  c 8:9
2c c


Fc* Fc CD CM Ct CF 8:10
FcE 8:11
e =d2
c 0:8 for sawn lumber
e the effective length of compression member
d least dimension of rectangular compression member
Emin Emin CD CM Ct CF 8:12
e =d slenderness ratio of compression member
8.6 Wall Formwork Design 537

Note: while in wood construction the maximum slenderness ratio for solid
columns is limited to 50, during construction this limit may be raised to 75.
Equation (8.9) may be simplied by introducing:
a 8:13

1a 1a 2 a
CP   8:14
2c 2c c

Example 8.5 Find the maximum allowable load on a 10.0 ft high 6  6 shore post
using Douglas Fir-Larch (North) No. 2 grade material.
e =d 10  12=5:5 21:8 < 75 o:k:

From Table 8.7, Fc 700 psi, and Emin 470,000 psi

Adjustment Factors: CD 1.0, CM 0.8 (for Fc ), CM 0.9 (for Emin ), Ct 1.0,
CF 1.1 (Table 8.8)

Fc* Fc CD CM Ct CF 700  1:0  0:8  1:0  1:1 616 psi

Emin 470,000  1:0  0:9  1:0  1:1 465,300 psi
0:822Emin 0:822  465,300
FcE 2
805 psi
e =d 21:82

a 1:31


1a 1 a 2 a 1 1:31 1 1:31 2 1:31

CP     0:775
2c 2c c 2  0:8 2  0:8 0:8

Fc0 Fc*  Cp 616  0:775 478 psi

Pallow AFc0 30:25  478 14,460 lb

8.6 Wall Formwork Design

Example 8.6 Design the formwork for the wall in Example 8.3. The walls face
will be exposed to view, hence a maximum allowable deection for the sheathing
and the studs of span/360 is desired. Use in. Structural I Plyform for the
538 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

sheathing and Douglas Fir-Larch - North #2 for the studs and wales. The maxi-
mum internal formwork pressure of 720 psf was found in Example 8.3. Assume
dry service conditions for the design of all formwork elements, i.e., CM 1.0.
Design the necessary lateral bracing for the ACI recommended 15 psf minimum
wind load on the formwork, or the alternate lateral load of 100 lb/ft. (See
Figure 8.5).
1. Sheathing design
The sheathing is pre-selected in the problem statement, hence the rst element of
the design requires the nding of the stud-spacing, i.e., the maximum span that the
sheathing can safely span. Since stud spacing rarely exceeds 24 in., the sheathing
will span over three or more spans.
Three criteria must be satised: bending strength, shear strength and deection.
Step 1. Using the sheathing to span horizontally between the studs, the
section properties of the in. Structural I Plyform from Table 8.4 are:
I 0.202 in.4/ft
KS 0.464 in.3/ft
Ib/Q 6.189 in.2/ft
Step 2. The Material Properties from Table 8.3:
Fb 1,930 psi
Fs 102 psi
E 1,650,000 psi
Step 3. From Table 8.11 for 3-span condition, the maximum allowable span for the
(a) Based on bending:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,930  0:464
Lmax 12:2in:
w 720

(b) Based on rolling shear:

Q 20  102  6:189
Lmax 2d 2  0:75 19:0 in:
w 720

(c) Based on deection:

r r
3 EI 3 1,650,000  0:202
Lmax 1:69 1:69  13:1 in:
w 720

Bending strength governs the maximum span selection. Select 12 in.

c/c spacing for the studs.
8.6 Wall Formwork Design 539

2. Studs design
In most wall forming the studs are 2  4 (rarely 2  6) lumber, because the
spacing of the wales is limited by the form-tie layout. So the design of the studs,
after pre-selecting the species and the size of the lumber, is simplied into
nding the maximum allowable span of the studs between the wales,
i.e., nding the wales spacing.
Step 1. Select 2  4 and nd its section properties from Table 8.5:
A 5.25 in.2
I 5.36 in.4
S 3.06 in.3
Step 2. Find the material properties applicable to Douglas Fir-Larch (North)
No. 2 grade lumber.
(a) From Table 8.6, reference design bending stress: Fb 850 psi.
Applicable adjustment factors from Tables 8.8 and 8.9
CF 1.50 and CD 1.25
Fb0 850  1:25  1:50 1,594 psi
(b) From Table 8.6, reference design shear stress: Fv 180 psi.
Applicable adjustment factors:
CD 1.25
Fv0 1:25  180 225 psi
(c) Modulus of elasticity: E 1,600,000 psi
No adjustment factor applies.
Step 3. Find the loads on the stud.
Since the studs are 12 in. c/c, the maximum load on the studs is 720 lb/ft.
Step 4. As stated above, in nding the maximum wales-spacing, based on the
strength of the studs, 3-span condition will apply. Using the formulas
listed in Table 8.11, the maximum allowable span for the studs is:
r r
120Fb0 S 1,594  3:06
Based on bending: Lmax 120  28:5in:
w 720
Based on shear:
13:33Fv0 A 13:33  225  5:25
Lmax 2d 2  3:5 28:9 in:
w 720
Based on deection:
r r
3 EI 3 1,600,000  5:36
Lmax 1:69 1:69  38:6 in:
w 720
The maximum wale spacing is governed by bending. For practical
purposes select 24 in. spacing.
540 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Step 5. Check the bearing stress (compression perpendicular to the grain) at the
interface of the stud and the wales.
The reaction force on the stud equals (the pressure)  (stud
spacing)  (wales spacing). Thus:

R 720  1  2 1,440 lb
Wales are assumed to be made of two 2  4s.
The bearing area A 2  1:5  1:5 4:50 in:2
The bearing pressure fbrg 320 psi
The reference design stress from Table 8.6 is 625 psi. The applicable
adjustment factor from Equation (8.6) is

b 0:375 1:5 0:375

Cb 1:25
b 1:5
Thus, considering Table 8.9: Fc 625  1:25 781 psi > 320 psi
3. Wale design
Wales are typically double members with a gap between them to provide for the
ties to pass through and the double members also provide appropriate bearing
areas for the tie anchorages. The wale design is again nding the maximum span
length the wale can span between its supports: the form-ties (see Figure 8.5(b)).
Step 1. Find the section properties for double 2  4 member.
From Table 8.5: A 2  5.25 10.50 in.2
I 2  5.36 10.72 in.4
S 2  3.06 6.12 in.3
Step 2. The material properties are the same as for the studs.
Step 3. Find the loads on the wale.
The loads on the wale are the reaction forces from the studs, which are
not distributed loads but concentrated loads on the wales. As an accepted
practice, for simplication it is customary to assume a uniformly dis-
tributed load on the wales. Hence it is assumed that the load on the wale
equals to the pressure multiplied by the wale spacing. Thus:

w 720 psf  2 ft 1,440 lb=ft

Step 4. Find the maximum allowable span (the maximum allowable horizontal
tie-spacing) for the wales. From Table 8.11
Based on bending:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,594  6:12
Lmax 28:5 in:
w 1,440
8.6 Wall Formwork Design 541

Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  225  10:50

Lmax 2d 2  3:5 28:9 in:
w 1,440

Based on deection:
r r
3 EI 3 1,600,000  10:72
Lmax 1:69 1:69  38:6 in:
w 1,440

It appears that the bending strength of the selected size (double

2  4  s) and species of lumber governs the maximum tie spacing.
Therefore, the maximum horizontal spacing of the ties is 28.5 in.
4. Tie design
The ties act as supports for the wales. The selection of tie spacing is not
just a structural problem, but a visual problem as well. After the completion of
the construction, the locations of the ties (regardless of the type used) will
always show up on the exposed surfaces, hence a well-planned layout is
The required strength of the ties depends upon the maximum tension force
during the concrete placement of the wall. The vertical spacing of the ties is
already set by the selected wale-spacing. The horizontal spacing of the ties is up
to the designer as long as it is not more than the maximum waless span. One can
select the spacing, then calculate the tie force and then select a tie, whose
strength at least equals to the force. Alternatively, one can select a tie and use
its allowable strength to calculate the horizontal spacing. The spacing should not
exceed the maximum span of the wales found in Step 4 above, i.e., 28.5 in.
Step 1. Calculate the tie-force:
T (pressure on the formwork)  (wale spacing)  (horizontal tie-
Thus, if we select a horizontal tie spacing of 2 ft (to match the vertical
spacing), the tie must safely withhold:

T 720 psf  2 ft  2 ft 2,880 lb

Step 2. Checking the bearing stress at the interface of the tie anchorage (wedge
or other device) is also required. As it was mentioned before, ties and
their anchorages are proprietary items and thus the bearing area at the
surface of the wales and the selected anchorage becomes known only
after the selection of the tie system.
542 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

If, for example, the anchor wedge is 3.50 in. high and 1.5 in. wide,
then the bearing area equals 2  1:5 in:  1:5 in: 4:50 in:2 and

fbearing 640 psi

The reference design stress from Table 8.6 is 625 psi. The applicable
adjustment factor from Equation (8.6) is b 1:5 in:

1:5 0:375
Cb 1:25

Fc 625  1:25 781 psi > 640 psi o:k:

5. Lateral bracing design

As mentioned in Section 8.3.3, wall forms must be adequately braced
against wind and horizontal construction loads. With reference to Section 8.3.3,
the minimum required wind-load on wall forms is 15 psf, or an alternative
horizontal load of minimum 100 lb/ft applied at the top of the formwork.
These are shown in Figure 8.6.

a b
100 lb / ft





15 psf





6'-0" 6'-0"


Figure 8.6 Minimum lateral loads and brace forces: (a) Lateral wind pressure (15 psf), (b)
Horizontal force (100 lb/ft)
8.6 Wall Formwork Design 543

The effect of the wind load to the base of the 12 ft high formwork per ft of
wall is:

W 15  12 180 lb=ft

Its overturning moment to the base is M 180  1,080 ft-lb=ft
This moment needs to be kept in equilibrium by the horizontal component of
the strut force (H) by providing a balancing moment with its moment arm 8 ft.

H  8 ft 1,080 lb-ft  strut spacing

1,080 lb-ft
H  strut spacing 135  strut spacing lb
8 ft

From Figure 8.6, the length of strut is:

62 82 10.0 ft

And the force in the strut (from similar triangles-see Figure 8.6) is:

C 135  10=6  strut spacing 225  strut spacing lb

The effect of the alternative 100 lb/ft horizontal force to the base of the 12 in.
high formwork of wall is:

M 100  12 1,200 lb-ft

Then the horizontal component of the strut force is:

H 1,200=8  strut spacing 150  strut spacing lb


C H  10=6 250  strut spacing lb

Since this is greater than the force from the 15 psf wind-load, we will use this
as the basis of designing the bracing strut.
When we follow the ow of forces, we nd the following: the 100 lb/ft force at
the top creates bending in the studs, which in turn create bending in the double
wale at the level where the strut is connected. The available bending capacity of
those wales then is used to determine the strut spacing.
1. Bending in the studs:
The cantilever length of the studs is 4 ft as shown on Figure 8.6(b). They are
spaced at 1 ft centers, hence the bending moment in each stud will be
544 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

M 100  4 400 lb-ft

2  4 studs S 3.06 in.3 (from Table 8.5)


400  12
f 1,569 psi

Previously, when designing the studs, we found

Fb0 1,594 psi > 1,569 psi ! studs are o:k:

2. Bending in wales between the lateral support struts:

As a simplication, instead of using the concentrated loads from the studs, we
will assume that the loads on the wales may be represented by a uniformly
distributed load of 150 lb/ft. Refer to the calculation on the effect of the
100 lb/ft required alternative lateral load on the previous page:

100 lb=ft  12 ft
H 150 lb=ft
8 ft

With reference to earlier calculations in this design example (see 3. Wale

design) we now use the available bending and shear strengths of the wales to
calculate the maximum strut spacing.
For the calculation we will use the formulas for Two Spans from
Table 8.11. The strut spacing is expected to be several feet, hence it is
unlikely to have sufciently long wales for continuous Three Spans
Based on bending: Sections are: 2  (2  4)
r r
96Fb0 S 96  1,594  6:12
strut spacingmax 79 in:
w 150

Based on shear:

12:8Fv0 A 12:8  225  10:50

strut spacingmax 2d 2  3:5 209 in:
w 150

The bending strength governs. Select the strut spacing as 60 -000 (72 in. <
79 in. ok).
3. Design of the lateral bracing struts:
Since the struts are spaced at 6 ft, the horizontal component of the force in a
strut will be:
H 150  6 900 lb
8.6 Wall Formwork Design 545

The strut-force is

C 250  6 1,500 lb

Try 2  4 Douglas Fir-Larch (North) #2 Grade. (1.5 in.  3.5 in. dressed
sizes or true dimensions.)
Step 1. Check
  for maximum allowable slenderness.
e 10  12
80 > 75 N.G.
d1 1:5
Introduce a secondary brace (as shown on Figure 8.6) to the midpoint
of the strut, thereby reducing its slenderness by half in the weak direc-
tion. Additionally it will help to reduce the deection of the strut due to
its self-weight. Thus:
e 5  12 e 10  12
40 and 34:3
d1 1:5 d2 3:5

Step 2. Calculate the allowable force in the strut.

From Equation (8.10) Fc* Fc CD CM Ct CF
From Table 8.6 Fc 1,400 psi and Emin 580,000 psi
From Table 8.9 CD 1.25 (load duration factor)
CM 1.0 (wet service factor)
Ct 1.0 (temperature factor)
From Table 8.8 CF 1.15 (size factor)

Fc* 1,400  1:25  1:0  1:0  1:15 2,013 psi

From Equation (8.12)

Emin 580,000  1:25  1:0  1:0  1:15 833,750psi
0:822  833,750
From Equation (8.11) FcE 428 psi
FcE 428
From Equation (8.13) a * 0:213
Fc 2,013
From Equation (8.14)

s v

u (
1 a 1 a 2 a 1 0:213 u 1 0:213 2 0:213
CP   t  0:203
2c 2c c 2  0:8 2  0:8 0:8

The allowable stress Fc0 Fc* CP 2,013  0:203 409 psi

From Equation (8.8)
Pallow Fc0  A 409  5:25 2,147 lb > 1,500 lb o:k:
546 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

8.7 Column Formwork Design

Reinforced concrete columns are built in many different cross-sectional shapes:

rectangular, square and round are the most typical, but L shapes, polygonal shapes,
etc. are not infrequent. In this short introductory chapter on the design of formwork,
we cannot deal with the intricacies involved with all these shapes. Hence, we
restrict ourselves to an example for a rectangular cross-section. Figure B8.2 in
Appendix B shows the forming of rectangular reinforced concrete columns.
As it was discussed in Section 8.3.2, column forms contain a relatively small
amount of concrete, hence they are lled and the concrete consolidated in a short
time, well before the concrete begins to set. Thus ACI 347 recommends that the
formwork for columns should be designed for the full hydrostatic pressure of the
uid concrete, i.e.

p 150  h where h is measured from the top:

The plywood sheathing is usually cut in such a way that the face grains are
vertical. Flat 2  4  s (called battens) are used to stiffen the plywood in the vertical
direction and the sheathing is subject to bending in its weak direction,
i.e., perpendicular to the face grains. Steel scissor clamps are used to hold the
sides together and resist the outward pressure. There are several manufacturers
supplying patented adjustable scissor clamps and the safe load capacities may be
obtained from their product catalogs. Figures 8.3 and 8.4 show the typical compo-
nents for a rectangular column formwork.
Example 8.7 An 11 ft high, 20 in.  28 in. cross section column formwork is
planned using in. thick Structural I Plyform sheathing, and Douglas Fir-Larch
(North) No. 2 grade material for the battens. Assume that the sheathing will span
three or more spans. Assume dry service condition for the design of all the
elements. Design the required maximum batten spacing and the safe clamp spacing.
Limit the deection in the plywood and the battens to a maximum of 1/16 in.
Step 1. Calculate the maximum pressure at the base. This value will be used to plan
the batten spacing.

pmax 150  11 1,650 psf

Step 2. From Table 8.3 the allowable stresses and the modulus of elasticity for the
specied Plyform Structural I sheathing material are:
Allowable bending stress Fb 1,930 psi
Allowable rolling shear stress Fs 102 psi
Modulus of elasticity E 1,650,000 psi
Step 3. From Table 8.4 the section properties of the specied sheathing in its weak
direction are:
8.7 Column Formwork Design 547

Moment of inertia Iy 0.108 in.4/ft

Section modulus Sy 0.418 in.3/ft
Rolling shear constant (Ib/Q) 4.047 in.2/ft
Step 4. Using the formulas given in Table 8.11, we now calculate the maximum
length the plywood can safely span, which is the same as the maximum
spacing of the battens, considering three or more spans:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,930  0:418
Based on bending: Lmax 7:66in:
w 1,650
Based on rolling shear:
Q 20  102  4:047
Lmax 2d 2  0:75 6:50 in:
w 1,650
Based on deection:
r u 1
4 1,650,000  0:108 
4 EImax t 16
Lmax 6:46 6:46  10:41 in:
w 1,650

Step 5. It appears that the rolling-shear-strength will govern the design. However,
the listed formulas used in the calculations are based on the theoretical
knife-edge (or at least narrow width) supports concept. The at 2  4
battens are not such, but will provide support to the plywood in a wider
zone than the center-to-center span dimensions would imply. Thus, the use
of 6.5 in. span is quite conservative.
After a bit of trial and error type of deliberations, the batten layout
shown on Figure 8.7 was adopted.
1 3/4"
1 3/4"

6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" 1 3/4"

1 3/4"

Figure 8.7 Batten layout for the concrete column formwork of Example 8.7
548 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Step 6. Design the clamps spacing.

The battens that carry the largest pressure are the ones located along the
long side of the cross-section having a tributary width of 6.5 in. Assuming
the battens are 2  4 sections, the section properties of the battens from
Table 8.5 are:

I y 0:98 in:4 Sy 1:31 in:3 A 5:25 in:2

The reference design stresses for Douglas-Fir (North) No. 2 Grade mate-
rial from Table 8.6 are:

Fb 850 psi Fv 180 psi E 1,600,000 psi

The applicable adjustment factors are

From Table 8.9 Load duration factor CD 1.25
From Table 8.8 Flat use factor Cfu 1.10
From Table 8.8 Size factor CF 1.50

Fb0 Fb  CD  Cf u  CF 850  1:25  1:10  1:50 1,753 psi

Fv0 Fv  CD 180  1:25 225 psi

Now we would be ready to apply the formulas listed in Table 8.11,

except we realize that the load on the battens is (1) not uniform between the
clamps, and (2) it varies along the height of the form from a maximum at
the base to zero at the top.
While a computer program could be written to solve the non-linear
problem of calculating the varying spacing of the clamps, we adopt a
much simpler method. We arbitrarily select a small distance for the rst
clamp from the bottom, say 6 in. Since the formwork is restrained at its base
by 2  4 toe members anchored into the oor (or footing), the rst span on
the battens will be 6 in. Then, conservatively, well assume that the pressure
in the next span will be constant and equal to the value at its lower end.
Thus the space between the rst and second clamp will be calculated by
using the formulas given in Table 8.11.
If z denotes the distance from the top of the pour to the clamp, then the
pressure at the level of the rst clamp is:

p1 150  z1 150  11  0:5 1,575 psf

and the load on the most-loaded batten is:

6:5 in:
w1 1,575  853:1 lb=ft
12 in:=ft
8.7 Column Formwork Design 549

Then using the Three or more spans case from Table 8.11:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,753  1:31
Based on bending: Lmax 18:0 in:
w 853:1
Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  225  5:25

Lmax 2d 2  1:5 21:5 in:
w 853:1

Based on deection:
r s
4 EImax 4 1,600,000  0:98  1
Lmax 6:46 6:46  16
21:1 in:
w 853:1

Bending strength governs. Select this spacing of 18 in.. Thus the second
clamp from the bottom is at (6 in. + 18 in.), i.e. 20 000 . Thus the distance
from the top to the second clamp from the bottom is:

z2 11  2 9 ft


p2 9  150 1,350 psf


6:5 in:
w2 1,350  731:3 lb=ft
12 in:=ft

Using this load to calculate the maximum spacing between the second
and third clamps, we obtain the following:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,753  1:31
Based on bending: Lmax 19:4 in:
w 731:3
Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  225  5:25

Lmax 2d 2  1:5 24:5 in:
w 731:3

Based on deection:
u 1
r u
t1,600,000  0:98  16
4 EImax
Lmax 6:46 6:46  22:0 in:
w 731:3
550 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

The process now should be clear. Using a rounded-downfrom 19.4

in.value of 18 in. as the space between the second and third clamps, the
third clamp will be 30  600 from the bottom. Then

z3 11  3:5 7:5 ft


p3 7:5  150 1,125 psf


6:5 in:
w3 1,125  609:4 lb=ft
12 in:=ft

Using this load to calculate the maximum spacing between the third and
fourth clamps, we obtain the following limitations:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,753  1:31
Based on bending: Lmax 21:3in:
w 609:4
Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  225  5:25

Lmax 2d 2  1:5 28:8 in:
w 609:4

Based on deection:
r u 1
u1,600,000  0:98 
4 EI max t 16
Lmax 6:46 6:46  23:0 in:
w 609:4

Working our way up, we developed an acceptable design as shown on

Figure 8.8.

8.8 Floor Slab Formwork Design

Example 8.8 Design the formwork elements: decking, joists, beams and shores
required for an 8 in. thick at slab oor. The bay sizes are 240  000  240  000 , the
oor to oor height is 12 ft. Assume normal weight concrete. Use in. thick Class
II Plyform decking (face grain perpendicular to the joists) and No. 2 Grade Hem-Fir
sawn lumber for the joists, beams and shore-posts. Assume dry service condition for
8.8 Floor Slab Formwork Design 551

4x21"= 7'-0"


2x18"= 3'-0"


Figure 8.8 Final design of formwork for Example 8.7

the design of the joists and the beams (stringers). Limit the maximum allowable
deection to L/360 in the decking, joists and beams. (Refer to Figure 8.9)
Step 1. Find the loads

Weight of concrete slab (8 in.)/(12 in./ft)  150 pcf 100 psf

Weight of forms estimate (conservatively) 10 psf
Minimum construction live load (see Section 8.3.1) 50 psf
Total: 160 psf

Step 2. Find the section properties and the allowable stresses for the selected
decking material. This will enable the selection of an appropriate joist
The section properties of in. Class II Plyform from Table 8.4
Moment of inertia I 0.198 in.4/ft
Section modulus S 0.454 in.3/ft
Rolling shear constant Ib/Q 6.631 in.2/ft
552 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

sp a
ac m

o dd

joi ing
p ac


sh st
ore po
o re ing
pe spac post sh pac el
rpe in s rall s
to ndic g pa beam
am ular i t h
s w

Figure 8.9 Typical formwork components for a concrete oor slab

The allowable stresses in the plywood from Table 8.3

Bending Fb 1,330 psi
Shear Fv 72 psi
Modulus of elasticity E 1,430,000 psi
Step 3. Find the maximum allowable joist spacing, i.e. the maximum allowable
spans for the deck.
w 160  1 160 lb/ft
From Table 8.11assuming minimum three span condition
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,330  0:454
(a) Based on bending: Lmax 21:3 in:
w 160
8.8 Floor Slab Formwork Design 553

(b) Based on shear:

20 Fv0
Q 20  72  6:631
Lmax 2d 2  0:75 61:2 in:
w 160

(c) Based on deection:

r r
3 EI 3 1,430,000  0:198
Lmax 1:69 1:69  20:4 in:
w 160

The deection criterion governs the maximum allowable joist spac-

ing. Plywood typically is manufactured in 8 ft (96 in.) length, hence
for practical reasons we may select 96/5 19.2 in., or 96/6 16 in.
spacing. For best economy (using fewer joists) we select 19.2 in. joist
Step 4. Joist design, assume the beams (sometime referred to as stringers) are
spaced at 4 ft on centers.
Try 2  4 joists. If they turn out to be inadequate for the spacing, span and
load, then we could make adjustments either by reducing the spacing (thereby
reducing the load a joist has to carry), or increasing the size to 2  6  s.
The uniformly distributed load on a joist equals the (psf oor load) 
(joist spacing). Thus:

w 160  256 lb=ft

The Section Properties from Table 8.5

Area: A 5.25 in.2
Moment of inertia I 5.36 in.4
Section modulus Sx 3.06 in.3
The allowable stresses for the selected Hem-Fir No. 2 from Table 8.6

Fb 850 psi Fv 150 psi E 1,300,000 psi

Applicable adjustment factors

CD 1.25 (load duration factor from Table 8.9)
CF 1.50 (size factor from Table 8.8)

Fb0 Fb  CD  CF 850  1:25  1:50 1,594 psi

Fv0 Fv  CD 150  1:25 187 psi
554 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

The maximum allowable spans for the joists from Table 8.11 (assuming
three span conditions) are:
(a) Based on bending:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,594  3:06
Lmax 47:8 in:
w 256

(b) Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  187  5:25

Lmax 2d 2  3:5 58:1 in:
w 256

(c) Based on deection:

r r
3 EI 3 1,300,000  5:36
Lmax 1:69 1:69  50:8 in:
w 256

While the maximum allowable length obtained from the governing crite-
rionbendingis a tiny bit less than the planned span of 48 in., the
difference amounts to less than %, the use of the 2  4 joists at 19.2 in.
spacing and 48 in. span can be accepted.
Step 5. Beam (Stringer) design.
As shown in Figure 8.9, the beams support the joists. We may approach this
problem either by assuming a size and then calculate the maximum allow-
able span, which is the same as nding the spacing of the shores under the
beams, or arbitrarily assume a shore spacing and then nd an acceptable
beam section. We will select the rst route, as it is the easier approach. In
the given bay size (24 ft) the beam spacing (which is based on the joists
spans) of 4 ft can provide an orderly layout of the shore-posts in one
Hence, we will select a trial beam size of 4  6, No. 2 Hem-Fir. This is
still small enough to likely be available in length sufcient for 3-span
The reaction forces from the joists do not produce a uniformly distrib-
uted loading pattern on the beams. However, since the joists are closely
spaced, it is customary to assume an equivalent distributed load derived
from the total loads.
Thus, the design loads on the beams will be the (psf oor loads)  (beam

w 160 psf  4 ft 640 lb=ft

The section properties for a 4  6 cross-section are (from Table 8.5):

8.8 Floor Slab Formwork Design 555

Area: A 19.25 in.2

Moment of inertia I 48.53 in.4
Section modulus Sx 17.65 in.3
The reference design stresses for the selected Hem-Fir No. 2 from
Table 8.6:

Fb 850 psi Fv 150 psi E 1,300,000 psi

Applicable adjustment factors

CD 1.25 (load duration factor from Table 8.9)
CF 1.30 (size factor from Table 8.8)

Fb0 Fb  CD  CF 850  1:25  1:30 1,381 psi

Fv0 Fv  CD 150  1:25 187 psi

The maximum allowable spans for the beams from Table 8.11 (assuming
three span conditions) are:
120  1,381  17:65
(a) Based on bending Lmax 67:6 in:
13:33  187  19:25
(b) Based on shear: Lmax 2  5:5 86:0 in:
3 1,300,000  48:53
(c) Based on deection: Lmax 1:69  78:1 in:
Studying the results we realize that 67.6 in. is a somewhat awkward
value, when we try to t it somehow into the 24 ft bay spacing. One simple
solution is to space the shores under the beams at 4.8 ft (57.6 in.), which
will produce ve rows of shores in a 24 ft bay.
We select this as the best compromise.
Step 6. Check the supporting shore-posts using 4  4 Hem-Fir No. 2 material.
From the previous calculations, each shore post has a tributary area of

4  4:8 19:2 ft2

Thus the load is: 19.2 ft2  160 psf 3,072 lb.
Since the oor-to-oor height was given as 12 ft, with reference to
Figure 8.10, the unsupported length of the shore post is:

e 144  17:75 126:25 in:

and the slenderness ratio is

e 126:25
36:1 < 75 o:k:
d 3:5
556 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

concrete:....... 8.00"

plywood:....... 0.75"
joists:............ 3.50"
beams:.......... 5.50"

total:............. 17.75"

shore post

Figure 8.10 Section through the formwork for the concrete oor slab in Example 8.8

The reference design values for compression parallel with the grain for
the selected No. 2 Hem-Fir material from Table 8.6:

Fc 1,300 psi E 1,300,000 psi Emin 470,000 psi

The applicable adjustment factors (refer to discussion in Section

CD 1.0 (load duration factor)
CM 0.8 (wet service factor) for Fc and 0.9 for Emin
CF 1.15 (size factor from Table 8.8)
Ct 1.0
Following the calculations shown in Example 8.5, we obtain:
From Equation (8.10):

Fc* Fc CD CM Ct CF 1,300  1:0  0:8  1:0  1:15 1,196 psi

From Equation (8.12):

Emin Emin CD CM Ct CF 470,000  1:0  0:9  1:0  1:15 486,450 psi
0:822Emin 0:822  486,450
From Equation (8.11): FcE 2
307 psi
e =d 36:12
FcE 307
Calculate the ratio a * 0:257
Fc 1,196
Then the column stability factor from Equation (8.9) is:
2 )
1 0:257 u 1 0:257 0:257
CP t  0:242
2  0:8 2  0:8 0:8

Thus the allowable compression stress in the 4  4 shore post is:

Fc0 CP  Fc* 0:242  1,196 289 psi

From Table 8.5 the cross-section area of the post is A 12.25 in.2
8.9 Beam Formwork Design 557

Then the allowable load on top of the shore-post is:

Pallow Fc0  A 289  12:25 3,540 lb > 3,072 lb

The 44 shore post is safe for the load and height.

8.9 Beam Formwork Design

Beam forms can be developed in many different ways, depending on how the
formwork designer decides to integrate it within the slab forms. Figure 8.11
shows only one possible formation, however the issues that are associated with
the design of the elements involved therein are quite similar to any other type of
formwork layout for beams. Figure B8.3 in Appendix B shows the forming of
reinforced concrete beams and slabs.
The important items that will require our attention are the design of: (1) the
bottom form; (2) the side forms; (3) the runner joists; and (4) the kicker. [Refer to
Figure 8.11 for the identication of these elements.] The design (or checking) of the
other elements should be familiar by now, if the reader already studied the oor-
slab form design in Example 8.8.

4'-0" 4'-0"

top of concrete slab

joists for slab forms

side sheathing
bottom sheathing blocking
chamfer strip kicker
if required

runner joists


x-braces at

shore posts


Figure 8.11 Typical formwork components for a concrete beam

558 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Example 8.9 Design the formwork for a 16 in. wide, 24 in. deep beam as shown in
Figure 8.11. Slab is 6 in. thick. Use Class I Plyform for the sheathing and Grade
No. 2 Hem-Fir for the dimensional lumber. Assume dry service condition. Limit the
maximum deection of bottom sheathing to L/360, and the kickers to 1/32 in.

Step 1. Bottom sheathing design.
The bottom form needs to be designed to support the weight of the fresh
concrete above it. (24 in.)

24 in:
w 150 pcf  300 psf
12 in:=ft

Note: No construction Live Load is used for the design of the beam
bottom, for there is highly unlikely within the connes of the small space of
the beam forms. One may wish to add here the self-weight of the ply-
woodapproximately 3.3 psfbut it can be safely neglected in the design
of this element.
The bottom forms are usually cut in such a way that the plywood bends
in its strong direction. As it is shown in Figure 8.11, this bottom form spans
between the runner joists, which in turn are supported by beams. Assuming
a minimum 3-span condition, we will try to work with the thickest Plyform
decking available, 11/8 in. thick.
The section properties, i.e. the moment of inertia, the effective
section modulus and the rolling shear constant respectively from Table 8.4:

I 0:554 in:4 =ft KS 0:849 in:3 =ft Ib=Q 10:43 in:2 =ft

The material properties, i.e. the allowable bending stress, the allowable
rolling-shear stress and the modulus of elasticity from Table 8.3:

Fb 1,930 psi Fs 72 psi E 1,650,000 psi

From Table 8.11 the maximum allowable spans for the 11/8 in. thick
bottom is the least of
r r
120Fb0 S 1201,9300:849
(a) Based on bending: Lmax 25:6 in:
w 300
(b) Based on shear:
20Fv0 Ib
Q 20  72  10:43
Lmax 2d 2  1:125 52:3 in:
w 300
8.9 Beam Formwork Design 559

(c) Based on deection:

r r
3 EI 3 1,650,000  0:554
Lmax 1:69 1:69  24:5 in:
w 300

Based on these results we select 24 in. span for the bottom, which
will be used as the spacing of the runner joists.
Step 2. Design the side forms.
The most conservative assumption is that the side-forms span vertically
from the base to the sheathing under the 6 in. slab (24 in.  6 in. 18 in.) in
our case, and the bending is in the weak direction of the plywood. The
lateral pressure from the fresh concrete will not be uniform, but vary with
the depth as shown on Figure 8.12.

p1 150  6=12 75 psf p2 150  24=12 300 psf

This type of loading condition on a simple span is analogous to the problem

of lateral pressure on basement walls, and the solution for the maximum
moment, reaction forces, etc. can be found from the formulas shown in Figure
7.59(b) of Chapter 7 of this book. Using that line of calculation, we obtain

Mmax 53:2 ft -lb=ft

Or we may want to use an approximation by using the average pressure

as a uniform load. This calculation results in
75 300 1:52
Mmax  52:7 ft -lb=ft
2 8

The two results are about 1 % different from each other.

75 psf

R1=112.5 lb / ft
18" (1.50')

R2=168.8 lb / ft

300 psf

Figure 8.12 Lateral concrete pressure on the beam formwork

560 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Try in. plyform. The section properties of the assumed in. Class I
Plyform from Table 8.4, bending perpendicular to grain:

I 0:092 in:4 =ft KS 0:306 in:3 =ft Ib=Q 4:063 in:2 =ft

The material properties from Table 8.3:

Fb 1,930 psi Fs 72 psi E 1,650,000 psi

(a) Check for bending from the calculated Mmax 52.7 lb-ft

M 52:7  12
fb 2,067 psi > 1,930 psi N:G:
S 0:306

We have to select a thicker Plyform for the side-wall sheathing.

Try 7/8 in.
The section properties from Table 8.4 are

I 0:151 in:4 =ft KS 0:422 in:3 =ft Ib=Q 6:028 in:2 =ft

M 52:7  12
Re-check for bending: fb 1,499 psi < 1,930
S 0:422
psi o:k:
(b) Check for deection using the simplied assumption that the loads are
From Table 8.10 for simple span
300 75
5 w L4 5 2 1:5  124
384 12 EI 384 12 1,650,000  0:151
0:0857 in:

This is about Span/210. (18/0.0857 210). The slight bulge of the

side form may be acceptable if the beam will not be exposed to view in
the nished building.
(c) Check for rolling shear.
Since the reactions, consequently the shears, are signicantly different
at the top and the bottom, we need to evaluate the maximum design
shear more accurately.
The larger reaction force is at the bottom and equal to
R2 168.8 lb/ft (see Figure 8.12). The critical section will be at a
d distance from the edge of the support. Since the lateral pressure on
the sides drops by
8.9 Beam Formwork Design 561

 150 12:5 psf

for each inch above the bottom, the lateral pressure at the location of
one inch above the bottom is 300  12.5 287.5 psf. Assuming the
critical section to be 1 in. (plywood thickness 7/8 in.), then

300 287:5 1
Vcrit 168:8   144:3 lb=ft
2 12

And the rolling shear stress (Equation 8.5):

V 144:3
fs   24 psi < Fs 72 psi o:k:
Ib 6:028

Step 3. Design the runner joists.

It is clear from the shoring conguration shown on Figure 8.11 that the
spacing of the posts, and the span of the runner joists that result from that, is
somewhat arbitrary. In this example we select 20 600 .
(a) Calculate the loads that the runner joists must carry. Since the slab-
form joists also rest on the sides of the beam formwork, as shown on
Figure 8.11, in the load analysis we have to account for that as well.

Concrete in beams stem 150  (16  18)/144 300 lb/ft

Concrete in slab from 4 ft tributary width 150  4  (6/12) 300 lb/ft
Formwork, estimated 10 psf 4  10 40 lb/ft
Minimum construction live loads (Section 8.3.1) 4  50 200 lb/ft
Total 840 lb/ft

At the conclusion of Step 1, we selected the spacing of the runner

joists as 20 000 . Thus, the total load on a runner joist is 1,680 lb. We
may assume that this load is distributed over an approximately 18 in.
width, (beam width 16 in. and 2 in. for the side sheathings),
resulting in a loading condition shown on Figure 8.13.
Then the maximum moment in the runner joist is:

Mmax 840  2:5=2  1,120  1:5=2  1:5=4 735 lb -ft

The reference design stresses in the selected Hem-Fir No. 2 Grade

material from Table 8.6 for the assumed 2  4 section

Fb 850 psi Fv 150 psi E 1,300,000 psi

562 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

=1,120 plf

840 lb

840 lb

Figure 8.13 Load distribution on a runner joist supporting the beam formwork

The applicable adjustment factors

From Table 8.9 Load duration factor CD 1.25
From Table 8.8 size factor CF 1.50
Hence, the allowable design stresses

Fb0 850  1:25  1:50 1,594 psi and Fv0 150  1:25 187 psi

Thus the allowable maximum moment in the 2  4 section

(S 3.06 in.3) is:

Fb0  S 1,594  3:06 4,877 lb -in: 406:5 lb-ft < 735 lb-ft N:G:

A single 2  4 is not sufcient!

Try double 2  4  s for the runner joists: S 2  3.06 6.12 in.3
Then the allowable moment is:

Ma 1,594  6:12 9,755 lb-in: 813 lb-ft > 735 lb-ft o:k:

(b) Check shear in the double 2  4  s. (A 2  5.25 10.50 in.2)

3 V 3 840
fvmax   120 psi < Fv0 187 psi o:k:
2 A 2 2  5:25

(c) Check for deection

The formula for a single span beam shown in Table 8.10 may be
resolved in term of Mmax as follows (subsituted Mmax for wL2/8):

5 Mmax L2
48 EI

Substituting the values calculated above, the maximum deection

in the Double 2  4 runner joist is
Problems 563

5 735  12  302
max  0:059 in:
48 1,300,000  2  5:36
L=360 30=360 0:083 in: > 0:059 in: o:k:

Step 4. Check the kicker

The kicker must hold the bottom edge of the side form in place. (See
Figure 8.11). From Figure 8.12 this lateral load is 168.8 lb/ft. The kickers
span is 2.0 ft, the distance between the runner joists.
Using again 2  4 Hem-Fir No. 2 Grade and assuming three (or more)
span condition, the allowable span from Table 8.11 is the least of
(a) Based on bending:
r r
120Fb0 S 120  1,594  3:06
Lmax 58:9 in:
w 168:8
(b) Based on shear:

13:33Fv0 A 13:33  187  5:25

Lmax 2d 2  3:5 84:5 in:
w 168:8

(c) Based on an allowable max 1/32 in. deection:

r r
4 EImax 4 1,300,000  5:36  1=32
Lmax 6:46 6:46  38:7 in:
w 168:8

38.7 in. > 24 in.the 2  4 kicker is safe to use.


Assume dry service condition for all the following problems.

8.1. A 60 ft long, 16 ft high and 24 in. thick wall pour is planned. Concrete trucks
arrive at the site at 20 minute intervals, each carrying 8 cubic yards of
concrete. The concrete is planned to be placed in uniform horizontal layers.
Calculate the expected rate of pour in the wall.
8.2. The concrete in Problem 1 is normal weight. The cementitious materials in
the mix are 50 % Type I Portland Cement, 25 % Fly Ash and 25 % GBFS
(Granulated Blast Furnace Slag). A retarding admixture will be added since
the temperature is expected to be 80  F. Calculate the pressures the wall
forms have to be designed for. Make a sketch of the vertical distribution of
the design pressures.
8.3. Calculate the maximum allowable pressure on in. thick Class II Plyform
sheathing that spans over 2  4 studs placed at 16 in. center-to-center.
564 8 Formwork for Monolithic Concrete Construction

Assume minimum three span condition with the face grain perpendicular to
the supports. The maximum allowable deection in the sheathing is L/360.
8.4. A 9 ft high 20 in.  20 in. column form is planned. The form will be built from
in. Class I Plyform material, face grain vertical, without battens. Calculate
the required clamp spacing for the rst three clamps above the base. The
maximum deection between the clamps may not exceed 1/16 in.
8.5. Calculate the allowable safe load on a Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 2, 4  4 shore
post, if the laterally unsupported height is: (a) 80 000 and (b) 120 000 .
8.6. A 10 in. thick oor slab using normal weight concrete is formed with 23/32
in. thick Class I Plyform decking on 2  6 Douglas Fir Larch (DFL) (North)
No. 2 joists. The face grain will be perpendicular to the supports. The
maximum allowable deection of the decking may not exceed L/360. Calcu-
late the allowable joist spacing.
8.7. A 10 in. thick oor slab using normal weight concrete is formed with
plywood over 2  6 Douglas Fir-Larch (North) No. 2 joists at 16 in. center-
to-center. Assume 2-span condition. Calculate the maximum allowable spac-
ing of the beams made up from Double 2  10 DFL No. 2 material. The
maximum allowable deection of the joists may not exceed L/360.
8.8. Design the bottom form for a 24 in. wide by 30 in. deep beam using 1 in. thick
Class I Plyform. Assuming three span condition, calculate the allowable
spacing of the runner joists. The maximum allowable deection of beam
bottom form between the runner joists is 1/16 in.
8.9. Design the formwork components for a 10 ft high, 12 in. thick wall.
Assume Cw 1.0, Cc 1.0, temperature 75  F and 4 ft/hour rate of pour.
Materials will be 23/32 in. Class I Plyform for the sheathing and Construc-
tion Grade Hem-Fir 2  4 studs, double 2  4  s for wales. Limit the
deection of all individual components to L/360. Calculate the maximum
tie force. Make a sketch of your design identifying all your selections.
8.10. The wall form described in Problem 8.9 is planned to be braced by 4  4
Construction Grade Hem-Fir struts, the top end attached at 9 ft above the base
and slopes 45 . The spacing between the braces will be 8 ft. Check the
adequacy of the brace for a minimum 15 psf wind-load, or alternately for
ACI 347 recommended 100 lb/ft horizontal distributed load at the top of the

Experiment 1
Following the details shown in Figure 8.5, construct the formwork for a 24 in.
high 3 in. thick concrete wall. Calculate the required thickness of the plywood
sheathing and the size of the studs, wales, ties and struts. Remove the forms 2 days
after the pour. Discuss the various stages of this task and the challenges you were
faced with.
Self-Experiments 565

Experiment 2
Following the details shown in Figures 8.3 and 8.4, construct the formwork for a
8 in.  8 in. 24 in. high concrete column. Construct the forms without battens.
Calculate the required thickness of the sheathing, size and spacing of the clamps.
Remove the forms 2 days after casting the concrete. Discuss the various stages of
the form construction and concrete placement along with any challenges that you
were faced with.
Chapter 9
Overview of Prestressed Concrete

9.1 Introduction

Concrete has a considerable compressive strength, but its tensile strength is quite
limited. Thus, designers use reinforcement in conjunction with concrete to make
useful elements in buildings.
Early on, researchers realized that tensile stresses could be eliminated in con-
crete structures by adding sufcient compressive stresses to balance them out. Then
the element would have a stress distribution throughout that consisted of
compression only.
Figure 9.1 shows a simply-supported beam with an applied distributed load
w 800 lb/ft. The cross section of the beam is b 12 in. and h 18 in. If this
beam is made of a homogeneous elastic material, the stresses can be calculated as

Mmax 40 kip-ft

The elastic section modulus is:

Sm 648 in:3

The maximum stress at the location of the largest moment is:

40  12,000
fmax 741 psi

This value represents the compression at the top edge of the section, and a similar
magnitude of tension at the bottom edge. Based on the discussions on the tensile

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 567

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_9
568 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

W 800 lb/ft

n.a. h 18 in.

12 in.

Figure 9.1 Bending of a simply-supported beam

strength of concrete in Chapter 1, we conclude that a plain (unreinforced) concrete

beam would fail under this load.
Now imagine that the beam is precompressed (prestressed) before it is loaded
with the distributed load. Figure 9.2 shows this beam with a pair of forces acting on
the centerline.



Figure 9.2 Simply-supported beam subject to concentric axial load

The force P would produce uniform compressive stresses over the cross section.
The magnitude of the force P needed to eliminate any tension on this beam could be
determined as follows:

f 741 psi


P 741  12  18 160,000 lb

Figure 9.3 shows a graphical representation of the superimposed stresses caused by

the axial load and the distributed load at the midspan of the beam.
As just mentioned, these are the stresses at midspan. At the bottom edge of the
section, the compression from the force P and the tension from the maximum
moment will exactly balance each other. At the top edge, the compression from
the moment is added to that from the force P. The rest of the beam will have
compressions at both the top and the bottom. For example, at 50 000 from the
support, the moment is only M 30 kip-ft. Figure 9.4 shows the stresses at that
9.1 Introduction 569

a 741 b 741 c 1,482


741 741 0

Figure 9.3 Stresses in the beam: (a) from force P, (b) from bending, (c) superimposed

a 741 b 556 c 1,297


741 556 185

from P force from 30 kip-ft bending
0 00
Figure 9.4 Stresses at 5 0 from the support: (a) from force P, (b) from 30 ft-kip moment, (c)

Now consider what will happen if the initial prestressing force is moved down-
ward at an eccentricity e from the centroid. As discussed in Chapter 5, an eccentric
force has the same effect as a concentric force plus a moment. See Figure 9.5. The
force P still causes a uniform compression on the section; however, the M P  e
moment will cause tension at the top edge and compression at the bottom edge. So
how large an eccentricity is needed so that the tension from the moment and the
compression from the force P at the top edge cancel out each other? To answer this
question we must rst algebraically make the stresses due to the force equal to the
stresses due to the moment. Mathematically this is expressed as follows:
P M P Pe
 0 or  0
A Sm bd bd 2

Then we solve for e:


P M P e

Figure 9.5 Moment due to an eccentric axial force, P

570 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

Returning to the numerical problem: Assume e 3 in. and determine the amount of
eccentric prestress force, P, is needed to have zero tension after the application of
uniform loads of 800 lb/ft to the beam. The equation expressing this condition is:

P P  e Mmax  12,000
A Sm Sm

P Pe
where is the compressive stress caused by the force P, is the compressive
A Sm
Mmax  12,000
stresses caused by the eccentricity of the force P, and is the tensile
stress caused by the maximum moment. P is assumed to be in lb, and Mmax is in
ft-kip. (Note that a positive value designates compressive stress and a negative
value designates tensile stress.)
Substituting e 3 in., A 12  18 216 in2, Sm 648 in3, and Mmax 40 kip-ft
and solving for P:

P 80,000 lb

This value is only half that needed to achieve the same result when the P force was
concentrically applied. So, providing a well-selected eccentricity to the prestressing
force can drastically reduce the magnitude of the force and still have the same effect
as a concentrically applied force.
Although the tensile strength of concrete is small compared to its compressive
strength, the ACI Code (Section allows the section initially (at the time the
prestressing force is applied) to have tensile stress equal to ft 3 f ci0 : Here fci0 is
the specied compressive strength of the concrete at the time the prestress is
applied. This value is usually smaller than the nal design strength of the concrete,
as prestressing is usually accomplished before the concrete is completely cured.
Similarly, the ACI Code permits a tensile stress of ft 7:5 fc0 under full service
load condition in most applications.
For the nal introductory example we examine the use of the allowable tensile
stress at the bottom of the section at midspan. Assume that fc0 5,000 psi: Then the
beam can have ft 7:5 5,000 530:3 psi of tension in the nal service load
condition. Using e 3 in., we obtain the following equation for the service load
condition at midspan after the substitutions:

P P  3 40  12,000
 530:3 psi
216 648 648

(Note: The negative sign in front of 530.3 indicates tension.) Solving for P:

P 22,728 lb

This is the amount of prestress force that the beam needs at service load condition.
9.2 Advantages of Prestressed Concrete Structures 571

Some further renements to these foregoing introductory examples will be

discussed later in this chapter.

9.2 Advantages of Prestressed Concrete Structures

One major advantage of prestressing is that it prevents cracks in the concrete

structure by either limiting or completely eliminating tensile stresses in the
structure. But prestressing has another very important advantage. Prestressed
structural elements can be much shallower than ordinary reinforced concrete
elements for the same span and loading conditions, while still maintaining good
span/deection ratios. The shallower depths in turn result in lighter structural
elements, thus providing considerable savings in the dead loads the structure
must carry. The savings extend to reduced oor-to-oor heights and lighter
column and foundation loads as well. The reduced oor-to-oor height in
multistory buildings results in large savings in nonstructural building elements
such as walls. The reduced building volume also lessens the energy needed for
heating and cooling.
It is somewhat difcult to give precise span-depth ratios for prestressed concrete
structural elements, so you should use the values listed in Table 9.1 only as a
recommendation for preliminary selection of structural depth. In the authors
experience, using these values as limits will result in structural elements that
perform well and without excessive camber, deection, or bothersome vibration.
The ratios may safely be exceeded by about 10 % for roof structures. Thus,
prestressed hollow core slabs used for roofs will perform well with span-depth
ratios of 40.
Compare the values in Table 9.1 to those recommended in foregoing chapters for
elements using normal reinforced concrete, and note the depth and weight savings
the prestressing offers. For example, the 10 in. at plate in Example 6.3 can be
designed with a thickness of 7.58 in. if prestressing is used, reducing the dead
loads by 2025 %.

Table 9.1 Recommended maximum span-depth ratios for prestressed oor structures with mod-
erate live loads
Single span Continuous spans
(oor) (oor)
Prestressed hollow core slabs 36 N.A.
Prestressed double tees 32 N.A.
Posttensioned one-way solid slabs 44 48
Posttensioned solid slab cantilevers 18 N.A.
Posttensioned at plates (supported on N.A. 45
Posttensioned wafe slabs (supported on N.A. 35
572 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

9.3 Types of Prestressing

9.3.1 Pretensioning

In pretensioning, as the expression illustrates, the prestressing strands are tensioned

before the casting of the element by stretching and xing them against two
bulkheads, as illustrated in Figure 9.6. The bulkheads are very strong and designed
to take the large forces from the initial stretching of the prestressing strands. The
strands are anchored at one end (the dead end) and then pulled from the other end
(the live end) one by one with a specially designed hydraulic jack. The force in
the strands can be measured directly on the jack or determined from the amount of
elongation. Elongation is directly related to the stress in the strand, so we can
readily determine the force in the strand if we know the cross-sectional area of the
strand. The strands are anchored at the live end as well once the appropriate force
has been reached.
In the next step we set up the forms around the stressed strands and cast the
concrete, as illustrated in Figure 9.7.
After the concrete has gained sufcient strength, the strands are released, as
illustrated in Figure 9.8. The bond established between the strands and the cured
concrete transfers the force in the strands into the concrete element. The tension in
the strands now becomes compression on the concrete. This transfer occurs within a
few inches from the ends of the members.
This method is applicable for precast and prestressed elements produced in
manufacturing plants. The production technique often involves the casting of

Bulkhead Prestressing strands Anchorage

Figure 9.6 Prestressing process (step 1: placing strands)

Figure 9.7 Prestressing process (step 2: placing concrete)

Figure 9.8 Prestressing process (step 3: releasing strands)

9.3 Types of Prestressing 573

elements in long (up to 600 ft) casting beds, which permits the simultaneous
fabrication of many elements with a single tensioning of the strands. A large saw
is used to cut each element to its individual required length. Accelerated curing
techniques permit the release of the strands in only 1618 hours after the placement
of the concrete; thus, a 24 hours manufacturing cycle can be maintained. The
production is highly mechanized and provides great quality control. Many standard-
ized proles are available in catalog form for spans and loading capacities. These
can be readily called out and specied by the designer. Figures 9.9 to 9.13 show
some typical proles that are popular in building construction.
Hollow core decks are a popular precast and prestressed building element. They
are typically available in standard depths of 6, 8, 10, and 12 in., and are
manufactured mostly in 40 000 width, although some manufacturers may supply
them in 20 000 or 80 000 widths. The shape of the cores may also differ from the
circles shown on Figure 9.9, as different patented manufacturing processes are used
to form them. Not all building designs can use the standard widths, so narrower
ller panels are made by slicing the panels lengthwise. Panels can also be cut at an
angle to accommodate supporting beams or girders that are not perpendicular to the
span of the panels.

Grout key

Figure 9.9 Hollow core decks (without concrete topping)

A grout key is formed at the sides of the individual decks. As the name indicates,
the formed keyway is grouted solid after the erection of the panels. The keyways
prevent individual panels from deecting differently after the grout cures. Thus, a
kind of lateral load transfer occurs if one of the oor panels is loaded much more
than its neighbors.
The top surface of hollow core decks is not smooth enough for oor structures,
which receive nish materials like tiles or carpets. Thus, in those types of applica-
tions, the decks usually receive a 2 in.-thick (nominal) concrete topping (see
Figure 9.10) that can be nished to the desired atness and smoothness. The
concrete topping bonds to the surface of the decks and becomes a composite part
of the whole. It also makes the oor thicker, and consequently considerably stiffer
than one made of untopped decks.

Concrete topping

Figure 9.10 Hollow core decks (with concrete topping)

574 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

The topping thickness is a nominal thickness. Decks usually have an upward

deection or camber when they are erected. This is a natural result of the
pretensioning process, in which the strands compress the bottom and sometimes
also cause tension on the top. Thus, the top elongates and the bottom shortens,
resulting in an upward curvature (i.e., camber). Calculation of the camber is a
somewhat complicated process. It requires a reasonable estimate of the concretes
modulus of elasticity, as the concrete continues to cure even after the prestress has
been applied. It also requires a knowledge of the rate of shrinkage and creep
deformation that take place as the concrete ages. For example, a typical 8 in.-
thick hollow core deck, 2025 ft long, may exhibit a in. camber at the time of its
erection. In order to eliminate midspan humps from the nished structure, engineers
may use only 1 in. topping at the center of the span and 2 in. at the supports, or
some similar combination, to make the nished oor as at as possible.
Another popular precast and prestressed building element is the double tee,
which is shown in Figure 9.11. These are also standard elements, although some
manufacturers may make them in only one width, or may not provide them in
depths beyond a certain dimension.


12 to 36 in.


Figure 9.11 Double tee section

Double tees are quite light; the top slab is typically 2 in. thick only at the outer
edges. They are very economical for covering large spans (spans of 100 ft or more
are not uncommon). Such long elements, however, are difcult to transport in a
tight urban environment. Double tees are rather exible, so their camber or deec-
tion under load can be signicant, especially on longer spans. So the designer must
carefully plan the interface of double tees with other building elements. A double
tee on an 80 or 90 ft span element may have an initial camber of 34 in. (or more),
with perhaps a similar magnitude of deection under loads. That much movement
requires very careful consideration of details, such as when the design contemplates
a window-wall parallel with the span of a double tee.
Figures 9.12 and 9.13 show some other typical precast and prestressed elements
that are frequently used to support oor elements in building construction. The
shapes shown here are just a few of the many different shapes readily available to
the designer. Figure B9.1 in Appendix B shows prestressed I-Section beams.
9.3 Types of Prestressing 575

Bearing pad

Figure 9.12 Inverted T-beam supporting double tees

Figure 9.13 Inverted T-beam and L-beam supporting hollow core decks

9.3.2 Posttensioning

Posttensioning is a technique used to prestress concrete structures on the job site

after the concrete has been cast into the forms and cured. It differs from
pretensioning, which is typically used to manufacture building elements away
from the building site. The posttensioning technique places exible hollow metal
or plastic tubes into the formwork to form ducts. Tendons are inserted through the
ducts after the concrete has cured. Other techniques place plastic sheeted tendons
into the formwork. The plastic sheet prevents the tendons from bonding with the
cast concrete. The strand or tendon is anchored at one end to a device or plate cast
into the concrete (the dead end). Portable hydraulic jacks from the live end
provide tensioning. The jack leans against the concrete surface while pulling on the
tendon. A calibrated gage on the stressing jack shows the amount of force in the
tendon, while the elongation of the tendon is also measured to ensure quality
control. After the design force has been reached, the stretched tendon is anchored
to the concrete. Figure B9.2 shows the anchoring of a post-tensioned roof beam, and
Figure B9.3 shows the same beam after the post-tensioning process completed.
The space between the duct and the tendon is pressure grouted in certain
applications. The grouting not only creates a continuous bond between the tendon
and the duct, which is bonded to the concrete, but also provides enhanced corrosion
protection for the tendon. In other applications, the tendons are left ungrouted and
must rely on the continuing performance of the end anchorages throughout the
service life of the structure. These tendons are usually pregreased inside the ducts.
Greasing helps to minimize the frictional losses on curved tendons. (See discussion
later in this chapter.)
576 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

Posttensioning has one vast advantage over pretensioning: It usually uses curved
tendons. This enables the designer to change the location of the prestressing force
from section to section along the length of the structure.
Figure 9.14 shows a single span beam with the strands draped in a parabolic
form. After tensioning, the eccentricity of the prestressing force to the neutral axis
is zero at the ends and maximum at the center. The moment resulting from the
prestressing causes compression at the bottom and tension at the top. The maximum
of these forces occurs at midspan, as illustrated in Figure 9.14. In fact, the forces
closely balance the effects of the gravity loads on the beam.

Figure 9.14 Draped strands in a single span beam

Posttensioning also enables designers to use prestressing on continuous spans.

Pretensioned members, because of their straight strands, are used only as simply-
supported single spans, although short cantilevers can also be accommodated by
adding conventional reinforcing. Posttensioning, however, can use draped strands,
as shown in Figure 9.15, to follow the requirements of the bending moments from
the gravity loads. The strands are near the bottom of the section where the bending
moments are positive, and are near the top of the section where the bending
moments are negative.

Figure 9.15 Draped strands in continuous beams or slabs

9.4 Prestressed Concrete Materials

9.4.1 Concrete

Prestressed concretes generally are high-strength concretes with fc0 5,000 to

6,000 psi: These high-strength concretes are better for many reasons. Chief
among these reasons is that these concretes have a smaller amount of shrinkage
and creep, which lessens the loss of prestress. Another reason is that in both pre- and
posttensioning, very highly stressed regions arise in compression at the anchorages;
high-strength concretes are needed to withstand these stresses.
9.5 Loss of Prestressing 577

9.4.2 Prestressing Steel

The earliest experiments with prestressing failed mainly because they were
performed with ordinary steels (yield strength in the range of 3640 ksi). All, or
almost all, of the prestress was lost with the passage of time, due to a series of
contributory reasons. (Loss of prestress in normal applications may amount to
2535 ksi, or higher.)
The use of very high-strength steel wires helped to solve this problem, as these
wires, even after the considerable prestress losses, retained sufcient stress levels.
Although many proprietary prestressing (mostly post-tensioning) systems use
large-diameter, high-strength bars, most systems employ prestressing strands
manufactured from cold-drawn wires conforming to ASTM A421. Usually six
wires are wound tightly around a seventh (and usually slightly larger-diameter)
wire into a uniform pitch helix, as illustrated in Figure 1.21. The pitch is 1216
times the diameter of the wires. After manufacture, the strands are put through a
stress-relieving heat treatment to make them conform to the requirements of ASTM
A216, Standard Specications for Uncoated 7-Wire Stress-Relieved Strand for
Prestressed Concrete. They are also prestretched to increase their apparent mod-
ulus of elasticity. The strands may be manufactured in Grade 250 or in Grade
270, the numbers referring to the minimum ultimate strength of the strand in ksi.
Table 9.2 shows the properties of Grade 270 strands.

Table 9.2 Properties of grade 270 strands

Nominal diameter Breaking (ultimate) Nominal steel area Nominal weight
of strand (in.) strength of strand (kip) of strand (in.2) of strand (lb/ft)
3/8 23.0 0.085 0.29
7/16 31.0 0.115 0.39
1/2 41.3 0.153 0.52
3/5 58.6 0.217 0.74

Figure 9.16 shows a typical stress-strain curve for prestressing strands. The
strands, unlike normal reinforcing steel, do not have a dened yield. They remain
elastic up to about 85 % of their ultimate strength. An arbitrary yield point is often
used for specication purposes. ASTM A216 requires a minimum value of 0.85fpu
at 1 % extension (or strain), where fpu is the minimum guaranteed ultimate strength.
By this denition, the yield for Grade 270K strand may be taken as
0.85  270 230 ksi.

9.5 Loss of Prestressing

The nal service level stresses in the prestressing strands will be signicantly lower
than they were at the time of the initial stressing. The contributory causes for this
prestress loss are numerous. The ve major ones are discussed below.
578 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete


Prestressing strand

Normal reinforcing steel


Figure 9.16 Stress-strain curve of prestressing strands versus reinforcing steel

9.5.1 Elastic Shortening of Concrete

When prestress is applied to concrete (i.e., when the prestressing strands are
released in the pretensioning type of application), the concrete shortens due to the
compressive stresses transferred to it. As the concrete shortens, so do the strands
bonded inside the concrete. This shortening lessens the stress in the steel, and
correspondingly lessens the compression on the concrete. How much the concrete
member shortens depends on the concretes modulus of elasticity, which in turn
depends on the concretes strength at the time the prestress was applied. The higher
the strength of the concrete, the lesser the loss due to elastic shortening. In
posttensioning, however, very little loss is caused by the elastic shortening; as the
stressing and the shortening of the concrete take place simultaneously; so when the
force in the strand is measured, the change in the concretes length has already
taken place. (This is not exactly true, because as the tendons are pulled one by one,
each stressed and anchored tendon will lose some of its stress when its neighboring
tendon is stressed).

9.5.2 Shrinkage of Concrete

If the concrete shrinks due to loss of moisture after prestressing, the shrinkage will
shorten the member. Correspondingly, the stretched strands will also shorten by the
9.5 Loss of Prestressing 579

same amount. This shortening leads to a loss of stress in the strand. Nearly 80 % of
the shrinkage takes place in the rst year of life of the structure. The magnitude of
shrinkage depends on many variables, but it can be estimated to a reasonable degree
of accuracy based on experimental data.

9.5.3 Creep of Concrete

Sustained compression shortens concrete over time. Creep, therefore, is a time-

dependent deformation. The magnitude of creep depends on many variables. The
most important of these are the strength of the concrete, the age of concrete at the
time of prestressing, and the average compressive stress in the concrete.

9.5.4 Relaxation of the Prestressing Steel

By definition, relaxation is the change in stress in a material held at a constant

strain. This phenomenon is a very complex, time-dependent characteristic of
prestressing wires and strands that are subject to high stresses. Relaxation contrib-
utes less than shrinkage or creep of concrete to the total sum of the losses, but it still
must be considered.

9.5.5 Friction Losses in Curved Tendons

Friction loss occurs only in posttensioning. Figures 9.14 and 9.15 show typical
paths of curved tendons. Sometimes posttensioned at plates use tendons that curve
in the horizontal direction to accommodate oor openings or ducts. As a result,
when a tendon is pulled from one end, it leans against the duct. Figure 9.17
illustrates the problem.
If the tendon is pulled from the right, P2 will be less than P1. The difference will
be the loss due to the frictional resistance at the contact surfaces. The loss depends
on the radius of curvature and the friction coefcient between the tendon and the
duct. Sharper curves and larger friction coefcients will result in larger loss of
prestress. In other words, the force in the tendon at locations away from the live end



Figure 9.17 Friction between the tendon and the duct in posttensioning
580 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

will be less than that measured at the stressing jack. In addition to the intentional
curving of the ducts, an unintentional curving also takes place during the concreting
operation. This is referred to as wobble. The so-called wobble (or wobble friction)
coefcient accounts for this curving, but is a rather vague value. In the past, the
ACI Code used to recommend a value between 0.0003 and 0.0020 for the wobble
coefcient of 7-wire pre-greased strands, and 0.05 to 0.15 for their curvature
friction coefcient. Values of the wobble and curvature friction coefcients to be
used for the particular types of prestressing reinforcement and ducts should be
obtained from the manufacturers of the tendons.
Equation (9.1) gives the formula for calculating frictional losses:

Kpx p px
Ppx Ppj e 9:1


K Wobble friction coefcient per foot of tendon

px Distance in feet from jacking end of prestressing steel element to the point under
consideration (point x)
p Post-tensioning curvature friction coefcient
px The total angular change in radians of the tendon prole from the jacking end to the point
Ppj Prestressing force at jacking end in pounds
Ppx Prestressing force evaluated at distance px from the jacking end in pounds

Example 9.1 Figure 9.18 shows a curved tendon between two inection points in
an 8 in.-thick slab. The inection points are 15 ft apart. Between these two points
the tendon rises 2.75 in. Assume K 0.001 and p 0.10. Find the prestress loss
within these two points.

8 in.

15 ft

Figure 9.18 Part of a posttensioned slab for Example 9.1

Solution We use the given data to calculate the radius of curvature, which is
122.8 ft. The value of px is then equal to 7 0.122 radians. Substituting these
values into Equation (9.1) we obtain the prestress loss due to friction between the
two points as a function of the prestressing force.
9.6 Ultimate Strength 581

Ppx Ppj e0:00115 0:10  0:122

Ppx Ppj  0:9731

This means that the loss of force along the curve is 2.69 %. In multiple curves the
losses will combine, and may become very signicant depending on the number of
Several techniques can be used to mitigate the frictional losses. One of them is to
stress the tendons from both ends. After the tendon has been stressed from the live
end, that end is anchored and the tendon is restressed by pulling from the former
dead end. Other techniques involve stressing very long tendons one section at a
time, coupling the next section to the already stressed segment.

9.5.6 Total Losses

Calculating the total losses of prestress is a very complex problem. Even with the
best available research information, we can obtain only approximate values. The
values of the parameters that inuence the loss from any of the major sources are
only approximate ones. The values listed in Table 9.3 quite closely approximate the
true average prestressing losses (at least in building construction).

Table 9.3 Average prestressing losses

fpu (ksi) Initial prestress (ksi) Loss (ksi) (w/o friction) Remnant (ksi)
Pretensioning 270 216 4042 175
Posttensioning 270 189 2830 160

For typical 270K strands that are initially stressed to the ACI Code-
recommended value of 0.7fpu for post-tensioning applications and 0.8fpu for
pretensioning applications, a good estimate of losses from volumetric changes for
average conditions (not including friction losses) is 1820 % for pretensioning, and
1516 % for posttensioning. This translates to the average loss values shown in
Table 9.3.

9.6 Ultimate Strength

Prestressed elements are designed to limit stresses at service load conditions. The
ACI Code, however, also requires that prestressed elements satisfy ultimate
strength requirements as well.
The ultimate moment strength is calculated using equations similar to those used
with ordinary reinforcement. But these familiar equations substitute a calculated
(somewhat ctitious) yield value for fy in the calculations. This yield value, fps, can
be calculated using Equations in Section 20.3.2 of the ACI Code.
582 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

This introductory chapter on prestressing includes only the formulae that deal
with unbonded tendons. The reader should consult the ACI Code for further
information on the ultimate strength calculations for bonded tendons.
Thus, Equation (9.2) (ACI Code Section can be used to calculate the
yield strength for members with unbonded tendons and with a span/depth ratio of
35 or less:

f ps fse 10,000 9:2

and Equation (9.3) (ACI Code Section is applicable for members with
unbonded tendons and with a span/depth ratio greater than 35:

f ps fse 10,000 9:3


fse the effective stress in the tendons after losses in psi

fc0 the specied compressive strength of the concrete in psi
p Aps
the ratio of the prestressed reinforcement,
Aps the area of the prestressing steel
dp the distance from the compression edge to the centroid of the prestressing tendons

If the design uses unbonded tendons, the ACI Code (Sections and
require the addition of a minimum amount of bonded normal reinforcement. This
minimum amount is given below:

As 0:004Act

where Act is the area of the concrete section between the tension face and the
centroid of the gross concrete section.
The ACI Code also permits the use of nonprestressed reinforcing to help with the
required ultimate strength. The detailed discussion of this subject is beyond the
scope of this text.

9.7 The Concept of Load Balancing

In the simple numerical examples given in Section 9.1, the analyses of prestressed
sections were conducted by nding a sufciently large concentric, or eccentric,
prestressing force that eliminated, or greatly reduced, unwanted large tensile
9.7 The Concept of Load Balancing 583

stresses from the applied loads. This procedure is sometimes referred to as super-
position (i.e., adding axial compressive stresses to the ones caused by exure).
In posttensioning there is a much more easily visualized method of analysis. The
load balancing method, introduced by T. Y. Lin in 1963, is the most widely used
and most powerful analytical tool for the design of prestressed structures. This
method provides prestressing by using a system of stressed tendons selected to
impose loads on the element in opposition to the acting gravity loads; hence, the
name load balancing method.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 9.19. If the path of the tendon is a parabola,
its effect, after stressed on the simple span beam, is equivalent to an upward acting
uniform load. The balancing loads, wbal, can be calculated using simple statics as
follows. The moment caused by the horizontal component of the prestressing force,
as shown in Figure 9.19b, is (P cos). This prestress moment must balance the
moment caused by acting loads. Mathematically this is expressed as:

wbal 2
P cos P


wbal 2
P 9:4

where is the sag of the tendon.

a Acting loads (w)

P P sin P sin P

P cos P cos

Balancing loads (wbal)

P sin P sin
P wbal P

P cos P cos

Figure 9.19 (a) Balancing uniform load, (b) free body diagram of the tendon

A balanced beam theoretically has uniform compression, f P/A, throughout.

The balanced load, wbal, can be equal to the acting loads, or only a part of the load
the designer wants to balance. This is normally the case when a certain amount of
tension is permitted at service load levels.
584 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

The loads on the beam do not have to be uniformly distributed in order to apply
the load balancing concept. This is illustrated in Figures 9.20 and 9.21. If we use
similar notations for the loading conditions shown in Figures 9.20 and 9.21 and
change the tendons path from a parabola to those shown, the balancing forces for
the midspan point load and one-third span point load conditions are P bal
and P
3 , respectively. We can easily extend the load balancing concept to
continuous spans as well as to at plates or at slabs. The detailed discussion of the
intricacies involved, however, are beyond the scope of this text.

Acting load

P Fbal P

Balancing load

Figure 9.20 Balancing a concentrated load at the center of the span

Acting loads

Fbal Fbal

Balancing loads

Figure 9.21 Balancing two equal loads at the third points of the span

Example 9.2 The 30 ft-long, 12 in.  16 in. simply-supported beam shown in

Figure 9.22 will support a superimposed distributed load of 400 lb/ft. A single
parabolic tendon is used to posttension the beam. Determine the required force in the
tendon using the load balancing method. Use fc0 5,000 psi, and fci0 3,750 psi
and the unit weight of the concrete is 150 pcf.
Solution For efciency select the largest sag permitted by the beam section,
6 in. 0.5 ft. The self-weight of the beam is:

12  16
wsw 150  200 lb=ft

To balance all the dead loads and one-half the live loads, wbal is
9.7 The Concept of Load Balancing 585

w 400 lb/ft

h 16 in.
6 in.

b 12 in.

Figure 9.22 Elevation and section of the beam in Example 9.2

wbal 200  400 400 lb=ft

and from Equation (9.4)

wbal 2 0:4 kip=ft  302

P 90 kip
8 8  0:5 ft

Only the self-weight of the beam acts on the beam at the time of the transfer of
the prestressing force. Hence, the upward loads from the prestressing tendon and
the self-weight of the beam yield a net result of 200 lb/ft upward. So we calculate
the initial stresses due to prestress at midspan as follows:

0:2  302
M 22:5 ft-kip

The elastic section modulus of the beams cross section is:

bh2 12  162
Sm 512 in3
6 6

and the area is A 12  16 192 in2.

M 22:5  12,000
f 527 psi
Sm 512

tension at the top and compression at the bottom. (The net difference of wbal and the
self-weight acts upward.)
From the 90 kip axial compression load at the time of transfer of the prestress
(transferred at the anchorages at the ends):
586 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

P 90  1,000
f 469 psi compression
A 192

Combining the axial compression (469 psi) and the exural stresses due to the
net 200 lb/ft upward load, the initial stresses at midspan are:

ftop 469  527 58 psi tension

fbottom 469 527 996 psi compression

Because these resulting stresses at the time of the load transfer are less than the
ACI Code (Sections and permits:
p p
3 fci0 3 3,750 184 psi tension


0:6 fci0 2,250 psi compression

respectively. The stress values at the time of transfer are acceptable.

From the 400 lb/ft 0.4 kip/ft superimposed load:

0:4  302
MS:I: 45 ft-kip
M 45  12,000
f 1,055 psi
Sm 512

compression at the top and tension at the bottom. Combining these stresses due to
total live load with the initial stresses gives us:

ftop 58 1,055 997 psi compression

f bottom 997  1,055 58 psi tension

Now check the stress after long-term losses have taken place.
Assume long-term prestressing losses of 15 %.
The nal remaining prestressing force is only:

Pfinal 0:85  90,000 76,500 lb

and the adjusted upward-acting balancing load is:

8 P 8  76,500  0:5
wbal 340 lb=ft
2 302

rather than the full 400 lb/ft that was rst used.
Problems 587

The net difference between the downward-acting gravity loads (self-weight of

the beam plus superimposed loads) and the upward-acting balancing loads is:

200 400  340 260 lb=ft downward

The moment caused by this load is:

0:26  302
Mnet 29:25 ft-kip

This moment causes compression at the top and tension at the bottom. These
stresses, combined with the compression stresses from the remaining
posttensioning force, will give the nal stresses:

76,500 29:25  12,000

ftop 1,084 psi compression
192 512
76,500 29:25  12,000
fbottom  287 psi tension
192 512

These stresses are lower than those permitted by the ACI Code (Sections
and for service load stage.

0:45 fc0 0:45  5,000 2,250 psi compression > 1,084 psi
p p
7:5 fc0 7:5 5,000 530 psi tension > 287 psi

Hence, the selected amount of prestressing is satisfactory.


9.1. A plain concrete beam has a width of 14 in. and a total depth of 24 in., and is
simply supported with a span of 24 ft. What is the maximum tensile stress
acting on the beam due to its weight?
9.2. The beam of Problem 9.1 is prestressed with a straight tendon at the centroid of
the section to produce a prestressing force of 200 kip.
1. What will be the maximum stresses on the beam at midspan (a) at the top,
and (b) at the bottom?
2. How much uniformly distributed load may be placed on the beam if no
tension is permitted in the beam?
9.3. Assume that the straight prestressing tendon of Problem 9.2 is placed 4 in.
from the bottom of the beam.
1. What are the maximum stresses on the beam at midspan (a) at the top, and
(b) at the bottom, when only the beams self-weight acts?
2. How much uniformly distributed load may be placed on the beam if 424 psi
maximum tension is permitted?
588 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

9.4. The rectangular prestressed beam (16 in.  32 in.) shown below is subject to a
total dead and live load of 2.2 kip/ft (including the beam weight). The
parabolic tendon will have a sag of 10 in., as shown, to provide an upward
balancing load of 1.6 kip/ft.
1. Calculate the required nal prestressing force (after losses).
2. Calculate the nal stresses in the beam at midspan and at the ends (a) at the
top of the section, and (b) at the bottom of the section.

w 2.2 kip/ft

wbal 1.6 kip/ft

10 in.

In this self-experiment, you will study the behavior of prestressed and
posttensioned beams. Record all the details of the tests and include photos showing
different stages of the experiments in your report.
Experiment 1
In this experiment we study the behavior of prestressed beams using a styrofoam
beam. Place the beam between two supports. Apply a predetermined load (a few
pounds) on the beam and record the magnitude of the beam deection.
Make a hole at the bottom of the beam and pass a few plastic strings through
it. Anchor the strings at one end. Pull the strings from the other side and anchor
them as shown in Figure SE 9.1. Place the beam on the same supports and apply the
same load. Determine how much the beam deects. Compare the results with those
of the previous test.


Figure SE 9.1 Prestressing a styrofoam beam

Self-Experiments 589

Experiment 2
In this experiment, we study the behavior of prestressed beams using concrete
models. Cast two concrete beams of the same size. Reinforce one beam with regular
wires, and thread the ends of the wire for the other. Before placing concrete for the
prestressed beam, pull the wires from the one side as shown in Figure SE 9.2.
Compare the behavior of the two beams by placing them on two supports and
gradually loading them. Which one deects more? Why? Discuss your

a b

Figure SE 9.2 (a) Reinforced concrete beam, (b) prestressed concrete beam

Experiment 3
Here we use a styrofoam beam similar to that of Experiment 1 to study the behavior
of posttensioned beams. Make a hole of the same size as that of Experiment 1 on the
side of the beam using a hot wire. The hole should have a curved shape, as shown in
Figure SE 9.3. Pass a few plastic strings through this hole, anchor them to the beam
from one end, and pull and anchor to the other end. Now place the beam on the two
supports and apply the same load as in Experiment 1. Record the beam deection at
the midspan. Compare the results with those of Experiment 1. Which case resulted
in less deection?

Figure SE 9.3 Posttensioned styrofoam beam

Experiment 4
This experiment involves the use of a posttensioned concrete beam. As in Exper-
iment 2, cast two beams. One will use regular wire, and the other will be
posttensioned. For the posttensioned beam, place a plastic tube inside the beam
590 9 Overview of Prestressed Concrete

and cast the concrete. After the concrete is set (72 hours), insert steel wires,
anchor them to the beam from one end, and pull and anchor to the other end
(Figure SE 9.4). Place the two beams on the two supports and gradually load
them. Compare their behavior. Which one deects more? Why? Any other

a b

Figure SE 9.4 (a) Reinforced concrete beam, (b) posttensioned concrete beam
Chapter 10
Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design
and Construction

10.1 Introduction

Efforts to change the U.S. measurement units to the metric system have been under
way for quite a while. This chapter briey discusses this matter as it relates to
reinforced concrete structure design and construction. We present a few examples
using this system of units so that you will better understand how to make the

10.2 Brief History of Metric System Adoption

in the United States

Historically, the United States has used the British system of measurements. Most
other countries, however, use variations of the metric system. To conform with the
rest of the world, and to increase the international competitiveness, productivity,
and quality of U.S. industry, the U.S. Congress enacted the Metric Conversion Act
of 1975. A version of the metric system called Le Syste`me International dUnites
(International System of Units), or the SI system, was adopted. Furthermore, in
1988, the U.S. Congress passed the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, which
resulted in the formation of the Construction Metrication Council. This council is
part of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) located in Washington,
DC. The Council has published documents on Construction Metrication, which
provide the latest efforts on system conversions. You can obtain a copy of these
documents from the NIBS Web site (
The American Concrete Institute has published an equivalent metric version of
the ACI Code since 1983. The current metric version of the ACI code is ACI
318M-14 (M stands for metric). Adopting the metric system has two major
ramications: (1) using metric units for structural calculations, and (2) changing

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 591

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9_10
592 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

Table 10.1 Equivalent soft Equivalent soft

metric designation for rebars Bar size metric designation
#3 #10
#4 #13
#5 #16
#6 #19
#7 #22
#8 #25
#9 #29
#10 #32
#11 #36
#14 #43
#18 #57

the physical sizes of products based on the metric system of units. The rst task can
be accomplished with relative simplicity, as this chapter will show. But the man-
ufacture of construction material for concrete structures, in particular reinforcing
bars, has been one of the major obstacles in the adoption of the SI system of units.
To prevent the costly maintenance of two different inventories of steel rein-
forcement (in British and SI units), the producers of reinforcing bars adopted a soft
metric conversion in 1997. This conversion allows mills to produce reinforcing bars
in the customary British unit sizes, but to designate them with their equivalent
metric values instead of multiples of 100 mm2 as required in the hard metric
conversion. As a result, nearly all reinforcing bars currently produced are marked
with the soft metric equivalent sizes. Table 10.1 shows the equivalent soft metric
bar size designations for the customary British unit sizes.

10.3 Conversion to SI Units

A familiarity with the SI units is required to convert British units to their equivalent
SI units. Table 10.2 shows the main SI units along with the most common prexes
used in the design of building structures.
Two important quantities that we need to understand well are mass and force.
The SI unit of mass is the kilogram, kg, which is used as the unit of force in other
versions of the metric system. The SI unit used for force is the newton, which is
equal to 1 kg-m/s2. Force is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the gravitational
acceleration (g). Thus,

F 1:0 kg9:80665 m=s2
F 9:80665 kg-m=s2 9:81 newtons N

Therefore, a one-kilogram mass generates 9.81 newtons (N) of force.

10.3 Conversion to SI Units 593

Table 10.2 Principal SI units Main SI units

and the common prexes
Quantity Unit Symbol (expression)
Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Force Newton N (kg-m/s2)
Stress/pressure Pascal Pa (N/m2)
Prex SI prexes symbol Value
Micro 106
Milli m 103
Kilo k 103
Mega M 106

The British units of pound-mass (lbm) and pound-force (lbf) are also dened.
These are related to each other as follows:

F mg
lbf lbm32:174 ft=s2
lbf 32:174 lbm-ft=s2 32:2 lbm-ft=s2

The relationship between lbm and kg is:

1 lbm 0:45359 kg 0:454 kg

The relationship between ft and m is:

1 ft 0:3048 m

Therefore, substituting:

l lbf 32:174 0:453590:3048 kg-m=s2

1 lbf 4:448 kg-m=s2
1 lbf 4:448 N

Note that weight is dened in units of mass. To use weight as load we need to
consider the gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s2. The following is an important

lbf 4:448 N
1 157:1 N=m3
ft3 0:30483 m3

This is in units of weight. In the SI units, however, it is dened in units of mass.

594 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

lbm 0:45359 kg
1 16:02 kg=m3
ft3 0:3048 m 3

For example, the unit mass of concrete (normal weight) is:

150 lbm=ft3 15016:02 2,400 kg=m3

Table 10.3 shows the complete set of conversion factors between the SI and
the British systems of units. The following examples solve problems posed by
examples in previous chapters using the equivalent SI units. Since we must use the
soft metric reinforcing bar sizes, Table 10.4 shows their designations along with
their properties.

Table 10.3 Conversion factors between the SI and the British system of units
Unit Multiply By To get:
Length inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in.)
meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft)
Area square inch (in.2) 645.2 square millimeter (mm2)
square foot (ft2) 0.0929 square meter (m2)
square millimeter (mm2) 0.00155 square inch (in.2)
square meter (m2) 10.764 square foot (ft2)
Volume cubic inch (in.3) 16,387 cubic millimeter (mm3)
cubic foot (ft3) 0.028317 cubic meter (m3)
cubic millimeter (mm3) 0.000061024 cubic inch (in.3)
cubic meter (m3) 35.315 cubic foot (ft3)
Mass pound-mass (lbm) 0.454 kilogram (kg)
kilogram (kg) 2.205 pound
Density pound per cubic foot 16.02 kilogram per cubic meter
(lb/ft3) (kg/m3)
kilogram per cubic meter 0.06243 pound per cubic foot
(kg/m3) (lb/ft3)
Force pound-force (lbf) 4.448 newton (N)
kip 4,448 newton (N)
pound per foot (lb/ft) 14.594 newton per meter (N/m)
kip per foot (kip/ft) 14.594 kilonewton per meter
newton (N) 0.2248 pound-force (lbf)
newton (N) 0.0002248 kip
newton per meter (N/m) 0.06852 pound per foot (lb/ft)
kilonewton per meter 0.06852 kip per foot (kip/ft)
Moment of inch4 (in.4) 416,231 millimeter4 (mm4)
inertia millimeter4 (mm4) 0.000002403 inch4 (in.4)
10.3 Conversion to SI Units 595

Table 10.3 (continued)

Unit Multiply By To get:
Bending pound-inch (lb-in.) 0.113 newton-meter (N-m)
moment pound-foot (lb-ft) 1.356 newton-meter (N-m)
kip-inch (kip-in.) 0.113 kilonewton-meter (kN-m)
kip-foot (kip-ft) 1.356 kilonewton-meter (kN-m)
newton-meter (N-m) 8.851 pound-inch (lb-in.)
newton-meter (N-m) 0.738 pound-foot (lb-ft)
kilonewton-meter (kN-m) 8.851 kip-inch (kip-in.)
kilonewton-meter (kN-m) 0.738 kip-foot (kip-ft)
Pressure, pound per square inch (psi) 6,895 pascal (Pa)
stress kip per square inch (ksi) 6,895 kilopascal (kPa)
6.895 megapascal (MPa)
pound per square foot (psf) 47.88 pascal (Pa)
kip per square foot (ksf) 47.88 kilopascal (kPa)
pascal (Pa) 0.000145 pound per square inch
kilopascal (kPa) 0.14503 pound per square inch
megapascal (MPa) 0.14503 kip per square inch (ksi)
pascal (Pa) 0.020886 pound per square foot

Table 10.4 ASTM standard metric reinforcing bars

Nominal dimensions
Bar size designation Area (mm2) Weight (kg/m) Diameter (mm)
#10 71 0.560 9.5
#13 129 0.994 12.7
#16 199 1.522 15.9
#19 284 2.235 19.1
#22 387 3.042 22.2
#25 510 3.973 25.4
#29 645 5.060 28.7
#32 819 6.404 32.3
#36 1,006 7.907 35.8
#43 1,452 11.38 43.0
#57 2,581 20.24 57.3

Example 10.1 (SI Version of Example 1.2) A 75 mm  150 mm, 2.70 m-long plain
concrete beam was simply supported at its ends and tested to determine the modulus
of rupture of the concrete. Two concentrated loads, P, were placed at the third
points. The beam failed at P 670 N. The specied compressive strength of the
concrete is fc0 28 MPa: The concrete weight (mass) is 2,400 kg/m3 (normal
weight). Determine the modulus of rupture of the concrete using (a) the results of
the test, and (b) the ACI Code approximate equation.
596 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

w = 265 N/m
P = 670 N P = 670 N

0.90 m 0.90 m 0.90 m

2.70 m

Figure 10.1 Example 10.1

(a) Test results
Determine the loads acting on the beam shown in Figure 10.1:
w 2,400 27:0 kg=m  9:81 m=s2 265 N=m
w2 P
8 3
2652:702 6702:70
8 3
Mtotal 242 603 845 N-m 845,000 N-mm

The maximum tensile stress at the bottom of the beam ( fr) is:
Mc M
I Sm
bh2 751502
Sm 281,250 mm3
6 6
M 845  1,000
fr 3:00 N=mm2
Sm 281,250
3:00  106 N=m2 3:00 MPa

(b) ACI approximate equation

From Equation of ACI 318M-14:
1:0 normal weight concrete
fr 0:70 fc0
fr 0:701:0 28 3:70 MPa
10.3 Conversion to SI Units 597

Example 10.2 (SI Version of Example 2.8) Calculate MR for the reinforced con-
crete section shown in Figure 10.2. Use fy 420 MPa, and fc0 28 MPa:
As 6 #32 4,914 mm2.

b 305 mm

d 795 mm dt 825 mm

6 #32

Figure 10.2 Sketch of Example 10.2

Step 1.

As 4,914
bd 305  795

From Table A2.4:

min 0:0033 < 0:0203 ok

From Table A2.3:

max 0:0207 > 0:0203 ok

Step 2.

As fy 4,914420
a 284 mm
0:85fc0 b 0:85  28  305

Step 3.

a 284
c 334 mm
1 0:85

Step 4.
c 334
0:405 > 0:375
dt 825
598 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

Because 0.405 > 0.375, the section is in the transition zone:

A2 c

Step 5.

mm 2 N/mm2(MPa) mm

a 284
MR = As fy d = (0.850)(4,914)(420) 795
2 2
MR = 1,145,556,594 N-mm/10 = 1,146 kN-m

Example 10.3 (SI Version of Example 4.2) Determine the spacing of #10 stirrups
at the critical section for a reinforced concrete beam with bw 380 mm,
h 610 mm, and Vu 270 kN: Use fc0 21 MPa, and fyt 420 MPa. Concrete is
normal weight.
dest h  65 610  65 545 mm

Using Equation of ACI 318M-14:

1:0 normal weight concrete

Vc bw d
1:0 21
Vc 380545
Vc 158,175 N 158:2 kN

The shear force to be resisted by the stirrups at the critical section, Vs ; is:

Vs  Vc

Vs  158:2
Vs 201:8 kN

So the required spacing of the bars is:

10.3 Conversion to SI Units 599

Av fyt d
2  71420545
s 161 mm
201:8  1,000

Use s 160 mm.

Example 10.4 (SI Version of Example 5.4) Design a short square tied column to
carry an axial dead load of 1,300 kN, a oor live load of 800 kN and a roof live load
of 320 kN. Assume that the applied moments on the column are negligible. Use
fc0 28 MPa, fy 420 MPa, and a concrete clear cover of 40 mm.
Step 1. The factored load, Pu, is:

1:83 PLr 1:83320 585:6 kN < PL 800 kN, therefore,

Pu 1:2PD 1:6PL 0:5PLr
Pu 1:21,300 1:6800 0:5320
Pu 3,000 kN

Step 2. Assuming g 0.03, the required area of column, Ag, is:

Ag h  u  i
0:8 0:85fc0 1  g fy g

3,000  1,000
0:80:650:85281  0:03 4200:03
Ag 161,667 mm2

Step 3. The column size, h, is:

p p
h Ag 161,667
h 402 mm Use h 400 mm

Therefore, the column is 400  400 mm, and the column gross area, Ag, is:

Ag 400  400 160,000 mm2

Step 4. The required area of reinforcement, Ast, is:

Pu 0.8(0.85 fc Ag )
Ast = Conversion from MPa
0.8( fy 0.85 fc ) to kPa

3, 000 0.8 0.65(0.85 28 103 160, 000)

0.8 0.65(420 103 0.85 28 103 )
Ast = 4,950 mm 2
600 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

Step 5. Using Table 10.4, select 8 #29 bars (As 8  645 5,160 mm2).
Step 6. Using #10 for the ties, the maximum spacing, smax, (ACI Code, Sections and is:

smax min f16d b , 48d t , bmin g

smax min f1628:7, 489:5, 400g
smax min f459, 456, 400g
smax 400 mm

Therefore, the ties are #10 @ 400 mm.

Use Figure 5.12 to check the arrangement of the ties. Determine the clear
space between the longitudinal bars:

Cover #10 Ties #29 Bars

400 2(40) 2(9.5) 3(28.7)

Clear space =
Clear space = 107 mm < 150 mm

Therefore, one tie per set is enough, as shown in Figure 10.3.

400 mm

400 mm
#10 @ 400 mm

8 #29

Figure 10.3 Final design of Example 10.4

Example 10.5 (SI Version of Example 7.1) A 300 mm load-bearing CMU wall
supports an outdoor canopy. The dead load is 150 kN/m (including the wall weight)
and the roof live load is 75 kN/m. Design the plain concrete footing shown in
Figure 10.4 to support this wall. The compressive strength of the concrete is
21 MPa, and the net bearing capacity of the soil is 150 kPa. The frost line is at
1.20 m from the outside grade. Concrete is normal weight.
10.3 Conversion to SI Units 601

300 mm

Block wall

1.20 m

Figure 10.4 Sketch of Example 10.5

Step 1. Determine the footing width (b).

wT wD wLr 150 75 225 kN=m

Approximate footing width (b)=
= = 1.50 m

kPa = kN/m2
\ b = 1.5 m

Step 2. Estimate the footing thickness (h).

b  t 1:5  0:30
h 0:60 m
2 2
h 0:60 m 600 mm
602 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

Step 3. Calculate and check the moment.

wu 1:2wD 1:6wLr
wu 1:2150 1:675 300 kN=m
qu 200 kN=m2 kPa

The distance from the edge of the footing to the critical section for moment
(D) is:

bt t
2 4
1:5  1,000  300 300
2 4
D 675 mm
675 2
D2 1,000
M u qu 200
2 2
Mu 45:6 kN-m
d h  50 600  50 550 mm

Considering a 1 m (1,000 mm) strip of footing:

bd 2
Sm 50:42  106 mm3

The nominal resisting moment, Mn, (ACI 318M-14 Equation is:

1:0 normal weight concrete

5 p0
Mn fc Sm
5 p 
Mn 1:0 21 50:42  106
Mn 96:3  106 N-mm=106 96:3 kN-m
MR Mn 0:60 96:3
MR 57:8 kN-m > 45:6 kN-m ok

Figure 10.5 shows the nal design of this footing.

Problems 603

300 mm

600 mm

600 mm

1.50 m

Figure 10.5 Final design of Example 10.5

In the following problems assume concrete is normal weight unless noted
10.1 (SI version of Problem 1.7) Draw the bending moment and shear force dia-
grams for a 300 mm  600 mm concrete beam made of lightweight concrete
with a unit weight (mass) of 1,800 kg/m3 and subjected to a uniformly
distributed load of 15 kN/m. Assume that the beam is simply-supported and
has a 3.0 m span.
10.2 (SI version of Problem 1.10) Determine the maximum span for a 200 mm
 300 mm simply-supported plain concrete beam constructed of normal-
weight concrete with a unit weight (mass) of 2,400 kg/m3 and loaded by a
uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m just before it fails. The specied
compressive strength of the concrete is 28 MPa. Use the ACI Code
recommended value for the modulus of rupture.
10.3 (SI version of Problem 2.7) The rectangular reinforced concrete beam shown
below is subjected to a dead load moment of 250 kN-m and a live load moment
of 125 kN-m. Determine whether this beam is adequate for the applied
moment using the Method I. Use fc0 28 MPa and fy 420 MPa. The
stirrups are #10 and the cover is 40 mm.
604 10 Metric System in Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction

300 mm

750 mm

4 #29

10.4 (SI version of Problem 2.11) Determine the moment capacity, MR, of the
reinforced concrete section shown below if it is subjected to a negative
moment. Use the Method I. The stirrups are #10 and the cover is 40 mm.
Use fc0 28 MPa and fy 420 MPa.

4 #32

710 mm

330 mm

10.5 (SI version Problem 4.2) A beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load and
has a maximum shear of 270 kN at the face of its supports. The beam clear span
is 9.0 m, bw 300 mm, and d 600 mm. Use fc0 28 MPa, and fyt 420 MPa.
Determine the shear at the critical section. Determine the spacing of #10 stirrups
at the critical section.
10.6 (SI version of Problem 4.5) The shear force at the critical section, Vu ,
of a reinforced concrete beam is 265 kN. If the beam has bw 360 mm,
fc0 21 MPa, and fyt 420 MPa, what is the required effective depth, d,
such that the minimum spacing of #10 stirrups is 230 mm?
Problems 605

10.7 (SI version of Problem 5.4) The square reinforced concrete tied column
shown below is subjected to a dead load of 900 kN and a roof live load of
1,000 kN. Determine whether this column is adequate. The clear cover is
40 mm and the load eccentricity is negligible. Use fc0 28 MPa and
fy 420 MPa. Checking the ties is not required.

400 mm

#10 @ 350 mm
400 mm

8 #25

10.8 (SI version of Problem 5.8) Design a square tied reinforced concrete column
subjected to a dead load of 1,100 kN, a oor live load of 1,000 kN, and a
roof live load of 675 kN. The moments due to the loads are negligible. Use
fc0 28 MPa; fy 420 MPa, and 40 mm clear cover.
10.9 (SI version of Problem 7.1) Design a plain concrete wall footing to support a
300 mm thick concrete wall. The dead load, including the weight of wall, is
70 kN/m, and the roof live load is 90 kN/m. The bearing capacity of the soil
is 120 kPa, and fc0 21 MPa:
10.10 (SI version of Problem 7.3) Rework Problem 10.9 for a reinforced concrete
wall footing. Use fy 420 MPa.
Appendix A
Tables and Diagrams

Table A1.1 Mechanical properties of steel reinforcing bars

Type of steel Grade fy (ksi) ey
Carbon, A615 40 40 0.00138
60 60 0.00207
75 75 0.00259
80 80 0.00276
Low alloy, A706 60 60 0.00207
80 80 0.00276
Stainless, A955 60 60 0.00207
75 75 0.00259
Rail, A996 50 50 0.00172
60 60 0.00207
Axle, A996 40 40 0.00138
60 60 0.00207
Low carbon chromium, A1035 100 100 0.00345
120 120 0.00414

Table A1.2 Steel bar sizes

Bar size #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #14 #18
Diameter (in.) 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 1.128 1.270 1.410 1.693 2.257
Area (in2) 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.79 1.00 1.27 1.56 2.25 4.00

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 607

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9
608 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.1 ACI approximate design moments and shears for beams and one-way slabs
Positive End spans
moment Discontinuous end unrestrained wu2n /11
Discontinuous end integral with support wu2n /14
Interior spans wu2n /16
Negative At exterior face of the rst interior support
moment Two spans wu2n /9
More than two spans wu2n /10
At other faces of interior supports wu2n /11
At the face of all supports for SLABS with spans not exceeding wu2n /12
10 ft; and BEAMS where ratio of sum of column stiffnesses to
beam stiffness exceeds 8 at each end of the span
At interior face of exterior support for members built integrally
with supports
Where support is a spandrel beam wu2n /24
Where support is a column wu2n /16
Shear In end members at the face of the rst interior support 1.15 wun/2
At face of all other supports wun/2


Spandrel beam

n n n
wu n wu n wu n
wu n
2 2 2

(Vu )

1.15wu n wu n wu n
2 2 2
wu n2
(End unrestrained)

wu n2 wu n2 wu n2
(End integral with
14 support) 16 16

(Mu )
wu n wu 2
n wu 2
(Spandrel beam) (Two spans) (Two spans)
24 9 9
wu 2
n wu n2 wu 2
n wu n2 wu n2 wu n2
wu n2 (Others) (Others)
(Column) 10 11 11 11 11 11
wu n2 wu n2 wu n2 wu n2 wu n2 wu 2
12 12 12 12 12 12

(Slabs, n 10', (Slabs, n 10', (Slabs, n 10',

3 or more spans) 3 or more spans) 3 or more spans)
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 609

Table A2.2a Values of A1 and B1 for commonly used reinforcing steels

fy (psi) ty A1 B1
40,000 0.00138 0.555 69.1
60,000 0.00207 0.473 85.3
75,000 0.00259 0.381 103.7

Table A2.2b Values of A2 and B2 for commonly used reinforcing steels

fy (psi) dt/cb cb/dt A2 B2
40,000 1.460 0.685 0.345 0.208
60,000 1.690 0.592 0.233 0.250
75,000 1.863 0.537 0.067 0.312

Table A2.3 max and tc for common grades of steel and compressive
strength of concrete (single layer of steel, i.e., d dt)
fy (psi) fc0 3,000 psi fc0 4,000 psi fc0 5,000 psi
max (t 0.004)
40,000 0.0232 0.0310 0.0364 0.83
60,000 0.0155 0.0207 0.0243 0.81
75,000 0.0124 0.0165 0.0194 0.80
tc (t 0.005)
40,000 0.0203 0.0270 0.0318 0.90
60,000 0.0135 0.0180 0.0212 0.90
75,000 0.0108 0.0144 0.0169 0.90
Note: For multiple layers of reinforcements, multiply the table values by

Table A2.4 Minimum steel ratio (min)

fy (psi)
fc0 3,000 psi fc0 4,000 psi fc0 5,000 psi fc0 6,000 psi
40,000 0.0050 0.0050 0.0053 0.0058
60,000 0.0033 0.0033 0.0035 0.0039
75,000 0.0027 0.0027 0.0028 0.0031
610 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.5a Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 3,000 psi,
fy 40,000 psi (for beams min 0.005)
0.001 36 0.0051 176 0.0092 307 0.0133 429 0.0174 541 0.0215 643 0.87
0.0011 39 0.0052 180 0.0093 310 0.0134 432 0.0175 544 0.0216 646 0.87
0.0012 43 0.0053 183 0.0094 313 0.0135 435 0.0176 546 0.0217 648 0.86
0.0013 46 0.0054 186 0.0095 317 0.0136 437 0.0177 549 0.0218 651 0.86
0.0014 50 0.0055 189 0.0096 320 0.0137 440 0.0178 551 0.0219 653 0.86
0.0015 53 0.0056 193 0.0097 323 0.0138 443 0.0179 554 0.022 655 0.86
0.0016 57 0.0057 196 0.0098 326 0.0139 446 0.018 557 0.0221 658 0.86
0.0017 60 0.0058 199 0.0099 329 0.014 449 0.0181 559 0.0222 660 0.85
0.0018 64 0.0059 203 0.01 332 0.0141 451 0.0182 562 0.0223 662 0.85
0.0019 67 0.006 206 0.0101 335 0.0142 454 0.0183 564 0.0224 665 0.85
0.002 71 0.0061 209 0.0102 338 0.0143 457 0.0184 567 0.0225 667 0.85
0.0021 74 0.0062 212 0.0103 341 0.0144 460 0.0185 569 0.0226 669 0.84
0.0022 78 0.0063 216 0.0104 344 0.0145 463 0.0186 572 0.0227 672 0.84
0.0023 81 0.0064 219 0.0105 347 0.0146 465 0.0187 574 0.0228 674 0.84
0.0024 85 0.0065 222 0.0106 350 0.0147 468 0.0188 577 0.0229 676 0.84
0.0025 88 0.0066 225 0.0107 353 0.0148 471 0.0189 580 0.023 679 0.84
0.0026 92 0.0067 229 0.0108 356 0.0149 474 0.019 582 0.0231 681 0.83
0.0027 95 0.0068 232 0.0109 359 0.015 476 0.0191 585 0.0232 683 0.83
0.0028 99 0.0069 235 0.011 362 0.0151 479 0.0192 587
0.0029 102 0.007 238 0.0111 365 0.0152 482 0.0193 590
0.003 105 0.0071 241 0.0112 368 0.0153 485 0.0194 592
0.0031 109 0.0072 245 0.0113 371 0.0154 487 0.0195 595
0.0032 112 0.0073 248 0.0114 374 0.0155 490 0.0196 597
0.0033 116 0.0074 251 0.0115 377 0.0156 493 0.0197 600
0.0034 119 0.0075 254 0.0116 380 0.0157 496 0.0198 602
0.0035 123 0.0076 257 0.0117 383 0.0158 498 0.0199 605
0.0036 126 0.0077 260 0.0118 385 0.0159 501 0.02 607
0.0037 129 0.0078 264 0.0119 388 0.016 504 0.0201 610
0.0038 133 0.0079 267 0.012 391 0.0161 506 0.0202 612
0.0039 136 0.008 270 0.0121 394 0.0162 509 0.0203 614 tc
0.004 139 0.0081 273 0.0122 397 0.0163 512 0.0204 617 0.90
0.0041 143 0.0082 276 0.0123 400 0.0164 514 0.0205 619 0.90
0.0042 146 0.0083 279 0.0124 403 0.0165 517 0.0206 622 0.89
0.0043 150 0.0084 282 0.0125 406 0.0166 520 0.0207 624 0.89
0.0044 153 0.0085 286 0.0126 409 0.0167 522 0.0208 627 0.89
0.0045 156 0.0086 289 0.0127 412 0.0168 525 0.0209 629 0.88
0.0046 160 0.0087 292 0.0128 415 0.0169 528 0.021 631 0.88
0.0047 163 0.0088 295 0.0129 417 0.017 530 0.0211 634 0.88
0.0048 166 0.0089 298 0.013 420 0.0171 533 0.0212 636 0.88
0.0049 170 0.009 301 0.0131 423 0.0172 536 0.0213 639 0.87
0.005 173 0.0091 304 0.0132 426 0.0173 538 0.0214 641 0.87
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 611

Table A2.5b Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 40,000 psi (for beams min 0.005)
0.001 36 0.0051 178 0.0092 313 0.0133 441 0.0174 562
0.0011 39 0.0052 181 0.0093 316 0.0134 444 0.0175 565
0.0012 43 0.0053 185 0.0094 320 0.0135 447 0.0176 568
0.0013 46 0.0054 188 0.0095 323 0.0136 450 0.0177 571
0.0014 50 0.0055 192 0.0096 326 0.0137 453 0.0178 574
0.0015 54 0.0056 195 0.0097 329 0.0138 456 0.0179 577
0.0016 57 0.0057 198 0.0098 332 0.0139 459 0.018 579
0.0017 61 0.0058 202 0.0099 336 0.014 462 0.0181 582
0.0018 64 0.0059 205 0.01 339 0.0141 465 0.0182 585
0.0019 68 0.006 208 0.0101 342 0.0142 468 0.0183 588
0.002 71 0.0061 212 0.0102 345 0.0143 471 0.0184 591
0.0021 75 0.0062 215 0.0103 348 0.0144 474 0.0185 594
0.0022 78 0.0063 218 0.0104 351 0.0145 477 0.0186 596
0.0023 82 0.0064 222 0.0105 355 0.0146 480 0.0187 599
0.0024 85 0.0065 225 0.0106 358 0.0147 483 0.0188 602
0.0025 89 0.0066 228 0.0107 361 0.0148 486 0.0189 605
0.0026 92 0.0067 232 0.0108 364 0.0149 489 0.019 608
0.0027 96 0.0068 235 0.0109 367 0.015 492 0.0191 610
0.0028 99 0.0069 238 0.011 370 0.0151 495 0.0192 613
0.0029 103 0.007 242 0.0111 374 0.0152 498 0.0193 616
0.003 106 0.0071 245 0.0112 377 0.0153 501 0.0194 619
0.0031 110 0.0072 248 0.0113 380 0.0154 504 0.0195 621
0.0032 113 0.0073 252 0.0114 383 0.0155 507 0.0196 624
0.0033 116 0.0074 255 0.0115 386 0.0156 510 0.0197 627
0.0034 120 0.0075 258 0.0116 389 0.0157 513 0.0198 630
0.0035 123 0.0076 261 0.0117 392 0.0158 516 0.0199 633
0.0036 127 0.0077 265 0.0118 395 0.0159 519 0.02 635
0.0037 130 0.0078 268 0.0119 398 0.016 522 0.0201 638
0.0038 134 0.0079 271 0.012 402 0.0161 525 0.0202 641
0.0039 137 0.008 274 0.0121 405 0.0162 528 0.0203 644
0.004 141 0.0081 278 0.0122 408 0.0163 531 0.0204 646
0.0041 144 0.0082 281 0.0123 411 0.0164 533 0.0205 649
0.0042 147 0.0083 284 0.0124 414 0.0165 536 0.0206 652
0.0043 151 0.0084 287 0.0125 417 0.0166 539 0.0207 654
0.0044 154 0.0085 291 0.0126 420 0.0167 542 0.0208 657
0.0045 158 0.0086 294 0.0127 423 0.0168 545 0.0209 660
0.0046 161 0.0087 297 0.0128 426 0.0169 548 0.021 663
0.0047 165 0.0088 300 0.0129 429 0.017 551 0.0211 665
0.0048 168 0.0089 304 0.013 432 0.0171 554 0.0212 668
0.0049 171 0.009 307 0.0131 435 0.0172 557 0.0213 671
0.005 175 0.0091 310 0.0132 438 0.0173 559 0.0214 673
612 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.5b (continued)

0.0215 676 0.0256 783 0.0297 835 0.85
0.0216 679 0.0257 785 0.0298 835 0.85
0.0217 681 0.0258 788 0.0299 836 0.85
0.0218 684 0.0259 790 0.03 837 0.85
0.0219 687 0.026 793 0.0301 837 0.84
0.022 690 0.0261 795 0.0302 838 0.84
0.0221 692 0.0262 798 0.0303 838 0.84
0.0222 695 0.0263 800 0.0304 839 0.84
0.0223 697 0.0264 803 0.0305 839 0.84
0.0224 700 0.0265 805 0.0306 840 0.84
0.0225 703 0.0266 808 0.0307 840 0.84
0.0226 705 0.0267 810 0.0308 841 0.83
0.0227 708 0.0268 813 0.0309 841 0.83
0.0228 711 0.0269 815 0.031 842 0.83
0.0229 713 0.027 818 tc
0.023 716 0.0271 820 0.90
0.0231 719 0.0272 821 0.90
0.0232 721 0.0273 821 0.90
0.0233 724 0.0274 822 0.89
0.0234 726 0.0275 822 0.89
0.0235 729 0.0276 823 0.89
0.0236 732 0.0277 824 0.89
0.0237 734 0.0278 824 0.89
0.0238 737 0.0279 825 0.88
0.0239 739 0.028 825 0.88
0.024 742 0.0281 826 0.88
0.0241 745 0.0282 826 0.88
0.0242 747 0.0283 827 0.88
0.0243 750 0.0284 828 0.87
0.0244 752 0.0285 828 0.87
0.0245 755 0.0286 829 0.87
0.0246 757 0.0287 829 0.87
0.0247 760 0.0288 830 0.87
0.0248 763 0.0289 830 0.87
0.0249 765 0.029 831 0.86
0.025 768 0.0291 832 0.86
0.0251 770 0.0292 832 0.86
0.0252 773 0.0293 833 0.86
0.0253 775 0.0294 833 0.86
0.0254 778 0.0295 834 0.85
0.0255 780 0.0296 834 0.85
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 613

Table A2.5c Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 5,000 psi,
fy 40,000 psi (for beams min 0.0053)
0.001 36 0.0051 179 0.0092 317 0.0133 449 0.0174 575
0.0011 39 0.0052 183 0.0093 320 0.0134 452 0.0175 578
0.0012 43 0.0053 186 0.0094 323 0.0135 455 0.0176 581
0.0013 47 0.0054 189 0.0095 327 0.0136 458 0.0177 584
0.0014 50 0.0055 193 0.0096 330 0.0137 461 0.0178 587
0.0015 54 0.0056 196 0.0097 333 0.0138 465 0.0179 590
0.0016 57 0.0057 200 0.0098 337 0.0139 468 0.018 593
0.0017 61 0.0058 203 0.0099 340 0.014 471 0.0181 596
0.0018 64 0.0059 207 0.01 343 0.0141 474 0.0182 599
0.0019 68 0.006 210 0.0101 346 0.0142 477 0.0183 602
0.002 71 0.0061 213 0.0102 350 0.0143 480 0.0184 605
0.0021 75 0.0062 217 0.0103 353 0.0144 483 0.0185 608
0.0022 78 0.0063 220 0.0104 356 0.0145 486 0.0186 611
0.0023 82 0.0064 223 0.0105 359 0.0146 489 0.0187 614
0.0024 85 0.0065 227 0.0106 363 0.0147 493 0.0188 617
0.0025 89 0.0066 230 0.0107 366 0.0148 496 0.0189 620
0.0026 92 0.0067 234 0.0108 369 0.0149 499 0.019 623
0.0027 96 0.0068 237 0.0109 372 0.015 502 0.0191 626
0.0028 99 0.0069 240 0.011 376 0.0151 505 0.0192 629
0.0029 103 0.007 244 0.0111 379 0.0152 508 0.0193 632
0.003 106 0.0071 247 0.0112 382 0.0153 511 0.0194 635
0.0031 110 0.0072 250 0.0113 385 0.0154 514 0.0195 638
0.0032 113 0.0073 254 0.0114 388 0.0155 517 0.0196 641
0.0033 117 0.0074 257 0.0115 392 0.0156 520 0.0197 643
0.0034 120 0.0075 260 0.0116 395 0.0157 523 0.0198 646
0.0035 124 0.0076 264 0.0117 398 0.0158 527 0.0199 649
0.0036 127 0.0077 267 0.0118 401 0.0159 530 0.02 652
0.0037 131 0.0078 270 0.0119 404 0.016 533 0.0201 655
0.0038 134 0.0079 274 0.012 408 0.0161 536 0.0202 658
0.0039 138 0.008 277 0.0121 411 0.0162 539 0.0203 661
0.004 141 0.0081 280 0.0122 414 0.0163 542 0.0204 664
0.0041 145 0.0082 284 0.0123 417 0.0164 545 0.0205 667
0.0042 148 0.0083 287 0.0124 420 0.0165 548 0.0206 670
0.0043 152 0.0084 290 0.0125 424 0.0166 551 0.0207 673
0.0044 155 0.0085 294 0.0126 427 0.0167 554 0.0208 676
0.0045 159 0.0086 297 0.0127 430 0.0168 557 0.0209 678
0.0046 162 0.0087 300 0.0128 433 0.0169 560 0.021 681
0.0047 165 0.0088 304 0.0129 436 0.017 563 0.0211 684
0.0048 169 0.0089 307 0.013 439 0.0171 566 0.0212 687
0.0049 172 0.009 310 0.0131 443 0.0172 569 0.0213 690
0.005 176 0.0091 314 0.0132 446 0.0173 572 0.0214 693
614 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.5c (continued)

0.0215 696 0.0256 811 0.0297 920 0.0338 987 0.87
0.0216 699 0.0257 813 0.0298 922 0.0339 988 0.87
0.0217 701 0.0258 816 0.0299 925 0.034 989 0.87
0.0218 704 0.0259 819 0.03 928 0.0341 989 0.86
0.0219 707 0.026 821 0.0301 930 0.0342 990 0.86
0.022 710 0.0261 824 0.0302 933 0.0343 991 0.86
0.0221 713 0.0262 827 0.0303 935 0.0344 991 0.86
0.0222 716 0.0263 830 0.0304 938 0.0345 992 0.86
0.0223 719 0.0264 832 0.0305 940 0.0346 992 0.86
0.0224 721 0.0265 835 0.0306 943 0.0347 993 0.86
0.0225 724 0.0266 838 0.0307 946 0.0348 994 0.85
0.0226 727 0.0267 840 0.0308 948 0.0349 994 0.85
0.0227 730 0.0268 843 0.0309 951 0.035 995 0.85
0.0228 733 0.0269 846 0.031 953 0.0351 995 0.85
0.0229 736 0.027 848 0.0311 956 0.0352 996 0.85
0.023 738 0.0271 851 0.0312 958 0.0353 997 0.85
0.0231 741 0.0272 854 0.0313 961 0.0354 997 0.84
0.0232 744 0.0273 857 0.0314 963 0.0355 998 0.84
0.0233 747 0.0274 859 0.0315 966 0.0356 998 0.84
0.0234 750 0.0275 862 0.0316 968 0.0357 999 0.84
0.0235 752 0.0276 865 0.0317 971 0.0358 1000 0.84
0.0236 755 0.0277 867 0.0318 973 tc 0.0359 1000 0.84
0.0237 758 0.0278 870 0.0319 976 0.9 0.036 1001 0.84
0.0238 761 0.0279 873 0.032 976 0.9 0.0361 1001 0.84
0.0239 764 0.028 875 0.0321 977 0.9 0.0362 1002 0.83
0.024 766 0.0281 878 0.0322 977 0.89 0.0363 1002 0.83
0.0241 769 0.0282 880 0.0323 978 0.89 0.0364 1003 0.83
0.0242 772 0.0283 883 0.0324 979 0.89
0.0243 775 0.0284 886 0.0325 979 0.89
0.0244 778 0.0285 888 0.0326 980 0.89
0.0245 780 0.0286 891 0.0327 981 0.89
0.0246 783 0.0287 894 0.0328 981 0.88
0.0247 786 0.0288 896 0.0329 982 0.88
0.0248 789 0.0289 899 0.033 983 0.88
0.0249 791 0.029 902 0.0331 983 0.88
0.025 794 0.0291 904 0.0332 984 0.88
0.0251 797 0.0292 907 0.0333 984 0.88
0.0252 800 0.0293 909 0.0334 985 0.87
0.0253 802 0.0294 912 0.0335 986 0.87
0.0254 805 0.0295 915 0.0336 986 0.87
0.0255 808 0.0296 917 0.0337 987 0.87
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 615

Table A2.6a Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 3,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi (for beams min 0.0033)
0.001 53 0.0051 259 0.0092 443 0.0133 606
0.0011 59 0.0052 264 0.0093 447 0.0134 610
0.0012 64 0.0053 268 0.0094 451 0.0135 613 tc
0.0013 69 0.0054 273 0.0095 456 0.0136 615 0.90
0.0014 74 0.0055 278 0.0096 460 0.0137 615 0.89
0.0015 80 0.0056 282 0.0097 464 0.0138 616 0.89
0.0016 85 0.0057 287 0.0098 468 0.0139 616 0.88
0.0017 90 0.0058 292 0.0099 472 0.014 616 0.88
0.0018 95 0.0059 296 0.01 476 0.0141 616 0.87
0.0019 100 0.006 301 0.0101 481 0.0142 616 0.87
0.002 105 0.0061 306 0.0102 485 0.0143 617 0.86
0.0021 111 0.0062 310 0.0103 489 0.0144 617 0.86
0.0022 116 0.0063 315 0.0104 493 0.0145 617 0.86
0.0023 121 0.0064 320 0.0105 497 0.0146 617 0.85
0.0024 126 0.0065 324 0.0106 501 0.0147 617 0.85
0.0025 131 0.0066 329 0.0107 505 0.0148 618 0.84
0.0026 136 0.0067 333 0.0108 509 0.0149 618 0.84
0.0027 141 0.0068 338 0.0109 513 0.015 618 0.83
0.0028 146 0.0069 342 0.011 517 0.0151 618 0.83
0.0029 151 0.007 347 0.0111 521 0.0152 618 0.83
0.003 156 0.0071 351 0.0112 525 0.0153 619 0.82
0.0031 161 0.0072 356 0.0113 529 0.0154 619 0.82
0.0032 166 0.0073 360 0.0114 533 0.0155 619 0.81
0.0033 171 0.0074 365 0.0115 537
0.0034 176 0.0075 369 0.0116 541
0.0035 181 0.0076 374 0.0117 545
0.0036 186 0.0077 378 0.0118 549
0.0037 191 0.0078 383 0.0119 553
0.0038 196 0.0079 387 0.012 557
0.0039 201 0.008 391 0.0121 560
0.004 206 0.0081 396 0.0122 564
0.0041 211 0.0082 400 0.0123 568
0.0042 216 0.0083 404 0.0124 572
0.0043 220 0.0084 409 0.0125 576
0.0044 225 0.0085 413 0.0126 580
0.0045 230 0.0086 417 0.0127 583
0.0046 235 0.0087 422 0.0128 587
0.0047 240 0.0088 426 0.0129 591
0.0048 245 0.0089 430 0.013 595
0.0049 249 0.009 435 0.0131 598
0.005 254 0.0091 439 0.0132 602
616 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.6b Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi (for beams min 0.0033)
0.001 54 0.0051 263 0.0092 456 0.0133 634 0.0174 795
0.0011 59 0.0052 268 0.0093 461 0.0134 638 0.0175 799
0.0012 64 0.0053 273 0.0094 465 0.0135 642 0.0176 803
0.0013 69 0.0054 278 0.0095 470 0.0136 646 0.0177 807
0.0014 75 0.0055 283 0.0096 474 0.0137 650 0.0178 810
0.0015 80 0.0056 287 0.0097 479 0.0138 654 0.0179 814
0.0016 85 0.0057 292 0.0098 483 0.0139 659 0.018 818 tc
0.0017 90 0.0058 297 0.0099 488 0.014 663 0.0181 820 0.90
0.0018 96 0.0059 302 0.01 492 0.0141 667 0.0182 820 0.89
0.0019 101 0.006 307 0.0101 497 0.0142 671 0.0183 820 0.89
0.002 106 0.0061 312 0.0102 501 0.0143 675 0.0184 821 0.89
0.0021 111 0.0062 316 0.0103 506 0.0144 679 0.0185 821 0.88
0.0022 116 0.0063 321 0.0104 510 0.0145 683 0.0186 821 0.88
0.0023 122 0.0064 326 0.0105 514 0.0146 687 0.0187 821 0.88
0.0024 127 0.0065 331 0.0106 519 0.0147 691 0.0188 822 0.87
0.0025 132 0.0066 336 0.0107 523 0.0148 695 0.0189 822 0.87
0.0026 137 0.0067 340 0.0108 528 0.0149 699 0.019 822 0.87
0.0027 142 0.0068 345 0.0109 532 0.015 703 0.0191 822 0.86
0.0028 147 0.0069 350 0.011 536 0.0151 707 0.0192 822 0.86
0.0029 153 0.007 355 0.0111 541 0.0152 711 0.0193 823 0.86
0.003 158 0.0071 359 0.0112 545 0.0153 715 0.0194 823 0.85
0.0031 163 0.0072 364 0.0113 549 0.0154 719 0.0195 823 0.85
0.0032 168 0.0073 369 0.0114 554 0.0155 723 0.0196 823 0.85
0.0033 173 0.0074 374 0.0115 558 0.0156 726 0.0197 823 0.84
0.0034 178 0.0075 378 0.0116 562 0.0157 730 0.0198 824 0.84
0.0035 183 0.0076 383 0.0117 567 0.0158 734 0.0199 824 0.84
0.0036 188 0.0077 388 0.0118 571 0.0159 738 0.02 824 0.83
0.0037 193 0.0078 392 0.0119 575 0.016 742 0.0201 824 0.83
0.0038 198 0.0079 397 0.012 579 0.0161 746 0.0202 824 0.83
0.0039 203 0.008 402 0.0121 584 0.0162 750 0.0203 825 0.82
0.004 208 0.0081 406 0.0122 588 0.0163 754 0.0204 825 0.82
0.0041 213 0.0082 411 0.0123 592 0.0164 757 0.0205 825 0.82
0.0042 218 0.0083 415 0.0124 596 0.0165 761 0.0206 825 0.82
0.0043 223 0.0084 420 0.0125 601 0.0166 765 0.0207 825 0.81
0.0044 228 0.0085 425 0.0126 605 0.0167 769
0.0045 233 0.0086 429 0.0127 609 0.0168 773
0.0046 238 0.0087 434 0.0128 613 0.0169 777
0.0047 243 0.0088 438 0.0129 617 0.017 780
0.0048 248 0.0089 443 0.013 621 0.0171 784
0.0049 253 0.009 447 0.0131 626 0.0172 788
0.005 258 0.0091 452 0.0132 630 0.0173 792
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 617

Table A2.6c Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 5,000 psi,
fy 60,000 psi (for beams min 0.0035)
0.001 54 0.0051 265 0.0092 465 0.0133 651 0.0174 824 0.0215 976 0.89
0.0011 59 0.0052 270 0.0093 469 0.0134 655 0.0175 828 0.0216 976 0.89
0.0012 64 0.0053 275 0.0094 474 0.0135 660 0.0176 832 0.0217 977 0.89
0.0013 70 0.0054 280 0.0095 479 0.0136 664 0.0177 836 0.0218 977 0.88
0.0014 75 0.0055 285 0.0096 483 0.0137 668 0.0178 840 0.0219 977 0.88
0.0015 80 0.0056 290 0.0097 488 0.0138 673 0.0179 844 0.022 978 0.88
0.0016 85 0.0057 295 0.0098 493 0.0139 677 0.018 848 0.0221 978 0.87
0.0017 91 0.0058 300 0.0099 497 0.014 681 0.0181 853 0.0222 978 0.87
0.0018 96 0.0059 305 0.01 502 0.0141 686 0.0182 857 0.0223 978 0.87
0.0019 101 0.006 310 0.0101 507 0.0142 690 0.0183 861 0.0224 979 0.86
0.002 106 0.0061 315 0.0102 511 0.0143 694 0.0184 865 0.0225 979 0.86
0.0021 112 0.0062 320 0.0103 516 0.0144 699 0.0185 869 0.0226 979 0.86
0.0022 117 0.0063 325 0.0104 520 0.0145 703 0.0186 873 0.0227 980 0.86
0.0023 122 0.0064 330 0.0105 525 0.0146 707 0.0187 877 0.0228 980 0.85
0.0024 127 0.0065 335 0.0106 530 0.0147 711 0.0188 880 0.0229 980 0.85
0.0025 133 0.0066 340 0.0107 534 0.0148 716 0.0189 884 0.023 980 0.85
0.0026 138 0.0067 345 0.0108 539 0.0149 720 0.019 888 0.0231 981 0.85
0.0027 143 0.0068 350 0.0109 543 0.015 724 0.0191 892 0.0232 981 0.84
0.0028 148 0.0069 354 0.011 548 0.0151 728 0.0192 896 0.0233 981 0.84
0.0029 153 0.007 359 0.0111 552 0.0152 733 0.0193 900 0.0234 981 0.84
0.003 159 0.0071 364 0.0112 557 0.0153 737 0.0194 904 0.0235 982 0.83
0.0031 164 0.0072 369 0.0113 562 0.0154 741 0.0195 908 0.0236 982 0.83
0.0032 169 0.0073 374 0.0114 566 0.0155 745 0.0196 912 0.0237 982 0.83
0.0033 174 0.0074 379 0.0115 571 0.0156 750 0.0197 916 0.0238 982 0.83
0.0034 179 0.0075 384 0.0116 575 0.0157 754 0.0198 920 0.0239 983 0.82
0.0035 184 0.0076 388 0.0117 580 0.0158 758 0.0199 924 0.024 983 0.82
0.0036 189 0.0077 393 0.0118 584 0.0159 762 0.02 928 0.0241 983 0.82
0.0037 195 0.0078 398 0.0119 589 0.016 766 0.0201 931 0.0242 983 0.82
0.0038 200 0.0079 403 0.012 593 0.0161 771 0.0202 935 0.0243 984 0.81
0.0039 205 0.008 408 0.0121 598 0.0162 775 0.0203 939 0.0244 984 0.81
0.004 210 0.0081 412 0.0122 602 0.0163 779 0.0204 943
0.0041 215 0.0082 417 0.0123 607 0.0164 783 0.0205 947
0.0042 220 0.0083 422 0.0124 611 0.0165 787 0.0206 951
0.0043 225 0.0084 427 0.0125 615 0.0166 791 0.0207 954
0.0044 230 0.0085 431 0.0126 620 0.0167 795 0.0208 958
0.0045 235 0.0086 436 0.0127 624 0.0168 800 0.0209 962
0.0046 240 0.0087 441 0.0128 629 0.0169 804 0.021 966
0.0047 245 0.0088 446 0.0129 633 0.017 808 0.0211 970
0.0048 250 0.0089 450 0.013 638 0.0171 812 0.0212 973 tc
0.0049 255 0.009 455 0.0131 642 0.0172 816 0.0213 976 0.90
0.005 260 0.0091 460 0.0132 646 0.0173 820 0.0214 976 0.90
618 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.7a Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 3,000 psi,
fy 75,000 psi (for beams min 0.0027)
0.001 67 0.0051 318 0.0092 537
0.0011 73 0.0052 324 0.0093 542
0.0012 80 0.0053 330 0.0094 547
0.0013 86 0.0054 336 0.0095 552
0.0014 93 0.0055 341 0.0096 557
0.0015 99 0.0056 347 0.0097 561
0.0016 105 0.0057 352 0.0098 566
0.0017 112 0.0058 358 0.0099 571
0.0018 118 0.0059 364 0.01 576
0.0019 125 0.006 369 0.0101 580
0.002 131 0.0061 375 0.0102 585
0.0021 137 0.0062 380 0.0103 590
0.0022 144 0.0063 386 0.0104 595
0.0023 150 0.0064 391 0.0105 599
0.0024 156 0.0065 397 0.0106 604
0.0025 163 0.0066 402 0.0107 609
0.0026 169 0.0067 408 0.0108 613 tc
0.0027 175 0.0068 413 0.0109 615 0.90
0.0028 181 0.0069 418 0.011 614 0.89
0.0029 187 0.007 424 0.0111 613 0.88
0.003 194 0.0071 429 0.0112 613 0.87
0.0031 200 0.0072 435 0.0113 612 0.87
0.0032 206 0.0073 440 0.0114 611 0.86
0.0033 212 0.0074 445 0.0115 611 0.85
0.0034 218 0.0075 450 0.0116 610 0.85
0.0035 224 0.0076 456 0.0117 609 0.84
0.0036 230 0.0077 461 0.0118 609 0.83
0.0037 236 0.0078 466 0.0119 608 0.83
0.0038 242 0.0079 471 0.012 608 0.82
0.0039 248 0.008 476 0.0121 607 0.81
0.004 254 0.0081 482 0.0122 606 0.81
0.0041 260 0.0082 487 0.0123 606 0.80
0.0042 266 0.0083 492 0.0124 605 0.80
0.0043 272 0.0084 497
0.0044 278 0.0085 502
0.0045 284 0.0086 507
0.0046 289 0.0087 512
0.0047 295 0.0088 517
0.0048 301 0.0089 522
0.0049 307 0.009 527
0.005 313 0.0091 532
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 619

Table A2.7b Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 4,000 psi,
fy 75,000 psi (for beams min 0.0027)
0.001 67 0.0051 325 0.0092 558 0.0133 766
0.0011 73 0.0052 331 0.0093 563 0.0134 771
0.0012 80 0.0053 337 0.0094 569 0.0135 776
0.0013 86 0.0054 343 0.0095 574 0.0136 780
0.0014 93 0.0055 349 0.0096 579 0.0137 785
0.0015 100 0.0056 355 0.0097 585 0.0138 790
0.0016 106 0.0057 361 0.0098 590 0.0139 794
0.0017 113 0.0058 366 0.0099 595 0.014 799
0.0018 119 0.0059 372 0.01 601 0.0141 804
0.0019 126 0.006 378 0.0101 606 0.0142 808
0.002 132 0.0061 384 0.0102 611 0.0143 813
0.0021 138 0.0062 390 0.0103 616 0.0144 818 tc
0.0022 145 0.0063 396 0.0104 621 0.0145 820 0.90
0.0023 151 0.0064 402 0.0105 627 0.0146 819 0.89
0.0024 158 0.0065 407 0.0106 632 0.0147 818 0.89
0.0025 164 0.0066 413 0.0107 637 0.0148 818 0.88
0.0026 170 0.0067 419 0.0108 642 0.0149 817 0.87
0.0027 177 0.0068 425 0.0109 647 0.015 816 0.87
0.0028 183 0.0069 430 0.011 652 0.0151 816 0.86
0.0029 189 0.007 436 0.0111 658 0.0152 815 0.86
0.003 196 0.0071 442 0.0112 663 0.0153 815 0.85
0.0031 202 0.0072 447 0.0113 668 0.0154 814 0.85
0.0032 208 0.0073 453 0.0114 673 0.0155 813 0.84
0.0033 215 0.0074 459 0.0115 678 0.0156 813 0.84
0.0034 221 0.0075 464 0.0116 683 0.0157 812 0.83
0.0035 227 0.0076 470 0.0117 688 0.0158 811 0.83
0.0036 233 0.0077 476 0.0118 693 0.0159 811 0.82
0.0037 240 0.0078 481 0.0119 698 0.016 810 0.82
0.0038 246 0.0079 487 0.012 703 0.0161 809 0.82
0.0039 252 0.008 492 0.0121 708 0.0162 809 0.81
0.004 258 0.0081 498 0.0122 713 0.0163 808 0.81
0.0041 264 0.0082 503 0.0123 718 0.0164 808 0.80
0.0042 270 0.0083 509 0.0124 723 0.0165 807 0.80
0.0043 276 0.0084 514 0.0125 727
0.0044 283 0.0085 520 0.0126 732
0.0045 289 0.0086 525 0.0127 737
0.0046 295 0.0087 531 0.0128 742
0.0047 301 0.0088 536 0.0129 747
0.0048 307 0.0089 542 0.013 752
0.0049 313 0.009 547 0.0131 756
0.005 319 0.0091 553 0.0132 761
620 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.7c Resistance coefcient R (in psi) versus reinforcement ratio (); fc0 5,000 psi,
fy 75,000 psi (for beams min 0.0028)
0.001 67 0.0051 329 0.0092 571 0.0133 792 0.0174 973 0.88
0.0011 74 0.0052 335 0.0093 576 0.0134 798 0.0175 973 0.88
0.0012 80 0.0053 341 0.0094 582 0.0135 803 0.0176 972 0.87
0.0013 87 0.0054 347 0.0095 587 0.0136 808 0.0177 971 0.87
0.0014 93 0.0055 353 0.0096 593 0.0137 813 0.0178 971 0.86
0.0015 100 0.0056 359 0.0097 599 0.0138 818 0.0179 970 0.86
0.0016 106 0.0057 365 0.0098 604 0.0139 823 0.018 970 0.85
0.0017 113 0.0058 371 0.0099 610 0.014 828 0.0181 969 0.85
0.0018 120 0.0059 378 0.01 615 0.0141 833 0.0182 969 0.85
0.0019 126 0.006 384 0.0101 621 0.0142 838 0.0183 968 0.84
0.002 133 0.0061 390 0.0102 627 0.0143 843 0.0184 967 0.84
0.0021 139 0.0062 396 0.0103 632 0.0144 848 0.0185 967 0.83
0.0022 146 0.0063 402 0.0104 638 0.0145 854 0.0186 966 0.83
0.0023 152 0.0064 408 0.0105 643 0.0146 859 0.0187 966 0.82
0.0024 159 0.0065 414 0.0106 649 0.0147 864 0.0188 965 0.82
0.0025 165 0.0066 420 0.0107 654 0.0148 869 0.0189 965 0.82
0.0026 171 0.0067 426 0.0108 660 0.0149 874 0.019 964 0.81
0.0027 178 0.0068 431 0.0109 665 0.015 878 0.0191 963 0.81
0.0028 184 0.0069 437 0.011 670 0.0151 883 0.0192 963 0.81
0.0029 191 0.007 443 0.0111 676 0.0152 888 0.0193 962 0.80
0.003 197 0.0071 449 0.0112 681 0.0153 893 0.0194 962 0.80
0.0031 204 0.0072 455 0.0113 687 0.0154 898
0.0032 210 0.0073 461 0.0114 692 0.0155 903
0.0033 216 0.0074 467 0.0115 697 0.0156 908
0.0034 223 0.0075 473 0.0116 703 0.0157 913
0.0035 229 0.0076 479 0.0117 708 0.0158 918
0.0036 235 0.0077 484 0.0118 714 0.0159 923
0.0037 242 0.0078 490 0.0119 719 0.016 928
0.0038 248 0.0079 496 0.012 724 0.0161 932
0.0039 254 0.008 502 0.0121 730 0.0162 937
0.004 260 0.0081 508 0.0122 735 0.0163 942
0.0041 267 0.0082 513 0.0123 740 0.0164 947
0.0042 273 0.0083 519 0.0124 745 0.0165 952
0.0043 279 0.0084 525 0.0125 751 0.0166 956
0.0044 285 0.0085 531 0.0126 756 0.0167 961
0.0045 292 0.0086 536 0.0127 761 0.0168 966
0.0046 298 0.0087 542 0.0128 766 0.0169 971 tc
0.0047 304 0.0088 548 0.0129 772 0.017 975 0.90
0.0048 310 0.0089 554 0.013 777 0.0171 975 0.90
0.0049 316 0.009 559 0.0131 782 0.0172 974 0.89
0.005 323 0.0091 565 0.0132 787 0.0173 974 0.89
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 621

Table A2.8 bmin and bmax for reinforced concrete beams (in.)

Number of bars bmin

in single layer #3 or #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 bmax
2 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 14.0
3 7.5 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 24.0
4 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 34.0
5 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.5 13.0 14.5 15.5 17.0 44.0
6 12.0 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 54.0
7 13.5 14.5 15.0 16.5 17.0 19.0 20.5 22.5 64.0
8 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.5 74.0
9 16.5 17.5 18.5 20.0 21.0 23.5 26.0 28.0 84.0
10 18.0 19.0 20.5 22.0 23.0 25.5 28.5 31.0 94.0

Table A2.9 Areas of multiple reinforcing bars (in2)

Bar size
Number of bars #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
1 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.79 1.00 1.27 1.56
2 0.22 0.40 0.62 0.88 1.20 1.58 2.00 2.54 3.12
3 0.33 0.60 0.93 1.32 1.80 2.37 3.00 3.81 4.68
4 0.44 0.80 1.24 1.76 2.40 3.16 4.00 5.08 6.24
5 0.55 1.00 1.55 2.20 3.00 3.95 5.00 6.35 7.80
6 0.66 1.20 1.86 2.64 3.60 4.74 6.00 7.62 9.36
7 0.77 1.40 2.17 3.08 4.20 5.53 7.00 8.89 10.92
8 0.88 1.60 2.48 3.52 4.80 6.32 8.00 10.16 12.48
9 0.99 1.80 2.79 3.96 5.40 7.11 9.00 11.43 14.04
10 1.10 2.00 3.10 4.40 6.00 7.90 10.00 12.70 15.60
11 1.21 2.20 3.41 4.84 6.60 8.69 11.00 13.97 17.16
12 1.32 2.40 3.72 5.28 7.20 9.48 12.00 15.24 18.72
13 1.43 2.60 4.03 5.72 7.80 10.27 13.00 16.51 20.28
14 1.54 2.80 4.34 6.16 8.40 11.06 14.00 17.78 21.84
15 1.65 3.00 4.65 6.60 9.00 11.85 15.00 19.05 23.40
16 1.76 3.20 4.96 7.04 9.60 12.64 16.00 20.32 24.96
17 1.87 3.40 5.27 7.48 10.20 13.43 17.00 21.59 26.52
18 1.98 3.60 5.58 7.92 10.80 14.22 18.00 22.86 28.08
19 2.09 3.80 5.89 8.36 11.40 15.01 19.00 24.13 29.64
20 2.20 4.00 6.20 8.80 12.00 15.80 20.00 25.40 31.20
622 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A2.10 Areas of reinforcement in one-foot-wide sections

Bar sizes
Spacing (in.) #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
3 0.44 0.80 1.24 1.76 2.40 3.16 4.00 5.08 6.24
4 0.33 0.60 0.93 1.32 1.80 2.37 3.00 3.81 4.68
5 0.26 0.48 0.74 1.06 1.44 1.90 2.40 3.05 3.74
6 0.22 0.40 0.62 0.88 1.20 1.58 2.00 2.54 3.12
7 0.19 0.34 0.53 0.75 1.03 1.35 1.71 2.18 2.67
8 0.17 0.30 0.47 0.66 0.90 1.19 1.50 1.91 2.34
9 0.15 0.27 0.41 0.59 0.80 1.05 1.33 1.69 2.08
10 0.13 0.24 0.37 0.53 0.72 0.95 1.20 1.52 1.87
11 0.12 0.22 0.34 0.48 0.65 0.86 1.09 1.39 1.70
12 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.60 0.79 1.00 1.27 1.56
13 0.10 0.18 0.29 0.41 0.55 0.73 0.92 1.17 1.44
14 0.09 0.17 0.27 0.38 0.51 0.68 0.86 1.09 1.34
15 0.09 0.16 0.25 0.35 0.48 0.63 0.80 1.02 1.25
16 0.08 0.15 0.23 0.33 0.45 0.59 0.75 0.95 1.17
17 0.08 0.14 0.22 0.31 0.42 0.56 0.71 0.90 1.10
18 0.07 0.13 0.21 0.29 0.40 0.53 0.67 0.85 1.04
Areas of steel are given in square inches for one-foot-wide sections of concrete (slabs, walls,
footings) for various center-to-center spacings of reinforcing bars
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 623

Table A3.1 Description of factors used in embedment length formulae

Symbol Name Condition Value
As calculated,
ld but not less than
12 in.
Horizontal reinforcement placed so that more
than 12 in. of fresh concrete is cast in the
Reinforcement 1.3
t member below the development length or
location factor splice
Other reinforcement 1.0
Epoxy-coated or zinc and epoxy dual-coated
reinforcement with cover less than 3db or 1.5
clear spacing less than 6db
e Coating factor Epoxy-coated or zinc and epoxy dual-coated
reinforcement for all other conditions
Uncoated or zinc-coated (galvanized)
Reinforcement #6 and smaller bars and deformed wires 0.8
s size factor #7 and larger bars 1.0
Lightweight When lightweight aggregate concrete is used 0.75
aggregate con- When normal-weight concrete is used
crete factor 1.0
Use the smaller of either distance from the
Spacing or cover center of the bar to the nearest concrete sur-
dimension, in. face, or one-half of the center-to-center
spacing of the bars being developed.
It is permitted to use Ktr 0 as a design
simplication, even if transverse reinforce-
Transverse rein- ment is present. 40Atr
forcement index (s spacing of the transverse reinforcement; sn
and n number of bars being developed or
lap spliced along the plane of splitting).
Excess Reinforcement in a exural member is in As, required
reinforcement excess of that required by analysis. As, provided
Note: t  e not to exceed 1.7
624 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A3.2 Simplied expression of development length, d, for bars in tension based on ACI
code Section
#6 and smaller bars #7 and larger
Conditions and deformed wires bars
A. Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed or ! !
spliced not less than db, clear cover not less than f y t e f y t e
db, and stirrups or ties throughout d not less than p db p db
25 fc0 20 fc0
the ACI Code minimum; or clear spacing of bars
or wires being developed or lap spliced at least
2db and clear cover at least db
! !
B. Other cases 3f y t e 3f y t e
p db p db
50 fc0 40 fc0

Note: The development length used may not be less than 12 in.

Table A3.3 Development length for tension bars (d) with fy 60 ksi (e t 1.0) [in.]
ld (in.)
fc0 3 ksi fc0 4 ksi
Bar size Condition A Condition B Condition A Condition B
#3 17 25 15 22
#4 22 33 19 29
#5 28 41 24 36
#6 33 50 29 43
#7 48 72 42 63
#8 55 83 48 72
#9 62 93 54 81
#10 70 105 61 91
#11 78 116 67 101
Note: Conditions A and B are based on Table A3.2
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 625

Table A3.4 Factors for development of hooked bars in tension [ACI Section]
Symbol Name Condition Value
Epoxy-coated or zinc and epoxy dual-coated
e Coating factor
Uncoated or zinc-coated (galvanized)
#11 Bar and smaller hooks with side cover (normal
to plane of hook) 2.5 in., and for 90 hook with 0.7
c Cover factor cover on bar extension beyond hook 2 in.
Other 1.0
#11 Bar and smaller 90 hooks:
(1) enclosed along dh within ties or stirrups per-
pendicular to dh at spacing 3db, or
(2) Enclosed along the bar extension beyond hook
including the bend within ties or stirrups per-
r Conning factor pendicular to the hook extension at spacing
(3) #11 and smaller bars 180 hooks
Enclosed along dh within ties or stirrups per-
pendicular to dh at spacing 3db
Other 1.0
Lightweight aggre- Lightweight concrete 0.75
gate concrete factor Normal weight concrete 1.0
Excess Reinforcement used by excess of that required by As, required
reinforcement analysis As, provided
Note: The development length used may not be less than the smaller of 8db or 6 in.

Table A3.5 Factors for development of bars in compression [ACI Section]
Symbol Name Condition Value
Reinforcement enclosed within one of the
(1) A spiral
(2) A circular continuously wound tie with 0.75
r Conning factor db 1/4 in., and pitch 4 in.
(3) #4 Ties spaced 4 in. on center
(4) Hoops spaced 4 in. on center
Other 1.0
Lightweight aggregate Lightweight concrete 0.75
concrete factor Normal-weight concrete 1.0
Reinforcement used in excess of that required As, required
Excess reinforcement
by analysis As, provided
Note: The development length used may not be less than 8 in.
626 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A3.6 Development length for compression bars (dc) with

fy 60 ksi and various fc0 values (in.) r 1:0
Bar size fc0 3 ksi fc0 4 ksi fc0  5 ksi
#3 9 8 7
#4 11 10 9
#5 14 12 12
#6 17 15 14
#7 20 17 16
#8 22 19 18
#9 25 22 21
#10 28 24 23
#11 31 27 26
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 627

Table A4.1a Values of Vc in kips fc0 3,000 psi [d h2.5 in. (+/)] ( 1.0)
fc0 3,000 psi
bw (in.)
h (in.) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
10 4.9 6.6 8.2 9.9 11.5 13.1 14.8 16.4 18.1 19.7 21.4 23.0 24.6
12 6.2 8.3 10.4 12.5 14.6 16.7 18.7 20.8 22.9 25.0 27.1 29.1 31.2
14 7.6 10.1 12.6 15.1 17.6 20.2 22.7 25.2 27.7 30.2 32.8 35.3 37.8
16 8.9 11.8 14.8 17.7 20.7 23.7 26.6 29.6 32.5 35.5 38.5 41.4 44.4
18 10.2 13.6 17.0 20.4 23.8 27.2 30.6 34.0 37.4 40.8 44.1 47.5 50.9
20 11.5 15.3 19.2 23.0 26.8 30.7 34.5 38.3 42.2 46.0 49.8 53.7 57.5
22 12.8 17.1 21.4 25.6 29.9 34.2 38.5 42.7 47.0 51.3 55.5 59.8 64.1
24 14.1 18.8 23.6 28.3 33.0 37.7 42.4 47.1 51.8 56.5 61.2 65.9 70.7
26 15.4 20.6 25.7 30.9 36.0 41.2 46.3 51.5 56.6 61.8 66.9 72.1 77.2
28 16.8 22.3 27.9 33.5 39.1 44.7 50.3 55.9 61.5 67.0 72.6 78.2 83.8
30 18.1 24.1 30.1 36.1 42.2 48.2 54.2 60.2 66.3 72.3 78.3 84.3 90.4
32 19.4 25.9 32.3 38.8 45.2 51.7 58.2 64.6 71.1 77.6 84.0 90.5 96.9
34 20.7 27.6 34.5 41.4 48.3 55.2 62.1 69.0 75.9 82.8 89.7 96.6 103.5
36 22.0 29.4 36.7 44.0 51.4 58.7 66.1 73.4 80.7 88.1 95.4 102.8 110.1
38 23.3 31.1 38.9 46.7 54.4 62.2 70.0 77.8 85.6 93.3 101.1 108.9 116.7
40 24.6 32.9 41.1 49.3 57.5 65.7 73.9 82.2 90.4 98.6 106.8 115.0 123.2
42 26.0 34.6 43.3 51.9 60.6 69.2 77.9 86.5 95.2 103.8 112.5 121.2 129.8

Table A4.1b Values of Vc in kips fc0 4,000 psi [d h2.5 in. (+/)] ( 1.0)
fc0 4,000 psi
bw (in.)
h (in.) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
10 5.7 7.6 9.5 11.4 13.3 15.2 17.1 19.0 20.9 22.8 24.7 26.6 28.5
12 7.2 9.6 12.0 14.4 16.8 19.2 21.6 24.0 26.4 28.8 31.2 33.6 36.0
14 8.7 11.6 14.5 17.5 20.4 23.3 26.2 29.1 32.0 34.9 37.8 40.7 43.6
16 10.2 13.7 17.1 20.5 23.9 27.3 30.7 34.2 37.6 41.0 44.4 47.8 51.2
18 11.8 15.7 19.6 23.5 27.4 31.4 35.3 39.2 43.1 47.1 51.0 54.9 58.8
20 13.3 17.7 22.1 26.6 31.0 35.4 39.8 44.3 48.7 53.1 57.6 62.0 66.4
22 14.8 19.7 24.7 29.6 34.5 39.5 44.4 49.3 54.3 59.2 64.1 69.1 74.0
24 16.3 21.8 27.2 32.6 38.1 43.5 49.0 54.4 59.8 65.3 70.7 76.1 81.6
26 17.8 23.8 29.7 35.7 41.6 47.6 53.5 59.5 65.4 71.3 77.3 83.2 89.2
28 19.4 25.8 32.3 38.7 45.2 51.6 58.1 64.5 71.0 77.4 83.9 90.3 96.8
30 20.9 27.8 34.8 41.7 48.7 55.7 62.6 69.6 76.5 83.5 90.4 97.4 104.4
32 22.4 29.9 37.3 44.8 52.2 59.7 67.2 74.6 82.1 89.6 97.0 104.5 111.9
34 23.9 31.9 39.8 47.8 55.8 63.8 71.7 79.7 87.7 95.6 103.6 111.6 119.5
36 25.4 33.9 42.4 50.8 59.3 67.8 76.3 84.7 93.2 101.7 110.2 118.6 127.1
38 26.9 35.9 44.9 53.9 62.9 71.8 80.8 89.8 98.8 107.8 116.8 125.7 134.7
40 28.5 37.9 47.4 56.9 66.4 75.9 85.4 94.9 104.4 113.8 123.3 132.8 142.3
42 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 69.9 79.9 89.9 99.9 109.9 119.9 129.9 139.9 149.9
628 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A4.1c Values of Vc in kips fc0 5,000 psi [d h2.5 in. (+/)] ( 1.0)
fc0 5,000 psi
h bw (in.)
(in.) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
10 6.4 8.5 10.6 12.7 14.8 17.0 19.1 21.2 23.3 25.5 27.6 29.7 31.8
12 8.1 10.7 13.4 16.1 18.8 21.5 24.2 26.9 29.6 32.2 34.9 37.6 40.3
14 9.8 13.0 16.3 19.5 22.8 26.0 29.3 32.5 35.8 39.0 42.3 45.5 48.8
16 11.5 15.3 19.1 22.9 26.7 30.5 34.4 38.2 42.0 45.8 49.6 53.5 57.3
18 13.2 17.5 21.9 26.3 30.7 35.1 39.5 43.8 48.2 52.6 57.0 61.4 65.8
20 14.8 19.8 24.7 29.7 34.6 39.6 44.5 49.5 54.4 59.4 64.3 69.3 74.2
22 16.5 22.1 27.6 33.1 38.6 44.1 49.6 55.2 60.7 66.2 71.7 77.2 82.7
24 18.2 24.3 30.4 36.5 42.6 48.6 54.7 60.8 66.9 73.0 79.1 85.1 91.2
26 19.9 26.6 33.2 39.9 46.5 53.2 59.8 66.5 73.1 79.8 86.4 93.1 99.7
28 21.6 28.8 36.1 43.3 50.5 57.7 64.9 72.1 79.3 86.5 93.8 101.0 108.2
30 23.3 31.1 38.9 46.7 54.4 62.2 70.0 77.8 85.6 93.3 101.1 108.9 116.7
32 25.0 33.4 41.7 50.1 58.4 66.8 75.1 83.4 91.8 100.1 108.5 116.8 125.2
34 26.7 35.6 44.5 53.5 62.4 71.3 80.2 89.1 98.0 106.9 115.8 124.7 133.6
36 28.4 37.9 47.4 56.9 66.3 75.8 85.3 94.8 104.2 113.7 123.2 132.7 142.1
38 30.1 40.2 50.2 60.2 70.3 80.3 90.4 100.4 110.5 120.5 130.5 140.6 150.6
40 31.8 42.4 53.0 63.6 74.2 84.9 95.5 106.1 116.7 127.3 137.9 148.5 159.1
42 33.5 44.7 55.9 67.0 78.2 89.4 100.6 111.7 122.9 134.1 145.2 156.4 167.6

Table A4.2a Values of Vs in kips, with 2 legs of #3 stirrups (fyt 60,000 psi)
#3 Stirrups2 legs
Spacing s (in.)
h (in.) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
10 49.5 33.0 24.8
12 62.7 41.8 31.4 25.1
14 75.9 50.6 38.0 30.4 25.3
16 89.1 59.4 44.6 35.6 29.7
18 102.3 68.2 51.2 40.9 34.1 25.6
20 115.5 77.0 57.8 46.2 38.5 28.9
22 128.7 85.8 64.4 51.5 42.9 32.2 25.7
24 141.9 94.6 71.0 56.8 47.3 35.5 28.4
26 155.1 103.4 77.6 62.0 51.7 38.8 31.0 25.9
28 168.3 112.2 84.2 67.3 56.1 42.1 33.7 28.1
30 181.5 121.0 90.8 72.6 60.5 45.4 36.3 30.3 25.9
32 194.7 129.8 97.4 77.9 64.9 48.7 38.9 32.5 27.8
34 207.9 138.6 104.0 83.2 69.3 52.0 41.6 34.7 29.7 26.0
36 221.1 147.4 110.6 88.4 73.7 55.3 44.2 36.9 31.6 27.6
38 234.3 156.2 117.2 93.7 78.1 58.6 46.9 39.1 33.5 29.3 26.0
40 247.5 165.0 123.8 99.0 82.5 61.9 49.5 41.3 35.4 30.9 27.5
Note: Multiply table values by 2 for #3 stirrups with 4 legs
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 629

Table A4.2b Values of Vs in kips, with 2 legs of #4 stirrups (fyt 60,000 psi)
#4 Stirrups2 legs
Spacing s (in.)
h (in.) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
10 90.0 60.0 45.0
12 114.0 76.0 57.0 45.6
14 138.0 92.0 69.0 55.2 46.0
16 162.0 108.0 81.0 64.8 54.0
18 186.0 124.0 93.0 74.4 62.0 46.5
20 210.0 140.0 105.0 84.0 70.0 52.5
22 234.0 156.0 117.0 93.6 78.0 58.5 46.8
24 258.0 172.0 129.0 103.2 86.0 64.5 51.6
26 282.0 188.0 141.0 112.8 94.0 70.5 56.4 47.0
28 306.0 204.0 153.0 122.4 102.0 76.5 61.2 51.0
30 330.0 220.0 165.0 132.0 110.0 82.5 66.0 55.0 47.1
32 354.0 236.0 177.0 141.6 118.0 88.5 70.8 59.0 50.6
34 378.0 252.0 189.0 151.2 126.0 94.5 75.6 63.0 54.0 47.3
36 402.0 268.0 201.0 160.8 134.0 100.5 80.4 67.0 57.4 50.3
38 426.0 284.0 213.0 170.4 142.0 106.5 85.2 71.0 60.9 53.3 47.3
40 450.0 300.0 225.0 180.0 150.0 112.5 90.0 75.0 64.3 56.3 50.0
Note: Multiply table values by 2 for #4 stirrups with 4 legs
630 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

Table A5.1 Maximum number of bars in columns

h h

1.5 in. for #5 to #8 1.5 in. for #5 to #8

1.5db* for #9 to #11 1.5db* for #9 to #11
(d b diameter of longitudinal bars)
Square tied column Round spiral column
h (in.) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
10 8 4 4 4 4 6
11 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 7 6
12 12 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 7 6 6
13 12 12 8 8 8 4 4 10 9 8 7
14 12 12 12 8 8 4 10 9 8 7
15 12 12 8 8 8 12 10 9 8 6
16 16 12 12 8 8 12 11 9 7 6
17 16 16 12 12 8 13 12 10 8 7
18 16 16 12 12 14 13 11 9 8
19 20 16 12 12 14 12 10 9
20 20 16 16 12 16 13 11 10
21 20 20 16 12 15 12 11
22 20 16 16 16 13 12
23 20 20 16 17 14 13
24 20 16 18 15 13
25 20 20 16 14
26 20 20 17 15
27 20 18 16
28 20 17
29 24 18
30 24 19
Note: Values are based on 11/2 in. cover, #4 ties or spirals, with clear space of 11/2 in. for #5 to #8,
and 1.5 times bar diameter for #9 to #11
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 631

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.6
1.6 Kmax
0.0 e P
6 n
1.2 4
fs /fy 0
fc Ag


1.0 0.0




0.2 t = 0.0035 1.0

t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
fc Agh

b 0.4
fc Ag

g 0.01


0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.1 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
632 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.7
e P
0.0 n
1.4 6
0.0 fs /fy 0
1.2 4
fc A g

1.0 0.0
2 0.25



t = 0.0035
0.2 t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
fc Agh

b 0.4
fc Ag

g 0.01


0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.2 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 633

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.8
1.6 Kmax
e P
0.0 n
1.4 6
5 fs /fy 0
1.2 4
fc Ag

0.0 0.25
1.0 2

0.8 0.50

0.6 0.75

0.4 1.0

t = 0.0035
0.2 t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
fc Ag h

b 0.4

g 0.01
fc Ag

0.2 0.02


0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.3 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
634 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g
0.0 fy 60 ksi
8 0.9

1.6 0.0
0.0 e P
6 n
1.4 0.0
5 fs /fy 0
1.2 0.0
fc Ag

0.0 0.25




t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50
fc Agh

b 0.6

fc Ag

g 0.01
0.2 0.03

0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.4 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 635

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 0.0 fy 60 ksi
8 0.6

1.6 Kmax
0.0 e P
6 n
1.4 0.0
1.2 0.0
3 fs /fy 0
fc Ag







t = 0.0035 1.0
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
fc Ag h

b 0.4
fc A g

0.2 g 0.01


0.0 7
0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.5 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
636 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 fy 60 ksi
0. 0.7

1.6 0.0 Kmax

0.0 e P
6 n
1.4 0.0
1.2 fs /fy 0
fc Ag


1 0.25



t = 0.0035
0.2 t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55
fc A g h
b 0.4

g 0.01
fc Ag

0.2 0.02


0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.6 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 637

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
08 0.8

1.6 0.0 Kmax

0. e Pn
0. fs /fy 0
1.2 04
fc Ag

1.0 02



t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
fc Ag h

b 0.4

g 0.01

fc Ag

0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.7 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
638 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.9
1.6 0. Kmax
0.0 e P
6 n
1.4 0.0
0. fs /fy 0
f c Ag

1.0 0.25


0.8 0.50


t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65
fc Agh

b 0.4

g 0.01

fc Ag

0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90

Figure A5.8 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 639

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
8 0.60

1.6 0.0 Kmax

e Pn
1.4 0.0
4 fs /fy 0
fc Ag

0.01 0.25




0.2 t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175 0.200 0.225 0.250
fc Ag h

fc Ag

0.2 0.0


0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9

Figure A5.9 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
640 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
0.0 0.7

1.6 0.0 Kmax

6 e Pn
5 fs /fy 0
1.2 4
f c Ag

1.0 0.0

0.8 0.50



0.2 t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
P ne
fc Agh
b 0.4

f c Ag

0.2 2

0. 7

0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9

Figure A5.10 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams 641

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi
1.8 g fy 60 ksi
8 0.8

1.6 0.0 Kmax

6 e Pn
1.4 0.0
5 fs /fy 0

1.2 4
3 0.25
fc Ag

1.0 0.0

1 0.50



t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
fc Ag h

fc Ag

g 0.01
0.2 0.02
0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9

Figure A5.11 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
642 Appendix A: Tables and Diagrams

a 2.0
fc 4 ksi h
1.8 g
0.0 fy 60 ksi
8 0.9
0.0 Kmax
1.6 7
fs /fy 0 e Pn
1.4 0.0
0.0 0.25
fc A g

1.0 0.0




t = 0.0035
t = 0.0050

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
fc Agh

b 0.6

fc Ag

g 0.01
0.2 0.02
0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9

Figure A5.12 (a) ACI column interaction diagram [SP-17(11)], Courtesy of American Concrete
Institute. (b) Kn versus relationship
Appendix B
Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B1.1 Boston city Hall, Boston, Massachusetts

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 643

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9
644 Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B1.2 Women Psychiatric Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 645

Figure B1.3 Concrete placement by pump

Figure B1.4 Concrete placement by chute and test cylinders in preparation

Figure B2.1 520 West Washington Street, Naperville, Illinois

Figure B2.2 An exposed

reinforced concrete beam
Courtesy of Professor
Jack Davis, Virginia Tech
Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 647

Figure B2.3 Beams supporting a one-way slab

Figure B5.1 Lyon Train Station, Lyon, France

Courtesy of Professor Jack Davis, Virginia Tech
648 Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B5.2 Main reinforcements and Ties for a column with 8 bars (see Figure 5.12e)

Figure B5.3 Reinforcements in a reinforced concrete column

Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 649

Figure B6.1 A high-rise building with at plate oor system

650 Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B6.2 Forming for at slab with drop panels

Figure B6.3 An exposed wafe slab oor system

Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 651

Figure B6.4 Construction of a wafe slab oor system

Figure B6.5 Forming of a one-way joist oor

652 Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B6.6 An exposed one-way joist system

Figure B7.1 A large square spread footing under construction

Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 653

Figure B8.1 Large wall forming

Courtesy of Mr. Doug Peters PE, President, Christman Constructors, Inc.

Figure B8.2 Column forming

654 Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images

Figure B8.3 Beam and slab forming

Courtesy of Mr. Doug Peters PE, President, Christman Constructors, Inc.

Figure B9.1 Prestressed I-Section concrete beams

Courtesy of the William G. Godden Collection, NISEE-PEER, University of California, Berkeley
Appendix B: Concrete Structure and Construction Images 655

Figure B9.2 End anchor for a post-tensioned concrete beam

Courtesy of the William G. Godden Collection, NISEE-PEER, University of California, Berkeley

Figure B9.3 Post-tensioned concrete beams

Courtesy of the William G. Godden Collection, NISEE-PEER, University of California, Berkeley
Appendix C
Standard ACI Notations

a Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block

Ach Cross-sectional area of a structural member measured out-to-out of
transverse reinforcements
Act Area of that part of the cross section between the exural tension face and
the center of gravity of the gross section
Ag Gross area of concrete section. For a hollow section, Ag is the area of the
concrete only and does not include the area of the void(s)
Aps Area of prestressing steel in exural tension zone
As Area of nonprestressed longitudinal tension reinforcement
A0 s Area of longitudinal compression reinforcement
As,min Minimum area of exural reinforcement
Ast Total area of nonprestressed longitudinal reinforcements
Av Area of shear reinforcement within spacing s
Av,min Minimum area of shear reinforcement within spacing s
A1 Loaded area
A2 Area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a pyramid, cone, or tapered
wedge, contained wholly within the support and having for its upper base
the loaded area, and having side slopes of 1 (vertical) and 2 (horizontal)
b Width of the compression face of a member
bo Perimeter of the critical section for shear in slabs and footings
bw Web width, or diameter of a circular section
c Distance from extreme compression ber to the neutral axis
cb Smaller of (a) the distance from the center of a bar to the nearest concrete
surface, and (b) one-half the center-to-center spacing of the bars being
cc Clear cover of reinforcement
C Cross-sectional constant to dene torsional properties of slab and beam
Cc Chemistry coefcient
Cs Concrete setting factor
Cw Unit weight coefcient

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 657

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9
658 Appendix C: Standard ACI Notations

d Distance from extreme compression ber to the centroid of longitudinal

tension reinforcement
dagg Maximum aggregate size
d0 Distance from extreme compression ber to the centroid of longitudinal
compression reinforcement
db Nominal diameter of a bar, wire, or prestressing strand
dp Distance from extreme compression ber to centroid of prestressing steel
dt Distance from extreme compression ber to the centroid of the extreme
layer of longitudinal tension steel
D Dead loads, or related internal moments and forces
E Load effects of earthquake, or related internal moments and forces
Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ecb Modulus of elasticity of beam concrete
Ecs Modulus of elasticity of slab concrete
Es Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement and structural steel
f c0 Specied compressive strength of concrete
f ci0 Specied compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress
fct Average splitting tensile strength of lightweight concrete
fps Stress in prestressing steel at nominal exural strength
fpu Specied tensile strength of prestressing steel
fr Modulus of rupture of concrete
fs Calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads
fse Effective stress in prestressing steel (after allowance for all prestress
ft Extreme ber stress in tension in the precompressed tensile zone
calculated at service loads using gross section properties
fy Specied yield strength of reinforcement
fyt Specied yield strength, fy, of transverse reinforcement
F Loads due to weight and pressures of uids with well-dened densities and
controllable maximum heights, or related internal moments and forces
h Overall thickness or height of member; depth of uid concrete
H Loads due to weight and pressure of soil, water in soil, or other materials,
or related internal moments and forces
I Moment of inertia of section about the centroidal axis
Ib Moment of inertia of gross section of beam about the centroidal axis
Icr Moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete
Ie Effective moment of inertia for computation of deection
Ig Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about the centroidal axis,
neglecting reinforcement
Is Moment of inertia of gross section of slab about the centroidal axis dened
for calculating f and t
k Effective length factor for compression members
Ktr Transverse reinforcement index
Appendix C: Standard ACI Notations 659

Span length of beam or one-way slab, clear projection of cantilever

n Length of clear span measured face-to-face of supports
u Unsupported length of a compression member
1 Length of span in the direction that moments are being determined,
measured center-to-center of supports
2 Length of span in the direction perpendicular to 1, measured center-to-
center of supports
L Live loads, or related internal moments and forces
Lr Roof live load, or related internal moments and forces
Ma Maximum unfactored moment in a member at the stage deection is
Mcr Cracking moment
Mn Nominal exural strength at section
Mo Total factored static moment
Mu Factored moment at section
M1 Smaller factored end moment on a compression member; taken as positive
if member is bent in single curvature, and negative if bent in double
M2 Larger factored end moment on a compression member, always positive
Nu Factored axial force normal to a cross section occurring simultaneously
with Vu or Tu; taken as positive for compression and negative for tension
Pb Nominal axial strength at balanced strain conditions
Pn Nominal axial strength of cross section
Pn,max Maximum allowable value of Pn
Po Nominal axial strength at zero eccentricity
Pu Factored axial force; taken as positive for compression and negative for
qu Factored load per unit area
r Radius of gyration of cross section of a compression member
R Rain load, or related internal moments and forces; Rate of replacement
s Center-to-center spacing of items, such as longitudinal reinforcement,
transverse reinforcement, prestressing tendons, wires, or anchors
S Snow load, or related internal moments and forces
Sm Elastic section modulus
t Wall thickness of a hollow section
T Cumulative effect of temperature, creep, shrinkage, differential
settlement, and shrinkage-compensating concrete
U Strength required to resist factored loads or related internal moments and
vn Nominal shear stress
Vc Nominal shear strength provided by concrete
Vn Nominal shear strength
Vs Nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement
660 Appendix C: Standard ACI Notations

Vu Factored shear force at section

wc Unit weight of concrete
wu Factored load per unit length of beam or one-way slab
W Wind load, or related internal moments and forces
x Shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of a cross section
y Longer overall dimension of rectangular part of a cross section
yt Distance from the centroidal axis of the gross section, neglecting
reinforcement, to a tension face
f Ratio of the flexural stiffness of a beam section to the exural stiffness of a
width of slab bounded laterally by centerlines of adjacent panels (if any)
on each side of the beam
f1 f in direction of 1
f2 f in direction of 2
s Constant used to compute Vc in slabs and footings
Ratio of long to short dimensions: clear spans for two-way slabs; sides of
column, concentrated load, or reaction area
t Ratio of the torsional stiffness of an edge beam section to the exural
stiffness of a width of slab equal to the span length of the beam, center-to-
center of supports
1 Factor relating the depth of the equivalent rectangular compressive stress
block to the neutral axis depth
s Factor used to determine the portion of reinforcement located in the center
band of a footing
t Net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal strength, excluding
strains due to effective prestress, creep, shrinkage, and temperature
ty Net tensile yield strain used to dene a compression-controlled section
Development length modication factor related to the unit weight of the
Multiplier for additional deection due to long-term effects
Time-dependent factor for sustained load
Ratio of As to bd
0 Ratio of As0 to bd
b Ratio of As to bd producing balanced strain conditions
g Ratio of Ast to Ag
p Ratio of Aps to bdp
s Ratio of the volume of spiral reinforcement to the total volume of core
conned by the spiral (measured out-to-out of spirals)
w Ratio As to bwd
c Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement cover
e Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement coating
r Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement
Appendix C: Standard ACI Notations 661

s Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement size

t Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement
Strength reduction factor
Tension reinforcement index

A columns subject to, 56, 282, 283, 285, 288,

Accelerators, 10 316, 318, 324, 362, 366
ACI. See American Concrete Institute maximum factored, 298, 343, 366
ACI Journal, 3 nominal strength, 56
ACI Manual of Standard Practice, 3 strength, 55, 295, 317319, 334337
Active earth pressure, 475, 499 Axial tension, 262264, 415
Admixtures Axially loaded columns, 282, 287
accelerating, 10 dened, 282
air-entraining, 9, 10, 34 failure, 285
dened, 9 illustrated, 283
retarding, 10, 520, 563 load-deformation relationship, 287
superplasticizers, 8, 10, 13 strength calculation, 296
coarse, 47
ne, 46 B
good gradation, 6 Backll
lightweight, 6 level, 476
Analysis steps sloping, 475, 476
beams and, 53 Balanced failure, 67, 71, 72, 77, 318, 323, 327
design, 53 condition, 67, 318, 323, 327
Air, 3, 4, 79, 11, 403, 408 strain distribution at, 67, 71
Air-entraining admixtures, 9, 10, 34 Bar spacing
Allowable bearing soil pressure, 410411 longitudinal, 291
American Concrete Institute (ACI). See also main reinforcement, 119
Specic ACI Code rectangular reinforced footing,
51committees, 3 460462, 465
Design Handbook, 334 reinforced concrete beams, 94
model codes, 2, 3 reinforced concrete slabs, 119
standards, 3, 11 shrinkage and temperature
Axial compression, 16, 73, 240, 262, 358, 585 reinforcement, 119
Axial force, 48, 235, 318, 358, 569 Basement walls. See also Earth
Axial loads, 55, 75, 263, 278, 282, 285, 286, supporting walls
295, 298, 303, 310, 316319, 324, dened, 479
327, 332, 334337, 339, 341344, design, 480, 483, 487, 488
362, 364367, 369, 568 reinforced concrete design, 487489

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 663

M. Setareh, R. Darvas, Concrete Structures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24115-9
664 Index

Basement walls (cont.) resisting moment calculation, 414

schematic section, 488 safety factors, 500
unreinforced concrete design, 480, 483 soil pressure under footing, 500
Battered piles, 415, 416 stability analysis, 498
Beam-girder oor system, 140, 142, 151, 152 stem reinforcement bar development
Beams, 398399 length, 507
Bending stem reinforcement design, 503
elastic, 60 toe reinforcement, 505
failure, 62 toe reinforcement bar development
maximum stress, 62, 567 length, 508
reinforced concrete beams, 5865, 71 without heel/toe, 495
stress, 62, 282, 317 Cast-in-place construction, 151, 291, 383, 385
Bending moment Center-to-center distance, 97
plain concrete wall footings, 421428 Checker-board pattern loading, 49
reinforced concrete beams, 5865, 71 Circular columns, 278, 281, 291, 332, 359
square spread footings, 436 Clear cover limit, 289
unreinforced basement wall design, 511 Coarse aggregates, 47
BernoulliNavier hypothesis, 60 Coarse-grained soils. See also Soils
Bilinear stress-strain diagram, 65, 66 contents, 404
Bleeding, 8, 35 particle size, 404
Bond stresses Cohesive soil, 404, 408, 412, 417
changes, 217 Column(s)
magnitude, 216, 217 ACI Code requirements, 288293, 296
Braced column. See also Columns analysis owchart, 338, 340
dened, 284, 361 axial load capacity, 295, 317, 319, 327, 332,
illustrated, 285 342, 344
as one without sidesway, 361 axially loaded, 282, 283, 285, 287, 296,
Braced frames, 284, 362 316, 348
Brackets, 87, 207, 264274, 283 bars, maximum number of, 291, 297, 299,
British system of units, 594, 595 301, 308
Buckling based on length, 285
column, 358362 based on loading, 282284
Euler stress, 358, 359 based on reinforcement, 277280
illustrated, 359 based on shape, 280281
Building Code Requirements for Structural based on structural system, 284
Concrete, 3 braced, 284, 285, 360, 361
Building Ofcials and Code Administrators circular, 278, 281, 289, 291, 300, 314, 332,
(BOCA), 2 356, 359
Buttress walls. See also Retaining walls clear cover limit, 289
dened, 496 composite, 280
illustrated, 496 design considerations, 294
eccentrically loaded, 282, 283, 316, 317
effective length, 285, 359, 361
C factored loads, 301, 302, 378
Caisson. See Pier foundations high-strength material use, 294
Cantilever retaining walls. See also Retaining isometric view, 320, 409
walls loads, determining, 308
bar development length, 432 longitudinal bar spacing limits, 291
heel reinforcement, 508 longitudinal reinforcements limit, 288
heel reinforcement bar development maximum capacity, 286
length, 508 nominal load capacity, 295
illustrated, 495, 496 number of bars limit, 289
lateral soil pressure, 499 pedestals, 277, 278
Index 665

punching, 375 lateral support, 199, 200

shape illustrations, 281 required, calculation, 198
short, 285287, 294330, 336358 strain, 177, 182, 188, 198, 319, 322,
size, 294, 302, 308, 310, 315, 347, 349, 350, 323, 329
353, 354, 356, 360, 376, 378, 599 strain levels, determining, 192
slender, 285, 358370 stress, 177, 182, 183, 189, 325, 326
slenderness ratio, 285, 358362 Compression stress, 22, 23, 64, 66, 151, 238,
spiral, 277, 278, 282, 285, 289, 298, 300, 282, 317, 528, 536, 556, 587
301, 303, 304, 309, 312, 314, 333, Compression zone
335, 337, 339, 343, 354, 356 centroid, 159, 162
spiral reinforcement spacing/amount depth calculation, 82, 121, 124, 179
limits, 291 doubly-reinforced beams, 176199
square, 278, 285, 291, 303, 310313, 350, negative moment regions, 155
352, 369, 445, 461, 514, 515, 599 T-beam, 152, 155, 167
tie spacing limit, 289 within ange, 161, 162, 164, 166, 170, 172
tied, 277, 278, 282, 285, 286, 289, 295, 297, Compressive force, 61, 72, 263
298, 302305, 309312, 318, 332, Compressive strength, 8, 14, 1621, 38, 65, 66,
333, 335, 339, 341, 344, 352, 369, 80, 89, 244, 294, 298, 300, 319, 332,
370, 599 426, 445, 567, 570, 582, 595, 600
types, 277285, 316 Concentric load, 317, 496
unbraced, 284, 285, 360362 Concrete, 460. See also Reinforced concrete
Column interaction diagrams admixtures, 3, 4, 910
ACI, 330333 aggregates, 3, 5
compression-controlled sections, 327 in compression, 1, 1620, 53, 64, 65, 76,
computer-generated, 333 179, 200, 201, 295, 323, 327, 332
dened, 327 construction overview, 2
illustrated, 328, 331 creep, 23, 2728, 201, 288, 576, 579
maximum capacity, 330, 332 curing, 10, 11, 14, 38
tension-controlled sections, 327 inelastic behavior, 200
Column size, 379 ingredients, 310
Column strips ingredients illustration, 4
at exterior support, 384 long-term loading, 28
calculating, 384, 386, 402 modulus of elasticity, 16, 201, 206, 213,
negative moments, 381, 383384, 386, 402 359, 383, 574, 578
negative reinforcements, 386 modulus of rupture, 62, 79
positive moments, 381, 383 portland cement, 45
positive reinforcements, 387 prestressed, 567, 568, 570574, 576, 577,
Combined footings. See also Footings 579588, 590
dened, 414 secant modulus, 1819
designing, 414 short-term loading, 16, 18
illustrated, 414 shrinkage, 23, 2527, 288, 576, 578, 579
Composite columns. See also Columns strength, acceptable, 14
dened, 280 temperature change, 2324
illustrated, 280 in tension, 1, 2022, 28, 100, 217, 241, 582
Compression bars, development length, 223, testing, 1116, 20
445, 451 volume changes in, 2328, 116
Compression-controlled failure, 73, 74 water and air, 4, 69
Compression-controlled sections, 74, 335, 338 Construction joint, 26, 27
Compression reinforcement, strain, 181 Continuous media, 111, 372
Compression splices, 225 Control joints, 27, 480
Compression steel, 185, 186 Corbels
doubly-reinforced beams, 176, 177, 200 in concurrence with proposed design
failure, 199 model, 267
666 Index

Corbels (cont.) cracked section moment of inertia,

illustrated, 264266 205211, 214
minimum primary reinforcement, 267 creep behavior uncertainty, 201
reinforcing required in, 265, 266 effective moment of inertia, 202205,
Core-cylinder test, 16 212, 214
Counterfort walls. See also Retaining walls inelastic behavior uncertainty, 200
dened, 495 instantaneous, 201, 213215, 228
illustrated, 495, 496 of interior bay under load, 374
Crack(s) live load, calculating, 214
concrete cover relationship, 96 long-term, 92, 176, 214216, 372
controlling, 9597, 247, 487 maximum permissible, 216
width, limitation, 95 minimum one-way slab thickness, 122
Cracked section moment of inertia reinforced concrete beams, 200216
rectangular section, 205, 207, 211 uncertainties, 200, 201, 208
transformed section concept, 205, 206, 209 Deformation(s)
T-section, 208 creep, 28, 574
Cracking joist, 44
moments, 201, 202, 204212, 214 three-bay/three-story monolithic
strains/stresses after, 63 structure, 47
Creep in two-span beam, 45
causes, 28 Deformed bars, 30, 34, 216, 218, 291
dened, 28 Depth. See also Effective depth
deection, 27, 28, 201, 214 beam, 93, 106, 108, 109, 158, 160, 163,
deformation, 27, 28, 201, 214, 574, 579 165, 167, 170, 171, 173, 174, 184,
Curing 222, 396, 400
technique, 10, 26, 573 compression zone, 82, 121, 124, 158, 162,
vibrators, 11 179, 189, 198
Cylinder test equivalent stress block, 68, 70, 72, 78, 81,
core, 16 83, 86, 155, 158, 166, 183, 185, 187
dened, 1416 one-way slabs, 92
eld-cured cylinders, 14 prestressed concrete, 571, 573, 574
illustrated, 14, 15 web, 165, 174
lab-cured cylinders, 14 Depth of frost penetration
results, 14, 15 dened, 418
Design aid tables, 86
Design resisting moment
D doubly-reinforced beams, 181, 184,
Dead loads, 54. See also Loads 187, 196
balancing, 584 L-beam, 163, 170
dened, 39, 49, 519 T-beam, 165, 172
live load moments combined with, 49, 341 Design strength, 14, 570
maximum moments due to, 52 Development length
one-way slabs, 123 calculation, 218, 219, 221, 228, 472
superimposed (SDL), 28, 40, 41, 101, 140, compression bars, 223, 445
144, 193, 378, 392, 401, 510 dened, 218
Deep foundations for bars in tension, 218219
load transfer, 414, 415, 417 hook terminated bars, 221
pier, 417 tensile bar, 219
pile, 414, 416, 417 tension bars, 220
Deections Diagonal tensile stresses, 239
applications, 212214 Diagonal tension, 238, 241, 242, 244, 375
calculation coefcients, 211 Diagram of maximum moments, 49
calculation formula, 200 Differential settlement, 38, 410, 414
Index 667

Direct design method. See also Flat slabs E

dened, 381 Earth pressure
exure analysis, 382 active, 475, 499
plan geometry conformance, 381 at rest, 475
Double tees, 571, 574 coefcients, 475, 499
Doubly-reinforced beams, 179 dened, 474
advantages, 176 distribution, 475
analysis, 176190 effect of surcharge, 477
analysis illustration, 178, 180 equivalent uid pressure, 477
analysis steps, 179, 181184 lateral, 474479
compression force, 177 lateral earth pressure, 474479
compression reinforcement strain level backll, no surcharge, 476
determination, 181 magnitude, 475, 495
compression steel, 176, 177, 181, 182, 185, passive, 475, 495, 497
186, 188, 192, 193, 198, 200 sloping backll, 476
compression zone, 176, 189, 198 Earth supporting walls
compression zone depth, 179, 189, 198 basement walls, 474, 479493
concrete-steel couple, 177 retaining walls, 474, 493516
dened, 176 Eccentrically loaded columns. See also
design, 190199 Columns
design illustration, 191 denition, 282
design resisting moment, 181, 184, 187, illustrated, 283, 317
190, 196 Effective depth
design steps, 190, 193 L-beams, 171
equivalent stress block, 183, 185, 187, 188 reinforced concrete beams, 59
factored loads, 194 reinforced concrete wall footings, 59, 433
lateral support for compression steel, T-beams, 172
199, 200 Effective ange width
maximum factored moment, 184, 190, 197 calculation, 156, 161, 170, 172
maximum tension-controlled steel ratio, L-beam, 154, 155
190, 195 T-beam, 154
nominal resisting moment, 177, 181, 184, Effective length
186, 189 column with sidesway, 361
required area of steel, 175, 303, 304 column without sidesway, 361
resistance coefcient, 190, 195 dened, 359
steel-steel couple, 177 Effective moment of inertia
strain distribution, 185 average of values, 202
strain levels, determining, 179 calculation, 212, 213
tensile force, 176, 177 comments, 214
total area of steel, 193 dened, 202
Dowel reinforcement T-beams, 213
ACI Code, 445 Elastic bending, 60
bar length, 450 Embedment length
determining, 442, 459 dened, 218
footings, 443 Engineered backll, 420
illustrated, 443 Epoxy-coated bars, 32
Drop panels Equivalent uid pressure, 477
at slabs with, 373, 374 Equivalent frame method, 381
minimum plan dimension, 391 Equivalent stress block
minimum thickness, 373, 391 dened, 67
total thickness, 392 depth, 68
use of, 390392 illustrated, 69
Drying shrinkage, 26, 28 true stress block relationship, 68
668 Index

Euler buckling stress, 358, 359 beams and one-way slabs, 398399
Expansion joints, 24, 27 cost, 371, 372
Expansive soil, 420 drop panels, 373, 374, 390392
at slabs and plates, 372373
introduction to, 371372
F one-way joists, 395398
Failure superimposed dead loads, 378, 401
balanced, 67, 71, 72, 77, 318, 323, 327 two-way joists with slab band beams, 400
compression-controlled, 73, 74, 327 two-way slabs on beams, 381, 399400
modes, 6567, 7173, 495 wafe slabs, 392395
primary cause, 66 Footings
simultaneous, 67 pressure bulb under, 409
tension-controlled, 66, 73, 78 pressure distribution, 408410,
Fine aggregates, 5, 6 420421, 496
Fine-grained soils, 404, 405 rectangular, 418, 438, 460463, 465, 473
Fixity, 44, 46, 48, 360, 361, 384 soil failure under, 406407
Flange square spread, 436459, 514, 515
dened, 153 wall, 228, 411, 412, 421437, 479, 496,
effective width, 153156, 161, 164, 166, 497, 510, 605
170, 172, 173 Force distribution
neutral axis below, 156 column, 325, 329
Flat plate oor system Formwork
exure, 375, 380390 accessories, 529532
illustrated, 373 design
interior bay reinforcement design, 385 Adjustment Factors, 526, 528,
use, 373, 390392 529, 536
Flat slabs. See also Slabs Reference Design Stresses, 527
ACI Code minimum slab thickness, 373 design of, 533537
column strips, 381, 383385 beam forms, 557563
dened, 111 column forms, 546551
economy, 373 slab forms, 550557
exure, 380390 wall forms, 537545
exure analysis, 382385 lateral pressure on, 520522
gravity load shear transfer, 375 loads on, 519520, 522
middle strips, 381, 383385 materials for, 523533
moment transfer, 379 section properties, 525, 526
plan, 376 Foundations
recommended minimum thickness, 373 adjacent property lines, 418
shear periphery, 376378 combined footings, 411, 414, 418
shears, 375380 depth of frost penetration, 418
slab width, 385 elevations of adjacent footings, 418
with drop panels, 374, 390392 expansive soil, 420
with drop panels and column capitals, 374 isolated spread footing, 413
Flexural stiffness, 46, 383, 384 mat, 411, 414
Flexural strength, 57, 58 organic layers, 420
Flexure pier, 414, 417, 420
direct design method, 381 pile, 414417
at slabs, 380390 placement, 418420
reinforced concrete beams, 20, 5865, 79 shallow, 411414, 418
Floor beams, 41, 151, 258 strap footings, 411, 414
Floor load, 39, 55, 305, 307, 553, 554 types of, 411420
Floor systems wall footings, 412, 421436, 479, 496
beam-girder, 101, 112, 140, 142, 151, 152 Friction loss, 581
Index 669

G dened, 62, 69
Geometrical proportioning, of beams, 104 propagation of, 4648
Girders, 38, 42, 44, 101, 111113, 140, 142, on short length reinforced concrete
151, 264, 277, 360, 361, 372, 398, beam, 237
399, 573 Internal forces
Gravity loading, 284 on a section of, 235, 236
Gravity walls. See also Retaining walls propagation of, 4648
dened, 495 International Building Code (IBC), 2
illustrated, 496 International Conference of Building
lateral soil pressures, 474, 502 Ofcials (ICBO), 2
resisting moment calculation, 500 Isolated spread footing, 413, 414
safety factor, 500
soil pressure under footing, 500
stability analysis, 498 K
Grout key, 573 Kilograms (kg), 592594

High-range water reducing agents, 8 Lab-cured cylinders, 14
Hinge support, 43, 44 Lateral
Hollow core decks earth pressure, 474479, 483
dened, 573 loads, 39, 283, 284, 347, 361, 399, 415,
illustrated, 573, 575 486, 522, 538, 544, 563, 573
shape, 573, 575 L-beams. See also T-beams
Hook actual effective depth, 103
ACI Code standard, 220 analysis illustration, 155165
bars developed by, 220 analysis steps, 166, 168
bars in compression and, 223 compression zone, 154
dened, 220 compression zone centroid, 155
90-degree, 223 dened, 154
illustrated, 220 deection check, 158, 160
tension bars terminated in, 220223 depth, 154
Hookes law, 17, 29, 60, 63, 200 design example, 166, 168
Hydration. See also Water design owchart, 168
dened, 3, 6 design resisting moment, 158
exothermic process, 10 design steps, 166
hardening, 7, 8, 10 effective ange width, 154
setting, 7, 9, 10 moment arm calculation, 159
stages, 7 neutral axis location, 155
strength development, 7 required area of steel, 155
resistance coefcient, 158
tensile force calculation, 156
I total area of steel, 155
Inuence area, 42, 43 total compression force, 154
In situ tests, 16 Linear elements, 111, 371
Instantaneous deections. See also Line supports, 49, 111
Deections Live loads (LL)
additional deformations, 213, 215 dened, 40, 49
calculations, 228 effects, 39, 49, 50
dened, 201 "ckleness, 4952
values, 213, 214 illustrated, 51
Internal couple negative moments due to, 49
after cracking, 64 one-way slabs, 111
components, 205 reduced, determining, 43
cracked rectangular section, 205 reduction factors, 4143
670 Index

Load(s) M
assumed, 122 Main reinforcement
axial, 55, 75, 263, 278, 282, 285, 286, 295, allowable spacing, 122
298, 303, 310, 316319, 324, 327, dened, 115
332, 334336, 339, 341344, 362, deection control thickness, 119
364367, 369, 568 maximum bar spacing, 118, 119
column, determining, 299, 308, 414 minimum, 98, 117119, 132, 166, 506
concentric, 317 one-way slabs, 96, 115119, 132, 144
dead, 28, 38, 39, 41, 49, 5255, 106, at supports, 129
110, 123, 139, 140, 142, 143, Mat Foundation, 411, 412, 414
165, 193, 196, 213215, 271, Maximum beam width (bmax), 96
272, 300, 312, 365, 366, 401, Maximum bending stress, 22
410, 426, 445, 465, 510, 511, Metric system. See also SI system
571, 599, 600, 603, 604 adoption ramications, 591
oor, 55, 101, 307 ASTM standard reinforcing bars, 595
gravity, 39, 151, 347, 380, 414, 475, 519, United States adoption history, 591592
520, 576, 583, 587 Middle strips. See also Column strips
lateral, 39, 283, 284, 347, 361, calculating, 386, 402
399, 415, 486, 522, 538, 544, negative reinforcing, 386
563, 573 positive reinforcing, 387
live (LL), 28, 3943, 4952, 5458, 80, Minimum reinforcements
101, 122, 123, 125, 127, 130, bar spacing, 119
139142, 144, 160, 193, 195, 196, concrete cover, 94, 118
213215, 272, 274, 282, 300, 305, main, 118, 132
312, 341, 365, 366, 378, 392, 401, one-way slabs, 117119
410, 422, 426, 437, 445, 465, 510, shrinkage and temperature, 118, 132,
511, 519 134, 506
one-way slabs, determining, 53, 113 Minimum steel ratio, 7980, 155, 156, 288
propagation of, 46 Modular ratio, 63, 206
service, 54, 57, 58, 96, 200, 201, Modulus of elasticity
207, 208, 212, 366, 398, 570, dened, 18, 20
581, 583, 587 example, 19, 63
slab behavior under, 111, 371 Modulus of rupture, 20, 21, 34, 62, 79, 146,
superimposed dead (SDL), 40, 101, 140, 148, 202, 204, 595, 603
193, 378, 392, 401, 510 Moment(s)
working, 54, 57, 64, 96, 530 with ACI Code coefcients, 101, 108,
Load balancing 125, 133
at center of span, 584 ACI Code design, 53
concept, 582, 584 bending, 34, 55, 5964, 75, 100, 108, 115,
equal loads at third points of span, 584 161, 184, 187, 195, 235, 236, 277,
method, 583 283, 284, 288, 317, 344, 380, 423,
uniform load, 583 440, 449, 457, 463, 481, 482, 495,
Load factors, 54, 55, 57, 481, 484 511, 535, 543, 576, 603
Load-path, 371 design resisting, 57, 69, 73, 82, 159, 163,
Longitudinal bars 165, 170, 172, 181, 184, 187, 190,
diameter of, 278, 290, 291 196, 334, 335
minimum number, 289 diagram of maximum, 49
spacing, 290, 291, 297, 299, 308 expression, 69, 222
spacing limits, 289, 291 at panel bay, 382
Long-term deections maximum bending, 108, 535
additional, 215 maximum, due to dead loads, 52
multiplier, 215 negative, 47, 4952, 108, 116, 129, 140,
Long-term loading, 17 141, 152, 155, 194, 195, 202, 205,
Index 671

381384, 386, 388390, 395, beams and, 9597, 398400

396, 400 beams and girders, 398
nominal resisting, 56, 69, 161, 177, 181, behavior, 111, 113, 148
184, 186, 189, 243, 426, 428, bend direction, 113
482, 602 compression zone depth calculation,
positive, 47, 49, 51, 52, 104, 116, 126, 128, 121, 124
141, 155, 161, 164, 170, 173, 204, continuous construction reinforcement,
208, 215, 225, 381, 383, 384, 386, 116, 117
388, 389, 394, 395, 399, 402 crack-control, 9597
resisting, 8083, 122, 123, 125, 181, 197, dead and live loads, 127
350, 427, 482, 493, 494, 500502 dened, 37
Moment capacity, 79, 100, 137140, 142, 166, depth selection, 9293
190, 225, 326, 328, 334336, 339, design, 115, 132
396, 604 design owchart, 99, 105, 121
Moment envelope, 49 dimension selection, 9295
effective depth calculation, 100, 109,
134, 138
N factored applied moment, 124
Negative moment, 47, 4952, 116, 129, 140, loads calculation, 43, 106
141, 194, 195, 205, 381384, 388, main reinforcement, 96, 115, 120
393, 402, 604 maximum permitted steel ratio, 120
Net tensile strain, 7275, 177, 183, 189, 335 minimum depth, 9294, 130
Neutral axis reinforcement, 37, 95, 115119
dened, 7576 reinforcement ratio, 123
location, 7577, 81, 83, 121, 162, 179, 182, reinforcing bars, 37, 94, 96, 116, 120
183, 185, 188, 192, 206208, 325, resistance coefcient calculation, 100,
329, 330 123, 134
maximum depth, 77 shrinkage and temperature reinforcement,
principal tension orientation, 241, 242 115, 119, 124, 125, 128, 130, 144
T-beams, 155, 156, 208, 211 shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
Nominal load capacity, 295 design, 118, 137
Nominal moment simple span reinforcement, 116, 117
calculating, 323, 326 span/depth ratio, 92, 397
strength, 56, 318 thickness, 119, 122, 397, 399
Nominal resisting moment thickness selection, 378
doubly-reinforced beams, 177, 181 Organic layers, 420
plain concrete wall footings, 428 Overreinforced sections, 67
Nominal strength, 56, 243 Overturning. See also Retaining walls
Noncohesive soils, 404 dened, 493
Notations, ACI, 288 moment, 493, 494, 499502, 543
safety against, 494, 500, 503

One-way joists. See also Floor systems P
ACI Code designation, 395 Passive earth pressure, 475, 495, 497
beam sections, 397 Pedestals, 277, 278
square-/tapered-end pan layouts, 397 Pier foundations
standard pans, 396 caissons, 417
One-way shear dened, 417
rectangular footing, 462, 469 illustrated, 417
square spread footing, 440, 441, 448 Pile foundation
One-way slab. See also Slabs battered piles, 415, 416
analysis, 53, 120 dened, 414
analysis owchart, 121 end-bearing piles, 415
672 Index

Pile foundation (cont.) total losses, 581

illustrated, 415, 416 ultimate strength, 577, 581, 582
pile layouts, 415, 416 Prestressing, 572, 574
Plain bars, 30 average losses, 581
Plain concrete wall footings loss of, 576, 577, 579581
ACI Code recommendations, 425, 426 posttensioning, 572, 574576
bending moment, 423 pretensioning, 572574
design, 421, 422, 424, 426, 428 process, 572
design owchart, 424 types, 572, 574576
dimensions, 422, 423, 427 Prestressing steel, 33. See also Steel
illustrated, 426 high-strength wire use, 577
moment, 423, 425, 427, 428 relaxation of, 579
nominal resisting moment, 426, 428 stress-strain curve, 577, 578
pressure on supporting soil, 425 Pretensioning
strength reduction factor, 426 dened, 33, 572
thickness, 422, 423, 425428 double tees, 574
width, 421423, 427 grout key, 573
Plastic shrinkage, 25, 26 hollow core decks, 573
Point supports, 111, 372, 535 prestressing strands, 572, 578
Portland cement Principal planes, 240
dened, 4 Principal stress, 240, 241
expense, 5 Principal tensions
materials, 4, 5 orientation above neutral axis, 240, 241
particle size, 5 orientation below neutral axis, 241, 242
Positive moment, 49, 51, 52, 104, 116, 126, potential cracks perpendicular to, 241, 242
141, 155, 161, 164, 170, 173, 204, Propagation
208, 215, 225, 402 of forces/moments between beams/
Posttensioning columns, 48
advantages, 576 of internal forces, 4648
curved tendons, 575 Proprietary mechanical splices, 225
dened, 33, 575 Punching shear
draped strands, 576 rectangular footing, 438, 461
load balancing, 583 P- effects
pretensioning vs., 574 ACI Code, 362
Pound-force (lbf), 593, 594 dened, 362
Pound-mass (lbm), 593, 594 on columns with sidesway, 362, 364
Pressure bulb, 408, 409 on columns without sidesway, 362, 363
Prestressed concrete
advantages, 571
beams, 567, 568, 570, 573, 576, R
583585, 587 Raft foundation, 412, 414
concrete, 567, 568, 570574, 576, 577, Rankine theory, 475
579588, 590 Ratio, 312
elastic shortening, 578 Reaction forces, 44, 47, 540, 554, 559, 560
friction losses in curved tendons, 579, 580 Rebound hammer test, 16
introduction to, 567571 Rectangular reinforced footing
load balancing, 582584, 587 bar spacing in long direction, 471, 472
loss of prestressing, 576578, 580 bar spacing in short direction, 472
materials, 577 critical sections, 468, 469, 471
prestressing steel, 577, 582 design example, 465
shallow depths, 571 design owchart, 466
shrinkage, 574 design steps, 460, 466
span-depth ratios, 571 dowel bars, 465, 473
Index 673

long direction reinforcement, 463 section dimensions, 98

one-way shear, 462, 468 shear, 235241
reinforcement distribution plan, 465 strain distribution, 60, 61
required area determination, 460, 465 stress distribution, 60, 61
required reinforcement, 463, 464, 469 subject to exure and shear only, 262
shear, 467 total depth calculation, 106
short direction reinforcement, 464 ultimate strength, 59, 74
thickness, 460, 467469 width, 9496
two-way shear, 461, 468 Reinforced concrete structures
use, 460 ACI Code, 3
Reinforced concrete continuity, 93
advantages, 37 monolithic construction, 93
disadvantages, 38 self-weight, 106
heavy structural members, 38 structural design, 3841
integrity, 37, 216 Reinforced concrete wall footings
low maintenance, 37 design, 429, 430, 432
material, 1, 3 design example, 432, 433, 435, 436
resistance to re/water, 37 design owchart, 431
shoring/forms requirement, 38 design steps, 429
tensile strength, 20, 38 effective depth, 430
Reinforced concrete basement wall design factored pressure, 430
architectural requirements, 487 minimum required reinforcement, 435
bar spacing, 489 moment calculation, 432
owchart, 488 shear, 429431
maximum moment calculation, 488, 490 shear strength, 431
reinforcement requirement, 489, 492 thickness, 429
steps, 488 Reinforcement, 72
thickness, 487489 Reinforcement development, 216233
vertical reinforcement requirement, 489 Reinforcing bars
Reinforced concrete beams center-to-center distance, 97
amount of reinforcement, 98 maximum spacing, 96
analysis, 8092 multiple layers, minimum space, 94
deection, 200216 one-way slabs, 115119
depth selection, 9293 single layer, minimum space, 94
design, 98110 Reinforcing steel
design examples, 101110 area requirement calculation, 132
design owchart, 98, 99 deformed, 30
dimension selection, 9295 price, 98
economy, 104 steel bars, 30
effective depth, 59 WWR, 30
exural design, 5865 Resistance coefcient
geometrical proportioning, 104 dened, 87
materials, 98 doubly-reinforced beams, 190, 195
maximum bending moment, 108 one-way slabs, 123
method I, 8086 T-beams, 158
method II, 8692 Resisting moment
minimum bar spacing, 94 calculating, 69, 80, 83, 122, 123, 159
minimum depth, 93 design, 57, 69, 73, 82, 159, 163, 170, 172,
minimum steel ratio, 7980 181, 184, 187, 190, 196, 334, 335
minimum width, 95 doubly-reinforced beams, 177, 181,
parameters, 80 184, 186
preliminary weight estimate, 106 L-beam, 159, 161
recommended depth, 92, 94 nominal, 56, 69, 161, 177, 181, 184, 186,
required area of steel, 98, 106 189, 426, 428, 482, 602
674 Index

Resisting moment (cont.) duality, 238

retaining walls, 493, 494 factored, 247, 254, 376, 378, 380, 440
short columns with large eccentricity, at slabs and plates, 375380
336347 force, 47, 235, 245, 248, 250, 253, 265, 272,
T-beam, 165, 172 375, 440, 448, 456, 461, 462, 481,
Retaining walls. See also Earth supporting 482, 511, 598, 604
walls force diagrams, 34, 251, 254, 255, 259,
behavior, 493 260, 603
buttress, 496 horizontal stress, 237
cantilever, 495 maximum, 271, 272, 380, 604
counterfort, 495 punching, 375, 378, 438, 441, 461
design, 493 rectangular reinforced footing, 461, 462
examples, 493, 499 reinforced concrete wall footings, 428436
forces on, 493, 494 reinforcement design, 242249, 269
gravity, 494, 495 resistance, 243, 244, 407, 429
overturning moment, 493, 494 resolution into diagonal components, 238
resisting moment, 494 square spread footing, 436459
safety against overturning, 494 strength against, 244
safety against sliding, 495 strength calculation, 262264, 402
shear key, 497 substituted by diagonal components, 238
stability analysis, 498 total resisting, 247
types of, 496 on unit-size cube within beam, 237
vertical soil pressure under, 496 vertical, 238, 244, 275
weep hole, 476, 497 Shear key, 497, 498, 508
Retarders, 10, 521 Shear periphery
Roller support, 44 at corner, 377
critical, 376, 378
dened, 376, 377
S lost effective, 377
Secant modulus, 18, 19 Shear reinforcement
Self weight, 6, 21, 28, 39, 41, 106, 107, 139, ACI Code requirements, 245
143, 253, 258, 273, 305, 307, 366, concept, 242
373, 392, 505, 520, 545, 558, 584, critical section for stirrup design, 176,
585, 587 249, 250
Service loads dened, 242249
dened, 54 design, 242249, 269
maximum stress in reinforcement, 96 design yield strength, 250
Settlement, soil stirrup spacing, 176, 246
differential, 38, 410, 414 zone 1, 246
uniform, 25, 410 zone 2, 246
Shallow foundations. See also Foundations zone 3, 246249
combined footings, 411 Short columns
illustrated, 411 dened, 285, 294
isolated spread footing, 413 failure, 285, 294, 302
mat, 411 Short columns with large eccentricity
strap footings, 411 analysis owchart, 338, 340
wall footings, 411 analysis of compression-controlled
Shear(s) columns, 337
in beams, 241, 274, 275 analysis of non-compression controlled
capacity, 166, 251, 263, 396, 448, 454456, columns, 339347
461, 462, 468 analysis with interaction diagrams,
carried by stirrups, calculating, 253 336347
distribution, 379 axial load capacities, 342, 344
Index 675

behavior assumption, 353 drying, 25, 26

capacity, 339, 348 effects mitigation, 26
convergence determination, 352 prestressed concrete, 576, 577, 581
design, 347358 reinforcement, 116117, 144, 146
design owchart, 348, 349, 351 setting, 25
design of compression-controlled columns, Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
347, 348, 350, 352 amount of spacing, 122
design of non-compression-controlled design, 118, 132, 137
columns, 349358 maximum bar spacing, 119
factored loads and moments, 347, 352, 368 minimum, 130, 435
interaction diagram selection, 336347 one-way slabs, 144
nondimensional parameters, 357 Similarity of triangles, 179, 181
required area of steel, 349, 352, 353 Simultaneous failure, 67
resisting load and moment, 341 SI system. See also Metric system
resizing, 350, 357 British system of units conversion, 594
size, 347, 349351 dened, 591
size estimation, 353, 354, 356 examples, 591
spirals, 337, 339, 341, 343, 350, 352, kilogram, 592
354356, 358 prexes, 592
steel ratio, 337, 342, 343, 345, 350, units, conversion to, 592, 605
352354, 356358 Size, minimizing, 95
strength reduction factor, 337, 345 Slab(s)
ties, 339, 341, 342, 344, 346, 350, 352354 in beam girder oor system, 112
Short columns with small eccentricity behavior under loads, 113115
analysis, 294302 dimensions, 111, 116, 371
analysis owchart, 297 edge supported, 114
analysis steps, 296 at, 372373, 380, 381, 383, 390392, 584
axial load strength, 295 at plate, 111, 113, 372373, 375381, 383,
balanced failure condition, 318 402, 584
bar selection, 303, 304 geometry, 113
behavior, 285287 load distribution, 114, 399, 400
design cost reduction, 302 minimum cover, 118
design owchart, 304, 311 one-way, 37149, 151, 372, 397399, 480
design steps, 301316 supported by walls, 113
factored axial loads, 298, 303, 310 supports, 111, 113, 372, 400
load capacity, 295, 299, 302 support types, 43, 420
longitudinal bar spacing, 291 two-way, 111, 113, 148, 372, 381, 399400
maximum capacity, 286 wafe, 392395, 400402, 571
minimum practical size, 310 Slab bands, 402
nominal load capacity, 295 Slender columns. See also Columns
required area, 303, 304, 307, 308, 310, braced, 284, 285, 360362
312, 313 buckling, 285, 289, 358362
required area of steel calculation, 303, dened, 358
304, 310 design complexity, 362
safety requirement, 289 slenderness ratio, 285, 358362
steel ratio, 288, 291, 292, 296, 298, 299, unbraced, 284, 285, 360362
301, 304, 308310, 312, 315 Slenderness ratio
ties, 289, 290, 298300, 302, 303 dened, 358
under load, 285287 effective length, 285, 359
useful capacity, 302 Sliding. See also Retaining walls
Short-term loading, 16, 18 dened, 497
Shrinkage resistance, 474, 475, 495, 497
compensating cement, 26 Slump test
cracks, 26, 27 dened, 1213
dened, 2527 slump cone, 12
676 Index

Soil Splices
allowable bearing pressure, 410, 511 compression, 225, 445, 459
classication, 404 of reinforcement, 224233
coarse-grained, 403, 405 proprietary mechanical, 225
cohesive, 404, 408, 412, 417, 475 tension, 218219, 224
constituents, 408 welded, 224, 225
expansive, 420 Split-barrel sampler, 405, 406
failure under footings, 406407 Square column, 303, 310, 313, 350, 352, 366,
ne-grained, 404, 405 379, 461
lateral pressures, 511 Square spread footing. See also Footings
noncohesive, 404 bending moment, 440, 449
settlement, 408410 critical sections, 438, 439
Standard Penetration Test (SPT), 404405 design, 436459
test borings, 404405 design examples, 451, 452
types, 410, 411, 476 design owchart, 466
vertical pressure under retaining wall, design steps, 437
496, 497 nominal shear capacity, 454
wedge, 407, 474 one-way shear, 440, 441
Soil pressure required area of steel, 438, 439, 442, 450,
allowable bearing, 403, 410411 463, 464
lateral, 474, 484, 499, 502 required reinforcement, 442, 449, 457,
under footing, 420421 463, 469
vertical, under retaining walls, 496 shear, 438441
Soil pressure under footings shear capacity calculation, 455
distribution, 420421 size determination, 446, 453
failure, 406407 thickness, 438
Southern Building Code Conference two-way shear, 438, 440, 441, 447
International (SBCCI), 3 use, 436, 438, 442, 445, 450
Span/depth ratio, 92, 393, 397, 582 Standard Penetration Test (SPT), 404406
Spiral(s) Steel. See also Reinforcing steel
clear space between, 302 behavior under stress, 29
composition, 277, 278 compression, 176, 177, 179, 181186, 189,
diameter, 315, 355 190, 192, 193, 198200, 319, 320,
maximum pitch, 316 322, 323, 325, 326, 329, 330
pitch, 293, 305, 312, 315, 316, 356 modulus of elasticity, 177, 206
short columns with large eccentricity, 337, net tensile strain, 7275, 183, 189, 335
339, 341, 350, 352, 354356, 358 percentage, limitations, 70
steel design, 304, 312 prestressing, 580
steel ratio, 291, 292, 298, 301, 304, reinforcing, 24, 26, 2835, 38, 59, 6366,
312, 315 70, 72, 75, 78, 79, 97, 104, 120,
Spiral columns. See also Columns 132, 147, 215, 216, 244, 398, 532,
dened, 304, 312 577, 578
design steps, 288, 304, 356 spiral, 291, 292, 298, 301, 304, 312, 315
failure, 285 stress-strain diagram, 16, 17, 29, 65, 66
gross area calculation, 288, 293, 310, tensile, 60, 6264, 75, 96, 239, 329,
312, 349 424, 426
illustrated, 286, 289, 293 Steel bars
minimum number of bars, 289, 304, 312 deformed, 29
required area of steel, 303, 304, 308, 312 epoxy-coated, 219, 229
required column area, 309 identication, 31
size, 312 mechanical properties, 30
Spiral reinforcement, spacing/amount plain, 30
limits, 291 sizes, 31
Index 677

Steel ratio ultimate, 17, 33, 5459, 65, 68, 74, 75,
balanced, 7172 7780, 96, 98, 218, 296, 382,
calculation, 70, 72, 120, 123, 165, 432 581, 582
dened, 70 useable, 56, 57
design, 104, 356 Strength reduction factor
minimum, 7980, 155, 156, 288 dened, 56
short columns, 350 obtaining, 89, 345
short columns with large eccentricity, value, 79, 100, 158
336358 Stress
spiral, 291, 292, 298, 301, 304, 312, 315 after cracking, 63
T-beam, 155 axial compressive, 282, 583
Stirrups. See also Shear reinforcement bending, 62, 282, 317, 524, 527529, 533,
closed, 246, 266, 380 535, 539, 546, 558
design owchart, 252 bond, 216218
design procedure, 251261 column, distribution, 325
design zones, 246, 250261 compression, 16, 64, 66, 151, 282, 295, 317
oor beam, 258 compression steel, 177, 182, 183, 189, 323,
horizontal, 270 325, 326, 330
layout illustration, 261 cracked rectangular section, 205
minimum amount, 245, 260 distribution, 6061, 64, 319
number of legs of, 251 distribution, at failure, 320
shear resistance, 250, 259 Euler buckling, 358, 359
size, limiting, 250 horizontal shear, 237
spacing, 220, 244, 245, 247, 253, maximum bending, 22
255257, 260 prestressed beam, 581
spacing, calculating, 246, 247 principal, 241, 581
spacing, maximum, 246, 247 steel behavior under, 2935
Strain tensile, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 33, 60, 62, 63, 96,
after cracking, 63 151, 235, 239, 241, 329, 424, 426,
columns, distribution, 325, 328, 329 567, 570, 582, 587, 596
compression steel, 177, 182, 185, 186, 188, on unit cube, 240, 241
192, 198, 319, 320, 322, 323, 329 units of, 87
cracked rectangular section, 205 yield, 30, 70, 295, 322
distribution, at failure, 67, 71, 320 Stress-strain diagram
doubly-reinforced beams, 177 bilinear, 65, 66
net tensile, 7275, 177, 183, 189, 335 illustrated, 17, 29
tensile steel, 179, 188, 321, 322, 328, zone, 29, 30
330, 339 Structural design
ultimate useful, 17, 65, 318, 335 iterative nature, 39
Strain distribution process, 3841
at balanced failure, 67, 71 Structural stiffness, 46
doubly-reinforced beams, 177 Structural Welding Code-Reinforcing
on reinforced concrete section, 80 Steel, 224
Strain hardening, 29, 65 Superimposed dead loads (SDL), 28, 3941,
Strap footing, 411, 414, 418 59, 101, 140, 144, 193, 378, 392,
Strength 401, 510
compressive, 8, 14, 1621, 38, 65, 66, 80, Superplasticizers, 8, 10, 13
294, 298, 300, 319, 332, 426, 445, Superposition, 176, 177, 583
567, 570, 582, 595, 600 Support(s)
design, 5355 absolute conditions, 44
need for, 9, 54 conditions, 44
nominal, 56 continuous media, 111
required, 57, 243, 541 hinge, 43
678 Index

Support(s) (cont.) neutral axis, 155, 159, 162, 179, 208

lateral pressure from, 478, 560 neutral axis below ange, 155, 156,
lateral, for compression steel, 199, 200 210, 211
line, 111, 372 resistance coefcient, 158, 166, 169,
one-way slab, 93, 115 172, 174
point, 111 steel ratio calculation, 156, 158, 165
roller, 44 tensile force calculation, 156, 161, 164
slab, 113, 115 total area of steel, 169, 177
Surcharge transformed section, 205, 206, 209
by additional backll height, 478 types of, 151, 156
effect, 477 values of k, 206, 207, 210
plain concrete basement wall web depth, 165, 174
design with, 490 Temperature
pressure, 486 change, 2324, 39, 487
one-way slab reinforcement, 114119
Tensile bars
T development length, 219
T-beams. See also L-beams terminated in hooks, 220223
actual effective depth, 166, 171, 172 Tensile force
analysis, 155165 amount of, 63
analysis illustration, 155, 160 doubly-reinforced beams, 176199
analysis steps, 156, 158160 for balancing compression force, 176
area of steel requirement, 155, 166, moments about the location of, 330
167, 174 Tensile steel
calculation of deections, 208 strain, 177, 321, 322, 328, 330,
compression force determination, 156, 335, 339
158, 159 strain, calculating, 181
compression zone beyond bottom of ange, Tensile stresses, 60, 6264, 96, 151, 238, 240,
155, 167 241, 329, 424, 426, 571
compression zone centroid, 159, 162 Tension bars
compression zone depth, 155, 158, 162, anchored to edge angle, 267, 268
166, 169 development length, 218219, 223
compression zone in ange, 156, 166, 170, Tension-controlled failure, 66, 73
174, 395 Tension-controlled section, 74, 75, 190
compression zone in web, 152, 153, 155, Tension splices, 224, 225
158, 174 Test borings. See also Soils
dened, 151153 distribution, 404
deection check, 163, 165, 170 sample log, 405
design, 165175 SPT and, 404405
design examples, 170, 173 Testing concrete
design owchart, 166, 168, 170 at point of delivery, 12
design resisting moment, 159, 163, 165, goals, 11
170, 172 slump test, 13
design steps, 166, 167, 169, 170 Tied columns. See also Columns
effective ange width, 153156, 161, 164, bars, size/number, 278, 288, 296, 311
166, 170, 172, 173 dened, 278, 333
gross moment of inertia, 202204 design steps, 303
illustrated, 151, 152 failure, 285
inverted, supporting double tees, 574, 575 illustrated, 278
inverted, supporting hollow core decks, minimum number of bars, 289, 303, 311
574, 575 nominal moment, 318
maximum factored moment, 158, 163, 166 required area of steel, 303, 310
minimum area of steel, 155, 156 size determination, 288, 289, 304
Index 679

Ties maximum moment calculation, 481, 482,

arrangement, 298, 300, 303, 308, 312, 314, 484486, 489
347, 600 shear force, 481, 482
arrangement illustrations, 290 steps, 480484, 486, 487
dened, 278, 529 thickness, 482, 485, 487
design, 266, 302, 303, 308, 311, 312, 350, with surcharge, 481, 482, 484, 486
352, 353, 366, 541 without surcharge, 481, 482, 484,
short columns with large eccentricity, 485, 512
336358 Useable strength, 56
spacing, 220, 289, 298, 303, 308, 311,
540, 541
spacing, maximum, 299, 313, 353 V
Transition-controlled section, 66, 74, 75, Volume changes
181, 183 creep, 2728
Transition zone, 7375, 77, 79, 81, 8385, 87, shrinkage, 27
88, 122, 159, 335, 337, 345, 346, temperature change, 2324
350, 598
Tributary area, 42, 305, 307, 555
Two-way joist system, 400. See also Wafe W
slabs Wafe slabs. See also Floor systems; Two-way
Two-way shear joist system
rectangular footing, 438, 461, 468 dened, 392
square spread footing, 436459 forming pans for, 393
Two-way slabs illustrated, 392
on beams, 110, 381, 399400 negative moment zones
design and analysis, 111, 113 reinforcing, 394
load distribution, 114, 400 plan view, 394
positive moment zones reinforcing, 394
sizes, 392, 393
U structure, 392395
Ultimate strength Wall footings. See also Footings; Shallow
beam, 56, 59, 7880, 98, 296 foundations
dened, 29 dened, 412
exural, 5658, 73, 77 design strip, 421437
prestressed concrete, 582 eccentric pressures under, 497
reinforced concrete beams, 5865 illustrated, 412, 421
Unbraced columns. See also Columns plain concrete, 421428, 510, 605
as one with sidesway, 361 reinforced concrete, 412, 421, 428437,
dened, 284 510, 605
illustrated, 284, 285 Water. See also Hydration
Unbraced frame, 284 bleeding, 25
Under-reinforced sections, 66 cementitious ratio, 6, 7
Unied soil classication system (USCS), importance, 5
404, 405 minimum amount of, 8, 26
Uniform Building Code (UBC), 2 reducing agents, 8
Uniform settlement, 410 Wedge, soil, 474
Unreinforced basement wall design. See also Weep hole, 476, 497, 498
Basement walls Welded splices. See also Splices
bending moment, 481, 482 compression, 225
example, 483, 484, 486, 487 tension, 225
factored pressure distribution, 485 Welded wire reinforcements (WWR), 30, 32,
owchart, 483 34, 250, 393, 397
680 Index

Width Workability, 710, 12, 13

beam, 9596, 108, 139, 143, 250, 251, Working load, 57, 64, 96
271, 561 Working stress design (WSD), 54
cracks, 25, 95, 96, 217, 250
effective ange, 153156, 161, 164, 166,
170, 172, 173 Y
at slab, 111 Yazoo clay, 420
plain concrete wall footings, 421, 422 Yielding, 29, 66, 72, 287, 327
reinforced concrete sections, 58 Yield stress, 29, 70, 295, 322, 325

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