Your Guide To Home Care Package Services - Booklet
Your Guide To Home Care Package Services - Booklet
Your Guide To Home Care Package Services - Booklet
package services
ISBN 978-1-925318-03-6
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This booklet is designed to help you, your family or your friends
make important decisions about your care. Although we have tried
to make it as comprehensive as possible, you may want more
specific information on the aged care system to make an informed
Information is current as at 27 February 2017.
Your guide to home care
package services
Is this booklet right for you?
This booklet explains how older people can receive support in their
home and daily life through the Home Care Packages Program.
You should read this booklet if you have been assessed by an Aged
Care Assessment Team (ACAT), or an Aged Care Assessment
Service if you are in Victoria, for a home care package.
Otherwise call My Aged Care on 1800200 422 or go to for information on the assessment process
and eligibility for different types of government-funded aged care:
What is a home care package? 5
Further assistance 34
Check list - Research home care providers and work out costs 36
What is a home care package?
The Australian Governments Home Care Packages Program helps you to
live independently in your own home for as long as you can. The Program
provides a subsidy towards a package of care, services and case
management to meet your personal needs.
There are four levels of home care packages. A professional assessor will
work with you to find out if a home care package is the right service for
you, which level of service you need and when you might need it.
The four package levels are structured as follows:
yy Level 1 supports people with basic care needs
yy Level 2 supports people with low-level care needs
yy Level 3 supports people with intermediate care needs
yy Level 4 supports people with high-level care needs.
Each level of home care package provides a different subsidy amount. This
amount is paid to an approved home care provider that you have selected.
The subsidy contributes to the total cost of your service and care delivery.
It is also expected that you will contribute to the cost of your care where
your personal circumstances allow.
You can find out more on the subsidy rates at the Department of Healths
Approved home care providers will work in partnership with you to tailor
care and services to best support your needs and goals.
What cant home care package funds be used for?
Home care package funds cannot be used as a general source of income
for items such as day-to-day bills, food, mortgage payments or rent as an
example. You can find a full list of exclusions on
The assessment
With your consent, an ACAT member will:
yy assess and approve your eligibility for home care to help you
continue living at home or refer you to other services
yy give you information about home care services in your area
yy help you access the care you need
yy help you arrange residential respite care, if you need it.
Your local ACAT member (usually a nurse, social worker or other health
care professional) will make a time to come to your home (or hospital if you
are in hospital) and talk to you about how well you are managing in your
day-to-day life. They will also explain the assessment process.
The ACAT member may ask your permission to talk to your doctor about
your medical history before they meet with you. If you agree, your consent
will be recorded by the ACAT member. All information provided will be
treated confidentially.
Pathway to accessing a home care package
This booklet outlines the usual pathway for people who have been assessed
as eligible for a home care package and includes information on the actions
at each stage, so you can start and manage your home care services.
Start making enquiries about
who you would like to provide
your services and how much it will cost
Confirmation of the assignment of
your home care package and
unique package referral code
Start negotiations with your preferred
provider to develop a care plan
and Home Care Agreement
Start receiving home care services
and manage your services if your
needs change
yy receive an approval letter from My Aged Care that sets out the
level of home care package you are approved to receive and
your priority for care
yy be placed in a national queue for a suitable home care package. Your
place will be determined by your priority for care and the time you
have waited for a package. The time waited will also be based on the
date of approval on your letter.
You may not be found eligible to receive a home care package. If this
happens you will receive a letter setting out why and who to contact
for more help. You may be eligible for other care services and if so, this
information will be included with your letter.
If your care needs change at any time, you can request a new ACAT
assessment by contacting My Aged Care.
If you dont receive an approval letter explaining your assessment
outcome, call My Aged Care and request a copy.
If, after you have spoken to your ACAT assessor, you still do not agree with
your assessment outcome, you can write to the Secretary of the Department
of Health outlining why you think it should be changed.
The Secretary
Department of Health
Attn: Aged Care Assessment Program
GPO Box 9820
Sydney NSW 2001
You must write to the Secretary within 28 days of receiving your letter from
the ACAT.
research approved home care providers in your local area to find out:
yy how they can best service your needs
yy the fees and their charges and what they mean
yy any other additional services they offer and their associated costs.
Each provider is different, so meeting them will help you understand what
you can expect. Youll also be able to see what types of care, services and
activities they offer.
There is a checklist at the end of this booklet to help you prepare for
questions you might want to ask potential providers.
Use the Service Finder on the My Aged Care website or you can phone My Aged Care on
1800 200 422 to help find a provider in your area.
Work out the costs
The Australian Government provides a subsidy towards your care through
the Home Care Packages Program. If your personal circumstances allow,
it is expected you will make a financial contribution towards the cost of
Your family home is not included in the assessment of your income for
home care package purposes.
You will not be asked to pay an income-tested care fee if you have a yearly
income below the maximum income amount a person can have to be
classified as a full pensioner.
If you are part of a couple, the income-tested care fee payable is
determined by halving your combined income, regardless of who earned
the income.
Once you start your home care package, DHS will notify you and your
provider of the maximum fees payable based on the information already
Income support payments which are not means tested include:
yy Age PensionBlind
yy Disability Support PensionBlind
yy Carer Allowance
yy Mobility Allowance
yy DVA Disability Pension without the Income Support Supplement
yy DVA War Widows Pension without the Income Support Supplement.
What if I havent received a response from the
Department of Human Services?
It will take at least two weeks from the date you submit the income
assessment form to receive information about your fees.
What other charges can be applied by a provider?
Your chosen provider is able to charge administration costs and case
management costs to your home care package funds. Each provider
will have different administration costs associated with providing care
The letter will set out what level of home care package has been assigned
to you.
Your letter may offer you a home care package below the level you have
been approved for so you can access care and services while you wait for
a package at your level to become available.
For example, if you have been approved to receive a level 4 home care
package you may receive a letter assigning you a level 2 home care
package so that you can get some care and services while you wait for a
level 4 package to become available.
The letter from My Aged Care will include a unique referral code that you
give to your chosen provider.
4. Enter into a Home Care Agreement
There should be enough time for you to look at the Agreement, and to
seek independent legal advice, if you wish, before you sign the Home
Care Agreement.
If you are unable to sign a Home Care Agreement because of any physical
incapacity or mental impairment, another person representing you can sign
the Agreement on your behalf.
You can choose not to sign the Agreement. If this happens, the home
care provider still needs to talk to you about the type of care and
services you need.
It is important that the home care provider records the reasons for you
not having a signed Agreement in place and the basis of the care that
you are getting.
Developing a care plan
Your home care provider will already have some information about your
care needs recorded at your ACAT assessment.
Your care plan and personal budget are important parts of your Home
Care Agreement.
Your provider must consider your personal preferences and work with you
Monthly statement
You will receive monthly statements from your provider that show the
home care package budget funds available to you and what has been
spent from the budget, including any additional charges you have agreed
to. The statement must outline any unspent funds.
Any unspent funds must carry over from month to month, and from year
to year, for as long as you continue to receive a home care package from
Can someone help me negotiate with my home care
Yes. You can have another person, such as a family member, friend or
carer with you while your care plan is being designed.
The government funds advocacy services under the National Aged Care
Advocacy Program. Advocacy services provide information to consumers,
their families and carers about their rights and responsibilities when
Your care plan and your personal budget cannot be changed without
your agreement.
You may find over time your care needs decrease or may increase. You
can be reassessed by an ACAT at any time. You or your provider can
arrange this.
This is not your official notice to them and you should have a discussion
with your current provider to formally agree an end date for your services
with them.
Once you have agreed an end date with your current provider, you have
56 days from the end date to enter into a Home Care Agreement with a
new provider.
The start date with your new provider must be on or after the end date
you have agreed with your old provider.
Unspent funds
If there are any unspent funds in your package (after all expenses and fees
have been paid) this will follow you to your new provider.
The unspent home care amount will be calculated from the date you
started receiving home care services from your provider, until the agreed
end date of your home care services.
Note: If you started receiving home care before 1 July 2015, this will be the
start date used to calculate your unspent home care amount.
Your current provider has 56 days from the end date you have agreed with
them to issue you with a notice that will include:
yy confirmation of the end date of home care services you have both
agreed to
yy the exit amount that will be deducted (if one is applicable)
yy the balance of any unspent funds in your home care package.
Note: if you have paid any home care fees in advance, these are not
included in the calculation of your unspent home care amount and must
be separately refunded by your provider.
If you have given this information to your old provider then they must
complete this transfer within 70 days of your agreed end date.
If you move into permanent residential care, pass away or cease your
home care package, then your provider will work out the unspent amount
and return the fee contributions you made to you or your estate.
It is often best you talk to your service provider about your complaint first
to see if they can help. They are there to support you and should listen to
your concerns.
You also have the right to an advocate to help you make a complaint.
They offer confidential and independent advice and support for people
receiving aged care services.
Call the National Aged Care Advocacy Line on 1800 700 600 (freecall) to
find out more about advocacy services.
What if I am already receiving aged care services?
It may be possible for you to receive care and services through a range
of other programs that you cannot receive as part of your home care
package or that can complement your home care package. These
programs include:
yy Transition Care Program
yy Community Visitors Scheme
yy Disability Program
yy Continence Aids Payment Scheme
yy Palliative Care
yy Department of Veterans Affairs Program.
In certain circumstances, you are able to receive care and services through
the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) when you are in a
home care package, on a time-limited basis. Please see the CHSP manual
for more information.
Note: If you have not yet arranged for an income assessment, call DHS
on 1800 227 475*
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 39
or go to
For help visit or phone 1800 200 422
All information in this publication is correct as at 27 February 2017