Visual Weld Inspection: Organizational Issuance
Visual Weld Inspection: Organizational Issuance
Visual Weld Inspection: Organizational Issuance
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center EFFECTIVE DATE: November 22, 2005
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812
Baseline 1/13/99
Changes made to reflect new organization code changes and/or Changes
Revision A 7/1/99 made to reflect new directives renumbering scheme and to incorporate the
corrective action for closure of NCR 266
Changes made to paragraph 10 to reflect new certification requirements and a
Revision B 6/9/00 general document format update to bring the document inline with the current
S&MA OI template.
Revision C 9/09/02 Format and numbering change to implement requirements of QS-A-001 rev F.
Changes made to reflect new organization and to reflect use of electronic forms.
Revision D 10/07/02 Reworded paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.2.3 (no change to technical content).
Revision E 10/1/04 Revised to bring document in compliance with the HQ Rules Review Action
(CAITS: 04-DA01-0387). Changes were also made to reflect S&MA
organizational name changes (i.e., QS to QD).
1.1. Purpose - This procedure is written to ensure the consistent performance of visual weld
1.2. Scope – This procedure applies to structural and pressure welding associated with test
fixtures and facilities, in accordance with the codes listed in paragraph 2. Qualified quality
assurance personnel will perform this procedure.
1.3. Applicability – This instruction is applicable to quality assurance personnel that perform
inspection of structural and pressure welding.
2.2. Reference Documents - The following reference documents provide additional information
concerning the subject of Visual Weld Inspection:
3.2. Weld Area. The weld and heat affected area includes areas such as runoff tabs, alignment
lugs, thermocouple nuts, and other temporary fit-up welds.
4.1.1. The fit-up inspection shall be performed by qualified personnel (normally the performing
contractor) in accordance with the methods specified by the applicable process specification,
code, and work authorizing documentation. The inspection shall be performed by someone other
than the performing welder. The checklist in Appendix A may be used as a guide for the
performance of the fit-up examination. Quality assurance personnel may use the checklist when
auditing the fit-up process.
4.1.2. The item shall be inspected to ensure the absence of foreign material or debris. Notify
welder or welding supervisor if clean up is required.
4.1.3. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with applicable process specification, code and
work authorizing documentation.
4.2.1. Visual inspection shall be performed in accordance with the methods specified by the
applicable process specification, code, and work authorizing documentation.
4.2.2. Verify personnel are certified for the process and the process is being followed.
4.2.4. The weld area where temporary attachments (to facilitate fit-up) are removed shall be
examined at the time of visual inspection. NDE may be required in accordance with the process
specification. Refer to the appropriate NDE procedure.
4.2.5. When Borescopes or mirrors are used, record in the comments section of the form
provided by Appendix B.
4.2.6. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the applicable process specification. If
acceptable, stamp and date the work-authorizing document and complete the form provided as
Appendix B, MSFC Record of Visual Weld Inspection, if required, or MSFC form 4456,(if work
authorizing document is electronic, affix password protected initials/signature) . If the weld is
rejected, notify the welder or welding supervisor and engineer. If required, generate appropriate
nonconformance documentation per TD70-007.
5.1. Preliminary Drawings - If the drawing is preliminary, withhold final acceptance stamp on
the work authorizing documentation until signed drawings are provided.
5.2. Directive Replacement - This issuance replaces QS10-QA-022 Revision D, “Visual Weld
Inspection”, dated 6/9/00.
5.3. Records are maintained by the Quality Assurance Records Center for flight hardware and
by the using organization for test stand and test facility hardware.
MSFC Form 4456 “Visual Weld Inspection Report” may also be used to document performance
and results of visual weld inspection.
a. Fillet gauges.
b. Fit-up gauges.
c. Mirrors.
d. Flashlights.
e. Oxygen sensor
Personnel who perform visual weld inspection shall be American Welding Society (AWS)
Certified Weld Inspectors.
Appendix A
11. Clearance dimensions of backing strips, and rings or consumable inserts ________
15. The proper preheat has been established and is maintained _______
Appendix B