Defining Your GMP Training Program
Defining Your GMP Training Program
Defining Your GMP Training Program
FDA and quality auditors aving a standard operating procedure to consider; if your company does have one in
expect pharmaceutical (SOP) that defines your training place, you can use these as a checklist in
manufacturing program is not a specific requirement evaluating it.
companies to have
of the drug CGMP regulations
standard operating
procedures (SOPs)
(21 CFR 211.25). However, a train- SOURCES FOR CURRENT EXPECTATIONS
defining their GMP ing SOP is an expectation of the What specifically should be included in your
training programs, but it agency and quality auditors because GMP training program SOP? Where can you find
is up to each company to it is both feasible and valuable: The leading com- a list of what regulators want to see in such a
determine what should panies in our industry each have one, and it adds document? Unfortunately, there isnt one easy
be included its SOP. Here to the control of each companys operations, place to look: There is no FDA guidance to
are information sources products, and decisions. From a quality and busi- industry on training.
to consider and specific
ness perspective, a procedure that defines and First, look at the GMP regulations that apply to
topics to include when
describes your GMP training activities is a simple your company. They might include the regula-
writing a training
program SOP. yet effective way to communicate and standard- tions of one country or several countries,
ize what is expected. depending on where your products are marketed.
It seems logical, then, to describe what should Youll see words and phrases in FDAs CGMP
be considered in a document defining a GMP requirements on training that will require defini-
training program. If your company does not have tion in your companys procedure, such as train-
a training procedure, you can use these as points ing shall be conducted by qualified individuals,
and on a continuing basis (emphasis added). In
your procedure, you define what those words
mean to your company (consistent with other ex-
pectations mentioned below).
Next, look for other applicable regulations that re-
quire training. For example, FDAs Electronic
Records and Signatures regulation (21 CFR 11)
requires that companies using electronic signa-
tures provide training to their personnel on the
regulation and associated procedures.
Review recent warning letters and 483s issued by
the agency. Warning letters, available online
(, and observations of noncom-
pliance show what other companies lack.
Consider those issues as you prepare a procedure.
Pay special attention to the warning letters
because they have been reviewed more thor-
oughly. The Gold Sheet listed training as an
item in 10 of the 71 warning letters issued in
1999 (1).
Read through the training-related comments in the
preamble to the 1979 version of the GMPs