Emotion and Decision Making: Multiple Modulatory Neural Circuits
Emotion and Decision Making: Multiple Modulatory Neural Circuits
Emotion and Decision Making: Multiple Modulatory Neural Circuits
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2014.37:263-287. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
NE37CH14-Phelps ARI 12 June 2014 15:41
MODULATES DECISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Mood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Incidental Affect: Summary and Other Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
THE CHOICE MODULATE DECISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Risky Decisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Social Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
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Dual-process theories are a dominant class of theories of human decision making that argue for the existence of two
separate, opposing decision systems. Choice results from competition between these two systems: One is generally
emotional, fast, automatic, hot, and/or subconscious, whereas the other is cognitive, slow, deliberative, cool,
and/or explicit. Some specic theories using this structure include the following.
System 1/System 2: Emotion is considered part of System 1, which operates automatically and quickly, with
little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control. System 2 allocates attention to the effortful mental activities
that demand it, including complex computations. The operations of System 2 are often associated with the
subjective experience of agency, choice, and concentration (Kahneman 2011, pp. 2021).
Hot/cool: In this theory, positing a hot emotional system and a cool cognitive system, risk taking [is] the result
of a competition between two neural systems. . .Affective processing is spontaneous and automatic, operates by
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principles of similarity and contiguity, and inuences behavior by affective impulses. . . . The cognitive-control
system . . . is the neural basis of deliberative processing, which is effortful, controlled, and operates according to
formal rules of logic . . . [and] it is the neural basis of inhibitory control, a mechanism that can block affective
impulses and therefore enables deliberative decision making even in affect-charged situations (Figner et al.
2009, p. 710).
the orbitofrontal cortex, is important in emotion (Damasio 2005), and the hippocampus, a key
component of the limbic system, is critical for the basic cognitive function of memory (Squire
2004). Some researchers have tried to modify the limbic system concept to more accurately reect
the emotion/cognition division (e.g., Cohen 2005, Rolls 2013) (see Figure 1b). However, as our
understanding of both the complexity of emotion and its underlying neural systems expands, there
is clearly no clean delineation between brain regions underlying emotion and cognition. There
is no clear evidence for a unied system that drives emotion. Thus affective neuroscientists and
neuroanatomists have suggested that the limbic system concept is no longer useful and should be
abandoned to facilitate the development of a more complete and detailed understanding of the
representation of emotion in the brain (see LeDoux 2000 for a discussion).
Given that affective neuroscientists now generally view the limbic system concept as obsolete,
perhaps it is also time to revisit the usefulness of dual system models to characterize the relation
between emotion and decision making. Without a clear instantiation of an emotion system in
the brain, it is difcult to conceive of a psychological model that relies on such a system. The
importance of neural instantiations for psychological theories has become increasingly apparent
as the discipline of cognitive neuroscience evolves. When examining other cognitive functions,
such as memory, attention, and perception, a more ne-grained analysis of specic brain circuitries
underlying the relation between factors indicative of emotion and those of cognition has emerged.
This research suggests a modulatory role for emotions inuence on cognition, and vice versa
(see Phelps 2006 for a review). Translating this modulatory view to the study of decision making
suggests that affective processes may inuence a primary factor underlying choice behavior: the
computation of subjective value.
In this review, we explore a range of means by which affective factors may inuence choices
and highlight investigations of the neural circuitry mediating emotions modulation of decision
making. One challenge in approaching this literature is the recognition that emotion is not a unitary
construct, but rather a compilation of component affective processes. Although the precise nature
of these component processes is a topic of theoretical debate that goes beyond the scope of this
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Anterior PFC
Medial PFC
Posterior parietal
Orbitofrontal cortex
Insular cortex
Figure 1
(a) The limbic system, centered on the hippocampus, as conceptualized by MacLean (1949). The limbic
system concept, as an integrated brain circuit for emotion, has not been supported by more recent
neuroanatomical evidence and investigations of brain function (LeDoux 2000). Panel reproduced with
permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (b) Dual-process theories of emotion and decision making
suggest that choices reect the outcome of a competition between systems. In this framework, emotional or
limbic areas (updated to include other regions; Cohen 2005) are associated with automatic, often irrational
choices, whereas cognitive areas are implicated in more deliberative, rational decision making. DLPFC,
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; PFC, prefrontal cortex.
review (e.g., Ekman & Davidson 1994, Scherer 2000, Barrett 2006), a few general distinctions
have emerged that will aid in characterizing this literature. The term affect is generally used as the
overarching term to describe this collection of component processes, whereas the term emotion
refers to a discrete reaction to an internal or external event that can yield a range of synchronized
responses, including physiological responses (e.g., ight or ght), facial and/or bodily expressions,
subjective feelings, and action tendencies, such as approach or avoid. Although these reactions
are synchronized in response to an event, they may not all be present and their intensity can
vary independently. The discrete nature of these emotional reactions is their distinct quality
relative to other affective components, although how long they last, from relatively transient
to much longer, can vary depending on the nature of the eliciting event and intensity. For the
purposes of this review, we differentiate a discrete emotional reaction from a stress response, which
is characterized by specic physiological and neurohormonal changes that disrupt homeostasis
resulting from a real, imagined, or implied threat (Ulrich-Lai & Herman 2009). The impact
of these neurohormonal changes lasts beyond the stressor itself (Dickerson & Kemeny 2004)
and induces a relatively lasting affective state. Another lasting affective state is mood, which is
dened predominantly by subjective feelings that are not necessarily linked to a specic event. Like
emotions, moods can elicit action tendencies. Although these affective processes provide a basis for
our characterization of the existing literature on the neural basis of affect and decision making, they
do not capture the range of affective experience that may be relevant to understanding decision
processes more broadly (see Scherer 2000, 2005 for a more in-depth discussion of component
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2014.37:263-287. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
One could argue that choice itself is indicative of an affective response because it signals an
evaluation of preference, motivation, or subjective value assigned to the choice options. The
view that value and emotion are inherently intertwined is more common among psychologists
and neuroscientists (e.g., Rolls & Grabenhorst 2008) than economists (e.g., Kahneman 2011),
but for this review we focus on evidence that independent affective components modulate the
assessment of subjective value and the decision. With this aim in mind, we limit our discussion
largely to studies that have explicitly measured and/or manipulated a factor commonly linked to
emotion or affect. We do not include studies in which emotion is inferred from choices or blood-
oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal because there is limited evidence of unique BOLD
patterns linked to specic affective components (Phelps 2009), a problem commonly known as
reverse inference (Poldrack 2006). Given that our primary interest is to characterize the current
literature examining the neuroscience of emotions modulation of decision making, we discuss the
growing psychological literature on affect and decision making (Lerner et al. 2015) only if there
is also some link to the underlying neural circuitry.
Two broad categories of research explore the modulation of decision making by emotion
or affect. The rst explores how a decision is altered when it occurs during a specic affective
state. In this class of studies, the affective state is incidental to the choice itself but nevertheless
modulates the decision. The second class of studies examines how the emotional reaction elicited
by the choice itself is incorporated into the computation of subjective value. In the nal section,
we examine how processes that alter emotion can change choices, highlighting the reciprocal,
modulatory relationship between emotion and decision making.
Although stress is a term that is widely used to mean many different things, one clear neurobi-
ological indication of a stress reaction is activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis. Stress reactions are also accompanied by sympathetic nervous system arousal, which can be
more transient, but HPA axis activation results in a cascade of neuroendocrine changes, most
notably glucocorticoid release, that can have a relatively lasting impact. These neurohormonal
changes inuence function in several brain regions implicated in decision making (see Arnsten
2009, Ulrich-Lai & Herman 2009 for reviews) (see Figure 2a).
Several studies examining stress and decision making highlight the impact of stress on the
prefrontal cortex (PFC). Even relatively mild stress can impair performance on PFC-dependent
tasks, such as working memory, owing to the negative impact of catecholamines and glucocorti-
coids on PFC function (Arnsten 2009). The impact of stress on other brain regions varies. For
example, although mild stress can enhance hippocampal function, more intense and/or prolonged
stress impairs the hippocampus (McEwen 2007). In contrast, performance on striatal-dependent
tasks is often enhanced with stress (Packard & Goodman 2012), and dopaminergic neurons in
the ventral tegmental area and the striatum show transient and lasting stress-specic responses
(Ungless et al. 2010). In addition, amygdala function is generally enhanced with stress, and the
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amygdala modulates some stress effects on the hippocampus, striatum, and PFC (e.g., Roozendaal
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et al. 2009). Given the uneven effects of stress on the neural circuits that mediate decision making,
the impact of stress may vary depending on the intensity and duration of the stressor, as well as
on the specic variables assessed in the decision-making task.
The PFC is proposed to play a role in goal-directed decisions, whereas the striatum is generally
linked to choices based on habits (Balleine & ODoherty 2010). To explore this trade-off between
PFC- and striatal-mediated choices under stress, Dias-Ferreira and colleagues (2009) examined
how chronic stress affected later performance on a devaluation task in rodents. Devaluation tasks
assess whether choices are habitual or directed toward a reinforcement goal by altering the value of
the reward. If reducing the value of the reward changes behavior, the task is said to be goal directed,
whereas if devaluing the reward does not alter behavior, the task is habitual. After training rats to
press a lever to receive a food reward, the rats were fed the food to satiety, thus devaluing subsequent
reward presentations. Rats who had not been previously stressed reduced their response rate,
reecting the devalued reward outcome. In contrast, stressed rats failed to modify their behavior
following devaluation, consistent with habitual responding. Dias-Ferreira et al. (2009) found that
chronic, restraint stress resulted in neuronal atrophy of the medial PFC and dorsal medial striatum,
a circuit known to be involved in goal-directed actions. They also observed neuronal hypertrophy
of the dorsal lateral striatum, a region linked to habit learning.
In humans, it is not possible to experimentally induce chronic stress and observe its long-term
consequences, but several techniques have been used to induce acute, mild stress that reliably
results in HPA-axis activation (see Dickerson & Kemeny 2004). These acute, mild stressors have
been shown to impair performance on PFC-dependent tasks and reduce PFC BOLD responses
(e.g., Qin et al. 2009, Raio et al. 2013). Using a devaluation paradigm similar to that described
above, Schwabe & Wolf (2009) found that acute stress yields a similar shift from goal-directed to
habitual choices in humans. In a follow-up series of studies, Schwabe and colleagues (2010, 2011)
administered drugs targeting glucocorticoid and noradrenergic activity to explore the neurohor-
monal changes that might underlie this stress-induced shift to habitual actions. They observed
that administering both hydrocortisone and an 2-adrenoceptor antagonist (yohimbine), which
increases noradrenaline levels in the brain, resulted in the shift to habitual actions typically ob-
served with stress, but neither drug alone was sufcient to do so (Schwabe et al. 2010). Conversely,
if stressed participants were administered a beta-adrenergic antagonist (propranolol), they failed
to demonstrate the typical shift to habitual actions, despite intact increased cortisol with stress
(Schwabe et al. 2011). This observation suggests that both glucocorticoids and noradrenaline are
necessary neurohormonal components underlying the shift from goal-directed to habitual actions
with stress. These ndings are consistent with research in nonhuman animals showing that elevated
a b
Striatum Striatum
Insula Insula
Amygdala Amygdala
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c d
Striatum Striatum
Insula Insula
Amygdala Amygdala
Figure 2
Potential candidates for multiple modulatory neural circuits involved in affect and decision making. (a) Decision making under stress.
Even mild stress impairs the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), leading to decreased goal-directed behavior and increased
habitual behavior (Schwabe & Wolf 2009, Otto et al. 2013). Stress also impairs the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)/ventromedial prefrontal
cortex (VMPFC) and enhances amygdala function, whereas different subdivisions of the striatum may show increased or decreased
reactivity with stress (Arnsten 2009, Roozendaal et al. 2009). (b) Emotion contributes to valuation. The amygdala inuences the
computation of subjective value in the striatum and the OFC/VMPFC and modulates learning from reinforcement (Li et al. 2011,
Sokol-Hessner et al. 2012, Rudebeck et al. 2013). (c) The relationship between subjective value and BOLD activity. A meta-analysis of
fMRI studies (Bartra et al. 2013) shows a linear relationship between subjective value and activity in the OFC/VMPFC and the ventral
striatum, whereas the relationship between insula activity and subjective value is U-shaped, suggesting that the insula may contribute to
value computation in situations of high arousal or salience. (d ) Cognitive emotion regulation. The inuence of emotion on choice can
be altered using cognitive emotion regulation techniques mediated by the DLPFC and VMPFC. Emotional reactions can be increased
or decreased with these techniques (Ochsner & Gross 2005), leading to corresponding changes in the amygdala and striatum (Delgado
et al. 2008a,b; Sokol-Hessner et al. 2013).
noradrenaline levels during stress alter executive control and PFC function, and glucocorticoids
play a role in the exaggeration and persistence of this effect. The impact of these neurohormonal
changes on the PFC is mediated through the amygdala (Arnsten 2009).
This balance between PFC and striatal contributions to decision making can also be observed
in tasks that tap into model-based and model-free reinforcement learning (Daw et al. 2005). In
model-free learning, one learns which choice is benecial through previous experience with its
reinforcing consequences, whereas model-based learning requires a model of the environment that
allows one to engage in a series of choices that maximize reward. Theoretical models (Daw et al.
2005) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (Glascher et al. 2010) suggest
that although both model-based and model-free decisions engage striatal-based reinforcement
learning mechanisms, model-based choices also depend on interactions with the lateral PFC.
Using a decision-making task that yields different patterns of choices depending on whether
one is using a model-free or model-based strategy, Otto and colleagues (2013) found that stress
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attenuated model-based, but not model-free, contributions to choice behavior. Relatively high
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baseline working-memory capacity had a protective effect, attenuating the deleterious effect of
stress on choices.
Several studies have examined the impact of stress on tasks of risky decision making, although
the nature of these ndings varies depending on a number of factors. Porcelli & Delgado (2009)
found that stress exacerbated the reection effect, which is the tendency to be risk seeking
when choosing between possible losses and risk averse when choosing between potential gains.
However, other risky decision-making tasks have reported that participants are more risk seeking
overall under stress (Starcke et al. 2008) or more risk seeking in the loss domain only (Pabst et al.
2013). In addition, the impact of stress on risky decisions may depend on the level of risk (von
Helversen & Reiskamp 2013) and may interact with gender (e.g., Preston et al. 2007, Lighthall et al.
2009). As this series of studies indicates, there are likely several decision and individual difference
variables that will need to be disentangled to determine how stress may inuence different aspects
of risky decisions.
The only brain-imaging study on stress and risky decision making to date (Lighthall et al. 2012)
used a task in which participants earn points for inating virtual balloons but must cash out before
the balloon explodes or risk losing their points. Consistent with earlier ndings (Lighthall et al.
2009), this task demonstrated a gender interaction: Males were more risk seeking, and females less
risk seeking, following the stressor. There was also an interaction in BOLD responses: Males in
the stress condition showed greater activation in the insula and putamen while making decisions,
whereas females showed the opposite pattern. Although the precise roles of these regions in
this task is unclear, the insula has been implicated in signaling aversive outcomes and weighing
differences in expected value in risky decision making (Clark et al. 2008), whereas the putamen is
known to play a role in habitual behavior (Balleine & ODoherty 2010).
Limited research in other decision-making domains has examined the impact of stress. Studies
of intertemporal choice have found that stress exaggerates the tendency to discount future rewards
in favor of smaller immediate rewards (Kimura et al. 2013) or that this effect depends on the level of
perceived stress (Lempert et al. 2012). Studies of moral decision making nd that stress decreases
the likelihood of making utilitarian judgments in personal moral decisions (i.e., inicting harm to
maximize good consequences; Youssef et al. 2012) and correlates with egocentric moral decisions
(Starcke et al. 2011). Finally, stress results in more prosocial decisions (i.e., more trust and less
punishment) but less generosity as well (von Dawans et al. 2012, Vinkers et al. 2013). Most of
these studies hypothesize that their ndings could be attributed to the impact of stress on executive
control and PFC function, although direct evidence of diminished PFC involvement due to stress
in these tasks is lacking.
As this emerging research on stress and decision making indicates, a range of processes are
tapped in decision-making tasks, and stress has broad, and uneven, effects on brain function. In
addition, there are signicant individual differences in response to stress and differential effects of
chronic, acute, mild, or severe stress. In spite of these caveats, the extensive literature characterizing
the impact of stress on brain function can be leveraged to understand one of the means by which
an affective state might inuence choices. To the extent that we can identify specic neural circuits
linked to specic decision variables, such as in goal-directed versus habitual actions and model-
based versus model-free decisions, we can start to characterize the distinct impact of stress.
Although stress responses are often accompanied by negative feelings, mood states are charac-
terized primarily by subjective feelings with little concordant psychophysiological or neurohor-
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monal changes (Scherer 2005). Research on the neural basis of moods is limited by two signicant
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constraints. First, moods are relatively lasting states, which prevents quickly switching from one
mood to anothera necessary requirement to detect within-subject differential BOLD responses,
which are optimal for fMRI studies. Second, given that the primary measure of a mood state is via
subjective report, it is challenging to assess moods in nonhuman animals. However, substantial
psychological evidence indicates that moods affect decisions and provides some hints of the neural
changes that may mediate these effects.
The inuence of mood on the neural systems of decision making has been explored in a social
decision-making task, the ultimatum game. In this game, there are two players: a proposer who
is given a sum of money to divide with a responder, who can choose whether to accept or reject
the proposers offer. If the responder rejects the offer, both players receive nothing. In theory,
the responder should accept any offer because the alternative is nothing at all. However, previous
research has shown that offers around 20% of the total sum are rejected approximately half the
time, presumably to punish the proposer for an unfair offer (Thaler 1988).
Studies inducing mood states prior to the ultimatum game show that participants in the role of
the responder were more likely to reject unfair offers when they were in a sad (Harle & Sanfey 2007)
or disgust mood (Moretti & di Pellegrino 2010). BOLD responses during the ultimatum game
were examined in two groups of participants in the role of the responder. One group underwent a
sad mood induction procedure prior to scanning, and the other underwent a control, neutral mood
induction task (Harle et al. 2012). As expected, the sad mood group rejected more offers. During
the presentation of unfair offers, investigators noted signicantly more BOLD activation in the
bilateral insula, the ventral striatum, and the anterior cingulate in the sad group relative to the
control group. During the presentation of fair offers, there were no group differences in the insula;
in the ventral striatum, however, the control group showed greater BOLD reward activity relative
to the sad group. BOLD responses in the insula mediated the relationship between self-reported
sadness and the tendency to reject unfair offers. In the context of this study, the authors suggested
that the insula supports the integration of a negative mood state into the decision process. The
ndings in the ventral striatum are interpreted as reecting reduced reward sensitivity when sad.
This network of regions is proposed to underlie the infusion of sadness into the choice (Harle
et al. 2012).
Psychological research suggests that the infusion of mood into the computation of subjective
value results from the carryover of the general action tendencies elicited by mood states onto
the decision process. This proposed carryover effect is known as an appraisal tendency (Lerner
et al. 2004). For example, Lerner and colleagues (2004) induced a sad, disgust, or neutral mood
and explored its impact on the endowment effectthe phenomenon in which the price one is
willing to accept to sell an owned item is greater than the price one would pay to buy the same
item. They found that a sad mood reversed the endowment effect (i.e., higher buy prices than sell
prices), whereas a disgust mood led to a reduction in both buy and sell prices. It was suggested
that sadness is an indication that the current situation is unfavorable, which enhances the appraisal
of the subjective value of choice options that change the situation. Disgust, however, is linked to
a tendency to move away from or expel what is disgusting, which carries over to a tendency to
reduce the subjective value of all items.
Numerous studies have shown that moods also inuence risky choices. For example, sad moods
can increase preferences toward high-risk options, whereas anxious moods bias preferences toward
low-risk options (Raghunathan & Pham 1999). Consistent with this concept, fear results in less risk
seeking and anger results in more risk seeking (Lerner & Keltner 2001). Finally, positive moods can
exaggerate the tendency to overweigh losses relative to gains (i.e., loss aversion) in risky gambles
(Isen et al. 1988), and some of these effects of mood on risky decisions may vary by gender (Fessler
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2014.37:263-287. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
et al. 2004). Studies investigating the neural systems of risky decision making have highlighted the
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roles of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in risk-prediction errors, or in updating assessments of risk
(e.g., ONeill & Schultz 2013), and the insular cortex in the representation of risk (e.g., Knutson
& Bossaerts 2007). Both of these regions have also been implicated in the representation of mood
states (Lane et al. 1997, Damasio et al. 2000). Although neural evidence has yet to indicate how
mood states shift the neural representation of risk assessment, this overlap in the neural circuitry
mediating mood and risk provides a starting point for investigations on this topic.
with anxiety disorders are more risk averse than are healthy individuals (Giorgetta et al. 2012)
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and are also more likely to punish in social decision-making tasks (Grecucci et al. 2013a). Given
the clear link between maladaptive decisions and psychopathology, Sharp et al. (2012) proposed
that decision science is an important tool to aid in our characterization of a range of psychological
In addition to the amygdalas inuence on the striatum, the amygdala has reciprocal connections
with the OFC, and lesion studies in nonhuman primates have demonstrated that this connectivity
with the amygdala contributes to the representation of value in the OFC (Rudebeck et al. 2013).
Finally, the amygdala, the OFC, and the striatum share connectivity with the insula, a region also
commonly linked to emotions inuence on decisions (e.g., Naqvi et al. 2007).
To determine how and when emotion inuences the value computation, it is necessary to
both measure and/or manipulate the emotional response and specify the decision variables. How
emotion may inuence a choice depends not only on the qualities of the emotional reaction, but also
on the characteristics of the choice. Below we review studies exploring the neural systems mediating
emotions modulation of subjective value for different types of decision tasks (see Figure 2b,c).
Risky Decisions
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Risky decisions involve comparing choice options with varying probabilities of losses or gains.
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One of the rst studies that assessed a specic emotion variable in humans and linked it to brain
function used a risky decision-making paradigm known as the Iowa gambling task (IGT). The
IGT presents participants with four decks of cards: two yielding small gains and losses (safe decks)
and two yielding larger gains, but also occasional large losses (risky decks). Participants are asked
to select cards sequentially from the different decks to win or lose money. Preferentially choosing
from the safe decks results in a more favorable long-term outcome, and healthy control participants
learn this through trial and error. In contrast, patients with OFC or amygdala lesions fail to shift
their preference to the safe decks over time. Bechara and colleagues (1997, 1999) measured the skin
conductance response (SCR), an indication of autonomic nervous system arousal, during choices
and found that control participants developed an anticipatory SCR prior to selecting from the
risky decks, whereas OFC- and amygdala-lesioned patients did not. The authors proposed that
the anticipatory arousal response is a bodily (somatic) signal that steers participants away from less
protable, risky choices, an idea they refer to as the somatic marker hypothesis. Several studies
over the years have challenged the primary assumption of the somatic marker hypothesis (Maia &
McClelland 2004, Fellows & Farah 2005), a challenge further supported by evidence suggesting
that autonomic responses and avoidance actions are driven by separate neural circuits (LeDoux
& Gorman 2001). In spite of these caveats, this study was the rst to clearly identify some of the
neural circuitry mediating the integration of emotion in risky decisions.
Risky decision-making tasks vary widely, and several decision factors that inuence choices
may come into play. Two decision variables that are often confounded are risk sensitivity and
loss aversion. Loss aversion is the tendency to weigh losses more than gains when considering
the choice options. Someone who is highly loss averse may also appear to be risk averse, even
if she or he is generally risk seeking in choices with minimal potential loss. Using a gambling
task that enabled independent assessment of risk sensitivity and loss aversion, Sokol-Hessner and
colleagues (2009) found that higher relative SCRs to losses versus gains were linked to greater
loss aversion. No relationship was noted between arousal and risk sensitivity. Similarly, greater
BOLD signal in the amygdala to losses relative to gains also correlated with loss aversion, but
this response was unrelated to risk sensitivity (Sokol-Hessner et al. 2012). Consistent with these
imaging results, patients with amygdala lesions show reduced loss aversion overall (DeMartino
et al. 2010), and administering a beta-adrenergic blocker (propranolol), which has previously been
shown to diminish the amygdalas modulation of memory (Phelps 2006), also reduces loss aversion
but does not affect risk sensitivity (Sokol-Hessner et al. 2013). This series of studies provides strong
evidence that the amygdala plays a critical role in mediating aversion to losses but that it is not
linked to risk tendencies. Given that most risky decision tasks do not independently model loss
aversion and risk sensitivity, some observed effects of emotion in risky decision-making tasks may
be due to loss aversion and not to risk attitudes per se.
Both the IGT and the task used by Sokol-Hessner and colleagues (2009) engage neural and
physiological systems that serve to identify potential negative outcomes, prompting avoidance
actions. However, other risky decision tasks have relatively few losses, as illustrated in pay-to-play
games similar to slot machines, in which the only loss that occurs is when participants pay to
play and do not win. Studies with these tasks have shown that emotional responses, including
pleasantness ratings, SCR, and cardiovascular measures, to wins and near misses predict gambling
propensity, including probable pathological gambling (Lole et al. 2011, Clark et al. 2012). These
ndings have been linked to increased BOLD activity in the striatum and insula during near
misses (Clark et al. 2008, Chase & Clark 2010). In this decision-making context, emotions may
drive people to take risky choices and not avoid them.
Another potentially important factor in risky decision-making tasks is whether the risks
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are known and static or unknown and changing. In dynamic and uncertain environments, the
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decision maker must learn the risk involved in different choices, and this risk may change over
time. In dynamic, risky decision-making tasks, autonomic arousal, assessed via pupil dilation, was
associated with more uncertain, exploratory decisions ( Jepma & Niewenhuis 2011) and surprising
outcomes (Preuschoff et al. 2011). Arousal, as well as amygdala BOLD responses, has been linked
to associability (Li et al. 2011), a learning signal related to the unexpected or surprising nature of
the cue, which serves to gate updating values from prediction errors coded in the striatum (see
also Roesch et al. 2012). These studies suggest that in dynamic choice contexts the emotional
response may be a component of ongoing predictions and evaluation necessary for learning.
Risky decision-making tasks vary widely on several dimensions, including the content of the
choice (e.g., gains versus losses) and its context (e.g., static or dynamic). As the above studies
demonstrate, such factors matter in part because they may shift the modulatory role of emotion:
from avoiding bad outcomes to seeking favorable ones, to weighing and incorporating new in-
formation in changing environments. Future research will need to dissociate these possible roles
and inuences of emotion by carefully identifying the decision variables at play, the shared and
separate neural circuitry used, and the underlying computations driving choices.
Social Decisions
In our everyday lives, the stimuli most likely to elicit emotional responses are other people. Social
decision-making tasks investigate how choices are inuenced by social context. For most of these
tasks, the shift in decisions is simply due to the presence of another person, even if that person
is anonymous. This observation is apparent in the ultimatum game described above in which
responder participants routinely reject potential prot to punish the proposer for unfair offers.
Not surprisingly, such rejections of nancial gain are not observed if the proposer is a computer
(vant Wout et al. 2006).
Studies examining the neural basis of rejection in the ultimatum game report an increased
BOLD signal in the insula during unfair offers that is correlated with rejection rate (Sanfey
et al. 2003). Arousal, assessed via SCR, was also increased during unfair offers and correlated
with rejection ratesa pattern not observed when playing against a computer (vant Wout et al.
2006). In this case, the subjective value of the unfair offers was modulated by the social context
of the choice. Increased physiological arousal has also been correlated with choice behavior in a
social, moral decision-making task, and patients with damage to the ventromedial PFC (VMPFC),
including the OFC, show both reduced physiological arousal and diminished impact of the social
context on decisions (Moretto et al. 2010). The insula and OFC are two regions linked to emotions
inuence on risky decisions (see above), but in these tasks the emotional reaction is driven by the
interpersonal nature of the decision, as opposed to other decision variables.
Although the simple presence of another person can evoke an emotional reaction that may
inuence choices, who that person is may also matter. The inuence of individual characteristics
in social decision making has been investigated in cross-race interactions. The impact of race group
on decisions was examined using the trust game in which a participant must decide whether to
invest money with a partner. Trust decisions correlated with nonconscious, negative evaluative race
attitudes for Black versus White, such that participants with stronger negative implicit attitudes
invested less with Black compared with White partners (Stanley et al. 2011). BOLD responses
during this task showed greater amygdala activation for Black versus White partners, scaled for the
size of the investment, whereas striatum activation reected the race-based discrepancy in trust
decisions (Stanley et al. 2012). These ndings are consistent with a model in which the amygdala
codes race-related evaluative information and the striatum integrates this information with the
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action value.
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The impact of social factors on decisions has been demonstrated with many different decision
tasks, and there have been numerous investigations of the neural circuitry and neurochemistry
mediating these effects (see Rilling & Sanfey 2011, Kubota et al. 2012 for reviews). However,
relatively few studies have examined whether the impact of social context on choice is related to
emotional responses. Given the emotional salience of other people, it is possible that emotion
mediates the inuence of many social factors on decisions. Only by assessing emotional reactions
during these decision tasks can we start to delineate the impact of emotion evoked by the social
situation from other factors that are uniquely social.
Intertemporal Choice
Intertemporal choice tasks measure preferences between options available at different points
in time. In general, people tend to prefer immediate rewards to rewards received after a delay,
even when the delayed reward is larger. This phenomenon, known as temporal discounting, has
been linked to many maladaptive behaviors, including poor retirement savings, obesity, and drug
Investigations of the neural systems mediating intertemporal choice have reported conicting
results. One study reported greater BOLD responses in the OFC and the striatum during choices
with an immediate reward option and greater BOLD signal in the DLPFC related to choosing
the delay option (McClure et al. 2004). This BOLD pattern was interpreted as supporting a
theory proposed in economics (Laibson 1997) suggesting that immediate rewards engender a
greater emotional response, as reected in the striatum and OFC BOLD responses, whereas
choosing the delayed reward requires cognitive control of this emotional impulse, thus engaging
the DLPFC. Consistent with this proposed inhibitory role for the DLPFC, Figner and colleagues
(2010) found that disrupting DLPFC function through transcranial magnetic stimulation resulted
in greater temporal discounting; however, in contrast to this proposed model, so did lesions of the
OFC (Sellitto et al. 2010). Another study found that BOLD signal in the VMPFC and striatum
correlated with subjective value of both immediate and delayed rewards (Kable & Glimcher 2010),
consistent with the known roles for these regions in the representation and updating of value (see
Bartra et al. 2013 for review). The investigators suggested that increased BOLD responses to
immediate reward options observed in the earlier study were due to the fact that immediate
rewards generally had a greater subjective value than did delayed rewards. However, none of these
studies assessed emotional responses.
To determine if emotion plays a role in temporal discounting, Lempert and colleagues (2013)
measured arousal, as assessed with pupil dilation, during an intertemporal choice task. Surprisingly,
emotional arousal did not reliably correlate with the subjective value of either immediate or delayed
rewards, but rather this relationship varied depending on the structure of the choice set. Greater
arousal responses were observed when rewards were better than expected, regardless of whether
those rewards were immediate or delayed. These ndings conict with the model proposed by
McClure and colleagues (2004), which suggests that it is the emotional response to the immediate
choice that drives discounting, and more closely align with the study by Kable & Glimcher (2007),
which proposed a unied neural representation of subjective value of immediate and delayed
rewards; both may be inuenced by emotion depending on the task environment.
Further support for the notion that both immediate and delayed rewards elicit emotional re-
sponses that inuence choices comes from studies investigating how altering the emotional salience
of the delayed reward increases patience. For example, manipulating the mental representation of
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a future reward to make it more concrete can change its emotional intensity and the choice. Benoit
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and colleagues (2011) gave participants a typical intertemporal choice task but asked them to imag-
ine specic ways they could spend the delayed reward in the future. This manipulation increased
subjective ratings of vividness and emotional intensity of the future reward and resulted in less
temporal discounting. This effect was associated with increased coupling between the VMPFC
and the hippocampus. A study using a similar task replicated these behavioral results and found,
consistent with Kable & Glimcher (2007), that subjective value for delayed rewards correlated with
BOLD signal in the striatum and the OFC, whereas activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate,
and its connectivity with the hippocampus and the amygdala, mediated the change in discount
rate (Peters & Buchel 2010). These same neural circuits are known to be involved in the future
projection of personal events and their modulation by emotion (Sharot et al. 2007).
Studies of intertemporal choice provide a compelling example of the inuence of affective
neuroscience on decision science: The predominant theory used to explain the tendency to dis-
count future rewards in economics relies on dual systems, one impulsive (emotion) and one that
controls these impulses (cognitive control; Laibson 1997). As the discussion above indicates, to
the extent that emotion plays a role in this behavior, emotions contribution varies depending on
the choice environment and the task structure. This variability in the role of emotion provides
an opportunity for investigators to manipulate task parameters that alter emotion to inuence
the tendency of subjects to discount future rewards, a topic we discuss in more detail in the next
perception (Phelps 2006). It is also not surprising that part of the calculation of the value of decision
options should include the nature of the emotional response elicited by those options or potential
outcomes. How this occurs, however, varies depending on the decision variables assessed and the
specic emotional reaction. As our review of this literature indicates, there is likely a collection of
neural circuits underlying emotions modulation of the value calculation.
Across studies of the neural basis of decision making, the OFC/VMPFC and the striatum
are cited as necessary for the coding of subjective value; the striatum is specically linked to
updating values from reinforcement (prediction errors) via dopaminergic projections from the
ventral tegmental area (e.g., Bartra et al. 2013). The studies outlined above examining the impact
of emotion also implicate, in addition to these regions, the insula and amygdala. The insula is a large
region linked to numerous functions relevant to decision making, including the anticipation of pain
(Ploghaus et al. 1999) and monetary loss (Knutson & Bossaerts 2007), as well as the representation
of disgust (Phillips et al. 1997) and physiological arousal (Critchley et al. 2000). A recent meta-
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analysis of fMRI studies examining the coding of subjective value found, not surprisingly, that
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the OFC/VMPFC and the ventral striatum emerged as two regions with BOLD responses that
positively correlate with subjective value. In contrast, the insula, along with some other striatal
regions and the dorsomedial PFC, showed greater BOLD responses for both more positive or
negative subjective value. Bartra et al. (2013) suggest that the insula may integrate emotional
salience or arousal linked to the decision variables into the value computation, regardless of its
valence. As mentioned above, connectivity between the amygdala and the ventral striatum is critical
for enabling avoidance behavior to acquired threats (LeDoux & Gorman 2001), and the amygdala
contributes to value coding in the OFC (Rudebeck et al. 2013). The amygdala may play a role in
avoidance across a range of decision tasks (e.g., Stanley et al. 2012, Sokol-Hessner et al. 2013), as
well as in modulating learning from both positive and negative reinforcement more broadly (e.g.,
Roesch et al. 2012; Murray & Rudebeck 2013) (see Figure 2b,c). The limited research to date on
the integration of emotion into value computation is starting to yield a network of regions, but our
understanding of precisely how these regions interact in more complex human decision-making
tasks is still relatively unclear.
whereas the amygdala is involved in the expression of the emotional response. There is relatively
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sparse direct connectivity between the DLPFC and amygdala, so it is unlikely that the DLPFC
directly inuences amygdala function but rather does so through more ventral PFC regions.
The VMPFC is known to have reciprocal connections with the amygdala that inhibit emotional
reactions following extinction learning in Pavlovian fear-conditioning tasks, and it is proposed
to mediate the inuence of the DLPFC on the amygdala (Delgado et al. 2008b); however, other
studies have suggested that the ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC) plays this role (Buhle et al. 2014).
This DLPFC-VMPFC/VLPFC-amygdala circuitry is thought to underlie the cognitive control
of diminishing negative emotional reactions, but it may also play a role in increasing negative affect
depending on the reappraisal strategy (Otto et al. 2014). Emotion regulation strategies can also be
employed to reduce arousal associated with anticipated monetary reward. These strategies engage
overlapping regions of the DLPFC and VMPFC and yield decreased BOLD reward responses
in the striatum (Delgado et al. 2008a). A similar circuitry has been implicated in the cognitive
control of cravings (Kober et al. 2010).
In a risky decision-making task, a reappraisal strategy altered both arousal and choices. As
described earlier, Sokol-Hessner and colleagues (2009) found that the relative SCR response to
losses relative to gains correlated selectively with loss aversion but was unrelated to risk sensitivity.
A similar pattern was observed for amygdala BOLD signal (Sokol-Hessner et al. 2013). In a
variation of this task, participants were instructed to reappraise the signicance of the choice by
thinking of it as one of many, or to think like a trader building a portfolio. Using this strategy
reduced the SCR to losses, and this reduction was correlated with diminished loss aversion, with
no effect on risk sensitivity (Sokol-Hessner et al. 2009). Mirroring the SCR results, reduced
amygdala BOLD responses to losses during regulation also correlated with a reduction in loss
aversion. In contrast, baseline BOLD responses in the DLPFC, VMPFC, and striatum increased
with regulation (Sokol-Hessner et al. 2013). These ndings suggest that using a reappraisal strategy
to change emotion and choices engages the same neural circuitry that is observed in more typical
emotion regulation tasks. A similar reappraisal strategy that either emphasized or de-emphasized
the importance of each individual choice was found to both increase and decrease subjective value
in a risky decision task (Braunstein et al. 2014). In addition, in an intertemporal choice study
described above, reframing the interpretation of a future reward resulted in more patience (Benoit
et al. 2011).
Emotion regulation strategies have also been used to change the tendency to punish in the
ultimatum game. Vant Wout and colleagues (2010) asked participants to play the ultimatum
game while utilizing a cognitive emotion reappraisal strategy. In the responder role, participants
who reappraised the motivations of the proposer in suggesting an unfair offer were less likely to
reject it. This cognitive emotion regulation manipulation carried over to future choices. When
the participants were subsequently put in the proposer role, they were less likely to propose unfair
offers. In a follow-up fMRI study, participants in the responder role were asked to imagine either
negative intentions of the proposer or positive intentions. Relative to a baseline condition, these
reappraisal strategies resulted in rejecting more or fewer unfair offers, respectively, and subjective
emotional responses varied as well. Consistent with previous research, activation of the insula
predicted the rejection of unfair offers (Sanfey et al. 2003, Harle et al. 2012), and the regulation
strategies resulted in both increased insula BOLD responses with the negative intention strategy
and decreased BOLD signal with the positive intention strategy. As expected, given the general
emotion regulation circuitry outlined above, the DLPFC showed increased activation during both
reappraisal conditions relative to baseline (Grecucci et al. 2013b).
As these studies indicate, cognitive emotion regulation techniques are exible strategies that
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can rapidly change emotional reactions. The reappraisal strategies described above were adapted
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to the specic decision situation but had the same effect of altering the emotional response and
modulating decisions, and they engaged typical cognitive emotion regulation regions. This conu-
ence of evidence provides strong support for the notion that emotion is a critical component of the
assessment of subjective value in these tasks because changing emotion also changed the choice.
Finally, an interesting twist in investigations examining the relation between emotion and
decision making is that choices themselves can alter emotions. For example, animals given the
opportunity to learn to avoid shocks show a lasting benet, exhibiting diminished fear responses
and faster and more robust extinction in subsequent tasks in which they do not have control
over the shock reinforcer (Maier & Watkins 2010, Hartley et al. 2014). This research suggests
that this persistent impact of choice on future threat reactions results from alterations in the
brain stemprefrontalamygdala circuitry underlying the generation and control of learned threat
associations (Maier & Watkins 2010). In humans, the opportunity for choice enhances subjective
affective ratings of choice options and concurrently increases BOLD reward responses in the
striatum (Leotti & Delgado 2011, 2014). Psychological theories have emphasized the importance
of perception of control over ones environment on well-being (e.g., Bandura et al. 2003), as well as
the impact of choices on preferences (e.g., Festinger 1957). Studies examining the neural basis of
the impact of choice on emotional reactions and preferences (e.g., Sharot et al. 2009) are starting
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2014.37:263-287. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
To the extent that affect and emotion inuence choices, changing affective responses will
alter our decisions. The emerging research on techniques to change affect shows that a range of
mechanisms to modify emotions can be differentially applied in different decision contexts. Some
are exible and rapid, such as cognitive emotion regulation, and others are more lasting, such
as targeting reconsolidation. In addition, choices themselves can change affect, which in theory
should change subsequent choices. If we can discover and characterize more effective means to
alter emotion, we should be able to harness these techniques to help optimize decisions.
of competing forces of emotion and reason is based on scientic fact. Perpetuation of this idea may
dampen enthusiasm for efforts to further explore the complex interactions of affect and decision
making and may result in the development of potentially misguided or nonoptimal techniques to
inhibit emotion in order to promote rational decision making.
Despite its complexity, our proposed conceptualization of the relationship between affect and
decision making begins to capture the subtleties involved in understanding their interaction. Both
affect and decision making are general terms that describe a collection of factors and processes,
only some of which are explored above. Investigating affect and emotion is challenging by itself,
both because manipulating and measuring affect in the laboratory is difcult and because there is
debate about how best to characterize affective variables. Differentiating the collection of unique
variables that inuence choice in any given situation is also challenging for decision science. In
spite of these caveats, initial attempts to measure or manipulate affective components and to re-
late them to specic aspects of decision tasks have yielded exciting advances. As the disciplines of
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2014.37:263-287. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
affective neuroscience and neuroeconomics advance, we can build on this progress to further char-
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acterize the multiple neural circuits that mediate the modulatory relationship between emotion
and decision making.
The authors are not aware of any afliations, memberships, funding, or nancial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
The authors thank Catherine Stevenson, Jackie Reitzes, and Catherine Hartley for assistance with
manuscript preparation and Sandra Lackovic for assistance with gure preparation. This work
was partially funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (AG039283) to E.A.P.
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