Mitch Landrieu-The Grandson of Slaves
Mitch Landrieu-The Grandson of Slaves
Mitch Landrieu-The Grandson of Slaves
By W.M.Walters
Mitch Landrieu, the "White Messiah" of New
Orleans. The "Great White Hope" for a city that
is as diverse as a smoldering cup of gumbo on
a hot southern day.
Mitch, described by journalist as the first
"White Mayor" of New Orleans since his father,
Moon Landrieu, held that position in the 70's.
Mitch, the "White Man" who decided that New
Orleans needed racial healing and he was the
self-anointed man for the job.
History can be stranger than fiction. History,
when she is ready, will release secrets long
held hidden. Mitch Landrieu, and the Landrieu
family, have attempted to hide their family
secrets for over a hundred years. Problem is,
those secrets were passed down from
generation to generation, within the black
communities of New Orleans, and rumors of
the Landrieu family have always been spoken
of in hushed tones across the city. Where there
is smoke, there is usually fire and in the case of
the Landrieu family, that smoke leads to very
significant revelations.
The decades old rumor on the streets of New
Orleans, repeated from generation to
generation, is that the Landrieu's are
descendants of African Americans. The
Landrieu's have never acknowledged this
publicly, one way or the other, and you have to
wonder why.
Mitch Landrieu preaches diversity yet hides
behind his whiteness. Is that not a form of the
white supremacy that he accuses the
supporters of Louisiana History to be? Why
would he not embrace his heritage and his
ancestors? Do these unanswered questions
have anything to do with his blatant disregard
of New Orleans history and his plans to destroy
that history? Is he doing this destruction as a
vendetta to somehow avenge his ancestors or
as a way to erase his ties to them? The only
person that can answer those questions is
Mitch Landrieu himself. The citizens of both
New Orleans and the State of Louisiana
deserve an answer.
As we take a journey back into the Federal
Census records, we can trace the evolution of
the Landrieu family's secret and the deliberate
whitewashing of certain parts of their ancestry.
I will now list factual information. All can be
Moon Landrieu- Mitch Landrieu's father.
1940 Federal Census-Louisiana-Orleans
Listed as White.
Joseph Landrieu 1892-1967- Mitch
Landrieu's grandfather
1900 Federal Census-Mississippi-Hancock
Listed as Black. Son of Cyrintha Mackey
Landrieu. Both born in Hancock County,
Mississippi. Moved to New Orleans, Louisiana
between 1903-1910.
1910 Federal Census-Louisiana-Orleans
Listed as White. Birthplace, Mississippi.
Residence, New Orleans. Mothers (Cyrintha)
birthplace listed as Mississippi. Fathers (Victor)
birthplace listed as France.