Concrete Handbook
Concrete Handbook
Concrete Handbook
Concrete Handbook
A house builders guide to understanding, ordering and handling concrete and other cement-based materials
Figure 3.1 Typical mould for slump test Figure 5.10 Types of stresses
Figure 3.2 Slump test Figure 5.11 Typical bar chairs
Figure 3.3 Examples of slump Figure 5.12 Lapping of reinforcement at corners
Figure 3.4 Cylinder moulds for the two sizes for
compression tests
Figure 6.1 Settlement cracking
Figure 3.5 Compression testing
Figure 6.2 Construction joint in slab
Figure 6.3 Isolation joint between slab and wall
Figure 4.1 Placing techniques for flatwork
Figure 6.4 Sawn joint in concrete pavement
Figure 4.2 Placing techniques for walls and columns
Figure 4.3 Compaction of concrete layers by immersion
Figure 7.1 Stiffened raft
(poker) vibrator.
Figure 7.2 Waffle raft
Figure 4.4 Use of poker vibrator
Figure 7.3 Stiffened slab with deep edge beam
Figure 4.5 Use of a vibrating screed
Figure 7.4 Footing slab
Figure 4.6 Bullfloating
Figure 7.5 Strip/pad footings
Figure 4.7 Hand floating with wooden floats
Figure 7.6 Pier/pile and slab
Figure 4.8 Floating by machine
Figure 4.9 Spraying on a curing compound
Figure 8.1 Dry-shake topping being applied
Figure 8.2 A stencil being stripped
Figure 5.1 Basic ground forms
Figure 8.3 Stamping concrete
Figure 5.2 Braced formwork for slabs more than
150 mm thick
Figure 5.3 Solutions to common problems with deep
edge forms
Figure 5.4 Formwork for raft slab with rebate
Figure 5.5 Formwork for footing slab with rebate
Figure 5.6 Cantilevered formwork
Figure 5.7 Masonry formwork
Figure 5.8 Two-piece forms to provide reinforcement
Figure 5.9 Construction-joint formwork
This handbook was written, primarily, as a reference guide for
house builders and tradespeople working with concrete and
cement-based materials, although TAFE students and their
instructors will find it a helpful reference; and design profes-
sionals too will find it informative.
It gives practical information about the use of concrete and
cement-based materials – mortar and render, for example – in
the construction of houses, driveways and paths, and small
It covers the essential subjects in enough detail to give the
house builder all they need to know about good quality
concreting, and to alert them to poor practices.
More comprehensive – and technical – information about the
use of concrete in all forms of construction can be found in
the Cement & Concrete Association of Australia – Standards
Australia joint-publication: Guide to Concrete Construction.
Remember when working with cement, concrete, mortar and
other cement-based materials or prefabricated products,
always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and seek advice
from the manufacturer, WorkCover or Worksafe Australia
about working safely with these products.
If you have any doubts about working with concrete or
cement-based materials contact the Cement & Concrete
Association of Australia before starting the work; or if you are
unsure about the statutory approvals you will need contact the
HIA before starting work.
Admixture Pozzolans
A substance–other than water, aggregates or cement–added Siliceous, or alumino-siliceous materials that have little or no
to a concrete or mortar mix to improve or modify some of the cementitious properties but will, in the presence of lime and
properties of the mix, or of the resulting concrete or mortar. water, react with calcium hydroxide to form compounds with
These include colouring agents, modifiers to slow or acceler- cementitious properties. Pozzolans are better known as ‘fly
ate the setting time, plasticisers to increase workability, and ash’ and ‘silica fume’
water-reducing agents.
Aggregates An uneven distribution of fine and coarse aggregates in
The granular ingredients of a concrete or mortar mix: natural the concrete. The causes include excess water in the mix;
sand, gravel and crushed rock. Aggregates make up to 80% concrete falling more than one metre into place; cement paste
of the volume of concrete. leaking from formwork; and poor – too little or too much –
Aliphatic alcohols
Evaporation retardants, which are applied over the surface to Slump (slump test)
trap bleedwater, which in turn minimises the extent of plastic A standardised measure of the consistency of freshly-mixed
shrinkage cracking (see below) that would otherwise occur concrete. It gives an indication of the water content, and the
under hot and windy conditions. They do not affect the con- workability of the mix. Slump is one of the properties speci-
crete’s structural performance, or limit the choice of finishing fied when concrete is ordered.
techniques. They should not be confused with curing com-
Water-cement ratio
The ratio of the mass (a scientific measure of the weight) of
Cement the water in the concrete to the mass of the cement in the
All types of portland and blended cements conforming to concrete, mortar or grout. Adding water to a mix increases
AS 3972. the water-cement ratio. The higher the water-cement ratio, the
lower the strength and durability.
Consolidating the concrete mix: to fill the forms, surround the Workability
reinforcement, and expel entrapped air to achieve the The degree of ease of handling, placing and finishing con-
strength, durability and quality of finishes specified. crete or mortar. The greater the slump or water-cement ratio
(see both terms above), the greater the workability.
Keeping the surface of concrete, mortar or render damp, after
placement, to slow evaporation and to ensure enough mois-
ture for optimum hydration and subsequent hardening. Proper
curing during the early life (7-10 days) of concrete improves its
strength, and reduces cracking and dusting of surfaces.
Deposits of soluble salts that form on the surface of building
materials such as bricks, mortar, and concrete. The salts are
present in the material and migrate to the surface during
Concrete floors and pavements.
A series of chemical reactions after cement is mixed with
water, resulting in the formation of new compounds. During
hydration the cement paste progressively hardens, and the
concrete grows in strength.
A layer of weak, non-durable material brought to the surface
by bleeding, and exacerbated by overworking the surface of
wet concrete when finishing.
The mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate (sand) that
binds the coarse aggregates.
Plastic settlement cracking
Surface cracking caused when concrete settles over an
embedded object, for example reinforcing mesh or pipework,
and at a change in depth of concrete. The crack usually
appears on the surface parallel to the restraining object.
It often happens in concrete containing too much water,
and receiving insufficient compaction.
Plastic shrinkage cracking
Surface cracking caused by premature moisture loss from the
surface of plastic concrete–usually in hot and windy conditions.
Concrete is a versatile material with many uses. Good con- 2.1 Cements and supplementary cementitious materials
crete, that which achieves its specified properties, depends
The term ‘cement’ covers a wide variety of organic and inor-
first of all on the careful selection and proportioning of its con-
ganic binding agents. By far the most widely used are those
stituent materials, and on effective methods for handling, plac-
known as portland cements – finely ground inorganic materials
ing, compacting, finishing and curing.
that have a strong hydraulic binding action. These binders,
In its basic form, it is a mixture of cement, water, fine and when mixed with water, will harden in the absence of air to
coarse aggregates, which is plastic (can be worked and produce a stable, durable product.
moulded) when first mixed, and hardens to a solid mass.
Hydraulic cements manufactured in Australia fall broadly into
The properties of concrete, in its plastic and hardened states, two classes, namely portland cements and blended cements,
are affected by the physical characteristics, the chemical both produced to AS 3792.
composition, and the proportions of the ingredients in the mix-
Type GP – General purpose portland cement
ture. In its hardened state concrete must be strong enough to
Type GP cement is used as a general-purpose cement suited to
carry the loads imposed on it, and durable enough to resist
all types of construction, including major construction projects
wear, weather and chemical attack. In its plastic state it must
and in precast concrete product applications. Type GP cement
suit the methods of handling, placing, compacting and finishing.
may contain up to 5% of approved mineral additions. Mineral
The cement paste (cement and water) in the mixture lubri- additions include limestone, fly ash and blast-furnace slag.
cates the aggregates and allow them to move freely while the
Type GB – General purpose blended cement
concrete is placed and compacted. Generally, the more
Type GB cement incorporates supplementary cementitious
cement paste in the mixture, the more workable the concrete.
materials (such as fly ash) used at rates greater than 5% and
It is important that concrete delivered to site is sufficiently
typically 10 – 40%. Due to the blending of ingredients, type
workable for it to be placed and compacted by the means
GB cement has a wide range of construction applications for
available. If it is not properly placed and compacted, concrete
residential construction in concrete, grouts, mortars and ren-
will not achieve its potential strength and durability.
ders. GB cements gain strength at a lower rate than type GP
Addition of water increases the workability, but dilutes and cements but 28-day strengths are similar.
weakens the cement paste. In this respect, cement paste is
Masonry cement
like any other glue: dilution will weaken it. It is the aim of con-
Masonry cement is a finely ground mixture of portland cement
crete mix design, or proportioning, to strike a balance
clinker, gypsum and suitable inorganic materials such as
between the need for workability, so that concrete can be
hydrated lime, limestone and pozzolans. It is characterised by
placed and finished, and the need for it to be strong and
producing mortars of high workability and high water retentivi-
durable.Workability can also be improved by the use of chem-
ty, but which have a lower rate of strength development than
ical admixtures such as plasticisers.
those made from portland cement. These characteristics
Many of the characteristics of concrete, particularly its strength make masonry cement especially suitable for masonry work
and durability, depend on the development of chemical and but unsuitable for any form of structural concrete.
physical bonds: of the cement paste itself as it hydrates (see
Off-white and white portland cements
glossary), and between the cement paste and the aggregate
The grey colour of portland cement is due mainly to the pres-
particles as the concrete hardens. The chemical reaction
ence of iron in the cement. By lowering the iron content, light
between cement and water (hydration) takes time. Concrete
coloured cements can be produced. Off-white and white
must therefore be kept moist (cured) for a time to ensure that
cements are used principally for architectural applications.
hydration continues and that the concrete achieves its potential
Australian-made off-white cements are produced to meet
strength and durability.
general requirements for type GP cement. Currently all white
Technologists use a range of materials other than cement, cements are imported. Generally, these would comply with
water and aggregates to modify the properties of concrete. AS 3972.
These include pozzolanic and other cementitious materials,
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)
chemical admixtures, and special aggregates.
SCMs are defined as fly ash, blast-furnace slag and silica
fume, which are added to concrete to improve its characteristics
and properties. These additives are sourced from industry
Fly Ash is the fine residue extracted from the flue gases at
coal-fired power stations. These particles are of spherical
shape with a glassy appearance and are processed to meet
the requirements of AS 3582.1.
Blast-furnace slag is a non-metallic material produced simul-
taneously with iron in a blast furnace and which is then granu-
lated by the rapid quenching process. It possesses some
latent hydraulicity but behaves as a cement in the presence of
How do SCMs work in concrete?
When portland cement reacts with water, calcium hydroxide
is produced. This material is soluble and adds little to the
strength of concrete. Fly ash, however, reacts with the calcium
hydroxide to form insoluble cementitious compounds similar to
portland cement. Slag is also activated by calcium hydroxide
and reacts with it.
• Improved workability
3.1 Specifying
• Lower water demand for constant workability
• Reduction in bleeding 3.1.1 General
• Durable concrete
• More cohesive mix Australian Standard AS 1379 sets down a number of ways
• Longer setting period of specifying and ordering concrete to promote uniformity,
• Higher ultimate strengths efficiency and economy in production and delivery.
• Reduced heat of hydration. It refers to two classes of concrete–
• Normal-class, which is intended to cover most of the
concrete delivered to building sites. Its specification
2.2 Admixtures and ordering has been simplified as far as practicable.
• Special-class, which allows for the purchaser to incorporate
Admixtures are classified by the characteristic, or principal,
into the project specification any special requirements for
effect on the concrete. Most concrete is described by the
the project.
supplier as either a ‘summer-mix’ or a ‘winter-mix’, and will
include admixtures that affect setting times to suit the prevailing 3.1.2 Normal-class concrete
Normal-class concrete is specified by reference to basic para-
Air-entraining admixtures are added to general purpose meters which describe the characteristics of concrete suitable
concrete to improve its workability and cohesiveness and to for most purposes–
reduce the water demand, thereby reducing bleeding and • the strength grade (N20, N25, N32, N40, or N50), or the
material segregation. Excessive amounts will reduce potential corresponding characteristic strength (20, 25, 32, 40, or
strengths. 50 MPa at 28 days)
• the slump required at the point of delivery (20 –120 mm)
Set-retarding admixtures slow the setting of concrete. They
• the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate
are useful during warm to hot weather, and when a concrete
(10, 14 or 20 mm)
mix must be transported long distances.
• the level of entrained air (if required)
Set-accelerating admixtures reduce the setting times of
In addition, the order for concrete should specify–
concrete. They are often used during cool weather.
• the intended method of placement
Water-reducing admixtures disperse the cement particles • if the project assessment is to be carried out by the supplier
and improve the workability of the concrete without the
3.1.3 Special-class concrete
addition of water.
In general terms, special-class is concrete specified other
Superplasticisers increase fluidity of concrete; improving
than normal-class. It will be specified where the concrete will
the workability for easier placement where, for example,
be used in harsh environments, particularly where corrosive
reinforcement is congested or the formwork makes placement
elements are present (such as air-borne pollution or corrosive
difficult. Working time depends on the type and dosage.
ground waters) or where the concrete will be used in the
Using superplasticisers does not remove the need for proper
construction of liquid-retaining structures designed for holding
substances that require a special, resistant concrete.
2.3 Water
3.2 Ordering
Most concrete specifications simply require that mixing water
For most housing projects, ordering normal-class concrete is
shall be potable, ie fit for drinking; or that it be clean and free
from impurities harmful to concrete. Generally, water drawn
from reticulated town-water supplies is suitable for making
A typical specification is–
Strength 20 MPa
Aggregate size 20 mm
Slump 80 mm
The purchaser can ask for a higher slump to make the concrete
easier to place. This will help when manual placement is
necessary because of restricted access to parts of a project;
or when an 80-mm slump might prove difficult to work, for
example around congested reinforcement.
To produce a suitable mix, the supplier should always be
advised of the task being undertaken, eg footings, floor slabs
or driveways.
possible to alter the timing of the deliveries (or some proper-
ties of the concrete, notably slump) if, after placing has start-
ed, the original specification is found to be unsatisfactory.
3.3 Testing
3.3.1 General
Builders will find it beneficial to have an understanding of the
reasons and procedures for testing concrete. We explain here
why and when tests are done.
Concrete supplied for floor slabs and driveways in particular,
should be subject to slump and compression tests in accor-
dance with Australian Standard AS 1379-1997 The specifica-
tion and supply of concrete.
A slump test is carried out on plastic (freshly mixed) concrete,
whereas a compression test is carried out on hardened
concrete, usually at 28 days after placement. The slump test
measures the mix consistency and workability, and gives an
indication of the amount of water in the mix, which will affect
the eventual strength of the concrete (see p1 Concrete
Properties). The compression test measures the compressive
strength of hardened concrete. The testing is done in a
laboratory using a concrete sample made on site from a
cylinder mould. Testing is a specialised procedure and should
be carried out by experienced qualified people.
Figure 3.1: Typical mould for slump test
Builders have the choice of taking responsibility for testing or
they can order pre-mixed concrete from a manufacturer that The slump test is covered by AS 1012.3
undertakes testing. Many suppliers of pre-mixed concrete
have quality assurance systems that, among other checks, The tools used are–
make periodical tests of the grades of the concrete they
• Standard slump cone (see fig. 3.1)
commonly supply. If builders order from a pre-mixed concrete
• Small scoop/shovel
manufacturer that undertakes testing it is important that they
• Bullet-nosed rod (600 mm long x 16 mm diameter)
examine the delivery docket (referred to as an Identification
• Rule
Certificate in AS 1379 ) to ensure it matches their specifica-
• Steel float
tions. They should be sure that the docket indicates the four
• Slump plate (500 mm x 500 mm).
main attributes of a specification, namely class, strength,
aggregate size and slump. They should retain this documenta-
tion for their records. The method (see fig. 3.2) is as follows–
1 The clean slump cone should be dampened with water
Builders taking responsibility for testing are advised to
and placed on the slump plate. The slump plate should be
engage a testing laboratory accredited by the National
clean, firm, level and non-absorbent.
Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA).
2 Collect a sample from the batch of concrete. This should
We summarise, below, the testing procedures for the two be done within 20 minutes of the concrete arriving on site
tests should the builder want to undertake their own testing and after the first 0.2 m2 of the load has been discharged.
or witness the procedure and be sure that it has been done 3 Stand firmly on the foot plates of the cone and fill 1/3 the
properly. volume of the cone from the sample. Compact the concrete
by ‘rodding’ 25 times.
3.3.2 The slump test
Rodding is to push a steel rod in and out of the concrete
Pre-mixed concrete manufacturers generally proportion the to compact it into the slump cone or cylinder mould.
concrete mix with consideration to the travel time and ambient Always rod in a definite pattern, working from outside into
temperature so that the concrete meets the specification at the middle.
the time of delivery. They are not required by AS 1379-1997
to carry out a slump test on site, unless water is added to the 4 Now fill to 2/3 and again rod 25 times, just into the top of
mix during the discharge of the concrete, in which case the the first layer.
concrete must be thoroughly re-mixed in accordance with the 5 Fill to overflowing, rodding again, this time just into the
Standard and a slump test carried out on the remainder of the top of the second layer. Top up the cone until it overflows.
batch to ensure it remains within the tolerances of the speci- 6 Level off the surface with the steel float. Clean any concrete
fied slump. The tolerances of an 80-mm slump are plus/minus from around the base and top of the cone; push down on
15 mm. The amount of water added to the mix should be the handles and step off the footplates.
recorded on the delivery docket. 7 Very slowly lift the cone straight up, making sure not to
move the sample.
8 Turn the cone upside down and place the rod across the
If a builder has serious concerns that the concrete mix is not upturned cone.
the specified slump they should request an on-site slump test. 9 Measure the average distance to the top of the sample.
If the builder undertakes the responsibility for slump testing, 10 If the sample is outside the tolerance (ie the slump is too
samples should be taken on site from concrete discharged high or too low), another must be taken. If this also fails,
directly from the agitator truck. the batch should be rejected.
The making of compression-test cylinders is covered by
AS 1012.9.
The tools used are–
• Cylinders (See fig. 3.4: 100-mm diameter x 200-mm high
or 150-mm diameter x 300-mm high. The smaller cylinders
are used for most testing because they are lighter).
• Small scoop
• Bullet-nosed rod (600 mm long x 16 mm diameter)
• Steel float
• Steel plate
1 Clean the cylinder mould and coat the inside lightly CONCRETE
with form oil and place on a clean, level and firm
4.1 Transporting
surface, ie the steel plate.
2 Collect a sample from the batch of concrete. 4.1.1 General
3 Fill the volume of the mould with concrete then compact
by rodding 25 times. When water is added to cement it triggers hydration, setting
4 Fill the cylinder to overflowing and rod 25 times first into begins and the concrete mix begins losing workability. Plan to
the top of the first layer, then top up the mould until avoid delays in deliveries from the batching plant, on the road
overflowing. and on the site. Delays reduce the amount of time to place
5 Level off the top with the steel float and clean any concrete while it is still workable. Additional mixing of the con-
concrete from around the mould. crete may be necessary on site, further delaying placement.
6 Place cap on cylinder, clearly tag the cylinder and put it The setting process is also accelerated in high temperatures.
in a cool, dry place to set for at least 24 hours.
7 After the mould is removed, the cylinder is sent to the To avoid premature setting and difficult placement, adopt the
laboratory where it is cured and crushed to test following procedures–
compressive strength (see fig 3.5). • Select a pre-mix supplier close to the site to reduce
travelling time.
• Provide good access for trucks to enter, and clear space for
turning and manoeuvring, to allow for the quick discharge
of the load.
• Ensure that adequate labour is on hand to reduce the
unloading time for the concrete.
• Always try to finish the placement of all reinforcement,
erection of formwork and site inspections at least 24
hours beforehand.
• Check that all mechanical appliances are in working order
the day before placement to allow time for replacement or
repair if needed.
• When pumping concrete, plan delivery schedules with
enough time between loads to avoid delaying trucks.
• Consider using a pump if the weather is unpredictable.
Overnight rain can limit access to the site and reduce the
amount of time for placement.
• When access through a neighbouring property is necessary,
ensure authorised passage beforehand to prevent delays
arising from misunderstandings.
• Check that all underground services have adequate load
bearing cover to prevent damage and rectification work.
• Where trucks must be driven over trenches, provide strong
bridging to carry a fully laden vehicle. A loaded concrete
truck bogged in a trench will cause long delays.
• If the soil-bearing capacity is in doubt, do not bring trucks
in – pump only.
• Have all tools, equipment and materials at hand to avoid
4.1.2 The addition of water
Concrete will lose many essential properties if water is added
to it on site. The addition of water will alter the water-cement
ratio (see glossary), diluting and weakening the cement-paste,
which is the essential ingredient that binds the mass.
Many concreting contractors mistakenly assume it is accept-
able to add water on site to improve workability. The need to
add water is often due to incorrect specification of the con-
crete mix or ordering details.
Adding unspecified amounts of water on site should be avoided.
The correct way to adjust this is to add water and cement at
rates that maintain the specified water-cement ratio. Always
discuss these matters with the plant manager or batcher.
In certain situations, the addition of polypropylene fibres will
reduce both the slump and workability of the concrete.
The table below summarises the properties affected by the
addition of water.
Property/performance Effect
Commence placing at one corner Random placing can result in
of the formwork. segregation and makes it more Workability Increased
difficult to achieve correct levels.
Compressive strength Decreased
Incidence of shrinkage cracks Increased
Chance of dusting surfaces Increased
Chance of segregation Increased
Volume of bleedwater Increased
Value of compaction Decreased
Value of curing Decreased
If either the final surface or the Placing commenced from the Durability Decreased
soffit is sloping, commence highest point makes it more
Permeability/absorption Increased
placing at the lowest point difficult to achieve correct levels
and can lead to segregation as
the concrete tends to settle down
the slope 4.2 Placing
4.2.1 General
Common placement methods, other than chute placement
and pumping, require barrowing the concrete to position or
and drop manual shovelling; usually in successive placements.
Barrowing concrete over reinforcement is often necessary.
Prevent displacement of the reinforcement by supporting
running boards above the reinforcement on blocks.
It is important not to over-handle the concrete as this can lead
to segregation of materials (see glossary) and result in poor
If placing on a sloping surface The velocity from the free-end
with a chute, always use a baffle chute tends to carry the concrete The most important rule is to avoid segregation during place-
and drop at the end of the chute. down the slope, separating the ment. Concrete should be placed vertically and as near as
aggregate, which goes to the possible to its final position. When it must be moved, it should
bottom of the slope. be shovelled into position and not forced to flow into position.
Other techniques for avoiding segregation during placement
depend on the type of element being constructed and on the
type of distribution equipment being used.
For flatwork and slabs incorporating ribs and beams (shallow
forms) the techniques shown in figure 4.1 should be adopted.
For walls and columns (deep, narrow forms), problems occur
when the concrete is dropped from too great a height and
Regardless of the distribution Depositing concrete away from
method, always deposit concrete the face of that already placed
into the face of that already can cause poor intermixing and
placed. segregation
Figure 4.1: Placing techniques for flatwork Figure 4.2: Placing techniques for walls and columns.
ricochets off the reinforcement and form-faces, resulting in 4.3.2 Methods
segregation. The means of avoiding this vary with the type of
distribution equipment being used (see fig. 4.2). The use of a
tremmie could prove the most practical solution.
4.2.2 Placing in layers
To improve compaction of the concrete, place concrete in
layers of a suitable depth for the compaction equipment.
Layers that are too deep make it virtually impossible to
adequately compact the concrete (see fig. 4.3), leaving
entrapped air, which will create voids and blowholes in the
surface of the concrete, and prevent it achieving its potential
durability and strength.
4.2.3 Cold joints
Placing concrete in a continuous pour, if practicable, avoids
the formation of cold joints. Cold joints are formed when fresh
concrete is placed against the face of concrete that is about
to set. The cracks resulting from cold joints will pass through Figure 4.4: Use of poker vibrator
the full depth of the slab.
Cold joints can be avoided by working ‘hot-on-hot’, which Poker vibrators (see fig. 4.4) are good for expelling
skilled paviours can do with enough labour at hand. When entrapped air in deep forms: beams, columns and walls. The
cold joints could occur – due to hot or windy weather, or poker will allow easy placement of what appears to be stiff
delays for example – it is good practice to blend the faces by concrete. Vibration will liquefy the mix and reduce demands
revibrating the concrete or to compact the joint with a shovel for extra water.
in a tossing motion to re-blend the faces. They have an effective radius of between 100 mm and 600
Cold joints often occur when temporary internal formwork must mm depending upon the casing diameter and the specific
be removed, which is common practice for internal step-downs amplitude of the device. They should be inserted quickly and
and set downs. Good planning of formwork will avoid this. removed slowly. They should not be dragged over the rein-
forcement but inserted vertically. Adequate compaction is sig-
nalled when the surface bubbling subsides.
4.3 Compaction and vibration Vibrating screeds (see fig. 4.5) are the preferred method for
4.3.1 General vibrating and compacting concrete flatwork for slabs up to
180 mm thick. Lower-slump concrete can be used if com-
Compaction of concrete is undertaken to improve its overall pacting this way. This method is often the most effective and
performance. The most common form of compaction is economical option for long, continuous pours.
vibration, undertaken with a poker or needle vibrator, but
this is not the only method. Tamping with the screed board on thin ground slabs is an
effective method of compaction. In certain situations, tamping
Proper compaction and expelling of entrapped air can greatly with wood floats and surface working closes up some types
reduce the incidence of plastic settlement cracking over deep of cracking.
beams and fabric/bar reinforcement or restraints.
Rodding with a purpose-made rodding tool or equivalent, is
Properties improved by compaction – effective for compacting piers or where pokers cannot be
• Strength and density inserted; especially where fabric reinforcement is congested
• Bond to fabric reinforcement and inserted structural and space is limited. Shovels can be used for rodding at
anchors and hold-downs beam edges, around pipes and penetrations and at placement
• Hardness of wearing surface joints to re-work the old and new pours to prevent cold joints.
• Reduced risk of plastic settlement cracking
• Off-the-form finishes. External vibration can be done simply (where other methods
cannot be used) by using a hammer to tap the form or boxing.
The concrete in contact with the form is vibrated and com-
pacts, improving the surface finish.
Re-vibration is used to blend cold joints, to close plastic
shrinkage and plastic settlement cracking; to increase the
potential strength of previously vibrated concrete; and to
improve bonding to reinforcement when concrete is placed in
layers (for example structural elements or deep beam sections).
4.4 Finishing
4.4.1 Screeding
Screeding is the operation of levelling the concrete after it is
placed in the forms and roughly distributed with shovels. It is
done by hand, or by means of vibrating-beam screeds, which
work off the forms or guide rails. It should be done before
bleedwater rises to the surface.
Hand screeding off edge forms involves the use of a screed
Figure 4.5: Use of a vibrating screed
board (or beam) to strike off the concrete to the required
height. The striking surface of a screed board should always
be straight and true. The surface is struck off by pulling the
screed board forward, while moving it back and forth in a
sawing-like motion across the top of the edge forms. A small
roll or surcharge of concrete should always be kept ahead of
the screed. Surface hollows created by aggregate ‘roll out’ or
insufficient surcharge in front of the screed should always be
filled immediately to prevent variations in floor levels.
4.4.2 Floating
The purpose of floating is to make the surface even and open
in texture, ready for finishing.
Figure 4.6: Bullfloating
Floating is working the surface of concrete with hand floats,
bullfloats or with rotary finishing machines fitted with suitable
floats or shoes. Generally, it should not begin until all bleed-
water has evaporated from the surface, or has been carefully
removed with a hessian drag or garden hose; and the con-
crete is hard enough to withstand foot traffic with only minor
indentations in the surface. These indentations are removed
by the floating operation.
• embeds large aggregate particles beneath the surface;
• removes slight imperfections and produces a surface
closer to the true plane;
• compacts the concrete and consolidates mortar at the
surface, preparing it for finishing; and
• closes minor surface cracks, which might appear as the
surface dries. Figure 4.7: Hand floating with wooden floats
Bullfloating The bullfloat (see fig. 4.6) is a large float on a
long handle, which is worked back and forth on the concrete
in a direction parallel to the ridges formed by screeding.
Bullfloating is useful as an initial floating operation to smooth
the concrete surface immediately after screeding, and should
be completed before bleedwater appears on the surface. A
second use of the bullfloat may be required but care must be
taken not to overwork the surface.
Floating by hand Three types of hand float are in common
use: wooden, magnesium and composition.
The hand float is held flat on the surface and moved in a
sweeping arc to embed the aggregate, compact the concrete,
and remove minor imperfections and cracks (see fig. 4.7).
The surface may sometimes be floated a second time – after
some hardening has taken place – to impart the final texture to
the concrete.
Floating by machine (see fig.4.8) Float blades are wider than
trowel blades and are turned up along the edges to prevent
them digging into the surfaces in the flat position. For this rea- Figure 4.8: Floating by machine
son, floating with a trowelling machine equipped with normal
trowel blades should not be attempted. The power-float 4.5.2 Curing methods
should be operated over the concrete in a regular pattern,
Curing methods include–
leaving a matt finish. Surfaces near to obstructions, or in slab
• Curing compounds applied by spray or roller.
corners, that cannot be reached with a power-float should be
• Polythene sheeting placed and secured over the concrete
manually floated before power floating.
to prevent evaporation.
4.4.3 Trowelling • Formwork for edge beams and face panels left in place.
• Ponding water on the concrete surface where practicable.
Trowelling is carried out some time after floating. The delay is
to allow some stiffening to take place so aggregate particles The practice of intermittent wetting down morning and night is
are not torn out of the surface. not curing and can cause greater harm to the concrete by
causing expansion and contraction, increasing the incidence
Trowelling by hand A trowel for hand finishing has a flat,
of shrinkage cracking – or craze-cracking.
broad steel blade and is used in a sweeping arc motion with
each pass overlapping the previous one. For trowelling to be
most effective, the timing of the operation calls for some
4.5.3 Curing compounds
experience and judgement, but in general terms, when the
trowel is moved across the surface it should give a ringing Curing compounds are liquids that can be sprayed, brushed,
sound. or squeegeed (usually sprayed, see fig. 4.9) directly onto
concrete surface, which dry to form a relatively impermeable
For the first trowelling (often referred to as ‘breaking’), the
membrane that limits the loss of moisture from the concrete.
trowel blade should be kept as flat against the surface as
Their properties and use are described in AS 3799.
possible because tilting, or pitching, the trowel at too great an
angle can create ripples on the surface. More trowelling Use of curing compounds
increases the smoothness, density, and wear resistance of • Easy to apply with either spray or roller
the surface. Successive trowelling operations should be made • Allow construction to continue unhindered
with smaller trowels at increasing pitches. This increases the • Applied immediately after finishing
pressure at the bottom of the blade and compacts the surface. • Fugitive dyes assist in assessing coverage
• Rate of coverage is affected by the actual surface finishes,
Later trowelling, after further hardening, will increase the
eg rough or broomed surfaces will require more as there
density of the surface concrete, making it harder wearing.
is greater surface area
Successive trowelling operations should be at right angles
• Compatibility of compounds with intended adhesives
to each other for best results.
should be checked as some compounds may require
Trowelling by machine The trowelling machine (power trow- removal for glued-down floor coverings.
el or ‘helicopter’) is a common tool in Australia for all classes
4.5.4 Plastic sheeting
of work and consists of several (generally four) steel trowel
blades rotated by a motor and guided by a handle. Plastic sheets, or similar materials, are effective in limiting
water loss, provided they are kept securely in place and pro-
Trowelling by machine should be carried out systematically
tected from damage. Their effectiveness is reduced if they are
over the concrete in a regular pattern. Corner areas, areas
not secure and wind can enter underneath.
closest to obstructions and small irregularities should then be
‘touched-up’ with a hand trowel. Use of plastic sheeting for curing
• Plastic must be placed over the concrete and sealed and
Edging Edging provides a quarter-round arris along the
secured at the edges as soon as possible after finishing.
edges of footpaths, patios, curbs and steps. It is achieved by
• Plastic must be lapped and sealed to prevent exposure to
running an edging trowel along the perimeter of the concrete.
the drying effects of heat, wind or low humidity.
Edging trowels are steel and incorporate a quarter-round
• Lightly coloured plastic sheeting will reflect the sun’s rays
forming edge. They are available in a variety of widths and
in hot weather and keep the concrete cooler during the
with various diameter quadrants. Edging improves the appear-
ance of many types of paving and makes the edges less vul-
• Black plastic, however, absorbs the heat but could be used
nerable to chipping.
in cooler regions, or in the winter months, to accelerate
strength gain by raising the concrete temperature.
• The sheeting should not be lifted to add water to the
4.5 Curing
surface. Additional water is not required.
4.5.1 General
Curing is the procedure for retaining moisture in concrete for
several days. It prolongs the chemical reaction of hydration (see
glossary), which occurs when water and cement are combined
to form cement paste.
Curing will–
• improve compressive strength
• reduce the incidence of drying shrinkage cracking
• reduce surface dusting
• improve protection of reinforcement
• increase the hardness of surfaces, and consequently their
resistance to abrasion.
Curing should be maintained for a minimum period of 3 days
for all types of housing concreting. It should begin no more
than 3 hours after finishing, or the benefits will be markedly
Figure 4.9: Spraying on a curing compound
4.6 Effects of weather conditions 4.6.3 Cold-weather concreting
4.6.1 General In cold conditions prolonged setting times can be shortened
by adding a set-accelerating admixture. In exceptionally cold
Experienced paviours are always aware of the effects that
conditions, concrete can crack when the water in the con-
weather can have on concrete. Low workability, early setting
crete mass freezes and expands. In these conditions freshly
times or plastic shrinkage cracking are not symptomatic of hot
placed concrete must be protected to prevent freezing.
weather alone but can occur at all times of the year. Water is
Formwork and sub-bases should be protected from frost, and
the catalyst for hydration of cement. Maintaining the water
concrete should never be laid on frozen ground. All materials
balance is important for full hydration, and to yield, ultimately,
should be kept warm, and while curing, the concrete should
the properties of good concrete.
be kept warm where this is practicable.
When the final finish does not meet expectations, the product
is often wrongly blamed; when the most likely cause is a failure
to adopt concreting practices suitable to the conditions.
In hot (above 300C) and windy conditions concrete must be
cured by covering with plastic sheeting, spraying with a liquid
membrane curing compound or ponding of water on the top
surface. (Building Code of Australia Volume 2 Housing
Provisions: Clause
Weather factors to consider–
• Air temperature
• Relative humidity
• Prevailing winds and wind intensity
Effect of weather conditions on concrete properties
Property Hot Cool Dry/Windy
Slump Decreased Nil Decreased
Setting time Reduced Increased Nil
Strength gain
– short term Increased Decreased Nil
– long term Decreased Increased Nil
Workability Reduced Increased Nil
Incidence of Increased Reduced Increased
plastic shrinkage
Incidence of Increased Nil Increased
drying shrinkage
Incidence of Increased Decreased Increased
cold joints
Period required Reduced Increased Nil
prior to removal
of formwork
5.1 Formwork
5.1.1 General
Figure 5.2: Braced formwork for slabs more than 150mm thick Figure 5.4: Formwork for raft slab with rebate
outer and inner courses
are aligned
5.2 Purpose of reinforcement 5.3 Types of reinforcement
It is important to understand that incorrectly positioned Reinforcement is usually provided by steel bars or by steel
reinforcement can reduce both the strength and durability wires welded together to form a mesh or fabric. Bars are
of reinforced concrete, and greatly reduce the ability of normally associated with beams and columns, and fabric with
reinforcement to control shrinkage cracking. We recommend floors and walls.
a structural engineer be engaged for the design of reinforce-
Concrete may also be reinforced with fibres, the main type
being steel. Polypropylene fibres are also available but do not
Concrete has high compressive strength but low tensile increase the tensile strength of a concrete member in the
strength. Steel, on the other hand, has a very high tensile same way as steel bars fabric or steel fibres.
strength (and a high compressive strength) but is much more
expensive than concrete. By combining steel and concrete,
we are able to make use of both the high tensile strength of 5.4 Fixing reinforcement
steel and the relatively low-cost compressive strength of
concrete. 5.4.1 General
Fixing is more than just tying bars together. It should ensure
Characteristics Characteristics that once the reinforcement has been placed in its correct
of concrete of steel position, it cannot be displaced during placing and compact-
ing of the concrete and will remain in place until the concrete
High compressive strength High compressive strength has fully hardened. A number of methods are used to locate
reinforcement correctly.
Low tensile strength High tensile strength
5.4.2 Bar chairs and spacers
High fire resistance Low fire resistance
Bar chairs and spacers support bar or fabric reinforcement
Plastic and mouldable Difficult to mould and shape
above horizontal surfaces, and provide adequate clearances
when fresh except at high temperatures
to vertical formwork and/or excavation facings. They are avail-
Relatively inexpensive Relatively expensive able in a variety of shapes and may be made from wire, plas-
tic or concrete (see fig. 5.11). They are also manufactured in
a range of sizes, each of which provides a specific thickness
The combination of concrete and steel in reinforced concrete is
of concrete cover.
mutually beneficial–
• Upon hardening, concrete bonds firmly to steel rods, bars Factors to consider in the suitability of a chair or space–
and wires so that, when loads are applied, the two act as
• Cover A bar chair or spacer should be selected to
though they are one. Any tendency for the concrete to
provide the correct cover, not one ‘close to’ that required.
stretch or crack in a zone of tension is counteracted by the
• Membrane damage Bar chairs which could puncture
steel embedded in that zone.
dampproof membranes during placing operations should
• When subjected to changes in temperature, concrete and
be avoided, or supported on purpose-made ‘saucers’.
steel expand or contract by similar amounts, and therefore
• Stability Some types of bar chairs and spacers are
remain firmly bonded.
easily displaced or knocked over during concrete-placing
• Concrete, having a relatively high resistance to fire, and a
relatively low thermal conductivity, protects steel embedded
• Spacing of bar chairs The spacing of chairs must
in it.
ensure that the reinforcement is adequately supported in
• Concrete provides an alkaline environment to steel
the required position. Bar chairs for mesh are spaced at
embedded in it, thus protecting the steel from rusting.
0.9-m to 1.0-m intervals, or at an average of three chairs
The principal types of stresses (see fig. 5.10) which develop in per metre square.
concrete elements are–
• Compressive stresses – those which tend to cause
concrete to compact and crush.
• Tensile stresses – those which tend to cause concrete to
stretch and crack.
• Shear stresses – those which tend to cause adjacent
portions of concrete to slide across each other.
5.4.3 Tying
Reinforcing bars may be tied together, or to stirrups (liga-
tures), to form a ‘cage’ that helps maintain the bars in position
SHEAR during the subsequent concreting operations. The cage must
be strong enough to achieve this and sufficient ties used for
the purpose.
5.4.4 Splicing (joining) the middle third of the beam depth. Localised deepening to the
beam section and additional reinforcement may be needed.
Lengths of reinforcing bar or fabric may be joined or ‘spliced’
together in a variety of ways. The most common method is With any reinforced concrete projects–
simply to lap the bars or mesh. The lapped portion of the bars • Do not hook mesh into position (use bar chairs).
or mesh must always be in contact and tied unless otherwise • Place bar chairs for general work at a maximum 900-mm
indicated on the drawings. spacing.
• Do not ‘walk’ the mesh into the pour during placement.
The requirements in Section 5.3 in AS 2870 Requirements for
• Prevent mud being walked onto reinforcement.
Lapping of Reinforcement are summarised–
Stack materials on skids off the ground.
• Fabric mesh should be lapped a minimum of two cross • Do not allow trucks to drive over reinforcement.
wires to both side and end laps. • Adequately splice and secure reinforcement. For fabric,
• Trench mesh should overlap a minimum of 500 mm and a good standard is to secure each third wire lap and
be tied and secured. stagger tying off line. For bar splicing and overlaps,
• Trench mesh at T and L-intersections should be double splice along the length of the lap and secure all
overlapped by the full width of the mesh. overlapping bars.
• Bars used in reinforced footing cages should be lapped a
minimum of 500 mm at T and L-intersections (see fig. 5.12).
5.6 Inspections
Items to be inspected and checked where applicable–
• Number, size and spacing of bars, or the sizes of fabric.
Refer to specifications and project drawings.
• Number, size and spacing of fitments (in beams).
• Height and distribution of chairs to maintain required
bottom and side covers.
• Distance of cut-off ends of bars from support faces.
• Extension length of bars and fabric past support faces.
• Location and lengths of lap splices.
Separate L-bar One outer bar • Location of service pipes, conduits, openings and outlets
lapped on each leg bent and lapped with respect to conflict with bar on fitment locations.
• Trimming of bars around openings in slabs at re-entrant
Figure 5.12: Lapping of reinforcement at corners • Effectiveness of tying (bars to bars, bars to fitments,
lap splices, chairs to bars or fabrics).
• Remove tie wire offcuts, particuarly where slabs/beams
5.5 Cover to reinforcement
soffits will be exposed.
The cover to reinforcement (the minimum thickness of con-
Supports and ties are intended to support only the weight of
crete between the outside of reinforcement and the nearest
the reinforcement and the concrete over them and, together
concrete surface) is provided basically to give protection
with tie-downs, to prevent the reinforcement being accidentally
against corrosion (rusting).
displaced during concrete placement. They are not intended
Section 5.3 in AS 2870 gives the minimum cover to reinforce- to support general construction traffic. It is therefore important
ment in house construction. that, once the reinforcement has been placed, fixed and
checked, independently supported plank runs are provided to
keep personnel and equipment off the reinforcement. If this is
Situation Cover not done, all the previous good work and effort in correctly
(mm) positioning the reinforcement will have been wasted.
6.1 General
Cracks can occur in concrete construction for a variety of
reasons. Some cracking is inevitable because concrete, like
most other building materials, moves with changes in tempera-
ture and its moisture content. Specifically, it shrinks as it loses
moisture. Cracking can be controlled, but not entirely prevented.
Cracking in concrete falls into two categories–
• Cracking prior to set
• Cracking after set
6.3.3 Drying shrinkage cracks
These are caused by concrete shrinking; the result of moisture
loss. This is not a major problem if the concrete is free to
move, but, if restrained, tensile stresses can develop in the
concrete and cause it to crack. The water content of the mix
is the major factor influencing drying shrinkage. Shrinkage,
however is not the only cause. Restraints, detailing geometry
and construction practices may also affect the probability of
cracking in hardened concrete.
• Do not add any water to concrete on site.
• Provide adequate reinforcement and ensure correct
• Place joints in correct location and ensure proper
• Place concrete correctly.
• Compact the concrete adequately.
• Start curing promptly and correctly. Figure 6.2: Construction joint in slab
6.4 Joints
6.4.1 General
Joints serve a number of purposes, but they fall into two
broad categories–
• Those that allow no relative movement of the concrete on
either side of the joint.
• Those that do allow such movement.
The first, referred to as construction joints, make a monolithic
bond between the sections of concrete either side of the joint.
The second, referred to as control joints, allow for lateral
movement of the concrete. In some cases dowels, isolated
from the concrete, are embedded in the concrete to maintain
vertical alignment of adjoining sections of concrete.
Because house slabs are comparatively small in area, joints
are not commonly needed in their construction. However
where they are needed, their location and detailing should be
in accordance with the design and instructions of the geo-
technical or structural engineer. Joints are not suitable for
some slab types – this is often not understood. Providing joints Figure 6.3: Isolation joint between slab and wall
in a house slab without expert advice can cause structural
problems that may be expensive to fix. the concrete’s moisture content.
• Isolation joints: allow concrete sections to move
A house slab is often placed directly on the ground and is
independently of walls, columns, posts and penetrations.
therefore subject to ground movement. Without careful con-
sideration and construction, joints can become a hinge in the Contraction joints allow two concrete panels to move apart
slab and exaggerate ground movement, sometimes resulting as a result of shrinkage, or temperature changes. The joint is
in damage. a line of least restraint and induces a controlled crack under
tension, relieving tensile stresses across the surface of the
6.4.2 Construction joints
concrete, and minimising the incidence of uncontrolled cracking.
Construction joints (see fig. 6.2) are concrete-to-concrete Contraction joints are essential in both reinforced and unrein-
joints that prevent any relative movement across the joint. forced concrete flatwork.
They are commonly used when there is discontinuous place-
Fabric reinforcement is placed in the top 1/3 of the concrete
ment of concrete and successive pours are allowed to harden
to control and reduce shrinkage cracking. In unreinforced
beyond the initial set; or at the end of the working day. They
concrete, extra contraction joints are provided to control
may also be necessary if unforseen events (for example
delays in delivery or bad weather) interrupt a pour.
Keyed joints allow horizontal movement and restrain vertical
Most house slabs are placed and finished in the course of a
displacement of adjoining slabs. A series of steel dowels with
day obviating need for construction joints.
one end fixed in the concrete and the other isolated do the
6.4.3 Control joints same.
Types of control joints– Expansion joints allow concrete elements to expand and
push against each other (without damage), with changes in
• Contraction joints: allow shrinkage movement at designated temperature or moisture content. There is some argument
locations. about the need for expansion joints in concrete structures
• Expansion joints: allow the concrete to expand (and because shrinkage is usually greater than thermal expansion.
contract) with changes in temperature, and changes in However, there is no argument about their value in exposed
concrete flatwork, particularly in large and long sections. 6.4.7 Slab proportions
Expansion joints, with flexible sealants, prevent edge spalling, Where it is possible, concrete slab sections are best formed,
slabs riding up and joint peaking, all of which are detrimental approximately, as squares. For rectangular slabs, the longer
to slab performance and appearance. side should be no more than 11/2 times the shorter side.
Isolation joints allow for the independent movement of slabs This rule, in addition to the joint spacings recommended
between walls, around columns, posts or ground fixtures such above, ensures correct spacing of joints to minimise cracking.
as kerbing or access holes. They allow free movement, and
6.4.8 Joint maintenance
are often used in combination with other types of joints to
allow maximum panel movement caused by shrinkage, The long-term performance of joints is crucial to long - life
temperature changes and seasonal variations. Compressible, pavements. Dirt must be kept out of the joint’s groove – by
cellular materials are commonly used to fill these joints (see sealing with a flexible sealant – because a build-up can result
fig. 6.3). in joint peaking, edge spalling and edge rupturing. Joint spacers
should be stopped about 10 mm below the surface to allow
for sealing.
7 FOOTING TYPES 7.4 Stiffened slab with deep edge beam (see fig. 7.3)
7.1 General This is suitable for sloping sites where cut and fill excavation
is not practicable. The system uses deep perimeter beams for
A variety of standard designs for footing systems are provided
stiffness. These beams can incorporate reinforced masonry.
in Section 3 of AS 2870. The choice of footing system can be
one of preference based on local experience, or it may be
based on particular site conditions. Geotechnical or structural
engineers undertake an increasing number of designs.
The term ‘slab-on-ground’ is adopted in AS 2870 (and in this
handbook) and refers to concrete slabs supported by the
ground and incorporating integral edge beams. ‘Stiffened
raft’, ‘waffle raft’ and ‘stiffened slab with deep edge beam’
are all types of slab-on-ground.
7.2 Stiffened raft (see fig. 7.1)
A stiffened-raft floor slab is placed at the same time as the
external and internal beams, all of which are reinforced.
Internal beams are not necessary on stable sites, however for
reactive soil conditions the beam sizes and quantity of rein-
forcement are varied accordingly.
A stiffened raft is often placed in one pour. They are cost- Figure 7.3: Stiffened slab with deep edge beam
effective, and provide a strong footing that can be supported
on bulk concrete piers if placed on uncontrolled fill.
7.5 Footing slab (see fig. 7.4)
The footing slab is cast on ground in two stages: the edge
footings first, followed by the slab. This method reduces the
length of time excavations are open and does not require
extensive formwork. The footing-slab system can be adapted
well to sloping-site applications.
Figure 7.2: Waffle raft
7.7 Pier/Pile and slab (see fig. 7.6) 8 PATHS AND DRIVEWAYS
On highly reactive sites, and areas of collapsing or uncon- 8.1 General
trolled fill, piers or piles can be used to support a concrete
The primary function of concrete paths and driveways is to
slab-and-beam floor system.
provide trafficable access to a property, however they are also
Piers are poured, after excavation, whereas concrete piles are important to the general appearance of the property, and for
driven into the ground to a specified depth or until reaching a control of surface rainwater.
specified level of resistance. The piles are cut off at the
Prior to undertaking construction, a number of aspects need
required level to suit the floor system.
to be considered –
• The type of subgrade (soil) the pavement is to be
constructed on.
• The loads/traffic the pavement will be expected to carry
• The area of pavement to be concreted.
• The finished levels of the work.
• The level of the damp proof course in adjoining buildings.
• Termite control.
• Drainage requirements.
• The type of surface finish required.
• Reinforcement requirements and the spacing/location
of joints.
• Method of curing.
• Safety.
8.4 Construction
8.4.1 Planning for concreting
Before ordering concrete, careful planning will ensure the
concrete is transported, placed, compacted, finished and Note that polypropylene fibres are no substitute for steel rein-
cured in accordance with the good work practices outlined in forcement, which is also used to counteract drying shrinkage
this handbook. in addition to its structural purpose. If steel reinforcement is
omitted, then the spacing of joints should be the same as for
8.4.2 Soils
unreinforced concrete.
Subgrades for slabs must have adequate strength after com-
8.4.7 Skid resistance
paction with a plate compactor or a vibrating-drum roller.
When deciding the surface finish consider if a non-slip
Prepare the subgrade by first removing topsoil containing
surface would be advisable given the use of the pavement,
roots and grass, and levelling the subgrade. Backfill over ser-
its steepness, and the effectiveness of its surface drainage.
vice trenches and fill isolated hollows or soft spots, then com-
pact to the level of natural ground. Skid resistance can be improved with simple techniques.
For example, textures can be made with a broom, wood float,
Note Clay soils need to be moist for optimum compaction.
stipple roller or a hessian drag, or by exposing aggregates
8.4.3 Sub-base with a wash-off finish (see clause 8.7.3). Incorporating silica
dust or carborundum dust in an applied sealer is another
A sub-base is required to build up areas or adjust falls or lev- technique.
els. Sub-base materials should be free-draining, and capable
of being compacted in layers of no more than 100-mm deep. 8.4.8 Protection against staining
Correct sub-base and subgrade preparation ensures the con- Sealers, clear and tinted, prevent most stains penetrating the
crete pavement alone does not carry the service loads. concrete surface. Coloured paints, suitable for the concrete
Unstable, or filled sites with inadequate compaction, should and the conditions, can also be applied to the surface.
be thoroughly investigated by a geotechnical or structural
Concrete surfaces, however, are often subject to the abrasion
engineer before design and construction.
of tyres and foot traffic. Sealers or paint coatings may need to
8.4.4 Formwork be applied repeatedly for continuing surface protection, and
to keep them looking good.
Formwork should be strong and true to line. The accuracy of
the formwork will be reflected in the finished line of the hard-
ened concrete. By placing the top edge of the form boards at
8.5 Coloured concrete
the finished level of the pavement surface, screeding can be
efficiently done using the form edge as a guide. Form boards 8.5.1 Introduction
should be thick enough and securely fixed so they do not
Colours can be readily applied to concrete.
bend or move when placing concrete. Formwork should be
constructed with care so it is easily removed when the con- Durable colour is achieved when mineral oxide pigments are
crete has hardened. A light coating of form oil before pouring added to concrete while it is in a plastic state: that is at the
will make removal easier. time of placement. They can be added to the mix to produce
integrally-coloured concrete and coloured toppings, or broad-
It is good practice to leave formwork in place for a minimum
cast onto the surface of pre-hardened concrete as a dry-shake
of 3 days – depending on weather conditions – to allow
concrete to harden and become self-supporting.
Hardened concrete pavements– new and old – can be
8.4.5 Reinforcement
enhanced with purpose-made paints and coatings, however
Reinforcement should be located in the top half of the slab as they may need to be reapplied some time later to keep them
close as possible to the surface but keeping a minimum cover looking good.
of 30 mm. This is done by supporting the reinforcement on
The colours of aggregates–sand and stones–can provide
bar chairs or concrete blocks arranged in a 500-mm square
permanent colour in exposed-aggregate finishes, but the
range of colours will be limited by the available aggregates.
When two or more sheets of reinforcing fabric are necessary Exposed aggregate finishes are discussed in part 8.7.
the sheets are lapped so that the two outermost transverse
8.5.2 Integral colouring (with mineral oxide pigments)
wires of one sheet overlap the two outermost wires of the
other. They are tied together (spliced) with wire. See clause Mineral oxides occur naturally in soil and rock. Synthetically
5.4.4. produced oxides, however, are more pure, uniform and
stronger colouring agents. They are suitable for concrete
8.4.6 Polypropylene fibres
because of their resistance to the alkalies in cement, their
Polypropylene fibres are used, primarily, to reduce the inci- chemical inertness, and their resistance to fading under
dence of plastic shrinkage cracking. They also reduce bleed- exposure to weather and UV light. They are produced as a
ing of water in the mix. fine powder, a tiny fraction of the size of cement particles.
Unlike a dye, which colours by staining, mineral oxide
They resist shrinkage of the surface (in its plastic state) under
powders are insoluble in water, and colour by masking the
conditions that cause rapid evaporation, notably hot, dry and
cement matrix. They are produced in a range of colours:
windy weather. Plastic shrinkage cracks can impair freshly
blues, greens, red and yellow ochres, grey and black.
placed concrete, are unsightly and difficult to fix (especially in
coloured work), and induce larger uncontrolled cracks as the Integrally-coloured, or colour-through, concrete refers to
concrete dries. colouring of the entire mass of the concrete. Mineral oxide
powders or liquids are added at the batching stage, and
In drying conditions, the use of polypropylene fibres, together
thoroughly dispersed through the concrete mix. In correct
with evaporation retardants (aliphatic alcohols) and effective
proportions, oxides do not have a significant affect on the
curing methods reduce the incidence of plastic shrinkage
strength of concrete. The amount of oxide powder required
cracking, and the likelihood of repairs.
will generally be 5–8% of the weight of the cement in the mix.
For best results, follow the recommendations of oxide suppliers.
After placing, the concrete surface is struck, floated and fin- Application of dry-shake toppings–
ished in the same way as ordinary concrete, and particular • Evenly broadcast the dry-shake topping (coloured surface
care should be taken with curing to produce the best finish. hardener) over the surface in two stages to ensure
uniform colour and thickness. Usually two thirds is applied
For uniform colour, a consistent mixing procedure is crucial,
for the first coat, and one third for the second, which
whether it is done at the batching plant or in the barrel of a
should be applied in a direction perpendicular to the first
pre-mix truck. Results are improved if the concrete mix
coat. Each coat is thoroughly worked into the surface by
design, the proportions of water and oxide powder, and the
method of mixing do not vary. Sample panels are useful to
• Apply topping colour, or highlight flecking, while the
find the right mix, and provide the basis for quality control.
surface is still plastic to ensure bonding.
Borders, of different colours or concrete pavers, can be used
• For dark colours such as charcoal (black), it may be
to divide large areas into smaller sections–which can be
advisable to apply a third coat for more even colour
placed in a single pour–making less obvious the colour
variations of different sections that might result with different
batches. 8.5.4 Chemical stains
8.5.3 Dry-shake toppings Chemical stains can be applied to hardened concrete. They
are commercially available liquids that soak into the surface
Dry-shake toppings are commercially available products con-
and react with the chemicals in the concrete. The variations in
taining cement, sand, and mineral colour oxides, and in some
colour of the pre-treated concrete are reflected in a mottled
cases, special hardeners to increase the strength of the sur-
finish after staining. They do not, generally, produce even
face of finished concrete. They are sometimes referred to as
colour. The use of two or more colours, however are often
‘coloured surface hardeners’ because of this. They come in a
used to produce mottled finishes resembling stone.
range of colours: blues, greens, red and yellow ochres, grey
and black, and are often used in conjunction with stencilled
and stamped pattern finishes (described below). 8.6 Patterned concrete
Dry-shake toppings can also be made on site from similar 8.6.1 Introduction
materials. The usual blend is 1 part cement: 2 parts clean
Stiff-bristle brooms, wood floats and sponges have been used
sand; and mineral oxide pigment measured by weight in the
for many years to create surface textures and patterns. More
ratio of 1 part pigment to 10 parts cement. The powdered
recently, purpose-made metal dies have been developed to
pigment is first blended with dry cement before combining
stamp impressions in the concrete surface; and cardboard
with the sand.
stencils are used to produce many patterns when dry-shake
The dry powder is cast by hand over the surface (hence the toppings are sprinkled over them.
term ‘dry-shake’ see fig.8.1) of fresh concrete and worked
The techniques are simple, but must be well planned to take
into the surface by trowelling. All traces of bleedwater must
advantage of the short period when concrete is workable.
be allowed to evaporate before applying the powder. Using
Ordering ‘low-bleed’ concrete shortens the waiting time for
the powder to soak up bleedwater is bad practice, and invari-
bleedwater to evaporate, in effect giving more time for finish-
ably results in a much weaker surface, which will wear quickly,
ing. Consider the addition of polypropylene fibres, which help
and may delaminate or chip. The rate of application of a dry-
bind a mix and reduce bleeding.
shake topping for flatwork will typically be a minimum of 2 kg
per square metre. Good curing practice is crucial to the appearance, and the
service of the pavement.
The manufacturers of coloured surface hardeners state that
correct use of coloured surface hardeners produces 40 to 8.6.2 Stencilling
60-MPa surface strengths. They are cement-based products
and must be finished and cured like any concrete work to Cardboard stencils are temporarily embedded in the wet
achieve the strengths advertised by manufacturers. surface of the concrete. The coloured surface hardener is
sprinkled over and trowelled into the surface. When the
When using dry-shake toppings it is important to protect concrete stiffens the stencil is removed (see fig. 8.2) producing
adjacent surfaces, with plastic sheeting for example, because a coloured pattern with grey joints – the colour of the base
splashes are difficult to remove. concrete.
Figure 8.1 Dry-shake topping being applied Figure 8.2: A stencil being stripped
The procedure for stencilling –
Place the concrete slab
Place, screed, bullfloat and trowel the concrete to its finished
Embed the stencils
Points to note–
• Where applicable, stencils are placed in the following
sequence: features such as rosettes or motifs, borders
and finally the main (general area) stencil are cut in.
• Carefully work the stencil into the surface with a roller or
a trowel.
• Stencils can become deeply embedded in concrete that is
too wet. They will be difficult to remove and will result in
varying ‘joint’ depths.
• If the concrete has become too stiff, the stencils may not
be fully embedded or in full contact with the Figure 8.3: Stamping concrete
concrete. The coloured topping will stick to the edges of
the stencils causing ragged lines; or if the coloured topping
The dies are usually a metal ‘grid’ with an attached shaft.
gets under the stencil it will stain the ‘joints’.
• When placing and aligning stencils it is good practice to The procedure for a stamped finish –
lift them, rather than drag them into position.
Place the concrete slab
• Drying-shrinkage control (contraction) joints in stencilled
Place, screed, bullfloat and trowel the concrete to its final
concrete are ‘wet-formed’ such as inducement-strips and
key joints, or sawn joints (see clause 6.4.4). Wet-formed
joints are placed under the stencil and aligned with a ‘joint’ Note the thickness of a stamped concrete slab is determined
so they are not repeatedly trowelled over. as the thickness from the bottom of the impression to the
underside of the slab. In driveways for example, if the thickness
Apply coloured surface hardener
needs to be 100 mm, and a 15-mm deep stamp is used, the
See 8.5.3: Dry-shake toppings
formwork will need to be set at 115 mm, to ensure the mini-
Apply surface texture mum thickness is achieved.
Surface textures, if specified, are made while the surface is
Apply coloured surface hardener
still plastic. Common finishes include steel-trowel, broomed,
See 8.5.3: Dry-shake toppings
wood-float, sponge, and hessian-drag.
The use of integrally-coloured concrete as the base colour
Remove the stencils may give the paviour more time to apply highlight colours, and
Lift the stencil when the surface has stiffened and remove stamp the surface, which is helpful in drying conditions.
residue with a leaf blower, not a high-pressure hose. At this
Apply surface release agent
stage avoid walking on the concrete with heavy,
After working in the coloured surface hardener, a release
patterned-soled boots. If necessary the leaf blower can be
agent is applied. The reason for the release agent is twofold.
attached to a long pole for greater reach.
Firstly, it prevents concrete sticking to the stamping mould
Cure the concrete and spoiling the appearance. Secondly, it can be a highlight
A sealer (see below) is often used to slow evaporation colour, creating a variety of two-tone effects. Release agents
because conventional curing methods are unsuitable for this come in a range of colours to complement coloured surface
type of finish. hardeners. Stamping with sufficient pressure will ensure good
bonding of the release agent to the surface, which is why the
Do not confuse curing with drying. See section 4.5: Curing.
highlight effect generally occurs in deeper joints and depres-
Seal the surface sions. The surface release agent is not a curing agent.
Sealers are applied to protect the surface from stains (for
A thin film (about 1.0mm) of clear polythene plastic can be
example oil) because they are difficult to remove using cleaners
used as an alternative bond breaker. It is placed over the pre-
or solvents without affecting the colour.
pared concrete before stamping, preventing the concrete
Most sealers cannot be applied to moist concrete without sticking to the moulds.
problems–usually the sealer turns a milky-white. Special
Stamp pattern
same-day sealers are available which can be applied to the
Before stamping, plan the layout of the pattern to finish
‘set’ surface of the concrete while, underneath, the concrete
against walls and around fixtures. In many cases it will be
mass is still ‘moist’. They are generally not as effective as nor-
necessary to use hand tools (jointing/ironing tools) or small
mal sealers or curing compounds for retaining moisture in the
moulds to complete the pattern up to the edge.
slab, but are a satisfactory alternative.
Cure the concrete
The use of same-day sealers should be followed with an
The surface release agent does not allow the use of curing
application of the final sealer when the surface has dried to
its final set. Although this is not the best curing regime, it
minimises initial moisture loss and surface strength loss. Cover the surface with plastic (polythene) sheeting but make
sure it is in complete contact with the surface of the concrete,
8.6.3 Stamped concrete
or colour variations may occur. Polythene sheeting may pro-
Purpose-made metal moulds (dies), rollers, or rubber mats, duce some dark or mottled areas because of condensation
are pressed into the surface of the wet concrete (see fig. under the plastic, which will become less noticeable as the
8.3). The patterns produced are not unlike – and often concrete dries.
simulate – brick paving, cobblestones, setts, slate or natural
Remove the release agent together with a continuous water spray, to wash away
When the concrete has hardened (so it will not be damaged), the cement paste. Do not broom the surface repeatedly.
remove the release agent using high-pressure water, or by This will weaken the paste and dislodge aggregates.
scrubbing with a detergent-based wash. The use of water-based surface set-retarders should be
considered. Those that are developed especially for this
Seal the surface
technique slow the setting time of the surface of the slab
A same-day sealer (see 8.6.2) can be used after the release
to a predetermined depth without affecting the set of the
agent is removed. The final sealer is applied when the surface
mass of the concrete. This ensures consistent depth of
is dry. Apply it evenly with a broom or brush in accordance
exposure. They are very useful when drying weather
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
conditions would otherwise limit the time available for
Concrete may have set and appear hard but it may not yet be aggregate exposure.
dry and ready for sealing. The premature application of sealers • After exposure, cure the surface by covering it with plastic
can trap moisture causing surface imperfections. sheeting for a minimum of 3 days (7 days is preferable).
• An acid-wash treatment is usually necessary to brighten
Glass grit (silica chip), or carborundum dust can be sprinkled up the stones by removing the fine cement film from the
over the final coat to increase skid resistance for a non-slip surface. Thoroughly rinse the surface with clean water to
finish. On steep grades, the sealer may need to be thinned remove all residues and apply a surface sealer if desired.
down so it can soak into and key with the concrete, rather
than remain as a thick layer on the surface, which will 8.7.3 Wash-off finish
become slippery when wet.
The procedure–
Joints • Order the special mix of concrete from the concrete
Points to note – supplier, containing specified aggregate sizes and types,
(Refer also to section 6.4: Joints) and colour pigments.
• Plan the layout of control and construction joints so they • Place the concrete, screed and bullfloat the surface to the
correlate with the grooves in the pattern. finished level, ensuring even paste coverage over the
• Wet-formed contraction joints can be tooled after stamping aggregate on the surface.
is finished, while the surface is still plastic; although this is • Follow the steps for exposing the aggregate and curing in
difficult if the stamping makes deep impressions. clause 8.7.2.
• Form key joints before placement. Key joints may interfere
8.7.4 Bonded topping
with stamping of deeper patterns.
• Install isolation joints against abutting structures before Bonded toppings are placed on the structural slab while it is
placement. Installing them after will probably damage the in a plastic state. The slab and topping harden together, mak-
finish. ing a monolithic bond. (An unbonded topping is placed on a
• Sawn joints should be cut no later than 24 hours after hardened slab with a bond-breaker between the two).
The procedure–
• Place the base slab and screed it to a level 25–40mm
8.7 Exposed-aggregate finishes below the finished level.
• Prepare a topping mix in the proportions 1 part sand: 11/2
8.7.1 Introduction
parts cement: 3 parts aggregate (and colouring pigments
Exposed-aggregate finishes can be produced by ‘seeding’ the if required) and just enough water for workability–or order
surface of the concrete with selected stones; or by ordering a a special pre-mixed concrete mix.
special mix (for the full depth of the slab or for a topping) • Use a surface set retarder on large jobs (or in drying
which contains selected stones. They are exposed when the conditions) to allow more time to place and finish toppings.
thin layer of cement paste on the surface is washed away • Wait until the surface bleedwater has evaporated from the
soon after the concrete stiffens. Aggregates are available in a base slab before placing the topping.
range of colours including white, black and green quartz, dark • Screed and float to ensure consolidated and complete
grey basalt, brown and red gravels. The concrete can be bonding.
coloured (see section 8.5) to complement or contrast with the • Follow the steps for exposing the aggregate and curing in
selected stones. clause 8.7.2.
• Use raised formwork to control sediment run-off. age. They should not be filled and sealed over because move-
• Where practicable, wash off the residue from one section ment of the pavement could cause the joint to rupture and the
of a pavement onto the bare earth to be subsequently topping to spall. As a general rule, joints in a new topping, or
covered by an adjoining section. coating, should correspond with existing joints. This may gov-
ern the direction of any surface patterns. It may be worthwhile
to cut new joints in existing pavements to allow controlled
8.8 Topping existing pavements
movement, or when existing joints have failed to control joint-
8.8.1 General peaking or spalling.
Existing slabs can be sprayed with coloured and textured In certain situations, isolation joints may be needed to relieve
finishes (varying in thickness from 3 – 5 mm), however, the stresses around structures (posts and walls) adjoining the
success of any topping depends on the bond to the substrate. slab.
9 MORTARS, RENDERS AND ROOF-TILE BEDDING conditions and location (see Table 9.1). Mix proportions are
expressed as ratios, eg 1:1:6, 1 part cement to 1 part lime to
9.1 Mortars for masonry
6 parts sand by volume.
9.1.1 General
9.1.4 Site-mixed mortar
Mortars for concrete, clay or calcium silicate masonry perform
When site-mixing, it is important to carefully measure the
similar functions, whether veneer, double, or single-leaf con-
material by volume in a suitable container, not by the shovelful.
Mechanical mixing is usually done in a concrete mixer. A small
The design of masonry including the requirements for mortars
amount of mixing water is placed in the mixer followed by the
are covered by Australian Standard AS3700.
sand, cement and lime. Water is slowly added to create a thick
Mortar– creamy mixture. Each batch should be thoroughly mixed for
• Provides an even bedding for masonry units, and takes up two to three minutes for uniform consistency.
the dimensional variation of units.
Hand Mixing should be done in a clean wheelbarrow or on a
• Transmits compression loads.
mixing board to avoid contamination. The dry materials should
• Bonds the units together so they resist tensile and shear
be combined and mixed to an even colour before slowly
adding water as the mix is constantly turned until a thick
• Seals the joints from the weather.
creamy mortar is made.
• Holds damp proofing and flashings in place.
• Is essential to optimum acoustic performance and fire Mortar should be used within half an hour of mixing. Mortar
resistance of masonry units. that has stiffened should not be retempered by the addition of
9.1.2 Materials
9.1.5 Pre-mixed mortar
Factory-blended, ready-to-use, general-purpose mortars are
For normal brick and blockwork general-purpose cement
available in bags from most cement retail outlets. They only
(Type GP or Type GB) or masonry cement are suitable. The
need the careful addition of water (and colour additives if
proportioning of the mortar, however, varies with the type of
required) for mixing.
cement, see Table 9.1. To avoid on-site confusion, it is prefer-
able if only one type of cement is used on a project. 9.1.6 Mortar mixes for particular environments
See Table 9.1
Cement has a limited shelf life and should be stored off the
ground in a dry environment. M2 applications–
• Above DPC in interior environments not subject to wetting
and drying.
Hydrated lime suitable for hard plastering should be used. • Above DPC in other than marine environments.
Lime is added to make the mortar creamier or more workable. • Above DPC and protected by a waterproof coating,
It also helps to minimise cracking as the mix dries out. It is flashed junctions and top covering.
good practice to soak the lime in an equal volume of water for • Below DPC or in contact with ground but protected from
24 hours prior to use to improve its performance in the mix. water ingress by waterproof coating.
• In domestic barbeques and incinerators.
Sand (fine aggregate)
M3 applications–
Sand is the fine aggregate in mortar. Fine sands are preferred. • Above DPC in interior environments but subject to
Sands with high clay content should not be used, nor should non-saline wetting and drying.
‘fire clay’ or ‘brickies’ loam’ be added to the mortar. (Loam is • Above DPC in marine environments (100 m –1km of
commonly referred to as ‘fatty’ sand.) non-surf coast or 1 km–10 km of surf coast).
Sand with a high clay content degrades the mortar, markedly • Below DPC or in contact with non-aggressive soils
reducing bond strength and lowering durability. • In fresh water.
Water M4 applications–
• Above DPC in interior environment but subject to saline
Should be clean, fresh and free of impurities. Mains water or wetting and drying.
water suitable for drinking is usually satisfactory. • Above DPC in severe marine environments (within 100 m
Admixtures of non-surf coast or 1 km of surf coast).
• Below DPC or in contact with aggressive soils.
Chemical additives should not be used to replace lime. Use • In saline or contaminated water, including tidal and splash
in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. zones.
Powdered pigments – or oxides – for colouring, should not
exceed 10% of the weight of cement in the mix and should
be thoroughly mixed with the other materials prior to the
addition of water.
Liquid colour additives should be measured and used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
A sample of coloured mortar should be made and allowed to
dry before starting work, to ensure the right colour is
9.1.3 Mixes and applications
Mixes should be varied to suit the particular exposure
Table 9.1 Mortar mixes for masonry Water
(based on Tables 5.1 and 10.1 in AS 3700)
Should be clean, fresh and free from impurities. Mains water
Mix proportions (parts by volume) or water that is suitable for drinking is usually satisfactory.
Use just enough water to make the mix workable.
Mortar Type GP Type GB Building Masonry Sand Admixtures
Cement Cement Lime Cement
Generally, admixtures are not required in render. However, if
they are added they should be used strictly in accordance
M2 1 2 9 with the manufacturer’s instructions.
1 2 8 Pigments, added to colour the render, should not exceed 8%
of the weight of cement in the mix and should be thoroughly
M3 1 1 6
mixed with the other materials prior to the addition of water.
1 1 5 Liquid pigments should be measured consistently and added
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
1+ water
thickener 5 A sample of coloured render should be made and allowed to
dry before starting work, to ensure the right colour is
1 4 achieved.
M4 1 0–1/4 3 9.2.3 Mixes and applications
1 1/2 41/2 A variety of render mixes can be used, and depend on the
1 0–1/4 21/2 background surface and the conditions the rendered surface
is exposed to.
1+ water 4
thickener Table 9.2 Render mixes
Hydrated lime suitable for hard plastering should be used. Mechanical mixing A small amount of mixing water is placed
Lime is added to make the render creamier or more workable. in a concrete mixer followed by the sand, cement and lime.
It also helps to minimise cracking as the mix dries out. Water is slowly added until a stiff mix that will ‘sit up’ on the
It is good practice to allow the lime to soak in an equal volume trowel is made. Each batch should be thoroughly mixed for
of water for 24 hours prior to use. This will improve its perfor- two to three minutes to ensure uniform consistency.
mance in the mix. Hand mixing is done in a clean wheelbarrow or on a mixing
Sand board to avoid contamination.
Sand is the major ingredient of the mix and should be of The dry materials should be combined and mixed to an even
good quality. Plastering sands and finer washed concrete colour before the addition of water, which is slowly added and
sands – commonly referred to as ‘sharp’ sand – are available mixed in until a stiff creamy mix ‘sits up’ in the barrow.
from builders’ suppliers. In general, coarsely graded sands Renders should be applied within half an hour of mixing.
are more suitable for undercoats, and a finer grading is more Render mix, which has stiffened, making it difficult to apply,
suitable for finishing coats. should be discarded and not retempered by the addition of
Pre-mixed renders Factory-blended, ready-to-use, general- Decorative finishes
purpose and special-purpose renders requiring only the addi-
A variety of decorative effects can be achieved using different
tion of water are available in bags from most cement retail
finishing techniques on the final coat.
outlets and decorative-coating manufacturers.
The application of decorative render finishes can be difficult
9.2.4 Applying render
and application by a competent tradesman is recommended.
Surface preparation
Trowelled finish can be achieved by skimming the final coat
The background surface should be free from paint, oil, dust with a wood float to produce a smooth, dense surface or
and any dirt or other loose material that may prevent a good using notched trowels to produce a variety of finishes.
bond. Purpose-made bonding agents, applied in strict accor-
Bagged or patterned finish can be obtained by rubbing a ball
dance with the manufacturer’s instructions, can also be used
of damp hessian into the surface with different patterns being
to improve adhesion.
produced depending on the action used.
Table 9.3 indicates the preparation treatment necessary for a
Sponge finish can be achieved by mopping or sponging the
number of background surfaces prior to rendering.
unhardened surface with a damp sponge. Water should not
Table 9.3 Background Preparation be allowed to run down the wall.
Background Building material Treatment Roughcast The final coat is thrown and flicked onto the sur-
face and no retouching is done.
Smooth, strong High-strength Scabble surface Textured surfaces can be achieved through the use of coarser
concrete and apply dash aggregate in the final coat.
coat or fix
9.2.5 Control joints
metal lath clear of
surface Cement-based renders can crack as a result of shrinkage as
they dry, or because of movement in the background material.
Fibre-cement Fix metal lath
With the careful placement of control joints, this cracking can
sheet clear of surface
be minimised.
Strong/porous Standard bricks, Rake joints
Control joints should be formed in the render to coincide with
blocks, concrete and apply
all joints in the background and locations in the structure
dash coat
where movement is likely to occur.
Weak/porous Lightweight Dampen surface
9.2.6 Curing and protection
Render undercoat All render coats, including undercoats and dash coats, should
be kept damp for 3 days or until the next coat is applied.
Render should not be allowed to dry out quickly and should
Surface dampening
be protected from hot weather, drying winds and rain.
After initial preparation, the background surface should be Rendering in direct sunlight or exposed windy areas should
dampened and allowed to dry back to a surface-dry condition be avoided.
immediately prior to rendering. This reduces suction but still
Plastic sheeting should be used to protect fresh render for
enables a bond to be achieved.
the first 3 days after application. (The plastic sheet should not
Dash coat be allowed to touch the finished surface or it will lead to dis-
Dash coats are used to provide a high-strength bond between
the background and the subsequent render coat. Site-mixed Protection is not normally necessary for internal renders if the
dash coats have the proportions of 1 part cement: 1–2 parts building provides protection from drying weather conditions.
sand. The dash coat is flicked and splattered over the back-
ground to produce a rough finish. This open-textured layer is
not trowelled level or smoothed out, but left rough to ‘key’ 9.3 Roof-tile bedding
with the render.
9.3.1 General
Number of coats
Ridge and hip cappings should be laid on a mortar bed.
This will depend on the condition and the uniformity of the
background, the conditions it is exposed to, and the type of Mixes recommended by AS 2050–
finish required. Usually, one or two coats are all that is • Composition mortar 1 cement:1 lime: 6 sand
required for most work. Single coats should never exceed • Cement mortar 1 cement:4 sand
15 mm in thickness. Measurement of the ingredients should be made using a
A minimum of three days should be allowed between coats. gauge box or bucket not a shovel. A good bricklayers’-sand
should be used. The lime in the composition mortar will pro-
Undercoats are normally applied by trowel to a minimum duce a more workable mix.
thickness of 10 mm and a maximum of 15 mm. When the
render is firm, it should be raked or scratched to provide a
key for the next coat.
Final coats are normally applied by trowel to a maximum
thickness of 10 mm over the undercoat.
Pointing cappings provide a weather seal. The use of wet 10.1 Defects–Prevention and repair
mixes prone to excessive shrinkage cracking should be avoided.
10.1.1 Dusting
Pointing of the joints between ridge and hip cappings, should
Dusting is a condition where a fine powder comes off the sur-
be done using a 3:1, sand:cement mortar.
face of the concrete.
Where tiles converge at a valley (or steep roof pitches), it is
Cause: Concrete with high water content (often the case
often essential to point under the cut tiles in the valley line to
when water has been added on site) will bleed more easily
prevent the up-wash of roof water under the opposing tile
and bring fines to the surface. When the surface is worked
prematurely, these fines become dominant and the cement
Pigments are usually added to pointing-mortars to match the paste is diluted. With little cement binder available, the sur-
colour of roof tiles. Some trials will be required to achieve a face dusts. Another cause is rain on fresh concrete surfaces
good match. In all cases, the pigment used should be no before the concrete has set. A deluge of rain will flood the
more than 10% by weight of the cement in the mix. Pigments surface and wash out or dilute the cement binder. The failure
should be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s to undertake proper curing may also cause dusting.
Prevention: Do not work the surface too early while bleedwa-
When pointing, the mortar should be lightly brushed or wiped ter is present. Avoid adding water to concrete. Do not over-
after the initial set to remove loose particles. All tiles adjacent work the concrete because this will also bring fine material to
to the ridge tiles should also be cleaned and brushed free of the surface. When rain threatens, take decisive action to pro-
loose mortar particles. tect the surface. Do not attempt to broom the surface when
wet because this will drag away the cement paste and create
rutting in the surface. Always adopt a good curing procedure
as early as possible.
Repair: Dusting can be rectified in the majority of cases by
the application of a sealer that penetrates the concrete (and
reacts with the lime in the concrete, effectively case harden-
ing the surface). It also bonds the thin, weak layer on the sur-
face to the base concrete below. More-severe cases will
require the complete removal of the weak top layer with a
concrete grinder.
10.1.2 Crazing
A crazed concrete surface is a network of very shallow fine
cracks across the surface. They are obvious when the
concrete is damp.
Cause: Crazing is caused by minor surface shrinkage in rapid
drying conditions (ie low humidity and high temperatures), or
alternating wetting and drying. Other contributing factors
include having the mix too wet and the lack of adequate curing.
Crazing also results when driers such as neat cement are used
to soak up excess water and are trowelled into the surface.
Prevention: Adopt a good curing regime and start it early.
Do not use cement (or coloured surface hardeners) to soak
up water, and limit the trowelling of the concrete. Avoid the
addition of water to the concrete. Do not work the surface
too early when bleedwater is present.
Repair: Repair may not be necessary because crazing usually
will not weaken concrete. If it is visually unacceptable, then a
surface coating of paint or other overlay sealer can be applied
to cover and/or conceal the cracks.
10.1.3 Blistering
Blisters are hollow, low-profile bumps on the concrete surface
filled with either air or bleedwater. Under traffic (both vehicle
and foot traffic) these blisters crack and the surface mortar
breaks away, exposing the concrete underneath.
Cause: The concrete surface was sealed too early by trow-
elling, trapping water, which continued to rise, causing the
blistering under the surface during finishing. This can occur
particularly in thick slabs or on hot, windy days when the
surface is prone to premature drying.
Prevention: The use of an evaporation retardant in hot, dry or
windy weather will reduce this problem. Other means of
reducing rapid drying include windbreaks and sunshades, and
placing at cooler times of the day. If blisters are forming,
delay trowelling as long as possible and take steps to reduce Causes: One or more factors including incorrect placement
evaporation. of the concrete, delays between placement of concrete lay-
ers, inadequate vibration, and the loss of cement paste
Repair: Grind off the weakened layer to an even finish. Place
through unsealed formwork joints. Surface voids may also
a topping layer to remedy badly damaged surfaces.
indicate a mix that has segregated because of the addition of
10.1.4 Uneven colour of plain concrete water, or concrete that has been dropped into place from a
height greater than one metre. Poor surface formwork, poorly
There is sometimes colour variation in adjoining sections of oiled forms, or damaged form faces restrict the movement of
concrete, and sometimes in the slab itself. the concrete during placement.
Causes: The amount of water in concrete affects its colour. Prevention: Compact and vibrate as close as possible to
The more water (and therefore bleeding), the lighter will be formwork and, if necessary allow for external vibration of
the concrete. Changing the supplier of the concrete or forms. Vibrate more frequently. Use good formwork that has
changing the cement brand may also affect colour. Finishing not been damaged. Do not add water to the concrete. Do not
practices such as early trowelling of wet surfaces will lighten drop the concrete into forms from excessive heights. Ensure
the concrete and extended hard trowelling will darken the that all formwork joints are tight (tape joints if necessary) to
concrete. A steel trowelled surface will be lighter in appear- avoid mortar leakage. Place all concrete continuously and
ance than a broomed finish. Curing will darken the concrete ensure that when placed in layers, concrete in one layer is
and inadequate or inconsistent curing methods can result in vibrated to blend with the lower layer.
mottled surfaces. Curing compounds that are not evenly
applied, and plastic sheeting that is not fully in contact with Repair: Honeycombed surfaces can be rendered. If honey-
the surface will result in lighter patches. combing is much deeper than the surface layer, it may need
to be removed and replaced with a repair mortar.
Prevention: Adopt a standard and consistent procedure for
ordering, placing and finishing. Do not add water, use the one 10.1.8 Blowholes
supplier, trowel after bleedwater has dissipated, trowel the
Blowholes are individual, spherical voids in the surface,
surface evenly and implement good curing techniques.
usually less than 10 mm.
Repair: The application of a stain available from concrete
Cause: Air-voids are trapped against the form face, usually
chemical supply companies may lessen the colour variations.
because insufficient vibration (compaction) has not brought
A trial, on a concealed section of the slab, is advisable.
them to the surface. Blowholes often occur with impermeable
10.1.5 Rain damage forms.
Causes: Heavy rain while concrete is setting, or rainwater Prevention: Ensure forms are rigid, with a thin, even coat of
being allowed to run across the concrete surface. form oil (referred to as ‘pickling’). The workability of the mix
should be suitable for the application. Ensure careful and
Prevention: Prevention is far better than any cure in this case. thorough internal vibration.
If caught out, cover the concrete and channel run-off away
from freshly laid concrete. Repair: Use repair mortars.
Repair: If concrete has not hardened and damage is only 10.1.9 Wavy or uneven surfaces
slight, the surface can be refloated and re-trowelled, taking
Causes: Common causes include–
care not to overwork excess water into the surface. If con-
• Poorly built formwork that has uneven guide rails for
crete has hardened, it may be possible to grind or scrape
away the surface and place a topping layer of new concrete,
• Improper methods of screeding and trowelling
or repair compound, over the top. This may not always be
• Loading a pre-hardened slab with workers’ foot-traffic and
possible and should be done only with expert advice.
power trowelling machines, resulting in humps and hollows
10.1.6 Efflorescence in the concrete. Paviours–intent on finishing the
surface–can be deceived about the hardness of the slab
Efflorescence is a white crystalline deposit sometimes found when hot weather conditions dry out the surface prema-
on the surface of concrete soon after it is finished. turely, while the concrete mass underneath is still plastic
Causes: Mineral salts are sometimes present in the water and can be deformed.
used to make the concrete. These salts collect on the con- Prevention: Always keep a uniform surge of concrete ahead
crete surface as water evaporates. Excess bleeding can also of the screed board and take accurate levels. To avoid the
result in efflorescence. premature set of the surface, use evaporation retardants to
Prevention: Use clean, salt-free water and washed sands. control rapid drying. Maintain a constant slump; do not add
Prevent excessive bleeding by avoiding the addition of water water, which will vary the set of different concrete loads.
to the mix on site. Use a vapour barrier to seperate ground- Repair: Use self-levelling floor compounds or repair mortars.
slabs from rising ground water, which would otherwise soak Alternatively, grind the surface evenly.
into the concrete and possibly brings salts to the surface.
10.1.10 Spalling
Repair: Remove salt deposits with a stiff-bristle broom. If the
result is not satisfactory, scrub with clean water then lightly Spalling is when fragments of concrete are detached from the
rinse the surface. To remove any remaining deposits, the con- concrete surface.
crete can be treated by acid etching and flushing.
Causes: Heavy loads or blows from a hammer. Corrosion of
Efflorescence is not a permanent discolouration and without
reinforcement, which forces off the surface concrete. Entry of
treatment will eventually fade away.
hard objects – such as stones – into joints, can cause spalling
10.1.7 Honeycombing when a slab expands and pushes against the object. Poor
compaction of concrete at joints is another cause.
Commonly occurring on vertical faces of edge beams, stair-
case and verandah soffits, it appears on the surface as a Prevention: Ensure sufficient cover of reinforcement. Remove
coarse texture of interconnecting voids and stones. formwork carefully, to avoid hammer blows or point loads to
new concrete. Design joints carefully. Keep joints free of 10.2 Crack Repair
debris. Keep heavy loads away from the joints and edges until
10.2.1 General
they have properly hardened. Ensure proper compaction.
The following factors should be taken into account–
Repair: Scrape, chip or grind away the weak areas until
• Before any repair is undertaken the cause of the cracking
sound concrete is reached. Then refill area with new concrete
must be ascertained. This may require the services of a
or repair mortar. Make sure the old concrete is brushed clean
suitable expert or consultant.
of any loose material. Compact, finish and cure the new patch
• Whether the crack is live or dormant. Will it continue to
carefully. For larger areas, seek expert advice.
move–open or close–or has it stabilised?
10.1.11 Coloured decorative concrete defects • The width and depth of the crack.
• Whether or not appearance is a factor.
Stamped concrete
Dormant cracks are usually repaired by cutting a groove over
• Colour appears to be lifting, exposing a pale, tinged
them and filling with a cement grout or mortar. Other materials
concrete base. This is caused by the incomplete removal
are also available for crack repair.
of the release coat.
Live cracks are filled with a flexible sealant to allow move-
• The depth of the stamped impression tapers down to a
ment. A wide variety of purpose-made materials are available.
minimal imprint. This is the result of undertaking the
stamping when the concrete has hardened too much. There is a large range of repair products. It is not possible,
in the scope of this handbook, to give detailed instructions
• The surface has small craters over much of the pattern.
about their use. The following is only a guide–detail information
Often the concrete has been too wet when stamping
should be sought from the manufacturers of particular products.
begins, or the concrete was re-wetted (or ‘wet wiped’) to
make imprinting easier, and the excess surface water has 10.2.2 Live cracks
created suction on the stamping mould.
Live cracks should be sealed with a flexible material that
• The colour is fading, although it is not in a high-traffic allows movement, particularly in seasonal cycles.
area. The colour applied was not sufficient, or only one
Flexible epoxy resins allow a small amount of movement but
coat of base colour was applied and the release coat was
mastic sealants, such as silicone and polyurethane, are more
applied at the same time as the second colour. This will
commonly specified. Cracks are repaired by cutting a groove
also indicate that the sealer is allowing the weather to
(or chase) over them and filling with the sealant.
break down the pigments. Colour may have been poorly
worked into the concrete. 10.2.3 Dormant cracks
• The colour surface has crusted and begun to delaminate Dormant cracks range in width from 0.05 mm (crazing) to
and flake off. Causes include the use of cement or a dry- more than 5 mm. The materials and methods for repair
shake topping to mop up bleedwater, or the application of depend on the width of the crack.
the colour topping after the concrete has set, resulting in
a poor bond with the base slab. Very fine cracks, for example crazing, are very difficult to
repair effectively. In many cases it is best to do nothing.
Stencilled concrete If the problem is one of appearance (dirt collecting in very fine
cracks accentuates them), a solution may be to rub down the
• The edges of the ‘joints’ of the pattern are rough and
surface with a carborundum stone before sealing with a
variable. The stencil was not fully embedded in the
water-repellent material, such as sodium silicate.
concrete, consequently the colour topping has stuck to
the stencil and been torn away when the stencil was Fine cracks (up to about 1 mm in width) can often be sealed
removed. against water penetration by simply rubbing in a cement grout
• The joints are stained with colour. The colour has bled or slurry. Injecting an epoxy-resin into them can also seal them.
under the stencil due to poor adhesion with the surface.
The stencil was not sufficiently worked into the surface, Repairing fine cracks is often unecessary and can sometimes
or the concrete had begun to dry when the stencil was detract from the general appearance of the surface finish.
placed, resulting in a weak bond. Epoxy grouts are widely used because–
• The depth of the joints varies. The stencil was placed too • they adhere strongly to both fresh and hardened
early, when the concrete was too wet, and was embedded concrete;
too deeply into the soft surface. • formulations are available which will adhere to most
• The pattern is out of alignment. The alignment of stencils surfaces and harden even under wet conditions;
was unplanned or the project was comprised of separate • they have good mechanical strength and low shrinkage; and
pours and care was not taken to align stencils. • they are resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including
• The pattern is distorted. This is often caused by dragging the alkalies in concrete.
the stencil into alignment across the surface. When aligning
stencils, always hold them off the surface and lay down For cracks wider than 2 mm, a cement grout may be the
into position. most satisfactory, and is often preferred because of its total
compatibility with the parent material, and its ability to main-
tain an alkaline environment around reinforcement.
Other materials, such as polyester resins and synthetic latex-
es, have also been used satisfactorily to seal fine cracks.
They can have lower viscosities than epoxies and hence can
penetrate more easily. However, they may not achieve the
same bond strengths and may be less reliable in damp or wet
Always refer to the information supplied by the manufacturer
of the products to be used in a particular situation.
10.2.4 Wet-crack repair concrete toppings (which may be either bonded to the exist-
ing concrete or unbonded), to the application of pre-pack-
In some situations, a crack in a concrete slab can allow mois-
aged proprietary levelling compounds. The alternatives have
ture to rise through to the surface, possibly due to hydrostatic
different advantages and applications for different situations.
pressure. Often, moisture is present from seepage or a bro-
ken or damaged water pipe under a slab. As the concrete It is crucial to consider the locations of joints in a topping to
may be very dry, the slab acts as a wick and can draw up any avoid cracking. Generally, the area should be limited to 15-m2
moisture present. Products are available which react with the sections and control joints formed to align with existing joints.
moisture present to seal cracks in a moist environment. The thickness of a topping will depend on the product, and
intended use of the floor, including abrasion requirements,
10.3 General repairs
service and dead loads and exposure to corrosive substances
10.3.1 General or environments.
Concrete needs minimal maintenance if correctly placed. Cracks in the existing concrete should be repaired, because
However, minor repairs may be necessary in some instances it is likely they would appear in the topping, especially in thin
to improve its appearance and performance. Serious defects bonded toppings.
may require a complete topping over the whole concrete sur-
New concrete toppings show fine surface cracks because of
face. Some of the simpler repairs are outlined below.
drying at the surface of the topping, and the bond of the top-
A variety of purpose-made products are available for repair ping to the existing base.
and treatment of concrete. It is essential to obtain the manu-
After curing, the topping can be used by foot traffic, heavier
facturer’s advice and instructions on the product’s application.
loads, however, should be deferred for 28 days.
10.3.2 Mortars
Bonded toppings
The filling of chips or gouges is best done with a repair mortar
Bonded topping slabs are between 20 and 50 mm thick and
available from concrete chemical supply companies. A variety
consist of 1 part cement: 11/2 parts clean sharp sand: 2 parts
of products are available and the product selected should suit
of 7 to 10-mm aggregate mixed with a minimal quantity of
the particular application. The manufacturer’s instructions
water necessary for workability.
should be followed carefully.
Toppings are placed on a rough surface, which is clean and
10.3.3 Acid etching/cleaning
sound. Old concrete surfaces, which are disintegrating, ie
Acid etching is an effective method in some instances to dusting or spalling, should be chipped until a sound surface is
clean or lightly texture concrete surfaces. obtained. Smooth concrete should be chipped or scabbled to
provide a key for the new topping. Water blasting or captive
Extreme care is required when handling acids. When diluting shot blasting is preferable, because chipping tends to pro-
hydrochloric acid always add the acid to the water, never the duce a weak base layer. On a prepared surface the coarse
reverse. Ensure good ventilation and avoid contact between aggregate should be showing.
the acid and the reinforcement.
Hose and scrub with a stiff broom to remove all dust and
Use only diluted acid to clean or etch the concrete surface. foreign matter before placing the new concrete. A suitable
The recommended proportions are 1 part hydrochloric acid to bonding compound should be used.
20 parts water. Always saturate the surface with water before
applying the dilute acid solution. When applying the solution, Generally, reinforcement is not used when the topping thick-
ensure that the surface is moist but without any free water ness does not exceed 50 mm.
being present.
F42 fabric can be positioned 20 mm from the top of the slab
The applied solution should be allowed to react on the con- and supported on bar chairs will help control shrinkage cracking.
crete surface for 10 to 15 minutes. The surface should then Polypropylene or steel fibre reinforcement may also be used.
be thoroughly rinsed and scrubbed with lots of clean water.
All joints in the original slab should be duplicated in the top-
Repeat rinsing at least twice or until all traces of the acid
ping slab to maintain movement control.
solution has been removed.
The topping should be cured for a minimum of 3 days, prefer-
The process may be repeated if necessary to produce the
ably 7 days.
required surface finish.
Unbonded toppings
10.3.4 Slippery concrete surfaces
If the topping slab is 50 –75 mm thick, a separate unbonded
Smooth concrete surfaces that have become slippery may be
reinforced topping should be considered with a plastic mem-
made coarse by using a high-pressure water blaster or by
brane separating the old concrete from the new. Toppings
acid etching the surface.
that exceed 75 mm in thickness should be regarded as new
If a high-pressure water blaster is used, it should be capable concrete slabs and designed and reinforced accordingly.
of delivering pressure between 6.9 and 8.3 MPa (1000 and
N32 grade concrete with a maximum slump of 80 mm should
1200 psi). The use of such equipment to achieve surface tex-
be specified. F52 reinforcing fabric is positioned 20 mm from
turing can be difficult and specialised use by a competent
the top of the slab and supported on bar chairs to help
tradesman is recommended. If the clean concrete surface is
control shrinkage cracking.
sealed (once dry), it will resist dirt and grime.
The topping should be cured for a minimum of 3 days,
10.3.5 Topping existing concrete
preferably 7 days.
Levelling compounds
A damaged or worn concrete surface can be revitalised by
Proprietary levelling compounds and toppings are typically
the application of a topping.
less than 10 mm thick. They are mixed with water and
A variety of applications are available, ranging from new screeded onto the concrete surface. Levelling compounds
can be applied in thicknesses as thin as 1 mm. Some self- APPENDIX
levelling products require little finishing. It is essential to follow
Relevant standards
the manufacturer’s advice and instructions about the product’s
application. AS 1379 Specification and Supply of Concrete
AS 2050 Installation of Roof Tiles
AS 2870 Residential Slabs and Footings
AS 3582 Supplementary Cementitious Materials
for use with Portland Cement
3582.1 Fly Ash
3582.2 Slag – Ground Granulated
Iron Blast-furnace
AS 3727 Guide to Residential Pavements
AS 3799 Liquid Membrane-forming Curing
Compounds for Concrete
AS 3972 Portland and Blended Cements
INDEX curing, 9
compounds, 9
definition of, vi
admixtures methods, 9
definition of, vi, 2 with plastic sheeting, 9
in mortar, 25
driveways, 19
in render, 26
dry-shake toppings, 21
definition of, vi dusting: causes, prevention and repair, 28
in exposed-aggregate finishes, 23
edging, 9
air-entraining admixtures, 2 efflorescence
definition of, vi
aliphatic alcohols
causes, prevention and repair, 29
definition of, vi
for hot-weather concreting, 10 expansion joints, 16
blast furnace slag exposed-aggregate finishes, 23
description of, 1 seeded finish, 23
wash-off finish, 23
blistering: causes, prevention and repair, 28
bonded topping technique, 23
blowholes: causes, prevention and repair, 29 managing waste run-off, 23
bullfloating, 8 existing pavements
toppings for, 24
repairs to, 24, 28–32
definition of, vi
types of, 1 footing systems, 18
cement paste flatwork
dilution with addition of water, 1 definition of, vi
as a lubricant, 1
floating, 8
chemical stains for colouring, 21 hand, 8
machine, 8
cleaning concrete, 31
fly ash
cold joints, 7
description of, 1
coloured surface hardeners, 21, 22
formwork, 11–12, 20
compaction, 7
honeycombing: causes, prevention and repair, 29
definition of, vi
methods of, 7 hydration, 1
definition of, vi
compression test, 4
isolation joints, 17
materials in, 1 joints, 16–17
normal-class, special-class, 2 cold, 7
ordering, 2 construction, 12, 16
properties of, 1 control joints: contraction, expansion and isolation,
specifying, 2 16–17
summer-mix, winter-mix, 2 in stamped concrete, 23
in toppings over existing pavements, 24
construction joints, 12, 16
contraction joints, 16
definition of, vi
control joints, 16
levelling compounds, 31
in render work, 27
colouring concrete, 20–21
definition of, vi
with chemical stains, 21
with dry-shake toppings, 21 mineral oxide pigments, 20
with mineral oxide pigments, 20
mortar, 25–26
cracking mixes and applications, 26
crazing: causes, prevention and repair, 15, 28
normal-class concrete, 2
drying shrinkage cracks: causes and prevention, 16
pre-setting, 15 ordering concrete, 2
plastic shrinkage, 15
plastic settlement, 15 patterned concrete, 21–23
repair of, 30 stencilling, 21–22
construction of, 19–20
placing, 6 standards, see appendix, 32
delays which reduce time for placement, 5 stencilled patterns, 21–22
in layers, 7 causes of defects, 30
techniques of, 6
plastic settlement cracking, 15 preparation of, 20
definition of, vi protecting from frost, 10
prevention of, 15
superplasticisers, 2
plastic shrinkage cracking, 15
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), 1–2
definition of, vi
prevention of, 15 tamping, 7
polypropylene fibres, 5, 13, 15, 20 testing concrete, 3–5
poker vibrators, 7 toppings for existing pavements, 24,31,
bonded, unbonded, 31
joints in, 24
definition of, vi
plasticisers, 2
hand, 9
rain damage: causes, prevention and repair, 29 machine, 9
raft slabs uneven colour: causes and prevention, 29
stiffened raft, waffle raft, 18
uneven surfaces: causes, prevention and repair, 29
reinforced concrete
vibrating (compacting), 7
how concrete and steel behave together, 13
over-vibrating, under-vibrating, re-vibrating, 7–8
types of reinforcement, 13
types of stresses in, 13 vibrating screeds, 7
reinforcement, 13 water
bar chairs, 13 addition of, 1, 5
concrete cover of, 14 quality of, 2
displacement of, 6
inspection of, 14 water-cement ratio, 5
for paths and driveways, 19 definition of, vi
splicing, 14 water-reducing admixtures, 2
tying, 13
weather conditions
release agents, 22 affect on concrete, 10
renders, 26–27 cold-weather concreting, 10
surface preparation, 27 hot-weather concreting, 10
decorative finishes, 27 workability, 1
repair of surface defects, 28–30 definition of, vi
rodding concrete, 7
roof tile bedding and pointing, 27–28
same-day sealers, 22, 23, 24
screeding, 8
segregation, 6
definition of, vi
set-accelerating admixtures, 2
for cold-weather concreting, 10
set-retarding admixtures, 2
skid resistance, 20
slippery surfaces, etching to make rough, 31
slump, 2
definition of, vi
test, 3–4
spalling: causes, prevention and repair, 29–30
special-class concrete, 2
stains, prevention of, 20
stamped concrete, 22–23
causes of defects, 30
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