Bullying Outline

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Outline of Body Paragraphs

This outline is designed to help you organize your body paragraphs before you begin
writing. (FYI..this is part of the drafting process; therefore, it is process work to be
turned in with the final product.)

Per the directions, you must have 12 citations in your paper with a mix of quotations,
paraphrases, and summaries.

Begin by clearly stating your position/thesis for the whole paper.

EX: Cyber-bullying exists in todays society.

Topic for Body Paragraph 1: (in support of your thesis)

EX: emotional damage

Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1: (connected to thesis and topic)

EX: Cyberbullying causes a great deal of emotional trauma for kids.

Eviden Quotation/Paraphrase Citation

ce 1 /Summary
aph 1
Type As a result of social ( Bargeron 297)
of medial, many naive
source people have put very Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)
: personal information "Cyberspace Culture." American Decades: 2000-2009. Ed. Eric
EX: on the web, and that
Bargeron and James F. Tidd, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 295-298.
Book information has led to
incidents of stalking. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.
Some women have
been assaulted by
strangers as a result,
and others have been
bullied by people they

Because intimate
personal information
was routinely shared,
and online activity
could easily be kept
secret, unwanted
online attention
sometimes had real-life
Several high-profile
cases of Internet
stalking and bullying
gained media
attention. So-called
cyber-stalkers were
arrested for assaulting
young women they had
initially contacted
through social-
networking sites, and
many students suffered
online attacks from
classmates in a
phenomenon termed

Eviden Quotation/Paraphrase Citation

ce 2 /Summary
Type Two Virginia Tech (Spencer )
of college students have
source been arrested in the New York Times FEB. 1, 2016
: murder of a 13 year
EX: old girl whom they
newsp met and stalked on
aper the internet. The 13
year old complained
that she hated school
because she was
bullied for her looks.
Having received a
liver transplant, she
had a tracheotomy
which kids made fun
of. While it is still
unclear how the
relationship with the
accused murderers
and the girl
transpired, police do
know they connected
through facebook.

Eviden Quotation/Paraphrase Citation

ce 3 /Summary

Type It showed a group of (Kennedy 1)

of girls attack another girl
"One person arrested in attack of student in bathroom of Philadelphia high
source and repeatedly punch
school." American School & University 2 Feb. 2016. General Reference Center
: her in the head.
GOLD. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.
Gale http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE
Net %7CA442158524&v=2.1&u=mviejo_main&it=r&p=GRGM&sw=w&asid=98f9afb2d

Topic for Body Paragraph 2:

EX: physical effects
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2: (connected to thesis and topic)
EX: The effects of cyberbullying can lead to physical abuse.

Evidence 1 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

for Topic of
Paragraph 1

Type of A 2009 study by the Cyberbullying Research ( Bargeron 298)

source: Center found that one in five middle-school
EX: book students were victims of online harassment.

Evidence 2 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Investigators believe that the accused killers (Spencer 1)

source: knew the victim prior to meeting her. The victim
EX: frequented social media because she was bullied
newspaper and found friendly support from the two
students who stabbed her.

Evidence 3 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of On January 27, a group of girls at a Philadelphia (Kennedy)

source: school ganged up on one girl in the school
Gale Net bathroom and brutally beat her up. The attack
was video taped and posted on social media
where it was viewed over 50,000 times. One
student has been arrested.
Now You Try:

The lgbt community has faced various forms of bullying in our society today.

Topic for Body Paragraph 1: Facing violence because of someones sexual orientation.

Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1: (thesis AND topic)Those who have been victims of
violence in schools across the country, because of their sexual orientation continue to
increase all over.

Evidence 1 for Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Topic of Body
Paragraph 1

Type of source: 32% of online teens say they have been (Gilkkerson 1)
Internet targets of range of annoying or potentially
menacing online activities.

Evidence 2 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of It is important to build a safe environment (Gilkkerson)

source:Internet for all youth whether they are straight or

Evidence 3 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Federal civil laws do not cover harassment (Gilkkerson)
source:Interenet based on sexual orientation. However many
states protect against bullying because of
their sexual orientation in their state laws.

Topic for Body Paragraph 2:

How does being bullying affect the LGBT youths mental health

Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2: (thesis AND topic)-Our LGBT youth of our country
have felt targeted, causing their mental health to plummet quickly.

Evidence 1 for Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Topic of Body
Paragraph 2

Type of source: The community itself has felt like a target because of (Sourander A,
Internet their sexual orientation, or their gender pronouns. The Jensen P,
amount of help offered is not enough. Ronning)

Evidence 2 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of source: LGBT adults who reported homophobic bullying (Sourander A,

Internet showed higher depressive levels. Jensen P,

Evidence 3 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of source: Those who have linked bullying with their mental (Sourander A,
Internet health have been more likely to have depression, Jensen P,
anxiety, and suicide rate within the community has Ronning)
been on the rise.

Topic for Body Paragraph 3:-How to create a safe environment in your town for the LGBT
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 3: (thesis AND topic)-To create a safe environment for
these just as normal people as everyone else we have to make an effort.

Evidence 1 for Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Topic of Body
Paragraph 3

Type of Talking to an adult about what you have (Stomp out Bullying)
source: seen,heard, or experienced yourself is the first
Internet step to creating a safe environment for

Evidence 2 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Establishing a GSA group just as any other club (Stomp out bullying)
source: would start in your school will bring people
Internet together, addressing certain issue that can be
taken care of.

Evidence 3 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Lets create a world of love and kindness, (Stomp out bullying)
source: compassion, and respect.

Topic for Body Paragraph 4:

Life after bullying

Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 4: (thesis AND topic)-The effect on the someone who is
LGBT and who has been bullied can be life changing and take a very large toll overcoming
that is a journey in itself.

Evidence 1 for Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Topic of Body
Type of In the study over half of LGBT students (Rochman)
source: reported being bullied at ages 13 or 14, less
Internet than 10% reported bullying at ages 19 or 20.

Evidence 2 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Life after high school people are more accepting (Rochman)
source: and open minded aside from their own little
Internet bubble of a community like high school is set out
to be.

Evidence 3 Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary Citation

Type of Confronting these issues from a young adult into (Rochman)

source: someone adult life helps someone cope, and
Internet confront those who are set on being a bully no
matter the age.

Continue with as many paragraphs as you have/need.

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