Alabama Affixes and Important Words

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-a (Nom/Mid) (nonproductive) object nominalizing suffix or middle {prob. an old variant of *-ka1 as
found in modern Choctaw} «Nokɬikis-li > nokɬikiich-a. To scare > to be scared.» «Aayintolíhnafa
amáakayok pahkabáanat. They were going to the job site whooping it up. (NWK)»

a- (Appl) (nonproductive) verb stem derivational prefix typically adding an object «Yosba > ayosba. To
be lost > to forget.» «Kostini > akostini. To be wise, intelligent > to know (something).» «Kano >
imakanoochi. To be good > to fix, tend, prepare for.» «Hicha > ahicha. To see > to watch over.»

-aa (Pron) I verb suffix indicating first person singular Control Subject in the future tense «`Chastokon
achihlaalak ommo', mankan. `I'm going to plant beans', he said. (RAF)» «`Chaafin talbòolaalak ommo'
mankan. `I'm going to fix the ax', he said. (RAF)»

aa- (GenLoc) at, to verb stem derivational prefix indicating general location; derives nouns indicating
the place where an action is performed Var: aay- before vowels «Wakhachaahan `yon aachokòoliiha
áhhìichaha nakaaɬánnàha' homankok. They said to Crane, `Sit here and watch him so he doesn't take
off.' (RAS)» «Himóɬɬachon aatitayyichòobok aasobòoli lapaaloson itachokóoⁿhchooton imiisafan máalon
itachokóoⁿhchooton... Once there was an old woman who used to sit right beside the fire, she used to
sit there in her house beside the fire. (RAS)» «...ɬóokat maatakanáhhilok churchka-fakáalon aayìisat
holisson sobáaylispotóobàapin... ...again we moved over there and that's where we were, still at the
church building and we went to school there for some time. (NCS)» «Itto notaamáɬɬon aasobaylit
ìistilkan iissòoba impahchafóot aasobaylit ìistilkan... We had school under a tree or stayed under the
porch of an old house. (NCS)» «...aayintolíhnafa amáakayok pahkabáanat... They were going to the job
site whooping it up. (NWK)»

-aaba (Modl) verb suffix indicating an opinion or belief or that the speaker is asking for confirmation of a
belief, as in tag questions «`Nàasok híibilákkàaba' mankahchóot òmmok áffalìichoostóot ommoolo.
`This thing doesn't look like it could kill me', he may have said, making fun of it. (MBF1)»
«`óochatíkkolooláabàa káasok.' It's not going to be too long, is it? (PMM)» «Máamok somisfáhkaya,
somisfáhkaya ishíichatoolaaba? Then the moss spinning outfit-you've seen that moss spinning outfit,
haven't you? (PMB)» «Màilok anchampóolilakkàaba. I don't think that (ice cream you mentioned) is
going to taste good to me.»

-áahosi (Adv) almost verb suffix indicating near completion of an (unrealized) event [-ahi-osi] [lgr] Var:
-áaⁿosi Var: -áaⁿhos- before apocopating suffixes «Illáahosit illiilayok tikbakók `ankatipa alliilamoolo,
challáahoso' immankatoha, aatikon. It was almost dead it was so hungry, so the fire said to the man,
`feed me, I'm starving, I'm almost dead.' (MBF2)» «Tikbakok aatiyon `ankatipa chanakaɬáaⁿhoso'
mankan. The fire said to the man `Feed me, I'm almost gone.' (MBF1)» «Paanifan oɬáaⁿhosifòokayok
bássok, tammáaⁿhostik aɬíinat aɬíinat... He had almost gotten to the creek when he started getting weak
and he almost fell down. (MBL)» «Naho akkon akkamíhchit mottakitaskaafòokon
ishohachibatláaⁿhosiikáhtíkko? When you made it known what happened weren't they about to whip
y'all? (NIA)»
-áali (Modf) the one, the very, the same, the exact; one's very own, one's own self suffix to pronouns,
including demonstratives ya, ma, ka, akka and nouns after NLoc -fa, with particular meaning determined
by what it is suffixed to «Anaakáalo. My own self.» «Himáakaya sáamòosin stamánnòokan
stamánnòokalaak ommoolo máskat sobaytakkóomo sobaytákkobi himáakaya anáaliya. Now I don't
know when my time will end, I myself don't know now when my end will come, I don't know. (NCS)»
«Akkon ibisnáalok talbòolimók stamaakahchommoolo. Then they made their own plans and used to
carry them on through. (HPC)» «íisan imiisafíinamon ohintállok ohintállin aalokòoli mók maafáalon
imiyaanifaamáalon hotállok... When they built his real house for him and built the church too in the
same place, on his own land they built it. (HPC)» «Howiilit honahohchooti kaasáalok, akkáamostoolo.
They would hunt for it and make it, but for only that same amount (of money). (PMB)» «Maafaakon
ittomáalit talkoossòoba iⁿsamatlikáhchon yamíhchit issáalichit... There is that same stick with the old
knife sort of stuck in it and you scrape like this with it. (PTH)» «Akkon iisan áɬkat homaɬatliista
sáhkofòokayok askahíkkostáskat iisahayomáalotik ohitahoppolat anoostoolo. They were inside the
house and were very afraid so they couldn't do anything and couldn't get out and were in there for a
long time, so they had to defecate apparently. (HCW)» «Somoyáalok yáhmit aɬɬatok atokláali
ittootámmatlit aɬɬasta. One piece of moss goes this way then the next goes the opposite way, in and
out. (PMB)» «Indian-kayáalókkohchi tatkon ommitoolo íibitooma? That one wasn't an Indian but a
white that he killed? (HAI)» «...walìikayáalon maakok tanatlok waliikatóóóón... ...the very minute it took
off that one came down and ran and ran... (MBL)» «`Yáhmòosiyáalo íibilákkobi' mankáabíikatoha. `A l'il
ole thing like this one couldn't kill me', he kept repeating. (MBF2)» «∥óokat maakáalon yamíhchit
yamíhchit istaɬat istaɬat atokláali akkamíichit akkamíichit anoslihchommihchoolikha. Now again, to that
one do like this, do like this, weave something through it, weave it through (crossways) a second time do
it; that's the way they keep doing it until it's finished. (PTH)» «Onkatohatáskan aatik
hoháalohchootohatáskat hosobáylistáskat akáaliiyon chokòolahiyon hobánkofòokayo. That's how they
said it would be and the Indians heard it and knew about it and they didn't want anyone else living
there. (HPC)» «Atokláalit ɬóok kihchofakáalon maatáaɬok. Again, a second time, you put it back in that
same mortar. (PBB)» «∥óok maakáalon intoonolaot áalot naaɬiikáaposkáamon. Then again he asked to
take his same job up again where he'd left off and he talked about it. (HAI)» «Mootok aɬíinaamon
aɬíinaamon mafòokamáalin iⁿɬopotloosiiyon church-kayok aalokooliyon tallifòokon maafaayon ɬóokat
maatakanáhhilok church-kafakáalon aayìisat... Then later on, some time right afterward that same time,
the Church built a churchhouse, then again we moved over there and that's where we were, still at the
same church. (NCS)»

-àapi (Adv) really, very; but verb suffix indicating emphasis or contrast, intensity, or duration, in
subordinate clauses only or followed by copular -o4 in an independent clause «Hasikon itton isbatatlit
alwahlilaak ommitok isbatatlàapin alwahíkkot yaafo ostistámmin. He was going to hit the sun against a
tree and break it but although he really hit it against it, it didn't break but fell away over yonder. (RAS)»
«`Achihlilak iswìikahchommiti' homankàapin. `He was going to plant them (the beans) and he's over
there doing it', that's what they said and he really was. (RAF)» «...ɬóokat maatakanáhhilok churchka-
fakáalon aayìisat holisson sobáaylispotóobàapin... ...again we moved over there and that's where we
were, still at the church building and we went to school there for some time. (NCS)» «Hátchaalàapok
lokbahchommiima, solotkaskanóhchoolikha. If it stands for a little while and it's hot and sunny then it
dries easily. (PTH)» «Akkamíhchit kanochistóobasáaⁿpok líiphat líiphat anookat, solotkat anookáama.
One does that for a long time real carefully then it's finished curing when it's finished drying. (PTH)»
«Kaanootoomok wíikasta ostistiⁿfáyhilàapin. McConico was still alive then so we did go to tell him.
(NIA)» «Máafon paatohnotík akkon hohochifáaposkáamon obaltámmin ommikha. But even though he
pushed him and they even put his name down (on the ballot) he got behind. (NIA)» «Eh, mikkóot John
Scott-kootoomok illifòokan wíííkàapifòokan lókba námpooya òoɬahchon ommiti Chaali Tamsootoomon
ohisíhchommikha ɬóokat. When Chief John Scott died they waited a long time, I don't know how many
years went by before they elected Charlie Thompson again. (NIA)» «Akkon oschókkòolit holissoot
sobaylìichàapitík istimanooka máamòosin assaliikok nakaɬtikáas ilaabíikakha. He lived over there and
taught school until his term was over, but then he got out and was gone and goes off. (HPC)»
«Ayaanáakàapo. It is sloping a little.» «∥aɬon imokwàyliláapok ampiyaafobi. I did fish but had bad luck.»
«Chakàanobi, isnàapo? I'm fine, and you?» «Hompaniiyok ponnàapi. He sure knows how to play.»

aati- (PlObj) verb prefix typically indicating a plural third person object, often unspecified, or
occasionally a third person unspecified subject Var: at- «Mootok ómmok oɬafòokan tayyihakon
ohiⁿfaylitáskan tayyihakon aatapoɬóokàasit illitoha, homankahchoolimpakha. Then, at that time, since
he had returned, they let him have the two women, and so he had just gone to bed with them when he
died, so they always used to say. (HCW)» «Ifak amáakan aatimaatachakkiliton ibit hochíkkìiliifaamok
paayoɬachiti. The dogs went and I followed them to where they had gone to kill (the animals).»
«Athapkahchi. Somebody is bathing.» «Akkàilok aatíibilákkàaba. That thing couldn't kill anybody.»

-ahi (Asp) verb suffix indicating probable or intended unrealized events Var: ai- in fast speech
«Samíhchaik hosobaykok nihtahchootok tankahchootok sobaykaitáskan máamòosin. How were they
going to know when it was day or night, because they needed to know. (RAS)» «`Hasi oslapaachaimok
náksoolaitonka?', homankan. `Who is going to go put the sun up?', they said. (RAS)» «Akkon solotkaikát
aɬɬaamon sahlichit yamíichit yamíichit sahlichit akkamíhchikát iswíikat nákson solotkat lapáffiimon...
That one that is beginning to get dry, scrape it, do this way, do this way, scrape it, keep doing like that
everywhere there is a dry place sticking to it. (PTH)» «Onkatohatáskan aatik hoháalohchootohatáskat
hosobáylistáskat akkáaliiyon chokòolahiyon hobánkofòokayo. That's how they said it would be and the
Indians heard it and knew about it and they didn't want anyone else living there. (HPC)»
«Nihtakanaaho. It's going to be nice today.»

-álpìisa (Modl) can, could, should, supposed to verb suffix indicating ability, speaker desire or
assessment of obligation or necessity «...mok sáhkolahok hosankíhchálpíssóotoomoolín íisat ìisahchok
ommoolo. Nothing would have happened then, they wouldn't have been able to do anything about it
but then they lived here. (HAI)» «...yáalon chókkòolit hayoyon chókkòolilahálpìisan mánkot... He could
have lived here on the inside (of the reservation) but he did not. (HPC)» «Stanòokamok stanòokamon
maafòokaya aatimaakok hopakíhchihchálpìisatáskan ostanòokan aɬɬaamon... The last one, that
aforementioned man (thought) he should be far away because that's the last one he's going after.
(MBL)» «Nákson sáhmit wíiskahchootoomok óyhan aⁿfatli, aⁿfatchihchálpìiso. Now tell me everything
about how you used to live, I wish you would tell me. (NCS)» «Eh, ten feet-kahchálpìiso, hobaskik ten
feet-kan. Yeah, it's supposed to be about ten feet, ten feet long. (NSB)» «Pokkotooliyáɬɬok
hotooliikástóoⁿbat hotòohchálpìisaamok íksofòokon fayahtok onko. They kept on playing ball every now
and then but then there weren't any people who could play so they quit. (NSB)» «Sáhmoosálpìistok
ommiya naho hospital-ka hátchàali maatiyáamòosin italókkòoliimok nahofan choyyi hislíffìina
akkàamiyon naho chimaníisi hátchàalifìinan... However it is supposed to be, wherever the hospital was,
just a little ways from there the poles were standing and the others, just about where the bunch of pines
are standing, about where the gymnasium stands... (NSB)»
-áɬɬi 1. (Modf) the exact, the exclusive, just, the mere, only, each, the particular suffix on pronouns,
including demonstratives ya, ma, ka, sa, akka and nouns, with the particular meaning determined by
what it is suffixed to «Akkáɬɬiiya intoliino pontoonichitok onáamilahotik nàasi nàasooli aa ii sikooli mok
pontóonochihchómmok toknaawóotik íksooma poɬaalíibíikakha míntamon. That's the job they were
going to make us keep working on all the time, something, the IEC(W) was making us work and when
there was no money, they would lay some of us off from the job. (NIA)» «Tayyimáɬɬok chokóotok
obáalóot maatachakkitook nákson oswìikatóot ómmin. The wife was the only one staying behind and
then she followed him wherever he had gone to stay. (HPC)» «Máɬɬíiya istoiⁿlikitkáabíikakha. That's
when they all started fussing at him. (NIA)» 2. (Modl) only, exactly, every; alone suffix on verbs and
predicate nominals indicating modality 2ila Anaasáɬɬi It's mine alone.» «Anáɬɬi. I'm by myself.»
«Finsiyaasáɬɬi. It's Vincent's alone.» «Nihtalostóklohcháɬɬon amaltobahchi. I get paid every two weeks.»

<as> (Pron) you second person plural (control) Subject verb infix for stems of shape...VV-ka or VC-ka
[three active verbs ending in /ki/ or /ko/ follow this pattern as well, replacing the final /kV/ with /ka/ on
analogy with the hundreds of active verbs ending in the suffix -ka] Var: <has> after sonorants and /k/
«Haɬapka > haɬapaska (/haɬap<as>ka/). Kick > y'all kick.» «Achakki > achakhaska (/achak<has>ka/). Go
with > y'all go with.»

-aski (Coll) verb stem suffix specifying collective plural «...ahachàahilaskista ahachàahilaskiton... ...we
used to charge it, we would charge it... (NIA)»

-ba (Imp) verb suffix indicating polite (?) request «Mooliya stonáamòosin istitaɬopotliba samíhchit
talbòochihchootoomok onáamòosin máskat oopóofkat istaɬopotlihaba ostanoochimok oopofkat... Then
just go through with the process, however you make the medicine, even the blowing, go on through
with it until you finish blowing. (PMM)» «Mooliya naho onaamíhchit nahoba óstaalìichit
akkamíhchihaba yok intalwaayok nàahon námpohchooliimon. Then, uh, do it all, like it was, all of it,
make it four, do it that way, have the chant with it, however many it is do it all. (PMM)» «Himáakaya
naho history-káhchon ɬóokat aⁿfatlihaba. Now then tell me again about the history. (HAI)»
«`áhhichataskaya ishohachiⁿfaytohata. Hasnok ommoolo. Oshichatokáhaba.' `They appointed y'all to
watch over it. Y'all are the ones. You are the ones to go see about it.' (NIA)» «Councilka lokoolíffìinamón
aⁿfatlok istaɬɬaba. So start with the election of the Council and go on telling me from there. (NIA)»
«Sobáychiimok akkáamiyan aⁿfatliba. If you know about it, that's the kind of thing I want you to tell me.
(NIA)» «Iyyitikabá? Will you translate?»

-báana (Asp) already verb suffix indicating perfective event Var: -bán (before apocopating suffixes in fast
speech) «...chokfik chóotlibáanan talikáɬɬon chakoffit chaafiháhpakon alwáhlin alwahlit... ...but the
rabbit had already jumped off the rock and he just chopped the rock and broke the ax. (RAS)» «Okik
ɬopotloosibáanat anookaama, mok yámmimok ómmin. When the liquid finishes going through all of it
already then it will be ready to be treated. (PTH)» «Eh, `istíisibáanat mok istíisimootoolo' hokat
`mikkomootoolo' homankat `ponchokóⁿhchonko', chintaata. Yes, `that one, he had already gotten it, so
now he already has it,' they said, `he is the chief', they said, `he's sitting for us (in office)', your father.
(NIA)» «Mafòokaya poskooha sáwwa akkàamiya ayákhatíkkohchon ommin hótchòobabáanat
maastìisan hìichalikha. At that time little children could not go near things like that and I saw the ones
already grown attending off at a distance. (NWK)»

-bíika (Asp) verb suffix indicating repetitive action [recent auxiliary which optionally retains auxiliary
inflection of a verb with a final -kV; negative -biíkko] «∥akon aatik istàayaton nitakok ìisok istilitahkat
hicháabíikatoha. The man carried an arrow which the bear took and kept stabbing himself with it to try
it out. (MBF2)» «`Yáhmòosiyáalo ìibilákkobi' mankáabíikatoha. `A l'il ole thing like this couldn't kill me',
he kept on saying. (MBF2)» «...imiisafaakon oɬaabíikok ìisat óyhaayok aati nàasi istalaami
akkáamiyok... ...they kept coming to her house, they were all there, people, and animals like that...

-bíino (Cntrst) even though, despite Var: -bín (before apocopating suffixes) (?) «óhochayon istíisat
námpobíinok stíisastóobakha, óhchaamon. They did it for a long while, even though there would be
several of them, it would take a long time, long ago. (PTH)» «Máhmibíntoolo yók mafòokama. I imagine
they did that then. (NSB)»

cha- (Pron) I, me first person singular (noncontrol) subject/object verb prefix Var: a- before the dative
prefix im- «chatammo. I fell.»

chi- (Pron) you second person singular (noncontrol) subject/object verb prefix «chitammo. You fell.»

<chi> (Pron) you second person singular (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VCCV [roots
ending in /yV/ or /hV/ that would be expected to take <s> or -chi follow this pattern] «Tachilwo. You
sang.» «àaya > achìiya. Go around > you go around.»

-chi1 (Cs) verb suffix that derives causative stems or increases transitivity [the vowel before -chi1
lenghtens if the penultimate syllable of the stem is light (CV)] «Albina > albinaachi. Camp > to make
camp.» «Naaɬiika > naaɬiilichi. To talk > to talk about.»

-chi2 (Repet) (marginally productive) verb suffix that indicates inherently repetitive activities (such as
repetitive noises or communicative events) and redundantly marks stems already marked for plurality
«Wininihlichi. To rumble.» «Wotòolichi. To crunch with the teeth.» «Wisisihlichi. To shake, quiver,
tremble.» «Achitìili > achitli > istachitlichi. To tie (SgObj) > to tie (PlObj) > to button up.»

-chi3 (Pron) you second person singular (control) subject verb suffix for verbs of stem shape...VV]
or...VC] or...VCV «Batchiti. You whipped him.» «Waliichichiti. You drove it.»

-fa (NLoc) at, to; (the place) where suffix on nouns (usually followed by -n) and verbs of complement
clauses indicating general location for an action «Ya nàahot tállàakafaakon akkon maachotlit
ostámmistobatoomóskat... It was there where they had put that down, that's where he usually goes to
jump down from... (MBL)» «...iⁿwwiilit nákson ooɬopóttoofan iⁿwwiilistóoⁿbat sánkot ikhíichok taɬɬon
ooɬopóⁿtlok wiilistóobàapok lapaat wiilistòobàapok ikhìichok. It was looking for where he had crossed
the water and it kept looking and couldn't find out how and it crossed to the other side and looked and
looked up and down the bank but it couldn't find it (the crossing). (MBL)» «Stachitìilok iyánnimók
yaafon achíttìikon yaafa achíttìikat ittofalaktok lókkòostaskan yaafaamok ostachitìilok yamíhchimon. Tie
it down at the bottom all the way down here, it is tied down here, tie it all around those two forked
sticks standing there, go and tie it, do it this way. (PTH)»

-fíhna (Adv) exactly, right, very, really; too verb suffix indicating intensity, exactness or excessiveness of
an event [in ggr indicates `just about'] Var: -fíina Var: -fíh- before apocopating suffixes {from the verb ?
fíhna} «Hasi istitachókkoolìichikon stayakhaachistòobat stayakhaachistòobat stayakhaachifíinat
anoomon. The sun was sitting there in it on the ground and he kept getting nearer and nearer until he
was right up to it. (RAS)» «Taɬafíinaimok ittok mootonkata ittofalakto yáamòosikáhchon ɬóokat
lokoolìichok. Right when she's ready to weave, she'd stand it up, usually a piece of wood, a forked stick
about so big. (PMB)» «Eh, hotchatok iⁿhoopachihchóot máamin akkáamiima ilapalaastáskat naho
ifakáhchóotík iⁿhoopachit akkahchóot aatiyoolin iⁿhoopachifíhtíkkot ifaya ibihchootoolimpahchooti. Yes,
if they shoot him (the bear) and wound him, then if they do that then he gets mad, and then sometimes
hurts the dogs, but he never hurts the people, but they used to always kill the dogs. (NHN)»

-fòoka (Temp) when, while verb suffix marking a background clause as immediately preceding or
overlapping with the action of the foregrounded clause [prob. -fa-o3-ka2] [fgr] «Tikbakon
maastimaapittafòokon nàasikok maatassalìikok ontiyok abáskiyàalon ìilok maachotlihchootohatáskat
máafaakon. ...when he took the fire and put it in the hole the thing came out and came toward them
from up high there and went toward the place where he had been jumping. (MBL)» «Hotobiilachifòokok
hotobiilachiton máafàamon kosibok hachàalitóok... When they had burned it, poke weed came up there
where they had burned it... (MBL)» «Ilafòokayok `nàason sanchíhchilak onchi' mankan. When he came
there he said `what are you going to do?' (RAF)» «áachàason ohiⁿfayliton chókkòolit chokòolaifòokayon
ìisayon ibisnáalok ohintállok iisa ittihokfan ohintallin chókkòotok chókkostóobàapok. They let him live
right outside, he was going to live there, they built him his own house, they built him a log cabin, and he
lived there for a long time. (HPC)»

-ha1 (NPl) plural noun suffix (usually refers to humans) «Máamin aatinaanihok pokkon ohisiimon
istittiɬoolihchootoolo, tayyihak istitayapkayyok. Then the men would get the ball and they would chase
each other, especially the women would be trying to take it away. (NSB)» «Kan nita ɬooliha hoponnaya
ohayákhatíkkotoolo. Then the ones that know how to chase bears would never get near them. (NHN)»

-ha2 (Imp) verb suffix usually indicating lack of immediacy expected in fulfilling the request; may also
occur on verbs when reporting verbal coercion or fulfilled requests «`Ankánnahholòosiha
hachipaahachàalaalatoolo.' `Move a little away from me, I might step on you.' (RAS)» «Ilatokáaha. Y'all
come again.» «Nàasot aⁿfátliha. Tell me something (in the future, e.g. over the phone).» «Impoháaloha.
Listen for it.» «Kosòoma hissi okchákkohchon istamilaha? Would you bring me green onions
(tomorrow)?» «Intohnolaan atohnoliháamon intohnobi. I kept on encouraging him to work and he did.»
«...aatin oⁿyyówwan aatitóklon ilapihlihamóot ommitoolo, ilapihlok Austinka pínhóot. ...they called the
tribe and picked two Indians, I guess they took them off to Austin. (HAI)» «Ischilíitaliháamon onto. I kept
on urging him to come and he came.»

-ha3 (Deic) rare suffix on demonstrative roots referring to a previously mentioned participant «Maha.
That one.» «Nákson ittocháhha maha hátchàalooli? Where is that tallest tree (that you heard about)

hachi- (Pron) you, y'all second person plural (noncontrol) subject/object verb prefix «hachitammo. Y'all

<hachi> (Pron) you, y'all second person plural (control) subject verb infix for verbs of stem shape...VCCV
[roots ending in /yV/ or /hV/ that would be expected to take <has> or -hachi follow this pattern]
«Tahachilwo. Y'all sang.» «àaya > aachìiya. Go around > y'all go around.»

-hachi (Pron) you, y'all second person plural (control) subject verb suffix for verbs of stem shape...VV]
or...VC] or...VCV «Bathachiti. Y'all whipped him.» «Waliihachichiti. Y'all drove them.»

has- (Pron) you, y'all second person plural (control) subject verb prefix for verbs of stem shape CV]
[three irregular verbs (haalo, hicha, nochi) follow this pattern] «haspati. Y'all ate it.»

<has> (Pron) you, y'all second person plural (control) subject verb infix for verbs of stem shape...VVCV
«Choohaspa or choaspa. Y'all buy.»

-hchi (Asp) verb suffix indicating unbounded action or state, either progressive, habitual,
general/universal, or noninstantiated (i.e. gerundives) [causes apocopation of certain suffixes] Var: -s or
-si, frequently after -osi or -chi «Hokahchootoolimpakha. And that's what they always used to say.
(MBL)» «Himàakaya talkoosak halokpahchoolaaho. The knife is going to be sharp from now on.»
«Sáhmit chókkoohchon onkatonka hayoyon àalok maatakinítkok híichalak. Crane wondered what he
was doing sitting inside there so he peered in to see. (RAS)» «Talwaliiyok ischinkáhnolihchi. I sing better
than you.» «Ehe, taɬahchi, somo taɬahchi. Yes, weaving, moss weaving. (PMB)» «Nàasok íksofòokon
íksokáamin assaliikahchíisaamon. When they didn't see anything happening one would apparently go
out. (HCW)» «Akkáhchókkota ommitoolo. ...but then it was not like that. (NSB)» «Holiibaya kànkohchi.
Stealing is wrong.» «Russell-kaya chaahahchi. Russell is tall.»

hi- (Adv) (nonproductive) verb prefix which forms temporal expressions, indicating the number of times
event occurs «hitokla. Twice.»

hii- (Pron) me very rare verb prefix that seems to focus attention emphatically on the speaker and the
speaker's opinion Var: hi- «Hiiyaakáalo hinochilao. As for me I'm going to sleep.» «Nàasok
hiiⁿhoopáachilákkàaba. This thing couldn't hurt me.» «`Nàasok híibilákkàabaa' mankahchóot òmmok
áffalìichoostóot ommoolo. `This thing doesn't look like it could kill me,' he may have said, making fun of
it. (MBF1)»
-hili (Pron) we first person plural (control) subject verb suffix for stems of shape...VC] or...VV] or...VCV
«Bathiliti. We beat him.»

ho- (Dist) verb prefix for third person distributive plural subject or third person indefinite subject Var:
oh- before a vowel «Hokahchootoolimpakha. And that's what they always used to say. (MBL)»

-holi (PlImp) suffix on verbs with the shape...CVV-li, CVC-li,...VCV] «`Ankánnahholòosiha

hachipaahachàalaalatoolo.' `Move a little away from me, I might step on you all.' (RAS)»

ibaa- (Comit) verb suffix indicating the addition of an object which accompanies subject in performance
of event with Var: ibaay- before vowels «Unh, naho tatkóot ilabíikat aatapihómmaya
aatohibaahompanitíkkohchootoska? Also, did the whites ever come over to play with them? (NSB)»
«Aatinaanihayon tayyihayon ohittibaayoompahchootoska? Did the men and women eat together?
(NSB)» «Eh, ohittibaayoompatoolo, óyhat ittibaatòolistaskaton. Yes, they ate with each other because
they all played together. (NSB)»

ibii- (Loc) verb prefix indicating location of event on the face or otherwise action pertaining to the face
Var: ibiiy- before vowels «Homma > ibiihomma. To be red > to blush.»

ichoo- (Loc) verb prefix indicating location of event on or in the mouth or otherwise action pertaining to
the mouth, or by metaphorical extension the rim of an opening Var: ichooy- before vowels «Homi >
ichoohomma. To be bitter > to have a bitter taste in the mouth.» «Homma > ilichoohommachi. To be
red > to apply lipstick.»

ik- (Neg) verb prefix forming negative stems from roots of the shape CV [three irregular verbs (haalo,
hicha, nochi) follow this pattern] «Ipa > ìkpo (/ik-pa-o2/). Eat > not eat.»

<ik> (Neg) verb infix forming negative stems from roots of the shape...VV-kV or...VC-kV Var: <hik> after
sonorants and /k/ «Achakki > achakhíkko (/achak<hik>ki-o2. Go with > not go with.» «Kowaɬka >
kowaɬíkko. Broken > not broken.»

il-1 (Pron) we first person plural (control) subject verb prefix for stems of shape CV [three irregular
verbs (haalo, hicha, nochi) follow this pattern] «Ipa > ilpa (/il1-(i)pa/). Eat > we eat.»

il-2 (Nom/Mid) verb prefix deriving object or action nominals or marking a verb with root shape CV as
passive middle [three irregular verbs (haalo, hicha, nochi) follow this pattern] «Ipa > ilpa. To eat > be
eaten, food.»

<il>1 (Pron) we first person plural (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VV-ka or VC-ka [three
active verbs ending in /ki/ or /ko/ follow this pattern as well, replacing the final /kV/ with /ka/ on
analogy with the hundreds of active verbs ending in the suffix -ka] Var: <hil1> after sonorants and /k/
«Haɬapka > haɬapilka (/haɬap<il1>ka/). Kick > we kick.» «Achakki > achakhilka (/achak<hil>ka/). Go with
> we go with.»
<il>2 (Nom/Mid) verb infix deriving object or action nominals or passive middles for stems of the
shape...VV-ka or...VC-ka [three active verbs ending in /ki/ or /ko/ follow this pattern as well, replacing
the final /kV/ with /ka/ on analogy with the hundreds of active verbs ending in the suffix -ka] Var: <hil1>
after sonorants and /k/ «Naaɬiika > naaɬiilka. To talk > language, speech, news, message, report, etc.»
«Haɬapka > haɬapilka. To kick > kicking, be kicked.»

ili- (Refl) oneself verb prefix indicating action performed by, as well as directly affecting the agent Var:
ilii- «Ibi > ilibi. To kill > to commit suicide.»

ilt- (Dir) come and verb prefix indicating cislocative Var: il- before consonants [prob. from /ila-t]
«Wíhlit wíhlit ilsoofitoomon... One would look and look for it (the moss), bring it back, and put it down.
(PMB)» «Máaffìinamon akkok Tenneykahchok mok aɬíinamok àayat yáaliiyon ìilok ya aatin
aatiltimbalaakatok. About that time then the one called Tenney came around here, came here where
the Indians lived and he slept over with them. (HPC)»

im- (Dat) applicative verb prefix indicating a nonaffected object such as recipients, goals,
benefactive/malefactive, possessors of affected objects Var: assimilates to following consonants with
variants in-, iⁿ-, il-, iw-, iy, and [ing-]; initial [i] is replaced by a preceding vowel «Akkon ɬahlilikha
mootoskan ɬahlilimókkohchommo chasakbak aⁿhoopasta. I did tan hides then but now I can't tan hide
anymore because my arms ache. (PTH)» «`Sáhmin ommitonkan hohachinnaaɬiikaimpati' homankaton.
They said, `I don't know why but they want to talk to y'all'. (NIA)»

is- (Pron) you second person singular (control) subject verb prefix for roots of shape CV] [three irregular
verbs (haalo, hicha, nochi) follow this pattern] «Ispati. You ate it.»

<is> (Pron) you second person singular (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VV-ka or VC-ka
[three active verbs ending in /ki/ or /ko/ follow this pattern as well, replacing the final /kV/ with /ka/ on
analogy with the hundreds of active verbs ending in the suffix -ka] Var: <his> after sonorants and /k/
«Haɬapka > haɬapiska (/haɬap<is>ka/). Kick > you kick.» «Achakki > achakhiska (/achak<his>ka/). Go
with > you go with.»

ist- (Peri) applicative verb prefix, to add or imply a peripheral object (including propositions) of the verb,
such as an implement, or a container in which the direct object is located; derives nouns for tools and
implements; irregularly derives causative stems for a few (lexically marked) verbs Var: is- before
consonants Var: s- before consonants, fast speech «Ilokfan aayampon istimmayyan ischoopalo. I sold
the shirts for more than the pots.» «`...sokchan hóokfak paanifan ostistachoomaachi' mankan. `...put
me in a sack and throw me in the creek', he said. (RAF)» «Máamòosin sokchon hokfit istilatakàalok
istáɬɬatók paanifan istaɬíinatòolin. Then he put him in the bag and hung it (over his back) and he was on
his way with it to the creek. (RAF)» «Máamin aatinaanihok pokkon ohisiimon istittiɬoolihchootoolo,
tayyihak istitayapkayyok. Then the men would get the ball and they would chase each other, especially
the women would be trying to take it away. (NSB)» «Dorcaskak talwalahon ischabanno. I want Dorcas
to sing.» «Afinapli > istafinapka. To open > key.»

ita- (Loc) verb derivational prefix indicating action performed on the ground or by a fire Var: itay- before
vowels «Istitahachàalit sobilak innàahooma sobilon okcholotlìichok okchotlichit istállàalit
ooyaapittahchommihchoolikha. As it is sitting there on the fire, if the person has any lye, she strains and
strains it, and has it set out there and would always put it in. (PSF)» «Akkon iisan áɬkat homaɬatliista
sáhkofòokayok askahíkkostáskat iisahayomáalotik ohitahoppolat anoostoolo. They were inside the
house and were very afraid so they couldn't do anything and couldn't get out and were in there for a
long time, so they had to defecate apparently. (HCW)»

itta- (Loc) verb prefix indicating action occurring between two objects [prob. itti-a-] «Máamok
kapachiyókkoti pokko nahoⁿ, unh, nàasok poɬachíiyok istimoɬachi ittok hobáskihchok tóklot lókkòolin
pokkon istittaɬopotliimáaɬok istibihchootoolo. [nhn]. I don't mean the racquet now, the ball, something,
the poɬachi, they would take it, the one with the ball goes through those two long poles standing
upright and that's how they win. (NSB)»

itti- (Recp) each other verb prefix indicating action performed reciprocally by more than one agent
«Balkaamáɬɬok ittiⁿfatliimok hàalot balkatáaton ostistanòolok `moolo' mankamok `tof tof tof tof tof'
homankahchi. They would lie down and tell them to each other and they would lie there listening until
the person had finished and said `That's all' and then they would say (spitting) `ptui ptui'. (RAS)»
«Máamin aatinaanihok pokkon ohisiimon istittiɬoolihchootoolo, tayyihak istitayapkayyok. Then the men
would get the ball and they would chase each other, especially the women would be trying to take it
away. (NSB)»

-k (Disc) suffix occurring on nouns indicating a more central relationship to the proposition and on
nonmain clause verbs indicating various discourse functions including identity of referent in a switch
reference system «Iishayootik ìisat Chahtakok ìisat ìisaton ìisatok nihtafíinat anóokan... But the
Choctaws were holed up inside a house and stayed and stayed and the Alabamas were still there when
daylight came. (HCW)» «Hátchaalàapok lokbahchommiima, solotkaskanóhchoolikha. If it stands for a
little while and it's hot and sunny then it dries easily. (PTH)» «Akkamíhchit kanochistóobasáaⁿpok líiphat
líiphat anookat, solotkat anookáama. One does that for a long time real carefully then it's finished curing
when it's finished drying.»

-ka1 (Nom/Mid) verb suffix deriving object or action nominals or passive middle verbs or marking
inherently middle verbs «Batli > batka > isbatka. To whip > whipping/ to be whipped > whip, club, bat.»

-ka2 (Deic) noun suffix indicating the discourse status of proximal, known, prior mention; suffix on
nonmain clauses indicating known information, reintroduced in the discourse [lengthens preceding
vowel of verb stems] [prob. from /akka] «Mootok ómmok oɬafòokan tayyihakon ohiⁿfaylitáskan
tayyihakon aatapoɬóokàasit illitoha, homankahchoolimpakha. Then, at that time, since he had returned,
they let him have the two women, and so he had just gone to bed with them when he died, so they
always used to say. (HCW)» «Máamòosin aatikok nita ibahimok aɬɬatoha. And so the man went to kill
the bear. (MBF1)» «Ittohíisliiyon ittochakáawakat híisliiyon iskasóolichit yamíichit yamíichit kayohlichit.
Some trees standing there, the rough gnarly trees standing there, you rub against them, do this way, this
way rub it back and forth. (PMB)» «Chahtahaakok náasooton imakanoochiikat stíisafòokan híichatáskat
`amaahilkaski!' homankok. Since they noticed that the Choctaws seem to be fixing something they said
`Let's go!'. (HCW)» «Naaɬiika chiⁿfatliliikok istammáaloolisti. That report I made to you, I guess I was
right about.» «óhchaako. Long ago.»
-ka3 (Frgn) noun suffix on foreign loans that end in consonants, or stressed long vowels, or are one
syllable [suffix does not take regular word-final accent] «Sueka. Sue.» «Austinka. Austin.» «Mobìlka.
(auto)mobile.» «Marieka. Marie.»

-káhmi 1. (Adv) sort of, kind of, like that, as if, just about, mainly verb suffix modulating the effect of
the verb [prob. from /akkáhmi] Var: -káami Var: -ká, -káⁿ before apocopating suffixes «Ooyíisok itton
yamíhchit hachaalìichok intiilichiikát nàahok isɬahkamok nàahohchoolikha. Then they'd take it out of the
water and this is the way they would stand up a stick and brace it and then they would have available a
tool we used for scraping. (PTH)» «`Ischakostínkokáhchooti bitliliimok' mankaabíika. `I always act crazy
when I dance', he kept saying. (RAS)» «Chichoba paapatliyáɬɬok ommin. Akkamiyáɬɬon
híichalihchoolikha. Chichoba hopaapatlikáhmiyáɬɬon. They only put it on the horse, that's all I ever saw.
They used to mainly put it on the horse. (PMB)» «Mooliiya akkok stanóokamooliikáami? Well then do
you think that's just about the end of the story? (PSF)» «Akkon istíikbakáhmin nàahok ma
ichossaakakon oohokfit yamíichit sannichit mìnton yamít sannichit... While it is still kind of warm then
get that skin and put it in there, do it like this (twist it), wring it, and another one do like this twisting it.
(PTH)» «Taɬafíinaimok ittok mootonkata ittofalakto yáamòosikáhchon ɬóokat lokoolìichok. Right when
she's ready to weave, she'd stand it up, usually a piece of wood, a forked stick about so big. (PMB)»
«Ittohochobat sáhmikáhtik waakayóolit stamaakahchoolikha. It didn't matter how big the logs were they
would lift it and go off. (NWK)» «Mók ommikáhchooti. I believe that is so. (NWK)» 2. (Modf) for
instance, for example, such as, and the like, in the manner of (a), like (a) on nouns indicates the noun is
an exemplar «Nàason istitabititlìichit ittokáhchot istabititlìichit... They would weight it down with
something, weight it down, for instance, with a piece of wood. (PTH)» «Itto ittofalaktoyon hopáhkit
hayweykafayáamikáamin hislichiyók istóoɬok. Some sticks, forked sticks, take them and stake them
down as far away, for instance as the highway is (from the house). (PMB)» «Míntamok stoochóotlit
tayyihakáhchootok hoyaabanniimoohchoolikha. Some others would always jump down in the water
with it and carry it over their shoulders in the manner of women. (NWK)» «Eh, máamiimon naho
chofkonikáamiya, hollokáhchókkootoolo? Yeah, well then, those bones and the like, weren't they sort of
taboo? (NHN)» «Naaniyáhmikáhchi. She can do anything a man can.»

-kha (RemPst) main clause verb suffix indicating remote past tense of personal experience «∥óok
mìnton mìnton akkamíichit ohakkamíhchihchommihchoolikha. Again do another one, do another one
like that and that's the way they always used to do it. (PMB)» «Nàason samíhchit ishonaho
alíilókkohchoolikha, akkamít anosliimon. We never did wonder about what they used it for when they
finished making it. (PMB)» «Hohátchalìichin akkáamit solotkaamon íisok ishòochihchommihchoolikha,
máamok. They would have it stnding there and that's the way it would get dried and then they would
take it and use it to pound with. (PSF)» «Akkon ɬahlilikha mootoskan ɬahlilimókkohchommo chasakbak
aⁿhoopasta. I did tan hides then but now I can't tan hide anymore because my arms ache. (PTH)»
«...stapakfóotkat chòobàasiiyan hotállahchoolikha. They used to go around it, setting out a big fence.
(NWK)» «Chapasáaloosifòokok wìikalihchoolikha. When I was a little bitty boy I used to live there.

-ki (Neg) verb suffix forming negative stems from roots of the shape...C],...VV], or...VCV] [final stem
vowel of VCV] stems apocopates before -ki] «Batatli > batàtko (/batat-ki-o2/). Hit > not hit.» «Waliilichi
> waliikìicho (/walii-kìi-chi-o2/). Drive > not drive.»
<ki> (Neg) verb infix forming negative stems from stems of the shape...VCCV] or...VVCV] [infixes after
head of penultimate syllable and assumes the length of the vowel of the penultimate syllable] «Talwa >
takìlwo (/ta<ki>lwa-o2/). Sing > not sing.» «Choopa > chokìipo (/cho<kii>pa-o2/). Buy > not buy.»

-kítta (Modf) the late, the former noun suffix which often marks references to deceased individuals in
historical narratives «Willy Holdakíttok wìikatáskan... The late Willy Holder was living then. (NIA)»
«Yostifakítton kanahhilitoha. We moved away from Houston.»

-ko (QCnf) verb suffix used to ask for confirmation of an immediately preceding statement; the identity
of a previously mentioned noun may be confirmed by suffixing -o1 first «Antoonichòobootoomokoⁿ?
Old Antone? (NIA)» «Uh, akkokoⁿ? Imayitikaⁿ? Oh, that one? The interpreter? (NIA)» «Chiyanhaako?
Oh, your fever went away?»

<l>1 (Nom/Mid) verb infix deriving object or action nominals or passive middles for verbs of root
shape...VVCV] «Choopa > choolpa. Buy > bought, sale.»

<l>2 (Pron) we first person plural (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VVCV «Choolpa-ti. We
bought it.»

-la (Asp) verb suffix indicating an irrealis event [may be the medial form of -laha, since the distinction
from -lo is neutralized before a vowel] «`Chastokok nàahompan amitabáalhachin ìipalak àayalaimpo'
mankan. `There are some beans, I see, and y'all will cook them for me and I will eat them and be on my
way.' (RAF)» «Akkáamilaan akkok bíknoyáaliiyon iyaanin ohiⁿfaylifòokok tatkayok íkson nàasok íkson
aatimíntakáhchi tribe-kóot chokòokolaon óonkafòokayon... That's the way it was going to be, that one
(the reservation) before that time when they let them have the land, there were no whites, there was
no one, no other kinds of people or tribes could live there, that's how they said it was going to be.
(HPC)» «Intoliinon homankafòokan iyyamiitaasiikat aamaamáakahchoolakha. Whenever they said
`work' they got excited about going there. (NWK)» «Amaatiha óyhaayon amaatiha ìisaayon káanoosin
ìisaayon imáppìilaalak ìisaayon imáppìilaalak. I want to help all my people living here well, I will help
them... (SCS)» «Tayyihak pokkon íisitok aatinaanin ostínkok ichóot ibilan onkatoofòokan
amaakatoomok. The women have the ball and give it to the man, telling him to kill a deer and they
would go off. (NSB)»

-laha (Asp) word final verb suffix indicating an irrealis event Var: -laa if followed by a suffix [the
distinction between -laha, -lahi, and -laho is neutralized before a vowel initial suffix] «Kanolaha. It's
going to get better.» «Lokòokalàa. It's going to be a meeting.» «Yan tayyihatóklohchon ohiⁿfaylilaak
onkatóon ommin. They were going to let him have these two women. (HCW)» «Bíkno
aalokòolichòobootoomok hachàaliiyok bíknòosin mootoomok tatkayok ilchokòokoláat ommitoolin.
Before the old church house was standing, a little before that, it used to be that whites were not going
to come live here. (NPC)» «...aatiyok ohaláykolaan hokastóoban. The Indian (leaders) kept telling them
not to touch it. (HAI)» «Himàakaya istiltootammihchíisalaatoolo. I guess nowdays they would probably
go fall in the water. (NWK)»
-lahi (Asp) medial or final verb suffix indicating an irrealis event Var: -lai [poss. -la-ahi] [the distinction
between -laha, -lahi, and -laho is neutralized before a vowel initial suffix] «Pokkok isbakahkat akki
lókkòoliiyon ɬopotliláhi ilkok aatik pokkon íisit isɬopotlichi ilkok sáhchi? Do you throw the ball between
the goals or does the one with the ball carry it through or how is it? (NSB)»

-laho (Asp) medial or final verb suffix indicating an irrealis event Var: -lao [poss. -laha-o3 or -la-ahi-o3]
[the distinction between -laha, -lahi, and -laho is neutralized before a vowel-initial suffix] «`...mikkon
imonnaaɬaalahoolin anok chabánkohchon sokchon hokfit ishochachókkòolìichihchommo.' `They want
me to become the chief's son-in-law but I don't want to so they put me in a sack and left me sitting.'
(RAS)» «Akkáɬɬiiya intoliino pontoonichitok onáamilahotik nàasi nàasooli aa ii sikooli mok
pontónnochihchómmok toknaawóotik íksooma poɬaalíibíikakha míntamon. That's the job they were
going to make us keep working on all the time something, the IECW was making us work and when
there was no money, they would lay some of us off from the job.» «Aatisbisnoolilaahoⁿ? They were
going to be their own, the Indians'? (NIA)» «Mootok màakaya nàasi míntahchon chimaalochilao. So
then now I'm going to ask you something different. (NWK)» «Máamin hopobatlilahotoolo. Then they
were going to whip us supposedly. (NIA)»

-li1 (VExt) verb stem extender added to neutral verb stems that end in a consonant or a long vowel
when no other level one suffix is added to satisfy the Verb Frame Var: assimilates to certain preceding
consonants with variants -mi, -ni, -wi, -ɬi, -fi, -bi; apocopates freely before apocopating suffixes where
other phonological constraints are not violated «Chakaffi. To chop.» «Chokòoli. To sit.» «Yimmi. To

-li2 (Pron) I first person singular (control) subject verb suffix «Choopaliti. I bought it.»

<li>1 (Nom/Mid) verb infix deriving object or action nominals or passive middles for verbs of root
shape...VCCV] [roots ending in /yV/ or /hV/ that would be expected to take <l> follow this pattern]
«Hosso > holisso. To write > book, writing, be written.» «Chaaha > chaliiha.

<li>2 (Pron) we first person plural (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VCCV] [roots ending in
/yV/ or /hV/ that would be expected to take <l> or -hili follow this pattern] «Takcho > talikcho. Rope >
we rope.» «àaya > alìiya. Go around > we go around.»

-lo (Asp) verb suffix indicating probable future event, found frequently in quotations [distinction from
-la neutralized before a vowel] «Toknaawasóot pobannaimon `nihtalosmíntamon altobatilkalo, akka
apohachaalìichiya' mankaton. When we wanted a little money we would say `we'll pay next week,
charge it to us'. (NIA)» «Champolon talbòolilok stilaalo lokòohiliimon. I'll make candy and bring it when
we meet.» «Immayyachitaskalo áalolo. I expect y'all to win.» «Ilchitámmok chiⁿhoopalo mankaláapiti. I
told you you were going to fall and hurt yourself.»

-loho (Imp) verb suffix indicating a command Var: -lòo «`ɬóokat maatokaamáhlin ostìisok ankat ispalòo.'
`Again you will go to the south and get one to feed me with.' (MBF2)» «`Ta! nàason stassaliiskaimóok
istassaliiskaalòo' mankok. `Ok, whatever you want to bring out you bring out', he said. (RAF)» «`Ichóot
nàasóot ómmiimon akkáhchon isbiloho, akkáhchon istislalòo' hokaafòokok. `Deer or anything else, you
kill that kind and you bring that kind', they would say to him. (NSB)»

-loolo (Asp) verb suffix indicating strong assertion regarding a future event [prob. -lo-ooli-o3]
«Immayyachitaskaloolo alíilobi. We expect y'all to win.» «`Sáhkoloolo maahinaatàa' homankàamon.
`Nothing will happen, lead us there', they kept on saying. (MBL)» «`Chokfi, Chokfi maasⁿkaloolo,
tahachilwàamok' mankan. `Rabbit, Rabbit y'all will say whenever y'all sing' he said. (RAS)»
«Choospatíkkoloolo. You won't buy it (implies `shouldn't').»

-ma 1. (Sbjnct) would, if, whenever subjunctive verb suffix indicating hypothetical or irrealis actions or
other noninstantiated events; noun suffix indicating an unknown, nonspecific or generic participant
[lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems] [from /ma] «Istitahachàalistóobàapok libatkatonkáamon...
It would stay on the fire like that for a long time until it was cooked. (PBB)» «Indianka yáalókkohchi
tatkon ommitoolo íibitooma? It wasn't an Indian but a white that he killed? (HAI)» «`Chibánnaama isnok
ommi' mankan. `If you want, you can be the one', he said. (RAF)» «`Màakaya chinkanoomok ommoolo'
mankok... `Now this would be good for me' he said. (RAF)» «...isiimok istilaamok ilpiɬkok ɬoykaamok
akkamíhchistòobasàapok... He would get one and bring him back and put him down and go back and he
kept on doing that way many times. (MBL)» «Ooyíisok itton yamíhchit hachaalìichok intiilichiikát nàahok
isɬahkamok nàahohchoolikha. Then they'd take it out of the water and this is the way they would stand
up a stick and brace it and then they would have available a tool used for scraping. (PTH)» «Mok
chalakíkbooma mok liphaama solotkat anookama liphaama chalakíkbot solotkat anookaamon. But if it
didn't get stiff, then it's cured, when it finishes drying and it's soft, not hard, then it's through drying.
(PTH)» «Sokhaniya istilpak anooma. It would be eaten up along with pig cracklins. (PBB)» «Máskan
Presbyterian-kayok iyaani yáhmit óochat hayo aboolis hayon pínhan íilamókkohchóot ommitok... Then I
suppose the Presbyterians would never have come way out here in the sticks, way out in the middle of
the woods here, but... (HPC)» 2. (Deic) some, any, a, the alleged, the supposed «Okimon ɬóok
stohitahachaalìichok... Some water again put it on the fire. (PBB)» «Waakisbakkomon hayíimossobaafon
ohochókkolìichiisan híichalin. I found the (allegedly the same) bull's head in the big swamp where they
had apparently put it. (NIA)» «Ohíibok isbakkomon holomhiisan akkon oolomhiisan. They killed it and
they must have hid the head there, hid it in the water. (NIA)» «Aatinákson ibitoolo? Aatiholchifaamok?
Who was it that he killed and what was his name? (HAI)» «Nákson ittocháhhafìinàama hátchàalooli?
Where is that (supposedly) tallest tree standing?»

-máaɬi- (Modl) must, would; just, only, merely verb suffix indicating the only likely outcome under the
circumstances [from adverb /máaɬi `only, just'] «Nàasok aksobaachitok míntooliisok maatassalìikok
ontitoomàaɬok. That thing made a noise and it was something different from what they expected that
came out and started to come toward them. (MBL)» «Eh, máamòosin liphaama káanòosit
ɬahkatoomáaɬok. Yes, then if it's all fine-textured it was cured right. (PTH)» «Iyaaniyáɬɬok
intalàakatoomáaⁿɬin íisastóobasàapok intohnot ibisnáalok holihtóot tallichit náasóot achihlit
oompayáɬɬok. They just had that land that was set aside, but that was all and they lived a long time like
that, they worked, they built for example fences themselves, they planted things that they ate all the
time. (HAI)» «`Antachilwaamáaɬon,' chokfikok, `bitlaalaatoolo', mankan. `If y'all will sing for me', said
the rabbit, `I'll dance.' (RAS)» «Yáalon pàlkot íkson chichoba paachíikàasimáaɬitáskan atookóolit. There
was no train here, all there was was just to ride horseback, so he took a shortcut. (HPC)» «Máamok
kapachiyókkoti pokko nahoⁿ, unh, nàasok poɬachíiyok istimoɬachi ittok hobáskihchok tóklot lókkòolin
pokkon istittaɬopotliimáaɬok istibihchootoolo. [nhn]. I don't mean the racquet now, the ball, something,
the poɬachi, they would take it, the one with the ball goes through those two long poles standing
upright and that's how they win. (NSB)»

-máami (Adv) (very rare) verb suffix [from /máhmi] «Aati agentka hachàalilímmòonootoomáamok
Samuel Roekahchootoha. The first Indian agent that served here, his name was Samuel Roe. (HAI)»

maast- (Dir) verb prefix combining the semantics of maat- and ist-, indicating an action performed at a
distance involving or implying a peripheral or oblique object, such as a container that the affected object
is in [prob. from maat-ist-] Var: mas- before a consonant Var: mast- «Maatohno > maastohno. To send
> to send a letter.»

maat- (Dir) verb derivational prefix indicating object is at a distance from the subject or subject of an
action is at a distance from the speaker Var: maa- before consonants [poss. related to
demonstrative /ma or /maachi] «Amáakastóobáapin `maahopoɬoolilaatoolo'. They must have been
gone for a while when they said, `they might chase after us'. (HCW)»

-mahilo (Modl) verb suffix indicating speaker's strong belief in the likely result of a hypothetical action,
also used in tag questions requesting confirmation of a belief «Ya mikko lokòolifòokon
lokoohachìichifòokon 1936-káffìinotóskamailo? Then y'all elected the chiefs and then it was about 1936
when they were installed, wasn't it? (NIA)» «Chaali Tamsootoomok illiifòokan mìnton lokoohachichihch
ommitoskamailo? When Charlie Thompson died you all elected and installed another in his place, didn't
you? (NIA)» «`Yáhmoosin istassaliikalitok ommo. Maayáffaasot hotáahaasot stachoopiɬiskatoomáilok
nàasisáhtik istassaliikalaatoolo', chokfikok mankan. `This is how I came out. If you were to throw me
farther out there closer to the middle, I could come out with everything', Rabbit said. (RAF)»

-máɬɬi (Adv) ever, always, whenever; never, only (?); to be ready to verb suffix indicating a customary
activity [prob. -ma-áɬɬi] [lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems] «Akkáhchi nàasi óochafatliiya
nihtaya fátkohchootaamáɬɬon himayaamiiya nihtatik hofatlihchooti. That's the way it is with the old
stories, they didn't ever use to tell them in the daytime, but nowdays they tell them in the daytime.
(RAS)» «Balkaamáɬɬok ittiⁿfatliimok hàalot balkatáaton ostistanòolok `moolo' mankamok `tof tof tof tof
tof' homankahchi. They would ever lie down and tell them to each other and they would lie there
listening until the person had finished and said `That's all' and then they would say (spitting) `ptui ptui'.
(RAS)» «Holissóotik choopamáɬɬit íistilkatoolin. We bought our own books, that's how we did it. (HAI)»
«Chalbin istoonahlilimáɬɬon hoopamóohchooti. Whenever I reinjure my hand it hurts real bad.»
«Màakaya ohintoonomáɬɬóot oompamaaɬóot oompat nàasootík mottakiichiimok oompat íistook. Now
they have to work somewhere else in order to eat, they have to find things to eat and get food to eat.
(HAI)» «Tayyimáɬɬok chokóotok obáalóot maatachakkitook nákson oswìikatóot ómmin. The wife was
the only one staying behind and then she followed him wherever he had gone to stay. (HPC)»
«Oolimpaya alpiso oolimpaimáɬɬoolo. The food is ready for us to eat.»

-mo (Modl) yet, whenever verb suffix indicating past subjunctive (hypothetical perfective?); negative
verb suffix indicating the action hasn't happened yet [lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems; causes
negative stem accent to shift to the final -o2] [poss. -ma-o3] «Tanowwastóobàapok sáamòosin
stimálpìisaamo ɬooyohkat ilachit. They'd be gone for a long time and whenever they had had enough
they would come on back. (NHN)» «Himàakaya sáamòosin stamánnookan stamánnookalaak ommoolo
maskat sobaytakkóomo sobaytákkobi himáakaya anáaliya. Now I don't know when my time will end, I
myself don't know yet when my end will come, I don't know. (NCS)» «Akkok iksóomofòokaya
binafkachikáhmiya oittimapíilastobahchoolikha. Before that existed around here, they always used to
help each other with things like plowing. (NWK)» «Aayampon aasihtakkóomobi. I haven't washed the
dishes yet.» «Nàasok iⁿsáhmin ommitoolo staɬíinayooliyok istoɬkóomot? Whatever happened to him
while he was on his way when he hadn't gotten to the creek yet? (RAF)»

-mooli (Adv) very, really verb suffix indicating intensity of action [prob. ma-ooli] [optionally (?)
lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems] «Kanoomoolo. Thanks a lot.» «`Ankatipa, alliilamoolo,
challáahoso' immankatoha. `Feed me, I'm starving, I'm almost dead', he said. (MBF2)» «Hoɬkayok
aatapiihomma imilpafíinamootooli. That sofkey used to be a real meal for the Indians. (PSF)» «Chalbin
istoonahlilimáɬɬon hoopamóohchooti. Whenever I reinjure my hand it hurts real bad.» «Kolkohkak
tokaaliimooti. The thunder really crashed.»

-móska (Purp) so, in order to verb suffix indicating the purpose clause of consecutive actions [-ma-o4-
ska] «Aatok maatibit aɬɬaton nàasok sobóoⁿliisan maahíichok aɬɬaton oɬatoomóskan. A man went
hunting and saw something apparently smoking in the distance so he went in order to get to it. (MBF2)»
«`Itton maamaahilichaskiimóskat koloffit maamaahilichaskiimóskat ishilaskiloolo' homanko. `We are
going to have to cut down the tree, we are going to have to cut it down in order to get him', they said.
(RAS)» «Haatoliiyan ononkaliikalitomóskat staⁿɬakoffiichok chatammiti. I climbed the steps, missed it
and fell.» «...náaskanohchooliisan máamòosin maatímmayyasin maalimitkatomóskan aliilamooliisan
maatìisok... It seemed to be something good so he went and swallowed a little more and it was real
good so he drank it again... (HAI)»

-mpa (Evid) reportative verb suffix indicating that the assertion is based on what someone has said; can
occur on main clauses «`Mánko, allibathachaimpo' mankan. `No, y'all are supposed to cook them for
me', he said. (RAF)» «Aati boykahchok wìikaton chokfok ilatoolimpati. There once was a man who was
hoeing when a rabbit apparently came by. (RAF)» «...nahot sahkachit anookatooma liphaimok
achikíibohchoolimpakha. If it's been scraped real thoroughly then it's not hard to cure, I'm told. (PTH)»
«`Sáhmin ommitonkan hohachinnaaɬiikaimpati' homankaton. They said, `I don't know why but they say
they want to talk to y'all'. (NIA)» «Hiplik chihbichimpati Californiafon. The snow is getting deep in
California, they say.» «Achakkilaimpan amáalochiti. He asked me to go with him.»

-n (Disc) suffix occurring on nouns indicating a peripheral relationship to the proposition and on verbs
indicating various discourse functions including switch of referent in a switch reference system «Naho
ibisnóok naho nákson istállaakat oompahchontoha homankan háalolihchootook onkalo. Then they were
sitting somewhere over here and they themselves would eat, I heard them say. (NSB)» «Aatok maatibit
aɬɬaton nàasok sobóoⁿliisan maahíichok aɬɬaton oɬatoomóoskan. A man went hunting and saw
something apparently smoking in the distance so he went in order to get to it. (MBF2)»

-nàa (Modl) verb suffix that marks a question that is in response to a previous remark by the addressee
regarding a future action about which the speaker has certain expectations or which politely corrects an
assertion about a past event [prob. -na] «`Chintalilwaitonkanàa,' homanko. `Oh, are we going to sing
for you?', they said. (RAS)» «`Sáhmi mankat chintalilwaitonkanàa?' homanko. `How are we supposed to
sing for you?' they said. (RAS)» «Chakàanobi, isna chisáhminàa? I'm fine, how are you?»
«Ponkatispaitonkanàa? Oh, did you say you were going to feed us?» «Chiyahkílkonàa? Didn't we walk?
(correction to a remark).»

-ni (Modl) should, ought to, supposed to; supposedly, supposed to have verb suffix indicating obligation
or an event that was believed or intended to occur, whether it did or not; also used to offer a counter
suggestion [lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems] «Chiyahkílkoni? Why don't we walk? (in
response to a suggestion to drive).» «Nákson oshashíichaani? Who were y'all supposed to go see?
(NIA)» «Ehe, mikkon yáɬɬon hohichahchoolíini. Yes, they were supposed to look up to the chief alone.
(NIA)» «Hopobatlilahotoolíini hopobátkokha. They were supposed to beat us up but they didn't. (NIA)»
«`Antahachílwani', chokfikok mankan. `Y'all should sing for me', he said. (RAS)» «Oh, akki waaknaani
ohíibitoomoni? Oh, that was the bull they killed, huh? (NIA)» «Tatka iwwaakoolìini? Did the cow belong
to a white? (NIA)» «Máafoni? Oh, theirs, huh? (NIA)» «Yáafaayoní? Was that it?/Is it here?»
«Iltochíinoni. Do your work first.»

-nnàha (NegImp) verb suffix; unlike with other imperatives the verb is inflected for person, but is not
marked otherwise as a negative stem [causes high tone on preceding vowel (ggr?)] [prob. ggr of -nàa]
Var: -nnàa «Wakhachaahan `yon aachokòoliiha áhhìichaha nakaaɬánnahàa' homankok. They said to the
Crane `sit here and keep watch and don't let him get away'. (RAS)» «Aksobaataskánnàa! Don't make

nok- (Loc) verb prefix indicating location of event on or in the throat or otherwise action pertaining to
the throat, or by metaphorical extension, the emotions «nokhammi. To be in a rage at.» «noksìilichi. To
pierce the throat of an animal to drain the blood.»

noo- (Loc) verb prefix indicating location of event on the neck or otherwise action pertaining to the neck
Var: nooy- before vowels «Chakaffi > noochakaffi. To chop > to chop off at the neck.» «Oksatli >
nooyoksatli. To swell > to have swollen neck glands, as with mumps.»

-o1 (Det) suffix on nouns generally indicating information status in the discourse «Tanahlok amaakatok
Chahtahaakok náasooton imakanoochiikat istíisafòokon híichataskat `Amahilkaski!' homankok. They got
out and went over there and they noticed that the Choctaws seemed to be fixing something so they said
`Let's go!'. (HCW)»

-o2 (Neg) verb suffix to the ultimately derived stem in negatives «Batli > bátko. To hit > not hit.»

-o3 (Asp) verb suffix indicating perfective events; can occur on main clauses and often used on nonfinal
clauses to indicate sequencing of events Var: -bi after /o/ «`Isnon chibilo àaloliti' mankan. `I thought I
had killed you', he said. (RAF)» «`Yáhmòosiyáalo íibilákkobi' mankáabíikatoha. `A l'il ole thing like this
couldn't kill me', he kept repeating. (MBF2)» «Chabapisiilo. He became my friend.» «Ya mikko
lokòolifòokon lokoohachìichifòokon 1936-káffìinotóskamailo? Then y'all elected the chiefs and then it
was about 1936 when they were installed, wasn't it? (NIA)» «Tanahlok amaakatok Chahtahaakok
náasooton imakanoochiikat istíisafòokon híichataskat `Amahilkaski!' homankok. They got out and went
over there and they noticed that the Choctaws seemed to be fixing something so they said `Let's go!'.

-o4 (Cop) marks rheme/focus on nouns or verbs Var: -oo «Paanifóot onkoomok akkáamiifon piɬɬon
áɬkat istittanówwatók Chahta imoolamok Chahta imoolóot ommitoolo. They were going around in a
boat on a creek to what was supposedly the Choctaw town and it was the Choctaw town. (HCW)»
«Akkáhmoosot ommoolo four feet-kafìinot onkoomok. I guess that's about four feet wide. (NSB)»
«Ifakóo. There's the dog. (if you forgot about it).» «Ifóok. There's a dog. (a strange dog).»

-oka (PlImp) suffixes to verbs with a final -kV, replacing the -kV «Tooɬoka! Run!»

-ókko (NegCop) verb suffix used in focus constructions to indicate `it is not the case that'; can be used to
contradict an assertion or in the sense of a tag question seeking affirmation; suffixed to nouns to mean
`it is not N' [prob. the negative of the auxiliary oo-li or from -o4 and a negative auxiliary] «Somoya
háatkayon nákson atákkaabáanahchókko? You know about the white moss that's hanging all over, don't
you? (PMB)» «Máamòosin nitachóobakok hímmahkókkohchon waliikat ɬopotlin hotchatok
itamaalichitoha. Then the biggest bear lumbered slowly past the man and he shot at him and knocked
him down. (MBF2)» «Eh, máamiimon naho chofkonikáamiya, hollokáhchókkootoolo? Yeah, well then,
those bones, weren't they taboo? (NHN)» «Eh, nita ɬooli ponnókkooma yok máamakíilot imoɬahchóot
imoɬahchóot máamiima máamifòokamon batatlóostik kowaɬɬit ibihchootoolo. If he (the dog) doesn't
know how to chase bears, isn't aware of them, and would maybe come right up to it, if that happens the
bear might just swat him and it will break him and kill them. (NHN)» «Máamok kapachiyókkoti pokko
nahoⁿ, unh, nàasok poɬachíiyok istimoɬachi ittok hobáskihchok tóklot lókkòolin pokkon
istittaɬopotliimáaɬok istibihchootoolo. [nhn]. I don't mean the racquet now, the ball, something, the
poɬachi, they would take it, the one with the ball goes through those two long poles standing upright
and that's how they win. (NSB)»

-oko (Imp) verb suffix, may be used in conjunction with the PlImp to exhort «Oɬachiifòokayok
oolakanota `oolakanotohat maatilhíichaskoko' homankok. When they arrived there, there was peace, so
`since there is peace, let's go see them' they said. (HCW)» «Oompoko! Eat!» «Oompatokoko! Eat y'all!»
«Wilo iⁿhakchíisan háaɬoko! Put on your boots!» «Nákson aɬchiyahchiⁿ aⁿfátloko! Tell me where you're
going to go (e.g. to a teenager as a general rule about hypothetical actions).»

-ona (Cust) verb suffix indicating customary activity; with derived nouns, customary object nominal Var:
-oona [when preceded by -ma can take the ggr to mean `first Verbed', that is, the first occurrence of
what will be a customary activity] «Aati agentka hachàalilímmòonootoomáamok Samuel
Roekahchootoha. The first Indian agent that served here, his name was Samuel Roe. (HAI)» «Mikko
ayaachímmòonootooma... The first two chiefs to go... (HAI)» «Aɬchiyámmoonatoomok... When you first
became..» «...nàahómmóonafòokayon Presbyteriyok... When they first had a Presbytery... (HPC)»
«`Nàason ispahchoona?' mankan. `What do you usually eat?', he said. (MBF2)» «`Máamòosin nàasok
chimilpóona?' mankan. `Well then, what is your usual food?', he said. (MBF1)» «Agent-kóotik
himàayáamiya ìisahchonkona mootok mafòokamok agentkayok àayatok ommoolo. Agents are here now
too but at that time there were agents around here also. (HAI)» «...hakchomma ilpóotík
ohipahchónkona akkáhchootik ipalihchootook... ...tobacco chewing now, they would usually chew it,
that's what I used to chew... (NCS)» «Ya aati íisaaya ontíichímmòonama nákson sáhmit ontíichiitóot
chasobáykobi. These Indians that live here, when they first came here, I don't know where they came
from... (HAI)» «Tòolit istamaakáhimoonama samíhchit tòolit honahohch ommihchootoska? When they
start playing stickball, how did they used to start the game? (NSB)»

ona- (Loc) on, at, to verb prefix indicating location of event on a (usually vertical) surface Var: on- before
vowels «Akkamíhchin lamátkòosit solotkahimon nàason itto lamátkòosin ahachaaliichok onasihkat
anoolit. They do it pretty straight and it's going to be dried so they stand up a straight piece of wood and
tie it up to it. (PSF)»

oo- (Loc) verb prefix indicating action down in a liquid or something soft, or in the eye Var: ooy- before
vowels «`...sokchan hóokfok paanifan ostistachoomaachi', mankan. `Put me in a sack and take me and
throw me in the creek', he said. (RAF)» «...iⁿwwiilit nákson ooɬopóttoofan iⁿwwiilistóoⁿbat sánkot
ikhíichok taɬɬon ooɬopóⁿtlok wiilistóobàapok lapaat wiilistòobàapok ikhìichok. It was looking for where
he had crossed the water and it kept looking and couldn't find out how and it crossed to the other side
and looked and looked up and down the bank but it couldn't find it (the crossing). (MBL)»

-òo- (Repet) (nonproductive) verb suffix to primary stem to indicate repeated action [poss. from
<*ho>] [fgr] «∥akof-fi > ɬakofòolichi. «Chil-li > chilòoli. «Hamof-fi > iⁿhamofòolichi.

-ooli 1. (Evid) on verbs indicates the speaker's commitment to the assertion or a given proposition
whose polarity is questioned [prob. from an existential auxiliary (/oo-) with stem extender -li1] [-ooli
can be marked itself with Dist ho-] Var: -oo before apocopating suffixes «`Ta! Himàakaya alíilaasoolo'
mankok aatikok. `Aha!, Now everything is fine', said the man. (RAF)» «Ha! aatik maatibiiyok ittanowwat
ittanowwat nàkson ostalbinaachihchooton ostalbinàachok ìisaton maatohibistáskat. OK, the men were
going hunting together and they used to set up camp somewhere so they could stay around there and
hunt. (MBL)» «Ah, nàasi míntooliisan, hotchat, hotchastobat hoɬakoofolìichok intooɬkan. Uh, that thing
that was other than they expected, they shot at it and kept shooting at it and missing it so they ran away
from it. (MBL)» «`Ankánnahholòosiha hachipaahachaalaalatoolo.' `Move a little away from me, I might
step on you.' (RAS)» «Mootooma tíkkìiliiyon yáamòostik ipastobat hakchommóot
sóonkastobatákkobáanon himayáhmin íilahchoolo. And since that time I have never chewed or smoked
tobacco all that time up to this day. (NCS)» «Akkamít holiphachihchommihchoolikha. That's the way
they used to cure it. (PTH)» «Akkok naho hayiskoolka hayiskoolkok hachàaloolo. He was going to build a
high school there he said. (HPC)» «1936-kayootóokáaloolo. It was in fact 1936, I believe. (NIA)»
«`Iltánkoolo' homankatoolimpakha. `He can't just be thrown out', they said. (NIA)» «Ohimmíntahoolo.
They are wrong.» «Akkon ostooɬopoolichilahóot imalahkayon ossoofilahóot amaakahchootoolo. They
were going to get them across and they went to take their family. (HAI)» 2. (Exist) on nouns serves as a
copula in a marked rheme/focus construction «Moolín maakaya atóklayoolín mok Federalkayok akkok
iⁿfaylihchok ómmok akkok 3,071 acres. Now then, it was this next time the Federal government let them
have those 3,071 acres. (HAI)» «`Sáhmahitonka nihtootok tankootok sobayíkkon, sáhmahitonka',
homanka. `What are we going to do about not knowing whether it is the day or the night, what are we
going to do?' they said. (RAS)» «`Nitak ayyáaɬootok chafáylak nakaaɬan alliilayok challáahoso.' `The
bear, he was my master, he left me and took off and I'm so hungry I'm about to die.' (MBF2)» «`Itto
hislihchi óstàakayok amilpoolo' mankan. `My food is four trees standing', he said. (MBF1)» «Tatka
iwwaakooliini? Was it a white man's cow? (NIA)» «Tatka iwwaakootoolo. It was a white man's cow.
(NIA)» «Antaatootoha intaatootoomok anchókkòotooliisan híichalihchoolikha. My father's father used
to live there and I used to see that. (NWK)» «Eh, hotchatok iⁿhoopachihchóot máamin akkáamiima
ilapalaastáskat naho ifakáhchóotík iⁿhoopachit akkahchóot aatiyoolin iⁿhoopachifíhtíkkot ifaya
ibihchootoolimpahchooti. Yes, if they shoot him (the bear) and wound him, then if they do that then he
gets mad, and then sometimes hurts the dogs, but he never hurts the people, but they used to always
kill the dogs. (NHN)» «Fíitòoli? Is it a turkey?» «Anoolo. That's mine.»

-óot (Det) noun suffix indicating a nonspecific nonidentifiable particular or a choice of particulars as in `X
or Y' or one from a list [poss. -o4-t or -oo(li)-t (in the lgr?)] «...nàahot nàahómmòonafòokayon
Presbyteriyok hachàalayóot hobannahchoot ommitoolo. ...when they first had a Presbytery, I guess they
wanted a building. (HPC)» «...nitayok ittobóot alpittan tikbóot maastimaapittat askáalit ohibihchootoolo
mootòok. [hpc]. ...bears usually are in holes in trees, so they would use something to put fire in them in
order to make them come out and then they would kill them. (MBL)» «...áhhìichat chokòolin chaafóot
nàasi itto iskoolka akáhmiyon howíilok... He sat and watched while they were looking for an axe or
something like that to cut the tree with... (RAS)» «Mootooma tíkkìiliiyon yáamòostik ipastobat
hakchommóot sóonkastobatákkobáanon himayáhmin íilahchoolo. And since that time I have never
chewed or smoked tobacco all that time up to this day. (NCS)» «∥óokat naho, máali icho
sokhimaalokhóot icho imaalokha máalóot akkáhmin. Again then, it's the same thing, either deer or hog's
brain, it's the same using either one. (PTH)» «...okifóot paanifóot staɬɬok paanosifóot nahoomon
màafon istaɬɬok aasihlit anoolok. They would take it to the water, or creek, or little spring if there was
one over there, they took it and washed it thoroughly. (PBB)» «Ya ilpa yakchiyok champoliiyóot
ishohochifaton ommitooli? This food yakchi, is it that it tastes so good that it is called that? (NWK)»

-osi (Dim/Aug) verb suffix to indicate either intensity or extremity of an action or state or incomplete
effect; with nouns has diminutive sense Var: -si after /a/ and /o/ Var: -s- after /a/ and /o/ and before
apocopating suffixes or vowels [takes ggr, or fgr] «Ifa > ifasi. Dog > puppy.» «Himóɬɬachon
aatitayyichòobok aasobòoli lapaaloson itachokóoⁿhchooton imiisafan máalon itachokóoⁿhchooton...
Once there was an old woman who used to sit right beside the fire, she used to sit there in her house
beside the fire. (RAS)» «`Ankánnahholòosiha hachipaahachàalaalatoolo.' `Move a little away from me, I
might step on you.' (RAS)» «Howiilit honahohchooti kaasáalok, akkáamostoolo. They would hunt for it
and make it, but for only that much (money). (PMB)» «Miɬɬichiimok miɬɬíiⁿchòosok faytóok. They would
rub it, rub it really well and then quit. (PTH)» «Akkáamiyon anóolosok ommitooma káanot liphatoolo. If
they did it all like that very thoroughly then it had just the right texture. (PTH)» «Akkáamin
hoɬoolitóobàasin aboolin maatatanátkat ohittimataplichistóobastik. So when it happened that way they
(the Choctaws) chased after them but they (the Alabamas) turned off into the woods trying to trap them
in a pincer movement. (HCW)»

-oska (Consq) verb suffix indicating a causal relationship between two clauses [-o4-ska] «∥óok
maakáalon intoonolaot áalot naaɬiikáaposkáamon... Then again he asked to take his job up again where
he'd left off and he talked about it... (HAI)» «Presbyterian-kayok íilamókkohchooloskáamok
himaayáamin íilatoolin himaayáamifòokaya ayákhan yáhmit ayakhaasiiyon reservashi
hayoyókkohchootik naho church-ka mìntootik reservashi maatáyyakhayon nàahofòokon míntayok
amaamaakahchonko máakaya akkáamiiya sáhmi assíilo? There would otherwise never have been any
Presbyterian denomination here, yet at this time it did come and at this time near the reservation they
are not inside the reservation but there are other churches near the reservation and other people have
been going over there and what do you think about it? (HPC)» «Akkáamit nahoomon aatinaanihayok
máaɬok tayyihak libatlihchóoskan aatinaanihayok naho oolimpan aatistointallimok aatinaanihak
ommihchok ómmin. This is the way they did when they were going to have it, only the men, since the
women cooked it, it was the men who then set out the food for them. (NSB)»
-óska (Modl) derogative noun suffix indicating a negative or disapproving attitude towards the object
«Pàtkayóskat paawanhaamoolo. Oh, the bed is real hard.» «Akkóskat. That old thing.» «Okiyóskat
lochaamoolo. The water is real dirty.» «Isnóskat yahiskaamoolo. Oh, you're crying too much! (to a

ost- (Dir) go and translocative verb prefix to indicate action performed at a distance from some
reference point Var: os- before consonants «`...sokchan hóokfok paanifan ostistachoomaachi', mankan.
`Put me in a sack and take me and throw me in the creek', he said. (RAF)» «Mánkotooma, okifan
ostoopiɬkatoomok nihta námpotoolo. But if it wasn't (cured right) it's taken back and put in the water
for I don't know how many days. (PTH)»

paa- (Loc) on top verb prefix indicating action on top of a surface or on the human back [poss. related
to /páana] «`Ankánnahholòosiha hachipaahachàalaalatoolo.' `Move a little away from me, I might step
on you.' (RAS)»

-palammi (Adv) really, very (rare) verb suffix indicating intensity of an action «Kanopalammoolo. Thanks
very much.» «Hompaniiyok ponnapalammi. He really knows how to play.»

po- (Pron) I, me first person plural (noncontrol) subject/object verb prefix Var: ko- Usage: Some use the
variant ko-, which is identical to the Koasati form. «potammo. We fell.»

-s (Conn) verb suffix occurring most commonly before suffixes deriving from auxiliaries or on
complement clauses especially before -t [causes apocopation of certain suffixes] «`Amanoochisti'
mankan. `You seem to have finished all mine up', he said. (RAF)» «Maskan akkáamin akkok
aatimíntayok yáaliiyon paanaaɬkan áalos sáⁿhtik yáali ìisakok máaɬon `mànkobi' homankahchok
ommiima. So then after that happened they wanted the other tribe to mix in here, just anybody live
here, but if the ones living here had just said `no'... (HAI)»

<s>1 (PlSj) (nonproductive) plural formative probably related to -chi2 [prob. <ch>] «Balàaka > balaska.
To lie down (sg) > to lie down (dl).»

<s>2 (Pron) you second person singular (control) subject verb infix for stems of shape...VVCV
«Choospati. You bought it.»

-sa (Evid) verb suffix indicating past action deduced by the speaker from circumstantial evidence
[lengthens preceding vowel of verb stems] «Tikbok ommiisok chokòolin oɬatoha. It was evidently Fire
and it was sitting there when he arrived. (MBF2)» «Máamòosok áayaasan híichafòokok
`achassikíiloomok sokchan hóokfok paanifan ostistachoomachi!' mankan. Then when he had seen him
around there (the rabbit) said: `If you don't like me put me in a sack and throw me in the creek!' (RAF)»
«Màakaya intolihno míntok nàahofòokaya máafóot intoliinoyok isnakaɬtikaasáalok intoliino mínto
sáhchootik maatassaliikaamon. Now different jobs have come into being (piecemeal) and they work
there until the job plays out and then somehow different jobs appear. (HAI)» «Waakisbakkomon
hayíimossobaafon ohochókkolìichiisan híichalin. I found the bull's head in the big swamp where they had
apparently put it. (NIA)» «Nàasok íksofòokon íksokáamin assaliikahchíisaamon. When they didn't see
anything happening one would apparently go out. (HCW)» «Mootik píila akkáamin Presbyterian-ka
maasáaⁿɬok chókkòolin reservashi hayooyon, tatkootik chokòokon aatimínta tribalka-káhchi míntootík
chokòokon... But then just the Presbyterian denomination was the only kind staying inside the
reservation, no whites could live here, and no other kind of Indian tribe could live here. (HPC)»

-ska (Reas) since, because verb suffix indicating that the marked event is the reason or cause of some
action «...àayahchommitok ɬoykat ila ilaskáamok máamòosin nokɬikiichahchootohat illihchóot
ommitoolo. He had been going around and he returned and when he got back he was so scared and
anxious that he died. (HCW)»

-sta (Reas) since, because verb suffix indicating event as the reason or cause of some action [prob. -s-
ta] «Píila oolimpa akkáhmiiyon ahacháahilaskista. Then we always used to just charge the groceries.
(NIA)» «Somoyáalok yáhmit aɬɬatok atokláali ittootámmatlit aɬɬasta. One piece of moss goes this way
then the next goes the opposite way, in and out. (PMB)» «Akkon ɬahlilikha mootoskan
ɬahlilimókkohchommo chasakbak aⁿhoopasta. I did tan hides then but now I can't tan hide anymore
because my arms ache. (PH)» «...onahochistóobaasaapista istitaliphat nahohchootonkan. Since you
keep on pounding it for a long time they get ground up fine together, so you can't tell them apart.
(PBB)» «Akkon iisan áɬkat homaɬatliista sáhkofòokayok askahíkkostáskat iisahayomáalotik
ohitahoppolat anoostoolo. They were inside the house and were very afraid so they couldn't do
anything and couldn't get out and were in there for a long time, so they had to defecate apparently.
(HCW)» «Askáakahchókkota homaɬatliista aatik aatik assaliikahchiisaama máamòosin ohibiyáɬɬihchon
ommin. They couldn't go out because they were scared since if anyone went out they would always kill
them. (HCW)»

-stoba (Asp) verb suffix indicating action performed over an extended period of time, either duratively
or repetitively [either ist- /toba or -s# /toba] {prob. from /toba} [can take the lgr, and noncontrol
pronominal prefixes] «...ɬóokat maatakanáhhilok churchka-fakáalon aayìisat holisson
sobáaylis<po>tóobàapin... ...again we moved over there and that's where we were, still at the church
building and we went to school there for some time. (NCS)» «Mootooma tíkkìiliiyon yáamòostik
ipastobat hakchommóot sóonkastobatákkobáanon himayáhmin íilahchoolo. And since that time I have
never chewed or smoked tobacco all that time up to this day. (NCS)» «...isiimok istilaamok ilpiɬkok
ɬoykaamok akkamíhchistòobasàapok... He would get one and bring him back and put him down and go
back and he kept on doing that way many times. (MBL)» «...iⁿwwiilit nákson ooɬopóttoofan
iⁿwwiilistóoⁿbat sánkot ikhíichok taɬɬon ooɬopóⁿtlok wiilistóobàapok lapaat wiilistòobàapok ikhìichok. It
was looking for where he had crossed the water and it kept looking and couldn't find out how and it
crossed to the other side and looked and looked up and down the bank but it couldn't find it (the
crossing). (MBL)»

-t (Disc) suffix occurring on nouns (especially in the complex suffix -óot) indicating relationship to the
proposition and on nonfinite verbs indicating various discourse functions including identity of referent
and simultaneity of events or adverbial modification of main proposition [causes apocopation of
certain preceding vowels or suffixes] «Wachíinat naaɬiika! Speak English!» «Aátit naaɬiika! Speak in
Indian!» «...iⁿwwiilit nákson ooɬopóttoofan iⁿwwiilistóoⁿbat sánkot ikhíichok taɬɬon ooɬopóⁿtlok
wiilistóobàapok lapaat wiilistòobàapok ikhìichok. It was looking for where he had crossed the water and
it kept looking and couldn't find out how and it crossed to the other side and looked and looked up and
down the bank but it couldn't find it (the crossing). (MBL)» «Iishayootik ìisat Chahtakok ìisat ìisaton
ìisatok nihtafíinat anóokan... But the Choctaws were holed up inside a house and stayed and stayed and
the Alabamas were still there when daylight came. (HCW)» «Akkamíhchit stamaafòokok naho akkat
islokóoliifòokok oolimpan islokóolifòokok oompafòokok. That's the way they used to carry on, that's the
way they got together, they brought the food together and they ate it. (NHN)» «Máamin nahotáskat
máalon ostootaklit ohipatóot ommo. Then since they are that way (real hungry) they'd go over there
and dip some out repeatedly and eat. (NSB)» «Nakaɬtóot ommo màakaya. I guess it's gone now.
(NWK)» «Námpot lokòolok laawat lokòolit hochaklit yakchi iⁿɬakófkotoolo káasok. More than a couple
got together, many would get together, they cleared (fields) and they wouldn't miss out on the yakchi,
however. (NWK)» «Hoɬkát akaakát náksifaakan ilpalo. We can eat sofkey or chicken, one of them.»

-ta (Cntg) since, because; so verb suffix indicating event on which some other action is contigent; a
more general sense may be to place the marked clause in the context of an unmentioned but
established proposition that is part of mutual knowledge at that point in the discourse
«Ponkatispaitonkata. So you're going to feed us.» «Afaachíkkota? So why don't you smile?»
«Chiyahkílkota? Why don't we walk?» «Chassiyon nàahoomok chassiyok óochayok
howayáachihchootohata. Then they would have corn, because long ago they used to raise corn. (PSF)»
«Oɬachiifòokayok oolakanota `oolakanotohat maatilhíichaskooko' homankok. When they arrived there,
since there was peace, `there is peace, let's go see them' they said. (HCW)» «Askáakahchókkota
homaɬatliista aatik aatik assaliikahchiisaama máamòosin ohibiyáɬɬihchon ommin. They couldn't go out
because they were scared since if anyone went out they would always kill them. (HCW)»
«`áhhichataskaya ishohachiⁿfaytohata. Hasnok ommoolo. Oshichatokáhaba. `Since they appointed y'all
to watch over it, y'all are the ones. You are the ones to go see about it.' (NIA)» «Roykak ìilaita
achayokpo. I'm glad Roy is coming.» «Akkáhchi nàasi óochafatliiya nihtaaya fátkohchootaamáɬɬon
himaayáamiiya nihtatík hofatlihchooti. That's the way it is with the old legends, they never used to tell
them in the daytime, but these days they tell them even in the daytime. (RAS)» «Balkaamáɬɬok
ittiⁿfatliimok hàalot balkatáaton ostistanòolok `moolo' mankamok `tof tof tof tof tof' homankahchi. They
would lie down and tell them to each other and they would lie there listening until the person had
finished and said `That's all and then they would say (spitting) `ptui ptui'. (RAS)» «Taɬafíinaimok ittok
mootonkata ittofalakto yáamòosikáhchon ɬóokat lokoolìichok. Right when she's ready to weave, she'd
stand it up, usually a piece of wood, a forked stick about so big. (PMB)» «Akkáhchókkota
ommitoolo. ...but then it was not like that. (NSB)»

-taaka (Evid) verb suffix indicating the speaker makes the statement based on hearsay evidence
«Altobatáskataakati. I hear y'all took his place.» «Tatkak naaɬiikalin ampíchihak hochaháalotaakati
chanóochiyok. My parents heard me talking English in my sleep.» «Iisan istabatapkataako. I hear he ran
into a house.»
-taka (Hort) verb suffix exhorting the hearer to allow the speaker to perform the event «Chimapìilataka.
Let me help you.» «Nochitaka. Let me sleep.»

-táska (Reas) verb suffix indicating that event is the reason or cause of some past action because, so, on
account of [prob. -ta-ska] «Máamòosin tikbakok ipatáskat maafalankat anookok. Then the fire ate and
so it finally came alive. (MBF2)» «Aatik maatibiiyok ittanowwat ittanowwat nákson
ostalbinaachihchooton ostalbináachok íisaton maatohibistáskat. The men were going around hunting
and they used to set up camp because they stayed around there hunting. (MBL)» «Yók
híiⁿchastohatáskat istaɬɬasbánkostòoban... Because he had seen all of it, he really didn't want to take
them there. (MBL)» «Maatakinítkok hìichalak nokbik baskistáskan maachokkalilìichok
maahichatoomóskan. He was going to peek in to see and because his neck is so long he stuck it in there
in order to see. (RAS)» «Sahlichit sahlichit anoolok lochayon iⁿsoofit anoolok akkamíhchiimok
talbòolikáamotáskan talbòolimok... They would scrape and finish scraping it and get rid of any black
stuff, and do all that and keep working on it until it was finished being made. (PSF)» «Eh, hotchatok
iⁿhoopachihchóot máamin akkáamiima ilapalaastáskat naho ifakáhchóotík iⁿhoopachit akkahchóot
aatiyoolin iⁿhoopachifíhtíkkot ifaya ibihchootoolimpahchooti. Yes, if they shoot him (the bear) and
wound him, then if they do that then he gets mad, and then sometimes hurts the dogs, but he never
hurts the people, but they used to always kill the dogs. (NHN)»

-ti (Asp) proximal verb suffix indicating action in the recent past or future or narrative past [causes
apocopation of certain preceding vowels or suffixes] «...aatikok stayóoⁿkat stayokpatoolimpaati. The
man was evidently very happy about it. (RAF)» «`Sáhmin ommitonkan hohachinnaaɬiikaimpati'
homankaton. They said, `I don't know why but they want to talk to y'all'. (NIA)» «Máamok
kapachiyókkoti pokko nahoⁿ, unh, nàasok poɬachíiyok istimoɬachi ittok hobáskihchok tóklot lókkòolin
pokkon istittaɬopotliimáaɬok istibihchootoolo. [nhn]. I don't mean the racquet now, the ball, something,
the poɬachi, they would take it, the one with the ball goes through those two long poles standing
upright and that's how they win. (NSB)» «Nákson sáhmiti? How did it happen? (NWK)» «Hiiyaakáalok
istiltokhabòosilkooti. I guess I myself would probably be diving right in also. (NWK)» «Sáhchootoomon
aⁿfatlilaon chabannahchonkaliti. I want the older people to tell me about how it used to be. (NWK)»

-tika1 (Hort) verb suffix exhorting the hearer to allow some third person to perform the event [causes
apocopation of certain preceding vowels or suffixes] «Máakaya ɬóokat nàasi mìnton, fatliba, Hanaabiya
Chobóotika. Now then, tell me another one again, let it be the Big Lizard. (MBL)» «Chimapìiltika. Let him
help you.» «Ilatika. Let him come.» «Sáhchootika, náksok maatibitika homankahchóot
akkáamikáamiya. This is how it's going to be done, who is going to do the hunting, that kind of thing,
who used to say it? (NSB)» «Ifa nòochiya balàakatika. Let sleeping dogs lie.»

-tika2 (Cntrst) but, even though, although, even verb suffix indicating a semantic contrast between
marked event and some other Var: -tik Var: -tík [causes apocopation of certain preceding vowels or
suffixes] «Ohintoonostóobáapitik. But only that for all that work. (PMB)» «Mooliya alíilasoolo
aⁿfatchitáskan akkamostík ommaikáamo. Well then, it is good that you told me this, but I think this is all
I want to do. (PMB)» «Mootik lokíikbomat solóotíkkootoolo. But then if it's not sunny it doesn't dry as it
should. (PTH)» «Máafon paatohnotík akkon hohochifáaposkáamon obaltámmin ommikha. But even
though he pushed him and they put his name down (on the ballot) he got behind. (NIA)» «...nàasi
sáhtik... ...everything else... (HCW)» «Ana annàahostobaatík óyhat stamanookókko sáamòosiiya
toknaacháⁿhkaasiiya stamilastobaabíikahchoolikha. I still had a little bit but he would use up all of mine
and used to just bring me back a dollar. (NIA)» «óochaya amalahkaha ampíchiyok antaata ìisafòokaya
hachàalit akostinitákkot àayalitík chachipíiⁿlaasifòokaya aalokoolifan àayalihchootoolo. In the old days
my family, my mother, my father, when they were living, I didn't know a thing, or think about anything
but I used to go even though I was real little, I attended church. (NCS)» «Mottáaki hopáhkitik. It can be
seen even though it is far.» Cháffáⁿhkastik tóklostik istálpìiso.» One or two would be enough.»

-tíkko (Neg) negative stem suffix on certain verbs, especially those ending in -chi (not -li-chi) and those
with unusual stem shapes «Owwatta > owwattatíkko. To hunt > not hunt.»

-tíkkó (Contra) rather, to the contrary verb suffix indicating the speaker is denying a prior assertion or
presupposition «Istittimíibihchi hokatíkkó... (Rather), they usually say then that they win. (NSB)»
«Hacháatákkóⁿ! Well, I'm here to stand in (someone says there is noone to take his or her place).»
«Akkok mikkofìinókkochóot ommitoolo. Fultik hachàatíkkóⁿ chintaatak intokìinoomok, Fultik
hachàaliimon akkok akkáhchootoolo John Scott-kootoomok. But he wasn't the real (`first') chief. Rather,
Fulton is standing there (as second chief), so if your father can't work, Fulton will stand in and that's the
kind John Scott was. (NIA)»

-to (Pst) verb suffix indicating a past action in a nonmain clause [causes apocopation of certain
preceding vowels or suffixes] «Bitlitomáaɬok istitahaatánnatlit yáhmit istitahaatánnatlit wìikat. He
began to dance and turned around like this and kept on turning around. (RAS)» «Mánkostobatomat
lapáaffiimok chalakbíima máskat... If you don't do that, it would stick to it then it would get really hard
and tough. (PTH)» «Máamiimok atakàaton náahot solotkáamon... Then they hung it up and it stays
there until it dries. (PTH)» «Askaíkkofòokayok akkáhtokáhchon ohonkahchoolikha. When they couldn't
get out, that's what happened, they used to say. (HCW)» «Akka intolihnok nàahofòokan isnakaɬtokáhch
ommihchooti. When that job came here they just left off that way of doing things, I guess. (NWK)»

-toha (NarPst) verb suffix referring to remote past events especially in historical narratives or legends,
can occur medially before consequential suffixes or finally [causes apocopation of certain preceding
vowels or suffixes] «`Ostistachoomaachichitohat áalon yáhmòosin istassaliikalitok ommo.' `Yes, you did
try to throw me in and this is how I came out, with (all this stuff).' (RAF)» «`Yáhmòosiyáalo íibilákkobi'
mankáabíikatoha. `A l'il ole thing like this couldn't kill me', he kept repeating. (MBF2)» «Chassiyon
nàahoomok chassiyok óochayok howayáachihchootohata. Then they would have corn because long ago
they used to raise corn. (PSF)» «Batlit batatlit maapíɬkat sokáffit iswaliikahchootoha. One would hit him
repeatedly and knock him down and scalp him and run off with it. (HCW)» «`áhhichataskaya
ishohachiⁿfaytohata. Hasnok ommoolo. Oshichatokáhaba.' `They appointed y'all to watch over it. Y'all
are the ones. You are the ones to go see about it.' (NIA)» «Naho ibisnóok naho nákson istállaakat
oompahchontoha homankan háalolihchootook onkalo. Then they were sitting somewhere over here and
they themselves would eat, I heard them say. (NSB)»

-toho (PstSq) verb suffix on nonmain clauses indicating a completed action that is prior to the action of
some other clause, similar to a past perfect Var: -too «Wíhlit wíhlit ilsoofitoomon... One would look and
look for it (the moss), bring it back, and put it down. (PMB)» «Akkáamiyon anóolosok ommitooma
káanot liphatoolo. If they had done it all like that very thoroughly then it had just the right texture.
(PTH)» «Mánkotooma, okifan ostoopiɬkatoomok nihta námpotoolo. But if it wasn't (cured right) it's
taken back and put in the water for I don't know how many days. (PTH)» «Howayáachifòokak
honàahotóok chassin chilohkat chilohkat anooliimok kíhchon máakon, kíhcho háhpakon áaɬok. When
they were raising it they had it and they would finish shelling the corn and that mortar, they would put it
in the new mortar. (PSF)»

-toka (PlImp) verb suffix to stems ending in a final -ka indicating a command «`áhhichataskaya
ishohachiⁿfaytohata. Hasnok ommoolo. Oshichatokáhaba. `They appointed y'all to watch over it. Y'all
are the ones. You are the ones to go see about it.' (NIA)»

-toska (Consq) verb suffix indicating a past condition for a subsequent action, used mainly in questions
[poss. -to-ska] «Stoittinkánkokáhchommitoskaⁿ? Why was it that they seemed not to be getting along?
(NIA)» «Sáhmin ómmin isnakaaɬa akkáhchommitoska? Then why was it that they seemed to just
abandon them like that? (NIA)» «Akkon ɬahlilikha mootoskan ɬahlilimókkohchommo chasakbak
aⁿhoopasta. I did tan hides then but now I can't tan hide anymore because my arms ache. (PTH)»
«Nàason honahohch ommihchootoska akkamíhchit anosliimok? What would they use it for when they
had finished it. (PMB)» «Mootoskan màakaya sobilaya amíksohchon ommin akkantakíhchohchooti.
Since that time, now, I don't have any lye so I don't do it that way. (PSF)» «óochaya `koskalpi'
homankahchon waakaffakchi chaɬkok nàahohchootoskan akkáamiya íksobáanok ommoolo. A long time
ago they used to call them `koskalpi' and they were made from strips of cowhide, they used to use
them, but now they haven't had them for a long time. (PTH)» «Ya mikko lokòolifòokon
lokoohachìichifòokon 1936-káffìinotóskamailo? Then y'all elected the chiefs and then it was about 1936
when they were installed, wasn't it? (NIA)»

-y- (Disc) poss. afterthought topic «...ɬóokat ìisok aɬíhchiyyon nahotalkooson stiⁿɬombit aɬihchin
stiⁿɬombit stiⁿɬombit anootok... Again, take it down, on the ends again make holes with a knife, make
holes on the edges, finish making all the holes. (PTH)» «Paspoochiikaya món nahon, histok ittatobiila
nahóyyon naho, okon istitahachaalìichok... Now, for the bluebread dumplings, they used wood ashes,
put water on the fire... (PBB)» «Máamin aatinaanihok pokkon ohisiimon istittiɬoolihchootoolo, tayyihak
istitayapkayyok. Then the men would get the ball and they would chase each other, especially the
women would be trying to take it away. (NSB)» «Hommayyon amalostihchoolo. I like red.»

-ya (Deic) as a noun suffix marks new topic, including resumptive and afterthought topics; as a verb
suffix marks background clauses with given information [lengthens the final vowel of verb stems]
«Imbalàakatoha homankan homankaya háalolihchoolo. I used to hear them say he spent the night.
(HPC)» «`Talok, talok' káhchi istanóokaya. `Talok, talok' is what they say at the end. (PMM)»
«Oopofkaya? Blowing in the water? (PMM)» «Máamin aatinaanihok pokkon ohisiimon
istittiɬoolihchootoolo, tayyihak istitayapkayyok. Then the men would get the ball and they would chase
each other, especially the women would be trying to take it away. (NSB)» «Nàasok iⁿsáhmin ommitoolo
staɬíinayooliyok istoɬkóomot? Whatever happened to him while he was on his way before he got there
with it? (RAF)» «Itto ittofalaktoyon hopáhkit highway-kafayáamikáamin hislichiyók istóoɬok. Some
sticks, forked sticks, take them and stake them down as far away, for instance as the highway is (from
the house). (PMB)» «Somisfáhkaya ishíichatoolaaba? You've seen that moss spinning outfit, haven't
you? (PTH)» «Hasik chokòoton níhtaayok tankaayok akkáamit aɬɬaton. The sun sat there and that's the
way it is going to be with the day and night. (RAS)» «Akkáhchi nàasi óochafatliiya nihtaya
fátkohchootaamáɬɬon himayaamiiya nihtatik hofatlihchooti. That's the way it is with the old stories, they
didn't ever use to tell them in the daytime, but nowdays they tell them in the daytime. (RAS)»
«Kistapiyon ɬóokat itto máalon koloffok naho, taɬkat taɬkat apihchifayon iⁿsaalichit anoolok. Now then,
as for the pestle, again wood is also cut, then they shave and shave off at the handle and finish scraping
it. (PSF)» «Chassiyon nàahoomok chassiyok óochayok howayáachihchootohata. Then they would have
corn because long ago they used to raise corn. (PSF)» «Hoɬkayok aatapiihomma imilpafíinamootooli.
That sofkey used to be a real meal for the Indians. (PSF)» «Paspoochiikayók talbòolit ishíichahchooli? As
for the bluebread dumplings, did you used to make them yourself? (PBB)»

-yáali 1. (Adv) verb suffix indicating intensity of event or punctual action very, really; upon, the very
minute [-ya-áali] [lengthens the final vowel of verb stems] «Chayosbaayáalo. I'm really lost.» «Ifasik
wooksiiyáalo. The dog is real furry.» «...walìikayáalon maakok tanatlok waliikatóóón... ...the minute it
took off that one came down and ran and ran... (MBL)» «Maskat óohchaasiyáaloolo. It's been a long
time since then. (HAI)» «...okimon ɬóok istoitahachaalìichok akkon okik poyatliyáalon maakon ointaklok
istitahátchàaliikok poyatliimon táklok... They would put on some water again and as soon as it boils
again they would dip out what had been put on to boil. (PBB)» 2. (Modf) the very one, the one itself
noun suffix that emphatically identifies a unique particular «Somoyáalok yáhmit aɬɬatok atokláali
ittootámmatlit aɬɬasta. One piece of moss goes this way then the next goes the opposite way, in and
out. (PMB)» «Indian-kayáalókkohchi tatkon ommitoolo íibitooma? It wasn't an Indian but a white that
he killed? (HAI)» «`Yáhmòosiyáalo íibilákkobi' mankáabíikatoha. `A l'il ole thing like this couldn't kill me',
he kept repeating. (MBF2)» «Láppaaloosiyáalon yamít sannichit sannichit óyhàasin akkamíhchit anoolit.
Then the one (piece) right next to it there, do this way, wring it, wring it, do it that way until it's done.
(PTH)» «Affakchiyáalon sokcha tobáachit? They made a bag out of the skin itself? (NHN)» «Máskat
aatiyáalon imbalàkatoha, imbalaakatoha homankan. But then he spent the night with an Indian, he
spent the night, they said. (HPC)» «∥óokat aatiyáaliiyok ohonkáama Taloola hokáhchootoha. Again, if
the Indians themselves said it they called it `Taloola'. (HAI)»

-yáami 1. (Modf) noun suffix indicating something is exactly like the noun in a certain respect [
/yáhmi] «Maakon nàasimaalokha somo alposoohaakon nahot aamatlit anoolit naho staabohkayáamit
pakpakit nàahon. That brain thing that's already been spread with moss, you finish crumbling it up and it
will become frothy like soap bubbling in there. (PTH)» «Nahoya nitaya sokhayáamit sokhayáastáskan
istilachiik mok ohaboslitóot ommoono mok ohaboslit honahotóofòokok onayakchichit ohipahchootoolo,
chofkonikáamiya. Well, a bear is like a pig, so since it's like a pig they would bring it and roast it all I
suppose and then use it to make yakchi and that's how they'd eat it with the bones. (NHN)» «Itto
ittofalaktoyon hopáhkit hayweykafayáamikáamin hislichiyók istóoɬok. Some sticks, forked sticks, take
them and stake them down as far away, for instance as the highway is (from the house). (PMB)» 2.
(Adv) verb suffix indicating exactly that action (?) «Istapofilkan ochana kolofka istapofilkahchon
stapofkat stapofkat akkamíhchiyáamok. Then they would blow on it with a piece of cut metal blowing
tube and keep blowing and that's how they would do it. (PSF)»

-yáɬɬi 1. (Adv) always, only, ever verb suffix indicating the exclusivity of the action «Chichoba
paapatliyáɬɬok ommin. Akkamiyáɬɬon híichalihchoolikha. Chichoba hopaapatlikáhmiyáɬɬon. They only
put it on the horse, that's all I ever saw. They always used to put it on the horse. (PMB)» «óyhàasiiyok
hoɬoolin swaliikastóobaasin hoɬooliyáɬɬin... They all chased him and he kept on running and they just
kept chasing him. (RAS)» «Askáakahchókkota homaɬatliista aatik aatik assaliikahchiisaama máamòosin
ohibiyáɬɬihchon ommin. They couldn't go out because they were scared since if anyone went out they
would always kill them. (HCW)» «Hichasbannaayok ilachitík ohikhíichoyáɬɬistóobaasáapok. They wanted
to see them so they went but they never did see them. (HAI)» 2. (Modf) noun (or demonstrative
pronoun) suffix indicating the noun alone «Mootoolín naaɬiilka háhpakáamiyáɬɬiiya íksotoolin. But then
there never was any of those newer kinds of preaching around here. (HPC)» «Holokoochiimon
mikkoyáɬɬon hohichahch ommihchootoska? When they elected a chief, did they used to look up to the
chief alone? (NIA)» «Iyaaniyáɬɬok intalàakatoomáaⁿɬin íisastóobasáapok intohnot ibisnáalok holihtóot
tallichit náasóot achihlitoompayáɬɬok. They just had that land that was set aside, but that was all and
they lived a long time like that, they worked, they built for example fences themselves, they planted
things that they ate all the time. (HAI)» «Nàasalchiyootok isnakaaɬan holisso sobaykayáɬɬok nàahon
ìisahchonko himàkaya. The planting was gone and the only thing they had was the school and that's the
way they lived up to this day. (HAI)»

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